Bible Answers Live

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202426S

00:01 ♪♪♪
00:03 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted;
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate
00:23 and practical answer to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:33 broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:43 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:50 Doug Batchelor: Hello, friends.
00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:53 Construction has officially begun on Mukaab, which will be
00:58 the world's largest building, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
01:02 The indoor city will be the focal point of a 7-square mile
01:06 $500 billion development in Riyadh's new downtown district.
01:12 The Mukaab, Arabic word for cube, is just that: a monumental
01:16 monolithic building, like a square, that is
01:18 perfectly symmetrical.
01:20 The structure is slated to be 1300 feet high and 1200
01:25 feet wide.
01:27 The building will feature an impressive 2 million square feet
01:30 of floorspace, giving it enough interior volume to contain 20
01:35 Empire State Buildings.
01:37 The cube will contain over 100,000 residential units and
01:41 9000 hotel rooms, with fine dining, retail, offices,
01:45 and entertainment.
01:47 When you enter the cube and look up, you'll see an artificial sky
01:51 made up of thousands of video monitors that can create a
01:54 virtual reality of beautiful sunsets as though you're
01:57 floating in space or submerged underwater.
02:00 This colossal city-in-a-box is slated to be complete in 2030.
02:06 Now, Pastor Ross, just before the program, we were talking
02:08 a little bit about the Burj Khalifa.
02:12 There's a lot of oil money in the Middle East and they are
02:14 doing some incredible architectural endeavors there,
02:19 and they're making one city that is just going to be several
02:22 miles long.
02:23 And this Mukaab and you say it, I think, with like a Mu-ka-ab
02:28 because it's got two As together there, is --it's just phenomenal
02:34 when you think about what they're doing there.
02:36 And it's just a big square where you've almost got the length,
02:42 the breadth, and the height the same.
02:44 It's going to be like a giant piece of dice sitting out there
02:48 in the desert with a city around it.
02:50 And of course, it's not going to look quite like a cube of dice,
02:53 but it's --makes me think a little bit about that verse in
02:58 Revelation talking about the New Jerusalem and John describing
03:02 it, the angel comes out and measures it and it's
03:05 12,000 furlongs.
03:07 And as he says, the length and breadth and height of it are
03:11 the same.
03:13 And some Bible commentators have wondered, does that mean that
03:18 the city, the New Jerusalem, is a cube?
03:21 Because in another place, it says the walls of the city are
03:23 144 cubits, which would be 218 feet, I think, for us.
03:29 So it is definitely square on the ground.
03:32 But that could probably also mean that the middle of it, the
03:36 buildings go up so that they reach 375 miles, which would
03:41 take the top buildings into the stratosphere, which is hard
03:46 to comprehend.
03:47 But Paul said it's almost impossible for us to comprehend
03:50 the things that God has prepared for those that love Him.
03:53 It's pretty exciting to think about, huh?
03:55 Jean Ross: Yeah, well, it's, like you say,
03:57 it's hard to believe.
03:58 But the Bible does say that God is preparing a place that --it's
04:02 going to be the home of the redeemed.
04:03 It's going to be beautiful.
04:04 Streets of gold.
04:06 A tree that is so big and delivers 12 different types of
04:11 fruit, a different kind of fruit every month, and nations can
04:15 gather under its leaves, under its branches.
04:17 So, yes, heaven, is it for real?
04:20 It is.
04:21 And the Bible has a lot to say about it.
04:23 We have a book and it's called, "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
04:25 That is our free gift to anyone who would call and ask.
04:28 The number is just 800-835-6747.
04:32 You can ask for the book.
04:33 It's called, "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
04:35 And you'll read it, you'll be inspired and encouraged.
04:38 You can share it with somebody else.
04:39 You can receive a digital download of the book by dialing
04:42 #250 with your smartphone.
04:44 Say, "Bible Answers Live," and then ask for the book by name.
04:48 It's just, "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
04:50 Now, I know, Pastor Doug, we've got folks listening, not only in
04:52 North America but outside of the US as well.
04:55 And if you'd like to get --if you'd like to read the book, we
04:58 are unable to mail it outside of the US, but you can go to
05:01 the website.
05:03 Just
05:05 And we do have a link that says "Our Library," our
05:07 online library.
05:08 You can read the book right there.
05:10 It's called, "Heaven: Is It For Real?"
05:12 Well, Pastor Doug, we've got a number of folks lined up here
05:15 with their Bible questions.
05:16 But before we go to the phone lines, as we always do, let's
05:18 have prayer.
05:19 Dear Father, we are so grateful for another time that You've
05:21 given us where we can open up Your Word and read and study
05:24 together and look at these important questions.
05:27 Father, we desire Your Spirit to guide us, that we might come
05:29 into a clear understanding of Your Word, which is truth.
05:33 So bless our time this evening, be with those listening, in
05:36 Jesus's name, amen.
05:38 Doug: Amen.
05:39 Jean: Well, we're going to go right to the phone lines.
05:40 First caller this evening, we've got Brittany in California.
05:43 Brittany, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
05:46 Brittany: Yeah, my question is how does Nehemiah 8:10 apply in
05:51 our modern context since we have so much trouble in our world?
05:58 Doug: Now, Nehemiah 8:10, is this the one where it says: "Go
06:02 your way, eat the fat, drink the sweet, send portions to those
06:07 for whom nothing is prepared.
06:08 Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength."
06:11 Here, when he says, "Eat the fat and drink the sweet," he's
06:14 talking about butter and honey.
06:17 And I think there's a verse, it's just --it's a symbol for
06:20 the rich food when things were going well.
06:23 And the cows had a lot of milk and they would have butter
06:25 and cheese.
06:27 That was called the fat.
06:28 You're not supposed to eat the fat of meat that was forbidden
06:30 in the Bible.
06:32 That was to be burned on the altar.
06:33 And drinking the sweet: they had sweet wine that they
06:35 would drink.
06:36 But when he says, "The joy of the Lord is your strength,"
06:38 yeah, that's the secret of being a Christian is even in times of
06:43 war, I think it was Jehoshaphat, they were reminded that the joy
06:46 of the Lord is their strength.
06:48 And so when there's struggles and trials in the world, a
06:52 Christian's joy is not dependent on circumstances.
06:58 It's like you said, we'll have joy like a river.
07:01 It's something that runs in and through our lives no matter what
07:05 might be happening around us.
07:07 And so, yeah, Christians can have that kind of joy.
07:10 And when Nehemiah is telling them to have joy, this is a time
07:14 when they're being harassed by their neighbors.
07:17 And they had to actually do the construction, carrying weapons.
07:20 So they're having a hard time from their neighbors, but they
07:23 didn't let it take away their joy.
07:25 Jean: And of course, the Bible does tell us that "before Jesus
07:27 comes, there will be a time of trouble," says Micah.
07:30 "We'll stand up, there'll be a time of trouble, worst the world
07:32 has ever seen."
07:34 But Jesus said, "When you begin to see these things take place,
07:36 look up, for your redemption is drawing near."
07:39 We know we're going to have to go through some times of trouble
07:42 before Jesus comes.
07:43 But these are reminders that the end is near and that Jesus is
07:46 going to come.
07:48 There's going to be no more pain, no more sorrow.
07:49 He's going to make all things new, and that, of course, is the
07:51 great hope of the Christian.
07:53 It's called that blessed hope, the Coming of Christ.
07:56 All right, well, thank you, Brittany.
07:58 We've got Dylan, listening in Nevada, and he's got a question
08:00 about Matthew 22.
08:03 Dylan, welcome to the program.
08:04 Dylan: Hi, Pastor Ross and Pastor Doug.
08:08 How are you guys doing?
08:09 Doug: Doing great. Thank you for calling.
08:12 And your question tonight?
08:13 Dylan: It was Matthew 8. I just --my thoughts of it is just
08:19 he's saying --I'm thinking he's saying "because you're not
08:23 saved" because he's saying, "Let the dead bury the dead."
08:27 If you're dead, you can't bury no one.
08:29 You know, the dead know nothing.
08:30 So I didn't--
08:32 Doug: Well, let's read what it says before that.
08:34 It tells us that "one of His disciples said, 'Lord, let me
08:37 first go bury my father.'
08:39 And Jesus said, 'Follow Me, and let the dead bury their
08:42 own dead.'"
08:44 Paul talks about people who are not saved and he refers to them,
08:47 and I forget the reference, but it says that they're dead in
08:49 trespasses and sins.
08:51 And so you're right, a person who's not saved, John tells us,
08:56 "He that has the Son has life.
08:58 He that has not the Son has not life."
09:01 So it's not talking about zombies doing a funeral.
09:04 Jesus is saying to this young man, "Follow Me, let other
09:09 people in your family take care of the funeral arrangements.
09:11 They don't --they don't know Me.
09:13 They're not saved.
09:14 Others can do that, but I'm calling you to do a more
09:16 important work," and not that funerals aren't important, but
09:21 following --when Christ in God says, "Follow Me," that should
09:25 be the priority.
09:27 Jean: And the verses you refer to, there's actually two written
09:28 by Paul.
09:30 Ephesians chapter 2, verse 1: He says, "You were dead in your
09:32 trespasses and sins," speaking of the believer.
09:35 Colossians 2:13, it says: "And you, being dead in your sins and
09:40 uncircumcision of your flesh, He has quickened together."
09:43 So there we have the idea of being dead, meaning dead in sin.
09:47 Doug: Yeah, very good. Jean: All right, thank you.
09:50 We've got Lou in Iowa, a question about Numbers 25.
09:53 Lou, welcome to the program.
09:55 Lou: Yeah, I really enjoy the program.
09:58 Yeah, my question is, it seems like between the King James
10:02 Version and the NIV, the last part of Numbers 11, verse 25, it
10:10 says: "When the Spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and
10:14 did not cease."
10:16 That's what it says in the King James Version.
10:18 And the NIV, it says: "When the Spirit rested upon them, they
10:22 prophesied --but did not do that again."
10:26 So I was just kinda curious of the --it seems like that's two
10:29 different things.
10:30 I just wondered what that --how you maybe could help me out
10:33 with that.
10:35 Doug: Yeah, well, the scholars are confused because the word
10:37 that's used there in Hebrew can mean either.
10:41 It says they prophesied and when it says they did not cease or
10:46 they ceased not, they don't know whether they're saying that this
10:49 is the only time that it happened, or it would be kind
10:54 of odd for them to say they didn't cease.
10:56 That would mean they prophesied the rest of their lives.
10:59 But I think what you have happening here is, basically,
11:04 they're being given a gift of the Holy Spirit, the same way
11:07 God took the spirit of Elijah and gave a double portion
11:10 to Elisha.
11:12 It's like where Jesus breathed on the disciples and said,
11:15 "Receive the Holy Spirit," He was empowering them for the work
11:18 He had called them to do.
11:20 The 70 elders are now being called to share the
11:23 responsibility of Moses in judging the people.
11:26 So God took of the Spirit that He had given Moses.
11:28 This is symbolic.
11:29 It's all God's Spirit.
11:31 And He gave it to them and it may be Moses went and laid his
11:34 hands on them as well and they began to prophesy.
11:38 The Bible says, "When the Spirit of the Lord came on Saul, the
11:41 king, he prophesied and they said, 'Is Saul among
11:44 the prophets?'
11:46 And so they were filled with this ecstasy and began to
11:49 proclaim the Word of God," and God empowered them for the work
11:53 they did for years to come.
11:55 It's like something special happened to the apostles at
11:57 Pentecost for that occasion, but they didn't necessarily do it
12:02 like that where they were speaking in tongues through the
12:04 rest of their ministries.
12:06 Jean: All right, thank you.
12:08 Thank you, Lou.
12:09 Appreciate that question. We got Robert in Virginia.
12:12 Robert, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
12:13 Robert: Hi, Pastors.
12:14 Good evening.
12:16 Doug: Evening.
12:17 Robert: My question is I know Satan, he committed the first
12:20 sin, and sin is a transgression of the law.
12:22 So the law must have been in heaven prior to Adam and Eve.
12:27 And the fifth commandment says, "Honor your mother and father."
12:30 Where's the missing link for me, please?
12:32 I'm trying to --I'm trying to think about why is the fifth
12:36 commandment up in heaven when we don't have parents to honor?
12:39 Doug: Well, you know, before the world was created, I don't know
12:44 that God's law was codified the way it was here on Earth.
12:48 God's law has always existed, which is summarized in the
12:51 word "love."
12:52 And Jesus said it's also love for God and love for others:
12:56 Loving the Lord with all your heart, loving your neighbor.
12:58 The ten commandments are expressions of that.
13:01 Now, the fifth commandment, "Honor your father and mother,"
13:04 of course, we've got our Father in heaven.
13:07 And so, for those on Earth, you would transfer that to not only
13:10 honor your heavenly Father, but children were to honor their
13:14 parents in the same way that through an act of love, the
13:19 Father and Son and Spirit created man in their own image,
13:23 through an act of love, a man and woman procreate in
13:26 their image.
13:27 And the child is to love and respect and learn from
13:29 their parents.
13:31 And so I think the principle is there, but you're right, it may
13:34 have been different.
13:35 Jean: Now, of course, if you go back through the genealogy of
13:38 Christ in the Gospels, it goes all the way back to Adam and
13:41 says, "Adam, the son of God."
13:44 So, it's described-- Adam is described as--
13:47 Doug: Son of Seth, who is the son of Adam, who's the son
13:49 of God.
13:50 Jean: That's right.
13:51 So, all right. Thank you, Robert.
13:54 We've got Glenn in Ohio.
13:55 Glenn, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
13:57 Glenn: Thank you, Pastors, for taking my call.
14:00 My question concerns the 7th chapter of Daniel where some say
14:06 that the eagle coming out of Britain is America and the
14:11 Britain --the lion of Britain, we had the --there are the three
14:15 major wars with war among --and Russia, and then they come down
14:20 to the wings of the French attached to the German leopard,
14:25 perhaps indicative of the coalition between France and
14:29 Germany during the Second World War.
14:32 But then the third point that really is big, I think, is the
14:35 German leopard has four heads and I perhaps lived through most
14:40 of the Third Reich and maybe we still have the Fourth Reich of
14:44 Germany coming.
14:46 But my question goes back to the 2nd chapter of Daniel where we
14:50 have the description of the image and people are saying that
14:54 this same image is described in Daniel 7.
14:58 Why would Daniel do that?
15:01 Doug: All right, well, thank you so much.
15:02 We appreciate your call.
15:05 You know, there are a couple of different views out there
15:07 regarding how to interpret the prophecies in Daniel.
15:12 And I know for instance, was it Herbert W. Armstrong, he applied
15:17 many of those things to the countries in Europe.
15:20 But most of the Protestant scholars, and I think Pastor
15:23 Ross and I would be in that camp, when they look at Daniel
15:27 2, you got a great image and you've got that four or five
15:32 minerals, the head of gold is Babylon and it's explained all
15:35 there in the vision.
15:37 And the silver represents the Medo-Persian kingdom, and
15:40 the belly of bronze represents the Greek kingdom.
15:44 That was then followed by the Roman kingdom.
15:46 And then the fifth would be the combination of Rome, it says
15:51 mixed with miry clay.
15:52 It becomes both a political and a religious government and that
15:56 would be the Papal Rome, and Rome is then divided into the
16:00 ten toes.
16:01 Well, you've got the same history happening in Revelation
16:05 chapter --or Daniel chapter 7, where you get the lion is
16:08 Babylon and the bear raising up on one side is Medo-Persia; and
16:13 the leopard, it's the four-headed leopard is the four
16:16 divisions of the Greek Empire after Alexander died.
16:19 Then you got this non script-- descript beast.
16:22 It's got the brass claws and the iron teeth.
16:25 And that's the Roman Empire.
16:27 It starts out with pagan Rome, ends up with Papal Rome.
16:30 So, what Daniel is doing or God is doing through Daniel is, He's
16:34 showing the same history of the world from the time of Daniel
16:38 all the way to the Second Coming and Christ's Kingdom through--
16:41 one is through a set of unclean animals, the other is through an
16:45 idol, and they represent the kingdoms of the world.
16:48 Now, when you get to Daniel 8 and 9, and it's talking
16:51 about--or Daniel 8, in particular, it's using
16:53 clean animals.
16:54 It's kind of interesting.
16:56 But anything you want to add to that, Pastor Ross?
16:57 Jean: Yeah, we see the pattern in scripture sort of repeat
17:00 and enlarge.
17:01 So Daniel chapter 2 outlines the four major powers.
17:04 Rome would be the last, but then it would lead into the Papal
17:07 Rome and that would exist all the way to the Second Coming
17:09 of Christ.
17:11 And then you have the repeat with some additional details in
17:14 chapter 7 and a judgment scene is brought to view there.
17:17 And then chapter 8 expands on the vision with even greater
17:22 detail, giving time periods for this judgment before
17:24 Jesus comes.
17:26 So each vision builds on the other, but it covers the same
17:29 time period, from Daniel's time all the way to the Second Coming
17:31 of Christ.
17:33 Doug: We have a study guide.
17:34 Glenn, I think you'd really enjoy this.
17:36 If you get our study guide that is talking about --well, we
17:38 got two.
17:40 One is the Millennial Man or it's the first study in our
17:46 historical series.
17:47 And you could ask for that.
17:49 It talks about Daniel chapter 2. And then I --which one is Daniel
17:52 7, that goes through --is that the study guide that talks about
17:57 the "Who Is the Antichrist?"
17:59 Jean: Yes, that covers the Little Horn Power.
18:02 Yeah, Daniel chapter 7, so you can ask for that.
18:05 We'll be happy to send you that study guide, "Who Is
18:07 the Antichrist?"
18:09 And the other one you can ask for is called, "Millennial Man"
18:11 on Daniel chapter 2.
18:13 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
18:17 Of course, anyone can call and ask.
18:19 You can 'dial' #250 on your smartphone, you'll receive
18:22 a digital download of the study guide, "Who Is the Antichrist?"
18:26 Just ask for it and you'll read it, a lot more important
18:29 information there.
18:31 Very important study.
18:32 Thank you.
18:33 Next caller that we have is Kevin in Michigan and he's also
18:35 asking about something in the book of Daniel.
18:38 Welcome, Kevin.
18:39 Kevin: Thank you for taking my call.
18:41 Doug: Yes, sir.
18:42 Kevin: And my question from Daniel chapter 12, verse 7, is
18:46 wanting to know what exactly is the power of the holy people
18:50 that's been shattered?
18:52 Doug: Well, the holy people would be clearly God's people.
18:55 And you know, in the Old Testament, the holy people were
18:58 the Jews that were following the law.
19:02 They were His people, the faithful, the children
19:05 of Abraham.
19:06 And Paul tells us in the New Testament that's been expanded
19:09 beyond just Jews.
19:10 Of course, the apostles were all Jews also.
19:13 But he said if you are Christ, then you are Abraham's seed.
19:15 And so it's talking about the journey of God's people here,
19:18 especially at the end of time, moving towards the time of
19:22 the end, in Daniel 7-- do you want to add to that?
19:24 Jean: Yeah, and then we also have a time period in Daniel
19:26 chapter 12, verse 7, yeah, it says, "He shall rule for a time,
19:29 times, and a half a time; and then the power of the holy
19:32 people completely shattered."
19:34 The "time, times, and a half a time," a time in Bible prophecy
19:37 represents a year.
19:38 There were 360 days in the Hebrew year.
19:41 So you've got 360 plus 360 times 2, because it's times 2, plus
19:47 half of 360.
19:49 You add that all together, you get 1260 and one prophetic day
19:53 is equal to 1 literal year.
19:55 That represents the 1260 years of papal supremacy during the
19:59 Dark Ages from 538 until 1798.
20:03 And during that time, those who refused to acknowledge papal
20:06 authority, the Protestants and others, they were --they
20:09 faced persecution.
20:10 Many were put to death.
20:12 So that's what it's referring to here in Daniel chapter 7.
20:15 It's talking about that 1260 years of papal supremacy
20:18 which ended in 1798
20:20 when Berthier Napoleon General marched in Rome,
20:23 proclaimed the political rule of the Papacy at an end, and the
20:25 Pope was taken prisoner, and then, it sort of opened the
20:28 doors for Protestantism, especially in the United States,
20:31 to really begin to flourish and take the gospel around
20:34 the world.
20:35 Doug: Boy, you did a good job making a quick overview.
20:37 Jean: I summarized it quick there.
20:39 It's a big study, but yeah, that's the time period
20:41 that I think we're talking about.
20:42 Doug: Yeah, and we've got, well, that time period is also found
20:44 in Revelation chapter 12.
20:46 It appears several places in the Bible.
20:47 Jean: Mentioned seven times in the Bible.
20:49 Very important time period.
20:50 Doug: Yeah, and it's half of 7, 3 and a half years.
20:54 Half of 7 years.
20:56 Anyway, I hope that made sense, Kevin.
20:58 Thank you very much.
20:59 And who's next?
21:01 Jean: You know, we have a --just a study guide on that, that I'm
21:03 thinking about, Pastor Doug.
21:04 It's "Right on Time" that talks about the 70 weeks.
21:08 Doug: Oh yes, there you go.
21:09 Jean: Twenty-three hundred, and I'm sure it includes the
21:11 1260 there.
21:12 So, just call and ask for it.
21:14 The study guide's called, "Right on Time," and the number
21:15 is 800-835-6747.
21:19 That is our phone line.
21:21 You can dial #250 on your smartphone and then ask
21:23 for that study guide.
21:25 It's called, "Right on Time."
21:26 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
21:28 Dial #250, and of course, we'll give you a digital download that
21:32 way, if you use that method.
21:34 Next caller that we have is Mick, listening in Louisiana.
21:37 Mick, welcome to the program.
21:40 Mick: Yes, sir. Thanks for having me on.
21:43 Jean: You're on the air.
21:44 Yes, welcome.
21:46 Mick: Yes, and my question is, what is the first thing that
21:49 we're going to see?
21:53 Is a calamity going to happen, like what happened in the last
21:57 few years?
21:59 And the beast is going to come and deceive us?
22:01 We're all going to have to unite behind him and somehow he's
22:05 going to get us to do this mark?
22:07 What is this first thing going to be?
22:09 Because I'm ready to tell friends and folks that this guy
22:18 is false.
22:20 Doug: Well, you're talking about what would be one of the pivotal
22:23 signs that would help people know that the beast power is
22:28 about to make his move.
22:30 Is that kind of what you're asking?
22:32 Mick: Yes, yes.
22:34 Is it going to be a calamity like an earthquake, Yellowstone,
22:37 another COVID thing?
22:39 And then some guy is going to come like, maybe it's Trump.
22:43 We all believe in Trump now, maybe it's Elon Musk we elect in
22:46 10, 15 years and we're all going to unite behind him, he's got
22:50 all the answers, like it says in Revelation, "this guy that
22:53 fools us."
22:54 Is that the first beast?
22:55 Is that what we're looking for?
22:57 Someone that's going to have the answers and lie--
22:58 Doug: Yeah, well, for one thing, I'll tell you, Mark, you would
23:01 appreciate the lesson on "Who Is the Antichrist?"
23:04 Because, yeah, I don't think it's a president is
23:09 the Antichrist because the Antichrist is
23:12 a political religious leader.
23:13 And what you are correct that there will be some triggering
23:18 event and it may be one or all of an economic disaster,
23:23 a natural disaster, it could be a war.
23:28 The people, out of fear, turn to religion and during that time,
23:33 you're going to see a confederacy of Protestants are
23:38 going to come together in North America, that they're going to
23:40 drift from the Bible, and be saying, you know, "Let's just
23:44 unite with Catholicism and the orthodox churches in Europe
23:48 being led by the Pope," and then maybe a new Pope at that point
23:51 because this one is, what, 88 now.
23:55 And they're going to form a religious coalition and start
23:58 implementing religious laws that compel you to worship contrary
24:03 to the Bible.
24:04 And that's when they say, "You must worship the image to
24:06 the beast."
24:07 What is that beast?
24:09 Well, it's the first beast that you find in Revelation 13 and
24:11 then there's a second beast in Revelation 13 and hard to cover
24:15 that in 3 minutes, so please ask for the lesson, "Who Is
24:18 the Antichrist?"
24:20 and even "America in Prophecy."
24:21 I've heard a lot of people saying, you know, all the way
24:25 back to Ronald Reagan, is he going to be the Antichrist
24:28 because they said his three names had six letters in
24:31 each name.
24:32 You maybe don't remember that.
24:33 I'm a little older than you.
24:35 They said, Yeah, he's got 666 in his name: Ronald, whatever
24:39 it was, Reagan.
24:40 And then they said, No, it's going to be Bush, it's going to
24:42 be Bush 1, Bush 2, Clinton.
24:45 And I don't think that it says in the prophecy, it's going to
24:48 be a president, but America does play a role and Europe plays
24:52 a role and please ask for that study guide, either "America in
24:55 Prophecy" or "Who Is the Antichrist?"
24:57 Jean: Or you can even ask for a third one called "The Mark
24:59 of the Beast."
25:01 You'll get the whole thing.
25:02 You'll find out who the Antichrist is.
25:03 Doug: We'll send them to you free.
25:05 Jean: "The Mark of the Beast," "The US in Prophecy."
25:06 Also, we do have a magazine, Pastor Doug.
25:08 It's called, "The United States in Bible Prophecy."
25:10 Doug: "American Prophecy," yeah.
25:11 Jean: And it gets into all those details.
25:12 So call and ask.
25:14 The number is 800-835-6747.
25:16 You can ask for the magazine.
25:18 It's called "American Prophecy."
25:20 You can ask for the study guide, which we encourage you to do.
25:22 It's "Who Is the Antichrist?"
25:24 "The Mark of the Beast," "The US in Bible Prophecy," three
25:27 study guides.
25:29 And it just covers a lot of important information.
25:31 All right, thank you, Mick.
25:33 We've got Virginia in California.
25:35 Virginia, welcome to the program.
25:37 Virginia: Hi, good evening.
25:38 I'm going to do my best to make this question a little precise.
25:45 As we know, Job at the very beginning, Jesus, you know,
25:48 tells Satan, "Have you considered, you know, Job,
25:53 My servant?"
25:54 Well, my son and I are reading and we came to Job 22:9.
26:00 And it's Eliphaz talking and saying to Job, "You turned poor
26:06 widows away from your door; heartless, you crushed orphans."
26:11 Now, that's the Message Bible.
26:13 In King James, says: "Thou hast sent widows away empty, and the
26:18 arms of the fatherless have been broken."
26:22 So he basically is, to me, like, he's saying that Job is the
26:27 person that's done this?
26:29 Doug: Yeah, he --his friends are falsely accusing him.
26:32 Hey, we got to take a break, Virginia.
26:34 Well, stay with us and we'll come back to you as soon
26:36 as we're done with our break.
26:38 Thanks.
26:40 ♪♪♪
26:42 announcer: Stay tuned.
26:43 "Bible Answers Live" will return shortly.
26:53 announcer: "Amazing Facts Changed Lives."
27:01 Darryl: I grew up in a neighborhood in Northwest DC,
27:04 a neighborhood called Petworth.
27:05 I went to a private school and I didn't fit in well at school
27:07 because I was from an inner city neighborhood.
27:09 I didn't fit in well at home because I went to
27:11 a private school.
27:12 I've always been a people pleaser, so I would --I would do
27:15 what they did and they started drinking, I started drinking.
27:18 They started smoking marijuana, I smoked marijuana.
27:21 Once I became aware of girls and what male-female relationships
27:26 were all about, I was off to the races with these guys.
27:29 So we started partying every week and we'd stay out till all
27:32 hours of the evening.
27:33 My homework didn't get done and my grades just suffered because
27:35 of it.
27:37 And as soon as I went to college at --a Catholic University here,
27:40 I started smoking hashish.
27:42 And back in those days you could smoke in class.
27:45 I loved the way it made me feel.
27:47 I didn't have to worry about-- I fit in, I was fun.
27:51 People liked being with me.
27:54 I was --I was kind of the life of the party.
27:55 I came out of my shell and shortly thereafter in my
27:58 mid-twenties, I was working at one of the biggest computer
28:01 companies after graduating college, one of the biggest
28:04 computer companies on the planet at the time.
28:06 And I had money, I had women, I had, you know, a car every
28:11 2 years.
28:12 My job performance started to-- started to suffer.
28:15 Nothing else was the same in my life.
28:17 I started missing work.
28:19 I would get hired, maybe even be promoted.
28:22 I did really well.
28:24 Three or four months in, five months in, you know, say 4 to 6
28:27 months, I would lose the job.
28:29 I've forgotten more jobs than I --than I can remember.
28:31 I needed to smoke on a daily basis, all day, every day, and
28:36 that costs money.
28:37 So then I started getting into stealing.
28:41 I'm stealing from family and friends and when that ran out
28:44 and people were stopped-- were not trusting me anymore,
28:47 I started to --I started to rob people.
28:50 My family didn't want anything to do with me.
28:52 My friends didn't want anything to do with me.
28:54 People, when I called people, they didn't answer the phone.
28:56 When I knocked on the door, they didn't answer the door.
28:58 I was --I purchased a house, and a young lady and I purchased it
29:01 together and we wanted to move in together and that fell by
29:04 the wayside because I started smoking and I started taking
29:07 things from the house and selling them.
29:10 I started taking her personal items and selling them.
29:12 I started stealing from her purse.
29:15 I started stealing from stores.
29:18 I mean, pizza delivery guys were like an ATM.
29:21 Nothing mattered.
29:22 I've been homeless about four or five times in my life and each
29:27 time was drug-related.
29:28 Each time, I chose to do drugs rather than to live with this
29:33 person that --whoever it was I was dating.
29:36 During all this time, my sister and her family, they would
29:39 engage me, they would take me to church.
29:42 I met this woman who happened to be going to my church and
29:44 I didn't even know.
29:46 And she was taking Bible studies from her brother-in-law and her
29:49 sister, who were church leaders.
29:51 They heard about a seminar by Doug Batchelor and Amazing Facts
29:54 called "The Prophecy Code."
29:56 I learned about the true meaning of the Sabbath.
29:59 I learned about my health issues and what --how diet and exercise
30:03 can positively affect my health and, like, my wellbeing.
30:08 I learned about forgiveness from God for me.
30:12 I took to Pastor Doug right away because of the way he spoke, his
30:16 caginess, his --the way he talked was so --it was just like
30:21 he was talking to me.
30:22 He gave out the --his book, "The Richest Caveman."
30:26 And when I read that book, I was astonished at all the things he
30:30 had been through.
30:32 His story was not exactly like mine, but it was a lot
30:35 like mine.
30:36 I just identified with him right from the start.
30:38 I thank God that I went to that Prophecy Code seminar because it
30:42 was my introduction to the truth.
30:45 And I even go to Youtube and catch the --some of the
30:49 seminars, other seminars, that they've had, you know, over
30:52 the years and I do it because I still feel a connection.
30:55 It's like my roots.
30:57 It's like my foundation was built on Amazing Facts and I
31:00 like the free offers they give.
31:01 I can imagine the call-taker on the other end, when I call
31:05 the 800 number.
31:06 "Hi, girl, how are you?"
31:08 "What --which free gift would you like today?"
31:09 I can't imagine life without getting those free offers,
31:12 because those books are so well written and just like they're
31:14 written for me.
31:16 I appreciate Amazing Facts and Pastor Doug Batchelor because
31:19 they brought --they helped bring me to where I am today.
31:21 My name is Darryl.
31:23 You and Amazing Facts have changed my life.
31:28 ♪♪♪
31:36 ♪♪♪
31:39 announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where every
31:42 question answered provides a clearer picture of God and His
31:46 plan to save you.
31:47 So what are you waiting for?
31:49 Get practical answers about the good book for a better
31:52 life today.
31:56 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
31:59 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions on
32:02 the air, please call us next Sunday between 7 p.m.
32:06 and 8 p.m. Pacific Time.
32:08 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
32:11 evening's program, call 800-835-6747.
32:16 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
32:21 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
32:27 Doug: Welcome back, listening friends, to
32:28 "Bible Answers Live."
32:30 We know there's people that may have joined us en route and this
32:32 is a live, international, interactive Bible study.
32:36 Originates here outside of Sacramento, California, at
32:38 the Amazing Facts headquarters and streams around the world on
32:42 radio, television, and the Internet.
32:44 And we're so thankful that you have joined us.
32:47 My name is Doug Batchelor.
32:48 Jean: My name is Jean Ross.
32:49 And we were talking to Virginia in California and she was --we
32:52 were talking about a verse in Job.
32:54 Virginia, are you still there?
32:56 Virginia: Yes, basically, Job 22:9.
32:59 Trying to understand how Eliphaz, is he lying by saying,
33:04 "Job, you've done," you know, "you're pushing, you know,
33:07 widows and orphans away."
33:09 But then in Job 23, Job says, "Oh no, I would pass the test,"
33:14 you know?
33:15 "I've looked for God everywhere but I can pass the test," I
33:19 think it's Job 23, "of my righteousness or my--" anyway.
33:24 Doug: Yeah, the clue is at the very end of the book of Job.
33:27 God says, "Job has spoken that which is right and he needs to
33:32 pray for and offer sacrifice for his friends that were wrong."
33:37 And so while the friends of Job said many things that are true,
33:40 so when you're reading the statements of Eliphaz and his
33:42 friends, they outline a lot of true principles about how
33:48 God works.
33:49 But they were assuming that because God does punish evil,
33:52 that Job and all of his suffering, he must have been
33:54 doing something wrong.
33:56 And Eliphaz is basically saying, "Come on, 'fess up, Job.
33:59 You probably were sending away the widows and ignoring
34:01 the fatherless, and that's why this is all happening to you."
34:04 So he was assuming that.
34:05 He didn't know that, and Job certainly says he's a righteous
34:09 man at the beginning and it says he's righteous at the end.
34:12 Says: "In all this, Job sinned not."
34:15 So, yeah, Eliphaz and his friends just saw his suffering.
34:19 They thought, "If God is just, he must have been doing some
34:22 things wrong," and they're basically trying to pin these
34:25 things on him.
34:27 That's why He said, "Your miserable comforters."
34:28 His friends come to comfort him, they end up accusing him.
34:30 Jean: You know, the same ideas persisted even in the time
34:33 of Christ.
34:34 I remember there was the man born blind and the disciples
34:36 said to Jesus, "Who sinned?
34:38 This man or his parents, that he was born blind?"
34:40 Doug: Someone must have sinned.
34:41 Jean: Yeah, whenever something bad happened.
34:42 Now, it is true that often actions, our own actions, will
34:46 bring consequences upon us.
34:47 And of course, there are times when God judges evil, but we're
34:51 also living in a world of sin and not all suffering is brought
34:55 upon us because of something we did wrong.
34:58 Well, you know, the devil is there, causing pain and sorrow,
35:00 just as he did in the case of Job.
35:02 Doug: Sometimes the innocent suffer.
35:04 Many of Jesus's followers were persecuted for their faith and
35:07 many died as martyrs.
35:09 Jean: All right, thank you.
35:10 Doug: Thanks, Virginia.
35:12 Good question.
35:13 Jean: We've got Von in North Carolina.
35:15 Von, welcome to the program.
35:16 Von: My question is when the Sunday law is put in place, is
35:20 there going to be an awakening of the Sabbath day Sabbath?
35:24 Because if not, most people today will believe that would
35:28 just be wonderful.
35:30 And if there is, is there a Bible reference to that?
35:33 Doug: Yeah, well, I do believe that at the same time that the
35:37 beast power is beginning to make religious laws, God's people are
35:40 going to be empowered with the Spirit and they're going to be
35:43 presenting the truth and that's why it's going to end up being
35:47 an issue in the last days.
35:49 So are you talking about a Bible reference, there's
35:52 probably several.
35:54 Jean: Well, the one I'm thinking of is Revelation chapter 18,
35:56 talks about a mighty angel coming down from heaven.
35:58 We know this angel represents God's people in the last days,
36:01 "and they cried mightily with a strong voice, Babylon the Great
36:03 is fallen, is fallen.
36:05 It's become the habitation of devils," and so on.
36:07 Then in verse 4: "And I heard another voice from heaven
36:09 saying, Come out of her, My people."
36:11 Now that describes a great revival and the great
36:14 proclamation of God's last warning message.
36:17 And it's connected with certain legislation that has been
36:20 passed, forcing people to worship, contrary to what
36:23 the Bible says.
36:25 So yes, there is a last end-time warning message.
36:28 Doug: Jesus said that "you will be brought before kings and
36:31 rulers, and I'll give you in that hour, what you need
36:34 to say."
36:35 I think in the last days that you're going to have God's
36:38 people on international cable that are going to be defending
36:41 their faith before the beast's power and persecution.
36:45 First, they can't buy or sell, and eventually there'll be
36:48 a death decree, if they don't compromise their faith.
36:51 And this is what happened in the book of Daniel.
36:53 There's a religious law that the government makes that you must
36:56 worship the image or be killed.
36:59 And Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are able to witness
37:02 during that time for the truth.
37:03 That's what happens to Daniel in chapter 6 when he says, "You
37:07 have to break the first commandment, only pray to
37:09 the king for 30 days, or go to the lions' den," a death decree.
37:13 Happens in the book of Esther.
37:15 Mordecai wants to kill --I'm sorry, Haman wants to kill
37:17 Mordecai because he won't bow down.
37:20 So the devil hasn't changed.
37:22 Jean: We do have a study guide that talks about this.
37:24 It's called, "The Mark of the Beast."
37:25 We mentioned it before.
37:26 But again, it's an important subject because you read in the
37:29 book of Revelation, there is a warning: Don't receive the mark
37:31 of the beast.
37:33 So we want to know what that is.
37:34 If you call 800-835-6747, that is our resource phone line, and
37:39 you can ask for the study guide.
37:40 It's called, "The Mark of the Beast."
37:41 We'll send it to you and, of course, there's a lot of
37:44 important scripture in that-- in that study guide.
37:47 You can also dial #250 on your smartphone and receive a digital
37:51 download of that study guide and you can read it and check it out
37:55 in scripture.
37:57 Next caller that we have is Michelle in California.
37:59 Michelle, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
38:01 Michelle: Hi, Pastors.
38:03 Thank you for taking my call.
38:04 Doug: Yes, absolutely. And your question?
38:07 Michelle: Yes, it is with regard to John chapter 6, verse 65,
38:12 where it says, "Therefore I have said to you that no one can come
38:17 to Me unless it has been granted to him by My Father."
38:22 And in another section in relation --relative to that,
38:28 "People can believe in Christ only through divine enablement."
38:33 And that section has always fascinated me and I really would
38:40 like to get your, well, information clarification
38:45 on that.
38:47 Doug: Right, well, the best thing is let the Bible explain
38:49 the Bible.
38:51 And if anybody comes to the Lord, it's because the Spirit
38:54 moves in their heart and leads them to repentance.
38:57 Repentance is a gift from God.
39:00 And I believe it's in Acts chapter 2, Peter said, "For God
39:04 gives repentance to Israel," is the phrase, and it's a gift.
39:09 And the Bible tells us that it's the goodness of God that leads
39:16 us to repentance, okay, Michelle?
39:18 So, meaning when we look at the goodness of God and we see our
39:22 badness, then we're brought to repentance.
39:25 So it's through the Father and His goodness that we are drawn
39:29 to repent and to come to Christ.
39:32 Isaiah saw the Lord, he saw the light of God, the goodness of
39:35 God, and then he saw himself, he repented and said, "Woe is me.
39:39 I am undone."
39:41 You have that verse?
39:42 Jean: Yeah, Acts chapter 5, verse 31.
39:43 Speaking of Christ, "Whom has God exalted at His right hand to
39:47 be a prince and a savior, to give repentance to Israel and
39:50 for the forgiveness of sins."
39:52 Doug: Yeah, so God gives repentance.
39:53 It's the Father that draws through sending the Spirit.
39:58 And we're convicted of our sins.
40:00 Jean: And of course, the Bible says God is not a respecter of
40:02 persons, meaning that He's willing that --He's not willing
40:05 that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
40:07 So the Holy Spirit is speaking to the hearts of all.
40:10 So, what do they do with that?
40:12 Do they reject it?
40:13 Do they harden their heart or do they respond to the
40:15 gospel invitation?
40:17 Thank you, Michelle.
40:18 We've got Lewis in California.
40:20 Lewis, welcome to the program.
40:22 Lewis: Yes, hi.
40:24 I wanted to ask about baptism, a couple of different scriptures.
40:28 Matthew 28:19 talks about, "Be baptized in the name of the
40:34 Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit."
40:37 And then in Acts 2:38, and I think there may be a third
40:42 scripture someone told me, "Baptized in the name of
40:48 Jesus Christ for the remission of sins to be saved."
40:52 So please talk about that.
40:54 Doug: Yeah, and there's actually four verses.
40:58 And I think two of them say, "Baptized in the name of Jesus,"
41:01 one says, "Jesus Christ," and one says, "Baptized in the name
41:03 of the Lord."
41:05 And so we don't hear the Bible writers in the New Testament
41:10 making a real consistent, specific declaration for what
41:16 are the precise words.
41:18 They're basically saying that you're making this commitment to
41:22 the God of scripture, to Jehovah, to God the Father,
41:25 the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
41:27 So when Pastor Ross and I baptize, we say, "I baptize you
41:31 in the name of God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the
41:33 Holy Spirit," and you cover all your bases that way.
41:36 But you know, the disciples were often, at the beginning of the
41:41 ministry, they are working with Jews who had already been
41:44 baptized by John the Baptist, maybe in the name of the Father.
41:47 So they emphasized "you need to also include being baptized in
41:51 the name of the Son."
41:53 And then another time they say, "Baptized in the name of
41:55 the Lord."
41:56 So I give you an example: baptism to the Christian is what
42:01 a marriage ceremony is to a marriage.
42:04 So when we do weddings, you can do it more formally where --it's
42:10 a covenant, and you can say all three names of the bride and the
42:13 groom, or you can say just first and last name, or it is legal if
42:17 I should say, "Bob, do you take Sally?"
42:20 If the witnesses know that they are making a covenant and they
42:23 know who they're talking about, the covenant is sealed.
42:26 Sometimes I think there's pastors who say, "If you don't
42:28 say it right, the baptism's invalid."
42:31 That's not what makes a covenant valid.
42:33 Sometimes I sign my signature and I'm sure no one can read it,
42:36 but it is my signature.
42:38 So the important thing is if you understand the agreement, if you
42:42 are saying in front of witnesses, "I'm committing
42:44 my life to God," then that's a valid baptism.
42:48 Jean: We do have a book.
42:49 It's called "Baptism: Is It Really Necessary?"
42:51 It talks about the subject.
42:52 We'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
42:54 Doug: You know, I've also got a book where I specifically go
42:57 through this question.
42:58 It's called, "The Name of the Lord."
43:00 I have a sermon.
43:01 It's a free sermon book and I specifically talk about the
43:03 different names that they baptize in and why it doesn't
43:07 make a difference how you utter it.
43:09 Jean: That'd be good.
43:10 That'd kind of answer this question.
43:11 Called, "The Name of the Lord."
43:13 Is that --that's what it's called?
43:14 Doug: It's one of our sermon books, yeah.
43:16 Jean: And we'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
43:18 As a matter of fact, you can ask for both: "Baptism: Is It
43:20 Really Necessary?"
43:21 and "The Name of the Lord."
43:23 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
43:26 That is our resource phone line.
43:28 If you'd like to get a digital download, just dial #250 on your
43:32 smartphone, say "Bible Answers Live" and then ask for the book
43:35 by name: "Baptism: Is It Really Necessary?"
43:38 You can also ask for "The Name of the Lord," and we'll send it
43:41 to anyone who calls and asks.
43:43 Gary in Illinois.
43:44 Gary, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
43:47 Gary: Thank you.
43:49 We're seeing dramatic weather events, atmospheric rivers in
43:51 the sky, Santa Ana winds traveling 100 mile an hour and
43:55 taking fire thousands of miles, and in Illinois, tornadoes are a
44:00 mile in diameter, traveling 100 miles.
44:03 And now we're seeing the beginning of the pillars of
44:06 democracy, you know, collapse.
44:08 You know, are we headed into Luke 21:12 where it says,
44:12 "You'll be brought before kings, authorities, and principalities
44:16 for My name's sake," where it'll be an opportunity to witness?
44:20 Doug: Yeah, well, we are seeing an acceleration of global
44:26 disasters and the potential, you know, people are talking even
44:30 about World War III.
44:32 Now, the --like, there's a terrible fire at the time of
44:36 this broadcast, it's live today, but it may be rebroadcast.
44:40 But I have another massive fire in southern California in
44:43 the Ventura area, 20,000 acres or something.
44:46 A lot of land, a lot of homes are being lost.
44:50 Storms, they had several devastating hurricanes.
44:55 You know, they've had big earthquakes in history.
44:57 There's been big droughts, there's been big famines.
45:01 But what's happening near the end of time, Christ said these
45:03 are the beginning of birth pains and when a woman is pregnant and
45:09 she's getting near delivery, you have what do they call them,
45:13 Braxton hicks contractions.
45:15 She'll have contractions and she'll feel the baby kick along
45:18 the way and there'll be all kinds of pains and adjustments.
45:21 But when those pains start getting very sharp, they get
45:24 more intense, and they get more frequent, and the doctor will
45:28 say, "How far apart are your pains and how hard are they?"
45:33 So you see an increasing in frequency and intensity and what
45:38 we're seeing with natural disasters and problems in the
45:40 world and, you know, there's more people than there's ever
45:43 been, the demand on resources.
45:45 The frequency and the intensity of the problems is increasing.
45:49 And so I do think we're nearing the end.
45:52 I wouldn't pin it on one thing.
45:54 You know, we've had fires bigger than the one right now in
45:57 Ventura and there have been political problems bigger than
45:59 the ones we have now too.
46:00 So --but when they start to increase in intensity, then you
46:05 start to --he says, "Look up.
46:07 Your redemption draws near."
46:08 Jean: Yeah, there's a couple of things that Jesus highlights.
46:10 Of course, natural disaster, as you mentioned.
46:13 The other one is that wickedness.
46:14 It'll be as it was in the days of Noah, in Sodom and Gomorrah.
46:18 So moral decay, violence, fill the land.
46:21 We see an increase in violence.
46:22 But Jesus also said, "This gospel of the kingdom will be
46:25 preached in all the world as a witness unto all nations,
46:28 then the end will come."
46:29 So you've got several things coming together and we're
46:32 beginning to see that happen, I think even now.
46:33 Doug: Yeah, and the --just think about this program, that now
46:37 with artificial intelligence, we're able to translate this
46:40 program into about 50 different languages, if we had the
46:43 resources, and go around the world in minutes.
46:48 I mean, it's just phenomenal.
46:49 So the gospel being preached in all the world is one of the
46:51 most powerful.
46:53 And then of course, Daniel 12: knowledge will increase.
46:56 Look at how --what technology has done in the last days.
46:59 Well, thank you. Appreciate your question.
47:01 Jean: Next caller that we have is calling from Washington.
47:03 We got Kereace on the phone.
47:05 Kereace, welcome to the program.
47:08 Kereace: Hello, good night. Thank you for taking my call.
47:11 My question is on Luke chapter 17, verse 21.
47:14 Could you please expound more on that for me, please?
47:16 And thank you.
47:18 Doug: Yes, Luke 17, Jesus said, "The kingdom of heaven doesn't
47:22 come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!'
47:25 or 'See there!'
47:26 For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you."
47:29 Now, Christ said several things like that.
47:33 Matter of fact, I think it's in Acts chapter 1, and you might
47:36 look that up for me where Philip says, "Will You at this time now
47:39 establish the kingdom?"
47:40 And Christ said, you know, "The times are for the Father."
47:44 There's two kingdoms that we're talking about.
47:47 One kingdom is talking about the physical kingdom of God.
47:52 When Christ comes the second time as a King and as a Lion
47:58 riding on the white horse, so to speak, He is going to basically
48:02 destroy the enemies and eventually create a new heavens
48:07 and the new earth where He will reign supreme.
48:09 When He came the first time, He came like a lamb, but He
48:12 established the spiritual kingdom.
48:14 That kingdom was available right when He came.
48:17 He said, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand."
48:19 John the Baptist said, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand."
48:22 Those who hear my voice right now, you can be a citizen of
48:25 God's kingdom now by turning to Him in prayer.
48:29 It will someday be not only an interior kingdom, it'll be
48:33 a literal exterior kingdom, a reality.
48:36 Jean: The verse you're referring to, Pastor Doug, Acts chapter 1,
48:38 verse 6, it says after the resurrection, it says: "When
48:42 they came together, they asked Him, saying, 'Lord, will Thou at
48:44 this time restore the kingdom to Israel?'"
48:47 Doug: They were looking for the physical kingdom.
48:50 Jean: Yeah, Jesus had to explain to them a little more.
48:52 Doug: So that's what Jesus is saying here also is that it's
48:56 a spiritual kingdom that's available right now.
48:58 Don't say, "Where is it? Is it here?
49:00 Is it there? Is it in Israel?
49:01 Is it in, you know, France? Where's the kingdom?"
49:03 Well, it's in you.
49:05 If Jesus reigns in your heart, that's where the King is.
49:09 Jean: Okay, next caller that we have is Sabra in Hawaii.
49:13 Sabra, welcome to the program.
49:15 Sabra: Hi.
49:17 I just finished your book, "The Richest Caveman," and really
49:20 visualized Jim there with you.
49:22 Doug: Oh, praise the Lord.
49:23 I hope you enjoyed it.
49:25 Sabra: Oh, it was awesome.
49:27 And I'm definitely going to spread that book around
49:29 over here.
49:30 I have a question I've been confused on for quite a while.
49:35 It comes --so I'm hoping you can elaborate Mark 7, starting in
49:40 18: "Whatsoever thing comes-- thing from without entereth into
49:45 man, it cannot defile them."
49:48 And then 19 says: "Because it entereth not in his heart, but
49:52 in his belly, and goeth out into the drought, purging all meats,"
49:56 which is foods, I know.
49:57 So my question is, doesn't eating poorly and drinking
50:02 poorly affect us physically via spiritually, via mentally?
50:06 It affects our actions, our thoughts, what we say.
50:09 So can you elaborate and explain this to me so that I can share
50:14 this with others that keep throwing at me that it's okay to
50:17 eat what I want to eat?
50:19 Doug: Yeah, well, first of all, Jesus wasn't saying you could
50:21 eat anything because if that's true, then why does Peter in
50:26 Acts chapter 10, years after Christ died, he has a vision of
50:29 this sheet coming down from heaven filled with
50:31 unclean foods.
50:33 God says, "Arise and eat."
50:34 Peter says, "Not so, Lord, I've never eaten anything unclean."
50:39 If Jesus had been teaching them they could eat anything, why
50:41 would Peter say that?
50:43 And then later, Peter says that vision has nothing to do
50:45 with food.
50:47 It means do not call the Gentiles unclean.
50:49 The problem in Mark 7 had nothing to do with what they
50:53 were eating.
50:54 It had to do with eating with unwashed hands.
50:57 And so the Jews used to go through a ceremonial handwashing
51:01 before they ate.
51:03 Now, I know we all think it would be great if we all washed
51:06 our hands when we eat, we like to have that happen.
51:09 I think we all know that as you're growing up, little kids
51:11 eat about a half a pound of dirt a week.
51:14 And they somehow survive.
51:15 So Christ is saying they're not defiled by eating with
51:19 unwashed hands.
51:21 Poor people that eat with unwashed hands, that
51:23 doesn't defile them.
51:24 He's saying what defiles you is the evil in your heart.
51:28 So this statement really has nothing to do with food.
51:31 You read what it says before, it's talking about eating with
51:33 unwashed hands.
51:34 He says, you know, you eat with unwashed hands, you get
51:36 a little sand or grit in there, it's going to go through and
51:40 it's, frankly, He says, it's cast out, it's eliminated,
51:43 it goes through you.
51:44 It doesn't stay in you.
51:46 But evil thoughts and adulteries, those things in
51:49 the heart and the mind, that's what defiles you.
51:52 Jean: Now, you got the little phrase that you mentioned in
51:53 verse 19, "Thus purifying all foods."
51:56 Now, it's interesting.
51:58 There's a little mark there.
51:59 If you're reading the King James, the New King James,
52:00 it'll say, "NU."
52:02 NU is the Nestle-Aland.
52:04 There are two principal manuscripts of Greek where the
52:07 Bible translators have gathered from, and that phrase, "Thus
52:12 purifying all foods," is not in the Textus Receptus and it's
52:16 sort of inserted there.
52:17 That's why you've got that little mark that says,
52:19 "This is NU."
52:20 So some have even questioned whether that was actually in the
52:23 original that was written by Mark.
52:25 That might have been added by a scholar later on to try and
52:28 clarify something.
52:30 But it's --some of the older manuscripts don't have that, so.
52:33 Doug: Yeah, the NIV --I'm sorry.
52:36 I was just going to say the NIV actually says: "In saying this,
52:40 He declared all foods clean."
52:42 That is not in the Greek, either manuscript.
52:46 So say --they took great liberties with "purging
52:48 all foods."
52:50 It just means that your stomach acid destroys things, it
52:52 purges things.
52:54 It doesn't mean that, you know, Jesus now said, "You can eat
52:57 cockroaches and skunks and anything, it doesn't matter.
53:00 And you can get a lot of cholesterol, just pray over it
53:02 and you won't get a heart attack."
53:04 No, God says, "Don't be deceived.
53:05 God is not mocked.
53:07 What you sow, you're going to reap."
53:08 And we know that it makes a difference what you eat.
53:11 So yeah, don't abuse this verse.
53:14 I used to use this verse when the pastor told me to
53:16 quit smoking.
53:17 I said, "It's not what goes in your mouth that defiles you."
53:20 He said, "Yeah, but what goes in your mouth affects what
53:22 comes out."
53:23 And when I was smoking and my breath was bad, so,
53:27 anyway, thanks.
53:28 Good question.
53:29 We appreciate it.
53:31 Jean: We do have a study guide.
53:32 It's called, "God's Free Health Plan," and talks about biblical
53:33 principles for living a healthy life.
53:35 We'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
53:37 The number is 800-835-6747.
53:41 Ask for the study guide.
53:42 It's called, "God's Free Health Plan."
53:44 You can dial #250 on your smartphone and say,
53:47 "Bible Answers Live."
53:49 Ask for that study guide and you'll receive
53:51 a digital download.
53:52 Maria is listening in California.
53:54 Maria, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
53:56 Maria: Hi, good evening, Pastor Doug, Pastor Ross.
53:58 Doug: Evening.
54:00 Maria: My kids want to say hi.
54:01 children: Hi, Pastor Doug and Pastor Ross.
54:05 Doug: Hey, kids. How you doing?
54:08 Maria: Hi, good evening.
54:09 My question, I was reading the book of 1 Samuel, the story of
54:15 David where it says here, 1 Samuel 18:10 and 19:9 when it
54:26 says that "a harmful spirit from the Lord came upon Saul."
54:30 And both times was when David was in his --in his kingdom.
54:35 And he was trying to hurt him with the spirit.
54:38 Doug: Right, Saul was trying to hurt David, yeah.
54:40 So you're wondering what does it mean?
54:42 Did God send an evil spirit?
54:43 Maria: Yes, what does the-- that a harmful spirit, like, can
54:48 He send anyone, like, a harmful spirit to do something
54:52 wrong or--
54:53 Doug: Let me read the verse for our friends that are listening.
54:55 So you've got 1 Samuel chapter 18, if I read in verse 10, and
54:59 it says: "Saul became jealous when the women began to sing
55:04 and say, 'Saul has killed his thousands, but David's killed
55:07 his ten thousands.'"
55:08 And it says in verse 9: "Saul eyed David from that
55:11 day forward.
55:13 And it happened on the next day that a distressing spirit from
55:16 God came upon Saul and he prophesied in the house."
55:19 He's ranting, but it's not the Spirit of God.
55:22 He's kind of doing a demonic prophecy.
55:25 "And David played music with his hand, at the --as other times.
55:28 Saul hurls a spear at him."
55:30 And it says the same thing in chapter 19, that an evil spirit
55:33 from the Lord.
55:34 What does that mean?
55:36 You read in the book of Job: "And the devil had to get
55:39 permission from God before he could afflict Job."
55:43 Sometimes God will withdraw His protection.
55:46 Sometimes it's as a judgment.
55:48 Sometimes it's because we have rejected the Lord.
55:52 When you reject light, the only thing left is darkness.
55:55 So it's not that God would ever send evil.
55:58 God tempts no man, the Bible says.
56:00 Every good and perfect gift is from God.
56:02 God is good, but sometimes God in His wisdom, He'll withdraw
56:06 His protection, as in the story of Job.
56:09 "And then the devil went forth from the presence of the Lord
56:12 and he smote Job."
56:13 Well, when Saul rejected God's Spirit, the Lord allowed an evil
56:18 spirit to come.
56:20 You'll notice, I think in the same chapter, it says David is
56:22 anointed with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit comes
56:24 upon David.
56:26 But the Spirit of the Lord departs from Saul because he was
56:29 so jealous and the spirit of jealousy is from the devil.
56:34 Now, of course, God says he's a jealous God, but let's talk
56:37 about the appropriate jealousy.
56:40 So I don't know if you want to add to that at all, Pastor Ross.
56:42 Jean: No, I think that's clear, Pastor Doug.
56:43 Sort of a vacuum.
56:45 When God's Spirit was withdrawn, the vacuum was filled by
56:47 the evil spirit.
56:49 Doug: Yeah, but when it, you know, I first read that when it
56:52 says God hardens Pharaoh's heart.
56:54 Well, later, it says, Pharaoh hardened his own heart, when it
56:57 says an evil spirit came from the Lord.
56:59 In the Old Testament, they see God as supreme, that He
57:02 ultimately --there's things He must allow, and He allowed this
57:05 to happen because Saul had rejected Him.
57:08 And so it was ultimately Saul's decision to embrace jealousy and
57:14 to harden his heart as with the Pharaoh.
57:16 And that's why these things happen.
57:17 And it's like the story of Judas where it says, you know, Judas,
57:22 he rejected when Christ was washing his feet and Satan
57:25 entered him and he went out from the presence of Jesus into
57:30 the dark.
57:31 So friends, the Holy Spirit is striving with all of you.
57:34 Every one of us has that battle in our hearts and God has cast
57:38 His vote for you.
57:39 The devil has cast his vote against you and you have
57:42 the tiebreaking vote.
57:44 Jean: That's right.
57:45 Doug: Hey, God bless you. We are out of time.
57:46 We'd love to study with you more.
57:48 Go to the Amazing Facts website,, and tune in
57:52 next week for more "Bible Answers Live."
57:57 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
58:00 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
58:03 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
58:07 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.


Revised 2025-01-15