Bible Answers Live

Outside Gets Inside

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202320S

00:01 ♪♪♪
00:03 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted;
00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious,
00:13 should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate
00:23 and practical answer to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this
00:33 broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:43 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International,
00:47 Pastor Jean Ross.
00:50 Jean Ross: Hello, friends.
00:51 Pastor Doug is out this evening, but how about an amazing fact?
00:54 Astonishing and awe-inspiring, a dog's sense of smell is so
00:58 remarkable that they can detect scents at concentrations
01:01 as low as parts per trillion, making their sense of smell tens
01:05 of thousands of times more sensitive than ours.
01:09 To put this into perspective, a dog, for example, walking
01:12 into a kitchen hours after a meal was cooked, he's able,
01:16 if he chooses, to distinguish the individual ingredients,
01:19 the herbs, and even the spices that were
01:22 used in the preparation of multiple dishes.
01:25 Now, in the field of search and rescue,
01:28 dogs play a critical role in locating missing persons.
01:31 These dogs able to detect the faintest traces of human
01:33 scent even under the most challenging environments.
01:36 One incredible incidence occurred during the aftermath
01:39 of 9/11 attacks in New York City.
01:42 Trained dogs tirelessly worked, alongside their rescue teams,
01:45 sniffing through rubble and debris to locate survivors.
01:48 In one instance, a search-and-rescue dog,
01:51 named Tracker, located a survivor buried under 30 feet
01:55 of debris from the collapsed World Trade Center.
01:59 Another compelling example of the dog's sense of smell
02:02 involves the world of medical detection dogs.
02:06 These canine marvels have been trained to detect the scent of
02:09 specific diseases, including certain types
02:12 of cancers and diabetes.
02:14 Trained dogs are able to identify certain cancers
02:16 in patients by simply sniffing their breath
02:19 or a mole on their skin.
02:21 A dog's sense of smell is capable of feats that defy our
02:26 understanding, from locating survivors in disaster zones,
02:29 to detecting diseases with astonishing accuracy.
02:32 The dog's sense of smell serves as a constant reminder
02:35 of the marvels of a compassionate Creator God.
02:40 The Bible tells us, in Romans chapter 1, verse 20, speaking of
02:43 the marvels of God's creation, "For since the creation of the
02:47 world, His invisible attributes have been clearly seen, being
02:50 understood by the things that were made, even His eternal
02:53 power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse."
02:57 You know, Carlos, in the world around us, just the things that
03:00 God has made, we can see God's hand.
03:03 We stand in awe when we see what animals can do.
03:06 You think of sea turtles that are able to travel thousands of
03:10 miles from where they were born and then come back to the very
03:13 same beach to lay eggs.
03:15 All of the marvels of creation testify to us of a caring,
03:18 loving Creator.
03:20 Carlos Munoz: Amen, amen, that makes me think of the new
03:22 heavens and the new earth when we'll have
03:25 all our senses enlightened
03:26 Jean: That's right.
03:28 Carlos: Imagine what we'll be able to do too.
03:30 Jean: Absolutely.
03:31 Well, friends, if you'd like to learn more about the marvels of
03:34 God's creation, we've got a free book that we would like
03:36 to give you, one of the Amazing Facts books.
03:37 It's called "Wonders of Creation,"
03:40 and how do people get that book?
03:42 Carlos: Well, they can call 1-800-835-6747,
03:46 or they can dial "#250," and when you dial "#250,"
03:53 you say, "Bible Answers Live!"
03:55 and you'll be able to also get a copy.
03:58 It's free shipping in the USA-- USA and Canada territories only.
04:02 And, so, we also want to greet those that are tuning in on KDIA
04:07 in San Francisco, live, and Radio Jubilee in Tustin,
04:09 California, down in Southern California.
04:11 Jean: Absolutely.
04:13 We want to welcome those who are joining us, not only listening
04:15 on various land-based radio stations but also on satellite
04:19 radio station and those watching online on AFTV, and if you have
04:23 a Bible question, our phone line here to the studio
04:25 is 800-463-7297.
04:29 That's 800-463-7297.
04:32 That's with your Bible question.
04:34 And the other phone line that Pastor Carlos mentioned if you
04:37 have a--the free offer that we talk about, that's 800-835-6747.
04:42 Well, we have some callers on standby, ready to go.
04:45 Why don't you start with prayer,
04:46 and then we'll go to the phone lines.
04:48 Carlos: Let's pray.
04:49 Father, thank You for another beautiful day of life
04:51 and this opportunity to spend time in Your Word.
04:52 We just asked that Your Spirit guide us so that we can--
04:55 found everything on it as it is written and that those that are
04:58 listening and joining us maybe rejoice in learning more as we
05:00 draw closer to You, and we ask this in Jesus's name, amen.
05:03 Jean: Amen.
05:06 Carlos: All right, so we have Debbie from Canada.
05:07 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," Debbie.
05:09 You're on the air.
05:11 Debbie: Hi, how are you, pastors?
05:13 Jean: Doing well, thank you.
05:15 Debbie: Okay, I have a question.
05:17 I'm in the YouTube chat, and we were talking about Moses last
05:21 week in the chat, and I wanted to know, did God bury Moses,
05:27 or did he go straight to heaven?
05:28 And in Jude 1:9, when it says, "Michael the archangel,"
05:33 we want to know if that's Jesus.
05:36 Jean: Sure, we'll take it in two parts.
05:39 First of all, was Moses buried?
05:41 Well, the Bible says he was.
05:43 It says he died, and God buried him.
05:45 And then, when you go to Jude and you read that story,
05:48 it talks about Michael the archangel and the devil
05:50 disputing over the body of Moses.
05:52 Now, the Bible doesn't say how long Moses was buried.
05:56 It is interesting, though, you know.
05:59 He says, as a type of Christ, he led the children
06:02 of Israel out of bondage.
06:04 He brought them to the Promised Land.
06:06 In one way, as a type, Moses symbolizes Christ.
06:09 Jesus is our deliverer.
06:11 He delivers us from sin.
06:13 And Jesus died.
06:14 He was buried, but then He rose, and He ascended to heaven.
06:18 Well, maybe we see in the experience of Moses.
06:19 So the Bible doesn't say.
06:21 Maybe it was three days. Who knows?
06:23 Three nights?
06:24 But Jude, where it talks about Michael the archangel, yes, we
06:28 believe that Michael is one of the prophetic names that we find
06:31 both in Revelation and Daniel with reference to Jesus.
06:35 We also find that in Jude.
06:36 We're not saying Jesus is an angel.
06:38 The word "archangel" simply means "the ruler of the angels"
06:42 or "the one above the angels."
06:44 Some translators put it as "the commander of the angelic host"
06:48 or "the commander of the angels."
06:49 So, when we talk about Michael,
06:51 we're not saying that Christ is an angel.
06:53 By any means, He's the ruler of the angels.
06:55 Now, there's a couple of ways we can help to identify this.
06:57 The Bible says that "when Jesus comes, He will have the voice
07:01 of the archangel," and the voice of the archangel
07:03 will raise the dead.
07:05 And Jesus said, speaking of His Second Coming, "They
07:08 shall hear the voice of the Son of Man and shall come forth."
07:10 So if Christ has the voice that raises the dead and, according
07:13 to Paul in Thessalonians, it's the voice of the archangel
07:16 that raises the dead, then just put two and two together:
07:19 Michael, then, is the prophetic name of Jesus.
07:22 And the word "Michael" means "who is like God."
07:24 So there's a number of parallels there.
07:26 We actually have a book called "Michael the Archangel,"
07:28 and we'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
07:30 What's that number, Carlos?
07:32 Carlos: Yes, that number is 1-800-835-6747,
07:36 or, if you're on your mobile device, you can dial "#250"
07:41 and say, "Bible Answers Live!"
07:43 and you can request it there.
07:44 Jean: Okay, very good.
07:46 Thank you, Debbie, for your call.
07:48 Carlos: Next, we have Jerry from Colorado.
07:50 Jerry, you're live on the air.
07:52 Jerry: Hey, thanks, guys, for answering my questions.
07:54 I just wanted to address something that you said at
07:56 the very beginning, but there's a book out there called
07:58 "The Story of Redemption," and chapter 3,
08:02 it gives a special glimpse of Eden.
08:05 My question tonight is, when the ark was restored to Jerusalem
08:14 after it spent a time--after that gentleman's house, after it
08:19 had been taken back from the Philistines, was that in a tent?
08:22 And was it an original sanctuary tent?
08:25 And did they have sanctuary services morning and evening?
08:29 That talks about that in 1 Chronicles 16.
08:33 Jean: Okay, good question.
08:35 Yeah, let's give a little bit of the background for those
08:36 who might be joining us.
08:38 So, when the children of Israel took possession of the Promised
08:40 Land, the place where the tabernacle was placed, which was
08:44 the tent where, of course, you had the Holy and the Most
08:47 Holy Place in the outer courtyard, was in a place called
08:49 a Shiloh, at first, and it was there that the temple was kept
08:53 before it was moved, at the time of Solomon, into--actually,
08:58 the temple, meaning, the tabernacle, the tent was moved
09:02 during the time of David, but the actual building
09:04 was built during the time of Solomon.
09:06 The Ark of the Covenant was taken by the Philistines
09:09 for a period of time and came back to Israel,
09:12 and it was placed back there at Shiloh where it was.
09:15 They did offer the services, the morning and the evening
09:18 sacrifices, as had been given during their wilderness
09:21 wanderings, even during the time of the exodus coming up
09:23 from Jerusalem.
09:25 The Levites were in charge of taking care of the different
09:28 things associated with the temple.
09:30 It was also during this time that you read about Samuel the
09:33 prophet, who was also a Levite and also served in the temple
09:36 around that time period.
09:38 So it was there until David, then it was transferred to
09:41 Jerusalem, and then, during the time of King Solomon,
09:43 it was actually placed in the temple that was actually
09:46 built of stone.
09:47 Carlos: Amen.
09:49 Jean: All right, who do we have next?
09:51 Carlos: Next, we have Gary from Illinois.
09:53 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
09:54 You're on the air.
09:56 Gary: Thank you.
09:57 We're seeing major climate events happening: Canadian
10:01 wildfires, sizeable hail, European heat waves, you know,
10:05 and fire, water temperatures above 100 degrees around the
10:07 Florida Keys, where our, you know, coral reefs are at.
10:12 And so these are the signs that Jesus says, in Matthew 24,
10:16 "When you see these signs, you know that time is near," but, at
10:18 the same time, I'm seeing diversions, you know,
10:21 congressional hearings on UFOs, where they got bodies.
10:24 They got spacecrafts and reporters interviewing AI,
10:28 you know, about their intentions towards humanity.
10:32 And so my question is, you know, yes, we need to be--we need to
10:37 keep ourselves focused on the signs that Jesus is talking
10:42 about, but do you think these diversions are, you know,
10:46 a coincidence, or do you think we're going to see regular, you
10:50 know, diversions that'll draw us away from these important signs
10:53 we see in Matthew 24 about, you know, plagues and pestilence,
10:58 wars, and rumors of wars, you know?
11:00 Jean: Yeah, let me add to that.
11:02 Good question. You know, first of all,
11:04 the devil is going to try and deceive.
11:06 The Bible says that, before Jesus comes, the devil will
11:07 deceive, if possible--this is in Matthew 24--even the very elect.
11:10 Now, that doesn't mean he's going to deceive the elect, but
11:13 his deceptions are going to be so powerful, so well crafted
11:16 that he'll try and deceive anyone and everyone.
11:19 So there's going to be some deception for just about every
11:23 person out there that doesn't know the truth of God's Word.
11:25 Whether it's going to be so-called alien visitations from
11:29 space or whether it's other conspiracy theories that might
11:33 arise or maybe advances with AI or whatever, whatever it might
11:37 be, the devil is going to try to use it to deceive people
11:41 in the last days.
11:42 Now, we do know that a changing world--
11:44 the Bible does speak of earthquakes.
11:46 It talks of natural disasters and calamities; talks of "war,
11:49 and rumors of wars," all of these things Jesus gives you,
11:52 in Matthew 24, as signs of the coming of Christ, but I think
11:55 one of the most significant signs is He says, "As it was in
11:59 the days of Noah, so it'll also be before the Son of Man comes,"
12:02 and He says, "As it was in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah,
12:05 so it'll be before Jesus comes."
12:07 We see the moral decay in society, and I think that's one
12:10 of the clearest evidences that we are living close
12:12 to the end of time.
12:13 We've been bombarded in just the last decade or so with some
12:17 of the strangest social ideas of what is marriage or what is
12:22 a man or what is a woman or what constitutes a family that,
12:28 you know, people prior to that probably would've never even
12:32 entertained, so we can see, just in the moral fabric of society,
12:34 things are just falling apart.
12:36 And, yes, Jesus does need to come, and I think the devil is
12:40 going to use everything he can to try and deceive, but we don't
12:42 have to be deceived as the Bible says, "If you know the truth,
12:45 the truth will set you free," and that's where our hope
12:48 needs to be.
12:49 Carlos: Amen, and I was just going to say that, also, I think
12:52 that we're not going to--we know these things.
12:54 We're not going to be focused on them.
12:55 Our focus is going to be on wanting to draw closer to God,
12:58 wanting to do God's will, wanting to reach others.
13:01 So even though we're aware of these things, our focus is not
13:03 on those things, per se, but our focus is going to be
13:05 on uplifting and serving God and as best we can?
13:09 Jean: Absolutely.
13:11 You know, we have a study guide, Pastor Carlos, that talks about
13:13 the Second Coming of Christ, and it's called "Ultimate
13:15 Deliverance," and that is really what the world needs.
13:18 That's going to be the ultimate solution to the problems
13:20 that we have here on this earth.
13:22 We'll be happy to send this to anyone who calls and asks.
13:25 Just call and ask for that study guide.
13:26 It's called "Ultimate Deliverance."
13:27 We'll be happy to send it to anyone here in North America.
13:30 If you're outside of North America, just go to the website,
13:32 just,
13:34 And what's the number to call?
13:35 Carlos: Offer is 1-800-835-6747,
13:38 or mobile devices, dial "#250," and say, "Bible Answers Live!"
13:43 and you'll be able to order that.
13:45 Jean: All right.
13:46 Carlos: All right, next, we have Patty from Oregon.
13:48 Patty, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
13:50 Patty: Yes, a lot of people were asking me if women
13:55 should be pastors, ordained pastors.
13:59 Jean: Okay, all right, good question.
14:01 Well, you know, of course, what we want to do, especially
14:03 when it comes to this program, is we want to ask,
14:04 well, what does the Bible say?
14:06 Does the Bible give us an example of a woman that served
14:10 in the capacity of an apostle or as a priest?
14:14 And, to be honest, just with the Word, with the Bible, both
14:17 in the Old Testament and in the New Testament, we don't find
14:20 women serving in those roles as a priest or as an apostle.
14:24 Now, what we do find, which is very interesting, both in the
14:27 Old Testament and in the New Testament, we do find examples
14:29 of women that served in the role of a prophet, a prophetess.
14:33 We find that in the Old Testament--Deborah.
14:34 We also find in the New Testament.
14:36 So God has chosen different roles and different
14:38 responsibilities for people to serve.
14:41 That doesn't mean to say that a woman can't serve in ministry.
14:43 Matter of fact, they need to serve.
14:44 Everybody needs to be involved in ministry.
14:46 There are different areas of ministry, different
14:48 responsibilities that God has given, but when it comes to
14:52 pastoral ministry or the role of an elder, if you look at the
14:55 description that's given in the Bible, that's something that God
14:58 has chosen to really place on the shoulders of the man
15:01 as the leader in the home, as the leader in the church.
15:04 That's the role that God has given.
15:07 So there's a biblical answer.
15:09 You know, we do have a book called "Women in Ministry,"
15:11 and we'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls
15:13 and asks if you'd like to study more about this.
15:15 The number for that is 800-835-6747,
15:20 and you can just call and ask for that book written
15:21 by Pastor Doug.
15:23 It's called "Women in Ministry."
15:24 Carlos: Amen.
15:26 Next, we have Junith from Nevada.
15:28 Junith, welcome.
15:30 You are on the air.
15:31 Junith: Hello.
15:33 Hello, hi.
15:35 Pastors, good evening, a blessed one to you.
15:38 Can you hear me well?
15:39 Jean: We can hear you, yes.
15:40 Junith: Yes.
15:42 Yes, Pastor, I have a question on--related to Isaiah chapter
15:46 14, verse 13, where God meets with the angels of the outermost
15:53 side of the north.
15:55 Just, this is a mystery for me to understand.
16:00 Is this where doxology happens?
16:02 Or at the same time, also, when our guardian angel went their
16:07 way to the High Priest, Jesus, to reveal our prayers, can you
16:14 tell us the biblical perspective of the congregation
16:17 of the north?
16:19 Thank you.
16:20 Jean: You're wondering about that specific phrase there
16:22 in verse 13?
16:23 Says, "On the farthest sides of the north,"
16:25 where Lucifer wanted to have his throne?
16:26 Junith: Yes. Jean: Okay, good question.
16:28 Let me read the whole verse for those who might not have their
16:30 Bible in front of them.
16:32 Isaiah chapter 14, verse 13--and this is really talking about
16:33 this rebellious angel, called Lucifer, and what brought
16:38 about his rebellion against God.
16:40 It says, "For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into
16:43 heaven, I'll exalt my throne above the stars of God.
16:46 I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
16:49 on the farthest sides of the north.'"
16:51 Verse 14, "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
16:54 I will be like the Most High."
16:56 So this is Lucifer there in heaven, and this part about
16:58 this war, you'll read about in Revelation chapter 12.
17:01 Now, what did it mean when he says, "On the farthest sides of
17:04 the north, I will sit on the mount of the congregation"?
17:06 "The farthest side of the north," it's interesting.
17:09 There is a historical application.
17:11 You read about this in Ezekiel 28, verse 16.
17:14 "The farthest side of the north" was a reference to Mount Zion.
17:17 Mount Zion, upon which Jerusalem was built and,
17:21 more specifically, the temple was built, serves as a type of
17:25 the heavenly throne room or where the heavenly temple is.
17:29 You'll find the Bible talking about a heavenly temple being
17:32 built in Hebrews.
17:34 And so the devil wanted a position in the very
17:36 presence--he wanted to take the throne of God.
17:38 He wanted to be in the temple, in the Most Holy Place.
17:41 Talk about the sides of the north, Mount Zion, he wanted to
17:44 actually receive the worship of the angels, and this brought
17:47 about this rebellion that we read about in Revelation 12.
17:50 Carlos: Yeah, Psalms 48, verses 1 and 2, clearly shows
17:53 that "sides of the north" is Mount Zion.
17:56 Jean: It's Mount Zion. Carlos: Yup.
17:58 Jean: Absolutely. Good.
17:59 We do have a study guide that talks about the origin of evil,
18:01 and it's called "Did God Create the Devil?"
18:04 Where did the devil come from?
18:05 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
18:08 Carlos: 1-800-835-6747, or dial "#250"
18:12 and ask for "Bible Answers Live!"
18:14 Next, we have Jeffrey from Washington.
18:17 Jeffrey, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
18:19 Jeffrey: Good evening, Pastor Jean, Pastor Carlos.
18:24 Thank you for taking my call.
18:25 Jean: You're welcome.
18:27 Thanks for calling, Jeffrey.
18:29 Jeffrey: I see in the Bible that it's fairly clear to me
18:32 that God is on trial, mentioned in Revelation, at least,
18:37 and Satan is doing the accusing, from what I understand, and
18:41 I hear people say that one of Satan's claims or accusations
18:46 is that it is impossible for humans to obey God or God's law.
18:52 Do you see anywhere in the Bible that suggests that Satan
18:56 is making that accusation?
18:58 I'm hoping you guys can help.
19:00 Jean: Okay, you know, one of the accusations that Satan
19:02 makes against God is that, you know, God is not fair.
19:04 God says He's a God of love, and if He's a God of love,
19:07 why does He require us to keep His Ten Commandments?
19:10 And, you know, probably you won't find anywhere in the Bible
19:14 where it says the devil is saying we can't keep God's
19:18 commandments, however, unfortunate it is,
19:21 there are many Christians that say that we can't
19:24 really keep God's commandments.
19:26 But, if you look at what the Bible says, the Bible is very
19:28 clear that, by the power of Christ, the Holy Spirit dwelling
19:31 within us, we can keep His commandments.
19:33 Matter of fact, Revelation chapter 12, verse 17,
19:36 describes God's people in the last days and says these are the
19:39 ones who keep the commandments of God, and they have
19:42 the testimony of Jesus.
19:43 Revelation 14:12, says they also have the faith of Jesus.
19:46 So when we have the faith of Jesus,
19:47 we're going to be able to keep the commandments of Jesus.
19:51 Why?
19:52 Because His law is written within our heart,
19:54 and that's the key.
19:56 An external obedience to the commandments based upon
19:59 our strength is an impossibility because Jesus said,
20:03 "Without Me, you can do nothing."
20:05 But with Him, He said all things are possible.
20:09 So there's no doubt that, with the Holy Spirit working within
20:11 us, if we are trusting in Him day by day, we can do those
20:14 things that, humanly speaking, on our own, trusting in our own
20:17 strength, we cannot do.
20:18 Are there examples of people in the Bible that kept
20:20 God's commandments?
20:22 Absolutely.
20:24 You've got examples of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego,
20:26 on the plain of Dura, who refused to bow down and worship
20:27 the golden image because it was a violation--one of the
20:30 commandments.
20:31 You got Daniel that went into the lion's den because
20:33 he refused to violate God's commandments.
20:35 You've got Joseph, you've got Esther, you've got many other
20:40 examples in the Bible and, even in New Testament times, people
20:41 who are willing to lay down their life rather than violate
20:45 one of God's commandments.
20:46 So there's plenty of examples in Scripture and also just
20:49 the power of God working in the life of a person.
20:52 Carlos: Yeah, I think it's inferred what he's asking, and
20:54 you mentioned Revelation 12.
20:56 It says, in Revelation 12:10, that the devil is
21:00 accusing us day and night.
21:01 Jean: "The accuser of the brethren."
21:02 Carlos: And then it says, in 11, "but they overcame him
21:04 by the blood of the Lamb."
21:05 So I think that it could be inferred because then you
21:07 mentioned Revelation 17, where it says and
21:08 there they are, right?
21:10 They're living in harmony with God's law.
21:11 Jean: They're keeping His commandments.
21:13 Carlos: Yeah. Jean: Absolutely.
21:14 We do have a study guide that talks about
21:16 the Ten Commandments, and, again, the point about
21:18 the Ten Commandments, if it's just an external list of do's
21:21 and don'ts, it's not going to help us, but if it's our desire
21:25 to keep the law of God because we trust Him, we love Him,
21:28 we have faith in Him, His law is written within our hearts.
21:31 That's the New Covenant promise.
21:32 We have a study guide called "Written in Stone," and it's
21:35 about the Ten Commandments, but more importantly, how can we
21:37 apply the Ten Commandments in a living, vibrant way in our life?
21:41 Carlos: Amen, amen. We have Emily.
21:43 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
21:44 You're on the air.
21:46 Emily: Hello, so, my question is where exactly were the fallen
21:50 angels cast to when they were cast out of heaven?
21:53 The verses I'm looking at are 2 Peter 2:4 and Revelation 12:9,
21:58 where Peter seems to say that they were cast to Tartarus
22:02 or the abyss, and then Revelation
22:05 says they were cast to the earth.
22:07 Jean: Okay, good question.
22:08 So, you know, we go back to Revelation chapter 12.
22:10 I think it's one of the clearest passages that talk
22:12 about this rebellion in heaven.
22:14 Says, "There was war in heaven.
22:15 Michael and his angels fought against the dragon,
22:17 and the dragon and his angels fought."
22:18 And then it tells us the dragon is Satan.
22:20 And then it says, "place was found no longer for them
22:24 in heaven," and they were cast out of heaven.
22:25 So it appears from the context, in Revelation chapter 12, that
22:29 this war in heaven occurred sometime before the creation
22:32 of earth this rebellion took place.
22:34 A third of the angels joined Lucifer, became the devil,
22:39 in his rebellion against God, and the reason we know a third
22:41 did is because it says the devil was able to swoop a third
22:44 of the stars of heaven, and "stars" symbolize angels.
22:47 So a third of the angels joined this rebellion.
22:48 They were cast out of heaven.
22:50 It appears for a period of time, they kind of wandered through
22:52 the universe, trying to locate a place where
22:54 they could establish their kingdom.
22:56 Right around this time, God goes about creating the earth,
23:00 and he warns Adam and Eve because it's the tree of
23:03 the knowledge of good and evil, so evil already existed.
23:05 He warned them about this evil being and--but you know
23:10 the story how Eve ate of the fruit and gave--well, she took
23:15 it, ate, gave to Adam, and, well, then the devil claims the
23:16 earth is his, and the earth, from then on, served as sort of
23:18 the headquarters of the devil's dominion,
23:21 his kingdom here on the earth.
23:22 Jesus seems to endorse this when He speaks of the devil as being
23:26 the prince of this earth, but when Jesus died,
23:28 no longer is the devil now the representative of earth,
23:31 but Christ is the second Adam.
23:34 He took the place of the first Adam, who fell.
23:36 He now is the second Adam.
23:38 And, ultimately, the earth is going to be restored and
23:40 redeemed after the 1,000 years, and the devil and the sinners
23:45 are no more.
23:46 God creates a new heavens and a new earth.
23:48 So, when it says here in 2 Peter chapter 2, verse 14--or, yeah,
23:52 verse 4, rather, that the devil and his angels--cast them down
23:56 to hell, it's just a dark abyss.
23:59 It's not a burning place of torment.
24:01 It's the same type of idea of the bottomless pit that you read
24:04 about in Revelation chapter 20.
24:06 It's an emptiness.
24:07 It's a darkness that we're looking for, a place to kind of
24:09 establish as their own, and eventually, the earth became
24:12 that place because of sin.
24:13 Carlos: Yeah, and in Revelation 12, it does.
24:15 As you mentioned, they did come here to earth, which is where
24:18 they were able to--he's able to put a foothold, but Christ took
24:22 it away from him.
24:23 Jean: That's right.
24:24 That's why one of the temptations that came to Jesus
24:26 was the devil said, "If you bow down and worship me, I'll give
24:28 You the kingdoms of this earth."
24:29 Now, we might think, "Well, why was that a temptation?"
24:31 Well, because the devil claimed them as his, and he was saying
24:34 to Jesus, "Instead of having to go through the cross, I'll just
24:37 give it to you now," because that was a temptation
24:40 that came to Christ.
24:41 Good question. Thank you, Emily.
24:43 Carlos: Next, we have Jimmy from Texas.
24:44 Welcome, Jimmy. You're live.
24:47 Jimmy: Yes, sir. Can you hear me?
24:48 Jean: Yep.
24:50 Jimmy: Okay, my question is this.
24:51 A pastor once told me this before I left his church because
24:55 he was making way too many predictions that weren't exactly
24:59 coming true at all, but my question is this.
25:02 He told me that also one of the signs that a person hasn't
25:05 committed the unpardonable sin is they have
25:08 a desire to serve God.
25:10 Is this true, or is this false?
25:12 Jean: No, I think it's true.
25:14 You know, I think if there's an earnest desire, that's evidence
25:17 that the Holy Spirit is convicting
25:18 and speaking to the heart.
25:20 Now, you know, remorse is not necessarily evidence of
25:24 the Holy Spirit speaking because even Judas felt remorse after he
25:29 betrayed Christ, and he threw the money down to the temple
25:32 and said, "I betrayed innocent blood," but then he went out,
25:34 and he hanged himself.
25:35 He was lost.
25:37 But Peter, on the other hand, when he realized what he had
25:38 done, he wept bitterly, and he was forgiven.
25:41 So, when the Holy Spirit is convicting us and we are
25:44 following that conviction, if we are turning to God in
25:46 repentance, that's evidence the Holy Spirit is working on us.
25:49 If there is a turning away from truth and a hardening of our
25:53 heart and we don't want to do those things or we're turning
25:57 away from or rejecting the promptings of the Holy Spirit,
26:00 that's dangerous ground.
26:01 We don't want to be on that ground for long.
26:03 There does come a point where, if we reject the Holy Spirit,
26:05 the Holy Spirit withdraws his convicting power, and it's the
26:09 goodness of God that leads us to repentance, the Bible says,
26:12 so without that convicting Spirit, we can reach that point
26:15 of repentance.
26:16 So the Bible says, "Repent."
26:19 You know, when you hear that voice, "Today is the day of your
26:21 salvation," don't wait another day for stronger impulses
26:24 or stronger feelings.
26:26 Today, if you hear the Holy Spirit, respond.
26:28 Friends, the program is not over.
26:30 We're just going to take our mid-program break, and we'll be
26:32 back in just a few moments with more of your Bible questions.
26:35 ♪♪♪
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29:31 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
29:36 Jean: Hello, friends, and welcome back
29:40 to "Bible Answers Live."
29:41 We want to welcome those who are tuning in.
29:43 If you've never been a part of this program before, this is a
29:44 live, interactive, international Bible study, and if you have a
29:47 Bible-related question or a question related about living
29:50 the Christian life, we'd love to hear from you this evening.
29:53 Our phone line here to the studio is 800-463-7297.
29:58 That's 800-463-7297.
30:01 Pastor Doug Batchelor is out this evening, but I am Pastor
30:03 Jean Ross, and working the phones with me is Pastor--
30:07 Carlos: Carlos Munoz.
30:08 Jean: That's right. Thank you, Carlos.
30:10 Carlos: Amen. Jean: Who's our next caller?
30:12 Carlos: We have Michael from Alabama.
30:14 Welcome, Michael. You're live on the air.
30:16 Michael: Good evening. Good evening.
30:17 Thank you tremendously for accepting my call.
30:20 This is a question I've tried to ask you for the past two weeks.
30:23 Now, because I have evidences for my--a lot of evidences for
30:27 my doubt, I'll take them one at a time over separate weeks to
30:34 make them more concise.
30:36 Basically, it's I have a tremendous problem with broad,
30:40 sweeping generalizations in the English language, in general,
30:44 and one of these--it really ticks me off when professing
30:48 Christians use this--is the term "Word of God."
30:51 "The Bible is the only Word.
30:54 The Bible is infallible and perfect."
30:56 Here's my--personally, I don't doubt the Holy Spirit absolutely
31:00 being behind the inspiration to the scriptural writers.
31:05 Jean: So, Michael, let me--Michael, let me ask you, are
31:08 you asking is it wrong to say, "the infallible Word of God"
31:12 or "the Word of God?"
31:14 Is that your question?
31:16 Michael: What I'm saying is they sound like they're putting
31:20 the guilt trip onto well-meaning Christian laypersons
31:26 who are still trying to find out and still, I wouldn't say,
31:30 "doubting," but especially the way televangelists and
31:33 also Protestant fundamentalists have misused specific verses.
31:38 Jean: Okay, just to clarify your question, so you're
31:40 saying we need to be careful with the way we use the phrase
31:44 "the Word of God" because maybe others don't believe
31:46 the Bible is the Word of God?
31:48 Michael: Oh, certainly people in other world religions don't.
31:53 I believe that it is inspired by the Holy Spirit, but here's
31:57 the first example: What if the Apocrypha, why it now--
32:03 this is going to be a History Channel-type question.
32:05 Why aren't the Apocrypha and the Dead Sea Scrolls and books
32:10 that were excluded by rabbis and priests during the 400 silent
32:14 years from the Old Testament, also some gospels written down
32:18 by the remaining apostles who were themselves--what are they
32:23 called--eyewitness to Christ Jesus, why were they excluded
32:26 by the early church from the New Testament?
32:29 Jean: Okay, great question.
32:30 Michael: Why aren't those Holy Writ?
32:32 And I'll take my answer off here.
32:33 Thank you so much for answering.
32:35 Jean: Good question.
32:37 What about the other writings, especially the Apocrypha,
32:38 as you mentioned, Michael, in particular?
32:40 And there are some other writings that have come up
32:42 over the centuries and--for example, the book of Enoch.
32:45 Maybe some of you have heard of that.
32:47 And why is that not part of the Bible?
32:50 Well, when it comes to the Old Testament, the books that made
32:52 it into the Old Testament, you know, we're pretty sure on
32:55 those books, and the Dead Sea Scrolls are evidence of that.
32:59 Not all of the Dead Sea Scrolls were inspired writings.
33:02 A lot of it had to do with history during that
33:04 inter-Testament period.
33:06 It had to do with certain things and events
33:09 that were taking place in Israel.
33:11 But with reference to the books of Moses, the books of
33:13 the Old Testament prophets, they were validated,
33:16 all of the Old Testament books except for the book of Esther.
33:19 There's portions of those books that were found
33:21 in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
33:23 When it comes to the New Testament, in order to get your
33:25 book in the New Testament or recognized as part of the Bible,
33:29 there were some very specific tests that were applied.
33:33 Number one, you had to be an eyewitness of Christ.
33:36 The only exception to that is the apostle Paul.
33:39 Now, the apostle Paul, of course, he was alive at the time
33:42 of Christ, but he encountered Jesus in a very powerful way,
33:44 and it was recognized and accepted by the church
33:47 that he was called specifically by Jesus.
33:50 The other Bible writers were actually eyewitnesses
33:52 of events that occurred.
33:54 If the evidence or if the writing could not be validated
33:59 that this was a letter that had come from John or it come
34:03 from Paul, they didn't accept it.
34:07 It had to be a letter that was accepted by multiple churches,
34:12 early Christian churches.
34:13 So those are some of the criteria that were used.
34:16 It doesn't mean that God doesn't inspire other aspects of writing
34:20 or truth, but specifically, that's the criteria that was
34:24 used to make it into the Bible, and we believe all of the Bible
34:26 is inspired.
34:28 Carlos: And, also, some of those books,
34:29 there are contradictions which is why they're not--
34:31 Jean: Yeah, they contradict the Bible,
34:32 then they excluded them as well.
34:34 That's a good point. Carlos: All right.
34:35 Jean: We do have a book called "The Ultimate Resource."
34:37 I was just thinking of that.
34:39 It's all about the Bible.
34:40 Want to learn more about where the Bible came from and how do
34:42 we read and study the Bible?
34:43 Just call and ask. The number is 800-835-6747.
34:47 Ask for that book, called "The Ultimate Resource."
34:49 Carlos: Yes, so you can dial "#250" on your mobile phone,
34:51 and say, "Bible Answers Live!"
34:53 Next, we have Glen from Ohio.
34:55 Welcome, Glen, to "Bible Answers Live."
34:59 Glenn: Yes, well, good evening from Bethel, Ohio,
35:01 pastors, and thank you for taking my call.
35:03 Carlos: Amen.
35:04 Jean: Yes, you're welcome, Glenn.
35:06 Glenn: When Paul wrote a letter to the Philippians, he
35:09 put in there that "every knee shall bow and every tongue
35:12 confess that Jesus is Lord."
35:14 When will that take place, and what would be the method
35:17 of confession?
35:18 Jean: Okay, good question.
35:19 Well, first of all, we know that that's not going to happen until
35:21 after the Second Coming of Christ.
35:24 Let me explain.
35:25 So, according to the Bible, we know that things go from bad
35:28 to worse until Jesus comes.
35:29 Eventually, there is a death sentence passed prior to the
35:32 Second Coming of Christ.
35:34 The Bible speaks of a great showdown that occurs.
35:36 Jesus comes the second time.
35:38 The wicked are destroyed at the brightness of His coming.
35:41 The righteous are resurrected, who are dead, and the living are
35:45 changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,
35:48 and they are caught up to meet Jesus in the air.
35:50 The redeemed will then go to heaven for a thousand years.
35:53 The earth is left desolate during that 1,000-year period.
35:56 You read about that in Revelation chapter 20.
35:58 Then, at the end of the thousand years, Revelation 21 talks about
36:02 the New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven.
36:04 The redeemed come in that golden city.
36:07 Christ is there.
36:08 Then it is that all the wicked are resurrected for what the
36:10 Bible calls the great white throne judgment.
36:13 Again, this is Revelation chapter 20.
36:15 At the end of that judgment, just with the evidence that's
36:19 been presented, every knee will bow and every tongue
36:22 will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
36:24 Even the wicked, even the devil himself will acknowledge that
36:27 God is true and that He has done everything He can
36:31 to save mankind.
36:32 Now, this acknowledgment is not out of genuine repentance.
36:36 This is just an acknowledgement of the evidence.
36:38 The evidence has been presented.
36:40 It's overwhelming, and they say, "Yes, it's true," because no
36:44 sooner do they confess, then it says that the devil is able to
36:48 deceive them, and they mount the attack upon the New Jerusalem,
36:51 Revelation chapter 20, and fire comes down from God out of
36:53 heaven and devours them.
36:55 And then He creates a new heavens and a new earth wherein
36:58 dwells righteousness.
37:00 So it occurs at the end of that 1,000-year period,
37:03 known as the millennium, and you read all about that
37:05 in Revelation chapter 20.
37:07 And we do have a study guide that talks about this.
37:09 It's called "1000 Years of Peace," and for anyone
37:12 wanting to learn more about this, just call and ask.
37:13 It's a very interesting study, Revelation 20.
37:16 The number again is 800-835-6747,
37:20 and ask for that study guide.
37:21 It's called "1000 Years of Peace.
37:24 Carlos: All right, thank you very much.
37:26 Next, we have Mark from Oregon.
37:27 You're live on the air.
37:29 Mark: Hey, praise God for the way he works through you guys.
37:35 My question is about the Holy Spirit.
37:39 I have a friend.
37:41 We speak about the Bible often, and I was just--his point of
37:46 view is that the Holy Spirit has a female quality to it
37:51 in the Bible.
37:52 Can you help me understand what the Bible
37:54 says about that, if any?
37:56 Jean: All right.
37:58 Well, when it comes to male and female, the Bible says,
38:00 "God created them male and female, and He created them
38:03 in His image."
38:05 So there are aspects of the male, and there are aspects of
38:08 the female, as far as character goes,
38:11 that reflect the character of God.
38:14 So God is the protector, and you might think of that when you
38:17 think of the man.
38:18 He's the protector.
38:20 He's the provider for the family.
38:22 You think of the woman, you think of the mother,
38:23 she's the nurturer.
38:25 She's the one that takes care of the needs and is sensitive to
38:29 the needs of the family.
38:31 Those qualities are both seen in the Creator, the Father,
38:35 the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
38:37 Now, it's true that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, they have
38:40 different roles when it comes to the plan of redemption.
38:42 Jesus is the one that came to the earth.
38:44 He gave His life as a sacrifice for sin.
38:46 He rose from the dead.
38:47 God the Father presides as the great judge.
38:50 Jesus is also judge.
38:51 The Holy Spirit is our intercessor, bringing our
38:54 prayers before the Father.
38:56 And Christ is also our mediator and our intercessor,
38:58 our High Priest.
38:59 So all of them have different roles in this great work of
39:02 judgment, but they all share the qualities of Deity.
39:05 They're all God.
39:07 They all have those characteristics that we find,
39:09 so I wouldn't say that one leans more to the one side
39:13 of characteristics or the other.
39:15 God is love.
39:17 And, you know, even in the--well, probably in the
39:20 Christian world in many different churches, people have
39:22 the idea of the God of the Old Testament as being
39:24 an "angry God"; the God of the New Testament, Jesus,
39:27 being a more kind and loving God.
39:28 Carlos: Merciful, yeah.
39:30 Jean: Well, Jesus Himself said, "Fear not,
39:32 for the Father loves you."
39:33 So Jesus said, "He who has seen Me has seen the Father."
39:37 If you want to see what God the Father is like, look at Jesus.
39:40 So there's no difference between the qualities of kindness and
39:43 love and mercy and grace that you see manifest in Christ.
39:46 It's there in the Father, and it's also manifested in the work
39:50 that the Holy Spirit does in drawing us to Jesus.
39:52 Carlos: Yeah, you know, just for that point, I had somebody
39:55 one time tell me that the Holy Spirit was a--was female, and
39:58 I said, "Well, that's interesting because, in Luke
40:00 chapter 1, it says that the Holy Spirit was the one that
40:02 put the seed in Mary, so how could you be female?
40:05 Never asked me that question again.
40:08 Jean: Well, of course, the Bible also refers to
40:09 the Holy Spirit as "When He, the Comforter, comes,"
40:11 the masculine form so--
40:13 Carlos: It transcends, right? Jean: It does, yup.
40:16 Carlos: Amen. Jean: All right, thank you.
40:17 Who's next?
40:19 Carlos: Next, we have Kereace from Washington.
40:21 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
40:23 Kereace: Hello, good night. Thanks for taking my call.
40:26 I'm just asking you guys, please, if you could summarize
40:30 Romans chapter 14, verses 17 to 21, if you guys could please
40:35 explain for me, Okay, thank you.
40:37 Jean: Yeah, absolutely. Thank you, Let me read it.
40:39 It says, "For the kingdom of God is not eating or drinking, but
40:41 righteousness, peace, and the joy of the Holy Spirit.
40:44 For he who serves Christ in these things is acceptable to
40:48 God and approved by men.
40:50 Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace
40:53 and the things by which one may edify another.
40:56 Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food.
40:59 All things indeed are pure, but it is evil for men
41:03 who eat with offense.
41:05 It is good neither to eat meat or drink wine or do anything
41:08 by which your brother stumbles or is offended or made weak."
41:14 So, Kereace, what specific about those verses are you wondering?
41:18 Kereace: "The kingdom of God is not eating and drinking."
41:23 What does that part really mean?
41:27 Jean: Okay, yeah, the point that Paul was addressing in
41:30 the early Christian church, remember, there were
41:32 both Jewish Christians; there were also Gentile Christians.
41:34 And part of the discussion that occurred had to do with food.
41:38 Now, it didn't have to do with whether food was clean,
41:42 meaning that it was clean meats or unclean meats.
41:45 It had to do with food that was offered or bought at the
41:48 marketplace, some of which might have been offered to an idol.
41:51 Paul says, you know, "Don't ask.
41:53 If it's clean meat and you're allowed to eat it, you know, go
41:56 ahead and buy it, but if you're going to offend your brother by
42:00 doing so, then don't do that."
42:02 So the point of unity that Paul is trying to bring, it's in the
42:05 church between the Gentiles, the Jewish believers.
42:08 He's bringing them together, and the points of dispute that had
42:11 to do with eating and drinking, he was trying to harmonize.
42:14 There were also certain rituals that were put in place,
42:18 certain traditions that the Jews had that certain things
42:21 couldn't be eaten on certain days.
42:22 Certain things could be.
42:24 There were certain feasts associated with the ceremonial
42:27 law, and that became a point of controversy in the Christian
42:29 church, and Paul is saying, "We don't want to make
42:31 these things a point of controversy."
42:34 He wasn't saying that we can just eat anything we want
42:38 because, obviously, the Bible tells us, Paul tells us that
42:41 our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we
42:43 want to present ourselves a living, holy sanctuary
42:47 for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
42:48 But that was the issue specifically that he was
42:51 addressing was the controversy that was brewing in the early
42:54 church between some of the ceremonial laws as the Jews
42:57 applied it and the Gentiles as it had to do with food and
43:01 certain sacrifices and so on.
43:03 Carlos: Yeah, thinking that an important point is that, when
43:05 Paul or Peter talk about food, they can't be talking about
43:08 unclean meats because that's not food for them.
43:10 Jean: That's right.
43:12 Carlos: And so that's a very,
43:13 very basic way of looking at it too.
43:15 Jean: It had to do with certain foods associated with
43:16 the ceremonial law.
43:18 Carlos: Exactly. Jean: Absolutely.
43:19 All right, thank you, Kereace.
43:21 Carlos: Next, we have Daniel from my neck
43:22 of the woods in Puerto Rico.
43:23 Welcome, Daniel.
43:26 Daniel: Hello, good evening.
43:27 Thank you for taking my call.
43:30 My question is I've heard about--yesterday, I was with
43:37 somebody, and she started telling me about
43:39 the New World Order.
43:44 I think that's the correct way to say it in English.
43:47 Carlos: Mm-hmm.
43:49 Daniel: And she was saying some things that are going to be
43:52 in that order, like the money is going to be digital now, the
43:56 government is going to be taking money from us if we don't behave
43:59 well and that we can only be outside of the house for certain
44:02 amount of time.
44:04 And, in my mind, I was thinking, "But I thought that the Bible
44:07 said that there was going to be no more world government, which,
44:11 in that case, how can there be a New World Order?
44:14 Jean: Okay, yeah--
44:17 Daniel: Does the Bible talk about that?
44:18 Jean: Yeah, it does.
44:20 Now, the Bible does say that, you know, when it talks about
44:22 end-time events, "All the world marveled
44:24 and wondered after the beast."
44:25 Now, that doesn't mean that there's going to be one world
44:27 government, meaning that we're not going to have individual
44:29 countries or individual states, but they will be united in
44:33 the last days in the support of the beast power,
44:37 Revelation chapter 13.
44:38 All the world will be brought under its control.
44:42 So you'll have different countries, you'll have separate
44:45 nations, but they will all support an agenda that'll
44:49 come outside of--or there'll be united in that agenda,
44:52 and I'll give you a couple examples.
44:54 For example, we've got movements now, an international movement
44:58 under the climate change, certain international laws or
45:03 requirements that different nations need to sign on certain
45:08 reductions in emission, and you know the story.
45:10 There is almost a governing power of nations that is putting
45:13 pressure on other countries to go certain ways, and if a
45:16 country refuses to go along with certain laws at the end of time,
45:20 the Bible says they're not going to be able to buy and sell.
45:23 So you have economic sanctions that are going to come
45:25 into play at the end of time.
45:27 So you'll still have the individual countries, but
45:29 they'll all be working together towards this common goal
45:33 at the end.
45:34 Carlos: Yes, also Revelation 17 says that all the kings
45:36 of the earth, they fornicate, or they have this illicit
45:40 relationship with the Babylon, so that's that--
45:43 Jean: Yeah, Babylon is a symbol of a religious power,
45:45 so you have church and state working together in this
45:48 alliance at the end of time.
45:49 Carlos: Yep.
45:51 Jean: All right, thank you, Daniel.
45:52 Carlos: Next, we have Henry from New York.
45:54 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," Henry.
45:55 Henry: Yes, blessings to you.
45:58 My question is why did Israel get rid of royalty?
46:05 Jean: Okay, why did Israel get rid of royalty?
46:09 You must be referring to--are you talking about
46:11 after they were conquered by the Babylonians?
46:14 They never really did have a king.
46:15 They were always under some other country.
46:19 They did have certain degrees of authority, but they were under
46:24 Babylon or Medo-Persia or Greece or Rome, and, of course, it was
46:27 Rome that conquered Jerusalem and the temple in 70 A.D.
46:30 Today, Israel is sort of a democratic-style system
46:34 of government, where there is not a monarchy,
46:36 where they don't have a king.
46:38 The truth is that Jesus symbolically is the King, the
46:41 King of the Jews, but He's the King of the whole world, and He
46:43 did come in fulfillment through the seed of David, and He did
46:47 take spiritually the throne and established the kingdom
46:49 of grace, and soon, at the Second Coming,
46:52 He'll establish the kingdom of glory.
46:54 So, yeah, hopefully that helps Henry.
46:57 Carlos: Yeah, and God never did want a king anyway.
46:59 He wanted to be the King.
47:01 Carlos: He always wanted to be the King of Israel.
47:03 Carlos: Amen.
47:04 Next, we have Smyrna from California.
47:07 Welcome, Smyrna. You're on the air.
47:09 Smyrna: Hi, good evening, Pastor Ross, Pastor Munoz.
47:13 It is nice talking to you. I do have a question.
47:17 It comes actually from one of my brothers from church.
47:20 We were talking about Daniel and Revelation's book,
47:25 and we understand the 1260 and the 1290, but when we were
47:29 in Daniel 12:11-12, it comes at certain days.
47:34 It's the 1,335 days, and when we finished reading that, we were
47:41 not understanding where that came from or what does it mean,
47:45 so my question is what is that for, the 1,335 days?
47:50 What's the relation? Jean: Good question.
47:53 Now, this is a very deep question.
47:55 We find, in Daniel chapter 12, a series of time prophecies
47:58 that are given.
48:00 You've got the 1260, the 1290, and the 1335.
48:04 The key to understanding these various time prophecies is the
48:07 starting point, and the starting point has to do--verse 11, it
48:11 says, "And at the time that daily sacrifice is taken away,
48:13 and the abomination is set up--"
48:15 then it goes on to the 1,290 days.
48:19 Now, that, all of these different dates, the 1290,
48:23 the 1260, and the 1335, all are the same starting date,
48:26 and that starting date is 508, and the reason we say, "508,"
48:30 is because, in 508, you have the conversion of Clovis,
48:33 king of the Franks, and the whole French nation,
48:36 in essence, became Catholic at that time.
48:38 That was key in providing the support for the papal power
48:42 to be fully established in 538.
48:46 So the 508 date is used as the starting point for both of that
48:50 1290 as well as the 1335.
48:53 Now, the 1290, starting in 508, brings you to 1798, and the 1335
48:59 brings you to 1843.
49:02 Significance of 1843 is, of course, the beginning of the
49:05 antitypical day of atonement, the heavenly judgment.
49:08 In Revelation chapter 14, "Fear God, give glory,
49:12 and the hour of judgment has come."
49:13 That's a whole study.
49:15 We don't have time to get into all the details of that,
49:17 but scholars have identified the 1335 as going
49:20 from 508 through until 1843.
49:22 Carlos: All right, very good.
49:24 Next, we have Trassan from New York.
49:27 You're on "Bible Answers Live."
49:29 Trassan: Yes, hi, Pastor.
49:31 Okay, so my concern is--the question that I want to ask you
49:35 is that, as a Christian, are you allowed to drink occasionally?
49:41 Jean: All right, should a Christian drink?
49:44 Well, you know, the Bible says that, in our times of ignorance,
49:48 God is winked at.
49:49 There were things that happened back in Bible times,
49:51 in the Old Testament, where it was not God's ideal will,
49:54 but the people didn't know any better.
49:56 For example, David had multiple wives.
49:58 Solomon had multiple wives.
50:00 Abraham had more than one wife. But now we know better.
50:02 Now we know it's a sin. It's clearer.
50:05 When it comes to drinking alcohol, I think,
50:08 as a Christian, we know the consequences of alcohol
50:11 and how it's destroyed families, how that it's not healthy.
50:16 It's got, you know, issues for the body.
50:19 We know that it's not the will of God that we, as Christians,
50:22 should drink, both by example and also for our health.
50:26 So should a Christian drink? I would say, no.
50:30 I think you want to set an example.
50:31 You want your body to be a tabernacle
50:33 or a temple for the Holy Spirit.
50:34 You want to be pure. You want to be holy.
50:36 You don't want anything to defile your body.
50:37 Now, that doesn't mean that everyone who drank in the past
50:39 are automatically condemned, but to those who know to do right
50:44 and don't do it, to them, it is sin, so I think, as Christians
50:47 today, based upon the evidence that we find in Scripture,
50:50 we don't want to drink any alcohol.
50:53 We want to be an example of faithfulness in all we do.
50:55 Carlos: Especially, when you drink,
50:57 your mind is not straight.
50:58 You're not thinking straight, and God wants us to be
51:00 morally on ground, solid ground.
51:03 Jean: Yeah, and the Bible says, Paul--we just read
51:05 the verse--he says we don't want to offend others by what we eat
51:07 or what we drink, so if we're drinking something that could be
51:09 a stumbling block to somebody else,
51:11 we as a Christian shouldn't do it.
51:13 You know, we do have a book.
51:14 It's called "Alcohol and the Christian," and we'll be happy
51:17 to send this to you, Trassan.
51:18 All you have to do is just call and ask.
51:21 The number is 800-835-6747.
51:23 Ask for the book.
51:25 It's called "Alcohol and the Christian."
51:26 We'll be happy to get it in the mail and send it to you.
51:28 Carlos: Yeah, or mobile phones, dial "#250," and say,
51:31 "Bible Answers Live!"
51:33 Next, we have Celesta from Indiana.
51:36 Welcome. You are on the air, sister.
51:39 Celesta: Thank you for taking my call.
51:41 My question is if a pig was raised on grain and healthy
51:50 food, is it still unsafe to eat?
51:55 Jean: That's a good question, Celesta.
51:57 Now, of course, remember, back in Bible times, pigs
51:59 were raised on organic things.
52:04 You know, they pretty healthy back then because
52:06 they didn't have all of the chemicals and the hormones
52:08 that you have today.
52:10 Now, of course, it makes it even worse when meat
52:12 is pumped full of hormones.
52:14 The reason God tells us not to eat pork isn't because of what
52:18 the animal ate, but it's because of the biology
52:21 of the actual animal itself.
52:23 Pigs have an amazing ability to retain high degrees of toxins
52:28 in their flesh, in their system.
52:30 Pigs can eat anything.
52:32 It is amazing what they can eat, and they don't get sick,
52:34 and they keep going.
52:36 They are, now, unhealthy.
52:37 They have high levels of fat, and the first meat that a doctor
52:40 will take somebody off, if they're having heart problems,
52:42 is pork.
52:44 So it's not so much what you feed the pig.
52:46 It's the biology of the pig itself that becomes so dangerous
52:49 because it does retain a high degree of toxins in its system
52:52 and a high degree of fat no matter what you feed it.
52:55 So according to the Bible, you want to stay away from pork.
52:58 It's an unclean animal.
53:00 Carlos: Yes, all right.
53:02 And Anthony from Michigan, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
53:04 You're on the air.
53:06 Anthony: Hi, my question is--my father, he used to
53:11 encourage me to try to take God seriously, but now he himself
53:16 doesn't want anything to do with God.
53:19 And my mother--I'm not trying to judge, but she seems to
53:24 take it a little bit lightly.
53:26 And I want to honor my father and mother so that I can keep
53:29 both the Ten Commandments, but I don't know if until I see them
53:32 taking a relationship with God more seriously, would my efforts
53:36 be better spent trying to please God in other ways?
53:40 Jean: Well, you know, I think--a good question.
53:42 I think, first of all, we want to try and honor our parents
53:44 irrespective of whether or not they follow God.
53:49 I mean, just the fact that they're our parents, we want to
53:51 treat them with respect.
53:52 But having said that is, you know, God is our first parent,
53:56 and He needs to be first and foremost in our life.
53:58 We don't want to do those things to honor our parents that would
54:01 contradict honoring our heavenly Father,
54:04 so, you know, that's the priority.
54:05 But what can we do for our parents if they're not serious
54:08 about taking their Christianity or trusting in God?
54:11 We can pray for them.
54:13 We can be an example in the way we live.
54:16 We can't keep harassing them.
54:19 We need to respect them and let them make their own decision.
54:22 We can pray for them, try and be a good example, and when
54:25 the opportunity opens up, we could witness, but we can't
54:29 push our views on anyone, but we can pray for them.
54:33 At the same time, do everything you can to witness to others.
54:36 It's not one or the other.
54:37 It's both.
54:39 In everything we do, we try to be a positive example to others.
54:41 And, you know, Carlos, I know you were a opportunity to
54:44 witness to your parents, and you actually had the privilege of
54:47 baptizing your mom and your dad, so just through your example and
54:53 not pushing but being able to be a positive light, you were able
54:56 to make an impact upon their life.
54:58 Carlos: Amen, let them see Christ in you.
55:00 Jean: That's right.
55:01 Well, friends, we're coming up on our end of the program for
55:03 those who are listening on satellite radio.
55:05 For the rest of you, stand by.
55:06 We're going to take your email questions.
55:10 ♪♪♪
55:12 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:14 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:18 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
55:22 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:28 Carlos: All right, we want to welcome you back to this special
55:29 bonus part that we have with email questions that have come
55:33 in, and so we'll do the rapid-fire email questions.
55:36 For Pastor Jean, "Jean, God created everything in the
55:39 universe, but who created God?"
55:41 Jean: Oh, that's the question we hear quite a bit,
55:43 "Where did God come from?"
55:44 The Bible doesn't tell us.
55:46 Matter of fact, the Bible says that God's ways
55:48 is higher than our ways.
55:49 The Bible says God is eternal, and "He has no beginning.
55:52 He has no end." We can't understand that.
55:54 We live in a realm of time.
55:56 We have a beginning.
55:57 We have an end.
55:58 Everything we know has a beginning and an end,
56:00 but God is not in our realm.
56:02 The Bible says he's eternal.
56:04 So those are the questions we'll probably need to ask
56:06 when we get to heaven, but the Bible doesn't tell us.
56:09 Carlos: All right.
56:10 Lindsay Inlet is asking, "Is Zachariah in the Old Testament,
56:12 the author of the book Zechariah,
56:14 the father of John the Baptist?"
56:16 Jean: No, they are two different people.
56:17 Zechariah was a popular name or at least
56:19 a more common Jewish name.
56:21 Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist, is not the same
56:25 Zechariah that wrote the book of Zechariah in the Old Testament.
56:28 Carlos: All right, another question, "God demanded
56:29 the Israelites to annihilate the occupants of pagan cities,
56:32 but what will be the fate of the children and babies
56:34 of those cities at the resurrection?"
56:35 Jean: Yes, what happens to those who died under
56:38 the age of accountability in these judgments that came?
56:41 I guess the same question could be asked
56:43 with reference to the children at the time of the flood.
56:45 When God destroyed, the flood, there were children,
56:47 young children, little babies.
56:48 Well, I think God's going to have to deal with those
56:50 individually as far as judgment.
56:53 He knows the end from the beginning.
56:55 What we do know is, for a believer,
56:57 if they lose their child, they have the hope of being
57:01 reunited with their child in the resurrection.
57:03 So, for a believer, if a child dies under the age of
57:07 accountability, or a baby, we have the hope of being reunited.
57:11 Carlos: All right, another question, "Are the 144,000
57:13 the only people saved when Jesus comes?"
57:16 Jean: Well, the Bible speaks about a group of people that
57:18 will be saved, when Jesus comes, who have the seal of God in
57:21 their foreheads.
57:23 It also talks about a great resurrection where people will
57:26 be from every multitude, nation, tribe, and tongue and people.
57:28 There will be a great group of people.
57:30 So the 144,000 represent God's end-time apostles, you might
57:34 say, who are, in a special way, doing a work for proclaiming
57:39 the three angels' messages at the end of time.
57:41 They symbolize those who will be translated when
57:43 Jesus comes a second time.
57:46 Carlos: All right, "What did Jesus mean when he
57:48 said that 'night is coming when no one can work'?"
57:50 Jean: Well, you know, now is the opportunity that we can work.
57:53 There is a time coming, the Bible says in Revelation 22,
57:56 where Jesus says, "He that is holy, let him be holy still.
57:58 He that is filthy, let him be filthy still."
58:00 Probation closes.
58:02 It's too late then. Now is the time for us to work.
58:05 Well, friends, you hear the sound of the music.
58:07 We are running out of time, but until next week, God bless.
58:10 ♪♪♪
58:19 announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest and accurate
58:23 answers to your Bible questions.
58:25 ♪♪♪


Revised 2025-02-26