Series Code: AFBA
Program Code: AFBA202319S
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00:03 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history. 00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted; 00:09 and its words, sometimes simple and sometimes mysterious, 00:13 should always be studied carefully. 00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God. 00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate 00:23 and practical answer to all your Bible questions. 00:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode. 00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned in this 00:33 broadcast, call 800-835-6747. 00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747. 00:43 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts International, 00:47 Pastor Doug Batchelor. 00:50 Doug Batchelor: Hello, listening friends. 00:51 Would you like to hear an amazing fact? 00:54 In 1954, a little 4-year-old girl, Marina Chapman, was 00:59 abducted from her home in a remote mountain village 01:02 in South America. 01:04 Evidently, something went wrong with the kidnapping plans 01:06 and her captors abandoned her deep in the Colombian jungle. 01:11 Though often tormented by insects and loneliness, 01:14 Marina miraculously survived 5 years with the help 01:18 of a troop of capuchin monkeys. 01:20 There was plenty of water in the jungle, and the monkeys would 01:23 often leave her scraps of fruit and seeds until she learned 01:26 to find it for herself. 01:27 She eventually learned to climb trees and even catch small birds 01:31 with her bare hands. 01:32 When two hunters found her 5 years later, she'd forgotten 01:36 any human language and lost all inhibition. 01:38 Not remembering her birth name, she never found her family. 01:42 Marina was later adopted and became re-civilized, 01:45 moved to the UK where she married and had a family. 01:48 A few years ago, her story was produced in a book called 01:51 "The Girl with No Name." 01:53 Can you imagine that, Pastor Ross, living out there in the 01:57 jungle thinking you're an animal and then discovering you're 01:59 a human and it's like you find out you're a different creature? 02:03 Jean Ross: That's right. 02:05 Yeah, just sort of being raised by the monkeys, at least 02:08 following their example and finding what food you could and 02:10 then, "Wow, there's people like me out there." 02:13 Doug: Yeah, there's not enough time to tell the whole story, 02:16 but she said she spent enough time where she understood 02:19 the simple language of the monkeys. 02:22 I mean, you know, they didn't speak, but they had different 02:23 signals for different things and she could recognize them. 02:26 And when people doubted her story, some of the zoologists 02:30 who listened to her descriptions of the capuchin monkeys 02:32 and how they communicate they said she sounds like 02:35 she lived with monkeys. 02:37 She knew a lot about them, and-- anyway, she's still alive today. 02:40 But it's a fascinating story, and it makes me think 02:44 about--finding out you're a different creature reminds me of 02:48 that verse--now, King James says it a little differently there 02:50 in 2 Corinthians 5:17. 02:53 "If any man is in Christ, he is a new creature." 02:56 I think other versions say a new creation. 02:59 "Old things are passed away; behold, 03:01 all things are become new." 03:03 And, boy, she had a whole new life when she went from 03:08 the jungle to being adopted by a family and going from 03:11 the jungle to living in England. 03:14 I mean, talk about a radical transformation. 03:16 Jean: And of course, you know, the point you bring up 03:19 there, if we want to go from living on this earth filled with 03:22 sin and sorrow and suffering and death to the new earth where 03:26 there is peace and joy and eternal life it requires 03:28 a radical change. 03:30 Jesus said to Nicodemus, "You must be born again or you cannot 03:33 even see the kingdom of heaven." 03:35 So our free gift talks about that experience 03:37 of being born again. 03:39 It's called "Life in the Spirit," and this is free. 03:41 We'll send it to those who are listening. 03:43 If you're in North America, just call our number. 03:46 It's 800-835-6747. 03:49 You can ask for the free gift. 03:51 It's called "Life in the Spirit." 03:53 You can also dial #250 on your smartphone, say "Bible Answers 03:57 Live," and then also ask for the book "Life in the Spirit." 04:00 If you're outside of North America, and of course, 04:03 Pastor Doug, we have many people who are listening around the 04:05 world, just go to the website. 04:06 Just 04:08 We have a free library, and you'll be able to read the book 04:12 there as well. 04:13 Well, before we go to the phone lines, as we always 04:15 do we like to start the program with prayer. 04:17 So let's do that now. 04:19 Dear Father, we thank You for this time that we have to be 04:21 able to open up Your Word and study and, Father, it is 04:24 our desire that because of the program that's happening 04:26 this evening that lives will be transformed, 04:28 that people might be born again. 04:30 And so, Lord, we ask for Your Spirit to guide in these-- 04:33 in the time together, in the questions, and in the answers; 04:36 and we ask this in Jesus's name. 04:37 Amen. Doug: Amen. 04:40 Jean: Our first caller this evening is Dan 04:41 listening in Colorado. 04:43 Dan, you're on "Bible Answers Live." 04:45 Welcome. 04:46 Dan: Hey, pastors. Good evening to you. 04:49 Doug: Evening. 04:50 Dan: At such stances where maybe driving a car and we're 04:54 tempted to drive over this motorcycle officer or if we're 04:58 going to run our car off of a bridge or so, does this come 05:03 from a evil heart or the wicked one? 05:06 I get these thoughts all the time. 05:09 Of course, I do not act on them. 05:11 Do they show my evil heart? 05:15 Doug: Well, I do think that-- you know, all of us are fallen. 05:18 Also keep in mind our minds are kind of creative computers, and 05:23 I'd be embarrassed for anybody to see all the crazy thoughts 05:26 that goes through my mind. 05:28 You know, most of them we know how to subdue and we put them 05:31 out of our minds. 05:33 But because God gave us curiosity and He gave us 05:35 imagination, there's all kind of things that will swirl around 05:37 in your brain. 05:39 If there's any kind of thought that is evil or you're going to, 05:42 you know, harm somebody or it's sinful or impure; when we 05:45 recognize those thoughts are coming, 05:47 then we need to put them out. 05:49 Some of it is the temptation of the devil. 05:52 Some of it--James says we're drawn away by our own evil lust. 05:57 And so in the same way the devil was a free moral agent that was 06:00 able to choose to do something wrong, we also have that choice. 06:03 Not every wicked thing we do there's a devil behind it. 06:06 I think sometimes people just make those choices. 06:09 And of course the devil is there and his fallen angels to tempt 06:13 us, but through the power of Christ and the Spirit, you know, 06:16 we can put out those thoughts. 06:18 We can reject or resist those thoughts. 06:20 It's not a sin every time you're tempted with a crazy thought. 06:25 Even Jesus was tempted, the Bible says. 06:28 He was tempted to throw himself down from the temple. 06:31 Of course it was the devil tempting him, 06:33 but he rejected that. 06:34 And whenever he was tempted to do anything wrong, 06:36 he rejected it. 06:37 So we have that same privilege through the same power. 06:40 Jean: And, you know, I think the book that we're offering 06:42 for free called "Life in the Spirit" will talk about that, 06:44 how we can live that victorious Christian life. 06:46 And I think as Pastor Doug mentioned, 06:48 it's important to recognize not every crazy thought is sin 06:52 unless we dwell upon it. 06:53 Those times you just push that out of your mind and 06:55 say--redirect your thoughts to something wholesome. 06:58 If you'd like to receive the book, the number to call again 07:01 is 800-835-6747. 07:04 You can ask for the book. 07:05 It's called "Life in the Spirit." 07:06 Or dial #250 on your cell phone, say "Bible answers live," 07:10 and say "Life in the Spirit." 07:12 Thank you, Dan. 07:14 We've got Debbie listening in Canada. 07:16 Debbie, you're on the air. 07:17 Debbie: Hi, Pastor Ross and Pastor Doug. 07:19 How are you doing? 07:21 Doug: Great. Thank you for calling. 07:22 Debbie: Okay, I have a question. 07:24 First of all I have to say that I'm in the YouTube chat, and 07:27 last week there was a bunch of us chatting about abortion and 07:31 there was somebody in there that doesn't think she'll ever be 07:34 forgiven even when she asks for forgiveness for having 07:37 an abortion before she knew Jesus and I was just wondering 07:41 if you could give us some insight on that, please. 07:44 Doug: Yeah, the Bible is pretty clear that the only sin that 07:48 cannot be forgiven is what you call the unpardonable sin. 07:51 Some have thought; well, that must be abortion or infanticide, 07:54 but that's not true. 07:56 God will even forgive that. 07:57 You know, because of the sin of David his baby was lost, 08:01 and Manasseh offered his children. 08:04 They passed through the fire he was--and God forgave him. 08:07 And so of course if--any sin that we're willing to repent of 08:14 and forsake we will be forgiven. 08:17 The Bible says all manner of sin and blasphemy 08:20 will be forgiven unto man. 08:22 And so God is extremely merciful, and we're--if we're 08:25 genuinely sorry and we repent He will forgive. 08:28 And I pray that that young lady, if she's listening now, 08:32 will just believe that Jesus is a better Savior than she is 08:36 a sinner and He can save to the uttermost the promises. 08:40 Jean: And of course 1 John chapter 1, verse 9 says, 08:42 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us, 08:45 and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 08:48 There is no condition associated with that but that we're willing 08:51 to confess and forsake and God is able to forgive. 08:55 So we take courage from those promises. 08:57 Thank you, Debbie. 08:59 We've got Gary listening in Illinois. 09:00 Gary, welcome to the program. 09:02 Gary: Thank you. 09:04 In Luke 22, verse 20 it says, "This cup is the New Covenant 09:08 in My blood, which was shed for you." 09:12 Now, again, shedding of blood is talked about in Romans 3:25. 09:18 "Whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood." 09:23 Okay, so I looked up that word and it means gift offering 09:27 to remove wrath of God. 09:29 So is the New Covenant the removal of wrath of God? 09:34 Doug: No--well, the word covenant 09:37 very simply means agreement. 09:40 Every time you buy a house or a car or even get married, 09:44 it's a covenant. 09:45 And so the old covenant was ratified by the blood. 09:51 It was symbolic. 09:53 It was ratified by the blood of goats and lambs. 09:56 It was the law of God written in the stone tablets where 10:01 the people made a promise. 10:03 They said, "All the Lord has said we will do." 10:04 It was an agreement. 10:06 God said, "Keep these commandments. 10:07 I'll bless and protect you." 10:08 They said, "All the Lord has said we'll do." 10:10 That was the agreement. 10:11 It was ratified with a sacrifice. 10:13 The New Covenant is the same law written now in our hearts 10:16 instead of stone ratified by the blood of Christ. 10:19 And so the propitiation, the intercession for our sins is 10:24 made by the blood of Jesus, but the covenant itself is the 10:28 agreement that God will save us because of the blood of Christ. 10:32 And He puts a new heart in us that causes us to walk 10:35 in His ways and keep His laws. 10:37 Gary: Thank you. Doug: All right. 10:39 And we--you know, we've got that great study guide talking about 10:42 the law where it talks about--well, 10:45 it's about grace and the law. 10:47 I can't remember the name of it right now, but-- 10:50 Jean: "Does God's Grace Blot out the Law?" 10:52 Doug: That's it. Yeah. 10:53 That talks about the covenants right there. 10:54 That's the one. Thank you. 10:56 Jean: That's right, the number to call is 800-835-6747. 10:58 You can ask for the book. 11:00 It's called "Does God's Grace Blot out the Law?" 11:01 And we'll send it to you, Gary, or anyone listening 11:03 in the US or in Canada. 11:05 Dial #250 on your cell phone and say "Bible answers live" 11:09 and ask for it. 11:10 We'll get in the mail. 11:12 Junith is listening right across the border in Nevada. 11:14 Junith, welcome to the program. 11:17 Junith: Blessed evening to both of you. 11:20 My question is about the tree of life. 11:24 As we all know, we're going to worship the Lord of the Sabbath 11:29 Jesus on the Sabbath in Isaiah 66:22 to 23. 11:38 My focus is the tree of life. 11:41 Shall we have potluck in the tree of life or can we access 11:45 the tree of life any time we want to because it's right 11:49 nearby the throne of God? 11:51 So maybe we cannot access because we need some reverence 11:55 around the throne of God, 11:58 that all the time that we can't access it? 12:00 Doug: Yes, well, 12:01 keep in mind the tree of life is going to be replaced. 12:05 The Garden of Eden that God planted as near as we can tell, 12:10 in the same way that New Jerusalem is coming down from 12:13 heaven, before the flood it seems that God caught the garden 12:16 up and--'cause that garden is going to be in the new earth. 12:20 Adam had free--as far as we can tell he had free unlimited 12:24 access to the tree, and that is going to be restored. 12:27 Everything is going to be restored not just the same 12:30 but even better. 12:31 So I doubt that God is going to ration how often you can eat 12:34 from the tree. 12:35 But in the same way in this life, you know, you don't want 12:37 to eat ice cream six times a day, I think people are going to 12:40 have self-control and they're not going to eat it more than 12:42 they need to. 12:44 Jean: And, of course, the Bible tells us that the fruit of 12:46 the tree is somewhat unique, a different kind of fruit every 12:50 month on the tree of life. 12:51 So you can get your fill of June's fruit, whatever they 12:55 might be, but then July; well, there's a different kind of 12:57 fruit on the tree, yeah. 12:59 Maybe you got your favorite type of fruit that comes around 13:02 once a year. 13:03 Who knows? But of course; yes, 13:05 it's a symbol of eternal life that we have. 13:07 So something special. 13:09 Mark is listening in Michigan. Mark, welcome to the program. 13:11 Mark: Good evening, pastors. 13:14 In Joshua 6, it tells the story 13:18 of Israel's victory over Jericho. 13:20 We recently heard an evangelist say that the walls came down 13:23 on the Sabbath. 13:25 It's challenging to think God scheduled the actual slaughter 13:28 on the Sabbath. 13:29 So is there any evidence that the 7-day march began on 13:32 a Sunday the first day or on a different day of the week? 13:36 Doug: Yeah, well, 13:37 we don't know what day it began, but I'm quite certain 13:40 that God did not orchestrate the walls of Jericho so that on 13:44 the Sabbath day they did the most work. 13:47 When it talks about they march around the city one time 13:50 for 6 days, that means sequence. 13:53 It doesn't mean day of the week. 13:55 The first day of marching, you know, they blew the trumpets and 13:57 they marched around the city. 13:58 Second day, third day--one of those days may have been the 14:01 Sabbath, but He didn't ask them to do anything other than--you 14:05 know, I tease folks and say they were just taking a nature walk 14:08 and special music with the trumpets. 14:10 That's all that happened. 14:11 So that may have happened on the Sabbath day, but I think the day 14:14 that they actually attacked the city it may have been 14:16 a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. 14:17 We don't know. 14:19 But I doubt it was the Sabbath day. 14:20 It's, you know, no more than Israel today would launch 14:23 a battle on the Sabbath day. 14:25 Jean: And, you know, one of the verse that comes to mind 14:26 Jesus said--talking about the destruction of Jerusalem that 14:29 occurred in 70 AD, Christ talking to his followers said, 14:32 "Pray that your flight be not in winter 14:34 neither on the Sabbath day." 14:36 Well, if he's talking about them fleeing for their life and he 14:39 says pray that you don't have to do it on the Sabbath; 14:41 well, it only makes sense then that the conquering of Jericho 14:45 with all the distraction won't be on the Sabbath. 14:48 Doug: Why would God command that if He would tell them to 14:50 pray in Matthew 24? 14:51 That's right. 14:53 Jean: All right, well, thank you, Mark, appreciate that. 14:54 We have Liam listening from Ohio. 14:58 Liam, welcome to the program. 15:01 Liam: All right. Thanks for taking my call. 15:03 My question is regarding John 6. 15:07 The way that I read it, it seems like Jesus is claiming that his 15:13 body blood, soul, and divinity are part of the bread 15:20 and wine of communion. 15:22 And I'm really having a hard time seeing it any other way, 15:26 but I know that plenty of Christians see it as just a 15:28 symbol or--our Lutheran friends see it as consubstantiation, 15:34 and I was hoping you could walk me through the way 15:36 that you see it-- 15:37 Doug: Now, which verses are you looking at? 15:38 Liam: I mean, kind of the whole thing. 15:40 He feeds the 5,000 and the Psalm 23 enactment. 15:43 Doug: Says, "Unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood, 15:46 you have no life in you." 15:48 Yeah, well, now keep in mind at the Last Supper--so the big 15:51 question, and this was a big debate between Protestants 15:54 and Catholics during the reformation, is that is the 15:58 priest actually converting the emblems of the bread and the 16:03 grape juice into the literal body and blood of Jesus. 16:07 And Luther, who at one time was a Catholic priest, and 16:12 Calvin--both Catholic priests, they said, "No, it's a symbol." 16:14 And their argument was when Jesus had the last supper and 16:17 he's sitting there with his disciples and he's all intact 16:20 and he points to the bread and he says, "This is my body and 16:24 this is my blood," he wasn't asking them to participate in 16:29 some kind of cannibalism because for one thing that's forbidden 16:32 in the Bible. 16:34 You know, you're not supposed to eat unclean food or blood. 16:39 In fact, one of the first commandments in the Bible is do 16:41 not eat blood. 16:42 So yeah, I think it's clearly a symbol of the sacrifice that 16:48 Jesus was making. 16:50 And there's no need for the Lord to actually biologically 16:53 transfer, make that grape juice into blood. 16:57 You know, I think I've been to communion services and I used to 17:00 attend mass--Catholic mass at military school and the bread 17:05 was not human flesh. 17:07 It was a wafer. 17:09 And when the priest drinks the grape juice, it's not 17:11 blood--literal blood. 17:13 So I think it's a pretty strong argument that 17:15 it's a symbol for the life. 17:17 Now, you look in the Old Testament and you've got 17:20 the story of Melchizedek, who is a type of Christ, and he brings 17:24 out to Abraham bread and wine and--that nourish the army. 17:30 Well, Christ is like Melchizedek, tells us in 17:33 the Book of Hebrews, and he nourishes us with his life 17:37 and the gospel. 17:38 So yeah, I think it's a symbol. 17:40 Jean: Yeah, just to add to that a little bit more, you know, 17:43 if you look at the actual passage itself, 17:44 I think it gives us a clue. 17:46 Jesus said, "Most assuredly--" This is verse 53. 17:48 "Most assuredly, I say unto you, unless you eat the flesh of the 17:50 son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you." 17:53 Well, even the disciples wondered about this. 17:55 And there were many that were in the crowd, it says, that they 17:58 were offended and they walked no longer with him, 18:00 and Jesus turned to his disciples and he said, 18:02 "Are you also going to forsake me?" 18:04 And they said, "Well, Lord, where are we going to go? 18:06 You have the words of life." 18:07 But then they respond in verse 60. 18:09 It says they said, "This is a hard saying. 18:12 Who can understand it?" 18:13 So even them were --they were puzzled. 18:15 "What do you mean, Jesus, eat your flesh 18:16 and drink your blood?" 18:18 Then Christ explains this. 18:19 Verse 63 he says, "It is the Spirit that gives life; 18:22 the flesh profits nothing. 18:25 The words that I speak unto you, 18:27 they are spirit and they are life." 18:28 To eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ 18:31 is to receive his Word. 18:33 That's what Jesus said. 18:34 So he's clearly talking about symbols. 18:37 And just as we need physical food to give us physical 18:39 strength, we need to receive His Word and His Spirit 18:42 in order for us to have spiritual strength. 18:44 Doug: Yeah. 18:46 And then when Jesus says in Matthew chapter 12 and-- 18:51 I think this still is verse 1. 18:54 He says, "Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees." 18:57 And the disciples thought, "Oh, we forgot to bring lunch." 19:00 And Jesus says, "No, no, not literal leaven." 19:03 He said, "I'm talking in spiritual terms. 19:04 This is talking about the teaching of the Pharisee." 19:07 So Jesus often spot--spoken symbols and the disciples 19:09 thought, "Drink your blood and eat your flesh?" 19:12 And he said, "No, no. It's a symbol." 19:14 Jean: Great question, though. Thank you, Liam. 19:16 We've got Joe listening in Arizona. 19:18 Joe, welcome to the program. 19:20 Joe: Hey, guys. How are you tonight? 19:22 Doug: Doing great. Joe: All right. 19:25 Well, I'm going to try to keep this really simple. 19:27 First off, is there an email that can be sent 'cause I have a 19:32 question but it's kind of a big question and has lots of parts 19:35 to it and I don't want to take up all the time on your show? 19:38 Doug: We do have an email. 19:39 Jean: Yeah, let me give it to you. 19:41 Yeah, it's simple. 19:42 It's just 19:45 That's 19:49 Joe: All right. Thank you. 19:52 So my question is I was raised the same way that you guys, I 19:57 guess, preach; but I've recently been listening to somebody I 20:03 found on YouTube and his whole ministry is that we're the 20:09 angels from heaven, and it's kind of ironic that you said in 20:15 your opening about we're fallen because that's what he says. 20:18 And so my question is like there's--the only problem I'm 20:25 finding with it is--with the fallen angels, the demons that 20:29 are talked about in the Bible, like when there was a demoniac 20:32 and he threw the demons out of the body into the pigs. 20:36 So you have all of these demons running around. 20:39 So I'm assuming that they had bodies to begin with. 20:43 And just like Lucifer goes in and out of, you know, people, 20:46 where are their bodies and--I mean, who are they? 20:51 Is it just all the fallen angels and all--they can go on 20:53 anybody's bodies at any time? 20:55 Doug: Yeah, well, first of all, for our friends listening, the 20:58 Bible tells us that, you know, sin began with Lucifer, 21:02 a great angel of God who rebelled. 21:04 He was cast out of heaven. 21:06 He persuaded one-third of the other angels, his former 21:10 partners you might say, to follow him and they've come 21:15 to the earth. 21:17 Now, the Bible says angels are spiritual beings. 21:18 They don't have bodies like we do. 21:20 Paul said we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. 21:23 So angels are not flesh and blood. 21:25 They've got some kind of a spiritual body. 21:27 It's different and sort of a mystery for us, but they-- 21:30 you know, they can appear. 21:32 Can the fallen angels possess whoever they want? 21:34 No. 21:36 That's the devil's complaint to God. 21:38 He said, "You set a hedge about Job." 21:40 And so the Lord limits what the devil can do to harm us, but 21:43 some people open themselves up to the devil and--you know, they 21:48 can actually get to the point where they're demon-possessed, 21:50 and it's why Jesus cast out devils and he sent the disciples 21:54 forward saying, "You can cast them out." 21:55 Now, on the other question you mentioned, the Bible is pretty 21:58 clear people are not angels. 22:01 They were separate creatures. 22:03 People are not fallen angels. 22:04 I think that's what our Mormons friends teaches, that we come 22:08 down to earth and get bodies. 22:10 It's almost like a form of reincarnation. 22:12 The Bible doesn't teach that. 22:13 Our lives began when we first became--when we're born 22:17 and we became conscious of our existence, and our eternity 22:20 depends on what we do with the gospel and this life. 22:24 So do you want to add anything to that? 22:27 Jean: Yeah, I thought 22:29 maybe just the--we do have a study guide called 22:30 "Did God Create the Devil?" 22:32 It talks about the fall of Lucifer. 22:34 The Bible says, speaking of the good angels, 22:35 they're our ministering spirits. 22:37 And as Doug said, we don't wrestle against flesh and blood. 22:39 So there is a dimension of this that we don't fully understand, 22:42 but they are very real. 22:45 If you'd like to receive the study guide called 22:47 "Did God Create the Devil?" 22:49 we'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and ask. 22:51 The number for that is 800-835-6747 or just dial #250 22:55 on your cell phone, say "Did God create a devil?" 22:59 And that's the name of the study guide. 23:01 We'll send it to you. 23:02 Eron is listening from New York. Eron, you're on the air. 23:05 Eron: Hi. Good evening. 23:07 Multiple places in the Bible says we must confess our sins to 23:12 God because only He can cleanse us from our sins as He forgives 23:16 us, but it says in James chapter 5, verse 16 that we should 23:21 confess our faults or trespasses to one another. 23:24 Can you tell me the meaning behind that verse? 23:28 Doug: Sure, and he says part of the reason for doing that is 23:32 that we might pray for one another that we can be healed. 23:34 Can--and if you look in like the New King James Version it 23:38 doesn't say confess your sins, it says confess your trespasses. 23:41 There are different words for sin and iniquity. 23:44 And I think that it's appropriate for believers to 23:48 share with their friends, you know, where I'm struggling 23:53 and in confidence you can tell a person, you know, 23:56 "Please pray for me. 23:57 I struggle with gossip," or whatever it is. 23:59 You're not required to do that for forgiveness, you 24:02 just--sometimes we'll share with friends that we can trust areas 24:05 in our lives where we need prayer, and we invite them 24:08 to intercede and pray for us. 24:09 But this is not an admonition to confess sin. 24:14 You're not required to confess sin to other people. 24:16 Jean: You know, one preacher put it this way. 24:17 He said public sins need to be confessed publicly, private sins 24:21 you need to confess privately, and then individual-- 24:24 if you sinned against an individual you need to go 24:26 to them first and you need to try and make things right. 24:29 So you've got to pray for wisdom. 24:30 You know, sometimes things happen in people's lives 24:33 and it's not for everyone else to know about. 24:36 They need to reconcile with their friend or work things out 24:39 and not make a big public scene of it, but there are times where 24:43 if people are aware of something that was done publicly you need 24:47 to confess that. 24:48 All right, hopefully that helps, Eron, thank you. 24:51 We do have a book talking about forgiveness. 24:53 And I'm trying to think of the name, Pastor Doug. 24:55 I think you wrote the book. 24:57 Doug: Yeah, it's--yeah, it's a new-- 24:58 "The Gift of Forgiveness." 25:00 Jean: "The Gift of Forgiveness," yes. 25:01 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747. 25:04 We'll be happy to send that to anyone who calls and ask. 25:06 Just dial #250. 25:08 And, Pastor Doug, you've got a sermon, I always enjoy this one, 25:12 on forgiveness, and I think it's available on-- 25:14 Doug: Seventy times seven. 25:16 Jean: That's what it's called, "Seventy Times Seven." 25:17 So anyone wanting to learn more about that, just take a look 25:20 at that sermon and you will be blessed. 25:22 We're going to Eron in--I think we were just with Eron, 25:26 weren't we? 25:28 Christopher in California. 25:29 Christopher, welcome to the program. 25:31 Christopher: Hello. 25:32 Jean: We have about 1 1/2 minute before the break. 25:34 Christopher: Okay, my question is, would it be a sin for me to 25:38 buy from Apple and Microsoft or any company that supports 25:42 abortion and LGBTQ rights? 25:45 Doug: All right. Well, that's a great question. 25:50 Too bad we only have 30 seconds to answer it, 25:52 but let me just explain it this way. 25:55 You know, there are--some companies are so big and there 26:01 are banks that--like when you put your money in a bank, 26:04 probably most major banks probably have investments and 26:09 support some of these companies. 26:11 And you're going to go crazy trying to buy food in 26:15 a supermarket that doesn't also sell alcohol and cigarettes. 26:18 So are you supporting the alcohol and cigarettes when you 26:21 buy your avocados at a certain market? 26:23 At some point you just got to say, "Look, 26:25 if I don't have peace about it," you don't do it. 26:28 And--but, you know, some of these are big conglomerates. 26:31 And you could actually say, "I'm not going to do or buy anything 26:35 that's used by Apple or Google and it's going 26:39 to sort of eliminate everything." 26:41 So, you know, you have to be careful and wise in how you make 26:47 those decisions or you could actually be--end up on an island 26:49 or in a cave somewhere. 26:51 Hey, friends, don't go away. 26:52 We're coming back with more Bible questions 26:53 in just a minute, and the best is yet to come. 26:55 Tell your friends to tune in. 26:57 We'll be right back. 27:01 announcer: Stay tuned. 27:03 "Bible Answers Live will return shortly. 27:09 Doug: Hi, friends. Pastor Doug Batchelor. 27:11 This morning, my wife Karen sent me on a mission. 27:14 She said, "When you're taping your announcements this morning, 27:16 tell people about my favorite Amazing Facts app." 27:20 It's called the Amazing Facts radio app. 27:23 You simply type that in, "Amazing Facts radio," 27:25 you can download the app and you can listen 27:27 to good Christian music, Bible reading, 27:29 sermons all day long. 27:31 Keep your faith focused in heaven through the day. 27:33 Check it out if you haven't done it yet, 27:35 the Amazing Facts Radio app. 27:37 You'll be blessed. 27:39 announcer: Doug Batchelor was the teenage son of a millionaire 27:41 father and show-business mother yet he was living in a cave. 27:46 He had everything money could buy, everything but happiness, 27:50 but all of the fun and excitement he enjoyed 27:52 left his life out of control. 27:54 His search eventually led him to a cave above Palm Springs 27:58 that became his home. 27:59 While Doug scavenged for food in garbage bins, 28:02 his father owned a yacht, a Learjet, and an airline. 28:06 But in his cave home, he discovered a dust-covered Bible. 28:10 As he began to read, he soon learned 28:12 of his true purpose in life. 28:14 "The Richest Caveman" is the extraordinary true story 28:17 of Doug Batchelor that tells how a rebellious teenager 28:21 who once lived in a cave became a tremendous 28:23 soul winner for Jesus Christ. 28:26 It's a thrilling testimony of the transforming power 28:28 of God's Word. 28:30 To order your copy of "The Richest Caveman," 28:32 call 800-538-7275 or visit 28:39 announcer: In six days God created 28:41 the heavens and the earth. 28:43 For thousands of years, man has worshiped God 28:46 on the seventh day of the week. 28:48 Now, each week, millions of people worship on the first day. 28:53 What happened? 28:54 Why did God create a day of rest? 28:56 Does it really matter what day we worship? 28:59 Who is behind this great shift? 29:01 Discover the truth behind God's law and how it was changed. 29:05 Visit 29:12 announcer: You're listening to "Bible Answers Live" where 29:15 every question answered provides a clearer picture of God 29:18 and His plan to save you. 29:20 So what are you waiting for? 29:22 Get practical answers about the good book 29:25 for a better life today. 29:28 This broadcast is a previously-recorded episode. 29:32 If you'd like answers to your Bible-related questions 29:35 on the air, please call us next Sunday 29:37 between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Pacific Time. 29:41 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned 29:43 in this evening's program, call 800-835-6747. 29:48 Once again, that's 800-835-6747. 29:54 Now, let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live." 29:59 Doug: Welcome back, listening friends, 30:01 to "Bible Answers Live," sometimes called BAL. 30:05 And we're so thankful that you've tuned in 30:07 to this live international interactive Bible study. 30:09 And if you've got a Bible question, you can call it in 30:12 to 800-GOD-SAYS. 30:14 That's here in North America. 30:16 That's 800-463-7297. 30:20 I've only been sharing that number for about 25 years. 30:22 You think I'd have it by now. 30:24 800-463-7297. 30:26 We're also streaming live. 30:28 If you want to see the video, 30:30 it's on Amazing Facts Television. 30:33 That's AFTV. 30:34 It's on Facebook-- Amazing Facts Facebook, 30:37 Doug Batchelor Facebook, and YouTube. 30:39 You can be watching as well as listening. 30:42 I don't know why you'd want to because the answers 30:45 are all verbal, but anyway for those that are visual 30:48 you can watch as well. 30:49 And we want to especially welcome some of our stations. 30:53 We've got stations around the country. 30:55 Special greeting to our friends listening in Paso Robles on KPRL 31:00 and also in Sacramento on KFIA, one of our mothership stations 31:05 here in California. 31:07 My name is Doug Batchelor. 31:08 Jean: My name is Jean Ross, and we're going to go back to 31:11 the phone lines. 31:12 Next caller that we have is Anna listening in Oregon. 31:14 Anna, you're on the air. 31:16 Anna: Evening, pastors. Doug: Evening. 31:18 Anna: So I don't have the verses like I usually do, 31:24 but in the beginning God said that it was good for man 31:30 to not be alone. 31:34 But then I think in Matthew Jesus says that if you can 31:39 keep from it, then do that. 31:44 So that's my question. 31:46 Doug: Yeah, good question. 31:48 So, you know, God originally He said--when He made man 31:52 He says it's not good for man to be alone. 31:53 Now, that was just a--I think that's an umbrella truth that 31:58 God made man to be a social creature. 32:01 Man is made for relationship. 32:03 And of course, He made woman 'cause the ultimate in 32:06 that relationship is a man and a woman and a family. 32:09 But I think it's good that people aren't alone, just 32:12 even--He wants us to have friends and be social, 32:14 have accountability. 32:16 Jesus sent people out two by two and it was, you know, two men. 32:19 So it was important for them to have relationship as well. 32:22 But Paul--now, Jesus never said it's wrong to marry. 32:25 Jesus said that in the last days woe to those that are with child 32:28 and nursing during the great time of trouble, 32:32 and Paul alludes to that. 32:33 There was a great time of persecution during Paul's time, 32:36 and he says in those cases it might be better not to marry. 32:39 Do you have that, Pastor Ross? 32:41 Jean: Yeah, you'll find in 1 Corinthians chapter 7, verse 6 32:43 where, again, the context there is this persecution coming 32:46 upon the Christ--on the church. 32:48 He says, "For I wish that all men even--were even as myself, 32:52 but each one has his own gift from God, 32:54 one in this manner and another in that. 32:56 But I say to the unmarried and to the widows: it is good for 32:59 them if they remain even as I am; but if they cannot exercise 33:03 self-control, let them marry. 33:05 For it is better to marry than to burn with passion." 33:07 So, you know, at a time of severe persecution, of course 33:11 this wasn't just in the time of Jesus or, you know, 70 AD 33:14 when Jerusalem was destroyed in 1st century. 33:17 But there were times of persecution even during the dark 33:20 ages where it was difficult to support a family. 33:22 People were running or moving from place to place. 33:24 When it came to mission activity, sometimes it was 33:27 easier for missionaries to enter into difficult areas 33:31 and to go maybe unmarried. 33:34 But this is not a general statement 'cause it's pretty 33:37 clear that God created them male and female in the beginning 33:40 and He performed the first wedding, and it is a type of 33:43 the relationship that God wants to have with His church. 33:47 So there's nothing wrong with marriage. 33:48 Doug: Yeah, of course Paul, 33:50 he says husbands love your wives, wives love your 33:52 husbands; and he talks a lot about marriage and the marriage 33:55 relationship and he says the marriage bed is undefiled. 33:58 And so, you know, Paul made this one statement and it was during 34:01 a time of persecution. 34:02 He's also talking to people who are involved itinerant 34:06 preaching, and he said it's a little easier to get around and 34:09 preach the gospel if you don't have a family and kids. 34:12 So does that make sense hopefully, Anna? 34:16 Anna: Yeah. Yeah, it does. 34:18 But I mean, didn't Jesus say in Matthew that if you can 34:26 keep from it then do that? 34:30 Doug: Well, Jesus--yeah, Jesus said some people are 34:34 born eunuchs, some people are made eunuchs of man, 34:36 but each one has his own gift. 34:38 I don't know that Jesus was ever advocating, that he did warn 34:43 during the time of trouble that, you know, it could be hard for 34:47 those that are with children. 34:48 But I don't think Jesus had a-- 34:50 Jean: None of the apostles were married. 34:51 You know, Peter was married 'cause he speaks about Jesus 34:53 performing a miracle of healing his mother-in-law and there were 34:55 a woman that traveled with Christ and the disciples and 34:57 helped provide. 34:59 So yeah, he was not against marriage. 35:01 Doug: Yep. Thanks, Anna. 35:02 Jean: Okay, Robert listening in Washington. 35:04 Robert, welcome to the program. 35:05 Robert: Hello, Pastor Ross, Pastor Doug. 35:07 Doug: Hi, Robert. Thanks for calling. 35:10 Robert: No problemo. 35:12 I have three Bible verses here 35:15 and they all sort of contradict each other. 35:19 I guess you've got a couple of them. 35:22 Galatians 5:4 where we're estranged from Christ by 35:25 attempting to be justified by keeping the law. 35:28 And then there's Romans 3:20, 35:31 "By the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified." 35:34 But then there's the opposite the one on ad verse where it 35:39 says in Romans 2:13, "The doers of the law 35:43 will be justified by keeping the law." 35:48 Doug: Yeah, well, I don't think there's a contradiction because 35:51 the word law--and you have to read the context. 35:54 The word law could mean one of several things. 35:56 You have the moral law of the Ten Commandments. 35:59 And by the way, in the Old Testament God actually 36:01 makes the distinction between the different laws. 36:04 And so Paul writing to these people they understood. 36:06 When he's talking to the Galatians, the Ten Commandments 36:09 are never mentioned in Galatians. 36:11 It's really--well, I shouldn't say they're never mentioned. 36:13 The big--the particular commandment that is mentioned 36:17 in Galatians is talking about circumcision. 36:19 They were believing that they were going to become righteous 36:23 through obeying some of these ceremonial laws. 36:26 You know, Paul would never say it's now okay to kill or lie 36:30 or steal or break the Ten Commandments. 36:32 So I think most people, that's what you would call 36:34 a self-evident truth that God is never saying it's okay 36:38 to break those laws. 36:40 Now, we're not justified by keeping any law. 36:42 We're all justified by faith. 36:44 But then when we are saved by faith, 36:46 we want to obey God's law. 36:48 And so that's what he's talking about there in Romans chapter 36:51 2:13, that there's--we're justified by obedience. 36:57 And so--I don't know, hopefully that made sense. 37:01 You know, the--we're judged by our works, and you read this 37:06 in Revelation chapter 1. 37:08 We're judged by our works because our works demonstrate 37:10 if we've been saved by faith. 37:12 Now, that's the key if you understand that. 37:14 If you are saved by faith, your works and obedience 37:17 will be different. 37:19 So, you know, Solomon in the end of his book he 37:22 said, "Here's the whole duty of man. 37:24 Fear God and keep His commandments, for God will bring 37:27 every work into judgment with every secret thing." 37:29 Any thoughts? 37:31 Jean: Yeah. Well, we've got a book. 37:32 It's called, "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?" 37:34 And it deals with these very passages. 37:36 The number to call for that is 800-835-6747. 37:39 You can ask for the book "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?" 37:42 You can also just dial #250 on your cell phone, 37:46 say "Bible Answers Live," and then ask for the book 37:49 "Does God's Grace Blot Out the Law?" 37:51 And once again, if you're outside of North America just go 37:53 to the website and you can read the book there 37:56 in the free library. 37:58 Next caller that we have is Lisa in California. 38:00 Lisa, you're on "Bible Answers Live." 38:02 Lisa: Hi, hi. Good evening, pastors. 38:05 Doug: Evening. Lisa: Hi. 38:07 So my daughter was baptized a Christian. 38:11 She has been in the Christian colleges. 38:14 She was raised a Christian. 38:15 To cut the story short, last month she came and told me 38:19 and my family that she was a trans man. 38:23 So my question is, is in the Bible I know it mentions things 38:28 that if you surround yourself with certain types of 38:32 people--like I think it's Proverbs 13:20, the wise that 38:35 the wise, just surrounding yourself with wholesome people 38:38 so that you won't be influenced. 38:40 So I have four minor children and they all look up to her. 38:44 And so my concern and my question is, what if that person 38:48 is your daughter? 38:49 She's an adult, she's in college, but I'm concerned about 38:52 my little ones 'cause I've been trying to keep this away from 38:55 them--not away, but try to teach them how it's not acceptable. 38:58 How we love people but it's just not acceptable, but at the same 39:01 time now it's in the family. 39:03 So what does the Bible say when it's your family? 39:05 Doug: Yeah, that is very difficult. 39:08 And it's just--you know, it's sort of indicative of the 39:10 culture we're in right now. 39:12 The devil is going after all the young people, 39:14 and he's getting them all mixed up about their gender identity. 39:18 They're never--the scope of the problem was never like 39:21 it is now because it's almost been subsidized. 39:24 But what do you do in your family? 39:27 You know, you love your daughter and you want to show 39:30 unconditional love and acceptance, but you certainly 39:32 don't approve of the lifestyle. 39:34 And how do you protect the children from an unwholesome 39:38 influence or the wrong messaging coming to them? 39:41 Well, that takes the wisdom of Solomon 39:44 and the courage of Elijah. 39:46 I think that what you have to do is--you know, you want your 39:52 older daughter to feel that she can come to you and that there's 39:55 love there, but you probably need to have a conversation 39:58 where you say, "You know, you know we don't approve of this, 40:00 and we sure don't want that influence on the kids. 40:03 You know, we'd ask that you respect that." 40:06 And just monitor their interaction. 40:09 If there's no respect for that decision, then you might say, 40:14 "You know, we don't want you around the little kids 40:18 unless we're around," or--I don't know. 40:20 You'd have to have some boundaries or something. 40:22 But that is a tough situation. 40:25 Jean: It is. It is a tough one. 40:26 As you said, Pastor Doug, it seems like it's becoming 40:28 an epidemic in our society. 40:30 It's almost being promoted, it seems like. 40:32 Social media and all the rest of it. 40:34 But I think as a parent, you know, your first priority is to 40:38 try and protect your children, especially the younger ones, 40:42 and still be kind to the older ones that might be 40:47 making decisions contrary to us. 40:48 But setting those boundaries I think is important. 40:51 All right. Thank you, Lisa. 40:54 We've got Sam listening in Arizona. 40:55 Sam, welcome to the program. 40:58 Sam: My question is I know that we're not supposed to buy 41:02 or sell on the Sabbath, and I wanted to know if you guys have 41:07 ever had a challenge with that. 41:10 I mean, I know you guys travel and such. 41:12 Doug: Sure, well, I--you know, Pastor Ross can speak for 41:16 himself, but--and by the way, this is not like a church law. 41:19 It tells us in the Book of Nehemiah that the people were 41:24 not supposed to be getting involved in business and buying 41:27 and selling on the Sabbath. 41:29 It was a holy day. 41:30 It's not a day for doing our work. 41:32 In our family, most Sabbath keepers, whether you're 41:34 Christians or Jews, you know, if you've got to buy things, 41:37 you do your shopping, you don't do that on Sabbath. 41:39 That's just sort of--and that's why you've even got blue laws 41:43 in the country. 41:45 It's because the early Christians realize you're not 41:47 supposed to be shopping on Sunday 41:49 and they actually outlawed it. 41:50 Now, I'm not saying that that should happen, 41:52 but I'm just saying that's why those laws came from. 41:54 They knew that that was not a day for shopping. 41:56 So--but in every now and then, and Pastor Ross and I we travel 42:00 internationally, and I'll be taking another international 42:03 trip next week, sometimes when the time change and airports are 42:09 delayed you find yourself even in spite of your best planning 42:14 things go wrong and all of a sudden you've-- 42:16 you're in some foreign country and the Sabbath is coming. 42:19 You'll be caught in emergencies. 42:21 And Jesus said, you know, sometimes the ox is in the ditch 42:23 and you do your best to prepare to avoid that, 42:26 but I think God is a loving and understanding God. 42:29 And there's a place in the Bible where Hezekiah 42:32 he prayed one time. 42:34 The priests were trying to keep up with the demands of 42:37 the people for offering sacrifice and Hezekiah said, 42:40 "They haven't had a chance 42:41 to cleanse themselves the way they should. 42:43 Lord, have mercy on them." 42:44 And God heard his prayer and forgave the priests so they 42:46 could just keep up with the demand for sacrifice. 42:49 So I think God is a practical God, but we should do everything 42:53 we can to avoid those occasions. 42:55 Jean: Yes, interesting. 42:57 Even back in the time of Christ, the day before the Sabbath, our 43:00 Friday, was referred to as the preparation day. 43:03 And so they--knowing the Sabbath was coming, they would buy 43:06 what they have to buy. 43:07 They would cook with that so that on the Sabbath 43:09 they could rest. 43:11 And so I think even today we want to do as much of the 43:13 shopping and the preparation as possible the day before the 43:17 Sabbath so we can rest. 43:19 However, as Pastor Doug says, there are times where somebody 43:22 in the family might get sick and you need to take a trip to the 43:25 pharmacy to get some medicine. 43:27 That's perfectly okay. 43:28 That is an emergency type of situation, but we want to 43:31 prepare as much as possible beforehand. 43:34 Doug: Yeah. And I found one of the verses. 43:35 It's in Nehemiah chapter 13, verse 17, and Nehemiah says, 43:40 "Then I contended with the nobles of Judah." 43:42 This is when they were having the people of Tyre. 43:44 They were coming and buying and selling in the city. 43:46 "I contended with them and said, 'What evil thing is this you do 43:48 and you profaning the Sabbath? 43:51 Did not your fathers do this? 43:52 Did not our God bring all this disaster on this city? 43:55 Yet you bring out a wrath on Israel 43:57 by profaning the Sabbath.' 43:58 So it was at the gates of Jerusalem as it began to be dark 44:02 before the Sabbath, I commanded the gates to be shut.'" 44:04 'Cause all the pagans were coming in to sell things, 44:06 people couldn't resist the temptation. 44:08 It was on sale, you know. 44:09 So they understood that even going way back then. 44:12 Jean: All right. Thank you. 44:14 Next caller that we have is Jim listening in Texas. 44:16 Jim, welcome to the program. 44:17 Jim: Thank you, gentlemen. Doug: Sure. 44:20 Jim: My question is pertaining to Jesus being 44:25 in the tomb three days and three nights. 44:28 And I've heard Pastor Doug explain pushing back into 44:30 Thursday when he's beginning to--when he's arrested and all. 44:34 But that's still Thursday, Friday, Saturday nights. 44:38 I still don't get where the 2 days come-- 44:40 the third day comes in. 44:42 Doug: Yeah, well, that time period overlaps into 3 days. 44:48 So the sufferings of Christ--you know, sufferings of Jesus began 44:52 even before he was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. 44:57 He's, you know, praying and sweating blood. 45:00 It's--he was in agony before anyone else laid a hand on him. 45:05 So--and Jesus, you know, he explained even 45:09 in the last supper that heaviness. 45:12 So I think that you can count Thursday as part of that. 45:16 So you got Thursday, Friday, Saturday. 45:18 He rises Sunday morning. 45:20 And in the Jewish calculation any part of a day could be 45:22 considered the day. 45:24 So if the experience bled over into a day, 45:28 you could count that day. 45:30 They didn't count it by the minutes and the hours. 45:31 Jean: You know, we have a book. 45:33 It's called "The Sign of Jonah," and it talks about three days, 45:36 three nights and that'll explain that even in more detail. 45:39 So to get that, just call 800-835-6747 or you dial #250 45:46 on your phone and say "Bible Answers Live" and ask for the 45:49 book "Three Days, Three Nights, The Sign of Jonah," 45:52 and we'll send that to you. 45:53 Next caller that we have is John listening in Nebraska. 45:56 John, welcome to the program. 45:58 John: Yeah. Good evening, pastors. 46:01 Doug: Hi. How are you doing? 46:03 John: Got a question from Revelation verse-- 46:07 chapter 2, verse 10. 46:10 It states in there, of course, we're not to fear our upcoming 46:14 problems that the devil is going to put on to us, but it says our 46:18 trials and tribulations will be 10 days. 46:20 Can you please explain the 10 days? 46:22 Doug: Yeah, this is the message--and Pastor Ross 46:25 may want to comment on this as well. 46:27 This is the message to the church of Smyrna. 46:30 This is one of the ages of the church. 46:31 I think it's the second age of the church after Ephesus. 46:34 There was a time of great persecution. 46:36 In prophecy, a day represents a year. 46:39 And this was a time of severe persecution, I believe under 46:42 the Emperor Diocletian. 46:44 Jean: Yeah, from the year 303 46:47 through 313, a total of 10 years. 46:50 And this--of course, there was persecution throughout 46:52 the period of Rome and the Christians, but this 10-year 46:55 period was Diocletian's attempt to completely 46:58 eradicate Christianity. 47:00 And, of course, Christianity was legalized by Constantine in 313. 47:05 So 10 years before that there were a terrible time of 47:08 persecution that took place in Rome and all of the Roman 47:11 provinces throughout Asia Minor. 47:12 Doug Yeah, they not only burnt Christians, they burned Bibles. 47:15 He was trying to, like you said, eliminate the Christian faith. 47:19 So it's not talking about 10 days in the future. 47:22 That message to the church of Smyrna is describing 10 days 47:26 during that second age of church history. 47:30 Okay, thanks so much. 47:32 Jean: Steven in California. Steven, welcome to the program. 47:35 Steven: I was wondering seven men married the same woman. 47:40 They were all brothers. 47:42 One died after the other, and they asked whose wife she would 47:44 be in heaven and Jesus said for when they arrived they need 47:50 to marry or given in marriage--or as the angels. 47:55 So is there a Scripture that actually says we will be 47:58 reunited with our loved ones? 48:00 Doug: Well, we'll be reunited with saved loved ones. 48:04 And you could look at 1 Thessalonians chapter 4, 48:07 verse 16. 48:08 "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with 48:11 a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet 48:14 of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 48:17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up 48:20 together with them." 48:22 So there you have it. We are together with them. 48:24 "In the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. 48:26 Thus we will always be with the Lord. 48:28 Comfort one another with these words." 48:31 He's--Paul's saying--he was actually writing 48:33 to the Thessalonians. 48:34 He says, "You don't need to sorrow about--as others 'cause 48:36 you've lost your loved ones. 48:38 You'll be reunited." 48:39 And the understanding is with those who have died in faith, 48:42 the dead in Christ. 48:43 Jean: And one more verse, 1 Corinthians chapter 13, verse 12 48:46 Paul writes, "For now we see as in a mirror, dimly, 48:49 but then face to face. 48:51 Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I am known." 48:56 So we get to know each other. 48:57 We're going to interact. 48:59 We're going to be able to worship God. 49:00 We'll see our loved ones, our friends. 49:02 It will be a day of reunion when Jesus comes. 49:04 All right. Thank you, Steven. 49:05 We do have a study guide that talks about 49:07 the second coming of Christ. 49:09 It's called "Rescue From Above," and we'll be happy to send that 49:12 to anyone who calls and asks. 49:13 The number is 800-835-6747. 49:16 Ask for the study guide "Rescue From Above" or dial #250 49:21 on your smartphone and ask for that study guide. 49:23 Dave is listening in Florida. 49:25 Dave, welcome to "Bible Answers Live." 49:27 Dave: Hey, pastors. How are you doing? 49:30 Doug: Doing well, thank you. And you? 49:32 Dave: I'm quite fine. 49:35 I was having a Bible study yesterday. 49:39 I stumbled upon Matthew 10, verse 28 where it says that fear 49:46 him not which killed the body but cannot kill the soul, 49:50 but rather fear him who can can destroy both body 49:52 and soul in hell. 49:55 Could you clarify that for me a little bit 'cause 49:58 I'm a little bit confused in that part? 50:01 Doug: Yeah, well, I think that all of us know 50:03 that we've got a physical body. 50:05 And so the Lord is talking about that there. 50:07 And a person could have a physical body without any 50:10 personality in it. 50:11 You know, if a person is brain dead, their body might keep 50:15 functioning but--it's like the, you know, 50:17 lights are on but no one's home. 50:19 So you've got your character, which is the combination of 50:23 your spirit of life and the body, your personality. 50:27 Jesus said don't be afraid of those who might torture your 50:30 body and they can't really touch your soul, soul meaning 50:33 the part of you that will be your personality 50:36 in a new body in heaven. 50:39 Said, "But fear him who can destroy both the body 50:42 and the soul in the lake of fire." 50:45 So--I don't know. 50:48 Does that answer what you're asking? 50:50 Dave: Kind of. 50:52 'Cause what I want to get clarification because I 50:54 know--other person will read this and say--use this to 50:57 justify to say; yes, since we have body and we have a soul, 51:02 which, you know, the world believes in, you know, 51:05 when you die your, you know, spirit as they say. 51:08 So I just want--as I said, you know, like when I was doing 51:14 the study that the Spirit said to me that--you know, I think 51:16 the same thing that you said is speaking your mind, fear you can 51:21 who can kill both body and mind. 51:24 That's what I get. 51:25 But I just want to confirm that what I get from that is actually 51:28 so forth because I know a person will read this and make 51:32 a whole entire doctrine from this. 51:34 Doug: Yeah, they got the soul as like a separate ghost that 51:37 floats around outside of your body, but the Bible is pretty 51:40 clear that--and you'll look at other verses, that the soul is 51:44 the combination of the breath of life and the body together, 51:49 and that we don't come back from the grave. 51:54 We're not conscious, and we don't go off to heaven 51:56 until the resurrection and the judgment. 51:58 Jean: You know, Paul said, talking about the resurrection, 52:01 "I shall know even as I am known." 52:03 So that ability to still recognize who we are to know 52:06 who we are, to have our own thoughts, our own feelings, 52:09 the essence you might say of life. 52:11 So it's that part sometimes referred to as the soul 52:14 and then the body. 52:16 Whereas Jesus says he can destroy both body and soul in 52:19 hell, that almost contradict--or that does contradict the idea 52:23 that the wicked will have an eternal burning soul 52:26 in the lake of fire. 52:28 Jesus says he shall destroy it. 52:29 So there isn't some part of our being that lives on 52:32 independently from the body. 52:34 Doug: Right. Jean: All right. 52:36 Thank you, Dave. 52:37 We've got Caleb listening in New York. 52:39 Caleb, welcome to the program. 52:40 Caleb: Hello, Pastor Doug Batchelor, Pastor Ross. 52:43 Doug: Evening. 52:44 Caleb: How are you guys doing? 52:46 Doug: Doing great. 52:47 Caleb: So I have a question about kings when I know I should 52:49 be studying prophecy right now, but prophecy I'm going to let 52:53 that--you guys teach prophecy because you guys 52:56 are amazing at it. 52:58 But my question is from 1 Kings 2nd verse-- 53:02 1 Kings 2, verse 13 to 25. 53:08 I think it's--why did King Solomon kill 53:14 his brother Adonijah? 53:17 'Cause I started reading this and I'm confused like-- 53:20 'cause he asked for a wife. 53:22 Doug: Yeah, Adonijah wanted to have Abishag. 53:26 Abishag had been a concubine, you might say, of David's. 53:29 Adonijah tried to make himself king, and after David died 53:35 Adonijah--you know, he kept his head down for a little while, 53:38 but it really bothered him that his younger brother-- 53:40 Solomon was the youngest. 53:42 It bothered him that his younger brother, he felt like, 53:44 took the throne. 53:46 And so he began to conspire again, and one of the first 53:49 things he was going to do is he thought, "If I have 53:51 David's wife, that will show that I have his throne." 53:55 When Absalom wanted to overthrow David as king, 53:58 he took his concubines. 54:01 And so Solomon being very wise, he saw what his brother 54:04 was up to and that it was going to lead to a rebellion and 54:08 went--Adonijah, he actually got Bathsheba 54:10 to make the request for him. 54:12 Solomon's mother Bathsheba. 54:14 And he said, "You know, can I have that beautiful girl 54:16 Abishag as a wife? 54:18 After all, you know, David never knew her. 54:19 She was just sort of a hot water bottle to keep him warm when he 54:22 was getting old." 54:24 And Solomon saw through what he was up to and he said, 54:28 "All right, you stepped over the line now. 54:30 I'm not going to have--I'm not going to be living in the shadow 54:33 of fear that you're going to try to assassinate me 54:36 or take over the kingdom." 54:38 He had already tried it once. 54:40 So then Solomon killed Adonijah and he also killed Joab 54:43 who had conspired with Adonijah to overthrow Solomon. 54:47 So he was basically trying to just bring peace to the kingdom, 54:52 and it did. 54:53 It brought--he had to settle his leadership and bring peace. 54:55 Hey, friends. We are going to sign off. 54:58 As you've heard before, we sign off in two stages. 55:00 We're going to say farewell to those on satellite, 55:03 but the rest of you stay close by. 55:05 We're going to be doing some rapid fire Bible questions 55:07 in about 30 seconds. 55:12 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast. 55:15 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before. 55:18 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International, 55:22 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California. 55:28 Jean: Hello, friends, 55:29 and welcome back to "Bible Answers Live." 55:31 This is the part of the program where we get to answer some of 55:33 your email questions that you've sent. 55:36 If you'd like to email us your Bible question, just 55:38 55:41 Pastor Doug, Daniel is asking, what is your take on reverence 55:45 in the sanctuary? 55:47 Doug: We should do it. 55:48 I could probably say more than that, but, you know, God is a 55:52 holy God and in particular--now, when we say sanctuary, you know, 55:56 a lot of churches today, they are using a multi-use facility. 56:00 They may be meeting in something that serves as a school during 56:04 the week or an auditorium and--but when we set a site 56:08 for religious purposes and we've invited God's presence, I think 56:12 there should be reverence there. 56:14 The Bible says the Lord is in His holy temple at all the earth 56:17 keeps silent, and we should bow in reverence before His name. 56:22 So if the angels are by the throne of God saying, "Holy, 56:25 holy, holy," then God's people when we come into the presence 56:29 of God should show respect. 56:31 Jean: Okay. 56:33 Warren is asking, "How can Satan and his angels still be alive 56:36 today if they cannot eat from the tree of life?" 56:39 Doug: Well, if the devil had a digestive system like a human 56:42 or like a physical creature, that would be--that 56:46 would make sense. 56:48 But the Bible tells us that angels are spirits, and I don't 56:52 know that the spirits are sustained by eating, you know, 56:56 bananas or fruit or--nothing in the Bible says that the devils 57:00 need to eat or drink. 57:03 There's some kind of--they're sustained in some other way. 57:06 We don't understand it's something of a mystery in that 57:08 world, but--yeah. 57:10 So I don't think that he's needed to eat 57:11 from the tree of life. 57:13 Jean: All right. 57:14 Then we have Kathy that's asking, "Where in the Bible does 57:16 it say that children who die before the age of accountability 57:18 will be saved if their parents are saved?" 57:21 Doug: Well, that is--that's a difficult subject because, you 57:25 know, on one hand you're asking every child that's ever lived 57:29 that dies before the age of accountability are they all in 57:32 heaven, and there's some question where that but then 57:37 is--certainly I don't believe children that die before the age 57:40 of accountability are going to be suffering in hell. 57:43 But then Paul says something--I think it's 1 Corinthians chapter 57:46 7 where he basically says that the children of the believing 57:51 parent are sanctified by their parents' faith. 57:56 And so the believing parents has had some sanctifying influence. 57:59 And many times the Bible when a person was saved it says they 58:02 and their house, meaning maybe their family, their children. 58:05 Hey, friends. I hope that helps a little bit. 58:07 We are so thankful that you've joined us for 58:09 "Bible Answers Live." 58:10 We are a faith-based ministry, meaning we're brought 58:12 to you by you. 58:14 If you've been blessed, keep us on the air. 58:16 We'll study next week. 58:20 announcer: "Bible Answers Live," 58:22 honest and accurate answers to your Bible questions. |
Revised 2025-02-26