Bible Answers Live

Heaven Is Cheap Enough

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AFBA

Program Code: AFBA202317S

00:02 male announcer: It is the best-selling book in history.
00:05 No volume ever written has been more loved and quoted, and its
00:09 words, sometimes simple and sometimes
00:12 mysterious, should always be studied carefully.
00:16 It is the Bible, the Word of God.
00:19 Welcome to "Bible Answers Live," providing accurate and practical
00:24 answers to all your Bible questions.
00:28 This broadcast is a previously recorded episode.
00:31 To receive any of the Bible resources mentioned
00:33 in this broadcast, call 800-835-6747.
00:38 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
00:43 Now here's your host from Amazing Facts
00:46 International, Pastor Doug Batchelor.
00:49 Doug Batchelor: Hello friends, would
00:51 you like to hear an amazing fact?
00:54 In February 2014, a Northern California couple out walking
00:58 their dog on their country property east of Sacramento,
01:01 they stumbled across a modern-day pot of gold.
01:05 Actually they found several pots of gold buried
01:08 in the shadow of an old oak tree.
01:11 The couple, who had chosen to remain anonymous, found eight
01:14 tin cans containing 1,427 gold coins dating between 1847 and
01:21 1894, virtually all of them in mint condition.
01:25 Although the face value of the gold pieces only adds up to
01:28 about $27,000, some of the coins are so rare and well preserved,
01:33 coin experts expect they could fetch easily up to $1 million.
01:38 It's believed whoever owned the property 150 years ago buried
01:42 the coins as a kind of primitive safety deposit box, and probably
01:46 died taking the secret with them.
01:48 This once in a lifetime horde that could easily fetch
01:52 $10 million is believed to be the most valuable
01:55 buried treasure ever found in the United States.
01:58 You know, Pastor Ross, the Bible also tells about a
02:01 man who found buried treasure in a field.
02:04 Jean Ross: That's right, Pastor Doug, after hearing that
02:06 fact, you want to go get a shovel and start digging
02:08 around in your yard, you never know.
02:10 We're not far from where this story actually
02:12 took place here in northern California.
02:13 We wonder what else is out there?
02:15 Doug: That's right, and matter of fact, today
02:16 our family just went kayaking down the
02:18 American River with our granddaughter, Lilly.
02:20 Hello, Lilly, and our son.
02:21 And we went right through the country where
02:24 they found that gold and the guide said,
02:26 you know, they're panning out there right now.
02:29 We saw people panning for gold because they
02:30 keep finding gold in the American River.
02:33 And the story I referenced is in Matthew 13 verse 44, and it
02:39 says, "Again the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure
02:42 hidden in a field which a man found and hid;
02:46 And for joy of it, he goes and he sells
02:48 all that he has and buys the field."
02:52 So, Jesus pictures the story.
02:53 You know, back then, poor people used to lease land for farming.
02:57 And while he's out plowing this land, it's not his land, but
03:00 he's doing something, and he finds this treasure.
03:02 People didn't have banks, they buried their treasure back then.
03:05 And then you realize, he's an honest man.
03:09 It says he hid it again, he covers it up,
03:11 and he goes, and he negotiates to buy the field,
03:13 but it's going to cost him everything.
03:15 But he knows what it's worth, so he sells everything.
03:18 And Jesus uses that as an analogy or
03:21 parable to explain that the kingdom of
03:24 heaven and eternal life is worth everything.
03:28 What could be worth more?
03:29 Jean: You know, we have a book that talks about this.
03:31 It's called "The Riches of His Grace."
03:34 It's the greatest treasure that anyone can
03:35 ever find, is the truth as it is in Jesus.
03:38 And we'll send this to you for free.
03:40 All you have to do is call the number, 800-835-6747.
03:44 That is our resource phone line and ask for the book.
03:46 It's called "The Riches of His Grace."
03:48 You can also dial #250 on your smartphone and just say "Bible
03:52 Answers Live," ask for the book, "The Riches of His Grace," and
03:55 we'll be happy to send it to anyone here in the U.S.
03:57 or outside--or North America, I guess it is.
04:01 If you're outside of North America, then just
04:03 go on our website,
04:06 If you have a Bible question, the phone line here to the
04:09 studio is 800-463-7297, that will bring you right here.
04:14 If you don't get through right away, please just be patient.
04:17 We'll get to as many calls as possible.
04:19 Well Pastor Doug, before we go to the phone
04:21 lines, let's start with a word of prayer.
04:23 Dear Father, we thank you for your Word.
04:24 We thank you for the opportunity to study the Bible, and, Lord,
04:28 we just pray for your guidance and the Holy Spirit to be with
04:30 us here in the studio and be with the many who
04:32 are listening, wherever they might be, Lord.
04:34 Guide us into a clearer understanding of
04:35 what the Bible says, in Jesus's name, amen.
04:38 Doug: Amen.
04:40 Jean: Well, our first caller this evening,
04:41 we've got Gary listening in Illinois.
04:43 Gary, welcome to the program.
04:46 Gary: Thank you.
04:47 In Genesis 11, verses 6 and 7, it says that God confused the
04:52 language of the people building the Tower of Babel because all
04:55 the people spoke the same language and
04:58 there would be nothing impossible for them.
05:01 So, is there anything in the Bible that
05:03 talks about the development of AI?
05:06 You know, the conversations I heard on YouTube
05:09 says that AI is sentient, that it has
05:12 consciousness, that thinks on its own.
05:14 Well, this is going to be a have a big
05:16 impact on society in a big way, and so
05:20 I'm just wondering if there's anything in the Bible about it.
05:24 Also that the AI said it didn't believe in a deity.
05:28 Doug: That's interesting, you know, just before we came on the
05:30 air and I had not seen your question yet, Pastor Ross and I
05:33 were talking about AI, meaning artificial
05:35 intelligence, I think most people know that.
05:38 And that is a fascinating question.
05:41 You know, Jesus does warn us in the last days that the
05:44 deceptions will be so effective and overwhelming that if it
05:47 were possible, even the very elect would be deceived.
05:50 Now, while I don't agree with some of the experts that are
05:53 saying that artificial intelligence has a conscience
05:56 right now, all that artificial intelligence
05:58 does is it responds to programming.
06:02 And it is true that there are programs that are then being
06:05 trained to analyze, is what they're doing.
06:10 But as far as having, you know, I believe the Holy Spirit speaks
06:13 to our minds and gives us a conscience and
06:15 convicts, I don't think AI has that.
06:18 It's a computer program.
06:20 But are there dangers?
06:22 Yes, look at what it does today and just imagine
06:25 what it's going to look like in five years.
06:27 We had a men's meeting this morning, we talked about AI and
06:30 I don't have time to share everything, but the presenter
06:34 did a good job of even tying in some scriptures about--like
06:38 when the serpent suddenly spoke, he had this extra
06:40 intelligence that Eve was intrigued by.
06:44 And, you know, what they're doing now with taking a segment
06:49 of a person's voice and some of their pictures,
06:52 and they're creating video of this person
06:54 talking, and they may have been dead.
06:57 I mean, all you need is some of their audio files and video
07:00 files, and they now can kind of recreate them, which is like
07:03 consulting evil spirits or dead spirits.
07:06 So, I think there's some very interesting
07:09 moral dilemmas, not that all AI is bad.
07:12 Virtually every company is using it in some--you know, if you
07:15 have a smartphone, you're using AI, you may not even know it.
07:18 But I think it's going to play a role in how the beast's power is
07:22 going to control buying and selling in the last days.
07:25 Jean: All right, well, thank you for your call, Gary.
07:26 And next call is Jerry, Jerry in Texas.
07:29 Jerry, welcome to the program.
07:30 Jerry: Okay guys, thank you.
07:33 You're opening up with a bag of worms tonight.
07:36 You have AI there and I'm going to give a follow
07:39 up to the question I'm going to ask you.
07:41 Jean: Okay.
07:43 Jerry: It could--could it be construed as--playing
07:48 with AI or interacting with AI, could that be
07:52 construed as playing with the ouija board?
07:55 And I base this on eight days ago, we had a Amazing Facts
08:03 Sabbath School study hour that we have weekly on "Amazing
08:07 Facts," and the gentleman referred to a young boy that was
08:12 12 to 14 years old, and he was interacting with a bot, and he
08:18 asked the bot, "Who is your creator?"
08:23 And the bot responded saying, "My father
08:25 is a fallen angel from heaven."
08:29 Doug: Well, that's interesting.
08:31 When you start dabbling with using AI and trying to get
08:34 spiritual advice from a computer, I think the devil can
08:37 influence that, and I wouldn't recommend that.
08:41 Now again, I want to explain that when I'm typing a document
08:44 and it is auto correcting, that is a very simple form of AI.
08:49 So, AI in itself is a technology, and like television
08:54 or printing press or, you know, so many
08:56 technologies can be used for good or evil.
09:00 And I think there's no question that AI, the devil can use it
09:03 for evil, but that doesn't mean all AI is bad.
09:07 Jean: I think part of that concern in talking about AI is
09:10 people put so much trust in, you know, what their phone says.
09:13 We were just talking about this on the way
09:15 home after the meeting this morning.
09:16 And if somebody asks, "Well,
09:17 what's the population of Sacramento?"
09:19 And somebody pull out their--
09:20 everyone says, "Well, I think it's this, I think it's that,"
09:22 and then they ask Google and Google give an
09:23 answer, that is the final answer.
09:26 Once Google says or whatever your phone tells you the
09:30 answer is, it's as if, all right, that's the final word.
09:32 There's a lot of trust built into AI and you wonder what that
09:35 confidence that people have in artificial intelligence, is that
09:38 something that the devil can manipulate in the end of time?
09:42 Doug: And computers do make mistakes.
09:43 Jean: That's right.
09:44 Doug: I've taken--I followed a GPS down the road that
09:48 ended up being filled with trees and there was
09:50 no road, but it--so--my GPS said forward.
09:53 So, they can mislead you sometimes.
09:57 Jean: All right, thank you, Jerry.
09:58 We've got Anthony listening in New York.
10:00 Anthony, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
10:02 Anthony: Good evening, pastors.
10:03 Doug: Evening.
10:04 Anthony: Really quick, when I asked the question a few months
10:07 back about ambition and you know in the Christian walk and things
10:11 of that nature, and based on the answer to your--to my question
10:15 from you, I applied for a promotion.
10:18 I actually got it, and it's a pretty
10:20 high position in the company.
10:21 So, I just want to say thank you for that--
10:24 for that word from the Lord.
10:26 And just praying that I'll be faithful like Daniel or Joseph.
10:31 And so, my question is--has to do with the Shekinah glory.
10:37 So, we know from Exodus that in the sanctuary, in the
10:41 wilderness, that I believe the pillar of cloud, when it
10:45 stopped, we believe that the pillar of cloud is
10:48 Jesus, was a form of preincarnate
10:50 Jesus Christ and the pillar of fire as well.
10:53 And that pillar of cloud, once the
10:55 sanctuary was built, filled the temple.
10:57 So--with the glory of the Lord.
11:00 And so, I guess my understanding is that the Shekinah glory, and
11:03 you can correct me if I'm wrong, the Shekinah glory is--was
11:06 Jesus Christ, the presence of Jesus Christ among the people.
11:09 And so, when Christ came to the earth, when he
11:11 was born, was the Shekinah glory still in the
11:17 temple before it was destroyed in AD 70?
11:20 And you know, and I know the temple, the veil
11:23 in the temple was rent when Christ died,
11:26 signifying the end of the sanctuary service.
11:28 So, because Christ was here physically on
11:30 earth, was the Shekinah still in the temple?
11:33 Or was there no Shekinah and the Jews were, you know, doing the
11:36 sacrificial service without the Shekinah?
11:38 Doug: Understood.
11:39 Yeah, the Shekinah glory never really reappeared
11:42 in the temple following the time of Josiah.
11:48 When Nebuchadnezzar conquered Jerusalem and the Ark was
11:51 hidden, the Ark of the Covenant--the Shekinah glory,
11:55 always appeared above the Ark of the
11:56 Covenant, it never appeared again.
12:00 There's no record, I should say, of it
12:02 appearing again, because the Ark was gone.
12:04 It's like back when the Ark was captured by
12:06 the Philistines in the days of Eli, they
12:09 said, "Ichabod, the glory is departed."
12:13 So, I think the glory, that visible manifestation
12:16 of God's presence was gone from the
12:19 temple from the time of Nebuchadnezzar.
12:21 When they rededicated the temple in the days of Ezra and
12:24 Nehemiah, they never saw the Shekinah glory come down like
12:27 they did in the days of David or in Solomon's time.
12:31 So, when Christ was on earth and the veil ripped, it was
12:34 signifying that the old ceremonial system had ended.
12:39 But I don't think anything happened
12:40 with the Shekinah glory.
12:42 Did you have any--
12:43 Jean: You know, I agree.
12:44 I think after, you know, the temple was rebuilt, it spoke of
12:47 the latter house, or the second house,
12:49 having greater glory than the first house.
12:51 Doug: Because Christ went in to teach there.
12:52 Jean: That's right.
12:54 So, it wasn't the Shekinah glory, which was glorious in the
12:55 time of Solomon, the glory, it was even greater in the person
12:58 of Christ, so there was no need for another
12:59 Shekinah glory, if the glory of Christ was greater
13:03 than what was revealed there in the Shekinah.
13:05 And then, of course, when the veil rent from top to bottom, it
13:08 signified that the temple and Jesus said,
13:11 "Your house is left to you desolate," so.
13:14 Doug: He said, "Destroy this temple, I will build one made
13:16 without hands," meaning his body, the church.
13:18 Jean: Very good, I'm thinking, do we have a study?
13:20 We do have a study out on the temple.
13:22 It's called "God Built--"
13:24 Doug: "God Drew The Plans."
13:25 Jean: "God Drew The Plans," that's what it is.
13:27 One of our Amazing Fact study guides.
13:28 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
13:29 The number is 800-835-6747.
13:33 As for the study guide, it's called "God Drew The Plans."
13:36 We'll be happy to send it to you or just dial #250 on your
13:40 smartphone and say, "Bible Answers Live,"
13:41 and ask for that by name.
13:43 We've got Thomas listening, Canada,
13:45 Thomas, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
13:50 Doug: Hey, Thomas, you're on the air, yeah.
13:52 Thomas: Yes, thank you. Thanks for taking the call.
13:55 Doug: And your question?
13:56 Thomas: The question is yes, they--I heard heard expressed by
14:00 pastors that--and this is not a common understanding,
14:04 but that there is a book of creation.
14:06 and then there's a-- the book of God's Word.
14:10 And as there's two witnesses that God had to carry out a
14:17 death, because of breaking the law, he required a minimum of
14:20 two witnesses, so God follows that same principle.
14:22 That's why Creation and the Word, they are in harmony.
14:26 So, my specific question is, which I illustrated to the
14:31 interviewer when she started is, that carbon has a signature of
14:35 666, and oxygen has a signature of 888.
14:40 And Jesus's name adds up to 888 in in Greek, the language of the
14:44 New Testament was written, the common language of the day.
14:47 So, my question is, do we see an imprint of God putting salvation
14:53 in creation by those two numbers?
14:58 Doug: Okay, I've never had that question before.
15:00 I have heard before that carbon was somehow
15:04 reflected by the number 666.
15:06 I don't know, maybe the--something in the--
15:10 Jean: Molecular structure or something?
15:12 Doug: Yeah, in the elements of it.
15:13 I don't know that I would try to use that kind of math, taking
15:19 the name of Jesus and the numerical value of his name in
15:22 Hebrew, and saying, you know, part of it equals
15:26 the earth and the Word and creation.
15:29 You know, when I get to heaven, I think we're
15:31 going to learn a lot about numerology.
15:33 God does use a lot of interesting numbers in the Bible
15:35 and we'll probably understand it better.
15:37 There are math geniuses that see all kinds of connections.
15:40 Jean: Of course, if you look in nature, you can
15:42 see the great controversy played out.
15:44 You see good and evil revealed in nature.
15:46 You see beauty in nature, but you also see pain and suffering.
15:49 So, just by looking at nature, you realize, well, first of all,
15:53 there must be a Creator, but you also realize that there's an
15:55 adversary that brings suffering and death.
15:58 And then, of course, the Bible expounds upon that.
16:00 Doug: Yep.
16:01 Something--you can see something went wrong.
16:03 It's a beautiful world, and yet there's
16:04 sin and suffering and death.
16:06 So, hey, thank you, Thomas. Don't know if that helps at all.
16:08 We do have--we do have a free download.
16:12 It's at a website called,
16:19 is that right?
16:20 Jean: I think so.
16:22 Doug: Where it's got the study on numbers?
16:23 Jean: Oh, yeah. Doug: Bible prophecy truth.
16:25 Jean: Prophecy code, if their webs are still up.
16:28 Doug: No, it's-- well maybe there are two.
16:29 Jean: Yeah, it was there. Doug: But yeah, okay.
16:31 Anyway, yeah, we--we've got, if you type in Amazing Facts,
16:35 Bible numbers and their meanings,
16:36 I think we have a a resource on that.
16:37 Jean: We have that. George listening in Texas.
16:40 George, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
16:43 George: Hi, pastors.
16:45 Doug: Hi, how can we help you?
16:47 George: Okay, I know that one of the commandments is,
16:51 "Thou shalt not kill," or, "Thou shalt not murder."
16:54 Does that mean I'm automatically supposed
16:56 to vote for the party of the pro-life?
17:01 And if I vote for the other party
17:04 that's not pro-life, am I sinning?
17:07 Doug: Well, that's an interesting question.
17:11 Personally, I think that you need to evaluate
17:16 what the values are of different candidates.
17:21 You probably could find good and evil
17:25 in both parties, unfortunately.
17:29 So, you know, sometimes when the time comes to vote, you need to
17:33 pray and then hold your nose and vote as an American citizen.
17:38 But I personally would have a moral problem,
17:41 and again, I don't want to make political statements,
17:43 we want to give Bible answers.
17:45 I would have a problem, personally, voting for a
17:48 candidate that was supporting abortion.
17:55 And that might mean that, you know,
17:57 you're voting for a candidate who's supporting some
17:59 things in other areas that are not Biblical.
18:01 But to me, it's a pretty serious violation
18:04 when you're taking innocent life.
18:05 Jean: You know, one of the counsels I heard dealing with
18:08 voting, it's always good if you can to vote on specific issues
18:12 versus just then parties in general, because like you say,
18:15 there's good and bad in each of the parties.
18:17 But if you have the opportunity to vote on a specific issue,
18:20 whether that's pro-life or abortion, or how--what is
18:24 marriage defined as, we as Christians, I think have an
18:28 opportunity to stand for what the Bible says on these issues.
18:32 So, vote on issues if possible.
18:35 Doug: Yep. Very good.
18:37 Jean: Thank you, George. We got Joel listening.
18:38 Doug: You know, pardon me, I do have a book
18:41 that's called "Should a Christian Vote?"
18:43 Yeah.
18:44 And it talks a little bit about the principles around elections.
18:46 And it talks a little bit about the principles around elections.
18:47 you know, around voting season.
18:49 Yeah, but we'll send it to anyone who calls and asks.
18:50 The number for that is 800-835-6747.
18:54 Just ask for the book, "Should A Christian Vote?"
18:56 and we'll be happy to send it to you or dial #250 on your
19:00 smartphone and you can get it that way as well.
19:03 Joel in North Carolina.
19:04 Joel, welcome to the program.
19:07 Joel: Good evening, pastors.
19:09 I'm doing a study on the timeline between the triumphant
19:15 entry and the Mount of Olives, where Jesus told the disciples
19:21 that, you know, the--Jerusalem was going to be destroyed.
19:24 My question is, did that--from
19:28 Matthew 21 to Matthew 26, did
19:35 that--that happened over, like, a three-day period, right?
19:40 Doug: Well, it, yeah, it's a matter of a few days.
19:44 I'd have to go back and look at chapter 21.
19:45 I know that most of the Gospels would dedicate most of their
19:49 time to the final week of Christ's life.
19:54 So, it wouldn't surprise me. Matthew 21?
19:57 Yeah, I think that's where Jesus is excoriating
19:59 the scribes and Pharisees.
20:01 Jean: Yeah, I think from--if you're looking
20:02 in Matthew 21 starting in verse 1, all the
20:05 way through to the crucifixion, it's about a week.
20:08 So, various Bible scholars believe that Jesus came to
20:14 Jerusalem or Bethany, which is two miles outside of Jerusalem,
20:18 on the Friday, he was there for the Sabbath, and then on Sunday
20:22 he entered, triumphant entry into Jerusalem.
20:25 And then of course, that Friday he was crucified.
20:27 So, a lot happened within that one week.
20:29 Doug: It tells about, yeah, several teaching episodes and--
20:32 Jean: The cursing the fig tree when he went in and out.
20:34 Okay, thank you Joel.
20:36 Who do we have next? Chastity, is that right?
20:39 Doug: Yes, Chasity.
20:40 Jean: Chasity from Arizona, Chasity, welcome to the program.
20:44 Chasity: Hi, thank you very much.
20:46 Doug: Yes.
20:47 Chasity: I just have a question.
20:50 Are the demons that are mentioned in the
20:52 Bible the fallen angels, and who are the third
20:55 of the fallen angels who fell to earth?
20:58 Doug: Yeah, yes and yes.
21:01 The angels, the evil spirits, are the
21:06 same as the fallen angels.
21:07 So, you know the devil is sometimes
21:10 referred to as an evil spirit.
21:13 You know, "We don't wrestle against flesh and blood," it
21:16 says in Ephesians chapter 6, "but against
21:18 spiritual hosts of evil in high places."
21:22 And in Revelation 12 it says Satan was cast out of heaven and
21:25 his angels were cast out with him.
21:28 And then you read earlier, the tail of the dragon drew 1/3 of
21:32 the stars, and these--the stars are--the dragon is a symbol for
21:36 Satan, and the stars are a symbol for the angels.
21:40 And it says his angels were cast down with him.
21:42 So, whenever we hear about evil spirits and sometimes they are
21:46 called demons or even ghosts, these
21:49 are typically angels, Satan's angels.
21:52 They're fallen angels that have been converted, like Lucifer.
21:57 Satan was once Lucifer, he was the chief of the angels and he
22:00 became a devil, and the fallen angels became demons.
22:05 Jean: We have a study guide that talks about the origin of evil.
22:07 It's called "Did God Create A Devil?"
22:09 And I think it addresses this very question,
22:10 about the angels and how they fell.
22:12 If you'd like to receive that,
22:13 the number to call is 800-835-6747.
22:16 Ask for the study guide, "Did God Create the Devil?"
22:19 Or dial #250 on your smartphone and just ask for it.
22:23 We'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls and asks.
22:25 We got Joe listening in Arizona.
22:27 Joe, welcome to the program.
22:30 Joe: How you guys doing?
22:31 Doug: Great. How are you doing?
22:34 Joe: Hey, my question this week is, I've watched--Pastor
22:40 Batchelor, I've watched your presentation on the 144,000, but
22:46 I never really got a definitive answer of who they are.
22:50 And so, I guess my question would since the Bible says that
22:54 before the four quarters--or the End Times, the angels are
23:00 released to wreak havoc on the earth, that
23:02 the angel goes and he seals the 144,000?
23:06 Doug: Yes.
23:07 Joe: Is it possible that the 144,000 could be the actual
23:10 literal number of people that get sealed with
23:13 the seal of God, before the tribulation?
23:15 Doug: I don't think they're the only ones.
23:19 In other words, I think everyone in the last days that's saved
23:23 has the seal of God, because everyone
23:25 else has got the mark of the beast.
23:27 But the 144,000, I think there's more
23:29 than just the 144,000 that are saved.
23:33 I think the 144,000 represent the leadership.
23:37 Keep in mind, Revelation is written by an apostle, his name
23:40 is John, and everything you read about the
23:43 144,000 fits the definitions of the apostles.
23:47 They follow the Lamb wherever he goes.
23:50 It says, "These are they without guile."
23:53 They have a special message.
23:56 It's like on the day of Pentecost, one of the disciples
24:00 had committed suicide because he betrayed Jesus, Judas.
24:03 And before the Holy Spirit is poured out, Peter says we need
24:07 to replace that because we're down to 11 apostles.
24:10 As soon as they get to the number 12, the next thing it
24:13 says is the place they were gathered together is
24:15 shaken and the Holy Spirit is poured out.
24:17 When they got to that number 12, there's something about that.
24:20 And I think that in the same way God used 12
24:23 apostles to go and preach to the lost tribes of
24:27 Israel during Jesus's first coming,
24:30 he's going to have 12 times 12,000 before the second coming.
24:33 They're not the only ones saved, just like on the day of
24:35 Pentecost, you've got 12 apostles in the upper room, but
24:38 there's 120 total, there's other people, other disciples there.
24:42 It wasn't just the 12 apostles filled with the Holy Spirit, it
24:45 was everybody in the upper room, and then through their
24:47 preaching, there's a great revival.
24:50 And I think that's going to repeat itself.
24:52 A latter rain outpouring of the Spirit.
24:54 The 144,000 are a type of God's people,
24:57 but they're a symbol for the apostles also.
25:01 Got a book we can send you.
25:02 We may have offered this to you last time,
25:04 but I don't know if you received it yet or asked for
25:06 it, but it's on--"Who Are the 144,000?"
25:10 Jean: The number to call for that is 800-835-6747.
25:14 Just ask for the book, "Who Are the 144,000?"
25:16 We'll be happy to send it to you, Joel, or anyone wanting to
25:19 learn more about Revelation chapter 7.
25:21 Dial #250 on your smartphone and just say, "Bible Answers Live,"
25:25 and again you can ask for the book.
25:26 We'll be happy to send it to you.
25:28 Next caller that we have is James,
25:30 listening from Pennsylvania.
25:32 James, welcome to the program.
25:34 James: All right, good evening.
25:36 I was wondering if I could ask two really quick questions, If
25:39 I'm real quick, to make my point?
25:41 Doug: Okay, let's take them one at a time.
25:44 James: Sure, the first question I have is, are God's
25:46 people allowed to defend themselves and their families
25:49 from the forces of evil, without committing sin?
25:52 Say like if somebody tried to break into my house and the only
25:56 way that I could defend my family is,
25:59 like, if I had to shoot them or something?
26:02 Doug: You know, according to the Bible, it says pretty
26:05 clearly, even Jesus said that, you know, "You can't break into
26:09 a strong man's house unless you bind him
26:11 first," physically, you have to restrain him.
26:13 Meaning, that if you don't physically
26:14 restrain him, he's going to defend his family.
26:17 And so, I think it's a pretty common universal understanding
26:21 that a man or whoever's in the house would want to protect the
26:25 home and the children and the occupants.
26:27 And so, if force is used to come in, you might
26:30 need to use force if you can to stop an invasion.
26:34 And most laws in most countries understand and recognize that.
26:38 So, I don't think there's a moral--you know, some people
26:40 might say, you know, "I just, I can't do that even if my family
26:43 is at risk," and I'd respectfully disagree.
26:46 But there are some people who feel so strongly about any kind
26:49 of, what they would call violent defense, that they don't think a
26:54 Christian should do that, they should just pray.
26:57 Well, I wouldn't bother my conscience.
27:00 I think it's normal reaction and I think it's even a duty for the
27:05 man of a house to protect and provide for his family.
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27:13 for your continued support of Amazing Facts.
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29:52 Once again, that's 800-835-6747.
29:58 Now let's rejoin our hosts for more "Bible Answers Live."
30:04 Doug: Welcome back, listening friends, to "Bible
30:05 Answers Live," and if you've tuned in somewhere
30:07 along the way, this is a live international
30:10 interactive Bible study, and you're invited
30:12 to call in with your Bible questions.
30:14 If you don't get through right away, well, try again.
30:17 Seek and you will find.
30:19 And the--knock and it'll be open.
30:21 It's 800-God-Says, is the phone number.
30:24 One more time, 800-463-7297, and my name is Doug Batchelor.
30:31 Jean: My name is Jean Ross, and we're
30:32 going to go to Aaron listening in New York.
30:34 Aaron, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
30:38 Aaron: Good evening, pastors.
30:39 Doug: Evening.
30:41 Aaron: I encountered an internet troll on the comments
30:44 section of a Christian YouTube video.
30:47 He claims that God created sin because the Bible says God
30:51 created all things and he counts sin as a thing because he
30:55 defines a thing as which is considered a
30:59 separate entity, object, quality, and concept.
31:04 He uses Romans chapter 11, verse 36 to back up this claim.
31:10 My question is, can sin be included in the meaning behind
31:14 Romans chapter 6--chapter 11, verse 36, and
31:19 Colossians chapter 1 verses 16 and 17?
31:22 Doug: Well, let's read these for friends who are listening.
31:24 In Romans chapter 11:36, "For of him and through him and to him
31:30 are all things, to whom be the glory forever."
31:33 Well, what all things is Paul talking about?
31:36 You go to verse 33, it says, "Of the depth of the
31:38 riches of the wisdom of the knowledge of God."
31:40 It's talking about the mercy of God in verse 31 and God's grace.
31:44 It's not talking about evil.
31:46 And so he's--Paul is saying that the
31:49 glory for all--the plan of salvation belongs
31:52 to God, we can't take credit for it.
31:55 So that verse, I think, to say that God
31:57 created sin, now there's a big problem with
32:00 anyone who says that God created sin.
32:02 It says God tempts no man.
32:04 James says, I forget the verse, "God
32:06 cannot be tempted with evil.
32:07 Neither does he tempt anybody."
32:09 So, whoever tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden
32:11 of Eden, God never induces people to sin.
32:15 God does not create entrapment to try to get people to sin.
32:19 He hates sin.
32:20 Jean: That's James chapter 1 verse 13.
32:22 It says God doesn't tempt.
32:23 Doug: "Every good and perfect gift is from God and comes
32:26 down from the Father of lights with whom there
32:28 is no variableness or shadow of turning."
32:31 And so, God is good.
32:33 Sin came from--God created a good angel, who had a free will.
32:38 And this intelligent, free, moral
32:39 being, Lucifer, he became selfish.
32:44 Sin began with him.
32:46 And, God is good, God is pure, God is just.
32:50 So, the idea that God created sin, created sinners and then
32:53 said he's going to punish sinners for being sinners, well,
32:56 that would make God an accomplice to the problem of
32:59 sin, which really would go against
33:02 everything the Bible says about God hating sin.
33:05 Jean: Of course, we have that study
33:06 guide it says, "Did God Create a Devil?"
33:08 And it deals with this.
33:09 I'll be happy to send it to anyone who calls
33:11 and asks, it's 800-835-6747 or dial #250 on
33:16 your smartphone and we can send it to you.
33:18 Doug: Sorry, just in fairness, also, I think Aaron
33:20 was also asking about Colossians 1:16 and 17, which is also
33:25 saying, I believe, that God made all things.
33:28 But it's talking about God made everything.
33:30 It looks back to Genesis, where it says it was good,
33:32 good, very good, he made everything good.
33:35 And because of the choice of one of the free creatures,
33:38 Adam and Eve and the devil, they made
33:41 moral choices not to love and not to obey.
33:45 Jean: All right, thanks for your call, Aaron.
33:46 We've got Lawrence listening from Oregon.
33:49 Lawrence, welcome to the program.
33:52 Lawrence: Yeah.
33:53 I just told a little bit about circumcision.
33:56 If Jesus told us to follow his steps and he was circumcised on
34:01 the 8th day, do we practice circumcision today or not?
34:07 People-- that's my question.
34:10 Doug: Yeah, well, one of the big discussions they had in the
34:13 New Testament is as the Gentiles were coming to Christ and
34:16 believing in Jesus, some of the Jewish believers in Christ said,
34:20 "Oh well, they need to be circumcised."
34:22 And there was a long discussion about this in the early church,
34:25 and they came to the conclusion that it is not necessary.
34:29 Circumcision was something that pointed to the covenant that the
34:34 promised seed would come through the line of Abraham.
34:38 It also was a symbol for the cutting away of the flesh, not
34:41 being carnally minded but being spiritual minded.
34:44 So, now many countries and peoples, I think Muslims and
34:49 Jews and many Gentiles today still practice circumcision and
34:53 they perform it in hospitals routinely for Jews and Gentiles
34:57 because they--there is some medical benefit.
35:00 And I'm talking about male circumcision.
35:02 Female circumcision is believed to be
35:04 all negative, it's kind of a mutilation.
35:08 But--and you can probably research the details of that on
35:11 your own, but there's no command.
35:14 Paul says circumcision is nothing,
35:16 and you can read this in Galatians.
35:17 Uncircumcision is nothing, keeping
35:19 the commandments is what matters.
35:20 Jean: Okay, thank you.
35:22 We've got Junith listening in Nevada.
35:23 Junith, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
35:27 Junith: Hello, good evening.
35:29 My question is related to Genesis
35:33 chapter 3 verses 1 to 23.
35:37 Is about the the character of the snake.
35:40 We know that God described the snake as the
35:46 most guile among the animals in the garden.
35:50 Some people would even put in the sermon that the devil is
35:54 smart, and I really would like to to address this, that if the
35:59 devil is smart, the devil should not have become the devil.
36:04 He would still be one of the cherubims
36:09 guarding the Ark of the Covenant.
36:11 And the meaning of guile here is,
36:14 actually it's another form of intelligence.
36:17 It's a crafty intelligence.
36:19 And to be smart is quick-witted intelligence.
36:23 Would you agree with me that the snake is not smart?
36:27 Doug: Yeah, well, the Bible says, you know, thank you, June.
36:30 The Bible says that, "The fool has said in his heart there is
36:33 no God and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."
36:37 And Satan's not fearing God
36:39 is a sign of the ultimate ignorance.
36:44 And I know that that might sound like a contradiction, but keep
36:47 in mind there are some people in the world that have extremely
36:51 high IQ's that do not believe in God, and they are foolish in
36:58 deliberately choosing not to believe in God.
37:00 I think Paul addresses this in Romans 1, he says, "Thinking
37:03 themselves wise, they become fools."
37:05 And so, they're still very intelligent people that would,
37:08 you know, if they took an IQ test, they'd score very high.
37:12 If you ask them if they believe in God, they say no, and the
37:14 reason is they can't afford to believe in God, because that
37:16 means they would have to answer to God.
37:17 They want to be their own God.
37:19 That was the devil's problem.
37:21 And so, when it says the serpent was more cunning, it's talking
37:24 about the craftiness, the hypnotic ability of like a
37:27 snake, to deceive, to sneak up on.
37:31 So, it doesn't mean that the devil
37:33 is wise in the spiritual sense.
37:36 Real wisdom is surrendering to God and believing in God.
37:39 Jean: All right, thank you.
37:41 Next caller that we have is Loretta listening from New York.
37:45 Loretta, welcome to the program.
37:48 Loretta: Hey, Doug and John.
37:50 My question is, my 13 year old came
37:53 to me with these two verses, and he was
37:56 wondering if there is a contradiction.
37:57 Clearly, I couldn't explain it to him.
37:59 It's 2 Chronicles 22:2 and 2 Kings 8:26.
38:05 Doug: Okay, let's go there, 2 Chronicles 22:2.
38:08 Yeah.
38:10 "And the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah, his
38:12 youngest son, King in this place for the raiders who came with
38:16 the Arabians into camp had killed the older sons.
38:20 So Ahaziah, the son of Joram, King of Judah, reigned."
38:24 And, so, verse 2, "Ahaziah was 42 years old."
38:28 Now, the--in 2 Kings it says Ahaziah was 22 years old.
38:35 Yeah, and the reason that is given by the Bible scholars is
38:40 that it probably was that he was 22 years old.
38:44 The letters in Hebrew--the Bible is perfect, but sometimes
38:47 the manuscripts they translate from, the scribes had written
38:51 letters not clearly, or the ink had smudged
38:54 by the time the translators got the documents.
38:58 And when they looked at the Hebrew letters for 22, it's like
39:02 in English, the seven and the two can sometimes
39:04 look similar if you don't write them clearly.
39:06 You know what I'm saying?
39:08 And, matter of fact, when I was--when I was
39:13 a teenager, I took my learner's permit.
39:15 I was born in 1957.
39:16 Now you all know how old I am.
39:18 But I wanted to be able to buy alcohol, so I turned the seven
39:21 into a two very easily and I used that counterfeit or forged
39:26 learner's permit to get a driver's license.
39:28 For years, my drivers license that I was older than I was,
39:31 even after I became a Christian, because every
39:33 time I renewed it, they took the old date.
39:35 And one day I went back and I said,
39:37 "You know, this is wrong, it's not my age."
39:38 And they just took my word for it
39:39 and changed it back, I was amazed.
39:41 I should have said I was 15.
39:43 Anyway, but this is just a place where you are
39:47 going to see a discrepancy because--
39:49 is this what you understand, Pastor Ross?
39:51 The numbers in Hebrew, the characters look very similar and
39:54 it was translated incorrectly, probably in 2 Chronicles 22.
40:00 So, thank you.
40:02 Hope that and the math adds up better one way than the other,
40:05 as far as the ages of the kings and how old the kids would be.
40:09 Jean: All right, next caller that we have
40:10 is Jasmine listening in Georgia.
40:13 Jasmine, welcome to the program.
40:16 Jasmine: Yes, good night. Doug: Evening.
40:18 Jasmine: I just wanted to say, God bless your ministry and
40:22 my son and I hear you guys every day, you know, repetition.
40:27 But our question that we have is when Eve
40:32 was talking to the serpent, why was she not
40:35 surprised that the serpent was talking to her?
40:39 Doug: Well, I think she was surprised.
40:42 I think the devil deliberately possessed this beautiful, subtle
40:48 creature that was probably hypnotic in the way it moved,
40:52 even snakes today can be hypnotic.
40:53 But snakes after sin were cursed to crawl on the ground, which
40:56 means before sin, they had some other means of mobilization.
41:01 And commentators think that they may have been able to fly.
41:06 Virtually every culture in the world talks about flying
41:08 reptiles, and there's even bones of pterodactyls
41:12 and pterodactyls and reptiles that flew.
41:16 So, you know, we don't know if there's that
41:17 connection, but I think she was surprised.
41:20 And that's one of the things that--sure, she wasn't afraid.
41:23 There was nothing in the garden to fear, but I don't think Eve
41:26 knew that any of the creatures had the ability of speech, and
41:29 the serpent is--he's intimating, "Well if you eat
41:32 this fruit, look what it did for me?
41:33 I was a snake, that all I could do is stick
41:35 out my tongue and now I can talk."
41:37 And she was amazed by that and thought,
41:39 maybe God is keeping something from us.
41:41 So, I think--I don't know what your thoughts are?
41:43 Jean: Absolutely.
41:44 Doug: I think you--I think she was surprised.
41:46 Jean: And also probably surprised by the fact that it
41:48 almost seemed as though the serpent answered
41:50 a question that she was wondering about.
41:52 She was looking at the fruit and the devil was waiting.
41:54 He saw his perfect opportunity.
41:56 Doug: He read her expressions of curiosity and yeah.
42:00 Jean: Subtle, yeah.
42:01 Doug: And then you know, I heard one Hebrew scholar said,
42:04 when he greeted Eve, it was like, hi in there.
42:10 I mean, it was all--yeah, it was almost like a flattering,
42:13 seductive greeting that appealed to her.
42:16 So yeah.
42:18 Okay, thanks.
42:20 Jean: Next caller that we have is Coby listening from
42:21 Washington, Coby welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
42:25 Coby: Hello pastors.
42:28 I wanted to know can people go to heaven
42:34 if they go to church on Sunday?
42:37 Doug: Okay.
42:38 There are going to be a lot of people in
42:40 heaven that went to church on Sunday.
42:41 There'll be people in heaven that
42:43 maybe didn't know what day to go to church.
42:45 Now, I think Coby might be wondering because on this
42:48 program, we've said that Biblically there's
42:50 no question the seventh day is the Sabbath.
42:53 Well, what does that mean about millions
42:54 of people around the world that go to church on the
42:56 first day of the week instead of the seventh day?
42:58 Are they automatically lost? No.
43:01 Sin is knowing to do good and not doing it, so there's a lot
43:04 of people that don't know God's will in this area.
43:08 And so, you know, Christians that live up to all the light
43:12 that they have, they're going to be in the kingdom.
43:15 But that doesn't mean we should ignore what the Bible says.
43:18 Once we know what the Bible says,
43:20 we need to follow the Word of God.
43:22 Jean: Well, the Bible speaks of a time
43:23 when God winked at their ignorance.
43:25 For example, you have many very godly men
43:28 in the Old Testament that had more than one wife.
43:30 Well, that was never God's will.
43:31 Jesus made it very clear when he said, in
43:33 the beginning he created man and woman.
43:35 And yet they still gonna be saved.
43:37 They kind of conformed to the culture of the time.
43:41 And God has given us truth.
43:43 We want to follow all the light.
43:45 Doug: Yep. So, thank you Coby.
43:47 Hope that helps the answer that a little bit.
43:49 Jean: We've got Steven, listening in Canada.
43:52 Steven, welcome to the program.
43:55 Steven: Good evening, gentlemen.
43:56 I appreciate the program as always.
43:58 I think it's the fifth time I have a pleasure to call.
44:01 Thank you for taking my call.
44:03 What I would like to know, what does the Bible
44:05 say about fornication, you know, to keep
44:08 out of making love outside of marriage?
44:10 Doug: I think the Bible is pretty clear
44:12 that sexual relations for people are to
44:16 be reserved for the marriage covenant.
44:19 And I think we can see the epidemic in our country and
44:22 other parts of the world, to families where children are born
44:26 into single parent families, not because the
44:29 father or mother died, but because there
44:31 was no benefit of a covenant of marriage.
44:34 And they grow up and often struggle with
44:37 a whole spectrum of problems because
44:40 they don't have the biblically designed family.
44:43 Now I know there are people that either through
44:45 divorce or death, they're single parents and God
44:48 will watch over and bless but it's not the ideal.
44:52 God's ideal is for there to be man and woman.
44:55 Sex is to be reserved for that, and you might
44:57 be thinking, well, what if you know, if you
44:58 use birth control, what difference does it make?
45:00 You know, God wants us to reserve those intimate--that
45:05 intimate gift for the marriage covenant.
45:09 And I think the Bible, every verse in the
45:11 Bible that addresses that is consistent.
45:13 Jean: All right.
45:15 Did you have a second question, Steven?
45:17 Steven: Yes, because I was just thinking, but I don't want
45:20 to add--thank you very much, Professor Jean Ross for asking.
45:24 My second question is that we should not add or distract
45:26 anything as Revelation questions, but my humble
45:29 observation because the Sabbath is going to be the seal of God
45:33 and also Isaiah 66:32-33 as you know, is going to be eternal
45:37 life important, if this can keep us more on the narrow path, more
45:42 in Christ, than let's say Sunday, which is
45:44 not in the Bible or you know any other day.
45:48 You know the Sunday, keep us more clean, more pure bride of
45:51 Christ, the temple, you know more being the men and more the
45:55 desire to stay pure until marriage.
46:00 Doug: Well, I Ido think there's benefit.
46:02 Whenever we obey God, there's a blessing.
46:04 If you look in Isaiah chapter 58, when it talks
46:07 about the Sabbath commandment in particular
46:10 and you can look in, let me see here.
46:15 Here we go, I'm getting close.
46:18 Isaiah 58, verse 13.
46:20 "If you turn away your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your
46:23 pleasure on my holy day and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy
46:27 day of the Lord, honorable and shall honor him, not doing your
46:30 own ways or finding your own pleasure or speaking your own
46:33 words, then you will delight yourself in the Lord, and I will
46:37 cause you to ride on the high places of the earth and feed you
46:41 with the heritage of Jacob your father.
46:43 The mouth of the Lord has spoken."
46:45 He promises special blessings that go above
46:48 and beyond the blessings of physical rest.
46:50 Jean: You know, we have a study guide, it's called "The
46:52 Lost Day of History," and if anyone wants to
46:54 study this further, it's an important topic,
46:56 we'll be able to send you this for free.
46:57 The number to call is 800-835-6747.
47:01 Just ask for the study guide called
47:03 "The Lost Day of History."
47:04 We also have a website called, and you
47:07 can go there right away, and you can see some great
47:09 resources and study this further for yourself.
47:12 Next caller that we have is Lee, listening in Texas.
47:14 Lee, welcome to the program.
47:16 Lee: Yes, sir, thank you.
47:18 My question is that Jesus knew
47:21 everything that God knows, right?
47:24 Doug: Well, yes, he does now, on earth he did not.
47:28 I mean, on earth he laid aside his divinity, and so he only
47:32 knew that what was revealed at the time by the Father.
47:35 Lee: Jesus once said that he didn't know the day--the day of
47:39 his coming, but how could he not know the day of his own coming
47:42 if he knew everything that God does?
47:44 Doug: Well, when--he does know now, but when Christ was on
47:47 earth as a man, he--the incarnation.
47:50 I mean, think about it for a moment, when Jesus was a baby in
47:52 the manger, do you think he had all the knowledge of the cosmos
47:55 and all the knowledge of God swirling around his head?
47:58 He had to learn to talk like other babies.
48:00 So--and it says in, is it Philippians
48:03 where it says he laid aside his divinity?
48:08 He thought it not robbery to be equal with God.
48:11 I might be thinking of Colossians.
48:13 "But made himself of no reputation,
48:16 taking on the form of a servant."
48:17 So, Christ basically, when he was on earth as a human and he
48:21 said, "No one knows the day or the hour, I don't even know."
48:25 For one thing.
48:26 Jean: Philippians 2:7. Doug: Yeah.
48:27 What would Jesus say to the apostles?
48:29 Would he say, "Yeah, February 26,
48:31 1945 is when I'm coming or 2045"?
48:35 What would that mean to them?
48:37 I mean, how would--how would he even relate the date?
48:39 They didn't have that dating method.
48:41 So, does Jesus know the day and the hour of his coming?
48:44 Of course, I mean, you can't picture Jesus is up in heaven by
48:46 the Father and he's saying, "Please let
48:48 me know, when am I supposed to come?"
48:49 "No, can't show you yet, can't trust you."
48:52 Of course he knows,
48:53 but on earth as a man, he didn't know all that.
48:55 Jean: It had not been revealed to him.
48:58 All right, thank you.
48:59 Next caller that we have is Cindy, listening in Arizona.
49:02 Cindy, welcome to "Bible Answers Live."
49:05 Hold on a second.
49:07 We just had Cindy move real quick.
49:09 Do you have it there, Pastor Doug?
49:11 Doug: We've got callers coming in, so it shifts our names.
49:15 Well, let's--
49:17 Jean: Oh, there it is, I found it.
49:18 Cindy in Arizona. Cindy, welcome to the program.
49:21 Cindy: Hi, can you hear me?
49:22 Doug: We do. Jean: We can hear you.
49:23 Cindy: Okay.
49:25 So, the question I have is around the crying of blood from
49:32 the ground, the spilling of innocent blood and the crying
49:35 out from the--from the grave, like Abel in Genesis 4.
49:40 And then I--I had mentioned Matthew 2,
49:45 I think it's 2:18 actually, where it mentions
49:47 Rachel and the last part of that.
49:48 Doug: Yes, crying for her children.
49:51 Cindy: Yeah, but I was wondering about Revelation, I think it's 9
49:55 through 10 because of the connection--
49:58 Doug: The soul of those under the altar crying out?
50:01 Cindy: Yeah, and it's connection to abortion and, you
50:03 know, the 6th commandment, not killing.
50:08 So, do you think that those are the 63 plus million since
50:14 Roe versus Wade, 1973, do you think that could be?
50:19 Doug: Yeah, I think I understand
50:21 what you're asking, Cindy.
50:22 You know, when God said to Cain, "The blood of your brother, Abel
50:27 cries to me from the ground," he meant, the blood isn't little
50:30 blood cells aren't, you know, squeaking.
50:32 It wasn't talking about literally, it--
50:34 it's a figure of speech that the innocent blood
50:38 of Abel was crying out for justice.
50:40 You've got the innocent blood of the children in the story of the
50:44 slaughter in Bethlehem crying out for justice.
50:48 Jesus had all the blood from Abel to Zachariah, the son of
50:53 Baraciah, who was an innocent prophet killed in Jerusalem, was
50:56 going to come on that generation, and
50:58 it did with the destruction of Jerusalem.
51:00 When you read in Revelation, is it chapter 9, where it's the
51:03 souls under the altars, is that 5?
51:04 Jean: Chapter 6. Doug: Chapter 6.
51:06 When you read about the souls under the altar, it's again,
51:10 it's a symbol for the martyrs, those who have died for the
51:13 cause of Christ, but the innocent blood of unborn
51:19 children, that is also crying out for justice.
51:22 That verse in particular I don't think he's talking about that,
51:25 but certainly God has record of any injustice and innocent
51:31 blood, and there'll be a payday for that.
51:33 Jean: Yeah, from the broader context, you know, we're talking
51:35 about the first seal in the sequence of events, if you kind
51:38 of follow through the chronology, it's talking about a
51:40 time of severe persecution that came upon Bible believing
51:43 Christians, during the time of the Reformation and even before,
51:47 and that fits into that time frame.
51:49 Could it refer to, you know, the broader
51:52 aspect of just innocent life being taken?
51:56 Possibly, but more specifically--
51:57 Doug: The principle is the same.
51:59 Jean: Yeah, it's relating to the martyrs during that time period.
52:02 Doug: Thank you Cindy, hope that helps a little and maybe we
52:04 have time for one more before our first sign off.
52:08 Jean: All right, we got Darryll listening in Florida.
52:09 Darryll, welcome to the program.
52:12 Darryl: Hey, Pastor Doug and Pastor Jean.
52:16 So, we know that God and God only can forgive sin, but how do
52:20 we reconcile when Jesus gave the disciples the authority to
52:24 forgive sin in John chapter 20, verse 23?
52:28 And then, once he gives them that authority, it was only--
52:32 was it only those disciples or was it from that point forward
52:38 that Jesus, if you were a disciple of
52:41 Jesus, you had the ability to forgive sin?
52:44 And then the next idea that comes into my head, maybe this
52:48 is why some certain priests think they
52:51 have the ability to forgive people sins?
52:54 Doug: Yeah, let me quote this for our friends
52:56 that are listening and this is in Matthew chapter--
52:59 I'm sorry, John chapter 20, verse 22.
53:03 It says, "And when he said this, he breathed on
53:04 them and said to them, 'Receive the Holy Spirit.
53:08 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven of them.
53:12 If you retain the sins of any, they are retained.'"
53:14 Now that has been quoted by the Catholic Church and probably
53:17 others as proof that apostles and priests can forgive sins.
53:23 But, I do believe that Christians can forgive.
53:28 You know, keep in mind, Christ says when you bring your gift to
53:31 the altar, if you have ought with your
53:32 brother, go be reconciled to your brother.
53:34 And in the Lord's prayer it says, "Forgive
53:36 us our debts as we forgive our debtors."
53:39 So, there's a way for us to forgive
53:41 each other offenses against us.
53:43 In preaching the Gospel, we are passing
53:45 on the forgiveness of God to others.
53:48 In neglecting to preach the Gospel, they're not having that
53:53 benefit so, in as much as apostles and believers share the
53:59 Gospel of forgiveness, people receive forgiveness, and when we
54:02 fail to do that, or neglect to do that they
54:05 are--they are--they lose that benefit.
54:08 I don't know, what are your thoughts?
54:09 Jean: Yeah, absolutely.
54:11 I think it also has a reference here to
54:12 church authority or church leadership.
54:14 Not that the church can forgive or not forgive, but if
54:17 somebody is living in open violation and the church has
54:20 spoken to them and they refuse to repent,
54:22 and the church decides to remove them from
54:24 membership, that is a serious thing.
54:27 And Christ did give his church the ability to,
54:30 in that case, protect the flock and also be
54:33 faithful to the truth, to the Word.
54:35 Doug: Yeah, Matthew 18:18, "Whatever you bind on earth will
54:37 be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in
54:40 heaven," and that's in the context of the church forgiving.
54:44 I hope that helps, listening friends.
54:45 Now, I always like to explain just so people understand.
54:49 "Bible Answers Live" is on hundreds of
54:51 stations, on the Internet, we're on satellite radio,
54:54 and we're on land-based stations.
54:56 Because of the clocks, we sign off on satellite first.
54:59 So, we'll say God bless and farewell to all those listening
55:02 on satellite radio, but we're going to stay by and do rapid
55:05 fire Bible questions in just a moment, so
55:07 don't go anywhere, we are coming back.
55:10 ♪♪♪
55:13 announcer: Thank you for listening to today's broadcast.
55:15 We hope you understand your Bible even better than before.
55:19 "Bible Answers Live" is produced by Amazing Facts International,
55:23 a faith-based ministry located in Granite Bay, California.
55:28 Jean: Hello friends and welcome
55:30 back to "Bible Answers Live."
55:31 For those of you who are staying around for the
55:33 next few minutes, we're going to answer some of
55:35 the e-mail questions that you sent us.
55:37 If you'd like to send us an e-mail question, our e-mail
55:39 address is
55:44 Pastor Doug, first question that we have, it's a tough one.
55:46 It says, "How do you handle or how do I handle my 31 year old
55:49 daughter who is now transitioning into a man?"
55:53 Doug: Well, you know, that's heartbreaking, and if you're
55:57 asking for a Bible answer, I would say that,
56:00 you know, we need to love people.
56:01 Obviously, you don't love sin, and you certainly don't love
56:06 where someone might be going through medical or chemical
56:11 procedures to try to alter their gender because
56:13 it's really a--it's an effort of futility.
56:16 You cannot alter your gender.
56:18 The genes of men and women are different all the way down to
56:23 the very basic level, the chromosomes.
56:26 And so they're finding out more and more people that are trying
56:30 to transition are now trying to untransition,
56:33 because they're not finding the fulfillment.
56:36 I would say just be there to show unconditional love.
56:39 While I know you don't approve of sin and what your values are,
56:43 you want to support them as a human being,
56:45 so you're there for them afterward, if
56:48 they're looking for love and encouragement.
56:52 Jean: Okay, very good.
56:53 Here is a question Aunt Nancy is asking, she said, did God
56:56 breathe the breath of life into all animals as well?
57:00 Doug: Yeah, that breath of life, that God, it's says, "God
57:02 formed Adam from the elements of the earth, the clay,
57:06 he breathed into his nostrils the breath of
57:08 life and man became a living soul."
57:11 Yes, that breath of life was not only given to man, but you read
57:15 in Ecclesiastes that when any creature dies, the breath, it
57:19 says the spirit returns to God who gave
57:22 it, and the body returns to the earth.
57:25 And so, the body decomposes and
57:27 the breath of life returns to God.
57:29 And that says to man and beast, in Ecclesiastes,
57:34 they have the breath of life, obviously.
57:36 Jean: Okay, another question, John is asking,
57:39 are we to be afraid of evil spirits?
57:42 Doug: No.
57:43 First of all, Jesus said, "Fear not,
57:45 fear not, fear not, fear not."
57:47 You know, I don't think we should dabble
57:49 with or try to confront or communicate
57:50 with evil spirits, but just know they're there.
57:55 Good news is there's more good spirits than evil spirits,
57:58 meaning there's more good angels than evil angels.
58:01 And so, yeah, the Bible tells us, "He that is in you is
58:05 greater than he that is in the world," so
58:08 we don't need to be afraid of the devil.
58:09 Resist the devil, he'll flee from you, friends.
58:12 God bless, we hope that you will return next week
58:15 as we continue to study God's Word.
58:21 announcer: "Bible Answers Live," honest
58:23 and accurate answers to your Bible questions.


Revised 2025-02-26