An Evening With

An Evening With: Michael Harris

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AEW

Program Code: AEW000027A

00:22 Hello and welcome to An Evening With Michael Harris.
00:26 I'm your host, Yvonne Lewis.
00:28 Let's welcome the Lord into this place.
00:31 Father God, we just want to say that You are invited,
00:35 You are welcome to be in this place
00:37 with us this evening.
00:38 And so we pray that every song that's sung
00:42 and every lyric will be pleasing to You,
00:45 and that Your Spirit would just take these words
00:48 and these songs and impress the hearts of the viewers
00:51 that they need You more than ever.
00:53 Thank You, God, for hearing our prayers
00:56 and thank You, again, for Your presence.
00:58 In Jesus' name. Amen.
01:02 Michael Harris was drowning in a sea of drugs and alcohol,
01:06 but God delivered him by way of the one-step program.
01:10 Found in Psalm 40:1-3.
01:14 He cried out to God, and today, he shares
01:16 his miraculous life story that only Christ can give.
01:20 Michael is now the President of Restoration
01:23 in the Son Ministries International.
01:26 Please join me in welcoming Michael Harris.
01:40 I've been saved by God's grace.
01:51 Time measured out my days
01:58 Life carried me along
02:05 In my soul, I yearned to follow God
02:13 But knew I'd never be so strong
02:19 I looked hard at this world
02:23 To learn
02:24 How heaven could be gained
02:32 Just to end where I began
02:37 Where human effort
02:40 Is all in vain
02:48 Were it not for grace
02:56 I can tell you where I'd be
03:02 Wandering down some pointless road to nowhere
03:10 With my salvation up to me
03:16 I know how that would go
03:23 The battles I would face
03:30 Forever running but losing the race
03:37 Were it not for grace
03:47 So here is all my praise
03:54 Expressed with all my heart
04:01 I offered to a Friend, He took my place
04:09 He ran a course I could not start
04:15 And when He saw in full
04:20 Just how much
04:23 His love would cost
04:28 He still went the final mile between me and heaven
04:36 So I would not
04:39 Be lost
04:44 Were it not
04:48 For grace
04:53 I can tell you where I'd be
05:00 Wandering down some pointless road to nowhere
05:07 With my salvation up to me
05:13 I know how that would go
05:20 The battles I would face
05:27 Forever running but losing the race
05:35 Were it not for grace
05:42 Forever running
05:47 But losing the race
05:51 Were it not
05:54 For grace
06:16 Because of my choice to use drugs and alcohol,
06:22 Satan basically ripped my life apart,
06:27 but I cried out to God,
06:29 and He began to restore my life.
06:32 And, you know, if it had not been for Jesus Christ
06:35 dying for me on a cross on Calvary,
06:38 I would not have the victory over drugs or sin today.
06:44 It took the Man with the nail-scarred hands
06:48 to touch and to heal this man
06:52 with the needle-scarred, tract arms.
06:56 And I give Christ all the praise
07:01 because He's worthy to be praised.
07:04 And I thank Him for what He's done for me in my life,
07:09 and I thank Him for what He's going to do in my life.
07:17 It was a life
07:21 Filled with aimless
07:25 Desperation
07:29 Without hope
07:32 Walked a shell of a man
07:40 Then a hand with a nail-print
07:45 Reached downward
07:51 Just one touch
07:54 And my new life began
08:02 And the old rugged cross
08:08 Made the difference
08:15 In a life bound for heartache
08:21 And defeat
08:26 I will praise Him
08:29 Forever and ever
08:37 For the cross made
08:41 The difference for me
08:47 I believe
08:51 In a hill called Mount Calvary
08:59 I believe
09:02 Whatever the cost
09:10 And when time has surrendered
09:16 And this earth stands no more
09:21 I'll still cling to the old rugged cross
09:33 Glory to God.
09:39 I believe in the Christ
09:44 Who was slain on the cross
09:50 Has the power
09:54 To change lives today
10:02 For He changed me completely
10:07 Now a new life is mine
10:13 That is why, by the cross
10:18 I will stay
10:23 I believe
10:26 In a hill called Mount Calvary
10:34 I believe
10:37 Whatever the cost
10:46 When time has surrendered
10:51 And this earth stands no more
10:56 I'll still cling to the old rugged cross
11:07 I'll still cling
11:10 To the old rugged cross
11:23 And, Lord,
11:26 I still believe in the old rugged cross.
11:32 You ought to give God all the praise
11:35 because He's worthy,
11:37 He's worthy of our praise.
11:41 I boast not of works nor do I tell of good deeds
11:46 for not have I done to merit His grace.
11:50 All glory and praise shall rest upon Him
11:55 who was so willing to die in my place.
12:08 I boast not of works
12:13 Nor tell of good deeds
12:19 For not have I done
12:24 To merit His grace
12:29 All glory and praise
12:34 Shall rest upon Him
12:40 So willing to die
12:45 In my place
12:51 I will glory in the cross
12:59 In the cross
13:01 Lest His suffering
13:05 All be in vain
13:12 I will weep no more
13:17 For the cross that He bore
13:23 I will glory in the cross
13:34 My trophies and crown
13:40 My robe stained with sin
13:45 Was all that I had
13:50 To lay at His feet
13:55 Unworthy to eat
14:00 From the table of life
14:06 Till love made
14:09 Provision for me
14:17 I will glory in the cross
14:25 In the cross
14:27 Lest His suffering
14:31 All be in vain
14:38 I will weep no more
14:43 For the cross that He bore
14:49 I will glory
14:52 In the cross
15:01 In the cross
15:06 In the cross
15:11 Be my glory
15:17 Ever
15:22 Weep no more
15:26 For the cross that He bore
15:32 I will glory
15:35 Yes!
15:37 I will glory
15:43 I will glory
15:46 In the cross
16:00 John 3:16 tells us that, "For God so loved the world
16:05 that He gave His only begotten Son
16:08 that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish
16:11 but shall have everlasting life."
16:14 I'm thankful for the cross today
16:16 for had it not been for Calvary,
16:19 I would probably be in a gutter
16:21 somewhere with a needle hanging onto my arm,
16:23 dead, if not half-dead.
16:26 Well, because of the cross, I have been set free,
16:29 because of the cross, I have been saved to serve Him.
16:35 Let me take you back to the Garden of Gethsemane
16:38 where Jesus prayed,
16:40 possibly moments before those Roman soldiers came
16:43 to take Him away.
16:46 As He was praying in the garden, the Bible says,
16:48 "He was praying in agony, He was praying,"
16:52 and He felt like He could die.
16:57 And Jesus cried out, "Father, if at all possible,
17:01 let this bitter cup pass from Me."
17:06 But I'm so glad that Jesus was determined
17:10 to set me free through the blood
17:14 that He shed on Golgotha's hill.
17:17 And His final words was,
17:19 "Father, not My will, but Thy will be done."
17:24 I'm thankful for the cross today
17:26 for had it not been for the cross,
17:28 where would we be?
17:31 Had it not been for that bitter, that gory,
17:35 that demoralizing cross, our souls would be lost.
17:46 Just suppose
17:50 That God had searched through Heaven
17:59 But couldn't find
18:02 One willing
18:06 To be
18:11 The supreme sacrifice
18:18 That was needed
18:24 That could buy eternal life
18:30 For you and me
18:36 Had it not been
18:40 For a place called Mount Calvary
18:49 Had it not been
18:53 For the old rugged cross
19:02 And had it not been
19:06 For a man
19:09 Called Jesus
19:15 Then forever
19:19 My soul would be lost
19:28 And I'm so glad
19:32 He was willing to drink His bitter cup
19:40 Although He prayed
19:44 "Father, let it pass
19:48 From Me"
19:52 And I'm so glad
19:56 He didn't call heaven's angels
20:05 From my hands
20:08 Pulled these nails that torment me
20:17 And had it not been
20:21 For a place called
20:24 Mount Calvary
20:30 Had it not been
20:33 For the old rugged cross
20:41 And had it not been
20:46 For a man called Jesus
20:54 Then forever
20:57 My soul
20:59 Would be lost
21:10 Then forever
21:15 My soul
21:17 Would be lost
21:39 I was once struggling with a horrendous cocaine addiction,
21:44 but I cried out to God, and He heard my cries.
21:47 And He began to pull me up, up out of the miry clay.
21:51 And He placed my feet on a solid rock.
21:55 And this rock, yes, this rock is Jesus.
22:00 And He began to establish my goings,
22:02 and He has put a new song in my mouth to sing praises
22:05 to His holy name.
22:08 And I thank Jesus for pulling me out of that dark world
22:13 that I once lived in.
22:16 You know, they told me that I would never amount to nothing
22:18 but a drug addict.
22:21 They called me every name under the sun.
22:27 You know, I've used enough drugs to kill an elephant.
22:30 I shouldn't be here today, but God and His infinite mercy
22:36 through the blood of Jesus has set me free.
22:43 Before I knew it, I was all alone.
22:47 You see, I broke all of the hearts
22:50 that was the closest to me.
22:54 Although my friends who I thought they were my friends,
22:56 they had all deserted me,
22:58 but God was there every single second.
23:04 He's promised that He would never leave us,
23:06 He would never forsake us, that He would be with us
23:09 even until the end of the age.
23:13 And I'm thankful for His love today.
23:18 One night, I was looking in the mirror at myself,
23:21 and for the first time, for the first time,
23:23 I saw what I had become.
23:26 And I cried out, "Dear God, what have I done to myself?
23:31 I've tried to stop using drugs
23:33 so many times on my own finite strength,
23:36 but I just can't seem to do it.
23:39 I need Your divine power to come into my life."
23:44 Would you believe that the miraculous transformation
23:47 began to take place right there on the spot?
23:49 I have never gone to an AA program in my life.
23:54 And I drank vodka like it was water
23:56 when I didn't have drugs.
23:59 I had never attended a Cocaine Anonymous program.
24:02 And sometimes I wonder
24:03 why are these tracks still on my arms today?
24:06 Well, they're here for the doubters,
24:09 the ones that don't believe in the power of God.
24:14 But the moment that I roll my sleeves up,
24:17 and I show them these scars
24:18 that have now been converted into stars for Jesus.
24:23 The Holy Spirit begins to move in the room
24:26 like a mighty rushing wind.
24:30 And I've never attended a 12-step program,
24:33 I took, what I call,
24:35 the one-step program to Jesus Christ.
24:38 And He came within my life,
24:39 and He began to make me whole again.
24:42 And I'm truly, truly thankful for what He's doing in my life
24:48 and for what He's going to do in my life.
24:52 He has made something wonderful.
24:54 He has made something beautiful of my life.
25:03 Glory to God.
25:06 Something beautiful
25:13 Something good
25:19 All my confusion
25:26 He understood
25:33 All I had to offer Him
25:38 Was brokenness and strife
25:43 But He made something
25:49 Beautiful of my life
25:57 Yes, God has made something beautiful of my life.
26:02 You know, I gave Him my brokenness,
26:04 and He made me whole again.
26:08 God says that,
26:09 "I will be merciful to your unrighteousness,
26:11 and I will remember it no more."
26:14 He gave me His beauty for my ashes,
26:17 His all of joy for my sorrow.
26:21 You know, He's hope to the hopeless,
26:23 and He's power to the powerless,
26:26 and He's the father to the fatherless.
26:28 And, yes, God has made something wonderful,
26:32 something beautiful of my life.
26:37 He made something
26:42 Beautiful of my life
26:48 If He's touched you, why don't you sing with me out there.
26:51 Something beautiful.
26:53 Something beautiful
26:59 Something good
27:06 All my confusion
27:13 He understood
27:20 All I had to offer Him
27:25 Was brokenness and strife
27:30 But He made something
27:35 Beautiful of my life
27:44 He made something
27:49 Beautiful of my life
28:03 We serve a wonderful, merciful Savior, amen.
28:08 He's an awesome God.
28:15 Wonderful, merciful Savior
28:22 Precious, Redeemer, and Friend
28:28 Who would have thought that a Lamb
28:32 Could rescue the souls of men
28:39 Oh, You rescue the souls of men
28:50 Counselor, Comforter, Keeper
28:56 Spirit we long to embrace
29:02 You offer hope when our hearts have
29:08 Hopelessly lost the way
29:12 Oh, we hopelessly lost our way
29:20 You are the One that we praise
29:26 You are the One we adore
29:32 You give the healing and grace
29:37 Our hearts always hunger for
29:43 Oh, our hearts always hunger for
29:50 You are the One that we praise
29:56 You are the One we adore
30:02 You give the healing and grace
30:07 Our hearts always hunger for
30:13 Oh, our hearts always
30:16 Hunger for
30:24 Almighty, infinite Father
30:30 Faithfully loving Your own
30:36 Here in our weakness You find us
30:42 Falling before Your throne
30:47 Oh, we're falling
30:49 Before Your throne
30:55 You are the One that we praise
31:01 You are the One we adore
31:06 You give the healing and grace
31:11 My heart always hunger for
31:17 Oh, my heart always hunger for
31:25 You are the One that we praise
31:31 You are the One we adore
31:37 You give the healing and grace
31:41 Our hearts always hunger for
31:47 Oh, my heart always
31:51 Hunger for
32:08 "Though your sins be as scarlet,
32:11 they shall be cleansed as white as snow
32:16 so you can come just as you are."
32:20 Don't try to change a thing
32:22 because there's nothing that you can change
32:24 in your own power anyway.
32:26 You see, we need Jesus now more than ever.
32:31 And no matter what you've done,
32:33 no matter how many times that you've done it,
32:37 we serve a Savior
32:40 who gives us second chances.
32:43 He says if we confess our sins,
32:45 He'll be faithful
32:47 and just to forgive us of our sins,
32:49 that He will cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
32:51 He's going a step further by saying that
32:53 He will cast those sins into the sea of forgiveness
32:56 whose reign is as far as the east is from the west.
33:01 So won't you come
33:03 and experience the love of the Savior today?
33:07 You know, we're all sinners,
33:09 so come as you are.
33:11 You know, when I go to church on Sabbath
33:13 or go to church on Sunday,
33:15 most people call it a sanctuary,
33:16 some people call it the church, but I call it urgent care.
33:21 I call it the emergency room, I call it a hospital.
33:26 You see, because we're all sick,
33:28 and we're all in desperate need
33:30 of the great physician, Jesus.
33:36 So won't you come to Him?
33:38 As I sing this song,
33:40 I pray that you would think of where He's brought you from
33:44 and where He's taking you someday.
33:52 God's grace is sufficient for His strength
33:55 is made perfect in our weakness.
33:58 Glory to God.
34:04 Amazing grace
34:08 How sweet the sound
34:11 That saved a wretch like me
34:18 I once was lost
34:23 But now I'm found Was blind
34:28 But now I see
34:34 It was grace
34:36 That taught my heart to fear
34:42 And grace my fears relieved
34:49 How precious did
34:53 Your grace appear
34:57 The hour I first believed
35:04 My chains are gone
35:07 I've been set free
35:11 My God, My Savior has ransomed me
35:19 And like a flood
35:23 His mercy reigns unending love
35:30 Amazing grace
35:36 Listen.
35:39 The Lord has promised good to me
35:47 His word my hope secures
35:54 He will my shield
35:58 And portion be
36:02 As long as my life endures
36:08 My chains are gone I've been set free
36:16 My God, my Savior has ransomed me
36:24 And like a flood Your mercy reigns
36:31 Unending love, amazing grace
36:39 My chains are gone I've been set free
36:47 My God, my Savior has ransomed me
36:54 And like a flood
36:58 His mercy reigns unending love
37:06 Amazing grace
37:11 Jesus is coming. Listen.
37:14 This earth shall soon dissolve like snow
37:22 The sun refuse to shine
37:29 But God
37:31 Who called us here below
37:37 Will be forever mine
37:44 He will be forever mine
37:52 Yes, You are
37:54 Forever mine
38:03 You know, Jesus is coming again soon.
38:08 I believe that the next time that He comes,
38:10 the next time that He comes,
38:11 He's not going to come as a lamb led to slaughter.
38:15 He is going to come as a king.
38:18 And He's going to be accompanied by thousands
38:20 upon thousands of angels.
38:23 And the Bible says that on that day,
38:24 "Every knee shall bow
38:26 and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord."
38:31 When I think of Jesus coming, I think of my mother.
38:37 A very strong black woman
38:39 that raised my seven sisters and my brother and I.
38:43 And we never went without.
38:46 If you still have your mother with you today,
38:49 you ought to kiss her
38:50 and tell her how much you love her.
38:51 Every day should be Mother's Day in your home.
38:56 You see, because I miss May Harris.
39:02 You see, we were born on the same day,
39:04 August the 20th.
39:06 How can I forget her?
39:10 My mother was 5'9",
39:11 and she shriveled down to 90 something pounds.
39:18 You see, she suffered from liver and pancreas cancer.
39:22 She never went to church,
39:24 but she had the wisdom to send us off to church
39:27 with either my grandmother or my aunty.
39:32 But God gave my mother time.
39:38 I'd like to say God gave my mother
39:39 the thief-on-the-cross opportunity.
39:45 And when she got sick,
39:47 she gave her life completely to the Savior.
39:51 Many of us may not have that time,
39:52 that's why the Bible says that,
39:54 "Today is the day of salvation, tomorrow might be too late."
39:58 Give your life to Jesus
40:01 while there's time.
40:04 My mother is asleep in Jesus right now,
40:07 and she's waiting for that great getting up morning.
40:10 The Bible says that,
40:12 "The dead in Christ shall rise first,
40:13 blessed are those who are in that first resurrection."
40:18 I believe that my mother would be in that resurrection.
40:25 There'd be no more pain,
40:28 no more suffering, no more sorrow.
40:35 There'd be no more darkness ever again
40:38 for we will live in the precious light of Jesus.
40:42 And He's promised that He would wipe away every tear
40:46 from our eyes.
40:49 Weeping may endure for a night,
40:52 but joy, joy cometh in the morning.
40:59 Glory, hallelujah.
41:02 Even so, come, Lord Jesus.
41:14 The timeless theme
41:17 Earth and heaven will pass away
41:24 It's not a dream
41:27 God will make all things new
41:33 That day Gone is the curse
41:40 From which I stumbled and fell
41:45 Evil is banished
41:50 To eternal hell
41:57 No more night
42:03 No more pain
42:08 No more tears
42:12 Never crying again
42:18 And praises to the great
42:24 "I Am"
42:27 We will live in the light
42:32 Of the risen Lamb
42:44 Come, Lord Jesus.
42:49 See all around
42:52 Now the nations bow down to sing
42:59 The only sound
43:02 Is the praises to Christ
43:07 Our King
43:10 Slowly, the names from the book
43:17 Are read
43:21 I know the King, there's no need
43:28 No need to dread
43:34 No more night
43:38 No more pain
43:43 No more tears
43:47 Never crying again
43:53 Praises to the great
43:59 "I Am"
44:02 We're going to live in the light
44:07 Of the risen Lamb
44:12 See over there, there's a mansion
44:17 Oh, prepared just for me
44:21 Where I can live
44:25 With my Savior eternally
44:33 And there will be
44:37 No more night
44:42 No more pain no more pain
44:46 No more tears
44:50 Never crying again
44:54 And praises to the great
45:01 "I Am"
45:04 We're going to live in the light
45:07 Of the risen Lamb
45:11 All praises to
45:17 The great, "I Am"
45:22 We're gonna live in the lights
45:25 Of the risen
45:33 Lamb
45:43 Jesus is coming.
45:45 Get ready for the Savior will soon return.
45:48 No more pain, no more suffering,
45:51 no more sorrow.
45:56 I don't know about you,
45:58 but my soul gets excited every time
46:00 that I think about Jesus coming to take me home, to glory.
46:05 And one day, we will cross over that river,
46:10 over to the other side.
46:13 And then we would be with Jesus
46:16 throughout eternity.
46:17 We will sit around the Tree of Life,
46:19 and we'll share our victories stories as of how we overcame.
46:24 We overcame by the blood of the Lamb
46:26 and by the words of our testimonies.
46:29 And we'll get to share those testimonies with one another
46:32 forever and ever and ever.
46:36 I'm going to press through the crowd,
46:38 and I'm going to find my mother.
46:41 I wear size 14 shoe, you know.
46:44 In heaven, I'm going to wear size 28.
46:49 The point I'm trying to make is
46:51 will I accidently step on anyone's feet?
46:55 All the people that I've met across
46:57 this country and other countries,
46:59 I pray that I will see your faces in the Kingdom.
47:04 I can't wait to see Jesus,
47:07 and I'm going to embrace my mother,
47:09 and together, we will see Him
47:11 face-to-face in that city we call
47:16 the New Jerusalem, in that place we call heaven,
47:21 but sometimes, I will call it Beulah Land.
47:51 I'm kind of
47:54 Homesick
48:00 For a city
48:06 To which I have
48:12 Never been before
48:19 No sad goodbyes
48:26 Will there be spoken
48:33 For time won't
48:35 Matter
48:42 Anymore
48:47 Beulah Land
48:53 I'm longing for you
49:01 And someday on thee
49:09 I'll stand
49:14 There my home
49:20 Shall be eternal
49:28 Beulah Land
49:34 Sweet Beulah Land
49:42 Now I'm looking
49:48 I'm looking across the river
49:54 To where my faith
50:01 Is going to end in sight
50:08 There's just a few more
50:15 Days to labor
50:22 Then I'll take
50:28 My heavenly flight
50:34 To Beulah Land
50:42 I'm longing
50:44 For you
50:50 And someday
50:56 On thee I'll stand
51:04 There my home
51:10 Shall be
51:13 Eternal
51:18 Beulah Land
51:25 Sweet Beulah Land
51:37 I'll see you on the other side.
51:42 Michael, thank you so much for sharing
51:46 that wonderful, wonderful testimony in song for us.
51:52 Tell our viewers briefly, if you would,
51:54 how did you come to the Lord
51:57 after being on drugs and all that.
52:00 How did the Lord just grab you
52:02 and draw you to Himself?
52:03 Well, when my mother started to send us off to church
52:06 with my grandmother and my aunty,
52:08 and I went away,
52:09 and I came into the drug lifestyle.
52:13 After everyone had deserted me,
52:16 I remembered those seeds that were planted
52:20 in my heart in church as a little boy.
52:24 And because everyone had turned their backs on me,
52:28 I looked to Jesus
52:30 and all of His mercy and all of His love
52:32 and His grace...
52:33 See, the Bible says, "Those who have sinned much
52:38 are forgiven much,
52:41 and those who are forgiven much loves Him much."
52:45 And I love Christ Jesus
52:48 for He has caught my falling soul,
52:50 and He delivered me from Pharaoh's hands,
52:54 and I'm thankful for that today.
52:56 Your ministry now,
52:57 I noticed that you go into the prisons a lot.
53:00 Yes. Tell us a bit about that.
53:02 What do you get from going into the prisons?
53:05 You see, when I go into the prisons,
53:06 I see Jesus there.
53:10 He's instructed us to feed the hungry,
53:14 give to the poor, and go into the prisons.
53:17 See, because I see a lot of those men, women,
53:19 and teenagers were incarcerated
53:22 who think that they are forgotten,
53:24 but I'm send there.
53:25 I'm a missionary for Christ Jesus
53:29 to let them know that we serve a God of second chances,
53:33 and that He loves them
53:34 with a love that will never seize.
53:36 And when I see the tears,
53:38 I know that the Spirit is in the room.
53:40 Don't give up on any individuals
53:42 'cause we know not
53:44 what God has planned for their lives.
53:46 I could be in a gutter, as I said earlier,
53:48 but I'm standing here with you giving Jesus all the praise.
53:52 How have you seen lives changed
53:55 as a result of your prison ministry?
53:57 Oh, a lot of letters and...
53:59 But not only that, after I'm done,
54:02 while I'm still there in the facility,
54:05 they come to me with tears in their eyes.
54:07 And they just want to give me a big, big bear hug,
54:09 and I see some of these guys
54:11 who are 6'10" and 320 pounds in tears.
54:15 And many of them are there for some pretty cruel crimes,
54:21 but when I see the Lord,
54:23 His Spirit melting their hearts,
54:27 I know that the Holy Spirit is present,
54:29 you see, because I'm nothing without God's Spirit,
54:35 but I can do all things through Him
54:37 who strengthens me every day.
54:38 Amen.
54:39 You know, sometimes,
54:41 I go to our Christian academies as well,
54:43 and I will see some of the faces,
54:45 and I pretty much remember faces.
54:48 And I go to prison a few years later,
54:52 what breaks my heart
54:53 is that sometimes I see some of the same faces
54:56 that I saw in our academies
54:58 locked down, locked up, and incarcerated.
55:02 And that's why I have this urge to go into the prisons,
55:06 to catch those who may have once walked with God,
55:09 and let them know that, just like the prodigal Son,
55:12 God will come running after them.
55:14 He won't wait till they come to the house,
55:15 He will meet them on the road,
55:17 and He'll run towards them and wrap His arms around them
55:20 and tell them how much He loves them.
55:22 Look into that camera there, if you would,
55:25 and speak to a young person that's grappling with drugs.
55:30 God said,
55:32 "I will grant you according to His riches and glory,
55:36 to be strengthened with power and might
55:40 through the inner man."
55:42 God is still in the business of touching us
55:46 and making us whole again.
55:48 If you just look to Jesus
55:49 and give Him all that you have.
55:52 And He will embrace you just as He's done for me
55:54 and just as He's doing for many of these men and women
55:56 who are seen incarcerated today.
55:59 Maybe you're sitting
56:01 in front of the television set right now,
56:02 maybe you're listening right now,
56:04 I pray that you'd give your heart to Jesus today,
56:08 for tomorrow might be too late.
56:10 Jesus wants you to experience a life of joy
56:14 that only He can give,
56:16 a joy that surpasses all of our understanding.
56:19 He loves you with a love that will never, ever stop.
56:23 Come to Jesus that He may embrace you
56:26 and love you as He's doing for me.
56:28 Wow.
56:30 Where do you see your ministry going?
56:32 What is your goal?
56:34 What is your focus with Restoration in the Son?
56:37 My focus is to lead people to Christ.
56:40 I don't particularly try to lead them to a church.
56:43 I lead them...
56:45 I talk about the salvation and the goodness
56:47 that only Christ can give.
56:49 And my goal is wherever He'll lead me,
56:52 I will follow,
56:53 though He may slay me, yet I'll serve Him,
56:56 yet I will trust Him,
56:57 yet I will continue to love Him.
56:59 And, you know, sometimes people say bad things about you
57:02 and try to discourage you,
57:03 but I'm not going to keep on forging forward
57:06 for I know there is a price.
57:08 Oh, yes. Oh, yes.
57:10 That Beulah Land, I'm looking forward it.
57:11 Oh, yes. And we know that that day is coming soon.
57:15 Just based on everything that's going on around us,
57:18 we know that that day is coming soon.
57:20 And so we want you,
57:23 dear viewer, to really focus in on Jesus Christ,
57:26 to study the Word,
57:28 to listen to music
57:30 like our brother Michael Harris gives,
57:33 and really zero in on Jesus because He is the answer.
57:39 Be sure to hold on to Jesus, don't let go and be encouraged.
57:45 Tell your friends,
57:47 tell your neighbors about this program.
57:49 It will be shown multiple times,
57:52 and you will have a chance
57:54 to watch it over and over again.
57:57 God bless you.


Revised 2018-08-09