Books of the Book: Acts

The Stoning of Stephen

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Jim & Mark Howard


Series Code: ABOTB

Program Code: ABOTB00010A

00:21 Welcome to Books of the Book. My name is Jim Howard and I'm
00:25 here with my brother Mark. We're both pastors in the Michigan
00:28 Conference of Seventy-day Adventists and we have been
00:32 studying this book of Acts, a powerful book of the early
00:36 church's history and where we left off last time was at the
00:41 conclusion of chapter 5 and just entering into chapter 6 of the
00:46 book of Acts. So I'd like to go back to the end of chapter 5 and
00:50 just review just a short verse. But before I do I think it's
00:54 important that we stop and pray and ask God to especially bless
00:58 our study time together. Father in heaven, we are so
01:03 grateful that you have given us the privilege of studying your
01:06 word. We pray that the Spirit would be given to us now that
01:10 we might understand it the way you would have us to. In Jesus'
01:13 name, Amen. Well if we look here at the end
01:19 of chapter 5 in verse 42, and we'd invite our viewers to open
01:24 up your Bibles and follow along with us, it concluded chapter 5
01:29 after this incredible story of the apostles being challenged
01:34 and ultimately beaten, that they responded in verse 42 in a way
01:39 that we find very supernatural. It says and daily in the temple
01:43 and in every house they did not cease teaching and preaching
01:47 Jesus as the Christ. It seemed that nothing was going to stop
01:51 the early church as we read here in the book of Acts and
01:55 sometimes I have to admit, reading the book of Acts makes
01:59 me a little jealous. I think wow this church had such power, they
02:04 had such purity. There didn't seem to be any problems that
02:07 existed. I mean, today we have struggle and strife in so many
02:11 things, but it didn't appear that way to them. The more that
02:15 they faced opposition, the more boldness and courage and the
02:18 more growth that came into the church. But as we enter into
02:22 chapter 6 we find something that begins to give a little hint
02:26 that things were not quite as different then as they are now.
02:30 It says in chapter 6 and verse 1 Now in those days when the
02:35 number of the disciples was multiplying, which was
02:37 definitely a good problem, there arose a complaint against the
02:41 Hebrews by the Hellenists because their widows were
02:45 neglected in the daily distribution. So here we see
02:49 that you know with growth come challenges. There were some
02:54 feelings that some were getting more than others and it sounds
02:59 like it was a very real problem but it was producing some
03:02 unsettled and not very good feelings amongst the people.
03:05 So from here a wonderful plan began to emerge and I believe
03:10 God ordained for the purpose of the church today so that we
03:14 could learn from what they accomplished as a result of this
03:18 problem. That's right. When we look back
03:19 at chapter 6 and we continue on there, of course you have this
03:22 situation where the Hellenists who were Greek-speaking Jews...
03:25 It was probably not an intentional neglect and that
03:30 word neglect means they were overlooked and for whatever
03:32 reason it created this tension but it was tension that needed
03:37 to be addressed. It's interesting to see how the
03:40 apostles addressed it as we look at verse 2. It says, Then the 12
03:44 summoned the multitude of the disciples and said, It is not
03:48 desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables
03:53 therefore brethren seek out from among you seven men of good
03:57 reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom whom we may
04:01 appoint over this business, but we will give ourselves
04:04 continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word. And this
04:08 saying pleased the whole multitude, etc. Now what happens
04:14 here is really fascinating. First of all they make the point
04:18 that it's not desirable that we should serve tables, but they
04:21 didn't say that serving tables was a bad thing. In other words,
04:25 they're using that expression to talk about distributing the food
04:28 for the needs of these Greek- speaking Jews and all the church
04:32 really. It's not that that wasn't a need and that serving
04:36 tables was a bad thing, but they realized that if we spend our
04:41 time serving tables it's going to take us away from what we
04:45 were called to do. It's interesting to me, Jim, how they
04:49 were clear enough on their purpose and mission not to allow
04:53 anything to distract from that and rather than ignore the
04:57 problem which would have created bigger problems they dealt with
05:00 it but they dealt with it in such a way as they would not
05:04 hinder their own working to preach the word and that's what
05:09 it says there in verse 4. We will give ourselves continually
05:15 to prayer and to the ministry of the word. And I think to
05:18 myself today and I think this is important for us to realize
05:21 whether we're talking about it in a church setting or in a
05:24 personal setting, the devil does not want the gospel message to
05:29 get out and he's always seeking to distract and when we give in
05:34 to those distractions he knows his plans are working and he
05:39 continues to throw all kinds of distractions our way and that
05:43 happens in our personal lives or in our corporate life as a
05:47 church. When the early church saw these distractions they
05:52 dealt with them but they never stopped their forward momentum
05:56 in proclaiming the gospel and I believe that that not only
06:00 kept the work going forward, it also hindered the enemy's
06:04 attempts to squelch the gospel message. Now another thing that
06:09 I think is important here is that we see the beginnings of,
06:13 well we've seen it before, but of organization of the early
06:16 church. It's interesting that it tells us in verse 2 that the 12
06:20 summoned the multitude. Now remember we had 11 when we
06:23 started the book of Acts and they found it important to
06:26 gather one more and that one more was Matthias who joined the
06:30 11 and became the twelfth. Now the church has added 3000 and
06:34 then 5000 so surely by now it doesn't matter that you have 12,
06:38 right? But evidently it does. It's still the 12. And now they
06:42 are appointing other leaders and organizing the church and
06:45 there's a purpose for that organization that I think you're
06:49 going to speak to here. Well it seems to me that when we
06:52 talk about the incredible growth of the church, you would think
06:57 it would slow things down. When you see an organization become
07:02 large and it kind of clogs everything up and it's slower
07:07 moving and that was, I'm sure, the fear ultimately that the
07:11 apostles had and why God gave this method of organization so
07:15 that it could continue to move quickly, the work that they were
07:19 called to do. You read through verse 4 and verse 5 and onward
07:24 it talks about setting aside these seven men who we
07:27 understand to be deacons. In verse 7, it says, then the word
07:32 of God slowed down. No absolutely not. Then the word
07:36 of God spread and the number of the disciples multiplied
07:40 greatly in Jerusalem and a great many of the priests were
07:44 obedient to the faith. So apparently organization, in
07:48 God's method of organization, should advance the work even
07:52 faster. What we saw here was the mission of the church to carry
07:57 the message that God had entrusted them with to the then
08:01 known world, that mission was given to every disciple of
08:05 Christ and they were actively doing that. But as the results
08:08 of that came in and people were added to their number, it
08:14 brought organization in as a necessity. So there needed to be
08:18 hierarchy, there needed to be some structure to the church.
08:22 But Jim isn't it true though and I think some of this comes up
08:27 from where we have seen organizations that seem to
08:30 encumber and slow down progress and I think a lot of Christians
08:34 get the mindset that organization is bad, but it
08:37 doesn't have to be. That's right and that's what
08:40 this is revealing. Now the idea of this organized structure
08:45 being developed you know does have a danger and that is that
08:50 we can get to a point where we begin to see the structure as
08:55 the true essence of the church and rather than having a mission
09:01 that drives the structure, we then have a structure that
09:05 replaces the mission. Unfortunately this can happen in
09:09 our own churches where we have programs, lots of programs; we
09:14 are very busy. In our churches we have Bible study groups and
09:19 Sabbath Schools and we have children's and youth ministries,
09:24 choirs, we have so many different things that are
09:27 valuable programs and important programs, but when we really
09:31 look closely at them, the primary target of these programs
09:36 is for the existing church and we can be so busy within the
09:40 structure of the church that we actually fail to continue
09:45 carrying forward the mission of spreading the word of God and
09:49 the message entrusted to us to the world. You find in this
09:54 passage that developing this structure didn't take away the
09:59 need to spread the word. Even these seven men who were
10:02 appointed, including Stephen. Now that he was appointed as a
10:05 deacon didn't mean now he just served tables and he wasn't
10:09 responsible for spreading the word. No, as a disciple of
10:12 Christ that's his job. He's a witness for Christ and so you
10:15 see in the next couple of verses Stephen full of faith and power
10:19 begins to speak about the things that he did and we're going to
10:23 come to chapter 7 where he gives an incredible address in which
10:26 he shares the message entrusted to him by God. So the mission of
10:30 of the church must not be replaced by the structure.
10:33 The structure must be given to support that mission.
10:36 That's right. And as you mentioned, it didn't slow down
10:40 the progression of the message. Even among the seven we see in
10:44 verse 12 that as a result of Stephen's preaching which the
10:48 Bible says could not be refuted. Verse 12 says they stirred up
10:51 the people, the elders and scribes, and they came upon him,
10:55 we see that expression again, seized him and brought him to
10:58 the council. So once again they can't refute the message of
11:02 truth and so they resort to very carnal measures to try to stop
11:06 the message, and it goes on to say, they set up false witnesses
11:10 who said this man does not cease to speak blasphemous words
11:13 against this holy place and the law for we have heard him say
11:17 that this Jesus of Nazareth will destroy this place and change
11:20 the customs which Moses delivered to us. Now it's
11:23 interesting to me, Jim, that there are Christians today who
11:27 say that Jesus did that very thing; he came to change the law
11:31 and the customs that Moses gave. These were false witnesses who
11:35 had to be manufactured to say that because Stephen wasn't
11:38 preaching it and it wasn't a reality and it's sad today that
11:41 there are many Christians who pick up the argument of the
11:44 false witnesses of Stephen not even realizing it, I'm sure,
11:49 instead of realizing the truth of scripture. Well of course
11:53 tried to stir the people up but they stirred the people up and
11:57 they brought false witnesses but they could not refute the
12:01 message of Stephen and the message of the gospel spread
12:05 with power. That's right. And if you look at
12:07 how this concludes, it was very clear that the people were not
12:13 in any way confused about these false witnesses, because in
12:19 verse 15 God gives a marked indication of his favor upon
12:24 Stephen. It says, And all, in verse 15, all who sat in the
12:29 council looking steadfastly at him saw his face as the face of
12:33 an angel. There was something about him that convicted their
12:38 hearts that this man bore the dignity and power of God in his
12:43 bearing and right after this we see one of those most amazing
12:47 addresses ever given by Stephen in chapter 7. It says in verse 1
12:52 Then the high priest said, Are these things so? and Stephen
12:56 begins to respond with this beautiful appeal. We want to get
13:00 to that appeal, but before we do we've got to go to break. So
13:04 when we come back we'll dive into Acts chapter 7 and this
13:08 wonderful address of Stephen.


Revised 2014-12-17