Alpha & Omega: Spiritualism

Stones of Fire: Sons and Daughters of the Living G

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AAO

Program Code: AAO000008A

00:11 Good evening, it's good to see everyone again.
00:15 This evening's message is called
00:17 "Stones of Fire -
00:20 Sons and Daughters of the Living God."
00:23 And we're gonna pick up and go a little bit farther
00:25 from where we did last night.
00:27 I know in our earlier messages,
00:30 we've really spend a lot of time focusing
00:32 on the negative, on the darkness.
00:35 These last two messages, we're focusing on the light.
00:39 We want to expose error.
00:41 But if all we do is expose error
00:44 and everybody goes home, you've got head knowledge.
00:49 But if we show light from God's Word,
00:52 when you leave here with that, that will change lives.
00:56 That's what's most important.
00:59 So what I want to do is open with me to a text
01:02 in Romans Chapter 8.
01:05 Romans Chapter 8 and we're gonna read verse 19.
01:12 And I'm going to paraphrase,
01:16 I'm gonna translate using the original Greek
01:20 so if you're reading a King James which I have,
01:23 that's the only thing I read.
01:26 Don't be worried and think I'm, you know,
01:29 using some corrupt version.
01:33 Romans 8:19,
01:36 "For the earnest expectation of all creation
01:43 is waiting for the manifestation
01:46 of the sons and daughters of God."
01:50 In the Greek when you look up the word sons,
01:53 it means children begotten,
01:55 and you can be a male or female and be a child, right?
01:59 So when you see sons of God realized
02:03 when this was written
02:05 and why that, that word was used,
02:08 this is including men and women,
02:11 and it says that all of creation,
02:14 the entire universe is waiting for this one event,
02:21 for this one event.
02:24 They're watching this planet
02:27 to see what God can do.
02:30 And God says that his glory
02:33 is not in taking a mighty man
02:38 and making him more mighty.
02:41 God's glory is in taking the weakest
02:45 and doing the impossible through them.
02:49 And I'm gonna give you a quick example of that.
02:54 Do you remember Abraham
02:57 before God changed his name?
03:01 Abram and often I've wondered about that.
03:05 You know, why the change of a name
03:06 because name was a symbol of character.
03:10 And we know
03:12 that Abraham is known as the father of faith,
03:16 the father of faith.
03:19 So when you, when you read that his name was Abram,
03:23 I looked it up one time, and the word Abram,
03:26 the name Abram literally means a mighty father,
03:30 like a governor.
03:32 You can be the head of a tribe and not have any children.
03:35 You can be the head of a clan
03:37 if you're in Scotland or Ireland,
03:39 and you don't have any children but they still call you father
03:42 because you're the head.
03:44 Does that make sense?
03:48 Abram's name meant a mighty father.
03:51 He was a man that was strong.
03:53 He was a warrior when he had to defend his family.
03:58 He was wealthy, he was very gifted,
04:02 but he did not have any children.
04:05 And one day God came to him and said,
04:08 "I'm gonna change your name today."
04:12 And Abram knew
04:14 that years before God had made a promise to him
04:18 that He was going to give him a son.
04:20 And years had passed by and he still had no child.
04:24 And you can imagine
04:25 what that was like for his wife Sarah.
04:29 So God is talking to Abram there alone one day
04:32 and He tells him, "I'm changing your name."
04:35 So Abram knew this was a big event
04:39 and he waited and God said,
04:42 "Your name will not be Abram anymore,
04:45 but Abraham or Abraham,
04:49 for I am making you a father
04:52 of a great multitude."
04:56 Now, this is not recorded in the Bible.
05:00 But when I use my mind and a sanctified imagination,
05:05 I imagine what it must have been like for Abraham
05:09 when he gets back to camp that day,
05:11 you know, do I tell everybody?
05:13 Do I not tell everybody?
05:15 I mean, what am I supposed to do?
05:17 And he probably couldn't withhold the information
05:21 from his dear wife.
05:23 So, you know, in my mind, I think, you know, okay,
05:26 well maybe he was nervous about
05:27 making a huge statement to everybody.
05:30 But he went to his wife and said,
05:33 and this is a parable.
05:34 He went to his wife and said,
05:37 "Honey, guess what happened today
05:39 when I was praying to the Lord
05:40 and I went to offer a sacrifice."
05:42 And she's like, "What dear?"
05:43 And he told her, "God changed my name."
05:46 And she said, "What did He change it to?"
05:48 "Abraham."
05:50 And she went,
05:52 "A father of a great multitude."
05:55 That was confirmation of the promise
05:58 that God had made previously to him.
06:02 And he knew they were at the point
06:04 where they needed that confirmation.
06:07 Just like when my wife was struggling with me
06:10 being gone from home,
06:12 God gave her a confirmation one day
06:16 because He knew her faith was getting weak
06:19 and she needed that.
06:22 Now, we're still in the parable.
06:26 Abraham goes to work that week and a few days later,
06:29 a man comes in on a camel
06:31 and the camel is stumbling into the camp.
06:36 It hasn't had any water, any food in days,
06:40 the man on its back is slumped over, almost dead.
06:44 He has been without water and food for days.
06:47 And Abraham pulls him down off his camel,
06:51 and he tells the servants,
06:52 "Take the camel, go, get it water, get it food."
06:55 And he sets the man down and tells the servants,
06:58 "Go, get water for him and make a meal for him."
07:01 And Abram gets a basin and he's washing his feet
07:05 and washing his head and helping the man
07:09 and the man gets the food.
07:11 And he's looking around and he's surprised
07:14 and he's overjoyed but he has to eat
07:16 because it's been days since he's had anything
07:20 and the man's eating.
07:21 And after he finally relaxes,
07:25 he looks at Abram,
07:27 Abraham and he says, "I can't thank you enough.
07:33 My name is John. What's your name?"
07:37 Uh-oh.
07:39 What does he say?
07:42 Now, think about this for a moment
07:44 if you were Abraham.
07:46 If I tell him my name is Abram,
07:52 I'm denying what God has promised.
07:56 But if I tell him my name is Abraham,
07:59 he's gonna ask me,
08:01 where's all your children and then I look really foolish.
08:06 You want to talk about a walk of faith
08:10 because Abraham from the day that God named him,
08:15 he told everyone my name is Abraham
08:20 and if they asked, "Where is your children?"
08:22 He said, "They're on the way"
08:25 because God has promised and He cannot lie.
08:30 Amen.
08:31 Now, let me show you why that matters.
08:37 "For the spirit itself beareth witness
08:40 with our spirit in our minds,
08:44 that we are the children of God,
08:49 and if we are children, then we are heirs,
08:55 heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ!"
09:01 Let me ask you a question.
09:02 What do you think Jesus is waiting to inherit?
09:08 Us.
09:09 That's the only thing left He's waiting to inherit.
09:14 The Bible says, "We are His inheritance."
09:18 Do you know what he said in the Gospel of John?
09:23 He actually said before Calvary,
09:25 He told the disciples, He said,
09:28 "The prince of this world is coming,
09:30 but he has nothing in me.
09:33 He has no rights to me."
09:35 And then a little while later he said,
09:38 "Now is the prince of this world cast out and I,
09:43 if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me."
09:49 People will still think that Satan is running this world.
09:53 Why do you think Jesus said in Matthew 28,
09:57 all power in heaven and earth has now been given to me,
10:01 go proclaim the glad tidings.
10:06 That's why Christians are standing
10:08 on that little piece of ground and they're trembling.
10:12 They don't realize that Christ is King.
10:16 They think for some reason that
10:19 He's still struggling with overcoming.
10:22 He's just waiting on us to take hold of His promises
10:27 because you can't find the disciples trembling in fear
10:32 after the Holy Spirit fell upon them
10:34 on the day of Pentecost.
10:36 They were afraid before that day,
10:38 but after that day, they went boldly.
10:42 It didn't matter if it was the seizure
10:45 or if it was the pope in Rome.
10:47 It made no difference.
10:50 They had no longer any fear.
10:56 Jesus is not waiting to inherit anything except you and I.
11:01 Now listen to what he says here in 1 John,
11:04 "Beloved, now are we the sons and daughters of God,
11:10 and it does not appear what we shall be,"
11:14 but we know, not we guess, we think, we hope,
11:19 "we know that when he appeareth with we shall be like Him."
11:25 Do you know what Jesus said in the Gospel of John?
11:29 I believe it was John, he said,
11:32 "Be ye therefore perfect,
11:34 even as your Father in heaven is perfect."
11:36 We quoted this the other night, do you remember?
11:39 And do you remember what Sister White said?
11:42 This command is a promise,
11:47 "Be ye therefore perfect,
11:51 even as your Father in heaven is perfect."
11:56 Jesus also said, "It is written.
12:00 Be ye holy, for I am holy."
12:06 And the Apostle Paul was inspired to write.
12:09 If the first fruits is holy,
12:12 then the whole lump is holy.
12:16 And you think, yeah, but I'm not holy.
12:18 I had one brother that asked me one day, he said,
12:22 "This can't be true that you're telling me
12:24 that Jesus did it all for me.
12:26 Because if he did,
12:28 how come I still sinned yesterday."
12:31 And I asked him, I said, and I was praying,
12:34 I was like, Lord, help me.
12:36 I looked at him and I said,
12:39 "If you know that you died in Christ,
12:42 and that you are now dead unto sin,
12:46 why did you fall yesterday?"
12:50 He was standing on the dark side of the cross,
12:53 looking forward waiting for something to take place.
12:56 Sister White said,
12:58 "We are to stand on the sunny side of the cross
13:00 knowing what was finished at Calvary
13:04 and claiming it as our own."
13:07 How can I continue to sin knowing that I died.
13:12 I'll never forget the day.
13:17 I'll never forget the day
13:19 that I was calling out to a man for help.
13:22 And we may have talked about this,
13:25 but I was calling out for help.
13:28 And I could not get victory over a certain sin in my life.
13:32 And I called this man, I found him.
13:34 He had written an article online
13:36 that really inspired me with hope.
13:38 And I called this older gentleman
13:40 and I said, "I need help."
13:43 And he said, "What's wrong?"
13:44 And I told him and he said,
13:48 "Eric, you know, what's wrong with you?"
13:50 And I said, "What?"
13:51 He said, "You're still very much alive."
13:57 And I thought, you know, that's ignorance.
14:00 Of course, I'm alive.
14:02 He said, "No."
14:03 He said, "You don't understand."
14:05 I said, "You're right, I don't understand."
14:06 He said, "You're still very much alive.
14:10 That's why sin still has a hold on you."
14:15 And I said, "I don't understand."
14:16 He said, "Let me give you an example."
14:19 He said,
14:21 "Let's say that I send you to this fancy,
14:26 the fanciest hotel in Fresno $500 a night for the rooms.
14:31 I send you there to pick up a package for me
14:35 that's in the lobby.
14:36 You got to wait in the lobby.
14:38 So you go in and you sit down there
14:40 in one of those lobby chairs and while you're sitting there,
14:44 you didn't realize
14:45 they were having the Miss America Pageant
14:47 at that hotel at the conference center.
14:51 So you're sitting there and all the sudden
14:54 these 20 or 30 women come walking through
14:57 in their bathing suits,
14:58 he said, what happens to you?"
15:01 And I said, "Oh! Man, there's a battle."
15:06 I'm trying to look at the floor and I'm looking at the floor
15:09 and my mind is still going.
15:11 I'm not going to look at that.
15:12 I wonder what color that bathing suit was
15:14 that just walked by that I'm not gonna look at,
15:18 that was the struggle I was dealing with as a man,
15:23 and I could not seem to get the victory over it.
15:27 And he told me, he said,
15:29 "Your pulse rates probably going up."
15:31 He said, "You've got blood
15:33 that circulating on the surface of the skin."
15:36 He said "You're battling." I said, "Yes, I'm battling."
15:39 He said, "Are you winning?" I said, "I'm not looking."
15:43 He said, "But you're thinking about it."
15:46 Jesus said, "If you've looked and desired,
15:48 you've already committed adultery in your heart."
15:52 And I said, "There you go. That's what's wrong."
15:56 I said, "I have been battling for 35 years
16:00 and I still don't have the victory."
16:02 I said, "And I can't seem to get it."
16:04 He said, "It's because you're still alive."
16:08 He said, now he said, "I'm going to bring,"
16:12 he said, "I'm going to go down to the hospital.
16:14 I'm going to go into the morgue.
16:16 There was a man that died there a week ago,
16:18 they've still got him
16:19 because something came up with the funeral arrangements.
16:22 He's been dead for a week.
16:24 I'm gonna go in, I'm gonna get his body,
16:26 I'm gonna put it on a stretcher,
16:27 put it in an ambulance,
16:29 I bring the body down to the hotel room,
16:31 I wheel him in on a stretcher.
16:34 I pick him up
16:36 and I'm setting this corpse down
16:38 right next to you on that seat."
16:42 He said, "Now rewind.
16:45 Those 20 or 30 young ladies all come walking through
16:48 in their bathing suits and bikinis
16:50 and he says you're on your face battling."
16:52 He said, "What's happening to the dead man?"
16:55 I said, "Nothing."
16:57 He said, "That's exactly right."
17:01 He said, "You don't realize that you died with Christ.
17:06 You're still very much alive."
17:10 He said, "The only way you will ever get victory
17:14 is if you count Christ's death as your own."
17:19 That's why the Apostle Paul says,
17:22 "Reckon ye also yourselves
17:25 to be dead indeed unto sin,
17:29 but alive unto God."
17:32 Amen.
17:39 John Chapter 3, very familiar story.
17:45 Nicodemus, he was a very righteous man
17:49 by the letter of the law.
17:50 He was not one of the Pharisees that was cheating on his wife
17:53 or cheating on his temple tax
17:56 or eating pork when nobody was looking.
17:59 Nicodemus was an upright man by man standards,
18:04 but yet he came to Jesus that night alone
18:08 and he was older than Jesus.
18:10 Jesus was a young man.
18:12 That's why Nicodemus couldn't come see him
18:14 during the daytime.
18:16 Jesus had just turned 30 years old
18:18 when his ministry began.
18:19 You weren't even considered a man until 30.
18:23 So Nicodemus here
18:25 and I don't know how old he was,
18:26 but just probably guessing, you know, 50, 60, maybe 70.
18:33 He was an elder,
18:35 very respected member of the Sanhedrin.
18:39 He comes to Jesus
18:41 and he tells Jesus in John 3:1-2, he says,
18:45 "We know that you are from God.
18:48 We know you came from God
18:51 because no man can do the miracles
18:56 that we see you doing
18:58 except God be with him"
19:03 that means in him.
19:05 Immanuel.
19:10 Jesus looked at Nicodemus and he knew
19:13 what the question was,
19:14 same question I was, I'm going to church,
19:16 I'm doing this, I'm doing this, I'm a vegan.
19:18 I'm doing all the right things, but something is still missing,
19:23 and Jesus knew
19:24 something was missing in Nicodemus's life.
19:27 And Jesus looked at Nicodemus and He said,
19:30 "Marvel not that I say unto you,
19:33 you must be born again."
19:37 It's not optional.
19:39 The born again experience is not like,
19:41 well, I'll do that if I get a chance.
19:44 If you're not born again,
19:45 you'll never see the kingdom of heaven,
19:48 Jesus said so.
19:50 The next question that came out of Nicodemus's mouth was
19:54 how is this possible?
19:57 Can an old man like me enter back
20:00 into his mother's womb?
20:04 And when I read that,
20:06 the same thought went through my mind,
20:08 how?
20:09 How does that happen?
20:10 That's what I want Jesus
20:13 and I'm there at the house by myself,
20:15 and I look up into heaven and I'm like, how?
20:19 I really, I have no pride anymore.
20:22 How does this happen?
20:25 And, you know, a thought came to my mind
20:27 and I know it was God that brought it to my mind.
20:31 Jesus wasn't mocking Nicodemus,
20:34 he wasn't making fun of Nicodemus,
20:37 you know, I mean, that's not even in Christ character
20:41 because Jesus asked Nicodemus,
20:43 He said, "Are you not a master,
20:47 a PhD in Israel?
20:50 Aren't you the one that teaches not only Sabbath school,
20:53 but you're a church leader
20:55 and you don't understand these things."
20:59 The only way that Jesus could ask Nicodemus
21:03 that question is if somewhere in the Old Testament
21:09 the born again experience had already been revealed.
21:15 I've never thought about that before.
21:17 I always thought, you know, born again.
21:19 That's New Testament.
21:21 He wouldn't have asked Nicodemus
21:23 if Nicodemus couldn't have known,
21:25 and I looked at the Lord, I said, Lord,
21:29 wow, show me where this is.
21:33 I want to show you, this is important.
21:36 Make a note of this. It's in Galatians.
21:39 And it's so clear,
21:40 I thought I can't believe I've missed this.
21:44 Galatians Chapter 4,
21:48 Paul here is trying to help God's children
21:53 to understand the difference between achieving eternal life
21:57 and righteousness by their own works
22:00 and achieving it by faith, living faith,
22:05 faith that works by love but faith in Christ Jesus.
22:12 And listen to what he says.
22:13 He says, "Tell me," verse 21,
22:17 "you that desire to be under the law,
22:19 do you not hear what the law says?
22:22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons,
22:27 the one or first by a bondmaid a slave
22:32 and the other, the second son by a freewoman."
22:37 He and I'm paraphrasing this,
22:39 "he that was born of the bondwoman
22:42 or slave was born after or by the flesh,,
22:48 but he that was born of the freewoman
22:52 was by promise."
22:57 God made a promise to Abraham and Sarah.
23:01 Isaac didn't come because of Abraham and Sarah
23:05 figure it out some special kind of herb
23:07 or a special way to do certain things,
23:11 or doing a yoga class or...
23:14 Isaac came because God had made a promise,
23:18 and He cannot lie.
23:20 Now look over verse 28,
23:23 "Now we, brethren, as Isaac was,
23:28 are children of promise."
23:31 And the word of there is also by,
23:34 we are children by promise.
23:38 By promise.
23:41 That's how a person is begotten again.
23:48 Now I wanna show you what the other side says.
23:50 What the dark side?
23:52 Deepak Choprah, we talked about him the other night,
23:56 he said, "In reality we are divinity in disguise,
24:02 and the gods and goddesses in embryo
24:05 that are contained within us
24:08 seek to be fully materialized."
24:13 There's a quote
24:14 from the Shaolin grandmaster's textbook that says,
24:17 "The dragon dwells deep inside of every person,
24:22 waiting for the person
24:27 to give them permission to come out."
24:30 I don't believe that.
24:32 The devil only abides in the hearts of those
24:35 that refuse to allow Christ to come in
24:38 and take possession.
24:42 John Stevens, we looked at this earlier,
24:44 he said,
24:45 "Martial ways are spiritual disciplines
24:48 to be practiced for the sake of enlightenment."
24:52 And this enlightening is what the occult world
24:56 and what the eastern mystical world,
25:00 it's what they all say, being born again is,
25:03 being enlightened through certain techniques,
25:07 through saying mantras, through spiritual exercises.
25:11 They say, that's what happens to have this change
25:15 that they call the born again experience.
25:20 This is a quote from Marcus J. Borg,
25:22 before he passed away.
25:24 Listen to what he writes.
25:25 And this is an image from a Catholic Encyclopedia.
25:30 You have Jesus on the left hand side,
25:33 you know, He's the Catholic Jesus,
25:36 because He has those two fingers crossed.
25:39 That means I'm king and priest.
25:42 That's what the pope claims to be, king and priest.
25:48 If you look on the left hand side,
25:51 that is the Buddha.
25:54 At the Catholic Encyclopedia actually talks about the Buddha
25:58 and they made him a saint many years ago.
26:01 They called him St. Josaphat.
26:04 And they list him.
26:05 They say, this is the Buddha in their encyclopedia,
26:09 they sainted him.
26:11 One of the popes did.
26:14 He says, "Enlightenment
26:17 as an archetypal religious metaphor
26:22 belongs to a mystical way of being religious.
26:27 Outside of the Jewish and Christian traditions,
26:32 the best-known enlightenment experience
26:36 is the Buddha's mystical experience."
26:39 This is from a previous pastor.
26:42 This is one of the men
26:43 that all the spiritual formation,
26:45 leaders and teachers looked up to and trained under.
26:51 "Such an experience leads to seeing
26:54 everything differently.
26:57 It's not simply an intellectual or mental 'seeing,'
27:01 as when you say, 'Oh, I see what you mean.'
27:04 Rather, enlightenment as a religious experience
27:09 involves communion or union with what is,
27:16 an immediate 'knowing' of the sacred.'"
27:19 Now, it's funny he uses the word union
27:22 and he uses the word communion right before it.
27:26 That should give us a hint.
27:29 When we take communion, the Lord's Supper,
27:33 it's becoming one with Christ.
27:36 That's why the Apostle Paul tells us
27:38 that if we do so unworthily,
27:42 we're eating and drinking damnation to ourselves.
27:46 If I take communion without faith
27:50 that Christ not only died but rose again,
27:53 all I'm left with is His death.
27:56 And Paul says for that reason many in our churches are sick,
28:00 have disease and many sleep.
28:04 They're eating and drinking,
28:06 but they're only partaking of the death.
28:08 They don't have living faith in the resurrection.
28:13 He says this type of enlightenment.
28:18 This is what he calls the born again experience.
28:24 Ellen White says, "Through heathenism,
28:27 Satan had for ages turned men away from God,
28:31 but he won his great triumph
28:33 in perverting the faith of Israel.
28:35 By contemplating and worshiping their own conceptions,
28:40 the heathen had lost a knowledge of God,
28:43 and had become more and more corrupt.
28:47 The principle that man can save himself
28:51 by his own works lay at the foundation
28:55 of every heathen religion."
28:58 That's what the Buddhists do, the Hindus, the Muslims,
29:03 you name it.
29:05 Now unfortunately she says, "So it was with Israel."
29:10 So it is with most Christians that are alive today.
29:15 They are striving through their own works,
29:19 and they don't have any comprehension
29:21 of what the born again experience really is.
29:24 Many people they go into the baptismal pool
29:29 and they come up and they go, it was a symbol.
29:32 They don't realize
29:34 when they went under that water,
29:36 they literally died with Christ.
29:41 It's a proclamation that I believe I'm dead
29:45 and I do not live anymore.
29:48 And when I rise,
29:50 I rise with Him to walk in newness of life.
29:57 1 Peter 1:1-3,
30:03 I'm sorry, 1:3-9,
30:07 he tells us, "Blessed be or praise be
30:12 the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
30:16 which according to His abundant mercy
30:20 hath begotten us again
30:24 unto a living hope,
30:27 a living assurance
30:30 by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
30:35 When I read that, I was like,
30:38 "Lord, You're telling me, I have to born again.
30:42 But here you are telling me
30:45 that God according to His abundant mercy
30:51 hath begotten us again unto a lively hope
30:56 by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead."
31:00 I was like,
31:02 is this something still yet to be achieved
31:04 or is this something
31:06 I'm supposed to take hold off by faith.
31:11 Peter goes on and says,
31:13 "Whom having not seen you love,
31:18 and in whom,"
31:20 you remember we talked about that in Ephesians,
31:23 in Christ, in Him, in whom.
31:27 It says, "In whom, though now you see him not,
31:32 yet believing,
31:34 ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory
31:40 receiving the end or the result of your faith,
31:44 even the salvation of your souls."
31:49 Now I want to share something with you right here.
31:51 This is important.
31:52 Of everything we've talked about this week,
31:55 this is the most important thing
31:57 that I'm going to share.
31:59 In whom, in whom,
32:06 when you go to Ephesians Chapter 1,
32:10 there's a promise given there in verse 4.
32:15 Actually, verse 3 and 4,
32:17 Ephesians Chapter 1, it says,
32:20 "Blessed be the God and Father
32:25 of our Lord Jesus Christ."
32:27 And that's funny because that's how
32:29 Peter says same exact opening.
32:33 The word blessed means praise be.
32:36 "Praise be to the God and the Father
32:39 of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath..."
32:44 Is hath future?
32:48 It's past. It's done.
32:52 "Who hath blessed us
32:56 with all spiritual blessings in heavenly..."
33:02 The word places is applied by translators,
33:05 you will see,
33:06 it is italicized in the King James.
33:09 When you look that up it says,
33:11 "Hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings
33:14 in the heavens in Christ.
33:21 According as he hath chosen us in him
33:27 before the foundation of the world,
33:30 that we should be holy
33:32 and without blame before him in love."
33:37 And I read that verse one day when I was sitting in home
33:40 and I said, "Lord,
33:44 that says you chose me in Christ
33:46 before the foundation of the world."
33:50 And then the Apostle Paul goes on
33:52 in Philippians 3:9,
33:55 and it says,
33:56 "I pray that we might be found In Him,
34:03 not having our own righteousness,
34:05 which is by the law,
34:06 but the righteousness
34:08 which is by the faith of Jesus Christ."
34:13 And I said,
34:15 "I found the key to the gospel,
34:19 it's being in Him."
34:21 And I was so excited, I mean,
34:24 I'm there at the house by myself
34:26 and my wife is at school and children at school
34:28 and I was like, "This is the key!"
34:32 After all these years, I'm 48 years old, I'm like,
34:35 "Why didn't I see this when I was 10!"
34:39 The whole key to the entire gospel
34:42 is being found in Him.
34:45 And then you know what happened?
34:47 A question came to my mind.
34:49 How do I get in Him?
34:53 And I looked up and I know God laughs at me,
34:56 I know He does.
34:57 I mean, you know, like a father would laugh at the child,
35:00 and I know Jesus was like dad, watch this.
35:05 I mean, think about that.
35:06 The Bible says Christ is our elder brother,
35:10 and He's there and He's thinking,
35:12 all this is beautiful, His eyes are being opened.
35:17 And I looked up and I said,
35:19 "Lord, thank you for showing me this key,
35:23 how do I get in Jesus."
35:28 And you know, our God, He has got a sense of humor.
35:31 Do you know what He said to me?
35:32 I heard Him just as clear as day.
35:34 He now He speaks in your heart
35:36 and you can't explain that to somebody else,
35:39 but you know when God talks to you.
35:42 God spoke to me.
35:43 I heard Him just as clear as day
35:44 and he said, "Eric, how did you get in your mom?
35:49 How did you?
35:51 And I thought this is Nicodemus all over again.
35:52 God said,
35:54 "How did you get in your mother's womb?
35:56 And I looked up and I laughed, and I said,
35:59 "God, I didn't have anything to do with that."
36:03 He said, "Uh-ah.
36:05 Eric, how did you get into your father's loins
36:10 to get put in your mother's womb?"
36:14 And I paused.
36:17 I looked up and I said,
36:19 "God, I didn't have anything to do with that."
36:23 And He smiled and He said,
36:25 "Now you are beginning to understand
36:29 love and mercy."
36:32 And I said, "Lord, I believe You
36:34 but I need a verse,
36:38 because I could never share this with someone
36:40 just because I know you are telling me,
36:44 but I need a verse."
36:47 Turn with me to 1 Corinthians 1.
36:53 1 Corinthians 1:29-31,
36:59 listen to what it says.
37:01 God is so beautiful,
37:02 He's spoken my heart and I asked Him...
37:07 Chapter 1:29-31 of 1 Corinthians.
37:12 I asked Him for conformation in His Word and He showed me.
37:17 I mean, within moments He showed me.
37:20 He said, "Seek and you shall find.
37:22 Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
37:25 Ask and I will answer, you will receive."
37:29 So I started flipping the pages and I had the verse underlined.
37:34 Listen to what He says, verse 29,
37:37 "So that no flesh should glory in my presence.
37:44 For of him God
37:48 are you in Christ Jesus,
37:52 who of or by God is made unto us wisdom,
37:57 and righteousness, and sanctification,
38:01 and redemption:
38:02 So that, according as it is written,
38:05 He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord."
38:11 God put us in Christ Jesus
38:14 and He chose us in Him
38:18 before the foundation of the world.
38:22 I can't put myself back in Christ.
38:26 It was done.
38:29 And people say, "Yeah,
38:31 but what about those that are lost?"
38:32 Where's your focus? Where's your focus?
38:37 One lady wrote to Ellen White and she said,
38:40 Yeah, but yeah, but yeah, but.
38:42 And you know what Ellen White told her,
38:43 she wrote back to her and she said,
38:46 You know what she said,
38:47 "The Lord revealed to me when you're walking
38:50 through the pages of his word,"
38:51 She said, "All you're finding are the thorns."
38:56 She said, "I encourage you to spend an hour a day,
39:00 looking for the pinks and the roses."
39:05 Stop focusing on the negative.
39:09 Focus on the promise.
39:11 If God before us, who can be against us.
39:16 He that spared not His own Son,
39:19 but delivered him up for us all,
39:21 how shall He not with Him,
39:24 also freely give us all things.
39:28 Amen!
39:32 God said, "I put you there, now walk by faith in it."
39:41 1 Peter 1, "Whom having not seen,"
39:45 speaking of Christ, "you love, in whom,
39:50 though now you see him not, yet believing,
39:54 you rejoice with joy unspeakable
39:57 and full of glory,
40:00 receiving the end of your faith,
40:03 even the salvation and freedom of your souls."
40:08 Isaiah, it's not just New Testament,
40:11 Isaiah 45:22-25, the Lord says,
40:16 "Look unto me and be ye saved..."
40:22 He doesn't say, strive to be,
40:24 try to be, hope to be, He says, be!
40:30 Just like he says, "Be ye holy, for I am holy."
40:36 He says, "I am the Lord. I speak righteousness."
40:42 And I asked the Lord one day I said,
40:44 "Lord, what does that look like You speak righteousness?"
40:50 I said, "I don't mean to push you
40:52 but show me, so that I can see it."
40:57 And you know what the Lord did?
40:59 He took me right to Luke Chapter 5.
41:01 There was a leper that came to Jesus
41:04 and that leper...
41:05 And I'm going to tell you in a parable form,
41:07 that means I'm adding some thoughts
41:09 that might have happened,
41:11 could have happened, make sense that it happened,
41:14 but it's not there in the Bible.
41:15 Okay, so bear with me, sanctified imagination.
41:20 This leper comes to Jesus, throws himself on the ground,
41:25 and you know, everybody else fled
41:28 because he had HIV, it was the same thing.
41:31 Do you understand?
41:32 Incurable and contagious as far as to the max.
41:38 He throws himself on the ground after everybody has fled,
41:43 knowing he could be put to death
41:45 even for being there.
41:48 And he cast himself on the ground and he says,
41:52 "Thou Son of David, have mercy on me."
41:55 Well, first thing, Son of David means,
41:57 I'm saying you're king.
41:59 You're the one that was promised would come,
42:01 you're king, I know You can do anything.
42:06 And Jesus looked at him and said,
42:09 "Son, you're a mess,
42:12 I mean, you've got like leprosy."
42:16 And the man said, "I know."
42:19 And Jesus said,
42:20 "Have you been to the hospital?"
42:23 The man said, "They said I was incurable.
42:25 I mean, it's incurable.
42:27 This disease can't be cured, there's no medicine.
42:29 I'm incurable."
42:31 And Jesus said, "Have you been to the church?
42:34 Have you been to the Seventh-day Adventist Church?
42:37 There's one right down the road."
42:39 And the man said, "Yeah, I went there
42:42 but they quoted scripture to me.
42:44 They told me as a man sow so shall he reap."
42:48 You know how the devil does that sometimes?
42:51 You made your bed, lie in it.
42:53 You know what God's Word says in Hosea 13?
42:58 He says, "Oh Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself,
43:03 but in me is thine help, I will be thy king,
43:09 for where is any other that may save thee
43:11 in all of thy cities?"
43:14 This man looked at Jesus, and he said,
43:17 "I know, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean."
43:23 You know what Jesus said?
43:25 "I will be thou clean."
43:31 John 15:3, Jesus said,
43:34 "Now, today,
43:37 you are clean through the word which I am speaking unto you."
43:41 Today, you don't have to wait.
43:45 You don't have to be on probation for six weeks.
43:48 There's no amount of time that will wash away your past,
43:52 even if that was yesterday or this afternoon.
43:56 You've got to take hold of His Word and say,
43:58 it's mine now in this moment.
44:04 "Look unto me and be ye saved,
44:07 all the ends of the earth, for I am God."
44:12 That's the same God
44:14 that called the light out of darkness.
44:16 He said, "Let there be light and there was.
44:20 I have sworn by myself,
44:23 yea the word is gone out of my mouth
44:25 in righteousness,
44:27 and shall not return unto me void.
44:30 Surely, shall they say, in the Lord
44:34 have I righteousness and strength,
44:37 even to Him shall all men come, and all those that are incensed
44:43 and angry against him will be ashamed.
44:48 For in the Lord shall all the seed
44:53 and children of Israel be justified,
44:57 and shall glory."
45:02 Now you ask yourself, how can I be in Christ?
45:06 There was an article
45:07 and I'm going to make this very short,
45:09 so I don't want to run out of time.
45:10 There was a sermon
45:12 that was preached by a man named WW Prescott.
45:16 He preached it
45:18 at the 1895 camp meeting in Australia.
45:21 He preached over 30 messages at that one camp meeting.
45:25 If you would like me to send you the message
45:28 that I'm about to share with you,
45:31 I'll send it to you by email.
45:34 He brought something out I'd never seen before,
45:36 and I'm not going to read it,
45:38 but I would just want to give you the reference.
45:40 It's in Hebrews Chapter...
45:44 I believe Chapter 6 or 7, let me just make sure.
45:49 Hebrews 7 the first 10...
45:54 First 10 or 12 verses.
45:57 It actually says that when Abraham
46:02 was paying tithes to Melchizedek,
46:06 that Levi who was his great grandson
46:12 was in Abraham
46:15 paying tithes to Melchizedek.
46:19 And Levi hadn't even been born yet.
46:24 Did you ever notice that before?
46:27 Do you know that when Adam sinned,
46:30 every single one of us was in him physically?
46:36 When I met my wife, 25-26 years ago,
46:40 my son and my daughter were inside of me
46:43 when I met her.
46:45 I didn't even have any intension
46:46 of having children.
46:49 That's science. They know that.
46:53 My children were inside of me. That little...
46:58 Whatever that was,
46:59 that little DNA and that genetic blueprint,
47:03 it went out of me
47:05 when my wife and I became one
47:08 and God, between the union of a husband and a wife,
47:12 He took that blueprint and He made it into flesh.
47:18 My children were in me. You were in Adam when he fell.
47:24 That's why the Bible says,
47:26 "We were born with the sentence of death already on us."
47:30 People will tell me, no, you're a sinner,
47:32 because of what you do.
47:34 Well, then how come babies die
47:36 at three days old or at one day old?
47:39 They die because the sentence of death was already on them.
47:45 That's why Christ became the second and last Adam.
47:51 Ellen White says,
47:52 "He took the first Adam's place as head of the human race."
47:57 Adam came from Christ,
47:59 so Christ was the only one
48:02 that could stand in Adam's place.
48:10 When you look at what happened there
48:13 in Hebrews, Levi was in Abraham,
48:18 when Abraham was paying tithe. And Paul says,
48:22 though the writer of Hebrews says,
48:24 that Levi was paying tithe in Abraham,
48:29 even though he hadn't been born yet.
48:32 Do you know what that means?
48:35 That means that if you are in Christ,
48:39 because you believe what God says,
48:40 He already said, He chose you in Him
48:42 before the foundation of the world,
48:45 then that means you were in Him
48:47 when He was winning every victory.
48:50 And you were in Him when He was dying on Calvary.
48:55 And you were in Him when He was being raised
48:58 from the grave.
49:00 And you were in Him
49:01 when He was set down on the throne on high.
49:05 Why do you think Paul says,
49:07 "We are seated with Christ in the heavens."
49:11 How can we be there, if we're still here?
49:16 We're in Him.
49:20 Now listen to what the servant of the Lord says,
49:27 "After Jesus had been baptized by John in Jordan,
49:32 He went straight way up
49:34 out of the water to the bank of the river,
49:37 and He bowed in the attitude of prayer,
49:41 He here identifies Himself
49:44 with sinners as our representative,
49:50 in taking upon him our sins,
49:55 and numbering Himself with transgressors.
50:00 In His prayer, Christ with His human arm,
50:05 His human nature, encircles fallen humanity,
50:11 while with His divine arm,
50:15 He is reaching for the throne of the infinite.
50:19 His hands were raised upward,
50:22 and His eyes were fixed as if penetrating heaven,
50:28 and He poured out His soul
50:30 in supplication to His Father for strength
50:35 to meet our unbelief and sinfulness."
50:40 And I'm paraphrasing that. Do you see?
50:44 Remember when you read, you have to read this
50:47 as it spoken to you individually.
50:50 Otherwise, God's word and promises
50:52 won't have any power.
50:55 "He pled for power to break the power of Satan over man,
51:00 and to be able to overcome Satan in behalf of man.
51:06 He presented humanity before His Father,
51:09 asking that He would grant to fallen man,
51:13 the light and strength and power
51:15 from His Own throne to successfully overcome
51:20 the prince of the power of darkness.
51:23 Never had angels listened to such a prayer.
51:27 They were solicitous,
51:29 ready and willing and eager to bear
51:32 to the praying Redeemer messages
51:34 of assurance and love.
51:37 But no, the Father Himself will minister to His Son.
51:42 Direct from the throne
51:45 proceeded the light of the glory of God.
51:48 The heavens were opened,
51:50 and beams of light and glory proceeded there from.
51:56 The people stood spell-bound with fear and amazement.
52:01 Their eyes were fastened upon Christ,
52:04 whose bowed form was bathed
52:06 in the beautiful light and glory
52:08 that ever surround the throne of God.
52:12 His upturned face was glorified as they had
52:16 never before seen the face of man.
52:21 The thunders rolled and the lightning flashed
52:25 from the opening heavens,
52:27 and a voice came there from in terrible majesty,
52:32 saying, 'This is my beloved Son,
52:37 in whom I am well pleased.'"
52:39 That quote is from Youth Instructor,
52:42 March 1, 1874.
52:45 Now let me read the next statement to you.
52:48 This is Desire of Ages, page 112-113.
52:53 "And the Word that was spoken to Jesus at the Jordan,
52:58 'This is My beloved Son, in whom I Am well pleased,'
53:03 embraces all humanity.
53:08 God spoke to Jesus as our representative.
53:13 With all of our sins and weaknesses,
53:16 we are not cast aside as worthless,
53:19 for 'He hath made us accepted in the Beloved.'
53:26 The glory that rested upon Christ
53:29 is a pledge of the love of God for us.
53:33 The light which fell from the open portals of heaven
53:37 upon the head of our Savior will fall upon us,
53:42 as we pray for help to resist temptation.
53:47 The Voice which spoke to Jesus
53:51 says to every believing soul,
53:56 'This is My beloved child,
53:59 in whom I Am well pleased.'"
54:07 Do you understand what we just saw and read?
54:15 We were in Christ when He was baptized.
54:22 You go through Ellen White's writings
54:24 and type in Holy Spirit,
54:27 read everything you can find from her.
54:30 And remember something,
54:32 God was revealing more and more light to her
54:35 as she got older.
54:38 It wasn't like, she was given all the light
54:40 in 1844 and boom, it stopped.
54:43 There was times in 1888,
54:46 after she heard EJ Waggoner share about the two covenants,
54:50 she wrote, she said,
54:52 "We may have been wrong in our understanding
54:55 of the covenants,
54:56 until I heard what Waggoner's presented."
55:00 She said, "I had never even considered
55:03 the two covenants the way he presented it."
55:05 She said, "We may have been wrong."
55:10 This is important.
55:15 We were in Christ,
55:18 that means when we asked the Father
55:20 for the gift of His Spirit,
55:24 we already have Christ's righteousness
55:28 as the assurance.
55:29 We will receive, if we abide in Him.
55:34 Do you remember what Jesus said in John 15:7?
55:38 "Abide in Me."
55:41 And you think,
55:42 "What do you have to do to abide in a house?"
55:46 Well, you have to be put there first.
55:49 If I'm on the outside of the house,
55:51 and somebody says,
55:52 abide in there and I go in where?
55:55 Well, in the house.
55:57 But I've never been in there before.
55:58 I don't even know what it looks like in there.
56:00 You can't abide somewhere
56:02 unless you have already been put there.
56:06 It means, stay in me.
56:10 When Christ was baptized,
56:12 Ellen White says, and the scripture says,
56:16 "You were in Him, being baptized."
56:20 When we go down into the water now,
56:23 when we give our lives to the Lord,
56:25 it is a symbol.
56:27 It is saying, "Lord, I believe that I was in Him
56:32 back there 2000 years ago,
56:36 not only was I baptized
56:39 but when Christ won the victory...
56:43 Ellen White says, "So few Seventh-day Adventist
56:47 have any understanding of what took place
56:50 in the wilderness of temptation."
56:52 They don't make what happened to Christ their own.
56:58 The Bible says,
56:59 "Thanks be to God which giveth us the victory."
57:03 When did He give us the victory?
57:05 We are more than conquerors through Him that loves us.
57:10 Christ is our victory,
57:13 our righteousness, our wisdom,
57:16 our justification, our glorification...
57:19 It's all Him.
57:22 And as we realize that, our hearts are broken,
57:28 pride is expelled,
57:31 and there's a love that is given to us
57:34 that nothing can extinguish.
57:37 Ellen White says,
57:38 "It's love that begets love, not fear."
57:43 So when you are looking at your son,
57:46 or your daughter, or your wife, or the drunkard on the street
57:49 or the girl that just got caught
57:51 and she's had an abortion or whatever,
57:53 you got to say, "God loves you."
57:58 He chose you in Christ Jesus
58:01 before the foundation of the world.
58:05 Amen!


Revised 2019-02-25