Alpha & Omega: Spiritualism

Ichabod: The Glory Is Departed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AAO

Program Code: AAO000006A

00:10 Good evening, it's good to see everyone again.
00:13 Tonight, we're gonna be going on a little bit farther
00:16 and the name of our message is Ichabod,
00:20 the Glory Has Departed.
00:22 I want to give a quick overview of why the title?
00:28 It comes from
00:29 1 Samuel 4:19-22,
00:36 and I'm gonna just do this in a very abbreviated way.
00:40 What had happened is the children of Israel
00:43 were there in the land of Canaan
00:46 and their arch-enemy the Philistines had attacked.
00:52 And the High Priest Eli, his two sons were priests,
00:59 but they were not God fearing men.
01:02 And Israel knew that whenever they went into battle,
01:06 for them to win
01:08 they had to take the throne of God before them.
01:14 That's what the Ark of the Covenant is.
01:16 You have a covering cherub on each side,
01:18 you have a mercy seat, it's the throne of God,
01:23 it was a symbol of where He dwells.
01:28 And they went into battle and they were not doing well
01:32 and to the best of my memory,
01:34 Hophni and Phinehas said we need the Ark.
01:37 And they did not have permission from God
01:39 to take the Ark but they took it anyway.
01:42 And they went into battle
01:44 and because they had taken the Ark
01:46 but did not have God's blessing,
01:49 they were defeated terribly.
01:52 And a messenger came running back to Eli,
01:56 and when he got back to Eli, he said, we've lost,
02:00 I mean, Israel has been defeated.
02:04 The Ark or he said your two sons have been killed
02:08 and the Ark of the Covenant has been taken by the enemy.
02:13 When Eli heard that,
02:17 he fell off of his chair and broke his neck and died.
02:22 One of his two son's wife was pregnant,
02:27 almost ready to give birth.
02:30 And on the moment
02:34 when the delivery was about to happen,
02:37 she heard this news and she cried out Ichabod,
02:43 the Glory Has Departed.
02:47 The glory of God rested upon that Ark of the Covenant.
02:51 What was underneath of the mercy seat?
02:55 The law of God. The law of God.
03:00 I want you to make a note of that
03:01 because we're gonna talk about that tomorrow.
03:06 God's law or the law of God,
03:11 if you can think about it in a different way,
03:17 it's not just something that belongs to Him.
03:20 The word God in Greek is Theos, it means deity and divinity,
03:25 and I know that's God Almighty.
03:27 But that's what the word,
03:29 we're just looking at what the word means?
03:31 The law, the word in Hebrew is Torah,
03:35 it means instructions.
03:38 It doesn't mean command simply, it means instructions.
03:43 With this computer, I have code in the computer,
03:47 when I buy the computer brand new,
03:50 it has laws code that is written inside of it.
03:54 It says, if I press enter
03:58 this is what the computer is supposed to do.
04:00 If I press back space or escape,
04:05 this is what the computer is supposed to do.
04:08 God's instructions are like a code.
04:13 There are instructions in righteousness, in purity,
04:16 in holiness, in victory.
04:20 The law of God is the law of what it takes
04:25 to have the divine nature.
04:29 That's why David said, King David,
04:31 "Thy law have I hid in mine heart,
04:35 that I might not sin against thee."
04:37 Your instructions I have put inside of my heart.
04:43 So when the law of God is no longer being kept,
04:49 the glory of God is no longer upon the throne.
04:54 If you remove the Ten Commandments
04:57 from the throne,
04:58 you have a form of godliness, but you have no power.
05:02 Does that make sense?
05:11 "And she named her child I-chabod and said,
05:15 the glory is departed from Israel,
05:18 for the ark or the throne of God has been taken.
05:27 Marvelous beyond expression
05:29 is the blindness of the people of this generation.
05:33 There are few who have any just conception
05:36 of the deceptive power of Spiritualism."
05:40 Many people play with it, they think,
05:42 "Well, I'm not gonna go that far, I'm just gonna,
05:45 I'm just gonna buy Ouija board,
05:47 or I'm just gonna bring this movie home,
05:49 or I'm just gonna bring this music home,
05:51 I'm not gonna go that far."
05:53 It only takes one bite.
05:57 "Few who have any just conception
05:59 of the deceptive power of spiritualism
06:02 and the danger of coming under its influence.
06:06 Thousands reject the Word of God
06:09 as unworthy of belief,
06:12 and yet with eager confidence
06:15 they receive the deceptions of Satan.
06:19 So fully have they yielded to the tempter,
06:24 so closely are they united with him,
06:30 and so thoroughly are they imbued with his spirit,
06:34 that they have no power and no inclination
06:38 to break away from his snare."
06:41 Do you remember in our last message,
06:43 we talked about yoga,
06:44 but how it means to be yoked to or joined to.
06:48 In the very first message or second one,
06:51 we talked about how these Hollywood stars
06:54 and musicians had become joined to evil spirits.
06:59 They had invited them into their lives
07:03 and sometimes people say, "Well, I'm not gonna that far?
07:07 I'm just, it's just a little sin."
07:09 Ellen White says of Judas when she talked about him,
07:13 the Bible says,
07:15 "Christ looked at the 12 disciples, He said,
07:18 'Have I not chosen you 12
07:20 and yet one of you is a Devil.'"
07:24 Ellen White said,
07:26 "The demons name was selfishness.
07:32 She named it and she listed a lot of other names
07:36 that are there.
07:37 Spirits are named for what they do
07:41 or for what their character traits are.
07:44 That's what they do.
07:48 Selfishness caused Judas to lose eternity,
07:54 not just his physical life.
07:59 Says the prophet, "I saw three unclean spirits
08:03 like frogs, words, tongues,
08:07 and they are the spirits of devils,
08:10 working miracles,
08:11 which go forth unto the kings of the earth
08:14 and of the whole world for one reason,
08:18 to gather them
08:19 to the battle of that great day of God Almighty."
08:25 You can read Revelation 19-21
08:28 and it actually talks about the fact
08:30 that when Christ is returning,
08:34 the kings of the earth and their armies
08:36 will gather themselves together to make war with him
08:41 that's sitting on the horse.
08:43 And I'm not gonna take time to go into this in depth,
08:46 but have you ever considered something.
08:49 When Christ returns the second time,
08:52 it's a physical event,
08:55 I mean, physically He really is travelling
08:58 all the way from heaven to here.
09:01 Did you know that astronomers will see Him coming
09:07 before we do?
09:10 If they are looking in outer space,
09:13 they can see a year ahead of time
09:16 when the comet's coming.
09:19 Have you ever considered that?
09:21 And do you know that the number one,
09:25 the most expensive and elaborate telescope array
09:30 in the entire world is owned by the Vatican.
09:34 And the name of it used to be the Lucifer Project,
09:39 but they got so much flack and controversy over it,
09:44 that they changed it and then called it Lucy.
09:47 It's an acronym noun, and they said it means this,
09:51 but it was originally called the Lucifer
09:53 or Light Bearer Project.
09:56 They are watching outer space
09:59 because they are preparing for this event.
10:04 "Except those..." Listen to this.
10:07 "Except those who are kept by the power of God,
10:11 through faith in His Word, the whole world will be swept
10:18 into the ranks of this delusion.
10:21 The people are fast being lulled into a fatal security,
10:26 to be awakened
10:27 only by the outpouring of the wrath of God.
10:33 As Spiritualism more closely imitates
10:37 the nominal Christianity of the day,
10:40 it has greater power to deceive and ensnare.
10:44 Satan himself is converted
10:46 after the modern order of things.
10:49 He will appear in the character of an angel of light."
10:55 You see, there on the left hand of the screen
10:58 a book by Peter Tyler called "The Return to the Mystical."
11:02 This is a book on returning back to the Roman Catholic,
11:06 Desert Fathers and the Mystics.
11:09 On the far right, you see another book
11:12 which I did not include the details on
11:15 because I don't want me buy, to go and try to purchase it,
11:20 it was called "The Yoga of Jesus."
11:23 And they actually are telling people
11:25 that the miracles of Jesus did,
11:28 anybody can do because Jesus did this
11:30 because He understood pantheism in the Hindu practice of yoga.
11:36 In the center, there is a book and a series
11:42 that was released within the last 12 years,
11:46 it's called "A Course in Miracles."
11:49 Oprah Winfrey was the one that promoted this book
11:53 in this series.
11:55 "It was published in 1976 by Dr. Helen Schucman,
12:00 with the help of William Thetford
12:02 and Judith Skutch.
12:04 The manuscript was said to be dictated to her
12:08 by a "voice which claimed to be "Jesus,"
12:14 this voice began speaking to her in the years 1965-1972."
12:21 This is coming right out of the '60s
12:23 when you had all the new age and Hindu practices
12:27 coming into the United States of America.
12:30 "After receiving the first few messages,
12:33 Dr, Schucman contacted the daughter
12:36 of renown psychic Edger Cayce..."
12:39 Remember, we talked about him in our second or first message.
12:44 "She contacted the daughter of Edger Cayce for advice
12:49 on what she should do with the teachings
12:51 which were being given to her.
12:54 The series was aired worldwide by Oprah Winfrey
12:58 beginning in January 1, 2008."
13:02 Ten years ago,
13:05 Oprah Winfrey is said to have the largest church in the world
13:09 because of her audience.
13:13 Now, I'm gonna be careful here before I go any further,
13:17 I'm gonna read some statements that are in that book
13:22 that was dictated by this entity
13:26 that claimed to be Jesus.
13:28 I'm gonna read this
13:30 and I'm asking that you will ask the Lord to help us
13:34 as we are hearing this.
13:35 These are all lies of the devil.
13:39 On page 45, it says, "God is in everything I see."
13:45 On page 70, it says, "My mind is part of God's,
13:50 I am very holy.
13:52 My holiness is my salvation
13:55 and my salvation comes from me!"
13:59 Page 99 says, "God does not forgive,
14:03 because He has never condemned."
14:07 Page 10 says, "A slain Christ has no meaning."
14:12 Page 11-12 says,
14:14 "Do not make the pathetic error of clinging
14:17 to the old rugged cross.
14:19 For the journey to the cross
14:21 should be the last useless journey."
14:26 Page 13 says,
14:28 "The name of Jesus Christ as such is but a symbol.
14:33 It is a symbol that is safely used
14:36 as a replacement for the many names
14:39 of all the gods to which you pray."
14:44 Page 15 says,
14:46 "The recognition of God
14:49 is the recognition of yourself."
14:53 This was promoted heavily by Oprah Winfrey, heavily.
14:59 Now, I want to show a video clip,
15:03 and we're gonna take a look at this,
15:04 it's about two and half minutes long
15:07 and then we'll continue.
15:12 Our first show,
15:14 maybe 10,000 people worshiping, celebrating,
15:19 each of them having his own personal experience with God.
15:23 This is clearly faith in the God in you,
15:28 your inspiration, your power.
15:35 God is so many things to so many people.
15:41 The warm light of the sun...
15:47 the sound of sweet music,
15:50 and inner voice that drives us forward, a friend.
15:57 If you ask me who God is?
16:00 I would say,
16:01 "There's a bit of divine in all of us.
16:04 There's God in you, there's God in me."
16:07 The God in me
16:10 is who I really am at my core.
16:15 The God in me is the best version of me.
16:21 The God in me is to who I strive to be,
16:26 who I was meant to be.
17:59 That is startling.
18:01 The first clip that we just viewed
18:03 is from a three hour documentary
18:07 where Morgan Freeman goes around the world
18:10 and interviews people of different religious faiths.
18:14 There was one part in particular
18:16 that really shocked me was when he was doing an interview
18:19 with Pastor Joel Osteen and that was the end.
18:24 And then he came out and he said,
18:26 "God is in everyone."
18:30 The exact same thing that we're hearing
18:33 all these Eastern Mystics say.
18:36 And you think, why are we hearing this now.
18:40 And then you heard earlier where we actually quoted
18:45 one of the Japanese masters and he said,
18:50 "There's many paths up Mount Fuji,
18:54 but there is only one summit, love."
18:57 All of those people said the same thing.
18:59 We worship different, we have different names for God,
19:02 but we believe in love.
19:04 The Bible says,
19:06 "This is the love of God that we keep His commandments
19:12 and His commandments are not grievous."
19:15 This is how you know who truly loves the Lord God
19:22 if they're willing to follow and obey Him.
19:25 Now, I want to identify some of the new age gurus
19:30 that we're seeing now.
19:32 And we're gonna take that into the emergent church
19:36 and the spiritual formation that we're seeing.
19:39 Here we have Oprah Winfrey with three very, very popular guests
19:44 that are on her show.
19:45 The first man over to the left,
19:47 his name is Eckhart Tolle or Eckhart Tolle.
19:50 He is a strong new ager, has written many books.
19:55 The man at the top is Tony Robbins.
19:59 This man is one of the most popular motivational speakers
20:04 in the world.
20:05 This is the type of man
20:06 I was talking to you about earlier
20:08 that came to address those masters
20:11 in the martial art circle.
20:13 He teaches people something that Norman Vincent Peale did
20:18 called the power of positive thinking.
20:21 It's not of God. It's not faith in God's Word.
20:25 It's faith in self.
20:27 And then right below that you have Oprah with her show
20:31 called Sunday's Super Bowl Sunday
20:34 and she's doing an interview
20:36 with one of the spiritual formation
20:38 and emerging church leaders name Rob Bell, Pastor Rob Bell.
20:44 Eckhart Tolle, you'll have to forgive me
20:48 because I have got a slide that I forgot to edit.
20:53 He said, "Heaven is not a place.
20:57 It's not a physical place.
21:01 It is a realm of consciousness."
21:06 He said,
21:07 "I am the source of my own salvation."
21:15 Deepak Chopra founded a wellness system
21:18 based on a combination of Western medicine
21:22 and Ayurvedic principles of health and spirituality.
21:26 Due to his dissatisfaction with the ability
21:30 of conventional Western medicine
21:32 to help his patients.
21:34 Chopra's teachings about the human being
21:37 and its wellness are based on Hindu pantheism.
21:42 He is also a well respected
21:45 and often seen guest on Oprah show.
21:50 He said, "Thus the 'divine' pervades the entire universe
21:54 as well as human beings,
21:56 and every person has divinity within himself or herself."
22:02 Chopra goes on and writes,
22:04 "We remain unfulfilled
22:07 unless we nurture the seeds of divinity inside us.
22:13 In reality, we are divinity in disguise,
22:18 and the gods and goddesses in embryo
22:23 that are contained within us
22:26 seek to be fully materialized."
22:31 He's talking about demons,
22:33 he's talking about fallen angels.
22:38 This is a quote that I have heard so many Christians,
22:43 even of our church repeat to me.
22:46 "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience,
22:51 we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
22:55 This quote comes from a book called
22:58 "Chicken Soup for the Soul,"
23:00 which many Christians are running out and buying.
23:03 They have no idea who the quote came from.
23:07 It came from a man named Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
23:12 He's a Jesuit priest.
23:14 He is also been a advisor to the UN on spirituality.
23:25 Ellen White says, "The warnings of the Word of God
23:28 regarding the perils
23:30 surrounding the Christian church
23:32 belong to us today,
23:35 just as in the days of the apostles,
23:38 men tried by tradition and philosophy
23:42 to destroy faith in the scriptures.
23:46 So today,
23:47 by the pleasing sentiments of higher criticism,
23:52 evolution, spiritualism,
23:56 theosophy and pantheism,
23:59 the enemy of righteousness is seeking to lead souls
24:03 into forbidden paths.
24:06 This is a book by Brian McLaren.
24:08 He's a well-known pastor in the emerging church.
24:11 He's a strong supporter of spiritual formation.
24:14 The name of the book is called "Why Did Jesus, Moses,
24:19 the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road?:
24:23 Christian Identity in a Multi-Faith World."
24:26 What he just did was he made all of those men equal,
24:31 He put them all on the same level.
24:36 Today, these same teachings are being suddenly introduced
24:39 into the Christian church.
24:42 This is a university, if I remember correctly,
24:44 that is in Oregon, Biola University.
24:48 They are one of the strongest proponents
24:50 of spiritual formation
24:52 The MN Fox University,
24:55 that we have a book over here to the left called
24:58 "Spiritual Formation in Emerging Adulthood,
25:02 A Practical Theology for College
25:05 and Young Adult Ministry."
25:08 This book is being promoted even within our denomination,
25:14 in our universities.
25:17 For those that are practicing or that have to take classes
25:21 in spiritual formation for a theology major.
25:26 When you go into those classes,
25:28 the instructor or professor will give you
25:30 recommended reading and you have young adults
25:34 that often look up to their professors,
25:37 and they go and they buy the recommended reading
25:39 because they want to do the best they can
25:42 when they're in school.
25:46 Acts of the Apostles, page 474, we're told,
25:50 "To many the Bible is as a lamp without oil,
25:54 because they have turned their minds
25:57 into channels of speculative belief
26:00 that bring misunder-standing and confusion.
26:03 The work of higher criticism, in dissecting,
26:08 conjecturing, reconstructing,
26:12 is destroying faith in the Bible
26:14 as a divine revelation.
26:17 It is robbing God's Word of power to control, uplift,
26:23 and inspire human lives.
26:26 I want to pause there for a moment.
26:27 There's a verse in Scripture
26:30 that I would like for you to look up with me,
26:33 it's 1 Thessalonians 2:13.
26:39 The Apostle Paul says,
26:42 "For this cause also thank we God without ceasing,
26:48 because, when you received the Word of God,
26:53 which you heard from us,
26:55 you received it not as the word of a man or the word of men."
27:01 The word of man is yay or nay or maybe.
27:05 I can tell you, I'm going to be here.
27:07 I can tell my wife,
27:08 I'll be there to pick you up at 5 o'clock,
27:11 and there's a traffic accident,
27:13 they have the interstate closed off.
27:16 I cannot find a way around and I show up at 7 o'clock
27:20 and she says, "Honey, what happened to you?"
27:22 And I'm like there, "I couldn't do anything.
27:25 I was stuck on a four lane interstate.
27:28 I had no way to get around it."
27:30 I meant to be there, but I can't guarantee it.
27:37 Paul says, "When you receive the Word of God
27:39 what you heard from us,
27:41 you didn't receive it as the word of men
27:44 yay, nay or maybe
27:48 but you received it
27:49 as it is in truth in verity,
27:54 the Word of God, the Word of deity,
27:59 which effectually worketh
28:02 also in you that believe."
28:08 "By Spiritualism, multitudes are taught to believe
28:12 that desire is the highest law,
28:15 that license means liberty,
28:18 and that man is accountable only to himself."
28:23 Now we want to look at some quotes
28:25 from some very well-known emergent church
28:28 and spiritual formation teachers and leaders.
28:32 Brian McLaren, well-known pastor, he said,
28:37 "The Bible is not considered an accurate, absolute,
28:42 authoritative or authoritarian source,
28:47 but a book to be experienced,
28:51 and one experience can be as valid as any other can.
28:56 Experience, dialogue, feelings,
28:59 and conversations are equated with Scripture,
29:04 while certitude, authority, and doctrine
29:08 are to be eschewed or distained."
29:12 He doesn't want of thus saith the Lord.
29:15 He says, this is just supposed to be something
29:17 that you read and you discuss and you talk about it,
29:21 but you can't depend on this
29:23 as being absolutely right or wrong.
29:27 He says, "No doctrines are to be absolute,
29:31 and truth or doctrine must be considered
29:35 only with personal experiences,
29:38 traditions, historical leaders, etc.
29:42 The Bible is not an answer book."
29:46 This is a pastor.
29:49 You want to see why people are having a form of godliness,
29:52 but no power?
29:54 And that goes even in our church.
29:59 Marcus Borg, he said, "Seminary also introduced me
30:03 to the 'historical' study of Jesus."
30:08 That means the higher criticism or critical.
30:11 Looking at Jesus from a secular historical standpoint
30:16 and of Christian origins.
30:19 "I learned from my professors
30:20 and the readings they assigned me
30:23 that Jesus almost certainly was not born of a virgin.
30:29 He did not think of himself as the Son of God,
30:33 and he did not see his purpose
30:35 as dying for the sins of the world."
30:39 This is exactly what we read from the people in the 1800's.
30:43 This is what Thomas Jefferson wrote the Jefferson Bible.
30:47 Jesus was not born of a virgin, that's miraculous.
30:52 Borg goes on and says,
30:53 "I also found the claim when I was in seminary
30:58 that Jesus and Christianity were the only way of salvation
31:03 to be troublesome."
31:06 He was bothered by that.
31:11 Pastor Rob Bell,
31:14 "Now from way back when our ancestors understood
31:17 that there's something divine about our breath.
31:22 They believed there's something sacred
31:25 and holy about the every act of breathing."
31:30 And then he goes on
31:32 in this sermon that he gave in 2005,
31:35 he says, "Central to the Christian tradition,
31:38 for thousands of years have been disciplines of meditation,
31:42 reflection, silence, and breathing."
31:46 That's never been part of the Christian religion,
31:48 that's been part of Roman Catholicism and paganism.
31:52 And he says, "The yoga masters say this is how it is
31:56 when you follow Jesus and surrender to God."
32:00 And then he ends with a quote that is scary, he says,
32:04 "I wonder sometimes
32:06 when we feel as though God is far, God is thinking
32:10 'I gave you breathing, I can't get closer than that.'"
32:16 Us breathing is not God,
32:19 it's a gift that God gives us
32:21 to be able to breathe that oxygen in.
32:26 Pastor Tony Campolo says,
32:28 "Mysticism provides some hope for common ground
32:33 between Christianity and Islam."
32:37 And I'm not gonna go into this,
32:38 because I can spend two hours on that.
32:42 I know right now within our church,
32:44 we're seeing just like
32:45 all the other Protestant churches,
32:48 we're seeing a very strong push to indoctrinate people
32:53 and introduce people to the idea
32:56 that Allah and Jehovah are the same God, they are not.
33:01 When you look at their character
33:03 and when you read the Quran, the Quran says,
33:06 "Allah cannot have a son." It's impossible.
33:12 And the Bible says,
33:13 "Whoever denies the Father and the Son is antichrist."
33:18 I don't believe Islam is antichrist.
33:20 I believe they're the daughter of antichrist.
33:24 He says, "Both religions, Christianity and Islam
33:28 have within their histories examples
33:32 of ecstatic or esoteric union with God,
33:36 which seem at odds with their own spiritual traditions,
33:41 but have much in common with each other.
33:44 I do not know what to make of the Muslim mystics,
33:47 especially those who have come to be known as the Sufis.
33:53 What do they experience in their mystical experiences?
33:57 Could they have encountered the same God we do
34:01 in our Christian mysticism?"
34:07 Pastor Alan Jones says,
34:10 "The image of the child Jesus sitting on the Buddha's lap
34:15 appeals to me
34:17 and captures the spirit of my book,"
34:21 called Reimaging Christianity or Reimagining Christianity.
34:26 "It is an image of the Kingdom.
34:29 The Kingdom is a sort of short-hand
34:31 signifying an inclusive community of faith,
34:36 love and social justice."
34:40 This is Roman Catholicism, but he says,
34:44 "I can picture in my mind
34:47 Jesus sitting on the Buddha's lap."
34:53 The son of almighty God,
34:57 and yet people are buying his books
34:59 even within our church.
35:03 Brian McLaren in his book "A Generous Orthodoxy" says,
35:08 "I don't believe in making disciples
35:10 must equal making adherence to the Christian religion.
35:16 It may be advisable in many circumstances
35:20 to help people become followers of Jesus
35:24 and yet remain within their Buddhist,
35:28 Hindu, and Jewish context.
35:31 Buddhists who feel so called
35:34 will become Buddhist followers of Jesus,
35:38 and they should be given that opportunity and invitation."
35:44 How do you follow Christ Jesus
35:49 and yet participate in things
35:53 that He came to set us free and save us from.
35:59 Pastor Rick Warren,
36:02 he said almost the same identical thing,
36:06 "You can keep your own religion Buddhism, Islam,
36:12 Hinduism, Mormonism,
36:15 you just need to add Jesus to the equation,
36:19 then you become complete.
36:22 You become a Buddhist with Jesus, a Hindu with Jesus,
36:26 a Muslim with Jesus and so on.
36:29 You can even throw out the term Christianity
36:35 and still be a follower of Jesus.
36:38 In fact, you can throw out the term Christian too.
36:41 Because in some countries you could be persecuted
36:45 for calling yourself a Christian,
36:47 and there is no need for that.
36:50 Just ask Jesus into your heart,
36:54 you don't have to identify yourself as a Christian."
36:59 Jesus said, "Whosoever is ashamed of Me and My words,
37:03 I will be ashamed of them."
37:08 The book this man wrote that took the world by storm,
37:14 "The Purpose Driven Life,"
37:17 and you would not believe
37:18 how many Seventh-day Adventist Christians have read
37:22 or already in the book, and they don't know.
37:25 They have no idea.
37:31 Great Controversy, page 561,
37:36 "Except those who are kept by the power of God,
37:41 through faith in his word, the whole world will be swept
37:46 into the ranks of this delusion.
37:49 The people are fast being lulled into a fatal security,
37:53 to be only awakened
37:55 only by the outpouring of the wrath of God."
37:58 That fatal security is you thinking
38:01 or someone thinking,
38:03 I don't really have to surrender
38:05 my whole heart to God.
38:07 I'm always gonna be in sin until Christ returns.
38:11 There is no way you can be perfect.
38:13 There's no way that you can live a life
38:16 victorious over every sin.
38:18 I ask people when they call, I say,
38:21 "I used to drink a lot of alcohol.
38:23 Now I used to drink a lot of alcohol.
38:26 I don't drink anymore,
38:28 I haven't had a drop of alcohol since I was 22 years old.
38:32 If God gave me victory over that,
38:35 can He not give me victory over every other sin?
38:41 The Bible says, "We limit the Holy One of Israel."
38:45 Ellen White says,
38:46 "We expect the meagerest of showers of blessing,
38:52 that's why we receive so little."
38:55 She said, "If we would ask for the fullness
38:59 of the divine presence, we would receive it."
39:02 The Bible says,
39:04 "Of Christ fullness we have received."
39:09 We are joint heirs with Him
39:13 in whom dwells the fullness
39:16 of the Godhead bodily."
39:21 That means we can lay hold on Christ,
39:25 and as we surrender
39:27 every room of His temple to Him,
39:32 He will fill the house with His glory.
39:39 Christ says through the Prophet Malachi,"
39:43 Behold, I will send my messenger,
39:47 and he shall prepare the way,
39:49 or the path before me, and the Lord.
39:53 The sovereign King, whom you are seeking,
39:57 shall suddenly come to his temple,
40:01 even the messenger of the covenant,
40:04 in whom ye delight.
40:06 Behold, he shall come, saith the Lord of hosts.
40:10 But who may abide the day of his coming?
40:14 And who shall stand when he appeareth?
40:17 For He is like a refiner's fire,
40:21 and like fullers' soap.
40:23 And he shall purify the sons of Levi,
40:27 and he will purge them as gold and silver,
40:31 so that they and we may offer unto the Lord
40:36 an offering in righteousness."
40:40 Do you know the Bible says
40:42 that we are to present our bodies
40:44 as a living sacrifice?
40:47 God wants us to offer an offering to Him in holiness,
40:53 in innocence, and in perfection.
40:56 And what we struggle with so often is, how can I do this?
41:02 How is it possible for me to do this?
41:06 I want to read something to you.
41:07 Turn with me to Micah Chapter 7.
41:11 This verse has become...
41:12 I read this almost every single day
41:16 because this one verse
41:18 and its companion verse in the Luke
41:23 say so much.
41:26 Micah 7:18-20,
41:32 listen to what the Lord says here.
41:36 He says, "Who is a God..."
41:40 And the word God there in Hebrew, it's Elohim.
41:44 Do you know what the word Elohim means?
41:46 The mighty one or the mighty ones.
41:50 When we say God, it literally is telling us,
41:54 I am able to do exceeding abundantly
41:58 above everything you could ask or imagine.
42:01 "Who is a God like unto thee,
42:04 that pardons iniquity,
42:08 that passes by the transgression
42:11 of the remnant of His heritage?"
42:14 The word iniquity here in Hebrew
42:16 means perversity and mischief.
42:20 The word transgression means rebellion and apostasy.
42:24 People will tell me, I think I've gone too far,
42:28 I don't think God can forgive me for this one.
42:30 This was too big.
42:31 I'm like, right here He says
42:33 and He says it in Exodus Chapter 33,
42:37 "I forgive iniquity, and transgression, and sin."
42:42 Iniquity is perversity and mischief.
42:45 It means perversity not just moral perversity
42:49 but it means it's a perverse arrow.
42:51 If I have a straight arrow, I know when I shoot it,
42:54 it's gonna hit the mark,
42:56 but if that arrow has got a little crook in it,
42:59 it'll never hit the mark.
43:01 It's almost like when you go to the fair,
43:03 and have one of those mirrors that's got curves in it.
43:07 And you know what you look like,
43:08 you look at the regular mirror and you go, "That's me."
43:11 And then you step over in front of the other one,
43:13 and you go, "Oh, wow."
43:15 It makes you look like you're this wide,
43:17 and this tall.
43:18 That's perverse, it's not the perfect,
43:22 it's not the way it was designed.
43:25 It says, "Who is a God like unto thee,
43:28 that pardons iniquity,
43:31 and He passes by or passes over the transgression,
43:37 the rebellion and the apostasy of the remnant
43:40 of His heritage.
43:42 He retaineth not his anger forever,
43:45 because He delights in mercy."
43:50 He delights, it means He goes.
43:53 I can't wait to show
43:55 what I'm gonna do in this person's life,
43:58 and I'm gonna do it because they don't deserve it
44:00 and they're helpless without me.
44:04 "He will turn again."
44:06 It means He had His back turned to us
44:08 'cause He was ashamed of what we were doing.
44:11 "He will turn again,
44:13 He will have compassion upon us,
44:16 He will..."
44:19 If you want to know what the will of God is,
44:21 find a place where He says He will do something.
44:25 That's His will.
44:27 "He will subdue your and my iniquities,
44:34 and thou will cast all of our sins
44:37 into the depths of the sea."
44:39 Now listen to this.
44:41 "Thou will perform thy truth to Jacob."
44:47 What did Christ tell Jacob?
44:50 I'm gonna change your name.
44:52 Jacob means a swindler, or somebody who trips the guy
44:57 in front of them so they can win the race.
45:00 Christ said, "I'm changing your name,
45:02 it'll no longer be Jacob, but Israel."
45:05 That means one who is victorious.
45:09 "Thou will perform thy truth to Jacob
45:13 and thy mercy to Abraham,
45:16 which thou hast sworn to our fathers
45:18 from the days of old."
45:20 He made an oath.
45:23 He swear that He would do this.
45:26 Now turn with me to Luke Chapter 1,
45:29 and let me show you where He fulfilled it.
45:31 Luke 1:67-75,
45:36 and I'm gonna just highlight these verses.
45:39 This was John the Baptist's father speaking
45:42 under inspiration of the Spirit of God.
45:45 He says,
45:46 "Blessed be or praise be the Lord God of Israel,
45:50 for He has visited and redeemed his people.
45:55 And hath..."
45:57 Hath means past tense, right?
46:00 Hath is not I'm gonna do it sometime in the future.
46:04 "He hath raised up a horn,
46:07 a mighty one of salvation for us
46:10 in the house of His servant David.
46:13 As He spake by the mouth of His holy prophets,
46:17 which have been since the world began.
46:20 That we should be saved from our enemies
46:25 and from the hand of all that hate us.
46:29 To perform the mercy
46:31 which He promised to our fathers
46:33 and to remember His holy covenant."
46:37 Covenant means an oath.
46:39 It's not a contract, it's not an agreement,
46:42 it's an oath.
46:44 And he says that in verse 73, "To remember His holy covenant,
46:50 the oath which He sware to our father Abraham
46:55 that he would grant unto us."
46:59 Let me ask you a question.
47:00 What's the difference between the school loan and the grant?
47:06 A school loan, you've got to pay back.
47:09 I mean, people get school loans and they're paying them back
47:11 sometimes for ten years.
47:14 A grant, there's no pay back necessary.
47:19 God knew what He was doing
47:20 when He inspired this book to be written,
47:23 "That He would grant unto us,
47:27 that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies
47:32 might serve Him without fear."
47:35 It doesn't say that you've got to get free
47:38 and then God will accept you.
47:40 It says God sets you free,
47:42 so that you then can serve Him without fear,
47:48 in holiness and righteousness before Him
47:52 all the days of our lives.
47:56 Amen.
47:58 Halleluiah.
47:59 We're trying to do it the other way around.
48:02 If I can just clean my act up,
48:04 God will accept me and maybe He'll give me His Spirit.
48:07 Ellen White says,
48:09 "Without the Holy Spirit, you can't do anything but sin."
48:13 She said, "Not even for one moment."
48:16 She said, "We cannot keep ourselves from sinning
48:21 even for one moment
48:24 without Christ and His Spirit."
48:28 That's inspiring,
48:31 and I want to tell you something,
48:32 I don't preach cheap grace.
48:35 It's free, but it cost your life.
48:40 As we surrender, the promise is yay and amen.
48:46 It's guaranteed because He cannot lie.
48:53 "And they shall be mine saith the Lord of host,
48:57 in that day when I make up My jewels."
49:01 You remember the New Jerusalem, it talked about the foundation,
49:06 all those beautiful jewels that it was made out of,
49:09 and you remember the walls of Jerusalem,
49:12 they were as clear as jasper and they were 144 cubits high.
49:18 That's the 144,000.
49:22 That New Jerusalem is a picture of us.
49:25 Yes, I know it's a real building,
49:27 but it also is a symbol of us as God's people.
49:32 He says, "In that day I will make up my jewels,
49:35 and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son
49:39 that serve with him.
49:41 Then shall ye return
49:43 and discern between the righteous and the wicked.
49:47 Yea, between him that serveth God
49:50 and him that serve Him not.
49:53 And I saw another angel come down from heaven,
49:56 having great power,
49:58 and the earth was lightened with His glory."
50:02 You know, this world is in darkness right now.
50:05 They are waiting to hear good news.
50:11 They don't just need another set of facts
50:16 to add to their collection, they need glad tidings.
50:22 And that's what Christ came to share,
50:27 and this angel cried mightily with a strong voice, saying,
50:31 "Come out of her, my people,
50:33 that you be not partakers of her sins,
50:36 and that you receive not of her plagues.
50:39 For her sins have reached unto heaven.
50:42 And God has remembered her iniquities."
50:48 The other night, we talked about that
50:50 in the promise of the new covenant,
50:52 God said your sins and iniquities
50:54 will I remember no more.
50:57 I want you do something.
50:58 Go home and get your Strong's Concordance out
51:00 or if you have e-Sword on your computer,
51:03 it's a free program.
51:05 I encourage everybody to use it.
51:07 Look up that word remembered.
51:10 He says it in Micah, He says it in Psalms 130,
51:15 "Oh Lord, if thou should us mark iniquities,
51:18 who should stand?
51:20 But there is forgiveness with thee
51:22 that thou mayest be feared."
51:24 Look those words up.
51:26 Do you know what the word remembered means?
51:29 It means to mark down and keep record of.
51:34 When you ask Christ to forgive you,
51:39 it's gone.
51:41 He takes that sin upon Himself and He died
51:46 and took that to the grave 2000 years ago.
51:51 It will never be brought back to you again.
51:55 People tell me,
51:56 "Yeah, but there's books of record kept in heaven."
51:58 Let me ask you a question.
52:00 How many sins do you have to commit to deserve death?
52:05 One.
52:06 Jesus doesn't have to keep a huge book of every sin
52:10 you've committed, and confessed, and repented of.
52:15 All you got to do is let go of Him
52:17 and you're gonna sin within the hour,
52:19 that's all it takes for you to be lost.
52:23 He says,
52:24 "Your sins and iniquities
52:26 will I remember no more."
52:32 "We are standing upon the threshold
52:35 of great and solemn events.
52:38 Prophecies are fulfilling.
52:40 Strange, eventful history is being recorded
52:43 in the books of heaven.
52:45 Everything in our world is an agitation.
52:49 There are wars and rumors of wars,
52:53 the nations are angry and the time of the dead
52:56 has come that they should be judged."
53:00 I'm not negating what we know about the judgment,
53:04 but I want to add something to that.
53:09 Do you remember where Jesus said,
53:10 "Let the dead bury their dead."
53:13 How does a dead person bury somebody else?
53:16 They were spiritually dead. Right?
53:19 That's what Jesus was saying.
53:21 They don't know Me, they don't accept Me,
53:24 they are as good as dead.
53:26 They're living on death row.
53:29 Paul tells us,
53:30 "We had the sentence of death in ourselves
53:34 from the day we were born, we were born on death row."
53:40 He says, "But we were done that way,
53:42 so that we would not trust in ourselves
53:44 but in God that raises the dead."
53:49 The time of the dead has come that they should be judged.
53:52 Who did the plagues fall upon?
53:55 Those that have not Christ,
53:59 they are spiritually dead.
54:03 You have judgment that is passed on somebody
54:08 and they go to the tank, solitary confinement,
54:13 maybe a man murdered a bunch of people.
54:15 Solitary confinement.
54:17 The day comes where judgment has to be executed.
54:21 That's the seven last plagues.
54:24 "Only a moment of time, as it were,
54:27 remains in this time of prevailing iniquity,
54:32 we may know
54:33 that the last great crisis is at hand!
54:38 Transgression has almost reached its limit.
54:41 Confusion fills the world,
54:44 and a great terror is soon to come upon human beings."
54:50 This is not just talking about the second coming of Christ,
54:54 the end is very near.
54:57 We who know the truth,
55:00 that means the unfailing verity of Christ's word
55:04 should be preparing for what is soon to break upon the world
55:10 as an overwhelming surprise!
55:17 That overwhelming surprise the Apostle Paul talks about
55:22 in 2 Thessalonians,
55:25 I'm gonna read a verse 2 to you from there.
55:30 2 Thessalonians 2:4,
55:36 it's talking here about the man of sin.
55:39 It says, "Who opposeth and exalts himself
55:42 above all that is called God, or that is worshiped,
55:46 so that He as God sitteth in the temple of God,
55:50 showing Himself that He is God."
55:53 And then Paul says,
55:56 "For the mystery of iniquity doth already work."
56:00 And he talks about this mystery of iniquity
56:04 that there is going to be a man
56:07 that will actually be filled with the spirit of Satan.
56:12 Satan,
56:13 I believe will literally take possession of a human being.
56:19 And I believe a day will come
56:22 when he will be unmasked.
56:26 And do you know what the world will say
56:29 when they see?
56:33 When they see him unmask
56:36 and there's this brilliance and glory,
56:40 they're gonna say, "Man has become a God."
56:46 And we're gonna show that's exactly
56:48 what the occult and Eastern mysticism
56:50 are all striving for.
56:53 For man to reach that point of Godhood.
57:00 It says, "Even him,
57:02 whose coming as after the working of Satan
57:05 with all power and signs and lying wonders."
57:10 I believe that,
57:12 that man of sin we have in the Vatican right now,
57:18 beyond a shadow of a doubt.
57:21 And I believe the day is going to come
57:24 when like Revelation says, "He'll be unmasked."
57:29 And it says,
57:31 "That those that have followed him
57:37 are gonna turn on him."
57:40 Right now what is coming,
57:43 Ellen White said this would be an overwhelming surprise.
57:46 She said, "We're not to even go look."
57:49 She said, "It will be the over mastering delusion.
57:53 If you even turn the television on
57:54 to see what he looks like,
57:56 it'll be more than what a mortal can explain away.


Revised 2019-02-25