Series Code: AAO
Program Code: AAO000005A
00:11 Good evening.
00:13 It's good to see you all, here again. 00:15 I'm very excited about 00:16 what we're going to be sharing tonight 00:18 and I'm very thankful 00:20 that we got such a good group. 00:22 I want to ask you all if you would, 00:24 let's ask the Lord to be with us, 00:27 while we open His Word. 00:30 "Father in heaven, 00:31 we ask You in faith for Your blessing tonight. 00:35 Send Your angels to guard and protect us, 00:38 open our eyes that we might see Your glory. 00:42 We thank You in Jesus' name. 00:44 Amen." 00:47 Tonight's message is called 00:49 "Echoes of Eden - Ye shall be as Gods." 00:54 I want to open with the text of scripture 00:57 in Isaiah Chapter 51, and the Lord has inspired me, 01:03 He's told me, 01:05 "Open with truth and close with truth." 01:08 All the stuff in between, 01:10 make sure you open with truth and you close with My Word. 01:15 So in Isaiah 51, the Lord tells us, 01:20 He says,"Hearken unto Me, you that are seeking after, 01:24 striving for righteousness." 01:28 And then He says in verse 2, 01:30 "Look unto Abraham your father." 01:33 Abraham was 100 years old. 01:35 It was impossible for him to generate seed. 01:41 At 100 it's out of the picture. 01:44 He says, "Look unto Abraham your father, 01:47 and unto Sarah that bare you." 01:50 She was 90, that's impossible. 01:54 And God was trying to show us, 01:57 you that are seeking 01:59 to develop righteousness on your own, 02:02 look to Abraham and Sarah. 02:05 He says, "For I called Abraham alone," 02:10 it means he had no children, 02:13 "and I blessed him and I increased him." 02:17 And then in verse 3. 02:19 And this is a promise that my wife and I 02:22 have claimed for our family. 02:24 It says, "For the Lord shall comfort Zion, 02:28 He will comfort all of your waste places, 02:34 He will make your wilderness like Eden 02:37 and your deserts like the garden of the Lord. 02:41 Joy and gladness shall be found therein, 02:45 thanksgiving, and the voice of melody." 02:48 That is a promise and God cannot lie, 02:52 and my wife and I, 02:53 we claimed that promise for our marriage, 02:56 when the Lord brought us back together 02:57 and for our children, 02:59 because there were so many wounds 03:01 that have been caused there in both of our lives 03:04 and in our children's lives. 03:07 And I was trying to fix them 03:10 but God was like, "Look at Abraham, 03:12 there's no way he could fix it on his own, I had to do it." 03:18 And the Lord promises us, 03:20 "I will do this." 03:24 2 Corinthians 11:2, 3 it says, 03:30 "I fear, lest by any means, 03:34 as the serpent beguiled Eve," 03:37 as he mesmerized or hypnotized Eve, 03:42 "through his subtlety... 03:44 So your mind should be corrupted 03:47 from the simplicity that's in Christ." 03:50 I like to look words up and the reason why is, 03:53 when I read this verse my whole life, 03:56 I was like, 03:58 "I don't want your minds to be corrupted 03:59 from the simplicity that's in Christ." 04:01 And I was like, you just kind of read over it 04:03 and it doesn't have any meaning. 04:06 And when I looked at it, I was like, 04:09 the simplicity that's in Christ, 04:11 what does that mean? 04:13 When you look up the word simplicity, 04:16 in its original, in a Strong's, it means the singleness 04:20 or oneness that's in Christ. 04:24 And when I saw that, 04:26 all the sudden it became beautiful 04:29 because other scriptures then tied in with that 04:33 and made sense. 04:35 John Chapter 10, I encourage you to read these verses, 04:39 I'm not going to quote all of them. 04:41 John 10:30-38, 04:45 Jesus said, 04:46 "I and My Father are one." 04:53 He just said here the simplicity, 04:56 the oneness that is in Christ. 05:00 Jesus said, "I and My Father are one." 05:04 John 17, it says, 05:07 "These words spake Jesus, 05:09 and lifted up His eyes to heaven and said, 05:12 'I pray Father that they all may be one.' " 05:18 That word in Hebrew is "echad" it means in union 05:23 or united as one. 05:25 "I pray that they all might be one as thou, 05:29 Father, art in Me, and I in Thee 05:34 that they also may be one in us." 05:41 Growing up as a Christian, 05:43 a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, 05:45 often times I would read things 05:50 but it was just surface. 05:52 Do you know what I mean? 05:54 It was like, I would read it but never really comprehend 05:57 what it was saying, 05:59 and when I looked at what Jesus said here, 06:02 "Father, I pray that they might be one, 06:05 as we are one." 06:07 And then He said, "I and my Father are one." 06:11 There's a verse in 1 Corinthians, 06:14 I believe it's Chapter 6, I want to touch on. 06:18 Let me check here 06:20 1 Corinthians 6:16, 17, 06:26 Our Father in heaven tells us don't you know? 06:32 "He says, 'What? 06:33 Know ye not that he which is joined to a harlot 06:38 is one body?' " 06:42 They become one. 06:44 I never comprehended that, I thought physically, okay, 06:48 but what difference does that make. 06:49 They are one for an hour and then he leaves 06:52 or she leaves and it's over. 06:54 That's not how it works. 06:57 When a man is joined to a woman, 07:00 they become one, 07:02 and that means if there are any evil spirits 07:06 that are active in her life, 07:10 when he becomes one with her 07:13 Satan and his fallen angels 07:15 now have legal rights to his life. 07:20 Maybe not in the same degree, 07:23 but they have access because he yielded. 07:27 I wish somebody had taught me that when I was a young man. 07:31 How many of us, you know, sow our wild oats and they, 07:35 you know, I'll straighten up when I get older. 07:37 I cannot tell you how many men of God 07:40 that are elders, or deacons, 07:42 or evangelists, or pastors that write to us 07:46 and they'll say, 07:47 "I've been married for 20 years but I can't get this woman, 07:51 these thoughts, these memories, of this woman out of my mind." 07:55 The first thing I ask is, 07:57 "Were you ever intimate with them 07:59 in any way, shape, or form?" 08:01 And they'll say, "Yeah, it was when I was in college 08:03 but I mean, it was 20 years ago. 08:05 I'm happily married, I don't want these thoughts." 08:09 And I tell them, I say, 08:11 "When you joined yourself to them, 08:14 there was a tie that was made, that's called a soul tie. 08:18 You became one with that person, 08:21 and if that person has got evil spirits 08:26 that are active in their life, 08:29 those spirits now have legal rights to your life." 08:35 Listen to what the Lord says. 08:38 He talks about a man being joined to a harlot 08:41 and then listen to what He says, 08:44 "But he that is joined 08:47 unto the Lord is one spirit." 08:53 When we come into union with Christ, 08:57 the same power and presence that He had from His father 09:02 is now ours because we are His bride, 09:08 His flesh, and His bones. 09:11 That is a powerful promise 09:13 and I have found over the last 10 years 09:16 since we've had our ministry, 09:18 every one of those people that came to us 09:20 that was in bondage, 09:23 the moment they would confess and tell the Lord, 09:27 "I'm willing for You to cut the umbilical cord 09:30 between me and this person. 09:33 To cut the ties, 09:34 I'm willing to give up all the memories, 09:38 all the feelings, all the emotions 09:41 that I've held on to concerning that person." 09:45 The moment they do that 09:47 and they claimed to shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, 09:50 the ties are broken. 09:52 And they call back and they're like, 09:54 "I'm free for the first time in 20 or 30 years. 09:58 I'm free, I'm not having dreams, 10:00 I'm not having thoughts anymore." 10:03 I say, "Praise the Lord, our God is able." 10:09 So Jesus said His last prayer before Calvary was, 10:13 "Father, I want them to be one." 10:17 Genesis 3:1-5, 10:20 "Now the serpent was more subtle 10:23 than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. 10:27 And he said unto the woman..." 10:30 And I'm consolidating these texts, 10:36 "He said unto the woman 'Ye shall not surely die, 10:42 for God doth know, that in the day ye eat thereof, 10:47 then your eyes shall be opened..." 10:50 Another word for that is enlightened, 10:53 make a note of that. 10:55 "Then your eyes shall be opened and you shall be as gods, 11:01 knowing both good and evil." 11:05 The word knowing there 11:07 means able to discern for yourself. 11:10 What Satan was saying, 11:12 and you can read this 11:13 in Patriarchs and Prophets Chapter 1. 11:15 He was saying, "If you'll just taste my words, 11:20 eat the bread that I'm giving to you, 11:23 you'll find out that you don't need 11:26 God's divine influence anymore in your life. 11:29 You don't need to hear that still small voice telling you 11:34 this is the way my son or daughter, 11:36 walk ye in it." 11:38 That's what Satan said in heaven, he told God 11:44 "Your law is impossible, nobody can keep it." 11:47 Do you know the only way 11:49 that the angels could keep God's law? 11:52 We're going to show you a quote tonight, 11:54 Ellen White says in Desire of Ages, page 161, 11:58 "That from the beginning of creation 12:01 it was God's purpose that every created being 12:06 would be a dwelling place for Him." 12:11 Satan said, "I don't want you living inside me, 12:16 I'm a big boy, let go of my hand daddy, 12:18 I can do this on my own." 12:21 And so when Satan was battling with the issue 12:24 over God's law, 12:26 the reason it was such a struggle for him was, 12:28 he was trying to do it on his own, 12:32 and that's what he has been trying to get mankind 12:35 to do every sins of Eden. 12:38 You can do it on your own, 12:40 you don't need Him holding your hand. 12:43 Do you know what the Lord Jesus Christ said 12:45 when He came to this earth? 12:47 It actually says in Isaiah, 12:50 He said, "Daddy, don't let go of My hand, 12:54 I can do nothing without You. 12:56 Don't let go of My hand." 12:58 And He did that as our example. 13:02 Depend on Him, trust in Him. 13:09 "From eternal ages it was God's purpose 13:13 that every created being, 13:17 from the bright and holy seraph or angels to man, 13:22 should be a temple 13:24 for the indwelling of the Creator." 13:28 That changes everything, 13:32 and it's going to get better as we go along, 13:35 but to realize that was God's purpose 13:38 from the very beginning. 13:41 "But because of sin humanity 13:45 ceased to be a temple for God." 13:49 What did Adam and Eve wear? 13:51 What kind of clothing were they wearing 13:53 before they fell to sin? 13:56 Light, robes of light. 13:59 I want to encourage you to consider something. 14:02 I don't believe the robes were something 14:05 that were put on the outside, 14:08 I say it was because God was dwelling 14:11 within that they were glowing. 14:14 Do you remember what the Apostle Paul says? 14:17 We have this treasure in earthen vessels. 14:23 Do you remember Gideon, they had those torches 14:26 and they had a clay pot over top. 14:29 What happened when they burst the clay pot? 14:33 It was brilliant light. 14:36 What happened to Moses when he came down 14:38 from spending 40 days 14:39 in the presence of Almighty God and Christ? 14:43 He didn't even realize 14:44 because he was so filled with God's presence, 14:48 his face was glowing, 14:50 and it was so bright that the people literally told him, 14:54 "You're gonna have to put a veil on your face, 14:57 we can't look at you." 15:00 Do you know Daniel 12:1-3, says the very same thing 15:05 is about to happen to all of us. 15:08 It says, "Then shall be a time of trouble 15:10 such as never was, 15:12 and they that turn many to righteousness 15:16 shall shine as the firmament." 15:20 I think that's literal 15:22 and when you read what Ellen White says, 15:24 she says the same thing. 15:27 We will literally glow, just like Moses did, 15:30 just like Stephen did, 15:32 you remember when they were about to stone him. 15:35 They said, "His face looked like an angel's face." 15:40 That wasn't soft and passive, it was glowing. 15:44 Every time you saw an angel in the Bible, 15:47 people fell on their face like dead man. 15:51 It was that much power. 15:55 "Because of sin, 15:56 humanity ceased to be a temple for God. 16:01 Darkened and defiled by evil, 16:04 the heart of man no longer revealed 16:08 the glory of the Divine one..." 16:11 Now here's the beautiful part, 16:14 "But by the incarnation of the Son of God, 16:19 the purpose of heaven is fulfilled." 16:24 What was the purpose of heaven? 16:26 From eternal ages it was God's purpose 16:30 that every created being should be a temple 16:33 for the indwelling of the Creator. 16:36 Christ became flesh. 16:40 Do you remember John Chapter 2? 16:43 He was there at the temple and He told the Pharisees, 16:47 He said... 16:48 He saw everybody. 16:49 They thought their temple was such a magnificent structure. 16:52 He said, "Destroy this temple and in three days 16:56 I will raise it up." 16:58 And the unbelieving Jews, they said, 17:00 "It took 46 years for this temple to be built, 17:03 are you going to rebuild it in three days?" 17:06 And it says, but this Jesus 17:08 was speaking of the temple of His body. 17:13 Now let me ask you a question. 17:16 What does the Apostle Paul tell us about that? 17:19 "Know you not that you are the body of Christ." 17:24 Ephesians 5: 26, 17:26 "And you are the temple of the living God." 17:31 Christ did something as our substitute 17:35 and our surety, 17:36 and if we will take hold of that by faith, 17:40 we can lay hold on the promise that 17:42 God will now dwell in us again. 17:49 God designed that the temple at Jerusalem 17:52 should be a continual witness and continual witness 17:59 to the high destiny, open to every soul. 18:04 Jesus said, "Behold, 18:06 I have set before you an open door, 18:10 the high destiny opened to every soul. 18:15 But the Jews had not understood 18:16 the significance of the building 18:18 they regarded with so much pride. 18:21 They did not yield themselves 18:24 as temples for the Divine Spirit." 18:28 Let me ask you a question. 18:29 Do you remember what was on the curtains 18:32 inside the temple? 18:35 Angels. 18:36 Were they painted on the outside of the curtain? 18:40 They were embroidered. 18:43 Now what is the difference 18:44 between me painting on a shirt and embroidering the shirt? 18:49 Embroidery is much more expensive. 18:52 Much more expensive 18:53 because the thread is actually woven into the fabric. 18:59 Now let me share something with you 19:01 that the Lord revealed to me. 19:04 Do you remember when Nathanael came to Jesus 19:11 and Jesus told him, you know, 19:13 "I saw you when you're under the fig tree praying." 19:16 And Nathanael said, "My Lord and my God." 19:20 And Jesus said, you think this is something, 19:23 He said, "Hereafter you will see the angels of God 19:29 ascending and descending upon the Son of man." 19:35 He was the temple and just like those curtains had angels 19:40 ascending and descending upon those curtains, 19:45 that was a shadow of what God wanted to do 19:51 inside of each of us. 19:53 And Christ said 19:54 "You're going to see that in Me." 20:02 "Through sin, the temple of God 20:05 which He had builded," not man, 20:10 "which he had builded for His Own glory, 20:14 was reduced to ruin, it was fallen and in decay. 20:20 Satan beguiled the holy pair to their own destruction, 20:25 and he introduced an element of character 20:29 that was antagonistic to God and their fellow-creatures." 20:33 That element of character 20:35 was self-centeredness and selfishness. 20:38 That was unknown in heaven. 20:41 He introduced that to Adam and Eve. 20:46 Now I want to show you 20:47 the eastern mystical philosophy. 20:51 This is a yellow page ad. 20:53 It could be in any yellow page anywhere in the United States. 20:57 If you go home tonight, and you open your yellow pages, 21:01 and you turn to martial arts or karate, 21:04 I can assure you you're going to find something 21:07 almost identical to this. 21:10 Self-discipline, self-confidence, self-esteem, 21:17 honor, self-control, self-defense. 21:23 What do those all have in common? 21:25 Self. 21:27 You know I can't find one place in the Bible 21:29 were it says anything about self-defense. 21:32 I can't, I can find promises were God says, 21:35 "I'm your defense." 21:37 I'm not saying that somebody should lay down 21:39 and watch somebody hurt their children or their wife, 21:42 but what I am saying is if you need to defend yourself, 21:47 you can go buy a can of pepper spray for $25 21:50 at any of these sporting goods store. 21:51 It takes no training, there's no occult attachment. 21:55 If you go to martial arts 21:57 'cause you want to learn to defend yourself and I know 22:00 'cause I taught it, 22:01 I trained in it and taught it for 25 years. 22:03 You're going to spend on average 22:05 $50 to $80 per month, two classes per week, 22:09 at least two hours per class. 22:12 And even then you've only got about a 50 percent chance 22:15 that you're going to win. 22:18 That's not good odds, 22:20 it's a lot of money and then on top of that 22:22 you've got the occult background 22:24 in those arts. 22:26 If you're afraid for your life, if you don't have, you know, 22:29 enough faith yet to believe that God will really do 22:32 what He promised, buy a pepper spray, 22:36 that's a much cheaper and much easier way 22:38 to take care of a problem. 22:40 This is a quote out of the Bhagavad Gita, 22:43 it's the Hindu scriptures and they're talking about yoga. 22:48 They say, "Yoga is the journey of self, 22:52 through the self, to the self." 22:58 It's not the character of our Savior, is it? 23:04 Now I want to tie this together with what we've seen so far. 23:10 Doctor John Harvey Kellogg, 23:14 when he first began 23:18 voicing publicly what he believed in, 23:24 his pantheistic views, 23:27 he decided he wanted the book to be printed 23:30 called "The Living Temple," 23:32 and the reason he wanted to print this book, 23:34 he found a good excuse for it, let me say that. 23:38 The Battle Creek Sanitarium had burned, 23:43 and Ellen White had warned that there was potential 23:47 this was going to happen before it happened. 23:50 You can look that up in her writings. 23:53 She had warned because it was becoming a hub 23:59 instead of God's people 24:01 spreading out throughout the nation 24:04 and throughout the world, 24:05 they were congregating in one spot and she said, 24:09 "This is not God's will." 24:11 And then with 24:13 what was happening with Kellogg, 24:14 with his pantheism, 24:16 he was beginning to teach these ideas to the staff, 24:20 to a lot of the other doctors that were there 24:23 as well as he was having an influence on A.T. Jones 24:27 and E.J. Waggoner. 24:29 And God burned 24:32 the Battle Creek Sanitarium to the ground. 24:36 In order to help raise funds to rebuild the sanitarium, 24:41 which Ellen White said was not God's will 24:44 that it be done. 24:46 Kellogg said, 24:47 "I've got an idea, I'll write a book." 24:50 In my feelings, in my heart 24:52 I think he already had the book, 24:54 probably a good way being completed. 24:57 This was just a good reason to have it printed, 25:01 so he went to the Review and Herald Publishing house 25:05 and said, "I want to have this printed." 25:08 They had the plates on the line, 25:13 they were ready to start the printing, 25:16 the night that God burned down the publishing house. 25:21 And Ellen White had warned about that as well. 25:25 She told him, she told the publishing house, 25:29 "Don't print this book, 25:31 this book is not to be published." 25:33 And God burned 25:35 the printing house to the ground, because of it. 25:38 You know what Kellogg did, instead of taking the warning 25:42 he went to a secular publisher and he said, 25:47 "I want the book printed." 25:48 I believe on the first printing he printed 5,000 copies. 25:53 Anyway, what is startling is, 25:58 the book is now being printed again. 26:02 I was doing some research before we started these series 26:06 'cause I thought it was 2015, 26:09 I actually found where the book... 26:12 The closest or the nearest one I was able to find was 2009. 26:17 So now it's being printed 26:20 even by non-Seventh-day Adventists, 26:23 even by non Christians 26:26 and it's being promoted as a book 26:29 on the everywhereness of God, the pantheistic ideas. 26:35 So there's many people that have no interest 26:39 in the Lord God Almighty, Jehovah, Yahweh, or His Son, 26:44 but yet they're reading this book 26:46 and they're passing that out to people 26:48 because of the other teachings that are included. 26:52 Kellogg and many of the people 26:55 that we saw in the first evening, 26:57 they were influenced heavily by Hinduism, 27:01 by Hindu thought, 27:03 so that's why we want to look at this, 27:05 that's why these books are being printed again. 27:09 The religion of Hinduism, 27:14 it is a physical as well as spiritual religion. 27:19 That means, you know, we are Christians 27:23 and so it's natural for a Christian to fellowship 27:27 with a congregation or a church. 27:29 We go to church, we go to Bible study, 27:32 we do things that a Christian would do. 27:35 In Hinduism 27:37 the physical activity is called yoga. 27:41 You cannot separate the stretching 27:45 from the religion. 27:47 It's impossible 27:48 and there's a very powerful documentary 27:51 a lady had done a few years ago. 27:54 The video is called Yoga Uncoiled. 27:57 The lady that did it, she passed away recently, 28:01 strong Christian, 28:03 she was one of our faith but if you're interested, 28:07 she did a lot of research, 28:08 she actually had spent the first 20 years of her life 28:11 involved in this. 28:13 But what she found was is through the interviews 28:18 with Hindu gurus and with Indian people 28:24 that had given their lives to Christ 28:27 that used to be Hindu yogis and gurus. 28:32 And they said, 28:34 "You cannot separate Hinduism from yoga." 28:38 When you go to many of the yoga websites, 28:41 they will tell you, this is their words, they say, 28:45 "Our goal is to evangelize the world with Hinduism. 28:51 And we have succeeded the greatest success 28:55 in the western states. 28:57 We've achieved the greatest success." 29:00 And the reason they attribute their success 29:03 is because they say, 29:04 they have a church on every street corner, 29:07 it's called a yoga studio. 29:10 That's where their religion is taught. 29:13 Yoga has become mainstream. 29:16 You see there 29:18 on the left hand side of the page, 29:20 there's a book written by Laura Staton 29:22 and Sarah Perron called "Baby Om." 29:26 When people chant that mantra... 29:30 A mantra is not just a word repeated, 29:33 it's a Hindu word, it's a Sanskrit word, 29:36 it means a word that is voiced for a sound 29:40 that is voiced repeatedly in order to channel 29:44 or invoke a Hindu deity. 29:48 When they say Om, 29:50 they are actually channeling what's known as the sun god 29:55 by the Hindus, the Buddhist and the Daoist. 29:59 This book is "Baby Om, yoga for mothers and babies." 30:04 They've got books out now for mothers that are pregnant, 30:07 on how to do yoga, 30:08 so the child is coming out of the womb already 30:13 under the influence of evil spirits. 30:19 If you look at the center pictures, 30:21 this is a picture of a very popular tea, 30:24 natural herbal tea. 30:26 You may be able to find this at any grocery store. 30:28 Every grocery store I've been in this country, 30:31 I've been able to find them it's called Yogi Tea. 30:36 They have changed their packaging 30:38 in recent years, used to be this is what it looked like 30:42 four or five years ago. 30:45 They have downplayed 30:48 the blatant religion on the front, 30:52 but if you turn to the side of the box, 30:54 every single box has got yoga instructions 30:59 on how to do a pose, or a yoga, or a Hindu scripture 31:03 on the side of every box. 31:06 Now what's interesting is, 31:08 on the front of this one is on this coffee 31:11 or tea mug is a black elephant. 31:15 And they make yoga in Hinduism out 31:19 as if it's this beautiful thing. 31:21 Even back in the 1800s 31:23 when I read some of the enlightenment teachers 31:26 and the transcendental teachers like Henry Thoreau, 31:30 and some of the others, 31:32 and they talked about Hinduism and in India, 31:35 like it was the grand ultimate of everything. 31:40 Let me show you a little of what their gods look like. 31:45 Here in the center is Ganesh, 31:48 That's the Hindu elephant God, 31:52 That's the one that you saw on the front of that tea mug. 31:55 Over to the left is a monkey god, 31:59 where it's the amalgamation of man with animal. 32:03 You have a monkey's face on a human body, 32:06 you have an elephant's head on a human body. 32:09 Over to the far right, 32:11 those are men that are known as god man, 32:14 they are supposed to have entered into nirvana. 32:18 They have achieved that state of nothingness in this world, 32:23 that means complete possession. 32:26 And we look at that and we say, "How can people look at that 32:30 and think that is a beautiful thing?" 32:32 Why would you want that? 32:35 India, their religion is a very sensual religion, 32:42 that's why I don't encourage people 32:44 to do a lot of research on yoga. 32:46 You've got to be careful, you've got to pray, 32:48 because if you type in yoga 32:50 almost every ad that's gonna come up 32:52 is going to be sensual. 32:54 I mean most of the people 32:55 that are involved in yoga classes, 32:57 they have these yoga pants, which are spray paint. 33:01 It's pretty much like what a superhero would wear. 33:04 You sprayed this stuff on and you're wearing that. 33:08 Why would you have to wear something 33:09 that's so skin tight to practice yoga? 33:13 Why not wear something that's loose and baggy. 33:15 It seems like it would be easier to stretch that way. 33:19 Many of the advertisements that will have men and women 33:23 where much more of their body 33:26 is exposed than is right morally. 33:30 So the religion itself is very sensual, 33:34 but yet when you talk to people that have worked in India, 33:38 many of the cities are filthy. 33:42 I mean they're filthy 33:44 because of the way 33:46 that religion classifies people. 33:48 People that are on the bottom, 33:50 you're not supposed to help them, 33:51 because they believe in reincarnation. 33:54 And if you help that person, 33:57 then you're not allowing them 33:58 to pay for their sins on their own, 34:01 and that means, when they get reincarnated, 34:03 they're going to have to go through it again, 34:05 so they leave people where they are. 34:11 The word yoga, etymologically 34:15 it is connected to the English word yoke. 34:19 Tell me a Bible verse that uses the word yoke. 34:23 "Come unto me, all you that labor 34:25 and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, 34:29 take my yoke upon you and learn of me, 34:34 for I am meek and lowly in heart." 34:38 The word yoga in the Sanskrit, 34:42 Hindu language means union with the Brahma, 34:47 that's the Hindu God or union of the little ego-self 34:52 with the divine Self, the infinite Spirit. 34:56 Yoga is primarily a spiritual discipline. 35:01 That's from Anada Sanga Worldwide. 35:05 They are one of the largest yoga organizations 35:08 in the world. 35:10 And they tell you, 35:11 we have all kinds of Christians that will tell us, 35:13 no, it's just physical, it's just stretching, 35:17 but they say otherwise, 35:19 they tell you it is primarily a spiritual discipline. 35:25 "According to a recent USA Today study, 35:28 yoga has grown to be a $27 billion industry, 35:35 with an estimated 20 million practitioners 35:38 in the United States of America alone." 35:42 I can remember 20 years ago, 35:45 if you wanted to find stuff for practicing yoga, 35:49 you had to go to a yoga school. 35:52 Now you can go to any Walmart, 35:54 and they've got almost an entire aisle 35:56 of just paraphernalia for yoga, videos, and books, and mats, 36:02 and clothing, and whatever, 36:05 and many doctors are now promoting it. 36:08 It's being brought into Christian churches as well. 36:12 It makes yoga one of the fastest growing health 36:16 and fitness activities in the world. 36:19 This was a special issue in 2003 of Time Magazine, 36:24 and it says how your mind can heal your body, 36:28 and as this lady doing the yoga pose. 36:31 People are looking at this and they're saying, 36:36 "The devil has let the pendulum swing, 36:39 he took us over here 36:41 to where it was strict legalism, 36:44 and there was no experiencing the presence of God, 36:48 and he knew, if I can get people over there, 36:52 it will only last so long and it will swing full swing 36:56 to the other side, 36:57 and they will be willing to accept 36:59 any kind of experience." 37:02 That's why Satan inspired communism. 37:07 He knew in communism there was no God. 37:10 It was a secular, you know, nation, 37:13 all of Europe that was under communism and Russia. 37:17 Now the people are starving for spirituality, 37:22 and that's why Satan is able to find 37:25 easy access to them. 37:27 They were so dry that now they'll drink anything 37:32 that's offered to them. 37:37 While those who are devoted to these sciences, 37:40 laud them to the heavens 37:42 because of the great and good works 37:45 which they affirm are wrought by them, 37:48 they know little what a power for evil they are cherishing. 37:54 But it is a power 37:56 which will yet work 37:57 with all signs and lying wonders, 38:01 with all deceivableness of unrighteousness. 38:05 Mark the influence of these sciences, dear reader, 38:10 for the conflict between Christ and Satan 38:14 is not yet ended." 38:19 This is a movie that came out a number of years ago 38:21 called Avatar. 38:23 Has anyone here ever heard of it before? 38:26 It was one of the largest grossing films 38:30 that has ever been produced. 38:32 The graphics and the special effects, 38:36 they have never seen this type of work before, 38:39 it was produced by James Cameron. 38:42 I'm not sure if he was director and producer, 38:44 but I know it was his film. 38:46 He was the one that was given credit for it. 38:50 In this film 38:51 and I do not recommend anybody go see it, 38:54 not even for examination, I've never seen it. 38:57 I've done reading about it and that was enough. 39:01 In this film mankind found out 39:06 that our planet was gonna be destroyed, 39:09 that we were at some sort of crisis point, 39:12 and so we started looking for another planet 39:15 that we could survive on. 39:17 And mankind found another planet, 39:19 but it was inhabited by these blue creatures, 39:24 and these blue creatures were sort of like 39:28 the Native American Indians. 39:30 They weren't very happy about us 39:32 showing up on their doorstep, and what man did, 39:37 what humanity did, was they said, 39:40 we're trying to fight them, 39:43 but we're not winning, we're on their territory. 39:47 So they came up with an idea, they said, 39:49 "If we can blend a human being 39:54 with one of them, 39:57 his mind, the humans inside of their body, 40:02 we can then destroy them from the inside out. 40:09 That sounds demonic, doesn't it? 40:12 What was scary was that after the movie's huge success, 40:17 I found CNN, 40:19 they had an article on their website 40:21 and may still be available, 40:23 if you type in Avatar CNN see what it brings up. 40:28 On this blog that CNN, the news broadcaster, 40:35 they said, "This film has caused something 40:39 to come across our desk that we've never seen before." 40:44 They said, "We are receiving thousands of e-mails 40:49 and letters from people that went to see the film 40:52 and they're all saying 40:54 that they are now having suicidal thoughts 40:57 after seeing the film, 40:59 they had never experienced this before. 41:02 What CNN said was, 41:05 "The only thing we can attribute this to is 41:10 the environment, and the world that was portrayed in that film 41:14 was so surreal, 41:17 that when people who came out of the film 41:19 and they saw a real life it was a letdown, 41:23 that's what CNN said. 41:25 I don't think it was that. 41:27 I think there was more happening 41:29 behind the mask in Hollywood than what they realize. 41:35 When you see where the idea came from for Avatar 41:40 it will startle you, and just to let you know, 41:44 if anybody here is involved in social media? 41:48 Have you ever seen that word in social media before, Avatar? 41:52 If you sign up for a Facebook page, 41:54 it's going to ask you to choose an avatar, 41:57 that means a symbol to represent you. 42:00 If you go to Twitter, 42:01 or if you go to Facebook, if you go to WordPress, 42:06 if you go on any of those, 42:08 they will ask you to choose an avatar, 42:11 and you can pick one that they offer, 42:13 or you can go online 42:15 and you can buy different images, 42:17 or you can just put a picture of yourself. 42:20 But they actually call it by this Hindu name, 42:24 an Avatar, the word in Sanskrit and literally means, 42:29 those who descended or fell from the heavens. 42:33 That's what the word Avatar means on their website. 42:39 I looked it up on a Hindu dictionary, 42:42 that is the definition of the word, 42:45 those who descended or fell from the heavens. 42:50 Now these are actual real Hindu avatar, 42:56 on the left you see the statue, the idol, it's a blue man, 43:01 he has a cobra 43:03 that is wrapped around his neck. 43:05 That's what the devil always says," 43:07 Look, I'm really not gonna bite you, 43:09 I'm not gonna hurt you, you won't surely die, 43:13 so he hangs loosely about the neck, 43:16 but he's like a boa, 43:18 he's slowly drawing the noose closer and closer 43:23 until he's able to squeeze off all the oxygen. 43:27 Now what is air a symbol of in the Bible? 43:31 God's Spirit. 43:33 Do you know that people that have pride, 43:38 they often struggle 43:41 with being able to believe God's promises. 43:45 Pride is a spirit that is very similar to that, 43:50 it cuts off the connection 43:52 between the brain and the heart. 43:55 So you can read the Bible 43:57 and you can even understand the Greek and the Hebrew, 44:01 but you have a very difficult time 44:03 believing, and sensing, and knowing, 44:08 and feeling God's love, and His presence in your life. 44:13 And Satan's content with head knowledge, 44:16 but he doesn't want it making it to the heart. 44:18 Because once the heart is gained, 44:21 surrender comes and Christ reigns. 44:25 Now if you look over 44:26 on the right hand side of the page, 44:29 this is an old depiction of another Avatar. 44:33 Remember, the word Avatar means those that came down 44:36 or fell from heaven. 44:38 Not all angels look the same, 44:41 not all demons are fallen angels, 44:43 or evil spirits or, they're not cookie cutter, 44:47 they all have different ranks, 44:49 they have different organization, 44:50 they have different skills, 44:52 even Ellen White talks about that. 44:54 Some of them, they influence Hollywood, 44:57 some of them, their job is to influence writing. 45:00 Read that book by Roger Monroe, "A Trip into the Supernatural." 45:03 He tells the exact same thing, 45:05 they have different fallen angels 45:08 that give different gifts, they have different operation. 45:13 This one on the right, she's holding a symbol, 45:18 a medallion, that's also known as a mudra, 45:24 not a mantra but a mudra. 45:26 It's a symbol that's used like a talisman. 45:28 It opens the door and it invokes fallen spirits. 45:32 She's holding this in her hand. 45:35 It's a six pointed star 45:37 with a circle in the middle of it. 45:39 Many people think that's the Star of David. 45:42 Even though the Bible tells us clearly, 45:45 God never ever once used 45:50 that symbol for His people. 45:53 The only record we can find of a Hebrew person 45:57 using that symbol is in a bad way. 46:02 The Book of Acts and also I believe Amos 46:05 talks about the children of Israel 46:08 worshiping the god Moloch and his star. 46:12 And then there are occult records 46:14 that talk about King Solomon, 46:16 when he went into apostasy 46:18 and he was worshiping all the host of heaven, 46:21 they say that he... 46:23 The Bible does it. 46:24 But the occult says he used this symbol. 46:27 It was used as a seal to open and close doorways 46:31 to the spirit world. 46:34 Now what's amazing to me 46:35 is this painting is an old depiction. 46:39 You see the four children, she's holding red, 46:44 and yellow, and black, and white, 46:47 all are precious in His sight. 46:50 You remember that song, 46:52 Jesus loves the little children. 46:54 She's holding all the children of the world in her arms, 46:59 she is feeding them. 47:03 That's what that picture is saying. 47:06 She is giving them their nourishment 47:11 and she's holding this symbol up. 47:15 Now look at this man, this is Pope Benedict. 47:19 Do you see what's on his tiara? 47:22 The exact same symbol. 47:27 The word Catholic means universal 47:31 and we talked about this on the first night, 47:34 in order for Rome to bring all of her children home, 47:39 she has to have common ground with each of them, 47:43 you see that same symbol. 47:47 They see that symbol and they know 47:50 that he worships the same gods that they do. 47:55 This is a Japanese grandmaster, his name was Morihei Ueshiba, 48:00 he was the founder of Aikido. 48:03 He said, "Each and every master, 48:06 regardless of the era or the place, 48:10 heard the call and attained harmony 48:14 with heaven and earth." 48:16 Then he says, 48:18 "There are many paths leading to the top of Mount Fuji, 48:22 but there is only one summit, love." 48:27 In our next meeting, 48:28 I'm gonna show you a short video clip 48:31 that will startle you. 48:32 Remember this, when you see that video clip. 48:37 He went on to say, 48:38 "Everyone has a spirit that can be refined, 48:42 a body that can be trained in some manner, 48:45 and a suitable path to follow." 48:49 Then he says, "You are here 48:51 to realize your inner divinity 48:55 and to manifest your innate enlightenment." 49:00 This is what the occult 49:02 and what the eastern mystical religions 49:04 are trying to get men to do. 49:07 They're saying, 49:08 "You don't need Christ, you can do this on your own." 49:13 Last night when we were talking, 49:15 we read a quote from Ellen White, She said, 49:18 "These theories make of none effect the Atonement 49:24 at one-ment that Christ has made for us." 49:29 We were made one again with God 49:33 through Christ Jesus. 49:36 If you think that God is already in you 49:39 and you already are a God, 49:41 and all you have to do is breathe a certain way, 49:44 or say these mantras, or do these stretches, 49:48 then you don't need Christ. 49:50 And the Bible says, 49:52 "No man comes to the Father but by Me." 49:55 Satan is leaving millions to destruction. 50:02 "The sophistries regarding God and nature 50:06 that are flooding the world with skepticism 50:09 are the inspiration of the fallen foe, 50:12 who is himself a Bible student, 50:15 who knows the truth 50:17 that is essential for the people to receive..." 50:21 Satan is not stupid. 50:24 He knows what has to be done within our lives. 50:31 That's why he has been fighting 50:34 since the 1800s to counterfeit 50:40 the third angel's message of righteousness by faith. 50:43 That's why when you turn the television on 50:46 after 7 o'clock in the evening, 50:48 you see one commercial after another advertising food 50:53 that will put you in an early grave. 50:56 And people go, "Well, I can't stop myself 50:58 from eating at 10 o'clock at night." 50:59 What's pleasure, 51:01 you've been watching it on television all night 51:03 and Satan knows that. 51:06 Do you know how difficult it is for us 51:08 to comprehend biblical truth 51:10 when we are yielding to intemperance? 51:14 Satan was working on both sides to destroy the truth 51:20 that is essential for the people to receive. 51:24 "And it is his study to divert minds 51:28 from the great truths given to prepare them, 51:31 for what is coming upon the world. 51:34 After the passing of time in 1844, 51:38 we had fanaticism of every kind to meet. 51:42 Testimonies of reproof were given to me to bear 51:46 to some holding spiritualistic theories." 51:51 "Corruptions of every type, 51:54 similar to those existing among the antediluvians, 51:59 will be brought in to take minds captive. 52:04 The exaltation of nature as God, 52:08 the unrestrained license of the human will, 52:13 the counsel of the ungodly, 52:16 these Satan uses as agencies to bring about a certain ends. 52:22 He will employ the power of mind 52:25 over mind to carry out his designs." 52:31 The most sorrowful thought of all is, 52:34 that under his deceptive influence 52:37 men will have a form of godliness 52:41 without having a real connection with God. 52:48 "Like Adam and Eve who ate the fruit 52:50 from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, 52:53 many are even now feeding upon the deceptive morsels of error. 52:59 The experience of the past will be repeated. 53:04 In the future Satan superstitions 53:06 will assume new forms. 53:09 Errors will be presented 53:11 in a pleasing and flattering manner. 53:14 False theories, 53:16 clothed with garments of light, 53:17 will be presented to God's people, 53:20 and thus Satan will try to deceive, 53:22 if possible, the very elect." 53:25 Now listen to what she says, 53:28 "Most seducing influences will be exerted, 53:33 minds will be hypnotized." 53:40 When we talk about hypnosis, 53:45 and we mention this the other night, 53:48 this hypnosis is something that is being used 53:54 not only by pastors in our churches, 53:57 but all churches. It's called Neuro-linguistic programming. 54:03 It's being taught to martial arts instructors. 54:07 One of my best friends, 54:09 I've been friends with him for years, 54:11 high level martial artist. 54:14 I went to see him one time 54:16 because I had a school 54:18 and he had a school longer than I. 54:21 We've been in the arts almost the same amount of time, 54:24 but he had opened his own school before I had, 54:28 and his school was growing, and it was a really... 54:31 It was a big success. 54:33 And I went down to see him 54:34 because we always exchanged ideas, 54:36 he trained in some arts that I didn't train in, 54:39 and there were some things that I had learned 54:41 that he hadn't had exposure to, so we shared 54:44 what we were learning. 54:45 And I went down to see him one time 54:47 and he told me something. 54:48 He said, Eric, he said, 54:50 "We need to sit down and talk about your school." 54:51 I said, "I would love, 54:53 you know whatever advice you can give me." 54:55 He said, "I went to a meeting 54:58 with some other masters here in the area, where he lived, 55:03 a large city in the southern United States. 55:07 And he said one of the men there 55:10 knew a man that helped 55:16 corporate America, corporate leaders, 55:19 and he invited this man to come give a seminar 55:25 to all these martial arts instructors. 55:28 And in my mind I was thinking, 55:29 I mean, "Why do you invite in a guy 55:31 from corporate America? 55:32 What's he going to teach you all?" 55:33 But I was interested 55:35 and I said, you know, what happened? 55:37 He said, "He taught us 55:39 how to make our schools grow unbelievably." 55:45 And when he started sharing with me 55:48 what the man had taught instantly, I knew it was NLP. 55:53 When Little Johnny and Suzy's mom and dad came in, 55:58 the man would, you know, be there at the desk 56:00 and he would smile, and he's talking to a woman, 56:04 and he's like, well, listen, 56:05 you know, and he's been friends with the children, and he said, 56:08 "Yeah, I know that you guys are here to sign up. 56:11 So what I want to do is I want to go ahead 56:14 and just offer you a free week of classes, 56:17 and what size does your daughter wear, 56:20 what size does your son wear." 56:21 Oh, I just happen to have the uniform, 56:24 this will look perfect on you, 56:26 that was made for you, that's NLP. 56:29 He's telling them what they will buy, 56:32 He's telling them what they will wear, 56:35 this will fit you perfect. 56:37 I've had this one here all week and I wasn't sure why? 56:40 You walked in and I know this one's got your name on it. 56:45 That is a very basic form of NLP. 56:49 And he would tell them, 56:51 I actually, I've got your contract, 56:53 you know, right here ready for you 56:54 and you don't have to worry about, 56:57 you know, this or that, 56:58 you know, this is going to be good, 57:00 your children are going to succeed 57:02 and they walk out the door. 57:04 And my friend told me, he said, Eric, he said, 57:07 "I started using this and he said, 57:09 I haven't lost one person that walked in the door, 57:12 not one, not one. 57:16 It's happening in our churches, 57:20 this mind over mind is happening. 57:25 In our next meeting, 57:27 we're going to take a close look at this. 57:30 Let's close with prayer. 57:36 Father in heaven, we thank You 57:40 for Your love, for Your kindness, 57:43 and for Your mercy, 57:45 and we thank You for the life 57:46 You have given us through Your Son, 57:49 our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 57:52 Send your angels to fill this ministry in this room 57:57 and, Father, fill our hearts with Thy presence alone. |
Revised 2019-02-11