Alpha & Omega: Spiritualism

Serpent's Whisper: and the Shadow of Doubt

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AAO

Program Code: AAO000004A

00:13 We're going to pick up where we stopped
00:16 on our previous message.
00:18 We were talking about this mystery of godliness
00:22 which is Christ in us, the Hope of Glory.
00:26 If that's the mystery of godliness,
00:29 then we have seen that the mystery of iniquity
00:33 is Satan and fallen angels manifesting in people's lives.
00:41 One of the questions that has been presented
00:44 in my heart and my mind, as well as many others is,
00:48 why pantheism?
00:50 We've seen in the previous three messages
00:54 that the route of spiritual formation
00:58 is pantheism but why?
01:01 The word pantheism
01:03 literally means God is in all things.
01:08 He is in the chair, the floor, the tree, the rock,
01:15 the plant, the food you eat, the water you drink,
01:18 the air you breathe.
01:20 And he's also in every human being.
01:24 I can remember when I was in the martial arts,
01:27 and I was training,
01:28 especially as I was working higher levels,
01:31 you know, we were told to go out
01:33 and we would stand in front of a tree
01:37 that was a very strong tree,
01:39 like an evergreen or an oak tree,
01:41 or a hickory tree,
01:43 but you wanted one that was strong
01:45 that didn't have decay.
01:46 And you would stand there for hours in a certain pose,
01:50 and sometimes a pose would look like this,
01:53 and you would hold your hands up
01:55 and you would just meditate
01:58 and stay there in that position picturing in your mind
02:01 that you were absorbing this energy
02:04 from this tree and people go,
02:09 I mean, how could you do that?
02:11 That's foolish.
02:12 Well, after you do it, if you believe,
02:16 you begin to feel something.
02:20 Literally you would start feeling energized.
02:23 I mean you would feel like tingling, and strength,
02:27 and all this vitality coming into you.
02:31 But I did not realize it was evil spirits
02:34 that were causing those feelings.
02:37 It's not like people are just crazy
02:39 when they do that stuff.
02:41 There are manifestations.
02:44 But why pantheism?
02:48 Pantheism, when you say that God is in everything,
02:52 that also means that God is already inside
02:56 of every human being.
02:58 So now, instead of looking upward
03:01 for salvation,
03:03 instead of looking to God's Word
03:05 for the spirit and power,
03:08 you're being taught to look inward.
03:11 If God's inside there,
03:13 then why do I need to go to a book to find Him?
03:19 So we are...
03:21 People are being taught to look inward,
03:25 and there's a reason for that
03:27 because when people are taught to look inward,
03:30 they begin going to those religions
03:33 and those practices that focus inward,
03:36 which are all the eastern practices
03:38 that come along with spiritual formation.
03:43 I'm going to show you some quotes
03:44 and these are all from Buddhist,
03:46 or Hindu, or Daoist, or Shinto, martial artist
03:51 or internal artists like tai chi or qigong.
03:57 This is a man named Forest E. Morgan,
04:00 he's a military.
04:02 American military.
04:04 He said, "A true budo aspirant devotes himself to a system
04:09 of physical, mental and spiritual discipline
04:14 through which he attempts to elevate himself
04:19 in search of perfection."
04:22 We just read in the last message,
04:25 Isaiah Chapter 14.
04:27 Satan said, "I will exalt myself."
04:33 He says the same thing.
04:35 He said, this practice of Budo
04:38 or Bushido martial arts,
04:40 he said, it is an attempt to elevate oneself
04:45 in search of perfection.
04:49 Satan is using these eastern practices
04:53 as a counterfeit of the true.
04:56 He says, "Martial arts are legendary
04:59 for the seemingly mystical powers they teach.
05:03 You will learn what forces warriors really command.
05:08 More importantly,
05:09 you'll learn how to develop them yourself."
05:16 This is something that was startling.
05:19 You remember the very first message
05:21 and the second one, and the third one,
05:24 we talked about making a note of the word nature.
05:29 We really emphasize that.
05:31 Make a note of the word nature.
05:34 Zen Buddhism,
05:36 Zen is what it's called in Japan, in Okinawa.
05:39 In China, it's called Chan Buddhism.
05:42 Same thing, but that's a different pronunciation.
05:46 This is the actual definition
05:47 from the Encyclopedia Britannica.
05:50 "Chan Buddhism or Zen is a religious sect
05:54 derived from the Hindu word
05:58 meaning a process of meditation
06:01 that is used to achieve
06:04 an 'awakening' to the Buddha nature.'"
06:09 When people talk about Zen,
06:12 that's what the purpose of Zen is,
06:15 to enlighten you and awaken you to the Buddha nature.
06:21 Do you understand now
06:23 why those things are being used by Satan
06:26 and being brought into churches?
06:28 Even in our own denomination,
06:30 I cannot tell you
06:31 how many people have written to me and said,
06:33 "We've got... They're bringing tai chi classes
06:35 into our Seventh-day Adventist Church.
06:37 They're bringing karate classes,
06:39 and taekwondo classes, and qigong classes,
06:43 and yoga classes into churches."
06:48 And they don't realize what it is doing.
06:52 It's causing people to lose faith in God's Word.
06:55 It's opening the door of the house of God
06:58 to demonic power.
07:02 This was another Japanese master
07:04 in the 1500 and 1600s.
07:07 He said, "Once you have trained yourself well,
07:11 your body and limbs will move automatically
07:15 without any conscious effort."
07:18 That's scary.
07:20 You're talking about possession.
07:22 If your arms and limbs are moving
07:24 without you having to tell them to,
07:26 either there's a physical problem
07:28 like a disease, like epilepsy,
07:30 or where you're having a seizure,
07:32 or you have possession.
07:35 He said, "Your mind will not be overwhelmed
07:38 by your physical movements.
07:40 You will employ techniques unconsciously,
07:44 without having to 'think.'"
07:46 Would you want your son and daughter
07:48 or your husband and wife to come home
07:50 and do things without having to think about them?
07:54 I mean, what if you just reacted.
07:57 I mean, I can remember when I was in the martial arts.
08:00 I mean, somebody would come up sometimes and touch you
08:02 and you would react without thinking.
08:07 And you never want to do that.
08:10 You never want to do that,
08:11 because what if you react to the wrong person?
08:14 What if somebody came up and they touch you on the back
08:16 and you turn around and strike, and you find out that your mom,
08:19 or your dad, or your wife, or your child?
08:25 He said, "Once you have achieved this state,
08:27 not a single doubt or hesitation will arise.
08:32 Train yourself thoroughly, and then forget about it,
08:36 throw away your mind."
08:39 That's his exact quote.
08:41 What that means is, it's your conscious,
08:44 when you throw your mind away,
08:45 that's called emptying the mind.
08:49 That's right.
08:50 That means,
08:51 I step out of the driver's seat of the car,
08:54 and I let something else begin to steer my life for me.
09:00 "Throw away your mind.
09:02 You will then follow 'the way...'''
09:05 And that's what Bushido is.
09:06 They call it "the way."
09:08 Do you remember what Jesus said?
09:10 I'm the way, the truth, and the life.
09:13 He says, "Throw away your mind.
09:15 You will then follow 'the way' without being aware of it.
09:20 This is the mystery of Bushido.'"
09:24 That's his words.
09:26 That was in the 1500 and 1600s.
09:29 And I guarantee you that man had
09:31 probably never read the Bible.
09:37 Thomas White, he's the 10th Dan,
09:39 listen to what he said.
09:41 "Karate is not something that one does,
09:45 it is something that one becomes..."
09:49 The word karate in Okinawan or are in Japanese,
09:53 it means empty hand.
09:55 And I had a question that came to my mind one day.
09:58 Why did they say, it's empty hand?
10:00 And they say, was because you're not
10:01 using weapons.
10:03 Well, then why did they train with weapons?
10:05 They used swords, and staffs, and sais, and nunchucks,
10:11 and all kinds of weapons.
10:13 So it has to have another meaning besides that.
10:17 And then one day the Lord revealed it to me.
10:20 An empty hand means my mind is not controlling
10:23 the hand anymore.
10:25 It means something else is controlling the hand.
10:28 My mind is not there.
10:31 An empty hand means a hand that is possessed by another.
10:36 An empty mind is a mind that is possessed by another.
10:42 He says, "Although
10:44 and though the external mask of training
10:47 might be readily seen in the lighted arena,
10:51 the essence..."
10:53 Pay attention to that word.
10:55 "The essence of karate-do is ever,
10:59 the veiled 'presence' of being.'"
11:05 And that made me think,
11:07 Christ veiled His deity with humanity.
11:13 He said, "The essence of karate
11:16 is ever the veiled 'presence' of being.'"
11:21 The question I had was, of what being?
11:26 The veil presence of what being?
11:29 Who is it that is veiled
11:31 behind the flesh of those men and women that are,
11:35 you know, participating in this?
11:39 Listen to what the father of modern day karate said.
11:43 Gichin Funakoshi, "You may train for a long time,
11:48 but if you merely move your hands
11:50 and feet and jump up and down like a puppet,
11:53 then learning karate is not very different
11:56 from learning a dance.
11:58 You will never have reached the heart of the matter,
12:03 you will have failed to grasp the Quintessence of karate-do."
12:10 That word Quintessence.
12:11 I want to show you what that means
12:13 because we don't hear that word very often in our modern,
12:16 you know, age.
12:18 This is what Webster's dictionary says,
12:21 Quintessence.
12:22 "It is the 5th and highest element
12:25 in the ancient and medieval philosophy,
12:29 that is said to permeate all nature,
12:34 and it is the substance
12:35 composing all the celestial bodies.
12:40 In physics,
12:41 it is a hypothetical form
12:44 of 'dark energy.'"
12:48 That's Webster's dictionary.
12:51 "The 5th fundamental force, the 5th element.
12:57 By the ancient Greeks it was this force
13:00 which was thought to fill the universe
13:03 and hold all things together."
13:07 That's pantheism.
13:08 That's exactly
13:10 what we just heard from Star Wars the other night
13:13 when we were revealing this.
13:15 They say, "May the force be with you."
13:17 And you look at Star Wars
13:19 and the good guys, the Jedi, they used the force
13:23 and the bad guys, the Sith, they used the force.
13:27 So the same power is used by one group
13:31 for supposedly good things,
13:33 and it's used by another group for supposedly evil things.
13:39 Now, some people say, "I've never seen Star Wars."
13:42 Well, let me go back a few years.
13:44 Have you ever seen the Wizard of Oz?
13:49 I guarantee almost every American has seen it.
13:52 Almost.
13:54 Do you remember the Wicked Witch from the West?
13:56 She had a long crooked nose, and green skin,
13:59 and she was ugly, and have black hair.
14:02 And I mean, you know, she was evil, obviously.
14:07 And then you had the Good Witch of the East.
14:10 And she had a beautiful pink gown on,
14:13 and beautiful hair, blonde hair, and nice makeup.
14:19 But they were both witches.
14:21 They both depended on the same power
14:24 to do what they did.
14:26 They're both witches,
14:29 just because one dresses different than the other,
14:31 it doesn't make one better than the other.
14:34 They're both using witchcraft and sorcery.
14:40 Listen to what this master said.
14:43 He passed away just a couple of years ago.
14:45 He was a master in Australia named Erle Montaigue.
14:50 He said, "Some call this the power of God,
14:54 others call it Universal power,
14:57 and many a genius has talked
14:59 about the illusive other 90% of the brain
15:03 that we never use.
15:06 But it is my belief and experience
15:10 that 'the power' comes from other sources,
15:15 from around the body, but very close to it,
15:18 and attached to it.
15:20 In Traditional Chinese medicine,
15:23 this is called 'Shen or Spirit.'
15:27 And it is this power that we are able to tap into,
15:31 to change our physical circumstances,
15:34 to stop others from attacking us,
15:37 and to cause others to do what you wish them to do,
15:42 just as long as it is positive and good.'"
15:46 Well, who decides if it's positive or good?
15:51 He's using this power to cause other people
15:57 to do what he wants them to do.
16:00 And in the martial arts that was used heavily.
16:02 In yoga, in Traditional Chinese medicine,
16:06 in acupuncture, and qigong.
16:09 All of those eastern arts depend on this same power,
16:14 all of them.
16:16 They won't tell Little Johnny and Susie's parents
16:19 that when they first sign up at Taekwondo Plus.
16:23 But you talk to a man
16:24 that's a second or third degree black belt,
16:27 or talk to one of the masters,
16:29 and they'll tell you very clearly.
16:37 Listen to what Ellen White said.
16:40 "Our condition through sin is unnatural,
16:43 and the power that restores us must be supernatural,
16:48 else it has no value.
16:51 There is but One Power that can break the hold of evil
16:56 from the hearts of men,
16:58 and that is the power of God
17:02 in Christ Jesus."
17:07 The power of God.
17:09 Look that word God up when you get home.
17:13 The Greek word is Theos.
17:15 It means deity and divinity.
17:17 It's the only two definitions.
17:20 I'm not saying God is not a being,
17:22 I don't want to be misunderstood,
17:26 but it was the power of God in Christ
17:31 that sets us free.
17:33 Jesus said that in John Chapter 14,
17:37 when Philip came to Him, and he said,
17:39 "Lord, show us the Father and it sufficeth us."
17:44 And Jesus said, "Have I been so long time with you,
17:46 and you have not seen Me or known Me?"
17:50 And Philip, you know, looked at Him and he was like,
17:53 I don't understand.
17:54 And then in verse 10 and 11, Jesus said something.
17:58 He said, "The words that I'm speaking to you,
18:02 it's not Me speaking them,
18:04 it's My Father that dwells inside of Me,
18:08 He's doing the works."
18:11 Do you know that's all through the Old Testament,
18:13 even in Isaiah 26:12, I believe it's verse 12.
18:18 God actually says,
18:19 "He has wrought all of our works in us."
18:25 And there's something beautiful that I want to show you all
18:29 at towards the close of this series,
18:31 but we're going to wait to get there.
18:35 "Only through the blood of the crucified one
18:39 is there cleansing from sin."
18:42 Have you ever wondered how that's possible?
18:43 How does Jesus' blood cleanse me from sin?
18:47 I mean like, literally,
18:49 literally,
18:52 how does His blood cleanse me from all sin?
18:58 Leviticus tells us in Leviticus 17,
19:01 "We're not to eat blood because the life is in the blood."
19:06 So when Jesus poured out His blood for us on Calvary,
19:11 He was pouring out His life.
19:14 Romans 6:10 says,
19:17 "That when He died,
19:20 He died unto sin."
19:25 And the Bible says,
19:26 "That if we were in Him
19:30 when He died rather than sinning,
19:34 you and I also died rather than sinning."
19:39 And what He wants for us now
19:42 is to simply take hold of that and say, "I'm His."
19:49 Ephesians 1:4 says,
19:51 "We were chosen in Him before the foundation of the world,
19:57 so that we should be holy
19:59 and without blame before Him in love."
20:05 And we're gonna have...
20:07 We're going to have more quotes that we're going to show.
20:10 I'm not asking you to,
20:12 to just take this and then believe it
20:14 because I'm saying it.
20:16 But I want you to start looking.
20:18 Read the first two chapters of the Ephesians this week,
20:22 and highlight or mark down on a piece of paper
20:25 every single time you can find the phrase
20:28 in Christ, in Whom, or in Him, or in Me.
20:34 It's all through the Bible.
20:35 Once you read the first two chapters of Ephesians
20:38 and you mark it down, you'll see it everywhere.
20:41 Isaiah 45:22-25,
20:45 Jesus speaking, He said,
20:47 "Look unto Me, and be ye saved all the ends of the earth,
20:53 for I am God and there is none else."
20:56 And in the gospels, He said,
20:58 "I and My Father are one, we're one.
21:03 He is in Me, and I am in Him."
21:09 John 17, He said the same thing.
21:11 "Father, I pray that they all might be one
21:15 as I am in You, and as You are in Me,
21:19 that they also might be one in us."
21:24 Only through the blood of the crucified
21:26 one is there cleansing from sin.
21:29 His grace alone
21:31 can enable us to resist and subdue the tendencies
21:35 of our fallen nature.
21:39 "The spiritualistic theories concerning God
21:43 make His grace
21:44 His divine influence of no effect.
21:48 For if God is an essence pervading all nature,
21:53 then He dwells in all men,
21:56 and in order to attain holiness,
21:59 man has only to develop the power within himself.
22:05 These theories, if followed to their logical conclusion
22:09 do away with the necessity for the atonement
22:13 and they make man his own savior."
22:17 And I want you to also look this up
22:19 at Ellen White's writings,
22:21 where she talks about atonement.
22:23 You will not believe how many times
22:26 she talks about the fact
22:27 that the atonement was made at Calvary.
22:31 Atonement,
22:33 at-one-ment, was made at Calvary.
22:39 Christ united humanity with God again.
22:45 Do you know the only thing
22:47 that ever separated us from God?
22:50 Sin, right?
22:54 When men would go into the Old Testament sanctuary,
22:58 there was a veil
23:00 and the sin of the sinner was placed upon an innocent lamb,
23:06 for example, there were other offerings,
23:08 but we'll use the lamb for now.
23:10 And that lamb, its throat was cut,
23:13 its blood was spilled, which now contained the sin.
23:18 That blood was taken into the sanctuary,
23:21 and it was sprinkled on different articles
23:23 depending on the circumstances,
23:26 but then it was sprinkled upon and before the veil.
23:31 Do you know that Sister White said
23:33 that the veil was torn down every single year
23:39 on the Day of Atonement?
23:41 And it had to be replaced.
23:43 Do you know why?
23:45 It smelled.
23:48 I mean, can you imagine what it would be like
23:50 if you left a steak or something
23:53 sitting out raw in the kitchen for three weeks?
23:59 It would, I mean, it would be terrible.
24:03 That's why the sanctuary had to be cleansed.
24:06 And on the Day of Atonement,
24:09 our Savior went through the veil
24:13 and He made atonement for the Holy place.
24:19 In the Old Testament,
24:20 the holy place also had another name,
24:22 it was called the Tabernacle of the Congregation.
24:26 That sanctuary which Desire of Ages
24:29 talks about was a picture of us.
24:32 You had the Holy place which was man,
24:34 and then you had the most Holy place
24:36 which was God,
24:37 and you had a veil that separated between us.
24:41 And then you read Hebrews Chapter 10
24:44 and see what it says, that veil was a symbol of.
24:49 It says it was Christ flesh.
24:52 It was His flesh.
24:53 Peter says in 1 Peter Chapter 2
24:57 that "He bore all of our sins in His own body upon the tree."
25:04 That's what Colossians talks about when it says,
25:06 "He nailed that
25:08 which was against us to the tree."
25:12 Taking it out of the way.
25:14 He took away our sins
25:17 so that now we could be united with God
25:21 and through the importation of His Holy Spirit,
25:24 we can have victory.
25:26 Amen.
25:30 We will cover more of that as we go,
25:32 because the devil is doing everything he can
25:35 to hide this.
25:37 "These theories regarding God make His word of no effect,
25:43 and those who accept them
25:44 are in great danger of being finally led
25:48 to look upon the whole Bible as a fiction.
25:52 They may regard virtue as being better than vice,
25:57 but, having shut out God
25:59 from His rightful position of Sovereignty,
26:03 they place their dependence upon human power,
26:07 which, without God, is worthless."
26:12 It says they shut out God
26:14 from His rightful position of Sovereignty.
26:18 When we say the phrase, the Lord Jesus Christ,
26:22 the word Lord in the Old Testament,
26:25 if it was capital L with a little o-r-d,
26:28 the word in Hebrew was Adhonay.
26:31 We're not saved by pronunciation,
26:33 or knowing the Hebrew language, okay?
26:37 But it's beautiful to understand what a word means
26:40 because it helps give us a better understanding
26:43 of what the scripture is really telling us.
26:46 It's like going to a friend of yours and then saying,
26:49 "Yeah, but it says, hell right here."
26:50 And you go,
26:51 "Yeah, but that word in Greek means the grave
26:54 or in Hebrew, it means the grave."
26:57 By you understanding what that word means,
26:59 it makes the passage become clearer
27:03 by understanding that the word Lord is Adhonay,
27:08 that word literally means the Sovereign King.
27:14 The Lord Jesus Christ means the King Jesus Christ.
27:20 That's why He looks to each of us and says,
27:22 I know you want to save your...
27:24 But are you willing to have a king?
27:28 A king saves people, a king fights for people.
27:33 He delivers people.
27:35 He sets captives free.
27:38 That's why Jesus said,
27:39 "All power in heaven and on earth is now given unto me.
27:44 Go proclaim the glad tidings.
27:48 All through the gospels when you read, it says...
27:51 I remember the first time I was reading
27:54 after I had come back to the Lord
27:56 and He had set me free and I was just like,
27:58 "Lord, I want to just start in Matthew,
28:00 and I want to go through the whole New Testament,
28:02 and then the whole Old."
28:04 And I started in Matthew and Mark and I got,
28:06 I kept seeing this phrase, John the Baptist said,
28:09 "Repent, the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
28:13 And in my mind, I thought, now wait a minute,
28:15 the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
28:17 That was 2,000 years ago.
28:19 In my mind,
28:20 I thought the kingdom of heaven was Christ's second coming.
28:24 And I thought,
28:25 Well, John the Baptist was the greatest of prophets.
28:27 Was he just...
28:28 Did he just not see clearly?
28:31 And then the next chapter or two,
28:33 I read Jesus say the same thing.
28:36 After His baptism,
28:37 Jesus went proclaiming the kingdom of God.
28:42 And I thought,
28:43 "Well, I know Jesus wasn't mistaken."
28:47 And the Lord spoke to me like He has done a few times.
28:49 He was like, Eric,
28:50 you've never even looked the word kingdom up,
28:53 look it up.
28:54 And I looked it up, and you know
28:55 what the word kingdom means?
28:57 The Sovereign King or reign of God.
29:03 The kingdom is at hand.
29:06 That's the glad tidings that He wants for us
29:10 to go share with the world.
29:12 You don't have to be in bondage to sin.
29:15 Sin does not have dominion over you anymore.
29:18 If you will confess that
29:20 and give it to the Lord Jesus Christ,
29:22 He will take your sins and give you His righteousness.
29:27 Sin will not have dominion over you anymore.
29:31 Now, you have a new king on the throne of your life.
29:43 Now, I want you to hear this.
29:45 This is from Desire of Ages. page 311,
29:50 "God's ideal for His children is higher
29:53 than the highest human thought can reach,
29:57 for our Lord, our King has said,
30:02 'Be ye therefore perfect,
30:07 even as your Father
30:09 which is in heaven is perfect.'"
30:12 Now I want you to think about that for a minute.
30:15 Look at that phrase.
30:18 Be ye.
30:20 He didn't say try to be.
30:22 He didn't say strive with all your might.
30:27 And I've had people tell me,
30:28 "Well, it doesn't really mean that.
30:31 It means,
30:32 He knows you're humans,
30:34 to do the best you can as a human being,
30:37 like He does the best He can as God."
30:40 That's foolishness.
30:44 Jesus said, "Be ye."
30:47 Who was it that created everything in Genesis?
30:52 It was Christ.
30:53 It was God in Christ and through Christ,
30:56 but it was Christ.
30:57 What was the first statement of Genesis Chapter 1?
31:01 "Let there be light and there was."
31:07 He didn't say, let there be light
31:09 and a group of angels get together
31:11 and say we need to form a committee,
31:13 and we need to have some drawings made,
31:16 and we need to get together
31:17 the equipment to make this light,
31:19 and we need the raw materials
31:21 and okay, Lord,
31:22 it's going to take us five years
31:24 and we'll have light for You.
31:26 That's not what happened.
31:28 God spoke and it was.
31:34 And here Jesus says the same thing.
31:37 "Be ye therefore perfect."
31:41 And listen to what Ellen White says,
31:43 this is her words.
31:45 "This command is a promise."
31:49 That's what she said in Education 126.
31:52 Every command is a promise.
31:55 "This command to be ye therefore perfect is a promise.
32:00 For the plan of redemption
32:02 contemplates our complete recovery
32:06 from the power of Satan.
32:09 Christ always separates the contrite soul from sin.
32:16 He came to destroy the works of the Devil
32:20 and He has made provision
32:23 so that the Holy Spirit shall be imparted
32:27 to every repentant soul, to keep you from sinning."
32:33 That's powerful.
32:35 We've not even gotten there yet.
32:38 We're only on the second night and you wait,
32:40 I cannot. I want to skip to the end.
32:43 If you all only knew how hard this is.
32:49 Listen to this.
32:52 "Study the Scriptures,
32:55 'for the words I speak unto you," Jesus said,
32:57 "they are Spirit, and they are Life."
33:00 Study the Scriptures,
33:02 "Know that the only thing in which we can safely glory
33:08 is that which will open to you the gates of the city of God."
33:13 That's the righteousness of Christ.
33:16 Now I'm going to pause there for a moment
33:17 because I want you to know something.
33:20 There's another statement Ellen White said, she said,
33:22 "The requirements for eternal life
33:25 under the new covenant
33:26 are the same as they were under the old.
33:29 They've always been the same.
33:31 The requirements for eternal life
33:34 are perfect obedience.
33:38 So you know what I thought growing up
33:40 even over the last 10 years,
33:43 I've got to be perfect.
33:44 I've got to dot every eye and cross every T.
33:48 And do you know what God revealed to me?
33:53 Eric, If you never sin again from this day forward,
33:56 you still don't have perfect obedience
33:59 because if you have ever fallen once,
34:03 you're out of the game.
34:07 Do you understand?
34:11 If you commit one, you're guilty of all.
34:14 It's not three strikes,
34:15 you're out. It's one strike.
34:19 If I go to get a job at UPS, and they say,
34:22 "Eric, have you ever gotten a traffic ticket?"
34:25 And in my mind, I go, "Man, I mean,
34:27 that was five years and I paid dollars."
34:29 No, I don't have any record of getting traffic tickets.
34:33 And they say, "Okay, well, give us a few days
34:34 and we'll get back to you about your, you know, your resume."
34:38 And they call me back and they say,
34:39 "We need you to come in."
34:41 And I came in, they say, "Listen,
34:42 everything else we checked out was perfect,
34:44 but you lie to us."
34:46 I'm like, "You know, well, I didn't."
34:48 They said, "You told us
34:49 you had never had a traffic violation."
34:53 I said, "I've paid for them.
34:56 They've been paid for.
34:57 I don't owe any debt."
34:59 And they're like, "That's not what we asked.
35:02 We asked if you have ever been guilty."
35:08 And I'm like, "Yeah, but I think
35:09 that's what you meant."
35:12 The requirements for eternal life
35:15 are perfect obedience with no failure.
35:20 Do you understand what happened in 1888,
35:23 while the majority of our church
35:26 rejected the message of righteousness by faith.
35:30 They had in their minds like many of us do,
35:34 I'm going to try really hard
35:36 and if I can get everything done perfectly,
35:40 you know, somebody comes along, they say,
35:41 you know, you need to be vegan.
35:43 You know, you need
35:44 to start keeping Sabbath earlier.
35:46 You know, you forgot about this,
35:48 and we make this list of things,
35:50 and we're striving for something
35:53 that we will never attain
35:55 because if you've already failed once, you're out.
36:01 The thief on the cross understood that.
36:04 That's why he cast himself on Christ.
36:09 All to you I bring,
36:12 simply to Your cross, I cling.
36:16 It's Christ and His righteousness alone.
36:20 Now, I'm not saying
36:21 that does away with us striving to obey.
36:24 I want to obey Him
36:25 because of what He's done for me,
36:28 not in order to gain Him doing something for me.
36:32 The Bible says
36:34 that when we were yet without strength,
36:36 when we hated God,
36:38 Christ died for us then.
36:42 When we were at our very worst,
36:44 and then Paul goes on and he says,
36:47 "If He did that for you, when you were at your worst,
36:50 what you think He would do less now
36:52 that you're striving to obey?"
36:57 "Learn from the Word of God how to form characters
37:01 fitted for the country you are seeking.
37:04 Know that Christ is to be set forth among you..."
37:09 That means in your midst, in your heart.
37:12 "And that all that was lost in Adam
37:17 the cross of Christ
37:19 fully restores to every believing soul."
37:24 I don't have this quote up here, I wish I had.
37:27 Ellen White said the moment
37:29 the sinner lays hold on Christ by faith,
37:32 that moment his sins are no longer upon him.
37:37 He stands guiltless before the law of God,
37:42 clothed in the righteousness of Christ.
37:45 That moment, the moment you believe what God's word said.
37:50 The blood of Jesus cleanses me from all sin.
37:54 Not by works of righteousness, which we have done,
37:57 but according to His mercy.
37:59 He saved us.
38:01 Past tense,
38:03 by the washing of regeneration
38:06 and the renewing of His Holy Spirit.
38:11 "The life of Christ that gives Life to the world
38:14 is in His Word.
38:17 It was by His Word that Jesus healed disease
38:21 and cast out demons,
38:23 by His Word He stilled the sea, and raised the dead,
38:28 and the people bore witness that His Word was with power."
38:34 Do you remember that man at the pool of Bethesda?
38:37 Read that story in Desire of Ages.
38:40 Read it in the gospels
38:42 and then read it in Desire of Ages.
38:44 She said that if he had told the Lord,
38:48 if You'll heal me, I'll get up and walk.
38:51 He would have stayed there until he died.
38:54 He believed what Christ said.
38:57 He believed the power in Christ word
39:00 and He willed to walk.
39:03 He made the decision, I'm going to stand up
39:07 because Christ has told me to and He cannot lie.
39:11 And because he believed the power was given to Him.
39:18 "The whole Bible is a manifestation of Christ,
39:21 and the Savior
39:23 desired to fix the faith of His followers on the Word.
39:28 When His visible Presence should be withdrawn,
39:31 the Word must be their source of power...
39:36 Like their Master,
39:38 they were,
39:40 'we are to live
39:42 by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.'"
39:51 What is justification by faith?
39:54 It is the work of God in laying the glory of man in the dust.
40:01 Do you want to know what all these eastern practices do?
40:04 They teach you to glory in your power.
40:07 Look, what I can do.
40:09 Look, what I did.
40:10 That was the problem with the Pharisees.
40:13 While I did this,
40:14 and, you know, it's like, you know, okay,
40:16 I get victory over this one sin.
40:18 So I'm forcing that victory on everybody else.
40:23 I remember one time I had a lady that called me
40:25 and she had learned some truth in the Bible.
40:27 And she was like, you know, wow.
40:30 And she went to share it with a friend of hers.
40:33 And the gentleman he couldn't see it.
40:36 And she called
40:38 and she was like, I don't know what to do.
40:39 She said, I guess I just need to do it what the Bible says
40:41 and shake the dust off my feet and move on.
40:45 And I thought, and I have done the same thing,
40:47 but I thought, "Oh, Lord,
40:50 what if Jesus had done that to me?"
40:53 I'm shaking the dust off my feet.
40:54 I'm done with Eric.
40:55 I mean, I've tried, you know,
40:57 this is 49 times this month.
40:59 I'm not...
41:00 There's no 50.
41:05 Jesus said, "If you'd only understood what this meaneth,
41:08 I would have mercy and not sacrifice."
41:12 You know what I told that lady?
41:13 I asked God.
41:15 I said, "Give me the words to say to her."
41:16 I asked her a question,
41:17 I said, "How long did it take you
41:21 to fully understand and comprehend the truth
41:25 that you now have?"
41:27 And she said, "Oh, probably 16, 18 years."
41:32 I said, "Then be willing to give your brother in Christ
41:35 the same time to comprehend.
41:39 Be patient.
41:41 Pray instead of trying to force someone to believe.
41:45 Pray.
41:47 Prayer availeth much."
41:51 "When men see their own nothingness,
41:54 only then they are prepared to be clothed
41:57 with the righteousness of Christ.
42:00 When they begin to praise and exalt God all the day long,
42:05 then by beholding
42:07 they are becoming changed into the same image.
42:11 What is regeneration?
42:14 It is revealing to man,
42:16 what is his own real nature,
42:19 that in himself, he is worthless.
42:25 "That's scary.
42:27 Do you understand?
42:28 This is what was being proclaimed in 1888.
42:31 Men don't want to hear that.
42:34 Women don't want to hear that.
42:35 Nobody wants to hear that.
42:38 But Praise God,
42:39 I have never found more freedom than in knowing that.
42:45 God, I am filthy, and wretched, and poor, and blind.
42:49 You have got to cleanse me.
42:52 You have got to live inside of me.
42:55 We have got to fight, the fight of faith
42:57 and surrender every moment.
43:00 So that He can dwell and live and work in us.
43:06 "Nothing less than perfect obedience
43:09 can meet the standard of God's requirement.
43:12 He has not left his requirements indefinite...
43:16 The Savior took upon Himself the infirmities of humanity
43:21 and He lived a sinless life,
43:23 so that men might have no fear that because of the weakness
43:28 of human nature they could not overcome.
43:33 Christ came to make us
43:36 'partakers of the divine nature'
43:40 and His life declares that humanity,
43:45 combined with divinity,
43:48 does not commit sin.'"
43:52 That's John 1:3:9.
43:58 3:9.
44:00 That says the exact same thing.
44:03 It says, "He that is born of God
44:07 does not commit sin
44:09 because God's seed remains in him."
44:15 Hallelujah.
44:21 I want to share something with you.
44:26 I'm not telling you these things because...
44:33 Because it's up here.
44:35 I'm telling you these things because I was so far gone.
44:42 There was no rescuing me.
44:46 And I tried so hard
44:51 to make things right.
44:55 And the harder I tried,
44:58 the more, it seemed like I got behind.
45:02 And I kept searching,
45:04 especially trying to comprehend
45:08 what righteousness by faith meant?
45:12 And it was only within the last few years
45:15 that the Lord in His mercy helped to open my blind eyes.
45:21 God desires for each of us
45:25 to know who we are in Christ Jesus.
45:31 We say it with our mouths,
45:34 but often we don't believe it with our actions.
45:38 Often we don't understand what that means
45:41 to be in Christ Jesus.
45:44 The Bible says, "We are His body,
45:47 His flesh and His bones."
45:50 When He ascended on high,
45:52 He left us here as His representatives,
45:57 not to strive and to do in our own power,
46:02 but to surrender
46:03 and yield our lives completely to Him
46:07 so that He can work in us,
46:10 just like His Father worked in Him.
46:14 Every moment as we surrender
46:18 and by faith,
46:20 we say, "Your righteousness is mine."
46:24 Not because I feel it,
46:27 but because you've spoken it.
46:30 You may not feel victorious.
46:35 But God's Word says,
46:36 "We're more than conquerors through Him that loves us."
46:40 So do I believe what I'm feeling,
46:41 or do I believe what the Word of God says?
46:45 You may not feel healed
46:49 if you've got some type of a physical,
46:52 you know, affliction.
46:54 But God's Word says,
46:56 "By My stripes, I have healed you."
47:02 And a quick example when I was 14 years old,
47:08 I remember I woke up one morning,
47:12 I was supposed to be getting ready for school,
47:14 and I felt like I couldn't even move.
47:17 And I was burning up hot.
47:18 I mean, burning up,
47:20 and my mom finally came in there.
47:22 She was like, "Eric, what are you doing?"
47:24 I mean, "You got to leave.
47:25 I got to get you to school."
47:27 I said, "Mom, something's wrong."
47:29 And she knew then something really was
47:31 because I never stayed home sick.
47:33 And she came over and felt it
47:36 and she said, "You're burning up."
47:38 And she called... She's a nurse.
47:40 She called our doctor and she said,
47:43 "I've got to get him in there."
47:44 And he said, "What's wrong?"
47:45 And she told him
47:47 and they rushed me to emergency room.
47:49 While I was in the emergency room,
47:53 they were weighing me on the scale
47:55 and I passed out.
47:59 And while I was passed out, one of the nurses there,
48:01 she had the wisdom
48:03 that God had granted her and she said,
48:04 "Let's check his blood sugar."
48:06 It was 790.
48:09 It's supposed to be 92 to 102.
48:15 790.
48:17 And I hadn't said anything to my mom.
48:18 Because I mean, especially as a young man,
48:20 you kind of want to just ignore problems and say,
48:22 they'll go away.
48:24 I mean, you know, it'll go away.
48:25 I don't know what's wrong.
48:27 But you know, I was going to the restroom
48:29 every two or three minutes at school,
48:31 my vision was almost completely gone.
48:33 I couldn't even see the chalkboard at 14 years old.
48:36 I keep having to move closer to the front of the class
48:39 hoping nobody would ask
48:40 why I was trying to get closer to the front.
48:45 And I got there to the doctor's office
48:47 and when they woke me up, they told me something
48:49 and I know they were doing the best
48:51 that they knew how.
48:52 They said, "You're a diabetic
48:56 and it's juvenile and there is no cure.
49:00 And you'll never get over it.
49:02 But if you take this insulin,
49:05 we can keep you alive."
49:09 Well, they didn't realize
49:10 they were pronouncing a curse upon me.
49:16 There is no cure, you'll never get better.
49:19 And all of those sayings contradict the Word of God.
49:24 And so I lived under that
49:29 for a long, long time, the curse.
49:34 And one day I was speaking to a man,
49:36 and this was after the Lord
49:38 had brought me out of the bondage.
49:39 I was in on these things.
49:42 And he told me something.
49:43 He said, Eric, he said, "If you had cancer,
49:46 would it be okay if I called you cancer?"
49:49 I was like, "No, my name is Eric."
49:51 He said, "Well, why couldn't I call you cancer?"
49:53 I said, "Because it's just a disease.
49:55 It's something I have. It's not who I am."
49:57 He said, "Then why would you
49:58 allow people to call you a diabetic.
50:01 It's a disease. It's what you have.
50:04 It's not who you are."
50:07 And I thought, "Oh, wow."
50:11 The Bible says,
50:12 "If we speak life, we'll have life."
50:14 So we have the power of life and death
50:16 in our tongue.
50:18 Ellen White says, "If we speak faith,
50:20 we'll have faith."
50:21 And faith is the substance of things hoped for.
50:25 And the word hope in Greek does not mean, I hope so.
50:29 It means the things that you have confidence in
50:32 and the things you have been given assurance of.
50:35 Ellen White said, "If you speak faith,
50:39 you'll have those things that you have assurance
50:43 that you've been given the assurance of."
50:47 The Bible says that
50:49 "Christ is the high priest of our profession."
50:54 Profession means what you speak.
50:58 So what I speak, He takes to the Father.
51:03 So if I'm on my knees and I'm like telling God
51:06 about all the affliction I have,
51:07 and I'm telling God about how bad I feel.
51:11 And Lord, I woke up this morning
51:12 and my blood sugar was high.
51:15 And Christ is up there and He's going, "Oh, wow.
51:18 You know, if I could just get him to speak faith,
51:23 I would have a much better prayer
51:25 to offer to My Father."
51:28 Are you diabetic today?
51:31 So what I did was, I started,
51:34 I started reading God's promises out loud.
51:40 Out loud.
51:42 And I went in to a new doctor,
51:44 not going to get into that story,
51:46 but I went into a new doctor,
51:47 never seen her before,
51:49 she's brand new.
51:51 Anyway, she had to run blood work,
51:53 do all these tests
51:54 and she called me a few days later,
51:56 she said, "Eric, I need you to come back down
51:58 to the clinic."
52:00 And I said, "What's wrong?"
52:01 And she said, "I just want to run a couple of more tests."
52:04 And I thought, "Oh, no."
52:06 You know because here I'd had this problem for over 35 years.
52:10 And I got there and I said, "What's wrong?"
52:13 I said, "You know, just tell me."
52:16 And she said, "Well, Eric, she said,
52:17 all your paperwork says that you've had juvenile diabetes
52:21 since you were 14 years old."
52:23 She said, "But the blood work
52:25 I got when you came in here the other day,
52:27 I couldn't even say that you're juvenile diabetes."
52:31 She said, "This looks more
52:33 like sort of on the verge of diabetes."
52:36 She said, "Your hemoglobin A1C
52:39 is like 6.7, 6.8."
52:44 She said, "Normally to be juvenile,
52:46 it would have to be like a 7.1,7.2."
52:50 She said, "I want to run some more tests."
52:53 She ran some tests, and she came back and she said,
52:56 "Your pancreas is producing insulin again."
52:59 She said, "This is impossible."
53:01 She said, "You've had this for over 35 years.
53:05 I've never seen anyone come in here
53:09 whose pancreas was producing insulin after 35 years."
53:12 Amen. Praise God.
53:14 Now, before I stop on the story,
53:19 I still take insulin,
53:21 but I'm not taking nearly what I was back then.
53:26 And what I have found is,
53:28 as I speak God's promises out loud
53:33 every day that I do that,
53:34 my faith takes hold on those promises more.
53:38 Because now when I wake up in the morning,
53:41 and if I check and my blood sugar's
53:42 a little bit high, instead of me going...
53:45 And the devil whispers
53:46 and usually when he talks to us,
53:48 he talks in our voice because if he came in,
53:51 he talked in his voice, I'd be like what,
53:53 you know what was that?
53:55 And I'll go get on my knees and start praying.
53:57 Normally, when the devil
53:58 or one of his angels talks to you,
54:00 he'll talk to you in your own voice.
54:02 Because if he can make you think it's your thoughts,
54:04 you'll never fight him.
54:06 So if I wake up in the morning
54:08 and my blood sugar's a little bit high,
54:11 I'll hear a voice that sounds like mine say,
54:14 huh, not healed yet.
54:18 God's Word is not true.
54:21 And I'm like, "Okay, well, he's a liar."
54:24 Right?
54:26 Jesus said that.
54:29 So what I do is, I go to God's Word.
54:31 And I say, "Bless the Lord, O my soul!"
54:34 And all that is within me, bless and praise His holy name.
54:38 It is You who forgives all my iniquities
54:41 and heals all of my diseases.
54:44 And then I claim Isaiah 53, "By your stripes,
54:49 You said it not me.
54:51 You said it, I am healed."
54:54 And then I claim the same thing in Matthew 8:17-19.
54:59 And then 1 Peter says it three times
55:02 in the scripture
55:03 that out the mouth of two or three witnesses,
55:05 every word will be established.
55:08 By His stripes I am healed.
55:11 You know, it's funny, too, because the Bible says,
55:13 "The 1,44,000
55:14 will have their father's name written in their foreheads."
55:18 What's our father's name?
55:20 I am.
55:22 I am.
55:25 I am delivered.
55:28 I am saved.
55:30 Not because I feel it,
55:31 but because You said so in Your Word.
55:34 I am healed.
55:36 I am more than conqueror through Him that loves me.
55:40 As we speak faith,
55:44 God will work what He has promised in our lives.
55:48 And when we look at our loved one
55:50 that looks like they're so far gone,
55:53 that there's no hope of recovering them.
55:57 I always remember what my wife said about me
55:59 when I was so far gone.
56:02 And we have been divorced for five years.
56:04 And I was living in adultery with,
56:06 you know, somebody else.
56:08 My wife, the Lord told her speak faith.
56:11 And she told my children, "Daddy's coming home."
56:14 And people at church said, "You can't tell them that.
56:17 They're going to lose faith in God."
56:19 She said, "God's Word said so."
56:21 God spoke that to me in His Word.
56:25 Speak faith, and you'll have faith.
56:28 So when you look at a lost loved one,
56:30 or you look at someone you're praying for,
56:32 and it seems hopeless, find the promise in His Word.
56:37 Find the promise in His Word.
56:39 Sometimes...
56:43 I struggled with my children, my son and my daughter,
56:46 they're great, they're great children.
56:47 I mean, great children.
56:50 But sometimes, you know, as a parent,
56:52 what it's like when you see them
56:53 making mistakes that you go,
56:54 "Man, I've already done that.
56:56 Don't make that mistake."
56:57 So I would try to force them to do the right thing.
57:00 And my wife would say,
57:02 "That's not going to work. Just pray for them."
57:04 I was like, "Yeah, but that's not going to work."
57:06 And she's like, "Really?"
57:08 I'm like, "Okay."
57:11 So I start claiming promises.
57:13 God, You promised in Deuteronomy 30:6,
57:17 that You will circumcise my heart
57:19 and the heart of my children
57:21 to love You with all of our hearts,
57:23 our souls, our minds, and our strength.
57:25 You promised, and I will not let you go,
57:28 except you blessed me.
57:31 That's the only way that we're ever going to win.
57:36 There is no other way.
57:39 Let's close with prayer.
57:44 Father in heaven,
57:47 we thank You so much that You are not a man
57:49 that You should lie, nor the Son of Man
57:51 that You should change Your mind.
57:54 All of Your promises in Christ Jesus
57:57 are yay and amen.
58:01 Father, help each of us
58:03 as we open Your Word this week
58:07 to find who we are in Christ Jesus.


Revised 2019-02-11