Alpha & Omega: Spiritualism

Mystery of Iniquity: Spiritualism In Our Modern Wo

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AAO

Program Code: AAO000003A

00:11 Again it's good to see everyone here.
00:14 We've got a good group tonight.
00:17 We're going to pick up where we left off last evening.
00:21 And I want to start by opening God's Word
00:25 before we pray.
00:27 If you have a Bible,
00:28 turn with me to Isaiah Chapter 14.
00:32 Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 are both very familiar texts
00:38 that describe what happened to Satan
00:42 before and during his fall.
00:45 But we're going to go to Isaiah 14:12.
00:53 And 12 through 14.
00:57 It says, "How art thou fallen from heaven,
01:00 O Lucifer, son of the morning!
01:05 how art thou cut down to the ground,
01:08 which did weaken the nations!
01:11 For thou hast said in thine heart,
01:15 I will ascend into heaven,
01:18 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:
01:24 I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation,
01:29 in the sides of the north:
01:32 I will ascend
01:33 above the heights of the clouds,
01:36 I will be like the most High."
01:41 Satan declared in his heart
01:48 I will be like the most High,
01:51 I'm going to sit upon His throne.
01:55 There's no way in a million years
01:58 that he really thought he was going to sit up there
02:03 and he was, he was defeated.
02:06 Christ defeated him and threw him down.
02:10 So what was the throne that he was saying
02:13 that he was going to take?
02:16 It's what we spoke about the other night,
02:18 it was the throne of men's hearts.
02:22 It actually says,
02:23 I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation.
02:29 We know that in scripture, Jerusalem here on the earth
02:34 was a physical shadow of the heavenly Jerusalem.
02:40 And the scripture tells us that New Jerusalem
02:44 is the mother of us all.
02:46 It's God's people.
02:48 Yes, it is a literal city.
02:50 I'm not denying that
02:52 but just like Fresno if you say well, Fresno was destroyed,
02:57 well, you can be talking about the buildings
02:58 or you can be talking about the people,
03:01 the people are what make the city a city.
03:05 Without the people it's meaningless.
03:07 Just like a church.
03:09 A church is a building but it's more importantly,
03:12 it's the people that make up that church.
03:14 Does that make sense?
03:17 So Satan said,
03:18 "I will sit upon the mount of the congregation."
03:24 And when you look in Revelation,
03:26 it actually describes New Jerusalem
03:29 and it gives the dimensions.
03:31 It says that lies four square
03:34 and its height is equal to each of its sides.
03:39 So either you have a cube or you have a pyramid.
03:44 My personal opinion is
03:46 I could see it very well being a pyramid
03:49 because the Bible all through the Old Testament
03:52 talks about the mountain of the Lord
03:55 and that equates that with His people.
03:57 And if you ask any child
03:59 over three years old to draw mountain
04:01 they're going to draw a pyramid.
04:04 Very simple.
04:07 Anyway that is where Lucifer
04:11 said he would take possession,
04:14 he would sit up on that throne.
04:17 So I want us to keep that in mind as we,
04:19 as we go through tonight's messages.
04:23 Let's open with a word of prayer.
04:27 Father in heaven, we thank You for Your Son,
04:33 the Lord Jesus Christ.
04:35 And, Father, that word Lord means the sovereign King.
04:41 Father, we claim and we thank You
04:43 for Your promise
04:45 that at the name of Jesus Christ
04:48 every knee shall bow
04:50 and every tongue shall confess
04:54 both in heaven and on earth.
04:57 We ask that You'll send holy angels
04:59 that excel in strengths tonight.
05:02 Fill this house with Thy presence.
05:07 Binding cast out all the powers of darkness
05:11 that would seek to interfere
05:12 with Your work in ministry and our lives.
05:17 And, Father, most of all,
05:18 cause us to see Your glory and to hear Thy voice alone.
05:25 In Jesus' name we ask,
05:27 in Him we believe and thank You.
05:32 Amen.
05:36 I'm going to open and reread
05:38 something we looked at last night.
05:40 This comes from one of the testimonies
05:44 that Sister White gave to us.
05:46 She said, "As we near the close of time,
05:49 there will be greater and still greater external,
05:55 outward parade of heathen power..."
06:00 What's the difference between a group of people
06:02 that are just walking silently down the road in a parade?
06:08 A parade seeks to draw attention to itself.
06:13 This statement tells us that demonic entities
06:18 are going to be seeking
06:21 recognition by mankind.
06:25 "And heathen deities
06:27 will manifest their signal power,
06:30 and exhibit them-selves before the cities of the world,
06:34 and this delineation
06:36 has already begun to be fulfilled."
06:40 And we spoke about that last night.
06:42 When I first read this,
06:44 I thought this is talking about fallen angels
06:47 that we will see with our eyes.
06:50 I thought, I mean, is this taking place
06:52 'cause Ellen White said
06:54 this has already begun to be fulfilled.
06:58 And then I kept reading.
07:01 "All need wisdom carefully
07:03 to search out the mystery of iniquity
07:07 that figures so largely
07:09 in the winding up of this earth's history."
07:12 And I started seeing something
07:14 that is so important for us to know.
07:17 Two mysteries, the mystery of godliness
07:22 which 1 Timothy 3:16
07:24 tells us that is God manifest in the flesh.
07:30 And then the second mystery is the mystery of iniquity.
07:34 If you want to know
07:35 what the mystery of iniquity is,
07:37 all you have to do is know
07:38 what the mystery of godliness is.
07:41 God manifest in the flesh.
07:44 The mystery of iniquity is Satan
07:47 and his fallen angels manifest in the flesh.
07:52 "Let no man deceive you by any means:
07:55 for that day of Christ return shall not come,
07:59 except there come ad apostasy first,
08:03 and that man of sin be unveiled
08:07 as the son of perdition.
08:10 Who opposeth and exalteth himself
08:13 above all that is called God, or that is worshipped,
08:19 so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
08:25 shewing himself that he is God."
08:29 Christ said something in the gospels,
08:31 He said, why do you call me,
08:33 "Lord, Lord, but yet don't do the things that I say."
08:37 And He actually said something very similar
08:40 through the Apostle Paul.
08:42 He said, "Don't you realize that to whom you yield yourself
08:47 as a servant to obey
08:49 that whose servants you are."
08:54 I want you to remember that
08:57 because if Christ reigns
08:59 within a man or a woman's heart,
09:03 do you know that scientists now have seen
09:07 what Darwin never even thought was possible.
09:10 They have looked inside of the human cell
09:14 and they have seen it is more complex
09:19 and more active than an entire city,
09:22 one cell, one human cell.
09:28 There are these tiny little microbes
09:31 and all these little things
09:32 that are obeying the instructions
09:35 that are given to them by the DNA.
09:39 That DNA is actually the instructions
09:42 or the book of life
09:44 according to what scientists are saying.
09:46 So that means that every organ of our body,
09:49 every cell of our body
09:51 is supposed to be under the authority
09:55 and the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ.
10:00 That's how Jesus healed the sick.
10:03 When men surrendered their heart to Him,
10:07 He took the driver's seat
10:11 and He commanded every organ of their body,
10:14 every gland, every nerve, and every cell
10:18 obey, bring yourself into submission.
10:21 And He causes that to happen today
10:24 just as He did 2,000 years ago.
10:27 But when sin is introduced,
10:30 it's like a virus in a computer.
10:33 It corrupts the perfect code of life
10:36 that God gave to us in His Word.
10:40 That's why Christ says,
10:41 "If you will abide in Me, the Word of God,
10:45 and if My words which are spirit and life
10:48 abide in you,
10:50 you can ask what you will, and it will be done for you."
10:54 Satan said, "I want to take that throne.
10:56 I want to be the one that issues the commands."
11:01 The Apostle Paul tells us,
11:03 "Know ye not that you are the temple of God,
11:08 and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?
11:12 If any man defiles the temple of God,
11:16 him shall God destroy."
11:18 For our God is a consuming fire.
11:24 Now I want to...
11:25 I want to show you just a little bit
11:29 of where spiritualism is today
11:33 and how we are seeing evil spirits
11:37 manifest physically, externally.
11:42 This was a picture of me and the first grandmaster
11:46 I trained under.
11:48 And you can tell when you look in my eyes
11:51 that it was, I was a different person.
11:53 I don't even like looking at the pictures anymore
11:56 of what I was like back then.
11:57 Even my family pictures,
11:59 it's like I told my wife, I said,
12:01 "I want to just take them down.
12:02 I walked by and it's not even the same person
12:06 because of what I had allowed into my life through sin
12:10 and through participation in these dark arts."
12:18 I want to tell a story real quickly.
12:24 The last grandmaster I trained under,
12:26 I trained under two over the 25 years
12:28 that I was active in the martial arts
12:31 and eastern mysticism.
12:32 The last grandmaster I trained under,
12:35 he was a 10th dawn or 10th degree
12:39 in two systems of kung fu of Chinese martial arts.
12:43 He was also a master instructor in what's called medical qigong
12:48 or acupuncture, acupressure,
12:50 laying on hands and healing people.
12:53 He could put his hands on you
12:55 and he could tell you had a disease
12:57 and what it was.
12:59 And it wasn't physical, the spirits would speak to him.
13:04 It had nothing to do with you
13:06 really being able to put your hands on there.
13:09 You just put your hands there,
13:10 sometimes somebody would just walk in the room
13:12 and you knew what was wrong with them.
13:14 And you didn't know how you knew.
13:16 But the devil would tell you was because of your training.
13:19 And pride would grow and you would become more sure
13:22 of your ability.
13:25 But I went to train with this man one night
13:28 and it was a one day, one weekend
13:30 and he taught only black belts.
13:34 The second grandmaster I trained under.
13:37 You had to be a black belt,
13:38 didn't matter what style it was in.
13:41 So he was training all of us black belts
13:43 and then he would depend on us
13:45 to take what we learn from him to teach our students.
13:48 But we trained all day long, everybody was exhausted.
13:52 And he asked us, he said, "Why don't we, you know,
13:56 hang around here, we can get some food."
13:59 We were training at his home where his studio,
14:01 his training hall was.
14:03 And so we all were excited about the fact that,
14:06 you know, he invited us to stay
14:08 'cause that means you're going to get little
14:10 special things that he doesn't normally disclose
14:14 to other people.
14:16 And so we sat, and we ate,
14:18 and we talked, and turn the TV on,
14:21 and just hung out for a while.
14:24 And it got later and later
14:28 and I started watching the other black belts there
14:31 and they were getting really tired.
14:34 And then the grandmaster started talking about
14:37 conspiracy theories
14:38 like the Illuminati and Freemasons
14:40 and all anything out there.
14:43 And I know a lot of it's true
14:45 but none of these guys were interested
14:48 and you could see them, they were...
14:51 I mean, they were doing everything they could
14:52 to stay awake
14:54 and you didn't want to fall asleep
14:56 because if the grandmaster is talking
14:57 and you fall asleep on them, you know,
15:00 you're not going to be promoted.
15:01 That can put you back at least a year,
15:03 maybe two years
15:04 before you're even up for promotion.
15:07 So everyone is fighting to keep their eyes open.
15:10 And when he started talking about conspiracy theories,
15:14 I woke up, I mean, I was just like,
15:16 "Okay, I'm interested in this."
15:19 And sometime after 12 or 1 o'clock that night,
15:23 late, when everyone was really exhausted,
15:27 he changed his line of thought in an instant.
15:31 He's talking about all these different things,
15:35 and then all of a sudden he looked at us and he said,
15:38 "You know, I teach you all how to tap into this power
15:44 that we call chi energy.
15:46 He said, but let me tell you if you want to see this energy
15:50 demonstrated,
15:51 he said, the easiest place to see this power demonstrated
15:56 is look at Jimi Hendrix, look at Eric Clapton.
15:59 Look at a lot of the movie stars
16:01 that are out there.
16:03 He said they are using the same power
16:07 that we use in the martial arts,
16:10 only they use it for a different reason.
16:13 And when he said that,
16:15 it was like a red flag went up in my mind
16:19 because I knew, I mean,
16:20 I was still going to church every week
16:22 and, you know, I was still "a Christian."
16:27 But I knew Jimi Hendrix was not a God fearing man.
16:30 I knew Eric Clapton was not a God fearing man.
16:33 I knew some of the Hollywood stars he talked about
16:37 were not church going, God fearing,
16:39 Bible believing Christians.
16:42 And he said they were using the same power that we were,
16:47 but they were using it to hypnotize,
16:53 to enthrall their audiences.
16:59 One day I was there at the studio alone with him.
17:03 And he was teaching me
17:06 and one of the black belts came running in,
17:08 and he had a huge piece of artwork
17:11 that was wrapped up in brown paper.
17:13 And he said, see Joe, grandmaster,
17:15 he said, it's finished, it's finished.
17:18 And the instructor, he nodded to him,
17:22 you and dismissing him and he unwrapped the paper
17:26 and there was this beautiful Chinese calligraphy
17:28 on the paper, on the parchment.
17:31 And he had hired a Chinese artist
17:34 to paint this calligraphy.
17:36 And he looked at it and I could tell
17:41 he was very proud of it.
17:42 And I looked at it and it was beautiful,
17:44 but I had no idea what it said.
17:47 And he looked at me knowing what I was thinking.
17:51 And I asked him, I said, "See Joe, what does it mean?"
17:57 And he looked at the floor.
17:59 I'll never forget this.
18:01 And then he looked back up in my eyes and he said,
18:05 "The easiest translation in English is,
18:09 it's the devil that's in the details."
18:17 I should have run.
18:19 I mean, I should have run.
18:20 But you know what I did?
18:22 Because I've been training in these arts
18:23 for over 20 years, I made excuses.
18:27 Well, that may mean that to him but I know, you know,
18:31 it doesn't mean that to me.
18:34 And people do the same thing
18:35 when they talk to me about yoga.
18:37 They say, "Well, I know they're praying to Hindu gods,
18:39 but I'm praying to Jesus when I do yoga."
18:43 And I'm like, "You know, you can't,
18:45 why are you in an idols temple?
18:47 You know, why even go there?"
18:50 He told me it's the devil that's in the details.
18:54 And that was such an important truth
18:56 in those arts that we trained in
18:59 that he paid a lot of money
19:01 to have this Chinese artist paint that.
19:07 Now I want to show you
19:08 what Sister White was talking about.
19:11 This is Robin Williams, he passed away a few years ago.
19:15 I hate what the enemy did to him
19:19 because there's numerous interviews
19:21 that they have done with him on different magazines,
19:25 different TV shows and he was,
19:28 he was a tormented man.
19:31 And he knew why he was tormented,
19:33 he knew what it was,
19:36 he wound up committing suicide
19:37 because of what these evil spirits did to him.
19:41 Listen to what he said
19:42 in this interview with US Weekly.
19:46 He said, "Yeah!
19:47 Literally, it's like possession,
19:50 all of the sudden you're in,
19:52 and because it's in front of a live audience,
19:55 you just get this energy that it just starts going.
20:00 But there's also that thing, it is possession.
20:05 In the old days, you'd be burned for it.
20:08 But there's something empowering about it.
20:12 I mean, it's a place where you are totally,
20:16 it's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,
20:19 where you really can become this other force.
20:23 Maybe that's why I don't need to play
20:25 evil characters in movies,
20:28 because sometimes onstage you can cross that line
20:33 and still come back."
20:36 He was talking about when he was a live comedian.
20:40 He was talking about comedy before he became an actor.
20:46 He said, "It's possession.
20:49 You get up there and you start talking
20:50 and he said, something else comes in
20:53 and all of a sudden
20:54 you're completely different person."
20:59 You all know who this is.
21:02 Oprah Winfrey.
21:04 Listen to what she said.
21:06 She said, "I asked God for grace."
21:11 And I want to ask you a question.
21:12 What does the word grace mean in Greek?
21:15 What's the original?
21:19 Unmerited favor.
21:20 Did you know that's the second definition
21:22 when you look it up in Strong's?
21:24 I did not know that till a few years ago.
21:26 And I looked it up one day.
21:28 Do you know what the first definition is?
21:30 The divine influence upon the heart
21:34 and its reflection as seen in the life,
21:38 it's the Spirit of God.
21:43 Now with that in mind, listen to what she says.
21:46 "I asked God for grace,
21:50 and the power of the spirits."
21:54 Plural.
21:56 "Calling on you.
21:57 Calling on you...
21:59 I really believe I can call her, the spirit up.
22:04 Her and so many others.
22:07 Oprah Winfrey calls these her 'go there' moments,
22:11 spiritual episodes of divine guidance
22:15 that far transcend the chatty exchanges
22:18 with her studio audiences.
22:21 Winfrey says she has come to know
22:23 each of them personally
22:26 and she calls them in at will to guide her in her work."
22:32 That's from Time Magazine.
22:36 That, I mean, that's frightening.
22:38 You want to know how she got where she is?
22:41 That's how.
22:44 And I have probably
22:46 more than 100 different testimonies
22:48 from different people.
22:50 And we're only going to show you just a few.
22:52 Do y'all recognize this man?
22:55 Michael Landon, Little House on the Prairie.
22:58 I grew up and we were allowed to watch
23:00 Walt Disney one day a week, you know,
23:03 came on Sunday evenings for an hour.
23:06 And we could watch Little House on the Prairie.
23:08 And sometimes Andy Griffith,
23:10 you know, those were what you call safe, right?
23:13 They're family friendly, people will say,
23:16 well, they're Christian.
23:17 Listen to what Michael Landon said.
23:20 He said,
23:21 "I felt my father's presence with me."
23:24 This is after his father had died.
23:27 "I felt my father's presence with me,
23:29 enlightening my memories,
23:32 helping me to commit to paper the feelings I had.
23:37 I really heard my father speaking to me
23:41 from the other dimension,
23:44 filling my mind with just the right words.
23:48 The story came so fast and was so right.
23:52 In three days the script was complete."
23:55 His daughter actually wrote
23:57 a whole book on the life of her father.
24:00 And she said there was oftentimes
24:02 when they were doing Little House on the Prairie
24:05 or Touched by an Angel.
24:08 There was another one of those films he did.
24:10 I don't remember the name of it.
24:12 It was a television series.
24:14 And she said, "They would be struggling to get the script."
24:19 And he would take
24:20 a piece of paper or a pad of paper,
24:23 go into his bedroom and lock the door
24:26 and he would come out the next morning
24:28 with the entire script wrote, complete.
24:31 That's not possible.
24:33 I've done one script in my life
24:35 and it was unbelievably a long, hard haul
24:40 to put down those thoughts
24:42 in the order they're supposed to be in.
24:44 He did it in one night.
24:47 And he did it numerous times.
24:49 But he would go in there and he would speak with spirits
24:53 and they would give him the story.
24:57 I'm going to skip...
24:58 It was Little Joe Bonanza? Yes.
25:01 I'm going to skip this one.
25:03 I will tell you, I'm hoping that I'll be able to show it
25:06 later this week.
25:07 It's an interview from with Denzel Washington.
25:11 And the interview was done on 60 Minutes.
25:14 He said the exact same thing.
25:16 The interviewer was asking him,
25:18 "How did you play this part so well in this film."
25:23 And Denzel said, "I could never do that,
25:27 there's no way in the world
25:28 I could ever make a conscious decision
25:30 to act that part."
25:32 And he asked him, he said, "Well, how did you do that?"
25:34 This was a powerful scene.
25:37 He said, well, he said,
25:38 "I went into the room and got down on my knees
25:40 and I asked the spirits to come in."
25:44 He said, "When I got up, it wasn't me anymore."
25:50 And you can look that up online.
25:53 Revelation Chapter 18 says,
25:56 "After these things I saw
25:57 another angel come down from heaven,
26:00 having great power,
26:03 and the earth was lightened with his glory,
26:06 and he cried mightily with a strong voice."
26:09 That means a loud cry saying,
26:13 "Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen,
26:16 for she is become the habitation of devils."
26:23 There's two cities in scripture.
26:26 There's Jerusalem and there's Babylon.
26:30 Yes, they are literal cities.
26:32 But more importantly,
26:34 they are symbolic of God's people
26:37 and Satan's people.
26:40 Babylon has fallen
26:42 and become the habitation of devils,
26:45 "and the hold or stronghold of every foul spirit,
26:50 and a cage of every unclean and hate-filled bird.
26:54 And I heard another voice from heaven,
26:57 saying, 'Come out of her, my people,
27:00 that ye be not partakers of her sins,
27:03 and that ye receive not of her plagues.
27:06 For her sins have reached unto heaven,
27:10 and God hath remembered her iniquities.'"
27:15 Before our Savior returns,
27:18 every man, woman or child
27:21 on this earth will be possessed.
27:24 One hundred percent,
27:26 they will either be filled
27:27 with the Spirit of the Living God
27:30 or they will be the dwelling place of demons.
27:34 Now I grew up as a Christian,
27:36 as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian
27:38 and I kind of thought demon possession was, you know,
27:41 somebody's cutting themselves and they've got,
27:44 you know, tattoos all over their face
27:46 and they're throwing up and they're,
27:48 you know, acting crazy.
27:50 And then I read the story about Judas
27:53 that Ellen White wrote, and she said,
27:55 "Judas was possessed with a demon of selfishness."
28:00 Selfishness.
28:03 That's what caused him to lose his life.
28:08 And she said, "Christ did everything he could
28:11 to keep Judas close to Him to win his heart."
28:17 If Judas had surrendered,
28:19 Christ would have commanded that evil spirit to leave.
28:23 He would have evicted it.
28:25 But Judas wouldn't kneel.
28:28 And because of that, that spirit became stronger
28:31 and he brought other spirits in.
28:35 Something to make a note of it, says here about Babylon,
28:40 her sins have reached unto heaven
28:42 and God has remembered her iniquities.
28:47 If you look up the promise of the new covenant
28:51 in Jeremiah 31, and Hebrews 8, and Hebrews 10,
28:55 it tells us this is the covenant
28:57 I will make with the house of Israel.
29:00 That means those that have faith.
29:03 He said, "I will forgive your sins
29:07 and iniquities,
29:08 and I will remember them no more."
29:12 Babylon, their sins are remembered
29:16 because they have no faith.
29:18 They have no faith.
29:23 But Israel, it says in the Old Testament,
29:27 you will search for your iniquities
29:30 and they won't be found.
29:34 Amen.
29:36 And you know when that happened?
29:38 Two thousand years ago.
29:45 "The days in which we live are eventful and full of peril.
29:50 The signs of the coming of the end
29:52 are thickening all around us,
29:54 and events to come to pass
29:56 that will be of a more terrible character
29:59 than any of the world has yet witness.
30:02 For when they shall say, peace and safety,
30:06 then sudden destruction will come upon them
30:09 as a woman with child, and they shall not escape.
30:14 We are to realize that
30:15 the judgments of God are about to fall."
30:19 We're living in this time now.
30:21 It's not five years from now.
30:24 It's not, it's now.
30:27 "The judgments of God are about to fall upon the earth.
30:30 Solemn events before us are yet to transpire."
30:37 I want you to pay attention to this.
30:40 "They are yet to transpire."
30:42 Look at the next thing she says.
30:44 "Trumpet after trumpet is to be sounded."
30:50 This is not controversy.
30:52 I encourage you to do the research on your own.
30:55 There's other places where Ellen White says
30:57 the seven trumpets,
30:59 they were not fulfilled
31:01 a 150, 200, 300 years ago.
31:04 They are yet to sound.
31:07 When you look at the Old Testament,
31:11 the plan, the way of God's working
31:15 in the Old Testament,
31:17 He had certain special days on the calendar
31:21 that marked events.
31:22 You had Passover in the spring.
31:25 You had firstfruits which was three days after.
31:29 Then you had Pentecost, and then you had the summer,
31:33 and then you had trumpets,
31:36 Day of Atonement, tabernacles.
31:41 If you look at Day of Atonement,
31:44 we as Seventh-day Adventist,
31:46 we would call that close of probation
31:49 because on that day every case was decided
31:53 if you were a member of Israel, right?
31:57 Before the Day of Atonement happened,
32:01 10 days prior to it
32:04 God commanded them to blow trumpets
32:08 to warn the people and tell them to get ready.
32:14 When you look in Revelation at the trumpets,
32:17 almost every one of the trumpets it says
32:20 and men repented not.
32:23 That means they still had opportunity to repent.
32:27 God sends these trumpet judgments with mercy
32:31 because He's striving to win men's hearts
32:36 before the close of probation,
32:39 before that final day of decision is ended.
32:44 She says, "Trumpet after trumpet is to be sounded.
32:48 Vial after vial poured out one after another
32:51 upon the inhabitants of the earth,
32:54 and we should most earnestly present before the people
32:58 the warning that the Lord has commissioned us to give."
33:03 Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians,
33:06 "Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you,
33:09 I told you these things?
33:11 But now you know he that withholdeth
33:16 so that he might be unveiled in his time.
33:21 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work."
33:25 I don't want to spend a lot of time on this
33:27 'cause we've discussed this in some other messages.
33:30 But our current Bishop of Rome, Pope Francis,
33:37 you can do the research on your own,
33:41 his sister as well as many of the cardinals and bishops
33:46 when Pope Francis was elected to take that position,
33:50 he also went into a room and close the door alone.
33:55 And they said when he came out of the room,
34:00 he was a completely different man.
34:02 His sister's own words when she wrote about him.
34:06 She said, "I no longer know the man that is the pope."
34:10 She said, "You know, I love him, he's my brother."
34:13 She said, "But he's not the one that went into that room."
34:17 She said, "He was never charismatic.
34:19 And now he's kissing babies, and hugging people,
34:22 and playing contemporary Christian rock music,
34:26 and smiling, and laughing, and hugging.
34:29 She said, "He never would have done that."
34:32 Even the other bishops there in the Catholic Church said
34:36 a change happened
34:38 and it happened in that short time
34:40 he went into that room alone and closed that door.
34:44 Is it possible that something went in to him
34:50 for this last time?
34:54 "The message of Christ's righteousness
34:56 is to sound from one end of the earth to the other
35:00 to prepare the way of our Lord.
35:04 This is the glory of God,
35:07 which closes the work of the third angel."
35:10 Christ's righteousness,
35:13 the word righteousness we looked it up last night
35:16 and it literally means
35:18 holiness, purity, innocence, victory
35:24 and perfect righteousness, perfection.
35:29 Several have written to me inquiring
35:31 if the message of justification by faith
35:35 is the third angel's message.
35:36 They were struggling
35:38 because in many minds the third angel's message was,
35:41 we've got to warn the world about Babylon.
35:44 We've got to warn the world about the mark of the beast
35:47 and about who the pope is.
35:48 And that's true,
35:50 but it doesn't stop
35:52 on just a physical description.
35:57 What God was wanting to reveal to the world
36:01 was the righteousness
36:04 that we can have today
36:08 by faith in His promises,
36:10 by, we can have victory today.
36:13 He says that in Hebrews Chapter 3 and 4.
36:17 He says it in 2 Corinthians 6:2,
36:20 He says, "Today is the day of your salvation,
36:24 not next week,
36:27 not 10 years from now.
36:30 Today."
36:32 When those two men, the demoniacs of Ghidorah,
36:36 they came running down the beach at Jesus.
36:40 And Ellen White says that
36:41 when they were running toward him
36:43 the men that were in the backseat of that vehicle,
36:48 their body, the men that owned that body
36:52 they had been gagged and tied up
36:54 and they were in the backseat.
36:56 Demons, legions of fallen angels
36:59 had taken possession of these men
37:01 and they saw Jesus and they were like,
37:04 He can set us free.
37:05 And they ran towards Him in hope for freedom.
37:10 And it says that when they open their mouth to ask for help,
37:14 the demons spoke through them
37:16 rather than allowing them to speak, the demons did.
37:20 And Jesus saw what was happening.
37:24 And I want to tell you something.
37:26 Do you know those men asked Jesus,
37:27 they said, we want to go with you.
37:31 Jesus did not tell them.
37:33 You need to go home
37:34 and spend the next 12 months on Bible studies,
37:37 then come back and talk to me,
37:39 and we can ordain you
37:40 and then you can go out and start sharing the gospel.
37:44 Do you know what Jesus said?
37:46 Go now
37:48 and tell what great things God has done for you.
37:52 When He set them free,
37:54 it was not an evolutionary process.
37:58 The only reason it takes us time
38:03 for perfection of character
38:05 is because of the lack of our faith.
38:08 I know some men
38:10 that have struggled with cigarettes for 40 years
38:13 and they would surrender to Christ.
38:14 They would fight for one night on their knees
38:17 and they'd get up the next morning
38:19 and they never touched another cigarette.
38:22 One night and I know other people
38:24 that have spent 10 years battling
38:27 and still haven't got the victory.
38:29 Is the difference
38:30 because Christ power is less in person's life
38:34 or is it a matter of faith,
38:36 believing that God will do what He says.
38:41 Amen. It's faith.
38:44 When He told that man at the pool of Bethesda,
38:47 take up your bed and walk.
38:49 He didn't put him on a rehabilitation program.
38:53 I'm a firm believer in the health message.
38:55 I drink carrot juice every day.
38:57 I love to eat healthy.
39:00 But that's not the miracle of healing.
39:05 It's part of it.
39:08 But God says, "I speak righteousness."
39:12 Just like that man at the pool of Bethesda
39:14 had been laying there.
39:16 He spoke the word and the man believed it.
39:21 Remember that.
39:24 "Several have written to me, inquiring
39:26 if the message of justification by faith
39:29 is the third angel's message,
39:32 and I have answered,
39:34 'It is the third angel's message in verity!'
39:39 For the prophet declares,
39:41 'After these things
39:42 I saw another angel come down from heaven,
39:45 having great power,
39:48 and the earth was lightened with his glory!'"
39:53 I want to show you something.
39:55 They were asking is justification by faith,
39:59 is that the third angel's message?
40:02 When you look up the word justification,
40:04 and I'm going to show this over and over again
40:06 because it's that important.
40:09 It means to declare and render
40:12 innocent, just, clean, holy,
40:17 righteous, pure and perfect.
40:22 That's what justification is.
40:25 That thief on the cross, I can't tell you
40:28 how many Christians have written to me and said,
40:30 "Well, you've given me this list of things
40:32 that I have to do.
40:34 What about that thief on the cross?"
40:36 I'm not throwing out God's law.
40:40 But I'm encouraging us,
40:42 let's not put the cart in front of the horse.
40:47 Jesus came to set us free
40:50 so that we could live holy and righteous lives.
40:55 Because as long as you're in bondage to the old man,
41:00 you're going to work really hard
41:02 and still never make it.
41:05 You'll never achieve what you want.
41:09 That's what Nicodemus was battling with.
41:12 And Jesus said, "You have to be born again."
41:15 It's not you just having something else
41:17 to add to your list of do's and don'ts,
41:20 you have got to be begotten over again
41:25 by the Spirit of the living God.
41:27 And once your insides are changed,
41:30 the outside will delight to obey me.
41:35 In Romans Chapter 8,
41:37 Paul tells us the carnal mind is enmity against God.
41:43 It's not subject to the law of God
41:45 and neither indeed can it be.
41:49 When we have people that will call our house
41:52 and they're like, "I can't get my husband
41:54 to stop watching rated R movies.
41:56 I can't get my son or my grandson
41:58 to quit listening to rock and roll music.
42:00 And, you know, what can I do?"
42:02 And I'm like, the first thing you've got to ask is,
42:05 have they been born again?
42:07 Have they surrendered their lives to Christ?
42:11 Because if they have not done that
42:13 and all you're trying to do is fix the externals,
42:18 that's what the Pharisees did,
42:20 they washed the outside of the tombs
42:23 and inside it was full of dead men's bones.
42:29 That child, or that husband, or that wife,
42:32 or your brother, or sister, or mother, or father, if they,
42:36 if you go to them and say, you've got to stop eating pork
42:39 or you've got to start going to church on Saturday,
42:41 and they haven't been born again,
42:43 you know what they're thinking,
42:45 "Look, I'm already trying to do these nine
42:48 and you've just given me one more that I can't do,
42:50 I don't need more things to do.
42:53 I'm not doing well on the ones I've got.
42:57 The carnal mind is not subject to the law of God,
43:02 it can't be.
43:04 That's why the Bible says,
43:06 "Let this mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus."
43:11 There has to be a change inside
43:15 so that the outside will blossom
43:18 and produce the fruits of righteousness.
43:24 Listen to what the servant of the Lord says.
43:27 "As yet, we certainly have not seen the Light
43:32 that answers to this description.
43:35 God has Light for His people,
43:38 and all who will accept it
43:40 will see the sinfulness of remaining
43:43 in a lukewarm condition.
43:46 They will heed the counsel of the True Witness
43:49 when He says,
43:51 'Be zealous therefore, and repent.
43:56 Behold, I'm standing
43:58 at the door of your heart knocking,
44:01 and if any man will hear My voice,
44:05 My word and open the door,
44:09 I will come into you
44:11 and I will sup with you, and you with Me."
44:16 Do you know what that sup means?
44:18 It means He'll have dinner with you.
44:21 What does He feed us?
44:22 The bread of life.
44:24 He said, that's what John 6 was all about.
44:28 Eat my words, make them part of your life.
44:31 Satan is doing the exact same thing.
44:34 He told Eve at the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
44:39 If you will just eat of what I'm offering you,
44:44 then you'll be like God knowing good and evil.
44:48 He wanted them to partake of his words
44:52 and his spirit rather than the Spirit of the living God.
44:58 Serpent's whisper in the shadow of doubt.
45:02 The serpent's whisper.
45:04 This takes us back all the way to the very beginning,
45:08 and tomorrow evening and tonight,
45:10 but tomorrow evening especially,
45:12 we're going to bring together again
45:14 these pieces of the puzzle,
45:16 and we're going to show
45:18 how this relates to spiritual formation
45:20 in the emerging church.
45:22 We did some of that last night but tomorrow night especially.
45:26 But I want you to listen to what we're told.
45:31 What exactly is spiritual formation?
45:35 I have many people that will talk to me,
45:37 they'll meet at a conference or something and there'll say,
45:42 "I don't even know what it is.
45:44 What is spiritual formation?"
45:46 They know people say it's bad, but they don't know what it is.
45:50 And I have to admit, I knew it was bad.
45:54 I knew that you had this liberal theology
45:56 that was attached to it but I wondered, I was like,
46:00 "What does that mean?
46:01 Why does it have that name, spiritual formation?"
46:05 Here's a couple of colleges and universities
46:08 that are heavy promoters of this.
46:11 I don't want to name names,
46:12 but you can read those there for yourself.
46:16 It's in every denomination,
46:18 not just ours, it's everywhere.
46:23 When you see what the Apostle Paul says,
46:26 it makes this clear.
46:28 He says, "My little children
46:30 of whom I travail in birth again
46:35 until Christ be formed in you.
46:40 For we, brethren, just as Isaac was,
46:44 are the children of promise.
46:47 But as then he which was born after
46:51 or begotten by the flesh persecuted him
46:55 that was born by the Spirit, even so it is now."
47:01 Spiritual formation is forming a man or woman
47:06 into the image of God.
47:08 Do you remember what Satan said to Eve?
47:11 If you will obey,
47:13 if you'll listen to my words and eat of my words,
47:17 you will be like God's.
47:22 How much more like God could you be?
47:25 They were already made in His image.
47:28 Adam, Luke says, was the son of God by creation.
47:33 You can't be any more like God than to be His son or daughter.
47:39 But Satan said, "You're not really,
47:42 you're not really like God, taste and see,
47:47 try what I'm offering you and then you'll be like God."
47:51 The first sin that caused
47:54 the fall of the entire human race was doubting
47:58 who they were as sons and daughters
48:01 of the living God.
48:03 Do you know what the first temptation
48:05 that Christ faced in the wilderness was?
48:09 The exact same thing.
48:11 Satan came to him and Ellen White says,
48:14 "It's when Satan said if that
48:17 then Christ recognized who he was."
48:20 Satan appeared as an angel of light.
48:23 Christ did not recognize him until Satan started speaking.
48:28 And Satan told Christ, "If Thou be the Son of God,
48:33 command this stone to be made bread."
48:36 When he said if, Christ recognized this is him.
48:42 And he...
48:43 Amen. That's right.
48:45 When he came up out of the River Jordan
48:48 after being baptized,
48:50 his father had declared from heaven,
48:53 "Thou art My beloved Son, in Thee am I well pleased."
48:59 Christ had to walk by faith.
49:03 Now I want to encourage you with something
49:04 and I also want to challenge you.
49:06 Do you know what it says in 1 John?
49:09 It says, "Now are you the sons of God.
49:14 And it does not yet appear what we shall be like,
49:19 but we know that when he appears,
49:22 we will be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is."
49:28 We're not waiting for some day to become children of God.
49:32 And the word sons in Greek means children begotten,
49:36 so it means sons and daughters.
49:38 I'm not trying to pervert scripture but, I mean,
49:41 we can take that and know that we're on safe ground.
49:45 Man and woman. Mankind.
49:47 Mankind.
49:50 But it says now,
49:53 now, we are the children of God.
49:57 And then look what it says in John 1.
50:00 "Born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh,
50:06 nor of the will or power of man but of God."
50:12 I cannot tell you
50:14 how many Christians are striving with all their might
50:17 to achieve something
50:19 that's impossible for man to do.
50:22 You have to believe it.
50:24 And then it becomes yours.
50:27 That's called fighting the fight of faith.
50:31 You have to believe God's promise
50:34 and appropriate it as your own.
50:36 And when you take hold of that promise and you say,
50:39 "It's yay and amen in Christ Jesus.
50:43 I am His, He is mine, that promise is mine."
50:48 When you do that and you speak faith,
50:50 Ellen White says, "You will have faith."
50:54 And Hebrews 11 says,
50:55 "Faith is the very substance of the things
50:58 you have been given confidence and assurance of."
51:01 Amen. Amen.
51:06 To whom God would make known what is the riches,
51:11 the abundance of the glory of this mystery.
51:15 Remember, we talked about those two mysteries,
51:18 the mystery of godliness and the mystery of iniquity.
51:21 Paul is talking about the mystery of godliness here.
51:25 He says to us,
51:26 "To whom God would make known
51:29 what is the abundance of the glory of this mystery
51:34 among the gentiles.
51:36 Even that mystery
51:38 which hath been hidden from ages and from generations,
51:44 but now is made manifest to his saints.
51:48 Today, if you will but hear my voice
51:53 which is Christ in you, the hope of glory."
51:58 Every promise in Christ Jesus is yay and in Him, amen.
52:04 He says, if you only believe
52:07 and I can remember when I was battling to get free,
52:11 I told the Lord one day, it was like, I saw it, it says,
52:14 whosoever believes shall be saved.
52:17 And the word saved does not mean
52:19 you have a free ticket to get into heaven.
52:21 The word saved in Greek and Hebrew means
52:24 rescued, delivered, set free,
52:28 healed and made whole.
52:31 And I looked at that day
52:33 'cause I was crying out to God for freedom.
52:35 I mean, the martial arts and eastern mysticism was just,
52:39 that was just a tiny little part of the sins
52:43 I had been in bondage to.
52:45 Going through that divorce with my wife
52:47 and I committed adultery and I had,
52:49 I had baggage from all the way back
52:51 when I was a child.
52:53 And I was begging God,
52:55 "I need freedom, I need salvation."
53:00 And God told me, He said,
53:02 "You don't even know what the word saved means."
53:04 He said, "Look it up." And I looked it up.
53:06 And it said that
53:08 freedom, rescue, deliverance, healing
53:12 and to make you whole.
53:14 And I said, "GOD, there's five definitions.
53:16 Which one is right?"
53:18 And you know what He told me?
53:20 Which one do you need today?
53:24 Where are you? Do you need physical healing?
53:27 And you know what?
53:29 When He spoke that to me, I started that day,
53:32 I opened up the gospels,
53:34 I said, I'm not leaving the gospels.
53:36 I got a notepad out
53:38 and I just started reading the gospels
53:40 and I made a note every single time
53:44 I saw a captive set free,
53:46 I saw someone healed, I saw someone forgiven,
53:49 I saw a prostitute forgiven.
53:52 And I was like, God, you know, I committed adultery
53:55 but I've never charged somebody for it.
53:58 And God was like, I know, I can handle.
54:00 You don't have a sin that's bigger than Me.
54:05 And I made a note of every single time
54:09 Christ healed and set someone free.
54:13 And every time it was based on one thing.
54:16 Did they believe
54:18 what God had already promised to do?
54:22 And I told, I told the Lord, I said,
54:25 I'm there in the house by myself.
54:26 My wife is a school teacher,
54:28 my children are going to school.
54:29 And I looked up because I was so desperate.
54:33 I said, "How do I believe,
54:37 I can't even make myself believe."
54:41 Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word.
54:45 And the Lord Jesus Christ told me in Romans 10:17,
54:50 He said, "Eric, quit reading My Word silently in your head.
54:55 Start reading it out loud."
54:58 And I'll never forget the man
55:00 that first encouraged me to do that.
55:02 He was an older man of God.
55:03 I don't even know what church he went to
55:05 but I had called him on the phone
55:07 because I desperately needed help.
55:09 And he asked me that question.
55:11 He said, "Eric, when you read God's Word,
55:13 do you read it in your head or do you read it out loud?"
55:16 I said, "In my head."
55:18 He said, "When you pray,
55:19 do you pray only in your head or do you pray out loud?"
55:23 I said, "In my head."
55:25 And then he asked me a question I'll never forget.
55:26 He said, "Why?"
55:29 And I said, "I don't want the devil to hear me."
55:33 And you know what he said?
55:35 He said, "Do you think the devil is stronger
55:37 than the one you're praying to?"
55:40 And I went, "Oh, wow."
55:44 That was the last time
55:46 I worried about the devil hearing my prayers.
55:49 If I don't want the devil to hear what I'm saying,
55:51 you know what I do?
55:52 I say, Lord Jesus Christ,
55:54 I want this prayer to be between
55:57 me and you and my Father in heaven and that's it.
56:00 I ask You in Your name.
56:02 And Jesus said, "If you ask anything in My name,
56:04 I will do it."
56:06 Amen.
56:07 We don't fear the devil.
56:10 It doesn't mean we have to be arrogant and foolish.
56:13 But greater is He that is in us than he that is in this world.
56:18 And as I started reading His promises out loud,
56:23 faith grew like I have never...
56:27 I never could have imagined how much the faith grew.
56:30 And I still battle, I still have days
56:33 where I come under attack and my wife, I'll call her.
56:36 And when I'm having a bad day,
56:38 the Lord will have her on top of the mountain
56:40 and she'll say, "Let me pray with you, Eric."
56:42 And she'll speak those promises out loud
56:45 and she'll say,
56:47 "Don't speak the doubt, speak faith in His word."
56:50 And Ellen White said the same thing.
56:52 She said, "Don't talk about what the devil's done to you,
56:55 talk about the promises of your Savior
56:58 and your mighty God."
57:00 Amen. Amen.
57:03 Let's close with a word of prayer.
57:08 Father in heaven,
57:11 we thank You that You are not a man
57:13 that You should lie nor the son of man
57:15 that you should change Your mind.
57:18 Your word has gone forth
57:19 and it shall not return unto You void.
57:24 Father, You have spoken and You will make it good.
57:29 Father, You have told us through faith and patience,
57:32 we inherit the promises.
57:34 And, Father, we are going to do like Jacob did.
57:37 We are going to grab hold on your son and say,
57:42 "I will not let Thee go except Thou bless me,"
57:45 not because we are worthy but because He is worthy
57:50 and because You are faithful and cannot lie.
57:54 Father, we pray for every family and individual
57:56 that is represented here tonight.
57:59 Father, let us not only discern the evil
58:02 but most importantly,
58:04 let us see and know your power in our lives.


Revised 2019-02-11