Alpha & Omega: Spiritualism

The Roots of That Tree - Part 1 & 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AAO

Program Code: AAO000002A

00:09 Believe me, it's good to see everyone here again,
00:13 and we're going to pick up where we left off on our last,
00:18 you know, look at spiritual formation.
00:22 I encourage you as you're able to take notes.
00:25 This is something that is...
00:27 It's sweeping the Christian world right now
00:30 and few people realize the roots of this movement,
00:35 where it came from.
00:37 I know, you know, once we get through this
00:39 and we start in on our next part of the presentation,
00:43 you're going to be really startled
00:45 because we're going to bring it home to now,
00:48 to modern day.
00:49 So let's open with the word of prayer,
00:54 Father in Heaven,
00:58 our lives are in Your hands,
01:01 and, Father, we thank You that when You are in charge,
01:06 everything falls exactly where it's supposed to.
01:12 Father, teach us each day to trust in You,
01:16 keep us in perfect peace
01:18 because our minds are stayed and anchored in Thee.
01:24 Send Your holy angels, Lord Jesus Christ,
01:28 surround, protect, and strengthen us.
01:31 Reveal Your power and Your love in our lives.
01:35 In Jesus' name, we ask believing
01:39 and we thank You because You cannot lie.
01:42 Amen.
01:45 So we ended our last session
01:48 talking about Dr. Kellogg's wife,
01:52 Ella Eaton, and...
01:57 Her greatest spiritual influence was the Director
02:02 and President of the university,
02:05 Alford Center.
02:07 His name was Dr. Abram H Lewis
02:10 and Ella introduced this man because she held him
02:16 in such high regard to Dr. Kellogg.
02:19 She was anxious for the two of them to meet
02:21 because Kellogg was a brilliant,
02:24 you know, physician and this man was,
02:27 you know, in her eyes a very brilliant man of God.
02:36 Dr. Lewis who lived from 1836 to 1908
02:40 was an accomplished speaker.
02:43 He was also known as the voice
02:45 of the Seventh-day Baptist Church
02:47 and the author
02:49 of the denomination's leading periodical
02:51 called The Sabbath Recorder.
02:54 And when I was putting this presentation together,
02:57 I went online, that paper is still being produced today.
03:02 But back then, I don't think it's that way now,
03:05 but back then, it was known that
03:09 The Sabbath Recorder was steeped in pantheism,
03:13 in the doctor of pantheism.
03:16 Pantheism is the belief that God is in all things.
03:22 Some believe He's only in living things like,
03:26 you know, fruits, and vegetables,
03:27 and animals, and humans.
03:30 But others go even farther and they say that God
03:34 or deity is actually in everything,
03:37 whether it's alive or not alive,
03:39 it makes no difference.
03:42 According to Lewis,
03:43 he had experienced his own shaking of faith
03:48 while he was yet 17 years of age.
03:53 While he was yet only 17 years of age,
03:56 when under the influence of a brilliant skeptic
04:00 and physician, and through the rationalism...
04:05 I'm sorry, let me start that again.
04:07 And through the rationalism of this dangerous span,
04:10 the young Lewis reported
04:12 that he nearly lost all faith in the Bible
04:15 and Orthodox Christianity.
04:17 So Lewis's own writings,
04:20 he said this is what happened to him.
04:23 At 17 years of age,
04:25 he was introduced to this physician
04:27 and because of this physician's influence,
04:31 Lewis almost gave up God.
04:33 He actually had written
04:34 to the Seventh-day Baptist denomination
04:36 and asked them to remove his name from their books
04:39 because he said,
04:41 "I can't even profess to believe in God anymore."
04:44 And there was a pastor in the church who saw,
04:49 you know, God did not want to give up on Lewis
04:52 even though Lewis was about to give up on Him.
04:55 And he refused to remove his name from the books.
05:00 Dr. Lewis and his wife Melissa visited
05:03 and joined the Battle Creek Sanitarium
05:06 after hearing of the success of its many patients
05:10 in regaining their health.
05:12 And in 1895, Lewis and his wife Melissa
05:17 became honored guests at the Kellogg home.
05:20 I don't know how extensive the stay was,
05:23 if he was only there, you know, for a few weeks
05:26 or if they stayed for a prolonged visit,
05:30 but they regularly began visiting
05:32 and spending time together.
05:37 Kellogg greatly admired Lewis
05:39 and it is said that over the next two years,
05:42 he received and read every issue
05:45 of Lewis's publication, The Sabbath Recorder.
05:49 Now remember, that publication was steeped in pantheism.
05:55 But it was worded in such a way
05:59 that you couldn't put your finger on it.
06:02 And there's a reason why Ellen White even said,
06:04 she said, "We have got to be very careful
06:07 when we're talking about pantheism."
06:10 She said, "Because..."
06:11 And I had to learn this,
06:13 there were many things I was doing
06:15 where I would wind up quoting all of these pantheists,
06:19 and then I would sit back, and I would realize,
06:22 I've got to go get on my knees and pray
06:25 because as I was quoting these people,
06:27 when I was writing,
06:30 the influence that had influenced them
06:33 began to try to influence my thoughts.
06:36 And I would have to step back and say,
06:39 go open God's Word and claim the blood of Christ.
06:43 So even in these presentations and these messages,
06:46 I'm trying to be very careful on what we quote.
06:52 Although Dr. Kellogg had been entertaining
06:55 the potential of these
06:57 pantheistic theories as new light,
07:00 since before James White's death in 1881,
07:04 it was not until the pre-conference talks
07:07 held at the Ministerial Institute in Lincoln,
07:11 Nebraska in 1897 that he made these views public.
07:16 At this conference, at the pre-conference talks,
07:21 he and some of the other men were having discussions,
07:24 and he began to publicly come out in the open
07:28 with what he believed.
07:30 And unfortunately, because of arrogance and pride
07:34 that had somehow found its way into his life,
07:38 he was unwilling to yield even when Sister White
07:43 and other men and women of God had warned him
07:47 that the path he was on was dangerous.
07:51 His first presentation
07:53 that was given at that conference
07:55 was given on February 16th
07:57 and it was titled God in Nature,
08:00 in which he drew heavily upon the statements
08:03 from the pen of Ellen White,
08:05 taking them out of context in order to lay a foundation
08:08 for the messages that followed.
08:11 There's places where Ellen White
08:12 will talk about how God's power
08:16 can be seen in every created thing,
08:20 that the law of God,
08:21 His character can be revealed in every created thing.
08:27 But it doesn't say that God was in every living thing.
08:31 So Kellogg under the influence of the enemy
08:36 began to see these statements in a false light
08:40 and he quoted extensively from her
08:43 in that first presentation.
08:45 Kellogg's second message was titled God in Man.
08:49 And it was here that the first hints
08:52 of an iceberg were revealed.
08:58 This is a quote from Kellogg,
09:02 "Gravitation acts instantaneously
09:05 throughout all space.
09:07 By this mysterious force of gravitation,
09:11 the whole universe is held together
09:14 in a bond of unity.
09:16 We have here the evidence
09:18 of a universal Presence,
09:24 an intelligent Presence, an all-wise Presence,
09:29 and an all-powerful Presence."
09:32 He's talking about gravitation.
09:34 You jump off the house, you fall.
09:37 He said, "There's a presence
09:39 there within this law of gravity."
09:44 "A presence by the aid of which
09:47 every atom of the universe is kept in touch
09:53 with every other atom.
09:55 This force that holds all things together,
09:58 and that is everywhere present,
10:01 thrills throughout the whole universe
10:03 and acts instantaneously throughout boundless space.
10:09 This intelligence can be nothing else than God Himself."
10:14 And then Kellogg went on to say,
10:17 "What a wonderful thought that this same God is in us
10:22 and in everything."
10:30 William Spicer, he was a missionary,
10:34 did not even know he had any involvement in this,
10:37 and I bought one of his books recently
10:40 and great missionary stories.
10:45 He was serving as a missionary in Southern Asia
10:48 and he was the Editor of our publication
10:50 called The Oriental Watchmen.
10:53 He had been well acquainted
10:55 with the Hindu teachings of pantheism
10:57 through his work as a missionary there in Asia.
11:01 A lot of people don't realize this
11:03 but when I was in the martial arts,
11:07 I began in the Chinese art of kung fu.
11:10 And in my mind, growing up in those arts,
11:14 you know, from the age 14 onward,
11:17 I had in my mind that,
11:20 you know, the grandmasters, it's all about China.
11:23 And the last grandmaster I trained under,
11:26 I remember the first time
11:27 that I went to visit him at his home,
11:29 he had a training facility there at his home.
11:32 And I remember after we finished training,
11:35 he asked me to come in,
11:36 if I wanted to get something to eat.
11:37 And we went into his home
11:39 and on almost every wall in that home,
11:44 there were these huge tapestries.
11:48 And I expected to see Chinese everything
11:52 'cause this man was a grandmaster
11:54 in Shaolin Kung Fu.
11:56 When I got inside there, every one of the tapestries...
12:01 were of Hindu gods.
12:05 And it was like, I remember going home that day
12:07 thinking Shaolin Kung Fu,
12:10 Hinduism, why does he have these Hindu gods
12:14 on all the walls of his house, if he's a Shaolin grandmaster.
12:18 At that point, I still had not done enough research
12:21 to know that everything in China came from India.
12:26 India is where Hinduism spread out.
12:30 When it went to China, they had to modify Hinduism
12:35 because the Chinese people, their culture was different.
12:39 So it's like Christianity
12:40 but you've got all these different denominations.
12:43 That's what happened to Hinduism.
12:45 Hinduism became Buddhism in China
12:49 and they called it Chan Buddhism.
12:52 In Japan, they called the same art Zen Buddhism.
12:57 But all of its roots go back to the Hindu god of India,
13:02 the Hindu religion.
13:06 It says, he had become well acquainted
13:08 with the Hindu teachings of pantheism.
13:11 However upon returning to Battle Creek in 1901,
13:15 he was shocked to discover that the same religious principles
13:21 and errors that were now being espoused
13:25 and advocated by Dr. Kellogg and his followers.
13:29 He was hearing Kellogg and some of the men
13:32 that had fallen under Kellogg's influence
13:34 and he was thinking,
13:36 "I just got back from India, this is the same thing
13:39 their religion is saying."
13:44 Writing of a conversation which he and Dr. Kellogg held
13:48 after his return to America, Spicer writes,
13:51 and this is a quote,
13:53 "By any understanding I had of language,
13:56 I was listening to the ideas of the pantheistic philosophy
14:01 that I had met with in India.
14:04 In fact, I was told by Kellogg that pure pantheism
14:11 as the early teachers conceived it was indeed right.
14:21 That God was in the things of nature,
14:26 a personality was in every blade of grass
14:33 and every plant."
14:38 It's important to make a note of this.
14:40 I don't have this quote on screen.
14:42 But Sister White made a statement.
14:44 She said, "We are not to concern ourselves
14:49 with identifying
14:55 or understanding the presence
14:59 and personality of God."
15:02 She said, "Silence is eloquence."
15:06 It means, we know God has a form
15:09 because we were made in His image,
15:12 we know He was in heaven, His Son,
15:15 His only begotten Son was in the water in Jordan
15:19 and when Christ came up out of the water,
15:23 and the heavens were opened, and God spoke, and said,
15:27 "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."
15:31 God sent His Spirit upon His Son
15:36 in the form of a dove.
15:39 We have never been told that we need to comprehend
15:43 or understand that.
15:45 Ellen White said, "It's a matter of faith."
15:49 Right now within our own church,
15:51 and I'm not even going to get into this,
15:53 but there's a huge conflict going on over the personality
15:58 and the presence of God.
16:00 Let me tell you something...
16:02 And I didn't have any intention even bringing this up.
16:06 Every Seventh-day Sabbath keeping Christian
16:09 in the world is going to have conflict soon.
16:16 The entire world is going to come against us.
16:19 We don't need to be divided over things
16:22 that God said are not essential for our salvation.
16:28 And that means...
16:29 And I've got friends that are on one side
16:31 and I've got friends that are on the other
16:33 and I'm like, "Guys,
16:35 this person is addicted to drugs,
16:37 this person's addicted to pornography.
16:39 This person's got a father that beat him
16:42 when they were a child.
16:44 This person was abused by their uncle
16:46 when they were a child.
16:47 This person's about to go through a divorce.
16:51 Why don't we focus on setting the captives free?
16:56 Why don't we put our focus on the things
16:59 that matter the most?"
17:07 We just read that quote from Kellogg
17:12 and what Elder Spicer said, now listen to this quote.
17:16 This is a Hindu guru.
17:19 He says, "Each soul is potentially divine."
17:23 And I'm going to be careful
17:25 'cause we know the Bible says in 2 Peter 1:4
17:28 that "By God's promises,
17:30 we are made partakers of," what?
17:34 "The divine nature."
17:37 Remember that word, I told you, make a note of that,
17:40 that's important, that word "nature."
17:43 Nature doesn't mean just character.
17:47 It's not the same word.
17:49 Character and nature...
17:52 Nature can include parts of character,
17:56 but they're not the same.
17:58 You could have two dogs,
18:01 brother and sister or two brothers,
18:05 they were born from the same mother dog.
18:09 One of them lives over here across the road,
18:11 they have to keep him caged up, he's mean, and vicious,
18:15 and angry, and ugly.
18:17 This one over here would go home with the mailman,
18:20 if you let him.
18:23 They both have canine nature.
18:27 But they have two different characters.
18:30 Do you understand?
18:31 Nature and character are not the same thing.
18:39 I want to throw this in
18:41 because this is something
18:42 we're going to talk about at the end.
18:45 The Bible says, "God alone has immortality."
18:49 Right?
18:51 What does immortality mean?
18:53 You can't die. You can't die.
18:57 The word God in Greek is Theos.
19:00 That's the Greek word, in Strong's Concordance.
19:04 Do you know what the definition is?
19:05 It has two definitions, only two, deity and divinity.
19:14 The 144,000, they won't die, will they?
19:20 Will they?
19:23 Do you know why?
19:26 Because they have been made partakers of the divine nature.
19:31 Through faith and obedience,
19:33 death has no dominion over them.
19:39 They perfectly reflect the character of Christ
19:45 and they have been made by faith partakers
19:49 of His very nature, not just His character.
19:58 He says, "Each soul is potentially divine."
20:01 You see how two paths running side-by-side?
20:05 She said, "You can hardly distinguish
20:07 the truth from the error until you get to the end."
20:12 Because the farther you go down that path,
20:14 it starts one inch off here but a 100 yards out,
20:18 it's 25 feet off.
20:20 Do you understand?
20:22 "The goal is to manifest this divinity
20:26 within inwardly by controlling nature,
20:32 nature, external nature,"
20:35 that means your flesh, "and internal nature.
20:40 Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control,
20:47 or philosophy.
20:49 By one or more or all of these, and be free...
20:54 This is the whole of religion."
20:56 That's what the Hindus say.
21:01 Now let me show you the same Hindu teaching
21:04 in a modern context.
21:07 How many people here have ever heard of the movie,
21:09 the film series, Star Wars?
21:12 Disney just bought all the rights,
21:14 you know, two years ago, I think, three years ago.
21:18 George Lucas,
21:19 those movies have done more to affect people
21:23 for unrighteousness than probably any other thing
21:27 that's ever been put out.
21:29 Because originally, he said they were supposed to be
21:32 children's movies but now it's like,
21:35 there's a whole generation since 1970
21:38 something when the first film came out,
21:40 that they're enthralled by the story.
21:44 This is out of episode five,
21:46 listen to what it said here by this little green creature,
21:49 who sort of looks like a demon, to his apprentice.
21:53 He says, "My ally is "the Force,"
21:56 life breeds it, makes it grow, its energy surrounds us
22:01 and binds us.
22:03 Luminous beings we are, not this crude matter."
22:08 And then he tells Luke,
22:11 "You must feel the force around you, Luke,
22:15 between you and me,
22:18 the tree, the ship, the rock."
22:23 He was saying the exact same thing.
22:26 And when you watch some of the other series
22:29 that we've done on this, we quote Lucas.
22:31 Lucas got every bit of this from Hinduism and Buddhism.
22:36 He said, "This is what I was trying to teach."
22:43 "The first printing of Kellogg's Living Temple
22:46 was in 1903,
22:48 and of this danger
22:49 God's people had been warned..."
22:53 Ellen White says,
22:54 "There is a class of literature,
22:56 more defiling than leprosy,
22:59 and more deadly than the plagues of Egypt,
23:02 against which our publishing houses
23:05 need unceasingly to guard.
23:10 In accepting commercial work,
23:13 let them beware lest matters
23:16 presenting the very science of Satan
23:19 be admitted into our institutions.
23:23 Let not work setting forth the soul-destroying theories
23:28 of hypnotism, spiritualism, Romanism,
23:33 or other mysteries of iniquity
23:35 find a place in our publishing houses."
23:39 Now I'm going to introduce something here, just a thought.
23:43 It says hypnotism.
23:45 Most people think of hypnotism of,
23:48 you know, I'm dangling some trinket on a chain
23:52 and I get you to fall into a sleep
23:54 or I flash a light or something in order
23:57 to take over your conscious mind.
24:02 The first case of hypnotism, Ellen White says,
24:07 happened in Eden.
24:10 And she said, "Satan sought to exercise
24:15 that same power
24:18 over our Savior in the wilderness
24:21 when he was tempting him."
24:23 And when I read that, I thought, my first thought,
24:27 I hate to say it, it was ignorance.
24:29 I thought, "How in the world did the devil think
24:32 for a moment he was going to hypnotize Christ?"
24:34 I mean, really?
24:37 And then the Lord spoke to me and He was like,
24:39 "Eric, don't forget about NLP."
24:42 And we're not going to do a session on that
24:44 but NLP, it's Neuro Linguistic Programming.
24:48 I heard about that 20 years ago.
24:51 People were really warning people in our church
24:54 as well as other churches, this is coming in.
24:58 I didn't realize that almost
25:00 every college and university in America,
25:04 secular colleges, you go online and find out
25:08 almost every one of them offer courses in NLP.
25:12 Do you know why?
25:14 Because they're teaching corporate America
25:17 to use NLP to influence all the workers
25:21 in their corporation and then their...
25:24 whatever their business is.
25:26 They are teaching pastors how to do it,
25:28 to influence their congregations.
25:31 They are teaching professors how to use it,
25:35 so that they can influence a 150 students in a class
25:39 without having to dangle something.
25:44 NLP works because you get the other person
25:49 into dialogue and conversation.
25:53 And then you take what they're responding with,
25:57 and you turn it just a little bit,
26:00 and then you lead them to say things
26:03 that they never had any intention of saying.
26:06 You enter into their mind.
26:09 For that reason, Ellen White said,
26:11 "Christ would not enter into conversation with Satan.
26:16 When Satan came to tempt Him,"
26:18 she said, "He knew he's trying to use that same power on Me
26:24 that he did on Adam and Eve."
26:27 So he would not enter into conversation.
26:29 Do you know what He did?
26:31 "Thus saith the Lord.
26:34 It is written."
26:35 Period.
26:37 Not written in a book,
26:38 I'm not saying that the book doesn't matter,
26:41 but where does the Bible say God's Word
26:42 is supposed to be written?
26:45 And that promise he has given us,
26:48 "I will write My law
26:50 in your hearts and in your minds,
26:52 not with ink
26:58 Not on tables of stone
27:02 but in the fleshly tables of your heart,"
27:04 2 Corinthians 3: 3.
27:07 A lot of times we look at God's law and we say,
27:10 "It was written on tables of stone
27:12 'cause it will stand forever."
27:13 It didn't stand for 40 days.
27:15 Have you ever thought about that?
27:18 God wrote it with His own finger
27:19 on tables of stone,
27:21 how long did it last before it was broken?
27:24 Forty days.
27:25 Moses came down, they were already in apostasy,
27:29 and he broke them, and God was like,
27:31 "Bring them back up,
27:32 you know, I'll come back up here,
27:34 I'll write them again."
27:36 Zechariah Chapter...
27:38 I think it's Chapter 7,
27:39 actually it says why God wrote them on stone.
27:42 He said, "Because you had made your hearts
27:44 like an adamant stone."
27:47 That's why Ezekiel 36 says,
27:49 "I'm going to have to take out your heart of stone,
27:52 and give you a heart of flesh,
27:54 and then I will write My law on a heart that is surrendered
28:00 and loves Me."
28:02 That's what changes you.
28:09 "Today, they are coming in to educational institutions
28:13 and into the churches
28:14 everywhere spiritualistic teachings
28:17 that undermine faith in God and in His Word.
28:23 The theory that God is an essence," or an energy,
28:27 "pervading all nature is received by many
28:31 who profess to believe the Scriptures.
28:34 These beautiful representations are similar to the temptation
28:39 that the enemy brought to Adam and Eve in Eden.
28:44 But however beautifully clothed,
28:47 this theory is a most dangerous deception.
28:55 This theory surely tends not only to mislead,
29:01 but to debase men.
29:04 Darkness is its element, sensuality its sphere.
29:08 The result of accepting it is separation from God.
29:14 And to fallen human nature this means ruin...
29:20 Living Temple contains the Alpha of these theories.
29:25 The Omega would follow in a little while,
29:28 and I tremble for our people..."
29:34 She said what was revealed to her in Living Temple,
29:39 what Kellogg was writing about was the Alpha,
29:43 the beginning.
29:45 It contained this idea that God was in everything.
29:50 And she said, "This was dangerous enough,"
29:55 she said, "What would come in the end
29:59 was even more dangerous."
30:01 She said, "I tremble for our people,
30:03 the deception is going to be that great."
30:07 I want to show you a little bit of how that's about to happen,
30:11 how it's happening now.
30:15 "Satan has long been preparing
30:18 for his final effort to deceive the world.
30:21 The foundation of his work was laid by the assurance
30:25 given to Eve in Eden, 'You shall not surely die...'
30:30 for 'in the day ye eat thereof,
30:33 your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods..."'
30:38 Give me another word for your eyes shall be opened,
30:43 enlightened, enlightenment.
30:46 That phrase "enlightenment,"
30:48 you can find in all the occult societies,
30:51 all the Eastern mystical religions
30:53 and philosophies.
30:55 To enlighten someone.
31:00 He says, "For the day ye eat thereof,
31:03 your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods,"
31:08 knowing both good and evil.
31:11 I used to think Satan was telling Adam and Eve,
31:14 "You're going to be gods,"
31:16 literally, and that was as far as it went.
31:19 And it hit me,
31:21 how much more like God can you be
31:23 than Adam and Eve was.
31:26 What was it like the day that Adam first opened his eyes
31:30 after Christ had formed him
31:32 with His own hands out of the dirt and the clay?
31:37 And then Christ did mouth-to-mouth,
31:40 if you want, you know, to look at it that way.
31:43 He breathed into Adam, the breath of life.
31:48 And Adam opened his eyes.
31:52 What did Jesus say to him?
31:55 Do you know what Luke says when it speaks about
31:58 the lineage of Jesus?
31:59 It traces it from Jesus all the way back in Luke
32:04 through Mary's lineage,
32:06 all the way back from Jesus to Adam.
32:11 The last statement it says is,
32:13 "And Adam was the Son of God."
32:18 Adam...
32:20 And this is my sanctified thoughts, okay?
32:23 These are my thoughts.
32:25 Adam opened his eyes and he's like...
32:27 What do you do when you wake up?
32:28 'Cause he woke up as a full-grown mature man,
32:32 not as an infant like we do, right?
32:36 What thoughts were going through his mind?
32:39 Can you imagine that?
32:42 And there's Jesus.
32:44 And He said, "You're My son.
32:49 I created you.
32:52 I'm your elder brother.
32:57 You are a son of God
33:00 by creation."
33:04 How much more like God could you be?
33:08 But Satan said something, "If you eat of this fruit...
33:12 if you taste
33:15 of what I'm telling you and you try it,
33:19 you can't just look at the food,
33:21 you've got to taste it.
33:23 If you'll try what I'm telling you to do,
33:26 you will be as gods."
33:28 And then he said, "Knowing both good and evil."
33:32 The word "knowing" means discerning for yourself.
33:36 And I went back and I read Patriarchs
33:38 and Prophets Chapter 1.
33:40 And do you know what Satan said?
33:44 He said, "I don't need God's divine influence,
33:49 I don't need you whispering in my ear
33:51 what's right and wrong.
33:53 You made me holy,
33:55 I can no more sin than you can sin.
33:59 Let go of my hand, daddy, I can do it for myself."
34:03 That's what Satan said,
34:06 "I can decide for myself what's right and wrong,
34:09 I don't need you telling me what's right and wrong."
34:13 That's the same thing he told the children of Israel,
34:16 "You don't need God's law
34:18 to tell you what's right and wrong,
34:20 you can decide for yourself.
34:22 I mean, you all are grownups, you can make your own mind up."
34:26 He's telling the world the same thing.
34:30 "Little by little Satan has prepared the way
34:34 for his masterpiece of deception
34:37 in the development of spiritualism."
34:40 His masterpiece of deception,
34:44 the greatest deception
34:45 that mankind is ever going to face.
34:50 "He has not yet reached
34:52 the full accomplishment of his designs
34:56 but it will be reached
34:59 in the last remnant of time."
35:04 That's where we're going with this.
35:07 You want to know what's at the end of the story,
35:10 that's where this is going,
35:12 that's where we're going to go in these messages.
35:15 We're going to show not only what Satan is going to do
35:18 through this last great deception,
35:20 but we're going to show what God is going to do
35:23 among His people.
35:25 Amen. Amen.
35:29 "The period of Christ's personal ministry
35:32 among men was the time of greatest activity
35:35 for the forces of the kingdom of darkness.
35:38 New life, and love,
35:40 and power from heaven were moving
35:43 upon the hearts of men."
35:47 Now I want you to think about this for a moment.
35:50 In Proverbs, God tells us,
35:52 "My son, My daughter, give Me your heart."
35:57 He doesn't say,
35:58 "Just give Me your mind, your intellect."
36:01 Yes, He wants the intellect but He says,
36:03 "Give Me your heart."
36:05 That means your affections, your loyalty.
36:10 I want this, this is the throne.
36:18 "And the prince of evil was aroused to contend
36:21 for the supremacy of his kingdom.
36:25 Satan summoned all his forces,
36:28 and at every step he contested the work of Christ."
36:33 Ellen White says,
36:35 "He was instilling
36:36 within men doubt," doubt.
36:43 "So it will be in the great final conflict
36:46 of the controversy between righteousness and sin.
36:50 While new life and light and power are descending
36:53 from on high upon the disciples of Christ,
36:57 a new life is springing up from beneath...
37:02 energizing the agencies of Satan.
37:05 Intensity is taking possession..."
37:10 That's not just...
37:12 She didn't use these words
37:15 just because they were good words.
37:18 There's a meaning there.
37:20 "Intensity is taking possession of every earthly element.
37:27 With a subtlety gained
37:28 through the centuries of conflict,
37:30 the prince of evil works under a disguise.
37:35 He appears clothed as an angel of light,
37:39 and multitudes are 'giving heed to seducing spirits,
37:43 and the doctrines and teachings of devils."'
37:48 Now I want to look at a quote,
37:50 and I know most of you are familiar with this.
37:54 "When Protestantism shall stretch her hand
37:57 across the gulf to grasp the hand
38:01 of the Roman power.
38:04 When she shall reach
38:05 over the abyss to clasp hands with spiritualism...
38:12 When, under the influence of this threefold union,
38:15 our country shall make provision
38:18 for the propagation," or spread,
38:21 "of papal falsehoods and delusions...
38:23 Then we may know that the time has come
38:27 for the marvelous working of Satan
38:30 and that the end is near."
38:33 Growing up as a Seventh-day Adventist,
38:37 I can see the Protestant churches of America
38:40 clasping hands with Rome.
38:42 Our own church has done that for years.
38:45 I mean, you can see it.
38:48 You see leaders in our church going and shaking hands
38:53 with the UN director,
38:54 and shaking hands with the Pope,
38:57 and shaking hands with, you know,
38:59 different papal leaders.
39:01 So I could see us shaking hands...
39:04 That's literal.
39:06 But I thought spiritualism,
39:09 my mind says spiritualism
39:11 is the state of the dead, right?
39:13 That's how I grew up being taught,
39:15 spiritualism is...
39:17 Grandma really died, she's really dead,
39:19 the dead know not anything.
39:22 That's spiritualism.
39:24 And I thought, "How do we shake hands
39:26 with spiritualism?"
39:28 Because even in the churches that are in apostasy,
39:31 I haven't yet seen a Seventh-day Adventist Church
39:35 that's teaching that when grandpa or grandma die,
39:38 they go straight to heaven or hell.
39:40 I haven't seen that yet.
39:41 I've seen some really bad stuff,
39:43 but I haven't seen that one.
39:46 How do we shake hands with spiritualism?
39:52 It hit me.
39:54 Here we see modern Protestantism,
39:59 evangelicals shaking hands with Rome.
40:03 Here we see Rome
40:07 shaking hands with spiritualism.
40:11 The dragon in Revelation, yes it represents Satan.
40:15 But on a physical level,
40:17 it also is the symbol of Eastern mysticism.
40:22 If you go to a Chinese restaurant,
40:24 I guarantee you're going to see a dragon over the doorway,
40:28 somewhere in the house.
40:29 Do you know why?
40:30 Because when they put that over the doorway,
40:32 it's like it's being put upon your head,
40:34 your forehead.
40:36 They're saying this is who empowers
40:38 and blesses this business.
40:40 If you go into any martial arts school,
40:42 you're going to see a dragon, almost guaranteed,
40:45 either a painting, or a picture,
40:47 or on a t-shirt, or on a uniform
40:50 because that is the highest power known
40:54 in the martial arts world, the dragon.
40:58 In Chinese Qigong and Chinese Bagua,
41:02 in Tai Chi,
41:04 the dragon is known as the spirit power,
41:09 the greatest spiritual power.
41:11 So how do you get if we...
41:15 If I was Rome, if I was the symbol for Rome
41:18 and I get all of those Protestants
41:21 to come on board with me
41:22 except for that little remnant of people
41:24 that are keeping the Sabbath, okay, so fine,
41:27 you got the Christians,
41:28 what about the Buddhists and the Hindus?
41:31 They outnumber the Christians unbelievably.
41:35 How do you get them to come to Rome?
41:37 I mean, they could care less about the Pope, right?
41:41 How do you get them there?
41:43 What about the Muslim world?
41:45 How are you going to get all those Muslims back to Rome?
41:48 Well, that's a little easier than the Buddhists and Hindus.
41:52 You have to find common ground.
41:57 Spiritualism saying that God is in everything
42:02 is common ground with the Buddhists,
42:05 and the Hindus, and the Taoist, and the Shinto religion.
42:09 It's common ground.
42:12 Rome is joining the world together.
42:21 Revelation 16 says,
42:23 "I saw three unclean spirits like frogs..."
42:29 What is the common thing
42:31 that you think about with a frog?
42:32 If you ask a little child,
42:34 "Show me what a frog does or what they look like,"
42:36 what's the child going to do?
42:38 They stick their tongue out.
42:39 That's like common.
42:41 They hop and they stick the tongue out.
42:45 The tongue is tongues.
42:48 When you say you speak in tongues,
42:50 we know that is words, languages, right?
42:56 "I saw three unclean spirits like frogs,"
43:01 tongues, languages, words,
43:05 Jesus said, "The words I speak unto you,
43:07 they are spirit and they are life."
43:11 When the devil speaks words,
43:14 there are spirits that are inspiring those words.
43:20 "These spirits came out of the mouth of dragon,"
43:24 out of the mouth of the dragon, spiritualism,
43:27 "out of the mouth of the beast,"
43:28 Roman Catholicism,
43:30 "and out of the mouth of the false prophet,"
43:33 apostate Protestantism.
43:36 These three powers are all speaking
43:40 under the inspiration of Satan and his fallen angels.
43:45 "For they are the spirits of devils working miracles,
43:49 which go forth unto the kings of the earth
43:51 and the whole world to gather them
43:54 to the battle of the great day
43:57 of El Shaddai, God Almighty."
44:02 He's gathering them together to make war with him
44:06 that sits upon the horse.
44:11 Spiritism, it means the study of communication
44:15 with spirit entities.
44:16 And we talked about this in our last session.
44:19 It was introduced into the Christian West
44:21 by a man named Allen Kardec,
44:24 who lived from 1804 to 1869.
44:29 Spiritualism, which Ellen White uses these two phrases
44:34 interchangeably many times,
44:38 the practice of communicating with the dead,
44:42 usually through the use of a medium or channel.
44:47 Now I want to interject something,
44:50 just some food for thought
44:51 'cause we can't pass over these things lightly.
44:55 When my wife and I first got married,
44:59 we were on fire for sharing the gospel,
45:02 for helping people to know Christ is coming.
45:05 So we would, you know, we would meet somebody
45:07 and invite them over for Bible study
45:09 or ask if we could come over and they'd say,
45:12 "Oh, I would love that, you know, I'm a Christian too."
45:14 And so we set up a time,
45:16 we could have dinner or whatever,
45:18 and my wife and I would go home,
45:19 and we would pull out our list,
45:21 "Okay, what Bible studies do we do?"
45:25 Okay, here's one, two, three, four, five...
45:26 Here's ten of the things they don't know about.
45:30 Well, within those top five,
45:32 it's always the state of the dead, right?
45:35 That's common.
45:36 You hit people with that.
45:39 What I have realized over the last few years is,
45:44 if that person is struggling with sin in their life,
45:48 what difference does it make now
45:51 where grandma is at?
45:54 I'm not saying that it's not important,
45:56 but this person's got a bigger issue.
45:58 This woman, her husband
46:00 just left her and their children,
46:03 and I come, and I'm going to give her
46:04 a Bible study on the state of the dead.
46:06 And she's thinking, "My husband's gone.
46:10 I need help with that."
46:13 I'm not saying that the truth is not important.
46:16 Do you understand?
46:18 But there's a greater truth.
46:21 Ellen White said that every doctrine we have,
46:25 Christ should be the center of it.
46:27 And I was like, "So how do you do that?"
46:30 And then I read some sermons by WW Prescott
46:34 that he gave in Australia in 1895,
46:37 and it changed my life.
46:39 Ellen White was there.
46:40 He spoke more than 30 times at that one camp-meeting,
46:43 more than 30 messages.
46:46 And she said, "I have never seen
46:48 the Spirit of God upon a man like this since 1888."
46:53 And do you know what he did?
46:54 He presented every truth and doctrine
46:57 we have without ever telling you
47:00 he was teaching a doctrine.
47:02 He presented Christ.
47:04 And I'll give you an example.
47:06 State of the dead.
47:10 If I tell someone,
47:11 "You were crucified with Christ,"
47:13 and they say, "Yeah, but I wasn't even alive."
47:15 "Yeah, but you were in Him, you were crucified with Christ,
47:20 you were buried by baptism with Christ,
47:24 you are risen to newness of life in Christ."
47:29 And they say,
47:31 "Well, yeah, but I've got this sin problem
47:33 that I can't get rid of."
47:34 And you go, "Well, the Bible says,
47:36 'If any man or woman is in Christ,
47:39 they are a new creation."'
47:42 Old things are passed away,
47:48 that's dead.
47:50 Grandma passed away, grandpa passed away,
47:53 rest in peace.
47:55 And the dead know not anything.
47:58 That means,
48:00 if I'm still talking to the old man,
48:04 the one that had left his wife and children
48:07 and done all the terrible things I had done,
48:10 if I'm still communicating with him,
48:12 that's spiritualism
48:15 because he died with Christ.
48:19 Paul says, "Forgetting those things
48:22 that are behind,
48:23 we are to press forward."
48:28 We have to reckon ourselves
48:30 to be dead indeed unto sin
48:34 but alive unto God through Christ Jesus.
48:39 When you share that with someone who's struggling,
48:42 then all of a sudden they're excited and they go,
48:45 "Man, I never thought about that.
48:48 I did die with Jesus, the Bible says..."
48:50 "Yeah, but I don't feel dead."
48:51 It doesn't matter how you feel,
48:54 believe it and walk in newness of life
48:58 because God's called you to do so.
49:01 And then you can go,
49:02 "Oh, yeah, by the way, if you're worried about
49:04 what happened to your son or daughter,
49:06 you know, look this is what the Bible says."
49:08 Then it becomes important to them.
49:16 "As we near the close of time,
49:18 there will be greater
49:20 and still greater external parade
49:23 of heathen power."
49:25 External, that means you're going to see it,
49:28 of heathen power.
49:31 "Heathen deities," pagan gods,
49:36 "will manifest their signal power
49:39 and will exhibit themselves
49:41 before the cities of the world."
49:43 When I first heard someone preach on this
49:45 and I thought that can't...
49:46 but Ellen White didn't say that.
49:48 And I had to go look it up.
49:50 And then I was like, "Oh, wow, it's there."
49:53 And I was like, so there's actually...
49:55 we're going to see demonic spirits
49:57 physically manifest.
49:59 And then I read a little bit farther.
50:02 "And this delineation," what she just described,
50:06 "has already begun to be fulfilled."
50:10 And I thought, "How are people...?
50:13 Where?
50:15 Where are these demons
50:16 manifesting themselves physically,
50:18 where we can see them with our eyes?"
50:21 And then she says,
50:23 "All need wisdom carefully
50:26 to search out the mystery of iniquity
50:30 that figures so largely
50:32 in the winding up of this earth's history."
50:35 There are two mysteries spoken of in Scripture.
50:40 Two mysteries.
50:41 I should say there may be more
50:43 but there's two that are prominently
50:45 brought before us.
50:47 The first one is the mystery of godliness,
50:52 talks about that in first Timothy 3:16.
50:56 The mystery of godliness
50:58 is that God was manifest
51:02 in human flesh.
51:05 The next mystery, Paul talks about and warns,
51:09 it's called the mystery of iniquity.
51:11 So if the mystery of godliness
51:14 is God manifests in human flesh,
51:17 the mystery of iniquity
51:19 could it be Satan manifest in human flesh?
51:30 This began to make sense to me.
51:32 There's something else I want to share here
51:34 but I'm going to save that.
51:35 Let me show you what we have found.
51:39 Paul says,
51:40 "Let no man deceive you by any means.
51:43 For that day of Christ's return,
51:45 shall not come
51:47 except there come a falling away,"
51:51 an apostasy,
51:53 "first and that man
51:56 of sin be revealed,"
52:00 that word in Greek means unmasked or unveiled.
52:05 Do you remember Christ veiled his deity
52:09 with humanity?
52:12 He put us on, right?
52:16 Does the Bible not say
52:17 that we are to put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ?
52:23 So just like Christ stepped into a human flesh and bone,
52:29 he tells us,
52:31 "Put me on and don't make provision
52:34 for your flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof."
52:38 That means don't buy an insurance policy
52:41 in case of failure,
52:43 don't make provision for the flesh.
52:46 Well, what if we fail?
52:47 That's what happened at Mount Sinai,
52:50 God said, "These are promises."
52:53 I promise, every command is a promise.
52:57 Ellen White said that in Education page 126
53:01 and I remember reading that I thought
53:03 how can the commandments be promises.
53:06 God said, "Read it out loud with your name in it.
53:12 Don't read it for somebody else."
53:14 This is written to you personally.
53:17 Make the Bible a letter that God has written to you.
53:23 And I was like I still don't understand,
53:25 God said read it out loud, I said...
53:27 Okay, I'll give you an example, the one I fell at the most,
53:31 "Thou shalt not commit adultery,"
53:33 God was like, "Now read it again
53:35 with your name in it."
53:36 I was like, "Thou," okay, all right...
53:40 "Eric William Wilson,
53:42 I promise you won't commit adultery."
53:47 And I was like, "Oh, wow!"
53:51 That changes everything.
53:54 I used to hear this as a young man growing up,
53:58 "Thou shall not commit adultery or else I will kill you."
54:04 That's how I saw God.
54:07 That's how God wants people to see Him.
54:11 God said, "I promise, if you will surrender
54:16 and let My Son come and live inside you
54:19 and if you will abide in Him,
54:21 I promise, you won't commit adultery,
54:23 even in your heart."
54:26 Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus.
54:31 He never consented to sin, even in his thoughts.
54:36 All of a sudden it began to make sense.
54:39 Christ said,
54:40 "Don't make provision for failure,
54:43 don't buy an insurance policy."
54:45 "Well, what if I fail, God?" There is no what if.
54:48 Ellen White said,
54:50 "Christ's life demonstrates to us
54:52 that humanity united to deity
54:57 does not commit sin.
55:01 You can read that in 1st John 3:9.
55:04 Look it up in Ellen White's writings.
55:06 That's a powerful promise.
55:09 We've got to be united to Him.
55:14 "And that man of sin will be unveiled
55:18 as the son of perdition,
55:21 who opposeth and exalteth himself
55:24 above all that is called God,
55:27 or that is worshipped,
55:29 so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
55:34 showing himself that he is God."
55:38 I want to show you something
55:40 and I want you to make a note of this.
55:42 I want you to go home tonight or tomorrow
55:44 and read Desire of Ages page 160 to 161,
55:49 Desire of Ages, page 160 to 161.
55:52 Paul tells us in 1st and 2nd Corinthians,
55:55 "Know ye not that you are the temple of God,
56:00 and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?"
56:03 Right?
56:05 "He as God sitteth in the temple of God."
56:10 I'm not denying
56:11 that one day we may see something
56:13 over in the Middle East.
56:15 I'm not denying that.
56:16 It's very likely that we could see
56:18 Rome possibly move,
56:22 you know, their headquarters there.
56:25 But let me tell you something,
56:26 that's not near as important as knowing
56:28 that Satan wants to take the throne
56:30 of your heart personally.
56:34 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God
56:38 and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you.
56:42 If any man defiles the temple of God,
56:45 him shall God destroy.
56:48 For the temple of God is holy, which temple we are."
56:53 I used to think
56:55 God's going to be so angry at me,
56:56 if I mess up, He's going to kill me.
56:59 God said, "I want to come and live inside of you
57:02 and I am a consuming fire.
57:05 I'm a consuming fire.
57:08 If you keep bringing those things into my temple,
57:11 I'm here, and I'm a consuming fire.
57:16 I don't want to burn you."
57:22 Does that make sense?
57:25 When we come back tomorrow evening,
57:27 we're going to really, really open this up.
57:30 I can't wait till tomorrow evening.
57:32 So I look forward to seeing you all then.


Revised 2019-02-18