Alpha & Omega: Spiritualism

Enchanted Ground: Pantheism

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AAO

Program Code: AAO000001A

00:12 Good evening.
00:13 It's good to see everyone here tonight.
00:16 I would like to open with a word of prayer
00:18 and let's ask our savior and our God to be here with us.
00:24 Father in heaven,
00:26 we come to You tonight boldly and yet humbly,
00:32 Father, we ask for Your presence
00:35 and for Your Son's presence through your Holy Spirit,
00:39 be here with us,
00:42 open our eyes that we might see Your glory
00:46 and our ears that we might hear thy voice alone.
00:51 Father, we claim this property and all of the equipment
00:56 and every person that is here,
00:58 we claim the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ
01:02 over us.
01:04 And, Father, we ask that Your holy angels
01:06 that excel in strength
01:07 will bind all the powers of darkness.
01:12 Let none of the heathen say, "Where is our God?"
01:16 Thank you for hearing and for answering,
01:19 in Jesus' mighty name, amen.
01:24 I would like to open with the text of scripture
01:27 this evening.
01:28 It's found in Isaiah Chapter 45,
01:32 and we're going to read 18 and 19.
01:36 I'm gonna abbreviate it, but that's where it'll be from.
01:41 It says, "For thus saith the Lord
01:43 that created the heavens,
01:46 God himself that formed the earth and made it,
01:50 he established it, he created it not in vain,
01:56 he says, I am the Lord and there is none else.
02:02 I have not spoken in secret
02:04 in some dark place of the earth,
02:08 I said not unto the seed or children of Jacob,
02:12 seek ye me in vain,
02:15 for I the Lord speak righteousness
02:22 I declare things that are right."
02:26 Just to give you a quick introduction,
02:29 for 25 years, I was an instructor
02:32 in Chinese and Filipino, and Japanese martial arts,
02:37 as well as other forms of Eastern mysticism,
02:40 traditional Chinese medicine,
02:43 Chinese, qigong, tai chi, etcetera.
02:49 When the Lord set me free
02:52 from the bondage that the enemy had me in.
02:57 He did a number of miracles in my life
03:00 restoring my wife and I, the covenant of marriage.
03:04 He brought our family back together.
03:07 But He did exceeding abundantly
03:09 more than we ever could have imagined.
03:12 He brought me out of this world
03:14 that even as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
03:17 I was going to church every week,
03:19 but I was going to a different church
03:21 and I was teaching in a different church,
03:24 a different setting, six days of the week.
03:29 And I remember, I asked the Lord,
03:30 after we had first done the first testimony
03:34 on the dangers of Eastern mysticism,
03:37 I said, "I don't want to spend the rest of my life
03:40 talking about this stuff."
03:42 I was so happy to be out of it and to be free
03:46 from the spiritual influences
03:49 that have been working in my life.
03:51 I didn't want to talk about it anymore.
03:53 I said, "God, you know, we've done the testimony,
03:55 Little Light Studios did a film."
03:57 I said, "Let them watch that,
03:59 I don't want to talk about this."
04:02 And God had other plans.
04:04 Praise God.
04:06 And what I found was
04:07 over the next couple of years was,
04:10 there were Christians in every denomination
04:13 that began to contact us.
04:16 And many of them,
04:19 probably 33% had had some involvement
04:24 in Eastern mysticism or martial arts,
04:27 but the other 65% to 69% had never had any involvement.
04:34 But the reason they contacted us
04:36 was they said,
04:37 "If God did this in your life,
04:41 can He set me free?"
04:44 And I started realizing that the purpose that God had
04:49 was not just in revealing facts,
04:53 but in setting every captive free.
04:58 Now I'm going to give you sort of a disclaimer.
05:02 We as Seventh-day Adventist Christians,
05:05 we're known as people of the book.
05:07 And the servant of the Lord told us, she said,
05:11 "We are almost replaying the history
05:14 of what the Jewish church was doing in Jesus' day."
05:18 Do you know many of them had head knowledge.
05:23 They knew the facts.
05:24 They knew the Bible studies.
05:26 They knew the state of the dead,
05:27 they knew the health, they knew tithing,
05:30 they knew the sanctuary,
05:32 but they did not know by personal experience,
05:38 the presence nor the power of God
05:41 in their lives.
05:43 Do you know that right now many Christians
05:45 are going through the same thing?
05:47 They are finding that,
05:50 like with the emerging church what's been said is,
05:53 is we need to find a new way to evangelize,
05:56 we're losing, we're losing members
05:59 and not just in our church, in all denominations.
06:02 So they're bringing in, you know,
06:04 contemporary Christian rock and roll music.
06:07 They're bringing in whatever,
06:09 all these new ways of preaching the gospel,
06:12 because they have bought into the lie
06:14 that that's going to fill the churches.
06:17 People don't need a new gospel.
06:20 They need the power of God in their lives.
06:24 That's what we want to reveal here.
06:27 Because when I first was brought out
06:30 of what I was involved in,
06:33 I had no idea that 10 years later
06:37 this is what God was going to be having me to share.
06:41 And what I've found over the past few years
06:43 when we were able to speak on the Emergent Church
06:46 and Spiritual Formation is,
06:48 often times we look at the bad,
06:53 we identify the danger of the Illuminati,
06:56 and the danger of the Jesuits
06:58 and we know what the mark of the beast is,
07:00 and we know this fact and that fact.
07:03 But many people are saying, I've got facts in my head,
07:09 but my heart has not been changed.
07:13 And that's what Nicodemus was asking Jesus,
07:17 I know in my head,
07:19 but I want to know Your power in my life.
07:24 That's what most of Christianity
07:26 is looking for.
07:27 That's what Satan is using
07:31 spiritual formation to counterfeit.
07:36 He knows that people are dry, the wilderness,
07:41 you know, of men's hearts is dry.
07:44 And God said, "Can these dry bones live?
07:49 Yes, I have to put My Spirit into them."
07:53 Satan said, "I'll counterfeit this.
07:55 I'll make them so dry
07:57 that they will accept anything to drink,
08:01 whether it's kosher or not."
08:04 And that's what he's doing through spiritual formation
08:06 in the emerging church.
08:09 So what we want to do
08:10 is we want to take a closer look.
08:11 Tonight we're gonna begin laying a foundation.
08:15 And over this entire week, over the next few days,
08:19 we're gonna go through and we're gonna build
08:21 on that foundation.
08:23 And by time we get to the end,
08:26 your hearts are going to burn
08:29 like they have never burned before
08:30 when you see the power of God.
08:33 So remember that, as we're looking at this,
08:36 we're gonna look at the counterfeit first.
08:45 A familiar text of scripture, Revelation Chapter 12,
08:50 and I'm paraphrasing this.
08:52 I'm reading from the King James
08:53 but I'm putting some verses in there together.
08:56 So I encourage you take notes and look these up on your own
09:00 when you're at home.
09:02 "And when the dragon saw that he was cast down
09:06 under the earth, he persecuted the woman
09:09 which brought forth the man child,
09:12 and to the woman were given two wings
09:15 of a great eagle,
09:17 so that she might fly into the wilderness
09:20 where she hath a place prepared for her by God,
09:26 that they should feed or nourish her there
09:30 away from the face
09:32 and the presence of the serpent."
09:34 Now we know who this was, in Genesis 3:15,
09:39 God made a promise to Adam and Eve, He said,
09:43 "Your son is gonna crush the serpent's head."
09:47 A little while later Abraham came along
09:49 and he made a promise to him, he said,
09:53 "Unto you and your son are these promises made,
09:58 and in your son," make a note of that,
10:02 "in your son,"
10:04 not by your son alone, but in your son,
10:08 "will all the nations of the earth be blessed."
10:12 And then King David came along, and God repeated the promise.
10:16 And he said, "King David, of your own flesh,
10:21 I'm going to raise up a son,
10:24 and he's going to sit upon your throne."
10:31 A timeline of prophetic history,
10:35 growing up as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian,
10:38 I can remember my mother
10:40 reading to me those little red books.
10:43 And I still have some of those same ones.
10:46 But it was almost like it was something
10:48 almost make-believe.
10:50 You know, there was this little old lady
10:52 named Ellen White,
10:54 and she wrote these things
10:56 and it was sort of disconnected from the real world.
11:01 And as I started going back doing research
11:04 after the Lord brought me out,
11:06 I was amazed to find out the historical evidence
11:11 for what was actually taking place
11:14 back in the 1800s.
11:17 And as I started putting these things together
11:19 as the Lord was revealing it, all of the sudden the things,
11:23 the truths that Ellen White was being shown
11:25 to share with you and I, they became alive.
11:32 Let me show you what was happening, 1800s,
11:38 the beginning of this country,
11:39 the Protestant Christians fled to America,
11:42 the great awakening began,
11:44 the second great awakening here in the United States.
11:48 There was a very renewed study
11:50 and comprehension of biblical prophecies,
11:53 especially in Daniel and Revelation.
11:56 And this is something that is a key.
11:59 We also saw the beginning of a huge temperance movement
12:06 in the United States.
12:08 It wasn't just Adventist,
12:11 when I was even preparing this series,
12:13 and I had to go back and do research,
12:15 it was everywhere.
12:17 There were people everywhere that were standing up saying,
12:21 "We've got to change the way we're eating."
12:24 And I thought, "Isn't that funny that God
12:27 was doing that in every denomination."
12:30 At the same time that He was revealing the truth
12:34 and the nearness of Christ's return,
12:37 the same time that He was proclaiming
12:40 the 1888 message of righteousness by faith.
12:43 He had already been preparing the world
12:47 through getting them to change
12:49 the way they were eating and living.
12:53 The law of God was being revealed
12:55 as unchanging and perpetual.
12:58 And at the same time, in 1888,
13:01 we had the Blair Sunday law legislation
13:04 being presented before Congress.
13:07 The same year that the message of righteousness by faith.
13:13 Revelation 12 goes on and tells us that
13:16 "The great dragon, that old serpent,
13:18 called the Devil, and Satan,
13:21 he cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman,
13:28 so that he might cause her
13:29 to be carried away by the flood."
13:32 What is water a symbol of?
13:36 Spirit and words?
13:39 Remember what Jesus said, "The words are speak unto you,
13:42 they are spirit and they are life."
13:46 In John Chapter 7:37-39,
13:50 Jesus talked about the water and He said,
13:53 "Come unto me all you that are thirsty
13:55 and I will give you living water."
13:59 And this He spake of the Holy Spirit
14:02 which had not yet been given.
14:05 So water is a symbol
14:08 symbolically not only of people's nations,
14:11 you know, which Revelation talks about,
14:13 but more importantly
14:14 even in the Old Testament scriptures,
14:17 water is a symbol of the Word of God
14:22 and His Spirit in that Word.
14:26 Satan said, "The woman has fled,
14:29 the only way I can get her, I can't oppose her,"
14:33 he tried that to destroy her during the Dark Ages.
14:36 He said, "Since I can't oppose her
14:39 and kill her,
14:40 I'll pour out such a flood after her that it'll dilute
14:46 what God is trying to do."
14:50 Now let me show you, this is interesting.
14:53 What else was happening in the 1800s?
14:56 Humanism, Frederick,
14:58 and I'm not even going to try to pronounce his last name,
15:01 Niethammer, espouses critical thinking
15:06 and rationalism over dogma and superstition.
15:10 And when he said superstition, he meant religion.
15:13 He considered Christianity to be superstition.
15:17 It's just like all the other religions out there.
15:22 Deism, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Jefferson Bible.
15:27 It was originally called the life
15:29 and morals of Jesus of Nazareth.
15:31 That was in 1820.
15:33 Thomas Jefferson when he wrote this Bible,
15:37 and we actually have photographs of the original,
15:40 he literally took scissors
15:42 and he cut pieces of the gospels out
15:45 and then he would insert
15:47 other pieces of scripture in their place.
15:50 He did away with the virgin birth,
15:52 he did away with almost
15:54 every one of the miracles that Jesus did.
15:56 In the Jefferson Bible,
15:58 what Thomas Jefferson was trying to say was,
16:01 Jesus was a good moral man, but He was not verily God.
16:08 He was not divine.
16:10 He was not born by the miraculous work
16:14 of the Holy Spirit.
16:17 Higher criticism, Friedrich Schleiemacher,
16:23 he began using the skeptical examination
16:26 of the accuracy of biblical text.
16:29 He was the one that first termed the coin,
16:33 higher criticism, in 1822.
16:37 Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson,
16:41 he's a well-known transcendental author.
16:45 My son and my daughter both are in college now,
16:48 and they call home and they're telling me
16:50 about what they have to learn.
16:51 And, you know, when they're sharing this,
16:54 I'm just amazed at how even today
16:57 the enemy is still using these same authors
17:01 and figures to influence
17:04 the thinking of the new generation.
17:08 Emerson heavily, was heavily influenced
17:11 by Unitarianism and by Hinduism.
17:16 I was very shocked when I realized
17:19 even in his own writings,
17:20 the influence that Hinduism had on many of these people.
17:24 He gave something called
17:26 the Harvard Divinity School address,
17:28 which really brought Transcendentalism
17:31 before the American nation in 1838.
17:36 Feminism, this was very eye opening.
17:43 And one of the reasons that I included this
17:47 was because I had heard a gentleman,
17:49 Professor Walter White that also made a reference.
17:53 And I went I looked it up, feminism was heavily promoted
17:57 by a woman named Elizabeth Cady Stanton.
18:02 She actually signed
18:04 the Declaration of Rights and Sentiments
18:06 in New York City in 1848.
18:09 And the table, you have to forgive me,
18:12 I don't remember who it belonged to,
18:14 but the table where they signed
18:16 that document was owned previously by a high occultist.
18:22 I don't remember if it was, you have to forgive me.
18:26 I know it wasn't H.P. Blavatsky,
18:28 but it was somebody that was heavily involved
18:30 in the occult
18:31 and they brought that table there
18:32 for that signing intentionally.
18:37 Mesmerism, how many people are familiar with that term.
18:41 Mesmerism, that was the old term
18:43 for what we now call hypnosis.
18:46 The original term was also called animal magnetism.
18:52 It did not have a lot to do
18:54 with using magnets in the beginning.
18:58 What Franz Mesmer said was,
19:00 he believed in studying human anatomy and science,
19:05 that there was this energy of electromagnetic force
19:11 and this force interacted with everything in nature.
19:16 And he said, "If it's in all of nature,
19:19 it has to also be within us.
19:22 And if it's in us, I should be able to tap
19:26 into that power and use it to help heal others."
19:32 So now when you read where Sister White
19:34 warns about magnetism, there's more there,
19:37 it wasn't just people picking up magnets
19:39 and, you know, taping them to certain parts of their body.
19:44 Pantheism, Henry David Thoreau
19:47 was a very strong promoter of this.
19:49 How many people have ever heard of his book,
19:51 "Walden" or "Walden Pond?"
19:54 That book is, it's a classic, it's an American classic,
19:57 it's required reading in almost every university now,
20:01 if you have a literature class or an English class.
20:04 That book is filled with Hinduism,
20:08 even the names for some of the places that he put,
20:12 they're all Indian names.
20:14 And he wrote, I found statements from him.
20:17 And he said, "Of all the places that I have seen,
20:21 and I have read, the Hindus,
20:24 they have an understanding of our world
20:27 and of what they call God
20:29 that surpasses every other religion."
20:32 So when people are reading this book
20:34 and they say, "Oh, it's just harmless reading,
20:37 you don't realize,
20:38 you can't pick a book up and it be harmless,
20:41 unless it's, you know, how to fix your lawn mower
20:44 or change the oil in your car.
20:46 If you're reading a book that has got philosophical,
20:49 or religious, or spiritual overtones,
20:52 or even political overtones,
20:54 normally there's a spirit
20:56 that is influencing that writing.
20:59 That book was first published in 1854.
21:04 Spiritism, which means the study of communication
21:09 with spirit entities was first introduced
21:12 by a man named Allan Kardec.
21:15 He's the author of a collection of books
21:17 known as the "Spiritist Codification."
21:21 These were published in 1857.
21:25 1859, Charles Darwin,
21:28 first published the "Origin of Species."
21:32 These are a lot of events
21:33 that are happening within the 1800s.
21:36 Is it just by chance?
21:40 Let me ask you a question.
21:44 What is the Sabbath a sign of?
21:46 What does the Bible say it's a sign of?
21:51 That the Lord God sanctifies us,
21:56 not we ourselves,
21:59 but that can only be done by faith.
22:02 The Sabbath is a sign of faith.
22:07 Everything, our months, our days, our years,
22:12 all of those things you can point to outer space
22:15 to our planets and our constellations,
22:18 and you can identify when the month starts,
22:20 when the day starts, when a year starts,
22:23 you cannot do that with the weekly cycle.
22:26 It's impossible.
22:27 God designed it that way.
22:30 The only place we have a record of the weekly cycle
22:35 is from God's Word.
22:37 The Sabbath is a sign of faith.
22:43 Darwinism took away the seven day creation.
22:48 All of these other things chipped away
22:51 at the foundations of our faith,
22:54 at the same time that God was proclaiming
22:58 His law of righteousness and proclaiming the message
23:03 of righteousness by faith alone.
23:07 Free Lovism, this is a picture of Herbert Spencer,
23:13 he was the author of a book
23:14 called the "System of Synthetic Philosophy."
23:17 He was recognized
23:19 as the most famous philosopher of the age,
23:23 1869, was when this book, I believe was published.
23:28 1881, Westcott and Hort introduced the revised
23:34 and I'm gonna use that term very loosely,
23:37 they're corrupt version of the Greek New Testament.
23:41 We don't have time to go into that but that was in 1881.
23:45 All of these things were there because they were undermining
23:50 our simple living faith in thus saith the Lord.
23:54 The Free Thought Movement, Robert Ingersoll.
23:59 He was the reorganizer
24:03 of an anti-Christian organization
24:05 called the National Liberal League,
24:09 it became the American Secular Union.
24:13 This organization of free thought,
24:18 they had an influence on almost,
24:20 all of our politicians,
24:22 and almost all of our authors in the United States,
24:26 Free Thought Movement.
24:29 Christian Mysticism,
24:31 how many people have heard of Edgar Cayce?
24:35 If you go to a health food store,
24:36 you can still find things
24:38 that are produced by the Cayce Foundation.
24:44 Edgar Cayce promoted a form of spiritualism
24:47 that he blended
24:49 or where he blended the communication
24:51 with spirit entities
24:53 under the guise of Christian philosophy
24:56 for healing.
24:58 So he was blending spiritualism with biblical Christianity
25:03 in order to help heal people.
25:09 Now listen to what Sister White had to say.
25:11 Desire of Ages, page 258,
25:15 "When Satan has undermined faith in the Bible,
25:18 he directs men to other sources for light and power,
25:24 and thus he insinuates himself.
25:27 Those who turn from the plain teaching of the Scripture
25:31 and the convicting power of God's Holy Spirit
25:35 are inviting the control of demons.
25:41 Criticism and speculation concerning the Scriptures
25:46 have opened the way for Spiritism and Theosophy."
25:51 If you have Ellen White's writings on a CD ROM,
25:54 or you go online and look it up,
25:56 look up the word Theosophy
25:58 and read the statement she says about that.
26:01 Those modernized forms of ancient heathenism
26:05 to gain a foothold even in the professed churches
26:08 of our Lord Jesus Christ.
26:10 This is coming into our churches
26:12 across America right now,
26:14 every denomination, every denomination.
26:20 The birth of spiritualism and spiritism in America.
26:24 How many people have heard of the Fox Sisters?
26:27 The wrappings?
26:28 I remember my mom reading to me,
26:30 you know, that and I thought,
26:33 this was just some little minor event
26:35 that happened in, you know, New England and, you know,
26:37 I just didn't pay attention as a teenager.
26:40 I had no idea, when I went back later on
26:42 and began looking it up,
26:44 there were men and women of God of every denomination
26:49 that were writing and warning
26:51 God's people about spiritualism.
26:55 The Fox Sisters lived from 1814 to 1890.
27:00 A man named Elijah Bond
27:02 introduced for the first time a board game,
27:07 which Parker Brothers I believe
27:08 bought the rights to call the Wei Chi board.
27:12 You used to be able to go to Walmart
27:14 or any department store and buy one.
27:16 It's witchcraft, it's not just a game.
27:22 That was introduced in 1890,
27:24 two years after the message of righteousness by faith.
27:29 Madam H.P. Blavatsky, you see there
27:31 on the right hand side of the screen.
27:33 She lived from 1831 to 1891.
27:37 She was there when Sister White was warning
27:43 the world about spiritualism,
27:46 and she lived in the New England states
27:49 where Ellen White did.
27:51 So when we read about Sister White
27:53 and she's warning so strongly
27:55 about spiritualism and spiritism,
27:57 this was not just some dream that she had.
28:02 She was seeing it.
28:03 It was in the newspapers,
28:05 the politicians were proclaiming
28:07 this as being new light.
28:13 She tells us in Eight Testimonies, page 290,
28:16 "We are living in an age of great light,
28:20 an illumination,
28:21 but much that is called light is opening the way
28:25 for the wisdom and arts of Satan.
28:29 Many things will be presented that appeared to be true."
28:35 The Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 6:20
28:38 that "These are called oppositions of science
28:42 falsely so called."
28:45 Isn't that amazing that 2,000 years ago,
28:47 God already knew what was gonna happen.
28:51 "Many things will be presented that appear to be true,
28:54 and yet they need to be carefully considered
28:57 with much prayer
28:59 for they be specious devices of the enemy."
29:02 This is Time Magazine,
29:04 and they say the science of yoga.
29:06 Millions of Americans are discovering
29:09 this ancient exercise.
29:11 Now here's the skinny
29:13 on why it makes you feel so good.
29:16 When I go to our churches to do presentations on yoga
29:20 and martial arts and tai chi,
29:22 I normally ask the congregation,
29:25 how many people here have had any self defense training
29:28 in the martial art?
29:30 On average, we get about 30% of the hands.
29:34 I'm sorry, about 10% or 15% will raise their hands
29:38 for martial arts and self defense.
29:41 But when I asked them about yoga,
29:44 or qigong, or energy healing, or acupuncture,
29:48 normally their hands go up
29:49 about 35% to 40% in our churches.
29:54 I just met a pastor recently on the East Coast,
29:58 a strong man of God.
30:00 He's got a lovely wife.
30:01 I mean, they're very good couple.
30:04 And she mentioned something
30:05 when she had seen the dragon revealed.
30:08 She said, "What about yoga?"
30:10 And I said, "Well, I'll loan you
30:11 a video on yoga specifically."
30:14 It wasn't one that I had done.
30:16 And she just talked to me this past Sabbath,
30:20 and she said, "We watched the video."
30:22 And I said, "What did you think?"
30:24 And she said,
30:25 "I didn't tell you when we first talked."
30:27 She said, "I'm 48.
30:28 I've been doing it since I was in high school
30:31 every week.
30:33 I had no idea what I was involved in."
30:39 When you see people doing those poses,
30:42 those stretches, every one of the stretches
30:46 is a symbolic gesture,
30:51 almost like the hand mudras,
30:57 that gesture invokes a Hindu Spiritual entity
31:01 to come into the person's life,
31:03 and to empower them, and make them feel better."
31:07 And people say, "Yeah, but it works."
31:09 Just because it works doesn't mean it's of God.
31:15 "The path of error often appears
31:18 to lie close to the path of truth.
31:20 It is hardly distinguishable from the path that leads
31:24 to holiness and heaven,
31:27 but the mind enlightened by the Holy Spirit
31:30 may discern that it is diverging
31:34 from the right way.
31:35 For after a while,
31:37 the two paths are seen to be widely separated."
31:44 Now, I want you to catch this.
31:47 I know we're sharing a lot of quotes.
31:51 But as we go through this series,
31:53 you're going to start seeing how these pieces tie together.
31:56 Listen to what we're told.
31:58 "As the right hand of the third angel's message,
32:02 God's methods of treating disease
32:05 will open the doors
32:07 for the entrance of present truth."
32:10 Present truth is the Sabbath, righteousness,
32:14 and living by faith in His Word.
32:17 By changing the way that people eat,
32:20 it opens the door for them to see, and comprehend,
32:26 and be able to take hold, as Sister White said,
32:30 an appropriate Christ-righteousness
32:32 as their own.
32:34 "Our physicians in Europe and other countries
32:37 should awake to the necessity of having health works,
32:41 literature, and messages prepared by men and women
32:45 who are on the ground,
32:47 and who can meet the people where they are."
32:51 Meet them where they are.
32:52 This is not talking about at the mall or at the bank.
32:55 It means meeting people where they are.
32:58 If someone has eaten pork their whole life,
33:02 you can't come in and give them the whole health message
33:04 in 30 minutes and say,
33:06 "You've got to do all of this right now."
33:09 You have to take steps, you have to introduce them,
33:13 and you have to give them the same freedom
33:15 that you've had to make those changes in their lives.
33:19 She says, "We are to meet the people
33:22 where they are
33:23 with the most essential instruction
33:27 that is necessary for this time."
33:31 This has an effect.
33:32 What was the first sin
33:35 that caused all of mankind to fall?
33:38 Appetite!
33:39 And you know, I used to think appetite is just
33:42 what am I eating or how much am I eating.
33:45 Do you know appetite
33:46 is not just involved with the stomach?
33:49 When you read what Sister White said, she said,
33:53 "She was shown a list of sins
33:58 that would condemn people in the last great day."
34:02 And she said, "Under appetite,
34:05 fell almost all of the other
34:08 moral or immoral transgressions,
34:13 adultery, lust, fornication,"
34:15 and all the other ones we don't even want to get into.
34:18 They fell under appetite, intemperance.
34:22 Appetite is something that happens in the mind,
34:27 not in the stomach.
34:28 It's saying,
34:30 "I know this is what I should do.
34:31 I know this is right.
34:33 But there is this chemical reaction
34:37 that's happening in my brain and affecting my body.
34:41 And it's overwhelming.
34:43 And I can't say no."
34:45 Sometimes I hear people, I mean, they'll write to us,
34:49 or they'll call us and they'll say,
34:50 "I'm trying to give up caffeine,
34:52 or I'm trying to give up nicotine.
34:54 I'm trying to give up smoking."
34:55 And I go to my pastor, and they're like,
34:57 "Look, you're just going to have
34:59 to exercise more willpower."
35:01 I think, we have no idea.
35:04 If I go to some drunk on the street, and I said,
35:06 "Look, you're just gonna have to exercise willpower."
35:10 He's gonna look at me and say,
35:11 "If it was that simple, I wouldn't need your Jesus."
35:16 If it was just willpower,
35:18 one person will get the victory overnight
35:21 and another person will be struggling
35:23 for 10 years.
35:24 What's the difference?
35:27 Are we saved by willpower?
35:30 There has to be more.
35:33 God has got to come, Christ has got to come
35:37 and take possession of His temple, and change us,
35:42 and He has to cast out
35:44 and bring into captivity all of our thoughts,
35:47 and the way that we feel and our chemical reactions.
35:51 He has to take possession of His temple.
35:57 "Some of our brethren have expressed fears
36:00 that we shall dwell too much
36:03 upon the subject of justification by faith."
36:07 Pay attention to that word, justification.
36:12 "But I hope and pray
36:14 that none will be needlessly alarmed.
36:17 If there had not been a remissness in the past
36:20 to properly instruct the people of God,
36:24 there would not now be a necessity
36:26 of calling special attention to it."
36:31 To properly instruct the people of God, she says,
36:35 "You have to appropriate the promises as your own,
36:40 not as something that in the future,
36:43 one day, Jesus is going to give to you."
36:45 You've got to look and say,
36:48 "When Jesus died, I was in Him dying," right?
36:54 I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live.
36:57 When was Christ crucified?
37:01 Two thousand years ago.
37:04 If you were in Him when He died,
37:08 you are dead, as Paul said,
37:11 and your life is hid with Christ and God.
37:15 We have to appropriate not only His death,
37:20 but His resurrection.
37:21 And not only His death and resurrection,
37:24 but every victory that He gained.
37:27 You have to know, and I have to know,
37:30 "I was in Him."
37:32 And I'm going to show you the quotes from scripture
37:35 as well from Ellen White before this week is over.
37:38 You work in Him when He won those victories.
37:43 So I don't tell the Lord,
37:44 "Lord, I need You to give me victory over this temptation."
37:48 You know what He does when I say that?
37:51 He says, "Eric, I already gave you the victory.
37:55 When are you going to thank me for it
37:57 and stand up and walk in it?"
38:00 My son, I remember, you know, he's younger than my daughter.
38:04 He's 18 now, and I can remember
38:06 when he was going through high school,
38:08 he'd be rushing
38:09 to get out the door in the morning,
38:10 and he would come down sometimes, he would say,
38:13 "Dad, I've got 15 minutes, I got to go.
38:15 I need a lunch for today."
38:17 And he would be running upstairs.
38:18 I'd be like,
38:20 "I've got the lunch made for you.
38:21 It's by the door."
38:23 He came down in two minutes after he got out of the shower
38:25 and he'd say, "Dad, I've got to go.
38:28 Don't forget I need a lunch."
38:29 I say, "Connor, it's by the door."
38:32 And he'd run out of the room.
38:33 He come back a few minutes later and say,
38:35 "Okay, okay, I've got my book. Dad, I need my lunch."
38:38 And I'm like, "I made it.
38:40 It's by the door."
38:41 We do the same thing with God.
38:43 "God give me victory."
38:44 God is like, "The victory is in Christ.
38:49 Ask me to give you Christ."
38:52 And Jesus is saying,
38:54 "I'm standing at the door knocking.
38:57 If you'll just let Me in,
38:59 I will bring My victory into your life."
39:05 That's what Satan does not want us to know.
39:10 "The exceeding great and precious promises
39:12 given us in the Holy Scriptures
39:15 whereby we are made partakers of the divine nature."
39:21 Mark that down, nature.
39:23 Put a note in your mind or on a piece of paper,
39:26 nature, that's important.
39:29 "Whereby we are made partakers of the divine nature.
39:33 These have been lost sight of to a great extent,
39:36 just as the enemy of all righteousness
39:39 designed that they should be."
39:45 He is blinding us to the power that God has given us.
39:51 "He has cast his own dark shadow
39:54 between us and our God,
39:56 so that we may not see the true character of our God.
40:01 For the Lord has proclaimed Himself
40:03 to be full of mercy and gracious,
40:07 long-suffering, patient,
40:10 even under the sacrificing of self,
40:14 and abundant in goodness and truth.
40:18 Several have written to me,
40:20 inquiring if the message of justification by faith
40:23 is the third angel's message?
40:26 And I have answered.
40:28 "It is the third angel's message in verity."
40:35 I thought the three angel's message is,
40:37 "Come out of Babylon.
40:39 The pope is the antichrist.
40:42 Don't receive the mark of the beast."
40:45 That tells us there's more there
40:48 than what we've seen.
40:50 Do you know in the very end
40:53 when Rome influences this world,
40:57 which is happening right now,
41:00 and they declare a Sunday law.
41:06 Do you know that's going to be called righteousness by works,
41:10 not by faith?
41:13 That's the same thing that Satan has sought
41:15 to bring men into from the very beginning.
41:19 When we were standing at the foot of Mount Sinai,
41:23 God spoke His law.
41:26 And Ellen White says, "Every command is a promise."
41:30 Education, page 126.
41:32 Every command is a promise.
41:36 Do you know what?
41:37 God spoke those promises.
41:39 And you know what man said?
41:41 "Everything that God said, I can do."
41:48 You know what God says?
41:50 "Everything that I've said,
41:51 I will do if you'll just surrender
41:54 and let Me inside
41:56 so that I can do it in your life."
42:01 These are the words in the Greek and Hebrew
42:03 consolidated down
42:05 for justification and justified.
42:07 To declare and to render innocent,
42:12 just, clean, holy,
42:16 righteous, and perfect,
42:19 that's what it means to be justified,
42:24 to be declared.
42:25 How does God do anything?
42:28 He speaks it.
42:30 How did He create the universe?
42:33 He spoke it into existence.
42:36 How did He set the captives free
42:39 when Christ was here?
42:41 He spoke their freedom.
42:43 Do you remember the Roman centurion?
42:45 Jesus said, "I'll come to your house and heal him."
42:48 And the Roman was not even a Seventh-day Adventist.
42:52 He wasn't even Hebrew.
42:56 He said, "You don't have to come to My house,
42:58 speak the word only and I know it'll be done."
43:02 And Jesus turned and looked at all those Christians.
43:06 And he said, "I haven't found this kind of faith
43:08 in all of Israel."
43:13 "If you would stand through the time of trouble,
43:16 we must know Christ, for this is life eternal,
43:22 and we must appropriate the gift of His righteousness,
43:28 which He imputes to the repentant sinner.
43:32 No glory is to redound to man,
43:35 all human help and glory lies in the dust.
43:40 For the truth,
43:43 as it is in Jesus,
43:47 is the only available agent by which man may be saved."
43:53 And I remember
43:55 when I was struggling to get free
43:58 from the bondage I was in,
43:59 when I was in those arts
44:01 and everything else that had happened in my life.
44:04 And one day, I read that verse in John 17:17, and Jesus said,
44:10 "Sanctify them through Thy truth,
44:13 Thy Word is truth."
44:15 And in John 8, He told the disciples,
44:18 "The truth, you will know the truth,
44:20 and the truth will make you free."
44:22 And I was like, "Lord, I was raised
44:26 a Seventh-day Adventist Christian.
44:30 I don't know what this means.
44:32 What does it mean, the truth will make me free?
44:35 What does it mean, You're going to sanctify me
44:38 through Your truth?"
44:39 And God spoke to my heart and my ears.
44:43 And He said, "Eric, you don't even know
44:45 what the word truth means."
44:47 And I'm there at the house by myself, you know.
44:49 And I talked to God out loud
44:52 because I know He can read my thoughts,
44:53 but I like talking to Him.
44:56 Enoch did.
44:58 And I looked up in heaven and I said,
45:02 "Of course, I know what truth is.
45:04 It means correct doctrine."
45:06 And Jesus said, "Eric, you don't even know
45:09 what the word truth means."
45:12 And I got out my concordance and on e-Sword,
45:15 and I looked up that word.
45:16 Do you know what it means?
45:18 It means unfailing verity.
45:23 Thy Word is truth, it cannot fail.
45:29 That's what He says in Isaiah 55,
45:32 "My Word is gone forth,
45:34 it will not return unto Me void."
45:37 Do you know when my wife and I
45:38 went through that divorce that we went through?
45:41 We were separated and divorced five years legally.
45:44 The judge had signed the paper.
45:46 And my wife would go to church on Sabbath.
45:48 And you know, people would come up
45:50 after two years and they would say,
45:52 "Sarah, listen,
45:53 you need to just move on with your life.
45:55 I mean, your husband is gone.
45:57 He's not coming back.
45:59 You're destroying your children.
46:01 Let go."
46:03 And you know what she would always say?
46:04 She would say, "But God made a promise to me.
46:08 What I've joined together, let no man put asunder."
46:13 And they were like,
46:14 "Yeah, but the judge signed the paper."
46:16 She said, "Let no man put asunder.
46:20 Do I believe what that judge is written
46:22 or do I believe the Word of the living God?"
46:27 That's what God wants us to do.
46:30 When you go to the doctor and he tells somebody you love,
46:33 "You've got cancer, or you've got diabetes,
46:36 or you've got this.
46:37 You know, there's no hope of recovery from this."
46:40 You've got to say, "Thus saith the Lord.
46:43 I'm the one that forgives all your iniquities,
46:46 and I heal all of your diseases."
46:49 I've got to make a choice.
46:50 "Do I believe God's Word
46:52 or do I believe the word of mortal man?"
47:00 I'm keeping an eye on the clock.
47:05 Now we're going to start getting into why this matters.
47:10 Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, he was an honored member
47:14 of the Michigan State Board of Health from 1878 to 1891.
47:20 And he also was a few years after that as well.
47:24 And he was the author of more than 50 books
47:26 and hundreds of articles on health and healing.
47:30 He was credited with the development
47:32 of cornflakes cereal, high protein meat substitutes,
47:37 acidophilus enriched soy milk,
47:39 and the unique process of manufacturing peanut butter
47:43 with boiled rather than roasted peanuts.
47:47 Kellogg is reported to have performed
47:52 surgical operations himself.
47:57 And he treated more than
47:58 200,000 patients successfully during his lifetime
48:03 and his work as a physician at the Battle Creek Sanitarium.
48:09 Some of the people that Kellogg treated,
48:12 William H.Taft, Percy Grainger,
48:15 Amelia Earhart, George Bernard Shaw,
48:20 Johnny Weissmuller, Henry Ford,
48:23 the man that founded the Ford Motor Company,
48:26 Thomas Edison, John D.Rockefeller,
48:30 Harvey Firestone, JC Penney,
48:34 a lady named Sojourner Truth,
48:37 CW Baron, Warren G.Harding,
48:41 and Booker T.Washington.
48:44 He was world-known because of the blessing
48:48 that God had put upon him.
48:50 Now I want to show you something.
48:54 The health message is being promoted strongly
48:57 in this country,
48:58 and God raises up a physician
49:00 who is a brilliant man to promote this.
49:07 Blesses him beyond measure
49:09 with knowledge of how to do the medical work,
49:14 how to help treat the sick, and it's world-known.
49:20 Same time, He's raising up Jones and Waggoner
49:24 with 1888 righteousness by faith message.
49:28 Who do you think Satan would go after to destroy
49:32 with the most evil intent?
49:36 He says, "I got to get rid of the health message
49:38 'cause if they understand health,
49:40 they'll begin to comprehend the spirituality of the law
49:45 and the righteousness by faith."
49:47 And then he said, "I've got to get rid of
49:50 the righteousness by faith."
49:51 That's why he's separated Ellen White,
49:53 and AT Jones, and EJ Waggoner.
49:56 He sent Waggoner to Europe.
49:58 I believe Jones was here and he had the conference
50:01 and Ellen White against her judgment to Australia.
50:07 Satan was like, "Divided,
50:09 they won't be able to work together.
50:11 They won't support one another."
50:13 He does the same thing in our ministries
50:16 here in the United States.
50:17 He gets us as ministries competing with one another.
50:21 You know, I've got copyright on that.
50:25 That message is copyrighted.
50:27 And you got to...
50:28 And I'm like, "God gave it to us.
50:31 Let's win souls.
50:33 We don't need to be divided anymore."
50:38 As well as these accomplishments,
50:41 Dr. Kellogg also off-authored
50:44 and published one of the most controversial books
50:48 ever written on health and spirituality
50:50 in the 20th century.
50:53 It was called "The Living Temple."
50:56 And I'm not going to go into too much detail here
50:58 because Pastor Bohr in Secrets Unsealed
51:02 as well as a few other men,
51:04 they've done a great job on the research.
51:08 You can get some resources here
51:10 from this ministry to help expand on that.
51:13 But I do want to take a look at a few things there.
51:17 "Be not deceived, many will depart from the faith
51:21 giving heed to seducing spirits and the doctrines
51:25 and teachings of devils."
51:28 Ellen White said, "We have now before us
51:32 the alpha of this danger."
51:35 What danger?
51:36 Giving heed to seducing spirits.
51:40 "The omega will be of a most startling,"
51:44 what's that word?
51:46 "Nature."
51:47 Remember, I told you, mark that word down,
51:49 this is important.
51:51 "The omega will be
51:53 of a most startling nature."
51:59 "One and another come to me, asking me to explain
52:02 the positions taken in the Living Temple.
52:05 And I reply, 'They are unexplainable.'
52:09 The sentiments expressed
52:11 do not give a true knowledge of God.
52:14 We need not the mysticism that is in this book,
52:19 for those who entertain these sophistries
52:22 will soon find themselves in a position
52:25 where the enemy can talk with them,
52:30 and lead them away from God.
52:33 It is represented to me that the writer of this book
52:37 is on a false track or path,
52:40 and he knows not whither his steps are tending."
52:44 First Selected Messages, page 202.
52:49 "The theory that God is an essence
52:51 pervading all nature is received by many today
52:56 who profess to believe the Scriptures,
52:59 but however beautifully clothed,
53:02 this theory is the most dangerous deception.
53:05 For it misrepresents God and it is a dishonor
53:09 to His greatness and majesty.
53:12 And it surely tends not only to mislead,
53:16 but to debase man."
53:18 It means instead of being spiritual,
53:20 they become physically or carnally focused.
53:25 "Darkness is its element and sensuality
53:29 or the flesh is its sphere."
53:32 That's why when you look at the emerging church,
53:35 they don't want to talk about doctrine.
53:36 They want to talk about dialogue and conversation.
53:40 They want to talk about how does it make you feel,
53:43 not what as the Word say.
53:47 "These theories,
53:48 followed to their logical conclusion
53:51 do away with the necessity for the atonement,
53:54 and they make man his own savior."
53:57 The word atonement there, Ellen White in her own writing,
54:01 she gives the definition of the word atonement,
54:04 at-one-ment.
54:07 Jesus' last prayer before Calvary was,
54:11 "Father, I pray that they all might be one
54:16 as I am in You, and as You are in Me,
54:22 that they might be
54:25 one in Us."
54:30 That's what this does away with.
54:32 The book you're looking at there on the right,
54:34 this is called "Building the Living Temple
54:37 A Manual for Freemasons."
54:41 This was released within the last five years.
54:44 I think it was 2015, but I may be off.
54:47 I know it was within the last five years.
54:50 Isn't that amazing?
54:56 "Dr. Kellogg's first introduction
54:58 to spiritualism and pantheism
55:00 came at the age of 21 years old,
55:04 when he and his brother enrolled in a six-month course
55:08 under the instruction
55:09 of a physician named Russell Trall,
55:12 director of the Hygieo-Therapeutic College
55:16 in New York City.
55:18 Dr. Trall taught a doctrine known as soul-identity
55:23 and the 'everywhereness' of God."
55:27 That's pantheism under a different title.
55:30 "After completing this course,
55:32 Kellogg attended the Bellevue Hospital Medical School
55:36 where he received his M.D. license in 1875.
55:40 Kellogg then went on to become the director in 1876
55:44 of the Seventh-day Adventist
55:46 newly renamed Battle Creek Sanitarium.
55:51 Three years after in 1879,
55:55 Dr. Kellogg married
55:56 one of the nurses on the sanitarium staff,
55:59 named Ella Ervilla Eaton.
56:03 Ella Eaton had received her graduate degree
56:07 from the Alfred Center in New York City in 1872,
56:11 and she continued her education
56:13 after her marriage to Dr. Kellogg,
56:16 earning her M.A. degree in 1885.
56:21 Although united in marriage to Dr. Harvey Kellogg,
56:24 Ella chose to remain a member
56:26 of the Seventh-day Baptist denomination
56:28 in which she had been brought up."
56:30 We also know the Seventh-day Baptists
56:32 were the ones that introduce the Adventists
56:34 to the truth about the Sabbath.
56:36 "Ella's strongest spiritual influences said to have come
56:41 from the then president and pastor of this university,
56:44 a man named Dr. Abraham H.Lewis,
56:48 whom she was eager to introduce her husband."
56:54 This is where the influence of pantheism
56:59 really began to come in.
57:01 And in this next message
57:03 that we're going to have this evening,
57:06 we're going to go in even farther
57:07 and we're going to start showing
57:09 how the roots of this tree began.
57:14 What we're seeing now is the fruit.
57:16 We're beginning to see
57:18 what was happening back in the 1800s,
57:21 that it wasn't just coincidence,
57:23 it wasn't just by chance.
57:25 All of these people were involved in Hinduism
57:29 and spiritualism.
57:31 It was through these works that Satan said,
57:35 "I can cause them to doubt God's Word."
57:39 I know it says that, but it can't really mean that.
57:43 And the moment we start believing
57:45 what it says, we lose all power.
57:49 Let's close with the word of prayer.
57:53 Father in heaven,
57:55 we thank You for Your Word which cannot fail.
57:59 We thank You for Your Word which was made flesh,
58:02 our Lord, our Savior and our King Jesus Christ.


Revised 2019-02-04