Amazing Adventures

Journey Through The Sea

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: AA

Program Code: AA190003A

00:11 One of the most incredible natural phenomenon in the world
00:14 is lightning.
00:15 At 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, a bolt of lightning
00:18 is as hot as the surface of the sun
00:21 and one of the brightest phenomenon
00:22 we ever see here on earth.
00:24 The International Space Station has observed
00:26 that our planet is struck by lightning
00:28 more than 100 times per second.
00:31 You know, every day,
00:32 there are about 44,000 lightning storms
00:34 that occur throughout the world,
00:36 striking the earth 6000 times a minute.
00:39 The average lightning strike is about six miles long,
00:42 and travels about 30,000 times as fast as a bullet.
00:46 And the temperature of lightning
00:48 can reach 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit,
00:51 that's hotter than the surface of the sun.
00:53 You know, it's actually a myth
00:55 that lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
00:57 For example, the top of the Empire State building
01:00 where I used to live in New York,
01:01 it averages over 20 strikes per year.
01:04 In one storm, it was struck six times in one evening.
01:08 One strike of lightning might contain
01:10 more than one million volts and over 200,000 amps.
01:14 And it's got enough power to lift an ocean liner six feet
01:17 into the air.
01:19 On average, thunder can only be heard
01:21 at a distance of five or six miles.
01:23 But at night,
01:25 lightning can be seen as much as 100 miles away.
01:28 You know, it's still something of a mystery
01:30 exactly what causes lightning.
01:32 But there's no mystery that Jesus said
01:34 His Second Coming is going to be like lightning
01:37 shining from the east all the way to the west.
01:40 We're gonna learn about it.
01:41 So join me now for this amazing adventure.
02:02 Well, good evening, again everyone.
02:03 And welcome to another Amazing Adventure program.
02:07 A series called Amazing Adventure,
02:09 A Journey for Life with Jesus.
02:11 And we're just delighted that you're back here.
02:13 We've been having a good time over the last,
02:15 let's see, this is our third presentation.
02:17 And we'd like to invite Pastor Doug to come forward,
02:20 as well as our singers
02:21 as we get ready to sing our theme song.
02:26 All right.
02:28 Now hopefully you all remember the words,
02:29 let's stand and we're gonna be singing together,
02:31 "Life is an Adventure."
02:38 Life is an adventure following the King
02:43 Every day with Jesus makes us want to sing
02:48 Walking in the spirit He will lead the way
02:53 With his words to guide us glowing deep inside us
02:59 Nothing can divide us following the King
03:05 Life is an adventure following the King
03:11 Every day with Jesus makes us want to sing
03:16 Conquering with kindness everywhere we go
03:21 Voices we are raising Jesus we are praising
03:27 Life is so amazing following the King
03:33 Life is so amazing following the King
03:42 All right.
03:45 Now each night I think we get a few questions that come in.
03:47 We do and we got some good questions.
03:49 It's coming from a couple of countries.
03:51 Of course, we have in US,
03:53 but we also have some from the Philippines
03:55 I understand and I think there's one from India as well.
03:57 So I think we're ready for our questions
03:59 if they want to put them on the screen.
04:01 Hi. My name is Sophie.
04:03 And I live in Tecate Baja California, Mexico.
04:07 And my question is,
04:09 is the world really going to end?
04:11 All right.
04:12 So the question from Mexico, is the world really gonna end?
04:15 Well, that ties in with our subject tonight.
04:17 It does perfectly.
04:19 Well, God had a plan when He made the world.
04:23 He made a paradise for Adam and Eve
04:25 and their descendants,
04:26 and He wanted it to last forever.
04:29 But the devil came, we learned last night
04:30 he invaded our world, he kidnapped the planet.
04:34 Jesus came, and He bought back the world,
04:37 those who accept Him.
04:39 And the Bible says, He's gonna make a new heavens
04:42 and a new earth.
04:43 So the world the way it is now will end,
04:46 but God is gonna make the world over again,
04:49 fresh, perfect, and we have a lesson
04:51 that's gonna talk about that.
04:52 But, yeah, it's this world,
04:54 the way it's going now is not gonna last.
04:56 And we'll talk about some of the signs
04:58 that the Bible gives us in our program tonight.
05:00 Okay.
05:02 And our next video question we have.
05:03 Hi. My name is Victoria.
05:05 I'm 10 years old and I'm from New Jersey.
05:07 My question is, how can I deal with my anxiety and trust God
05:10 when there's so many scary
05:11 and bad things happening in the world?
05:12 All right.
05:14 How does a person trust God
05:15 when there's so many bad things happening in the world?
05:18 Well, that would scare me.
05:19 It looks like she was driving while she asked that question.
05:23 How can you trust God?
05:26 Well, you know, it says in the Bible in Psalm 23.
05:30 "Yes, though I go through
05:32 the valley of the shadow of death,
05:34 I will fear no evil because You are with me."
05:39 God told Moses, "I will be with you.
05:41 Do not be afraid."
05:43 God told Joshua, "Be very courageous.
05:45 I am with you."
05:47 God told Jacob, "I will be with you
05:49 and bring you back to the land again."
05:51 God always keeps His promise.
05:54 What did Jesus say, when He went to heaven?
05:56 "I am with you always, even to the end of the world."
06:00 So if Jesus is with us, do we need to be afraid?
06:03 No.
06:05 You know, I grew up, I think, I told you, part of my life,
06:07 I lived in New York City
06:09 and it was a dangerous city back then,
06:10 it was probably more dangerous than it is today.
06:13 And sometimes kids would get mugged
06:16 and things get stolen, you could get robbed.
06:19 It wasn't always very safe.
06:21 But I had a big friend that went to school with me.
06:24 And when I walked to school with my big friend,
06:27 I wasn't very afraid.
06:29 Well, Jesus is
06:30 the biggest friend you can have.
06:31 You have nothing to fear
06:33 if you are with Him and He is with you.
06:34 Amen? Amen.
06:36 Our next question that we have.
06:38 Hi. I'm Lucy.
06:40 Nine years old from Philippines.
06:43 When I go to heaven, will I remain as a child?
06:49 Okay.
06:50 So the question is,
06:51 do children stay children in heaven
06:53 or what happens to them?
06:54 Do they grow up?
06:56 Well, you know, the Bible tells us
06:58 in the Book of Malachi,
07:00 it says, "That they shall go forth
07:02 and grow up as calves of the stalls."
07:05 It's talking about heaven in that verse.
07:07 And so if there's a child in this life,
07:10 when Jesus comes, if you're alive
07:12 when Jesus comes, you get a glorified eternal body,
07:15 but it will be a youthful body, and when you get to heaven,
07:17 you'll continue to learn and to grow up in heaven.
07:21 Someone might ask the question, now, grandma, when she died,
07:24 she was 99 years old, she was a little bit wrinkly.
07:28 Will grandma will be all wrinkly
07:30 when she gets to heaven in her glorified body?
07:33 I don't think so.
07:34 I think everybody's gonna have
07:35 a perfectly mature youthful body.
07:38 There'll be no effects of aging,
07:40 but children will grow up.
07:42 You know, some other verses
07:43 that we know that there's children in heaven.
07:45 It tells us that
07:47 the child will play
07:48 on the hole of a venomous serpent
07:51 and it will not hurt.
07:52 There's nothing, a child will lead
07:55 a lion and a wolf in heaven.
07:57 So are there children in heaven?
07:59 Yes. There must be.
08:01 It says, children will be playing
08:02 in the streets of heaven laughing.
08:04 So the Bible definitely tells us
08:07 that there will be children in heaven,
08:09 but you won't stay children forever.
08:11 You'll continue to grow up
08:12 until you reach perfect maturity
08:14 and then you'll continue to learn and to grow
08:16 in your mind and your abilities forever.
08:19 Now, Pastor Doug, isn't it true
08:20 that there's even a verse in the Bible
08:22 that seems to indicate
08:23 that children in heaven
08:25 will age a little slower than here on this earth?
08:27 That's right.
08:28 It says a child will die at 100 years
08:31 and some people think
08:32 that means that children will die.
08:34 It actually says,
08:35 they won't even cease to be children until they're 100.
08:39 Have you read in Genesis, some of the first patriarchs
08:42 when they got married, they waited till they were 100,
08:46 before they got married.
08:47 And so you'll live forever
08:50 and so God's gonna let us grow up longer.
08:52 How many of you have had a puppy?
08:54 And you really liked it as a puppy,
08:56 but it seemed like it was just a few months
08:58 it turned into a dog.
09:00 And you wish it could have been a puppy longer.
09:04 Well, you'll get to enjoy your youth
09:06 even longer in heaven.
09:07 All right.
09:08 Well, that's it for our Bible questions for tonight.
09:10 And again, I wanna thank those
09:12 who sent in their Bible questions.
09:13 And also we're gonna be asking
09:15 some of you throughout this week
09:16 for your Bible question.
09:18 So I hope you're thinking of your question.
09:20 Right, Pastor Doug, we'll turn the time offered to you.
09:21 Thank you, very much, Pastor Ross.
09:23 And we're so glad that you're all here.
09:25 I wanna welcome our friends who may be watching
09:27 online or television and our class here,
09:31 we have an exciting presentation tonight,
09:34 at least, it's really exciting for me.
09:36 Our lesson tonight is called Journey through the Stars.
09:40 And we're gonna be talking about taking
09:41 one of the most incredible trips
09:43 in the universe.
09:45 Now we had a memory verse tonight, John 14:3.
09:49 Why don't you say that with me?
09:50 Jesus said, "And if I go and prepare a place for you,
09:57 I will come again, and receive you to myself,
10:02 that where I am, you may be also."
10:07 Jesus said, "I will come again
10:08 and take you to the places that I prepared."
10:11 You know, what that means?
10:13 You need to get ready for space travel.
10:16 Now I don't know about you, but one of my dreams...
10:21 I don't know what it is about me,
10:22 but I always wanted to fly.
10:25 My dad was a pilot, brothers were pilots,
10:30 when I was on snow skis, I always look for the jumps.
10:33 When I'm on a motorcycle or on a quad, I like jumping.
10:38 When I'm waterskiing, I jumped over the wake.
10:41 I like the feeling of flying through the air.
10:43 I've jumped out of an airplane with a parachute.
10:46 I've jumped off a mountain with a hang glider.
10:49 I love flying, but my dream, I wanna go to space.
10:54 Now there was a man, he had a dream to go to space,
10:59 Dennis Anthony Tito.
11:01 He was an engineer that made a lot of money.
11:03 He made millions and millions of dollars
11:07 through investments in the space industry.
11:09 And he went to NASA.
11:10 He said, I wanna go to space
11:12 and you can give me some training as an astronaut,
11:14 and I'll do experiments, they said,
11:15 "No," you're not a professional astronaut,
11:17 we're gonna not talk to you.
11:18 He kept saying, I wanna go to space.
11:20 I want to go to space.
11:21 They wouldn't do it.
11:23 So he went to the Russians, who he did business with.
11:27 The Russians, you know,
11:28 we share the space station with them.
11:30 The Russians are the one...
11:31 We don't have a space shuttle anymore.
11:33 You know how we get our astronauts to space.
11:35 The Russians fly them back and forth
11:37 in their Soyuz rockets.
11:39 And he went to the Russians.
11:41 He said, I will give you
11:42 $20 million for your space program
11:45 if you let me go up to the space station
11:47 for eight days
11:48 before the spaceship returns.
11:50 They said, $20 million dollars?
11:52 Okay.
11:54 He became the first tourist to space.
11:57 Now does he look happy to you?
11:58 Yes.
11:59 He had to pay $20 million for admission,
12:02 but he didn't care.
12:03 It was his dream.
12:05 Wouldn't it be wonderful
12:06 if you could buy a ticket to heaven?
12:09 Somebody bought that ticket for you,
12:11 you and I can't afford it.
12:13 You get to go on a trip not just to the space station,
12:16 but you get to go on a trip through the universe.
12:19 Now you know how big the universe is.
12:21 This man just went to the space station.
12:23 They're saying in a few years,
12:25 you probably heard of Tesla cars, Elon Musk.
12:27 He's got a company that's called SpaceX.
12:31 They're developing a rocket called the big Falcon rocket.
12:34 And that rocket, they say in about five years,
12:37 it's gonna be able to take tourists to the moon,
12:39 go around the moon and back, you can't land on the moon.
12:41 Just go around the moon once and come back.
12:45 Will that be exciting to take a trip to the moon?
12:48 And they say, they think they can fit
12:49 100 people on their rocket.
12:53 Oh, I don't know if I'd ever be able to afford it.
12:56 But I'd love to go to space.
12:58 You know, they send teachers to space,
12:59 they send all kinds of people,
13:01 if you can write letters for me to NASA,
13:03 tell them, send a pastor to space.
13:04 I'd like to be that pastor, I would love to go.
13:07 But I know, I'm gonna go someday.
13:10 You know, when you think about space,
13:13 it is so big, even those who go to the moon
13:16 or were planning a trip to Mars in a few years.
13:18 That's not very far.
13:20 You have not even left our neighborhood
13:23 when you're in our solar system because space is so huge.
13:26 We know now from the Hubble telescope,
13:28 that space is ginormous,
13:31 it's immense, it's colossal, it's big.
13:34 You know, I can't find words for it.
13:36 It's eternal.
13:38 Let me give you an example.
13:40 Right now, the most powerful telescope
13:41 we have is the Hubble telescope.
13:44 They took the Hubble telescope a few years ago.
13:47 They aimed it at a piece of the sky where it was dark.
13:50 You know, on a clear night when you look up,
13:51 you see a little cream of stars,
13:53 looks like stars sprinkled everywhere,
13:54 but you can see a few dark spots.
13:56 They said, "We wonder what will happen
13:59 if we focus a telescope
14:00 for several months
14:02 on the darkest place in the sky,
14:04 what we will see?"
14:06 And they took a picture and it was called
14:07 the Ultra Deep Field of Space.
14:12 Here's a picture of it.
14:14 It took about 90 days,
14:15 they focused the telescope up there,
14:17 and they found 10,000 galaxies,
14:23 where in a little piece of sky,
14:25 as big as a piece of rice.
14:28 Now, let me get you to think about that.
14:29 I'm gonna back at my slides.
14:31 Here's a picture of a galaxy, when you look at night,
14:32 and you see that galaxy is some barrel galaxy,
14:34 one of them.
14:36 It looks like a star.
14:38 It actually has 200 billion suns,
14:43 not million,
14:44 200 billion approximately stars are in that one dot.
14:48 We used to think that was one star.
14:50 It was actually a cluster, a spiral of 200 billion.
14:55 And it looks like if you fired a bullet in the middle of it,
14:57 you'd hit something, it is so big,
14:59 and those planets are so far apart,
15:00 that if you fired a bullet right in the middle,
15:02 you probably never hit anything.
15:04 Space is so huge,
15:07 you know, they're building the telescope now.
15:08 It's called the James Webb telescope.
15:12 The shield of the telescope is as big as a tennis court.
15:16 It's gonna have the biggest mirror,
15:18 it's gonna be 100 times more powerful.
15:21 I think it'll be in operation about 2023,
15:24 100 times more powerful than the Hubble telescope.
15:27 When you aim the telescope up and you see some of the nebula,
15:31 beautiful colors and things up in space, they got this one,
15:33 it's one of my favorite.
15:35 They call it the God's Eye Nebula.
15:38 Can you tell why?
15:39 Doesn't that look a little bit like an eye?
15:41 It's almost like God's up there
15:43 with one eye looking down on us.
15:45 But He is looking at us all the time.
15:46 Huh?
15:48 How many of you would like to be able to go through space?
15:50 Have you ever sung that song Before Rock of Ages?
15:54 There's a verse in there, it says,
15:55 "When I go to worlds unknown,
15:59 see thee on thy judgment throne."
16:01 We'll get to soar through space.
16:02 Bible says, "We will mount up with wings like eagles,
16:06 we'll be able to fly."
16:08 And you won't need a spacesuit.
16:11 And you'll be able to fly faster than the speed of light,
16:14 and light goes 186,000 miles a second.
16:18 Well, I'm excited about, but the most important thing
16:20 about going to space,
16:22 it's not just all the wonders we'll see,
16:24 it's the one that we will see, Jesus.
16:29 So Jesus promised He's coming back.
16:31 Let's look at question number one.
16:33 Will Jesus really come back to earth again,
16:36 and take us through the stars to heaven?
16:39 That's His promise to us.
16:41 "In my Father's house are many mansions:
16:44 I go to prepare a place for you."
16:46 How many of you have a place prepared by God?
16:49 He's got one for each one of you.
16:51 "And if I go and prepare a place for you,
16:54 I will come again."
16:56 Now you know why He said, "Again?"
16:58 Because Jesus came once already, didn't He?
17:00 He came as our sacrifice.
17:02 He's coming next time as our King.
17:04 "I will come again, and receive you to myself,
17:07 that where I am, you may be also."
17:09 You know, how the Bible ends?
17:11 The Bible ends with a promise.
17:12 He says, "Behold, I'm coming quickly,
17:15 and my reward is with me,
17:17 to give to every man according as his work will be."
17:21 Here's the important thing I want to impress tonight
17:23 it's in this question.
17:25 How will Jesus come the second time?
17:30 Why do we need to understand how Jesus will come?
17:34 Do you know when Jesus came the first time,
17:36 there were prophecies in the Bible
17:37 that told all about His first coming,
17:40 but most people were not ready for His first coming
17:43 because they misunderstood the prophecies.
17:46 When the wise men came riding
17:48 on their camels and donkeys into Jerusalem,
17:50 they said, "Where is He that is born king of the Jews?"
17:53 You would have thought the Jewish nation
17:54 would have been all excited and looking for Him.
17:56 They were all...
17:59 The Messiah, their Savior came,
18:01 and most of the nation was unaware,
18:03 just a few shepherds.
18:05 And Simon in the temple
18:06 and a few people were looking for His coming
18:09 because the devil had deceived them about
18:11 how He was coming.
18:13 You see, the Bible tells us
18:15 Jesus would come the first time like a lamb,
18:18 the second time like a lion.
18:21 They thought He was coming the first time like a lion,
18:24 and the second time like a lamb.
18:27 He came as a sacrifice quietly, meekly, the first time.
18:31 He's coming like a conquering King
18:33 the second time.
18:34 They got the prophecies mixed up,
18:35 and so they were deceived,
18:37 and many of them were not ready,
18:38 and many were lost,
18:40 because they didn't understand how He was coming.
18:44 So do you wanna know something about
18:46 how the Lord's coming?
18:48 You need to know because the devil
18:49 is gonna deceive a lot of people.
18:51 When Jesus was brought up into heaven,
18:54 He spoke to the disciples from the Mount of Olives,
18:56 He blessed them,
18:58 told them go preach the gospel to the world,
19:00 and while they watched He was taken up,
19:03 and the clouds received Him out of their sight.
19:06 The Bible says, "And behold,
19:08 two men stood by them in white apparel."
19:10 That's Acts 1:17.
19:12 Who were these two men?
19:13 Angels. Angels.
19:15 "Who said, 'Men of Galilee,
19:16 why do you stand gazing up into heaven?'
19:18 " When Jesus went up in the clouds,
19:19 they just stood there.
19:21 And they kept looking and looking.
19:23 And the angels were suddenly there and they say,
19:25 "Why do you keep gazing up into the heavens?
19:27 This same Jesus,
19:29 who was taken up from you into heaven,
19:31 will come as you saw Him go."
19:34 He was real when He left,
19:35 He's gonna be real when He come.
19:36 He left in the clouds, He's gonna come in the clouds.
19:41 It's clouds of glory and angels.
19:45 Will we be able to see Jesus when He comes?
19:48 Or is Christ coming secretly?
19:52 Now this is why it's so important to understand,
19:55 some churches teach
19:56 that when Jesus comes it's going to be a secret.
19:59 That you'll be driving down the road with grandma,
20:02 and if grandma's a Christian and maybe you're not,
20:05 grandma disappear,
20:06 then your car's gonna run off the road.
20:08 Or if you're in an airplane and the pilot's a Christian
20:11 and some people aren't, the pilot disappears
20:13 and the planes gonna start going on autopilot.
20:17 They think that people are just gonna disappear.
20:18 Now I believe, they call this the rapture,
20:21 but they're usually talking about the secret rapture,
20:23 rapture means that will be caught up
20:25 by the power of the Lord.
20:27 But the rapture is not going to be a secret,
20:29 people are gonna see it.
20:31 It says in the Bible, "Therefore if they say to you,
20:34 'He is in the desert!'
20:36 do not go out, or 'Look, He is in the inner rooms!'
20:39 do not believe it."
20:40 For the Bible says,
20:42 "As lightning comes from the east
20:44 and flashes to the west,
20:45 so will the coming of the Son of Man be."
20:48 I need a volunteer.
20:50 Okay, let's see here.
20:53 I can come back down here.
20:54 I know, I don't wanna ignore the guys on the front
20:56 but I feel like I'm missing out...
20:58 All right. Young lady, you right here.
20:59 Yeah. Yeah.
21:01 Well, I'll take two. Let's get a boy from over here.
21:02 I can come up.
21:04 You haven't been up, okay.
21:06 Since you asked, ask and you'll receive.
21:08 Look in the chest there and one of you look,
21:10 just get one thing.
21:12 You're gonna see something looks like a black radar gun.
21:15 You wanna get that?
21:16 Pull that out, bring it over here.
21:18 Don't worry about shutting it. That's okay.
21:20 All right.
21:23 Now, why don't you close your eyes?
21:30 All right. Do you trust me?
21:31 Mm-Hmm.
21:33 You see something?
21:35 I just saw a yellow.
21:37 You saw yellow.
21:38 Your eyes were closed, how did you see it?
21:40 Because it went through my eyelids.
21:42 It's so bright you can see it through your eyelids?
21:43 Yeah.
21:45 Now I'm not sure if I can see again.
21:47 Now I can't see again.
21:49 All right, you want to take that and try it?
21:51 Try it for your friends out, see if they...
21:53 You guys all close your eyes.
21:55 You can get them in the face.
21:56 Try and get everybody.
21:58 Yeah.
21:59 Go, yeah.
22:01 Try it, let the camera see it.
22:03 Go ahead, this group over here.
22:05 Can you all see it? Yeah.
22:06 Oh, now she's holding it down so it's strobing.
22:09 That was fun.
22:10 This is a hunting light.
22:12 This is a mild one.
22:14 They've got them that are so bright
22:16 that if you put your hands over your eyes,
22:20 and you close your eyes, you can still see it.
22:23 Did you guys know that
22:25 when there's real bright lightning?
22:27 Any of you ever been in a lightning storm
22:28 and you're little scared?
22:30 Yes.
22:31 And you close your eyes,
22:33 and you can put your head under your blanket,
22:35 and can you still tell when the lightning flashes?
22:38 Yes.
22:39 It's so bright, the brightest light
22:41 that they had back then was lightning.
22:43 And Jesus said, when He comes again,
22:45 it'll be like lightning.
22:47 What kind of lightning?
22:48 It's the lightning that shines from the east to the west.
22:53 Did you all see that?
22:55 Yeah.
22:57 The coming of the Lord is gonna be that bright.
22:59 Thank you, very much. Let's give them a hand.
23:01 Great, I appreciate that.
23:04 Hi, friends,
23:05 you know, the most important decision
23:07 a young person can make is that decision
23:09 to follow Jesus and begin that amazing adventure to eternity.
23:13 That's why we're so excited to tell you about
23:15 the new Amazing Adventure programs that are available.
23:18 During these nearly 10 hours of exciting
23:21 high definition programs,
23:22 the young people will do science experiments,
23:24 learn about history, nature, encounter some wild animals,
23:28 and most of all, they'll learn about Jesus
23:30 from the Word of God.
23:32 What's really neat
23:34 is there's a beautifully illustrated Bible Study Guide
23:36 to go along with each of the video presentations.
23:40 These beautiful illustrated study guides
23:42 are full of pictures, and puzzles, and Bible stories.
23:45 They'll lead your kids through
23:46 an incredible journey with Jesus
23:48 while they learn about Bible doctrines
23:50 like heaven, hell,
23:51 and how to be ready for Jesus coming.
23:54 And for me, the most exciting thing
23:56 is this new Amazing Adventure series
23:58 goes along with the Amazing Facts
24:00 Adventure Bible.
24:01 And this is a Bible, I'll tell you,
24:02 it's full of studies, illustrations, puzzles,
24:06 special tools that make studying the Bible,
24:09 fun and interesting.
24:10 This new Amazing Adventure series is the best ever.
24:13 The Bible, the study guides,
24:15 the DVDs are all designed
24:17 to lead your young person on a Journey
24:19 for Life with Jesus.
24:21 To find out more how you can get yours,
24:23 call the number on your screen
24:25 or contact us at
24:34 It says, He's coming with the clouds.
24:36 We already talked about that. How many people will see Him?
24:40 Is it just a few people there already
24:42 or will everybody see Him when He's ready?
24:47 So Jesus comes again it'll be bright,
24:51 every eye will see Him,
24:53 not only will every eye see Him...
24:57 I need a volunteer.
25:00 All right.
25:01 Let me see, I'll get two again. I'll come down.
25:06 All right.
25:07 So you come up here, there you go.
25:09 You can, come on.
25:16 Well, what's your name?
25:18 Couldn't hear you. Annabelle.
25:19 Annabelle. And you are?
25:21 Enoch. Enoch, right.
25:22 Enoch, see if you can find something from the ocean
25:24 in the treasure chest there.
25:28 Okay.
25:30 Now, you know what this is?
25:32 Shell.
25:33 Yeah, I found this by accident driving once on an island.
25:36 I won't tell you where.
25:38 And what do they say
25:39 when you put your ear to a shell,
25:41 what's supposed to happen?
25:42 You can hear the ocean.
25:44 Can you hear the ocean?
25:46 You do hear the ocean, yeah.
25:47 You hear kind of an echo when you listen to that, okay?
25:51 You wanna hear?
25:52 See if you can hear something.
25:55 Can you hear hum a little bit, right?
25:58 Okay, now I want you to plug your ears.
26:01 Come on over here. No, I don't bite very hard.
26:04 All right.
26:05 This is not just an ordinary shell.
26:09 Put your fingers in your ears.
26:18 Did you hear that?
26:19 Now cover both of your ears again,
26:21 you come over here, she doesn't mind.
26:22 You put your hands over her ears, also,
26:25 you get double coverage.
26:27 These are little noise cancelling headphones.
26:33 Did you hear that? All right.
26:35 You know not only will you see when Jesus comes,
26:38 the Bible says, you gonna hear when Jesus comes.
26:41 Yeah, I didn't know there was a trumpet also.
26:43 All right, thank you very much. Let's give them a hand.
26:46 Okay.
26:52 Let's look at this next verse here.
26:55 It says, "For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven
26:57 with a shout."
26:59 What?
27:01 I wonder how loud if we all shouted together
27:05 at the same time, if I asked you to all say,
27:08 "Amen," when I count to three,
27:11 I wonder if they'd hear next door
27:13 where the adults are meeting.
27:15 Let's try then.
27:16 All right. You got to do it one time.
27:19 When I say it, one time, I just wanna hear amen.
27:23 I'll count to three. Okay?
27:25 Amen.
27:26 And then you got to be real quiet afterward.
27:27 Ready?
27:29 Here, this is your chance.
27:30 One, two, three.
27:33 Amen!
27:40 Okay.
27:42 So now was that loud?
27:43 Yeah.
27:45 Okay.
27:47 Now settle down.
27:48 Now the Bible says, "The Lord is coming."
27:51 Do you think you're louder than the Lord?
27:53 No!
27:54 When the Lord comes with a shout
27:56 and with a trumpet, will people know?
27:58 Yes!
28:00 When it's as bright as lightning from side to side,
28:02 everyone will know.
28:03 Remember, when Jesus came,
28:05 the first time He came as a baby,
28:06 He came like what?
28:07 A lamb.
28:09 Quietly, meekly, at night in a manger,
28:13 almost nobody knew.
28:15 When He comes a second time, He's coming like a lion,
28:18 like a king with a shout, with a trumpet,
28:22 with light, it is not a secret.
28:24 Now why does the devil want
28:26 people to think He's coming quietly?
28:28 Because Satan is going to impersonate
28:31 Jesus' Second Coming.
28:35 If you know that Jesus is coming in the clouds,
28:37 Satan's not gonna impersonate that.
28:39 If you know He's coming with lightning from the sky to sky
28:42 with a shout and all the angels.
28:44 He won't be able to come.
28:45 But you might be thinking, Pastor Doug,
28:48 doesn't the Bible say that Jesus is coming like a thief?
28:51 It does.
28:53 Some people think He comes like a thief.
28:55 He steals away all the saved people.
28:58 And then life goes on for seven more years.
29:01 But let's read what the Bible says,
29:03 when it says He's coming like a thief.
29:05 2 Peter 3:10,
29:07 "The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night."
29:12 Now what happens on the day when the Lord comes?
29:14 "In which the heavens pass away with a great,"
29:17 there's that "noise" again,
29:19 "and the elements melt with fervent heat
29:22 and both the earth and the works
29:24 that are in that are burned up."
29:26 Does it sound to you, when Jesus comes like a thief?
29:28 Does it sound like life goes on?
29:30 No.
29:32 The whole world's burned up when He comes like a thief.
29:34 So when people tell you
29:35 Jesus is gonna take some folks away secretly,
29:37 the Bible doesn't teach that.
29:39 You're not gonna read about the Second Coming
29:41 in the newspaper the next day.
29:43 You're not gonna have a friend call you on the phone and say,
29:46 "Hey, did you hear?"
29:48 Or they gonna text you, and say, "Did you catch that?
29:49 Well, our Jesus just came."
29:52 No.
29:53 When He comes, the whole world will know.
29:56 Who is gonna be with Jesus when He comes?
30:00 Matthew 25.
30:01 Let me read it to you.
30:03 "When the Son of Man comes in His glory,"
30:05 and how many angels?
30:07 "All the holy angels with Him."
30:10 You know, the Bible tells us
30:11 that there were one or two angels
30:13 at the resurrection.
30:14 One angel threw away the stone,
30:15 two angels appeared to the ladies.
30:17 But the power of that angel scared a bunch of guards,
30:20 they fell down like they were dead
30:22 from the glory of one angel.
30:24 Can you imagine?
30:25 You know, the Bible tells us that one angel of the Lord
30:27 went out to the Assyrian army.
30:29 One angel killed 185,000 enemies
30:34 in one night, one angel.
30:36 Can you imagine when the Lord comes
30:37 with billions of angels, how bright that will be?
30:41 It says, "He will send His angels
30:43 with the sound of a great trumpet,"
30:44 there's that trumpet again,
30:45 "and they will gather together His elect from the four winds,"
30:48 that means north, south, east, west.
30:51 "From the four winds of heaven,
30:53 from one end of heaven to the other."
30:55 Bible says,
30:56 "When the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven
30:59 with His mighty angels in flaming fire."
31:02 This is 2 Thessalonians 1:7,
31:05 "Taking vengeance on those who do not know God,
31:08 and on those who do not obey."
31:09 What's gonna happen to those who don't obey?
31:12 Those angels are gonna also come and take vengeance.
31:15 If you're not saved, taking vengeance on those
31:18 who do not obey our Lord Jesus Christ.
31:22 And so you need to be ready,
31:23 as I mentioned that one angel
31:26 scared all of those soldiers at the resurrection.
31:29 Jesus said, 1 Thessalonians 4:16.
31:32 "For the Lord Himself," Paul actually writes this,
31:35 "For the Lord Himself
31:36 will descend from heaven with a shout,
31:38 with the voice of the archangel,
31:40 with the trumpet of God."
31:41 And what else happens when He comes?
31:44 There's a resurrection, everything is happening
31:46 when He comes at one time.
31:48 "The dead in Christ will rise first.
31:51 Then we who are alive, and if you're young,
31:53 when Jesus comes and you're alive,
31:55 you get a glorified body, a young body.
31:58 We who are alive and remain will be caught up together
32:00 with Him in the clouds.
32:02 So you're gonna get to go through
32:03 the stars in the clouds,
32:05 to meet the Lord in the air," that's His clouds of angels,
32:08 "and thus we will always be with the Lord.
32:11 Now, tell me if it looks like it's a secret to you?
32:14 The Bible says, one, His coming is literal.
32:18 He left, He was real, He was talking to Him.
32:20 The angel said He's coming the same way.
32:23 He left, He was personal, they knew Him.
32:27 Some people say Jesus came spiritually.
32:29 It's such a spiritual, it's very physical.
32:31 He was visible,
32:33 He will be visible when He comes.
32:34 He left in the clouds, He's coming in the clouds.
32:36 It was audible,
32:38 they could hear Him speak when He left.
32:40 He's coming with a shout and a trumpet,
32:42 the Bible says, in a roar.
32:44 It's physical.
32:46 The Bible says, there's an earthquake
32:47 when Jesus comes.
32:48 Every island and mountain is gonna be swallowed up
32:52 and shaken.
32:53 It's gonna be vitalizing,
32:54 there's a resurrection when He comes.
32:57 It's gonna be glorious.
32:58 Angels are full of...
32:59 These heavens are full of light and angels and glory,
33:02 it's like lightning, and it's going to be climatic,
33:05 it's a great climax of history.
33:06 It's called the day of the Lord.
33:09 So if you hear these stories about Jesus coming secretly
33:12 and snatching away a few people,
33:14 that's what the devil wants folks to think.
33:16 So they won't be ready when the real thing happens
33:19 because Satan plans on impersonating Jesus' coming.
33:23 You see, many churches teach, they believe Jesus is coming.
33:28 But they say, "Yeah, it's gonna be secret rapture."
33:30 I know this man and his wife's a Christian.
33:33 She believes that Jesus is coming secretly.
33:36 And the life is gonna go on for seven more years
33:38 and he'll get another chance.
33:41 Well, there is no second chance.
33:44 The devil wants people to think don't get ready now.
33:47 If all the Christians disappear,
33:49 then you'll know the Bible's true
33:50 and then you get ready.
33:51 The devil's trying to trick a lot of folks.
33:53 That man says, "Well, if my wife disappears,
33:55 then I guess she's telling the truth.
33:57 Then I'll get ready."
33:59 But you see, it'll be too late them.
34:01 So the devil's trying to deceive a lot of the world,
34:04 even in the church about how He's coming.
34:06 We know He is coming.
34:08 He promised He'd come the first time
34:09 as our sacrifice, and He did, didn't He?
34:12 Let me tell you something, just,
34:14 I think you'll find interesting.
34:16 God made Adam, just about 6000 years ago.
34:20 And then you've got 6000 years approximately
34:25 from the time of Adam to where we are,
34:27 when you look at the ages in the Bible.
34:29 Then God says, "We're going to spend 1000 years
34:32 living and reigning with Jesus during the millennium."
34:34 Millennium means 1000 years.
34:37 And then Peter says,
34:38 "A day with the Lord is like 1000 years."
34:40 So it's like you've got Adam back here,
34:43 and you've got 1000, 2000, Abraham,
34:49 3000, 4000, Jesus was born,
34:53 5000, 6000,
34:55 and then we have 1000 year Sabbath with the Lord.
34:59 It's 2000 years from Adam to Abraham,
35:03 2000 years from Abraham to Jesus,
35:06 and it's probably pretty close to 2000 years
35:08 from Jesus' first coming to a second coming.
35:10 We are living on Friday evening of the Second Coming.
35:16 His coming is very near
35:18 and He's got a big plan for your life.
35:19 And He wants you to surrender your hearts to Him.
35:22 So you can do His will for your life.
35:24 He won't force you, you must invite Him to come in.
35:28 So will everybody go with Jesus to heaven when He comes?
35:31 No.
35:32 Very sad, but no.
35:33 Most people don't go.
35:35 I wish it was the majority, but Jesus said,
35:38 "Strait is the gate and narrow is the way
35:40 that leads to life and a few there be that find it."
35:44 Broad is the way and wide is the gate
35:47 that goes to destruction.
35:49 A lot of people want to go down that road to destruction,
35:52 many there are, people they don't wanna...
35:56 They're waiting, they say, "Oh, later, I'll turn to Jesus.
35:58 I want to do what my friends are gonna do."
36:00 You need to make your own decision.
36:02 Jesus said, "That the wicked will declare,
36:05 for the rocks, they'll pray for the rocks
36:07 and the mountains to fall on them
36:08 and hide them from the face of Him
36:10 who sits on the throne.
36:13 They're gonna run from the glory of His coming.
36:15 With the breath of his lips He will slay the wicked.
36:18 I used to play a game when I lived in New York City,
36:21 sometimes we had problems with cockroaches.
36:24 They're all over the city,
36:25 and I've been to some countries.
36:27 The cockroaches come out in the day
36:28 or they come out in the night.
36:30 Night.
36:31 And so my friends and I,
36:32 we would sneak into a room at night
36:35 and we turn on the lights
36:37 and we see the cockroaches everywhere
36:38 and we try to surround them.
36:40 If we shine the light at them, they all run from the light.
36:43 But what happens at night
36:45 if you shine a light in the summer up in the sky,
36:49 cockroaches run from the light on the ground,
36:51 but as you shined it in the sky,
36:52 the moths will come to the light.
36:55 Same light,
36:59 but some are cockroaches and some are moths.
37:01 When Jesus comes, the cockroaches are gonna run,
37:05 and the moths are gonna come.
37:08 Are you gonna want to be excited about Jesus' coming?
37:10 You can be a month, you're gonna go to the light,
37:12 you'll be happy.
37:13 Those who have sin in their hearts,
37:15 they're gonna run.
37:16 Jesus said, "Behold, I come quickly,
37:19 and My reward is with Me to give to every man
37:22 according as his works will be."
37:24 Everyone's gonna be judged when He comes.
37:27 Now, what are some of the signs of Jesus' coming
37:28 that He gives us?
37:30 I'm gonna go through several signs here.
37:31 Now listen.
37:32 You wanna know how soon He's coming?
37:34 No man knows the exact date of His coming.
37:36 If someone says, I've got the date of His coming.
37:38 I know the year of His coming.
37:39 I'd stay away from that person.
37:41 The Bible is very clear
37:42 that nobody knows the day and the hour of Jesus' coming.
37:46 Christ said when He sat on the Mount of Olives,
37:48 the disciples came to Him privately,
37:50 they said, "Tell us,
37:52 what will be the signs of Your coming
37:55 and the end of the world, the end of the age?
37:59 And so the answer to that is,
38:01 I'm gonna give you several answers now.
38:03 A, there'll be false prophets,
38:06 Jesus calls them wolves in sheep's clothing.
38:09 You cannot believe everybody out there that says
38:12 they're preacher, they're not all teaching from the Bible.
38:15 So you need to be on your guard.
38:17 Christ said, "There'll be many false prophets,
38:20 they'll rise and they will deceive many."
38:23 You know, what an illusion is, an optical illusion?
38:25 Yes.
38:26 I want you to look at what I got on the screen here.
38:27 You see that box with the intersecting lines.
38:30 How many of you can see the black dots?
38:36 To know, there actually are no black dots up there,
38:38 but if you stare at that long enough,
38:39 you'll think that the white dots
38:41 are surrounded by black dots, but they are not there.
38:44 It's an optical illusion.
38:45 Can the devil create illusions?
38:47 Yes.
38:49 You got to be very careful what you watch on television,
38:53 and what you watch on your phones or your iPads.
38:57 You know, how you hypnotize a person?
39:00 Through the optic nerve,
39:01 that's the eyes in the auditory nerve,
39:03 that's the ears.
39:05 Through a certain rhythms and suggestions,
39:07 the devil can hypnotize people.
39:10 And so you got to be careful what you're watching
39:12 because sometimes the devil can create illusions
39:15 and he can deceive people.
39:17 The Bible says, "They'll be many false christs
39:19 through history, they've been several people
39:21 that said they were Jesus."
39:23 I'll tell you a quick story.
39:25 Jesus says, Matthew 24,
39:27 "If they say He's in the desert,
39:29 go not forth."
39:31 I lived in the desert,
39:33 in a cave by myself up in the mountains.
39:37 Some of you heard my story right first night.
39:41 I live like that for about a year and a half.
39:44 One day while I was in my cave yard
39:46 doing something,
39:47 a hiker came into my yard.
39:50 He was a man about six feet tall,
39:53 he had hair down to his shoulders,
39:55 he's about 30 years old,
39:57 he had a beard, a good looking man.
40:00 I said, "Hi."
40:01 I thought he was just a hiker on the trail.
40:02 And I said, "Hi, what's your name?"
40:04 He said, "I'm Jesus."
40:06 I said, "Oh, you mean like Jesus?"
40:10 You know, I've met some people...
40:12 I've got some Spanish friends
40:13 and they named their kids Jesus.
40:15 But that's how you say Jesus.
40:17 He said, "No, no.
40:18 I am Jesus."
40:19 Well, I had just been reading the Bible.
40:21 I just had come to the Lord, I was a baby Christian.
40:25 I said, "You mean, like,
40:27 you're saying that you're Jesus,
40:29 Jesus?"
40:31 "Yes."
40:33 I said, "I was a little scared,"
40:36 because I thought,
40:37 I'm up here alone in the mountains,
40:38 that somebody that says, "They're Jesus,"
40:40 they probably crazy.
40:41 And then I thought, he looks a little like Jesus,
40:46 at least, the pictures I see.
40:48 I thought, well, if he is Jesus,
40:50 I don't wanna be rude
40:51 because that would really be bad.
40:53 If I said, oh, Jesus, you're a liar.
40:55 And he really was Jesus.
40:56 I mean, I didn't know what to think.
40:58 And so I said, "But, I thought in the Bible,
41:02 it said, that when you come, everybody's gonna see you,
41:06 and it's going to be like lightning."
41:08 He said, "Well, that's when I come
41:09 for everybody in the world, but I'm coming
41:12 for certain special people privately."
41:17 And he seemed to know his Bible.
41:19 Whenever I'd say something,
41:20 he said, well, the Bible says this about...
41:22 And he was quoting and misquoting the Bible.
41:24 I didn't know the Bible that well back then.
41:27 And he stayed with me.
41:29 And I thought, well,
41:31 I know this is gonna be very interesting.
41:32 He doesn't seem like he's gonna hurt me,
41:35 but he said, he was Jesus.
41:36 And so I stayed with him
41:37 and I talked to him about the Bible,
41:39 and I asked him questions,
41:40 but he stayed with me for three days,
41:42 he ate all of my food.
41:44 He didn't do any work and help me around the cave.
41:47 So finally, I had to kick Jesus out.
41:49 Say, look, you gotta go.
41:51 A few days later, I saw him down in town.
41:55 And he had found someone that was following him around,
41:57 this tall hippy, he said, "Oh, this is Jesus."
42:01 I said, "Oh, no."
42:04 And then a few days later, I saw him
42:05 and he was missing one of his teeth
42:07 because he had gotten in a fight
42:09 and someone knocked out one of his teeth,
42:10 I thought, I feel so much better.
42:12 Because I know Jesus has all of his teeth.
42:14 And that for me was proof that he was not Jesus.
42:18 But this was one person
42:19 who probably used too many drugs,
42:20 he was not well, but there's gonna be some people
42:22 in the last days that are gonna say,
42:24 "They're Jesus,"
42:25 They're gonna be very convincing.
42:28 The devil can appear as an angel of light
42:31 and deceive people.
42:33 Hi, friends,
42:35 you know, the most important decision
42:36 a young person can make
42:37 is that decision to follow Jesus and begin
42:40 that amazing adventure to eternity.
42:42 That's why we're so excited to tell you about
42:44 the new Amazing Adventure programs that are available.
42:48 During these nearly 10 hours of exciting
42:50 high definition programs,
42:52 the young people will do science experiments,
42:54 learn about history, nature, encounter some wild animals,
42:57 and most of all, they'll learn about Jesus
43:00 from the Word of God.
43:01 What's really neat
43:03 is there's a beautifully illustrated Bible Study Guide
43:05 to go along with each of the video presentations.
43:09 These beautiful illustrated study guides
43:11 are full of pictures, and puzzles, and Bible stories.
43:14 They'll lead your kids through
43:15 an incredible journey with Jesus
43:17 while they learn about Bible doctrines
43:19 like heaven, hell,
43:20 and how to be ready for Jesus coming.
43:23 And for me, the most exciting thing
43:25 is this new Amazing Adventure series
43:27 goes along with the Amazing Facts
43:29 Adventure Bible.
43:30 And this is a Bible, I'll tell you,
43:32 it's full of studies, illustrations, puzzles,
43:35 special tools that make studying the Bible,
43:38 fun and interesting.
43:40 This new Amazing Adventure series
43:41 is the best ever.
43:43 The Bible, the study guides,
43:44 the DVDs are all designed
43:46 to lead your young person on a Journey
43:49 for Life with Jesus.
43:50 To find out more how you can get yours,
43:53 call the number on your screen
43:54 or contact us at
44:04 Bible says,
44:05 "Not only will there be false christs,
44:06 there's gonna be wars and disasters."
44:08 Do we have war in the world today?
44:10 Yes.
44:11 Are there natural disasters? Yes.
44:13 Even in America, we've had some terrible floods this year.
44:16 There's different earthquakes that are happening.
44:17 They had volcanoes destroying, they got mudslides,
44:20 they're having famine and floods
44:22 and it seems like these things are happening more.
44:27 Some of you have any little brothers or sisters.
44:30 Yeah.
44:31 Do any of you remember when mom was pregnant
44:33 with little brother or little sister?
44:35 Do you know what happens, when a mom's gonna have a baby,
44:38 of course, the baby starts to grow out,
44:39 she gets bed and then she starts to walk
44:41 a little funny.
44:43 And then when and sometimes she's got aches and pains,
44:46 her back hurts and sometimes she feels contractions
44:48 and baby kicking or something, you know, those little pains.
44:52 But then one day she'll say to the dad,
44:54 "Ow, you better get me to the doctor.
44:57 This is really hurting, I'm having a contraction."
45:01 And dad's driving real fast to get to the doctor
45:03 and she's going, "Ow,"
45:05 and they call the doctor from the car and they say,
45:08 "My wife's in labor, get ready."
45:10 The doctor will say,
45:11 "How far apart are the contractions?"
45:14 Because as the pains get closer together,
45:17 and as they get more intense,
45:19 soon you got a baby, that's how it happens.
45:23 You know, the Bible talks about second coming that way.
45:25 It says that as we get near...
45:27 There always been wars,
45:28 they have always been rumors of wars,
45:30 there's always been natural disasters.
45:31 But as we get near the end, in the last century,
45:34 we had two World Wars, that never happened before.
45:37 Now we have nuclear weapons.
45:39 Now we're having terrible disasters
45:41 like the tsunami where they had 250,000 people died.
45:45 The earthquake in Haiti, where,
45:47 I think, it was like 300,000 people...
45:49 They're just terrible tragedies that are happening in the world
45:53 that tells us that Jesus is coming soon.
45:58 One of the other signs of Christ's coming again?
46:01 Knowledge will increase.
46:04 Oh, man, I got this cell phone.
46:07 It's a really smart smartphone.
46:11 And I can't believe everything it does,
46:13 it's taken me a while to learn.
46:15 But I mean, I just press a button and I'll say,
46:17 "Google,
46:19 how many stars are in the galaxy?"
46:20 I did this today?
46:21 How many stars are in the galaxy?
46:23 There are 200 billion to 250 billion...
46:27 I ask it any question in the world,
46:29 it's like, I've got all the knowledge.
46:30 It tells me where I am. It's got a light on it.
46:32 It's got a camera on, it's got a video player on it.
46:35 I can do 1000 different things with this with a little box.
46:39 If I have the Apostle Paul here today,
46:43 and I showed him my smartphone,
46:45 he'd think it was demon possessed.
46:48 He would say, "What's that?"
46:51 I mean, really think about it.
46:53 Has knowledge increased a lot in the last generation?
46:56 Yes.
46:57 My grandfather was born in New York City at home,
47:00 by kerosene light.
47:02 When he was born in New York City,
47:03 they drove horses around New York City.
47:06 Look at how much things have changed in one lifetime.
47:10 You're living in one of the most exciting times
47:12 in the world's history.
47:13 The Bible says in the Book of Daniel 12:4,
47:17 "But you, Daniel, shut up the words,
47:19 and seal the book until the time of the end,
47:22 for many will run to and fro, and knowledge will increase."
47:27 People running to and fro,
47:29 are people traveling faster today than before?
47:31 Yes.
47:33 You know, a few years ago,
47:34 if you wanted to get from New York to California,
47:38 you had to go by foot or horseback,
47:40 it could take you months.
47:42 And then they started to get a train
47:43 and it would take you days.
47:46 And you get a car, you can do it even quicker.
47:49 Now you can hop on a plane,
47:50 you know, the Boeing has just developed a plane
47:53 that's gonna go about 3000 miles an hour.
47:58 People are gonna be able to go from New York to London
48:01 in two hours.
48:04 It's just incredible,
48:05 what's happening with technology.
48:07 Look at all the inventions in the last few years.
48:09 In one century, airplane, automobile, radio, television,
48:14 smartphone, computer, nuclear power, lasers,
48:16 penicillin, solar panels, moon landing, hearing aids,
48:20 I need pretty soon, pacemakers, microwaves,
48:24 DNA, air conditioning, I mean, all these things,
48:28 the world has changed so much in one lifetime.
48:31 You know, for me, one of the greatest proofs,
48:33 hey, listen, listen, you gonna want to get this.
48:36 Some of the greatest proof that Jesus is coming soon
48:39 is the next thing that Christ says here,
48:41 Matthew 24:14.
48:43 "And this gospel of the kingdom
48:45 will be preached in all the world
48:47 for a witness to all nations, and then the end will come."
48:51 You know, right now through the internet,
48:54 these programs are being watched
48:55 all over the world.
48:57 Through television,
48:59 3ABN's got satellites all over the world.
49:03 That through radio, through the printed page,
49:08 from missionaries, there's hardly a place.
49:12 Mrs. Batchelor and I went with some of our media team
49:15 that's here now, we went to New Guinea,
49:18 150,000 people came
49:22 and we couldn't believe it, but how did they know?
49:25 They had smartphones.
49:27 They were texting each other.
49:29 Even on a fairly poor country like New Guinea,
49:34 all over the place,
49:35 people are hearing the message of the gospel.
49:38 Another thing sign to the end,
49:40 Bible says, selfishness would increase.
49:42 Paul says, 2 Timothy,
49:44 now, there's no selfishness in your family, right?
49:47 "Know this that in the last days,"
49:49 this is 2 Timothy 3:1, 2, 4.
49:52 "Men will be lovers of themselves,
49:53 lovers of money, lovers of pleasure
49:55 more than God,"
49:57 that's happening in the world today.
49:59 Jesus said, "The love of many would grow cold
50:03 because lawlessness abounds."
50:05 People watch these killer video games
50:07 and then young people go out and get guns
50:09 and they shoot their friends at school.
50:11 And they shoot teachers and they just for no reason,
50:14 because you know what the Bible says, when Christ...
50:17 Christ said, "When Jesus comes again,
50:19 it will be like the days of Noah."
50:21 You know, what it says about the days of Noah?
50:23 Violence, the world is full of violence,
50:27 and people involved in a lot of senseless violence.
50:30 More people die in gang fighting in Chicago
50:34 than die overseas in the military,
50:36 from day to day.
50:38 It says, children would be disobedient to their parents.
50:42 I know you obey your parents.
50:44 Unthankful, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers,
50:49 without self control, brutal,
50:51 these are signs of the last days.
50:54 So here's the important question.
50:56 How do I get ready for Jesus' coming?
50:59 How many of you want to be ready?
51:01 You want to know how to be ready?
51:03 You can get ready tonight.
51:05 Do any of you know that
51:07 you're going to be alive in a week?
51:09 You probably will.
51:10 But you know, sometimes things happen.
51:13 Life is a gift.
51:16 And you need to make a decision to say,
51:18 "I'm not gonna wait until I'm older."
51:20 Today, Jesus said, "When you hear His voice,
51:23 you open the door of your heart."
51:25 Christ said, "I stand at the door and I knock.
51:28 If anyone hears My voice..."
51:30 He's not only knocking, His voice, He's calling,
51:33 "And opens the door, I will come in."
51:35 Do you remember what we learned earlier?
51:38 Does Jesus force His way in
51:39 or do you need to invite Him in?
51:42 You need to invite Him in.
51:44 He wants you to open the door.
51:46 And He says, "If you open the door,
51:47 as many as received Him,
51:51 to them He gives power to become children of God,
51:54 those who believe in His name."
51:56 It's that simple.
51:58 If you say, "Lord, I am sorry for my sins."
52:02 And you confess and repent of your sins.
52:03 Tell the Lord, you're sorry, pray to Him,
52:06 say, "Will You forgive me?"
52:07 He promises, He will.
52:09 The Bible says, "If you confess your sins,
52:11 He's faithful and just to forgive all your sins
52:14 and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness."
52:16 And then, He'll cleanse you from all,
52:19 He promises to forgive you, you have a gift
52:22 of everlasting life at that point.
52:24 Now, Christ said, He'd come back again,
52:26 can we believe Him?
52:27 Yes.
52:29 You know, one of my favorite stories
52:30 from history is about Sir Ernest Shackleton.
52:34 He was a famous Arctic explorer from England.
52:37 And he wanted to be the first one
52:39 to take a team of men
52:41 and completely cross the Antarctic South Pole.
52:44 And he ran an ad in an English paper,
52:46 and it said, "Men wanted for a hazardous journey.
52:50 Low wages, bitter cold,
52:54 long hours of complete darkness.
52:57 Safe return doubtful."
52:59 In other words, you may not survive.
53:01 "Honor and recognition in the event of success."
53:05 According to the story I heard,
53:07 he was flooded with applications of young men
53:09 that wanted to do something like that,
53:11 risk their life for a noble cause.
53:14 So he got a very careful crew together.
53:17 He made sure they were all well trained.
53:19 And they took the ship called the Endurance
53:21 and they went down to the South Pole,
53:23 and as they began to get ready to cross the South Pole,
53:25 the ship got trapped in ice, and the men all had to unload.
53:30 And they couldn't go anywhere, there's no radios back then,
53:33 they were stuck, they were marooned,
53:35 and then soon the ship got crushed in the ice.
53:39 So they took the lifeboats off.
53:41 They had to paddle the lifeboats
53:43 and take them to the nearest island
53:45 because Antarctic was just ice, they had to get off the ice.
53:48 They took the gear and all that they could
53:49 and they went to an island called Elephant Island,
53:52 and they were stranded there.
53:53 No one knew they were there.
53:54 They were starving, it was winter, it was cold,
53:56 they were wet, they were sick.
53:59 And Shackleton thought, we're gonna die
54:00 if we stay here, I need to get help.
54:03 So he took five or six men that were still well,
54:06 this is actually a photograph they took that day,
54:08 they took a photographer with them.
54:10 They got in that little bitty boat
54:11 that you see there.
54:13 They crossed 800 miles of ocean,
54:16 they had no GPS
54:18 to go to the nearest whaling station
54:20 where they knew there would be some other people.
54:23 Shackleton told his men, he said, "I will come again."
54:28 And he went and he risked his life,
54:30 and they made it to the whaling station,
54:32 even though he was hungry and sick and cold.
54:36 He told the whaling boat you've got to leave right now,
54:37 and I'm going with you because
54:39 I promised them I would come back.
54:40 They said, we'll go get them, we know where they are,
54:42 you stay here and rest.
54:43 He said, "No, I promised that I would come back."
54:45 He got on the boat.
54:46 He went back with them and he rescued all of his men.
54:50 Is Jesus gonna keep His promise?
54:53 He said, "I've gone to prepare a place for you.
54:55 I will come again and receive you to Myself."
54:58 Jesus is definitely coming again.
55:00 This world is definitely going to end.
55:03 You can see it, the pollution, the overpopulation,
55:08 the threat of war,
55:09 man keeps making nuclear weapons
55:11 and history shows us
55:12 man has never made a weapon he did not use.
55:14 I'm not trying to frighten you.
55:16 But you need to be aware
55:17 that this world is not gonna last forever.
55:20 And the Lord brought you here tonight
55:22 or you're watching right now
55:23 because He wants you to be ready.
55:25 Jesus said, "Look, I wanna prepare
55:26 a place for you."
55:28 But you must first give Him a place in your heart,
55:31 if you prepare a place for Him in your heart.
55:33 Say, "Lord, come into my heart, I'm gonna open the door,
55:37 then You can take that journey through the stars."
55:40 There's only two kinds of people
55:41 when Jesus comes, what are they?
55:43 Cockroaches and butterflies or moths.
55:47 You get to make up your mind what you wanna be.
55:50 If you invite the Lord and He says,
55:51 "I'll make you a new creature, I'll give you power,
55:53 I have a special exciting plan."
55:56 And you will have an amazing adventure with Jesus,
55:59 when you invite Him into your heart.
56:01 How many of you want to do that?
56:59 Hi, friends,
57:01 you know, the most important decision
57:02 a young person can make
57:04 is that decision to follow Jesus
57:05 and begin that amazing adventure to eternity.
57:08 That's why we're so excited to tell you about
57:10 the new Amazing Adventure programs
57:12 that are available.
57:14 During these nearly 10 hours
57:15 of exciting high definition programs,
57:18 the young people will do science experiments,
57:20 learn about history, nature, encounter some wild animals,
57:23 and most of all, they'll learn about Jesus
57:26 from the Word of God.
57:28 What's really neat
57:29 is there's a beautifully illustrated Bible Study Guide
57:31 to go along with each of the video presentations.
57:35 These beautiful illustrated study guides
57:37 are full of pictures, and puzzles, and Bible stories.
57:40 They'll lead your kids through
57:41 an incredible journey with Jesus
57:43 while they learn about Bible doctrines
57:45 like heaven, hell,
57:46 and how to be ready for Jesus coming.
57:50 And for me, the most exciting thing
57:51 is this new Amazing Adventure series
57:53 goes along with the Amazing Facts
57:55 Adventure Bible.
57:56 And this is a Bible, I'll tell you,
57:58 it's full of studies, illustrations, puzzles,
58:02 special tools that make studying the Bible,
58:04 fun and interesting.
58:06 This new Amazing Adventure series
58:07 is the best ever.
58:09 The Bible, the study guides,
58:10 the DVDs are all designed
58:12 to lead your young person
58:14 on a Journey for Life with Jesus.
58:17 To find out more how you can get yours,
58:19 call the number on your screen
58:21 or contact us at


Revised 2019-12-12