3ABN Christmas Special

3ABN Christmas Special

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Tim Parton, John Lomacang, Yvonne Lewis


Series Code: 3CS

Program Code: 3CS170013A

00:01 For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given:
00:05 And His name will be called
00:07 Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God,
00:11 The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
00:18 Join Tim Parton, Yvonne Lewis, and John Lomacang
00:22 as we bring you Christmas with Tim Parton and Friends.
00:41 A long time ago in Bethlehem
00:44 So the Holy Bible say
00:48 Mary's boy child Jesus Christ
00:51 Was born on Christmas day
00:55 Hark now hear the angels sing
00:58 A new king born today
01:02 And man will live forevermore
01:05 Because of Christmas day
01:11 While shepherds watch their flock by night
01:14 They saw a bright shining star
01:18 And heard a choir from heaven sing
01:21 The music came from afar
01:25 Hark now hear the angels sing
01:29 A new king born today
01:32 And man will live forevermore
01:36 Because of Christmas day
01:43 Now Joseph and his wife Mary
01:46 Came to Bethlehem that night
01:50 They found no place to bare her child
01:54 Not a single room was in sight
01:59 By and by they find a little nook
02:02 In a stable all forlorn
02:06 And in a manger cold and dark
02:10 Mary's little boy child was born
02:14 Hark now hear the angels sing
02:17 A new king born today
02:21 And man will live forevermore
02:24 Because of Christmas day
02:28 Trumpets sound and angels sing
02:32 Listen to what they say
02:35 That man will live forevermore
02:39 Because of Christmas day
02:50 That's a fun song. I love it.
02:52 That is fun. That's fun.
02:53 It's a good start.
03:08 Away in a manger
03:13 No crib for a bed
03:18 The little Lord Jesus
03:22 Laid down His sweet head
03:27 The stars in the sky
03:31 Looked down where He lay
03:36 The little Lord Jesus
03:42 Asleep on the hay
03:52 The cattle are lowing
03:57 The poor baby awakes
04:02 But little Lord Jesus
04:06 No crying He makes
04:10 I love you Lord Jesus
04:15 Look down from the sky
04:19 And stay by my side
04:25 Until morning is nigh
04:36 Be near me Lord Jesus
04:40 I ask you to stay
04:45 Close by me for ever
04:50 And love me, I pray
04:55 Bless all the dear children
04:59 In thy tender care
05:04 And take us to heaven
05:09 To live with you there
05:17 And take us to heaven
05:23 To live with thy there
05:41 Very nice.
05:44 I love those songs.
05:45 Yes, me too.
05:46 Those are timeless
05:48 and that's why we sing them every year, right?
05:49 That's right and what makes it so nice is that
05:52 even though these songs are true all year long...
05:55 It's good to pause at a time of the year
05:57 when people are willing to hear about Jesus
05:59 and we know it wasn't a cold time of the year.
06:03 God is not so unjust to put His Son
06:05 into a freezing manger.
06:07 But we do know the fact that Jesus was born in a manger.
06:10 And I like Isaiah the prophet, when he tells a story, he says,
06:13 "The ox knows
06:15 and the donkey knows their master."
06:17 But Israel does not know, they do not know their maker.
06:21 And so as we pause to acknowledge
06:23 the beauty of these songs,
06:25 we also pause to acknowledge the timeless message.
06:29 That as we sing these songs,
06:30 we sing them not for the season but because we know our savior.
06:33 That's right. Yes.
06:35 And what a night it was, what kind of night it was,
06:37 you know, song writers traditionally say
06:39 it was a clear night and it had to be
06:41 to some degree because they saw the star,
06:45 they saw the star leading the wise men from Jerusalem
06:49 to find out that people of God did not know,
06:53 all the way to Bethlehem.
06:55 To find the Christ child to whom they gave the gifts.
06:59 And in this song although it's a traditional one,
07:01 we gonna kind of give it a little flavor,
07:03 that is add a little bit of gospel style to it.
07:06 But the message remains untouched.
07:09 That's right. Yvonne, sing this song for us.
07:24 It came upon the midnight clear
07:30 That glorious song of old
07:36 From angels bending near the earth
07:42 To touch their harps of gold
07:48 Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
07:54 From heaven's all gracious King
08:00 The world in solemn stillness lay
08:06 To hear the angels sing
08:16 For lo!
08:17 The days are hastening on
08:22 By prophets seen of old
08:27 When with the ever circling years
08:34 Comes around the age of gold
08:40 When peace shall reign over all the earth
08:47 His angels spread their wings
08:52 The whole world gets back
08:58 The songs which now the angels sing
09:05 Peace on the earth, goodwill to men
09:12 From heaven's all gracious King
09:18 The world in solemn stillness lay
09:24 To hear the angels sing
09:31 The whole world is backed the song
09:37 Which now the angles sing
09:51 Woo!
09:55 That's a new flavor. That's right, it is.
09:57 Yes.
09:59 You know every year at Christmas time,
10:03 I think one of the things,
10:04 some people worry about is what to get,
10:07 what to give as a gift in appreciation to each other.
10:12 We exchange gifts, if you exchange gifts,
10:16 there may be a concern
10:18 and I think about how the wise men,
10:21 now the Bible talks about them bringing gifts
10:25 in the Bible and the frankincense,
10:27 gold and myrrh, I guess that was by the,
10:31 what they're called were they, wise men.
10:33 So I wonder what I would bring today.
10:40 I don't consider myself to have great riches or,
10:45 you know, anything of importance,
10:48 basically all I have to offer is me.
10:51 And as it would turn out,
10:53 that's exactly what He wants.
10:55 Yes.
10:56 So each of us have what Christ wants
11:01 for Christmas.
11:05 He wants you
11:07 and this is a nice song talking about
11:13 our Christmas offering.
11:23 Over the skies of Bethlehem appeared a star
11:30 While angels sang to lowly shepherds
11:36 Three wise men seeking truth they traveled from afar
11:43 Hoping to find the Child from Heaven
11:49 And falling on their knees
11:52 They bow before the humble prince of peace
12:00 I bring an offering of worship to our King
12:07 No one on earth deserves the praises that I sing
12:14 Jesus, may You receive the honor that You're due
12:22 O Lord, I bring an offering to You
12:33 The sun cannot compare to the glory of Your love
12:40 There is no shadow in Your presence
12:46 No mortal man would dare to stand before Your throne
12:53 Before the Holy One of Heaven
12:59 It's only by Your blood
13:03 And only through Your mercy
13:06 Lord I come
13:10 I bring an offering of worship to my King
13:17 No one on earth deserves the praises that I sing
13:24 Jesus, may You receive the honor that You're due
13:32 O Lord, I bring an offering to You
13:58 O Lord, I bring an offering to You
14:09 Lord, I offer my life to You
14:15 Everything I've been through
14:21 Use it for Your glory
14:25 Lord, I offer my days to You
14:31 Lifting my praise to You
14:36 As a pleasing sacrifice
14:44 Lord, I offer You my life
14:51 Lord, I offer my life to You
14:57 Everything I've been through
15:03 Use it for Your glory
15:06 Lord, I offer my days to You
15:12 Lifting my praise to You
15:18 As a pleasing sacrifice
15:25 Lord, I offer You my life
15:33 Lord, I offer You
15:38 My life
15:55 Amen. Amen.
15:58 What a worshipful song. Yeah, for sure.
16:01 That's our gift.
16:03 That's right. Is our worship to Christ.
16:04 That's right. Sure.
16:05 And, you know, when you think about the offering,
16:07 when Paul says in Romans 12,
16:10 " I beseech you therefore,
16:11 brethren, by the mercies of God,
16:13 that you present your bodies."
16:15 We live in a world were people would gladly write a check.
16:19 And they would do their weekly hour
16:22 or may be two or have a long in church.
16:25 But Jesus didn't come to write a check.
16:29 He came to offer His life.
16:30 Yes. Right.
16:32 And He is saying in return,
16:33 if anyone would come after Me,
16:34 let him deny himself, let him take up his cross,
16:37 and so the message in this song
16:40 is not just that we offer God what we have.
16:43 But as Tim said early, we offer Him us.
16:46 And I've discovered as I've grown,
16:48 you know, pastoring all these years and marriage.
16:51 As I understand the theology
16:54 of what it means to be a disciple,
16:56 it's not an easy thing to offer yourself.
16:58 That's right.
16:59 It's not an easy thing to say,
17:01 Lord, I'm going to lay down every...
17:02 And I could hear the Lord saying,
17:04 "No, no not that, no, no.
17:05 You can do great.
17:07 Not, not that.
17:08 You, not that."
17:11 And so as you think about this gift giving season,
17:15 it is a really good time as the years
17:16 are winding up to say,
17:18 you know, I want to go on to the next year
17:19 by giving God at least on par of the gift He gave to me.
17:23 He gave me His life and, Lord, I offer you my life.
17:26 Thank you for including that song on this.
17:27 Oh, absolutely, you know, and this is the time also
17:30 right after that gift giving season it be going to,
17:35 some people like to make resolutions for the new year.
17:39 And so what a great opportunity
17:41 to renew that vow to Christ to give.
17:45 One of the scriptures this year
17:47 that has struck me so much is the scripture in Matthew,
17:50 where it talks about separating the goats from the sheep.
17:53 Oh, yeah.
17:54 And the things that seem so dear to Jesus.
18:00 The one who is separating the sheep from the goats saying
18:04 you know, I was sick
18:06 and you came and visited me in the hospital and prison.
18:10 I was poor and you fed me, hungry and you fed me,
18:13 thirsty and you gave me something to drink.
18:15 All those things, those are ways
18:18 that I can give...
18:20 Of my life, end of my time, end of my resources
18:25 and so I really want to,
18:28 offering all that I have, everything that I have.
18:31 Use it for Your glory, Lord.
18:32 Yeah. And so that's right.
18:34 I want to just add one more thing to that.
18:35 My wife and I were in Columbia a number of months ago
18:38 doing evangelism in the Spanish country.
18:41 And one evening I was taking out a little mini SD card
18:45 out of my camera and I...
18:48 For all of a sudden that little thought hit me,
18:50 you can't even take this to heaven with you.
18:53 It's smaller than my fingernail.
18:55 And I said, "Honey, we can't even take that
18:59 micro SD card with us,
19:01 why are we sweating over all this stuff down here?"
19:03 Let's just go and give our Lord our best.
19:06 And so I know that's the truth in your life,
19:08 I mean, you've come out of a world
19:09 that demands everything of you
19:11 and now you've come in to a world
19:12 that you're willing to give
19:14 everything of yourself to the Lord.
19:15 Oh, yeah, and there's nothing better than that.
19:18 You know, there's nothing better than that,
19:19 but I think a lot of times we kind of give God crumbs,
19:24 you know, like we don't make Him
19:27 the focal point of our lives, we fit Him in.
19:30 And one of my resolutions is to make God first,
19:36 you really make time for Him because that's the only way
19:39 that He can do the work in me
19:40 that needs to be done to prepare.
19:42 We can't do anything to be saved.
19:45 We have to just lay ourselves at His feet, and say,
19:47 "Lord, fix me, fit me for the Kingdom."
19:49 That's right.
19:51 And that's it, but if we don't give Him time
19:53 and if we're doing this, this and this and say,
19:55 "You know what, I don't have time for worship right now.
19:58 I don't have time to."
20:00 Then what we're doing is
20:02 we're letting everything else dominate.
20:05 But we must present ourselves,
20:07 Romans 12, one that you were saying.
20:10 As living sacrifice is holy acceptable unto God
20:13 which is our reasonable service.
20:15 So that's what God would expect us to do,
20:18 and I think this is a good time to really think about
20:21 where do you put God, is He first,
20:24 or are you offering Him yourself as a sacrifice,
20:27 or you're just, you know,
20:29 paying a little money here and there and thinking that,
20:30 that's enough.
20:32 It's not enough, He wants you.
20:34 You know that song,
20:35 "All He wants is you. Nothing less will do."
20:38 I mean that's really what it's all about,
20:41 so God is calling you to make a decision,
20:44 to make a choice for Him,
20:46 not just, you know, not just throw Him crumbs,
20:49 He's the creator of the universe.
20:52 And He wants a relationship with you and with me.
20:56 You know, if you think about it...
20:58 If the most, think of the most
21:01 famous person that you can imagine.
21:04 And that person, he or she
21:08 will seek you out for a relationship,
21:10 you would be like scrambling
21:12 to get to know that person.
21:15 And here we have the God of the universe saying,
21:18 I want a relationship with you, just spend some time with Me.
21:24 So I can fix you and fix your brokenness
21:27 and we just say, you know, not right now.
21:29 Right. Not right now.
21:31 Well, you know what, Lord, I want to say have,
21:35 I want to give you the time now.
21:37 And I think we all need to make that,
21:40 we all should be making that resolution
21:41 and sometimes we might mess up.
21:44 But I think we have to decide
21:47 that we want to make God first.
21:49 That's right.
21:53 Yeah, I like this is...
21:55 This is where I'm going to go with that.
21:57 Good.
22:03 All to Jesus I surrender
22:11 All to Thee I freely give
22:19 I will ever love and trust Him
22:26 In His presence daily live
22:33 That's were I want to be, in His presence daily.
22:36 So I surrender all
22:45 I surrender all
22:53 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
23:01 I surrender all
23:19 All to Jesus
23:24 I surrender
23:28 All to Him I freely give
23:34 Worldly pleasures
23:39 All forsaken
23:43 Take me, Jesus, make me Thine
23:53 I surrender all
24:01 I surrender all
24:08 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
24:16 I surrender all
24:21 All to Thee, my blessed Savior.
24:24 All to Thee, my blessed Savior
24:35 I surrender all
24:55 I heard the bells on Christmas day
25:00 Their old familiar carols play
25:04 In music sweet the tones repeat
25:08 There's peace on earth, good will to men
25:13 I thought how as the day had come
25:18 The bell freeze of all pristine dump
25:22 Had hold a long the unbroken song
25:26 Of peace on earth, good will to men
25:38 And in despair I bowed my head
25:43 There is no peace on earth I said
25:48 For hate is strong and mocks the song
25:52 Of peace on earth
25:55 Good will to men
26:00 Then peel the bells more loud and deep
26:05 God is not dead, nor does he sleep
26:09 For Christ is here
26:11 His spirit there
26:13 Brings peace on earth good will to men
26:44 Amen. Amen.
26:46 Amen.
27:04 Tears are falling, hearts are breaking
27:09 How we need to hear from God
27:15 You've been promised, we've been waiting
27:20 Welcome Holy Child
27:25 Welcome Holy Child
27:33 Hope that You don't mind our manger
27:38 How I wish we would have known
27:43 But long-awaited Holy Stranger
27:49 Make Yourself at home
27:53 Please make Yourself at home
28:06 Bring Your peace into our violence
28:11 Bid our hungry souls be filled
28:16 Word now breaking Heaven's silence
28:21 Welcome to our world
28:27 Welcome to our world
28:38 Fragile finger sent to heal us
28:43 Tender brow prepared for thorn
28:49 Tiny heart whose blood will save us
28:55 Unto us is born
29:01 Unto us is born
29:12 So wrap our injured flesh around You
29:18 Breathe our air and walk our sod
29:24 Rob our sins and make us holy
29:30 Perfect Son of God
29:36 Perfect Son of God
29:43 Welcome to our world
30:03 Precious. Amen.
30:04 Very nice, good job. Yes, yes, for sure.
30:07 Praise the Lord.
30:08 What's in the name,
30:09 I've two sons and I know when...
30:14 When we were trying to come up with names,
30:18 you know, how do you choose a name?
30:20 It's sometimes, you can choose a family name,
30:22 you know, if it's somebody in the a father,
30:25 a grandfather, a great grandfather,
30:27 sometimes you use the mother's maiden name
30:30 as the first name if it's appropriate
30:31 but to one of the...
30:34 Probably a very difficult and stressful things about
30:38 having a child is choosing the name.
30:41 And Elijah and Grae,
30:45 I know we thought our oldest was a girl,
30:50 so we thought Grace would be good for a name
30:54 and found out it was a boy and we just took the C out
30:57 and spelled it G-R-A-E, Grae.
31:00 And so, and he is a beautiful guy,
31:03 he's not, he's not gray in his color...
31:06 Or gray hair. Or gray hair.
31:08 He's got a lot of grey matter though, how's that.
31:10 A lot of grey matter, right, he does.
31:12 And so I can imagine how helpful
31:16 it would have been for the angel,
31:19 when the angel said, "You shall call his name."
31:22 Yeah.
31:24 Jesus. Yes.
31:25 For He will be the savior of the world
31:27 and so I just, I like that, any thoughts on names?
31:32 Oh, you have two sons. Yes.
31:34 I mean, how did you pick their names?
31:35 You know, just kind of going back and forth
31:38 and trying to figure out which names work,
31:41 like I didn't want anything that was too off the wall,
31:44 just regular names. Right.
31:46 You know, nothing that's too different.
31:48 Nothing that they would hate you for when they grew up.
31:50 Exactly, nothing that would get them
31:51 tossed out of a job interview at,
31:53 you know, some point later in life.
31:55 And so I just thought, okay, what about this name,
31:59 what about that name,
32:00 and talked it over with their dads,
32:02 and they kind of, you know,
32:04 it just kind of fell into place.
32:06 And they kind of match their name to me,
32:08 Mark and Jason. Funny how that works.
32:10 They do, they kind of matching me.
32:11 You can't imagine them anything else.
32:13 I know, exactly, exactly but, you know,
32:18 a name I've been kind of studying up
32:21 on the whole idea of names
32:23 and how the name is often tied into character.
32:29 Yeah.
32:30 And so we think about Jesus of course, His name.
32:33 I shall call His name Jesus for He shall save His people
32:36 from their sins.
32:37 So we know that, that name Jesus,
32:41 Yeshua is a special name.
32:45 That's right. Nice.
32:47 And think about His name, I mean,
32:50 all the demons of darkness, when they hear the name Jesus,
32:54 they've got to flee, at the name of Jesus
32:57 we are told that in the future, there is going to be a time
33:01 where everyone who has ever lived
33:03 will be alive.
33:06 And at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow,
33:11 every tongue will confess
33:13 that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the Father.
33:16 Who could have such a powerful name?
33:18 I remember growing up when my sister would say,
33:21 "Papa's home."
33:23 Well, whatever I was doing,
33:24 it's like if it's not authorized by papa,
33:26 it's time to cut it out.
33:28 Well, you know, we live in a world
33:29 where people are doing things that are not authorized by God.
33:31 But, you know, you're living at an hour
33:34 where you could still make a decision,
33:35 that when His name is called, you don't have to run in fear.
33:39 That's right.
33:40 He is the lamb, He is the lamb,
33:44 He is not angry at us, He's come to save us,
33:47 and that's what this whole season is about.
33:50 That's right.
33:51 We just want to kind of remind people
33:52 that the season while it's just a...
33:54 To me, I love celebrating Christmas.
33:57 I mean, I really do, I like the trees,
33:59 I know people have issues on trees, and lights,
34:01 and the tinsel and all that stuff.
34:04 It's a celebratory holiday. Absolutely.
34:07 It's good to end a terrible year
34:09 with something to be happy about.
34:10 That's right. Yes, that's right.
34:11 You know, just roll me in the snow,
34:13 just let me freeze and smile for a chance.
34:16 You're taking it a little far for me now.
34:18 You don't like always. No snow. No snow.
34:20 Well, I mean, when I lived in California by Placerville,
34:24 when I was in Heritage Singers, we would, you know,
34:26 get all the best snowsuits we can,
34:28 at least the best snowsuits whatever Lucy Mayes,
34:31 Mac Smith's wife had that we could fit
34:33 and we get garbage can covers or slays,
34:36 and we roll down the hill
34:37 and the snow would just gently knock
34:39 at the front of the ski, and just cover us,
34:42 and our faces would be pulverized
34:44 for a frozen moment, and we go back home,
34:47 and sit down and talk, and let ourselves thought out,
34:50 and say, "Thank you, Lord, for taking us
34:52 to the end of the year."
34:53 So as we think about the season,
34:55 narrow it down, not to the gift of just His life but the name.
34:59 Call on Him, while He can be found
35:01 and you'll know that this season
35:03 will take on a completely different meaning.
35:05 Yes. Nice.
35:09 Master, Redeemer
35:13 Savior of the world.
35:18 Wonderful, Counselor
35:23 Bright Morning Star
35:29 Lily of the valley
35:33 Provider, and Friend
35:37 He was yesterday
35:40 He'll be tomorrow
35:43 Beginning and the end
35:49 But the angel called Him
35:54 Jesus, born of a virgin
36:05 Mary called Him Jesus
36:12 But I call Him Lord
36:24 Jehovah, Messiah
36:28 Mighty God and King
36:32 Bread of Life, lasting words of love
36:37 The song that I sing
36:40 He is the Light in darkness
36:43 Door to heaven, my home in the sky
36:49 He's the Fountain of Living Water
36:54 That never shall run dry
37:01 But the angel called Him
37:04 Jesus, born of a virgin
37:16 Mary called Him Jesus
37:22 But I call Him Lord
37:31 And I'll never regret making that decision, right?
37:38 Yes, I call Him Lord
37:48 He's my Lord. Amen.
37:51 You know as you were singing that song,
37:52 I was singing along with you in my head.
37:54 Okay.
37:56 Mary called Him Jesus, but I call Him Lord.
38:00 And I was thinking, we had been talking about names,
38:02 how do you come up with a name.
38:04 You know there's going to be a time,
38:06 that everybody who has ever lived
38:08 is going to be alive on the earth.
38:10 And what a glorious day that's going to be
38:12 but now, what's so nice about that song is
38:15 I could call Him Lord too.
38:17 You see, we can call Him Lord
38:19 and who we are sharing with you is the Lord.
38:23 We always say Jesus is the reason for the season,
38:27 but He is the Lord of the season.
38:28 That's right.
38:29 So if you're in Walmart, that's our famous store
38:31 here in Southern Illinois, when we go to Walmart,
38:33 we feel like we are at North Shrimps
38:36 'cause that's about as close as we're going to get
38:38 to North Shrimp for an airplane ride.
38:41 But we could walk into Walmart, and Kmart,
38:44 and Sam's Club and all of our...
38:46 Even a little mall down in Carbondale,
38:48 and hear songs about somebody saying the name Jesus.
38:52 But I want to dare you to take the name of Jesus
38:55 beyond December 25th
38:57 'cause we are so holiday geared
39:00 that we forget to be Jesus geared.
39:02 Thank you for sharing that song.
39:03 Thanking the Lord. Amen.
39:04 Make Him your Lord. That's good. That's good.
39:06 Here is another classic song that I learned as a kid called
39:08 Beautiful star of Bethlehem,
39:10 sing along with me, all right, if you know it.
39:12 Okay.
39:19 Oh beautiful star of Bethlehem
39:24 Shinning afar through shadows dimmed
39:28 Giving the life for those who long have gone
39:36 Guiding the wise men on their way
39:41 Unto the place where Jesus lay
39:45 Beautiful star of Bethlehem shine on
39:53 Oh, beautiful star of Bethlehem
40:02 Shine upon us until the glory dawn
40:10 Give us Thy light to light the way
40:14 Unto the land of perfect day
40:19 Beautiful star of Bethlehem
40:23 Shine on, shine on
40:35 Oh, beautiful star the hope of light
40:40 Guiding the pilgrims through the night
40:44 Over the mountains 'till the break of dawn
40:52 Into the land of perfect day
40:57 It will give out a lovely ray
41:00 Oh, beautiful star
41:03 Of Bethlehem shine on
41:09 Oh, beautiful star
41:13 Of Bethlehem
41:18 Shine upon us until the glory dawn
41:26 Oh, give us Thy light to light the way
41:31 Unto the land of perfect day
41:35 Beautiful star
41:37 Of Bethlehem shine on
41:43 Oh, beautiful star
41:48 Of Bethlehem
41:52 Shine upon us
41:54 Until the glory dawn
42:01 Give us Thy light to light the way
42:05 Unto the land of perfect day
42:09 Beautiful star of Bethlehem
42:14 Shine on
42:16 Shine on
42:24 We know you knew that when you were little,
42:26 we might not know it.
42:27 That's all right. That's a good time.
42:29 Grace is sufficient for me.
42:30 That's right. That's right.
42:32 And that's what,
42:33 you know, sometimes you just have to have fun.
42:34 That's right.
42:36 And I think that our audience would appreciate
42:37 that we could have fun too,
42:39 we don't have to be perfect all the time.
42:40 That's right. That's a good thing.
42:42 As you can tell, you don't have to be perfect.
42:43 Right, it is a good thing.
42:44 Our perfection doesn't take away
42:46 from the perfection of the beautiful star of Jesus.
42:49 That's exactly right. Or our imperfection.
42:51 Yeah, that's what I meant, right.
42:53 Here is a beautiful song,
42:56 and if our friends at home know this song,
43:00 this is a great lyric,
43:03 I'm just going to play this one.
43:05 Thou didst leave thy throne.
46:02 Amen.
46:03 You know the last line of that song?
46:04 It says,
46:06 "There is room in my heart for Thee."
46:08 Right?
46:11 Again, talking about making room for Christ,
46:14 so it's a good song, it's a pretty, pretty song.
46:16 It's beautiful.
46:18 Would you like to sing little Silent Night?
46:20 Sure.
46:21 I think that would be very appropriate.
46:23 Sure.
46:39 Silent night
46:44 Holy night
46:49 All is calm
46:54 And all is bright
46:59 Round yon Virgin
47:04 Mother and Child
47:08 Holy infant
47:13 So tender and mild
47:18 Sleep in heavenly
47:24 Peace
47:30 Sleep in heavenly
47:38 Peace
47:47 Silent night
47:51 Holy night
47:55 Shepherds quake
47:59 At the sight
48:04 Glories stream from heaven afar
48:12 Heavenly hosts
48:15 Sing Alleluia
48:20 Christ the Savior
48:24 Is born
48:29 Christ the Savior
48:34 Is born
48:43 O Holy Night
48:47 The stars are brightly shining
48:53 It is the night of the dear
49:00 Savior's
49:03 Silent night
49:08 Holy night
49:13 Son of God love's
49:20 Pure light
49:22 Radiant beams
49:26 From Thy holy face
49:31 With dawn
49:35 Of redeeming grace
49:40 Jesus Lord
49:45 At Thy
49:46 Birth
49:53 Jesus Lord
49:59 At Thy
50:02 Birth
50:23 Amen. Amen.
50:25 Amen.
50:27 You know we think about that song,
50:31 there was a negro spiritual written a while ago,
50:33 and I looked into the history behind it
50:35 and it was a time when in America,
50:37 a dark history of America
50:39 when slaves and the tasking of the nation
50:44 was on the shoulders of people
50:46 who had been against their will brought
50:48 to the country
50:49 but they thought about the season,
50:51 it still didn't leave them.
50:54 And they instead of rejoicing as everyone would,
50:58 they thought about
51:00 the hardship of the road of Jesus
51:02 and this song Sweet Little Jesus Boy
51:05 was written through the tears of a people
51:08 and at a time
51:10 that joy wasn't the best thing in the atmosphere,
51:13 but its message has continued to resonate
51:16 and, you know, as we go through the...
51:19 We have negro spirituals,
51:21 then somebody changes the grammar
51:23 because your dad was an English teacher.
51:25 Right.
51:26 And we talked about this and said,
51:28 how do you say words that are broken
51:31 and fanatically incorrect,
51:33 but that was the whole message of the song,
51:36 and so enjoy this negro spiritual
51:38 that takes us to the season
51:40 and the people that communicated this message.
51:49 Sweet little Jesus boy
51:55 They made you be born in a manger
52:02 Sweet little holy child
52:09 We didn't know
52:11 who you were
52:17 Didn't know you'd come to save us, Lord
52:22 To take our sins away
52:29 Our eyes were blind
52:33 We couldn't see
52:40 We didn't know
52:42 Who you were
52:51 Long time ago
52:56 You was born
53:02 Born in a manger, Lord
53:09 Sweet little Jesus
53:13 Boy
53:18 You have told us how
53:25 We are trying
53:32 Master, You have shown us
53:38 How
53:43 Even when
53:47 You were dying
54:06 Just seems like
54:09 We can't do right
54:12 Look how we treated you
54:18 But please Sir
54:23 Forgive us, Lord
54:30 We didn't know
54:33 It was you
54:41 Sweet little Jesus boy
54:47 Born a long time ago
54:52 Sweet little holy child
54:59 And we didn't know
55:02 Who you
55:06 Were
55:20 Amen. Amen.
55:21 Wow, thank you.
55:22 Thank you for adding that note that I could not add.
55:25 Well, thanks for inviting me to sing with you.
55:28 You know, this is a joyful time of the year,
55:29 those of you who are...
55:30 Thank you for taking the time
55:32 to spend with Tim, and Yvonne, and me,
55:35 and with your 3ABN family.
55:37 And as we kind of close out this program,
55:40 it's been a wonderful time.
55:42 It's a time of the year
55:43 where we pull out our old lyrics
55:44 and try to remember
55:46 what we did not sing all year long.
55:48 And you have prayed with us all year long,
55:50 you have supported this network
55:52 and we thank you so much for it,
55:53 but we got to go out
55:54 with some of the traditional songs,
55:56 Joy to the World and whatever else
55:57 the Lord sends to your fingertips.
55:59 We'll sing along with you and you sing along with us.
56:01 Thank you so much, and may God bless you.
56:07 Joy to the world
56:10 The Lord has come
56:12 Let earth receive her King
56:17 Let every heart prepare Him room
56:22 And heaven and nature sing
56:24 And heaven and nature sing
56:27 And heaven and heaven and nature sing
56:37 He rules the world with truth and grace
56:42 And makes the nations prove
56:47 The glories of His righteousness
56:52 And wonders of His love
56:54 And wonders of His love
56:57 And wonders wonders of His love
57:34 Merry Christmas.
57:36 Merry Christmas.


Revised 2017-12-31