Three Angels Message

Come Out Of Her My People

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000025

00:30 Let's pray. Father what a joy it is to be in Your presence.
00:37 We've delighted as we've opened Your Holy Word
00:41 and studied about the three angels' messages;
00:44 Your last message to planet Earth.
00:47 And Father as we study about that great call in
00:53 Revelation 18, Come out of her My people,
00:56 we ask for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit.
00:59 I ask, Lord, that You will especially bless those who are
01:04 watching this programming on the different media.
01:07 I ask, Lord, that You will open their minds and hearts
01:11 to receive the truth as it is in Jesus.
01:13 And we thank You, Father, for the promise of Your presence,
01:17 because we ask it in the precious and holy name
01:20 of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
01:25 I'd like to begin our final study on the three angels'
01:32 messages by reading the passage that we have been studying
01:38 during the last several weeks, Revelation 14:6-12,
01:45 and then what we're going to do is bring everything together.
01:50 We're going to see how all of these pieces of the
01:53 three angels' messages fit together.
01:56 And not only will we dwell on Revelation 14:6-12, we will also
02:02 saw a few things about Revelation 14:14-20.
02:08 Revelation 14:6 reads as follows:
02:49 That's the first angel's message. Verse 8.
03:10 And then in verse 9 we have the third angel's message.
04:16 This is God's final message to planet Earth.
04:23 Because, as we're going to notice, as soon as the third
04:27 angel finishes his message Jesus is seen seated on a cloud
04:34 with a cycle in His hand, and He's going to harvest
04:37 the harvest of the earth, and He's going to harvest the grapes
04:41 of the earth because they are ripe.
04:44 In other words, these messages divide all of the human
04:47 race into two groups.
04:50 Now what we want to do is review, very briefly,
04:56 the content of the three angels' messages.
05:00 You'll notice that the first angel's message, first of all,
05:05 presents the everlasting gospel to every nation, kindred,
05:11 tongue, and people.
05:12 We have studied the everlasting gospel.
05:16 We noticed that the everlasting gospel has to do with
05:19 what Jesus did for us.
05:21 Jesus lived the life that we should live.
05:26 Jesus died the death that we should die.
05:29 And if we receive Jesus as our Savior, and as our Lord,
05:34 His life counts as if it was our life, and His death stands in
05:40 place of our death.
05:42 In other words, the everlasting gospel has to do with
05:46 the objective work of Jesus Christ; what Jesus did for us.
05:51 He lived the life that we should live, and He died the death
05:55 that we should die, so that we could be
05:58 accepted in the beloved.
06:00 And we noticed in our study that it's called the everlasting
06:03 gospel, because the plan of salvation was laid in the
06:08 ceaseless ages of eternity past.
06:12 You know, many Christians would want to stop with the
06:15 first part of the first angel's message.
06:18 Yes, it's all about the everlasting gospel.
06:21 It's all about what Jesus did for us.
06:24 But verse 6 does not end the first angel's message.
06:29 You see, the first angel's message, the everlasting gospel
06:33 when it is embraced, it commands us to do certain
06:38 things in response.
06:40 And so in verse 7 we have the response that Jesus expects
06:46 from those who have embraced the everlasting gospel.
06:50 And so the second part of the first angel's
06:55 message says fear God.
06:59 You see, that's our response to what Jesus has done
07:03 when He lived on this earth a perfect life, and when He died
07:08 the cruel death that we should die.
07:10 As a result of embracing the gospel the command
07:14 is given: Fear God.
07:16 Now we've studied what it means to fear God.
07:20 The basic idea behind fearing God is loving obedience to God,
07:29 because we stand in reverence, and in awe of Him.
07:34 In other words, fearing God means obeying God because
07:40 we love Him from the bottom of our hearts.
07:43 And we notice that that expression, fear God,
07:46 or the fear of the Lord, is constantly in the Bible,
07:50 linked with the idea of obedience to God's commandments.
07:55 For example, in Ecclesiastes 12 it says, Fear God and keep
08:01 His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man.
08:05 For God will bring every work into judgment.
08:09 Once again, fearing God, and keeping His commandments,
08:13 are connected, or linked together.
08:16 So the first angel's message says, If you have embraced
08:20 the gospel of Jesus Christ, you will fear God.
08:25 But then you'll notice that the first angel's message continues
08:30 saying, Give glory to Him.
08:33 In other words, not only fear Him to the point of keeping
08:36 His commandments and obeying Him,
08:38 but also revealing His glory; giving glory to God.
08:44 And, as we studied, we noticed that the only glory that we can
08:48 give God is the glory that came from Him in the first place.
08:52 We noticed that His glory is His character.
08:55 And when we have embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ,
08:59 the gospel of Jesus Christ transforms us.
09:02 It changes us into His glory, and then we reflect
09:07 His glory to the world.
09:08 I other words, the call to give glory to God means to reveal
09:13 the loving and wonderful character of God to the world.
09:18 We use the illustration of the sun and the moon.
09:21 You see, the sun represents God's glory.
09:24 The moon would be us.
09:26 The moon receives the glory from the sun, and then it projects
09:31 the glory of the sun to the earth.
09:33 In the same way, we receive the glory of Jesus Christ.
09:37 We, in contact with Him, receive the glory of His character,
09:41 and as a result we project, or we reflect
09:44 His glory to the world.
09:47 So the first angel not only calls us to obey God,
09:51 it also calls us to reflect in
09:54 the world the wonderful character of God.
09:58 But the first angel's message also calls upon us to care
10:03 for our bodies, and for our minds; what we put into our
10:07 bodies, and what we put into our minds.
10:10 Because that expression, Giving glory to God, is also used by
10:14 the Apostle Paul to say that we are temples.
10:17 Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit,
10:20 and therefore we are to glorify God with our body and with our
10:26 spirit, or our mind, because they belong to God.
10:29 This means that we will be very careful about what we watch,
10:34 and what we listen to, what we allow to come into our minds.
10:38 It also means that we will be very careful with our physical
10:42 nature, with our physical body.
10:44 We will follow God's laws of health, because you need to
10:49 have a healthy body to have a healthy mind.
10:53 And so the first angel's message not only calls us to reflect
10:58 the glorious character of God, but it also calls upon us to be
11:02 careful about what we eat, and what we drink.
11:05 It should bring glory to God.
11:08 But the first angel's message also tells us that we are now
11:14 in the hour of God's judgment.
11:17 You see, most Christians believe that the judgment is going to
11:21 take place when Jesus comes, or perhaps even at
11:24 the moment you die.
11:25 Because they believe that when a person dies, if the person was
11:30 evil they go to hell, or their soul goes to hell.
11:34 If they were righteous their soul goes to heaven.
11:37 And there are other Christians who believe that perhaps
11:40 your soul would go purgatory to suffer a little while until
11:44 your soul is cleansed, and then it can enter glory.
11:49 And some even say that for people who have not reached
11:52 the age of accountability, their soul would go to limbo.
11:56 But the fact is, the Bible tells us that the judgment begins
12:01 at a certain point in human history.
12:03 It begins, and we haven't studied this specifically,
12:06 the date, but actually begins shortly after 1798 in 1844.
12:12 That's when God began the process of judging
12:15 first the dead, and ending with the living.
12:18 So if the judgment begins at a particular point of time,
12:22 and it begins with those who died first: Adam and all of his
12:26 decedents, that would mean that Adam and his decedents
12:30 did not go to heaven or to hell when they died, because if they
12:35 went to heaven or hell when they died, why would God call a
12:38 judgment to judge them if they've already been judged?
12:41 So basically the idea that we are in the hour of God's
12:46 judgment brings to view another important doctrine,
12:49 and that is that the dead know not anything.
12:54 Because the dead are dead until the moment when their name comes
12:58 up in the judgment, and when they're finally
13:01 rewarded when Jesus comes.
13:03 In other words, when a person dies they don't
13:06 receive their reward.
13:07 When a person dies they go to the grave, then in heaven they
13:11 are judged, and eventually, based on what is done in the
13:14 judgment, they receive life or death when Jesus comes.
13:19 This means that the dead are not anywhere except in the grave,
13:24 so the state of the dead is involved.
13:27 Basically the first angel's message tells us that the dead
13:32 are in the grave until Jesus comes, so there's no such thing
13:36 as the immortality of the soul.
13:39 So you would have to find a people in the world who are
13:42 teaching that now we are in the hour of God's judgment,
13:46 a people who teach that we're supposed to honor and glorify
13:49 God by what we eat and what we drink, a people whose passion is
13:53 to reveal the character of God, a people who are teaching
13:57 that we need to keep all of God's commandments,
14:00 because we fear Him, because we respect Him, because we stand
14:04 in awe of Him, and a people who teach that the
14:07 dead know nothing.
14:09 But there's another thing that is brought to view
14:13 in the first angel's message, and that is a call to worship
14:18 the Creator, the One who made the heavens, the earth,
14:22 the seas, and the fountains of waters.
14:25 Now we've studied that to recognize the Creator,
14:31 God gave us a sign, and that sign of the Creator
14:35 was the holy Sabbath.
14:37 You see, you can't separate worship of the Creator
14:41 from the Sabbath, because the Sabbath is the sign of
14:45 worship to the Creator.
14:46 And so the first angel's message calls us to worship the Creator
14:52 on the day which He has established,
14:55 which is the seventh day Sabbath.
14:56 So if you're looking for a people who are proclaiming
14:59 the first angel's message, you must look for a people who are
15:03 keeping God's Holy Sabbath day.
15:06 Let me ask you, does the first angel's message identify
15:11 God's remnant people on this earth?
15:14 It most certainly does.
15:15 They are people who have a deep respect and awe for God,
15:20 and they keep His commandments.
15:22 They are a people who say we're supposed to care for our minds,
15:25 and for our bodies.
15:26 They are a people who say that we need to reflect the wonderful
15:30 character of God to the world.
15:32 They are a people who say that we are now in the
15:36 hour of God's judgment; nothing that people are judged
15:39 when they die or when Jesus comes.
15:42 The judgment is taking place now.
15:44 There are people who say that the dead know nothing
15:47 until the moment of the resurrection.
15:49 There are people who teach that we're supposed to keep
15:51 the Sabbath in honor of the Creator.
15:53 This is the first angel's message.
15:56 But then we have a second message:
16:00 the second angel's message.
16:03 The second angel's message actually speaks about Babylon,
16:10 and Babylon is the opposite of the first angel's message.
16:14 Now we're going to discover, as we study along,
16:19 that Babylon has three parts.
16:21 And a little bit later on in this lecture we're going to
16:24 review what these three parts represent.
16:28 The Bible tells us that Babylon is composed of the dragon,
16:32 the beast, and the false prophet. Revelation 16:13.
16:39 Now Revelation 17 presents it with different terminology.
16:43 Revelation 17, instead of the beast, speaks about the harlot.
16:48 Instead of speaking about the false prophet,
16:51 it speaks about the daughters of the harlot.
16:58 And instead of speaking about the dragon, it speaks about
17:02 the kings of the earth with which the harlot fornicates,
17:06 or has illicit relations.
17:09 And so the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet are spoken
17:13 of in Revelation 17 as the harlot, her daughters,
17:17 and the kings of the earth.
17:20 And the second angel's message tells us that Babylon,
17:24 this three fold system is fallen, and it tells us
17:30 the reason why Babylon fell.
17:32 It says there in Revelation 14: 8 that Babylon is fallen because
17:40 she has given all nations to drink of the wine
17:44 of the wrath of her fornication.
17:48 Her fall is due to the fact that she gave the nations her wine.
17:54 Now we've studied what the wine of Babylon represents.
18:00 In fact we dedicated a whole lecture just to talk about
18:05 the wine of Babylon.
18:07 And we noticed that the wine of Babylon represents her false
18:12 practices, and her counterfeit doctrines; doctrines such as
18:17 the idea that Sunday is holy.
18:21 Doctrines such as the idea that it's possible for the living
18:25 to speak to the dead, or to pray for the dead.
18:30 Such as the idea that it doesn't matter what you eat,
18:34 or what you drink.
18:35 Such as the idea that saying that God's law was
18:39 nailed to the cross.
18:41 Such as the idea that God throws the wicked into an
18:46 eternally burning hell.
18:48 We studied all of this from the Bible when we dealt
18:54 with the wine of Babylon.
18:55 In other words, what I am saying is that the wine of Babylon
18:59 is the opposite of the first angel's message.
19:02 You see, the first angel's message presents, if you please,
19:06 the wine of God, the unfermented wine of God.
19:09 You see the wine of God doesn't make people drunk.
19:13 The wine of God makes people sober.
19:16 And so when you drink God's wine, you assimilate His
19:22 doctrines, and the practices that are found in Scripture.
19:25 But Babylon gives the nations fermented wine.
19:30 She makes them drunk, which means her false doctrines,
19:34 and her false teachings make people drunk.
19:36 And so, folks, the second angel's message is the
19:41 opposite of the first.
19:42 In the first angel's message you have a people who practice the
19:45 things that are mentioned in that message.
19:47 The second message, in contrast, speaks about Babylon,
19:51 who teaches just the opposite of what is taught
19:54 in the first angel's message.
19:56 In fact, do you know that in the book of Revelation we have
20:01 two groups of three angels?
20:05 You say, Now wait a minute, we have two groups of three angels?
20:08 Absolutely. The first group is the one that we're studying now.
20:14 Let me ask you, What is the purpose of these three angels?
20:18 Folks if you continue reading you'll notice that the purpose
20:21 of the three angel's messages is to gather the whole
20:24 world on God's side.
20:26 It's a message to the world to tell people, Hey,
20:30 come over to God's side.
20:32 But there are three counterfeit angels.
20:35 They also go to all of the world to gather the world
20:40 on the side of the beast; on the side of Satan.
20:45 You say, Where are those three counterfeit angels?
20:49 They're found in Revelation 16: 13, where it speaks about three
20:54 evil spirits like frogs.
20:58 Who are these evil spirits?
21:00 The evil spirits that Jesus cast out were fallen angels folks.
21:04 And so it says that these three evil spirits like frogs,
21:09 come out of the mouth of the dragon.
21:11 Let me ask you, What is it that comes out of your mouth? words.
21:15 And so out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth
21:19 of the beast, out of the mouth of the false prophet,
21:22 come these teachings that are inspired by three counterfeit
21:27 angels to gather the world on the side of the beast,
21:31 on the side of Satan.
21:32 So basically you have to decide whether you accept
21:36 the three angels' message of God, or whether you accept
21:40 the wine of Babylon.
21:43 And then, of course, we have the third angel's message.
21:48 It is the most dire and severe warning that we find
21:54 in all of the Bible.
21:55 And you know some people say, Well, talk to me about
21:59 the love of Jesus.
22:00 This third message is a message of love from Jesus.
22:05 You see, warnings are also messages of love,
22:09 even if they are drastic and strong warnings.
22:13 You know, some times you need strong medicine.
22:15 You know, it doesn't exactly, you know when it's bitter
22:19 in the mouth, you know, you say, Oh, this is terrible!
22:24 But I'll tell you what, the disease is worse.
22:25 And so sometimes God gives us a message which is strong,
22:31 which hits us hard.
22:33 But the purpose of the third angel's message is that we do
22:37 not end up worshipping the beast,
22:38 and worshipping his image, and receiving his mark
22:43 and the number of his name.
22:44 Because those who worship the beast and his image,
22:47 and receive the mark, and the number of his name,
22:50 are going to receive the unmixed wrath of God.
22:53 And God does not want anyone to suffer His wrath.
22:56 And so He sends this message.
22:59 He says, Babylon is fallen.
23:01 Don't receive the mark of the beast.
23:04 Don't worship the beast.
23:06 Don't worship his image.
23:07 Because you will receive the unmitigated wrath of God.
23:12 Now the third angel's message mentions several powers.
23:16 It mentions the beast, worshipping the beast.
23:22 Now we dedicated a whole lecture to talk about the beast,
23:26 and we noticed Biblically, without a shadow of a doubt,
23:30 that the beast represents the Roman Catholic system.
23:35 I'm not talking about the individuals in the system.
23:38 There's a lot of God's true people in Babylon.
23:40 In fact we're going to notice that before we
23:44 draw this to an end.
23:45 Many of God's true people are in Babylon.
23:48 They belong to the beast, or they're within the beast power.
23:53 I shouldn't say they belong to the beast power,
23:55 but now they are part of that system.
23:57 There are many people who are in this system, which is called
24:02 the false prophet.
24:03 There are many of God's true people among the kings
24:06 of the earth, the secular powers of the earth.
24:08 And we're going to notice that God gives these people
24:12 a call to come out.
24:15 And so we notice that the beast power represents
24:18 the Roman Catholic Papacy as a system, a power that ruled
24:23 for time, times, and the dividing of time, or 1260 years,
24:29 from 538 to 1798, and a power who received a deadly wound,
24:33 but whose deadly wound is going to be healed.
24:36 And everyone on Planet Earth who is not on God's side
24:40 will worship this system.
24:43 But we also noticed in the third angel's message
24:47 that there is a second beast.
24:49 This is a beast that rises from the earth, has two horns like a
24:53 lamb, which we noticed represents two kingdoms;
24:56 one nation that recognizes two kingdoms that Jesus recognized,
25:01 because they're two horns like a lamb,
25:03 and horns represent kingdoms.
25:06 We identified this power, beyond any shadow of a doubt, as
25:12 the United States of America, who in it's founding documents
25:17 taught, and still teaches to this day, that in the United
25:22 States of America there are two separable kingdoms.
25:26 There's the kingdom of the church, and there is the
25:29 kingdom of the state, and they exist in the same nation,
25:33 but they are to be kept separate one from another.
25:36 Render therefore unto Caesar that which is Caesar's,
25:40 and unto God that which is God's.
25:42 But this beast that rises from the earth will have these two
25:45 horns like a lamb.
25:46 It will confess, externally, that it believes in two
25:50 kingdoms, but we're told in the prophecy that it will end up
25:55 speaking like a dragon, which means that it will make an image
25:59 to the first beast.
26:01 It will have a love relationship with the Roman Catholic Papacy,
26:04 and it will implement in the United States
26:07 the principles of the Papacy.
26:09 It will no longer separate church and state.
26:11 It will join church and state.
26:13 It will make an image of the first beast.
26:15 Now if you look at the first beast, what characterized it
26:18 is that during the 1260 years, it used the power of the sword,
26:24 or the power of the state, to persecute those who were not
26:27 in harmony with her.
26:29 So if this beast from the earth is going to make an image of
26:33 that first beast, it must mean that she's going to join church
26:37 and state, and she's going to enforce the principles
26:41 of the first beast.
26:44 And then, of course, we noticed in the third angel's message
26:49 about the mark of the beast.
26:51 We actually had two lectures on the mark of the beast.
26:54 And we noticed that the mark of the beast is in contrast
26:57 to the seal of God.
26:58 The seal of God is found in the fourth commandment of His law.
27:02 You need three things for a seal: the name of the person,
27:07 his office, and the territory over which he rules.
27:11 There's only one commandment in God's law that has those three
27:15 characteristics, and that is the fourth commandment
27:17 of God's holy law.
27:19 In other words, the seal of God is the seventh day Sabbath,
27:23 which means that the mark of the beast must be an opposite sign
27:28 that the beast has of his power and his authority.
27:32 And we noticed that the beast, the Roman Catholic Papacy,
27:36 claims that its sign of authority is Sunday
27:42 as the day of rest.
27:45 Then we studied about the number of the beast.
27:49 We noticed that the number is connected with his name;
27:52 it's the number of his name.
27:53 And we noticed that his name is Vicarious Filii Dei.
27:58 We dedicated a whole lecture to this.
28:00 It was quite a while ago.
28:01 But we noticed that Vicarious Filii Dei, the number value
28:05 of those Latin letters is 666.
28:09 And, by the way, that name, according to the Papacy,
28:13 is what gives it authority to do things on earth
28:18 in the name of Jesus, such as the idea that it has the power
28:23 to change God's law.
28:25 You ask the Papacy, Who gave you the power to change God's law?
28:29 They'll say, Because we have on earth
28:32 the Vicar of the Son of God.
28:34 He represents the Son of God, therefore he can
28:37 do what Jesus does.
28:39 So you see the name and number is related to his claim
28:44 to having power to change God's holy law.
28:48 Beware of receiving his number.
28:53 Then we noticed at the end of the third angel's message
28:56 that whoever drinks the wine of Babylon, whoever worships
29:01 the beast and his image, and receives his mark,
29:05 and the number of his name, will suffer the outpouring of the
29:10 unmitigated, unmixed wrath of God upon those who did not
29:17 receive the gospel, and who did not receive
29:20 the three angel's message.
29:23 And we noticed in the third angel's message that there's a
29:27 reference to being tormented with fire and brimstone
29:31 before the angels, and before the Lamb,
29:34 and not having rest day or night.
29:37 Those who worship the beast and his image,
29:40 and received his mark, and the number of his name.
29:43 And we did a full study of what this is really saying.
29:47 You see most churches teach that those who are in apostasy
29:52 against God in the end time are going to burn in the fires
29:57 of hell forever, and ever, and ever, and ever,
30:01 and they're never going to go out.
30:03 But we studied this very carefully, and we noticed
30:07 that even though the torment is going to be long,
30:10 the suffering is going to be long, eventually the suffering
30:14 will come to an end.
30:17 In other words, hell fire is not a place where God tortures
30:20 people throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
30:23 People will be punished in the lake of fire according to their
30:28 works according to Scripture.
30:31 And then, of course, we have the conclusion of the
30:34 third angel's message.
30:35 Do you know the conclusion of the third angel's message
30:38 brings to view the remnant of Jesus Christ.
30:41 Notice the characteristics of the remnant.
30:46 Revelation 14:12 speaks about those who have what?
30:51 the patience of the saints.
30:54 Why are we going to need patience?
30:56 Folks we studied a whole lecture on the patience of the saints.
31:01 God's people are going to go through the tribulation.
31:04 It's going to be the worst period in human history.
31:08 Even the most fertile imagination cannot imagine
31:12 what the tribulation is going to be like.
31:13 It's going to be like the time when the three young men
31:17 were thrown into the fiery furnace.
31:19 Well let me make it clear, God's people will not
31:23 suffer the wrath of God.
31:24 They will live on the earth when God is pouring out His wrath,
31:28 but they will be shielded by divine power,
31:31 just like the three young men were shielded by divine power.
31:34 But they will have to be on earth, and their faith will
31:38 be severely tested, but they will stand.
31:41 They will have the perseverance...
31:44 Which is a better translation.
31:45 They will have the perseverance of the saints.
31:48 They will hang on, and they will not give up.
31:52 God's remnant will have the patience of the saints.
31:56 But then the last part of the third angel's message also says
32:00 that they keep the commandments of God.
32:03 And we studied a whole lecture on the commandments of God,
32:05 and we noticed that the expression,
32:07 keeping the commandments of God,
32:09 refers to the ten commandments.
32:11 In other words, God's people are going to keep
32:15 the ten commandments.
32:16 So much for the people who say that the ten commandments
32:19 were nailed to the cross, or that Jesus was the one who kept
32:23 the commandments, so we don't have to keep them,
32:25 or that we don't have to keep the commandments because we're
32:28 not under law, but we're under grace.
32:30 That we don't have to keep the commandments;
32:32 that's just the letter, but we live by the Spirit.
32:35 You're making a liar out of God, because God says that He will
32:41 have a remnant that have the patience of the saints,
32:44 and keep the commandments of God.
32:46 It is possible to keep God's commandments,
32:49 according to Revelation 14:12.
32:52 And then another characteristic is given of the remnant.
32:57 It says that they have the faith of Jesus, which when we studied
33:03 we noticed that it is faith in Jesus.
33:07 That's the correct translation: faith in Jesus.
33:11 You see, if you had only that they keep the commandments
33:14 of God, you might reach the conclusion
33:16 that this is legalism.
33:18 But, see, you can't keep the commandments of God unless you
33:22 have faith in Jesus.
33:24 We dealt about this issue of faith and works.
33:28 Keeping the commandments of God would be the works.
33:31 But you can't keep the commandments of God unless
33:34 you have faith in Jesus.
33:37 In other words, faith in Jesus is what empowers you to keep
33:42 God's holy commandments.
33:45 And so God will have a people that have the patience of the
33:48 saints; a people who keep the commandments of God.
33:52 But they don't keep them legalistically
33:54 like the Pharisees.
33:55 They keep the commandments of God because they
33:57 have faith in Jesus.
34:00 And then there's another characteristic,
34:04 which is not found in the third angel's message,
34:06 but it is found in Revelation 12:17, which is a parallel
34:11 verse, and it's also found in Revelation 19:10.
34:15 The remnant of God also have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
34:22 And we noticed that the testimony of Jesus Christ
34:25 is the gift of prophecy.
34:26 In other words, God's remnant people will have a prophetic
34:30 voice in their midst; not to add to the Bible, but a prophet that
34:35 will enlighten, amplify, explain, correct those who go
34:40 astray from Bible truth.
34:42 The remnant will have the testimony of Jesus,
34:46 which is the Spirit of Prophecy.
34:49 So God's people will have definite characteristics.
34:54 If you want to find the true church you have to find a church
34:59 that teaches that we're supposed to fear God to the point of
35:01 keeping His commandments, a church that teaches that we're
35:05 supposed to be careful with what we put in our bodies,
35:08 and what we put in our minds, a church that teaches that we need
35:12 to reflect the glorious character of God.
35:14 In other words, it's not enough to just believe what Jesus did,
35:17 we need to reveal His character.
35:19 We need to have a sanctified life,
35:21 not just justified, but also sanctified.
35:24 It has to be a people that believe we're in
35:30 the hour of God's judgment.
35:31 It has to be a people who believe that the dead are dead
35:35 until the resurrection.
35:36 It has to be a people that proclaim that Babylon is fallen,
35:41 and they teach contrary to the wine of Babylon.
35:44 It has to be a people who teach that we're supposed
35:47 to keep God's commandments, a people who have faith in Jesus,
35:51 a people who have the patience of the saints,
35:54 a people who have the prophetic voice in their midst.
35:57 I'll tell you, there's not very many options out there
36:01 if you're looking for a church that has all
36:03 of these characteristics.
36:06 Now you say, Pastor, why does the message of Babylon appeal
36:15 to so many people?
36:16 Because we must admit that most people are not on God's side,
36:21 most people are on the Devil's side.
36:24 What is it that appeals to Babylon that would lead most
36:31 people to embrace the teachings and the practices of Babylon?
36:36 I have this interesting statement that's found in this
36:41 classic book on Bible prophecy, The Great Controversy, Page 572.
36:46 Listen carefully to what it says.
36:48 Remember, the third angel's message has a balance between
36:51 having faith in Jesus, and keeping the commandments of God.
36:56 Listen folks, it's dangerous to go to either extreme
36:59 without the other.
37:01 If you teach that you have to keep the commandments of God,
37:04 but don't have faith in Jesus, you're a legalist.
37:07 But if you teach, I've got faith in Jesus;
37:10 I don't have to keep the commandments,
37:12 then you believe that you can be saved in your sins.
37:17 So you have to have both.
37:18 Do you know what really appeals to people's minds?
37:21 What really appeals is the idea that they can be saved by their
37:27 works, or they can be saved in their sins.
37:30 That's the genius of Babylon.
37:32 Let me read this statement.
37:34 A prayerful study of the Bible would show Protestants...
37:43 Because they're playing with fire, folks.
37:45 Protestants in the United States are playing with fire when they
37:48 draw close to the Roman Catholic Papacy.
37:50 They don't have any idea what they're doing.
37:52 They'll only wake up when it's too late. She says:
38:14 You know, that they think, I'm right.
38:58 The apostle Paul described this as people who will have a form
39:03 of Godliness, but they will not have the power
39:07 of Godliness in their lives.
39:09 In other words, people who go to church, people who go through
39:12 all of the forms of religion.
39:14 It looks like they're very religious, but they're lacking
39:18 the power that transforms and changes the life.
39:22 So she says, What they desire is a method of forgetting
39:25 God which shall...
39:33 Not the needs, but the wants.
39:34 Notice their terminology
40:05 Are you catching the picture?
40:08 This is exactly contrary to the third angel's message.
40:12 The third angel's message says you have faith in Jesus,
40:16 and you keep His commandments.
40:18 This system says all you need is to profess faith in Jesus,
40:24 or you don't have to keep the commandments,
40:26 or keep the commandments, but you don't have to
40:29 have faith in Jesus.
40:31 In other words, it's a system that appeals to the desires,
40:36 and to the wants of most everybody in the world,
40:39 because people would love to have their cake and eat it, too.
40:43 And that's exactly what this is talking about.
40:47 Now do you know that towards the end of human history
40:51 the message of the second angel is going to be
40:55 proclaimed again with power?
40:57 And I believe that now we have arrived at that time.
41:02 The second angel's message basically proclaimed that
41:07 Babylon was fallen, was fallen.
41:09 We read it in Revelation 14:8.
41:12 But the Bible tells us that very close to the close of probation
41:16 this message is going to be proclaimed again.
41:20 And there are going to be some additional things said
41:25 when the message is proclaimed again.
41:28 Now let me say that the three angels' messages began to be
41:32 proclaimed around the year 1844.
41:35 You know, a people arose that began proclaiming all of the
41:39 things that are in the three angels' messages.
41:42 That church is the Seventh-day Adventist church, by the way.
41:46 These messages have been proclaimed practically from the
41:49 origin of the Seventh-day Adventist church.
41:52 But at the end of time these messages are going to be
41:55 proclaimed again to the world in power.
42:01 I'd like you to notice how the Bible describes this warning.
42:06 Before we read it in Revelation 18:1-5, allow me to tell you
42:11 that this passage that we're going to read is in a
42:15 very special context.
42:16 If you look at what comes immediately before
42:21 Revelation 18:1-5 you're going to find Revelation 17.
42:25 There it speaks about the harlot sitting on many waters.
42:29 She's controlling the nations of the world.
42:33 She fornicates with the kings of the earth.
42:36 She's clothed in purple and scarlet.
42:39 She is decked with gold, and silver, and precious stones.
42:43 And everything's going well.
42:48 Her, and the kings of the earth are all on the same page.
42:53 Her daughters do what she says.
42:55 The kings of the earth do what she says.
42:58 The multitudes upon whom she sits do her biddings.
43:01 Everything is going well.
43:04 But then there's this pesky group who are the fly in the
43:11 ointment, the feather rufflers who are actually saying
43:17 that this system is fallen, and that people need to come out
43:21 out from this system.
43:22 You see, Revelation 17 presents the harlot, and her dominion
43:28 over the earth, which is the same as the beast
43:30 and his dominion over the earth.
43:31 Revelation 18 says when this time comes make sure you're
43:36 not in this system.
43:37 It's an end time warning, because the plagues are going to
43:41 fall on this system.
43:42 Now the interesting thing is that immediately before you have
43:46 Revelation 17, which is speaking about the condemnation of the
43:50 harlot at the very end of time, when God's wrath falls upon
43:53 the harlot, her daughters, and the kings.
43:55 Immediately after... Listen to this.
43:59 Immediately after Revelation 18:1-5, you have the description
44:05 of the fall of Babylon.
44:06 You see, she had illicit relations, not only with the
44:09 kings of the earth, but also with the merchants of the earth.
44:12 In other words, she controlled the commercial
44:15 transaction of the earth.
44:17 And you read those verses and it speaks about the fall of
44:21 Babylon from a commercial perspective.
44:23 Revelation 17 speaks about the fall of Babylon from a religious
44:28 and political perspective.
44:30 And in between those two perspectives that speak about
44:35 the final outpouring of God's wrath upon Babylon,
44:39 who fornicates with the kings, and fornicates with the
44:41 merchants of the earth, is this warning to Get Out!
44:45 before that time comes.
44:47 Let's read it: Revelation 18:1.
45:04 And then notice in verse 2 what this angel has to say.
45:27 ...unclean and hated bird.
45:30 Now my question is, Does this sound like a place that you
45:33 would want to be in? Obviously not.
45:36 Because Revelation tell us that the wrath of God is going to
45:40 fall upon those who are within this system, which according
45:44 to the Bible, at the very end of time will be filled with demons.
45:48 It would be filled with evil spirits.
45:50 Now the question is, Why will it be filled with evil spirits?
45:55 Verse 3 explains the reason.
45:59 For,... That means because...
46:16 So notice that the reason why Babylon falls, the reason why
46:21 she's filled with every foul spirit, she's filled with
46:25 demons, according to Revelation 18, is because she gave her wine
46:31 to all of the nations: to the kings, to the peoples,
46:34 and to the merchants of the earth.
46:36 Now we've studied previously what the wine represents.
46:39 The wine represents false practices and false
46:44 doctrines that Babylon has.
46:47 In other words, what leads to the fall of Babylon
46:50 is her false doctrines.
46:52 Now what I want you to notice is that the three angels'
46:57 messages are in contrast to the wine of Babylon.
47:00 In other words, the three angels' messages proclaim
47:04 what we might call the wine of God, but it's not fermented
47:09 wine, it's unfermented wine, whereas Babylon presents false
47:14 doctrines, adulterated doctrines, which means that
47:17 this wine is fermented.
47:19 And this fermented wine deranges the minds of people so that they
47:24 cannot grasp and understand the truth as it is in Jesus.
47:28 And now I want you to notice there in Revelation 18:4
47:34 that even though Babylon gives her wine to all of the nations,
47:38 and the merchants, and the inhabitants, and the kings of
47:41 the earth, God has a faithful people there within Babylon.
47:48 You say, How do we know that God has a faithful
47:51 people inside Babylon?
47:52 The reason is very simple.
47:54 Notice what we find in verse 4.
48:10 Notice that God says here, Come out of Babylon My people.
48:16 Now if God says, Come out of her My people, it must be that
48:22 God has people within these systems.
48:25 Now we've studied about Babylon.
48:27 We've noticed that Babylon represents apostate religion.
48:32 Babylon includes the kings of the earth.
48:35 Babylon includes the merchants of the earth.
48:37 So what God is saying is that among all of these groups are to
48:42 be found faithful children of God who love the Lord,
48:46 who don't know any better.
48:48 And when this message is proclaimed for these people
48:51 to come out of Babylon, they will gladly embrace this truth,
48:56 and they will come out of Babylon.
48:58 And I want you to notice that if they don't come out of Babylon,
49:02 the wrath of God will fall upon them without mixture of mercy.
49:08 So this is a message which is extremely urgent,
49:13 because whoever does not respond to this call and come out of
49:17 Babylon will not only be lost, but will suffer the terrible
49:22 outpouring of the wrath of God.
49:24 In fact that's what we notice in verse 5.
49:47 So she's going to drink the cup of the wine of the wrath of God
49:52 without mixture of mercy.
49:54 In other words double strength according to this.
49:58 And then when this message is finished the whole human race
50:05 will be divided into two distinct groups.
50:09 One group will have the seal of God, and the other group
50:14 will have the mark of the beast.
50:16 And this is where we have the scene of Revelation 14,
50:21 and beginning with verse 14, where Jesus is seated on a
50:26 cloud, and He has a cycle in his hand, and He's going to reap
50:31 the harvest of the earth, which represent the righteous.
50:34 He's going to reap them, and He's going to take them into
50:39 the city of Jerusalem, spiritually speaking, Jerusalem,
50:42 as we've already studied.
50:43 In other words, they will be members of God's remnant,
50:46 God's remnant church.
50:48 But then the Bible tells us that there's another harvest;
50:51 the harvest of the grapes, which represents the wicked.
50:54 They also will be harvested.
50:57 In other words, you will have two groups: those who have the
50:59 seal of God, and those who have the mark of the beast.
51:04 Those who have the seal of God will be gathered within the
51:07 spiritual city of Jerusalem, within the remnant
51:10 all over the world.
51:11 And they will be shielded from the wrath of man, and they will
51:14 be shielded from the wrath of God.
51:16 But those who are spoken about as grapes will suffer the
51:21 terrible outpouring of the wrath of God without mixture of mercy.
51:26 Now Revelation 14:14-17 speaks about these two harvests:
51:33 the righteous and the wicked.
51:34 And then in verses 18 to 20 we have the grapes representing
51:41 the wicked gathered around Jerusalem.
51:44 This is not talking about literal Jerusalem
51:46 in the Middle East, according to what we've studied.
51:48 Being in Jerusalem is a spiritual state.
51:51 It means that God's people are with the Lord.
51:54 They have the seal of God.
51:55 They keep God's Sabbath.
51:56 They worship the Creator.
51:58 In other words, they're on God's side.
52:00 And even though they're all over the earth,
52:02 they're spoken of as being in the city of Jerusalem,
52:06 whereas all of the wicked are gathered outside
52:09 the city of Jerusalem.
52:11 In other words, they've surrounded God's people
52:13 all over the earth.
52:15 Now the question is, why have they surrounded God's people?
52:18 Have they surrounded God's people on friendly terms,
52:22 or on unfriendly terms?
52:23 When we go back to the book of Joel, which we've studied,
52:27 we noticed that the nations gathered in the Valley of
52:30 Jehoshaphat to attempt to attack and destroy God's people.
52:35 And so after humanity has been divided into these two groups,
52:38 God's faithful people will be in this world during the
52:44 outpouring of God's wrath, and the wicked will surround them
52:47 with the intention of destroying them.
52:49 But God will place upon them His protecting hand.
52:55 In other words, they will not suffer the wrath of God,
52:58 and they will not suffer the wrath of man.
53:02 They will be protected in the midst of this terrible
53:06 time in human history.
53:08 Folks the most fertile imagination cannot grasp
53:13 what this time is time is going to be like.
53:15 The Bible tells us that it's the greatest tribulation that has
53:20 existed in the history of the world since the beginning
53:23 of time, when the wrath of man, and the wrath of God
53:26 are manifested at the same time on planet Earth.
53:30 And God knows that this is going to be a very trying time,
53:33 and that's why He sends this message:
53:35 Come out of Babylon My people.
53:39 Receive the seal of God.
53:41 Reject the mark of the beast.
53:43 Don't worship the beast.
53:44 Don't worship His image. because if you do you will be among
53:46 Because if you do you will be among those who are
53:49 lost, eternally lost.
53:52 And then, of course, in Revelation 15:2-4, after the crisis is over
53:58 after the crisis is over we find this group,
54:02 which is called the 144,000; those who are alive when Jesus
54:08 comes; those who remain alive during the tribulation.
54:11 The Bible tells us that they will stand victorious,
54:15 finally on the sea of glass.
54:17 Let's read Revelation 15 as we draw this to a close.
54:22 Revelation 15:2-4.
54:33 Notice they have the victory!
54:45 See, they're standing victorious now on the sea of glass.
54:49 They're with the Lord in heaven!
54:50 And then it says in verse 3:
55:06 Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name?
55:11 for You alone are holy: for all nations shall come and
55:15 worship before You; for Your judgments have been manifested.
55:20 And so we have this final scene of the victorious living saints
55:26 that will stand on the sea of glass with the Lamb,
55:29 with Jesus Christ, having gained the victory over the beast,
55:34 which represents this worldwide Roman system,
55:37 Roman Catholic system.
55:38 The victory over his image, which represents
55:42 the United States of America making this image,
55:46 or this reflection of what the Papacy was like
55:49 during the Middle Ages.
55:51 They will be victorious over the mark of the beast,
55:54 which we've already shown is the counterfeit day of worship.
55:57 And they will be victorious over his number, and, of course,
56:01 his number is linked, or connected with his name.
56:05 And that name supposedly gives him authority, even to the point
56:10 of changing God's holy law, which no human system,
56:14 and no human being can do.
56:16 And so God calls His faithful people in Babylon,
56:22 those who belong to the political powers of the world,
56:27 those who belong to the system which is called the beast,
56:31 those who belong to the system of this second beast that
56:35 rises from the earth.
56:36 God calls upon them before His wrath is poured out
56:41 to come out of Babylon, and to join His remnant people
56:46 who keep the commandments of God, including the fourth
56:51 commandment, who have faith in Jesus, who possess the patience
56:58 of the saints, and who also have the guidance of the
57:02 testimony of Jesus Christ, which is the Spirit of Prophecy.
57:07 I pray to the Lord that as we've studied this very important
57:13 series that those who are watching this series of
57:16 presentations on television will make their decision
57:21 to leave Babylon, and to join the remnant people of God.


Revised 2016-01-28