Three Angels Message

The Harvest Of The Earth Is Ripe

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000024

00:30 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
00:33 Our Father and our God,
00:34 what a privilege it is to be in Your presence today.
00:38 And we ask that as we open Your Holy Book
00:41 that Your Spirit will be here to teach us
00:45 those things that we need to learn
00:47 in these last days of human history.
00:51 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
00:53 for we ask it in the precious name a Jesus.
00:56 Amen.
00:59 The title of our study today
01:01 is "The Harvest of the Earth is Ripe."
01:05 And what we want to do as we begin our study
01:08 is to give a bird's eye view
01:11 of the content of Revelation Chapter 14.
01:15 Some of this will be review but some of that will be new
01:18 at least with regard to the sequence of events
01:22 that we find in this chapter.
01:24 First of all in this chapter we find three angels
01:27 that present their messages to the world.
01:31 These three messages are the final message of God
01:35 to Planet Earth.
01:37 We know that these messages are accompanied
01:40 by the power of the Holy Spirit.
01:42 Because as we're gonna study today,
01:44 we're going to notice that
01:47 when these three angels proclaim their messages,
01:50 the harvest of the earth is ripened
01:52 and the grapes of the earth are also ripened.
01:56 Now in ancient Israel that
01:59 which ripen the harvest was the latter rain,
02:02 and of course the latter rain represents
02:05 the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
02:08 So basically these three angels' messages
02:10 are accompanied by the power of the Holy Spirit
02:14 and this power or this latter rain
02:16 is going to mature the world
02:19 into what the Bible calls the harvest and the grapes.
02:24 Now we also notice that these three angels proclaim
02:28 a worldwide global message
02:31 which means that the harvest is a worldwide harvest
02:35 and the grapes are also a worldwide harvest.
02:40 Now these three messages basically polarize
02:43 the world into two groups.
02:46 One group the faithful keeps the commandments of God
02:50 including the fourth commandment
02:52 or the commandment regarding the Sabbath.
02:54 The other group breaks God's commandments
02:58 and disobey the great Sabbath truth
03:01 that we find in Scripture.
03:03 One group receives
03:05 according to the Bible the seal of God.
03:08 That is those who are obedient to God.
03:10 And the other group receives the mark of the beast
03:14 which we've already studied means knowingly
03:17 keeping the first day of the week
03:19 when very clearly you understand
03:22 that the Sabbath is the day of rest.
03:25 And so the Bible tells us that there will be two groups
03:29 the way that people respond to these three messages
03:32 will determine which group they are in.
03:36 Now in Revelation Chapter 14 these two groups are described
03:41 as the harvest of the earth that is the righteous
03:44 and on the other side are the grapes
03:47 or the vintage of the earth which represents the wicked.
03:51 Now it's important to notice
03:53 that the righteous according to Revelation 14
03:56 as we will study are gathered inside the city of Jerusalem,
04:02 where as the wicked or the grapes are gathered
04:05 outside the city of Jerusalem.
04:09 Now there's a very important principle
04:11 that we need to understand in order to comprehend
04:15 what we're gonna study in our lecture today
04:17 and that is that in the Book of Revelation,
04:21 Babylon is not literal Babylon in the Middle East.
04:25 Babylon is actually a spiritual symbolic worldwide system
04:31 that is inimical to the people of God.
04:34 On the other side Jerusalem is not a literal city either.
04:39 Jerusalem represents God's faithful people
04:43 on a global scale who keep the commandments of God
04:47 and have the testimony of Jesus as well as the faith of Jesus.
04:51 So in other words, Jerusalem is the place
04:54 where God's people are gathered,
04:55 but Jerusalem is symbolic or spiritual.
04:59 Babylon is the place where the wicked are gathered
05:01 but Babylon needs to be understood
05:04 in a spiritual and global or worldwide sense.
05:08 Now allow me to amplify this principle a little bit
05:12 as we begin our study
05:13 because it's gonna be foundational
05:15 for what we study in the rest of the lecture.
05:19 What I want us to understand now
05:21 is what I call the law
05:23 of the literal and the spiritual.
05:26 And I'm gonna illustrate it by talking about the garments
05:30 that were worn by our first parents Adam and Eve.
05:34 The Bible tells us
05:35 that God's garments are garments of light.
05:38 Back to true church in Revelation 12
05:41 is represented as a woman who is clothed with the sun.
05:44 When Jesus was transfigured, the Bible tells us
05:47 that His garments became white as the light.
05:51 In other words, Adam and Eve in their state of innocence
05:54 and righteousness were clothed with literal robes of light.
06:00 But those literal robes of light were symbolic.
06:03 They represented their righteousness
06:06 or their obedience to God.
06:08 So in the Garden of Eden we have the literal
06:11 and we have that which the literal represents.
06:14 The literal are the garment of light,
06:17 real light that covered Adam and Eve
06:19 and the symbolic or what that represents
06:22 is righteousness or obedience to God.
06:25 Now we're told in Genesis
06:27 that when Adam and Eve disobeyed God,
06:30 they were left literally or physically naked.
06:34 And the Bible tells us
06:36 that it was because they were disobedient to God
06:38 or now they were unrighteous.
06:40 In other words their nakedness, literal nakedness
06:44 also represented symbolically spiritual nakedness,
06:48 unrighteousness or disobedience to God.
06:52 So we notice then that originally
06:55 there was the literal and the spiritual together
06:58 in the Garden of Eden.
06:59 A literal robe of light
07:01 which represented spiritual righteousness.
07:04 Then when man sinned, man was left literally naked
07:08 and the Bible tells us that,
07:10 that represented the fact that man was now unrighteous.
07:15 Now the Bible tells us that God is going to resolve
07:19 this problem of nakedness in two ways.
07:22 You see, He has to resolve
07:23 the problem of spiritual nakedness
07:26 as well as literal nakedness.
07:28 Now the Bible tells us
07:29 that the first thing that God fixes
07:32 or repairs is by covering us
07:35 with the spiritual robe of Christ's righteousness.
07:37 In other words it's the symbolic robe
07:41 of Christ's righteousness.
07:42 Notice Galatians 3:26.
07:46 Galatians 3:26 and we'll also read verse 27.
07:51 It says here, "For you are all sons of God
07:55 through faith in Christ Jesus.
07:59 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ..."
08:03 Notice "Have put on Christ."
08:07 Obviously we have not literally put on Christ.
08:10 We don't have a literal robe of light.
08:13 We have the spiritual robe
08:15 which represents the righteousness
08:17 of Jesus Christ symbolically speaking.
08:20 However God needs to restore man
08:24 someday to the fullness
08:27 of what He was in the Garden of Eden.
08:29 And by the way when I say man,
08:31 I'm talking generically it includes man and woman.
08:35 But God has to restore not only the spiritual robe
08:38 of Christ's righteousness by covering us
08:40 spiritually, but someday the Bible tells us
08:43 that He's also going to give us once again
08:46 that literal robe of light.
08:48 But that literal robe comes in the future.
08:51 I want you to notice Revelation 7:9 and 10
08:54 where it speaks about this moment.
08:56 It says there "After these things I looked,
09:00 and behold, a great multitude
09:01 which no one could number, of all nations,
09:04 tribes, peoples, and tongues,
09:07 standing before the throne and before the Lamb."
09:10 Now notice this "Clothed with white robes,
09:14 with palm branches in their hands,
09:17 and crying out with a loud voice, saying,
09:19 'Salvation belongs to our God
09:21 who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!'''
09:23 Notice that at this point,
09:25 God's people are in heaven with Jesus.
09:28 And the Bible tells us
09:29 that they are clothed with white robes.
09:33 Now these are literal white robes of light,
09:36 so basically what Jesus does
09:38 is now in this period of human history,
09:40 He covers us with the spiritual robes
09:43 of Christ's righteousness.
09:44 And of course when Jesus comes again,
09:47 He is going to give us an immortal body
09:50 and He is going to cover us
09:51 with a literal robe of light like the robe of light
09:55 that covered Adam and Eve.
09:58 This is the principal that we need to remember
10:01 as we study our passage today
10:04 which is Revelation 14 and verses 14 through 20.
10:07 You say, how does this relate to the subjects
10:10 that we're studying.
10:12 Well, the fact is that when the Bible speaks about
10:17 Jerusalem in prophecy,
10:19 we are first of all inside spiritual Jerusalem
10:24 before Jesus takes us to the literal Jerusalem
10:28 when He comes again.
10:30 In other words we are spiritually in Jerusalem
10:33 even though we live in different places
10:36 of the earth and someday if we're faithful,
10:39 Jesus will take us to be literally in Jerusalem.
10:43 Allow me to read you some verses
10:45 that show this very important principle.
10:48 Hebrews 12:22 to 24. Hebrews 12:22 to 24.
10:55 And I want you to notice the tense of the verb.
10:58 But you speaking about God's faithful people
11:01 "But you have come to Mount Zion."
11:05 He's saying in the times
11:06 when he wrote to the Hebrews you have come.
11:08 In other words, they were already there.
11:10 It says "But you have come to Mount Zion
11:13 and to the city of the living God."
11:17 Now what Jerusalem is this?
11:18 "The heavenly Jerusalem,
11:20 to an innumerable company of angels,
11:23 to the general assembly and church of the firstborn
11:27 who are registered in heaven."
11:28 Noticed that the key is,
11:30 that God's people are not literally
11:31 in heaven in the New Jerusalem they are reaped in heaven.
11:35 In other words they are citizens of heaven.
11:38 So it says in verse 23,
11:39 "To the general assembly in heaven,
11:41 to God the judge of all,
11:43 to the spirits of just men made perfect
11:45 and to Jesus the Mediator of the new covenant,
11:48 and to the blood of sprinkling
11:50 that speaks better things then that of Able."
11:53 So here the author of Hebrews is telling us
11:56 that we have come to Zion.
11:59 We have come to the heavenly Jerusalem.
12:02 We are actually spiritually reckoned
12:04 in the heavenly Jerusalem even though we live
12:08 in different parts of the world.
12:10 I want you to notice also Galatians 4: 26.
12:15 Here the Apostle Paul explicitly tells us
12:17 that Christians are citizens of the New Jerusalem.
12:21 This is what he says.
12:23 "But the Jerusalem above that is the new one is free
12:27 which is the mother of us all."
12:31 Notice also Philippians 3:20 and 21.
12:35 Philippians 3:20 and 21.
12:39 It says there, "For our citizenship is in heaven
12:45 from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior,
12:48 the Lord Jesus Christ
12:50 who will transform our lowly body
12:53 that it may be conformed to His glorious body,
12:56 according to the working
12:57 by which He is able to subdue all things to Himself."
13:02 So notice here that the Apostle Paul tells us
13:04 in his letter to the Philippians
13:06 that our citizenship is in heaven.
13:10 Basically I'm a US citizen, when I travel to Colombia,
13:14 when I travel to Venezuela or when I travel to England
13:18 or some other country in the world,
13:20 I can say that really my country of origin--
13:25 my country where my citizenship is,
13:27 is the United States,
13:28 and so is with our spiritual citizenship.
13:32 We can live anywhere in the world
13:34 but our name and our citizenship
13:36 is in the New Jerusalem in heaven.
13:39 So when Revelation speaks about God's people
13:42 being in Jerusalem and the grapes
13:45 or the wicked being gathered outside Jerusalem,
13:48 it's not talking about the wicked gathering over
13:51 next to the literal city of Jerusalem to attack
13:54 that literal city in the Middle East.
13:56 What it's saying is that global Babylon represented
14:00 by the winepress is going to gather around God's people
14:04 who are spiritually in Jerusalem all over the world
14:07 and this is gonna be the final battle.
14:09 In fact we're gonna notice that the wicked
14:11 will gather around God's people all over the world
14:14 with the intention of destroying them.
14:17 But of course we know that when Jesus comes,
14:21 then Jesus is gonna take
14:22 all the citizens of the New Jerusalem
14:25 up to the New Jerusalem and then after the 1,000 years
14:28 we will live in the city of Jerusalem.
14:31 And it will be the capital of the universe.
14:35 Now I'd like us to go to Revelation 14:14-16,
14:40 where we have the first harvest mentioned.
14:43 This first harvest is called the harvest of the earth
14:47 and basically it represents the righteous.
14:49 And we've already studied that the separation of this harvest
14:54 from the grapes takes place
14:56 before Jesus comes in the judgment.
14:59 In other words, there is an investigative
15:01 pre-advent judgment in heaven
15:03 where by the response that people give
15:06 to the three angels' messages,
15:08 God separates people into the group of the righteous
15:12 and into the group of the wicked
15:14 before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
15:17 And so the verses that we gonna take a look at now
15:20 Revelation 14:14-16
15:23 deals with the separation of the righteous.
15:28 It says there in verse 14,
15:30 "Then I looked, and behold a white cloud,
15:35 and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man."
15:40 I want you to remember this.
15:42 The Son of Man is seated on a cloud.
15:45 And then it says that he has in His
15:48 "on His head a golden crown
15:51 and in His hand a sharp sickle."
15:55 So the Son of Man comes on the cloud
15:57 and He is coming as we'll notice to His Father
16:02 to the Ancient of Days and He has a sickle in his hand
16:05 and of course a sickle has the purpose of harvesting.
16:11 And then notice verse 15--
16:13 actually let's look at verse 15,
16:15 its says, "And another angel came out of the temple
16:19 crying with the loud voice to Him
16:21 who sat on the cloud
16:23 'Thrust in your sickle and reap,
16:27 for the time has come for you to reap.'"
16:30 And as we've already noticed,
16:32 the reaping or the separation takes place
16:34 before the second coming of Jesus.
16:37 Because when Jesus comes, He comes to reward His people.
16:41 So before that He must have determined
16:44 in a heavenly judgment who His people are.
16:48 And so this angel says
16:50 to the one who is seated on the cloud
16:52 "Thrust in your sickle and reap
16:54 for the time has come for you to reap..."
16:57 And now listen to this,
16:58 "For the harvest of the earth is ripe."
17:02 I want you to remember that
17:04 it says the harvest of the earth is ripe.
17:07 Because a little bit later on,
17:09 we're gonna go to the Old Testament background
17:11 to this passage in Revelation 14,
17:14 and we're gonna notice that it doesn't say the earth,
17:17 it says something differently and so it says,
17:20 "For the harvest of the earth is ripe."
17:23 Verse 16 "So He who sat on the cloud thrust
17:28 in His sickle on the earth..."
17:30 There it is again.
17:31 "And the earth was reaped."
17:34 Now there's no doubt whatsoever that this group of individuals
17:38 who are harvested
17:40 or who are separated in the judgment,
17:43 before the second coming of Jesus are the righteous.
17:46 And you'll notice that the separation
17:48 takes place all over the earth.
17:50 And they're gathered in the city of Jerusalem.
17:53 We'll notice a little bit later on
17:55 but they're not literally gathered there,
17:57 they are spiritually or symbolically gathered there
18:00 because they're citizens of the New Jerusalem
18:03 and yet they are found all over the world
18:06 in different countries.
18:08 And so basically this first group are those
18:11 who keep the commandments of God.
18:13 Those who have the seal of God, those who--
18:16 because they love Jesus keep the Seventh-day Sabbath,
18:20 and these are the ones
18:21 who actually will be on God side
18:25 in this final conflict or this final controversy.
18:29 By the way the Book of Daniel
18:31 also refers to this judgment of the Son of Man
18:35 coming seated on a cloud to do a work of judgment.
18:39 And of course the sickle represents
18:42 the work of judgment.
18:43 Let's read Daniel 7:13 and 14. Daniel 7:13 and 14.
18:50 Here Daniel inspired by the Holy Spirit said,
18:55 "I was watching in the night visions and behold..."
18:59 Listen to this.
19:00 "One like the Son of Man..."
19:02 The very same name that we found in Revelation 14
19:05 "Coming with the clouds..."
19:07 See there it is, He's coming with the clouds of heaven.
19:10 And I want you to notice
19:11 that He's not coming to the earth.
19:14 He's not coming to this world. He's going somewhere else.
19:19 It says "Coming with the clouds of heaven!
19:21 He came..."
19:23 Notice carefully.
19:24 "To the Ancient of Days..."
19:26 In other words He came to his Father in heaven
19:29 "And they brought Him near before Him."
19:31 They brought Jesus on the cloud near the Father.
19:35 I want you to notice that He goes there
19:37 for a work of separation to establish
19:40 who the members of His kingdom are,
19:42 because it says in verse 14,
19:44 "Then to Him that is to Jesus
19:47 was given dominion and glory and a kingdom,
19:52 that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him.
19:56 His dominion is an everlasting dominion,
19:59 which shall not pass away and His kingdom the one
20:02 which shall not be destroyed."
20:04 And if you read a little bit later on in Daniel 7
20:08 it says that when Jesus takes over the kingdom
20:11 it says the saints took over the kingdom when Jesus came.
20:16 The time came when the saints received the kingdom.
20:20 And so basically what Jesus does,
20:22 He goes to His Father in heaven,
20:24 seated on a cloud,
20:25 of course the cloud represents the angels.
20:27 He's got to perform a work of judgment.
20:29 He's gonna separate His people.
20:31 He's gonna show
20:32 who are the citizens of His kingdom.
20:34 And then when He finishes that work,
20:37 we will have the group of those
20:39 who keep the commandments of God,
20:40 those who have the seal of God,
20:42 which are represented as the harvest of the earth
20:46 and they're symbolically portrayed
20:48 as being in the city of Jerusalem.
20:52 But there is another group
20:53 which are referred to as the grapes
20:56 and those are symbolically portrayed
20:58 as being outside the city, they are the ones
21:01 who received the mark of the beast,
21:03 they're called the grapes in Scripture.
21:06 They are the ones who rejected the commandments of God,
21:10 those who refused the seal of God,
21:12 those who preferred to keep
21:14 the day of rest that was changed
21:16 by the Roman Catholic papacy as we've studied.
21:20 Now let's read about this group in Revelation 14:17-20.
21:26 This is the other harvest.
21:27 This is the harvest of the wicked
21:29 or the separation of the wicked.
21:32 It says there in verse 17,
21:34 "Then another angel came out of the temple..."
21:37 And I don't really have time
21:38 to show you that, that word temple,
21:40 the Greek word nous is really referring
21:43 to the most holy place of the heavenly sanctuary.
21:46 It's not talking about all of the heavenly sanctuary.
21:49 It's talking about the most holy place of the sanctuary.
21:52 So it says, "Then another angel came out of the temple
21:56 which is in heaven..."
21:57 This is very clearly happening in heaven.
21:59 "He also having a sharp sickle."
22:02 You see He's also gonna harvest.
22:05 And it continue saying,
22:06 "And another angel came from the altar,
22:09 who had power over fire..."
22:11 Now this altar is the altar of incense
22:14 which was in the holy place of the sanctuary.
22:17 And basically what the priest did
22:18 was that he would put fire into a censer
22:21 and he would also put incense into it
22:24 and the Bible says that as he was wading the censer
22:27 before the Lord, he was interceding before God,
22:32 he was presenting the prayers of the saints before God.
22:36 That is a fire that is spoken of,
22:38 that is the fire and the altar that has been spoken about here
22:43 in Revelation 14:18.
22:47 But I want you to notice
22:48 that something is going to happen
22:50 with that fire in the censer.
22:53 There's a time coming
22:54 when the censer is not going to intercede anymore.
22:57 It's actually going to be thrown to the ground
22:59 and fire will come out of it, fire to destroy.
23:03 It says in verse 18 once again.
23:05 "And another angel came out from the altar
23:07 who had power over fire
23:11 and he cried with a loud voice to him
23:13 who had the sharp sickle saying,
23:15 ''Thrust in your sharp sickle and now notice
23:19 and gather the clusters of the wine of the earth...
23:22 " Notice once again that the harvest
23:24 is not over in the Middle East.
23:25 It's not in a little valley next to Jerusalem.
23:28 It says here that He is supposed
23:31 to thrust in his sharp sickle
23:33 and gather the clusters of the wine of the earth
23:37 and then notice it says,
23:38 "For her grapes are fully ripe."
23:41 In other words this means
23:44 that the wicked are fully wicked.
23:46 They wouldn't ever become righteous
23:48 if God gave them another million years,
23:50 they are fully and totally and completely wicked.
23:54 And so now comes the harvest of the wicked
23:57 who are represented as absolutely ripe grapes
24:01 and the Bible tells us
24:02 that they are gathered all over the earth
24:04 because the clusters of the wine are on the earth.
24:07 Notice verse 19.
24:09 "So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth..."
24:12 See there it is again.
24:14 It's universal, it's worldwide.
24:16 "So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth
24:18 and gathered the wine of the earth..."
24:21 There it is again,
24:22 gathered the wine of the earth and now notice,
24:24 "And threw it into the great winepress
24:28 of the wrath of God."
24:31 Now this directly connects with a third angel's message
24:35 because the third angel's message says
24:36 that whoever worships the beast,
24:39 which we've already identified
24:41 as Roman Catholic papacy as a system,
24:44 and whoever worships His image,
24:48 which basically is,
24:49 when the United States of America
24:51 joins church and state
24:53 and sets up a system similar to the one
24:56 that the papacy had during the Middle Ages.
24:58 And whoever receives his mark,
25:00 the mark of the beast we've already studied carefully
25:03 from the Bible represents the counterfeit day of worship,
25:06 whoever worships the beast, his image or receive his mark,
25:11 it says the same shall drink the wine of the wrath of God
25:16 which is poured out without mixture
25:18 into the cup of his indignation.
25:21 So in other words, we find here the moment
25:23 when the wicked have already made their decisions,
25:26 they've already rejected the seal of God,
25:29 they've accepted the mark of the beast
25:31 and now they're harvested as grapes
25:33 and the punishment of God is gonna fall upon them.
25:38 And so it says that he threw it
25:40 into the great winepress of the wrath of God.''
25:45 Now we need to understand that this entire passage
25:48 of Revelation 14:14-20 actually comes
25:53 from an Old Testament passage in the Book of Joel.
25:57 So if you've your Bibles,
25:58 I invite you to go with me to the Book of Joel 3
26:03 and we're going to read verses 9-12.
26:06 Now tell me-- let me tell you
26:07 what the picture is here.
26:09 The picture here is, of God's people gathered
26:12 in the city of Jerusalem
26:15 and the wicked nations that surround Jerusalem
26:19 are coming to the valley of Jehoshaphat
26:21 which was just outside the city of Jerusalem
26:24 and they're coming there with the intention of slayings
26:27 those who are found within the city.
26:30 But then we're told that God will intervene
26:33 and He will pour out His wrath upon the wicked
26:36 and He will deliver His people.
26:38 That's the context of what we find in Joel 3.
26:43 So let's begin reading at verse 9.
26:46 Proclaim this among the nations:
26:50 "Prepare for war!"
26:52 Notice that the nations are coming for war.
26:55 "Wake up but mighty men,
26:58 let all the men of war draw near,
27:02 let them come up.
27:04 Beat your plowshares into swords
27:07 and your pruning hooks into spears.
27:10 Let the weak say, ''I am strong.'''
27:14 Assemble and come, all you nations
27:17 and gather together all around..."
27:20 And I want you to notice then
27:22 that the wicked are all gathering
27:24 around the city of Jerusalem.
27:26 But notice that the wicked are not the only ones
27:29 who are gathered there.
27:31 Because it continues saying in verse 11
27:35 speaking about God
27:36 "Cause your mighty ones to go down there, O Lord."
27:43 And so we have two group of, that are fighting in this war.
27:51 You have the nations
27:52 that are coming against Jerusalem
27:54 and you have the mighty ones of God
27:57 that are coming there as well.
27:59 Notice verse 12, "Let the nations be wakened,
28:04 come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat..."
28:06 Which as I mentioned is a valley
28:08 outside the city of Jerusalem.
28:10 And then notice,
28:11 "For there I will sit to judge all the nations."
28:16 Put in the sickle for the harvest is ripe,
28:20 come go down for their wickedness is great,
28:24 multitudes, multitudes in the valley a decision
28:28 for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision."
28:32 Now you notice that in the Old Testament
28:34 when God was dealing with literal Israel.
28:37 You're talking about the literal city of Jerusalem
28:40 and you're talking about
28:41 the literal Valley of Jehoshaphat,
28:44 but when you come to the Book of Revelation
28:46 the Valley of Jehoshaphat is universalized or globalized
28:50 because we're told there that it includes
28:53 the whole earth, we already read it.
28:55 And Jerusalem no longer is the little Jerusalem
28:58 in the Middle East.
28:59 Jerusalem is God's world wide people
29:03 that are gathered every place on planet Earth.
29:06 And the Bible says
29:07 that they are going to be two groups.
29:09 There's gonna be God's faithful people
29:11 who have the seal of God gathered spiritually
29:13 in Jerusalem but all over the world
29:16 and then you're gonna have Babylon,
29:18 those who have the mark of the beast,
29:20 they're also gathered surrounding God's people
29:23 all over the world
29:24 with the intention of destroying them.
29:26 By the way you remember in Revelation 13,
29:30 it says that those who do not worship the beast
29:32 or receive the mark, first of all
29:34 they would be forbidden from buying and selling
29:37 and then in Revelation 13:15 it says,
29:40 "That whoever does not receive
29:41 the mark of the beast should be killed."
29:44 In other words, the powers of the earth,
29:46 the nations of the earth are going to gather
29:48 against God's people who keep the commandments of God,
29:51 who have the seal of God
29:53 and who are faithful to the Lord and God's people
29:57 are as gathered spiritually in Jerusalem,
30:00 the wicked are gathered spiritually in Babylon.
30:03 You know, I find it very interesting
30:05 that many commentators on Bible prophecy say
30:09 that Babylon at the end of time is not really literal Babylon.
30:13 Babylon represents Rome or spiritual Rome
30:18 or the papacy which is global worldwide system.
30:21 But they're not consistent.
30:22 They don't follow up on that,
30:24 because if Babylon is worldwide or global,
30:27 then Jerusalem which Babylon comes against
30:31 must also be global and worldwide.
30:34 You can have it both ways.
30:36 They're either literal both of them
30:39 or they're spiritual both of them.
30:42 And then notice verse 14
30:44 "Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision,
30:47 for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision."
30:51 And now notice what's going to happen in that day.
30:53 "The sun and moon will grow dark,
30:56 and the stars will diminish their brightness."
30:58 These are signs when Jesus comes according to Matthew 24.
31:02 "The Lord also will roar from Zion,
31:06 and utter His voice from Jerusalem,
31:08 the heavens and earth will shake but the Lord..."
31:12 Notice this "Will be a shelter for His people,
31:16 and the strength of the children of Israel."
31:19 Why would God need to be the shelter for His people
31:22 and the strength for the children of Israel?
31:24 Because according to this passage
31:25 and Revelation 14,
31:27 the wicked who have the mark of the beast
31:29 who follow the beast,
31:30 who worship his image are coming against God's people
31:33 to destroy them all over the world.
31:36 Notice verse 17,
31:37 "So you shall know that I am the Lord your God,
31:42 Dwelling in Zion My holy mountain.
31:44 Then Jerusalem shall be holy,
31:46 And no aliens shall ever pass through her again."
31:50 The expression pass through her means attack her
31:53 and tried to destroy her and pillage her.
31:56 Verse 18, "And it will come to pass in that day that..."
32:00 And this is speaking about once Jesus comes,
32:02 once you have the new heavens in the north it says,
32:05 "And it will come to pass in that day
32:07 that the mountains shall drip with new wine,
32:10 the hills shall flow with milk,
32:13 and all the brooks of Judah shall be flooded with water,
32:17 a fountain shall flow from the house of the Lord
32:20 and water the Valley of Acacias."
32:23 Egypt shall be a desolation.
32:25 These are enemies of God's people
32:27 and Edom a desolate wilderness,
32:30 because now notice why God is going to cause this
32:32 for the enemies of God's people it says,
32:34 "Because of the violence against the people of Judah,
32:39 for they have shed innocent blood in their land.
32:43 But Judah that is God's faithful people
32:45 shall abide forever,
32:47 and Jerusalem from generation to generation."
32:52 So this is the picture that we find in Revelation 14.
32:55 Revelation 14 is talking about three angels' messages
32:58 that go to the world.
33:00 These three messages are accompanied
33:02 by the power of God's Holy Spirit.
33:04 This powerful message
33:06 which is composed of three consecutive parts
33:09 divides the world into two groups,
33:11 the righteous and the wicked.
33:13 And Jesus in heaven separates
33:16 these two groups in heavenly judgment.
33:18 And then the door of probation closes.
33:21 The Bible tells us
33:23 that the wicked gather around Jerusalem
33:25 that is around God's people
33:27 all over the world symbolic Jerusalem,
33:29 because they're citizens of the New Jerusalem,
33:31 and they will have the intention
33:33 of destroying God's people,
33:34 but the Bible says that God will protect His people
33:38 and He will pour out His wrath
33:40 upon those who want to destroy them.
33:43 Now you'll notice in Revelation 14:20
33:46 that the winepress is located outside the city.
33:50 In other words, you have two groups,
33:52 the righteous are inside the city
33:54 and the wicked are outside the city.
33:56 Those who have the seal of God are inside.
33:58 Those who have the mark of the beast are outside.
34:01 Let's read that verse, Revelation 14:20.
34:05 "And the winepress which is,
34:07 where the wrath of God is poured out,
34:10 was trampled outside the city... "
34:13 Notice that the wicked never destroy those
34:15 who are with God in the city,
34:17 spiritually with God all over the world.
34:20 It says "And the winepress was trampled outside the city
34:24 and blood came out of the winepress..."
34:26 These are not literal grapes.
34:28 Your grape juice looks like blood
34:30 and so you're using a symbol here,
34:32 it says "And blood came out of the winepress,
34:35 up to the horses' bridles,
34:37 for one thousand six hundred furlongs."
34:40 You say, now wait a minute what language is that?
34:44 Suddenly you have here that outside the holy city
34:48 horses are coming and the horses
34:51 are trampling the winepress which represents the wicked
34:54 and the blood flows for 1600 furlongs,
34:58 the question is which is this city
35:01 and who is riding on these white horses?
35:05 Well, the fact is that we have to go
35:07 to the Book a Revelation to answer these two questions
35:10 which is this city
35:12 and who is sitting on this white horse
35:15 and who are sitting on white horses
35:17 that trample upon the wicked
35:19 or destroy the wicked so to speak.
35:22 Let's go to Revelation 19:11-21.
35:27 You find here a context of war.
35:30 On one side you have the dragon,
35:33 the beast and the false prophet.
35:36 And they are arrayed to fight against Jesus
35:40 who is coming with the heavenly host from heaven.
35:44 So you have a battle here of Christ
35:47 and His angels against the powers
35:49 that are mentioned in the third angel's message.
35:52 Notice Revelation 19:11.
35:55 "Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse.
36:00 And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True,
36:04 and in righteousness He judges and makes war."
36:08 So notice the one who is seated
36:09 on the White Horse comes to make war.
36:12 Why would he come to make war?
36:14 Folks, it's simply
36:15 because these powers the dragon, the beast
36:19 and the false prophet want to destroy God's people.
36:22 The Bible tells us
36:23 that the dragon is in rage with a woman
36:26 and he goes to make war against the remnant of her seed
36:29 because they keep the commandments of God
36:32 and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
36:35 The third angel says,
36:37 'here is the patience of the Saints,
36:39 here are they who keep the commandments of God
36:42 and the faith of Jesus."
36:44 And then immediately you have this scene
36:46 of Revelation 14:14-20.
36:49 So the final battle has to do with God's commandments.
36:52 It has to do with worship.
36:54 It has to do with whether you are obedient to God
36:57 or disobedient to God.
36:59 Notice verse 12.
37:00 This individual on the horse is identified.
37:03 "His eyes were like a flame of fire,
37:06 and on His head were many crowns."
37:09 The word Diademata
37:11 which is the crown of a king and it says,
37:16 "He had a name written
37:18 that no one knew except Himself."
37:22 He was clothed with the robe dipped in blood.
37:25 We'll come back to that in a few moments.
37:27 So the one who is on the White Horse
37:28 comes with the robe dipped in blood
37:31 and his name is called the word of God.
37:35 Very clearly Jesus Christ.
37:37 Verse 14 and the armies in heaven,
37:39 you see He doesn't come by himself,
37:41 He comes with other beings
37:43 with the angels on white horses.
37:45 So it says, "And the armies in heaven,
37:48 clothed in fine linen, white and clean,
37:51 followed Him on white horses."
37:54 Now we know who's sitting on the horses
37:58 that trample the winepress.
38:00 It's Jesus Christ and His angels
38:03 who are coming to rescue God's people
38:05 because the nations of the earth
38:07 are about to annihilate them.
38:11 I'm not speculating. Notice verse 15.
38:14 "Now out of His mouth..."
38:15 That is of the one who seated on the White Horse.
38:17 "Goes a sharp sword..."
38:20 Which is symbolic of His word.
38:22 "That with it He should strike the nations.
38:25 And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron."
38:29 And now noticed this.
38:31 "He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness
38:36 and wrath of Almighty God."
38:38 So the one on the White Horse
38:40 and those who accompany him on white horses
38:43 are coming to do what?
38:44 They're coming to trample on the winepress.
38:48 This in Revelation 19 is an explanation
38:51 of Revelation 14:20
38:53 where it speaks about the horses trampling
38:57 the winepress outside the city
38:59 and blood coming out of the winepress."
39:01 It's a symbolic portrayal of Jesus coming
39:04 to destroy the wicked
39:05 because they want to destroy His people
39:08 who are in a covenant relationship with Him.
39:11 And then notice verse 16 and He has,
39:15 the one on the White Horse Jesus
39:17 "And He has on His robe
39:19 and on His thigh a name written.
39:22 King of Kings and Lord of Lords."
39:26 And now notice who is coming to fight against.
39:29 It says, "And I saw the beast,
39:32 the kings of the earth, and their armies,"
39:36 and in a little bit later you got to see
39:38 that the false prophet is there too
39:39 "And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth,
39:42 and their armies..."
39:43 These are the same powers
39:44 that are mentioned in the third angel's message.
39:47 "Gathered together to make war against Him
39:50 who sat on the horse and against His army."
39:54 So this war is between Christ and His angels
39:58 and the wicked and the armies of the earth.
40:02 And then it says in verse 20.
40:04 "Then the beast was captured,
40:06 and with him the false prophet."
40:09 You see, there's the powers that are mentioned
40:10 in the third angel's message.
40:12 Who work signs in his presence, by which he deceives those
40:16 who receive the mark of the beast
40:17 and those who worship his image.
40:19 These two were cast alive into the lake of fire
40:24 burning with brimstone,
40:26 that's in the third angel's message too,
40:28 it says whoever receives the mark of the beast
40:30 and worships the beach
40:31 will be punished with fire and brimstone the wrath of God.
40:36 So we know that this scene is connected
40:39 with the third angel's message.
40:40 Verse 21 and the rest that is the remnant
40:43 those who are still left
40:45 after the initial coming of Jesus it says,
40:48 "And the rest were killed
40:50 with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him
40:52 who sat on the horse
40:54 and all the birds were filled with their flesh."
40:57 That is when Jesus actually arrives on planet Earth.
41:01 there's only a remnant to destroy
41:03 because before this the plagues have decimated
41:06 and destroyed many of the people on planet Earth.
41:09 And when Jesus comes there's only a remnant
41:12 left to be destroyed.
41:13 Now, you'll notice that the Bible portrays
41:16 Jesus symbolically as being clothed
41:19 with a robe dipped in blood.
41:21 In other words with the red robe.
41:22 Now, this is not saying that when Jesus comes,
41:25 He's going to come with His blood to save people.
41:29 Although it's true
41:30 that He is gonna save His people from annihilation.
41:33 The Bible explains that the reason
41:36 why Jesus is clothed in red garments
41:39 is because Jesus is coming to trample upon the winepress.
41:44 Now I don't know if you know what a winepress is,
41:47 but basically in some places in Italy
41:50 they still do it the old way.
41:51 They put the ripe grapes in...
41:55 great big pool like structure you might say
41:58 and then they get inside and they start stepping
42:01 on the grapes to make the wine and that's the winepress.
42:04 And by the way the Bible says that sometimes they sang songs
42:07 as they were trampling on the grapes.
42:09 And of course as they trample on the grapes
42:12 the grapes splattered and their clothing got read
42:16 because they were trampling upon the grapes.
42:18 This is the image, the image is that Jesus
42:21 is coming to destroy those who would destroy His people.
42:24 It says in Isaiah 63
42:26 where this imagery comes from verses 1-4
42:30 "Who is this who comes from Edom,
42:33 With dyed garments from Bozrah,
42:37 This One who is glorious in His apparel,
42:40 Traveling in the greatness of His strength?"
42:43 Here comes the answer.
42:44 "I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save."
42:49 So who is this that is coming according to this?
42:52 "From Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah,
42:56 who is glorious in His apparel."
42:58 It says-- God answers
42:59 "I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save."
43:02 And then the question is asked, why is your apparel red?
43:06 That is why is your clothing red?
43:08 And your garments like one who treads the winepress.
43:11 You see there it is, His garments are red
43:13 because he treads the winepress and then He explains why.
43:17 "I have trodden the winepress alone,"
43:20 because Jesus came
43:21 and He suffered the wrath of God.
43:23 He drank the cup of God's wrath.
43:26 He did it for everyone on planet Earth.
43:28 But if you refuse to accept Jesus Christ
43:31 who drank the cup of God's wrath in your place,
43:34 then we must drink the wrath of God,
43:39 the wine of the wrath of God ourselves.
43:41 And Jesus doesn't want anyone to go through that.
43:44 He wants everyone to repent and to come to Jesus
43:47 that they might experience salvation.
43:49 And so it says in verse 3.
43:51 "I have trodden the winepress alone,
43:54 and from the people's no one was with Me."
43:57 Because Jesus suffered basically by Himself.
44:00 And then it says "For I have trodden them in My anger,
44:03 And trampled them in My fury."
44:05 This is talking about
44:06 what's gonna happen in the future.
44:08 Not literally but symbolically.
44:10 It's talking about the destruction of the wicked.
44:12 And it says, "Their blood is sprinkled upon My garments,
44:16 And I have stained all My robes.
44:19 For the day of vengeance is in My heart,
44:21 And the year of My redeemed has come."
44:26 So notice that He's coming to save His redeemed.
44:29 Now some people say well,
44:30 Pastor Bore this is kind of a gory description.
44:33 You mean Jesus is gonna come to destroy the wicked.
44:37 How can a loving Jesus destroy the wicked?
44:39 Let me explain
44:41 so that you can understand a little bit better.
44:43 John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world
44:47 that He gave His only begotten Son."
44:49 In other words, Jesus came to this world
44:52 to suffer for every single sin
44:55 there has ever been committed on planet Earth.
44:58 Basically on the cross Jesus paid the penalty for every sin
45:02 that has been committed, is being committed
45:05 and will be committed in the future.
45:07 And so you say, wait,
45:09 well, then everyone is going to be saved.
45:11 No, because the same verse says that
45:14 "Whosoever believes in Him should not perish
45:18 but have everlasting life."
45:19 In other words we must claim what Jesus did for us.
45:22 We must claim the gift that He paid for,
45:26 and if we don't we will perish.
45:28 It says there in John 3:16 not only that God
45:31 so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
45:35 but it also says that whosoever believes in him
45:38 should not perish but have everlasting life.
45:41 You see, folks, what's going to happen at the end of time,
45:43 according to the description of Revelation
45:46 is that the wicked
45:47 who are gathered all over the world
45:49 who have the mark of the beast.
45:51 In other words they've chosen
45:52 to be disobedient to God's commandments
45:54 particularly the fourth commandment
45:56 that says that we're supposed
45:57 to keep the Sabbath as God's day of rest.
45:59 The Bible says
46:01 that they are gonna gather in the winepress
46:03 which symbolically represents the place where God's--
46:06 where the wicked are gathering against God's people
46:09 and this will be on a global scale.
46:11 They will be gathered against those have the seal of God,
46:14 against those who keep the commandments of God,
46:16 who are faithful to God,
46:18 who keep his Holy Sabbath even in the face of death.
46:23 Now what would you expect?
46:25 Would you expect Jesus Christ to simply allow the wicked
46:29 to destroy His people
46:30 and to blot them up from the Earth?
46:33 Or do you suppose that if His people have formed
46:36 a covenant with Jesus, if they've received Jesus,
46:39 if they're faithful to Him.
46:40 They keep His commandments, do you think that God
46:43 in order to be faithful to His covenant
46:45 would have to intervene and destroy those
46:48 who want to destroy them, so that he could save them.
46:51 Of course.
46:52 Jesus gave those who want destroy His people
46:55 the opportunity to be saved.
46:57 But they've rejected the opportunity.
46:59 The issues became very clear.
47:01 The seal of God was clearly understood
47:04 to represent the observance of God's Holy Sabbath.
47:07 The mark of the beast was clearly understood
47:10 as observing the day that was changed
47:11 by the Roman Catholic papacy.
47:13 The issues were clear to everyone on planet Earth
47:17 and yet some people in the fullness of light
47:20 chose to continue keeping the day of rest
47:23 that God did not established from the very beginning.
47:28 And so basically Jesus has to come to this Earth
47:31 to destroy the wicked because if He doesn't
47:34 the wicked will destroy the people of Jesus.
47:37 I might give you an example.
47:39 In the Old Testament the model shepherd
47:41 of course besides God who is the model shepherd
47:45 but humanly speaking, the good shepherd
47:48 in the Old Testament was David.
47:50 He was conceived to be the model shepherd
47:53 or the ideal shepherd.
47:54 You know, when a lion or a bear
47:57 came to kill one of the little lambs of David,
48:01 what did David do?
48:04 Well, you know what he did.
48:05 The Bible says that he would go after the bear
48:07 and he would go after the lion and he would attack
48:10 the bear and lion and he would kill them,
48:12 so that they would not kill his little lamb.
48:15 Do you think that David did right?
48:17 You know, David could say, well, you know,
48:19 the fight of a lion and the bear
48:20 is against the lamp that doesn't have
48:22 anything to do with me, let them kill the lamb.
48:25 That wouldn't be very nice, would it?
48:27 Because the lamb was David's lamb.
48:30 And in order for the lamb to survive,
48:33 it was necessary for David to intervene and destroy
48:36 the lion and the bear
48:37 that wanted to destroy his little lamb.
48:40 And so it is at the end of time,
48:42 God is gonna have a people there are His sheep,
48:45 they are His lambs,
48:46 they have the seal of God on their foreheads
48:49 and yet the wicked like roaring lions will come
48:52 and want to destroy the people of Jesus.
48:54 So Jesus will say, hey, don't you touch my lambs,
48:59 don't you destroy my lambs.
49:00 If you try and destroy them,
49:02 I am going to become involved in the battle.
49:06 The Bible says that Jesus is the head
49:09 and His church is the body.
49:10 Listen when the wicked come to attack the body of Jesus,
49:14 they're really attacking the head,
49:15 they're attacking Jesus and Jesus has to intervene
49:19 to deliver His people
49:20 because He needs to be faithful to His covenant.
49:23 His people have formed
49:24 a covenant relationship with Him.
49:28 Now let's read Jeremiah 25:30 to 38
49:32 where we have an additional picture
49:34 of this winepress symbolism.
49:37 It says in verse 30,
49:39 "Therefore prophesy against them all these words,
49:44 and say to them, 'The Lord will roar from on high,
49:50 and utter His voice from His holy habitation,
49:53 He will roar mightily against His fold.
49:57 He will give a shout...'"
49:59 You remember that when Jesus comes
50:00 in 1 Thessalonians 4, He will give a shout,
50:02 He will speak with the voice of the archangel?
50:05 So it says, "He will roar mightily against His foe.
50:08 He will give a shout, as those notice this,
50:11 "as those who tread the grapes,
50:15 against all the inhabitants of the earth.
50:18 A noise will come to the ends of the earth,
50:20 For the Lord has a controversy with the nations,
50:23 He will plead His case with all flesh.
50:25 He will give those who are wicked
50:27 to the sword, says the Lord.
50:29 Thus says the Lord of hosts,
50:31 'Behold, disaster shall go forth
50:34 from one nation to another nation,
50:36 and a great whirlwind shall be raised up
50:38 from the farthest parts of the earth.
50:40 And at that day the slain of the Lord
50:43 shall be from one end of the earth
50:45 even to the other end of the earth.
50:47 They shall not be lamented, or gathered, or buried,
50:50 they shall become refuse on the ground."
50:53 And there's a special group
50:55 that God has a controversy with.
50:57 Notice what we find in verse 34 "Wail, shepherds, and cry.
51:04 Roll about in the ashes, you leaders of the flock!"
51:07 He's talking about the leaders of Israel
51:09 the ministers of Israel.
51:11 "For the days of your slaughter
51:12 and your dispersions are fulfilled,
51:15 You shall fall like a precious vessel.
51:18 And the shepherds will have no way to flee,
51:21 nor the leaders of the flock to escape."
51:24 Notice that God's controversy is against those
51:27 who did not protect their sheep,
51:29 those who perhaps even deceive their sheep,
51:32 those who told their sheep that the law was nailed
51:35 to the cross that it's not necessary
51:37 for Christians to keep the Sabbath
51:39 because it was for the Jews.
51:40 It says in verse 36.
51:42 "A voice of the cry of the shepherds,
51:45 and a wailing of the leaders to the flock will be heard.
51:49 For the Lord has plundered their pasture,
51:51 and the peaceful dwellings are cut down
51:53 because of the fierce anger of the Lord.
51:56 He has left His lair like the lion,
51:59 For their land is desolate
52:01 because of the fierceness of the Oppressor,
52:03 and because of His fierce anger."
52:07 These are vivid pictures
52:09 of the destruction of the wicked
52:10 who want to destroy God's people,
52:12 who have formed a covenant relationship with God.
52:16 Now we need to deal with one final thing
52:18 before we bring this to an end.
52:20 What about 1,600 Stadia?
52:24 Allow me to read you first of all a statement
52:26 this is not from the Bible,
52:27 it's from the Apocrypha but it shows
52:30 that the imagery of horses treading a winepress
52:33 and wading in blood is a common symbol
52:36 that was used back in that time.
52:38 It says in 1 Enoch 100:3 by the way this is an inspired,
52:43 I'm just showing you that this kind of conception existed
52:46 in the times that John wrote.
52:49 It says "The horse shall walk
52:52 through the blood of sinners up to his chest."
52:55 See that's very similar to Revelation 14.
52:57 "And the chariot shall sink down up to its top.
53:03 In those days the angels-- See that's the angels
53:05 that are doing this "In those days the angels
53:08 shall descend into the secret places.
53:10 They shall gather together into one place
53:13 all those who gave aid to sin."
53:15 And we know that's the winepress
53:17 "And the most High will arise
53:19 on that Day of Judgment in order to execute
53:22 a great judgment upon all the sinners."
53:26 So you have this imagery already contained
53:28 in these books from the time in which John wrote.
53:33 Now what about the 1,600 Stadia?
53:37 The fact is that the Bible in the Book of Revelation
53:41 specifically intensifies numbers
53:44 to represent that these numbers are not literal,
53:47 but they express something much greater
53:50 something which is universal.
53:53 Now 1,600 is 4 times 4 times 100.
53:59 Now number four is the number of universality,
54:02 the four angles of the earth.
54:04 But what John is doing
54:06 inspired by the Holy Spirit is intensifying the number 4,
54:09 he is multiplying 4 times 4 times 100 to express
54:14 the fact that the winepress covers the whole earth.
54:17 In fact the Bible does this also with 144,000.
54:21 The 144,000 is 12 times 12 times 1000.
54:26 In other words it represents
54:28 a much larger group than literally 144,000 people.
54:34 So basically the 1,600 stadia is a multiple of 4 intensified
54:40 which represents the fact that the wicked
54:43 will be found globally in the winepress
54:46 of the world surrounding God's faithful people
54:49 they're in spiritual Jerusalem on a global
54:52 or a worldwide scale.
54:55 Now there's an interesting commentary
54:57 made by Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown.
55:00 This is a very well known Bible commentary.
55:03 It's not written by Seventh-day Adventist,
55:06 but they grasped this idea that 1,600 represent
55:10 something that happens on a worldwide scale.
55:13 They say in their commentary this.
55:16 1,600 a square number 4X4X100
55:25 the four quarters they explain,
55:27 north, south, east and west of the Holy Land
55:32 or else of the world.
55:35 The universality of the worldwide
55:38 destruction being indicated.
55:41 And so basically they're saying that 1,600 stadia represents
55:46 an intensified number 4 symbolizing
55:50 the fact that this is gonna take place
55:53 on a global over a wide scale.
55:55 So it's not necessary for us
55:59 to look over to the literal Middle East
56:01 for the fulfillment of these prophecies.
56:04 The final issue is not Jews against the Russians
56:08 and the Arabs, or the Palestinians.
56:11 The final issue does not have to do
56:13 with the oil of the Middle East.
56:15 The final issues are not of a political nature.
56:19 The final issues are whether you have the seal of God
56:22 or the mark of the beast.
56:23 Whether you are obedient to the commandments of God
56:26 or whether you are disobedient.
56:27 Whether you worship God on His holy day
56:30 or whether you worship on the day
56:32 that the beast has established
56:33 as a counterfeit day of worship.
56:36 In other words, the final issues will not be material
56:39 or financial or economic,
56:41 they will have to do with deep spiritual issues.
56:45 Who do you obey?
56:47 Who do you worship will determine
56:50 on which side you are.
56:52 And I pray that as we come to an end of this study,
56:58 this fascinating study from Revelation 14:14-20
57:03 that all of us will make the decision to worship God,
57:08 to obey the commandments of God,
57:10 to keep His Holy Sabbath, not because we have to,
57:13 not because we're forced to, not in order to earn salvation,
57:17 but because we love Jesus and because we love Him,
57:22 we want to obey Him.


Revised 2015-07-30