Three Angels Message

The Testimony Of Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000023

00:30 Let's pray. Our Father in heaven, we than You once again
00:36 for the privilege of coming into Your presence to study Your
00:42 love letter to us; Your Holy Word.
00:46 We ask that as we study about the testimony of Jesus
00:52 that You will speak to us through the ministration
00:55 of Your Holy Spirit.
00:56 Help us to understand, Lord, why You have raised the
01:01 testimony of Jesus in these last days, so that we might be
01:06 ready for that glorious event that will soon transpire:
01:10 the coming of Jesus in power and glory.
01:13 And we thank You for hearing our prayer, for we ask it in the
01:17 precious name of Jesus, Amen.
01:21 I'd like to invite you to open your Bibles with me
01:25 to Revelation 12:17, Revelation 12:17.
01:32 This verse is speaking about the end time remnant.
01:37 And we've studied a few things about this verse,
01:42 but now we want to take a look at an expression that appears
01:47 at the very end of this verse.
01:50 It reads in the following way:
02:11 So God's end time remnant will not only keep the commandments
02:16 of God, not only will they have faith in Jesus,
02:20 not only will they have the patience of the saints,
02:23 but they will also have, or possess,
02:27 the testimony of Jesus Christ.
02:30 Of course the question is, What is
02:34 the testimony of Jesus Christ?
02:37 I believe that the best way to understand what is meant by this
02:42 expression is to return to the times of Jesus,
02:47 actually right before the coming of Jesus
02:50 the first time to this earth, and study a few things
02:54 about John the Baptist.
02:58 And so I invite you to go on an interesting tour with me
03:03 to examine the story of John the Baptist,
03:07 the one that was called to prepare the way for the
03:11 first coming of Jesus.
03:14 The first thing that I want us to notice is that
03:17 John the Baptist arose in the midst of a
03:21 great religious revival.
03:24 Notice Matthew 3:5, 6, Matthew 3:5, 6. It says:
03:46 Notice that there was great expectancy.
03:49 It says here that Jerusalem, all Judea, and all of the region
03:53 around the Jordan went out to John the Baptist.
03:57 And one of the reasons is because John the Baptist
04:00 was very similar, as we'll notice in a few minutes,
04:03 very similar to another prophet of the Old Testament: Elijah.
04:09 He dressed like Elijah.
04:10 He ate like Elijah.
04:12 He lived in the desert like Elijah.
04:14 He spoke like Elijah.
04:15 And so there was great expectancy that the Messiah
04:19 was about to come, because it was expected that a forerunner
04:22 would come, which would prepare the way for the
04:26 coming of the Messiah.
04:27 And, by the way, the Jews also knew that a very important
04:32 prophecy of the Old Testament was about to the fulfilled:
04:35 the prophecy of the seventy weeks.
04:38 In other words, the prophecy of the seventy weeks said that
04:41 after the first sixty-nine weeks the Messiah would come,
04:46 the anointed One would come.
04:47 And they knew that 483 years of that prophecy
04:52 had just about transpired.
04:55 From the going forth of the word to restore
04:57 and to build Jerusalem, they could count forward,
05:00 and they knew that the prophecy of the seventy weeks,
05:03 the last week was about to begin.
05:05 And so because of John the Baptist looking like Elijah,
05:10 and because this prophecy was about to be fulfilled,
05:13 there was great expectancy, and a great religious revival.
05:19 Now John was asked if he was a prophet,
05:22 or if he was the prophet.
05:25 Now I want you to notice what his answer was.
05:27 John 1:19-21, John 1:19-21.
06:02 So when they asked John the Baptist if he was the prophet,
06:05 John the Baptist said no.
06:08 So the question is, Who was he then?
06:11 Go with me to Luke 7:27.
06:15 If he wasn't the prophet who was he?
06:18 Luke 7:27. Here Jesus is speaking, and He says:
06:41 So the question is, What was John the Baptist?
06:45 He was the Lord's messenger.
06:48 He said, I am not the prophet, but he was the Lord's messenger.
06:53 Now why did God call John the Baptist?
06:57 Let's read a few verses that tell us the reason
07:01 why God raised him up.
07:02 John 1:23, John 1:23.
07:07 He said, this is John the Baptist speaking.
07:23 In other words, he arose in harmony with the fulfillment
07:26 of a prophecy of Isaiah.
07:28 And it says that he was called to prepare the way of the Lord.
07:33 In other words, he was the forerunner of the Messiah
07:37 to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.
07:40 Notice Matthew 3:1-3, Matthew 3:1-3.
07:58 That means the Messiah is about to come,
08:00 because the Jews were expecting the coming of the kingdom.
08:04 Verse 3.
08:07 Speaking about John the Baptist.
08:22 Now what does that mean, Make His paths straight?
08:26 Well, in antiquity when a king was about to arrive,
08:30 there was a group of individuals who would be sent on the
08:35 highways and on the roads to make sure that they would remove
08:38 all of the stones.
08:39 They would fill in all of the holes so that the king's chariot
08:43 could come on the road easily and smoothly.
08:46 So that's what this means.
08:49 Prepare the way of the Lord; make His paths straight.
08:53 In other words, prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah.
08:57 Notice Luke 1:16, 17, Luke 1:16, 17.
09:04 Speaking about John the Baptist, this is before his birth,
09:08 And he will turn many of the children of Israel
09:13 to the Lord their God.
09:15 Isn't that interesting that he would turn the children
09:17 of Israel to their God?
09:19 That must mean that they went astray from their God, right?
09:21 And notice that his mission is not with the world,
09:24 his mission is with the church.
09:27 His mission is with those who claim to serve God.
09:30 And so it says, And he will turn many of the children
09:33 of Israel to the Lord their God.
09:37 That is John the Baptist would go before the Messiah.
09:51 In other words, to turn around the disobedient so that
09:55 they would follow the...
09:57 And notice the ultimate purpose:
10:04 What was the role of John the Baptist?
10:05 It was to prepare a people to receive the Messiah
10:10 who was about to come, so that they would be ready
10:13 to receive the kingdom.
10:15 By the way, do you know that John the Baptist
10:19 was not an innovator?
10:21 He did not bring new truth.
10:23 And we're going to look at this in a few
10:25 moments more extensively.
10:26 He actually was a great restorer.
10:30 Notice what we find in Matthew 17:11-13, Matthew 17:11-13.
10:38 John the Baptist was not raised up to bring revolutionary new
10:42 truths, new doctrines.
10:44 He was brought to restore that which had been torn down.
10:47 And, by the way, that's why the New Testament calls him Elijah.
10:50 Do you remember in the Old Testament what Elijah did
10:53 when he went to the top of Mount Carmel?
10:55 It says that he took the stones of the altar of the Lord
10:58 that were laying all over the place, and he built, he rebuilt,
11:02 or he restored the altar of the Lord.
11:04 In other words he restored true worship to God.
11:08 Notice what it says there in verse 11.
11:10 Jesus answered and said to them, Indeed Elijah is coming first
11:15 and will what? will restore all things.
11:20 But I say to you, Elijah has come already,
11:23 and they did not know him.
11:26 That means that they rejected him, by the way.
11:27 They did not know him, but did to him whatever they wished.
11:32 In other words they mistreated him.
11:34 Now notice this, it continues saying: Likewise the Son of man
11:40 is also about to suffer at their hands.
11:43 See, the Messiah is going to suffer at their hands just like
11:46 John the Baptist suffered at their hands.
11:49 And so it continues saying, Then the disciples understood that He
11:53 spoke to them of whom?
11:55 He spoke to them of John the Baptist.
11:58 Now folks this verse is telling us that if they rejected the
12:01 forerunner, they would also reject the Messiah.
12:04 If you reject he who prepares the way for the coming of the
12:09 Messiah, you will eventually also reject the Messiah.
12:13 Because the word likewise is used, Likewise the Son of man,
12:18 is also about to suffer at their hands.
12:21 Now lets notice something else interesting
12:24 about John the Baptist.
12:25 John the Baptist was actually more than a prophet.
12:30 He was not the prophet; he was more than a prophet.
12:33 Notice Luke 7:26, Luke 7:26.
12:40 Here Jesus is speaking, and He says,
12:50 Let me ask you, Was John the Baptist a prophet?
12:52 He most certainly was a prophet.
12:53 But he was not a prophet, he was more than a prophet.
12:57 Remember these details, because we're going to come back to them
13:00 a little later on in our study.
13:02 Another interesting thing about John the Baptist is that he did
13:05 not perform any miracle.
13:08 Notice John 10:41, 42, John 10:41, 42. It says here:
13:19 Came to Jesus, that is.
13:24 That means no miracle.
13:36 And so you notice that John the Baptist did
13:38 not perform any sign.
13:39 He did not perform any miracle, which is a very important
13:43 detail as we study along.
13:45 Another interesting thing about John the Baptist is that he had
13:49 the testimony of Jesus.
13:51 Notice John 5:31-33.
13:56 And before we read that passage I need to make
13:59 a note of clarification, and that is that in English
14:05 we have two words, which is testify and witness.
14:09 Those two words are the same Greek word.
14:14 So whenever you find witness or testimony or testify,
14:17 they are the same Greek word.
14:19 Now notice John 5:31.
14:23 Jesus is speaking and He says, If I bear witness...
14:28 That can be translated testimony.
14:31 If I bear testimony of Myself, My witness, or testimony,
14:36 is not true. There is another who bears witness, or testimony,
14:42 of Me, and I know that the witness, or testimony,
14:46 which He witnesses, or testifies of Me is true.
14:50 You have sent to John, and he has borne witness,
14:55 or testimony, to the truth.
14:57 Do you get the impression that John the Baptist had
15:00 the testimony of Jesus?
15:02 He most certainly did.
15:03 It's translated witness, but it's the same word,
15:07 testimony, in English.
15:10 And so John had the testimony of Jesus because he was raised
15:14 up to give witness, or testimony, to Jesus.
15:18 Now another interesting detail is that John the Baptist
15:22 was not the light.
15:24 Notice John 1:6-8, John 1: 6-8.
15:30 It says here: There was a man sent from God
15:34 whose name was John.
15:37 This man came for a witness.
15:40 Here's the word again: came for, to testify, or for a testimony,
15:44 to testify, or bear witness of the light, that all through
15:49 him might believe.
15:50 Now notice this: He was not that light.
15:55 Was John the Baptist that light?
15:56 No, he was not that light, but was sent to bear witness...
16:01 Here's the idea again.
16:02 He was sent to testify of that light.
16:05 So the question is, Was John the Baptist the light?
16:09 No, John the Baptist was not the light.
16:12 But was John the Baptist a light?
16:16 He most certainly was.
16:17 Go with me to John 5:35, John 5:35.
16:23 Here Jesus is speaking about John the Baptist, and He says:
16:27 He was the burning and shining what? lamp.
16:34 And you were willing, for a time, to rejoice in his light.
16:40 Did John the Baptist have light?
16:42 He most certainly did.
16:44 Was he the light?
16:45 He was not the light, but he was a light whose purpose was
16:50 to give witness to the light, or to testify about the light.
16:55 So I guess we could say that John the Baptist was a lesser
17:01 light, whose purpose was to lead to the greater light.
17:06 And, by the way, this is not my surmising, because let's read
17:11 verse 35 again, and continue with verse 36.
17:14 It says, He, John, was the burning and shining lamp.
17:18 And you were willing for a time to rejoice in his light.
17:22 But then Jesus says, But I have what?
17:25 a greater witness than John's.
17:28 So who was the lesser light?
17:32 John the Baptist was the lesser light.
17:35 Who was the greater light?
17:36 The greater light, who gave greater witness, was none less
17:41 than Jesus Christ.
17:42 In other words, John the Baptist was the lesser light that God
17:46 raised up to give witness, or to testify about the greater light.
17:51 I'd like to read you a statement from that classic book about
17:55 Jesus called, The Desire of Ages, Page 220.
18:00 The prophet John was the connecting link
18:04 between the two dispensations.
18:06 That's between the Old and New Testament.
18:09 As God's representative he stood forth to show the relation
18:14 of the law and the prophets to the Christian dispensation.
18:19 He was the lesser light, which was to be followed
18:25 by a greater light.
18:28 In other words, John the Baptist was a lesser light
18:32 to lead to the greater light.
18:34 He was not the light, but he was a light, whose purpose was
18:39 to lead men and women to the greater light.
18:42 But you know, it's interesting as we read John 5,
18:46 there was another lesser light.
18:48 You see, John the Baptist was not what we'd call
18:51 a Canonical prophet.
18:53 In other words He's not one of the writers of the Scriptures.
18:56 We don't have a book in the Bible that was written
18:59 by John the Baptist.
19:00 Does that make him less of a prophet? Absolutely not.
19:03 He was still a prophet even though he was not an individual
19:08 who had a book that forms part of Scripture,
19:11 or part of the Bible.
19:13 In other words, he was an extra- Canonical
19:16 prophet, if you please.
19:17 But do you know that there was another lesser light besides
19:20 John the Baptist that gave witness to the greater light?
19:23 You say, What was that light?
19:24 Go with me to John 5:39, 40, John 5:39, 40.
19:32 Here Jesus is speaking to a group of Jews and He says,
19:35 You search the Scriptures...
19:37 Which Scriptures was Jesus talking about here?
19:40 There was no New Testament.
19:41 Jesus was still in His ministry, so there was no
19:44 New Testament written.
19:46 This is the Old Testament Scriptures.
19:48 So He says, You search the Scriptures for in them you think
19:52 you have eternal life, and these are they which what?
19:56 which testify of Me.
19:58 What did the Old Testament Scriptures do?
20:01 They testified of whom? Jesus.
20:04 What did John the Baptist do?
20:06 He testified of whom? of Jesus.
20:08 So how many lesser lights do we have?
20:10 We have two lesser lights that testified to Jesus,
20:14 the greater light.
20:15 We have John the Baptist, a non-Canonical prophet,
20:18 and we have the Scriptures, which are part
20:21 of the Biblical Cannon.
20:23 Notice also John 5:45-47, John 5:45-47.
20:30 Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father.
20:34 Jesus is speaking.
20:35 There is one who accuses you: Moses, in whom you trust.
20:39 For if you believe Moses, you would believe Me,
20:43 for he wrote about Me.
20:45 But if you do not believe his writings,
20:47 how will you believe My words?
20:49 Whom did Moses write about?
20:51 He wrote about Jesus.
20:53 To whom did Moses give testimony or witness? to Jesus.
20:57 In other words, Moses was a lesser light who was to lead to
21:01 Jesus, the greater light.
21:02 So we have two lesser lights: John the Baptist,
21:05 a non-Canonical prophet, and we have the Scriptures
21:09 that are part of the Biblical Cannon.
21:12 And, of course, the question that begs to be answered
21:14 is this: Why did you need two lesser lights to lead to Jesus,
21:20 the greater light?
21:22 Why did you need a non-Canonical prophet, and why did you need
21:25 the writings of the Biblical Cannon to give witness to
21:30 Jesus, the greater light?
21:31 Wasn't it enough just to have the Scriptures as a lesser light
21:36 to lead to Jesus, the greater light?
21:39 Let me explain the reason why it was needed to have two
21:44 lesser lights to lead to Jesus, the greater light.
21:47 And I want to frame this by asking a question.
21:50 Do you believe that the Jews could have accepted Jesus
21:55 simply by reading the Scriptures of the Old Testament?
21:58 Do you think it would have been possible for them to
22:01 recognize Jesus as the Messiah only by reading the Scriptures
22:06 of the Old Testament, by reading that lesser light?
22:08 Do you think so? I do.
22:11 You say, How do you know that?
22:13 Because every event of the life of Jesus was choreographed
22:18 in the written Scriptures.
22:20 You have, in the material that I gave you a list,
22:23 and I'm going to go through it quickly.
22:25 We're not going to read all of the verses.
22:27 The Old Testament said that the Messiah would
22:29 be born in Bethlehem.
22:30 He would be born of a virgin.
22:32 His birth would be announced by a star.
22:34 When He was born the children would be massacred.
22:36 He would be called out of Egypt.
22:38 He would be baptized and anointed at the end of the
22:41 69th week of Daniel 9.
22:43 He would do marvelous and powerful works.
22:45 He would be a powerful speaker.
22:46 The Jews would reject His message.
22:48 They would serve Him with their lips, while their hearts
22:50 were far from Him.
22:52 He would march into Jerusalem on a donkey,
22:54 in the midst of great acclamation.
22:56 He would cast the money changers out of the temple.
23:00 Zeal for God's house would consume Him.
23:02 He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver.
23:05 His disciples would forsake Him in the garden.
23:08 He would die a vicarious death.
23:10 He would say on the cross, My God, My God,
23:12 Why have You forsaken Me?
23:14 His hands and His feet would be pierced.
23:17 Lots would be cast upon His garments.
23:19 His heart would be poured out like water.
23:22 His enemies would spit in His face.
23:24 His enemies would dare Him to come down from the cross.
23:27 None of His bones would be broken.
23:29 He would say on the cross, I thirst.
23:31 His passion would last three days and three nights.
23:34 He would be buried in the tomb of a rich man.
23:37 He would resurrect on the third day.
23:39 He would ascend to heaven.
23:40 And He would sit at the Father's right hand.
23:42 Was there enough evidence in the written Scriptures to show
23:46 them that Jesus was the Messiah? Absolutely.
23:50 So could they have just discerned the Messiah by looking
23:54 at this lesser light; the written Scriptures? Absolutely.
23:58 So the question is, Why didn't they discern Jesus, the Messiah,
24:05 in the written Scriptures?
24:06 The simple reason is that they were living after a period
24:11 which is called the Intertestamental period.
24:14 It's a period of prophetic silence of 400 years
24:18 between the book of Malachi, and when John the Baptist
24:22 appeared on the scene.
24:23 During that period the people of Israel
24:27 fell into great darkness.
24:28 Many wrong teachings, many heresies penetrated Judaism,
24:34 like keeping the Sabbath legalistically,
24:37 like the idea of the immortality of the soul, among other things,
24:40 came in among the Jewish nation, and they were in great darkness.
24:45 And they read the Scriptures as they wished to read them.
24:48 They wanted the Messiah to come as a glorious king,
24:51 and that's the way that they read the Scriptures
24:54 of the Old Testament.
24:56 Notice Matthew 4:16.
25:00 It speaks about the condition of the people.
25:03 It says the people who sat in darkness have seen what?
25:08 a great light. And upon those who sat in the region and shadow
25:13 of death light has dawned.
25:15 So what condition were the people in when Jesus came?
25:18 They were in what?
25:20 They were in darkness.
25:21 Notice Luke 1:78, 79.
25:25 It says here: Through the tender mercy of our God,
25:29 with which the dayspring...
25:31 That is the dawning of the sun.
25:33 ...the dayspring from on high has visited us to give light
25:38 to those who sit what? in darkness, and the shadow
25:42 of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace.
25:47 So were the Jews understanding the Old Testament? No.
25:53 Were they oblivious to the coming of the Messiah
25:57 as He was predicted in the Old Testament? Absolutely.
26:01 So do you know what God did?
26:02 He says, I'm going to give them a little help.
26:05 I'm going to raise a non-writing prophet, a non-Canonical prophet
26:11 that will shine on the pages of the Old Testament so that they
26:17 can discern the Messiah when He comes.
26:21 In other words, God is saying I'm going to help them
26:24 understand the prophecies of the Old Testament, so that they can
26:28 see the Messiah when He comes.
26:30 They can understand that this is the Messiah when He comes.
26:34 In other words, John the Baptist was not raised up to bring
26:38 new light, but to shine upon the pages of the Old Testament
26:42 so that they could understand the prophecies
26:44 that they had misunderstood.
26:46 His role was to amplify, explain, correct them from the
26:52 mistakes they had committed in studying the other lesser light,
26:56 the written Scriptures, so that they could discern the Messiah
27:00 in these prophecies.
27:02 You see, the people in the days of John the Baptist claimed
27:05 to be God's people.
27:06 They professed to be waiting for the Messiah.
27:10 They professed to love God.
27:13 And yet these very people would ultimately end up crucifying
27:18 the Messiah, because they misunderstood the Old Testament.
27:21 So God says, I'm going to raise up John the Baptist to interest
27:24 them in the study of prophecy.
27:26 They're going to see this man who dresses like Elijah,
27:29 eats like Elijah, lives in the dessert like Elijah,
27:33 he talks like Elijah, and maybe that's going to remind them of
27:37 Malachi 4, where it says, I'm going to send you Elijah
27:42 before the great and terrible day of the Lord.
27:44 Maybe this will jog their thought processes and they'll
27:47 study the prophecies again from the other lesser light,
27:50 the written Scriptures, so that they can understand
27:53 that the Messiah has come.
27:55 In other words, He did not come to bring new light.
27:58 He came to shine upon the light that had already been given.
28:06 Let me give you an illustration.
28:08 When I came here to Fresno Central Church, one night I went
28:11 to our tape room here, and I was going to look for a
28:15 cassette tape, and I went into the room.
28:18 It was pitch dark.
28:19 I'd never been in the room, but they told me where the cassettes
28:21 were, so I went in.
28:22 The first thing that you do is try and find the light switch
28:25 so that you can turn on the light and find it, you know.
28:26 So I passed my hand over the wall.
28:29 And for the life of me, I couldn't find
28:30 any switch anywhere.
28:32 I looked up, and, you know, I could kind of see that there
28:34 was a bulb in the ceiling.
28:36 So I said, There's got to be somewhere to turn the light on.
28:38 But, you know, in spite of the fact that I looked and looked,
28:41 I couldn't find it, so finally I gave up.
28:43 I said, I'm going to go to my office.
28:44 I'm going to get a flashlight.
28:45 So I went to the office and I got a flashlight,
28:48 came to the tape room, turned on the flashlight, and I started
28:51 flashing the light on the walls.
28:53 And man, I still couldn't find a switch anywhere.
28:56 So I said, Huh, I've got the flashlight, I'm going to look
28:58 for the tape, so I went into a cupboard that was just about
29:02 floor level, and the flashlight veered, or turned up just a
29:08 little bit, and when it turned up I saw under one of the
29:11 shelves there the light switch.
29:13 Who would have guessed that it would be under a shelf?
29:15 Who would ever think so?
29:16 And so what do you think that I did?
29:18 I turned on the greater light.
29:20 What was the purpose of the flashlight?
29:23 The purpose of the flashlight was to help me find the switch
29:27 to the greater light.
29:28 And that was the purpose of John the Baptist.
29:31 It was to shine on the pages of the Old Testament so that the
29:36 people could discern, so that the people
29:38 could see the Messiah.
29:39 For example, you know when John the Baptist introduces Jesus,
29:43 he says, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away
29:48 the sin of the world.
29:50 Boy, that was some revolutionary new truth.
29:52 Was that a revolutionary new truth? Behold the Lamb of God?
29:56 Would people say, I don't see a lamb, I see a man? No.
30:02 What would they think of?
30:03 Oh, lambs are sacrificed morning and evening.
30:07 Isaiah 53 speaks about the lamb taken to the slaughter.
30:12 The lamb, yeah, could this be the lamb that we're expecting?
30:18 In other words, John the Baptist was not bringing any new
30:22 revolutionary light.
30:24 What he was doing was saying, Here is the Lamb that was
30:28 predicted in Bible prophecy.
30:29 Go back to Isaiah, go back to the sanctuary service and study
30:34 about the coming of the Messiah.
30:35 In other words he's shining upon the pages of the Old
30:38 Testament so that both of these lights, John the Baptist and the
30:43 Old Testament can reveal clearly that Jesus Christ is
30:47 the expected Messiah.
30:49 Are you understanding the role of John the Baptist
30:52 not to bring new truth, new doctrines?
30:55 But, unfortunately, the Bible tells us that John the Baptist
30:59 was rejected by God's own people.
31:02 Matthew 11:18 says, For John came neither eating nor drinking
31:09 and they say, He has a demon.
31:11 They even said that he was demon possessed; God's own people.
31:16 He was rejected by the leaders especially.
31:19 Notice Luke 7:29, 30.
31:21 And when all of the people heard him, that is John the Baptist,
31:26 even the tax collectors justified God.
31:28 See, the problem was not with the common people.
31:30 So it says: And when all the people heard him, even the tax
31:35 collectors justified God, Having been baptized with
31:38 the baptism of John.
31:40 But the Pharisees...
31:41 By the way, the Pharisees would be the preachers.
31:44 And lawyers... That would be the theologians today.
31:49 But the Pharisees, and the lawyers, or the preachers,
31:53 and the theologians rejected the will of God for themselves,
31:57 not having been baptized by Him.
32:01 And as we read previously, in Matthew 17:12, 13 it says:
32:08 Jesus is speaking.
32:10 But I say to you that Elijah has come already,
32:12 and they did not know him.
32:14 That means that they rejected him, by the way.
32:17 They did not know him, but did to him whatever they wished.
32:21 Likewise the Son of man is also about to suffer at their hands.
32:26 Then the disciples understood that he spoke to them
32:30 of John the Baptist.
32:34 So let me ask you this, Did the Jews reject the Messiah?
32:40 They did. Especially the religious leaders? they did.
32:45 Why did they reject the Messiah?
32:47 Because if you reject the lesser light,
32:49 you will reject the greater light.
32:52 They rejected the Scriptures, and the rejected John.
32:56 And therefore they were not prepared to receive Jesus,
32:59 the greater light.
33:01 You see the Jews, they boasted, they said:
33:03 We have Moses, we have the Old Testament.
33:07 But they didn't understand anything of the Old Testament.
33:11 They were in blindness.
33:12 They were in darkness.
33:14 And therefore God said, I'm going to help them
33:16 by sending a lesser light to lead them to the greater light.
33:21 By the way, John the Baptist was not
33:24 omniscient or infallible.
33:30 Prophets were human.
33:31 John the Baptist grew in understanding.
33:35 John the Baptist, for example, believed that Jesus,
33:39 that there was only going to be one coming of the Messiah.
33:41 The Messiah was going to come.
33:43 He was going to destroy the wicked.
33:47 And He was going to reign on the throne in Jerusalem.
33:50 You read his preaching in Matthew 3 and it's very obvious
33:54 that he believed that there was only going to be one
33:55 coming of the Messiah.
33:56 And as you continue reading Scripture you'll notice that
34:01 when John the Baptist was in prison, he sent some messengers
34:04 to Jesus and said, Now I need to get this straight.
34:07 This Messiah isn't fitting with my view of the Messiah.
34:10 So he sends the message, Are you the one that we're expecting?
34:14 or are we to expect another?
34:16 Folks this is the same John the Baptist that...
34:18 He didn't say, Maybe this is the Lamb of God who
34:21 takes away the sin...
34:22 He said, Behold the Lamb of God who takes away
34:24 the sin of the world.
34:26 And now he's saying, Are you the Messiah,
34:27 or are we to expect another?
34:29 You see, he did not fully understand all of the
34:32 implications of Bible prophecy.
34:34 By the way, when those messengers went to see Jesus
34:38 all day Jesus healed the sick, and He cast out demons.
34:41 He did His marvelous works, and He told the disciples,
34:43 Go tell John what you saw.
34:45 And John finally understood that the Messiah's coming was
34:48 going to have two stages.
34:50 But the point is that he grew in his understanding.
34:54 Was John a false prophet because he did not fully understand
34:59 from the start? Absolutely not.
35:01 Was John the Baptist any less of a prophet because he grew
35:05 in his understanding in the course of time? Absolutely not.
35:08 He was a true prophet, but he grew in his understanding.
35:11 It would be unfair to look at the John the Baptist
35:14 who preached at the beginning and say that that was the same
35:17 John the Baptist who had developed in his understanding
35:20 when he finally understood the mission
35:22 of the Messiah in prison.
35:25 Now we're going to talk about another prophet.
35:28 This is an end time prophet.
35:31 Interestingly enough, this prophet,
35:35 whose name is Ellen White, arose also in the midst of
35:39 a great religious revival.
35:40 It's known as the great second advent movement,
35:44 which took place in the 1830's through 1844.
35:49 And do you know that this religious revival was the
35:53 fulfillment of the same prophecy that was fulfilled by
35:59 John the Baptist when he came and baptized Jesus,
36:01 or anointed the Messiah.
36:03 Because the 2300 day prophecy, the first part
36:06 of it is the 70 weeks.
36:08 The second part of it is the 2300 days.
36:12 So it's the same identical prophecy, only John the Baptist
36:16 comes at the end of the first segment.
36:17 Ellen White rises after the second segment of the same
36:22 prophecy, in the midst of a great religious revival.
36:25 Ellen White was asked if she was a prophet.
36:28 Interesting! Do you know what she said?
36:31 Let me just read. This is in Selected Messages, Volume 1,
36:34 Page 36. She's giving a speech in Battle Creek,
36:38 which is a famous Seventh-day Adventist church in Michigan.
36:41 During the discourse I said that I did not claim
36:46 to be a prophetess.
36:47 Some were surprised at this statement.
36:50 And as much is being said in regard to it,
36:52 I will make an explanation.
36:54 Others have called me a prophetess, but I have never
36:59 assumed that title.
37:00 I have not felt that it was my duty to thus designate myself.
37:06 Selected Messages, Volume 1, Page 35, she said this:
37:11 When I was last in Battle Creek I said before a large
37:15 congregation that I did not claim to be a prophetess.
37:18 Twice I referred to this matter, intending each time to make
37:22 the statement, I do not claim to be a prophetess.
37:26 If I spoke otherwise than this, let all now understand that what
37:31 I had in mind to say was that I do not claim the title
37:36 of prophet or prophetess.
37:40 So what happened when people asked Ellen White if
37:42 she was a prophetess?
37:45 She said, No, I don't claim the title.
37:48 Is that similar to what happened with John the Baptist? Um.
37:51 So who was Ellen White?
37:52 Selected Messages, Volume 1, Page 34.
37:56 And I'm telling you what, Ellen White did not sit down to make
37:58 this parallel that I'm sharing with you today.
38:02 Selected Messages, Volume 1, Page 34.
38:05 Ellen White says: But my work has covered so many lines
38:10 that I cannot call myself other than what? a messenger sent to
38:14 bear a message from the Lord to His people, and to take up work
38:19 in any line that He points out.
38:21 So who was she? the Lord's what? messenger.
38:25 Does that ring a bell?
38:26 Notice Selected Messages, Volume 1, Page 32.
38:29 Early in my youth I was asked several times,
38:33 Are you a prophet?
38:34 I have ever responded, I am the Lord's messenger.
38:39 I know that many have called me a prophet,
38:42 but I have made no claim to this title.
38:45 My Savior declared me to be His what? His messenger.
38:51 So like John the Baptist, she is the messenger of the Lord.
38:56 By the way, do you know that some people accused
38:59 Ellen White; said she couldn't be a true prophet because
39:01 she didn't perform miracles?
39:06 Notice Selected Messages, Volume 2, Pages 53, 54.
39:07 Some declare their unbelief in the work that the Lord has given
39:11 me to do because, as they say, Mrs. E. G. White
39:15 works no miracles.
39:17 Was there another individual who worked no miracles?
39:20 John the Baptist. She continues saying: But those who look for
39:25 miracles as a sign of Divine guidance
39:29 are in grave danger of deception.
39:32 Did Ellen White have the testimony of Jesus?
39:35 She most certainly did.
39:37 By the way, she wrote a series of books called
39:40 Testimonies for the Church.
39:41 In fact she called her writings The Testimonies many times.
39:46 But not only this, the Bible shows that the end time church
39:50 would have the testimony of Jesus Christ,
39:53 the prophetic gift.
39:54 You say, How do we know that?
39:56 Let's notice three verses: Revelation 12:17 that we already
40:00 looked at the beginning of our study; Revelation 12:17.
40:14 Now the question is, what is the testimony of Jesus Christ
40:17 that the remnant has?
40:18 Revelation 19:10 give us a definition. It says:
40:24 John falls at the feet of an angel.
40:38 What do the brethren of John have?
40:40 The brethren of John have the testimony of Jesus.
40:51 So what is the testimony of Jesus that the
40:53 end time remnant has? the spirit of prophecy.
40:56 And John's brothers have the testimony of Jesus.
40:58 Now go with me to Revelation 22:8, 9, Revelation 22:8, 9.
41:18 Once again this same type of scene that we saw in Chapter 19.
41:22 Verse 9.
41:31 What did the brethren have according to Revelation 19:10?
41:34 The brethren had the what? the testimony of Jesus.
41:36 But here it says what they are.
41:38 It says in Verse 9: Then he said to me, See that you do not do
41:43 that for I am your fellow servant,
41:53 So what is it to have the testimony of Jesus?
41:57 It's to be a what? a prophet.
42:01 So would we expect the end time remnant church
42:04 to have a prophet?
42:06 We most certainly would.
42:08 Because the end time church has the testimony of Jesus,
42:11 which is the spirit of prophecy.
42:14 And the reason why it's called the testimony of Jesus
42:16 is because that end time prophet is going to
42:19 give witness to Jesus.
42:21 That end time prophet is going to give testimony about Jesus.
42:26 By the way, do you know that Ellen White also,
42:29 even though she did not claim to be a prophet, she says,
42:33 My work is greater than the work of a prophet.
42:36 Notice Selected Messages, Volume 1, Page 32,
42:39 My work includes much more than the word prophet signifies.
42:45 On Page 36 she says, My commission embraces the work of
42:50 a prophet, but it does not end there.
42:53 It embraces much more than the minds of those who have been
42:57 sowing the seeds of unbelief can comprehend.
43:00 And on Page 36 she says, My work includes much more than
43:05 this name signifies.
43:07 I regard myself as a messenger entrusted by the Lord with
43:11 messages for His people.
43:14 So even though she did not claim to be a prophet,
43:18 she was greater than a prophet.
43:21 Do you know why? Because John the Baptist was to join,
43:26 or unite, the Old Testament period with the
43:29 New Testament period.
43:30 The role of Ellen White was the create the link between this
43:34 dispensation and the coming of the kingdom of Jesus Christ
43:39 at His second coming.
43:40 In other words, as John the Baptist was to prepare people
43:44 for the first coming of Jesus, Ellen White was raised up to
43:47 prepare a people for the second coming of Jesus.
43:50 And both stand at the turning point of a dispensation:
43:54 John the Baptist between the Old and the New Testament,
43:57 Ellen White between the New Testament
44:00 and the coming kingdom.
44:01 By the way, do you know that Ellen White also referred to
44:05 herself as a lesser light?
44:07 Notice Selected Messages, Volume 3, Page 30.
44:11 She says, Little heed is given to the Bible, and the Lord has
44:17 given a lesser light to lead men and women to what?
44:22 to the greater light.
44:24 And some people have mistakenly assumed that Ellen White is
44:26 saying here that the Bible is the greater light, and she's a
44:29 little lesser light that was raised up to give light,
44:33 and show people the greater light, which is the Bible.
44:36 But what's she's saying is that people ignore the Bible
44:39 just like the Jews ignored the Scriptures.
44:41 And God raised her up to shine upon the pages of the Bible
44:46 so that they could see Jesus Christ
44:48 in the Old and New Testament.
44:50 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
44:51 Some people might ask, Pastor, why do you have two smaller
44:56 lights at the end of time?
44:58 Why do you have a Canonical source of light,
45:03 which is the Scriptures, and a non-Canonical prophet
45:07 whose writings are not in Scripture?
45:08 Why would you need to have two lesser lights?
45:10 Isn't it enough just to have the Scriptures? that one lesser
45:15 light that leads to Jesus the greater light?
45:18 Let me explain the reason why.
45:19 You see, just like the Intertestamental period brought
45:23 darkness into the Jewish nation, so the middle ages,
45:27 known as the dark ages, brought darkness into
45:30 the Christian church.
45:31 Many counterfeit doctrines, false doctrines, like the idea
45:34 that Sunday is the day that we're supposed to worship,
45:38 the immortality of the soul, and many other kindred doctrines:
45:42 the idea of an eternally burning hell.
45:44 All of these things were brought into the Christian church.
45:47 Darkness came into the Christian church.
45:49 And so what God did was raise up Ellen White to shine on the
45:54 pages of the Bible, so that as she shone on the
45:56 pages of the Bible the truth could be recovered,
46:00 and people could see the fullness of truth.
46:03 Are you understanding what I am saying?
46:05 Was she raised up to bring new light?
46:08 Was she raised up to bring new revolutionary doctrines
46:11 that no one had ever heard before? Absolute not!
46:14 She was to rescue, to restore that which had been buried,
46:19 and had been forgotten by the Christian world,
46:22 so that people could see Jesus once again
46:25 in the teachings of the Bible.
46:27 Do you know that Ellen White herself says that if people had
46:29 paid attention to the Bible, God would have never raised her up?
46:32 Let me ask you, If the Jews had discerned Jesus
46:35 in the Old Testament, do you think God would have raised
46:38 up John the Baptist?
46:39 If they'd seen all that the Messiah was going to do,
46:42 and when Jesus came they would have receive Him with open arms,
46:45 would God have raised up John the Baptist? no purpose.
46:48 Would God have raised up Ellen G. White if the Christian world
46:54 was practicing the truth, and believing
46:56 what the Bible teaches? Absolutely not!
46:58 In fact, notice Ellen White had something very interesting
47:02 to say about her writings.
47:03 Volume 5 of the Testimonies, Pages 664 and 665,
47:07 she says this, speaking to an individual: You are not familiar
47:11 with the Scriptures.
47:13 If you had made God's Word your study, with a desire to reach
47:17 the Bible's standard, and attain to Christian perfection,
47:22 you would not have needed the Testimonies.
47:24 Is the Bible sufficient?
47:27 Would the Bible have been sufficient? Yes.
47:31 Why did God raise her up?
47:33 Because He wanted people to understand the Bible;
47:36 people who were in darkness.
47:37 You know, would you be critical of that? that God wants to give
47:41 a helping hand to the Christian world, so that they can truly
47:45 understand what the Bible contains?
47:47 She continues saying: It is because you have neglected
47:51 to acquaint yourselves with God's inspired book...
47:55 See, because you neglected to study the Bible.
47:58 ...that He has sought to reach you by simple,
48:01 direct testimonies, calling your attention to the words
48:06 of inspiration which you had neglected to obey,
48:10 and urging you to fashion your lives in accordance with its
48:14 pure and elevated teachings.
48:16 Where did Ellen White direct people? to the Bible.
48:21 Notice what she continues saying: The Lord designs to warn
48:25 you, to reprove, to counsel through testimonies given,
48:30 and to impress your minds... Listen to this.
48:33 ...with the importance of the truth of His Word.
48:37 The written Testimonies are not to give new light...
48:41 Is that clear?... but to impress vividly upon the hearts
48:47 the truths of inspiration already revealed.
48:52 Man's duty to God and to his fellow man, has been distinctly
48:56 specified in God's Word, yet but few of you are obedient
49:01 to the light given.
49:02 Additional truth is not brought out.
49:04 She's talking about her writings.
49:06 But God has through the testimonies simplified the great
49:11 truths already given, and in His own chosen way brought them
49:15 before the people to awaken, and impress the mind with them,
49:19 that all may be left without excuse.
49:25 Does she have it straight?
49:28 Just like John the Baptist.
49:29 Not to bring new light, not to bring new doctrines, but to lead
49:34 people to once again understand the light that is given
49:38 in Scripture, so that through both a clear discernment
49:42 can be gained of Jesus Christ.
49:44 Just to give an illustration: A few years ago I was preaching
49:47 in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
49:49 I was listening to a radio talk show.
49:51 And this individual, not a Seventh-day Adventist,
49:54 he was answering questions.
49:55 And this individual called and he said, Sir,
49:58 I have two questions.
49:59 My first Bible question is, Is it a sin to smoke?
50:03 And the second question is, Is God going to send me
50:07 to hell for smoking?
50:09 And he said, I'll hang up and take the answer on the air.
50:12 Now I was very amazed by the questions, but I was even more
50:16 amazed by the answers.
50:17 This minister who was answering the questions says, Well, with
50:21 regard to your first question, I can assure you that smoking
50:25 isn't a sin, because you don't find a text in the Bible
50:27 that says, Thou shall not smoke.
50:31 And he said, With regards to your second question,
50:34 whether God is going to send you to hell for smoking,
50:36 No, to the contrary.
50:38 You might make it to heaven quicker.
50:41 Because he believed that the man's soul was immortal.
50:45 And if he dies quicker he'll go to heaven quicker.
50:47 This was a Christian minister answering questions on the air.
50:51 Now let me ask you, Is there a text in the Bible that says
50:55 thou shall not smoke? No, there isn't.
50:57 But are there texts in Scripture that forbid smoking? Yes.
51:01 The Bible says, Thou shall not kill quickly.
51:04 That's not what the Bible says.
51:06 The Bible says, Thou shall not kill.
51:08 Whether you kill slowly with a cigarette, or whether you kill
51:11 quickly with a gun makes no difference.
51:13 Both are killing. It's violating the commandment
51:16 thou shall not kill.
51:17 Besides, the Bible says that our body is the temple
51:20 of the Holy Spirit.
51:21 Do you know that Ellen White says that it's a sin to smoke?
51:23 Because it violates the temple of God.
51:25 So is she really adding to Scripture?
51:28 She's not adding anything to Scripture.
51:30 What she's doing is she's taking the principles
51:33 and she's amplifying Scripture.
51:35 Her writings are like a telescope.
51:37 Let me ask you, When an individual, when an astronomer
51:41 looks through a telescope at the stars, does he see stars
51:44 that you don't see with your simple eyesight? Yes.
51:47 So the telescope is creating those stars.
51:50 The telescope is inventing those stars.
51:53 Are those stars out there?
51:55 What is the purpose of the telescope? to create new stars,
51:58 or to help us see the stars that are already there?
52:02 It's for us to see the stars that are already there.
52:05 Ellen White's writings are like a telescope.
52:07 If we had spiritual discernment we wouldn't need the telescope.
52:12 But because the Christian world is so messed up in its belief
52:15 system, especially about prophecy, God says, I'm going to
52:19 raise up a prophet, and I'm going to help them along,
52:22 so that they can come back to the teachings of the Scriptures.
52:29 Let me give you, in closing, a parallel that will help you
52:34 understand what I'm saying.
52:35 How many of you have ever received a visit from a Mormon,
52:40 from a member of the Church of Jesus Christ
52:43 of Latter Day Saints?
52:44 I see several hands going up.
52:45 By the way, they're good people.
52:47 You know, they have very high family principles.
52:50 They also have very good health principles.
52:53 Sometimes they have better health principles than we do
52:56 as Seventh-day Adventists, sad to say.
52:57 And they're more family focused, many times, than we are.
53:00 But having said that, when they come to the home,
53:03 if they've been to your house, (they've been to my
53:07 house several times), what is the first thing that they want
53:10 to teach you when they come to your house?
53:13 What is the first study that they give you?
53:16 The whole history of what? of the Book of Mormon.
53:22 How Joseph Smith found the golden plates,
53:26 and how Maroni actually translated these golden plates
53:32 that were in ancient Egyptian, and how Joseph Smith translated
53:35 them, and the result is the Book of Mormon.
53:37 That's their first Bible study; the whole history
53:40 of the Mormon church.
53:41 And the history of the Mormon book, which is called another
53:50 testament of Jesus Christ.
53:51 You've seen the advertisements on television.
53:53 Why do they want to give you the Bible study
53:56 on the Book of Mormon first?
53:58 Let me explain why.
53:59 Because many of their doctrines they cannot
54:01 prove from the Bible.
54:03 So the first thing that they have to do is convince you
54:06 that the book of Mormon is as inspired as the Bible,
54:10 and as reliable as the Bible, so that then in the Bible studies
54:14 from then on they can use not only the Bible,
54:16 but also the Book of Mormon.
54:18 In other words, for them the Book of Mormon, listen,
54:21 supplements Scripture.
54:23 It does not compliment Scripture,
54:26 it supplements Scripture.
54:28 It has many truths that are not contained in Scripture,
54:31 according to them.
54:33 The whole history of the native Americans,
54:36 they say, is in there and not in the Bible.
54:39 So they have to convince you that the Book of Mormon is
54:42 as reliable as the Bible.
54:44 Do you know, Seventh-day Adventists do it
54:46 just the other way around.
54:47 When we give a series of Bible studies, or a series of
54:51 evangelist meetings, we go through the Bible
54:53 point by point: state of the dead, the Sabbath, the law,
54:57 grace, God's grace, healthful living, baptism, you name it.
55:00 We go through what the Bible has to say, and then when we
55:03 get to the end... And I hope that we do this.
55:05 When we get to the end we say, Oh, by the way,
55:09 we also have a prophet.
55:11 You noticed that we haven't gotten any of our teachings
55:14 from the prophet; all from the Bible.
55:17 But the prophet amplifies, and helps us understand what is
55:23 contained in Scripture, and it's explained in a beautiful way.
55:27 Are you understanding the difference?
55:30 Ellen White was raised up by God to be an end time
55:36 John the Baptist to prepare God's people in every sphere
55:41 of life: health, publishing, education, spiritual life,
55:46 institutions, you name it, to prepare a people in all of the
55:50 areas of life to be ready for the second coming
55:53 of Jesus Christ in power and glory;
55:56 just like John the Baptist was raised up to prepare a people
55:59 for the first coming of Jesus.
56:01 And I'm sad to say that many, even within the Seventh-day
56:04 Adventist church, are criticizing Ellen White.
56:06 Books like The White Lie, all kinds of Internet sites
56:12 that basically trash the writings of Ellen White
56:18 with vitriolic hatred.
56:19 Do you know, I learned something long ago, and that is you don't
56:23 get your concept of someone, or of a church,
56:26 from their friends or from their enemies.
56:29 You don't get your concept of a church from the enemies
56:32 of that church, because they're going to make matters worse
56:36 than they really are.
56:38 And you don't get your concept from their friends,
56:40 because they're going to make the church look better
56:44 than it really is.
56:45 What you do is you go and you check it out for yourself.
56:49 You don't go to the Internet sites, or to books written
56:53 about Ellen White.
56:55 You go to the source itself.
56:57 And, by the way, Ellen White was not infallible,
57:00 she was not omniscient.
57:01 She grew in her understanding.
57:03 If you want to see this, just compare Early Writings
57:06 and the book, The Great Controversy.
57:08 She grew in her ability of describing truth.
57:11 And so God has given this marvelous message
57:14 to the Seventh-day Adventist church for us
57:17 to share to the world.
57:18 And I pray to God that we will appreciate it,
57:21 and share it like the leaves of Autumn.


Revised 2016-01-26