Three Angels Message

The 144,000

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000022

00:30 Let's pray. Father in Heaven, what a wonderful privilege
00:38 and joy it is to be in Your presence.
00:40 We can't think of any better place to be
00:43 in the world than right here.
00:45 Father we ask that as we open Your Holy Word that You will
00:50 help us to be reverent in the way in which we handle it.
00:53 I ask, Lord, that You will give us clarity of thought,
00:57 that You will help us to understand the serious times
01:01 that we're living in, so that we might prepare
01:04 a character fit for heaven.
01:07 And we thank You Father for hearing our prayer,
01:10 for we ask it in the precious name of Jesus,
01:13 our beloved Savior, Amen.
01:16 A series on the three angels' messages would not be complete
01:25 without studying about a very enigmatic group
01:31 known as the 144,000.
01:35 Now the 144,000 appear in three very important contexts
01:43 in the book of Revelation.
01:45 And what I would like to do is go through, very briefly,
01:50 these three places in Revelation where the 144,000 are mentioned.
01:57 Because they are critically important places in the book.
02:03 Now we're not going to read all of the verses
02:05 because it would take us far too long.
02:08 What I'm going to do is give you an outline of where each one
02:12 of the references appears.
02:14 The first time that the 144,000 appear in Revelation
02:20 is in chapters 7, and verses 1 through 8.
02:25 Now immediately before Revelation 7:1-8,
02:29 actually in chapters 6, verses 14 through 17,
02:33 you have a description of the second coming of Jesus Christ.
02:38 That's chapter 6, verses 14 through 17.
02:42 Verse 17 ends with a question.
02:45 And the question is, for the great day of His wrath has come,
02:50 and who shall be able to stand?
02:54 The answer is in Revelation 7: 1-8.
02:58 The 144,000 were sealed so that they would be able to stand.
03:05 So Revelation 7:1-8 is actually out of chronological order
03:11 with Revelation 6:14-17.
03:14 In other words, Revelation 6: 14-17 says the great day of
03:18 His wrath is come.
03:20 Jesus has come. Who's going to be able to stand?
03:23 Revelation 7:1-8 says there was a group who were sealed
03:27 before this who will be able to stand.
03:31 The second place where the 144,000 appear
03:35 is in Revelation 14:1-5.
03:39 This is the very chapter where we have the
03:42 three angels' messages.
03:43 In fact, verse 5 is the verse that is immediately before
03:48 the beginning of the three angels' messages in verse 6.
03:52 Now in chapter 13, going back to the previous chapter,
03:57 chapter 13, verses 11 through 18, we find the description
04:02 of the final crisis that's going to overtake this world.
04:06 It's a crisis over the beast, his image, his mark,
04:12 and the number of his name.
04:13 In fact we're told there in Revelation 13:11-18,
04:18 that a death decree is going to be given against those
04:22 who are faithful to God.
04:23 That's Revelation 13:11-18.
04:27 The very next chapter, Revelation 14:1-5, describes
04:32 the group that were victorious over the beast, his image,
04:37 and his mark, and the number of his name.
04:39 They're standing on Mount Zion with the Lamb.
04:42 In other words they're victorious.
04:44 So you have a sequence.
04:46 Revelation 13:11-18 describes the end time crisis over the
04:51 beast, his image, his mark, and the number of his name.
04:54 A death decree is given against those who don't worship
04:57 the beast and his image.
04:59 But chapter 14:1-5 explains that there was a group that was
05:04 faithful to God and will stand on Mount Zion with the Lamb.
05:09 The third place that we find the 144,000
05:14 is in Revelation 15:2-4.
05:19 Once again we have to go to the previous chapter
05:23 in order to understand Revelation 15:2-4.
05:27 Because Revelation 15:2-4 is the climax of what comes before.
05:33 Now let me give you a little bit of the context.
05:36 Revelation 14:6-12 presents the three angels' messages.
05:42 Immediately after the three angels' messages in verses
05:47 6 through 12, in verse 14 we find that the whole human race
05:51 has been divided into two groups: those who have the
05:54 seal of God, and those who have the mark of the beast,
05:57 those who are spoken of as the harvest of the earth,
06:00 and those who are spoken of as the grapes.
06:04 The righteous and the wicked have been separated
06:07 by the three angels' messages.
06:09 Then, that's verses 14 through 17.
06:12 Verses 18-20 we find the wicked gathering around Jerusalem,
06:17 that is gathering around God's people with the intention
06:20 of destroying them.
06:22 But then we find that some beings that come riding horses;
06:28 they trample on the wine press.
06:30 Chapter 19 explains that those who are riding these horses
06:34 that trample upon the wicked, symbolically represent
06:39 Jesus Christ and His angels, who come to deliver His people
06:43 from the death decree.
06:44 And then in chapter 15:2-4 you have a group that were
06:50 victorious over the beast, over his image, over his mark,
06:54 and over the number of his name.
06:58 So the 144,000, there is no doubt whatsoever, are those
07:02 who will be alive during the time when the trial over
07:06 the beast, his image, his mark, and the number
07:09 of his name is in play.
07:11 They will be alive when Jesus comes in power and glory,
07:15 according to the context that we've clearly studied
07:18 from the book of Revelation.
07:20 Now we need to take a closer look at this group.
07:24 And in order to understand them, we need to study the sequence
07:31 of events that lead to the climax that we spoke about
07:35 in these three contexts.
07:37 So I'm going to go back and I'm going to begin with the three
07:42 angels' messages in Revelation 14:6-12 t give you the sequence
07:47 of events that culminate, or climax with the 144,000,
07:52 the living saints in the final crisis that will stand
07:57 on Mount Zion victorious with Jesus Christ.
08:01 The first thing that I want us to notice is that Revelation 14:
08:07 6-12, the three angels' messages speak about the sharing
08:12 of God's final message to the world in the end time.
08:16 It becomes very clear that while the three angels' messages
08:20 are being proclaimed the door of mercy is open.
08:23 What would be the use of preaching the gospel
08:26 to every nation, kindred, tongue and people, if there was no
08:30 opportunity to be saved?
08:32 It's obvious that the three angels' messages are God's
08:35 final message to planet Earth, God's final call
08:39 before probation closes.
08:42 Now Revelation 7, and I'm only mentioning the verses because
08:47 we can't read all of the verses.
08:49 We don't have the time.
08:50 But in Revelation 7:1-8 we find that while the three angels
08:55 messages are being proclaimed, while God's final message
08:59 is being given to the world, there are four angels that are
09:03 holding back the winds of strife.
09:06 Basically that means that they are holding back the winds
09:12 of the tribulation.
09:13 The tribulation has not begun while the three angels' messages
09:16 are being proclaimed.
09:18 They're holding back that final cataclysmic time of trouble.
09:22 They're holding the winds of strife while the gospel is
09:26 being preached, and while God's servants are being sealed
09:31 on their foreheads.
09:32 Now the next event that I want us to notice is that while
09:38 the winds are being held, and while the three angels'
09:41 messages are being proclaimed, God's last message is being
09:44 proclaimed to the world, the sanctuary in heaven
09:48 is open for business.
09:50 Do you know that we can approach the heavenly sanctuary where
09:54 Jesus ministers for us today?
09:56 We can enter the sanctuary by faith.
09:59 If we sin, and we repent and we confess our sin,
10:04 and we trust in the merits of Jesus, today we can come boldly
10:09 to the throne of grace and receive forgiveness,
10:13 and receive power in our lives to overcome.
10:17 In other words, while the sanctuary is open,
10:19 we can receive forgiveness of sin, and we can receive
10:23 power to overcome sin.
10:25 Because in the sanctuary is where salvation takes place.
10:30 While the sanctuary is open, the messages are being proclaimed,
10:33 the winds of strife of the tribulation are being held back.
10:37 But we're told in Revelation 14 that as soon as the
10:42 three angels' messages finish being proclaimed to the world,
10:47 the world will be divided into two groups.
10:51 You find this in Revelation 14:14, immediately after the
10:56 three angels' messages you have Jesus sitting on a cloud.
11:01 The cycle is in His hand, and He's going to harvest
11:04 the harvest of the earth because it's ripe.
11:07 And He's going to harvest the grapes of the earth
11:09 because they are ripe.
11:11 In other words, the whole world has ripened either on God's side
11:16 or on the Devil's side.
11:17 Two groups: those who have the seal of God, and those who have
11:22 the mark of the beast.
11:24 And the three angels' messages were the instrument through
11:28 which God divided the human race into two groups.
11:32 So how important are the three angels' messages?
11:35 Folks, accepting them or rejecting them
11:38 is a matter of life and death.
11:39 If you reject the three angels' messages,
11:42 you will end up as grapes.
11:44 You will end up with the mark of the beast,
11:46 and you will suffer the wrath of God.
11:49 God doesn't want anyone to suffer His wrath.
11:52 That's why He warns us.
11:53 If you receive the three angels' messages, you will receive
11:56 the seal of God, and you will be found on God's side.
12:00 And you will be shielded from the wrath of man,
12:03 who will try to destroy God's people, and you will be shielded
12:07 from the wrath of God.
12:09 Then the Bible tells us in Revelation 14
12:14 that the sanctuary will close.
12:19 In other words, there will no longer be an opportunity
12:22 of coming to Jesus Christ in the sanctuary.
12:25 His intercession will be finished.
12:27 There will be no more room for repentance and confession of
12:31 sin, and trusting in the merits of Jesus for forgiveness of sin,
12:35 and for power, because all that will have happened
12:39 when the sanctuary closes.
12:41 Revelation 22:11, 12 describes that very important moment
12:48 when the sanctuary will close.
12:50 It says there, He who is unjust, let him be unjust still.
12:55 He who is filthy, let him be filthy still.
12:58 He who is righteous, let him be righteous still.
13:01 He who is holy, let him be holy still.
13:05 See that happens before Jesus comes.
13:08 Because in the next verse Jesus says,
13:18 So you see the declaration that people are going to still be
13:22 filthy, they're still going to be righteous, they're still
13:25 going to be holy, they're still going to be unrighteous,
13:27 will be given before Jesus comes.
13:30 The door of probation will close, and then the tribulation
13:33 will begin, and then Jesus will come at the conclusion
13:37 of the tribulation, and the sanctuary in heaven will close.
13:42 Notice Revelation 15:5-8 which describes this awesome moment
13:48 in history when the sanctuary will close.
13:51 No one will be able to enter by faith anymore.
13:54 It says there, After these things I looked and behold the
13:57 temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven was opened.
14:01 By the way, this is the most holy place of the sanctuary.
14:04 And notice, And out of the temple came the seven angels
14:08 having the seven plagues, clothed in pure bright linen,
14:13 and having their chests girded with golden bands.
14:16 Then one of the four living creatures gave to the seven
14:20 angels seven golden bowls full of the wrath of God,
14:24 who lives forever and ever.
14:26 The temple was filled with smoke.
14:29 The temple is the most holy place.
14:30 It's the temple of the tabernacle.
14:33 The tabernacle is the sanctuary.
14:35 The temple of the tabernacle is the most holy place.
14:39 And so it says in verse 8, The temple was filled with smoke
14:43 from the glory of God, and from His power.
14:46 And no one was able to enter the temple till the seven
14:51 plagues of the seven angels were completed.
14:54 Let me ask you, During the period of the seven last
14:56 plagues, the period of the tribulation,
14:58 will anybody be able to enter the sanctuary by faith
15:01 to have their sins dealt with? Absolutely not.
15:06 Once these angels open the door and come out of the temple,
15:11 or of the sanctuary, to pour out the wrath of God,
15:13 which is called the tribulation, no one will be able to
15:18 enter the sanctuary.
15:19 That's why we must accept God's message now,
15:22 while the door of mercy is open, while Jesus ministers
15:25 in the most holy place of the sanctuary.
15:27 It's important for us to send our sins there to Him now.
15:31 And then, of course, when the door to the sanctuary closes,
15:36 the tribulation, and the seven last plagues will take place.
15:41 This is going to be one of the worst periods
15:45 in the history of the world.
15:46 In fact it will be the worst period
15:49 in the history of the world.
15:51 It will be a cataclysmic period.
15:55 Imagine what the plagues will do to planet Earth.
15:58 Jeremiah saw what would happen.
16:01 He said in chapter 4 of his book, I beheld the earth,
16:06 and lo, it was without form and void.
16:09 And I looked at the heavens; there was no light.
16:12 In other words, the earth was in darkness.
16:14 He says, I didn't see any living human being.
16:18 All the birds of the air had left.
16:21 In other words, nothing on earth was alive.
16:24 If you read about the plagues, they will devastate the earth.
16:28 They will return it to the condition it was in before
16:32 the creation week.
16:33 Sores will be over the bodies of the wicked who receive
16:37 the wrath of God, because they rejected
16:40 the three angels' messages.
16:41 Their tongues will dissolve in their mouths,
16:43 is what the Bible says.
16:45 The sea will be turned into blood.
16:47 The fountains of drinking water will be turned into blood.
16:51 The sun will scorch the vegetation of the earth.
16:54 And then there will be a super natural darkness.
16:58 Human beings will be slaying one another.
17:01 There'll be a global earthquake.
17:03 Islands will disappear.
17:05 Mountain ranges will disappear.
17:07 In fact there will be a rain of hail; some pieces of hail
17:13 weighing as much as 50 pounds.
17:15 And so the plagues will totally devastate,
17:18 and decimate planet Earth.
17:20 So you'd better be sure that you will be protected from the wrath
17:25 of God by accepting the three angels' messages.
17:28 As I mentioned, the Bible says that this time of trouble
17:31 will be the worst in the history of the world.
17:34 In fact, let's read about it in Matthew 24:21, 22. It says:
17:41 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not
17:46 been since the beginning of the world, until this time.
17:50 No, nor ever shall be.
17:59 By the way, that's the 144,000.
18:04 We're being told here that unless the period of tribulation
18:07 was shortened, nobody would be left alive.
18:10 Because this period is going to be absolutely terrible.
18:15 This period is also described in Daniel 12:1, Daniel 12:1.
18:22 If you look at the previous chapter, Daniel 11,
18:25 it speaks about the King of the North and his followers,
18:29 which represents the same as the beast in Revelation 13.
18:33 It says that they will go out to try and destroy God's people,
18:38 and a time of trouble will ensue.
18:41 Notice Daniel 12:1.
18:52 Praise the Lord that there's going to be someone
18:53 watching over His people.
18:55 But notice that His people are going to go through
18:58 the time of trouble.
18:59 Their faith will be tested.
19:01 But the plagues will not touch God's people.
19:03 The wrath of God will not touch God's people. And so it says,
19:23 Notice, this is the good news.
19:26 God's people, the living saints,
19:34 Every one who was found written in God's book of life,
19:37 because they passed victoriously through the judgment.
19:41 Those who were pronounced righteous still, those who were
19:44 pronounced holy still, will be shielded and delivered
19:50 from his time of trouble.
19:53 The culmination of this time of trouble will be
19:57 the second coming of Jesus in power and glory,
20:01 at the very end of the tribulation.
20:03 Notice Revelation 6:14-17, where this great event,
20:08 the final event of the tribulation, the second coming
20:11 of Jesus is described.
20:41 Let me ask you, Did they really need to experience
20:44 the wrath of the Lamb?
20:46 No, because the Lamb was there to save them!
20:49 The Lamb experienced the wrath of God when He
20:54 came the first time.
20:56 He drank the cup of the wrath of God.
20:58 And if they had accepted Jesus Christ, and they had feared
21:02 God, and kept His commandments, and given glory to God,
21:06 and realized that they were in the hour of God's judgment,
21:09 and they had worshipped the Creator by keeping His
21:12 holy Sabbath, and had come out of Babylon,
21:14 they would have been spared.
21:16 God warned them. God told them to come out.
21:19 Now because they rejected God's mercy, the wrath of the Lamb
21:24 falls upon them, instead of the salvation of the Lamb.
21:27 And then I want you to notice how this scene of the second
21:30 coming culminates with a question in verse 17.
21:34 For the great day of His wrath has come,
21:40 and who is able to stand?
21:44 Where would you expect to find the answer to that question?
21:47 the great day of His wrath has come and who
21:50 shall be able to stand?
21:52 I think the very next chapter would be a good place to look.
21:55 Now do you know what we find in the very next chapter?
21:59 We find the 144,000.
22:01 And do you know what's happening to them?
22:04 They are being what?
22:05 They are being sealed.
22:07 The question is, Why were they sealed?
22:10 They were sealed because God wanted to say, These are Mine!
22:15 Don't touch these!
22:18 When the destruction comes spare them.
22:22 Does this bring to mind a scene in the book of Ezekiel?
22:25 Do you remember in Ezekiel 8, it spoke about a group
22:29 who had their faces towards the East,
22:32 and they were worshipping the sun,
22:34 practicing this terrible abomination?
22:37 and how there was a group in the city that was not
22:40 practicing this abomination.
22:41 They were actually sighing and crying.
22:44 They were sad because of the abominations that were being
22:47 committed in the city.
22:48 The Bible says that they were marked so that the destroying
22:52 angels would not destroy them, so that they would be protected
22:56 when God's wrath would be poured out upon the city.
22:59 You see, what happened to Jerusalem foreshadows what will
23:03 happen on a global scale at the end of time.
23:06 The Christian world will be worshipping not the sun,
23:09 they will be worshipping on the day of the sun,
23:12 which we've already discussed are very,
23:14 very similar in principle.
23:16 They will have the mark of the beast.
23:19 They will be shedding the blood of innocent people,
23:22 like was being shed in the city of Jerusalem.
23:26 But God will have a remnant people who have the seal of God
23:29 on their foreheads.
23:31 And, of course, we have identified this seal
23:32 as God's Holy Sabbath.
23:35 And God, by this seal, is going to say, These are Mine!
23:39 Do not touch them.
23:40 Protect them in the midst of the tribulation.
23:43 Let's read about it in Revelation 7:1-3.
23:47 This is immediately after the question, The great day of
23:51 His wrath has come.
23:52 Who shall be able to stand?
24:07 See, the wrath of God has not been poured out at this point.
24:10 The winds are being held.
24:11 This happens before Jesus comes. Notice verse 2.
24:38 And then you have a mention of the 144,000,
24:43 and the twelve tribes of Israel.
24:46 And so some people say, See, these are literal Israelites
24:50 over in the Middle East, because twelve tribes are mentioned
24:55 by name, and there's 12,000 from each tribe,
24:59 so it must be referring to the literal Israelites
25:02 over in the Middle East.
25:03 But you remember that in our previous lecture to this one
25:08 we spoke about Israel.
25:10 Israel is not local, Israel is global.
25:14 Israel is not literal, Israel is spiritual and worldwide.
25:20 Whoever has joined Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is Israel.
25:26 This is not speaking about the literal tribes of Israel,
25:29 this is speaking about God's remnant people
25:32 all over the world.
25:34 Now I'd like to share with you a quotation from a very famous
25:43 expositor on prophecy.
25:45 Today he's one of the best known authors on Bible prophecy.
25:50 I disagree with practically everything that he ever wrote,
25:54 because I don't think that it's in harmony with Biblical
25:57 prophetic principles.
25:58 But I want to read two statements from his writings
26:01 to show you how inconsistent sometimes people are when they
26:07 interpret prophecy as we find it in Scripture.
26:11 This is what he says.
26:12 By the way, his name is Dave Hunt.
26:15 You might have heard of him. He says this.
26:17 Some suggest that the Vatican will move to Babylon.
26:23 Because he believes that the Roman Catholic Papacy
26:26 is the harlot of Revelation 17.
26:28 In that sense he believes the same thing
26:30 as the Adventist church.
26:32 The same that we've been studying here.
26:34 So he says, Some suggest that the Vatican will move to Babylon
26:38 in Iraq when it is rebuilt.
26:42 But why should it, he asks?
26:44 The Vatican has been fulfilling John's vision from its location
26:48 in Rome for the past fifteen centuries.
26:51 In other words the harlot seated on many waters, he says,
26:54 That's Vatican; that's the Papacy.
26:57 And the Papacy's been fulfilling this prophecy
26:59 for the last fifteen centuries.
27:01 And then he says, Moreover, we have shown the connection
27:05 to ancient Babylon, which the Vatican has maintained
27:09 down through history in the paganized Christianity
27:13 it has promulgated.
27:15 As for ancient Babylon itself, it wasn't even in existence
27:20 during the past 2,300 years, to reign over
27:23 the kings of the earth.
27:25 Babylon lay in ruins, while pagan Rome, and later Catholic
27:31 Rome, the new Babylon, was indeed reigning over kings.
27:36 Now what's interesting about this quotation is that Dave Hunt
27:39 says that Babylon is not literal Babylon, it is to be understood
27:44 symbolically of a worldwide system.
27:48 Did you catch the point?
27:49 Babylon is spiritual.
27:51 It applies to the Papacy, and it is global.
27:54 In other words, Babylon cannot be taken literally.
27:58 But he says when Revelation speaks about Israel,
28:01 Israel has to be literal.
28:03 Now you tell me, what consistency is there in that?
28:05 Babylon was the great enemy of Israel.
28:09 So if Babylon is spiritual, or symbolic and worldwide,
28:13 Israel, the enemy of Babylon, must also be
28:16 symbolic and worldwide.
28:18 Are you following me?
28:19 Now let me read you the second statement.
28:22 God is foretelling His final judgment upon a great evil
28:27 which began at the Tower of Babel, and which has only grown
28:32 as politics, religion, and science have become more
28:36 sophisticated until finally the whole world is united
28:42 in the pursuit of Satan's ancient lie.
28:46 This is Babylon revived, and headquartered in Rome,
28:51 that will be destroyed never to be inhabited again.
28:56 So once again, he says Babylon is worldwide,
28:59 and it's a symbolic system.
29:01 So why isn't Israel also symbolic and global,
29:07 or worldwide, if it's found in the same book of Revelation?
29:12 Now the Bible tells us that God's faithful living saints,
29:17 the 144,000, are going to be marked for death.
29:22 During the tribulation there will be a
29:25 death decree over their heads.
29:27 Let's read about it in Revelation 13:15,
29:31 Revelation 13:15. Speaking about this beast that
29:37 rises from the earth.
29:55 So whoever doesn't worship the beast and his image,
29:58 or receive the mark, there will be a death decree
30:02 against those people.
30:03 By the way, do you know where this whole scene comes from?
30:06 It comes from the story of ancient Babylon, Daniel 3.
30:13 Let me ask you, In Daniel 4, did Nebuchadnezzar for awhile
30:18 live like a beast? Yes he did.
30:20 Did he raise an image?
30:22 He most certainly did.
30:23 Did he command everyone to worship the image
30:25 that he had raised up? Yes.
30:27 What did he say would happen if people didn't
30:29 worship the image?
30:31 They would be what?
30:32 They would be killed.
30:33 Does that sound familiar?
30:35 It's very similar to Revelation 13.
30:37 Only in Daniel 3 this is happening in literal Babylon
30:42 with three literal Hebrews.
30:45 And this is a literal image, and Nebuchadnezzar lived for
30:49 awhile as a literal beast.
30:51 At the end time it will be a symbolic beast raising up a
30:55 symbolic image that will be global in scale,
30:58 and will command everyone to worship. Are you with me?
31:01 And Israel will not be literal Hebrews, it will be spiritual
31:06 Hebrews, or spiritual Israelites.
31:08 By the way, did the three young men go through a severe
31:12 time of trouble such as they had never seen in their life? Yes.
31:16 They were thrown into a burning fiery furnace, heated how many
31:21 times more than before? seven times more than before.
31:24 That prefigures the period of the plagues.
31:26 It's the worst period in human history.
31:30 The worst tribulation in human history.
31:32 But what happened with those three young men who stood before
31:35 the beast and his image, and refused to practice worship?
31:39 What happened with them?
31:40 Jesus Himself intervened, and He delivered His people
31:45 from certain death.
31:46 Is that what's going to happen with God's people on a global
31:49 scale at the end of time?
31:51 It's spiritual Israel who will be condemned to death
31:54 by spiritual worldwide Babylon. Absolutely.
31:58 And, of course, that group are called the 144,000.
32:05 And as I mentioned before, the culmination of the tribulation
32:10 period will be when Jesus Christ comes on the clouds of heaven
32:15 to rescue His people from certain death.
32:18 Let's read about it in Revelation 19:11-16,
32:23 Revelation 19:11-16. It says here:
32:40 He comes for the battle of Armageddon, because the wicked
32:45 want to destroy His people.
32:46 He's going to intervene to deliver His people.
32:49 By the way, this is Jesus Christ.
32:51 He is the one who is faithful and true. Verse 12.
33:07 By the way, this is not His own blood.
33:10 Symbolically He's coming to trample the winepress.
33:13 He's coming to destroy the wicked, because they wanted
33:16 to destroy His people.
33:17 So it says, He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood,
33:21 and His name is called the Word of God.
33:24 These are the angels.
33:32 Jesus Christ, and His armies coming back to planet Earth
33:35 to rescue His people. Verse 15.
33:44 And now I want to show you, Biblically, that when it says
33:48 that His garments are stained in blood,
33:50 it's not His own blood, it's the blood in the
33:53 winepress of His enemies.
33:55 Notice what it says in verse 15.
34:06 Listen to this.
34:22 Do you know, one of the great problems in the Christian world
34:26 today is that there's this teaching out there that
34:31 Christians are going to be raptured out of this world
34:34 before the tribulation.
34:37 Now let me ask you this question: If there was going
34:43 to be a hurricane hitting in Florida, would you prepare
34:50 for it in Fresno? Of course not!
34:53 You'd just say, That doesn't affect me.
34:56 It's not going to hit here.
34:58 And so Christians are certain that they're going
35:02 to be whisked away.
35:04 They're going to be snatched away to heaven.
35:07 And then the Jews are going to be left behind.
35:10 They're going to suffer this horrendous time of trouble
35:13 such as the world has never seen.
35:15 But they're going to be surprised, because they will
35:20 find themselves on this earth during this period of terrible
35:25 tribulation, and they will not have the necessary faith to
35:28 pass through this period victoriously, because they were
35:32 not expecting to be here.
35:36 Are you understanding how serious this teaching
35:39 of the Rapture is?
35:41 Listen, if you think you're going to be raptured to heaven,
35:45 you would never prepare for the tribulation, would you?
35:49 Because you're thinking that you're going to
35:50 be in another place.
35:52 By the way, the Bible tells us that the 144,000
35:57 will be a special group.
35:59 They will have a special character.
36:02 They will have a character that is victorious over sin;
36:07 totally and completely in their lives.
36:10 Some people say, Ah, it's not possible
36:12 to gain the victory over sin.
36:14 Only when Jesus comes will Jesus transform us,
36:18 and He'll change us.
36:19 The Bible teaches that it is possible to overcome sin
36:23 fully and completely.
36:25 Of course people say, Well, Pastor, are you perfect?
36:28 And, of course, the answer is Pastor Bohr is not perfect.
36:31 But whether I am perfect or not is immaterial.
36:35 It makes no sense to say that one can only be perfect
36:41 if Pastor Bohr is perfect.
36:42 My perfectibility does not show whether you can
36:46 be perfected or not.
36:47 The Bible teaches that God's people will live
36:51 a life without sin.
36:53 After all, they will not be able to go into the sanctuary
36:58 to take their sins there to Jesus Christ.
37:00 They will have to have the total victory over sin.
37:04 And they won't do it themselves.
37:06 They have no power to do it.
37:07 They will do it because they follow the
37:09 Lamb wherever He goes.
37:11 They will do it because they depend on Jesus Christ
37:14 every instant of their lives.
37:16 Let's read a few passages about the 144,000.
37:22 Revelation 14:1-5 describes the sterling
37:27 character of this group.
37:29 Here John, inspired by the Holy Spirit says,
38:07 And now notice their character.
38:14 Don't worry, if you're married and you live until Jesus comes,
38:19 you can be among this group.
38:21 When it says that they are virgins,
38:23 it's speaking spiritually.
38:25 They did not actually embrace the teachings of the harlot
38:29 and her daughters.
38:30 Those are the women that are mentioned here.
38:33 Because marriage is honorable.
38:34 If a man and a woman marry in harmony with the standards
38:38 that God has established, there's nothing
38:40 defiling about that.
38:41 What this is saying is that these 144,000 were not defiled
38:46 with Babylon and her daughters.
38:48 They did not drink her wine.
38:50 They did not embrace her doctrines, or her practices.
38:53 Notice what else it says about them.
39:01 See, that's why they're victorious over sin.
39:04 They follow the Lamb wherever He goes.
39:07 They're like Enoch, who walked with God.
39:10 And the walk was so close with God that finally God said,
39:13 Enoch, you don't have anything more to do on planet Earth.
39:17 You don't belong down there.
39:19 You're not a citizen down there.
39:22 Come, come to heaven, and we'll walk the street of gold together
39:27 throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
39:29 That's what the 144,000 are like.
39:32 Their life is totally and completely focused on Jesus.
39:36 And so it says: These are the ones who follow the
39:39 Lamb wherever He goes.
39:46 And now notice:
39:50 The word deceit is sudo.
39:52 In their mouth was found no lie.
39:54 They spoke only the truth.
40:04 What a character! You see, they beheld Jesus
40:08 in all of His glory.
40:09 And they reflected the character of Jesus.
40:11 See, they accepted the three angels' messages folks.
40:14 The kept the commandments of God.
40:17 They had faith in Jesus.
40:20 They feared God.
40:22 They gave glory to God by revealing His
40:26 character to the world.
40:27 They left Babylon.
40:29 They did not worship the beast.
40:31 They didn't worship the image.
40:32 They did not receive the mark.
40:34 In other words, their loyalty was only with Jesus.
40:37 Now do you remember that question,
40:40 The great day of His wrath has come,
40:42 and who shall be able to stand?
40:44 Do you know that that question is asked in other places
40:47 in the Bible as well?
40:48 And immediately after the question is asked,
40:51 you have once again a description of a group
40:54 that has a sterling character.
41:00 Notice Malachi 3:2, Malachi 3:2.
41:11 See the same type of question?
41:27 Does Jesus want to cleanse us and purify us?
41:31 Does He want to make us fireproof in our characters
41:35 so that when He comes we are not destroyed by the fire,
41:39 but we are spared like the three young men in the fiery furnace.
41:43 Absolutely. Notice Isaiah 33: 14-16.
41:47 You know, many Christians think that the wicked are going to
41:50 burn in the fires of hell forever.
41:54 Do you know that the Bible teaches that it's the righteous
41:56 that are going to live in the fire?
41:58 You say, Now what?
41:59 You say the righteous are going to live with the consuming fire?
42:03 Yes, it's the righteous not the wicked.
42:05 Because the Bible, as we've studied, says that the wicked
42:08 are going to be returned to ashes.
42:10 Satan and his angels are going to be ashes,
42:13 so they're going to go out.
42:14 But the fire that consumed the Devil and his angels,
42:17 and the wicked, will continue to exist because the fire
42:21 is the glory of God.
42:23 Now notice Isaiah 33:14-16.
42:27 Notice the question again.
42:37 Notice the answer.
43:07 Is there a sterling character described here
43:10 once the question is asked, Who among us shall dwell
43:14 with the devouring fire?
43:16 Who among us shall dwell with the everlasting burnings?
43:19 Then you have the sterling character of those who will
43:23 dwell with the everlasting fire.
43:25 Notice Psalm 15:1-5.
43:29 Once again it begins with the question followed by the
43:32 sterling character of a certain group.
43:35 It says there in Psalm 15:1-5:
43:45 By the way, His holy hill is Zion, and the 144,000
43:48 are standing on Mount Zion.
43:51 Notice the answer.
44:17 That expression is the first angel's message.
44:22 In other words, when he promises he keeps his word
44:24 and does not change.
44:30 Which means excessive charge of interest.
44:40 In other words, he will be able to stand.
44:43 Once again the question is followed with what?
44:47 with the sterling character.
44:49 God's end time generation will have a sterling, spotless
44:55 character that fully reflects the image of Jesus Christ;
45:00 the 144,000 living saints.
45:03 Now I don't have time to get into the fact that the number
45:06 144,000 is a symbolic number.
45:08 It represents a much larger group than exactly 144,000.
45:14 Notice Psalm 24:3-6.
45:18 Once again the question:
45:47 You see folks, in order to stand when Jesus comes,
45:51 there's a special preparation that needs to take place.
45:55 I want you to notice several texts in the New Testament
45:59 that speak about this special preparation that should be made
46:03 now while the door of mercy is being opened.
46:05 Do you know folks, the three angels' messages have the
46:09 intention of preparing that kind of character
46:12 for the coming of Jesus.
46:13 The three angels' messages teach us the everlasting gospel.
46:18 They teach us the need to fear God, to give glory to Him,
46:22 that we're in the hour of His judgment.
46:24 We should prepare a character to pass through the judgment,
46:27 that we should worship only God, not our things.
46:29 We should worship the Creator by keeping His Sabbath.
46:32 If we're in Babylon we should get out of Babylon,
46:35 and we should beware of worshipping the beast,
46:37 his image, and receiving the mark.
46:40 Those three messages actually prepare God's people to stand
46:45 in the great day ahead. Matthew 5:8.
46:58 Who are those who will see God, who will say,
47:02 Lo this is our God.
47:03 We have waited for Him, and He will save us.
47:06 Who are the ones? those who have what? a pure heart.
47:09 By the way, if you have a pure heart you have pure actions,
47:12 because actions flow from the heart.
47:14 Jesus said, From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
47:19 He says, Out of the heart come adulteries, and homicides,
47:23 and all of these things.
47:24 So if your heart is pure, your life will be pure.
47:27 Notice Hebrews 12:14, once again speaking about
47:31 the second coming of Jesus.
47:43 What do we need to have in order to see the Lord?
47:45 holiness, according to this.
47:48 Notice 1 John 3:1-3, 1 John 3:1-3.
48:14 When He is revealed is His coming, by the way.
48:20 And notice what we need to be doing because we're
48:23 going to see Him as He is.
48:34 So if you have this hope of the appearance of Jesus,
48:38 what do you do? you purify yourself, just as He is pure.
48:44 And do you know how that happens?
48:45 By beholding we are changed; by what we watch, by what we hear.
48:52 Folks, Christians watch what the world watches.
48:55 They listen to the same kind of music that the world listens to.
48:59 They go to the same places of entertainment
49:02 that the world goes to.
49:03 You'll never reflect the character of Jesus
49:06 if you're watching violence, and illicit sex,
49:08 and you're listening to swearing,
49:10 and to lying on television.
49:12 You'll reflect the character of what you're watching.
49:15 And no one who is in that condition will be ready
49:19 to receive Jesus in power and glory.
49:21 Because you must have a pure heart.
49:25 You must have a pure life.
49:27 That's why the 144,000 are described as having a sterling
49:31 character that they prepared before probation closed.
49:35 I want to read once again Revelation 22:11, 12,
49:41 that we read awhile ago, because there's a little nuance
49:45 in translation that is not found in the King James Version.
49:48 Revelation 22:11. He who is unjust.
49:53 The New King James says, Let him be unjust still.
49:58 Really the Greek tense of the verb says,
50:01 Let him continue to act unjustly.
50:04 In other words, it's not a state of being unjust,
50:07 it is acting unjustly.
50:09 And it's reflected in many of the modern versions.
50:13 So he who is unjust, let him continue to act unjustly.
50:17 He who is filthy, let him continue to act filthily,
50:22 is what it really says in the Greek.
50:24 It has to do with actions.
50:26 And then it continues saying, He who is righteous,
50:29 let him continue to act righteously.
50:32 And he who is holy, let him continue to
50:36 act in a holy manner.
50:37 And then, of course, when that happens it says, And behold
50:42 I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me,
50:45 to give everyone according to his work.
50:48 There's one final passage that I want us to take a look at before
50:54 we bring this to a close.
50:55 It's found in the book of Joel 2, and it has the same
51:01 question that we noticed in several other passages.
51:04 By the way, we don't have time to read verses 1
51:08 through 10 of Joel 2.
51:09 It's describing the second coming of Jesus Christ;
51:13 the first ten verses.
51:14 God is coming with His army to the world.
51:17 Let's begin at verse 10.
51:24 This is speaking about Jesus coming with His angels.
51:30 Read Matthew 24. There it speaks about the heavens
51:33 and the earth trembling.
51:34 Once again Matthew 24.
51:38 This is the second coming of Jesus. And it says:
51:47 Those are the angels.
51:54 And now notice the question.
52:02 Is that the same question?
52:04 The great day of His wrath has come.
52:07 Who can endure this day when Jesus comes with His angels?
52:11 There's a special preparation that has to take place.
52:15 And that preparation is mentioned,
52:18 beginning with verse 12.
52:19 By the way, here it's speaking about the Day of Atonement.
52:22 We are now in the Day of Atonement when we should be
52:25 cleansing our lives from sin through the grace
52:27 and power of Jesus Christ, so that when the sanctuary
52:31 is closed it won't be necessary to introduce sin
52:35 into the sanctuary.
52:37 Because on the Day of Atonement sin is taken out of the
52:39 sanctuary, primarily at the end of the Day of Atonement.
52:43 Notice what it says in verse 12.
52:46 Immediately after saying, Who is able to stand in this day,
52:51 God gives the counsel.
52:53 He says, Now therefore says the Lord, Turn to Me with
52:57 all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.
53:02 This is what happened on the Day of Atonement.
53:04 But you can read it in Leviticus 23.
53:06 It's the only day in the Hebrew calendar where fasting was
53:10 required in the Hebrew feasts.
53:12 And so it says, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning.
53:16 So rend your heart and not your garments.
53:21 Return to the Lord your God, for He is gracious and merciful,
53:27 slow to anger, and of great kindness,
53:29 and He relents from doing harm.
53:31 Who knows if He will turn and relent, and leave a blessing
53:35 behind Him, a grain offering, and a drink offering
53:38 for the Lord Your God?
53:40 Blow the trumpet in Zion.
53:42 By the way, the feast of the Day of Atonement
53:45 was announced by trumpets.
53:48 So this is the announcement of the Day of Atonement.
53:51 It says, once again in verse 15: Blow the trumpet in Zion,
53:55 consecrate a fast.
53:56 See, there you have it again.
53:57 Call a sacred assembly.
53:59 Everybody on the Day of Atonement had to meet together.
54:01 Gather the people, sanctify the congregation,
54:04 assemble the elders, gather the children and nursing babes.
54:08 Let the bridegroom go out from His chamber,
54:11 and the bride from her dressing room.
54:13 Let the priests...
54:14 These are the religious leaders, folks.
54:16 Let the priests who minister to the Lord weep between the
54:21 porch and the alter.
54:23 Let them say, Spare Your people O Lord, and do not give Your
54:28 heritage to reproach, that the nations should rule over them.
54:34 Why should they say among the peoples, Where is their God?
54:39 Is there a work of preparation that needs to be take place
54:44 in order for God's people to be able to stand?
54:47 Very clearly, in all of these passages we are told that God's
54:53 people will have a sterling character; not because they
54:57 developed this goodness, but because Jesus Christ dwelt
55:01 in their hearts, because their focus was only
55:06 and exclusively upon Him.
55:08 You know, some people say, You're so heavenly minded
55:13 you're no earthly good.
55:15 You know, but I turned that around and I say, You are so
55:19 earthly minded you are no heavenly good.
55:23 I would say that most Christians would fit in that category.
55:27 They're so earthly minded, that they would not even conceive
55:31 of being happy in heaven, because it's going
55:34 to be so different.
55:35 There's not going to be smokers.
55:37 There's not going to be drinkers.
55:38 There's not going to be partying.
55:39 There's not going to be dancing, in a worldly sense,
55:43 like the world dances today.
55:44 There's not going to be movie theaters.
55:46 There's not going to be profanity.
55:47 There's not going to be any of these things.
55:49 So if you become accustomed to these things,
55:51 boy are you going to feel uncomfortable in heaven.
55:55 But the fact is, you're not going t make it there.
55:58 Because God is not going to take people there
56:01 who would be unhappy there.
56:03 It's now that we have to learn to live the heavenly
56:07 lifestyle on earth.
56:09 You know the little chorus, Turn your eyes upon Jesus.
56:13 Look full in His wonderful face.
56:15 And what happens as a result?
56:18 The things on earth will grow strangely dim in the light
56:25 of His glory and grace.
56:27 The 144,000 will be totally disconnected
56:32 from everything on planet Earth; from their cars,
56:35 from their houses, from their money,
56:37 and from their expensive toys.
56:39 They will think of nothing except being with Jesus
56:42 in the heavenly kingdom, where everything is joy.
56:45 Where everything is peace.
56:47 Where everything is happiness.
56:48 That is their only desire in their lives is to be with Jesus.
56:54 And so Jesus will say, Folks, you don't have anything more
56:59 to do on planet Earth.
57:00 You're wasting your time down there.
57:03 Come, and we will walk together on the street of gold.
57:08 We will go through the gates of pearl, and forever and ever
57:12 we will live together, and we will sing together.
57:17 Won't that be a wonderful day?
57:20 I pray to the Lord that on that day none of us will be missing.


Revised 2016-01-11