Three Angels Message

The Remnant Of Her Seed

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000021

00:30 Let's bow our heads.
00:32 Thank You, Father, for this wonderful day.
00:35 Thank You for the privilege of coming once again here to this
00:40 place in full freedom to open Your Holy Word, and hear Your
00:46 voice speaking to us.
00:47 We ask that You will be present here through the ministration
00:51 of Your Holy Spirit.
00:52 Give us clarity of thought, and give us willing hearts
00:56 to receive Your Word.
00:57 And we thank You for hearing our prayer, for we ask it
01:01 in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
01:04 The lecture today, and the next lecture
01:11 are very closely linked.
01:14 In fact the lecture today, The Remnant of Her Seed,
01:19 is absolutely indispensible to understand the next lecture,
01:24 which is on the 144,000.
01:28 So what we're going to study today is basic
01:31 to understand our next lecture.
01:33 And I'd like to begin by going to Genesis 3:15, Genesis 3:15.
01:43 At this point Adam and Eve had sinned, and they were shaking
01:49 in the garden because they felt that God was going to implement
01:54 His Word, and they were going to be destroyed.
01:57 Because God had said, The day that you eat from the tree,
02:00 that very day you will surely die.
02:02 But when they were filled with fear, thinking that the sentence
02:06 was going to fall on them, God came down to the garden
02:10 and He spoke to the serpent.
02:13 And I want you to notice four key elements in this verse.
02:17 Genesis 3:15. God is speaking to the serpent, to the Devil.
02:26 That's the first element.
02:31 That is between the serpent.
02:32 That's the second element.
02:35 There's the third element.
02:39 So you'll notice that there's four elements here.
02:41 We have, first of all, enmity.
02:43 Then we have a serpent.
02:45 Then we have a woman.
02:46 And then the serpent has seed, and the woman has Seed.
02:50 And you'll notice that the enmity runs between the serpent
02:54 and the woman, and the serpent's seed, and the woman's Seed.
02:59 But the real enmity is not serpent versus woman,
03:04 or seed versus seed.
03:06 The true enmity is reflected in the last part of the verse.
03:10 Once again it says, And I will put enmity between you
03:14 and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed;
03:18 He, that is the Seed of the woman, shall bruise your head,..
03:22 That is the serpent's head.
03:24 ...and you shall bruise his heel.
03:28 So the great enmity that we find in Genesis 3:15, is between
03:33 the woman's Seed, and the serpent.
03:36 And the prophecy says that the Seed of the woman would crush
03:41 the serpent's head, and the serpent would be successful
03:44 in wounding his heel.
03:47 Now Revelation 12:17 picks up on this verse, on Genesis 3:15.
03:55 Go with me to Revelation 12:17, which we've read before.
04:01 It says there:
04:03 Let's see if we have the same four elements.
04:06 By the way, the dragon in verse 9 of Revelation 12,
04:09 is called the ancient serpent.
04:11 So the dragon is the serpent. So it says:
04:14 Or the serpent.
04:17 See, there you have the enmity.
04:21 There's the third element.
04:23 So you have a dragon, or a serpent.
04:24 You have enmity, or rage, and you have a woman.
04:28 And then it says:
04:30 That is the serpent.
04:33 There you have the enmity again.
04:36 I prefer the King James, with the remnant of her Seed.
04:46 So do we have seed in this verse also? Absolutely.
04:49 We find the same elements in this verse as we
04:52 found in Genesis 3:15.
04:54 We find a woman, we find a serpent, we find enmity,
05:00 and we find the Seed of the woman.
05:03 But you'll notice here in Revelation 12:17 that it's not
05:09 the Seed that is being spoken of, the Seed of the woman,
05:12 but the Seed's seed.
05:14 Notice the last part of the verse.
05:17 It says once again, He went to make war with the
05:20 remnant of her Seed.
05:23 Now the question is, Who is the Seed of the woman?
05:27 Because this is the remnant of the Seed of the woman,
05:31 the remnant of her seed.
05:33 Now the Seed of the woman, we're going to notice, is Jesus.
05:37 But this is the remnant's seed.
05:41 So, in other words, this is the Seed's seed.
05:44 Now let's notice John 12:23, 24, John 12:23, 24.
05:53 Here Jesus is speaking about His death.
05:57 And notice what He says:
06:03 By the way, that's Him.
06:05 It represents Jesus.
06:18 What happens? it sprouts again; and it produces what?
06:24 So you have one Seed, which is a grain of wheat;
06:28 falls into the ground, dies, and as a result of its death
06:33 it sprouts forth, and it brings forth many seeds.
06:36 Are you understanding?
06:37 In other words, these are the seeds of the Seed,
06:41 of the original seed that died and sprouted up.
06:45 Now the question is, who is this solitary Seed who brings many
06:50 seeds into the world?
06:52 Let's go to Galatians 3:16.
06:57 Galatians 3:16 identifies this solitary Seed,
07:02 this grain of wheat that Jesus spoke about. It says:
07:21 So the question is, Who is that solitary Seed,
07:25 that grain of wheat that Jesus spoke about?
07:27 He's talking about Himself.
07:30 But let me ask you, When Jesus died, and sprouted forth to new
07:34 life, or resurrected, Did He provide the means where He
07:38 could have many other seeds? Absolutely.
07:41 Notice Galatians 3:29. It says:
07:53 In other words, we become the Seed's seed.
07:57 Are you following me or are you not following me?
08:00 So in other words, Revelation 12:17 is saying that the
08:04 serpent, or the dragon, was going to be enraged with the
08:08 remnant of her Seed.
08:10 Her Seed is Jesus, so the remnant of her seed would be
08:14 those who were born from Jesus, the Seed's seed, if you please.
08:19 Now you say, Why do you bring this to view?
08:23 There's a very important reason.
08:26 You see, in the book of Revelation, Babylon is not
08:32 a literal city geographically defined.
08:35 Babylon, according to what we've studied, is a worldwide system
08:40 that is at enmity with the people of God.
08:44 The woman, who is called Babylon the harlot, is symbolic.
08:49 The wine that she gets is symbolic.
08:52 Her fornication is symbolic.
08:55 The river that she sits on is symbolic.
08:58 It represents multitudes, nations, tongues, and peoples.
09:01 In other words, Babylon is not literal Babylon
09:04 over in the middle east.
09:05 Babylon is a worldwide, global, spiritual system.
09:10 Now who is the great enemy of Babylon in Scripture?
09:14 Folks, the great enemy of Babylon in Scripture is Israel.
09:19 Now let me ask you, If Babylon is global, or worldwide,
09:24 and spiritual, that must mean that Israel must also be
09:29 global and spiritual.
09:31 Are you understanding what I am saying?
09:33 The citizens of Babylon in Revelation are not citizens
09:37 of the old city in the middle east.
09:39 They're citizens of a worldwide apostate system.
09:43 And so Israel, the enemy of Babylon, must also be
09:46 a worldwide spiritual system.
09:49 And you say, Why do you bring this to view?
09:51 You see, most churches today, most Protestant churches,
09:55 at least of the conservative brand have a very interesting
09:59 idea about Bible prophecy.
10:01 They teach that God has two mutually exclusive peoples.
10:07 The first people of God are the literal Jews,
10:12 in other words literal Israel.
10:15 The second group that belongs to God, or the second people that
10:20 God has, is the Christian church.
10:23 And they believe that God has two totally different plans
10:27 for literal Israel and for the church.
10:30 They actually believe that the church is going to be Raptured
10:34 to heaven seven years before the glorious coming of Jesus.
10:37 And then after the spiritual people of God are Raptured
10:42 to heaven, then God will begin His plan again
10:45 for the literal Jews.
10:47 And some even teach that throughout eternity God is
10:51 going to have a heavenly people, and He's going to
10:53 have an earthly people.
10:55 He's going to have two peoples: literal Israel,
10:57 and the Christian church.
10:59 Now this has very strong implications for what we're
11:04 going to study in our next lecture.
11:05 Because we're going to notice that, according to Scripture,
11:10 there is only one Seed, who is Jesus Christ.
11:13 And there is only one Seed's seed, which are His
11:17 people from all ages.
11:20 And I want you to notice, in ten specific points, how the Bible
11:25 teaches that God has only one Israel, one true people,
11:29 that are not geographically defined, but they're defined
11:33 by their relationship to Jesus Christ.
11:36 So we're going to study ten points.
11:39 The first point is that God has only one fold.
11:43 Jesus has only one fold.
11:46 Notice John 10:16, John 10:16. Jesus says:
11:59 Who are those other sheep that are not of His fold?
12:02 This fold is Israel.
12:06 Jesus says, I was not sent but to the lost sheep
12:09 of the house of Israel, He says several times in the gospels.
12:12 So it says, He says,
12:24 ...two flocks and one shepherd.
12:26 That's not what it says.
12:28 He's going to bring the Gentiles and there will be what?
12:32 one flock, and one shepherd.
12:35 One people of God represented by sheep.
12:38 Let's go to John 11:51, 52.
12:42 We're still showing that Jesus has only one fold not two.
12:45 He doesn't have literal Israel and the Christian church.
12:48 He has one people, one fold, and there's one shepherd.
12:52 John 11:51, 52. You remember that Caiaphas says it's
12:56 necessary for one man to die, and not that
12:59 the nation disappear? Well notice:
13:03 Caiaphas did not say...
13:11 Which nation is that? for literal Israel.
13:16 But now notice:
13:29 How many folds, and how many shepherds? one fold,
13:33 and one shepherd.
13:35 And the fold is composed of Jews and Gentiles,
13:40 literal Israelites who accepted Jesus, and spiritual Israelites.
13:45 Now the second point that I would like us to notice is that
13:49 God has only one Israel, and that Israel is not
13:53 defined geographically.
13:55 It's not defined ethnically.
13:58 It's not defined genetically.
14:00 It's defined relationally.
14:03 In other words, for you to be Israel, you have to have
14:07 a relationship with Jesus Christ.
14:09 You must become the Seed's seed in order to be true Israel.
14:15 Let's go once again to Galatians 3:16.
14:20 Now to Abraham and his Seed were the promises made.
14:23 He does not say, and to seeds, as of many, but as of one;
14:28 and to your Seed, who is Christ.
14:32 Who is the only true Seed, according to the apostle Paul?
14:35 Jesus Christ. Now do we become seed also? Yes.
14:40 We become the Seed's seed.
14:41 How is it that we become the Seed's seed?
14:44 Notice what we find in verse 26.
14:46 For you are all sons of God through how?
14:51 faith in Christ Jesus.
14:53 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ
14:58 have put on Christ.
14:59 How do we become the Seed's seed?
15:01 By being what? By being baptized into His church. Verse 28:
15:16 And now notice:
15:24 What makes us children of Abraham, or seed of Abraham?
15:28 The fact that we are related to whom? to Jesus Christ.
15:32 In other words, those who have not received Jesus Christ
15:36 are not really children of Abraham.
15:39 They are not really Israel.
15:40 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
15:42 Notice Romans 2:28, 29, Romans 2:28, 29.
15:48 Do you know that there are Jews that aren't really Jews?
15:50 Do you know what a real Jew is?
15:53 According to the New Testament definition, it is one who has
15:56 accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, be he Jew, literally
16:01 speaking, or be he Gentile. Romans 2:28, 29.
16:26 Let me ask you, Must you have a circumcised and converted
16:29 heart to Jesus Christ?
16:30 Must you have received the Holy Spirit in order to be a true Jew
16:35 according to the New Testament definition? Absolutely!
16:38 Notice Romans 9:6-8, Romans 9:6-8.
16:44 Here the apostle Paul says,
16:54 That's interesting.
16:55 Paul is saying that not all Israelites are Israelites.
16:58 Now who is an Israelite then?
17:00 Notice what he continues saying, verse 7.
17:07 Let me ask you, Is it possible to be the seed of Abraham
17:09 literally, and not be a child, or a son or a daughter of God?
17:12 Absolutely. So he says:
17:20 Let me ask you, Who was it that came from Isaac?
17:22 Jesus Christ, the Messiah. Verse 8.
17:29 That means literal Jews.
17:34 That is of the promise of the Messiah.
17:39 Do you remember the encounter that Jesus had with Nathaniel,
17:43 who became one of His disciples; one of the twelve apostles?
17:47 I want you to notice how the story is told in John 1:47-49.
17:54 It says here:
18:04 Question: If there are Israelites indeed, must there be
18:11 Israelites not indeed? Absolutely!
18:14 Now what made Nathaniel an Israelite indeed?
18:18 Was it because he had blood of Abraham flowing
18:20 through his veins?
18:21 Was it because he lived in the land of Israel?
18:23 Was that defined genetically, or geographically? Absolutely not.
18:28 Let's continue reading.
18:29 By the way, the word indeed there is a Greek word
18:34 that means genuine.
18:36 In other words this is a genuine Israelite in whom is no deceit;
18:43 the same word that's used about the 144,000: In their mouth
18:47 was found no deceit.
18:49 And then verse 48.
18:51 What made him a Jew indeed?
19:04 Interesting that he was under the fig tree, because the fig
19:07 tree represented Israel.
19:08 So you have an Israelite indeed under the symbol
19:11 that represents Israel.
19:12 And then verse 49 shows what made him a true Jew.
19:26 What made Nathaniel a Jew indeed, or an Israelite indeed?
19:30 the fact that he confessed that Jesus was the Son of God;
19:34 that Jesus was the King of Israel.
19:37 The next point that I want us to notice is that
19:40 God has only one body.
19:43 There's only one body of Christ, composed of Jews and Gentiles.
19:48 You see, God doesn't have two bodies.
19:50 God only has one body.
19:51 Christ only has one body.
19:53 Notice Ephesians 2:13-18, Ephesians 2:13-18.
20:00 Here the apostle Paul says:
20:12 Who were those who were far off? the Gentiles.
20:16 You're going to notice it in a minute.
20:20 That is Jesus is our peace.
20:25 In other words, Jew and Gentile He has made one.
20:39 How many new men?
20:59 That's the Gentiles, by the way.
21:02 That's the Jews.
21:08 How many bodies does Jesus have?
21:10 One body is a Jewish body, and the other body
21:14 is a Gentile body.
21:16 No, Jesus has one body composed of Jews and Gentiles:
21:20 one people, one Israel, one fold.
21:25 Notice 1 Corinthians 12:13, 1 Corinthians 12:13,
21:31 on this same point that Jesus Christ has only one body.
21:35 It says there:
21:45 See, Jews and Gentiles.
21:55 By the way, what is the body of Christ?
21:58 The body of Christ is the church.
22:01 I want you to notice that.
22:03 Ephesians 3:6. It says there in Ephesians 3:6
22:09 Listen to this.
22:12 How many heirs does God have?
22:14 He has Gentile heirs and He has Jewish heirs,
22:17 separated one from the other.
22:19 No, it says here:
22:24 a different body. No.
22:32 How do they obtain the promises?
22:34 How do they become members of one body?
22:36 It says: partakers of His promises, in Christ,
22:39 through the gospel.
22:41 By the way, you say, Well, does the New Testament say
22:43 that the body is the church?
22:45 Are you saying then that God only has one body?
22:47 literal Jews and Gentiles in one church? Absolutely.
22:51 Ephesians 1:18 and then we'll read verse 24.
22:54 It says in verse 18, And he...
22:57 That is Jesus.
22:58 the head of the body...
22:59 And what is the body? the church.
23:02 ...who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead,
23:05 that in all things he may have the pre-eminence.
23:08 Verse 24: I now rejoice in my sufferings for you,
23:11 and fill up in my flesh what is lacking in the afflictions of
23:14 Christ for the sake of His body, which is what?
23:18 which is the church.
23:20 How many bodies does Jesus have?
23:22 He has two bodies.
23:25 If He had two bodies He would be a monster.
23:27 One head with two bodies? No.
23:30 He's one head, with one body, composed of all of the people
23:35 of God: Jews and Gentiles.
23:37 The next point that I want to make is that God has
23:41 only one chosen city.
23:42 He doesn't have the earthly Jerusalem for the Old Testament
23:47 Jewish saints, and the New Jerusalem for the New Testament
23:50 spiritual Israel saints.
23:53 Absolutely not! There's only one city for both Old and New
23:57 Testament people of God.
23:59 Notice Revelation 21:2, Revelation 21:2.
24:16 Which city is this? It's the New Jerusalem.
24:19 One city, right? Now is that city composed of all of God's
24:23 people from the Old and New Testament? Absolutely.
24:27 Notice Revelation 21:12, Revelation 21:12.
24:32 It's speaking here about the twelve gates of the city.
24:35 It says:
24:49 What is it that is written over the gates?
24:50 the names of the what? of the sons of Jacob,
24:54 of the twelve tribes of Israel.
24:56 Which testament would that be?
24:58 That would be the Old Testament, right?
25:00 But I want you to notice that that same city
25:03 has something else.
25:04 Notice Revelation 21:14, Revelation 21:14.
25:10 Speaking about the same city, it says:
25:20 In other words one city.
25:21 The gates have the names of the tribes, and the foundations
25:25 have the names of the apostles.
25:27 In other words, the city is composed of Old Testament
25:30 Christians and New Testament Christians,
25:32 Old Testament Israel and New Testament Israel in one city.
25:37 By the way, go with me to Hebrews 11, and lets pursue this
25:41 a little bit further.
25:42 Hebrews 11:9, 10 and then we'll jump down to verses 13 to 16.
25:47 Let me ask you, which city did the Old Testament
25:49 heroes look forward to?
25:50 Did Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob look forward to that little city
25:54 over there in the Middle East, where there's so
25:56 much conflict today?
25:58 None of the great heroes of the Old Testament looked forward
26:02 to the earthly Jerusalem.
26:04 They looked forward to the heavenly Jerusalem,
26:07 just like we look forward to the heavenly Jerusalem.
26:09 Notice Hebrews 11:9.
26:12 Speaking about Abraham.
26:17 Notice, he was in the promised land,
26:19 but it was a foreign country.
26:28 This is Abraham.
26:35 Which city did Abraham look forward to? to that little city?
26:38 Is that what God promised Abraham? that little city
26:41 over in the middle east? Of course not!
26:43 He looked forward to the heavenly Jerusalem,
26:45 just like we do today.
26:46 Notice verses 13 through 16.
26:49 Once again this idea is amplified.
26:51 It says, These... speaking about all these heroes
26:53 of the Old Testament.
27:06 See, they knew that this earth wasn't their home.
27:09 They knew that that little strip of land over in the middle east
27:12 wasn't their real home. Notice verse 14:
27:19 Were these people seeking a homeland, yes or no? Absolutely.
27:22 Verse 15. Which was that homeland?
27:45 Interesting! So how many cities does God have?
27:50 One city composed only of Gentiles,
27:55 if it's the New Jerusalem in heaven.
27:58 Is that what the Bible teaches?
28:00 The Bible teaches that there's one city composed of
28:04 the apostles, and the twelve tribes;
28:08 all of God's people in one city.
28:11 Now there's another point that I want to make,
28:14 and this will be point number 5.
28:15 God's people in the Bible are represented by only one woman.
28:23 Listen, if God has two separable peoples, then He has two wives.
28:29 He has two women, and God would be a spiritual bigamist.
28:33 Excuse me for saying that, but it's true.
28:36 Now notice Revelation 12:1, 2.
28:40 This is speaking about the church of the Old Testament;
28:44 the woman of the Old Testament. Notice verse 1:
29:02 This woman represents the Old Testament church.
29:06 And you say, How do we know that?
29:08 It's very simple, because she's pregnant with a child.
29:11 Who is the child? The child is Jesus.
29:13 It has to be the Old Testament church because the child
29:16 hasn't been born yet in verses 1 and 2.
29:18 So this woman represents the Old Testament church.
29:22 And, by the way, did Jesus come from the Old Testament church?
29:25 Was Jesus a descendent of Abraham?
29:29 Was Jesus a descendent of David?
29:32 He most certainly was.
29:34 Jesus was born from the Old Testament church.
29:37 But now I want you to notice that after the child is
29:40 caught up to God into His throne, notice verse 5:
29:50 In other words, after Jesus ascends to heaven,
29:53 then the dragon goes after whom?
29:55 He goes after the woman.
29:57 Is it a different woman, or is it the same woman?
30:00 It's the same woman.
30:01 Notice verse 6. It says:
30:15 Does the same woman flee into the wilderness as the one who
30:20 brought forth the male child? Yes.
30:22 The woman that brought forth the male child represents
30:25 the Old Testament church from where Jesus was born.
30:28 But then afterwards that same woman now flees
30:31 into the wilderness.
30:32 So much for the idea that God had an Old Testament woman,
30:36 which would be literal Israel, and then He has a separable
30:41 people which are the Gentiles in the New Testament period.
30:44 The Bible says that God only has one woman.
30:48 Jesus Christ has only one wife.
30:51 He does not have two wives: literal Israel
30:53 and spiritual Israel.
30:55 And, by the way, by choosing twelve apostles,
30:59 Jesus Christ was trying to teach that He was continuing Israel.
31:04 Don't you think that Jesus chose twelve apostles just because
31:08 He liked the number.
31:09 He says, Oh, twelve, that's a nice number, isn't it?
31:11 There were twelve tribes, so let's just choose twelve
31:13 twelve apostles, No.
31:14 Jesus chose twelve apostles intentionally.
31:17 How do we know that?
31:19 We know that because before the day of Pentecost,
31:22 in Acts 1, before God could pour out His Holy Spirit,
31:26 it was necessary to elect apostle number twelve
31:30 in place of Judas, because Judas had apostatized.
31:34 There needed to be how many? twelve.
31:36 And let me explain very briefly why there had to be twelve.
31:38 You see, the high priest, in the sanctuary, had twelve stones
31:44 on his breastplate, which represented God's people,
31:47 the twelve tribes of Israel.
31:49 Now Jesus was going to begin His high priestly ministry
31:52 in the heavenly sanctuary.
31:54 He couldn't begin it with only eleven stones
31:57 on His breastplate.
31:58 He had to have all twelve representing
32:01 all of God's people; the nucleus of His New Testament church.
32:04 In other words, the number twelve represents God's people
32:08 from all ages, Old Testament and New Testament.
32:12 The next point that I would like to make,
32:15 and I believe it's number six, is that Christ's kingdom
32:18 is illustrated by only one olive tree.
32:22 Now I'm going to tell you a few things about that olive tree.
32:26 It's found in Romans 11, and in a moment we're going to go to
32:29 the verses, but I want you to have something clear
32:32 before we read the verses.
32:33 This olive tree has natural branches, and those natural
32:39 branches are retained in the tree.
32:41 In other words, those natural branches are never cut off.
32:43 They are retained in the olive tree.
32:46 These represent the Jews who believed in, and accepted Jesus
32:51 Christ as Savior and Lord.
32:53 The literal Jews are the natural branches that were never
32:57 cut off, because they received the Messiah.
32:59 Then you have natural branches who were cut off.
33:02 They represent the literal Jews who rejected Jesus Christ,
33:06 because the tree trunk represents Jesus.
33:09 Then there were natural branches who were cut off,
33:12 but then they were grafted into the tree again.
33:14 That represents the Jews that initially rejected Jesus,
33:18 but then they accepted Him afterwards.
33:20 You see, what is it that determines whether you
33:23 belong to the tree or not?
33:25 What determines it is your relationship to whom?
33:27 to Jesus Christ. But then the olive tree also has some wild
33:33 olive branches grafted into it.
33:36 Now who would the wild olive branches grafted
33:40 into the tree represent?
33:41 They represent the Gentiles.
33:43 But notice that they belong to the same tree.
33:46 It's not a different tree.
33:47 It's the same tree.
33:49 And, by the way, the apostle Paul says, If you don't believe
33:53 in Jesus, then you'll be cut off, too.
33:56 And so you have this idea of one tree with natural branches,
34:02 wild olive branches, and what determines whether you belong
34:05 to the tree or not is your attitude,
34:09 and your relationship to Jesus Christ.
34:11 Let's read Romans 11 beginning with verse 17.
34:14 And it's a rather long passage, but lets go through it.
34:16 The apostle Paul says,
34:18 And if some of the branches were broken off, and you,
34:22 being a wild olive tree,...
34:24 This is now speaking about the Gentiles.
34:36 ...He says to the Gentiles.
34:38 Don't think that you're so great because you were grafted in.
34:46 Of course the root represents whom? Jesus.
34:55 ...says the apostle Paul.
34:59 Unbelief in whom?
35:01 The natural branches were broken off because of
35:04 unbelief in Jesus.
35:07 How? You say the reason you're grafted in
35:09 is because you have what? faith.
35:11 Faith in whom? in Jesus.
35:39 See, they'll be grafted into their own tree.
36:07 He's speaking about literal Israel.
36:16 And so some say, See, it says there that all Israel someday
36:20 is going to be saved.
36:21 But they don't take into account what comes immediately before.
36:24 You see, what is all Israel, according to the
36:26 preceding context?
36:28 According to the preceding context, all Israel will be
36:31 saved, means all faithful Israel that has been
36:34 grafted into the tree.
36:36 Natural branches that have remained,
36:39 natural branches that were cut off and grafted in again,
36:42 and wild olive branches that were taken off of a wild olive
36:47 tree and grafted into the natural olive tree.
36:50 In other words, the context indicates that when the apostle
36:54 Paul says, All Israel will be saved, he means all faithful
36:58 Israel, who have been grafted into the tree,
37:00 into the root, Jesus Christ.
37:02 And so it says, And so all Israel will be saved,
37:05 as it is written:
37:17 So how many trees illustrate the people of God?
37:20 Does God have two separable trees?
37:23 Does He have two separable wives?
37:25 Does He have two separable bodies?
37:27 Does He have two separable folds?
37:29 Does He have two separable Israel's?
37:32 Not according to Scripture.
37:33 He has one people; one faithful people who are determined
37:38 by their relationship to Jesus Christ.
37:40 Now our next point is that there is only going to be one banquet
37:45 table in the kingdom for Jews and Gentiles.
37:48 You know, Jesus had just healed the servant of a Centurion.
37:53 You know what a Centurion was, right?
37:56 He was the head of eleven soldiers in the Roman army,
37:59 in the Roman legions, is the way that they were called.
38:03 And Jesus had just healed his servant.
38:05 And I want you to notice what Jesus said to those who were
38:09 watching there and listening to what He had done
38:14 for this Centurion.
38:16 Notice Matthew 8:11, 12. Jesus says:
38:21 And I say to you, that many will come from east and west,...
38:25 Do you know who those are? the Gentiles.
38:28 ...many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham,
38:34 Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.
38:37 Were Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob faithful?
38:41 Were they faithful Israelites?
38:43 Did they look forward to the Messiah?
38:45 Jesus said, Abraham saw My day and what? rejoiced. John 8:56.
38:50 These all saw the Messiah coming in the future.
38:53 They accepted Jesus Christ in promise.
38:56 So it says once again, And I say to you that many will come from
38:59 east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
39:03 in the kingdom of heaven: But the sons of the kingdom...
39:07 Who are those? the sons of the kingdom? the literal Jews.
39:11 ...the sons of the kingdom...
39:12 That reject Jesus, incidentally.
39:14 ...will be cast out into outer darkness: there will be weeping
39:18 and gnashing of teeth.
39:20 How many tables are there going to be in the kingdom?
39:23 How many banquet tables?
39:24 One for the Jews, and the other one on the other side of
39:28 town for the Gentiles? Absolutely not!
39:31 One table, composed of Jews and Gentiles.
39:35 Next point: Jesus Christ has only one spiritual temple.
39:40 Notice what we find in Ephesians 2:19-22, Ephesians 2:19-22.
39:48 Here the apostle Paul says, Now therefore you are no longer
39:52 strangers and foreigners,...
39:54 Speaking about the Gentiles, very clearly.
39:57 Now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners,
40:00 but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of
40:06 the household of God.
40:07 Does that sound like they're a separable people?
40:10 Absolutely not! So he says,
40:13 Now therefore you are no longer strangers and foreigners,
40:15 but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of
40:18 the household of God; having been built on the foundation
40:23 of the apostles and prophets,...
40:25 Is that Old and New Testament? apostles and prophets? Yes.
40:28 ...upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
40:31 Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone;...
40:36 What determines whether you belong to the temple?
40:39 to the one temple or not?
40:40 Whether you're built on the foundation of the apostles
40:42 and prophets; Old/New Testament.
40:44 But the chief cornerstone that you build on is whom?
40:47 Jesus Christ. Now notice what it continues saying.
40:50 In whom the whole building...
40:52 That is the temple.
40:53 ...being joined together grows into a holy temple in the Lord:
41:00 In whom you also...
41:02 He's speaking to the Gentiles.
41:04 In whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place
41:08 of God in the Spirit.
41:10 How many temples does Jesus have?
41:13 He has one temple with foundations from Old
41:16 and the New Testament, apostles and prophets.
41:19 Jesus Christ is the chief corner stone of the one temple,
41:22 and the temple is composed of Jews and Gentiles.
41:27 So, by the way, when prophecy says that the antichrist
41:31 is going to sit in the temple of God, showing himself to be God,
41:36 what temple is that talking about?
41:38 Is that talking about the literal Jewish temple
41:41 over in the Middle East where a nasty individual is going to sit
41:45 after the rapture of the church?
41:47 Never does the apostle Paul use the word temple in that sense.
41:51 You see, this is a spiritual temple,
41:54 with spiritual foundations, a spiritual chief cornerstone,
41:59 and spiritual stones built up upon the foundation,
42:03 as 1 Peter 2 says.
42:06 The next point that I would like to make is that the
42:10 redeemed from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people
42:13 will sing only one song.
42:17 You say, What's that?
42:18 You mean to say that the Jews aren't going to sing
42:21 The song of Moses? and the redeemed at the end
42:24 are going to sing the song of the Lamb?
42:25 Go with me to Revelation 15: 3, 4, Revelation 15:3, 4.
42:33 It's speaking about the redeemed. It says:
42:41 Is that Old and New Testament, by the way?
42:45 Was Moses in the Old Testament? Yes.
42:48 The Lamb, the New Testament.
42:51 And so it says: They sing the song of Moses, the servant
42:54 of God and the song of the Lamb saying, Great and marvelous are
42:58 Your works, Lord God Almighty; just and true are Your ways,
43:01 O King of the saints.
43:14 So the redeemed will sing only one song, and it is the song of
43:18 Moses and the Lamb.
43:20 One song that includes Old Testament
43:22 and New Testament Christians.
43:26 Another point that I would like to make, and I believe that
43:29 this is number 10, is that the redeemed will
43:31 have only one father.
43:33 And that one father is defined by your
43:37 relationship to Jesus Christ.
43:38 Only those who have received Jesus are technically sons
43:43 and daughters of God.
43:44 It doesn't matter if you're a literal Jew
43:46 or if you're a Gentile.
43:48 If you receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord,
43:51 you are a brother or sister of Jesus, and therefore a son
43:55 or a daughter of God.
43:57 Notice Galatians 3:26, Galatians 3:26.
44:13 How is it that we become sons and daughters of God?
44:15 through faith in Christ Jesus.
44:18 So let me ask you, What if we don't have
44:19 faith in Christ Jesus, like most of those who are over
44:24 They don't have faith in Jesus Christ.
44:25 Are they sons and daughters of God in the spiritual
44:28 sense of the word?
44:30 By creation, yes, but not by redemption.
44:33 Notice John 1:12, 13, John 1: 12, 13.
44:39 Notice this, very clear.
44:41 But as many as received Him,...
44:43 That is received Jesus.
44:44 them He gave the right to become children of God.
44:49 How do we become children of God? those who what?
44:52 received Him, to them He gave the right to
44:56 become children of God.
44:57 To those who believe in His what? name.
45:01 Who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh,
45:05 nor of the will of man, but of God.
45:09 So let me explain how this works.
45:12 It's very interesting.
45:14 See, the only individual who really deserves to be called
45:18 the Son of God is Jesus Christ.
45:20 We are all, all the rest of us juvenile delinquents.
45:24 In other words, we are alienated.
45:28 We are by nature children of wrath, according to the Bible.
45:31 In sin our mother conceived us, the Scripture says.
45:35 So we're alienated from the covenants of the promise.
45:38 We belong to the family of the first Adam;
45:40 the family of the lost.
45:41 So the question is, How do we join the family of the saved?
45:46 Well, Jesus is the only one who deserves to be called the Son of
45:50 God; the only faithful Son of God.
45:52 So do you know what happens?
45:54 When I receive Jesus Christ as my Savior and as my Lord,
45:57 and I believe and have faith in His name?
46:01 I become His brother, or I become His sister.
46:08 And so now, because I'm a brother of Jesus,
46:12 because I receive Him as my Savior, now Jesus comes before
46:16 the Father and He says, Father, I have a new brother.
46:19 Oh really, what's his name?
46:21 Well, his name is Pastor Stephen Bohr.
46:24 The Father says, No kidding!
46:26 Stephen Bohr is your brother?
46:28 Well, if he's your brother, He's My Son, too.
46:30 In other words, the only way in which we can be sons and
46:36 daughters of God, is become brothers or
46:38 sisters of Jesus Christ.
46:40 That's why we're told in Hebrews 2 that He is not ashamed
46:44 to call us brethren.
46:46 And that's what Jesus meant when He said in John 14:6,
46:49 I am the way, the truth, and the life.
46:52 No man comes onto the Father except by me.
46:56 Only through Him do we become Sons and Daughters of God.
47:00 So if we have not accepted Jesus Christ, we do not belong
47:04 to the family of God.
47:05 And I know that that's not a popular thing to say,
47:08 because everybody's, Oh, we're all God's children.
47:11 We are God's children by creation.
47:15 But we have to become His children by redemption,
47:18 or else we will be eternally lost children.
47:21 Now I want you to notice John 8: 32-44.
47:26 Here Jesus is speaking to a group of literal Jews.
47:29 He says to them, "And you shall know the truth,
47:33 and the truth shall make you free. "
47:36 They answered Him, We are Abraham's descendents.
47:39 Actually in the Greek it says, We are Abraham's seed.
47:42 It's the same word that's used elsewhere.
47:44 We are Abraham's seed, and have never been in bondage to anyone.
47:49 How can you say, You will be made free?
47:52 Jesus answered them, Most assuredly I say to you,
47:56 Whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.
47:58 See, He's speaking spiritually.
47:59 He's not speaking literally.
48:01 And a slave does not abide in the house forever:
48:04 but a what? a son abides forever.
48:07 He's saying, If you haven't received Me,
48:09 you are slaves of sin.
48:11 And if you're slaves of sin, then you're not a son.
48:14 He says, But a son abides forever.
48:18 Therefore if the son makes you free,...
48:21 That is if I make you free, you shall be free what? free indeed.
48:26 And then He says, I know that you are Abraham's seed.
48:29 I know that you're literally Abraham's seed,
48:32 is what Jesus is saying, but you seek to kill Me,
48:35 because My Word has no place in you.
48:37 I speak what I have seen with My Father.
48:40 You do what you have seen with your Father.
48:42 They answered and said to Him, Abraham is our father.
48:46 Jesus said to them, If you were Abraham's children, you would do
48:50 the works of Abraham.
48:51 Now He's going to say, You're not Abraham's children at all.
48:53 I know that you literally are, physically are, but you really
48:56 are not Abraham's children.
48:58 You're not Abraham's seed.
48:59 Verse 40. But now you seek to kill Me, a man who has told you
49:03 the truth, which I heard from God.
49:05 Abraham did not do this.
49:07 You do the deeds of your father.
49:10 Then they said to Him, We were not born of fornication.
49:13 We have one Father, God.
49:16 Jesus said to them, If God were your Father, you would love Me:
49:19 for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of
49:23 Myself, but He sent Me.
49:24 In other words, Jesus is saying, Abraham loved Me.
49:28 My Father loves Me.
49:30 You hate Me, so how can you say that My Father is Your
49:33 Father, and that Abraham is your father,
49:36 because your spirit is totally opposite?
49:39 Verse 43. Why do you not understand My speech?
49:42 because you are not able to listen to My Word.
49:47 Jesus did say some politically incorrect things.
50:08 In fact, the apostle Paul in Galatians 4 speaks about Hagar
50:14 and Sarah, and Ishmael and Isaac.
50:17 You know, the Jews claimed to be descendents of whom?
50:21 of Sarah and Isaac.
50:23 But do you know what the apostle Paul says
50:25 in Galatians 4? He says, You folks, the Jerusalem that is
50:29 now, and the Jews that were at mount Sinai, He says,
50:33 You are sons and daughters of Hagar and Ishmael.
50:37 In other words, He's saying, He's to them, You are not
50:42 children of Isaac.
50:44 You are children of the slave woman.
50:47 In other words, what determines whether you belong to the people
50:51 of God is your relationship to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
50:57 Now I want to go through this very quickly, because we have
51:00 a very short period of time left.
51:03 And so I'm just going to synthesize the last part
51:05 of what you have on your sheets.
51:07 In Deuteronomy 28:63, 64 God promised Israel that if they
51:13 were unfaithful to Him, He would scatter them among the nations.
51:17 But then He promised in Deuteronomy 30:3-5 that if they
51:22 repented, and they returned to the Lord, the Lord would gather
51:27 them from where He had scattered them.
51:30 So these are the scattering and gathering prophecies.
51:34 Now it's important to realize that the gathering, and the
51:38 scattering, the important aspect was not the land.
51:43 In other words, what I'm saying is God had chosen the land
51:47 as His dwelling place.
51:49 And so if they had a bad relationship with Him in the
51:52 land, they would be scattered.
51:54 If they had a good relationship with Him in the land,
51:58 they would be gathered.
51:59 In other words, the key was not to be gathered to the land,
52:02 the key was to be gathered to the Lord, who was in the land.
52:06 Now Jesus gave a profound interpretation to the gathering
52:11 and the scattering prophecies.
52:13 In fact Jesus is going to say, Do you know that it's possible
52:16 for you to live in Jerusalem and still be scattered?
52:21 And it's possible for you to live out there among the
52:24 Gentiles and to be gathered.
52:25 You say, Now how is that?
52:27 Go with me to Luke 11, Luke 11: 23. Jesus says here:
52:33 He who is not with me...
52:35 He who is not what? who is not with Me, he is against Me.
52:40 And He who does not gather with Me scatters.
52:44 What was the key? being gathered to the land, or being gathered
52:46 to the Lord? It was being gathered to the Lord.
52:49 And Jesus says, If you don't gather to Me, you what?
52:53 you scatter. Let's go once again to the experience of Caiaphas
52:59 when he said, It's necessary for one man to die, and not that the
53:04 whole nation perish. John 11:51, 52.
53:07 It explains what this means.
53:09 He prophesied that Jesus would die for the nation;
53:12 And not for that nation only, but also that he would what?
53:17 that he would gather in one the children of God who were
53:23 what? scattered. But they were going to be gathered to where?
53:26 Was the key being gathered to Jerusalem the place?
53:29 Or was the key being gathered to the Lord?
53:32 It was to be gathered to the Lord, even though they lived
53:35 all over the Roman empire.
53:37 By the way, when Jesus left the Jewish temple,
53:41 notice what He said: Matthew 23: 37, 38.
53:44 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets,
53:48 and stones those who are sent to her.
53:51 How often I wanted to...
53:53 What's the key word there?
53:55 ...I wanted to gather you as a hen gathers her
54:00 chicks under her wings...
54:01 Who were they going to be gathered to? the city, the land,
54:05 or the Lord? the Lord.
54:08 And then He says, but you were not willing.
54:13 See your house is left to you desolate.
54:16 And, by the way, in another gospel He speaks about them
54:19 being scattered among the nations, because they refused
54:23 to be gathered to the Lord.
54:24 Jesus explains what it means to be gathered in Matthew 18:20.
54:30 He says: For where two or three are what? gathered together
54:41 in My name, I am there in the midst of them.
54:45 Let me ask you then, Where is the holy land?
54:51 The holy land is where Jesus is.
54:53 And where is Jesus?
54:55 He's in heaven, but spiritually He's where? all over the world,
55:01 through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
55:03 So where is Jesus?
55:04 Jesus is worldwide through the ministration of the Holy Spirit.
55:08 And where there are two or three gathered in His name,
55:11 there is the holy land, because present there is the Holy Lord.
55:17 In other words, it wasn't the land that was important,
55:21 it was the Lord in the land.
55:23 If they had a bad relationship with the Lord in the land,
55:26 they were scattered.
55:27 If they repented they were once again gathered.
55:30 But the key was the Lord not the land.
55:32 Now let me as you, When were these prophecies of the
55:36 gathering finally fulfilled? those who were scattered?
55:39 When were these prophecies fulfilled that they were
55:42 gathered into one?
55:44 Acts 2 has the answer, verse 1.
55:48 When the day of Pentecost had fully come,
55:51 they were all with one accord in one place.
55:54 Had these people accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord?
55:59 They were all gathered, right?
56:02 Were they gathered from many different nations?
56:05 Was the place the key part here?
56:07 It wasn't the place.
56:09 They were gathered there.
56:10 They were gathered to the Lord.
56:11 Notice verse 7. They were people from all nations.
56:14 Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another,
56:17 Look, are not all these who speak Galileans?
56:19 And how is it that we hear each in our own language
56:23 in which we were born?
56:24 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and those dwelling in
56:28 Mesopotamia, Judea, and Cappadocia, Pontus, Asia,
56:32 Phrygia, Pamphylia, in Egypt, in the parts of Libya adjoining
56:36 Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans,
56:40 and Arabs, who hear them speaking in our own tongues
56:43 the wonderful works of God.
56:44 Who were they gathered to?
56:46 They were gathered to Jesus Christ from
56:48 all parts of the empire.
56:50 So let me synthesize it.
56:53 What makes you a true Israelite is not that you are gathered
56:57 to the holy land, but that you are gathered to the Holy Lord.
57:02 If you are in the holy land, and have rejected the Holy Lord,
57:06 you are scattered.
57:09 So where is prophecy going to be fulfilled? in the literal land
57:14 of the Middle East, with people who do not receive Jesus Christ?
57:19 No! It will be worldwide Babylon against worldwide Jerusalem.


Revised 2015-12-09