Three Angels Message

The Commandments Of God

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000019

00:31 Let's pray. Our Beloved Heavenly Father, what a joy it is to be
00:37 in Your presence once again.
00:39 As we speak today about keeping the commandments of God
00:45 we ask for the guidance of Your Holy Spirit.
00:48 We realize that there are many in this world, people who claim
00:53 the name of Jesus even, who believe that it's not necessary
00:59 to keep the ten commandments, or that they were
01:01 nailed to the cross.
01:02 I ask, Lord, that You will help us understand this
01:05 very important subject, and that we might understand that You
01:09 will have a people in the end time who keep
01:12 the commandments of God.
01:13 We thank You for hearing our prayer, for we ask it in the
01:17 precious name of Jesus, Amen.
01:20 The expression, keep the commandments of God,
01:26 appears three times in the book of Revelation.
01:30 It appears in Revelation 12:17, Revelation 14:12,
01:37 and Revelation 22:14.
01:42 I'd like to begin by reading the reference from Revelation 14:12,
01:47 and then we'll read 22:14, and then we'll take a closer look
01:52 at Revelation 12:17.
01:54 Revelation 14:12 comes immediately after the
01:59 third angel's message.
02:00 The third angel's message says, beware of worshipping the beast,
02:04 his image, or receiving his mark.
02:07 And then in the very next verse, Revelation 14:12,
02:11 we find these words:
02:24 So you'll notice that those who keep the commandments of God
02:28 are in contrast to those who worship the beast,
02:30 and his image, and receive the mark.
02:32 Because Revelation 14:11 speaks about those who worship
02:37 the beast, his image, and receive the mark.
02:39 Revelation 14:12, in contrast, speaks about those who keep
02:44 the commandments of God, and have the patience of the saints.
02:47 The second reference that I would like to read is
02:50 Revelation 22:14.
02:53 There is a problem of translation here.
02:57 Some versions read, Blessed are those who wash their robes.
03:02 However, I believe, and I can't get into all of
03:05 the reasons right now, I believe that the best translation
03:08 is the one that I'm going to read now.
03:11 Revelation 22:14. Blessed are those who do His commandments.
03:18 Other versions say, wash their robes,
03:21 but I believe this is the correct translation.
03:27 It's the same expression: keep the commandments.
03:30 I don't know why the New King James uses do instead of keep,
03:34 but it's the same identical expression.
03:44 You'll notice here that we're not told that there's a group of
03:49 people who believe in the commandments.
03:52 It doesn't say that there's a group of people who have the
03:56 commandments, or who teach the commandments,
03:59 or who preach the commandments.
04:01 We're told explicitly in Revelation 14:12,
04:05 and Revelation 22:14, that there will be a group of people who
04:10 keep the commandments of God.
04:13 So I guess that if anybody teaches you that no one can
04:17 keep the commandments, they're lying.
04:19 And not only are they lying, but they're making God a liar,
04:23 because God says that there will be a people who keep
04:26 the commandments of God.
04:28 Those are God's words.
04:30 And if any minister gets up, or any priest gets up and says,
04:34 Nah, the commandments; Jesus kept them.
04:35 They were for the Jews.
04:37 They were nailed to the cross.
04:38 Nobody can keep them.
04:40 Beware, because God says that He will have a people who keep
04:44 the commandments of God.
04:45 Now the third reference where this expression,
04:49 keep the commandments of God, is found is Revelation 12:17.
04:54 I want us to take a closer look at this specific reference.
04:57 It says there in Revelation 12:17,
05:03 Who's the dragon? Revelation 12:9, earlier in the chapter,
05:10 says that the dragon represents Satan. So,
05:15 What does the woman represent? the church. That's right.
05:23 I like better the way the King James says, went to make war
05:27 with the remnant of her seed.
05:28 Now what characteristics do they have?
05:38 Once again, is God going to have a people who keep
05:42 the commandments of God? Absolutely.
05:45 This text is explicit.
05:46 This text is clear.
05:49 God will have a remnant that keep the commandments of God.
05:52 Is the devil going to hate these people because they keep the
05:55 commandments of God?
05:57 This verse says that the Devil hates those who keep
06:00 the commandments of God, which means that he must also hate
06:03 the commandments of God.
06:05 Now in order to understand Satan's hatred for the
06:09 ten commandments, we need to go back to the origin
06:14 of sin in the universe.
06:16 And so we're going to pay a visit to heaven before sin
06:21 entered this world, in fact before this
06:24 world was even created.
06:26 You see, in heaven there was a covering cherub
06:29 whose name was Lucifer.
06:31 And the Bible tells us that he was in the very presence of God.
06:36 Notice Ezekiel 28:14, Ezekiel 28:14.
06:42 It speaks about the function of this being.
06:45 It says there, You were the anointed cherub who covers.
06:49 Now don't forget that: the anointed cherub who covers.
06:53 I established you.
06:55 You were on the holy mountain of God.
06:58 You walked back and forth in the midst of fiery stones.
07:02 The fiery stones represent angels.
07:04 So we have here an anointed cherub who covers.
07:08 Now what does that mean? an anointed cherub who covers?
07:11 Covers what? Well, in Exodus 25: 17-20, we have a description of
07:19 the most holy place of the earthly sanctuary,
07:22 and specifically of the ark of the covenant.
07:25 And, by the way, the earthly sanctuary was a shadow of
07:29 the real sanctuary in heaven.
07:30 So if there's an ark on earth, with the ten commandments
07:34 inside, there must also be the originals in heaven.
07:37 Notice what Exodus 25:17-20 has to say about the angels
07:43 that were placed on the ark of the covenant.
07:45 God says to Moses, You shall make a mercy seat of pure gold.
07:49 Two and a half cubits shall be its length,
07:52 and a cubit and a half it's width.
07:54 And you shall make two cherubim of gold.
07:57 See there, you have the cherubim of hammered work.
08:01 You shall make them at the two ends of the mercy seat.
08:05 In other words, they were at either end of the mercy seat.
08:08 Make one cherub at one end, and the other
08:11 cherub at the other end.
08:12 You shall make the cherubim at the two ends of it of one piece
08:18 with the mercy seat.
08:19 And the cherubim, notice this, shall what? stretch out their
08:25 wings above, doing what? covering the mercy
08:30 seat with their wings.
08:31 And they shall face one another.
08:34 The faces of the cherubim shall be toward the mercy seat.
08:38 So you have cherubim, and they cover.
08:40 What did they cover?
08:41 They covered the mercy seat, which represented
08:44 the very throne of God.
08:47 Now do you know what was inside the ark of the covenant,
08:52 below that which represented the throne of God?
08:56 Do you know what was the foundation of God's government?
08:59 The foundation of any government is its laws.
09:03 Now I want you to notice that after that ark had been made
09:07 God instructed Moses to take the ten commandments
09:10 and place them inside the ark.
09:12 This is the earthly sanctuary.
09:13 But the earthly is a shadow of the heavenly.
09:16 Notice Deuteronomy 10:4, and we'll also read verse 5.
09:21 Deuteronomy 10:4, 5.
09:24 Speaking about God, it says, And He wrote...
09:27 That is God wrote.
09:28 ...on the tablets according to the first writing,
09:31 the ten commandments, which the Lord had spoken to you
09:34 in the mountain from the midst of the fire in the
09:37 day of the assembly.
09:38 And the Lord gave them to me, says Moses.
09:41 Then I turned and came down from the mountain,
09:44 and put the tablets in the ark which I made.
09:48 And there they are, just as the Lord commanded me.
09:53 So where was this majestic being, Lucifer?
09:57 He was in the very presence of God.
09:58 He was next to the ark of the covenant.
10:00 His wings covered the mercy seat.
10:03 And below the seat was the holy law of God,
10:07 just like in the earthly sanctuary.
10:09 The Bible tells us that at some point this majestic being
10:14 shows that he would rebel against the law of God.
10:18 Notice Ezekiel 28:16, and this verse you will find
10:22 here on your list: Ezekiel 28:16.
10:26 We're told there, speaking about Lucifer:
10:32 We'll talk about that in a few moments.
10:38 What? That's important.
10:51 So we find here, according to this passage,
10:54 that this majestic being sinned.
10:57 Now the question is, what is sin?
11:01 Well, before we answer that question, let's emphasize with
11:06 another verse this same point that the Devil sinned
11:10 at the very beginning.
11:11 Notice 1 John 3:8, 1 John 3:8.
11:18 Explicitly, the Bible tells us, that the Devil sinned,
11:21 not from Mount Sinai on, because some people think that the law
11:25 started at Mount Sinai with Moses. No.
11:28 Sin originated in heaven before this world was even created.
11:32 So it says in 1 John 3:8, He who sins is of the devil,
11:38 for the Devil has sinned from Mount Sinai.
11:41 That's not what it says, right?
11:55 But you say, Pastor Bohr, what is sin?
11:57 You say, Okay, it says in Ezekiel, and it says in 1 John,
12:01 that the Devil sinned in heaven.
12:02 Lucifer sinned and he became the Devil.
12:05 What is sin? Notice 1 John 3:4, 1 John 3:4. It says:
12:22 I like the way the King James expresses it.
12:25 Sin is the transgression of the law.
12:29 In other words, sin is breaking God's holy law.
12:32 So let me ask you something, Did the law have to exist
12:36 in heaven in order for Lucifer to sin?
12:39 I mean all you have to do is add two plus two equals four.
12:44 I mean if he's sinned, there must have been a law,
12:47 because sin is the transgression of the law.
12:51 But you know, he didn't sin by himself.
12:54 In fact the Bible says that he started bad mouthing God.
12:59 He started talking to the angels and saying,
13:02 God's laws are unjust.
13:04 We're very developed beings.
13:07 We don't need any law to govern us.
13:10 In fact, notice Ezekiel 28:16 once again. It says there:
13:22 Now what does that word trading mean?
13:24 By the abundance of your trading you were filled with violence
13:30 within, and you sinned.
13:31 Well, we need to look at some other verses that use that
13:35 same root Hebrew word.
13:37 So let's look at a couple of statements in the Old Testament
13:41 that use the same root as that word trading
13:45 that is found in Ezekiel 28:16.
13:48 Go with me a little earlier in Ezekiel to chapter 22,
13:52 and verse 9. Ezekiel 22:9.
13:55 Remember this is the same root word, and it says there:
14:04 That's the same root word, by the way.
14:15 So, notice, God says, In you are men who slander,
14:20 to cause bloodshed.
14:22 That word slander is the same root word that is used for
14:26 trading in Ezekiel 28:16.
14:30 Notice another verse that uses the same root word.
14:32 Leviticus 19:16, Leviticus 19: 16. It says there:
14:39 You shall not go about as a talebearer. Interesting!
14:45 The same root word.
14:47 How is it translated? talebearer.
14:51 You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people.
14:56 Nor shall you take a stand against the life
14:58 of your neighbor. I am the Lord.
15:01 And so what did Lucifer do?
15:04 It says that he began trading.
15:08 He began to slander; he began telling tales, if you please.
15:14 In fact, Jesus alluded to this in John 8:44, if you go with me.
15:20 John 8:44. Jesus is speaking to the Jews who want to kill Him.
15:25 And He says, You are of Your father...
15:47 What is the Devil? a liar.
15:50 From when is he a liar?
15:52 He is a liar from when? from the beginning,
15:55 according to this text.
15:56 Now you say, But Pastor, what does trading have to do with
16:00 tale bearing, and with slander, and with lying?
16:04 Well, you know, we still use, in modern English,
16:08 certain idiomatic expressions that show
16:12 the meaning of this word.
16:13 You know, if somebody tells you something, and you don't believe
16:18 it, we often say, I don't buy that.
16:22 Don't we say it? I don't buy that.
16:25 Or, You can't sell me that one, we say, because it's trying
16:30 to trade in what? in lies.
16:33 Now the question is, Who did the Devil lie to?
16:37 The fact is that the book of Revelation tells
16:40 us who he lied to.
16:42 Go with me to Revelation 12:3, Revelation 12:3.
16:48 It's speaking about the dragon, who represents Satan.
16:51 It says, His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven,
16:57 and threw them to the earth.
16:59 What was it that threw the stars to the earth? his what?
17:03 his tail. You say, Now that's kind of strange.
17:06 What do the stars represent?
17:07 The stars, we're going to notice, represent angels.
17:11 But why with the tail?
17:12 The Bible has the explanation.
17:15 Go with me to Isaiah 9:15, 16, Isaiah 9:15, 16. It says:
17:22 The elder and honorable, he is the head;
17:25 the prophet who teaches lies, he is what? the tail.
17:32 For the leaders of this people cause them to err;
17:35 and those who are led by them are destroyed.
17:39 So what does the tail represent?
17:41 The tail represents lies, according to Scripture.
17:45 Now how many of the angels was he successful in lying to
17:49 and recruiting? The Bible says a third.
17:52 Revelation 12:9, Revelation 12:9.
17:56 It says: So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old,
18:01 called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world:
18:04 he was cast to the earth, and his angels were
18:08 cast out with him.
18:10 You know, there's a couple of books that I have alluded to
18:15 before, and I'd like to read just a couple of statements
18:18 from these two books.
18:19 One of them is the book, Patriarchs and Prophets,
18:22 which tells, basically, the history of the world from the
18:27 inception of sin, all the way till the time of
18:31 the Hebrew monarchy.
18:33 And here we have a reference to what happened in heaven.
18:37 I want you to listen carefully.
18:38 This is Patriarchs and Prophets, Page 37.
18:41 Speaking about Lucifer, it says: Leaving his place in the
18:45 immediate presence of the Father, Lucifer went forth
18:50 to diffuse the spirit of discontent among the angels.
18:55 He worked with mysterious secrecy, and for a time
19:01 concealed his real purpose under an appearance
19:06 of reverence for God.
19:07 Is that the way the antichrist is going to do at the end,
19:09 under the appearance of God?
19:11 He's going to do exactly the same thing.
19:13 Because the antichrist is the emissary of the Devil.
19:16 Now notice what she continues saying: He began to insinuate
19:21 doubts concerning the laws that governed heavenly beings,
19:25 intimating that though laws might be necessary for the
19:30 inhabitants of the worlds, angels, being more exalted,
19:34 needed no such restraint, for their own
19:38 wisdom was a sufficient guide.
19:40 In other words, angels don't need laws and restrictions.
19:43 They should know, through their own wisdom,
19:46 what's right and what's wrong.
19:48 Their heart will tell them what's right.
19:50 In another statement in that classic book on Bible prophecy,
19:54 The Great Controversy, Page 499, we find this very significant
19:59 statement speaking about Lucifer: He reiterated his claim
20:03 that angels needed no control, but should be left to follow
20:09 their own will, which would ever guide them right.
20:13 In other words, the source of ethics would be where?
20:16 from outside or from inside? from inside.
20:19 That's important! Don't forget it.
20:20 Now notice: He denounced the divine statutes, that is the law
20:24 of God, as a restriction of their liberty, and declared
20:29 that it was his purpose to secure the abolition of law.
20:33 What did he want to do?
20:34 He wanted to get rid of the law.
20:36 Beware of any minister who wants to get rid of the law of God
20:39 by saying that it was nailed to the cross,
20:42 or it was for the Jews, or Jesus kept it so that
20:45 I don't have to keep it.
20:47 Beware of that, because that's what Lucifer said in heaven.
20:50 And so he said, He denounced the divine statutes as a
20:54 restriction of their liberty, and declared that it was his
20:57 purpose to secure the abolition of law,
20:59 that freed from this restraint, the hosts of heaven might enter
21:04 upon a more exalted, more glorious state of existence.
21:11 Do you know that the Devil used the same temptation on Eve?
21:15 Go with me to Genesis 3, and you're going to see that what
21:20 this author, what Ellen White says in Patriarchs and Prophets,
21:23 and The Great Controversy, is corroborated by Scripture,
21:26 by all of the texts that we already read, plus what we're
21:29 going to notice from Genesis 3.
21:31 Genesis 3:1-5. Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast
21:37 of the field, which the Lord God had made.
21:39 And he said to the woman, Has God indeed said,...
21:44 Or as it says in the New International Version,
21:46 Has God really said?
21:48 That's what it means.
21:50 Has God really said, You shall not eat of every
21:54 tree of the garden?
21:56 What is he taking issue with? with what God said.
22:00 He's taking issue with God's word, and he's saying,
22:03 Did God really say this?
22:04 And, of course, he knows that Eve is going to respond.
22:07 Because God did not say they could not eat from every tree
22:10 of the garden, but from one.
22:12 And so he's trying to find Eve to respond.
22:15 And notice what it says in verse 2.
22:20 And the woman said to the serpent, We may eat of the fruit
22:23 of the trees of the garden: but of the fruit of the tree which
22:26 is in the midst of the garden, God has said,...
22:30 Do you have a controversy here between two words?
22:33 the word of God, and the word of the serpent?
22:36 That's where the issue is.
22:37 Is that going to be the issue at the end of time also?
22:40 Absolutely. And so notice once again verse 3.
22:46 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the
22:49 garden, God has said, You shall not eat it, nor shall you
22:53 touch it, lest you die.
22:55 Then the serpent said to the woman, You will not surely die.
23:00 Let me ask you, When the Devil said that to Eve,
23:06 what was the immediate thought that came to her mind?
23:10 I'll tell you what came to her mind, because the Devil plants
23:12 thoughts because he knows what we're going to think in reaction
23:14 to the thought that he planted.
23:16 God said, If you eat from the tree, the day you eat
23:20 you're going to die.
23:22 Now the serpent says, You're not going to die.
23:24 So the first thought that comes to Eve's mind is, Then why did
23:28 God say we were going to die?
23:29 If we're not going to die, why did God say that we were going
23:34 to die if we ate from the tree?
23:35 And the Devil planted that question in her mind,
23:38 and immediately he tries to answer it.
23:40 Notice verse 5. For God knows...
23:45 Now he says, Do you want to really know?
23:46 It's not because you're going to die.
23:47 You know what God really has in mind?
23:51 Notice: For God knows that in the day you eat of it,
23:57 your eyes will be opened,...
23:59 God wants you to be what?
24:01 If their eyes need to be opened, it's because they're what?
24:04 they're blind. God wants you to be blind.
24:07 He wants blind obedience.
24:09 For God knows that in the day you eat of it,
24:11 your eyes will be opened,...
24:15 Eyes represent wisdom.
24:16 In other words, you'll have wisdom.
24:18 You'll have knowledge beyond what God wants you to know.
24:21 Now what didn't God want them to know?
24:23 Notice what it continues saying.
24:25 For God knows that in the day you eat of it, your eyes will be
24:28 opened, and you will be like God.
24:30 In a certain sense.
24:31 Notice, You will be like God how? knowing good and evil.
24:36 Who is it that defines good and evil folks?
24:38 God defines what is good and what is evil. Right?
24:44 And what, specifically, is written that
24:46 defines good and evil? It's His law.
24:49 Is it a law outside of man, or is it a law inside man?
24:54 It's actually an objective law outside of man.
24:58 In other words, God lays down the rules.
25:00 But what is the Devil saying?
25:02 The Devil is saying, The day that you eat of the tree,
25:06 your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,
25:08 knowing good and evil.
25:10 In other words, You're not going to need God to define
25:12 what is good and evil.
25:14 You yourself will be able to define what is good,
25:18 and what is evil, without God telling you what is.
25:22 By the way, this was the first post-modern
25:25 argument in human history; the idea that you could be your
25:29 own source of ethics.
25:31 Is that exactly what happened to Lucifer in heaven,
25:33 according to what we read in Patriarchs and Prophets,
25:36 and also in The Great Controversy?
25:38 The identical thing.
25:39 You can be your own source of decisions,
25:41 your own source of ethics, truth is relative,
25:44 right and wrong is just a matter of opinion.
25:47 And that's what the world is teaching today.
25:51 And now the question is, Can we be sure that the expression,
25:57 keep the commandments, in these verses in Revelation,
26:02 refer to keeping the Ten Commandments.
26:05 Well, I want to go to several passages from Scripture to show
26:11 that the expression, keep the commandments,
26:14 keep the commandments of God, refers to the ten commandments.
26:19 Notice Matthew 19:17-22, Matthew 19:17-22,
26:26 because some people just generalize Revelation 12:17.
26:29 They say, Well, God commands us, for example, to go out into all
26:32 the world and preach the gospel.
26:33 That's one of the commandments.
26:35 That is not the commandments that are being
26:36 spoken of in Revelation.
26:39 The expression, keep the commandments of God,
26:41 or keep the law of God, refers to the ten commandments.
26:45 Notice Matthew 19:17.
26:47 This is the story of the rich young ruler.
26:50 Jesus says to this rich young ruler,
27:02 Is that the same expression we find in Revelation? Absolutely.
27:07 Keep the commandments.
27:11 What did Jesus mean when He spoke about
27:14 keeping the commandments?
27:26 Let me ask you, Are those part of the ten commandments?
27:29 They most certainly are.
27:30 So what does the expression, keep the commandments, mean?
27:33 It means to keep the ten commandments.
27:36 And then notice verse 20.
27:41 What? There's the word again.
27:47 We're going to come back to this story in our next subject,
27:50 because we're going to notice that he really wasn't
27:52 keeping the ten commandments.
28:11 So what does the expression, keep the commandments,
28:14 refer to in this story?
28:15 It refers to keeping the ten commandments.
28:19 By the way, the word commandment is used many times in the
28:22 New Testament to refer to specific commandments
28:24 from the ten commandments.
28:26 Notice Luke 23:56.
28:28 It's speaking about the women who prepare the spices,
28:32 and then they do something because the sun is setting.
28:49 Notice Mark 7:9, 10.
28:52 By the way, that's the fourth commandment.
28:54 That's the commandment that says,
28:55 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
28:57 Now we're going to notice a passage where it speaks about
29:01 the fifth commandment. Mark 7: 9, 10.
29:11 Interesting, the same expression: keep the
29:13 commandments of God. Here it says:
29:18 Notice: You reject the commandment of God that you may
29:21 keep, instead of the commandments, what?
29:24 Now which commandment is He referring to?
29:29 Is that one of the ten commandments? Most certainly.
29:36 So the commandment of God here, and the word keeping,
29:40 refers to the ten commandments.
29:43 Notice Romans 7:7-12.
29:45 Here's another commandment.
29:47 This is the commandment that says, Thou shalt not covet: #10.
29:51 It says in Romans 7:7, What shall we say then?
29:54 Is the law sin? Certainly not.
29:57 On the contrary, I would not have known sin
30:00 except through the law.
30:02 For I would not have known covetousness unless the law had
30:06 said, You shall not covet.
30:08 Is this law that Paul is speaking about
30:10 the ten commandments?
30:12 Of course, he's quoting, Thou shalt not covet.
30:13 Now notice verse 8.
30:15 But sin, taking opportunity, by what?
30:18 By the commandment, produced in me all manner of evil desire.
30:22 For apart from the law sin was dead.
30:49 Does the apostle Paul use the word law and commandment
30:53 to refer to the commandment that says, Thou shall not covet?
30:58 He most certainly does.
30:59 Notice James 2:10-12.
31:02 You won't have this verse on your list.
31:04 I added it afterwards.
31:07 James 2:10, 11. Listen carefully to what it says.
31:11 For whoever shall keep the whole law...
31:14 That's a parallel expression: keep the commandments,
31:18 keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point,
31:22 he is guilty of all.
31:24 Now what law is James talking about here when he says,
31:28 Keep the whole law?
31:32 For he who said, Do not commit adultery, also said do not what?
31:37 Do not murder. Are those two of the ten commandments?
31:40 Most certainly. Now, if you do not commit adultery,
31:45 but you murder, you have become a transgressor of what?
31:48 of the law. So what does it mean to keep the law,
31:51 or to keep the commandments?
31:52 It means to keep the ten commandments,
31:56 according to the New Testament.
31:57 Now somebody might say, Well, Pastor Bohr, are the words law
32:04 and commandments used interchangeably
32:06 in the New Testament?
32:08 And I'm trying to make a point here.
32:09 We're going to come to something very important,
32:11 and what I want to show you is that in the New Testament,
32:14 the word law, and the word commandment, or commandments,
32:17 are used interchangeably.
32:18 Notice Exodus 16:28, Exodus 16:28. It says here:
32:28 This is speaking about the manna episode, where God wanted to
32:31 teach the observance of the Sabbath.
32:42 Notice Exodus 24:12, Exodus 24:12.
32:46 Once again, interchangeable; commandments and law.
32:49 It says in verse 12, Then the Lord said to Moses,
32:53 Come up to me on the mountain and be there: and I will give
32:57 you tablets of stone, and the law, and what? and commandments
33:02 which I have written.
33:03 What was the only thing in the Bible that God wrote Himself?
33:06 It was the ten commandments.
33:08 So are the words law and commandments used synonymously
33:13 in this verse? Yes.
33:15 It says, And I will give you tablets of stone, and the law,
33:19 and commandments, which I have written,
33:22 that you may teach them.
33:24 In fact, we find in Deuteronomy 4:13 that God gave
33:28 the ten commandments.
33:30 Notice what it says there.
33:35 In the covenant it says:
33:41 So it says here that God wrote the ten commandments
33:46 with His own finger on tables of stone.
33:49 But I want you to notice that Deuteronomy 33:2 says that God
33:55 didn't give the ten commandments, although He did,
33:57 but it says rather that He gave a fiery law.
34:00 So commandments and law are interchangeable.
34:02 Notice Deuteronomy 33:2.
34:19 So does the Old Testament use the word law,
34:22 and the word commandments interchangeably? Absolutely.
34:26 The New Testament does also.
34:28 Notice Romans 7:7-12.
34:30 This might all appear to be academic, but I'm going to make
34:33 a very important point in a few moments.
34:35 Romans 7:7-12. What shall we say then?
34:39 Is the law sin? There you have the word law.
34:43 Certainly not. On the contrary, I would not have known
34:47 sin, except through the law: for I would not have known
34:52 covetousness... Is that one of the ten commandments? Certainly.
34:56 I would not have known covetousness unless what?
34:59 the law had said, You shall not covet.
35:02 But sin, taking opportunity by the...
35:05 Oh, now it's the word commandment.
35:07 ...taking opportunity by the commandment, produced in me all
35:11 manner of evil desire.
35:12 For apart from the law sin was dead.
35:39 Is the word commandment, and is the word law used synonymously
35:43 in the Old and New Testaments? Absolutely!
35:46 Notice Romans 13:8-10, Romans 13:8-10.
35:52 Here the apostle Paul says:
36:06 See, has fulfilled the law.
36:08 And what is in the law? the commandments.
36:32 So, are the words law and commandments used
36:35 interchangeably in the New Testament? Absolutely.
36:38 Now the question is, How did Jesus consider
36:41 the ten commandments?
36:42 Did Jesus believe that He was going to do away with
36:45 the ten commandments when He died on the cross?
36:46 Did He believe that Christians have no need to keep
36:49 the ten commandments? Absolutely not.
36:51 Notice John 14:15, John 14:15.
36:55 Jesus says, If you love Me, keep My commandments.
36:59 And I will pray to the Father, and He will give you another
37:02 helper, that He may abide with you forever.
37:05 Jesus says, If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
37:08 John 15:10, Jesus says, If you keep My commandments,
37:13 you will abide in My love.
37:15 So what do we need to do in order to abide in His love?
37:19 keep the commandments it says here.
37:21 ...just as I have kept My Father's commandments,
37:24 and abide in His love.
37:26 In fact, in 1 John the beloved disciple of Jesus, he who was
37:31 closest to Jesus, had some very interesting things to say about
37:35 keeping the commandments.
37:36 1 John 2:3, 4. Now by this
37:43 How do we know that we know Him? If we what?
38:01 So if he's a liar, who is he following after? Satan.
38:05 Because the Devil is a liar from the beginning.
38:07 So if you have someone who tells you, Oh, you can't keep
38:10 the ten commandments.
38:11 God doesn't expect you to keep the ten commandments.
38:13 They were nailed to the cross.
38:15 They're impossible to keep, because the flesh is weak.
38:17 Any of those excuses that are given, are making God a liar.
38:22 Because here it clearly says, He who says I know Him,
38:26 and does not keep His commandments is a liar,
38:28 and the truth is not in him.
38:31 1 John 5:3, 1 John 5:3.
38:41 Some people say, Oh the law!
38:43 That was a yoke of bondage.
38:45 Nobody can bear it!
38:46 But we, as Christians, are free.
38:48 The fact is that 1 John says that if we love God,
38:52 we will keep His commandments, and His commandments
38:55 are not burdensome.
38:56 Now I want to tell you why I used the verses that speak
39:01 of the interchangeability of the word law,
39:04 and the word commandments.
39:06 You see, in Bible prophecy, Listen to what I'm going to say.
39:09 The little horn, and the man of sin of 2 Thessalonians 2.
39:17 explicitly the Bible says that they would attempt to tamper
39:22 with God's holy law.
39:23 I want you to notice that in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8.
39:29 The little horn, which represents the papacy,
39:32 despises the law of God, because the law of God was changed.
39:39 You say, Well, they say we're supposed to keep the law of God.
39:42 Yes, but they changed the law of God.
39:45 And that's the reason why this man of sin, who appears in the
39:48 temple of God, which is the church, I want you to
39:51 notice what he's called.
39:53 2 Thessalonians 2:3.
40:01 That is the day of the coming of Jesus.
40:05 That is the apostasy.
40:09 What is sin according to what the Bible says?
40:11 Sin is the transgression of the law.
40:13 So this is a man who is characterized by what?
40:16 by transgression of the law.
40:18 The man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition.
40:31 Do you not remember that when I was still with you,
40:34 I told you these things?
40:38 Which we've already discussed was the Roman empire.
40:43 And now notice this:
40:48 Does this man of sin have anything to do with lawlessness?
40:51 Absolutely.
40:58 That is the Roman empire.
41:03 And, by the way, the Roman empire was taken away to give
41:05 place to the Roman Catholic Papacy.
41:08 And then it says: And then the what? the lawless ones...
41:12 See, the antichrist is characterized by being opposed
41:15 to what? by being opposed to the law of God. And so it says:
41:27 Notice what the Bible says about the little horn.
41:30 Daniel 7:25, Daniel 7:25.
41:35 Speaking about the same as the man of sin.
41:38 All theologians are agreed that the little horn, the man of sin,
41:41 and the beast represent the same power.
41:43 I want you to notice what it says about the little horn.
41:46 Once again the idea of tampering with God's holy law. It says:
42:05 For how long was this little horn going to carry on his
42:09 work of attempting to change the times and the law? for time,
42:13 times, and the dividing of time, which,
42:15 by the way, is 1,260 years.
42:20 Now I'm going to tell you why I use those verses to speak
42:25 about the interchangeability of the word
42:27 commandments, and the word law.
42:29 Go with me to Revelation 12, Revelation 12:13,
42:35 Revelation 12, and we'll read only through verse 14,
42:40 and then we'll jump to verse 17.
42:41 It says in verse 13: Now when the dragon saw that he had been
42:45 cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth
42:49 to the male child.
42:51 Who did the little horn persecute? the saints, right?
42:54 Here it says that the dragon persecutes whom? the woman.
42:58 So the woman is what? the saints, or the church.
43:03 And so it says, He persecuted the woman, who gave birth
43:06 to the male child.
43:08 But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle,
43:20 Is that the same period that the little horn ruled? Absolutely.
43:23 Now let me ask you, Do you think that at the end of this period
43:26 God was going to raise up a people to correct the intended
43:31 change in God's holy law? Absolutely.
43:34 Immediately, I want you to notice, that Daniel 7:25 speaks
43:38 about the little horn, thinking, or intending to change God's
43:42 law for time, times, and the dividing of time.
43:45 Now we're going to notice, immediately after speaking about
43:48 the woman fleeing to the wilderness
43:50 for the same time period.
43:52 At the end of that time period God raises up a remnant.
43:55 And what characterizes that remnant?
43:58 They do the opposite of what the little horn wanted to do.
44:02 The little horn wanted to change God's law, but what does the
44:05 remnant do after the 1260 years?
44:08 Notice verse 17. Very clearly it says:
44:24 Is that the antidote to the intended change in God's law?
44:29 Yes. See the little horn thought that he could
44:31 change God's law, but at the end of that period of the time,
44:35 times, and the dividing of time, God raises up a remnant
44:38 of people who keep the commandments of God;
44:42 a group of people that do not accept this change in the law.
44:46 And as I mentioned at the beginning of our study,
44:48 you remember that the expression,
44:52 keep the commandments of God, in Revelation 14:12 is an
44:56 antithesis to worshipping the beast, his image,
45:00 and receiving his mark.
45:02 In other words, those who worship the beast, his image,
45:04 and receive the mark, are in opposition to those who keep
45:08 the commandments of God.
45:10 Now I want to show you another couple of verses from Revelation
45:15 that speak about keeping the commandments of God.
45:17 We read them at the beginning of our study.
45:22 Revelation 22:14, 15, Revelation 22:14, 15.
45:26 You know, some of you might be thinking, Well, Pastor Bohr,
45:29 what you're preaching is really legalistic:
45:31 keeping the commandments, keeping the commandments.
45:35 Well, folks, take heart.
45:37 In our next lecture we're going to talk about faith in Jesus.
45:41 We're going to talk about the other side of the coin.
45:44 We're going to talk about how we receive the power
45:48 to keep the ten commandments.
45:49 But for this evening we're studying what it means to keep
45:53 the commandments of God.
45:54 Revelation 22:14. Blessed are those who do His commandments,
46:05 Who are the ones who have a right to the tree of life?
46:08 What does God say? not Pastor Bohr, the Bible says.
46:15 It's the same word.
46:24 Is keeping the commandments a prerequisite for eating of the
46:27 tree of life, and entering the gates to the holy city?
46:30 Absolutely. And some people say you're
46:32 annulling God's grace.
46:33 No we aren't. Just don't miss the next lecture,
46:37 because we're going to balance this with the grace of God,
46:41 and what faith means in Scripture.
46:44 Now I want you to notice the following verse.
46:47 I'm going to show you that those who are in the city keep the
46:49 commandments, whereas those who are outside the city
46:52 disobey the ten commandments.
46:53 It says there in verse 15: but outside...
46:57 in other words, inside are commandment keepers,
46:59 those who kept the commandments. It says:
47:13 Are those all violations of the ten commandments? Absolutely.
47:17 Inside are commandment keepers, and outside are those
47:21 who insisted on being commandment breakers.
47:24 Notice also Revelation 21:7, 8.
47:28 Once again the contrast between those inside and those outside.
47:32 It says in Revelation 21:7, He who overcomes...
47:37 That's a key word.
47:39 He who overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his
47:43 God, and he shall be My son.
47:46 Now who are the over comers?
47:48 What did they overcome?
47:49 Notice verse 8. But... See the contrast? those inside
47:54 overcame those outside.
48:13 Is the contrast clear, crystal clear, that those who are inside
48:18 kept God's commandments; those outside refused to keep God's
48:23 commandments and continued committing their sins?
48:27 Now I'd like to end this study today by saying that what we're
48:33 discussing is not legalism.
48:36 In other words, we're not saying here that we keep
48:39 the commandments of God in order to be saved.
48:41 We're talking about keeping the commandments out of
48:45 love for Jesus Christ.
48:46 I want you to notice Revelation 14:1, Revelation 14:1.
48:53 It speaks about the end time generation.
48:55 It speaks about those who follow the Lamb wherever the Lamb goes,
49:00 those who have no lie in their mouth,
49:02 those who are without spot before the throne of God.
49:05 Notice they had a special characteristic.
49:07 Revelation 14:1. Then I looked, and behold a Lamb standing
49:14 on mount Zion, and with Him 144,000 having His Father's
49:21 name written where? in their foreheads.
49:26 What is written in the foreheads of that end time generation
49:30 who keep the commandments of God? the name of God.
49:33 Now the question is, What does the name represent in Scripture?
49:37 I want to read you a statement from the Interpreter's
49:40 Dictionary of the Bible, Volume 3, Pages 500, 501.
49:45 In Biblical thought a name is not a mere
49:50 label of identification; it is an expression of the essential
49:55 nature of its bearer.
49:57 In other words, your name indicates who you are.
50:00 A man's name reveals his character,
50:04 says this Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible.
50:07 Adam was able to give names to the beasts and birds because,
50:12 as Milton says, He understood their nature.
50:17 In other words, Adam was able to understand the character of the
50:20 beasts, therefore he was able to name them.
50:22 In fact, in the Bible the name stands for the character.
50:25 Let me give you a couple of verses to illustrate that point:
50:28 Genesis 27:36, Genesis 27:36.
50:34 This is the story of Jacob and Esau.
50:35 And Esau said, speaking about his brother, Is he not rightly
50:41 named Jacob, for he has...
50:44 Jacob means supplanter, by the way.
50:45 ...for he has supplanted me these two times.
50:48 He took away my birthright, and now look,
50:51 he has taken away my blessing.
50:53 In other words, he is rightly named.
50:55 He is the supplanter.
50:56 Notice 1 Samuel 25:25, 1 Samuel 25:25.
51:03 This is speaking about Nabal.
51:07 The name Nabal means fool.
51:10 And so it says, Please let not my lord, regard this scoundrel
51:16 Nabal, for as his name is, so is he.
51:22 Nabal is his name, and folly is with him.
51:25 In other words, he's rightly named fool.
51:28 In other words, his name indicates his what?
51:31 his character. The name represents the character.
51:35 And, by the way, where is the character of God revealed?
51:38 Where is the character of God described in written form?
51:43 The character of God is described in written form
51:48 in the ten commandments.
51:49 The ten commandments show what God is like.
51:52 And, by the way, this is the reason why in the Bible,
51:55 time, after time, after time, sin is against God.
51:58 Breaking the commandments is actually sinning against the
52:02 person; against God.
52:04 The prodigal son says, I have sinned against heaven,
52:07 and against You, and I'm not worthy to be called Your son.
52:11 And you remember that David said, Against You, only You,
52:16 have I what? have I sinned.
52:18 So when we break the ten commandments we're sinning
52:20 against the law, because the law is a reflection of what?
52:24 is a reflection of the ten commandments.
52:30 Notice Exodus 33:18, 19, Exodus 33:18, 19.
52:35 Here Moses is on the mountain and he asks God:
52:45 What was the glory that God showed him?
52:54 God's goodness is His name.
52:56 It's His character.
53:05 You see, folks, when the Bible says that this end time
53:09 generation is going to have the name of God on their foreheads,
53:13 that means that they're going to have God's character.
53:15 And God's character is reflected in His what?
53:18 is reflected in His law.
53:20 They're going to have the law of God, not on tables of stone,
53:24 but they're going to have the law written on the
53:26 tables of their hearts.
53:28 They're going to have the law written in their minds.
53:30 Now listen up, it doesn't do any good to post the ten
53:35 commandments in courtrooms if they're not
53:38 engraved in the heart.
53:40 Because righteousness comes from inside out.
53:44 It does not come from outside in.
53:47 It does no good to legislate morality, because you don't
53:52 change someone from outside.
53:53 In order to make a lump of dough grow, you have to put the leaven
53:57 inside, and then the dough grows.
54:00 You know, I find it interesting that this week in Newsweek,
54:04 there's an article that says that there's less and less
54:09 Christianity in this country, in the United States of America.
54:12 And this has caused an uproar among conservative Christians.
54:15 They say, What do you mean this isn't a Christian nation?
54:18 This is a Christian nation. You think so?
54:22 By looking out there it sure wouldn't appear like it.
54:25 Christians eat what others eat, they listen to what others
54:29 listen to, they watch television and movies that everybody else
54:33 watches, they get divorced on the same level as others,
54:37 they're filled with greed, and accumulating possessions for
54:41 themselves, they dress like the world, everything they do
54:45 is like the world.
54:46 So how is it that we say that we're a Christian nation when
54:50 really, the United States reflects just the opposite?
54:54 And people who are unbelievers, they look at us and say,
54:58 Hey, if that's Christianity, I don't want anything to do
55:01 with Christianity.
55:03 The fact is that if the churches preached the law of God,
55:06 the need to have a conversion experience, and to have God
55:10 write His law on our minds, and in our hearts, you wouldn't have
55:13 all of the social problems that we have in the world today.
55:16 In fact, allow me to read you a statement in Psalm 40:6-8,
55:20 Psalm 40:6-8. After saying that God has loved righteousness,
55:25 and He has hated iniquity, notice what is it that instills
55:29 that hate in the heart?
55:30 It says in Psalm 40:6, Sacrifice and offering You did not desire.
55:35 My ears You have opened.
55:38 Burnt offering, and sin offering You did not require.
55:41 By the way, this is Jesus speaking Messianically
55:43 a thousand years before He was born.
55:46 Then I said, Behold I come.
55:48 In the scroll of Your book it is written of Me.
55:52 I delight to what? I delight to do Your will.
55:56 Why did He delight to do God's will?
55:58 I delight to do Your will, O My God, and Your law is written
56:05 where? within My heart.
56:10 Did Jesus need all kinds of external laws
56:12 to keep Him in line? No, because He had the law of God written
56:16 No, because He had the law of God written where? in His heart.
56:21 And God will have a group of people in the end time who have
56:26 the name of God written in their forehead.
56:30 They will have God's character.
56:32 And God's character is written in the ten commandments,
56:36 in God's law. And the Bible says that they will keep
56:39 the commandments of God, including the fourth
56:42 commandment, the Sabbath commandment that says,
56:44 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
56:46 When the beast and his image are imposing the mark upon
56:50 the world, God's people will say like Shadrach, Meshach,
56:53 and Abednego, No way!
56:55 We obey the God of heaven.
56:58 We keep His holy Sabbath, and we're willing to die
57:01 in order to be loyal to God.
57:03 That's what God's people are going to be
57:06 like in the end time.
57:07 They will serve God because they love God
57:11 with all of their hearts.
57:12 Because the law of God is written upon their
57:15 minds, and their hearts.
57:17 And I pray to God that that will be our experience;
57:20 that God will write His law on our hearts.


Revised 2015-11-11