Three Angels Message

The Wine Of God's Wrath

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000016

00:31 Please bow your heads with me as we pray.
00:33 Our beloved Heavenly Father, it's once again with reverence
00:40 that we come before Your throne, knowing that Your thoughts are
00:44 higher than our thoughts, knowing that we need divine
00:48 wisdom in order to understand the meaning in Your Holy Word
00:53 of what the wrath of God is.
00:58 We know You as a God of love.
01:00 How is it then that the Bible describes the wrath of the Lamb,
01:06 and the wrath that is in the cup?
01:10 I ask, Lord, that You will help us to understand this very
01:14 important subject today; that Your Holy Spirit will be with us
01:18 to instruct us, and to teach us.
01:20 And we thank You, Father, for the privilege of
01:23 approaching Your throne.
01:25 And thank You for hearing our prayer, for we ask it in the
01:28 precious name of Jesus, Amen.
01:31 Once in awhile when I travel, and preach on Bible prophecy,
01:40 I'll have somebody come up to me and say, Pastor, is it really
01:47 that important to know all this stuff?
01:50 Isn't it enough to just love Jesus, and leave the study of
01:56 the prophecies to the experts?
01:58 Well, we're going to notice this evening, that the third angel's
02:03 message contains one of the most dire warnings
02:07 in all of the Bible.
02:09 It's a warning so strong that it appears to be very different
02:14 than what we find in the gospels, for example.
02:18 In fact, the third angel's message tells us that whoever
02:24 worships the beast, or his image, or receives his mark,
02:29 or the number of his name, will suffer the unmitigated,
02:36 and unmixed wrath of God.
02:39 And for that reason it's vitally important for us to know who
02:44 the beast is, and what the image is, and what his mark is,
02:50 and what the number of his name is.
02:53 Because if we don't know who the beast is, or who the image
02:58 is, how are we ever going to protect
03:01 ourselves from this power?
03:03 In other words, it is vitally important for us to understand
03:08 these things, so that we don't end up worshipping the beast,
03:11 and his image, and receiving the mark of the beast,
03:14 and the number of his name.
03:17 I'd like to read the third angel's message as we find it
03:20 in Revelation 14:9-11, Revelation 14:9-11.
03:27 And in our study today we are going to only look at the first
03:33 half of the third angel's message.
03:35 And then in our next lecture we're going to discuss the issue
03:40 of the fire and the brimstone.
03:42 We'll touch upon it in our lecture today,
03:44 but we'll do a full study of it in our next lecture.
03:47 The third angel's message says this: Then a third angel
03:52 followed them... That is the first two angels, saying with a
03:55 loud voice, if anyone worships the beast and his image
04:00 and receives his mark on his forehead, or on his hand,
04:05 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God,
04:12 which is poured out full strength into the cup
04:17 of his indignation.
04:18 Now this is the portion that we're going to study today.
04:22 The rest of the verse we're going to take a look at
04:25 in our next lecture.
04:27 I'm going to read it.
04:29 He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence
04:34 of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.
04:38 And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever.
04:42 And they have no rest day or night who worship the beast
04:47 and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.
04:53 You tell me, is it important for us to know who the beast is?
04:58 Absolutely! Is it vital for us to know what the image
05:03 to the beast is? Absolutely, because if we don't know
05:07 we probably will end up worshipping these powers.
05:12 Now I'd like to take you, just for a moment, to an event that
05:20 is going to take place after the millennium.
05:22 And a little later on in this lecture we're going to come
05:25 back to this point.
05:26 But I want to introduce our subject by referring to an event
05:31 that will take place after the millennium.
05:33 You see, folks, after the thousand years there will
05:37 only be two groups.
05:38 One group will be the saved.
05:41 They are in the holy city.
05:43 Outside the holy city are the lost.
05:47 Not three groups, but two groups.
05:50 The saved in the city, and the lost outside the city.
05:54 Now let me ask you this question, Those people who are
06:00 in the city, were they sinners?
06:03 Of course they were sinners.
06:06 Those outside the city; were they sinners? Sure.
06:12 In other words, you have sinners outside,
06:14 and you have sinners inside.
06:15 And so my question is, What made the difference between
06:20 the sinners inside, and the sinners outside?
06:23 Does God show partiality towards some,
06:28 while He doesn't favor others?
06:30 Why are the saved in the city, and why are the
06:34 wicked outside the city?
06:36 I'd like to read this verse: Revelation 22, actually two
06:40 verses, Revelation 22:14, 15, where these two
06:45 groups are spoken of.
06:47 It says there, (And I'm reading from the New King James
06:51 Version, which is the version that we've been
06:52 using in our seminar.)
07:05 So there you have one group that do the commandments;
07:08 other the versions say, wash their robes.
07:11 They are inside the holy city, and they have the right
07:14 to eat from the tree of life.
07:16 But then you have another group: verse 15.
07:35 And so you have two groups: one inside the city,
07:40 and the other outside the city.
07:42 Inside are those who keep God's commandments,
07:45 or washed their robes; outside the city you have those who
07:49 disobey God's holy commandments.
07:53 Because the list of things in verse 15 are things that violate
07:58 principles that we find in the ten commandments.
08:02 Now today we're going to talk about wrath of God that will
08:06 fall upon the wicked that will eventually be
08:09 outside the holy city.
08:11 And I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles with me to
08:15 Revelation 15:1, and you're going to see why I started this
08:20 lecture by referring to the two groups: two groups of sinners,
08:23 one saved group of sinners, and one lost group of sinners.
08:27 What made the difference?
08:29 Well, we just read that those inside keep the commandments,
08:32 or they washed their robes.
08:33 Those outside practiced these evil deeds in violation
08:37 of God's commandments.
08:38 But there's more to the story than this, because we're not
08:40 saved by keeping God's commandments.
08:43 Keeping God's commandments, we'll see,
08:44 is a fruit of something else; of a relationship
08:49 with Jesus Christ.
08:50 Revelation 15:1. Here we find a description of the wrath of
08:56 God that is going to be poured out upon the world shortly
09:00 before the second coming of Jesus. It says there:
09:20 The word complete in the Greek is full.
09:23 In other words, the seven last plagues are the fullness of the
09:28 revelation of God's wrath.
09:31 And we're going to notice in the third angel's message that it
09:34 says that the wrath of God is poured out without mixture.
09:39 You see, at this point there's no blending of mercy in.
09:43 It's pure justice when God's wrath is revealed.
09:48 So what I want you to notice here in Revelation 15:1
09:51 is that the plagues contain the wrath of God,
09:56 which is poured out without mixture,
09:59 or totally and completely.
10:01 Now let's go to Revelation 16:1, Revelation 16:1.
10:07 The question is, where is this wrath of God contained?
10:12 What is the container of the wrath of God?
10:15 Well, notice Revelation 16:1.
10:28 That's important.
10:36 By the way, it's the word cups.
10:38 It's the same word that's used in the gospels that translate
10:43 cup. That's important. And so it says:
10:54 What is it that contains the wrath of God? cups.
10:59 You say, That's a strange place; to have
11:02 the wrath of God in cups, in seven bowls.
11:06 By the way, the number seven represents
11:08 totality and completeness.
11:10 This is the total manifestation of the wrath of God.
11:15 But now I want you to notice the third angel's message once again
11:20 with which we began our lecture.
11:22 Revelation 14:9, 10.
11:25 We've noticed that the seven last plagues are the
11:28 outpouring of God's wrath, and this wrath is found in cups.
11:32 And it's the totality of God's wrath.
11:35 But now I want you to notice that the wicked have to do
11:38 something with that wine that's in the cups.
11:40 It says there in Revelation 14: 9, Then a third angel followed
11:46 them saying with a loud voice, If anyone worships the beast
11:50 and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead,
11:54 or on his hand, he himself shall also...
11:58 Now notice an added idea here.
12:08 So the cup contains what?
12:12 It contains wine. And the wine is God's what? is God's wrath.
12:16 And the wicked must drink it, according to this.
12:20 Remember these concepts, because we're going to
12:22 come back to them. Verse 10.
12:34 Without mixture, in other words.
12:41 So are you catching the picture here?
12:44 What does the cup contain? the wrath of God.
12:49 And the wrath of God has to be what by the wicked?
12:53 The wicked have to drink the wrath of God.
12:57 Now I must tell you that the wrath of God does not come
13:02 to an end until the wicked are destroyed after the millennium.
13:06 In other words, the seven bowls, the seven plagues,
13:11 are a fullness of the manifestation of the wrath
13:13 of God, but that wrath is finally terminated with the
13:18 destruction of the wicked after the millennium.
13:20 And you say, How do we know that?
13:22 Because in the third angel's message it speaks about fire
13:26 and brimstone falling from God out of heaven,
13:29 and that is the final manifestation
13:32 of the wrath of God.
13:33 So the plagues, we might say, are the first installment of the
13:37 fullness of the wrath of God, and it culminates eventually
13:41 in the destruction of the wicked by fire after the millennium.
13:45 Because the third angel's message, as we read,
13:48 speaks about fire and brimstone falling
13:51 from heaven upon the wicked.
13:54 Now let's go to Psalm 11:6, Psalm 11:6.
14:00 I want to show you that there's a connection between the cup
14:04 and the pouring out of fire.
14:07 And, by the way, we're going to discuss this more fully
14:09 in our next lecture.
14:11 We're going to talk about the fire and brimstone,
14:13 and burning forever and ever, etcetera, which has been greatly
14:16 misunderstood by the Christian world.
14:18 Psalm 11:6, notice this:
14:40 So let me ask you, Does the cup contain fire and brimstone?
14:44 It most certainly does.
14:46 Now, we must understand then that the seven last plagues
14:49 are the fullness of the manifestation of the wrath
14:52 of God, which means without any mixture of mercy.
14:54 But the last stage of the outpouring of the wrath of God
14:58 takes place after the thousand years, when fire and brimstone
15:02 destroys the wicked.
15:03 That is the final manifestation of the wrath of God.
15:07 Notice Deuteronomy 32:22, Deuteronomy 32:22.
15:15 In scripture the wrath of God is linked with fire.
15:20 And even today we use metaphors.
15:26 We use expressions that connect wrath with warmth,
15:33 or with something that's hot.
15:34 For example we say, That guy's got a hot temper.
15:38 Or we say his temper flared up.
15:42 Or we say he's hot headed.
15:45 Or when we get angry we say, That burns me up!
15:49 In other words, the wrath of God is linked with the idea of fire.
15:55 But let me explain something.
15:56 The wrath of God is not like our anger or our wrath.
16:00 You know, we get angry over things because our precious
16:03 little self is offended.
16:05 But with God the wrath of God is the fact that God,
16:09 and His holiness cannot co-exist with sin.
16:13 Righteousness and holiness cannot be in the
16:16 same room with sin.
16:18 And, therefore, the wrath of God is the outpouring of
16:22 the punishment of God upon those who reject Jesus Christ as their
16:27 Savior and Lord, because they chose to hang onto sin.
16:30 And God and sin cannot co-exist, because God is a Holy God.
16:35 It's kind of like Jesus; do you remember He was in the temple
16:38 one time, and there were some people that were accusing
16:43 Him of Sabbath breaking, because He healed a man
16:45 with a withered hand?
16:47 You might remember that.
16:48 It's Mark 3:1-6. The only time in the New Testament where we
16:53 find the word anger connected with Jesus is in that story.
16:58 When He saw the hardness of their hearts, the Bible says
17:02 that He was angry.
17:03 Now is that the same kind of anger that we have?
17:06 Absolutely not! It's what we call righteous indignation.
17:11 In other words, when somebody's doing something that is totally
17:15 contrary to what we know is right, and true, and good,
17:19 we're filled with righteous indignation.
17:21 That is the sense in which the wrath of God
17:25 is to be understood.
17:26 Now notice Deuteronomy 32:22.
17:35 Sounds kind of strange for God, doesn't it?
17:41 So God's wrath has to do with fire, once again.
17:55 Once again, Is the wrath of God connected with fire?
17:58 It most certainly is.
18:00 That is the final stage of the manifestation
18:03 of the wrath of God.
18:05 And, by the way, do you know that the final thing that has to
18:11 do with the wrath of God, is what the Bible
18:14 calls the second death.
18:16 Go with me to Revelation 20:14, 15, Revelation 20:14, 15.
18:25 The lake of fire where there is brimstone and fire is the final
18:31 manifestation and fulfillment of the third angel's message.
18:34 Notice what it says there.
18:36 This is after the millennium.
18:50 So what is the final manifestation
18:53 of the wrath of God?
18:55 It is called what? the second death in the lake of fire.
18:59 And anyone not found written in the book of life was cast where?
19:06 was cast into the lake of fire.
19:09 Now we need to ask ourselves the question, Why will the
19:15 wicked suffer such a terrible manifestation
19:19 of the wrath of God?
19:20 For how many people did Jesus die?
19:23 Did Jesus die only for those who are found finally
19:28 inside the Holy City? Absolutely not!
19:30 Jesus died for the sins of the whole world.
19:33 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.
19:37 He's the propitiation not only for our sins, but for the sins
19:41 of the whole world.
19:42 So did Jesus die to save all of the people that are also outside
19:47 the Holy City? Absolutely!
19:49 The question is, Why weren't they saved?
19:52 Why were those inside saved, whereas those
19:55 outside were not saved?
19:57 In order to understand this, we have to go back and analyze
20:02 the experience of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.
20:06 Because much of the terminology that we've noticed
20:10 at the beginning of our study today is used in connection
20:14 with the passion of Christ.
20:15 A few years ago, probably all of you will remember,
20:21 Mel Gibson came out with his movie,
20:23 The Passion of the Christ.
20:25 You know, it brought in hundreds of millions of dollars.
20:30 And those who saw it say that the movie majored in the brutal
20:36 physical punishment that was meted out upon Jesus Christ.
20:41 I mean savagely beaten, time, after time, after time,
20:45 until the blood just was in pools on the ground.
20:49 In other words, that movie emphasized the tremendous
20:53 physical sufferings of Jesus, the physical agony.
20:57 But do you know what? it was not the physical agony of Jesus
21:01 that caused Him the greatest pain.
21:03 In fact, I believe that Jesus Christ could hardly feel the
21:08 physical pain, because of the spiritual anguish
21:12 that He was suffering.
21:13 And you say, What do you mean by the spiritual anguish?
21:16 Well, let's study about it in the gospels.
21:19 Matthew 26:38, Matthew 26:38.
21:25 Here Jesus is with His disciples there in the
21:28 garden of Gethsemane, and Jesus says to His disciples
21:32 the following words:
21:42 Notice, not only sorrowful is His soul,
21:46 but exceedingly sorrowful. He says:
21:53 In other words, He had so much sorrow that apparently it was
21:58 going to cause His what? His death.
22:00 And so He says to the disciples, Stay here and watch with Me.
22:04 And what do they do? They go to sleep.
22:07 And later on what do they do?
22:09 They all forsake Him.
22:12 And so Jesus is by Himself.
22:15 Now there's a book that I love.
22:18 Some of you probably have heard about it, if not most of you.
22:23 It's the book, The Desire of Ages.
22:25 There are two chapters in this book that I
22:28 would like to recommend.
22:29 You know, there's no way that you can read these chapters
22:32 and not have your eyes tear up.
22:36 One of those chapters is titled Gethsemane, and the other one
22:41 is titled Calvary.
22:42 You know, this book is the most loved biography of Christ
22:48 in the Library of Congress.
22:49 They did a survey a few years ago.
22:51 They discovered that over and above, The Desire of Ages,
22:54 was the favorite book on the life of Jesus Christ.
22:58 On Page 685 we find this remarkable statement about
23:05 Jesus and this intense sorrow that He felt.
23:16 That is Jesus.
23:28 Why hadn't the Father left Him alone? because Jesus always did
23:33 what? what pleased the Father.
23:36 And then she remarks:
24:33 Why was Jesus sorrowful?
24:35 Because He sensed the wrath of God falling upon Him.
24:42 Notice Matthew 26.
24:44 We'll read verses 39, 42, and 44.
24:48 Jesus is in the garden, and He's kneeling,
24:52 and He's praying to His Father.
24:55 He's pleading with His Father.
24:57 By the way, this is before anybody even
24:59 laid one finger on Him.
25:01 Notice Matthew 26:39.
25:16 Now don't miss this point.
25:32 Notice what we find in verse 42.
25:42 Now you're going to have an added element.
25:55 Do you have the same elements that we found
25:57 in the third angel's message? Absolutely.
26:00 And in the outpouring of the seven last plagues? Yes.
26:04 So He says,
26:13 And verse 44 says:
26:22 Let me ask you, Who gave Jesus that cup to drink?
26:30 In Revelation it says that the cup contains the wrath of whom?
26:34 The wrath of God. The question is, who gave that cup
26:39 that Jesus needed to drink?
26:41 Notice John 18:11, John 18:11.
26:47 This is when Peter took out his sword and cut off
26:49 the servant's ear.
27:03 Who gave Jesus the cup? His Father gave Him the cup.
27:08 You say, That's impossible, Pastor Bohr.
27:10 Do you mean to say that the cup that contained the wine
27:14 of God's wrath; Jesus had to drink that cup, and it was given
27:19 to him by His very own Father?
27:21 That's what Scripture says.
27:24 No wonder when Jesus was in the garden of Gethsemane an angel
27:29 had to come and strengthen Jesus or else He probably would have
27:33 died because He said, My soul is sorrowful, even unto death.
27:37 Let's read about it in Luke 22: 43, 44, Luke 22:43, 44.
27:45 It says there: Then an angel appeared to Him from heaven,
27:50 strengthening Him.
28:09 How many of you have ever seen anybody sweat blood?
28:12 How much agony must you have?
28:16 How much suffering must you have in order to sweat
28:20 blood instead of water?
28:22 And listen, folks, this is before one single person
28:26 laid a finger on Jesus Christ.
28:27 He's already sweating blood.
28:30 He's already suffering agony long before anybody came
28:35 and started beating Him.
28:37 In other words, His agony was not agony of body; His agony was
28:41 primarily agony of soul.
28:43 In the book, God's Amazing Grace, Page 168,
28:47 we find this statement:
29:00 He would have died in the garden without anyone laying
29:04 one finger upon Him.
29:06 In other words, the agony of Jesus did not have to do
29:11 with the crown of thorns, and with the beating on His back,
29:14 and with all of His physical suffering.
29:16 It had to do with extreme spiritual anguish.
29:21 Because His Father had given Him the cup of His wrath,
29:24 and Jesus had to drink this cup.
29:27 You know, we catch a glimpse into the feelings of Jesus
29:31 in a prophecy that was given about a thousand years before
29:36 Jesus was even born.
29:38 Psalm 22:1, 2. In fact we have the very words that Jesus
29:43 spoke on the cross.
30:05 He says, I cry out and You don't listen.
30:08 Why, Father, have You forsaken Me?
30:10 Do you know why? because Jesus was drinking the cup
30:14 of the wrath of God.
30:16 Because Jesus, as we'll notice, was bearing the sins
30:20 of the whole world upon Himself.
30:23 I'd like to read another couple of statements from this
30:26 magnificent book, The Desire of Ages,
30:28 from the chapter on Gethsemane.
30:30 Notice this statement.
30:33 This is found on Page 686.
31:10 On Page 686, the same page, it says:
31:27 You know, Jesus interceded for other people
31:29 all during His ministry.
31:30 But now the author says:
31:37 Nobody to intercede before the Father for Him, because He was
31:41 bearing the sin of the world.
31:43 I want to read just one final statement.
31:46 This is found on Page...
31:47 Let me just find it here.
31:50 ...693 of The Desire of ages. It says:
32:22 See the reference to the cup?
32:35 Many years later the apostle Paul wrote in the book of
32:42 Hebrews about the anguish of Jesus
32:44 in the garden of Gethsemane.
32:46 It's found in Hebrews 5:7, Hebrews 5:7. It says:
33:11 Notice the expressions: prayers, supplications,
33:13 vehement cries, tears.
33:16 It speaks about the anguish that Jesus felt
33:19 in the garden of Gethsemane as He was drinking the cup
33:23 of the wrath of His own Father.
33:25 You know what made it especially difficult for Jesus is the fact
33:29 that all during His ministry He had felt an intimate
33:32 closeness with His Father.
33:33 As it says in John 8:29, Jesus spoke these
33:38 words during His ministry. He said:
33:49 He says, I'm not alone.
33:51 My Father is always with Me because I do what pleases Him.
33:54 But now, in the agony of Gethsemane, Jesus is saying,
33:58 My Father has left Me alone.
34:00 My God, My God, Why has Thou forsaken Me?
34:04 And, of course, the question comes, Why was Jesus
34:08 drinking the cup of the wrath of God?
34:11 Folks, it was because Jesus was suffering the just punishment
34:19 that all of us deserve.
34:22 I want to read several statements from Scripture
34:24 where this fact is brought out, that the cup that Jesus drank,
34:29 the cup of the wrath of God, of His Father,
34:32 the justice of His Father actually means that Jesus
34:36 was bearing the sins of the whole world upon His shoulders.
34:39 Notice Galatians 3:13, Galatians 3:13.
34:49 Let me ask you, Is the law bad?
34:52 Many Christians think that the law is bad, even though the
34:56 apostle Paul said that the law is holy, and just, and what?
34:59 holy, and just, and good.
35:01 Who's bad? we are.
35:05 Why does the law curse us? because we're sinners.
35:09 The law says, If you live in harmony
35:12 with My principles, I bless you.
35:14 If you violate My principles, the curse will fall upon you.
35:19 The law is not bad; it's sin that is bad.
35:23 And so it says, Christ has redeemed us
35:26 from the curse of the law.
35:28 How did Jesus do this?
35:29 How did He redeem the world from the curse of the law?
35:33 It says, Having become a what? having become a curse for us,
35:40 for it is written, cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.
35:44 Do you know where that expression,
35:46 that phrase comes from? cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree?
35:49 It actually comes from Deuteronomy 21:22, 23.
35:53 And I'm just going to mention this.
35:55 It's not in your list of texts.
35:56 You know, the enemies of Israel, when they were captured,
36:01 they were slain, and they were hung on trees outside
36:08 the encampment of Israel.
36:10 And they were considered cursed and forsaken by God.
36:14 And after they were dead, actually they were taken down
36:18 from the... They weren't crosses,
36:21 they were actually stakes of wood.
36:23 They were taken down at sundown, and they were placed in a cave,
36:28 and stones were placed at the entrance to the cave.
36:31 Now does that sound familiar?
36:33 Let me ask you, Jesus Christ, was He looked
36:38 upon as cursed by God?
36:40 Absolutely He was.
36:42 When was His body removed from the cross?
36:45 Right around when the sun was going to what? to set.
36:50 And He was hung where?
36:52 He was hung on a tree.
36:55 And where was He buried?
36:56 He was placed in a cave.
36:59 And what was placed in front of the entrance to the cave?
37:03 A stone was placed by the entrance.
37:06 In other words, this punishment was the punishment
37:09 for the worst sinners against Israel.
37:12 And Jesus suffered the worst kind of humiliation,
37:16 and punishment for the human race, because He bore the sin
37:20 of the whole world.
37:21 You know, there are people in the world today who have
37:24 committed... Actually they don't live today, but they lived
37:27 in the world, and they committed suicide because
37:30 they had such a guilty conscience.
37:32 Now can you imagine what it would be like to bear
37:37 upon yourself the guilt of every sin that has been committed,
37:42 is being committed, or will be committed in human history?
37:47 Actually, that is what crushed out the life of Jesus.
37:52 That's what broke His heart.
37:54 Jesus did not die of the wounds that He received.
37:58 Even the soldier was surprised when he came.
38:01 The centurion came and found Him dead,
38:03 and he thrust a spear through His side.
38:05 He was surprised that He wasn't dead,
38:07 because the thieves were still alive.
38:09 Because Jesus did not die from His physical wounds,
38:13 Jesus died of a broken heart, because His Father,
38:18 at least He felt, had forsaken Him.
38:21 He could not see the reconciling face of His Father,
38:24 because He was bearing the guilt of the whole human race.
38:27 Notice 2 Corinthians 5:21, 2 Corinthians 5:21 says:
38:35 That is talking about God the Father.
38:39 That is God the Father made Jesus...
38:51 Who made Jesus sin?
38:53 God the Father made Jesus sin that we might be found what?
38:59 that we might be found the righteousness of God in Him.
39:03 I want you also to notice the following statement that we
39:08 find in Isaiah 53:4-6.
39:11 You know, it describes vividly why Jesus was suffering
39:15 this intense agony; what it meant that He was drinking
39:18 the cup of God's wrath.
39:19 It says there: Surely He has borne our grief's,
39:24 and carried our sorrows: yet we esteemed Him stricken,
39:30 smitten by whom? by God.
39:34 Who smote Jesus? His own Father.
39:38 You say, Why is that?
39:39 Why did He get the cup of His Father's wrath?
39:42 He was holy, and righteous.
39:44 He always did what pleased His Father.
39:46 Why did that happen to Jesus?
39:48 Because Jesus was taking our place. Notice:
40:17 And now notice the last part of verse 6:
40:26 Who put on Jesus the iniquity? the Father did.
40:29 Who gave Him the cup? the Father did.
40:32 Can you imagine what that must have been like?
40:36 Do you think the Father suffered as well as Jesus?
40:40 Folks, you know, sometimes we talk about the sufferings of
40:44 Jesus, but sometimes I wonder if the suffering of God
40:47 the Father was not even greater than the
40:49 suffering of Jesus Christ.
40:50 Because both of them were separated from one another,
40:53 because Jesus was bearing the sin of the world.
40:56 Romans 8:32, Romans 8:32, is a beautiful verse. It says:
41:07 God did what? He did not spare His own Son?
41:14 Who delivered Him up? the Father.
41:27 Let me ask you, Does God the Father love us
41:29 as much as He loves Jesus?
41:31 That's what this verse is saying.
41:35 He did not spare His own Son because He loved us
41:40 as much as He loves Jesus, or else He would not have been
41:45 willing to give up Jesus, His Son.
41:47 And so this is comforting to know that He was willing
41:50 to go through this intense agony and suffering, because He wanted
41:56 us to be saved in His kingdom.
41:58 He loves us as much as He loves His Son, Jesus Christ.
42:03 Let me illustrate this point.
42:06 I just arrived in Fresno about going on 131/2 years ago,
42:12 and one evening, one Wednesday night, we had prayer meeting,
42:17 and we sang, and we studied Scripture,
42:19 and we gave testimonies of fantastic experience.
42:22 And after the prayer meeting I was all pumped up and excited.
42:27 And so I got in the car and I went up here to Clinton,
42:31 and I turned right on Clinton, and then I turned left on
42:34 First Street, and I was just, I was walking in the clouds.
42:38 I was so excited about what had happened at prayer meeting.
42:41 And I didn't notice that my speedometer marked 50 mpr,
42:46 actually 55 mpr, and it's a 40 mph zone.
42:51 And I was very, very elevated until I saw that blue and red
42:56 light behind my car.
42:58 And, by the way, this is the only time that I've been stopped
43:01 here in Fresno in 131/2 years.
43:03 And the policeman got out of his car.
43:05 He came to the window.
43:07 He said, Can I have your license, please?
43:08 So I took out my wallet and my license wasn't in there.
43:13 I'd taken it out for some reason.
43:14 So he says, Well, could I have your registration?
43:17 I said, Yeah, I'll give you the registration.
43:19 So I looked in the glove compartment above the visor,
43:21 and couldn't find my registration.
43:23 So he says, Well, do you have proof of insurance?
43:26 I said, Well, let me look.
43:27 And so I looked, and I couldn't find proof of insurance either.
43:30 And so he says, What's your name?
43:33 I said, My name is Stephen Bohr.
43:34 And he said, What is your profession?
43:37 And, you know what, I was kind of embarrassed.
43:40 I actually said, Well, you know, I'm pastor of the church
43:44 right around the corner, Fresno Central Church.
43:46 And he said, Well, let me go back to my car, and you know,
43:50 look in the computer and check things out.
43:52 So he was there for a few minutes and then he came back
43:54 to the window and he said, Pastor Bohr,
43:56 everything checks out.
43:58 I know you have a license, and I know that you're registered,
44:02 and I know that you have insurance,
44:04 because it's all in the computer.
44:06 And I was feeling pretty good.
44:08 I said, Well, but the ticket is coming.
44:10 And so he looked at me and he said, You know, you as a pastor
44:14 of all people should obey the laws of Caesar.
44:18 And I said, You know, I really know that.
44:20 But I explained to him I was in prayer meeting,
44:22 we had testimonies, we sang, and we studied Scripture.
44:25 I was just pumped up.
44:26 I just got carried away!
44:28 I didn't even notice.
44:29 And so he looked at me and he said, You know, I can tell that
44:33 this isn't a thing that you regularly do.
44:35 I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
44:37 I'm going to let you go, but be more careful next time.
44:42 Now let me ask you, Did that policeman do the right thing?
44:49 No, he did not do the right thing.
44:52 You say, Well, you got off the hook.
44:55 Yes, I got off the hook, but he didn't do the right thing.
44:58 Because I had violated the law, and the justice of the law
45:03 demanded that I pay the fine.
45:05 I'm thankful I didn't have to.
45:08 But if he had done his job, he would have given me the ticket.
45:12 Do you know what would have been even better?
45:15 If he'd come to the window and said, Pastor Bohr, the law says
45:20 that if you go 15 miles an hour over the speed limit,
45:24 you have to pay such and such a fine.
45:26 And, you know, so you're liable.
45:30 But he says, I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
45:32 I'm going to go down to the police station.
45:36 I'm going to go to the judge, and I'm going to pay
45:40 this ticket myself.
45:43 You say, Fat chance!
45:45 Of course, that wouldn't happen in real life.
45:47 But let me ask you, If he went to court to the judge,
45:51 and he paid my ticket, would the justice of the law be sustained?
45:56 Yes, because the fine is what? paid.
46:00 But at the same time would mercy be shown?
46:03 Yes, because he paid the fine so that I did not have to what?
46:09 So that I did not have to pay it.
46:11 That's exactly what happened with Jesus.
46:13 You see, we all should die.
46:17 We all should be punished with the sentence of death.
46:20 But Jesus paid the death that we should suffer.
46:26 And because He paid the death that we should suffer,
46:30 justice is satisfied, the demands of the law are
46:33 satisfied, but at the same time, His mercy is shown because
46:38 He suffered the penalty so that I don't have to suffer.
46:42 You all know the verse that we have, the most famous verse
46:48 in the Bible: John 3:16 where it says, For God so loved the
46:53 world that He gave His only begotten Son.
46:58 That includes everyone, right?
46:59 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.
47:02 But there's a second half of the verse.
47:04 Sometimes people forget what that second half
47:07 of the verse says.
47:08 For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten
47:11 Son, that whosoever what?
47:13 That whosoever believes in Him should not perish,
47:17 but have everlasting life.
47:22 So let me ask you, Did He die to save everyone?
47:24 Did He pay everyone's debt?
47:25 Well, He didn't pay everyone's debt, but He made provision
47:29 to pay everyone's debt.
47:31 Now I go back to the original question that we
47:35 began our lecture with.
47:36 Why do you have a group in the holy city who are sinners,
47:39 but they're saved?
47:41 And you have another group of sinners outside the holy city
47:46 that eventually will be destroyed by fire and brimstone?
47:51 What made the difference?
47:53 Folks, what made the difference is simply that the group
47:57 who are in the holy city received, or accepted,
48:01 the gift that Jesus purchased at the price of His own blood.
48:06 You see, Jesus, by shedding His blood, paid an infinite price.
48:13 He paid enough to save every single person on Planet Earth.
48:17 But I have to receive or accept that gift.
48:22 And if I don't accept that gift, then I am still in my sins,
48:26 and I must suffer death.
48:29 So we get back to those individuals who are outside
48:32 the holy city, who are going to finally suffer the ultimate
48:35 punishment of the wrath of God.
48:37 Why are they going to suffer this punishment?
48:40 Did Jesus suffer this punishment in their place?
48:43 He most certainly did.
48:45 He suffered the wrath of God.
48:48 He paid the penalty of their sin.
48:50 But what did they do?
48:51 They refused to accept the payment that Jesus made.
48:56 I want to go to Revelation 20: 7-9, Revelation 20:7-9.
49:05 This is speaking about after the millennium, when the wicked are
49:09 gathered around the holy city in the New Jerusalem;
49:12 those who rejected the payment that Jesus Christ offered.
49:15 It says in verse 7:
49:46 Is that what we find in the third angel's message?
49:49 fire falling from heaven, fire and brimstone
49:51 devouring the wicked? Absolutely.
49:53 This is the final manifestation of the wrath of God
49:55 in the third angel's message.
49:57 Now where does this language come from where you have the
50:02 nations of all of the world coming from the four corners
50:05 of the earth, Gog and Magog.
50:07 Where does this come from?
50:08 It actually comes from Ezekiel chapter 39.
50:11 So let's go back to Ezekiel 39: 17-19, Ezekiel 39:17-19.
50:22 And there's a very important point that I
50:24 want to underline here.
50:25 Do you remember that in the Sanctuary there was
50:27 a sacrificial service, right? bulls, and goats, and lambs.
50:31 Different kinds of animals were sacrificed.
50:33 Why were they sacrificed?
50:34 They pointed forward to the death of Jesus
50:37 Christ for sin, right? the fact that He was going to suffer
50:40 the punishment of sinners.
50:41 Now I want you to notice carefully what it says here.
51:00 What is God going to do here? A what?
51:07 Is this a sacrifice?
51:08 By the way, this is the same word that is used
51:09 in the book of Leviticus for the sacrifices of the Sanctuary.
51:16 Again it says:
51:25 And now notice the animals that are mentioned.
51:32 What kinds of animals were these? sacrificial animals.
51:51 Is the death of the wicked portrayed as a sacrifice?
51:56 as a sanctuary sacrifice?
51:58 It most certainly is.
51:59 And you say, Why is it portrayed as sacrificial animals?
52:04 Let me tell you. There's actually two ways that your
52:09 sins can be taken care of.
52:11 The first way is if you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior
52:18 and Lord, and therefore accept the payment that
52:22 He made for your sins.
52:24 Let me ask you, If you received Jesus, are your sins paid for?
52:27 They most certainly are paid for, but you didn't
52:30 have to pay for them.
52:31 He was sacrificed instead of you.
52:35 But I ask you, Is there another way of paying
52:39 the penalty of sin?
52:41 Of course there is.
52:42 What is the other way? that I suffer death.
52:49 Are you understanding why sacrificial
52:52 animals are used here?
52:53 It's because the wicked did not accept the sacrifice of Christ,
52:58 therefore they have to pay the debt for their own sins.
53:03 You see when Jesus died he deposited enough currency,
53:08 if you please, in the bank of the universe, to save every
53:12 single human being.
53:14 But we have to come, and we have to make the withdrawal.
53:17 And if we don't make the withdrawal, then His payment
53:21 will do us no good.
53:23 And, therefore, we must pay for our sins with our own death.
53:27 Are you understanding what I am saying?
53:28 And Ezekiel 39 is talking about this group of people outside
53:34 the holy city, because Ezekiel 38 and 39 are talking about
53:37 Gog and Magog; the same context of Revelation 20:7-9.
53:41 So my question is, Why were those outside the city lost?
53:46 Because they rejected Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord,
53:50 and they chose rather to worship whom? the beast, his image,
53:56 and to receive the mark of the beast,
53:59 and the number of his name.
54:00 So is receiving Jesus Christ a matter of life and death?
54:06 It most certainly is.
54:07 You see, either Jesus suffered the wrath of God in my place,
54:12 or I will have to suffer the wrath of God myself.
54:15 Notice once again Revelation 20:14, 15,
54:20 the final manifestation of the wrath of God. It says:
54:33 Do you know what the second death is?
54:35 The second death is that death from which there
54:38 is no resurrection.
54:43 Did Jesus suffer the second death?
54:47 Don't miss the next exciting episode,
54:49 because we're going to address that issue.
54:52 Did Jesus suffer second death?
54:53 If He did suffer second death, why is He not
54:57 separated from God today?
54:58 Why did He see His Father's face again?
55:01 A very important question, which we'll address
55:05 in our next lecture.
55:07 But I want you to notice: Then death and Hades were cast
55:10 into the lake of fire.
55:11 This is the second death.
55:13 And anyone not found where? written in the book of life
55:18 was cast into the lake of fire.
55:21 Whose book is this, the book of life?
55:22 Notice Revelation 13:8. It says:
55:29 That is worship the beast.
55:42 Who is written in the book of the Lamb? the saved.
55:47 And when was that Lamb slain?
55:50 It says here from the foundation of the world.
55:53 The plan was laid in eternity, but it was implemented
55:57 when Jesus Christ came to this earth.
56:00 And so who is it folks, who is going to drink the cup of wine
56:08 of the wrath of God?
56:10 What a waste! Nobody in this world really has to drink
56:15 the cup of the wrath of God, of the wine of the wrath of God,
56:18 because Jesus already drank it.
56:20 What a waste that someone would have to drink that
56:23 cup of wrath themselves when Jesus already drank it.
56:27 The Bible tells us that in the last days those who worship
56:34 the beast and his image, and receive his mark,
56:38 and the number of his name, will drink the cup of the
56:43 unmitigated wrath of God.
56:44 And after the millennium their destruction
56:50 will be sure and final.
56:53 So the big question is, Have we repented of sin,
56:59 and confessed our sin?
57:02 Have we chosen Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord
57:07 instead of the beast?
57:08 Have we committed our lives without any reservation
57:12 to Jesus Christ, and only to Him?
57:15 You see, the issue at the end of time will be
57:18 Christ or the beast?
57:20 And the question is, Who of these two will we worship?


Revised 2015-10-29