Three Angels Message

The Mark Of The Beast, Pt. 1

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000014

00:31 Let's bow our heads.
00:33 Father in heaven, this day we are going to study a very
00:37 important subject.
00:39 We're going to speak about the mark of the beast
00:43 and we need you're divine guidance.
00:45 Not only do I need your guidance but I also ask that you
00:49 will be with those who are watching this presentation on TV
00:55 or listening to a CD.
00:58 I ask Lord that you will open minds and hearts,
01:02 that people will be tender hearted to receive the truth
01:04 as it is in Jesus.
01:06 I ask Lord that people will not be offended, but to study
01:11 these things out for themselves, that they might see the truth
01:14 and embrace it.
01:16 Thank you Father for hearing my prayer,
01:19 for I ask it in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.
01:25 In our studies together, we have already identified the beast
01:30 We've noticed that the beast is the same as the little horn,
01:35 as the harlot, the abomination of desolation.
01:39 The man of sin of 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2.
01:44 Basically, all of these symbols represent a world wide system.
01:49 That system, is the Roman Catholic papacy.
01:54 I'm not speaking of individuals who are within this system.
01:59 There are many people who are very sincere, they love Jesus
02:03 and they don't know about these things.
02:06 So, don't take this personally. I'm not talking about you,
02:11 I'm talking about the system of Roman Catholicism.
02:16 Now, we've identified the beast as the Roman Catholic system.
02:19 It shouldn't be too difficult to identify the mark of this system
02:25 or what is known as the mark of the beast.
02:30 Now we are going to approach our study from three perspectives.
02:35 I want you to imagine throwing a pebble into a lake.
02:39 When you throw a pebble into the water,
02:42 I want you to imagine, you have three ripples.
02:47 You have a small one a larger one and you have the largest one
02:52 Now, what we're going to do, is study the end time conflict
02:56 and we're going to notice what is the broadest issue
03:01 in the final controversy.
03:03 We're going to notice that the broadest issue is a controversy
03:09 over the law of God, over the ten commandments.
03:14 Then we're going to specify a little bit more.
03:17 We are going to look at the inner circle.
03:18 That inner circle is going to show us that God's
03:21 ten commandment law has two tables.
03:24 The first table describes our duty towards God,
03:27 the second describes our duty towards our fellow human beings.
03:31 We are going to notice that the end time controversy
03:34 has to do with the law of God, but more specifically,
03:38 it has to do with the first table of God's holy law.
03:42 Then we are going to go to the inner most circle.
03:46 We are going to notice, that the end time controversy
03:49 has to do with one specific commandment
03:53 in the first table of the law.
03:55 So, we are going to go from the broadest, God's holy law
03:59 the ten commandments.
04:00 To a little bit smaller circle, which is the first table
04:05 of the ten commandments.
04:06 Then, we're going to go to the smallest circle
04:09 this is one specific commandment in the first table of the law.
04:15 We are going to notice, first of all the broadest circle
04:19 the great controversy at the end of time
04:22 has to do with God's holy ten commandment law
04:27 which the devil hates.
04:28 Go with me to Revelation 12:17, where we find a description
04:34 of the end time controversy and what the issue is.
04:40 It says there in Rev. 12:17...
05:11 So, Satan hates two things the end time remnant.
05:14 First of all, they keep the commandments of God.
05:18 He hates the commandments of God. That's what the final
05:20 controversy is about.
05:23 Now, we're going to study the testimony of Jesus Christ,
05:25 a little bit later on. For now, I want you to notice
05:28 that Satan's hatred against God's people at the end of time
05:32 will be, because they keep the commandments of God,
05:36 the ten commandments. As we will study later on in this series
05:41 we will study that phase, the commandments of God,
05:44 and we are going to notice it refers to the ten commandments.
05:49 Now, I also want you to notice, that the end time controversy
05:52 has to do with two marks. The mark of the beast
05:56 and the seal of God.
05:58 I want you to notice, where the seal of God and the mark of
06:02 are placed. The bible says they are placed on the forehead.
06:08 Notice, Revelation 7:3, where it speaks about God's
06:13 end time remnant, the 144,000. We are going to notice later on
06:17 in the series, that these are those that will be alive when
06:20 Jesus comes. Who will be able to stand in the mist of the wrath
06:25 of God when it is being poured out upon the earth.
06:28 It says in Rev 7:3, do not harm the earth, the sea or the trees
06:34 until we have sealed the servant of our God on their foreheads.
06:40 Notice, that the servants of God are sealed on their foreheads.
06:46 Why are they sealed on their foreheads? Let me ask you.
06:49 What is behind your forehead?
06:53 Behind your forehead, I would hope, is a brain.
06:56 Your brain is the organ of the mind. Another words the forehead
07:01 represents the mind. What is it, that God writes in our minds?
07:07 Notice, Hebrews 8:10
07:12 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of
07:17 Israel, after those days, says the Lord.
07:20 Now, notice this. I will put my laws in their mind.
07:25 What does God place in the mind or on the forehead?
07:28 He places his laws in the mind. He says, and write them
07:34 on their hearts. I will be their God and they shall be my people.
07:40 The sign of God on the forehead has something to do with his
07:45 laws. Generally speaking. Of course, the mark of the beast
07:49 must be some counterfeit, having to do with the law.
07:54 It must be human laws in contrast to God's holy law
07:59 which is placed on the forehead.
08:03 Then, I want you to notice, Isaiah 8:16. Once again the seal
08:08 is identified with God's law.
08:11 Notice Isaiah 8:16. It says there,
08:25 What do God's disciples have sealed among them.
08:30 God's holy law is sealed among God's disciples. So you notice
08:37 once again the seal that is placed on the forehead
08:39 is connected with the commandments of God or with
08:44 the law of God.
08:47 Another thing that I want you to notice, that shows that this
08:50 end time controversy has to do with the law of God, is what
08:55 we find in 2 Timothy 2:19.
09:02 Here the apostle Paul is speaking about the followers of
09:07 Jesus Christ, and he says this..
09:33 Those who name the name of Jesus, what do they do?
09:36 They depart from iniquity. That's the seal of God.
09:41 It has to do with departing from iniquity. Now, the question is
09:46 what is it that defines righteousness and iniquity?
09:51 What distinguishes between the two
09:54 It's God's holy law.
09:58 Ecclesiastes 12:13 says, the some of the whole matter is this
10:04 fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the
10:07 whole duty of man. For God will bring every work into judgment
10:11 whether it be good, or whether it be evil. Notice that the law
10:16 of God defines what is good and what is evil.
10:20 If you are going to depart from iniquity it must be that you
10:24 keep what? God's holy law. In fact, there's an interesting
10:28 messianic psalm in Psalm 40:6-8. Where we are told, that
10:34 Jesus when he would come, he would love and
10:39 he would hate iniquity, and of course, iniquity, is the
10:45 transgression of God's holy law.
10:49 In fact, lets go to that point right now.
10:51 Go with me to Matthew 7:23. By the way, the word iniquity that
10:58 is used in 2nd Timothy 2:19, is the Greek word adikia
11:10 Now, I want you to notice, Matthew 7:23. Then we will go to
11:14 Luke, and notice a parallel verse. It says there,
11:40 The word there is anomias. Which literally in Greek means to be
11:46 opposed to the law of God, because the Greek word for law
11:50 is nomos, and when you put an A next to it, it means against
11:54 or contrary to. So, here Jesus is saying to those who professed
11:59 name, depart from me, you who practiced lawlessness.
12:05 I want you to notice, Luke 13:27.
12:33 Is that the same declaration we read in Matthew 7?
12:36 The same expression, only the word used here is adikia.
12:40 Let me ask you, is adikia and anomias, synonymous?
12:47 They most certainly are synonymous. When the apostle
12:49 Paul is saying that those that have the seal of God
12:53 depart from iniquity, he saying that they depart from what?
12:57 from law-less-ness. Once again those that have the seal of God
13:03 at the end of time. Are they going to be keepers of Gods holy
13:07 law? They most certainly are.
13:10 I want you to notice, one other aspect of this broadest
13:14 circle.
13:16 Revelation 14:9-11. Has the third angels message and
13:22 of course, later on we're going to study the third angels
13:26 message in detail, particularly verse 12. I want you to notice
13:31 now, is Revelation 14:11. It's speaking about the punishment
13:36 upon those that worship the beast and receive his mark.
13:40 Notice what it says...
13:58 So, upon whom is the wrath of God going to fall?
14:03 It's going to fall upon those who worship the beast
14:06 and his image and receive the mark. That's Rev 14:11.
14:11 Now, notice, Revelation verse 12.
14:16 The very next verse presents another group that contrasts
14:20 with those who worship the beast and his image. I want you to
14:24 notice, one of the main characteristics of this group.
14:28 It says in Revelation 14:12...
14:41 Did you see the contrast? You have one group, in the
14:44 third angels message who worship the beast and his image
14:47 and receive the mark. Immediately in the next verse
14:51 it speaks about a remnant who keep the commandments of God.
14:55 So, let me ask you, is the worship of the beast and his
14:59 image related some how to keeping God's commandment?
15:02 There's one group that keep them which means the other group
15:07 who worship the beast and his image and the mark
15:09 must be against God's commandments or must break God's
15:14 commandments, because the contrast is clear in Rev. 14:11
15:19 and Rev. 14:12.
15:24 Now, we want to go to the other circle. A smaller circle.
15:29 We noticed the largest, we're going to notice a smaller circle
15:32 and of course, we're going to go to the smallest circle.
15:37 The final conflict is not only going to be over God's law
15:41 the final conflict is going to have to do with the first
15:46 table of God's holy law. The first four commandments,
15:50 that describe our duty towards God.
15:54 Now, notice what we find in Deuteronomy 6:4.
15:58 By the way, this is the central confession of Judaism.
16:05 And it says this...
16:14 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with
16:18 all your soul and all your strength.
16:21 Is this the summery of the first table of the law?
16:24 You remember that Jesus quoted this, when he said that
16:27 this is the first and great commandment. It actually
16:29 summarizes the first four commandments, our duty for God.
16:33 You see, if you love God, you won't have other gods. If you
16:36 love God, you're not going to have idols. If you love God,
16:40 you're going to respect his name If you love God, you're going
16:43 to keep his holy Sabbath. Then the last six commandments,
16:46 have to do with a horizontal relationship between us and our
16:52 fellow human beings. I want you to notice something very
16:55 interesting. Immediately after giving this quotation, where it
16:59 says that we should love God above all things,
17:04 then God says where these words are supposed to be written
17:09 Notice, beginning at verse 6, of Deuteronomy chapter 6.
17:52 I want you to notice that this table of the law, the one that
17:56 has to do with our duty towards God, is to be placed in two
17:59 places. It doesn't say, on your forehead OR on your hand.
18:03 It says in your forehead AND in your hand.
18:07 We are going to notice in Revelation that the mark of the
18:10 beast, is placed on the forehead OR on the hand.
18:14 Here God says, you need to place these words, which we quoted,
18:18 between your eyes, which is the forehead, AND also, on your
18:24 hand. That is a very important distinction. You'll notice,
18:28 that it's the first four commandments that are placed
18:30 where?... That are placed in the frontlets between your eyes
18:34 and also on your hand.
18:38 I want you to notice, something else that is very interesting.
18:41 In Rev, the final controversy has to do with worship.
18:49 Time and again, in Rev, we find that the final issue will
18:53 be concerning worship. Let me ask you, which table of the law
18:57 has to do especially with worship?
19:01 That's the first table of the law. See, if you worship God,
19:04 you won't have other gods. If you worship God, you don't have
19:07 images of god. If you worship God, you don't take his name in
19:11 vain. If you worship God, you keep the Sabbath, as a sign of
19:16 the creator. The first table of the law, has to do with worship.
19:19 So, if Revelation says that the end time controversy
19:22 is concerning worship, it must be that the final conflict
19:26 has to do with which table? Especially, it has to do with
19:31 the first table of the law. Let me read you some of those
19:34 statements that speak about the issue of worship as being the
19:39 main point of contention.
19:40 Revelation 13:4, it says...
19:56 Let's go down to verse 8.
20:24 Notice verse 15...
20:39 Notice time and again, the issue is worship and worship has to
20:44 do with the first table of the law.
20:45 Notice Revelation 14:9-10. Again the idea is that the final
20:51 conflict has to do with worship. It says there in
20:52 Revelation 14, verse 9, and then we will read verse 11.
21:20 I think the word worship is used enough times for us to know
21:24 that the end time controversy has to do with worship.
21:28 Worship is related to the first table of the law.
21:34 I want you to notice another text that speaks about worship
21:37 in the end time, but this is the positive perspective.
21:41 This is the verse that tells us that we're supposed to
21:43 worship the creator in the end time.
21:46 Notice Revelation 14:6-7.
21:53 Then I saw and angel flying in the midst of heaven having the
21:56 everlasting gospel to preach to those that dwell on the earth
21:59 to every nation, tribe, tongue and people.
22:16 Why do you suppose God calls on the world to worship the creator
22:20 in the end time? Folks, it because the beast and the image
22:25 of the beast are claiming the right to be worshiped.
22:28 Another words, here we have a contrast between worshiping the
22:33 creator of the heavens and the earth and worshiping the beast.
22:35 The issue once again, is between true worship and false worship
22:41 Once again, the table of the law that has to do with worship
22:46 is the first table of the law.
22:51 It is very interesting as you examine Revelation 13 and 14,
22:56 that the issue involves the first table of the law but there
22:57 are specific examples in these chapters that show how the
23:04 beast and his image violate the first table of the law
23:08 Let me just mention this quickly, does the beast demand
23:14 worship? Revelation 13:4... Now, if he demands worship would
23:21 this be a violation of the first commandment that said thou
23:25 shall have no other gods before me? Absolutely.
23:29 Secondly, does this beast raise up an image and command every
23:35 one to worship the image? Yes.
23:37 Which commandment is this a violation of? The commandment
23:41 that says, don't make any image and don't worship it.
23:46 That is the second commandment.
23:48 The third commandment is also involved, because we are told
23:52 in Revelation 13:6, that the beast blasphemes the name
23:58 of God. Which commandment does that violate? Thou shall not
24:02 take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
24:07 Does the conflict also involve the fourth commandment? Yes.
24:11 The first angels message calls us to worship the creator,
24:16 which means that the beast must claim to be the creator,
24:20 but he is the counterfeit, which commandment of the law of God
24:24 has to do with worshiping the creator? It is the fourth
24:29 commandment of God's holy law.
24:32 We notice that the second circle, the smaller circle shows
24:38 that the end time controversy is going to be over the first
24:42 table of the law. Now we are going to notice, that the end
24:48 time controversy is going to have to do with one particular
24:52 commandment of the first table of the law. This is the smallest
24:57 circle, or the smallest ripple.
24:59 Go with me to Psalm 95:6
25:07 It says here...
25:17 Why do we worship God, according to this verse?
25:22 We worship God, because he is our maker. He is our creator.
25:27 We worship because he is the creator. Notice Nehemiah 9:6.
25:34 I want this principle to be clear. We worship God, because
25:37 God is our creator. Nehemiah 9:6...
26:02 Do you notice once again, that worship is connected with the
26:06 idea that God is the creator? Notice Revelation 14:6-7.
26:13 We have already read this passage, let's read it again.
26:16 I want to show you that worship is connected or is linked with
26:21 creation. It says there...
26:47 Is the idea of worship, once again linked with creation?
26:52 Absolutely.
26:53 By the way, the language of the first angels message
26:57 actually comes from the fourth commandment.
27:00 Notice Exodus 20:11. The conclusion to the fourth
27:08 commandment.
27:21 Do you see the similarities of language in the fourth
27:24 commandment to what we read in Revelation 14:7?
27:28 They are very similar. You'll notice that we worship the
27:34 creator and the sign of the creator is, what?
27:38 The Sabbath, according to what we read in Exodus 20:11.
27:43 So, you can't separate the Sabbath from worshiping the
27:47 creator, because the sign of worship to the creator is
27:51 his holy Sabbath. By the way, do you know that we will worship
27:56 the creator when he makes a new heavens and an new earth
27:59 and we will worship him on the Sabbath?
28:02 Notice Isaiah 66:22-23.
28:43 Let me ask you, when God makes a new heaven and a new earth,
28:47 he creates a new heaven and a new earth, are we going to go
28:49 worship before him? Yes.
28:51 What day are we going to worship before him? The Sabbath.
28:55 You see, when the fourth commandment says worship the
28:58 creator, it is saying, worship the creator by keeping the
29:01 Sabbath. So you can not separate the Sabbath from worship.
29:05 So, is the end time issue going to have to do specifically
29:09 with the commandment that has to do with the creator
29:13 with the Sabbath? Absolutely.
29:16 By the way do you know that the book of Genesis also tells us
29:20 that God established the Sabbath to commemorate creation?
29:24 He instituted the Sabbath to be kept to remember the event of
29:28 creation? See, you can't separate creation, worship and
29:32 the Sabbath. Notice Genesis 2:2-3...
29:38 The Sabbath identifies the creator. It says...
30:03 Question... Did God bless the Sabbath for himself?
30:06 Folks, God is the fountain of all blessings. God doesn't have
30:10 to bless a day for himself. Did God make the Sabbath holy for
30:14 himself? No... Everything connected with God is holy.
30:19 He was obviously blessing the Sabbath and it was actually
30:22 sanctifying the Sabbath, because he expected man to keep the
30:27 Sabbath, in commemoration of his work of, what? Of his work
30:32 of creation. Furthermore, do you know that the Bible links two
30:37 words. It uses interchangeably the words sign and seal.
30:43 Notice Romans 4:11... Speaking about circumcision here,
30:52 the circumcision of Abraham. I want you to notice particularly
30:56 two words that are used here synonymously.
30:58 It says about Abraham..
31:12 Are sign and seal used interchangeably in this verse?
31:16 They most certainly are.
31:17 Now, Revelation speaks about the seal of God being on the
31:21 forehead, but you could also say that the sign of God
31:25 is on the forehead. Now, the question is, what is the sign
31:29 of God? Notice Exodus 31:17.
31:37 It is speaking about the Sabbath.
31:39 ...and it says...
31:50 God gave it to Israel, but he didn't say, it's only for Israel
31:54 furthermore, the apostle Paul defines Israel as those who have
31:58 received Jesus Christ as savior and Lord. If you are Christ's
32:03 you are Abraham's seed and heirs, according to the promise.
32:06 So, it says, it is a sign. Interchangeable with the word
32:11 seal, by the way. Between me and the children of Israel forever
32:15 and then it explains why it's a sign.
32:16 For in six days the Lord...
32:25 What is it that made the Sabbath the sign?
32:27 The fact that he made it at creation. Notice also,
32:33 Ezekiel 20:12. Here God says...
32:52 How do we know that God is our Lord? We have his sign and what
32:58 is his sign? The sign is the Sabbath and the word sign is
33:02 used interchangeably with what? Seal,
33:05 and the end time generation has the seal or the sign of God
33:09 on the forehead.
33:12 There is something else very interesting that I want you to
33:14 notice. In Ezekiel 8, we have a description of the apostasy of
33:20 Israel shortly before Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the
33:23 city of Jerusalem.
33:25 We don't have time to study this whole chapter, so I'm just
33:29 going to synthesize. Basically, chapter 8 speaks about
33:33 abominations that God's own people where committing
33:37 within the city of Jerusalem. These were not the pagans
33:39 that were committing these abominations.
33:42 God's own people were committing these abominations.
33:45 The greatest abomination, we're going to read this in a moment,
33:48 was that they were worshiping the sun. That was the greatest
33:53 abomination that God's people were committing within the city
33:56 Do you know, that it says there were a group of people that were
33:59 not committing this abomination of sun worship. In fact, it says
34:04 therein Ezekiel chapter 8, that they were sighing and crying
34:08 because of the abominations that were being committed in the
34:12 city. God said, go to the city and put a sign or a mark
34:17 on the foreheads of those who sigh and cry because of the
34:21 abominations that are being committed in the earth.
34:24 Notice, that there is a contrast between those who have
34:27 have the sign or the seal of God and those who are worshiping
34:30 what? Those who are worshiping the sun.
34:34 Which are practicing this terrible abomination.
34:37 Let's read Ezekiel 8:16-17...
35:32 Which means that they just flaunt this in God's face.
35:34 What was the greatest abomination?
35:36 They were worshiping the sun.
35:39 Interesting, but there was a contrasting group who sighed and
35:44 cried, who had the seal of God, the sign of God on their
35:47 foreheads. It must be that they are opposite to those who were
35:51 worshiping, what? To those that were worshiping the sun.
35:54 Interesting.
35:57 Who were they worshiping then? They must have been worshiping
36:00 the creator. Notice Ezekiel 9:4...
36:21 and by the way, it says after all of God's people are sealed,
36:24 go in the midst of the city, destroy all of those that are
36:28 practicing the abominations and do not spare a single person.
36:32 The wrath of God was going to be poured out upon Jerusalem.
36:38 Not everyone was destroyed, though.
36:40 Let me ask you, was Jerusalem destroyed, because Israel was
36:45 desecrating the Sabbath? That's what Ezekiel chapter 8 and 9
36:49 seems to indicate, but we don't have to guess. Some people say
36:53 oh, you're saying the city of Jerusalem was destroyed
36:57 simply because they were breaking the Sabbath, that's why
37:00 everyone was slain? According to Ezekiel chapter 8, that's
37:03 exactly what I'm saying, because the Bible says it.
37:06 Notice Jeremiah 17:27... Here God says
37:34 Was Jerusalem destroyed because they were the
37:37 Sabbath? Absolutely.
37:40 What were they worshiping? They were worshiping the sun.
37:45 Is it just possible that this thing is going to be repeated
37:47 in the book of Revelation?
37:51 Absolutely.
37:52 Does the book of Revelation speak about a harlot who brings
37:57 all kinds of abominations upon the earth
38:00 Absolutely.
38:01 Does Revelation speak about a group of individuals
38:04 who have the mark of the beast in contrast to those who have
38:08 the seal of God?
38:09 Absolutely.
38:11 Are those who have the seal of God, is God going to protect
38:15 them? Absolutely.
38:17 Is he going to pour out his wrath upon those that have the
38:21 mark of the beast? Absolutely.
38:22 You see, once again, just like in Ezekiel you have two signs.
38:28 One, that is received, though it doesn't say so explicitly
38:34 is received by those who are worshiping the sun, because they
38:38 are marked for destruction, it says there in Ezekiel chapter 8
38:41 they are not marked by the seal of God, and you have that group
38:43 that are marked with the seal of God.
38:46 Those that are an apostasy of God, they are worshiping, what?
38:50 They are worshiping the sun. Now, you ask me.
38:54 Are you that it's the same to worship on the day of the sun
38:58 as it is to worship the sun? My answer is, in principle, yes.
39:06 You say, how is this?
39:07 Who created the sun?
39:13 God created the sun, right?
39:15 Did he create the sun for worship?... No.
39:19 What happens if you turn it into an object of worship?
39:22 What's that called? Idolatry.
39:25 Who created the first day of the week?
39:28 God did. Did he create it for worship?... No.
39:33 What happens if you turn it into a day of worship?
39:35 What is that called? Idolatry.
39:38 It doesn't matter whether it's the sun an object or a day.
39:43 What ever man makes for worship that God did not make for
39:47 worship, is what? Idolatry.
39:50 The devil knows that Christians at the end of time
39:52 are not going to be dumb enough to worship sun.
39:57 What he does, he leads them to worship on the day of the sun
39:58 Which came into Christianity directly from paganism
40:06 in the days of Constantine.
40:08 Constantine was a pagan. He called Sunday the day of the
40:14 invincible sun.
40:17 The venerable day of the sun. He called Sunday and he introduced
40:22 it into the Christian church. An abomination, for sure.
40:25 Christians embraced it and adopted it and they worship
40:29 on Sunday. A day which has been created for worship
40:33 by man. Which is the same idolatry in principle as was
40:39 being practiced in Jerusalem.
40:41 We call also look at the law of analogy.
40:45 Look at the presidential seal of the US.
40:49 It has to have three things, right? It has to have the name
40:52 the office and the territory of the person who possesses the
40:57 seal. For example the seal these days would say, Barack Obama,
41:03 president, that's his office, of the USA. The seal has to have
41:09 three characteristics. What is the seal of God in the ten
41:16 commandments that shows that the ten commandments are authentic?
41:20 There is only one commandment, in the ten commandments that
41:23 has these three necessary for a seal.
41:27 That is the fourth commandment of the law of God.
41:30 E. White in the book Patriarchs and Prophets, pg 307, said
41:35 this.
42:03 Somebody will say, well Pastor Bohr, but how do you know
42:07 you can apply the three characteristics to a
42:10 seal today, back to biblical times?
42:14 The fact is, we are helped by archeology at this point.
42:18 They have discovered tablets where ancient kings used to make
42:23 treaties with other kings I want to share these characteristics
42:28 of these treaties or covenants. First of all, it was a covenant
42:33 between a great king and a lesser king.
42:36 These covenants were written on tablets of clay.
42:40 Interestingly enough, on the tablets both sides were written.
42:47 The same info that was written on the front was on the back
42:51 of the tablet. Why would they do that?
42:55 Why write the same thing on both sides? The reason why, is
42:58 because, these tablets that have been on earth, what they would
43:05 do while the tablet was still wet and the clay was soft.
43:09 The great king who was making the covenant, would take a seal
43:13 and he would impress the seal in the middle of the tablet.
43:16 When he would impress the seal, it would obliterate part of the
43:21 writing on the tablet. In order to read the full covenant,
43:25 they would turn it over, to read the covenant, but the side
43:30 with the seal showed that it was authentic.
43:33 Interesting... the seal was in the middle of the tablet.
43:38 I bet you can't guess what three characteristic were always
43:39 the seal? The name of the king who was giving the covenant,
43:46 his title, king, and the territory over which he governed
43:52 This idea of three aspects of the seal does not come from
43:56 the seal of the US, it comes from the period when
44:00 the ten commandments were given. Do you know the Bible says
44:05 that the ten commandments were also a covenant?
44:08 Notice Deuteronomy 4:13... So he declared to you his covenant
44:14 which he commanded you to perform the ten commandments and
44:19 wrote them on 2 tablets of stone What was the covenant of God
44:23 God gave his covenant which are the ten commandments
44:27 Where did he write them? It says here that he wrote them on
44:31 tablets of stone. It wasn't on clay, it was on stone.
44:36 The ten commandments are eternal like stone. They don't break
44:41 up, they don't dissipate and disappear.
44:44 On how many sides of the tablets were the commandments written?
44:48 Many people don't realize this, the ten commandments
44:51 were written on both sides of the tablets. They were written
44:55 at the same time as the other covenants. Go to Exodus 32:15-16
44:56 Moses turned and went down from the mountain and the two
45:04 tablets of the testimony were in his hand the tablets
45:09 were written on both sides. On the one side and on the other
45:14 were they written. Now, the tablets were the work of God.
45:17 and the writing was the writing of God engraved on the tablets.
45:22 Where would you expect to find the seal in the tablets that
45:27 were written on both sides. Where would you find the seal
45:30 Right in the center of the tablets. Do you know which
45:34 commandment, center of the holy law of God his covenant with
45:39 man? Its the Sabbath commandment It is the only commandment
45:40 that has the 3 characteristics. Let's read Exodus 20:11
45:46 For in six days the Lord, his name, made, his function
45:52 He is the creator, He made. made what? What is His territory?
45:57 Made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all the is in them
46:01 and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed
46:05 the Sabbath day and made it holy.
46:09 Where is the seal of the Lord found? It is found in the fourth
46:14 commandment in the holy law of God. The commandment has to do
46:19 with the Sabbath, with the creator, which is in contrast
46:23 to worshiping the sun, or in principle on the day of the sun.
46:29 We also have the testimony of history. We're going to talk
46:33 about this a little more in our next lecture when we deal with
46:37 part two, of the mark of the beast. The Bible speaks about
46:41 a little horn. This little horn, as we've studied, represents
46:46 the Roman Catholic papacy, the same thing as the beast
46:50 The interesting thing is, that this little horn, according to
46:54 the Bible, would think to change something.
46:57 Notice Daniel 7:25. History tells us that a power is going
47:04 to rise, to attempt to change God's holy law.
47:08 It says, he shall speak pompous words against the most high
47:11 and shall persecute the saints of the most high and shall
47:15 intend to change time and law. Then the saints shall be given
47:22 into his hand for a time and times and half a time.
47:27 what would this little horn try to do? He would think to change
47:32 the times, which we won't discuss, and what else?
47:35 The law of God.
47:39 Does the Roman Catholic papacy claim to have changed God's law
47:43 historically? I'm going to read you a series of statements
47:46 and we will read as many as we can, before our time is up.
47:51 Here is the first one. John Gilmary Shay, who was an
47:55 important Roman Catholic historian of his time. This is
47:59 what he said. For ages, all nations looked to the
48:05 Catholic church and as we have seen, the various states
48:10 enforced by law, her ordinances as to worship and sensation
48:16 of labor on Sunday. Interesting, that they used the state to
48:19 enforce the observance of Sunday we've already studied that.
48:23 Protestantism, he continues, in discarding the authority of
48:28 the church, has no good reason for it's Sunday theory.
48:31 and ought, logically, to keep Saturday as the Sabbath.
48:36 That's what Protestants should do you say.
48:38 The state, in passing laws for the due sanctification of Sunday
48:44 is unwittingly acknowledging the authority of the Catholic church
48:48 even the state is recognizing the authority of the Catholic
48:51 church by doing what the Catholic church says. It says,
48:55 it is unwittingly acknowledging the authority of the Catholic
48:59 church and carrying out more or less faithfully its prescription
49:04 The Sunday as a day of the week set apart for the obligatory
49:08 public worship of the all mighty God, is purely a creation
49:13 of the Catholic church. This is a Roman Catholic theologian
49:17 Our Sunday visitor, which was the most famous Roman Catholic
49:23 journal in the US, for many years stated this once.
49:28 Protestants accept Sunday rather than Saturday as the day for
49:35 public worship, after the Catholic church made the change.
49:41 This is a Roman Catholic publication saying, who made the
49:45 change? The Catholic church The article continues saying,
49:51 but the protestant mind, does not seem to realize that it
49:56 in accepting the Bible and observing the Sunday, they are
50:00 accepting the authority of the spokesman for the church
50:05 the Pope. Here's another one, by Louis G. Segur.
50:10 Who was a French Roman Catholic peruit, and apologist.
50:15 Later on he was a diplomat and very important figure in the
50:21 city of Rome. This is what he had to say.
50:26 What Bible authority is there for changing the Sabbath from
50:31 the seventh day to the first day of the week?
50:34 Who gave the Pope the authority to change a command of God
50:39 Notice the word change again.
50:42 It was the Catholic church, which by the authority of Jesus
50:48 Christ, so they say, has transferred this rest to Sunday
50:54 and here comes the scary part. Thus, the observance of
50:58 Sunday, by the Protestants is an homage they pay.
51:03 What does mean? It means honor.
51:08 It means respect. So it says, thus the observance of Sunday
51:14 by the is an they pay in spite of themselves
51:20 to the authority of the Catholic church.
51:24 Notice what the Catholic encyclopedia says.
51:30 What is the third commandment? They say the third commandment
51:34 but it is really the fourth commandment, because they take
51:37 out the second commandment that says don't worship images.
51:40 That one doesn't appear in the catechisms, it disappears.
51:43 because the Catholic church is full of images.
51:46 They refer to the fourth commandment, the Sabbath
51:49 commandment as the third. Notice, What is the third
51:54 commandment? The 3rd commandment is remember that thou
52:00 keep holy the Sabbath day. Which is the Sabbath day?
52:04 Saturday is the Sabbath day. Why do we observe Sunday,
52:11 instead of Saturday? The Catholic church after changing
52:17 the day of rest from Saturday, the seventh day of the week
52:21 to Sunday the first day, made the third commandment refer
52:27 to Sunday, as the day to kept as the Lord's day.
52:31 Once again, the word change. The little horn thought that it
52:36 could change God's law. History bears it out.
52:40 I want to read you another statement this is Thomas Enright
52:44 a priest of the Roman Catholic church, for several years he
52:48 was president of Redemptions College in Kansas City, MO.
52:51 This is what he said. Prove to me from the Bible alone
52:56 That I am bound to keep Sunday holy. There is no such law in
53:00 the Bible. It is a law of the holy Catholic church alone
53:06 The Bible says, remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy
53:09 The Catholic church says no, by my divine power, notice
53:14 the church claims to have power, by my power
53:18 I abolish the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy
53:23 the first day of the week. Lo, the entire civilized world
53:29 bows down in reverent obedience to the holy Catholic church.
53:39 Not written by a Protestant, but by a Roman Catholic priest.
53:46 Once somebody wrote the office of Cardinal James Givins.
53:51 Whether it was true the Roman Catholic church claimed to have
53:56 changed the day, and from his office, chancellor H.F. Thomas
54:04 wrote in the name of Cardinal Givins, wrote this.
54:08 Of course the Catholic church claims that the change
54:15 was her act, and the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical
54:24 power. What is the mark according to Cardinal Givins
54:29 through his Chancellor H.F. Thomas? He says the change
54:34 of the Sabbath is the mark of our ecclesiastical power.
54:40 Let me ask you, if the church could really change God's law
54:44 wouldn't the church be God on earth? It would have to be
54:49 We are going to study about the number of the name of the beast.
54:54 When we study the number of the name of the beast, which is a
54:59 very interesting lecture, we are going to notice that it bears
55:03 A very close relationship to this quotation where it says
55:09 that the act of changing the day is a mark of their
55:13 ecclesiastical power. We are going to notice that the Pope
55:15 has a particular name and that name, he says, shows that he has
55:20 the right to exercise powers of Jesus Christ on planet earth
55:25 even to the point of changing his law if necessary.
55:31 I want to read one quotation in closing. Another Roman Catholic
55:36 theologian. A word about Sunday, God said remember that thou
55:42 keep holy the Sabbath day. The Sabbath was Saturday, not Sunday
55:47 Why then do we keep Sunday holy, instead of Saturday?
55:52 Is what this Catholic theologian writes. Notice this.
55:56 The church altered the observance of the Sabbath to the
56:01 observance of Sunday. who say that they go by the
56:06 Bible and the Bible only, and that they do not believe
56:10 anything that is not in the Bible, must be rather puzzled
56:14 by the keeping of Sunday when God distinctly said keep holy
56:20 the Sabbath day. The word Sunday does not come anywhere
56:24 in the Bible, so without knowing it, they are obeying the
56:30 authority the Catholic church.
56:33 think they are keeping Sunday in of the
56:37 resurrection, because the Bible said so but Sunday came into the
56:42 long before there was any Protestant. The
56:45 reformers felt that it would be impossible to change the
56:49 practice in the Christian church, and they continued
56:53 with it and some of the reformers like Lutheran Calvin
56:56 actually tried to rationalize the observance of Sunday
57:00 and they tried to prove the observance of Sunday from
57:03 but failed miserably, because the Bible is clear. It says
57:09 that the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord, your God.
57:12 What is the mark of the beast? The mark of the beast is the
57:17 change in God's holy law from Sabbath to Sunday and everyone
57:21 who observes Sunday, knowingly, will receive
57:25 the mark of the beast.


Revised 2014-12-17