Three Angels Message

Revelation's Sea Beast

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000010

00:30 Let's pray. Our beloved heavenly Father, today we're going to
00:37 study a very important subject; a subject upon which
00:42 the Christian world, to a great degree, is confused.
00:46 We're going to discuss the identity of the beast
00:50 that rises from the sea.
00:51 Therefore, Father, we ask for the guidance
00:55 of Your Holy Spirit.
00:56 We ask that You will give us understanding, that we might
00:59 understand things as You understand them.
01:02 And, Father, I ask that everyone who listens to this
01:08 presentation, and watches it, might have clarity of thought
01:12 to know who the beast is, and how to escape its power.
01:16 And we thank You for hearing our prayer, for we ask it in the
01:21 precious name of Jesus, Amen.
01:24 During the next four presentations we are going to
01:30 study some very important things about the third angel's message.
01:34 This evening we're going to study about
01:38 Revelation's sea beast.
01:40 The third angel's message says, If anybody worships the beast.
01:44 Then in our next lecture we are going to study
01:48 about the land beast.
01:50 It's a beast that rises from the earth in Revelation 13:11-18.
01:55 Then in the following lecture we are going to talk about the
02:00 image to the beast.
02:03 And after that we will discuss the number of the beast.
02:08 So we have several very important lectures coming up,
02:12 and I hope that you'll make it a point to be here to listen
02:16 to these important lectures.
02:17 Now in order to understand the sea beast of Revelation 13,
02:21 we have to go back to Daniel 7.
02:24 So I'm just briefly going to review the content of Daniel 7.
02:28 There we have four beasts.
02:30 The first beast is a lion, the second is a bear, the third is
02:34 a leopard, and the fourth is a dragon beast,
02:37 or a non-descript beast.
02:40 The lion represents the kingdom of Babylon.
02:45 The bear represents the kingdom of the Medes and Persians.
02:49 The leopard represents the kingdom of Greece.
02:52 The dragon beast represents Rome;
02:58 represents the Roman empire.
03:00 So in Daniel 7 we have clearly delineated four kingdoms:
03:05 Babylon, Medo Persia, Greece, and Rome.
03:10 Now it's interesting to notice that this fourth beast,
03:15 the dragon beast, which represents Rome,
03:18 has four stages of existence.
03:21 In other words, it has four consecutive stages of dominion,
03:25 this fourth beast.
03:27 I'd like to go to Daniel 7:23, 24, where we find these stages
03:34 of dominion of the fourth beast, Rome.
03:37 It says in Daniel 7:23,
03:55 So the first stage of this fourth beast, which represents
03:59 Rome, is this dragon beast ruling by itself.
04:05 It has no horns. It is just governing as a beast.
04:10 But now I want you to notice that there's a second stage
04:14 to this fourth beast, to Rome.
04:16 Daniel 7, and notice verse 24.
04:24 Actually, yes, verse 24. It says:
04:36 So what do the ten horns represent? ten kings,
04:40 or kingdoms that will arise from this fourth kingdom.
04:43 So now we see two stages of this fourth beast.
04:47 First of all the fourth beast ruling by itself.
04:50 Then after it rules for awhile, we're told that ten kings,
04:56 or kingdoms, will come out of this kingdom.
04:59 In other words, this kingdom will be divided.
05:02 And that's exactly what happened to Rome.
05:04 See the Roman empire governed by itself for an
05:07 extended period of time: from the Old Testament,
05:11 168 B.C. all the way to 476 A.D.
05:15 But what happened in 476 A.D. is that the Roman empire was
05:20 divided into ten kingdoms, as a result of the barbarian
05:25 invasions from the Northern sector of the empire.
05:28 And so you have the dragon beast by itself.
05:30 This is the Roman empire.
05:32 Then you have the ten horns, which represent Rome,
05:36 in a divided state, as a result of the barbarian invasions.
05:39 But now I want you to notice that there's a third stage.
05:42 Daniel 7:24 and 25.
05:48 It says there in verse 24:
05:55 After which? after the ten.
06:23 So we have three stages of this fourth beast clearly delineated
06:28 in Daniel 7:23-25, the dragon beast ruling by itself.
06:35 That's the Roman empire.
06:36 The dragon beast with the ten horns.
06:38 That's the divided Roman empire.
06:41 And it was fully divided in the year 476.
06:44 And then, among those ten kingdoms of Western Europe,
06:48 you have a little horn that arises, and this little horn
06:53 rules for time, times, and half a time.
06:56 Now what does this little horn represent?
07:01 I'm going to go through these characteristics very fast,
07:04 because I'm going to come to one specific point that I want to
07:08 dwell on most of the lecture.
07:10 Let's notice ten characteristics of this little horn,
07:15 which identifies clearly what it represents.
07:19 First of all, the little horn rises after
07:23 the ten are in place.
07:25 The ten are the divisions of Rome,
07:28 what today is Western Europe, which means that the little horn
07:33 was going to arise after the year 476, when the Roman empire
07:38 was divided, because the little horn rises among the ten,
07:42 and after the ten.
07:44 So the first two characteristics that show who this little horn
07:47 is, is first of all it rises after the ten horns;
07:51 secondly it rises among the ten horns;
07:55 thirdly it rises from the dragon.
07:57 So let me ask you, must the little horn be Roman? Of course.
08:01 It rises from the head of the fourth beast.
08:03 The fourth beast is Rome.
08:04 So this little horn must be Roman.
08:08 4. He uproots three of the ten kingdoms.
08:13 5. He speaks great words against God, which Revelation
08:17 identifies as blasphemies.
08:20 6. He persecutes the saints of the Most High.
08:25 He persecutes the saints of God.
08:27 7. He rules for time, times, and half a time.
08:32 And, by the way, that is equivalent to 1,260 days.
08:37 But in prophecy days are equal to years, which means that the
08:41 little horn governs for 1,260 years.
08:46 Characteristic 8. The little horn thought that he could
08:53 change God's holy law.
08:55 Characteristic 9. The little horn thought that he could
09:00 change God's times.
09:02 And 10. And this is what we're going to dwell on especially,
09:06 the little horn will have another period of dominion
09:10 after its power was taken away at the end of the 1,260 years.
09:16 In other words, the little horn has two periods of dominion:
09:19 a past stage, and a future stage.
09:22 Now the question is, What does this little horn represent?
09:26 I'm going to be open and frank with you.
09:30 There is only one power in the world that fits every single
09:35 one of these characteristics that we've taken a look at,
09:38 and that is the Roman Catholic Papacy.
09:41 And let me go quickly through the reasons why.
09:44 1. Did the papacy rise after Rome was divided? Yes.
09:53 Did the papacy arise among the nations of Western Europe? Yes.
09:58 Did the papacy rise from Rome, the fourth beast,
10:03 the fourth kingdom? Yes.
10:05 Did the papacy uproot three of those kingdoms? Yes.
10:09 I wish I had time to talk more about that.
10:11 The Vandals, the Heruli, and the Ostrogoths were uprooted
10:16 by the papacy, because they did not agree with
10:18 the papacy's theology.
10:19 The great words are blasphemies, are defined in the Bible as
10:24 someone who claims to be God on earth, and someone who
10:27 claims to have the power to forgive sins.
10:29 Does the papacy claim, at least did it claim in the past, that
10:33 the Pope is the representative of God on earth? Absolutely.
10:36 Does the papacy say that it has the right to forgive sins?
10:39 Absolutely. It's called the confessional.
10:42 Did the Roman Catholic Papacy persecute the saints
10:46 of the Most High? It most certainly did.
10:48 You know of things, for example, like the Inquisition.
10:52 Did the Roman Catholic Papacy rule for exactly 1,260 years?
10:58 Absolutely. From 538 to 1798.
11:03 Did the papacy claim to have power to change God's holy law?
11:07 Absolutely. You look in the Catechism's, and we're going to
11:11 talk more about this in a future lecture, you'll find in the
11:14 Catechism's that the second commandment has disappeared.
11:18 So when you take out one commandment, you still have to
11:22 have ten, so the Catechism's divide the tenth
11:24 commandment in two.
11:26 And they say, Don't covet your neighbor's goods,
11:28 and don't covet your neighbor's wife, as if those are two
11:31 separate and different commandments.
11:33 Furthermore, the papacy, as we're going to study,
11:36 has claimed to have the power to change God's holy day of rest
11:40 from Sabbath to Sunday.
11:42 That's where the observance of Sunday really originates.
11:45 Furthermore, the papacy made the attempt
11:49 to change God's times.
11:51 Now I don't have time to get into all of this issue about the
11:53 times, but the word times in Scripture is referring to
11:57 God's prophetic calendar; how God says that prophetic events
12:01 are going to take place or transpire.
12:03 And if I had time I would talk to you about two Roman Catholic
12:07 priests who actually established two rival methods of
12:11 interpreting prophecy.
12:13 One is preterism, established by Luis De Alcazar, who said that
12:17 the prophecies about the antichrist were fulfilled
12:20 in the past with a nasty individual
12:21 called Antiochus Epiphanes.
12:23 And another one arose, Francisco Ribera, who said that prophecy,
12:27 you know, all those prophecies about the antichrist,
12:30 they're going to be fulfilled in the distant future.
12:33 And so what happened is God's prophetic calendar, which showed
12:36 that the papacy was fulfilling these prophecies, was changed
12:40 to the past, and to the distant future.
12:43 Certainly the papacy attempted to change God's prophetic times.
12:49 So every single detail fits the Roman Catholic papacy to a T.
12:54 Now I mentioned that the papacy actually has two
12:58 stages of dominion.
13:00 Now let me explain that in Daniel 7 the second stage of
13:04 the dominion of the papacy is implicit.
13:07 It's not explicit.
13:08 In other words, we know that it's there,
13:11 but it's not explicitly there.
13:13 You say, How do we know that?
13:14 Well, Daniel 7:26, 27 tells us something very important.
13:20 It says there:
13:26 That is the little horn's dominion.
13:46 Question: Is the little horn the power that is going to be ruling
13:51 when Jesus comes? Yes, because it says here that dominion will
13:56 be taken away from him and given to the saints of the Most High.
14:00 That means that the papacy must have two periods of dominion:
14:05 one in the past 1,260 years, and one in the future, where it will
14:10 control, basically, the political systems of the world,
14:14 as we're going to study, and will be destroyed
14:16 by the brightness of the coming of Christ.
14:19 And so, clearly this prophecy is pointing towards
14:24 the Roman Catholic papacy.
14:26 Now I'd like to review then the four stages of this fourth
14:33 beast that we're talking about in our lecture today.
14:37 The first stage of this fourth beast is the fourth
14:41 beast ruling by itself.
14:42 That's Rome, the Roman Empire.
14:45 The second stage is Rome in a divided state; the ten kingdoms
14:51 that came forth from Rome.
14:52 The third stage is the little horn ruling
14:56 during the 1,260 years.
14:58 And the fourth stage is when the little horn rises once again
15:03 to power at the end of time.
15:06 Now Revelation 13:1-10 describes this same power,
15:14 only it doesn't call this power the little horn.
15:18 It calls this power the beast.
15:21 In fact, go with me to Revelation 13:1, 2,
15:26 Revelation 13:1, 2.
15:30 You're going to see an immediate link with the
15:34 prophecy of Daniel 7. It says:
15:52 Question: Do we have the same beasts in Revelation 13:2
15:57 as we found in Daniel 7? Absolutely.
16:00 Is there a link then between Daniel 7 and Revelation 13?
16:07 Absolutely. You have a lion, a bear, a leopard, a dragon,
16:13 and, by the way, Revelation 12 says that the
16:15 dragon has ten horns.
16:17 And then the dragon with ten horns gives his
16:19 power to the beast.
16:21 So I want you to notice this.
16:23 In Daniel 7 you have lion, bear, leopard, dragon,
16:26 ten horns, little horn.
16:28 In Revelation 13 you have lion, bear, leopard,
16:32 dragon, ten horns, beast.
16:36 In other words, the little horn is the same as the beast,
16:40 because you have the same sequence of powers.
16:43 And not only the same sequence of powers, but the beast does
16:46 the same things that the little horn did for the
16:49 same period of time.
16:50 Notice Revelation 13, so that you can catch the clear
16:53 reference to the same activities, and time period of
16:57 the beast that the little horn exercised.
16:59 Revelation 13:5:
17:04 This is the beast.
17:08 Is that what the little horn did? Absolutely.
17:10 And he was given authority to continue how long? 42 months.
17:15 Is that the same as time, times, and a half time? Absolutely.
17:20 3.5 times, or 31/2 years times 360 days each year, is 1,260.
17:26 42 months, times 30 days each month is 1,260.
17:32 It's the same time period.
17:34 And notice what it continues saying. This is verse 7.
17:48 So let me ask you, Is the sequence of powers the same in
17:52 Daniel 7, and in Revelation 13? Absolutely.
17:55 Are their activities the same? Absolutely!
17:59 So there's two ways we can know that the little horn is
18:01 the same as the beast: 1. Because it's the same
18:05 sequence of powers.
18:06 2. Because the little horn, and the beast perform the same
18:10 activities during the same period of time.
18:14 But you remember that in Daniel 7 we noticed that
18:19 the second stage of the little horn is implicit.
18:23 We know that the little horn's going to be ruling when Christ
18:25 comes, so it's going to have another stage of power,
18:29 or another stage of dominion, but it doesn't come out real
18:33 clearly in the text.
18:34 But in Revelation 13 it comes out very clearly that the little
18:39 horn has two stages, or the beast has two
18:42 stages of existence.
18:44 Notice Revelation 13:3.
18:54 Who was mortally wounded?
18:58 One of the heads of the beast.
19:01 And that was it, right? he received a deadly wound;
19:05 finished forever. No, it says:
19:17 So do we have four stages, clearly, of this Roman power,
19:23 this number four power.
19:25 Do we have four stages, very clearly? Yes.
19:27 We have the dragon by itself.
19:29 We have the dragon with the ten horns.
19:31 We have the dragon with the little horn.
19:33 The little horn receives a deadly wound.
19:35 And then the deadly wound is healed.
19:37 That's stage number four.
19:39 Rome, Rome divided, Papal Rome in its first stage,
19:44 1,260 years, and then Rome recovering its power after
19:49 it receives the deadly wound.
19:51 Now we need to ask some critical questions about this deadly
19:57 wound that the beast received at the end of the 1,260 years.
20:01 Here are the questions that we're going to attempt to answer
20:05 in the last part of our study today.
20:09 With what weapon was the beast wounded?
20:13 What weapon gave the beast it's deadly wound?
20:17 Question 2 is going to answer Question 1.
20:21 What does the sword represent?
20:24 See, the beast received the deadly wound with the sword.
20:29 What does the sword represent?
20:31 3. How and when did the beast acquire the sword,
20:36 because the Bible says that he killed with sword,
20:38 and he would be killed with the sword.
20:40 So the question is, How did the beast acquire the sword
20:43 so that he could kill with that sword?
20:45 4. What is the meaning of the deadly wound?
20:50 In what sense was the beast wounded to death?
20:54 5. What keeps the deadly wound from healing?
20:58 Because this beast convalesces for awhile.
21:02 What keeps the deadly wound from healing?
21:05 And finally, when and how will the wound be
21:09 healed, and by whom?
21:11 Now, first of all, we want to talk about the weapon that
21:14 wounded the beast.
21:15 Revelation 13:10 tells us what weapon wounded the beast.
21:21 It says there:
21:26 Which is what the beast did; you read the context.
21:40 What did the beast use the sword for?
21:43 The beast used the sword to kill.
21:47 And the same sword that the beast used to kill would be the
21:50 sword that would what? would give it the deadly wound.
21:54 Someone might object and say, Well, Pastor Bohr,
21:58 but it doesn't really say there that the beast was
22:01 killed with the sword.
22:03 It says, Whoever kills with the sword,
22:05 will be killed with the sword.
22:07 But notice verse 14 of chapter 13.
22:10 And here it's explicit that it was the beast that killed
22:12 with the sword, and the beast that was killed with the sword,
22:15 or received the mortal wound.
22:17 It says in Revelation 13:14,
22:28 Now listen to this.
22:34 So who was wounded with the sword? the beast.
22:37 So the beast used the sword to kill.
22:39 And the same sword that it used to kill was going to
22:43 give the beast the deadly wound.
22:46 So the question is, what is the sword?
22:50 Well, in the Bible the sword has two different meanings.
22:56 Let's go to Ephesians 6:17 where we have the first
23:01 meaning of the sword. It says:
23:12 So what does the sword represent in the first instance?
23:16 It represents what? the word of God, the Bible.
23:18 Let me ask you, To whom did Jesus give this sword?
23:21 We studied this in our last lecture.
23:23 To whom did He give this sword?
23:25 He gave this sword to the church. Right?
23:28 And how does the church use this sword? by preaching the word of
23:32 God through the power of the Holy Spirit, right?
23:35 This sword belongs to the church.
23:37 But let me ask you, Does the Bible speak about
23:41 a different sword?
23:42 It most certainly does.
23:43 By the way, this is not the sword that wounded the beast.
23:47 You say, How do we know that it wasn't this sword
23:50 that wounded the beast?
23:51 Because the prophecy says that the beast killed with the sword,
23:55 and he would be killed with the sword.
23:57 Let me tell you, the papacy did not use the
24:00 Bible to kill people.
24:01 In fact it forbade, for a long time, the reading of the Bible.
24:05 And so it cannot mean the Bible here.
24:08 The sword must represent something
24:11 different than Scripture.
24:13 And in the Bible, by the way, symbols are flexible.
24:16 They can have different meanings in different context.
24:20 So the question is, What does the sword represent?
24:23 Romans 13:1-4 has the answer, Romans 13:1-4.
24:42 What is meant by the authority, by the way?
24:44 All the times it's used here?
24:46 It's referring to the government,
24:47 the civil government.
24:58 These are civil rulers.
25:06 That is of the civil government?
25:18 Now don't miss this point.
25:34 Is there another sword in Scripture? Yes.
25:37 What is that sword?
25:38 It's the sword that is in the hand of the civil power.
25:41 Now listen to what I'm going to say.
25:43 Is this sword the Bible? No.
25:46 This sword is the mandate that God has given to the civil power
25:53 to punish violations of civil law.
25:57 Not religious law, but civil law, as we studied
26:01 in our last lecture.
26:03 In other words, there are two swords.
26:04 One sword has been given to the church, and the other sword
26:08 has been given to the state.
26:10 The sword that has been given to the church is the Bible.
26:12 The sword that has been given to the state is that of civil power
26:17 and inflicting penalties on those who violate civil law.
26:21 Let me ask you, Did Jesus establish both
26:24 of these kingdoms?
26:25 Did He establish both swords?
26:28 Of course He did. Did Jesus say, Upon this rock
26:32 I will build My church?
26:34 He most certainly did.
26:36 He said to Peter, I will give you the keys to the kingdom?
26:40 And He wasn't only speaking to Peter.
26:42 He was speaking to all of the apostles.
26:44 In other words, the church is one kingdom, and the church has
26:48 the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
26:51 But did God also establish the civil power? Yes.
26:54 Because in Romans 13 it says clearly that
26:57 he is God's minister.
26:59 Now you remember when the mob came to arrest Jesus
27:03 in the garden of Gethsemane.
27:05 There was one disciple, Peter, who wanted to defend
27:10 the kingdom of Christ.
27:11 And how did he want to defend it?
27:13 Supposedly he was the first pope, although we know that
27:18 Biblically and historically, that's not true.
27:20 But, anyway, he took out his sword, and he swung at
27:23 the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear.
27:27 And he wasn't aiming for his ear.
27:29 He was aiming for his head, but he missed.
27:32 And what did Jesus say to Peter?
27:34 He said, Well done, Peter.
27:36 Defend My kingdom with the sword.
27:37 Make everybody obey Me.
27:39 Is that what He said? No!
27:42 Notice the very interesting words that Peter spoke
27:48 and that Jesus used to rebuke Peter. Matthew 26:52.
28:02 Are those words very similar to Revelation 13:10, where it says
28:06 that he who kills with the sword must be killed with what?
28:10 with the sword. This is speaking about the sword,
28:13 the literal sword that is used to defend Christ's kingdom;
28:16 the sword of the state, of the civil power
28:19 to defend Christ's kingdom.
28:20 And Christ would have absolutely nothing of it.
28:22 A little bit later Jesus was in Pilate's court, John 18:36.
28:28 Pilate asked Jesus, Are you a king?
28:31 And notice what Jesus said.
28:35 How many kingdoms did Jesus recognize?
28:37 He recognized two kingdoms. He said:
28:47 They would use the physical sword. They would fight.
28:57 So the question is, what is the deadly wound?
29:01 We can only understand the deadly wound if we understand
29:05 what the sword is.
29:06 The sword that is spoken of in this prophecy is
29:10 the ability of using the civil power to those
29:14 who disobey civil law.
29:17 But what happened with the beast?
29:19 The beast is a religious power, right?
29:22 And the beast used the sword to punish everyone who was not
29:26 in agreement with the beast's theology,
29:30 or belief system, or teachings.
29:32 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
29:34 In other words, as we've studied before, it's the church taking
29:38 the sword of the state to punish dissenters
29:41 who are not in harmony with her.
29:44 And the sword that the church used, the sword of the state
29:48 that the church used to kill, would be the sword that would
29:52 arise to give her the deadly wound.
29:55 In other words, the deadly wound is nothing less or more
29:58 than taking away from the hand of the church
30:01 the sword of the state.
30:03 In other words the state was going to turn against the church
30:07 that had used the power of the state to persecute people
30:10 who did not agree with the church.
30:12 Now the question is, How did the papacy obtain the sword?
30:16 Well, between the year 300 and the year 476 A.D. there were a
30:22 series of barbarian invasions into the Roman Empire.
30:28 The last Roman Emperor was Romulus Agustulus,
30:32 and he was deposed in the year 476.
30:35 There was no more Emperor in Rome.
30:37 As a result, Rome became a kingdom without a ruler.
30:41 Everything was turned upside down.
30:43 The empire was in disarray, in a chaotic situation.
30:49 And in this chaotic situation the barbarian kingdoms enticed
30:56 the Bishop of Rome to bring law and order to the empire.
31:01 And he accepted not only the role of being the spiritual
31:07 leader of these kingdoms, but also the civil, or the political
31:12 leader of these same nations.
31:14 Allow me to read you some very interesting statements written
31:19 by historians about this event.
31:21 Notice this is from Cardinal Henry Edward Manning,
31:28 a Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church.
31:29 He explains what happened when the empire fell apart. He says:
31:49 At least he believes so.
31:57 What happened when the successor of Peter, as he calls him,
32:02 took over the reins of the civil government? What happened?
32:05 The chains what? fell off.
32:07 So he says: When by divine intervention the chains fell off
32:23 He further states this: The papacy...
32:33 So the papacy, while Rome was in place and governing,
32:37 was what? restrained, because he says:
32:47 Listen to this.
32:51 So what is the liberation of the papacy?
32:55 the falling off of the chains.
32:56 It means that now the papacy can govern, not only in religious
32:59 affairs, but also in what? in civil affairs.
33:03 And so he says, The papacy
33:16 That's a political power.
33:20 By the way, this is what the apostle Paul was talking about
33:23 in 2 Thessalonians 2:6, 7.
33:26 Have you ever read about the mysterious restrainer
33:28 that needed to be removed for the man of sin
33:33 to manifest himself?
33:34 Notice 2 Thessalonians 2:6, 7.
33:37 The apostle Paul says:
33:42 Restraining the man of sin.
33:45 See, he was restrained.
33:46 By the way, that restrainer, all of the early church fathers
33:51 say that the restrainer is the Roman Empire. So it says:
34:04 Which is the Emperor, by the way.
34:12 So what is it that liberated the papacy so that it could use
34:16 the sword of civil power?
34:18 It was the fact that the barbarian invasions threw
34:22 the Roman Empire into upheaval and chaos,
34:26 and so those nations said to the Bishop of Rome,
34:29 You need to bring law and order.
34:31 Govern upon us not only in religious affairs,
34:35 but also in civil affairs.
34:37 I want to read you some statements from some theologians
34:40 on the style of government that existed during the Middle Ages.
34:45 This statement is by James Conroy, a Roman Catholic.
34:49 He says this:
35:02 Notice this.
35:09 Who was that that they asked to rule? the Bishop of Rome.
35:13 Today he's called the pope.
35:28 Notice the terminology.
35:42 Here's another statement from another historian,
35:45 Carl Conrad Eckhardt. He says:
35:51 In other words, they had no political power.
36:01 Also the ten divisions, the ten horns.
36:14 R. W. Southern, another historian.
36:17 These are all, by the way, non-Adventist theologians,
36:21 and historians. R. W. Southern says this:
36:30 That is civil.
36:41 And John N. Figgis has this interesting comment. He says:
36:59 Are you catching the picture of what this is talking about?
37:02 What was the sword that the Roman Catholic Papacy
37:05 had in its hand? It was the sword.
37:07 Not of the Bible. It didn't use the Bible to persuade,
37:10 or to kill people.
37:11 It used the civil power to accomplish its purposes,
37:15 which it took over when the Roman Empire fell.
37:17 By the way, it's interesting to read a bull
37:22 by Pope Bonifus VII.
37:25 It was written in the year 1302.
37:29 The name of the bull is Unam sanctum.
37:31 And notice how he interprets the two swords.
37:34 He says this: We are informed by the texts of the gospels
37:38 that in this church...
37:41 That is the Roman Catholic Church.
37:42 ...and in its power are two swords.
37:46 So the church has how many swords?
37:47 According to the Bible, how many swords does the church have?
37:51 one. According to the Roman Catholic Church, how many swords
37:53 does he have? two.
37:55 Notice: We are informed by the texts of the gospels that in
37:58 this church, and in its power, are two swords: namely the
38:03 spiritual and the temporal.
38:05 Both, therefore, are in the power of the church.
38:09 That is to say, the spiritual and the material sword.
38:13 But the former, that is the spiritual, is to be administered
38:18 for the church, but the latter, that is the temporal,
38:22 by the church. The former in the hands of the priest.
38:26 In other words, Scripture in the hands of the priests;
38:29 and the latter by the hands of kings and soldiers.
38:33 That's the temporal sword.
38:34 But notice how it ends.
38:36 But at the will and sufferance of the priest.
38:39 Are you catching what this, what Revelation is talking about?
38:43 Revelation 13, when it says, He who kills with the sword
38:47 will be killed with the sword.
38:48 How did the papacy kill with the sword?
38:50 It did not do it as a church, it actually influenced
38:54 the state to do it.
38:55 Do you remember our last lecture where we talked about what
38:58 happened to Jesus?
38:59 Could the church execute the penalty upon those,
39:03 upon Jesus Christ? Absolutely not.
39:06 So what did they have to do?
39:08 They had to go to Pilate, and they had to get the help
39:11 of the civil power to kill Christ.
39:13 Is that the very same thing that happened during the
39:16 Middle Ages when the saints of the Most High
39:18 were killed by this power? Absolutely.
39:20 That's what prophecy teaches.
39:22 So the question is, What happened in 1798?
39:25 It must be that the sword that the beast used to kill,
39:29 that sword arose and gave it the deadly wound.
39:33 So who would give the deadly wound to the beast?
39:35 It would have to be the what? the state.
39:38 The civil power would have to give the papacy the wound,
39:41 because the sword represents the civil power.
39:44 So if he killed with the sword of the civil power,
39:47 and that sword is going to hurt him, or is going to give him the
39:51 deadly wound, it must mean that the civil power would give
39:54 the church the deadly wound.
39:56 And that's exactly what happened in 1798.
39:59 1798 was the culmination of the French Revolution.
40:03 The French Revolution started in 1789, and it was a reaction
40:10 against kingly intolerance, and it was against priestly
40:14 power wrongly exercised.
40:16 And on February 12, 1798 General Berthier, the general of the
40:21 troops of Napoleon Bonaparte, entered Vatican City,
40:24 arrested Pope Pius VI, and took him prisoner to France
40:29 where he died in exile.
40:32 And so everybody thought that the papacy, at this point,
40:35 had been killed by this civil power of France.
40:39 In fact, let me read you some interesting statements from
40:41 historians where they say that everybody thought that
40:44 the papacy was dead.
40:46 And these are secular historians.
40:48 Notice this first one.
40:49 The papacy was extinct.
40:52 Not a vestige of its existence remained.
40:55 And among all the Roman Catholic powers, not a finger was
40:59 stirred in its defense.
41:01 The Eternal City had no longer prince or pontiff.
41:07 It's bishop was dying captive in foreign lands.
41:10 And the decree was already announced that no successor
41:13 would be allowed in its place.
41:16 In another quotation Joseph Rickaby says this
41:20 about the French Revolution, and the deadly wound.
41:23 No wonder that half of Europe thought Napoleon's veto...
41:27 The veto means that Napoleon had said, No more pope's.
41:30 No wonder that half of Europe thought Napoleon's veto would
41:33 be obeyed, and that with the pope the papacy was dead.
41:38 Another: T. H. Gill in his book, The Papal Drama, says this about
41:43 what happened in 1798: Multitudes imagined that the
41:47 papacy was at the point of death and asked, Would Pius VI
41:52 be the last pontiff? and if the close of the 18th century would
41:56 be signalized by the fall of the papal dynasty.
42:00 And one further quotation: The papacy had suffered its deepest
42:03 humiliation, and appeared to be annihilated.
42:07 Notice the terminology: appeared to be annihilated.
42:10 The revolution also dealt it the wound, which it seemed did not
42:16 want to heal until far into the 20th century.
42:20 And the ironic thing is that the first nation that gave the Roman
42:23 Catholic Papacy temporary power was Clovis, King of the Franks,
42:27 in the year 508. That's why France is known as the eldest
42:31 daughter of the papacy.
42:32 And the very nation that first gave temporal power
42:36 to the Roman Catholic Church withdrew that power,
42:40 ironically, from her in 1798.
42:43 The French Revolution was a catastrophic
42:46 event for the papacy.
42:47 In fact, in the aftermath of the French Revolution,
42:51 country after country, in the Western world turned democratic.
42:55 They were emancipated from the power of the church during the
42:59 Middle Ages, using them to persecute the
43:02 saints of the Most High.
43:03 And it appeared that the papacy was dead.
43:06 Prophecy tells us that the deadly wound was
43:10 going to be healed.
43:12 Notice Revelation 13:3.
43:16 And I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded.
43:21 What was it wounded with? with a sword.
43:24 What did the beast wound with? the sword.
43:27 And his deadly wound was healed, and all the world marveled
43:31 and followed the beast.
43:32 Let me ask you, If the deadly wound is removing the sword
43:36 from the hand of the beast, what must be the healing
43:40 of the deadly wound?
43:42 It must be restoring, once again, the sword to the hand
43:46 of the beast so that the sword can use the civil power,
43:49 once again, to persecute.
43:51 Are you with me or are you not with me? I hope so.
43:55 Now the question is, Why hasn't the mortal wound healed yet?
43:59 Let me read you a statement by Malachi Martin,
44:02 Roman Catholic Jesuit.
44:04 He wrote in 1986 a very revealing statement.
44:08 I don't think he really realized what he was writing,
44:11 and the prophetic implications of it.
44:13 But he said in 1986: For 1500 years and more Rome...
44:20 He's talking about the Roman Church.
44:22 ...Rome had kept as strong a hand as possible in each local
44:27 community around the wide world.
44:29 So notice, for 1500 years Rome had kept a strong hand in every
44:35 local community around the world.
44:36 And then he says this: By and large, and admitting some
44:41 exceptions, that had been the Roman view.
44:44 What had been the Roman view? exercising power with the what?
44:49 with a strong hand, right?
44:52 That had been the Roman view.
44:53 So he says: By and large, and admitting some exceptions,
44:59 that had been the Roman view until 200 years of inactivity
45:05 had been imposed upon the papacy by the major secular
45:10 powers of the world.
45:12 What is it that keeps the deadly wound in place?
45:16 The major secular powers of the world, because they have not
45:21 allowed the papacy to climb on them again.
45:23 They have not allowed the papacy to use them.
45:26 Are we starting to see changes, even within
45:28 the United States of America?
45:29 We most certainly are.
45:31 We're seeing the church trying to appeal to the
45:35 arm of the state in order to get her agenda across.
45:39 Now let me ask you, if he wrote this in 1986, and he says that
45:43 200 years of inactivity have been imposed by the papacy,
45:46 by the major secular powers of the world.
45:48 If you go back 200 years where do you arrive?
45:51 You arrive at the time of the French Revolution.
45:54 He's saying, The French Revolution imposed 200 years
45:58 of inactivity upon the papacy.
46:00 And that inactivity is imposed by the major secular
46:03 powers of the world. Are you with me?
46:05 Ellen White wrote 100 years before Malachi Martin wrote,
46:11 and notice what she says.
46:12 Let the restraints now imposed by secular governments...
46:19 Who imposes the restraints?
46:20 Who imposed the restraint back in the time of the Roman Empire?
46:24 the civil power. But when the civil power was removed,
46:28 and the sword was given to the church, the chains fell off.
46:31 The restrainer was gone. Are you with me?
46:33 So when it receives a deadly wound, is this power restrained
46:36 again by the secular powers of the world? Yes.
46:39 Let the restraints now imposed by secular governments
46:42 be removed, and Rome be reinstated in her former power,
46:47 and there would speedily be a revival of her
46:51 tyranny and persecution.
46:53 Let me ask you than, What is it that keeps the
46:56 deadly wound in place?
46:58 The fact that the state does not allow itself to be used
47:02 as the state was used during the Middle Ages.
47:05 When will the deadly wound be healed?
47:07 When the sword, which turned against the papacy, will arise
47:12 and be given once again to the Roman Catholic Papacy to do what
47:18 she did during the 1,260 years.
47:20 Allow me to read you a very telling statement by
47:23 John W. Robbins. He's a reformed theologian.
47:26 He's not a Seventh-day Adventist.
47:28 He quotes actually Ayn Rand, who wrote this in 1967.
47:35 Notice what it says: The Catholic Church has never given
47:38 up the hope to re-establish...
47:41 What does re-establish mean?
47:43 Must have lost it, right?
47:46 The Catholic Church has never given up the hope to
47:50 re-establish the medieval union of church and state.
47:53 So are church and state united today? No.
47:56 She needs to re-establish it, right?
47:57 With a global state, and a global theocracy
48:03 as its ultimate goal, the Roman Church state is a hybrid;
48:08 a monster of ecclesiastical and political power.
48:14 What kind of power? ecclesiastical and what?
48:17 political power. It's political thought is totalitarian.
48:22 And whenever it has had the opportunity to apply its
48:26 principles, the result has been bloody repression.
48:30 If during the last 30 years it has softened its ascertains
48:35 of full supreme and irresponsible power,
48:38 and has murdered fewer people than before, such changes in
48:42 behavior are not due to a change in its ideas, but to a change in
48:46 it's circumstances.
48:48 Folks, because it has a deadly wound.
48:51 Notice what he continues saying.
48:54 The Roman Church state in the 20th century, however,
48:57 is an institution...
48:59 This is not a Seventh-day Adventist.
49:00 I don't think he interprets Revelation 13 the way we do.
49:03 But he says, The Roman Church state in the 20th century,
49:06 however, is an institution recovering from a mortal wound.
49:10 If, and when,... We would not say if, we would say when.
49:14 But he says, If, and when, it regains its full power,
49:19 and authority, it will impose a regime more sinister than any
49:26 the planet has yet seen.
49:28 What's going to happen when the beast receives
49:31 the sword once again?
49:33 It is going to have worldwide dominion, and it is going to
49:36 persecute like it did in the past,
49:38 no matter what it might appear like right now.
49:40 By the way, Dave Hunt caught this.
49:43 He wrote a book called, A Woman Rides the Beast.
49:47 Now a lot of the ideas in that book I don't agree with,
49:50 because I think there's a lot of error, but one thing that he
49:53 gets straight is that the woman that rides the beast represents
49:58 the Roman Catholic Church, and the beast represents
50:01 the civil powers of the world.
50:02 He got that right.
50:03 Now notice what he says.
50:05 Do you remember we spoke about this system being the harlot?
50:08 Notice what Dave Hunt says.
50:10 Why do world leaders want to get in bed with the Vatican?
50:14 Do you notice the fornication metaphor being used there?
50:18 The heads of state in today's world all recognize that the
50:23 pope wields a power, which in many ways is even
50:26 greater than their own.
50:27 It is not only Catholicism's 900 million subjects, and enormous
50:32 wealth that causes the world's most powerful governments to
50:35 call to make friendly relations with the Roman Catholic Church.
50:38 It is because Vatican City citizens are found in great
50:42 numbers in nearly every country.
50:43 They constitute an international network that reaches into the
50:48 inside circles of the world's power centers.
50:53 Malachi Martin wrote a book, a very famous book,
50:57 The Keys of This Blood.
50:59 He speaks about three systems that are vying for the dominion
51:02 of the world: capitalism, communism,
51:05 and Roman Catholicism.
51:07 And I want you to notice what he says.
51:08 This is a Jesuit priest.
51:10 By the way, he died under mysterious circumstances.
51:13 Notice what it says in The Keys of This Blood, page 18.
51:15 There is one great similarity shared by all three of these
51:19 global escapetitors: that is communism, capitalism,
51:22 and Roman Catholicism.
51:23 Each one has in mind a particular grand design for
51:27 one world governance.
51:29 What do each one of them want? one world what? governance.
51:32 Their geo-political competition is about which of the three
51:37 will form, dominate, and run the world system that will
51:43 replace the decaying nation system.
51:46 And then in some chilling words on page 16, he tells us this:
51:52 No holds barred, because once the competition has been
51:56 decided, the world and all that's in it: our way of life
52:00 as individuals, and as citizens of the nations, our families,
52:03 and our jobs, our trade, and commerce, and money,
52:05 our educational systems, and our religions, and our cultures,
52:09 even the badges of our national identity, which most of us have
52:13 always taken for granted, all will have been powerfully,
52:17 and radically altered forever.
52:19 No one can be exempted from its effects.
52:22 No sector of our lives will remain untouched.
52:26 Nobody who is acquainted with the plans of these three rivals
52:30 has any doubt but that only one of them can win.
52:37 Is that chilling? Does that tell you what the objective of
52:41 the Roman Catholic Church is?
52:42 It's world dominion by once again sitting on the civil
52:46 powers of the world to dominating control
52:48 as she did in the past.
52:50 You say, Well, she sounds so nice now, so conciliatory.
52:54 That's true! But let me say folks, and I say this solemnly,
52:58 that's the way the Devil works.
52:59 The Devil doesn't work openly.
53:01 He works underground.
53:03 He makes evil look good, and he makes good look evil.
53:08 Now what about the time frame?
53:10 How soon, in the mind of Malachi Martin, is this dominion
53:14 going to take place?
53:15 He says in his book, The Keys of This Blood, pages 15-16,
53:21 the following: As to the time factor involved, those of us who
53:26 are under seventy will see at least the basic structures
53:31 of the New World government installed.
53:34 And he says, under the Roman Catholic Papacy. Remember this.
53:39 Those of us under 40 will surely live under its legislative
53:44 executive and judiciary authority and control.
53:49 You need to get a copy of that book and read it.
53:53 I mean it's not covert.
53:56 There's nothing hidden there.
53:58 It openly tells you what the objective of the
54:00 Roman Catholic Church is.
54:01 And, by the way, Malachi Martin says it's inevitable that the
54:07 papacy is going to be the winner, because God has
54:09 willed it that way.
54:10 That's why he calls it The Keys of This Blood.
54:13 God has said that that's the way it's going to be,
54:15 and no human being can prevent it.
54:17 Now here's the big question: How is this deadly wound
54:25 going to be healed?
54:26 Who is going to bring about its healing?
54:30 And how is it going to happen?
54:37 We're going to study this in our next lecture:
54:41 Revelation's Land Beast.
54:44 We're going to find that the deadly wound will be healed
54:48 by the most unlikely nation in the world.
54:53 A nation that rises from the earth, and has two horns
54:58 like a lamb, but ends up speaking like a dragon.
55:03 You say, Pastor Bohr, what nation in its right mind
55:07 would return the sword to the papacy, knowing the historical
55:11 track record of the papacy?
55:13 What nation in its right mind would do such a thing?
55:17 The problem is that this nation is not going to be
55:20 in its right mind.
55:22 Remember when we talked about the wine of Babylon?
55:27 The wine of Babylon makes people drunk.
55:30 And when they're drunk they can't think straight.
55:34 Jeremiah 51:7 says that through the wine of Babylon
55:37 the nations became mad.
55:40 In Hebrew it means that the nations became deranged;
55:46 mentally ill, if you please.
55:49 The nations became as a result of drinking the wine of Babylon,
55:54 which are her false doctrines.
55:55 One of those great false doctrines is the idea that the
55:59 church has two swords.
56:00 And the church cannot only preach God's word,
56:03 but the church can also use the sword of the state to punish
56:07 dissenters who do not agree with her doctrines,
56:09 and don't do exactly what she says.
56:12 Now if you live in the United States you know that some
56:15 amazing things have happened in the last few years:
56:18 Some ex-president's kneeling before the body of John Paul II,
56:24 the pope visiting the White House, receiving a standing
56:31 ovation in the United Nations, and many religious leaders
56:38 coming to a cathedral in New York when he visited
56:44 the United States, including representatives from practically
56:48 every major Protestant denomination.
56:51 And each one of these leaders...
56:53 I watched it on television.
56:54 The Protestant churches came forward and shook his hands,
56:58 and some of them even giving him a bow, and saying some
57:01 real kind words to him.
57:03 Listen, if they understood Bible prophecy as it was
57:06 understood 200-250 years ago, they wouldn't even come
57:10 anywhere near this system.
57:12 But people have forgotten the roots of prophecy.
57:16 So, folks, don't miss the next exciting episode in this series:
57:21 The Beast That Rose From the Earth.


Revised 2015-10-07