Three Angels Message

Babylon's Filthy Fornication

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000009

00:30 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
00:32 Our Father and our God, what a joy it is to
00:36 be in Your presence.
00:37 We thank You, Father, for being such a wonderful God.
00:41 And we thank You because You've given us Your Holy Word,
00:45 which is a sure guide in a world that is confused and seems
00:49 to be going nowhere.
00:50 We ask, Lord, for the presence of Your Holy Spirit.
00:54 Give us clarity of thought, and give us willing hearts
00:58 to receive the word that You have for us today.
01:00 And we thank You for hearing our prayer, for we ask it in the
01:05 precious name of Jesus, Amen.
01:08 During our last studies together we've spoken about the identity
01:14 of Babylon, and then we spoke about the wine of Babylon,
01:20 and today we are going to speak about the
01:24 fornication of Babylon.
01:27 As you remember, in our last lecture we studied about the
01:31 identity of Babylon; actually in the last two lectures.
01:36 And we noticed that the harlot of Revelation 17 represents
01:41 a church, represents a Christian church that has gone
01:47 astray from Jesus Christ.
01:49 And according to the Bible, this church has become a harlot.
01:54 Now today we're going to study about the fornication of this
01:57 harlot with the kings of the earth.
02:00 And I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles with me to
02:03 Revelation 17:1, 2, where this fornication between the harlot,
02:10 this apostate church, and the kings of the earth is described.
02:14 It says there:
02:30 Now comes the key phrase.
02:45 So you'll notice here it says that the kings of the earth
02:48 have committed fornication with this harlot,
02:51 which represents an apostate church.
02:54 Now there's another passage in Revelation which
02:57 describes this same scene.
03:00 Revelation 18:1-3, Revelation 18:1-3.
03:38 Which we have noticed is false doctrine.
03:40 We've studied that carefully in Scripture. So it says:
04:02 So basically in these two passages that we began with
04:06 today, we noticed that in the end time there is going to be
04:11 a coalition, or a union between a harlot church
04:15 and the kings of the earth.
04:17 In other words the church is going to be involved in some
04:21 manner with the political systems of the world.
04:26 Now this would mean then that there are two kingdoms.
04:30 Because there's first of all the church,
04:32 represented by the harlot, and the civil rulers,
04:35 represented by the kings.
04:36 Now I want us to notice in Matthew 22:15-21 that Jesus
04:44 recognized two kingdoms.
04:47 Matthew 22:15-21. It says there:
05:15 In other words, you don't make a difference between
05:17 one human being and another.
05:19 Now they're really faking admiring Jesus,
05:24 as we're going to notice. Verse 17.
05:34 That was a difficult question.
05:37 Because if Jesus answered yes, He was in trouble,
05:40 and if He answered no, He was in trouble as well.
05:42 You see, if He answered yes the Jews would be against Him,
05:45 because the Jews did not like paying taxes to the Romans.
05:48 But if He answered no then He would be guilty of sedition
05:52 against the Roman government, because Rome demanded
05:54 that people pay taxes.
05:56 And so no matter how He answered, if He answered yes
05:59 or no, He was going to get into trouble. Verse 18.
06:14 Which was the main coin at that time.
06:23 In other words, whose picture is on the coin,
06:26 and whose name is on this coin? Verse 21.
06:44 How many kingdoms did Jesus recognize?
06:47 He recognized two kingdoms.
06:49 The first kingdom is the kingdom of Caesar,
06:53 and the second is the kingdom of God; two kingdoms.
06:57 As we began our study this evening we also
07:00 noticed two kingdoms.
07:01 There's the harlot, which represents an apostate church,
07:04 and there's also the kings of the earth.
07:08 But I'm going to show you that really the reason why this
07:12 church became a harlot is because instead of remaining
07:16 married to Jesus Christ, she entered illicit relationships
07:20 with the kings of the earth.
07:21 So Jesus recognized the existence of two kingdoms.
07:25 But now we need to ask the question, What do we owe
07:29 to the kingdom of Caesar, which, by the way,
07:32 is the civil government?
07:33 And what do we owe to God?
07:36 There's something that we owe to to Caesar,
07:39 or to the political power, and there's something
07:41 that we owe to God, or to the church.
07:43 The question is, What do we owe to each?
07:47 Go with me to Deuteronomy 4:13, and lets take a close look
07:52 at this. Deuteronomy 4:13.
07:56 It's speaking here about the giving of the ten commandments,
07:59 and it says this: So He... That is God.
08:14 How many tablets of stone were the ten commandments written on?
08:17 two tablets of stone.
08:19 Now let me ask you, Could God have written the
08:21 ten commandments on one tablet of stone if He had wanted to?
08:24 Of course. Could He have written the ten commandments on three
08:26 tablets of stone? Absolutely.
08:28 Why did He write the ten commandments on
08:31 two tablets of stone?
08:33 Simply, we're going to notice, because the first four
08:37 commandments have to do with our responsibility towards God,
08:41 whereas the last six commandments have to do with
08:44 our responsibility with our fellow human beings.
08:48 In other words the first four commandments point out our
08:51 duty, our vertical duty with God, and the last six point out
08:55 our horizontal relationship with our fellow human beings.
08:59 Now let's notice that.
09:00 Deuteronomy 6:4, 5, Deuteronomy 6:4, 5. It says there:
09:19 So you'll notice here a very important declaration by God,
09:23 We shall love the Lord our God with all our heart,
09:25 with all our soul, and with all our strength.
09:28 Now let's go to Leviticus 19:18, Leviticus 19:18.
09:35 It says there: speaking about our
09:37 relationship with our neighbor:
09:51 So how many great commandments do we have in the Old Testament?
09:55 1. Love supreme for whom? for God.
10:00 And secondly, loving our what? our neighbor.
10:04 Which table of the law describes our love for God?
10:08 the first four. Which table of the law describes our
10:12 relationship with our fellow human beings? the last six.
10:16 Now let's go to what Jesus had to say about this,
10:20 because Jesus confirms what I'm saying.
10:22 Matthew 22:34-40, Matthew 22, beginning with verse 34.
10:37 By the way, he's not a secular lawyer.
10:39 He is an expert in the writings of Moses, in the law of Moses.
10:42 So it says:
10:58 Did we read that in the Old Testament somewhere? Yes.
11:01 We read it in Deuteronomy 6, right?
11:04 So that's the first and great commandment. Notice verse 38.
11:23 So you'll notice that the law of God was structured in such a way
11:27 that you have our duty towards God and our duty
11:30 towards our fellow man.
11:32 But let me ask you, Does the civil government have the right
11:35 to enforce the second table of the law?
11:38 Does the civil government have a right to punish those
11:40 individuals who steal? Yes.
11:43 Does it have the right to punish those individuals who kill? Yes.
11:46 Does it have a right to punish those who beat up
11:49 on their parents? Yes.
11:50 Does it have a right to prosecute those who speak
11:54 false witness against somebody else,
11:56 and ruins their reputation? Absolutely.
11:59 In other words, the second table of the law is the realm
12:03 of the civil government.
12:04 But the first table of the law, the civil government can have
12:07 nothing to do with, because it has to do with our duty
12:11 and responsibility and worship towards God.
12:14 In other words, the civil government has been established
12:17 to preserve the civil order.
12:18 The first four commandments are off limits
12:21 for the civil government.
12:22 Now it's interesting that Jesus Christ...
12:25 And now we're going to go to speak a little about Jesus,
12:28 because His experience is actually going to be repeated
12:32 in His people at the end of time.
12:34 It's interesting that Jesus was never accused by the Jews
12:38 of breaking the last six commandments of God's law.
12:41 Jesus was never accused of disobeying the
12:46 civil laws of Rome.
12:48 All of the accusations that the Jews launched against Jesus
12:52 were things that had to do with the first table of the law.
12:58 You say, Where does the Bible say that?
13:01 Well, go with me to Mark 2:7.
13:03 Mark 2:7 is describing a paralytic, and Jesus says some
13:08 very controversial things.
13:10 He says to this man, Your sins are forgiven.
13:12 And notice what His enemies said.
13:25 Let me ask you, What table of the law does that accusation
13:28 have to do with? the first table.
13:31 Because they're saying that He's making Himself what?
13:33 God by forgiving sins.
13:35 Notice John 10:33.
13:38 At this point Jesus had said, I and My Father are One.
13:43 And they understood very well that Jesus was saying that He
13:46 was One with His Father in a special sense;
13:48 in the sense that He was God.
13:50 Notice John 10:33.
13:57 Because they picked up stones to stone Him.
14:06 There it is again, He's being accused of violating
14:10 the first table of the law.
14:11 Notice John 9:16, John 9:16.
14:17 Here He's going to be accused of breaking the Holy Sabbath.
14:21 Let me ask you, On which table of the law is the Sabbath?
14:24 It's on the first table of the law.
14:26 It's a duty that we owe whom? that we owe God.
14:30 It says in John 9:16, Jesus has healed a blind man.
14:46 By the way, were they right or wrong?
14:48 They were wrong. He did keep the Sabbath.
14:50 He just didn't keep the Sabbath according to all
14:52 their rules and regulations.
14:53 He kept the Biblical Sabbath, not the Sabbath of the Rabbi's.
14:57 Also John 5:16, 18, where Jesus has healed a man who was
15:05 paralyzed, a paralytic.
15:07 Notice they accused Him once again of
15:09 violating the Sabbath. Verse 16.
15:19 Verse 17. But Jesus answered them, My Father has been working
15:23 until now, and I have been working.
15:32 At least in their minds.
15:42 See, once again everything has to do with the
15:44 first table of the law.
15:46 One final reference from the gospels, and there are others,
15:50 but I've only chosen a few, where Jesus is accused of taking
15:54 God's name in vain.
15:56 On which table of the law is that?
15:57 That's the first table of the law.
15:59 It's the third commandment: You shall not take the name
16:01 of the Lord your God in vain.
16:03 Notice John 8:58, 59.
16:15 Who was Jesus claiming to be?
16:18 Remember at the burning bush Moses asked, What is Your name
16:22 when I go to Israel?
16:23 I AM that I AM has sent Me unto you.
16:28 Did the Jews understand that Jesus was taking the name of God
16:33 and applying it to Himself?
16:35 They most certainly did, because it says in verse 59,
16:48 So we find in God's holy law two tables.
16:53 The first table describes our duty towards God.
16:57 The second table describes our duty towards our fellow man.
17:01 The first table belongs exclusively to God.
17:05 In other words, the civil power has nothing to do
17:09 with the first table.
17:10 It has much to do with the second table in order to
17:13 preserve the civil order.
17:16 Now do you know that the Devil constantly was trying to
17:19 encourage Jesus to take over the literal political kingdom.
17:24 But Jesus didn't come for that.
17:26 In fact, notice Matthew 4:10.
17:29 The Devil wanted Jesus, instead of being king of the spiritual
17:33 kingdom, he wanted Jesus to take over the political system.
17:37 And he wanted Him to overthrow the Romans.
17:39 Notice Matthew 4:10.
18:01 What was the Devil offering Jesus?
18:03 all the kingdoms of the world.
18:05 Was this talking about the kingdom of the church?
18:07 All of the spiritual kingdoms of the world? No.
18:10 It's speaking about taking over the political kingdom,
18:13 the civil system of the world.
18:15 By the way, this happened constantly during
18:18 the ministry of Jesus.
18:19 Notice John 6:15, John 6:15.
18:24 This is after Jesus fed the 5000.
18:27 The people were very impressed.
18:29 And it says: Therefore when Jesus perceived that they were
18:33 about to come and take Him by force to make Him king...
18:38 What kind of king?
18:39 A king of the church, or the king of the state?
18:43 The king of the state, of the political system.
18:46 What did Jesus do when they wanted to take Him by force?
18:50 He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone.
18:53 By the way the disciples have this mentality of Jesus also
18:56 destroying everybody and taking over the kingdom.
18:59 One time there were some villages of the Samaritans
19:03 that did not want to allow Jesus to pass through them
19:05 on His way to Jerusalem.
19:07 And so His disciples said, two of them anyway,
19:12 the sons of thunder, they said, Do You want us to call down fire
19:16 from heaven and burn those people up?
19:18 And notice what Jesus said in Luke 9:55, 56.
19:37 Jesus rebuked them for even considering the possibility of
19:41 using force against those cities, or those towns that had
19:47 refused to allow Jesus to go through them.
19:50 Do you know why? Because Jesus did not come here to this world
19:53 to set up a literal political kingdom.
19:56 Jesus came to this world to build up His spiritual
20:00 kingdom of the church.
20:02 You say, How do we know that?
20:04 Go with me to Luke 17:20, 21, Luke 17:20, 21.
20:10 You see, for Jesus the kingdom is not something that comes
20:13 with a great show of force.
20:15 The kingdom is not established by taking over
20:18 the political system; by taking over the civil power.
20:20 Jesus was tempted to do that all of the time.
20:23 Jesus knew that the kingdom was something that
20:26 needed to happen inside.
20:28 Notice Luke 17:20, 21.
20:36 And, of course, they meant the political civil power.
20:45 And that is with a great big outward show.
20:58 Let me ask you, If you want a ball of dough to grow,
21:04 what do you do? Do you put the leaven inside,
21:07 or do you sprinkle the leaven outside?
21:09 Of course you put it inside, and then the dough grows
21:14 from inside out, right?
21:16 Let me ask you, Did Jesus plan to establish His kingdom by
21:21 force of arms; by taking over the civil power of the world?
21:24 Absolutely not! He knew that He had to implant His Spirit in the
21:29 hearts of people through the preaching of God's Word.
21:32 And then, by implanting the principles of His kingdom in the
21:37 heart, the kingdom would then what? would grow,
21:40 spiritually speaking.
21:42 Now I would like us to go to the end of the ministry of Jesus.
21:48 Go with me to John 11:47-49.
21:51 We set the bases now for some very important things that
21:54 we're going to study regarding the final days of Jesus
21:57 before His crucifixion.
21:59 John 11:47, 49. The Jewish council gathered together
22:06 because Jesus had resurrected Lazarus,
22:09 and everybody was following Jesus.
22:11 They were impressed by His teaching.
22:12 So they said, We have to do something about this man,
22:16 because pretty soon the whole nation is going
22:18 to be following Him.
22:19 So they gathered in this council.
22:22 In the Sanhedrin, there were 70 members in the Sanhedrin.
22:26 And notice how the story develops.
22:43 And now notice their fear.
22:51 What are they saying?
22:53 They're saying, Listen, we have to eliminate public enemy
22:57 number one or else the Romans are going to destroy our nation.
23:01 Our nation is going to cease to exist.
23:03 Interesting! Did their nation fall? Yes.
23:10 It fell by what they did.
23:12 We're going to notice. Verse 49.
23:28 In other words, Caiaphas was saying, This man needs to die
23:32 to save the nation.
23:33 He just didn't understand the sense in which the death
23:36 of Jesus was going to save the nation.
23:38 He thought that the nation was going to be saved literally,
23:41 politically by destroying Jesus.
23:44 What he didn't know is that Jesus, by His death,
23:47 was going to save the human race.
23:49 How? spiritually, not politically.
23:51 Because Jesus came to establish His spiritual kingdom.
23:55 He did not come to take over the political
23:58 system of the world.
23:59 A little bit later on Peter, actually Jesus was in the garden
24:05 of Gethsemane. They came to arrest Him.
24:08 Now I want you to notice what Peter did.
24:10 And remember this because we're going to come back to it in
24:12 the next three or four lectures. Matthew 26:50-52.
24:17 Now we're going to talk about the final days of Jesus before
24:22 His ascension to heaven. Matthew 26:50.
24:35 By the way, this is Simone Peter.
24:37 And he wasn't aiming at the ear.
24:38 He was aiming at the head.
24:40 But he was a fisherman not a soldier.
24:41 And so it says that he cut off his ear.
24:45 Now notice what Jesus said.
24:47 What did Jesus say?
24:49 Good, well done Peter!
24:51 Defend My kingdom. Use the sword, kill em!
24:54 Is that what He said? No!
24:57 Did He say to the other disciples, You cowards!
25:00 Why don't you join Peter in fighting for My kingdom? No.
25:03 Notice verse 52. These are the key words
25:07 I want you to remember.
25:13 Put your what?
25:25 He who kills with the sword must be what?
25:29 must be killed with the sword.
25:31 Those words are in Revelation 13:10, and we still study them
25:35 in the next couple of lectures.
25:37 And so do you know what they did with Jesus?
25:39 They arrested Him in the garden of Gethsemane,
25:41 and then they took Him to the Sanhedrin.
25:46 In other words He had His religious trial.
25:50 Notice Matthew 26:57, Matthew 26:57.
26:08 Let me ask you, Was His trial a religious trial,
26:10 or was His trial a political trial?
26:12 His trial, first of all, was a religious trial.
26:17 And, by the way, it was a travesty in justice.
26:20 Let me mention some of the things that they did which were
26:23 against Jewish law.
26:28 That was forbidden by Jewish law.
26:33 That was forbidden by Jewish law.
26:41 That was a violation of Jewish law.
26:42 He had right to counsel.
26:45 They did not give Him the right to counsel.
26:47 That was a violation of Jewish law.
26:53 That was a violation of Jewish law.
26:55 In fact the trial, according to Jewish law had to be public,
27:01 and they made it private.
27:02 And furthermore it was forbidden by Jewish law to have any trial
27:09 or any sentencing on Saturday, or a feast day.
27:13 And they violated that.
27:15 In other words, it was a travesty in justice.
27:18 What the Sanhedrin, what the Church did when Jesus was
27:22 taken before the religious leaders.
27:24 Now let's notice a little bit about this trial.
27:28 Matthew 26:59, 26:59.
27:32 Now the Chief Priest...
27:34 By the way, another regulation of the Jews was that they had
27:36 to have impartial judges.
27:38 Notice what it says here: Now the chief priest, the elders,
27:41 and all the council sought false testimony...
28:02 See, what they're doing is an inquisition, aren't they?
28:05 I know you're probably not used to using that word in this
28:09 context, but they're doing an inquiry.
28:11 That's what the word inquisition means. Notice verse 62.
28:45 And when Jesus said those words, immediately they pronounced
28:48 the death sentence.
28:50 Let me ask you, Who pronounced the death sentence?
28:51 Was it the civil power or was it the religious power?
28:54 It was the religious power.
28:55 The inquisition was made in the church governing body.
29:00 And the sentence of death was dictated in the
29:03 church governing body.
29:04 I want you to remember these details because we're going to
29:06 come back to them when we talk about the beast,
29:08 and when we talk about the land beast.
29:10 Notice what we find in Matthew 26:66, after they did the
29:15 inquisition, after they did the inquiry.
29:17 It says: Then the high priest tore his clothes saying,
29:21 He has spoken blasphemy.
29:23 What further need do we have of witnesses?
29:26 Look, now you have heard His blasphemy.
29:35 Who pronounced the death sentence,
29:37 the state or the church?
29:38 The church pronounced the death sentence.
29:40 They were the ones who did the inquisition.
29:42 They were the ones who led Jesus to incriminate Himself.
29:47 But the problem is that the church of that day and age
29:49 could not execute the death penalty.
29:51 They pronounced the sentence, but the church
29:54 as a church, could not do it.
29:56 So what did they do?
29:57 They took Jesus to the political ruler of Rome.
30:02 Notice Matthew 27:1, 2, Matthew 27:1, 2.
30:25 Now was Pilate the civil ruler, or religious ruler?
30:29 He was the civil ruler.
30:30 Could the church execute the death penalty on Jesus without
30:34 the help of the state? Absolutely not!
30:36 They needed the help of the civil power.
30:38 Now when they take him to Jesus, notice
30:41 John 18:30, John 18:29, 30.
30:47 Pilot then went out to them and said, What accusation do you
30:52 bring against this man?
31:00 He's an evildoer. Let me ask you, Had He violated any of the
31:03 civil laws of Rome?
31:04 He had not violated any of the civil laws of the state.
31:08 In fact, do you know that Pilate had the separation of church
31:12 and state much clearer than even the Jews did?
31:15 Notice John 18:31. Then Pilate said to them, You take Him and
31:22 judge Him according to your law.
31:24 How many laws did Pilate recognize?
31:26 How many? two! He says, I got my law, which is the civil code
31:33 of Rome, but you take this man and you judge Him by what?
31:36 by your law, which is religious law.
31:39 In other words, Pilate is recognizing that there
31:41 are how many kingdoms? two kingdoms.
31:43 His has a law, which is civil law, and they have a law,
31:47 which is religious law.
31:49 Because they've accused Jesus of transgressing
31:51 the first table of the law.
31:52 But you see the Jews, they wanted to put Him to death.
31:56 And they needed the help of the state in order
31:58 to put Him to death.
32:00 This is what the Bible call fornication;
32:01 when the church uses the state to slay those who are not
32:07 in harmony with her teachings.
32:09 Notice John 18:31.
32:22 We need your help, Pontius Pilate,
32:25 to put this man to death.
32:27 Notice Luke 23:2. It says, And they began to accuse Him saying,
32:35 We found this fellow perverting the nation, and forbidding to
32:40 pay taxes to Caesar, and saying that He Himself
32:43 is Christ, a king.
32:45 Let me ask you, Was this an accusation that would have
32:48 raised the ears of Pontius Pilate?
32:50 Oh, absolutely! They'd say, You knew this man who
32:53 wanted to be a king.
32:54 And he said, We're not supposed to pay taxes,
32:56 which is an open blatant lie, because we already read
32:59 that Jesus said, Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's.
33:03 He said, Pay taxes.
33:04 So this is an outright lie.
33:06 And they're saying this man said that He's a king.
33:10 But they're twisting His words, because Jesus had not said
33:12 that He was going to be a political king, but He was king
33:15 of the kingdom of grace, of a religious system.
33:18 And so Pilate calls Jesus in and he wants to have an
33:22 interview with Him.
33:24 He wants to ask Him if He's a king.
33:25 Notice John 18:36, when Pilate says, Are you a king?
33:33 How many kingdoms did Jesus recognize?
33:35 His and what other one? this world's kingdom. He says:
33:44 In other words, if Mine was a political kingdom,
33:46 what would His servants do?
33:59 Are you understanding what's happening here?
34:01 Jesus is recognizing two kingdoms.
34:03 One is the civil power, and the other is His spiritual kingdom.
34:08 And He's saying, I came to represent the spiritual kingdom.
34:12 I did not come to take over the political system.
34:15 Notice John 18:37. Pilate, therefore, said to Him,
34:20 Are you a king then?
34:22 Jesus answered, You say rightly that I'm a king.
34:25 He says, Yeh, you bet I am.
34:27 For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have
34:30 come into the world; that I should kill everybody with a
34:34 sword and take over the world.
34:36 That's not what He says!
34:37 What kind of kingdom did He come to establish?
34:40 He says, I have come into the world that I should bear
34:43 witness to the what? to the truth.
34:46 That's something spiritual, folks.
34:47 Everyone who is of the truth hears what? My voice.
34:53 And, by the way, do you know that three times Pontius Pilate
34:55 goes out and he says to the people, I've examined him.
34:59 I don't find any crime in this man.
35:01 Did Pilate understand that Jesus was not saying that He was
35:05 going to be a king to take over the political system?
35:07 Did he understand that?
35:08 Listen, if he didn't understand that, he would have had
35:10 Jesus killed right there.
35:12 But he didn't because he knew that Jesus was not a political
35:16 king like the Jews accused Him of being.
35:19 In fact three times Pilate said that Jesus was innocent,
35:22 that he was delivering to death an innocent man.
35:25 That's a travesty in justice.
35:27 Notice John 18:38. This is the first time.
35:41 In other words, this man is innocent.
35:44 Once again in John 19:4.
35:55 That's twice. Notice John 19:6. Three's a charm.
36:16 Did Pilate openly announce that Jesus was innocent of violation
36:22 of any law of Rome, of the civil power? Yes.
36:25 But the Jews said, This guy violated the
36:28 first table of the law.
36:30 By the way, Jesus had not, but they're accusing
36:32 Him of doing that.
36:33 And they want to use the civil power of Rome to destroy
36:36 Jesus because of the convictions of His conscience,
36:41 because of His religious views.
36:43 In fact, notice John 19:7.
36:51 It might not be yours, they're saying to Pilate, but...
37:02 And Pilate says, And what does that have to do with me?
37:07 Making Himself like God; that's the first table of the law.
37:09 Of course he doesn't say this, but he says that
37:11 has to do with you, with the spiritual kingdom, not with me.
37:14 You know, show me that He killed somebody, or He committed
37:16 adultery, or He stole, or He dishonored or trampled upon
37:21 His parents, or that He's guilty of witnessing
37:24 falsely against people.
37:25 Give me one of those violations of civil law.
37:27 But don't come to me and say that He made Himself God.
37:30 Because that has to do with your law.
37:32 It doesn't have to do with mine.
37:33 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
37:35 Now notice John 19:11.
37:38 Did Pilate and Jesus both recognize
37:43 that there are two kingdoms? Absolutely.
37:45 Notice John 19:11, because Pilate says, Don't you know that
37:48 I could release You if I wanted to? Notice:
38:01 Why was Pilate ruling in Rome?
38:05 Who placed him there?
38:07 God placed him there.
38:08 Jesus is saying, You wouldn't have any power unless
38:11 God had placed you there.
38:13 So did Jesus recognize the legitimacy of the civil power?
38:16 Yes, He did. Did He recognize the legitimacy also of
38:20 the religious power?
38:22 He most certainly did.
38:23 Now why did Pilate deliver an innocent man?
38:26 John 19:12 tells us the reason.
38:29 Actually, there are two reasons.
38:32 1. Because he was afraid of the people.
38:36 And 2. He was afraid of losing his political position.
38:40 He was afraid that Caesar would remove him.
38:43 So out of expediency he delivered an innocent man.
38:47 Notice John 19:12.
39:06 So what are they saying?
39:08 They're saying, Listen, this man says that He's a king.
39:11 And if you don't do something about it,
39:12 we're going to tell Caesar, and Caesar is going to remove
39:15 you from your post.
39:17 So it was because of fear of losing his political position
39:20 that he delivered an innocent man.
39:23 But it was also because the religious leaders pressured
39:27 the people to ask for the blood of Jesus,
39:29 and he was afraid of an insurrection
39:32 and a tumult among the people.
39:34 Notice Matthew 27:20.
39:36 Folks the dangerous figures in this are not the common
39:39 ordinary church members.
39:41 The dangerous people here are the religious leaders.
39:44 Notice Matthew 27:20.
40:00 Notice John 19:13-15.
40:05 When Pilate, therefore, heard that saying, he brought Jesus
40:09 out and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called
40:13 the pavement, but in Hebrew Gabbatha.
40:25 And now notice this:
40:47 Do you know what they were doing?
40:49 They were actually divorcing Jesus Christ as their king.
40:55 By saying that they had no king but Caesar, they were committing
41:01 a terrible act of fornication with the king
41:04 to destroy Jesus Christ.
41:06 And, by the way, lest you wonder about this,
41:09 did Jesus many times give parables where He spoke
41:14 about His desire to marry the people in His day? His church?
41:19 Yes. He called John the Baptist the friend of the bridegroom;
41:23 the matchmaker, if you please.
41:27 In fact He said, How can you cry when the
41:29 bridegroom is in your midst?
41:30 He spoke of Himself as the bridegroom.
41:32 He gave the parable of the ten virgins, which is a marriage.
41:37 He spoke about the king and his servants, Matthew 22.
41:40 In other words, this was Jesus trying to woo His people,
41:44 and say, I want to have a relationship with you.
41:47 I want to be your husband.
41:48 I want you to be my wife.
41:49 And what did they say?
41:51 They said, We will not have You as king.
41:53 We have no king but the political system.
41:56 We have no king but whom? Caesar.
41:59 They were disowning their relationship with Jesus Christ.
42:02 They were breaking their relationship.
42:04 They were basically divorcing Jesus Christ.
42:08 And, by the way, when they did this, this led a national
42:12 apostasy, which eventually led to national ruin.
42:16 You see, they thought that by killing Jesus
42:19 they were going to save their nation.
42:21 But by killing Jesus they brought destruction
42:25 upon their nation.
42:27 They caused just the opposite of what they thought they
42:29 were going to cause.
42:30 By taking over the political system to destroy Jesus,
42:33 they brought about what they wanted to prevent.
42:38 Notice John 19:41-44, John 19:41-44, speaking about
42:43 the destruction of Jerusalem.
42:44 Because the Jewish nation had said, We don't want this man.
42:48 We don't want Him to be our husband.
42:50 We have a king who is Caesar.
42:52 His blood be upon us, and upon our children. Notice:
43:12 This is the Romans, by the way.
43:13 The very ones that they said the Romans will
43:16 take away our nation.
43:17 The Romans did take away their nation,
43:18 but because they destroyed Jesus. Verse 43.
43:41 Do you see what happens when the church
43:42 fornicates with the state?
43:44 The result, automatic result, is persecution.
43:48 Sooner or later when the church abandons it's relationship with
43:53 Jesus, it's spiritual mission, and it tries to get the state
43:59 to do what Jesus should do, that's fornication,
44:03 and it leads to the downfall of the church.
44:06 In fact allow me, in the last few minutes that we have
44:09 together, to talk to you about the church immediately after
44:13 the day of Pentecost.
44:15 By the way, do you know that the Bible says that
44:17 there are two swords?
44:21 What's the first sword? the Bible.
44:24 Notice Ephesians 6:17.
44:29 It says there, the apostle Paul speaking, Ephesians 6:17,
44:32 And take the helmet of salvation,
44:34 and the sword of the Spirit, which is what?
44:38 which is the Word of God.
44:39 What is the sword of the Spirit? the Word of God.
44:42 Let me ask you, To whom did Jesus give this sword?
44:44 to the state or to the church? to the church.
44:47 How does the church use the sword? by preaching, right?
44:51 If the sword is the Bible, how does the church use the sword,
44:55 or the Bible? It uses the sword to preach, and to reach people.
45:00 By the way, did God give the church power to do that?
45:03 Notice Acts 1:8, Acts 1:8. Jesus says:
45:25 What mission did Jesus give to the church?
45:28 He said, Go out with your swords; take over the political
45:30 system; convert the world by force.
45:33 Is that what He said? No!
45:36 He said, I'm giving you a sword.
45:38 It's the sword of the Spirit; it's the Word of God.
45:40 You go out with the Word of God; preach it, and plant the Spirit
45:45 of Christ where? in the heart.
45:48 And that way My Spiritual kingdom will grow.
45:51 You know, you never find in the book of Acts,
45:54 which is the history of the earliest church,
45:57 you'll never find in the book of Acts the disciples taking over
46:00 the Roman government to fulfill their mission.
46:02 In fact what you notice in the book of Acts is that God's
46:08 followers are constantly being persecuted by Rome.
46:11 Do you know why they're being persecuted by Rome?
46:15 Because the Jews instigated the civil powers of Rome
46:19 to persecute God's people.
46:20 You see they continued doing, after Jesus died on the cross,
46:26 they continued doing the same thing all over again
46:29 throughout the book of Acts.
46:30 Just read the book of Acts.
46:32 Look in the Concordance for the word Jews.
46:33 And you'll find that every time that there's persecution
46:37 against the church it's instigated by the Jews.
46:39 Because they're, once again, trying to use the civil
46:42 magistrates, the power of Rome, to snuff out Christianity.
46:46 In fact, let me give you one example: Acts 12:1-3,
46:51 Acts 12:1-3. It's speaking about the death of James.
46:55 It's interesting to see what he was killed with.
46:57 He wasn't killed with the Bible, by the way.
47:00 He wasn't killed with the sword of the Spirit.
47:02 It says there in Acts 12:1-3: Now about that time Herod
47:08 the king stretched out his hand to harass some from the church.
47:11 Then he killed James the brother of John with a sword.
47:16 What did he kill him with? with the sword.
47:19 Why did he do that?
47:20 Verse 3. And because he saw that it what?
47:25 it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further
47:29 to seize Peter also.
47:31 Now it was during the days of unleavened bread.
47:35 You see, all throughout the book of Acts the apostate Jewish
47:38 church links with the civil government of Rome to try
47:42 and destroy the church.
47:44 That is what the Bible calls fornication.
47:48 That's what the harlot, this apostate church,
47:52 did during the Middle Ages.
47:54 And that's what this apostate church is going to do
47:57 in the future, according to Scripture.
47:59 I want to read Romans 13:1-5.
48:05 Do you know that there is another sword?
48:06 There's two swords.
48:08 The first sword is the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God.
48:11 And that's used by whom? by the church, right?
48:15 And how does the church use it? by what? by preaching.
48:19 But there's another sword, and that sword is the ability that
48:24 the civil government has to enforce civil order.
48:27 Not the first table of the law, but civil order.
48:30 You say, Where does the Bible say that there's
48:32 another kind of sword?
48:34 Romans 13:1. It's speaking about Rome.
48:49 Let me ask you, Who appointed the civil government? God did.
48:53 Did Jesus recognize that?
48:54 He most certainly did.
48:56 What did He appoint the civil government for?
48:58 to rule in religious things? No.
49:00 To rule in what? in civil matters.
49:03 To preserve the civil order.
49:05 Verse 2. Therefore whoever resists the authority,
49:08 that is the civil government, resists the ordinance of God.
49:11 And those who resist will bring judgment upon themselves,
49:14 for rulers are not a tare to good works but to evil.
49:18 In other words, if you obey the law, no problem.
49:21 Do you want to be unafraid of the authority?
49:24 Do what is good and you will have praise from the same.
49:31 Notice that it even says that the civil power is God's
49:33 minister to you for good.
49:39 That is the civil magistrate.
49:51 Who has the other sword? the sword of force,
49:55 the literal sword to preserve the civil order, where you can
50:00 punish violations of civil law?
50:02 It's the state that has that sword.
50:04 So let me ask you, Does the church have a sword? Yes.
50:07 Does the state have a sword? Yes.
50:08 Where do you have the problem?
50:10 When the church uses the sword of the state.
50:14 That's what the Bible calls fornication.
50:17 By the way, lest you wonder whether the civil power has the
50:20 right to actually legislate the first table of the law,
50:23 let's continue reading there in verse 6.
50:25 For because of this you also pay taxes.
50:27 See, because God has placed them there, you pay taxes.
50:36 Notice the word render; just the word that Jesus used.
50:47 Owe no one anything except to love one another.
50:50 For he who loves one another has fulfilled the law.
50:53 Which table of the law is this talking about in the context
50:55 of the civil government?
50:57 You love your what? your neighbor.
50:59 And then if you still don't understand it, verse 9.
51:01 For the commandment, you shall not commit adultery,
51:03 you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not bear
51:07 false witness, you shall not covet.
51:09 And if there's any other commandment...
51:10 Are those all commandments that have to do with the second
51:12 table of the law? Absolutely.
51:14 ...are all summed up in this saying, namely you shall love
51:17 your neighbor as yourself.
51:19 Love does no harm to a neighbor.
51:20 Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
51:22 The apostle Paul is saying, Look, we should obey the civil
51:25 law because it's the civil law, but we should also obey
51:29 the civil law because of love.
51:32 As Christians we have two motivations:
51:34 1. Because the civil law says it.
51:36 It's not because we're afraid of the civil law.
51:39 But the real reason is because when you have the law written
51:42 on the heart you're going to love your neighbor.
51:43 But notice that the government has to do with the second
51:47 table of the law, and not with the first table of the law.
51:52 And do you know what?
51:53 Shortly after the story of the church in the book of Acts,
51:58 the church took a very bad turn.
52:02 Apostasy came into the church.
52:05 We studied this before.
52:07 And the church merged with the state.
52:10 And the same scenes that took place in the trial
52:15 and crucifixion of Jesus were repeated all over again in case,
52:21 after case, after case; the church using the civil power
52:26 to punish dissenters for their beliefs, to punish people whose
52:31 conscience contradicted what the church was doing.
52:35 Now I'd like to bring this to a close by saying that Pilate
52:40 should never have delivered an innocent man.
52:45 Some people say, Well, he was the political ruler.
52:48 He didn't know any better.
52:50 He did know better.
52:52 You say, How do we know that?
52:55 Matthew 27:19, Matthew 27:19.
52:58 While he was sitting on the judgment seat...
53:03 That is Pilate... his wife sent to him saying,
53:07 Have nothing to do with that just man, for I have suffered
53:13 many things today in a dream because of Him.
53:17 What was the counsel to the civil ruler?
53:21 Don't touch Him, because He's a just man.
53:25 He has not violated any of the laws of Rome.
53:29 And the accusations against Him are false.
53:32 And yet Pilate, because the multitudes were clamoring,
53:39 because the religious leaders said, Come on!
53:41 Ask Pilate to crucify Him.
53:43 And because he was afraid of losing his political position,
53:47 he delivered an innocent man.
53:54 And he feigned like it wasn't his fault by washing his hands.
53:59 Notice Matthew 27:24.
54:05 When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all,
54:08 but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and
54:15 washed his hands before the multitude saying, I am innocent
54:20 of the blood of this just person. You see to it.
54:24 Now folks, this is a powerful testimony to the civil rulers
54:28 of the United States of America.
54:32 Many times the church wants to get involved in
54:34 the political process.
54:35 And they want the state to do what the church and the
54:37 Holy Spirit should do through the Word of God.
54:39 Many Christians even want to take an oath
54:43 for the political system.
54:44 What that does is it corrupts the church, and it corrupts
54:46 the state, when you really stop to think about it.
54:49 And folks if this happens, and it's going to happen according
54:55 to Bible prophecy.
54:56 The scenes that took place in Pilate's court,
55:01 are going to be repeated all over again.
55:05 In fact I'd like to bring this to an end by going
55:08 to John 16:1-3, where Jesus predicted that the same things
55:15 that would happen to Him were going to happen to His
55:18 followers, to His disciples.
55:19 It says there in John 16:1-3, These things I have spoken
55:26 to you that you should not be made to stumble.
55:31 They will put you out of the synagogues.
55:34 Today we call them churches.
55:36 Yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think
55:43 that he offers God service.
55:46 And these things they will do to you because they have not
55:51 known the Father nor Me.
55:54 Are these scenes going to be repeated all over again?
55:58 In fact folks, we're going to find the sad story that they
56:02 were repeated all during the period that is known as the
56:06 dark ages, or the Middle Ages.
56:08 The identical process that was followed with Jesus was followed
56:13 by God's professed church during the Middle Ages that had become
56:17 apostate; that had become a harlot church, and joined with
56:22 the state, used the civil power to slay
56:25 the saints of the Most High.
56:27 The Bible tells us that at the very end of time
56:30 this is going to happen again, because the last 200 years
56:34 we've had a moratorium on this type of persecution.
56:37 And we're going to study the reason why there's been
56:40 a moratorium during the last couple hundred years.
56:44 There's a specific Biblical reason, a historical reason.
56:47 But the Bible says that the time will come when these scenes will
56:50 be repeated again.
56:52 And so we must let people know.
56:54 We must let our politicians know that they should not
56:58 repeat the same mistake that was committed by Pilate.
57:02 Because God will not accept any hand washing as an excuse
57:07 for union of church and state, and persecution of those
57:12 who are followers of Jesus Christ.
57:15 So it's my prayer that we will share these things,
57:19 and that we will choose to be on God's side,
57:22 and to help His spiritual kingdom to grow.


Revised 2016-04-06