Three Angels Message

Babylon's Abominable Wine

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000008

00:30 Let's bow our heads for prayer.
00:31 Our loving Heavenly Father, we thank You once again for the
00:37 privilege of being here today.
00:40 How wonderful it is to have Your Holy Word in a world
00:43 that is so confused that it doesn't know where to turn.
00:46 Thank You for giving us the certainty that we find
00:50 in Your Holy Word.
00:51 We ask, Father, that as we open the pages of Your Holy book,
00:55 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us here, through the
00:59 ministration of Your angels, that we might be able to
01:02 comprehend the great things that you have in store for us
01:06 from Your Holy Word.
01:07 We thank You Lord for all of those who have come to study
01:12 Your Word, and we as that You will bless those
01:14 who are on their way.
01:16 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
01:18 for we ask it in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:21 This evening as we begin, I would like to review what we
01:27 studied in our last lecture, because it's foundational
01:30 for what we're going to deal within our topic today.
01:33 If you remember, we found that God married
01:39 Israel at mount Sinai.
01:41 And He wanted Israel to be His only; to obey His laws,
01:47 and to remain absolutely pure and uncontaminated from
01:52 the surrounding nations.
01:54 But we found in our study that very early in Israel's history,
01:59 she apostatized from God.
02:01 And Ezekiel 16, as well as chapter 23, tells us that Israel
02:09 became a harlot, because she embraced the teachings
02:13 and practices of the surrounding nations.
02:16 The Bible calls these practices the abominations of the nations.
02:22 In other words, Israel assimilated the abominations of
02:26 the nations, and in this way she became a harlot.
02:31 She abandoned the husband of her youth.
02:34 As we studied, she also fornicated with the kings
02:39 of the earth, with the kings of different nations,
02:42 forming political alliances.
02:45 And instead of depending on God as her source of strength,
02:49 she started depending on these alliances with other kings.
02:53 We also noticed in our study that Israel covered herself,
02:58 or decked herself, with silver and with gold to attract
03:03 attention to herself.
03:04 And as a result God spoke, in no uncertain terms,
03:10 to His unfaithful wife in Ezekiel 16:32, by saying these
03:17 words: You are an adulterous wife who takes strangers
03:23 instead of her husband.
03:25 You see, she was playing the harlot.
03:28 She was an adulteress wife, if you please, because she had the
03:33 kings of the nations as lovers instead of the Lord her God.
03:40 In Ezekiel 16:30 God speaks even more graphically.
03:46 He says, How degenerate is your heart, says the Lord God,
03:51 seeing you do all these things, the deeds of a brazen harlot?
03:59 That word brazen, in the Hebrew, means to exercise
04:04 autocratic control.
04:06 It means to get one's way, or to be domineering.
04:12 In other words, Israel became a domineering harlot wanting her
04:17 own way, and wanting to exercise control and dominion.
04:24 We noticed in our study last time that Israel had daughters;
04:28 daughter harlots who shared her point of view,
04:32 and also assimilated the pagan practices of the
04:36 surrounding nations.
04:38 And we studied that Israel shed innocent blood.
04:42 The blood of those who opposed her agenda
04:45 were slaughtered and slain by Israel.
04:48 And therefore God told Israel, You are going to drink the cup
04:53 of My wrath to the very dregs, and destruction is going to come
04:58 from the four corners of the earth, and you will fall,
05:02 and you will be destroyed.
05:05 In fact God said, The very kings that you have fornicated with;
05:09 the kings that you have assimilated all of these
05:12 abominable practices from, they are going to rise,
05:17 and they are going to slay you, and they're going
05:20 to leave you naked.
05:22 But we noticed in our study that even in the midst of the
05:25 apostasy, God had a faithful remnant.
05:28 And God placed His seal upon this faithful remnant who sighed
05:35 and cried because of the abominations that were being
05:38 committed among His people.
05:40 And when the destruction of Jerusalem came by Nebuchadnezzar
05:44 we find that this faithful remnant that was sealed on their
05:48 foreheads, according to Ezekiel 9, was spared from the
05:52 destruction when the adulterous wife was destroyed.
05:56 God's faithful people, who sighed and cried because of the
06:00 abominations that God's own people were
06:02 committing, they were spared.
06:05 Now it's not like God had not warned Israel about the dangers
06:11 that she was going to face when she entered the promised land.
06:14 In Leviticus 18:26-30, we find God's warning to Israel.
06:20 Notice what it says there.
06:22 You shall therefore keep My statutes and My judgments,
06:27 and shall not commit any of these abominations;
06:32 either any of your own nation, or any stranger who dwells
06:37 among you: (For all these abominations the men of the land
06:43 have done, who were before you, and thus the land is defiled;)
06:48 lest the land vomit you out also when you defile it,
06:54 as it vomited out the nations that were before you.
06:57 You know, you get the imagery that even the land was nauseated
07:01 by the abominations that were being
07:03 committed by these nations.
07:04 Verse 29. For whoever commits any of these abominations,
07:09 the persons who commit them shall be cut off from
07:12 among their people.
07:13 Therefore, you shall keep My ordinance, so that you do not
07:17 commit any of these abominable customs, which were committed
07:21 before you, and that you do not defile yourselves by them;
07:25 I am the Lord your God.
07:27 Time and again in this passage God warns Israel not to partake
07:31 in the abominations of the nations of Canaan
07:34 where they were going to enter.
07:35 Notice 2 Chronicles 36:14, and this is only a
07:40 sampling of texts.
07:41 All throughout the Pentateuch, or the five books of Moses,
07:44 the first five books of Moses, we find God warning Israel
07:48 about not becoming defiled with the practices and doctrines,
07:51 which are called the abominations of the nations.
07:54 2 Chronicles 36:14, Moreover all the leaders of the priests...
08:00 Notice, it started with the priesthood.
08:02 ...all the leaders of the priests, and the people
08:05 transgressed more and more, according to all
08:09 the abominations of the nations, and defiled the house of the
08:13 Lord which He had consecrated in Jerusalem.
08:17 In other words, time and again God says that Israel,
08:21 in spite of the fact that He had warned them not to become
08:24 defiled with the abominations of the nations,
08:26 they became defiled with the practices, with the teachings
08:31 of these pagan nations.
08:33 Now as we noticed in our study last time, the Christian church
08:38 has repeated the history of ancient Israel.
08:42 The apostle Paul, as we noticed in our last lecture,
08:45 said that he had betrothed the Corinthians, or the church to
08:50 Christ as a virgin.
08:54 In other words, the church in its original state,
08:58 as we find in the book of Acts, was a pure church.
09:01 It was the bride of Jesus Christ.
09:04 But very early in her history, we noticed last night,
09:09 that the apostasy entered the Christian church.
09:13 The man of sin sat in the temple of God, showing himself to be
09:18 God, and, of course, the temple of God is the church.
09:21 Very early in the history of the early church, we're talking
09:26 about even towards the end of the first century,
09:29 the church began assimilating the beliefs, practices,
09:34 and customs of the pagan nations that they came in contact with,
09:39 and thus the church of Jesus Christ, the bride of Jesus,
09:44 whom Paul had betrothed to Jesus Christ, who was supposed to be
09:48 a chaste virgin to Jesus, now became Babylon.
09:54 In other words, the church repeated the history of God's
09:58 Old Testament people.
09:59 Even, as I mentioned, at the latter part of the first century
10:03 she allowed the practices of the pagan nations,
10:06 Rome and other nations, to encroach upon herself,
10:11 and thus she lost her simplicity and her purity.
10:15 And in the book of Revelation 17, we find a description
10:19 of that church that had apostatized from Jesus Christ.
10:23 In fact, you know, it's interesting, I'm going to share
10:26 with you some details that we studied last time,
10:28 but before I share these details, I'd just like to say
10:31 that a few years ago I was speaking in Argentina,
10:33 and I presented the topic that I gave last night;
10:37 a little bit different slant, but I presented it;
10:39 all of the characteristics of the apostate
10:42 church in Revelation 17.
10:43 But at the end of the presentation I never mentioned
10:46 who these characteristics applied to.
10:49 Well, the next morning, you know, I had interviews with the
10:53 students in the morning, and I preached in the evening.
10:55 So the next morning a student came to the office
10:57 and wanted an interview with me.
10:59 I said, Sure, come on in.
11:00 She looked at me in the eye, and she said, Pastor Bohr,
11:04 I want you to know that you offended me last night.
11:07 I said, Really, I'm really sorry I offended you.
11:11 What do you mean, I offended you?
11:13 She says, Well, you spoke badly about my church.
11:16 And I said, Really?
11:19 I don't remember mentioning any church last
11:21 night in my sermon.
11:23 I didn't mention any church.
11:24 I just gave a series of characteristics.
11:27 She says, Well, but you could tell by the characteristics
11:30 what church you were talking about.
11:32 I said, Well, if you could tell by the characteristics what
11:36 church I was talking about, then you should take it
11:39 to heart, because I didn't even need to identify
11:41 the church to you.
11:43 Now let's take a look at those characteristics again.
11:45 The Bible is graphic and clear about the identity
11:49 of the harlot, or Babylon.
11:51 First of all, I want you to notice that in Scripture a woman
11:55 represents the church.
11:57 A pure woman represents the pure church of Jesus Christ.
12:02 A harlot woman represents a fallen church.
12:06 And I want you to notice in Revelation 17:1 that it speaks
12:12 about a harlot, which is an apostate church.
12:16 It says there in Revelation 17:1
12:31 And, by the way, her name is Babylon, according to verse 5.
12:35 Now, you know, I look in Scripture, I looked in the
12:37 Concordance of Scripture, and I discovered
12:39 something very interesting.
12:40 In the Old Testament Babylon is never called a harlot.
12:45 In the Old Testament, almost in every single case that the word
12:50 harlot is used, it is applied to Israel.
12:53 In other words, it's applied to God's people.
12:56 In other words, in Revelation 17, we're talking about the
13:00 Christian church that has become Babylon.
13:03 Now I want you to notice several other interesting details
13:06 about this church.
13:08 First of all, it's called a harlot.
13:10 In other words, it is a church, but it's an apostate church.
13:13 Secondly, this is a church that has worldwide extent,
13:17 global extent. You say, How do we know that?
13:20 Notice Revelation 17:1 again.
13:23 Then one of the seven angels, who had the seven bowls,
13:26 came and talked with me saying to me, Come, I will show you
13:30 he judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters.
13:34 Now what do the waters that she sits on represent?
13:37 Well, let's go to verse 15, of chapter 17. It says:
13:51 Are those the same groups that the first angel's
13:53 message goes to? Absolutely!
13:56 So what is the purpose of the first angel's message?
13:59 It's to warn people about Babylon, and to call people to
14:03 come out of Babylon, because the message goes to the same
14:06 groups of people that Babylon controls and dominates.
14:10 Are you with me on this point?
14:12 Now I want you to notice something else that identifies
14:14 this church, this apostate church.
14:16 Revelation 17:2 tells us:
14:24 Is that true of Israel also? Absolutely.
14:34 We'll come back to that later.
14:35 Let me ask you, Is this church involved with the political
14:39 powers of the world, with the civil powers of the world?
14:42 Yes, it's not only a church, but it's a church that is involved
14:47 in the state, or is involved with the kings,
14:50 or rulers of the earth.
14:51 In other words, it's a church that's involved
14:54 in political matters.
14:55 I want you to notice that this harlot, this apostate church,
14:59 also has daughters, just like Israel had daughters
15:02 that shared her spirit.
15:04 Notice Revelation 17:5, Revelation 17:5.
15:08 And on her forehead...
15:10 This is of the harlot.
15:22 Now if she is the mother of harlots, must she have daughters
15:27 who are also harlots? Absolutely!
15:30 At some point in her history, she had daughters.
15:34 After she had existed for awhile she had daughters that share
15:37 many of the practices, and teachings that she
15:41 embraced, or that she has.
15:43 In other words, it's a system that has daughters.
15:46 Notice also the colors that this apostate church majors in.
16:03 What are the predominant colors that are used by this religious
16:07 organization? purple and scarlet.
16:10 I want you to notice that she doesn't use blue.
16:12 You'll never find blue in this system.
16:16 And you say, Why don't you find blue?
16:18 Let's go to Numbers 15:38-41, Numbers 15:38-41.
16:27 I'm going to tell you now why this system majors in purple
16:30 and scarlet, but does not use blue.
16:34 It says in Numbers 15:38, Again the Lord spoke to Moses saying,
16:41 Speak to the children of Israel.
16:43 Tell them to make tassels on the corners of their garments
16:47 throughout their generations, and to put a what? a blue thread
16:54 in the tassels of the corners.
16:56 Now why a blue thread?
16:58 Let's continue reading.
16:59 And you shall have the tassel that you may look upon it,
17:06 and remember all the commandments
17:09 of the Lord and do them.
17:10 What is the purpose of the blue? to remember all of the what?
17:13 all of the commandments.
17:15 Would the harlot do that?
17:16 She can't wear blue.
17:18 And so it says, And you shall have the tassel that you may
17:20 look upon it, and remember all the commandments
17:23 of the Lord, and do them.
17:25 And notice: and that you may not follow the harlotry...
17:30 What saves us from harlotry? blue.
17:32 Notice, it says:... and that you may not follow the harlotry
17:36 to which your own heart, and your own eyes are inclined,
17:40 and that you may remember and do all My commandments...
17:44 We're coming back to this a little later in our series.
17:46 ...and be holy, for your God.
17:49 I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land
17:52 of Egypt to be your God.
17:54 I am the Lord your God.
17:58 In other words, He's saying, I am your husband,
18:00 and you are My wife.
18:01 You shall not be a harlot.
18:03 In order to remember not to be a harlot,
18:05 and to keep My commandments, you're going to wear this
18:07 blue thread; blue!
18:10 With this religious system you'll never find the color blue
18:13 used, which is very, very interesting.
18:16 Now you'll notice also that this is a very rich apostate church
18:20 that majors in silver and gold.
18:22 Notice Revelation 17:4, Revelation 17:4.
18:46 I want you to notice also that this church has a
18:49 history stained in blood.
18:51 In other words, it's a church that has persecuted God's
18:54 faithful people, and has shed their blood
18:56 throughout her history.
18:57 Notice Revelation 17:6, Revelation 17:6.
19:04 This is the harlot.
19:15 In other words, she's a murderess.
19:17 She kills those who don't agree with her.
19:21 Now I want you to notice also that Revelation 17 says that
19:25 someday the kings of the earth are going to hate her,
19:28 and they're going to make her naked, just like happened with
19:32 Israel in the Old Testament.
19:33 Notice Revelation 17:16. Revelation 17:16.
19:39 And the ten horns which you saw on the beast,
19:42 these will hate the harlot, make her desolate and what?
19:49 and naked, eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
19:54 Is there a very clear parallel between God's Old Testament
19:58 Israel and the Christian church? Absolutely.
20:02 Both started out well, but both apostatized and became a harlot.
20:08 And, therefore, God said that He was going to destroy both.
20:13 But the particular issue that I want to deal with today has to
20:18 do with the cup that this harlot has in her hand.
20:21 I've left this till this moment because it's the central focus
20:26 of the rest of our study together.
20:28 Notice Revelation 17:4.
20:33 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with
20:37 gold and precious stones and pearls,
20:45 What does she have in her hand? a golden cup.
20:49 Now let me ask you, What's in the cup? wine.
20:53 You know, I want to share with you an interesting pilgrimage
20:58 that I had a few years ago.
20:59 You know, I wanted to know what wine represented
21:02 here in Revelation 17, because we're dealing with symbols.
21:04 The woman is not a literal woman, it's a system.
21:07 The waters are symbolic.
21:08 You know, the gold and silver and precious stones are symbolic
21:12 of the riches that this worldwide system has.
21:14 So we're dealing with symbols.
21:15 So I said, The wine has to represent something,
21:17 so I went to a Bible Concordance and I looked up every
21:20 reference to wine.
21:21 And almost without exception I found that the references
21:26 to wine deal with literal wine.
21:28 It didn't help me very much, you know,
21:30 to look up the word wine.
21:32 It would give you the impression that wine simply represents
21:35 Ernest and Julio Gallo.
21:38 Ha Ha, you know, that type of wine.
21:40 But then I went back to Revelation 17.
21:44 I said, There has to be some way to determine what
21:47 the wine represents.
21:49 I look up all these references to wine in a Concordance,
21:51 and it's dealing with literal wine.
21:54 And then I read Revelation 17:4 carefully.
21:57 I said, Oh, now I know what I need to do.
22:00 Notice once again verse 4.
22:03 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with
22:07 gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a
22:12 golden cup... And we know that the cup contains wine, right?
22:14 Having in her hand a golden cup...
22:17 But the wine is called something.
22:18 What is it called? a golden cup full of abominations.
22:24 In other words, her wine are her what? her abominations.
22:28 Because the cup has wine, but the wine is identified
22:33 as her what? abominations, and the filthiness
22:36 of her fornication.
22:37 Then I said, Well, I need to look up the word abominations.
22:40 And when I looked up the word abominations a whole scenario
22:45 opened up to view, which I'm going to share with
22:47 you in a few moments.
22:48 Now let me ask you, What does the harlot do with this wine,
22:52 according to Revelation 17?
22:53 She's got it in the cup, you know.
22:55 She's got her wine, or her abominations, in the cup.
22:58 What does she do with the wine?
23:00 Does she just drink it herself?
23:02 No, she's not the only one intoxicated.
23:05 She uses it to intoxicate the inhabitants of the earth.
23:09 Notice Revelation 17:2, Revelation 17:2.
23:24 Let me ask you, Are the inhabitants of the earth made
23:27 drunk with her abominations?
23:28 Yes, because the wine are her abominations.
23:32 Is that point clear in your mind?
23:33 It's the abominations, or the wine of Babylon,
23:35 that makes people drunk.
23:37 Let me ask you something, How many of you have ever tried to
23:40 give a Bible study to a drunk?
23:41 It's impossible! I mean because their mind is affected,
23:47 There's no way that they can grasp or understand truth,
23:49 because they're intoxicated.
23:51 And so this religious system has given her wine,
23:55 or her abominations to the nations, and the nations have
23:58 drunk these abominations, they've drunk this wine,
24:02 and as a result truth doesn't appeal to them.
24:05 It doesn't make sense to them.
24:07 In fact, notice Jeremiah 51:7, where there's a similar idea:
24:13 Jeremiah 51:7.
24:30 This is not God's wine.
24:31 This is whose wine? Babylon's wine.
24:39 Do you know what the word deranged there means?
24:42 It means the nations are out of their minds.
24:46 They cannot think straight, is what it's saying.
24:50 In other words, the abominations of this system lead people to be
24:55 mentally unbalanced, intoxicated in a way that they
24:59 cannot grasp truth.
25:00 They simply cannot understand the truth.
25:03 It's like a drunkard.
25:04 Now let me ask you, Why did Babylon fall?
25:08 Well, let's review the first angel's message,
25:12 which comes before the fall of Babylon.
25:14 The first angel's message teaches, and listen carefully,
25:17 the first angel's message teaches that Jesus was
25:20 sacrificed once for all.
25:22 That's the gospel.
25:24 Jesus doesn't have to die over and over again,
25:27 because the book of Hebrews said when He died, when He was
25:30 sacrificed, He was sacrificed what? once for all.
25:34 We discovered also in the everlasting gospel that Jesus
25:38 is our only and sufficient high priest.
25:41 In other words, He is the only one who represents us before
25:45 God, because He's God, and He is man.
25:47 In order for an individual to bridge heaven and earth,
25:50 He would have to be God to link us with God,
25:53 and He would have to be man to link us with man.
25:55 A mere man cannot be an intercessor, cannot represent
26:00 us before God because a man is is only a man.
26:03 In order to have an intercessor, both sides of the
26:06 ladder have to be there: divinity and humanity.
26:10 We also noticed in the first angel's message that we're saved
26:14 by Christ's righteousness alone.
26:16 We studied this in our second lecture of the series.
26:18 And that we are not justified by our works.
26:21 We can never be saved by pilgrimages.
26:23 We can never be saved by doing penance.
26:25 We can never be saved by what we do.
26:28 We're saved by the grace of Jesus Christ.
26:30 We noticed in the first angel's message that we need to reflect
26:33 God's character to the world; God's character of love,
26:36 and mercy, and goodness, and righteousness.
26:40 We noticed in the first angel's message that we need to take
26:43 care of our bodies, and of our minds.
26:45 We noticed in the first angel's message that God wants us
26:48 to keep His Holy Law.
26:49 In fact He says, Fear Me, which is linked with
26:52 keeping God's commandments.
26:53 We noticed in the first angel's message that we are now living
26:57 in the hour of God's judgment.
26:58 We also noticed that the first angel's message calls us
27:02 to worship the Creator, and keep His Holy Sabbath.
27:04 We also noticed that in the first angel's message the dead
27:08 are dead, until they receive their reward
27:10 at the resurrection.
27:12 In other words, the first angel's message teaches
27:14 a series of truths.
27:15 Do you know why Babylon is fallen?
27:17 Because Babylon rejected all of those truths.
27:20 You see, the wine of Babylon is the opposite of the
27:24 of the first angel's message.
27:26 If Babylon had accepted the first angel's message,
27:29 she would have the truth of God.
27:31 She would have had unfermented wine, if you please.
27:34 Because the blood of Jesus was pure.
27:37 It had no fermentation.
27:39 But Babylon gives fermented wine.
27:41 It's corrupted wine.
27:43 It's abominable wine.
27:44 But because Babylon rejected the first angel's message,
27:48 she has intoxicated wine, and she gives it to the nations.
27:52 And that's the reason why she failed.
27:54 Notice Revelation 14:8, Revelation 14:8.
28:07 And then it explains why.
28:18 She failed because she gives the nations what? wine;
28:22 her false teachings, we're going to notice.
28:24 By the way, towards the end of time God is going to give even
28:30 a more pointed warning to the world.
28:32 Notice Revelation 18:2, 3.
28:35 And I don't have time to get into all of the details about
28:38 this, but if you look at the context, where this passage is,
28:41 Revelation 18:2, 3, you're going to find that it's right in the
28:45 middle of the passage that deals with the seven last plagues.
28:49 It's a warning of God to His people to get out of Babylon
28:53 before Babylon receives the plagues.
28:55 So it's dealing with the end time.
28:57 Notice Revelation 18:2, 3.
28:59 A mighty angel descends from heaven, and it says:
29:18 Notice the reason why she fell, and the reason why she's
29:20 filled with demons is:
29:34 You see, Babylon, by drinking the wine that she acquired from
29:40 the nations, she got drunk and then she shares her
29:44 intoxicating wine with the world, so that they get
29:48 drunk along with her.
29:50 Because she rejected the message of the first angel,
29:54 she rejects the Sabbath, she rejects the law of God,
29:57 or she seeks to change the law of God.
29:59 She says it doesn't matter what you eat, or what you drink.
30:02 She delves into the occult.
30:04 She believes that the dead really aren't dead, etc. etc.
30:08 Now let's look more carefully at what this wine is.
30:12 Remember, the wine is equal to her what?
30:15 to her abominations, biblically.
30:18 Now let's notice the meaning of the word abominations.
30:21 The first thing that the Bible calls an abomination is making
30:26 idols and worshipping them.
30:27 Notice Deuteronomy 7:25, 26.
30:32 And remember this system.
30:34 I know that you know what system we're talking about.
30:36 I haven't identified this system yet.
30:38 I'm going to do it at the end.
30:40 But I want you to notice what the abominations
30:43 are; what the wine is.
30:45 Deuteronomy 7:25, 26. God says:
30:53 That is of the nations.
31:09 That is idols.
31:21 Let me ask you, Does God really resent the worship of idols?
31:25 inclining yourself before idols? Absolutely!
31:28 How could He be clearer?
31:30 He utterly detests it.
31:32 He utterly abhors it, and He calls it a cursed thing.
31:35 Notice Deuteronomy 27:14, 15, Deuteronomy 27:14, 15.
31:42 And the Levites shall speak with a loud voice, and say to all the
31:46 men of Israel, Cursed.
31:48 The Levites, by the way, were the religious
31:50 teachers in Israel.
31:51 Cursed is the one who makes a carved or molded image,
31:56 an abomination to the Lord, the work of the hands of the
31:59 craftsman, and sets it up in secret.
32:02 And all the people shall answer and say what? Amen.
32:06 By the way, does the second commandment of God's law
32:10 forbid the worship of idols, and the making of idols?
32:14 The Bible is absolutely, abundantly clear,
32:17 and I want you to remember this, because when we talk about
32:20 the identity of the beast, in our tenth lecture we're going to
32:23 deal with this specific issue. Exodus 20:4-6.
32:31 You shall not make for yourself what? a carved image.
33:05 Does God forbid making idols, and bowing before those idols?
33:10 The fourth commandment explicitly forbids it.
33:14 But do you know there's another abomination that God calls so
33:17 in the Old Testament?
33:19 Notice what we find in Deuteronomy 18:9-12,
33:23 Deuteronomy 18:9-12.
33:25 God is warning Israel about something they should not do
33:28 when they entered the land of Canaan.
33:40 What abominations?
33:42 Let's continue reading.
33:48 We'll come back to that a little bit later.
34:13 Let me ask you, What is the underlying doctrine behind all
34:15 of these practices?
34:17 It's the idea that the dead are not really what?
34:20 are not really dead.
34:22 It's the immortality of the soul that stands behind this.
34:26 And any church that tells you that you can pray for the dead,
34:30 or you can pray to the dead, you need to be very careful
34:33 about that church, because that is forbidden.
34:36 It's called an abomination in the Holy Word of God.
34:38 Notice verse 12.
34:50 Do you know what another abomination is?
34:53 Saying that you don't have to keep God's law
34:56 is an abomination.
34:58 You say, Where does the Bible say such a thing?
35:01 Proverbs 28:9, Proverbs 28:9 says:
35:17 So when you turn your ear away from the law; you say,
35:19 We don't have to keep the law.
35:21 The law was nailed to the cross.
35:22 We're not under law but under grace.
35:23 God doesn't expect obedience from us, as a fruit of our
35:27 justification, or as a fruit of His grace.
35:29 You need to be very careful, because we're told in this verse
35:33 that the prayer of an individual who turns away his ear from
35:37 the law is an abomination in the sight of the Lord.
35:40 Now I want you to notice also Proverbs 15:8, 9
35:44 relating to this same point.
35:47 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord.
35:51 What is wickedness?
35:53 Wickedness is disobeying God's what? God's law.
35:57 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord.
36:01 So can you sacrifice and still be abominable to the Lord?
36:04 Sure you can, if you're disobedient, if you're wicked.
36:08 But the prayer of the upright is His delight.
36:12 The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord:
36:17 but He loves him who follows what? righteousness.
36:21 But do you know, not only those who turn away their ear from
36:25 hearing the law... Is that an abomination?
36:28 But another thing that's an abomination is thinking that you
36:30 can be saved by your good works: by going on pilgrimages,
36:35 by paying penance, or doing other things, thinking that you
36:40 can earn your salvation, like the Pharisees thought.
36:43 Notice what Jesus had to say in Luke 16:15, Luke 16:15.
36:59 Which is the idea that you can be justified by your works.
37:08 Thinking that you don't have to listen to the law
37:10 is an abomination, and thinking that you can be saved by keeping
37:14 the law is also an abomination.
37:16 So we need to look out for churches who say, Well, you
37:22 know, we don't have to worry about the law as Christians.
37:24 Jesus kept it, you know, we're under grace,
37:26 and we turn away our ear from hearing the law.
37:28 We also have to fear for churches that say that you have
37:31 to fulfill a whole bunch of requirements in order for God
37:34 to accept you, in order for you to be saved.
37:36 In other words, people who say they can be saved by their
37:40 works, that's an abomination.
37:42 People who say they can be saved in their sins,
37:44 that is also an abomination.
37:46 Do you know what else is an abomination?
37:48 fornication or adultery.
37:50 Let me ask you, Does the harlot practice fornication?
37:55 She most certainly does.
37:57 Is that an abomination in the sight of the Lord?
37:59 to fornicate with the kings of the earth? for the church to be
38:02 involved with the political powers of the world? Absolutely.
38:05 Notice Jeremiah 13:26, 27, Jeremiah 13:26, 27.
38:35 Once again the idea of harlotry, the idea of fornication,
38:40 is spoken of as an abomination in the sight of God,
38:44 and the harlot, of course, fornicates with the
38:46 kings of the earth.
38:47 Do you know what else is an abomination
38:50 according to Scripture? thinking that you can
38:52 eat anything and everything.
38:57 God gave certain prescriptions about certain kinds of foods
39:00 that can be eaten, and others that cannot be eaten.
39:03 Notice Deuteronomy 14:3, Deuteronomy 14:3.
39:09 This chapter contains the list of the types of flesh that can
39:13 be eaten or cannot be eaten.
39:15 And notice how the chapter begins.
39:22 Now that word detestable is the identical word that is
39:25 translated repeatedly in the Old Testament, abominable thing.
39:30 And then it gives the list of the clean animals that can be
39:34 eaten, and the unclean animals that could not be eaten.
39:37 So if you find a church that says, You can eat anything and
39:40 everything; it doesn't make any difference whatsoever.
39:43 The Bible calls that an abomination.
39:46 Another thing that the Bible calls an abomination;
39:49 part of the wine of Babylon, is burning your children
39:53 to the god Molech.
39:55 And you say, Well, I don't know of any church that allows for
39:58 the burning of their children.
39:59 Praise the Lord for that!
40:00 But I want you to notice that what is important here is the
40:03 principle behind it.
40:04 Let's read the text, and then I'll tell you what the
40:06 principle behind it is.
40:08 Jeremiah 32:35. And they built the high places...
40:12 Speaking about Israel.
40:33 Do you know what the principle is behind this?
40:36 Do you know why Israel, and the ancient nations, burned
40:40 their children to God?
40:42 Because they believed that God was a wrathful God.
40:45 God is a God who is angry, and in order to appease Him,
40:53 you had to burn your children to the god Moloch.
40:57 So any church that gives the image that God is a vengeful
41:01 God, that God is waiting to throw you into hell if you
41:05 misbehave, in principle is doing the same thing as what Israel
41:11 did in the Old Testament, even if we don't burn our
41:13 children to any God.
41:15 Another thing which the Bible calls abomination
41:18 is the shedding of innocent blood.
41:20 Does the harlot shed innocent blood of those who don't agree
41:25 with her? Absolutely.
41:26 Ezekiel 22:2. Moreover the word of the Lord came to me saying:
41:41 And Proverbs 17:15 says, He who justifies the wicked,
41:46 and he who condemns the just...
41:49 So any church that in its history has condemned the just,
41:53 and justified the wicked, what is this?
41:55 ...both of them are alike what? an abomination to the Lord.
42:01 Another thing that the Bible calls an
42:04 abomination is homosexuality.
42:06 And I know that it's not politically correct
42:09 to deal with this, but the Bible says it.
42:12 Leviticus 18:22 says, You shall not lie with a male,
42:17 as with a woman: it is an abomination.
42:21 Now I'd like to talk about the greatest abomination of all
42:27 that is spoken of in the Old Testament.
42:29 The greatest abomination that the Bible describes,
42:34 the greatest description of the wine, the fermented wine,
42:40 is worshipping the sun.
42:45 Notice Ezekiel 8, Ezekiel 8:16, 17.
42:51 As I mentioned in our last lecture, God shows Ezekiel an
42:56 abomination, and Ezekiel says, Wow, that's pretty bad, Lord.
42:59 And God says, You haven't seen anything yet.
43:01 I want to show you a worse abomination than that one.
43:03 He says, Really? So God shows him an abomination that's worse.
43:06 By the way, one of those abominations is worshipping
43:09 the sun god, and the moon god, or the moon goddess.
43:13 Interesting. We'll come back to that a little bit
43:15 later on in our series.
43:17 So God shows them another abomination.
43:20 He says, Wow, this has got to be the worst!
43:23 God says, No, no, no, there's one that's worse than that.
43:25 And finally you get to the worst abomination of all.
43:28 Notice what it says in Ezekiel 8:16, 17.
43:43 These are the leaders, by the way, the religious leaders.
44:02 Notice that sun worship is called abomination.
44:16 In other words, they flaunt themselves and say,
44:18 God, what are You going to do about it? sun worship.
44:24 Let me ask you, is it just perhaps true that at the end
44:27 of time this harlot church is going to impose something
44:31 having to do with sun worship?
44:34 You say, Well, I don't know any church in the world that
44:37 practices sun worship.
44:38 Well, I know some pagan religions in the world that
44:42 practice sun worship, but, you know, any Christian church that
44:45 openly says you need to worship the sun?
44:47 I don't know any, but, you see, at the end of time what happened
44:52 literally in the Old Testament, has a symbolic meaning
44:56 at the end of time.
44:57 Is it just perhaps true that what's going to happen
45:00 at the end of time is not that people are going to worship
45:02 the sun, but they're going to worship on the day of the sun
45:05 that came into the Christian church, by the way,
45:09 from the sun worshipping Romans.
45:11 It can be proved historically.
45:13 And I'm going to show you a quotation from John Paul II
45:16 where he says that the church Christianized
45:19 the day of the sun; as if you can do something like that.
45:23 You say, Well, Pastor, it's not the same thing to worship the
45:26 sun as it is to worship on the day of the sun,
45:29 or what people call Sunday.
45:31 Let me tell you that it is the same thing in principle.
45:33 You say, How's that?
45:34 Let me ask you, Who created the sun? God did.
45:39 Did He create the sun for worship? No.
45:42 It's a secular object, right?
45:44 It's to give us light.
45:45 So He did not create the sun for worship.
45:48 So what happens if you convert the sun into
45:51 an object of worship?
45:53 What is that called? idolatry.
45:55 Now let me ask you, Who created the first day of the week?
45:58 God did. Did He create it for worship?
46:00 No, it's one of the working days, folks.
46:03 Did He create the first day of week for worship? No.
46:07 So what happens if you convert it into a holy day of worship?
46:10 It is still idolatry.
46:12 It doesn't matter if it's an object or if it's a day.
46:15 Anything that man makes for worship, that God did not make
46:19 for worship, is idolatry.
46:21 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
46:23 Now as we studied last time, God is going to have a
46:28 people who are faithful to Him; that are going to sigh and cry
46:32 because of these abominations; this specific one that we've
46:35 talked about last.
46:37 Notice Ezekiel 9, Ezekiel 9:1.
46:44 And this is immediately after He describes the group of leaders
46:47 that were worshipping the sun in the temple of God.
46:49 By the way, these are the followers of God
46:52 that are doing this.
46:53 It's not the pagans.
46:55 Immediately after that it speaks about a group who are
46:57 going to get a seal on their forehead.
46:59 They are opposite. Notice verse 1.
47:20 I don't have time to prove this, but it's Jesus Christ,
47:23 who is clothed...
47:26 In other words, something to seal with.
47:46 Which city? Jerusalem!
47:50 Is this a sealing of God's people,
47:53 or is it a sealing of the pagans?
47:55 This is happening among God's people.
47:57 They're worshipping the sun, but there's a group that don't,
48:01 and they need to receive a seal.
48:02 Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of the
48:04 city, through the midst of Jerusalem,
48:14 Let me ask you, Was there a group that sighed and cried
48:18 about the abominations, and did not participate
48:21 in those abominations, who refused to worship the sun god?
48:24 Absolutely! And what did they receive? the mark where?
48:29 on their foreheads.
48:30 Is there a mark on the forehead in Revelation?
48:32 Is it just possible that it has something to
48:36 do with sun worship?
48:37 We'll come back to that. Verse 5.
48:58 Are those who have the mark protected? Yes, they are.
49:05 Where the religious leaders were, incidentally.
49:15 And some people say, Pastor Bohr, are you saying that those
49:18 who receive the seal, when Nebuchadnezzar came
49:20 and destroyed the city, they were spared?
49:21 And those individuals who were committing the abmoninations,
49:25 those were destroyed?
49:26 That's exactly what I'm saying, because this is the Old
49:29 Testament scenario.
49:30 And so you're saying, Pastor Bohr, you're saying that those
49:32 who worship the sun, those were destroyed, whereas those
49:36 who kept God's Holy Sabbath were spared?
49:38 Are you saying that Jerusalem was destroyed because they
49:41 didn't keep the Sabbath?
49:44 Let's let the Bible tell us.
49:45 Go with me to Jeremiah 17:27, Jeremiah 17:27.
49:51 It's very, very clear.
49:53 God tells us why He destroyed the city of Jerusalem,
49:56 through Nebuchadnezzar.
49:58 And He already told us in Ezekiel 9 that those who had the
50:01 seal in their foreheads would not be destroyed, because they
50:04 were not practicing the abominations.
50:05 They were not worshipping the sun.
50:07 Notice Jeremiah 17:27. God says:
50:14 That is to sanctify.
50:23 What does God say He's going to do?
50:36 Was Jerusalem destroyed because she was trampling
50:39 upon God's Holy Sabbath? Absolutely!
50:42 This text needs to be studied along with the
50:45 passage in Ezekiel.
50:46 Now I want to read you a statement from one of my
50:49 favorite books on Bible prophecy.
50:51 Probably my favorite book.
50:52 It's called, The Great Controversy.
50:54 See, we've gone through all of the Biblical material.
50:56 Now let me read a comment from somebody who wrote
50:58 about what the wine is.
51:00 Notice what the author says, The Great Controversy, pg. 389.
51:27 Listen to this.
51:51 And then she says this.
52:00 Powerful statement!
52:02 Very much in harmony with Scripture.
52:04 You see, the wine represents the counterfeit, or apostate
52:09 teachings of an apostate Christendom.
52:12 It represents pagan practices that have come into the church.
52:18 It represents doctrines that are contrary to Scripture.
52:22 And, unfortunately, we live in a world today, in a post-modern
52:25 world where truth doesn't matter very much anymore.
52:29 People say, Let's just get along.
52:31 You know, Let's just love one another.
52:34 Let's not debate and talk about truth or doctrine.
52:38 It doesn't make any difference.
52:39 God says that it makes a difference, because He contrasts
52:42 the wine with the truth of the first angel's message.
52:46 In fact, do you know, folks, that the great trial at the end
52:49 of time is going to be whether you accept the truth of God,
52:53 or whether you accept the counterfeit and the miracles
52:57 that are performed by the antichrist.
52:58 Notice 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12.
53:06 It speaks about the coming of the antichrist.
53:08 We'll deal with this later in this series.
53:10 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of...
53:18 Notice that the antichrist is going to do marvelous works;
53:21 miracles that we can't deny.
53:27 Why do they perish?
53:29 Why are those who follow the antichrist, who accept miracles
53:34 going to perish? Notice:
53:52 It's not that God is doing it, it's that God is allowing it
53:55 to happen because people choose it that way.
53:58 In the Bible God is spoken of as causing that which He allows.
54:02 And so it says in verse 11, And for this reason God will
54:06 send them strong delusion that they should believe a lie...
54:18 Does truth matter, my dear folks? truth matters,
54:22 doctrine matters, our practices matter.
54:26 Jesus said, Sanctify them through thy truth;
54:30 Thy word is truth.
54:32 This book has objective truth.
54:36 And anyone who teaches contrary to the objective truth of this
54:41 book is to be feared, according to Scripture.
54:44 Because what they're doing is sharing wine;
54:46 the wine of Babylon.
54:49 This is the reason why God calls His people out of Babylon.
54:52 See, God doesn't want people in the world to drink the wine,
54:55 because they're going to get the plagues of Babylon.
54:58 God doesn't want the plagues to fall upon the wicked.
55:01 They're going to fall upon Babylon.
55:02 So before the plagues fall, God says, Get out of there!
55:05 Do you think that's a message of love? Of course it is.
55:09 Notice Revelation 18:1-5.
55:30 Babylon is an apostate Christianity, as we've studied.
55:59 And let me close by saying that this religious system,
56:02 represented by the harlot, has introduced all sorts of
56:05 practices, and doctrines, that are contrary to Scripture.
56:08 Let me just mention some of them:
56:10 Sunday as a day of worship, infant baptism, Lent,
56:15 venerating the saints, lighting candles, burning incense,
56:19 bowing down before idols, using special vestments,
56:24 Easter, doing the sign of the cross, praying for and to the
56:28 dead, auricular confession, the rosary, the sign of the cross,
56:32 celibacy, purgatory, convents, pilgrimages,
56:36 penance, the mass, altars.
56:38 All of these things are things that are not found
56:40 anywhere in Scripture.
56:43 And yet these are things that are spoken of by this system
56:46 as saying, things that we need to do.
56:48 And in many cases, things that we need to do
56:51 in order to be saved.
56:52 I think you know what system I'm talking about.
56:56 And I'll tell you, folks, in succeeding messages
56:59 we're going to talk about the other divisions of Babylon,
57:04 because this church that I'm referring to is only the main
57:08 protagonist of Babylon.
57:10 There are two other powers: the false prophet,
57:13 and the dragon. And we're going to talk about those powers
57:16 in future lectures.
57:17 May God bless us and help us to assimilate the truth of God,
57:20 and not the wine of Babylon.


Revised 2015-09-09