Three Angels Message

The Hour Of God's Judgment

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000005

00:30 Let's pray. Father in heaven, it is with reverence and with awe
00:36 that we approach Your holy throne today.
00:39 As we open Your Holy Word we ask for the presence
00:43 of Your Holy Spirit.
00:45 I ask, Lord, that You will give us understanding,
00:47 for we're going to study a very important subject about the
00:51 hour of Your judgment.
00:52 So, Father, help us to understand not only
00:57 theoretically, but help us to understand the importance
01:01 of what we're going to study.
01:02 And we thank You for hearing our prayer,
01:04 for we ask it in Jesus' name, Amen.
01:07 I want to begin our study today by reading the passage that
01:13 we've been studying the last few sessions, Revelation 14:6, 7.
01:20 We've studied ten great facts about the
01:23 three angels' messages.
01:25 We've studied about the everlasting gospel.
01:28 We've studied what it means to fear God.
01:32 And in our last session we discussed what it means
01:35 to give glory to God.
01:37 Now today we're going to study about the hour
01:41 of God's judgment.
01:43 It says in Revelation 14:6,
02:01 And now you have two imperatives.
02:07 Now the question is, Why should we fear God
02:10 and give glory to Him?
02:11 It continues saying:
02:20 Now that word for there is what is called in the Greek language
02:26 a causal conjunction, and it should be translated because.
02:32 In other words, fear God and give glory to Him
02:35 because the hour of His judgment has come.
02:39 And then we're told the third imperative: and worship Him
02:44 who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.
02:48 So you see, the reason why we're supposed to fear God,
02:51 and give glory to God, and worship Him, is because the hour
02:57 of His judgment has come.
02:59 Now when most people think about the judgment,
03:02 they think of the judgment as an event.
03:05 But really, in the Bible the judgment is not an event,
03:10 the judgment is a process; a rather extended process.
03:16 In fact the book of Revelation itself presents three different
03:21 and distinct phases of the judgment.
03:24 I'm not going to go into all of these phases.
03:26 I'm just going to give you the references.
03:29 The first phase of the judgment takes place before
03:33 the second coming of Jesus, before the close of probation.
03:37 We find that in Revelation 14:6, 7.
03:42 The second phase of the judgment takes place during
03:45 the thousand years, during the millennium.
03:48 And you can find that in Revelation 20:4-6.
03:53 The third phase of the judgment takes place
03:57 after the millennium, after the thousand years.
03:59 And you can find a reference to that in Revelation 20:13-15.
04:05 In other words, the judgment is a process.
04:08 The judgment is not an event, a punctual event.
04:12 Now the stage that we especially want to take a look at today,
04:16 as we study this subject of the judgment, is that first stage
04:20 that I mentioned, the stage that occurs before the second
04:25 coming of Jesus, before the close of probation.
04:29 Now in order to understand this particular phase of the
04:33 judgment, the first one which is mentioned in
04:35 Revelation 14:7, we need to go back to the story of creation.
04:41 And you say, Well, why do we need to go back
04:43 to the story of creation?
04:44 Very simply because the first angel's message calls us to
04:49 go back and talk about the Creator.
04:51 You know that the first angel's message says, Worship Him
04:55 who made the heavens, the earth, the seas,
04:57 and the fountains of waters.
04:59 So, in other words, the first angel's message itself sends us
05:03 back to the story of creation in order to
05:05 understand the judgment.
05:07 So we have to go back to Genesis and talk about
05:11 the origin of man.
05:13 Go with me to Genesis 2:7, Genesis 2:7.
05:19 It's speaking here about the creation of man,
05:23 and I want you to notice the description.
05:26 There are several elements that we're going to underline here.
05:35 Now it's the physical nature of man that is composed of dust
05:39 or of clay, as Isaiah 64:8 says.
05:43 It says God is the potter, and we are the clay.
05:45 Our physical nature is composed of clay.
05:48 But even after God made this perfect body,
05:52 originally without sin, the body was without life.
05:56 I didn't say that it was dead; it was lifeless,
05:59 because there was something lacking.
06:01 You see, only having the body of matter perfect,
06:04 with all of its parts, did not mean that the body was alive.
06:08 And so God had to do something to that body.
06:11 Notice what it continues saying.
06:22 Another way of saying that is, He breathed into his nostrils
06:26 the energizing force, the electrical force, if you please.
06:37 Now there are several things that I want us to
06:40 notice about this verse.
06:42 First of all, man was created with a material body;
06:46 a body composed of matter.
06:48 And, of course, in the head of that body was the brain;
06:51 the center of operations of the body, if you please.
06:55 The brain is that organ that processes everything that comes
07:01 in through our five senses.
07:03 In other words, our eyesight, our hearing, our touch,
07:07 our smell, our taste; everything that comes in through the five
07:11 senses is processed by the brain.
07:13 And the brain, of course, is a physical organism as well.
07:17 It's also composed of matter.
07:19 But I want you to notice that the body with this processor,
07:23 the brain, did not function until God plugged the body in,
07:28 so to speak, into the electrical source which was giving the body
07:33 and the brain the capacity to function.
07:37 And so when God created the body with a brain to process
07:41 all of the functions, and gave that body with the brain,
07:45 the electrical force, the Bible says that man became a living
07:50 being, or other versions say, a living soul.
07:54 Now up till here you say, Okay, that's fine.
07:58 We already knew this.
07:59 But now I want to emphasize something that
08:04 is extremely important.
08:06 As Adam, and let's take Adam as our example,
08:10 as Adam lived after he was created, from the moment that
08:14 he was created, he now begins to process the information that
08:20 comes through his five senses.
08:21 And he begins to form his own self identity.
08:25 You know, there are no two people in this world that have
08:29 the same self identity, because everybody has different
08:32 information coming from the five senses that is
08:34 processed by the brain.
08:36 So taking Adam as an example, Adam lived to be 930 years.
08:41 Let me ask you, Do you think that Adam had a much more
08:44 complex self identity when he died at 930 years than the day
08:49 that he was created? Absolutely!
08:51 He had his own individuality.
08:54 He had his own self identity, if you please,
08:57 which was different from the self identity
08:59 that anyone else had.
09:01 In other words, during those 930 years he formed his self
09:05 identity, or we could also call it his character.
09:09 Now we need to ask the question, What happened when Adam died?
09:15 In fact, what happens when all of us die?
09:18 Notice Ecclesiastes 12:7, Ecclesiastes 12:7.
09:25 This is a famous state of the dead verse.
09:28 It says there when a person dies:
09:41 So you'll notice that when a person dies it says that the
09:45 body returns to the dust, and the spirit returns
09:49 to God who gave it.
09:50 But now I'm going to ask you a question that perhaps nobody
09:52 has asked you before.
09:54 What happens with the self identity, or with the character
09:57 that we formed during our lifespan?
10:00 For example, what happened to the 930 years of self identity
10:04 that Adam formed, or the character that Adam formed
10:08 during 930 years when he died?
10:10 You say, Well, Pastor, that's kind of a strange question.
10:14 I'm asking that question for a very specific purpose,
10:17 as you're going to see as we study along.
10:20 The fact is folks, that the self identity of Adam was actually
10:26 recorded by God in heaven as Adam lived his 930 life.
10:33 In fact, our self identity is written by God in heavenly books
10:39 as we live every moment of every day.
10:43 So when Adam died all of the record of his life was preserved
10:50 in the heavenly records.
10:52 In other words, God had an exact perfect record of Adam
10:56 in His heavenly books.
10:57 And you say, Does the Bible teach such a thing?
11:00 Well, let's read several verses that speak about what is
11:05 contained in the books.
11:06 You see, God keep records in heaven.
11:09 He keeps an exact record of who I was during my life;
11:13 who Adam was during his life.
11:15 Notice 2 Corinthians 5:10, 2 Corinthians 5:10.
11:39 Let me ask you, Does God keep a record of the good and bad
11:41 things that we performed while we were alive? Yes.
11:43 And we all must appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
11:47 So our actions are recorded in God's heavenly books.
11:51 Now what about our words?
11:53 Notice Matthew 12:36, 37, Matthew 12:36, 37.
12:00 Here Jesus is speaking and He says:
12:18 Is a record of our words kept in God's heavenly records?
12:22 Absolutely! Because by our words we will be justified,
12:26 or by our words we will be condemned.
12:29 But I want you to notice that also our secret things
12:33 are written there.
12:34 You see, God has a record not only of the outside,
12:37 He has a record of the inside, in other words.
12:40 Notice Ecclesiastics 12:13, 14, Ecclesiastics 12:13, 14.
12:59 If God is going to bring every work into judgment,
13:01 must He have a record of every work? Of course.
13:04 It says, God will bring every work into judgment.
13:08 And now notice this: including every what? every secret thing,
13:14 whether good or evil.
13:16 So God keeps an exact record of everything concerning
13:21 our life inside and out.
13:24 Let's read also Revelation 20: 12, 13, Revelation 20:12, 13.
13:33 It says there:
13:40 Notice this:
13:56 So I want you to notice that you have books, plural.
13:59 Now when the Bible speaks of books, in the plural,
14:03 it's talking about the record of our lives.
14:05 You see, every breathing moment God is taking a movie,
14:10 if you please, or He's taking a picture of every single thing
14:13 that we're doing, every single thing that we're thinking,
14:16 every single thing that we're feeling, every intention and
14:20 motive that we have.
14:21 God is recording a perfect record of every
14:25 aspect of our lives.
14:27 Let me illustrate what I mean.
14:29 Jesus today is personally in heaven, isn't He?
14:34 He's in heaven in person.
14:35 But do you know where He is on earth?
14:37 On earth He is written in sixty-six books: the Bible.
14:43 Because the Bible is a written revelation of Christ.
14:46 That's why the Bible says that Jesus is the Word in person,
14:50 but also the written Word is the Word of God.
14:53 Because the Bible is the transcript of the
14:56 character of Jesus.
14:57 It's Jesus in written form, if you please.
15:00 Now with us it's just the opposite.
15:02 We are physically and personally on earth,
15:06 but in heaven we are written in books.
15:08 In other words, we are written in books
15:11 where we are not personally.
15:12 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
15:14 What I'm explaining, or I'm trying to explain is,
15:17 that the heavenly books contain a complete biography
15:21 of each one of us.
15:22 Every act, every word, every motive, every thought,
15:26 every emotion, even every opportunity to do good, which we
15:31 did not take advantage of is found written in the books.
15:36 There is a complete record of our lives, inside and out.
15:41 In other words, God has another Steve Bohr in written form
15:44 in heaven, and I walk personally here upon Planet Earth.
15:50 Now I believe that if God was revealing His truth to the
15:54 prophets today, He would probably not talk about books
15:59 as containing the records.
16:00 In Biblical times you know it was common to preserve records
16:04 in scrolls or in books.
16:05 But if God was speaking to a prophet today, I believe that
16:08 God would be speaking about video cameras,
16:11 and He would speak about DVD's, and NP3's, and He would
16:15 speak about computers.
16:17 Because it's a much more sophisticated way of storing
16:21 and retrieving information.
16:22 Now, the Bible then when it speaks about books is referring
16:28 to the exact transcript of our lives, which God keeps
16:32 in the heavenly records.
16:34 But the Bible also uses the word book, singular.
16:38 Now let's take a look at the references in the Bible that
16:41 use book, singular.
16:43 Go with me to Philippians 4:3, Philippians 4:3.
16:49 Here the apostle Paul is speaking about some of his
16:52 collaborators; some of the individuals that were helping
16:55 him in his ministry.
16:56 And he says there:
17:07 He even mentions one by name.
17:18 Book, singular. What is it that the book contains?
17:21 The book contains names.
17:24 What do the books, in plural, contain? the exact transcript
17:28 of the persons character.
17:30 Notice Revelation 3:5; still talking about
17:32 the book, singular, Revelation 3:5.
17:51 Once again the book, singular, has what? names.
17:56 Notice Revelation 13:8.
17:58 There are many verses.
18:00 I'm only reading a sampling of them.
18:01 Revelation 13:8, speaking about those who are going to end up
18:05 worshipping the beast. It says:
18:19 And you remember when Moses was on Mount Sinai and God said,
18:23 I'm going to destroy Israel, and I'm going to choose another
18:26 people, because these people are idolatrous.
18:28 Notice in Exodus 32:31, 32, what Moses said to the Lord.
18:55 And in Daniel 12:1, where it speaks about the final
18:59 deliverance of God's people at the end of the time of
19:02 trouble such as never has been seen, we find the following
19:05 words, Daniel 12:1.
19:28 So are you understanding the difference
19:30 between books, and book?
19:31 The books contain the exact transcript of our lives
19:35 in written form in heaven.
19:38 Nothing is missing: words, thoughts, emotions, motives,
19:44 actions, you name it, everything is there inside and out
19:49 in the books, but the book, singular, contains names.
19:55 And the Bible emphasizes that the book contains the names of
19:58 those who have received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
20:02 Now I want us, in the light of what we've studied about the
20:06 books, and the book, I'd like us to take a look at several
20:10 interesting details about the judgment.
20:12 The first thing that I want us to notice is that everyone must
20:17 appear before the judgment seat of Christ. No exceptions.
20:20 Notice 2 Corinthians 5:10 once again, 2 Corinthians 5:10.
20:43 How many people are going to have to appear before the
20:45 judgment seat of Christ to give an account for what they did
20:49 while they were in the body, which means while they
20:51 were in this life?
20:52 Every single person is going to have to appear before the
20:56 judgment seat of Christ.
20:57 But now there's another very interesting detail, and that is
21:01 that that judgment takes place in heaven.
21:05 What, you're saying?
21:08 Does that mean that we have to NASA, and we have to get on a
21:11 rocket in order to appear before the judgment seat of Christ?
21:14 Well, let's notice what the Bible says.
21:17 Daniel 7:9, 10, Daniel 7:9, 10.
21:26 Daniel is seeing something in vision.
21:29 Who is the Ancient of Days? God who? God the Father.
21:33 Where does God the Father live?
21:35 Our Father which art in heaven, okay.
22:03 Who are those? angels. And then notice:
22:12 What do the books contain? the record of the lives.
22:16 Where does this judgment take place?
22:18 It takes place where the Father lives, where the angels are,
22:22 according to Scripture.
22:23 So everyone must appear, and the judgment takes place
22:28 where? It takes place in heaven.
22:30 Now let's notice another detail about the judgment.
22:34 Go with me to Revelation 14, which we started our lecture
22:37 with, Revelation 14:6, 7.
22:40 Let me ask you, Does the judgment begin after Jesus
22:45 comes, or at the moment Jesus comes, or does this judgment
22:48 of God's people, those who are written in the book of life,
22:51 does it take place before the close of probation,
22:55 and before the second coming of Jesus?
22:57 It takes place before.
22:59 You say, Now wait a minute, Pastor,
23:00 Where does the Bible say that? Revelation 14:6.
23:14 Let me ask you, If the gospel is being preached, must the door
23:17 of probation still be open? Absolutely!
23:20 You wouldn't preach the gospel if the door of
23:22 probation had closed.
23:23 So you have this angel; he's preaching the everlasting gospel
23:26 to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people, and he says with a
23:30 loud voice, Fear God and give...
23:36 It doesn't say the hour of His judgment shall come,
23:39 it says the hour of His judgment has come.
23:41 Let me ask you, Does the judgment take place while the
23:44 gospel is being preached? Absolutely!
23:47 And listen to what I'm going to say.
23:49 Only after the three angels' proclaim their messages do you
23:54 have Jesus seated on a cloud with the sickle in His hand
23:57 to harvest the earth, which means that the three angels'
24:00 messages are preached, and then you have the coming of Jesus
24:04 to harvest the righteous, and to harvest the wicked.
24:07 In other words, the judgment takes place before the
24:11 close of probation.
24:13 It takes place before the second coming of Jesus Christ.
24:16 Now let me ask you, When will a person receive the reward
24:20 that was determined in the judgment,
24:21 when their name was examined?
24:22 Notice Matthew 16:27, Matthew 16:27.
24:34 What event is that describing?
24:35 The second coming, yes.
24:46 So when is the reward given? when Jesus comes.
24:50 When are they judged? before Jesus comes.
24:53 Are you understanding me?
24:55 Notice Revelation 22:12, Revelation 22:12.
25:01 Here Jesus is speaking, and He says:
25:10 So when Jesus comes He brings the reward.
25:19 Now I know the question that you're asking.
25:22 If the judgment is in heaven, before the second coming
25:28 of Jesus, how can everyone appear before the great judgment
25:34 seat of Christ, if we live on Planet Earth?
25:37 Well, let's ask another question, a very important one.
25:42 Where are the dead between the time when they died,
25:47 and the time when Jesus comes to reward them?
25:50 Let's go to John 5:28, 29.
25:54 Folks we're going to notice here that it's a very close
25:57 connection between the state of the dead, and the judgment.
26:01 If you misunderstand the state of the dead,
26:03 you're not going to understand the judgment.
26:05 And if you misunderstand the judgment,
26:07 you're not going to understand how people are during
26:11 the interim of death.
26:12 Now notice John 5:28, 29.
26:22 heaven or in hell will hear His voice.
26:26 Ah, yeah, okay. You say, Where is that?
26:29 Well, that's the Revised Bohr Version. It doesn't count.
26:44 When is it they're going to come forth? when Jesus comes.
26:49 When do they receive their reward? when Jesus comes.
26:52 When were they judged? before Jesus comes.
26:55 So did they go before God's judgment seat before
26:57 the second coming? Absolutely!
26:59 But how could they if they were dead in the grave?
27:02 Ah, we're going to study something very important here.
27:05 And so it says, Do not marvel at this: for the hour of His
27:08 coming, in which all who are in their graves
27:10 will hear His voice, and come forth;
27:14 those who have done good, unto the resurrection of life;
27:21 Now, folks, I believe that in order to explain how dead people
27:28 can appear before the judgment seat of Christ before the second
27:32 coming... You know, most Christians think,
27:34 Well, what's going to happen is that the soul of those people
27:37 are going to appear before the judgment seat of Christ.
27:39 That's not what the Bible says.
27:40 The Bible says that the individual must appear before
27:44 the judgment seat of Christ.
27:45 How can they appear if they died in Christ,
27:49 or even if they're alive on Planet Earth before Jesus comes,
27:53 before the close of probation?
27:54 The fact is that we must understand what we started our
27:58 study with this evening.
28:00 You see, when the Bible speaks about the spirit that returns to
28:05 God, it's more than just the capacity to breathe;
28:10 it's more than just the energizing force
28:14 that returns to God.
28:15 You see, as we live we develop our own self
28:20 identity, do we not?
28:22 And God, what does God do when we die?
28:24 He preserves that self identity where? in the books.
28:29 In other words He writes in the books the end,
28:33 and He closes the books.
28:35 In other words, He's preserving the record of our lives.
28:39 He's not only, He's not, you know, some people say,
28:42 Well, you say the Spirit returns to God.
28:44 Does that mean that God grabs everybody's breathing?
28:47 No, that's not what it's talking about.
28:49 It's talking about God preserving the
28:51 record of our lives.
28:53 Now I want to read several texts: Luke 8:52.
28:57 This is a very interesting story.
28:59 And make sure that you follow along,
29:03 and tell me if I'm reading wrongly.
29:04 Luke 8:52-56. It's speaking about the
29:08 death of a little girl.
29:37 It does not say the spirit, it says her spirit returned.
29:43 Let me ask you, What was returned to her?
29:45 only the capacity to breathe?
29:46 No, the capacity to breathe, along with her self identity...
29:51 Are you with me?... that God preserved before she died.
29:54 Notice what it continues saying.
29:56 Then her spirit returned, and she arose immediately:
30:00 and he commanded that she be given something to eat.
30:03 Notice Acts 7, and beginning with verse 57, (This is talking
30:08 about the martyrdom of Stephen.) Acts 7:57.
30:28 I want you to remember these two individuals.
30:29 We're coming back to them at the end of the presentation today.
30:40 It doesn't say, Receive the spirit.
30:42 He's saying, Receive My spirit.
30:45 Are you understanding what I'm saying; receive My spirit?
30:58 I love that; he fell asleep.
31:00 It doesn't say he died, although he did die, we know.
31:03 But it says he fell asleep.
31:05 Notice one further example: Luke 23:46.
31:09 It's talking about the death of Jesus Christ.
31:11 Luke 23:46. It says:
31:23 ...I commend the spirit.
31:25 No, that's not what it says.
31:27 Into your hands I commend what?
31:34 Now let me ask you this: Do you think that when Jesus
31:37 resurrected He remembered everything that had happened
31:39 while He was alive before His death?
31:41 Do you think He remembered the names of His disciples?
31:44 Do you think He remembered when He was arrested?
31:47 Do you think He remembered when He calmed the storm?
31:50 Do you think that He remembered when Peter denied Him?
31:53 Of course He did! Why did Jesus remember all those things
31:56 when He resurrected?
31:57 Because folks, when God returned to Jesus His spirit,
32:02 He not only returned the capacity to breathe,
32:04 or the energizing force, He also returned to Him the record
32:08 of His life which God had preserved.
32:11 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
32:12 Critically important!
32:14 Now I want to read you an interesting statement.
32:16 This statement is in the devotional book,
32:19 Maranatha, page 301.
32:21 You see, the author caught this nuance
32:25 that I'm sharing with you today.
32:26 This is what the author says in the book, Maranatha,
32:30 which is a devotional book.
32:36 Is that biblical? Of course it is.
32:38 Now let me ask you, Am I going to resurrect Gene Hobbs?
32:42 Am I going to be Gene Hobbs when I resurrect?
32:44 Am I going to be Rick Perez?
32:46 No, I'm going to be Steve Bohr.
32:47 Because God is going to return to me the record of my life
32:50 with the capacity to breathe. So she says:
33:05 And then she says this:
33:15 What is it that's preserved? the spirit or the character,
33:20 our self identity, who we were in life in other words.
33:24 She says:
33:29 In other words your own life record.
33:52 Isn't that a beautiful statement?
33:53 Now there's a statement in the book of Job
33:58 that used to puzzle me.
33:59 It sounded pretty selfish.
34:00 It sounded like Job was the only one that was going to see
34:02 the second coming of Jesus.
34:03 Notice Job 19:25-27. and I'm going to read from the New
34:06 And I'm going to read from the New International Version,
34:09 where the translation is more forceful.
34:11 Job 19:25. Here Job is saying, in the midst of his suffering.
34:23 It's talking about the second coming.
34:45 So nobody else is going to see the second coming
34:46 of Jesus except Job.
34:48 He says, I and not another.
34:50 What is he saying?
34:51 What is Job saying here?
34:53 He's saying that when I resurrect, I'm going to be whom?
34:56 I'm going to be Job.
34:58 Job is going to see the Lord.
35:00 Rick Perez is going to see the Lord.
35:02 Dr. Teske is going to see the Lord.
35:05 All of us are gong to see the Lord as individuals that we were
35:08 were during our life.
35:10 Now let me ask you, applying this after the millennium.
35:14 After the millennium you have the resurrection
35:16 of the wicked, right?
35:17 Let me ask you, Do the wicked resurrect righteous?
35:20 Of course not. How do they resurrect?
35:23 Just as wicked as they were?
35:24 Let me ask you, do they begin at the same spot
35:27 where they left off? Absolutely!
35:29 They surround the holy city.
35:32 They're just as wicked as ever.
35:33 Why? Because God is returning to them the identity
35:36 that was saved in the books.
35:37 Are you following me?
35:39 Allow me to read you another statement from my favorite book
35:42 on Bible prophecy.
35:43 This is a classic.
35:45 It's the book that has the clearest perspective of Bible
35:47 prophecy anywhere in the world.
35:49 It's called The Great Controversy.
35:50 Notice about after the millennium
35:55 what the author has to say, speaking about outside the city:
36:13 Now notice this:
36:29 In other words, if somebody opened their mouth and half
36:37 a word came out, and somebody shot them, when they resurrect
36:41 they complete the word.
36:42 Because they resume the current of their thought
36:46 just where it ceased.
36:52 Let me ask you, Why is it that they resurrect in this way?
36:56 It's because God is not only returning to them the capacity
36:59 to breathe, God is returning also their own self identity.
37:04 He's returning their own character.
37:06 Now let me give you a little illustration of what I mean.
37:07 How many of you have ever seen that little clip of the
37:11 assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Zapruder film?
37:13 You've seen that, right?
37:15 Now let me ask you, You see the limousine
37:19 turning onto Elm Street, right?
37:21 And you see John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline
37:25 with her pink dress, and they're greeting the people.
37:28 Let me ask you, When you look at that clip of video,
37:31 is John F. Kennedy alive, or is he dead?
37:37 You know I ask that question in a confusing manner on purpose.
37:41 Because some people say, Well, he's alive.
37:44 Other people say he's dead.
37:45 Well, the fact is this folks, the movie was taken
37:50 while he was alive.
37:51 But we are looking at the movie after he died. Are you with me?
37:57 In other words, on tape he's alive, but the review of the
38:02 tape takes place after he died.
38:05 So let me ask you, Is there a certain sense when you watch
38:09 that event of the life of John F. Kennedy, and when you see him
38:12 still alive before he was shot, let me ask you, are you really
38:15 watching him alive, just like it was? Yeah, absolutely!
38:21 You're watching him alive.
38:22 And so let me share this, when the righteous appear before
38:29 the judgment bar of Christ, there's a certain sense in which
38:33 they appear there alive.
38:35 Now don't misunderstand me.
38:37 How do they appear alive?
38:41 Because God took a movie of their lives
38:43 while they were alive.
38:47 So when the judgment comes, what does God bring?
38:51 the record in the books, or whatever way that God reserves,
38:55 or preserves the record.
38:56 And God shows the heavenly tribunal all of the life of that
39:00 person, inside and out, while that person was alive.
39:03 So let me ask you, In a certain sense, are people seeing the
39:07 life of that person when that person was alive? Absolutely!
39:10 But we know that it's being reviewed when? after they died.
39:16 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
39:17 So when Scripture says that all must appear before the
39:20 judgment seat of Christ, How can the dead appear before
39:23 the judgment seat of Christ?
39:24 They appear through the record of their lives.
39:28 They do not appear there personally.
39:30 They appear there through the record of their lives.
39:33 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
39:35 So all must appear.
39:36 The judgment's in heaven.
39:38 It's before the second coming.
39:39 What about the dead?
39:41 Well, they're decomposed on Planet Earth.
39:43 They can't go to heaven in a rocket to appear before
39:47 the judgment seat of Christ.
39:48 The fact is that they appear through the
39:49 movie of their lives.
39:51 Now let's read Revelation 20 so that we understand
39:55 how this process takes place.
39:56 Revelation 20:11, 12.
40:01 By the way, this is after the millennium, but the principle
40:04 applies also to the pre-advent judgment;
40:06 the judgment before the second coming.
40:16 Now notice this:
40:21 How can dead people stand before God,
40:22 in the light of what we've studied?
40:25 When it says the dead were standing before God,
40:27 what does that mean?
40:28 It means that those who are on earth dead, are standing before
40:32 God how? through the record of their self-identity,
40:37 or the record of their character,
40:38 which is contained in the books. And so it says:
40:46 If they're standing there in person, why would you
40:50 need to open books?
41:05 Are you understanding what we're studying?
41:08 Now, we have some things that we still need to cover.
41:12 Let's talk a little about the process of the judgment
41:15 when our name appears before the judgment seat of Christ.
41:18 Let me ask you, What is it that our life is
41:22 going to be compared with? with the law of God, right?
41:27 Notice James 2:12.
41:30 Now we're talking about what happens when our record appears
41:32 in the heavenly court before the second coming of Jesus.
41:35 James 2:12. It says this:
41:47 In other words, our lives are going to be compared with what?
41:50 with the law. Now let me ask you, When our lives are compared
41:53 with he law, how many are not guilty?
41:57 Well, let's go to Romans 3:10 and we'll read verse 20,
42:02 and also verse 23.
42:03 Verse 10 of chapter 3, As it is written:
42:10 Verse 20: Now we know that whatever the laws says,
42:14 it says to those who are under the law: that every mouth may
42:18 be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.
42:21 And then verse 23: For all have sinned, and come short
42:25 of the glory of God;...
42:27 So what does the law saw to everybody who comes before
42:29 the judgment seat of Christ through their records?
42:32 The law says you are all what? you are all sinners,
42:37 and therefore you deserve what? you deserve death.
42:40 Notice Romans 6:23.
42:48 Do you see how difficult this situation is?
42:50 You see, there's no one who never sinned.
42:53 So when we appear before the judgment seat of Christ,
42:55 through our records in heaven, whether we're dead,
42:58 or whether we're alive, the records are
43:01 what's are looked at in heaven.
43:03 When we appear there our life is compared with the law,
43:06 and our lives are full of sin, so the law says,
43:10 The wages of sin is death.
43:12 You must die. And who's there standing to accuse us?
43:15 the Devil is. Notice Zachariah 3:1, Zachariah 3:1:
43:21 Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the
43:26 angel of the Lord, and Satan standing at his right hand
43:31 to do what? to oppose him.
43:33 So, in other words, in God's great tribunal, when our life
43:38 is examined, everybody is guilty.
43:41 So you say, how in the world could the judgment be good news?
43:45 Ah, now let's go to the good news.
43:48 You see, the Bible tells us that Jesus came to this world,
43:51 and we studied this when we analyzed the everlasting gospel.
43:55 We noticed that Jesus came to this world and He lived
43:58 the perfect life that we should live, and Jesus died the death
44:02 that we should die.
44:04 And when we repent and confess our sins, and trust in Jesus,
44:10 and bury our sins in the waters of baptism, and we confess
44:16 our sins, the Bible says that God takes the life and death of
44:21 Jesus, and He credits it to our account.
44:24 Now is that good news?
44:25 Notice 1 Peter 1:18-20, 1 Peter 1:18-20.
44:41 Notice, we weren't redeemed by silver and gold...
44:59 So what happens when we confess our sins,
45:03 when we repent of sin, when we claim the righteousness
45:06 of Christ, when our heart is right with the Lord,
45:09 what does Jesus do?
45:10 He records the sin in the heavenly books,
45:13 but next to the sin He writes the word, forgiven through
45:17 the blood of the Lamb.
45:19 Is that good news?
45:22 So when our name comes up in the judgment,
45:25 are our sins in the record?
45:27 Yes, everything is in the record.
45:30 So some people say, Wow, if the sins are in the
45:33 record, well, that's bad.
45:36 You know, because how can I be secure about salvation
45:40 if my sins are written there?
45:41 Listen folks, if your sins are not there covered with the
45:45 blood they're here.
45:48 See, we need to have Jesus as our advocate.
45:50 In other words, if we sin, as it says in 1 John 2:1,
45:55 My little children, these things I write to you so
45:58 that you may not sin.
45:59 And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the Father,
46:02 Jesus Christ the righteous.
46:04 See, our judge and our lawyer is Jesus, and He's righteous,
46:09 and He appears before the Father.
46:11 And when I repent and confess my sin, Jesus says, Father,
46:14 Pastor Bohr has repented of that sin.
46:17 He's confessed that sin.
46:18 I claim My blood in his behalf.
46:21 And the Father says, I accept Your death in place of his
46:24 death, and I accept Your life in place of his life.
46:28 Is that good news?
46:29 But if we don't place our sins in the Sanctuary,
46:32 through repentance and confession, then those sins
46:35 are where? they're upon us.
46:37 You know some people say, Oh, the Seventh-day Adventists,
46:40 they don't have any assurance of salvation, because they believe
46:42 that all these sins are written in the heavenly Sanctuary.
46:44 Praise the Lord that they're written in the heavenly
46:46 Sanctuary, because if they're not in the heavenly Sanctuary,
46:49 covered with the blood, they are where?
46:51 They are upon us.
46:53 Notice 1 John 1:9, 1 John 1:9. It says:
47:10 Now listen to what I'm going to say.
47:12 In the Sanctuary, there were two services:
47:14 there was the daily service, and there was the yearly service.
47:18 You can read it in Leviticus 16.
47:22 Do you know what happened in the daily service?
47:23 In the daily service you have forgiveness for sin.
47:27 Notice that 1 John 1:9 says, If we confess our sins,
47:31 He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins,
47:35 and to cleanse the Sanctuary from sin?
47:37 No, to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
47:40 The daily service cleansed the sinner from his sin,
47:44 but then the sin was transferred where?
47:46 It was transferred to the Sanctuary through the blood.
47:49 Let me ask you, did the Israelite have to be afraid
47:51 because it was transferred to the Sanctuary through the blood?
47:54 Absolutely not! He could have the assurance that his sin
47:57 was covered by the blood.
47:58 It was very safe to have it in there.
48:01 It was unsafe not to have it in there.
48:03 Are you following what I am saying?
48:04 But all of the sins were placed in the Sanctuary, so there came
48:08 at the end of the year what is known as the day of atonement,
48:10 when all of the sin that had entered needed to what?
48:14 to come out. And that's what the judgment is.
48:16 Do you know what the purpose of the judgment is?
48:18 It's not to inform God.
48:20 God knows everything.
48:22 Let me ask you, Are there many Christians who appear to be good
48:26 Christians, but really they're hypocrites?
48:29 Jesus spoke about those, didn't He?
48:31 So if you look on the outside you'd say, Oh, these are
48:34 exemplary Christians.
48:36 But, you see, when the books are opened it will be shown
48:40 who truly repented of sin, who truly confessed sin,
48:46 who truly claimed the righteousness of Jesus,
48:50 who truly buried the old man in baptism,
48:54 and truly resurrected to newness of life.
48:58 The purpose of the judgment is to reveal if repentance,
49:02 and claiming the blood was genuine or not,
49:04 for the good of the inhabitants of the Universe,
49:06 that don't know everything, like God knows everything.
49:10 And so you have the daily service, which cleanses the
49:14 sinner from the sin, and you have the yearly service,
49:17 which cleanses the Sanctuary from the sin.
49:21 Now this is the marvelous news: if our name comes up in the
49:25 judgment, and when my name is looked at, and all of my records
49:30 are looked at, if it's revealed that I repented of sin,
49:34 and I confessed my sins, and that I claimed the righteousness
49:37 of Jesus, and that my old man was buried in the waters of
49:40 baptism, and that I truly resurrected to a new life,
49:43 and that I hated sin, and I love the Savior, then what's going to
49:48 happen is my name is going to be retained in the book of life,
49:53 and I will be found in Christ, because when I received Jesus
49:59 Christ, I am in Him.
50:01 See, I no longer appear there on my own.
50:04 I appear through Him.
50:06 And that's the reason why, in 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18,
50:11 we find this very interesting passage about the resurrection.
50:15 It says in 1 Thessalonians 4:
50:37 Let me ask you, Where are the dead when Jesus comes?
50:39 In heaven? No, they're in the grave.
50:41 Now if they're in heaven when they died,
50:44 what are they doing in the grave?
50:45 It says that they're in the grave and Jesus comes.
50:49 Now, do you notice here that it says the dead in Christ
50:52 will rise first? Let me ask you, when was it revealed
50:54 that they were in Christ? in the judgment.
50:58 It was revealed that they truly repented of sin,
51:01 they confessed their sins, they claimed the righteousness
51:04 of Christ, they buried the old man, resurrected to newness
51:07 of life, hated sin, and loved the Savior.
51:10 And then you will find in the book of life, in Christ.
51:14 And therefore when Jesus comes, He's going to resurrect them
51:17 from the dead, because they are not in themselves,
51:20 they are in Jesus.
51:22 Is this good news or what?
51:24 Now I want to share with you a very interesting experience.
51:28 Do you remember the experience of Saul of Tarsus?
51:33 He was a nasty character.
51:34 Notice what we find in Acts 26: 9-11.
51:38 Here Saul is describing his life. He says:
52:08 Was he a nasty character? He sure was.
52:11 Did he have a record of blood in his heavenly records?
52:14 He most certainly did.
52:15 But then he had his Damascus road experience.
52:18 And do you know what he did?
52:21 He got baptized. Notice Acts, Acts 22:16.
52:25 Notice what happened when he was baptized.
52:29 Obviously he must have repented and confessed his sin before.
52:33 Notice Acts 22:16. Here Ananias is saying to him,
52:38 Arise, and be what? and be baptized,
52:42 he's saying to Saul of Tarsus.
52:43 Be baptized, and wash away your what?
52:46 Wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord.
52:51 Let me ask you, What happens when the record of Saul of
52:55 Tarsus appears in the heavenly court?
52:57 Does God look at all of the sins?
52:59 Does God hold all of his sins against him:
53:01 all of those murders, all the people he put in prison,
53:04 all the people that were whipped as a result of him?
53:06 Does God look at any of that? No.
53:09 That all was forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ.
53:12 And the judgment reveals that even though Saul of Tarsus was a
53:16 nasty character, he deserves to be saved because
53:19 he's accepted in the beloved.
53:21 He is looked at through the life of Jesus,
53:23 and through the death of Jesus Christ.
53:26 You know, it's going to be wonderful in that great day
53:29 when Saul of Tarsus meets Stephen.
53:32 Ho ho, I want to be there just to see that.
53:35 It's amazing! The last thing that Stephen saw was
53:38 Saul telling the people, Throw the stones, kill him, kill him.
53:43 And so now you can imagine; Stephen doesn't know that
53:46 Saul of Tarsus is going to be saved.
53:47 So you can imagine now, you know, when we get to heaven.
53:51 And here's Saul of Tarsus walking down the street
53:54 of the city, and here comes Stephen walking
53:56 from the other direction.
53:58 And Stephen-I know I got resurrected eyes, but are you
54:06 Saul of Tarsus? You're here?
54:09 Yes, the grace of Jesus redeemed me, too.
54:13 Listen folks, there is no record of sin so terrible that cannot
54:18 be forgiven if we truly repent, and confess our sin,
54:21 and claim the righteousness of Jesus Christ, and our buried
54:25 in the waters of baptism.
54:26 There is no sin so great that God cannot forgive it now,
54:29 and then eventually erase it from the Sanctuary,
54:32 because it has been cleansed by the blood.
54:35 Now I want to give you an illustration,...
54:37 We only have a very short period... an illustration that
54:39 will help you remember this forever.
54:42 I want you to imagine a computer.
54:44 A computer is a material object, right?
54:47 Does a computer have a brain?
54:50 Of course it does!
54:51 What is it that operates all of the functions of the computer?
54:55 Okay, memory. In order to have a memory, what do you need?
55:00 a brain. I'm speaking figuratively.
55:03 I know it doesn't have a brain like we have a brain.
55:05 But it has to have a center of operations, doesn't it?
55:09 Now, let me ask you, Does the computer need to have a
55:14 power source in order to function? Yes.
55:16 So you have the material computer, it has this central
55:21 processor that allows you to perform all of the functions,
55:25 and then you plug it in, and it has the power source.
55:29 Now let me ask you, What happens if someday the roof of your
55:32 house falls while you're gone, and it smashes
55:34 your computer to smithereens?
55:36 You say, Wow! What a problem.
55:40 But it's not necessarily a problem.
55:43 Because if you've backed up the information on a disk,
55:47 you can get another computer, and you can transfer the
55:50 identity of the first computer to the second computer.
55:53 Can you make the second computer the same as the first computer?
55:57 You most certainly can.
55:59 Can you get one with greater memory?
56:00 Oh, with greater capacities.
56:03 Yeah, absolutely! You can get a much better computer.
56:06 And all you do is take what's on the disk, and you transpose it
56:09 to the new computer.
56:10 Do you know that's exactly what's going to happen with
56:12 those who died in Christ.
56:13 They died and their bodies and their brains
56:16 disintegrated in the grave.
56:17 They were unplugged, so to speak; no power.
56:20 But when Jesus comes He's going to give them a new body,
56:23 a new computer. Then He's going to take what's on the disk...
56:26 And, by the way, it's going to be what's on your disk
56:29 in heaven, minus all of the sins that were blotted out
56:32 in the day of atonement.
56:33 In other words, He's not going to give you back
56:35 all of your bad record.
56:36 He's going to give you back your record of all the good
56:38 things without the bad.
56:39 And He's going to take that on this; He's going to input
56:42 it into you, and then you're going to resurrect.
56:44 You're going to be the same person that you were,
56:46 but perfect, without any record of sin in your life.
56:50 In other words, the computer of God, when He examines your
56:53 record, has a delete key.
56:56 And as He goes through the record of your life,
56:58 He's going to delete all of those things that you've
57:01 repented of, that you confessed.
57:04 And when you claim the righteousness of Christ,
57:06 and buried your life in the waters of baptism,
57:09 to resurrect to newness of life, you are accepted
57:11 in Jesus the beloved.
57:13 Let me ask you then, Is the hour of God's judgment good news?
57:17 It's wonderful news, as long as we have repented,
57:21 and confessed our sins.


Revised 2015-08-25