Three Angels Message

Ten Facts About Revelation 14

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 3AM

Program Code: 3AM000001

00:30 Let's pray. Father we're thankful for the privilege
00:35 of being in Your presence today.
00:37 What a joy it is to know that You are in our midst
00:42 through the presence of Your Holy Spirit and Your angels.
00:45 And Father, as we open Your holy book, we plead for Your help,
00:51 for human minds cannot begin to comprehend the great
00:55 things from Your Word.
00:56 And so Father come to be with us.
00:59 Instruct us and give us the capacity to live in harmony
01:04 with what we learn.
01:06 And we thank You, Father, for hearing our prayer, for we ask
01:10 it in the precious and powerful name
01:12 of Your beloved Son Jesus, Amen.
01:15 Let's reflect for a few moments about the world
01:21 as it is after 9/11.
01:25 We live in a world of unparalleled turmoil.
01:32 The world economy is crumbling before our very eyes.
01:37 The United States taxpayers have incurred a debt of over
01:44 2 trillion dollars just in the last few months.
01:48 As you know, the United States government has had to bail out
01:54 some very large banks, and some significant corporations.
01:59 And they've put a huge sum of money into getting the economy
02:08 of the United States on track again.
02:11 But it's not only the United States that is in trouble.
02:15 We live in a time of global economic turmoil.
02:20 As you know, many states in the United States
02:24 are almost bankrupt, including the state of California.
02:29 Millions of people in the United States have lost their homes
02:33 due to foreclosure.
02:35 Life savings, and retirement plans have disappeared.
02:40 Corporate greed runs rampant in Wall Street
02:47 and in the large corporations.
02:48 And this has caused unprecedented financial loss
02:53 for millions of people.
02:55 And then we have the natural disasters, which seem to be
02:59 greater and more prevalent every day.
03:01 Disasters that are of epic proportions like
03:06 Hurricane Katrina, like the Asian Tsunami, like the terrible
03:11 tornados that we had just a few months ago
03:14 in the Midwestern United States, hundred year fires in Australia,
03:20 and in California, and earthquakes in different places.
03:24 And what could we say about wars and rumors of wars?
03:29 Israel and the Palestinians, Iraq, Afghanistan, India,
03:35 Pakistan, and many other countries of the world
03:38 that are embroiled in war.
03:40 And then we have the threat of global pandemics and epidemics:
03:45 Bird flu, Mad Cow disease, new strains of Tuberculosis, AIDS,
03:53 and other diseases that could devastate the human race.
03:57 And then there is the ever present danger of global terror,
04:01 and the perilous task of trying to guard our homeland security.
04:07 And what could we say about the potential for biological,
04:11 chemical, and nuclear weapons?
04:14 On the moral level everything seems to go downhill.
04:19 The gay marriage debate rages.
04:23 Pornography runs rampant.
04:26 The use of pornography on the air is prevalent.
04:30 Abortions are performed without any pangs of conscience.
04:35 School shootings and workplace shootings appear to be
04:39 the rule of the day.
04:40 Child abuse and kidnappings, husbands killing their wives,
04:45 and global warming.
04:48 I don't know how you feel about global warming,
04:51 but it's definitely happening.
04:52 Something is happening in this world that is disturbing
04:57 the delicate ecosystem of Planet Earth.
05:00 In the midst of all of this turmoil,
05:04 and all of these problems we ask the question,
05:08 Is there no hope? Is the world moving towards Armageddon?
05:14 Is the world, as we know it, moving to its end?
05:18 Well, during this series I have good news.
05:22 We're going to study God's final message to Planet Earth.
05:28 And that message is found in Revelation 14:6-12.
05:36 Now I'm going to tell you that we're going to study
05:39 24 sessions together.
05:40 And we are going to analyze every phrase
05:44 of the three angels' messages.
05:46 We are not going to leave any stone unturned when it comes
05:50 to the study of these three messages that God
05:53 sends to Planet Earth.
05:55 And I believe that when we finish the 24 sessions,
05:58 those of us who attend will understand the relationship
06:03 between all of these different aspects that we find in the
06:06 three angels' messages, and the urgent need that we have
06:10 of preparing for the coming of Jesus Christ, which I believe
06:15 is to be even at the door; very, very eminent.
06:19 I'd like to begin by reading the three angels' messages
06:24 as we find in Revelation 14: 6-12.
06:29 And of course the title of our study today is,
06:31 Ten Great Facts About the Three Angels' Messages.
06:37 So turn with me in your Bibles to Revelation 14:6-12.
06:45 Let's read the first angel's message.
07:22 That's the first message.
07:23 Now we go to the second.
07:43 And then we find the third angel's message
07:46 beginning in verse 9.
08:41 Now during this series we are going to try to answer
08:46 a series of questions.
08:47 And so as we begin our study today, I would like to formulate
08:53 those questions which we are going to answer in the course
08:56 of the next 24 sessions that we have here together.
09:00 Question 1. What is the everlasting gospel?
09:07 It's mentioned in the first angel's message.
09:10 What is the everlasting gospel that needs to be preached
09:14 to the whole world?
09:15 2. What do three angels represent?
09:21 Are we to expect three angels flying in the midst of heaven
09:24 zipping from one side of the heaven to the other?
09:26 What do angels represent?
09:30 What do angels symbolize?
09:32 And then we must ask the question, Why are they described
09:36 as flying in the midst of heaven?
09:39 Why are these angels flying?
09:41 Why do these messages go to all of the world,
09:45 as we've just read?
09:46 What does it mean to fear God?
09:50 What does it mean to give glory to God?
09:55 What does the first angel's message mean when it says
09:59 that we are in the hour of God's judgment?
10:03 What does it mean to worship the Creator?
10:07 What is Babylon? What is Babylon's wine of wrath,
10:13 because Babylon has wine?
10:14 What does the wine represent?
10:16 What does prophecy mean when it says that Babylon fornicates
10:22 with the kings of the earth?
10:23 Who is the beast? Who or what is the image to the beast?
10:30 What is the mark of the beast?
10:34 What is the number of the beast's name?
10:38 What is the wine of God's wrath?
10:42 Why is God's wine poured without mixture?
10:46 Will the worshippers of the beast be incinerated
10:49 in fire that will never go out?
10:51 After all the Bible says forever and ever.
10:54 What is the patience of the saints?
10:57 What are the commandments of God?
11:00 What is meant by the faith of Jesus?
11:03 And finally, who are the 144,000,
11:08 and when will they live?
11:10 And you say, Why are you including the 144,000?
11:13 Simply because in Revelation 14:1-5 you have the 144,000
11:20 before the three angels' messages are proclaimed,
11:23 which means that the 144,000 are somehow related
11:27 to the three angels' messages.
11:29 So we have our work cut out for us.
11:32 We have a lot to study.
11:34 We have to know who the beast is.
11:36 How can you not worship the beast
11:39 if don't know who he is?
11:41 You see, if we don't know who the beast is,
11:44 we'll end up worshipping him.
11:46 If we don't know what the image is,
11:48 we'll end up worshipping the image.
11:50 If we don't know what the mark of the beast is,
11:54 we might just end up receiving the mark of the beast.
11:57 So it's very important for us to understand these things.
12:01 Now we want to take a look at ten facts concerning
12:06 the three angels' messages.
12:07 This is an introductory subject today.
12:10 We're going to take a look at several introductory matters
12:14 dealing with the three angels' messages.
12:16 Fact 1. When the Bible says that three angels' are proclaiming
12:22 their messages to the world, we are not to understand that
12:26 literal angels will zip across the sky at the speed of
12:31 lightening, shouting with a loud voice the messages that we find
12:35 in Revelation chapter 14.
12:37 The fact is that in the Bible angels are depicted as helping
12:44 human beings proclaim the message.
12:47 In other words, the angels represent heavenly messengers
12:53 that use human beings to proclaim the
12:57 message of Jesus Christ.
12:58 Take for example Revelation 1: 1-3, where we find
13:03 a very interesting process. Revelation 1:1-3.
13:09 This is the introduction to the book of Revelation,
13:12 and it says there: The Revelation of Jesus Christ,
13:17 which God gave Him.
13:19 Now notice the sequence.
13:21 God gave Jesus a certain Revelation.
13:24 And He gave it to Him, to show whom? His servants things which
13:30 must shortly take place; and he sent and signified it by his
13:35 angel to His servant John: who bore witness to the word of God,
13:41 and to the testimony of Jesus Christ.
13:43 Do you see a chain of command here?
13:44 Very clearly there's a chain of command.
13:47 God the Father gives the message to Jesus.
13:50 Jesus gives the message to His angel.
13:53 The angel then whispers in John's ear and says,
13:56 This is the message that I want you to write down.
13:58 And so now the angel gives the message to John.
14:01 And John gives the message to the churches.
14:04 And the churches are supposed to give the message to the world.
14:07 In other words, the angels are depicted as three messages
14:10 that the angels help human beings to proclaim to the world.
14:15 By the way, the word angel in Greek, angelos,
14:20 actually means messenger.
14:23 And did you know that in the New Testament certain human
14:26 beings are called angels?
14:28 You say, Now how's that?
14:29 Well, let me just mention some.
14:31 We're not going to read the text, but if you want you
14:33 can write them down.
14:34 Epaphroditus: you say well, that's a weird name.
14:38 Is he in the Bible? Yes, he's in Philippians 2:25.
14:42 The apostle Paul mentions him, but he's called an angel.
14:45 He's called a messenger.
14:47 John the Baptist in Matthew 11: 10 is called
14:51 a messenger, or an angel.
14:54 You remember that there were certain messengers that John
14:57 sent to speak with Jesus.
14:59 The word messengers there is the word Angeloi.
15:03 In other words they are angels.
15:06 The spies that went to Jericho, according to James 2:25,
15:12 were angels, or messengers.
15:14 Even the apostle Paul, in Galatians 4:14,
15:18 is called an angel, or a messenger.
15:21 And, of course we, know about Stephen, that first martyr
15:25 of the Christian church, in Acts 6:15 it says that his face
15:31 was like the face of an angel.
15:34 Now we all know that God has not committed the preaching
15:37 of the gospel to angels, has He?
15:40 Jesus did not say to the angels, Go proclaim
15:43 the gospel to the world.
15:44 The work of proclaiming the everlasting gospel to the world
15:48 has been committed to the servants of Jesus Christ;
15:52 to human beings. But they are aided in their work
15:56 by the angelic host.
15:58 In fact, notice Matthew 28: 18-20 where it tells us,
16:06 to whom it has been committed to preach the everlasting gospel.
16:10 It says there in verse 18, And Jesus came and spoke to them,
16:15 saying, All authority has been given to me
16:20 in heaven and on earth.
16:21 Go, He's speaking to His disciples,
16:36 Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded
16:40 you: and, lo, I am with you always,
16:43 even unto the end of the age. Amen.
16:47 Notice that the great commission of preaching the gospel was
16:50 committed to the disciples.
16:52 It's not committed to angels.
16:54 You see, the angels never needed to be redeemed.
16:57 They don't know what it means to be redeemed.
16:59 Only those who have been redeemed can proclaim
17:03 the message of redemption with power, because they know
17:06 the experience of the gospel.
17:08 Also in Acts 1:8 we find the command of Jesus to His
17:16 disciples to proclaim the gospel.
17:18 Once again, the gospel has not been committed to angels
17:21 to proclaim by streaking across the sky and shouting
17:25 with a loud voice God's message.
17:27 It's committed to human beings, but angels help human beings.
17:32 Notice Acts 1:8, But you shall receive...
17:48 Incidentally, I would like to share with you two experiences
17:52 where an angel actually helped one of the followers of Jesus
17:56 to proclaim the message.
17:57 Do you remember the story of Phillip
18:00 and the Ethiopian eunuch?
18:02 Let me ask you, Who was it that actually took Phillip so that he
18:07 could go speak and meet with the Ethiopian eunuch?
18:11 If you read Acts 8:26, it says that the angel directed Phillip
18:18 to go and meet with the Ethiopian eunuch.
18:21 And then, of course, Phillip shared the message
18:24 of God with the eunuch.
18:26 And then we also have the example of the apostle Peter.
18:30 You remember that Peter preached the gospel to Cornelius.
18:33 But it was an angel that came to Cornelius and actually put him
18:37 in touch, or put him in contact with Simon Peter.
18:40 In other words, the angels give the message to human beings,
18:45 and then human beings proclaim the gospel to the world.
18:48 So these three angels represent messages that God sends
18:53 by the angelic hosts to us, for us to proclaim to the world.
18:58 That's fact 1. The three angels represent human beings
19:02 preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world,
19:05 particularly God's end time people.
19:08 Now let's go to fact 2.
19:11 We're told as we read in Revelation 14, that the angels
19:20 This must mean that the messages of the three angels
19:25 are of heavenly origin.
19:28 You know, whenever God speaks in the book of Revelation,
19:32 God's message always comes from above.
19:35 It always comes from heaven.
19:37 On the other hand, the powers of Satan come from the sea,
19:43 from the abyss, and from the earth.
19:47 In other words, the fact that these three messages are
19:51 depicted as three angels' flying in the midst of heaven,
19:55 coming from heaven to earth, means that these messages
19:59 are directly sent by God.
20:01 They are heavenly messages.
20:03 Incidentally, in the Bible to speak of beneath
20:07 is the realm of Satan.
20:09 To speak of above is the realm of Jesus Christ.
20:13 It's the realm of God.
20:14 So whenever an angel comes from heaven
20:16 it means a message from God.
20:19 James 3, I want you to notice, James 3 tells us this:
20:25 speaking about the wisdom that doesn't come from above,
20:28 it says: this wisdom does not descend from above,
20:32 but is earthly, sensual, demonic.
20:36 So where does the power of Satan come from?
20:39 It comes not from above, but from where? from beneath.
20:44 Revelation 18:1, which we're going to study in this series
20:48 later on, speaks of a powerful angel that comes down from
20:52 heaven, and he cries with a mighty voice
20:55 that Babylon is fallen.
20:57 And then he calls God's people to come out of Babylon.
21:00 This message comes with great power from heaven.
21:03 So Fact 2. is that the fact that these angels are depicted as
21:08 flying in the midst of heaven, means that these messages
21:11 are of heavenly origin.
21:13 They come directly from the throne of God.
21:15 Fact 3. We're told twice in the three angels' messages
21:21 that these messages are proclaimed with a loud voice.
21:27 It's interesting; the Greek word that is used for loud voice
21:32 is the word megaphone.
21:35 What word do we get from megaphone?
21:38 The word megaphone, right?
21:40 Have you ever heard of megaphone?
21:42 You know you use them at campouts.
21:44 I know at camporees, Pathfinder camporees, you have a megaphone
21:49 to call all of the Pathfinders together.
21:52 Let me ask you, When you use the megaphone,
21:54 can you hear the message?
21:55 You certainly can.
21:57 And sometimes it's so loud that it actually squeals,
22:00 and then everybody can hear it.
22:02 And so that's the word that is used.
22:05 These messages are of heavenly origin.
22:07 Human beings are supposed to preach them, and they come with
22:12 great power, because they're proclaimed with a loud voice.
22:16 In other words, there is no word parcing or political correctness
22:20 in these messages.
22:22 This is not some ambivalent double speak.
22:26 There's no mute on the trumpet.
22:28 It is to be shouted from the rooftops no matter what
22:33 the consequences are.
22:34 The messages are to be proclaimed with utmost power.
22:39 Fact 4. The angels fly.
22:43 Now what does that represent, the angels flying?
22:49 It represents the speed with which this message is supposed
22:54 to go to the world.
22:55 Now let me ask you, How fast do angels fly?
23:01 Well, let's go to Ezekiel 1, Ezekiel 1:13, 14.
23:08 Let me ask you, Are these messages supposed to go with
23:11 utmost speed to all of the world? Absolutely!
23:15 These messages of heavenly origin are to go to all of the
23:19 world with great power, and with the utmost velocity.
23:23 Notice what it says in Ezekiel 1:13, 14.
23:27 It's speaking about the four living creatures,
23:29 which represents the angelic host.
23:31 And notice what it says.
23:32 As for the likeness of the living creatures,
23:35 their appearance was like burning coals of fire,
23:39 like the appearance of torches going back and forth among
23:43 the living creatures.
23:45 The fire was bright, and out of the fire went lightening.
23:50 And the living creatures ran back and forth in appearance
23:56 like a flash of lightening.
23:58 How fast do angels travel?
24:00 With the speed of lightening.
24:02 How fast does this message need to go to the world?
24:05 It needs to go to the world with the speed of lightening.
24:08 But, unfortunately, it's going to the world
24:09 with the speed of a snail, or the speed of a tortoise.
24:14 It's not because the angelic host isn't waiting
24:18 anxiously for this message to be proclaimed to the world.
24:22 It's simply because we, as human beings, have not lent ourselves
24:26 to be used by the power of God to proclaim these heavenly
24:30 messages of God to the world, so that the end can come.
24:35 Now I have an example of the speed of travel of angels.
24:38 Do you remember that in Daniel 9, Daniel was praying because he
24:42 wanted some wisdom about understanding a prophecy
24:45 that said unto 2300 days and the Sanctuary shall be cleansed,
24:48 which was in the previous chapter of Daniel 8:14?
24:51 And Daniel was praying because he wanted to understand
24:53 that time prophecy?
24:54 And if you read there in Daniel 9 it says that Gabriel,
24:58 when Daniel began his prayer, he left the heavenly throne,
25:03 and before Daniel finished his prayer
25:04 Gabriel was next to his side.
25:07 So how fast do angels travel?
25:09 They travel very, very swiftly.
25:12 And God wants these messages to go with utmost swiftness.
25:17 Fact 5. The messages are worldwide in scope.
25:23 In other words, the messages are of heavenly origin,
25:27 they're to be proclaimed by human beings with the utmost
25:31 velocity, with great power, and they are to be proclaimed
25:35 in all of the world.
25:36 Now listen to what I'm going to tell you.
25:38 Most Christians today, most conservative Christians that is,
25:44 Evangelicals, Pentecostals, etc., believe that the three
25:48 angels' messages are actually messages that will be proclaimed
25:52 during the tribulation, after the church has been
25:56 raptured to heaven.
25:57 In fact they believe that everything from Revelation 4,
26:02 all the way through Revelation 19, applies to the Jews
26:06 in the Middle East after the church has been
26:08 raptured to heaven.
26:10 But my question regarding that is this, If this message,
26:17 or these messages, because it's one message
26:20 composed of three parts.
26:21 If these messages are to be proclaimed only to the Jews,
26:25 why do we find that it says that these messages are supposed
26:30 to go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people?
26:35 Obviously, these messages are not only for the Jews in the
26:38 Middle East. These messages are to be proclaimed on a worldwide
26:43 scale, which means that in order to proclaim them,
26:46 you have to have a worldwide people to announce them.
26:49 I'm just throwing that out.
26:51 We're going to talk about that a little bit later on.
26:54 A worldwide message being proclaimed necessitates a
26:57 worldwide people that understands these messages,
27:00 and is willing to go out and preach these messages.
27:03 These messages are to go to every nation, kindred, tongue,
27:08 and people. They are global in extent.
27:11 Notice Matthew 24:14.
27:14 You notice that the first angel's message speaks about
27:16 preaching the everlasting gospel.
27:18 And then when you get to the end of the three angels' messages
27:21 you have the harvest.
27:22 In other words, Jesus is seated on a cloud,
27:24 He has a cycle on his hand; the end has come.
27:26 The earth has been harvested.
27:28 In other words, the preaching of the gospel has come to an end.
27:30 Now I want you to notice what Jesus said
27:33 in harmony with this.
27:34 Matthew 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom
27:50 And in Mark 16, the last few verses it says,
27:54 And he said to them, Jesus says to the disciples,
27:57 Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel
28:02 to every creature.
28:04 Go into all the world and preach what?
28:06 And preach the gospel to whom? to the Jews?
28:09 No, preach the gospel to all the world.
28:13 He who believes and is baptized will be saved;
28:16 but he who does not believe will be condemned.
28:20 So what is the purpose of the three angels' messages?
28:23 The purpose of the three angels' messages is to proclaim the
28:26 gospel to gather as many people as possible into God's camp.
28:30 In other words, to gather as many people
28:33 as possible onto God's side.
28:35 That's the purpose of the three angels' messages.
28:37 They go to every nation, because Jesus, through the gospel,
28:40 wants to conquer the world for Himself.
28:43 But do you know something very interesting that we're going
28:45 to study later on in Revelation?
28:47 And that is that the Devil also has three
28:50 counterfeit angels' messages.
28:52 You say, Now how is that?
28:54 Go with me to Revelation 16.
28:57 We're just going to briefly introduce this.
28:59 Revelation 16, and I want to read verse 13 and verse 14,
29:06 16, verse 13 and 14.
29:09 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs...
29:14 Let me ask you, What are unclean spirits?
29:18 What were the unclean spirits that Jesus cast out when He
29:23 was on this earth? demons.
29:25 And what are demons? fallen angels.
29:28 Thank you very much.
29:29 So notice it says here in Revelation 16:13, I saw three
29:35 unclean spirits like frogs coming out of where? the mouth.
29:41 What do you use your mouth for? to speak, right?
29:45 And this is not talking about eating, because we eat
29:49 through our mouth, too.
29:50 But it says here that the three unclean spirits
29:53 come out of the mouth.
29:55 In other words, it means that these three unclean spirits
29:57 are proclaiming a what? a message. That's right.
30:00 Coming out of the mouth of the dragon...
30:03 We're going to study this.
30:04 ...and out of the mouth of the beast,
30:06 and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
30:08 What is the purpose of this trilogy of these three
30:12 counterfeit angels?
30:13 Of these three evil spirits?
30:15 Why are they speaking it out of their mouths?
30:18 They have a purpose, and it's to gather the world
30:20 on the Devil's side.
30:21 Notice verse 14: For they are spirits of demons,
30:25 performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth
30:29 and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of
30:33 that great day of God Almighty.
30:35 So how many groups of three messages do we have?
30:38 We have two groups of three messages.
30:40 We have God's three messages, which are proclaimed
30:44 from the mouth with power, the everlasting gospel.
30:46 The purpose is to gather the whole world on God's side.
30:49 But the Devil also has three counterfeit angels
30:52 that are called demons, and out of their mouths,
30:55 out of the mouths of the dragon, and the beast,
30:57 and the false prophet, these three angels proclaim their
31:00 messages, and their messages also have the intension
31:04 of gathering the whole world on whose side?
31:06 on the Devil's side.
31:08 By the way, do you know the reason why God wants these three
31:13 angels' messages to go to the whole world?
31:15 Simply because the Bible says that Babylon, who is called
31:18 the harlot in Revelation 17, she controls all of the
31:23 peoples in the world.
31:24 You say, How's that?
31:26 Go with me to Revelation 17, Revelation 17:1.
31:32 It says, Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls
31:35 came and talked with me, saying to me, Come, I will show
31:39 you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters.
31:42 Where does the harlot sit? on many waters.
31:45 What does that mean that she sits?
31:47 It means that she rules, she controls, right?
31:51 She sits on many waters.
31:52 Let me ask you, What are those many waters that she sits on?
31:55 Go with me to verse 15, verse 15. It says:
32:11 Are those the same groups that the three angels'
32:13 messages go to? Yes.
32:15 Do the three angels' messages go to every nation, kindred,
32:19 tongue, and people? Absolutely!
32:21 Who does the harlot sit on? every nation, kindred,
32:24 tongue and people.
32:25 So why does God send these three messages?
32:28 He sends these three messages to say to the people upon whom
32:32 the harlot sits, Get out of there before the plagues
32:35 are poured out, and before you are destroyed.
32:38 So the question is, Which three messages are we
32:41 going to listen to?
32:42 Are we going to listen to God's three messages that are from
32:45 heavenly origin; they're the preaching of the everlasting
32:47 gospel, with absolute power and velocity,
32:51 to all of the world to gather people on God's side?
32:54 Or are we going to accept the three messages of these evil
32:58 spirits, who are fallen angels, who have the intention of
33:02 gathering us, not on God's side, but on Satan's side.
33:05 You see, the book of Revelation tells us that there's only
33:07 going to be two sides at the end of time: those who have the seal
33:11 of God, and those who have the mark of the beast.
33:17 So Fact 5. is that these messages are worldwide
33:21 to counteract the worldwide message of these three
33:24 counterfeit angels' messages that come out of the mouth
33:28 of the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet.
33:31 Now let's go to Fact 6. These messages are supposed to be
33:37 proclaimed in their proper order.
33:39 You say, what do you mean by their proper order?
33:43 You know, if you try to proclaim the third angel's message
33:46 without proclaiming the first and the second before,
33:48 people will not be able to make sense out of it.
33:53 In other words, the messages must be
33:55 proclaimed in their order.
33:57 The first message we need to proclaim and understand first.
34:01 Then we'll be ready to understand the second.
34:05 And after we understand the second we will be ready
34:08 to understand the third.
34:09 Now you say, How do we know that they are sequential,
34:12 and that we need to study them in their order?
34:14 Notice Revelation 14:6, 14:6.
34:19 Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven.
34:22 Okay, so you have an angel that flies in the midst of heaven.
34:25 Now notice verse 8.
34:28 What's the next word?
34:29 Another angel what? followed.
34:32 Is there an order here? most certainly!
34:35 And then notice verse 9.
34:37 Then a third angel followed them.
34:40 Is there an order to the three angels' message? Most certainly!
34:46 And if we get the order wrong people will never listen.
34:49 You say, What do you mean? Let me explain.
34:53 The reason why Babylon falls in the second angel's message
34:58 is because Babylon rejected the first angel's message.
35:05 Are you with me? When you go to Revelation 18 God says,
35:10 Babylon is fallen, come out of her My people.
35:12 So people say, Why should I come out?
35:15 You say, Yeah, come out of her My people.
35:18 Why should I come out?
35:19 Do you know the reason why?
35:21 Because Babylon has rejected the first angel's message.
35:24 So before people are ready to come out of Babylon
35:28 and join God's forces, they need to understand the reason why.
35:31 And the first angel's message gives you the reason why.
35:34 The first angel, you see, has three imperatives.
35:37 It has three commands.
35:38 The first angel's message says, Fear God.
35:42 By the way, that's not just counsel, that's not just,
35:47 I hope you'll do it.
35:48 It is an imperative in the Greek language.
35:51 It says, Fear God, give glory to Him, because the hour of His
35:58 judgment has come, and worship Him who created the heavens,
36:02 the earth, and the fountains of waters.
36:04 The reason why Babylon falls is because she's not fearing God.
36:09 So we need to understand what it means to fear God.
36:11 The reasons why Babylon has fallen is because she's not
36:15 giving glory to God.
36:17 She's giving glory to herself.
36:18 The reason why Babylon has fallen is because she refuses
36:23 to believe that the hour of God's judgment has come.
36:26 The reason why Babylon has fallen is because Babylon
36:30 does not worship the Creator of the heavens, the earth,
36:34 the seas, and everything that is in them.
36:36 In other words, for people to be willing to come out of
36:40 Babylon, the second angel's message,
36:42 in order for people to understand that Babylon is
36:45 fallen, they need to understand why Babylon is fallen.
36:48 Babylon is fallen because she refused
36:52 the first angel's message.
36:53 Are you understanding what I'm saying?
36:54 And let me share this with you: If we do not proclaim
36:58 the first angel's message, people will feel no incentive
37:02 to come out of Babylon in the second angel's message.
37:05 And they will feel no urgency to receive the final warning
37:10 in the third angel's message.
37:11 Because the third angel's message says, Woe if you worship
37:15 the beast, or if you worship his image, or if you receive his
37:19 number, or if you receive his mark.
37:22 Because you will receive the wrath of God
37:24 poured out without mixture.
37:26 Let me ask you, Are people going to want to listen to that
37:31 warning and not worship the beast, or his image,
37:34 or receive the mark, or receive the number of his name
37:37 if they don't understand the first angel's message?
37:40 Absolutely not! You see, we have a sequence.
37:43 The first angel's message tells us the positive message of God.
37:47 The second message says, Get out of Babylon, because Babylon has
37:51 rejected the first angel's message.
37:53 And then the third angel's message says, If you don't
37:56 get out you'll end up worshipping
38:00 the beast and his image.
38:01 You'll end up receiving the mark,
38:03 and you'll receive the plagues.
38:05 So basically in the first angel's message
38:07 you have a command of God.
38:09 In the second message you have a call to come out from where
38:13 that command is not being obeyed.
38:15 And in the third message God says, If you don't come out
38:19 the plagues, and the wrath of God will fall upon you.
38:22 So these three messages must be proclaimed
38:25 in their proper order.
38:28 Let's go to Fact 7.
38:31 These messages are God's final...
38:41 These are God's last message.
38:44 There will be no further message besides these three.
38:46 And you say, Well, Pastor Bohr, how do you know that?
38:49 For the simple reason that as soon as the third message is
38:53 finished: you have message 1, 2, and 3.
38:56 As soon as 3 is proclaimed, notice what we find
39:01 in chapter 14, and verse 14, Revelation 14:14.
39:26 What event is being described in that verse?
39:30 The coming of Christ.
39:33 When does the coming of Christ take place in the
39:36 sequence of Revelation 14?
39:38 It comes immediately after the third angel's message is
39:42 proclaimed, which means that these three messages are
39:45 God's final message to the world,
39:47 and then the end will come.
39:50 Are you understanding my point?
39:52 So you have the three messages and then Jesus is seen sitting
39:56 on a cloud, with a sickle in His hand, and He's going to come
39:59 to harvest the earth.
40:00 He's going to come to gather His people, and He's going to come
40:03 to destroy the wicked.
40:05 You can continue reading it there in Revelation 14.
40:07 So let me ask you, How urgent is it for us to understand
40:11 these three angels' messages in these last days?
40:13 It's a matter of life and death, because it's the last message.
40:17 There will be no other message that God will give
40:21 to the world after this one.
40:23 Now let's go to Fact 8.
40:26 The proclamation of these three messages will be accompanied
40:31 by the power of the latter rain.
40:33 Do you understand what I mean by the latter rain?
40:39 You know, in Biblical areas you have the early rain,
40:45 and you have the latter rain.
40:47 The early rain is that rain that falls in the spring,
40:51 that causes the seed to germinate
40:55 and to begin its growth.
40:56 And then the rain continues falling throughout the season.
41:00 And then eventually you have the latter rain.
41:02 And the purpose of the latter rain is to ripen that which has
41:06 been growing through the influence of the early rain.
41:09 Now let me ask you, When was the early rain poured out
41:12 according to Scripture?
41:13 It was poured out when God poured out the Holy Spirit
41:16 on the day of Pentecost.
41:17 Isn't that correct?
41:18 The Holy Spirit was poured out with power.
41:21 Let me ask you, Did the disciples go out and preach the
41:23 gospel with power?
41:25 Were thousands upon thousands gathered on God's side?
41:27 Did multitudes come from the side of the Devil
41:30 to the side of God? Absolutely!
41:32 But the Bible teaches that at the end of time God is going
41:36 to have a people that will proclaim the three angels'
41:40 messages under the power of the latter rain,
41:43 with the purpose of maturing the human race,
41:46 and preparing the human race for the harvest.
41:49 For the harvest on God's side, which is the righteous,
41:53 and for the harvest of the wicked, which are called the
41:56 grapes in Revelation 14, on the Devil's side.
41:59 You say, How do we know that these messages are accompanied
42:02 by the latter rain?
42:03 Well, let's go back to Revelation 14, and you're going
42:07 to see that God is going to pour out the Holy Spirit with great
42:09 power upon the world.
42:11 And do you know what's going to happen when He pours
42:14 out His Holy Spirit?
42:15 God's people will proclaim the message
42:16 just like the disciples did.
42:18 And thousands upon thousands will come over to the Lord's
42:21 side in preparation for the second coming of Jesus.
42:25 And the whole world will be polarized into two groups,
42:28 as a result of the power, and the message that
42:32 goes along with the power.
42:34 You say, How do we know that?
42:35 Well, notice Revelation 14 and let's read verse 14.
42:39 Immediately after the third angel's message it says:
42:44 Then I looked, and behold a white cloud, and on the cloud
42:46 sat one like the Son of man, having on his head a golden
42:49 crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
42:51 And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud
42:55 voice to him that sat on the cloud,...
42:57 Now notice this:... Thrust in your sickle, and reap:
43:02 for the time has come for you to reap; for the harvest
43:06 of the earth is ripe.
43:09 Let me ask you, in Biblical times what was it that
43:12 ripened the harvest?
43:13 What ripened the harvest was the latter rain.
43:17 The early rain began the germination process.
43:20 You know, like in Fresno you have the rain in the spring?
43:23 Right? And that germinates the seed, and leaves it to grow.
43:26 So you have the harvest later on.
43:28 Well, the same thing you have in Biblical times.
43:31 By the way, the climate in Fresno is very similar
43:34 to the climate in Israel.
43:35 We're in the sub-tropical zone just like they are.
43:38 That's why a lot of our products are the same products
43:40 that you have in Israel.
43:42 Because the weather patterns are very, very similar.
43:45 And so you have the early rain, and you have the latter rain.
43:49 The purpose of the latter rain is with the
43:50 three angels' messages.
43:52 The power of the Holy Spirit is poured out upon His people.
43:55 And as a result the whole earth is ripened either as the harvest
44:00 of the earth, which is the righteous, or the grapes of
44:02 the earth, which is the wicked.
44:04 What this means is that the three angels' messages are going
44:07 to ripen the world in two different ways.
44:09 The people who reject these three angels' messages
44:13 will be the grapes.
44:15 They'll be fully ripened against these messages.
44:18 Whereas on the other side you have those who receive these
44:22 messages with the power of the Holy Spirit, and they will be
44:25 also ripened, but they will be ripened on God's side.
44:28 And when all of the world has made its decision to be on one
44:31 side or the other, because the messages have been proclaimed
44:34 with the power of the Holy Spirit,
44:35 then probation will close, and then Jesus will come.
44:42 Fact 9. And this is a very important fact.
44:52 The three angels' messages are linked with what?
44:57 with the most holy place of the heavenly Sanctuary.
45:01 You say, Now what's this issue of the heavenly Sanctuary?
45:03 Let me just say that God has a Sanctuary in heaven,
45:06 which is the great original.
45:07 The one that He told Moses to build in the wilderness was only
45:11 a copy of, it was actually a copy of a, how would you say?
45:16 a small scale model of the real Sanctuary
45:20 that we find in heaven.
45:21 And in the Sanctuary you had three apartments.
45:24 You had the court, where the sacrifices were offered.
45:26 You had the holy place where the priest entered to intercede
45:31 for the sins of Israel.
45:32 And you had the most holy place where the ark of the
45:35 covenant was found.
45:36 And inside the ark of the covenant was God's holy law.
45:39 Now you say, Pastor, how do you know that the three angels'
45:43 messages need to be connected, or linked with the most holy
45:46 place of the Sanctuary?
45:48 Let me give you some indications why.
45:49 Day after tomorrow, in our third lecture in this series,
45:54 we're going to study what it means to fear God.
45:59 In Scripture very, very frequently when you find that
46:04 expression, fear God, it is linked with keeping
46:07 the commandments of God.
46:09 Just to give you one example, in Ecclesiastes 12:13 it says:
46:15 Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the
46:19 whole duty of man.
46:21 For God will bring every work into what? judgment.
46:25 Notice how similar to Revelation 14 where it says, Fear God,
46:28 and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment has come.
46:31 Ecclesiastes says, Fear God, and keep his commandments.
46:35 For God will bring every work into what? into judgment.
46:38 Fearing God is coupled with keeping God's commandments.
46:42 Now let me ask you, In which apartment of the Sanctuary
46:45 were the ten commandments contained?
46:47 They were contained in the most holy place.
46:51 Furthermore, the first angel's message calls people to
46:56 worship the Creator.
46:58 Let me ask you, What sign did God give of
47:02 worship to the Creator?
47:04 You go back to Genesis 2.
47:06 It says that at the end of creation week,
47:08 God rested on which day?
47:11 God rested on the seventh day.
47:14 And then He commanded Adam and Eve to rest every seventh day
47:18 in commemoration of the work of creation.
47:21 Now let me ask you, Where is the Sabbath found in the Sanctuary?
47:27 It is found in the tables of the law,
47:30 and the tables of the law were where?
47:33 They were in the most holy place of the Sanctuary.
47:37 By the way, the three angels' messages end by speaking
47:42 about a people who keep the commandments of God.
47:46 So the commandments are involved, but the commandments
47:48 are in the most holy place.
47:49 The first angel's message says, Worship the Creator.
47:53 The sign of the Creator is the Sabbath.
47:54 The Sabbath was in the law.
47:56 And the law is in the most holy place of the Sanctuary.
48:00 But there's more! The first angel's message also tells us
48:05 that the hour of God's judgment has come.
48:07 Let me ask you, In which apartment of the Sanctuary
48:11 in the Old Testament do you have an illustration of the judgment?
48:14 Once a year on the great Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement,
48:22 the great judgment day of Israel,
48:25 those who were faithful to God, and those who were unfaithful
48:30 to God were separated one from another in the judgment
48:34 when the law of God came into view.
48:36 And in what apartment did the Day of Atonement
48:40 take place primarily?
48:42 It took place in the most holy place.
48:45 That's where the blood was sprinkled, was on the mercy
48:48 seat, in the most holy place, to satisfy the demands of the law.
48:52 So when the first angel's message says the hour of His
48:56 judgment has come, immediately we say, If this is the judgment,
49:00 it must involve the law, because we will be judged by the perfect
49:04 law of liberty, and the law was in which apartment?
49:08 In the most holy place of the heavenly Sanctuary.
49:11 But there's more. Do you know that this passage that we're
49:17 studying actually begins in Revelation 11:19?
49:22 Do you know what Revelation 11: 19 says?
49:26 Where this whole passage of the three
49:27 angels' messages begins?
49:29 It begins by saying that John saw heaven opened,
49:32 and the temple of God in heaven was opened.
49:34 And what was seen in His temple? the ark of His covenant.
49:40 Let me ask you, Where was the ark of the
49:42 covenant in the Sanctuary?
49:43 The ark of His covenant was in the most holy place.
49:46 So this whole passage that has the three angels' messages,
49:50 in the heart of the book of Revelation, begins with the
49:53 opening of the most holy place where the
49:56 ark of the covenant is.
49:57 And then, of course, you have the dragon introduced
50:00 in chapter 12. You have the beast introduced
50:03 in Revelation 13:1-10.
50:05 And then you have the second beast, the image to the beast,
50:09 introduced into the latter half of Revelation 13.
50:12 And then in chapter 14 you have the hour of His judgment.
50:16 And interestingly enough, when you get to Revelation 15,
50:20 the first part of the chapter says that the temple of God
50:24 in heaven is now closed.
50:27 And no one can enter the temple until the seven last plagues
50:31 have been poured out, because probation has closed.
50:34 Isn't that interesting that you have this passage?
50:38 Revelation 11:19, The most holy place is opened.
50:41 The ark of His covenant is seen.
50:43 And then you have an introduction to the dragon,
50:46 the beast, and the false prophet, which we're going to
50:48 study in connection with the three angels' messages.
50:51 And then God warns against the beast, and his image,
50:54 and his mark in the three angels' messages.
50:56 And after that warning we find that the temple in heaven
50:59 closes; the most holy place closes.
51:02 No one is able to enter the temple anymore,
51:05 because probation has closed.
51:08 Fact 10. The acceptance or rejection...
51:21 It's not optional.
51:23 You can't say, Oh, you know, if you accept them fine,
51:26 and if you don't accept them that's fine.
51:27 You know, ultimately everybody is going to the same place.
51:32 My Bible tells me that those who listen to these three angels'
51:37 messages will receive the seal of God.
51:39 And those who reject these messages will receive
51:43 the mark of the beast.
51:44 And one group will be saved in God's kingdom.
51:47 The other group will receive the wrath of God.
51:51 So let me ask you, Are these messages a matter of
51:54 life and death? They most certainly are!
51:57 Now, when I was in school I used to like bonuses.
52:01 Say, teacher, could you please give us a bonus question?
52:04 So I'm going to give you two bonus facts
52:06 to end our study today.
52:09 Praise the Lord that there will be a people,
52:14 because the question is, is God going to have a people
52:17 in the world who will accept these messages
52:19 and eventually be saved?
52:21 There's good news.
52:22 God will have a people who will listen to these messages.
52:27 They will accept them, they will proclaim them to the world,
52:30 and they will be faithful till the end, and they will be saved.
52:33 Notice Revelation 15, Revelation 15:2-4, Revelation 15:2-4.
52:40 Notice here you have a group that's victorious over what the
52:45 three angels' message mentions: the beast, his image,
52:47 his number, his mark.
52:48 There's a group that's going to be victorious, because they
52:51 receive the three angels' messages.
52:53 It says in verse 2:
52:59 Ha ha ha, I love that!
53:11 Is there going to be a group that's going to reject the beast
53:14 and his image, and his mark, and his number?
53:16 You'd better believe it!
53:17 And they're going to be victorious. Verse 3:
53:31 So there will be a group that will listen to these messages
53:35 and that will ultimately be saved in Christ's kingdom.
53:39 They will stand on the sea of glass, and they will sing
53:42 the song of Moses and the Lamb.
53:45 They will not worship the beast.
53:47 Let me ask you something.
53:48 Do you think it's important to know who the beast is?
53:51 How are you going to not worship the beast
53:54 if you don't know who he is?
53:55 Is it important to know what the mark of the beast is?
54:00 Of course! If you don't know what the mark of the beast is,
54:03 how can you be sure that you won't receive it?
54:05 Is it important to know what the image to the beast is?
54:09 Of course! If you don't know what the image is,
54:11 you might end up worshipping it.
54:13 Some people say, Oh no, when the temple is rebuilt over in the
54:16 Middle East, and the anti-Christ,
54:20 this nasty individual sits in the temple, and he raises up
54:22 this great big statute.
54:24 I'll say, Oh, that's the image to the beast!
54:25 I'm not worshipping that.
54:27 Do you think the Devil is dumb?
54:30 Do you think it's going to be that obvious?
54:31 Do you think that it's talking about a literal image,
54:34 and a literal individual that's going to sit in a rebuilt
54:38 Jerusalem temple? Not according to what we're going to study
54:41 from the three angels' messages in Scripture.
54:43 Bonus Fact 2. And this will be Fact 12. Listen to this:
55:05 You say, How do we know that?
55:07 Notice Revelation 14:6, 7 once again,
55:10 as we draw this to a close. 14:6, 7.
55:37 Why do you suppose the first angel's message calls the world
55:40 to worship the Creator?
55:44 Let's go to the third angel's message, which is the opposite.
55:48 It says in verse 9: Then a third angel followed them,
55:53 saying with a loud voice, If any man worships the beast and his
55:57 image, and receives his mark on his forehead, or on his hand,
56:00 he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God.
56:05 Let me ask you, How many systems are there that will
56:08 demand worship at the end of time? two:
56:10 the Creator, and the beast.
56:14 So let me ask you, In some sense, will the beast be a
56:19 counterfeit creator?
56:20 Let me ask you, Why do we worship God?
56:25 Because He's our Creator and we are what? creatures.
56:29 What sign has He given us that He is the Creator,
56:34 and we are creatures? the Sabbath.
56:37 So when we worship on the Sabbath we're recognizing
56:41 and worshipping whom? the Creator.
56:44 Is it just possible that the beast claims
56:49 to have creative power?
56:51 And he also has a sign; a sign of his authority?
56:57 That when we keep his sign we are recognizing him,
57:03 and we are worshipping him.
57:06 Don't you think that people are just going to kneel down
57:08 and start worshipping an individual? No!
57:11 Worship is a far deeper and greater issue.
57:14 It involves a Creator and a counterfeit creator.
57:17 It involves one sign versus another sign.
57:20 So I trust that we'll continue coming, because we have great
57:23 things that we're going to study in this seminar.


Revised 2015-07-28