Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr
Series Code: 24ELD
Program Code: 24ELD000006
00:35 Greetings! So glad to see all of you here today.
00:39 We have a fascinating study. 00:42 We are going to conclude our series on the twenty-four elders 00:46 of the book of Revelation. 00:47 However, before we do, we want to ask for the Lord's presence 00:52 as we open His Word. 00:53 So I invite you to bow your heads with me as we pray. 00:56 Our Father and Our God, what a joy it is to come into Your 01:00 presence once more with the only intention of hearing Your voice 01:05 speaking to us through the ministry of Your Holy Spirit 01:09 as You open Your Holy Word to us. 01:12 Father, we realize that human wisdom is insufficient to grasp 01:17 the great things of Your Word. 01:19 And that's why we need divine wisdom; we need divine help. 01:23 And so we ask that You will come close to us through the 01:26 ministry of the Spirit and the angels. 01:28 And we thank You for Your promise that You will be with us 01:32 because we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen. 01:37 Isaiah chapters 24 through 27, are what some theologians 01:46 have called the little apocalypse, or the little book 01:50 of Revelation in the Old Testament. 01:53 The reason why some theologians have referred to these chapters 01:58 as the Little Book of Revelation in the Old Testament, is because 02:02 these three chapters actually have a very close relationship 02:09 with the last three chapters of the book of Revelation. 02:13 Now I'd like to begin by having us turn in our Bibles 02:17 to Isaiah 24, and I would like to read verses 1 through 4, 02:23 and immediately you're going to realize that this is describing 02:27 the cataclysmic global events that will take place at the 02:32 second coming of Jesus Christ. 02:34 It says there in Isaiah 24, and verse 1: 03:15 In other words, no one is going to escape this cataclysmic 03:20 catastrophe that is going to afflict planet Earth. 03:24 And then we find, continuing our reading, the land shall be 03:29 entirely emptied... 03:48 Now notice the strong terminology that we find in 03:51 these verses. It speaks about the earth being emptied, 03:56 being wasted; the inhabitants of the earth being scattered. 04:00 The high and the low not escaping the destruction. 04:05 The expression is used, entirely emptied, utterly plundered, 04:10 and it speaks about the earth mourning. 04:14 Now the theologian, Frederick Moriarty, in the Jerome Bible 04:20 Commentary, Volume 1, page 277, explains exactly what this 04:27 passage is describing. This is what he says: 04:35 And he quotes Genesis 1; that's the creation. 04:38 Then he says, regarding this passage: 04:47 In other words, it's a return to the condition of the earth 04:50 before creation week. 04:53 Now I'd also like to read from Isaiah 24, verses 18 thru 20, 04:58 towards the end of the chapter. 05:00 This description of this catastrophic, cataclysmic event 05:04 is described with additional detail. 05:06 It says in Isaiah 24, verses 18 thru 20: 05:22 It kind of reminds us of Revelation chapter 6, 05:25 where we're told that the wicked are going to hide in the caves, 05:28 and they're going to run, and they're going to cry 05:31 for the rocks to fall upon them. 05:32 It continues saying: 05:42 Notice, a huge earthquake. 05:44 Then it continues saying: 06:09 Once again we see strong expressions that are used 06:14 in this passage. We find expressions such as 06:17 the foundations of the earth are shaken. 06:20 The earth is violently broken. 06:23 The earth is split open, shaken exceedingly. 06:28 It shall reel to and fro. 06:31 It shall totter like a hut. 06:33 Now this is describing that great earthquake that will take 06:36 place at the second coming of Jesus Christ, 06:39 according to Revelation, chapter 16, and verses 17 thru 21. 06:47 Now the question is, when this cataclysmic event takes place, 06:52 when Jesus comes the second time in power and glory, 06:56 and the earth is emptied, and the earth is split open, 06:59 and there's the gigantic earthquake, how many are 07:03 going to be left as a result of this catastrophe? 07:07 Isaiah chapter 24, and verse 6, has the answer. 07:12 It says there, Isaiah 24, verse 6: 07:26 So notice that there's fire involved in this destruction. 07:30 And then it says, and few men are what? 07:36 few men are left. 07:38 And so immediately the question is asked, Who are the few men 07:44 that are left? Now we believe, as Seventh-day Adventists, 07:47 that when Jesus comes all human beings on Planet Earth 07:51 are going to be destroyed, don't we? 07:53 So what is meant here when this catastrophe takes place 07:57 at the second coming? 07:58 What is meant by the expression, few men are left? 08:02 Who are those who are left? 08:04 We have to return to the time before the flood, 08:08 and at the flood. Go with me to Genesis chapter 7, 08:12 and verses 22 and 23. Genesis 7: 22, 23. 08:18 And for now I want you to keep in the corner of your mind 08:21 the word few. It says, few men are left when this disaster, 08:27 or catastrophe, takes place at the second coming 08:30 of Jesus Christ. Now Genesis 7: 22 and 23, is speaking about the 08:36 flood in Noah's day. 08:38 And it says here in verse 22, speaking about God: 09:04 Now you say, what relationship does this have with Isaiah 24, 09:08 and verse 6? On the surface it doesn't appear to have any 09:12 relationship because in Isaiah 24, verse 6, the word left 09:17 is used; few men are left. 09:19 And here in Genesis 7:22, 23, the word left is not used, 09:25 but the word remained. 09:27 It says, Noah and his family remained alive. 09:30 However, the Hebrew word is identical in both verses. 09:35 I want you to notice how this is translated in Genesis 7:23. 09:41 This is in the English Standard Version, which is one of the 09:46 more contemporary versions. 09:48 It's a translation. 09:50 It's not a paraphrase. 09:51 It's not a dynamic translation. 09:53 It's a translation, full-fledged. 09:56 Notice how it translates Genesis 7, and verse 23. It says there: 10:09 So who were left when the catastrophe ob the worldwide 10:14 flood came? Only Noah and his family were left, 10:19 or remained alive. Now is the flood symbolic of events 10:24 connected with the second coming of Christ? 10:26 Yes, because Jesus said, As it was in the days of Noah, 10:30 so also will it be at the coming of the Son of man. 10:34 Are you with me? So the question is, in Isaiah 24, and verse 6, 10:38 who are the few that are left? 10:40 It is not wicked people, a small group of wicked people 10:44 that are left. The few that are left are the what? 10:47 are the righteous who survived this catastrophe. 10:51 Now I want us to go to 1 Peter, chapter 3, and verse 20. 10:55 1 Peter 3:20. And do you remember the word few that I 11:01 told you to keep in the corner of your mind? 11:02 Now notice that here Peter is speaking about the flood. 11:07 And he's going to refer to the survivors with the same word. 11:12 Notice 1 Peter 3:20, speaking about the ark, it says: 11:25 So my question is, who are the few that are left 11:28 when Jesus comes? They are the same idea as the few that were 11:33 left at the time of the flood. 11:35 In other words, the few that are left, according to Isaiah 24:6, 11:39 are not the wicked, a small group of wicked people, 11:43 but they represent what? the righteous who remain alive 11:47 in the midst of this catastrophe. 11:50 Now I want us to go back to Isaiah chapter 24, 11:54 and we've noticed already that Isaiah 24, up till verse 20, 12:00 is describing the cataclysmic events connected with the 12:03 second coming; the catastrophe having to do with the second 12:07 coming. We've noticed that there's going to be a small 12:09 group of righteous people who will be left; those are the few. 12:14 But now I want you to notice something very interesting 12:17 that's going to happen with the wicked. 12:20 It says in Isaiah 24, and verse 21, listen carefully, 12:25 this is at the second coming. 12:29 Which day? These men are describing 12:33 the second coming, right? 12:48 Now, do you notice that there are two groups that are punished 12:51 here? The first group that are punished are the high, 12:54 the host of the exalted ones, and the other group are the 12:58 kings of the earth. Now, I need to read this in a different 13:02 translation because it comes through in a clearer way. 13:06 In the Revised Standard Version Isaiah 24, and verse 21, 13:11 reads in this way: In that day, that is the day when this 13:16 catastrophe takes place at the second coming. 13:28 I like that translation. 13:29 Two groups are going to be punished: the powers in the 13:33 heavens above, and the kings on the earth below. 13:36 So there is a heavenly group that's going to be punished, 13:39 and there's also an earthly group that is going to be 13:43 punished. And you say, now, who would the heavenly group 13:46 that is going to be punished in this passage? 13:50 Who is it talking about? 13:51 Let's go to Ephesians chapter 6, and verse 12. 13:57 Ephesians 6:12 identifies the group that is spoken of as the 14:03 powers in the heavens. 14:05 Ephesians 6, and verse 12. 14:06 Here the Apostle Paul says, For we do not wrestle against flesh 14:11 and blood. What does he mean by flesh and blood? 14:14 He's talking about human beings, right? 14:17 And if you want to prove that point, all you have to do is go 14:22 to Hebrews 2, verse 14, where it says that because the 14:26 children had flesh and blood, Jesus also partook of the same. 14:32 In other words, Jesus became a human being. So... 14:37 That is against human beings merely. 14:47 And now notice: 14:54 Now let me ask you, who are those hosts; those spiritual 14:58 hosts in high places that we're struggling against? 15:02 They're not flesh and blood. 15:04 They are what? Satan and his angels. 15:09 So the question is, Who are these that are described in 15:14 Isaiah 24, and verse 21, as being punished because they are 15:20 the powers in the heavens? 15:21 It's talking about Satan and his angels. 15:25 But now I want you to notice that there's another group 15:28 that is punished at the second coming of Christ. 15:30 Revelation, chapter 19, and verse 19. 15:34 Go with me to Revelation chapter 19, and verse 19. 15:37 This verse is describing the conclusion of the second coming 15:41 of Christ. And I want you to notice who is going to be 15:45 punished at the second coming of Christ. 15:47 It says there in Revelation 19, and verse 19: 16:03 And then verse 21 says that the kings of the earth are destroyed 16:07 by the sword that comes forth from the mouth of He who is 16:11 seated on the white horse. 16:12 In other words, they are destroyed by Christ. 16:15 So what are the two groups that are punished when Jesus comes? 16:19 The first group are Satan and his angels that are described 16:23 in the book of Ephesians as spiritual hosts of wickedness 16:27 in heavenly places. The other group are described as the kings 16:32 of the earth. Now the question is, What is the punishment 16:37 that is given to these exalted heavenly ones, and these kings 16:43 of the earth? We have to go to Isaiah 24, and verse 22. 16:47 And for now we'll only read the first half of the verse. 16:51 Notice what the punishment is. 16:53 Remember this is taking place at the second coming of Christ. 16:56 There's the cataclysm; there's this catastrophe that is taking 16:59 place, and there are few that are left, which are the 17:03 righteous, the ones that survive this catastrophe. 17:07 But then there are two groups that are going to be punished 17:09 at the second coming. 17:11 Now, notice Isaiah 24, and verse 22, for what the punishment is. 17:16 It says there: 17:32 What is the punishment that takes place for the hosts 17:35 on high, and for the kings of the earth, 17:38 the wicked, they are going to be what? 17:41 They are going to become prisoners in the pit, 17:45 and they are going to be shut up in the prison, it says here 17:49 in Isaiah 24, and verse 22. 17:52 Now the question is, What is meant by the pit? 17:56 Well, we need to look at other texts from scripture to find out 18:00 what the pit is. Let's go to Genesis, chapter 37, 18:04 and verse 24. This is the same identical Hebrew word that 18:08 we're going to look at now. 18:10 Genesis 37, and verse 24. 18:12 It's talking about the experience of Joseph. 18:14 And I want you to notice what they did; what his brothers did 18:19 with Joseph. It says there in Genesis 37:24, 18:27 What? into a pit. 18:30 The same identical word that we find in Isaiah. 18:37 What was this really? 18:38 It was a cistern, right? where water was drawn to supply 18:43 the needs of the people that lived nearby. 18:46 And so, it says here that Joseph was cast into this pit. 18:51 Now let me ask you, was he alive? 18:54 Yes. Did he stay there permanently? 18:57 No, it was only until it could be decided what was going 19:01 to be done with him. 19:03 Now let's go to Isaiah 38, where this same word is used. 19:07 Isaiah 38, and verse 6. 19:09 This time it's talking about Jeremiah. 19:12 And you know Jeremiah was thrown into the dungeon. 19:15 And that word dungeon is the same word that is used 19:19 in Isaiah chapter 24. 19:21 It says there, in Jeremiah 38, and verse 6: 19:45 That is in the mud. Now that word dungeon is the same 19:49 identical word that is translated pit 19:51 in Isaiah chapter 24. 19:54 Now, what was this pit that Jeremiah was thrown into; 19:59 this dungeon? It was actually the water well of the prison. 20:04 Now let me ask you again, was Jeremiah thrown into the pit 20:09 in a living state? Yes, he was. 20:11 Was he thrown into the pit permanently? 20:15 No, he was only thrown in there until it could be decided what 20:21 they were going to do with him; until a final decision was made. 20:25 And so the pit can refer to a place of confinement, 20:30 where living individuals exist until a decision is made about 20:36 what is going to happen with them. 20:38 But do you know that the word pit, the same identical Hebrew 20:42 word, is also used to describe people who are placed in the 20:46 tomb, and are prisoners of the grave. 20:49 Notice Isaiah 38, and verse 18. 20:52 Isaiah chapter 38, and verse 18. 20:56 Very interesting that the pit can also refer to a place where 21:00 dead people are; where dead people are confined in prison, 21:04 so to speak. It says there in Isaiah 38, and verse 18: 21:08 For Sheol, some versions translate that the grave; 21:12 that's the correct translation. 21:24 Do you see the three synonymous terms? 21:27 It uses the word Sheol, which means grave. 21:30 It refers to the word, death cannot praise you. 21:34 And then it refers to the place of confinement as the pit. 21:38 So, in other words, the word pit can refer to individuals who are 21:43 placed in a prison, in a living state, until it's decided what's 21:47 going to happen with them. 21:48 Or it can refer to individuals who are retained, 21:52 or kept in prison in a state of death. 21:57 Now why do I bring this up? 21:59 I think you already know. 22:01 I can see some smiles on some faces here. 22:03 Go with me to Revelation, chapter 20, and verses 2 and 3. 22:07 Is there a group that is going to be confined to a prison 22:11 on this earth at the second coming in a living state? 22:15 Yes, or no? Who? 22:17 The high and exalted ones, that's right, 22:20 that we studied about. 22:22 Revelation 20, verses 2 and 3. 22:24 And you're probably wondering, What does this have to do with 22:26 the twenty-four elders? 22:27 Well, we're studying the context. 22:29 We'll come to the elders in a few moments. It says there: 22:34 Who was the dragon? The devil. 22:36 And what did he do with him? 22:45 Is he going to be retained somewhere? Absolutely. 22:53 The Greek word is abussos, in the abyss. And it says: 23:12 So the question is, is the devil placed in a living state 23:18 in a prison at the second coming of Jesus Christ? 23:21 Absolutely. Now some people are wondering, 23:24 What about his angels? 23:25 Well, Revelation doesn't speak about the angels, 23:28 because in Revelation the focus is that the devil is fulfilling 23:32 the Azazel prophecy of Leviticus 16 as the originator 23:37 and instigator of sin. 23:39 So the focus is on Satan, who is the scapegoat of Leviticus, 23:44 chapter 16. But Isaiah 24 does tell us that his angels will 23:49 also be retained, because it says, the host of the high ones 23:53 in heaven. Host: it refers to more than one. 23:58 Now here's another question. 23:59 What about all of the wicked? 24:01 Are the wicked going to be retained in a prison during 24:04 the thousand years? Absolutely! 24:07 Notice Revelation chapter 20, and verse 5. 24:10 Revelation 20, and verse 5. 24:12 And I'm only going to read a part of this verse. 24:14 If you read, for example, in the New International Version 24:19 you're going to notice that this is a parenthetical statement. 24:22 It breaks the flow of thought with what comes before, 24:25 and what comes after, because it's wanting to clarify 24:29 what's going to happen with the rest of the dead who did not 24:32 resurrect when Jesus came. 24:33 In other words, with the wicked dead who were not raised when 24:38 Jesus came on the clouds of heaven. 24:40 It says in Revelation 20, verse 5: 24:44 That is those who were not taken to heaven with Christ 24:48 when He came to resurrect the righteous dead. 24:58 What's going to happen with all of the wicked during the 25:01 thousand years? They are going to be contained in the tomb. 25:06 They are going to be dead. 25:08 They're also going to be in the pit, but they're going to be in 25:11 the pit dead, whereas the devil and his angels are going to be 25:15 in the pit how? alive! 25:17 Are you understanding what I'm saying? 25:19 Now let's go to Isaiah 24, and verse 22. 25:24 And I know you might have questions. 25:26 And at the end we're going to allow you a chance to ask 25:29 questions in case something isn't absolutely clear. 25:32 Isaiah 24, and verse 22. 25:34 Are we doing well so far? 25:36 So we have the second coming of Christ; terrible catastrophe; 25:40 few individuals are left, that's the righteous. 25:44 At that time two groups are going to be punished. 25:47 One group are the wicked angels, Satan and his angels, 25:52 the other group are those who live upon the earth. 25:55 They're described as the kings of the earth. 25:57 The high and exalted ones are going to be placed as prisoners 26:01 in the pit on Planet Earth during a thousand years 26:05 in a living state. Whereas all of the wicked will also be 26:09 in the pit, so to speak, but they will be dead. 26:12 Now the question is, how long are they going to remain 26:17 in the pit? How long are they going to remain in this prison? 26:22 Isaiah 24, and verse 22. 26:25 The last part of the verse has the answer. 26:28 And I'm going to read the first part of the verse again 26:30 so that we have the context. 26:32 It says they will be gathered together as prisoners are 26:37 gathered in the pit, and will be shut up in the prison. 26:42 And now notice: 26:50 Now that's interesting! 26:53 I thought we already read that they were punished once 26:55 when Jesus came. Now it says after many days they will be 27:01 punished. How many stages to the punishment of the exalted 27:06 ones and the kings of the earth? 27:07 How many stages? Two stages! 27:10 The first stage is when they're placed in the prison, 27:14 or in the pit. Many days go by and then comes their final stage 27:20 of punishment. Are you clear? 27:22 Now the big question is, How long are the many days? 27:26 I think you have the answer. 27:29 Revelation chapter 20 tells us how long that period is. 27:33 The many days are equivalent to how long? 27:37 They are equivalent to a thousand years. 27:40 Incidentally, do you know that here we have proof 27:44 for what is known as the year-day principle? 27:46 Because in Isaiah it says many days, but that's interpreted 27:52 in Revelation as a thousand years. 27:54 Days are equivalent to years. 27:57 So as you compare these two passages you have the year-day 28:01 principle as you compare Isaiah 24 with Revelation chapter 20. 28:06 Now let's talk about what happens at the end of the 28:10 thousand years, after the many days when they're shut up 28:13 in prison. First of all Revelation 21, and verse 2. 28:16 If you go with me there: Revelation 21:2, 28:20 tells about the descent of the holy city. 28:23 And then let me ask you, Are the wicked going to resurrect after 28:26 the 1,000 years? Yes, because we read in Revelation 20, 28:30 verse 5, that the rest of the dead did not live again until 28:34 the 1,000 years were finished. 28:35 So are they going to resurrect at the end of the 1,000 years? 28:38 Of course they are. Now I want you to notice Revelation 21, 28:42 verse 12, the New Jerusalem descends. It says: 28:56 So the holy city comes down. 28:58 And I want you to notice something very interesting 29:01 about the holy city. 29:03 Notice Isaiah, chapter 24, and verse 23. 29:07 Isaiah chapter 24, and verse 23. 29:10 Keep one finger on Isaiah 24, and keep another finger 29:12 on Revelation, because we're going to go back and forth. 29:15 Isaiah 24 and verse 23, says something very interesting 29:20 about the sun and the moon. 29:22 It says there, Then the moon will be disgraced. 29:27 This is after the many days, according to the context. 29:48 Now what I want you to notice here is what's going to happen 29:51 with the sun and the moon when the holy city descends. 29:54 It says that the moon will be disgraced, 29:57 and the sun will be ashamed. 29:59 Now you say, Is there any relationship between this text 30:02 and the book of Revelation? Absolutely! 30:04 I want you to see that Revelation amplifies Isaiah 24. 30:09 Notice Revelation chapter 21. and verse 23. 30:13 Revelation 21 and verse 23. 30:16 It's speaking about the New Jerusalem, and it says: 30:33 Now, let me ask you, Is there going to be sun and moon 30:38 in the new earth? Of course, because there's going to be 30:42 months. We're going to eat from the tree of life from new moon 30:46 to new moon, and the month is determined by the new moon. 30:50 Now if there's months, are there going to be weeks and days? 30:53 Of course, because we're going to keep the seventh day Sabbath, 30:56 according to Isaiah chapter 66. 30:58 And so I want you to notice that there is going to be sun, 31:03 and there is going to be moon. 31:04 And so people say, But wait a minute, this must mean that 31:07 there is not going to be any weekly or monthly cycle, 31:10 because it says there's not going to be any sun or moon. 31:13 That's not what the text says. 31:14 The text, if we read it carefully says, the city had no 31:20 need. We have to read it carefully; had no need of sun, 31:26 or the moon to shine in it. 31:28 Let me give you an illustration. 31:31 Let's suppose that it's high noon; July in Fresno. 31:35 You know what the sunshine's like here, right? 31:38 And you go outside and you have a flashlight in your hand, 31:41 and you're shining the flashlight on the ground. 31:44 Is the light of the flashlight on? Yes. 31:48 Can you see it? No. Why? 31:50 Because the brightness of the sun outshines the brightness 31:56 of the flashlight. There will be sun and moon, 32:00 but the glory in the city will be so great that it's like the 32:05 sun and the moon are not there. 32:07 That's shy Isaiah says the moon will be disgraced, 32:11 and the sun ashamed for the Lord of hosts will reign 32:15 on Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before His elders 32:19 gloriously. Now we still have to talk about what's going 32:23 happen with the kings of the earth, 32:26 and with Satan and his angels after the thousand years. 32:29 We're told that after the thousand years, 32:32 after the many days, they are going to be punished. 32:35 Now let's notice Revelation chapter 20, verses 7 through 9, 32:39 to see if there's going to be a punishment of both groups, 32:44 if the final punishment is after the thousand years. 32:47 Revelation 20, verses 7 through 9. 32:50 Now when the thousand years have expired... 32:53 Is that the many days, yes or no? 32:59 Oh, okay, so he must have been in prison 33:02 during the many days, right? 33:09 Have the nations been released from the grave 33:11 as well? Absolutely! 33:25 And now notice the final punishment 33:27 after the many days. It says: 33:35 Are you understanding this message? 33:37 Now, let's talk a little bit about life after the destruction 33:44 of the wicked, and what it's going to be like. 33:46 In a moment we're going to get to the twenty-four elders, 33:50 but I want you to notice Revelation chapter 21, 33:53 and verse 1. Revelation 21:1. 33:56 What happens after the destruction of the host 33:59 of the high wins, and the kings of the earth? 34:13 So notice, now after the destruction of these two groups 34:17 there's a new heavens and a new earth. 34:19 And then notice Revelation 21, and verse 4. 34:34 Now if you're still wondering whether there is a connection 34:37 between Revelation 20 and 21, and the book of Isaiah, 34:41 that idea will be dissipated, because this verse comes 34:45 from Isaiah, Isaiah chapter 25, the little apocalypse, 34:49 or the little book of Revelation. 34:51 It says there in Isaiah 25, and verse 8: 35:09 So is there a relationship between Isaiah 24, 35:12 and Revelation 20 and 21? 35:14 I'm only giving you a couple of examples. 35:17 You know, we could go; let's just go for a moment to 35:21 Isaiah chapter 24, and I want you to notice; 35:24 actually let's go to chapter 27, and let's read verse 1. 35:30 This is speaking about after the thousand years, 35:33 after the many days. 35:34 Notice what God is going to do. 35:35 In that day the Lord with his severe sword great and strong 35:42 will punish leviathan, the fleeting what? 35:46 the fleeting serpent. Leviathan that twisted serpent, 35:50 and he will slay, and unfortunately, 35:53 the New King James Version translates, He will slay the 35:56 reptile. You know, that's not a good translation. 36:00 The King James has it right here. 36:03 The King James says, and he will slay what? 36:06 He will slay the dragon that is in the sea. 36:09 Who is that dragon who is going to be slain, 36:11 and who's going to be destroyed? 36:12 It's Satan. And this is referring to after 36:16 the thousand years. Now let's go to Isaiah 24, and verse 23, 36:21 and take a look at a group that are spoken of there 36:26 as the elders, above which God will rule when He creates a new 36:34 heavens and a new earth. 36:35 It says there in Isaiah 24, and verse 23: 36:43 This is speaking after God creates a new heavens, 36:46 and a new earth, and the holy city has descended. 36:55 This is the new Jerusalem according to Revelation 21. 36:59 And then what does it say? 37:07 Who is God going to rule according to this? 37:12 He's going to rule before His what? 37:18 Before His elders. Now it's interesting that when everything 37:25 is done, and finished, God is going to rule over His elders, 37:32 the heavenly council, in the same way that He did 37:36 from the very beginning when Lucifer sinned 37:38 in the days of Job; in the experience of 1 Chronicles; 37:42 and successively throughout the history of the world. 37:47 You see, God governs the universe through representatives 37:52 from every planet in the universe. 37:54 Now somebody might say, Well, Pastor Bohr, Are the twenty-four 37:59 elders really just twenty-four worlds? 38:03 The answer is no. We're dealing here with the symbolic number, 38:07 just like in Revelation you find numbers that are symbolic. 38:11 Let me read you a statement from Review and Herald, September 25, 38:14 1900, where Ellen White describes the number of worlds 38:19 in God's universe. She says this: 38:57 God has what? worlds upon worlds that are obedient to His law. 39:03 Now, I'd like to read you a statement that we find 39:06 in the book, Counsels to the Church, pages 240 and 241. 39:11 Do you know that the organizational system that the 39:16 church has on earth is really a reflection 39:20 of the organizational system that God has in heaven? 39:23 So if you see how the church is organized on Earth, you will 39:27 have a general idea about how God operates the universe. 39:32 Now notice this very interesting passage. Ellen White states: 40:34 Let me ask you, Was the earthly sanctuary a reflection of the 40:37 heavenly sanctuary? Was the earthly priesthood illustrative 40:41 of the priesthood of Christ? 40:43 Were the ceremonies of the sanctuary illustrative of the 40:46 ceremonies that Jesus was to carry on in heaven? 40:49 Absolutely! Was the earthly seated in Jerusalem an earthly 40:53 copy of the heavenly Jerusalem? 40:55 We could get into that. Absolutely! 40:58 So, in other words, God's organizational system on earth 41:03 is actually a reflection, or a copy of how God in heaven 41:08 operates the universe. 41:10 Now let me ask you, Does God have different ranks of beings 41:15 in heaven? Yes, there are Michael the Archangel, 41:19 who is Christ, cherubim, seraphim, what Ellen White calls 41:24 tall commanding angels, strong angels, highest angels. 41:28 In other words, there are different ranks, and orders 41:31 of being in heaven. Each in the chain of command. 41:36 Notice Colossians chapter 1, and verse 16. 41:38 Colossians 1:16. There are several categories of leadership 41:44 that are mentioned here. 41:46 Colossians 1, and verse 16. 41:48 Speaking about Christ, who was the Creator of all, it says: 42:03 And now notice the categories. 42:13 Now somebody might be saying, Well, Pastor Bohr, 42:15 this is probably talking about the wicked thrones, 42:18 and dominions, and principalities, and powers. 42:20 Not so! Notice The Desire of Ages, page 834, when Christ 42:25 ascends to heaven and enters through the gates into the city, 42:28 to go into the holy place where all heaven is waiting 42:32 for His arrival. We find this statement: 42:45 And so, does God have different ranks of beings in heaven? 42:49 He most certainly does. 42:51 Incidentally, do you know that the devil also has copied 42:54 the same ranks in his organizational system? 42:58 You say, how do you know that? 43:00 Well, go with me to Ephesians chapter 6, and verse 12. 43:04 Ephesians 6:12. We find, once again, these same words, 43:08 but they're applied to the wicked; to the wicked leaders 43:12 of the hosts of spiritual darkness here on earth; 43:16 the devil and his angels. 43:17 It says in Ephesians 6, verse 12: 43:31 Notice again: principalities, powers, and what? and rulers. 43:36 Notice also Colossians chapter 2, and verse 15. 43:39 Colossians 2:15. Two of these names are used to describe 43:46 those who are in the ranks of Satan. 43:49 Colossians 2, and verse 15. 44:02 That is in His cross. 44:04 So does the devil have a similar organizational system 44:08 to what God has? Absolutely, he does, because the devil was 44:12 once an exalted angel in heaven. 44:14 He knows what the heavenly sanctuary looked like. 44:16 He knows what the New Jerusalem looked like. 44:19 He knows how God operated the universe. 44:22 And so he says, If it works up there, it's certainly going to 44:25 work down here. Now, what would be the equivalent of the 44:30 of the representatives of the worlds, that rule over those 44:35 worlds, and represent those worlds, and oversee those 44:38 worlds. What would the equivalent be in the earthly 44:42 structure? How about the elders? 44:46 Go with me to Titus chapter 1, and verse 5. 44:50 Titus 1:5. Here the Apostle Paul is writing to Titus, his pupil, 44:56 and he tells Titus that he has to do something; 45:00 at every city that he goes to he has to do something. 45:02 It says there in verse 5 of Titus 1: 45:16 Evidentially there wasn't order there in the church. 45:18 And how was this going to take place? 45:20 How was it going to be ordered? 45:28 Now let me ask you, what was the role of these elders? 45:31 We'll come back to that in a few moments. 45:33 But the role of these elders was to represent their churches. 45:38 The role of these elders was to rule or govern 45:41 over the churches. The role of these elders was for them to 45:48 oversee the functioning of God's work in that specific church. 45:54 Now, let me go for a moment, before we go and prove this 45:58 from the New Testament, I want to go to the Old Testament to 46:02 Numbers 11: 16-17 where it speaks about the seventy elders. 46:07 Have you ever heard of the seventy elders that Moses 46:10 established? I want you to notice that they were leaders; 46:13 that they were rulers; they were overseers; 46:17 and they were representatives of their tribes. 46:19 It says there in Numbers 11, verse 16: 46:34 Did they rule over them? Most certainly! 46:49 Are they ordained with the Spirit for their function? 46:52 Yes! And notice: 46:59 Is this an administrative post? Yes! 47:06 It's interesting to notice Ellen White's comment in 47:08 Acts of the Apostles, page 94. 47:10 She speaks about these elders, and she says the following: 47:36 Were they ordained? the seventy elders? 47:38 Absolutely! Did they receive the Spirit? 47:40 We already read it. And so it says: 47:47 Now, does that pattern back there also apply 47:51 to the organizational structure of the church? She says: 48:09 Are you with me? Now let's go to 1 Timothy chapter 5, 48:12 and verse 17. 1 Timothy 5:17. 48:17 And we really have to motor now because the clock 48:19 is the greatest enemy we have. 48:21 1 Timothy 5:17. Notice what the Apostle Paul has to say. 48:25 Let the elders, and if you read the previous verse it's talking 48:30 about the elders of the church, that's the context. 48:33 Who what? What's the next word? 48:37 Oh, who rule! So they're rulers. 48:40 Are the twenty-four elders rulers? 48:42 Do they sit on thrones? 48:43 Do they have crowns on their heads? Absolutely! 48:56 Notice 1 Timothy chapter 3, and verses 4 and 5. 48:58 Once again, it's speaking about the elders. 49:01 Notice 1 Timothy, chapter 3, verses 4 and 5. 49:04 Here the Apostle Paul says that the bishop or overseer, 49:08 interesting the word bishop means overseer. 49:15 What? There it is again! 49:35 Are you understanding the role of the elder on earth? 49:39 Is that the same type of role that the elders play in heaven? 49:44 Absolutely! And you know what? 49:46 The elders in the New Testament were representatives of their 49:52 churches when a general council was celebrated on Earth. 49:55 Notice Acts chapter 15, and verse 6. 49:58 It's speaking about the first general council of the church. 50:01 This was in the year 49 A.D. 50:04 It was celebrated in Jerusalem. 50:06 And I want you to notice who the ones were who gathered there 50:10 to make the decision about whether the Gentiles should be 50:13 circumcised or not. See, the churches were dealing with this 50:16 thorny issue of circumcision. 50:18 So who's going to decide? 50:19 Is it decided by Peter who's sitting there, and he's the 50:23 Pope, and he says, I declare, No more circumcision! 50:26 No, it's decided in a council with representatives, 50:30 elder representatives, from all over the empire. 50:33 Notice Acts 15, and verse 6. 50:43 And then let's go to Acts, chapter 16, verses 4 and 5. 50:46 We don't have time to study everything concerning the 50:49 Jerusalem council, but I want you to notice that once the 50:52 decision was made in the council, everybody had to 50:54 abide by it. The decision went to all of the churches. 50:58 It says in Acts 16:4-5: 51:02 This is Paul and Barnabas. 51:09 That is to the churches in those cities. 51:24 Question? Do the elders gather in a general council 51:27 to make decisions concerning the welfare of the entire church? 51:31 Absolutely! Is that true also of the elders in God's heavenly 51:35 kingdom? They represent planets, and they come to deliberate 51:38 regarding the well being of the entire universe. 51:41 Absolutely! Now notice how Ellen White comments about this 51:45 in the book Acts of the Apostles, page 95. She says: 52:59 Are you catching the picture? 53:01 So what is the role of the twenty-four elders? 53:04 Remember it's a symbolic number. 53:06 What is the role of the representatives of the worlds? 53:09 They rule over those worlds. 53:12 They oversee those worlds. 53:15 They represent those worlds before the heavenly council. 53:19 Do you remember that we noticed when Lucifer sinned, 53:23 what did God do? God could have sat on His throne 53:27 and He could have said, Oh, this individual has violated My law. 53:32 He's rebellious; throw Him out! 53:35 But according to the Spirit of Prophecy God gathered 53:38 the heavenly council, and He said, Okay folks, this is what 53:41 we have. This is the problem that has come up 53:44 in the universe. Now what do you suppose we're supposed to do? 53:47 The Spirit of Prophecy tells us that the heavenly council 53:51 said to God, Expel him from heaven. 53:53 Interesting, that God cares how His creatures see Him. 54:00 In other words, God runs a representative style 54:04 of government. Interesting! 54:07 God is a God of democracy. 54:10 Now, could God do it all by Himself if He wanted to? 54:13 Of course He could! But God cares to involve all of the 54:18 beings in His entire universe, and has delegated the 54:21 responsibility to represent in the heavenly council 54:25 every planet in His vast universe. 54:28 When decisions are made that effect not only a local 54:33 situation, but that effect the entirety of the universe. 54:36 Let me ask you, Would the rebellion of Satan in heaven 54:40 cause turmoil for all of the universe, 54:45 or was it just a localized problem in the presence of God? 54:47 Listen, if it was not handled it would eventually have 54:50 infected the whole universe. 54:51 And so God gathered the heavenly council together. 54:57 Now, summarizing then; the elders on earth give us a 55:01 pattern so that we can understand the roles of the 55:07 elders in heaven. The elders are rulers and overseers. 55:13 The elders are representatives of different planets, 55:18 as the elders on earth are representatives 55:21 of individual churches. 55:23 The elders deliberate in a council. 55:29 And the elders are administrators of their section 55:34 of the church. They are officers, as Ellen White says 55:38 many times in her writings. 55:41 So do the elders have a very important function 55:45 in God's administration of the universe? 55:47 They most certainly do. 55:49 And, you know, it's really nice that someday, 55:52 as I was mentioning before, we'll be able to travel 55:56 to all of these worlds. 55:57 And we'll be able to meet the representatives from those 56:01 worlds. And we'll be able to talk to those representatives 56:06 of the worlds. And as we also studied, Adam will be reinstated 56:12 in his first dominion. 56:14 He will represent Planet Earth in the heavenly council. 56:20 Isn't it marvelous the way that God operates His universe? 56:25 You know, God could do it all Himself. 56:29 But God gives different gifts in the church to make sure 56:34 that the church functions in perfect harmony, 56:37 and in perfect unity. 56:38 What a wonderful and marvelous God we have! 56:43 And so, in conclusion, the twenty-four elders are powerful, 56:49 strong, the highest of angels, that have been placed 56:55 in different worlds to oversee and rule those worlds, 56:59 and represent those worlds before the heavenly council. 57:03 And someday we will have the privilege of meeting them. 57:07 And we'll become acquainted with them. 57:10 And we'll be able to ask them, undoubtedly, many questions 57:14 about history and how it transpired, and how God was 57:20 vindicated before all of the beings of His universe. 57:24 What a wonderful and marvelous God we have! 57:28 Let's make sure that we don't miss the boat, 57:31 and that we are there. |
Revised 2014-12-17