24 Elders, The

Who Are the 24 Elders?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 24ELD

Program Code: 24ELD000003

00:34 Good evening! Its good to see all of you here.
00:38 We are going to have a word of prayer, and then I'll tell you
00:41 where we're going to go in our next three studies.
00:43 Let's bow our heads.
00:44 Father in heaven, what a privilege it is to call You
00:47 Father. We thank You so much that we have the privilege
00:51 of being Your children.
00:52 And we ask that this evening Your Holy Spirit will be with us
00:56 to guide our thoughts, and to open our hearts.
00:59 We're going to study a complex subject,
01:02 and we need understanding.
01:03 We need clear minds.
01:05 We just ask that through Your Holy Spirit You will make it
01:08 possible for us to understand.
01:10 And we thank You, Father, for the privilege of prayer.
01:13 Thank You for hearing us, for we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
01:17 In the first two sermons in this series we studied about the
01:24 mission of Jesus on Earth.
01:26 The title of that presentation was Mission Accomplished.
01:30 And then in our study, our last study, we dealt with the
01:35 ascension of Jesus Christ to the holy place in heaven.
01:39 And the title of that presentation was
01:42 The Return of the War Hero.
01:44 Now during the next three studies together we are going
01:48 to deal with a specific topic.
01:51 We're going to deal with the specific group that was present
01:53 there when Jesus arrived; a group that is called
01:57 in scripture the twenty-four elders.
02:01 Now I need to make something very clear as we begin our
02:04 study. And that is that you need to be here for all three
02:08 studies, because we're going to have a lot of loose ends until
02:13 at the very end we tie all of these loose ends together.
02:17 And then everything will make sense.
02:20 If you come just to the presentation today,
02:24 you're going to have part of the picture.
02:26 But if you come to all three, you're going to have the full
02:29 picture, and I can guarantee that you're going to understand
02:34 this topic very, very well.
02:36 Now in our last study we noticed that when Jesus ascended
02:40 to heaven the heavenly throne room had been prepared
02:44 before His arrival.
02:46 We saw that God the Father was sitting on His throne.
02:49 Also in the midst of the throne were four living creatures
02:54 representing the seraphim and the cherubim.
02:56 Surrounding the throne we noticed that there was a group
03:00 called the twenty-four elders.
03:02 And before the throne were the seven spirits representing
03:06 the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
03:08 Then later in chapter 5, when Jesus arrives,
03:11 then you have Jesus in the scene, and you also have the
03:14 angelic hosts who had gone to Earth to pick up Jesus
03:18 to take Him to heaven.
03:19 Now the specific group that we want to study about is that
03:23 group called the twenty-four elders.
03:25 Now the traditional view that is held,
03:28 especially in the Seventh-day Adventist Church,
03:31 in almost every single publication that I have read,
03:33 is that the twenty-four elders represent those that resurrected
03:39 with Jesus, that Jesus took to heaven upon His ascension,
03:43 and He presented to His Father as the first fruits of the great
03:47 harvest that will take place at the second coming of those
03:51 who died in Christ.
03:52 In other words, they were a little sample,
03:55 or a small guarantee, that the rest of those who died in Christ
04:00 would resurrect when Jesus would return in power and glory.
04:03 Now we need to ask the question, does this interpretation square
04:09 with what is taught in scripture, as well as in the
04:13 Spirit of Prophecy, because our authority is number one
04:16 scripture. And then we go to the Spirit of Prophecy to see if the
04:20 Spirit of Prophecy squares with what is taught in scripture.
04:23 And we're going to find that both of these sources are
04:26 in perfect harmony.
04:28 Now let's go in our Bibles as we begin our study,
04:31 to Job 38, and let's read verses 4 through 7. Job 38:4-7.
04:37 Here God is asking Job a series of questions, and it says this:
04:56 God says, somewhat sarcastically.
05:07 So what event is being described in these verses?
05:11 There's no doubt that its referring to the creation story
05:16 in Genesis, chapter 1, and Genesis, chapter 2.
05:19 But now notice what happened at creation.
05:21 It says at the last part of this passage, when the morning stars
05:27 sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy.
05:33 Interesting! We're told that at creation, when this world
05:37 was created, the morning stars sang together, and all the sons
05:43 of God shouted for joy.
05:44 This is taking place at creation week.
05:47 In other words, these beings were present when God created
05:52 this world, which means that they existed before the creation
05:57 of this world. They pre-existed creation in other words.
06:01 Now we need to understand that here the expression,
06:05 morning stars, and the expression, sons of God,
06:08 are really synonymous.
06:10 These are not two different groups.
06:12 They are the same group described in two different ways.
06:15 In Hebrew poetry you have what is called
06:19 synonymous parallelism, where what is said in the first line
06:23 is repeated in the second line, but in different words
06:27 the same thought.
06:28 So when we're told here that the morning stars sang together,
06:32 and all the sons of God shouted for joy, the morning stars,
06:36 and the sons of God, are the same group,
06:38 but they're described in different language
06:41 or different terms.
06:43 Now lets talk a little bit about the identity of the morning
06:47 stars and the sons of God.
06:49 When we look at scripture there's no doubt whatsoever
06:53 that stars represent angels.
06:57 This is very, very clear.
06:58 For example, in Revelation, chapter 12, and verse 3,
07:02 where we're told that the dragon drew a third of the stars
07:06 of heaven with his tail.
07:07 And then a little bit later, in verse 9, we're told that the
07:12 devil was cast out of heaven with his angels.
07:15 In other words, the stars that he drew with his tail represent
07:20 the angels that decided to follow him in his rebellion.
07:24 In other words, the morning stars represent angels.
07:29 Now it's interesting to notice that Ellen White explains
07:34 that the sons of God are angels.
07:38 So what we're seeing is that the Bible defines the morning stars
07:43 as angels. Ellen White describes the sons of God as angels.
07:47 That's why I'm saying that really its the same group,
07:50 but with two different names.
07:52 Notice The Great Controversy, page 519, where Ellen White
07:57 describes what happened in Job 1 and 2.
08:00 Do you remember that the sons of God came to present themselves
08:03 before the Lord? Notice how she describes this.
08:18 Now interesting. In the book of Job it says that the sons
08:21 of God came to present themselves before the Lord.
08:23 Ellen White here says that...
08:45 So we find that Ellen White identifies the sons of God
08:50 as angels, and scripture speaks of the stars as angels.
08:55 Now we're going to go in a few moments to Job 1 and 2
08:59 where this same expression, sons of God, is used.
09:04 But before we do, I need to give you a word of explanation.
09:08 A question that always comes up when I've dealt with the issue
09:12 of the twenty-four elders is concerning Genesis, chapter 6,
09:17 where it says that the sons of God saw that the daughters
09:21 of men were beautiful.
09:22 And so scholars say the sons of God are angels.
09:26 And so what this means is that before the flood the angels,
09:31 called the sons of God, had sexual relations with human
09:34 women, with the daughters of men,
09:36 and this relationship produced the giants, or a hybrid that was
09:41 part human and part angel.
09:44 And, of course, they say, you know, if the sons of God in Job
09:48 are angels, well, the same expression should mean the same
09:52 thing in Genesis, chapter 6.
09:54 And that sounds very logical.
09:56 However, terms and expressions need to be understood within
10:01 the context that they are used.
10:03 The expression does not always means the same thing.
10:07 It can mean different things in different contexts.
10:09 Let me give you an example.
10:11 What does a lion represent in scripture?
10:14 If I asked you that question, I believe that I would have
10:17 several answers. Can a lion represent Jesus Christ?
10:21 Absolutely! He's the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
10:24 Can a lion represent the devil?
10:27 He goes forth as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
10:31 Can a lion represent the kingdom of Babylon?
10:34 Absolutely! In Daniel chapter 7.
10:37 Can a lion represent Judah, the son of Jacob?
10:40 Absolutely! And so lion doesn't mean the same thing in every
10:44 context. You have to respect the context.
10:47 Then you also have leaven.
10:49 When I ask, what does leaven, or yeast represent?
10:51 The people say, Oh, it represents sin.
10:53 And that's true, but it doesn't always represent sin,
10:55 because in the parable that Jesus gave of the leaven,
10:59 Jesus speaks of putting the leaven in the dough,
11:02 and it makes the dough grow.
11:03 Now what is Jesus saying?
11:05 He's saying that when the Holy Spirit is in the church
11:08 represented by the loaf, the church grows
11:12 just like the lump of dough grows.
11:14 And so the leaven can represent also the Holy Spirit.
11:18 And so let's not jump to conclusions that just because
11:21 sons of God is used in Job, and it refers to angels,
11:25 that it has the same meaning in Genesis, chapter 6.
11:28 Actually, if you look at the context of Genesis, chapter 6,
11:33 you're going to find that the sons of God has a different
11:35 meaning. Immediately before Genesis, chapter 6,
11:38 you have in chapter 4 the wicked descendents of Cain.
11:43 And there are three evil women in his genealogy.
11:47 Those would be the daughters of men.
11:49 In chapter 5 you have the descendents of Seth.
11:53 That is the lineage of the righteous.
11:57 And then in the very next verse, Genesis 6, verse 1,
12:00 as well as verse 2, it speaks about the sons of God
12:04 and the daughters of men.
12:06 The context indicates that the sons of God are the righteous
12:10 descendents of Seth, whereas the daughters of men are the
12:13 wicked women mentioned in the genealogy of Cain.
12:17 So the context must dictate the meaning.
12:20 Incidentally, in scripture Adam is called the son of God,
12:25 in Luke 3. And we know that Adam was not an angel.
12:31 Right? And yet he's called the son of God.
12:33 So we see that son of God, or sons of God,
12:36 has different meanings in different contexts.
12:38 Do you know that the apostle Paul refers to the righteous
12:42 as sons of God? Notice Romans 8 and verse 14. Romans 8:14.
12:50 Here the apostle Paul says:
12:59 So I suppose that every believer is an angel.
13:02 Of course not! The expression, son of God,
13:05 represents the righteous; those who have accepted Jesus Christ;
13:08 those who are led by the Spirit just like the descendents
13:12 of Seth. Are you with me?
13:13 So I needed to clear this up, even though we're digressing
13:17 from the central theme that we're studying, because I know
13:20 that if I don't touch upon it, we're going to receive lots
13:22 of phone calls, and we're going to receive lots of e-mails
13:25 saying, Yeah, but what about Genesis chapter 6?
13:27 So I decided that I would clarify this.
13:29 Now let's go to two other places in Job where the expression,
13:35 sons of God is used. Go with me to Job, chapter 1,
13:39 and verses 6 and 7. Remember we already looked at Job 38,
13:43 and verses 4 through 7, where it speaks about creation,
13:45 and it tells us that the sons of God, the morning stars sang
13:49 when God created this world, which means that they existed
13:52 before creation. And they actually witnessed creation.
14:23 Now there are several things that I want us to notice about
14:26 these two verses in Job 1, verses 6 and 7.
14:29 First of all, the sons of God do not always dwell in the presence
14:34 of God, because we're told in this passage that a certain day
14:39 they came to present themselves before the Lord.
14:42 In other words, they don't dwell where the Lord is.
14:45 They're invited to come on certain days to be present
14:49 before the Lord. Another thing that I want us to notice is
14:53 that Satan felt that he had a perfect right to belong to that
14:57 group, because Satan comes not with them, but he comes among
15:03 the sons of God. So he's saying, I have a perfect right to belong
15:07 to this group. Satan came among these sons of God, a certain day
15:13 from somewhere, because they came; they were not there.
15:17 Another thing that we notice here is that when God asks Satan
15:22 where he came from, Satan answered, I have come from
15:27 the Earth. Now the Earth is a planet, right?
15:31 The devil is saying, I have come among the sons of God,
15:34 and my planet, that I represent, is planet Earth.
15:39 Would it be too much of an exaggeration to believe that
15:42 the other sons of God represented other worlds
15:46 in the universe of God?
15:47 If Satan comes to that meeting representing a planet,
15:51 what would make us think that the other sons of God are not
15:55 coming also representing what?
15:58 Representing the planets that they came from.
16:01 Now let's go to Job, chapter 2, ad verses 1 and 2.
16:05 This will get clearer and clearer as we go along.
16:08 You know, we're just introducing this subject, but we're going to
16:11 study some amazing things in our study today as well
16:14 as in the next two periods that we're going to spend together.
16:17 Job 2, verses 1 and 2. This is a second meeting that takes place
16:23 in heaven where the sons of God are invited to come.
16:27 Notice what it says in Job 2, verse 1.
16:45 Came whom? Satan. And now notice:
17:02 Now let's take a look at this.
17:04 Do the same principles apply to this second meeting
17:09 as to the first meeting? Absolutely!
17:11 Did the sons of God leave and go back to where they came from
17:15 after the first meeting?
17:17 Of course! They must have, because it says that again they
17:21 came. Which means that if again they came, they must have left
17:25 after the first meeting. Are you with me or not?
17:27 To wherever they came from.
17:29 Satan came from where?
17:31 He came from planet Earth.
17:33 And after the meeting where does he go?
17:35 He returns to planet Earth to afflict Job with boils
17:41 from the tip of his head, to the bottom of his feet.
17:44 So, in other words, these sons of God, they come to present
17:49 themselves before the Lord.
17:50 After the meeting takes place they return to where they came
17:54 from. They do not permanently live in the presence of God.
17:59 They come from planets, if you please.
18:02 Now do you know, that God operates the universe
18:06 in a democratic fashion?
18:09 God has a representative style of government,
18:14 where representatives from the different worlds in the universe
18:17 come together to deliberate, and come together to make
18:21 decisions concerning the administration,
18:24 and the operation of the universe.
18:26 Let me give you another example from scripture.
18:30 Go with me to 2 Chronicles, chapter 18, and verses 18 to 22.
18:35 This is a powerful passage.
18:36 You remember that in the days of king Ahab, Ahab had a meeting
18:41 with Jehoshaphat. Ahab was the king of the ten tribes of the
18:44 north, and Jehoshaphat was a king of the two tribes of the
18:47 south, known as Judah.
18:48 And they had this family reunion in the city of Samaria.
18:52 And Jehoshaphat was a good king, and Ahab was a bad king.
18:57 And so Ahab says to Jehoshaphat, you know, now that you're here,
19:01 don't you think it would be a good idea for us to go and fight
19:04 against our common enemy, the Syrians?
19:06 And Jehoshaphat says, you know that might be a good idea.
19:10 Don't you think we should consult the Lord?
19:12 Do you have any prophets around?
19:14 And Ahab says, oh prophets, I've got prophets galore.
19:19 And so he calls 400 prophets that he had.
19:22 And he says to his 400 prophets, now Jehoshaphat and I want to go
19:27 fight against the Syrians, our common enemy.
19:29 Do you think that's a good idea?
19:31 And, of course, the 400 prophets, they were false
19:34 prophets, said, oh, yes, king.
19:35 Go to battle and you're going to gain a great victory.
19:38 But Jehoshaphat wasn't too convinced.
19:42 And so he says, now ah, Ahab, don't you have a prophet
19:47 of the Lord around? And the king, king Ahab says, yeah,
19:53 I've got him, but he's in the dungeon.
19:56 And because every time I ask him to prophesy he prophesies evil,
20:01 and so I've thrown him into the dungeon.
20:05 And Jehoshaphat says, that's God's prophet!
20:08 That's where God's prophets live.
20:10 They live in prison, and they're hated, and so bring him.
20:13 And so Micaiah comes before Ahab.
20:18 And Ahab says, should we go to battle against the Syrians?
20:22 And I want you to notice what Micaiah answers;
20:26 the name of the prophet.
20:27 It says there in 2 Chronicles 18, verses 18 to 22:
20:52 By the way, who is the host of heaven?
20:55 All of the angelic host, right?
21:06 In other words, who's going to convince Ahab to go to battle
21:09 so that he gets killed? Now listen to what happens.
21:18 You know, everybody had their suggestion in the heavenly
21:22 council. And now notice what happens, verse 20.
21:32 This is a meeting happening in heaven,
21:34 but it has to do with earthly events.
21:48 Do you think that was a good angel, a loyal angel that says,
21:52 I'll go out and I'll lie so that Ahab goes to battle
21:56 and gets killed? Absolutely not!
21:58 God does not use lying to accomplish His purposes.
22:02 Who was this being that was there in the heavenly council
22:05 that says, I'll go and I'll deceive him to go to battle
22:09 so that he gets killed?
22:10 Who do you think that lying spirit was?
22:12 It was Satan! The same one that went there in Job, chapter 1,
22:17 to the heavenly council.
22:18 And you're saying, what was he doing there?
22:20 We'll come to that. Now do you know that when God makes
22:24 decisions regarding this world, or any other world
22:27 in the universe, God calls the heavenly council together?
22:29 God is not a dictator.
22:32 God is not an autocrat.
22:35 God doesn't simply say, I'll do it all, and this is the way
22:39 we're going to do it.
22:40 God consults the representatives of the universe.
22:43 Let me read to you from Patriarchs and Prophets,
22:45 page 36. This is when Lucifer had these jealous feelings
22:50 towards Christ. We're told:
22:55 That's council, it's not talking about counseling.
23:02 It's talking like City Council, in other words,
23:05 when the devil laid his strategy to tempt Adam and Eve
23:14 and lead them into sin. In the book, Story of Redemption,
23:18 page 29, we find this interesting statement:
23:29 That is of Adam and Eve falling into sin. Notice:
23:49 So everything concerning the operation and administration
23:53 of the universe is decided in the heavenly council.
23:56 And God, of course, presides in the heavenly council.
24:00 So what is being described in Job, chapters 1 and 2,
24:04 is the heavenly council.
24:06 And those who appear there are the representatives of all
24:10 of the sinless realms that God created;
24:13 the representatives of the worlds that never sinned.
24:16 Now how does Ellen White identify the twenty-four elders?
24:23 Who are they? Who are the sons of God, and the morning stars
24:27 according to the Spirit of Prophecy?
24:29 In The Desire of Ages, in a statement that we read in our
24:33 last study together, Ellen White clearly identifies who the sons
24:39 of God are. Remember, the sons of God are angels, right?
24:43 According to her definition the sons of God are angels.
24:45 But now she's going to amplify what that means;
24:49 who the sons of God are.
24:51 When Jesus arrives in heaven we're told
24:55 who was present there. She says:
25:09 Notice what she says, the sons of God, the commanders of the
25:16 angel hosts, the representatives of the unfallen worlds.
25:20 Three phrases that are describing the same group
25:22 are assembled. And then she says this:
25:42 Interesting statement! So the sons of God are the commanders
25:48 of the angel hosts. They're the highest of angels.
25:50 They're powerful angels.
25:52 They are the representatives of the worlds that never sinned.
25:55 In other words, the worlds are represented by powerful angels
25:59 that God has placed to rule over them.
26:01 Now, the question comes up.
26:05 So you're saying that there are other inhabited worlds
26:09 in the universe? Absolutely!
26:12 The Bible has many hints to that effect.
26:16 Let me give you just one text that indicates that,
26:20 and then I'm going to read you a quotation from Billy Graham,
26:23 probably the most famous preacher that exists.
26:28 He's well known in the whole world.
26:29 Now notice what it says in Revelation 12:12.
26:39 Did you notice that? Rejoice what?
26:57 So notice, it says here, Rejoice oh heavens and you who dwell
27:01 in them. So there's inhabitants that dwell
27:05 in all of the heavens, according to this text.
27:08 Now Billy Graham, so that you know that this is not just a
27:11 preposterous idea that Pastor Stephen Bohr has,
27:14 notice what he had to say.
27:55 So Billy Graham is saying, I believe that there are many
27:58 worlds in the universe that are populated. They are inhabited.
28:03 But listen up! None of them have sinned except for this planet;
28:08 planet Earth. Now Ellen White then identifies the sons of God
28:14 as the commanders of the angel hosts,
28:16 and as the representatives of the unfallen worlds.
28:21 Now I want to read you some additional statements
28:24 from Ellen White that shows that the elders are really
28:27 angels. Now let me ask you, If the elders are really angels,
28:31 can the twenty-four elders be those who resurrected
28:35 with Christ? those human beings who resurrected with Christ?
28:38 It would be impossible.
28:39 Now Revelation, chapter 5, verse 5.
28:42 Notice, John is weeping because no one is worthy to open
28:48 the scroll. And no one is worthy to read the contents
28:52 of the scroll. And we're told in Revelation 5, verse 5
28:56 that one of the twenty-four elders comes to John
29:01 to console him. Let me read that text.
29:20 Who was it that spoke those words, don't weep,
29:22 behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David,
29:25 has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals?
29:28 It says in Revelation 5, verse 5, that it was one of the
29:30 elders. Now notice what Ellen White had to say about this
29:35 in Manuscript Releases, Volume 12, and pages 296 and 297.
29:41 This is powerful. She's speaking about the same event,
29:45 and this is how she describes it.
30:42 Are you understanding why I'm bringing this to view?
30:44 Revelation 5, verse 5, says that it was whom? One of the elders.
30:50 Ellen White says the same words were spoken by one of the strong
30:56 angels. Now let me give you another example.
31:00 This one is from Revelation chapter 7.
31:03 You're aware that Revelation chapter 7 describes
31:06 a great multitude which no one can number, from every nation,
31:11 tribe, tongue, and people.
31:13 That's found in Revelation, chapter 7, and verse 9.
31:16 The great multitude, which no one can number,
31:19 from every nation, kindred, tongue, and people,
31:21 is introduced there in verse 9.
31:23 And John, of course, wants to know who this group is.
31:27 And so we find in verse 13 that it tells us:
31:44 In other words, who is this great multitude that no one
31:48 can number, is what the elder is asking John.
31:51 Then I want you to notice that John replies to the elder's
31:56 question by saying:
32:00 This is verse 14.
32:02 And then the elder says to John, this is in verse 15:
32:17 Now who is John entertaining a conversation with?
32:21 With one of the what?
32:22 With one of the elders.
32:23 John and the elder are conversing,
32:26 and they're conversing about the great multitude.
32:29 Is the elder a part of the great multitude?
32:31 He is not, because the elder is actually asking about
32:36 the great multitude.
32:37 He is not part of the great multitude from every nation,
32:41 kindred, tongue, and people.
32:42 Is that clear in your mind?
32:44 Now, you say, why do you bring this to view?
32:46 Because I want you to notice how Ellen White interprets this.
32:50 In Sings of the Times, December 22, 1887, Ellen White describes
32:58 this same scene in these words:
33:22 What does Revelation say?
33:25 Who asked that question?
33:26 The elder! According to Ellen White who asked the question?
33:31 The angel, whom she has already identified as one of the strong
33:37 angels already. She continues saying:
34:00 And so Revelation says that was one of the elders,
34:04 and Ellen White says that it was one of the angels
34:08 who is describing this.
34:10 Now I want you to remember this point because we're going to
34:14 come back to it in the next two lectures.
34:17 Because there's a problem in translation in Revelation 5,
34:22 verses 9 and 10. You get the impression there that the
34:26 twenty-four elders were redeemed from the earth,
34:29 and they're going to reign on the earth,
34:30 which would give the impression that they're humans.
34:33 Actually, we're going to find that there's a problem in
34:37 translation here because the elders, we've already noticed,
34:41 are not part of the great multitude that no one can
34:44 number. I want you to save this in the corner of your mind,
34:47 because we're going to come back to it a little bit later.
34:49 Now, two more quotations from Ellen White.
34:53 This one is found in a book called, Sermons and Talks,
34:56 Volume 1, page 20. She says this, and she's also still
35:02 discussing Revelation, chapter 7.
35:17 The angel said, notice.
35:43 Once again, three times in this statement Ellen White says,
35:47 even though Revelation says it was one of the elders,
35:49 Ellen White says, the angel asked him, the angel said,
35:53 says the angel. In the mind of Ellen G. White, the elders are
35:59 powerful angels. Now notice one other statement.
36:03 This is found in Signs of the Times, November 22, 1905.
36:07 Speaking once again about Revelation, chapter 7:
36:22 Now notice!
36:35 I mean, if Ellen White had only one little statement where she
36:38 said an angel, that would be one thing, but she has several
36:40 statements where she says that the elder that spoke was one
36:44 of the strong angels among the heavenly hosts.
36:47 Now in Revelation, chapter 5, and verse 8, we're told that the
36:52 living creatures, and the twenty-four elders play harps.
36:57 And they present the prayers of the saints before the throne
37:01 of God. The elders and the four living creatures,
37:04 we're told there in Revelation 5, verse 8, that they actually
37:07 present the prayers of the saints before the throne
37:10 of God in bowls of incense.
37:13 Now Ellen White is going to comment on this verse,
37:18 Revelation 5 and verse 8.
37:20 And I want you to notice what she says about these beings
37:24 that offer the prayers of the saints before the throne of God.
37:27 This is in the devotional book, Lift Him Up, page 307. She says:
37:44 What does she say heavenly beings are appointed to what?
37:48 To answer prayers. But then she says who these beings are.
37:52 Its not just any old being, any old heavenly being,
37:57 because she says:
38:24 So in the mind of Ellen White the twenty-four elders are,
38:28 according to her terms, strong angels, and according to this
38:34 text, the highest of angels.
38:37 So my question is, are the twenty-four elders those that
38:42 Jesus presented before the Father forty days after
38:46 His resurrection? It's impossible because they were not
38:50 angels. They were human beings.
38:52 Now we need to answer the question, why was Satan among
38:58 the Sons of God in that meeting in Job chapter 2?
39:01 I think you already know the answer.
39:03 But let's go in scripture to Luke 4, and verses 5 and 6.
39:09 Luke, chapter 4, and verses 5 and 6 is going to explain why
39:13 in the Old Testament, that is until the death of Jesus Christ,
39:17 why, when there was a heavenly counsel, like the one mentioned
39:20 in Chronicles, and the one mentioned in Job,
39:22 it says that Satan went among the Sons of God,
39:26 that is the highest of angels, the strongest angels.
39:29 The devil goes among that group and he presents himself before
39:33 the heavenly council. Why?
39:35 Luke 4:5 and 6, speaking about the temptation of Jesus
39:40 on the mount, it says:
39:49 To whom did these kingdoms belong at first?
39:52 To whom did the kingdoms belong?
39:56 They belonged to Adam! But now notice what the devil says.
40:24 Did the devil claim that this was his?
40:25 He claimed it was his. Who gave it to him?
40:29 He says, Its been delivered to me.
40:30 Who delivered it to him?
40:31 Adam delivered it to him.
40:33 Who would have been in that heavenly council meeting
40:37 if Adam had not given in to the tempter?
40:40 Adam would have been there in the heavenly council
40:43 representing planet Earth.
40:45 But the Bible tells us that the devil stole Adam's throne.
40:48 He stole Adam's territory, and therefore he says,
40:52 I now represent planet Earth.
40:54 And that's the reason why he appeared in the heavenly council
40:57 in Chronicles as well as in the book of Job.
41:00 Satan stole the legitimate position of Adam,
41:07 the original representative of planet Earth.
41:09 In fact Jesus, you know, shortly before His death, He says,
41:13 now is the judgment of this world.
41:15 Now the ruler of this world will be what? cast out!
41:19 And He was talking about the cross.
41:21 So Jesus Himself is saying, before His death,
41:24 that the devil is the ruler of this world,
41:27 because we become slaves of him who we choose to obey.
41:32 Adam chose to obey the devil, and so now from being lord,
41:37 from occupying the throne, from having the crown,
41:39 Adam now becomes the servant, and he becomes the slave
41:43 of the one who conquered him, as we've studied before.
41:46 Now we need to transition.
41:50 Why do all of the worlds of the universe have strong angels,
41:56 or the highest of the angels representing them,
42:00 while planet Earth was represented by Adam?
42:06 Are you understanding my question?
42:08 Wouldn't we expect God also to place a powerful, or the highest
42:13 of angels to represent planet Earth?
42:15 Why did God do something different with this Earth,
42:18 and have someone from the human race represent planet Earth,
42:21 and not one of the strong, or powerful angels?
42:24 The answer is that God's plan for the human race
42:29 was a different plan than for any other world that God created
42:34 in the universe. You see, the worlds are represented by strong
42:40 angels, or by the highest of angels, as is going to become
42:45 clearer and clearer. But the purpose for the creation of this
42:49 world was different than the creation of any other world
42:54 in the universe. And you say, how do you know that?
42:57 Sons and Daughters of God, page 7.
43:01 In this devotional book, Ellen White explains that this world
43:06 had a different type of being than every other world
43:11 in the universe. This is what she says:
43:21 Notice, all heaven is interested in what's taking place on Earth.
43:25 She says:
43:33 They were a new and distinct order.
43:36 They were made in the image of God.
43:39 And, listen carefully, and it was the Creator's design
43:43 that they should populate the earth.
43:56 Was this order a distinct order?
43:58 Was it different than any other planet in the universe?
44:01 Yes. She says this was a new and a distinct order,
44:05 and the idea was that man would do what?
44:07 He would populate the what?
44:09 He would populate the Earth.
44:11 Now the question is, what would be the purpose of populating
44:15 the Earth? Is it possible that the other worlds do not have
44:18 procreation? That God established procreation on this
44:23 world for a very specific purpose?
44:26 The Bible tells us that man was created a little lower
44:30 than the angels. That after man would pass the test of being
44:36 loyal to God, God would use the human race to repopulate
44:43 the vacancies that were left in heaven by Satan and his angels.
44:47 Now you're saying, Wow! Is that in the Bible?
44:51 Hold on! You're going to see it.
44:53 First of all, allow me to read The Truth About Angels,
44:56 page 48 and 49. The Truth About Angels, 48 and 49,
45:00 where Ellen White explicitly states that this was God's
45:03 purpose in establishing procreation on this earth.
45:06 This is the earth that has procreation.
45:09 It has marriage, and the purpose of marriage, which the devil has
45:13 destroyed, to a great degree, is to prepare a group of people
45:17 to take the places that were left vacant by the fall of Satan
45:21 and his angels. This is what Ellen White says:
45:30 Notice, after they passed the:
45:47 What does it mean to repopulate?
45:50 Were there vacancies left in heaven?
45:53 Yes! She says it was God's purpose to repopulate heaven.
45:58 Now you say, well, that was before sin.
46:00 What about after sin?
46:01 Was it still God's plan to repopulate heaven?
46:03 Listen to this statement.
46:05 Prophets and Kings, and then we're going to go to the Bible.
46:07 Prophets and Kings, page 588 and 589. She says:
46:32 And now notice what he says to God.
46:44 Interesting! Are you understanding what he's saying?
46:49 Are these the ones that are going to take my place,
46:51 and the place of the angels that fell from heaven?
46:54 That's Prophets and Kings, 588 and 589.
46:57 Notice, Story of Redemption, page 19.
47:00 She mentions this many times.
47:02 Story of Redemption, page 19. She says:
47:15 This is after Lucifer sinned.
47:16 God says, Should We go ahead?
47:18 Yes, Let's go ahead with the plan.
47:20 She continues saying:
47:49 What would happen with man if he passed the test and the trial?
47:53 He would become equal with what?
47:55 With the angels! He was created a little lower than the angels
48:00 according to Psalm 8, but if he passed the test of the trial,
48:04 we're told here that he would be equal with the angels.
48:09 One more statement then we'll go to the Bible.
48:12 The Truth About Angels, page 49.
48:14 This is so clear that nobody can misunderstand what Ellen White
48:17 is saying. She says:
48:28 I mean how could she be clearer?
48:30 She says, the vacancies made in heaven by the fall of Satan
48:33 and his angels will be filled by the redeemed of the Lord.
48:37 And so people ask, they say, well, all you're doing is
48:39 reading Ellen White. So far!
48:43 But now let's go and see if scripture says the same thing;
48:49 if Ellen White is in harmony with scripture.
48:51 Go with me to Luke, chapter 20, and verses 34 to 36.
48:56 Luke, chapter 20, and verses 34 to 36.
48:59 Jesus is entertaining a conversation with the Sadducees.
49:04 The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead,
49:09 and so they present this hypothetical case of this
49:13 individual who was married seven times.
49:16 Who would the spouse be when the resurrection took place?
49:20 In other words, they're ridiculing the idea that there's
49:23 going to be a resurrection by giving this extreme case.
49:26 Now notice Luke 20, 34 to 36, how Jesus answers.
49:38 What does this age mean? This world, right?
49:52 What is that age? The new earth, right?
50:02 Why is there not going to be any marriage?
50:04 Because the purpose of marriage has been what? fulfilled.
50:09 Luke continues saying, quoting Jesus once again,
50:15 but those were accounted worthy to attain that age,
50:23 Now listen carefully.
50:27 Wow! They are equal to what?
50:30 To the angels! Is that what Ellen White said?
50:33 Absolutely! But there's more.
50:44 Are you catching the picture here?
50:46 Four conclusions that we can reach from this answer of Jesus:
50:50 1. Marriage had a specific purpose in this age.
50:55 And that purpose was what? procreation.
50:58 2. There will be no marriage in the world to come,
51:02 because the purpose of marriage has been fulfilled.
51:05 3. In the world to come the redeemed will be equal
51:09 to the angels, as we read from Ellen White.
51:12 4. The redeemed will be called Sons of God.
51:16 The same name that is given in the book of Job.
51:19 Now let's conclude by reading a powerful statement
51:23 from Ellen White. This is found in the book, Medical Ministry,
51:27 page 99. And this will be our concluding thought.
51:31 Have you learned anything new tonight?
51:33 There's a lot of stuff in scripture that, perhaps,
51:37 we haven't seen before. And this is only one of the three.
51:40 See, this will give you just a piece of the puzzle.
51:42 Now you need to come to the two other pieces,
51:45 so that you have a complete picture.
51:46 This is what she says:
51:58 There are individuals who say what?
52:02 That there will be marriages and births in the new earth.
52:24 Is there going to be procreation established in the new earth?
52:29 Absolutely not! Why not?
52:31 Because the purpose of procreation has been fulfilled.
52:34 The vacancies left by the devil and his angels have been what?
52:39 Have been filled! She continues saying:
52:47 Those are the words that we just read from the gospel of Luke.
53:13 Powerful statement! Is what she is saying Biblical?
53:18 Absolutely Biblical! And I'll tell you something.
53:22 I'll just testify to this.
53:24 There are many people who are critical of Ellen White.
53:28 They say, oh no, you Adventists, you go by what Ellen White says,
53:32 but we go by what the Bible says.
53:34 Well, surprise, surprise! If you really sat down with an open
53:40 mind, and a sincere heart, and you read the writings
53:43 of Ellen White, and you searched in scripture for what she says,
53:48 you would always find it, because her writings are in
53:52 harmony with scripture. It's only a misinterpretation of her
53:56 writings that leads people to think that what she wrote,
54:00 under inspiration, was contrary to what the scriptures say.
54:03 You know, I find that there are two different kinds of people
54:06 that criticize Ellen White.
54:08 The first type are those that never read anything
54:12 that she wrote. There are plenty of those.
54:15 They go to the internet and they open these websites,
54:19 you know, that are critical of Ellen White.
54:21 Some of them are hateful, and they raise objections that,
54:24 by the way, have been answered by the White Estate with luxury
54:27 of detail. If you go to the White Estate website
54:30 all of these objections are answered.
54:32 But they bring them up and the novices who are unacquainted
54:35 with Ellen White, they read these criticisms of Ellen White,
54:38 and they say, oh, Adventists; they're a cult,
54:40 because Ellen White, you know, they have this prophet who
54:43 contradicts scripture. So one group are those individuals
54:47 who never read what Ellen White says.
54:50 The other group are those who read the writings of Ellen White
54:54 with the intention of criticizing.
54:57 Do you know that there are people who read the Bible
55:01 with the intention of criticizing the Bible?
55:03 in finding mistakes in the Bible?
55:05 If you go to the Bible you might find some mistakes of minor
55:09 details. But that does not effect my view of the
55:12 inspiration of the Bible.
55:13 The Bible has shown that it is beyond human reason
55:17 to have produced it.
55:18 Are there little insignificant details that might be a problem
55:22 in the Bible? Yes. If you let these things ruin your faith
55:25 I feel sorry for you.
55:27 But the Bible shows that it is trustworthy.
55:31 The same is true with Ellen G. White.
55:34 Her writings, folks, are trustworthy.
55:36 What we need to do is we need to sit down, read what she says,
55:40 and then do what I usually do, and that is now where does the
55:44 Bible say that? And so we go from her writings to the Bible.
55:48 Sometimes I'll go to the Bible and I'll read something that
55:51 I can't understand in the Bible, and I say, I wonder what
55:54 Ellen White has to say about this.
55:56 And so then I go to the writings of Ellen White, where she
55:59 comments on that verse, and she gives some light and some
56:03 understanding that I had not found in my study
56:05 of scripture. I say, oh, now I understand what the scripture
56:09 is saying. It works both ways.
56:11 You can go to scripture and then go to see what Ellen White says,
56:15 or you can go to Ellen White and then say, now wait a minute.
56:19 Is that found in the Bible?
56:20 And then you go to the Bible.
56:22 They work back and forth.
56:24 In other words, its not either or, it's both.
56:28 And folks, if we read the writings of Ellen White
56:32 with an open heart, you'll receive a tremendous blessing.
56:36 She's not contradicting scripture, for example, when she
56:38 says that the elders are strong and the highest of angels.
56:41 As we're going to continue studying, you're going to be
56:44 amazed as we continue studying these things at how
56:47 what Ellen White says is in perfect harmony with scripture.
56:51 So folks, we have a lot to study yet.
56:55 We still have two more lectures in this series.
56:58 Now next time, Lord willing, we're going to talk about Adam,
57:02 the original Son of God, that God placed upon this planet.
57:07 And then we're going to study about Jesus.
57:09 And we're going to look at the characteristics
57:12 of the twenty-four elders.
57:13 And we're going to see that those characteristics apply
57:17 to Adam before he sinned.
57:19 And they apply to Jesus Christ who reconquered the position
57:24 that Adam lost. So folks, don't miss the next exciting episode
57:29 in this series of presentations.


Revised 2014-12-17