24 Elders, The

Mission Accomplished!

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Pr. Stephen Bohr


Series Code: 24ELD

Program Code: 24ELD000001

00:35 Welcome! Let's bow our heads for prayer to ask for the Lord's
00:39 guidance. Our loving Father, what a privilege it is to call
00:44 You our Father. We ask that as we open Your Holy Word today,
00:50 as we begin this series on the identity of the 24 Elders
00:54 that Your Holy Spirit will be with us to instruct us.
00:58 Help us to understand this very complex subject
01:01 and how it applies to our own personal walk with Jesus.
01:05 We thank You for Your presence and for hearing our prayer
01:09 for we ask it in Jesus' name. Amen.
01:15 The title of our study today is Mission Accomplished,
01:20 and I'd like to begin our study by going to John, Chapter 1
01:24 and verses 1 to 3. John 1:1-3.
01:28 These verses are so well known that probably most of you could
01:32 repeat them from memory.
01:34 There's one particular point that I want to underline
01:37 in these three verses.
01:39 There the beloved disciple wrote this: In the beginning was the
01:44 Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
01:50 He was in the beginning with God.
01:53 And now comes the point that I want to underline.
01:56 All things were made through him; and without him nothing
02:03 was made that was made.
02:05 This text tells us that Jesus was the Creator of everything.
02:10 In other words, Jesus is responsible for our existence.
02:15 Now we need to understand that Jesus is not responsible for our
02:19 sin, but Jesus is responsible for our existence because we did
02:23 not ask to exist. He was the one who created us,
02:27 and He is responsible over the fact that we exist.
02:31 Now you might be saying, Well that's kind of unjust.
02:35 I'm born into this world.
02:36 I did not choose to be born into this world.
02:39 And so that's not fair.
02:42 Well, it wouldn't be fair unless Jesus had given us a chance
02:47 to escape the sin as it exists in this world.
02:52 In other words, if Jesus had created us and simply said,
02:56 Well, you fell into sin.
02:57 There's nothing I can do for you.
02:59 We would have problems with that because we didn't choose
03:01 to fall into that condition.
03:03 But as long as Jesus has given us a way of escape,
03:07 He is not responsible for us being lost.
03:11 In other words, we don't choose to come into this world,
03:14 but we can choose how we will go out of this world.
03:17 He has given us a way of escape.
03:19 And so this text tells us that Jesus created everyone.
03:24 Now when I say this, there's always people who say,
03:27 Well, you know, I wasn't created by Jesus.
03:29 I was born from my mother.
03:31 And so I say, Okay, you were born from your mother,
03:34 and who was your mother born from?
03:35 Well, she was born from her mother.
03:37 And who was her mother born from?
03:40 Well, she was born from her mother.
03:41 Now if you go all the way back to the beginning,
03:43 where does the sequence end?
03:46 It ends with Adam and Eve.
03:48 When Jesus created Adam and Eve He created every single human
03:54 being that descended from them.
03:56 In other words, Jesus is responsible for our existence.
03:59 Jesus created everyone on planet Earth.
04:03 Now when Jesus created this world He created Adam and Eve,
04:08 and He placed Adam as the king over this realm or over this
04:14 territory. I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles
04:18 with me to Psalm 8 verses 3 to 5. Psalm 8:3-5.
04:24 We're going to talk about the original individual that God
04:27 established on this earth to rule over the earth.
04:31 It says in Psalm 8 Verse 3:
04:48 It's speaking about the creation of Adam.
04:57 Now who is it that uses crowns?
05:00 Kings use crowns. So Adam was created to be a what?
05:05 a king. His position was the position of king or ruler.
05:10 And so it says: for you have made him a little lower than
05:12 the angels, you have crowned him with glory and honor.
05:16 You have made him to have dominion over the works of your
05:21 hands. Now every king has a realm over which he rules,
05:26 right? And so Adam was created to be king.
05:29 He must have had a territory over which he should rule,
05:33 or a realm over which he should rule.
05:36 What was that realm? Verse 6 once again:
05:46 That expression, under his feet, means that you have placed
05:48 him as a ruler. Now what was under his feet?
06:03 7 Now when the Bible uses the expression, beasts of the field,
06:06 birds of the air, and fish of the waters, it means everything
06:11 connected with planet Earth: sky, earth, and waters.
06:15 In other words, Adam was created to occupy the position of king
06:21 and his realm, or his territory over which he ruled was planet
06:26 Earth. But in order for Adam to continue ruling over planet
06:31 Earth, he had to render perfect obedience to God's holy law.
06:36 In other words, he could not deviate from God's law in the
06:41 minutest detail. You see, the law of God requires absolute
06:47 sinless perfection. The law says offer me sinless perfection
06:52 and you will live forever.
06:54 Unfortunately, the Bible tells us that Adam and Eve chose
06:59 to sin. And when they sinned another individual took over
07:06 the position of Adam as king, and took over the territory
07:10 over which he ruled. Notice Luke chapter 4 and verses 5-7.
07:15 Luke 4:5-7. This is speaking about the moment when the devil
07:21 took Jesus up unto a high mountain to tempt Him,
07:26 and you'll notice what the devil says to Christ.
07:29 Luke 4 verses 5 thru 7:
07:39 Did you notice that the devil is showing Him the realm?
07:42 Showing Him the kingdoms of the world.
07:45 Now notice what it continues saying.
07:47 He shows them all of the kingdoms of the world
07:49 in a moment of time, and verse 6 states:
07:59 What does authority imply?
08:02 That's talking about the fact that the devil is saying,
08:04 I am the ruler. I'm the one who governs over the kingdoms
08:09 of the world. So do you notice the two aspects?
08:12 Adam was created to be king, and the realm of his dominion
08:15 was the planet Earth.
08:18 In Luke chapter 4 the devil is saying, Look I have the kingdoms
08:23 of the world; that's the realm.
08:24 And he says, I have the authority over those kingdoms.
08:28 In other words, I rule as king over those kingdoms.
08:31 And then the devil says:
08:43 Who gave the position of king and the territory into the hands
08:48 of his enemy? It was Adam.
08:50 And so the devil is saying, the kingdom and the realm
08:55 of dominion has been given into my hands.
08:59 I am now the king and this is my realm of dominion.
09:04 Now the Bible tells us that everyone who descended from
09:09 Adam is also a sinner.
09:13 In other words there's no one on planet Earth that can offer
09:18 the law the sinless perfection that the laws requires.
09:21 And so because the Bible says that all have sinned
09:25 and come short of the glory of God, all of us are slaves,
09:29 and all of us have lost our territory,
09:32 our position of dominion.
09:33 So the question is, how could man recover the lost throne,
09:40 or the dominion, and recover the lost territory over which
09:46 Adam was placed to rule originally.
09:48 The answer to this question is found in the laws of redemption
09:54 in the Old Testament.
09:55 I'd like to invite you to turn in your Bibles to
09:57 Leviticus chapter 25 and verse 25, and then we will also read
10:02 verses 47 to 49. In Israel every Israelite was given a plot
10:07 of land over which they were sovereign rulers.
10:11 But what would happen if an individual sold that plot
10:17 of land? Could that plot of land, or that territory,
10:20 be recovered in some way?
10:22 And what if an individual sold himself, from being lord over
10:26 his dominion, he sold himself into slavery,
10:30 could he be delivered from his position of slavery,
10:34 and once again be placed as ruler over his domain?
10:38 The answer is yes, but there was a specific prescription
10:42 that needed to take place.
10:43 Leviticus 25 and verse 25 tells us what would happen if an
10:48 individual sold his possession, that is his territory. It says:
11:02 the word redeeming there means to buy back by paying a price.
11:06 That's what the Hebrew word means.
11:07 And so if his redeeming relative comes to redeem it,
11:14 then he may redeem what his brother sold.
11:19 Who was supposed to be the redeemer?
11:21 It was supposed to be a relative or a brother according to this.
11:27 So could a brother or a relative pay the price to buy back
11:32 the possession that had been sold?
11:34 Absolutely! Now what would happen if an individual sold
11:38 himself into servant hood, or into slavery?
11:41 Could he once again be emancipated so that he could
11:45 occupy his position as ruler over his territory?
11:48 The answer is yes.
11:50 Go with me to Leviticus 25 and verses 47 to 49.
12:15 See, he sold himself into servant hood. It says:
12:21 He may be what? redeemed.
12:23 That word goel in the old testament means to buy something
12:27 back by paying the price that is required to buy it back.
12:31 So verse 48 says:
12:36 Who could redeem him?
12:57 Of course, he couldn't redeem himself because he had sold
12:59 himself into slavery. That's a hypothetical statement.
13:02 But it's interesting to notice that if an individual sold
13:06 himself the only way in which he could recover his lordship,
13:10 so to speak, was if a next of kin, a close relative,
13:14 would pay the price to buy back his freedom,
13:18 or to buy back the territory which he had sold.
13:21 The problem is with regards to the redemption
13:25 of the position that Adam lost.
13:29 There was no one in the human race that could recover
13:32 the throne that Adam lost, because we all became servants
13:35 because we all sold ourselves to sin.
13:37 There was no one within the human race that could recover
13:41 the lost possession, the lost territory, because all of us
13:45 sold our patrimony by being sinners.
13:47 You see, the Apostle Paul tells us in:
13:55 And in verse 23 he says,
14:00 So the human race was in a very tough predicament because
14:04 there was no one within humanity who could redeem what had been
14:09 lost. There was no next of kin that could pay the price to buy
14:14 back the position of sovereignty and to buy back the territory
14:18 that had been sold.
14:21 This is the reason why Jesus Christ came to this earth.
14:24 Let me ask you, was Jesus our next of kin before He became
14:31 incarnate? Was Jesus a member of our family before His
14:35 incarnation? No, He wasn't a member of our family.
14:39 Whose family did He belong to?
14:41 He belonged to the family of the Godhead, right?
14:45 the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
14:47 He was a member of a different family.
14:49 So could Jesus apply the laws of redemption when He was a
14:52 member of a different family, and He was not our next of kin?
14:55 Absolutely not! What needed to happen in order for Jesus
15:00 to be able to fulfill the laws of redemption?
15:03 He had to become our brother, or He had to become our next
15:07 of kin. Are you understanding me?
15:09 And so Jesus gathered all of the angelic host,
15:13 all of the heavenly beings together, and He said,
15:17 Folks I am going to leave for planet Earth.
15:21 And I am going to face Goliath in place of all of those slaves
15:28 down there who have lost their patrimony.
15:31 I am going to fight with the enemy down there.
15:34 But in order to do it I have to become one of them.
15:39 I have to join their family.
15:40 And so we're told in John chapter 1 and verse 14,
15:45 And the Word became flesh and dwelt us, (and we beheld his
15:51 glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,)
15:55 full of grace and truth.
15:57 You see, Jesus, by His incarnation became our
16:01 next of kin. He became our brother, and therefore He could
16:06 pay the price to buy back the lost possession, and to buy back
16:11 our rulership, or our sovereignty.
16:13 Are you following me or not?
16:15 And so Jesus says to the heavenly beings gathered there,
16:19 He says, I'm leaving. I'm going to be gone for 33 years.
16:23 And during those 33 years in human flesh, being next of kin
16:28 to those people down there who have lost their possession,
16:31 and they have lost their position, I am going to do
16:34 battle with the enemy in their place.
16:36 And I assure you, He says to the heavenly beings, that 33 years
16:41 from now, I will be back, and I will be a victorious
16:46 war hero. So you'd better start preparing the party.
16:49 And then Jesus, by a mystery that we can never understand,
16:53 was implanted in the womb of Mary,
16:57 and He became our next of kin.
17:01 He became our brother.
17:03 Now, you know, it's interesting to notice that Jesus actually
17:06 belonged to two families.
17:08 Take, for example, David.
17:11 In Revelation 22 and verse 16 we're told that Jesus is:
17:19 Now that's interesting!
17:21 He, in other words, He is the creator of David,
17:24 and He is also the son of David.
17:26 He's the root and offspring of David.
17:28 The Bible also tells us that Jesus is the father of Abraham
17:33 and He is the son of Abraham.
17:35 We're told in Matthew chapter 1 that Jesus was the seed
17:39 of Abraham. But Jesus in John chapter 8 told the Jews that
17:42 were gathered there, Verily, verily, I say unto you,
17:45 Before Abraham was, I am.
17:48 In other words, Jesus is Abraham's father,
17:52 and He is Abraham's son.
17:54 And you say, that's absurd.
17:56 An individual cannot be his father's son, and his son's son.
17:59 It's impossible! But Jesus actually was father
18:07 of Abraham, and He was also son of Abraham.
18:10 He was father of David, and He was also the son of David.
18:14 The father of Abraham and David as God,
18:17 and the son of Abraham and David as man.
18:21 Jesus became flesh of our flesh and bone of our bones.
18:25 And Jesus had two things that He needed to fulfill
18:29 in His mission. You see, the law of God demands absolute
18:34 sinless perfection. No one in the human race can offer the law
18:38 what the law requires, and therefore the law says,
18:41 if you don't offer me the perfection that I require,
18:44 you must die. So what did Jesus come to this earth for?
18:50 He came to do two things.
18:52 1. He came to live the perfect life that the law requires
18:57 in my place. And then at the end of a perfect life,
19:03 which He lived in our place, Jesus took all of our sins upon
19:08 Himself, and He was punished for our sins.
19:11 He suffered the death penalty that we should suffer.
19:14 In other words, Jesus had to come to live the life that the
19:18 law requires from us.
19:20 And He came to die the death that the law requires from us
19:23 as sinners. He came to live a perfect life,
19:27 and He came to die in our place.
19:29 He lived for us, and He died for us.
19:32 Do you know that this is illustrated in the sanctuary
19:36 service? Notice Exodus chapter 12 and verses 5 and 6.
19:40 You know, usually when we start the study of the sanctuary,
19:43 we usually begin in the court where the alter of sacrifice is.
19:47 That's not the proper place to begin the study of the
19:50 sanctuary. The proper place to begin the study of the
19:53 sanctuary is in the camp where the sinners live.
19:57 You see, before Jesus went to the cross, which is illustrated
20:01 by the altar, the Lord Jesus came and lived in our midst.
20:05 He lived a perfect life.
20:08 He was tempted in all things such as we are,
20:10 yet He did not sin.
20:12 You see, in the sanctuary these two roles of Christ,
20:15 His perfect life, and His death for sin, are illustrated
20:18 by the lamb. Now you know the lamb was sacrificed,
20:22 but before the lamb was sacrificed they had to be
20:25 absolutely certain that the lamb did not have any what? any
20:29 blemish or any defect.
20:31 In other words, the fact that the lamb didn't have any blemish
20:34 or defect represents the perfect life of Christ,
20:37 whereas the sacrifice of the lamb represents the death
20:41 of Christ. Two functions, one in the camp where He lived His
20:45 perfect life in our midst, and then the altar of sacrifice
20:49 where He suffered death in our place.
20:52 Notice Exodus chapter 12 and verses 5 and 6 where this is
20:56 brought out clearly.
20:57 Speaking about the Passover lamb it says:
21:20 Do you notice two things regarding the lamb?
21:21 First of all they had to be sure that it had no blemish;
21:25 that's the perfect life of Christ.
21:27 And then secondly, they had to slay the lamb
21:30 that had no blemish.
21:32 Perfect life of Christ and His death for sin in our place.
21:36 Now this is also spoken of in 1 Peter chapter 1
21:40 and verses 18 thru 20. 1 Peter chapter 1 verses 18 thru 20.
21:45 Here the Apostle Peter says:
21:50 Notice the word redeemed that we studied before.
22:11 There you have His death. There you have His perfect life.
22:21 So my question is, what was the function of Jesus in taking upon
22:26 Himself human flesh?
22:28 Jesus came to this world to live a perfect life in obedience
22:34 to the law in our place.
22:36 He came to this world to bear our sins and to die
22:40 in our place. He came to live for all, and He came to die
22:46 for all. And He could do that because He was the Creator
22:50 of all. Only He who created all could offer Himself to take
22:55 the place of all. Are you following me or not?
22:58 And so Jesus bid farewell to heaven.
23:01 He says I'm going to go down there for 33 years.
23:04 I'm going to live a perfect life.
23:06 I'm never going to disobey the law.
23:08 And then even though I'm a perfect lamb, at the end of my
23:12 life I'm going to be killed because I'm going to be
23:15 bearing the sins of the world.
23:17 I'm going to offer my life a ransom for many.
23:21 Now do you think that the devil knew why Jesus had come,
23:26 and who He was? Oh, yes he did!
23:29 Turn in your Bibles to Mark chapter 1 verses 23 and 24.
23:33 The demons knew who He was and why He had come.
23:37 They knew that He had come to destroy them and to restore
23:40 Adam to his original position of rulership,
23:43 and to the territory which he had lost.
23:46 It says there in Mark 1: 23 and 24,
23:49 Jesus is in the synagogue on a Sabbath.
24:04 And now notice! Did You come to what? to destroy us?
24:10 Did they know why He had come?
24:11 Oh yes! Did they know who He was? Let's continue reading.
24:23 Now if the mission of Christ was to come and live a perfect life
24:27 in our place, and to offer His life as a sacrifice for sin
24:32 in our place, what do you suppose the devil's mission was?
24:36 Well, it's very simple.
24:38 The devil's mission was simply to keep Jesus from living
24:42 His perfect life, and to keep Jesus from offering His life
24:47 as a sacrifice for sin.
24:48 In other words, the devil's mission was to keep Jesus
24:52 from doing what He came to do, which was to live His perfect
24:55 life and to die for sin.
24:58 And so the devil 24/7365 was after Christ
25:05 To try and keep Him from living a perfect life.
25:08 Trying to get Him to sin, and trying to keep Him from offering
25:13 His life as a sacrifice for sin.
25:15 And the devil used four methods to try and prevent Jesus from
25:21 being successful in His mission.
25:22 The first method that the devil used was to try to kill Jesus
25:28 Christ before He reached the point where He was supposed
25:31 to offer His own life as a ransom for men.
25:35 You see, if the devil had killed Jesus before the hour of Jesus
25:39 had arrived, that would not count as a sacrifice for sin,
25:42 because it was not acceptable if His life was taken.
25:47 He had to offer His life.
25:49 So the devil says, if I can kill Him before He offers His life,
25:53 then the plan of salvation will not be successful.
25:56 That's why constantly in the gospel of John we find
25:59 the expression, they could not lay hands on Him because
26:03 His hour had not yet come.
26:05 His time had not yet come.
26:07 They could do nothing to Him as long as the moment for Him to
26:12 offer His life had not come.
26:14 Did the devil attempt to kill Christ on several occasions?
26:17 Yes, he did. When was the first occasion?
26:21 When He was born!
26:23 The devil says, I'm going to nip this in the bud.
26:27 I'm going to get rid of Him when He is born.
26:29 Notice Revelation chapter 12 and verses 3 and 4.
26:32 Revelation 12 verses 3 and 4.
26:54 Now, of course, we know the way in which that occurred.
26:57 The devil influenced King Herod to kill all of the male children
27:02 in the hopes of killing the rival to his throne,
27:06 which the devil is really saying to Herod, You know if
27:09 you let Him live He's going to take your throne,
27:11 but the devil is thinking, If I let Him live He's going to
27:14 take my throne. And so we find the devil attempting to kill
27:18 Christ from the moment of His birth.
27:20 Another time there was a storm on a lake.
27:23 It was a storm out of season.
27:25 The fishermen were out on the lake.
27:27 It was not expected that there would be a storm.
27:30 And there was this horrific storm, and Jesus was sleeping
27:33 in the boat. Who do you suppose knew that Jesus
27:36 was sleeping in the boat?
27:37 Who causes storms? Satan causes storms.
27:40 He says, I'm going to drown this man.
27:43 On another occasion Jesus was preaching in the synagogue
27:47 in Nazareth. This is found in Luke chapter 4 verses 28 to 30.
27:51 And Jesus said some things that the Jews didn't like,
27:53 like, you know, in the times of Elijah,
27:56 and in the times of Naaman the Syrian, God favored the Gentiles
28:01 instead of the Jews, and they were really angry at Jesus.
28:04 And so the Bible tells us that they pushed Jesus outside
28:07 the city and they were going to throw Him over a cliff.
28:10 Ellen White tells us in Desire of Ages that there were demons
28:14 disguised as men there, egging on the group of individuals,
28:20 the multitude to throw Jesus over the cliff.
28:23 The devil was trying to kill Christ.
28:25 On several occasions during the ministry of Jesus they picked up
28:29 stones to try and stone Christ.
28:31 The Bible says that He would walk in their midst
28:33 and they could not find Him.
28:35 So the devil says, I need to kill Him before the moment
28:39 comes for Him to offer His life voluntarily for sin.
28:44 It didn't work. The devil used a second method to try and get
28:48 Jesus to fail in His ministry.
28:50 The devil tried to infect Jesus with the virus of sin.
28:55 Three times on the Mount of Temptation the devil tried
28:58 to get Jesus to sin.
29:00 And each time the Lord Jesus responded by saying,
29:03 It is written. I live by what God says in His Word,
29:08 and in His law. Man shall not live by bread alone,
29:11 but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.
29:14 In other words, Jesus refused on the Mount of Temptation
29:18 to allow Himself to be infected with the virus of sin,
29:21 because if He had He would have been an imperfect sacrifice,
29:24 and His sacrifice would not have been accepted.
29:27 In Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 15 we're told about the perfect
29:33 sinlessness of Christ. It says there:
29:47 He was perfectly sinless.
29:50 He did not allow the devil to infect Him with the virus
29:52 of sin because He had to be a perfect lamb,
29:55 a perfect sacrifice. Hebrews chapter 7 and verse 26
30:00 speaks also about the perfect sinlessness of Christ. It says:
30:13 Notice the terminology: holy, harmless, undefiled,
30:17 and separate from sinners.
30:19 In John chapter 8 Jesus was speaking to a group of Jews
30:22 and He threw out this question in John 8 verse 46
30:27 where He said, which of you convicts Me of sin?
30:30 In other words, Who of you can convince Me that I am a sinner?
30:34 And, of course, as a rhetorical question, nobody could say
30:37 that He was a sinner.
30:38 In 1 John chapter 3 and verse 5, once again we have a
30:42 description of the perfect sinlessness of the life
30:45 of Christ. It says there:
30:56 One final verse on the perfect sinlessness of Christ,
30:59 1 Peter chapter 2 and verses 21 and 22.
31:03 Here Peter says, inspired by God's Spirit:
31:23 Jesus committed no what?
31:25 Jesus committed no sin.
31:28 Jesus came to live the life that the law requires from us.
31:33 He came to live a perfect life.
31:34 The devil says, I'm not going to allow Him to do it!
31:37 So the devil was after Him 24/7 365, but each time Jesus refused
31:43 to allow the devil to infect Him with the virus of sin.
31:47 He lived His perfect life.
31:48 The devil could not kill Him, and the devil could not
31:51 infect Him, so the devil says, what I'm going to do is this,
31:55 distract Him from the cross.
31:57 I'm going to distract Him and lead Him to choose a different
32:00 path, or a different way of getting the throne back.
32:03 So the third method of the devil is to distract Him from having
32:08 to live and die in place of man, offering Him an easy way.
32:13 And, of course, the easier way is to offer Jesus the throne
32:18 without Jesus having to suffer and to die.
32:21 Now let me ask you, did the devil on repeated occasions
32:25 try to get Jesus to take a detour, a different way
32:30 of getting the throne of the world back?
32:32 Yes, on the Mount of Temptation the devil says, Look, here's all
32:37 the kingdoms of the world, and all the authority.
32:39 I have those because Adam gave them to me.
32:42 He says, You don't have to go to Jerusalem and suffer and die.
32:46 No, no, no! All You have to do is bow down and worship me
32:49 for an instant and You will be the king without any suffering,
32:53 and without any agony.
32:54 Jesus says, no way!
32:57 That's not the way!
32:58 The way of the cross leads home.
33:01 In John chapter 6 and verse 15 Jesus had just fed 5,000 people
33:06 with 5 loaves and 2 fishes, and the Bible tells us that the
33:10 people were so impressed that they wanted to make Jesus
33:13 a temporal king. And, by the way, the ring leader was Judas
33:17 Iscariot. Constantly the disciples wanted Jesus to take
33:21 the throne. Now Jesus had the window thrown back,
33:24 but not in that way!
33:26 The devil tried to distract Him getting Him to choose a
33:29 different path. In John 6 and verse 15
33:32 after feeding the 5,000, we're told this:
33:46 Six months before His death Jesus asked His disciples,
33:50 Who are men saying that I am?
33:52 And the disciples say, Well, some people say that you're
33:55 Jeremiah, some say that you're Elijah, others say that you're
33:59 one of the prophets.
34:00 And then Jesus said, Who do you say that I am?
34:02 And Peter, who appeared to be the spokesman for the disciples
34:05 said, Oh, You are the Christ, which means the Messiah.
34:08 You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.
34:11 Jesus now says to Peter, Peter, well said.
34:15 Flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but My Father
34:18 in heaven did, because Peter didn't even know what He was
34:20 confessing. You say, how do we know that
34:22 he didn't know what he was saying?
34:24 Yeah, he knew that Jesus was the Messiah, but he had wrong in his
34:27 mind about the kind of Messiah.
34:29 In fact, Jesus immediately afterwards,
34:32 in Matthew chapter 16, and verses 22 and 23,
34:35 Jesus says, I must go to Jerusalem.
34:38 I must suffer. I'm going to be killed, and I will resurrect
34:41 the third day. And when Jesus says that Peter is indignant.
34:44 Notice the story in Matthew 16: 22 and 23.
34:51 Imagine Peter rebuking the Master.
35:00 Whose emissary was Peter at that point?
35:02 Who was trying to say to Jesus, Naw, You don't die!
35:06 Messiah rules! Notice verse 23:
35:14 Wow! He wasn't talking to Peter, He was talking to whom?
35:19 To the devil who was using Peter.
35:29 Now after Peter's confession the disciples began their journey
35:34 with Christ towards Jerusalem.
35:35 This was Christ's last journey to Jerusalem, and the disciples
35:38 are disturbed because Jesus has said He's going to Jerusalem
35:42 to suffer and to die.
35:43 They kinda didn't hear that He said that He would resurrect
35:46 the third day because they were so focused on His sufferings
35:49 than on His death. And so for six days the Bible tells us that
35:52 they're walking behind Jesus, and they're sad.
35:55 And, you know, they say, we're going to Jerusalem.
35:58 He said he's going to be killed.
35:59 He's going to die there!
36:00 And six days later Jesus knows that they're terribly
36:03 discouraged, and so He takes three of His disciples up to the
36:07 Mount of Transfiguration.
36:09 The Bible says that He is transfigured in their presence.
36:12 He looked like He will look at His Second Coming.
36:15 In other words, He was trying to tell them, Hey, after the
36:18 suffering comes the glory.
36:19 As a result of what I'm gong to do in Jerusalem,
36:22 I will be glorified someday, and I will come again.
36:26 Not as the suffering servant, but as the King of Kings,
36:30 and Lord of Lords.
36:31 And Moses and Elijah appeared speaking to Christ
36:35 on the mountain, and encouraging Jesus.
36:37 And then when this scene ends Peter still didn't get it.
36:42 Peter knew that they were on their way to Jerusalem.
36:45 He says, Lord, it is good for us to stay here.
36:49 Let's not go to Jerusalem.
36:51 It's good to stay here.
36:52 Let's build three tabernacles, and just stay here.
36:56 It is a temptation to stay.
36:58 You'll remember that towards the end of the life of Christ,
37:01 during the last week of His life, some Greeks came
37:04 for an interview to speak with Jesus.
37:06 See, they wanted Jesus to go to Greece to speak the beautiful
37:10 things that He had spoken and to perform His marvelous signs.
37:13 And so they come to Jesus for an interview, and they talked to
37:17 Philip, and Philip talks to Andrew.
37:18 And when they say to Jesus, The Greeks want to speak to you,
37:22 Jesus said something that is very strange.
37:24 Let's read about this in John 12 verses 20 to 24.
37:46 And now notice the strange answer of Jesus.
37:55 In other words, the hour for Me is not to go to Greece,
37:58 the hour is now to be glorified, to die, and to resurrect,
38:02 and to be exalted. Then He says this:
38:17 What He's saying is, if I go to Greece now people will believe
38:20 but they can't be saved, because in order to be saved
38:24 there has to be a perfect life, and a death for sin
38:27 in their place. And so they'll hear my beautiful words,
38:31 and they will be healed by my marvelous works,
38:34 but they won't be saved!
38:36 He says, the only way in which they can truly be saved is if
38:40 a seed of wheat, or a grain of wheat falls into the earth,
38:44 , and dies, it then germinates.
38:48 It becomes a plant, and it produces much fruit.
38:51 Jesus says, if I die and I am buried, I will sprout to new
38:56 life, and then there will be many people saved
38:59 in the kingdom. The devil was trying to distract Jesus
39:03 from going to the cross, to go to Greece to preach the gospel.
39:07 He was even using something positive to try and distract
39:10 Jesus from the way of the cross, even when Judas
39:14 betrayed Jesus Christ.
39:15 You know, some people think that Judas betrayed Christ because
39:19 he wanted Christ to be crucified.
39:21 No, no, no, no! That's not what the gospels say.
39:24 Judas betrayed Christ because he wanted to put Jesus
39:28 between a rock and a hard place.
39:30 He wanted to pressure Jesus into retaliating against those
39:35 who arrested Him, and to proclaim Himself king.
39:39 He wanted to pressure Jesus into taking over the kingdom.
39:42 You way, How do we know that?
39:44 Hey, if it was the intention of Judas that Jesus be crucified,
39:49 he wouldn't have committed suicide. When he saw that Jesus
39:51 was being crucified, he would have said, Hey, my plan worked
39:54 perfectly. But what happened when he saw that Jesus did not
39:57 escape, and did not proclaim Himself king?
40:00 The Bible says that he went and he threw the money.
40:02 You see money meant nothing for this covetous man anymore.
40:06 He threw the money there in front of the Priest
40:08 and he said, I have betrayed innocent blood.
40:11 And the Bible says that he went and he committed suicide.
40:15 You see, once again the devil was using, in fact the Bible
40:18 says that the devil entered Judas.
40:20 That's what the Bible says!
40:21 And through Judas the devil was trying to pressure Jesus
40:25 into taking the throne in a different way than living
40:29 a perfect life and dying for sin.
40:31 The devil used a fourth method, and this was the most terrible
40:36 method of all, the most trying for Jesus Christ.
40:40 Basically the fourth method was to discourage Jesus
40:44 in such a way that He would pick up, and that He would leave
40:48 to where He was loved in heaven.
40:50 Do you know that Jesus at any point during His ministry
40:53 could have chosen to go back to heaven and allow the human race
40:58 to perish? And the devil, especially at the end of the
41:01 life of Christ, tried to discourage Jesus in such a way
41:05 that Jesus would simply say, It's not worth staying here.
41:10 I'm going back to heaven where I am loved.
41:13 Let's notice several verses in the final days,
41:17 in the final hours, of the life of Christ.
41:19 Matthew 26 and verse 38. Jesus speaks to His disciples
41:25 when He goes to the Garden of Gethsemane and He says,
41:36 Notice Jesus is filled with sorrow as He goes to
41:39 the Garden of Gethsemane.
41:40 And then in chapter 26 and verses 39, 42, and 44
41:46 Jesus three times begs the Father that if it's possible
41:50 the cup might be taken from Him.
41:52 Notice Matthew chapter 26 and verse 39. It says:
42:32 Let me ask you, what was it that was contained in that cup
42:37 that Jesus had to drink?
42:39 Folks, it was the wrath of His Father!
42:43 That word cup that is used there is the same word that is used
42:47 in Revelation 16 where it speaks about the bowls of God's wrath
42:52 being poured out upon the earth.
42:54 The word bowl in Revelation 16 is the same word cup here.
42:59 Jesus was going to drink the wine of the wrath of God
43:03 because He was bearing the sins of the whole world upon Himself.
43:07 Who gave Him that cup?
43:09 His Father gave Him that cup.
43:12 Notice John chapter 18 and verse 11,
43:15 John chapter 18 and verse 11.
43:23 This is when he cut off the ear of the
43:25 servant of the High Priest.
43:36 Why would the Father give Jesus the cup of His wrath?
43:39 It's because Jesus was carrying upon Himself the sins
43:44 of the whole world; the punishment for sin.
43:47 He had lived the perfect life, and the devil is saying to Jesus
43:51 If You go through with this You will never see Your Father's
43:54 face ever again. You'd better leave while You can.
43:58 In fact, Hebrews chapter 5 and verse 7 describes the agony
44:04 of Jesus in the Garden o Gethsemane.
44:06 The devil was torturing the heart of Jesus with his
44:09 temptations, according to The Desire of Ages, telling Him
44:12 listen, leave now while You can or else You are going to be
44:16 lost and everyone else is going to be lost.
44:19 And Jesus, you know, He wanted the encouragement of His
44:21 disciples. He says, pray, pray for Me, and three times He finds
44:26 them sleeping. And the devil is saying to Jesus,
44:29 Oh, Your disciples sure love You a lot, don't they?
44:31 They're sleeping while You are agonizing; trying to discourage
44:36 Christ. It says in Hebrews chapter 5 and verse 7,
44:39 speaking about the suffering of Jesus in Gethsemane,
44:58 Notice the expressions: prayers, supplications, cries,
45:02 and tears He's raising up to His Father.
45:05 In fact His agony was so great that instead of sweating sweat,
45:09 the Bible says that He sweated blood.
45:12 Luke chapter 22 and verse 44 says:
45:26 Ellen White in The Desire of Ages, page 753, expresses the
45:30 the agony, and let me interject before I read that statement
45:33 something very important, Jesus did not die from His wounds.
45:37 Do you know that Ellen White tells us that Jesus would have
45:43 died in the Garden of Gethsemane before one finger was placed
45:48 on Him if it hadn't been for an angel that was sent
45:50 to strengthen Him. That's before anything happened
45:54 to Jesus. Before one finger was placed on Him, she says,
45:57 He fell dying to the ground, and an angel was sent
46:01 to revive Him so that He would not die.
46:03 Jesus did not die because of His wounds,
46:06 Jesus died because of the weight of the sin of the whole world
46:10 that He was bearing upon Himself after living His perfect life.
46:13 Ellen White says:
46:41 Imagine that! The devil is saying the
46:44 separation is going to be eternal. Then she says:
47:07 And do you know something folks?
47:08 Jesus said to His disciples, He said to Peter after he cut off
47:12 the ear, He said, Put away that sword. Don't you know
47:17 that if I wanted to I could call right now 12 legions of angels,
47:21 and they would deliver Me?
47:22 In other words Jesus is saying, I could leave right now
47:25 if I wanted to. I don't have to go through with this.
47:28 Imagine the devil says to Jesus, Huh, Your disciples really care
47:32 for You, don't they? One of them betrayed You.
47:35 The other one denied You.
47:38 And all of the rest of them scampered away.
47:42 And they slept when You asked them to pray for You.
47:45 Hey, not even Your disciples are going to be saved,
47:48 much less the human race.
47:51 Pick up and leave while You can.
47:53 The Bible tells us that Jesus was beaten, and He was punched.
47:59 They spit in His face. The purpose of the devil is to
48:03 either get Jesus to leave, and to go where He's appreciated,
48:07 or else for Jesus to retaliate,
48:09 and in this way sin and ruin the plan of salvation.
48:13 We're told in Mark chapter 14, and verse 65:
48:28 In Mark chapter 15, verses 16 thru 20, we find how Jesus
48:32 was treated. The devil is causing this because He wants
48:35 Jesus either to retaliate or He wants Jesus to leave.
48:39 It says there in Mark chapter 15, verse 16:
49:15 Do you know that even while Jesus hung on the cross,
49:18 the devil tried to entice Him to come down from the cross?
49:22 There were individuals gathered at the foot of the cross
49:26 that actually said to Jesus, If you're really the Son of God,
49:30 come down and prove it.
49:32 They were breathing the words of the devil.
49:35 Notice Matthew 27, verses 41 to 43:
50:01 But Jesus would not be discouraged.
50:04 He was going to go to the tomb even if it meant
50:07 eternal separation from His Father.
50:09 That's how much Jesus loves us!
50:12 In John 8 and verse 29, Jesus explained that His Father was
50:18 always with Him. In fact it says there, Jesus is speaking:
50:32 So Jesus says the Father is always with Me.
50:35 He's never left Me alone.
50:36 But listen carefully, Matthew 27 verse 46 tells us that when
50:41 Jesus hung on the cross He could not feel the presence of His
50:44 Father. In fact He cries out, My God, My God, why have
50:49 You forsaken Me? Why hast Thou forsaken Me?
50:52 You walked with me all during My life, but now I don't feel
50:56 Your presence. Why have You forsaken Me?
50:59 And then Jesus says on the cross, It is finished!
51:05 And as we'll notice in our next lecture in this series,
51:08 Jesus was actually speaking those words to His Father.
51:12 Jesus was saying, I have lived the perfect life that the law
51:16 requires, and now I am bearing the sins of the world.
51:20 Salvation is finished! There's a perfect life,
51:23 and there's a death for sin available to every repentant
51:27 human being who comes confessing his sin, and trusting in Me.
51:32 It is finished! John 19, verse 30 says:
51:44 But, you know what? Luke tell us that Jesus said one last thing
51:48 after He said, It is finished.
51:50 This is found in Luke 23 and verse 46; Luke 23 verse 46.
51:56 Now listen folks, Jesus felt forsaken by His Father.
51:59 We just read it. He said, My God, My God, why have You
52:04 forsaken Me? He could not see beyond the portals of the tomb.
52:07 He feared that sin was so offensive to God that the
52:10 separation would be eternal.
52:11 And yet Jesus, the last words that He pronounces on the cross
52:15 are found in Luke 23 verse 46. where we are told:
52:30 Do you know what Jesus was saying?
52:31 Jesus was saying, Father You promised that if I was faithful,
52:35 that if I lived a perfect life, and that if I offered My life
52:40 as a ransom for sin that You would preserve My Spirit,
52:44 and that You would resurrect Me from the dead.
52:47 Father into Your hands I'm commending My Spirit
52:51 because You have promised that the third day You are going to
52:55 give Me my Spirit back. You are going to resurrect Me and I will
52:58 be alive again. Father, into Your hands I commend My Spirit.
53:01 So Jesus did not die a dejected and pessimistic life.
53:06 Jesus feels separated from His Father, but He says, Father,
53:10 I claim Your promise that You will return to Me My Spirit.
53:13 You will preserve My Spirit, and You will return to Me
53:17 My self identity. You will make Me who I was in life on the
53:21 third day when I resurrect from the dead.
53:27 Jesus died on what is known as Good Friday.
53:32 He rested in the tomb on the Sabbath.
53:36 Very early on the first day of the week two angels descended
53:40 from heaven. One of them removed the stone.
53:45 Ha! You know the devil was trying to keep Jesus
53:48 in the tomb. Ha, Ha! It kind of makes me snicker.
53:52 The devil thought that he could keep the Prince of Life
53:55 in a tomb with a little stone in front of the entrance
53:58 of the tomb? with a Roman guard? with his demons there, present
54:05 in front of the tomb? He actually thought that he could
54:08 keep Jesus in the tomb? And so one of the angels removes the
54:12 stone and sits upon it. The other angel stands in front of
54:16 the tomb, and with a commanding voice he says, Oh thou
54:21 Son of God, Thy Father calls thee!
54:25 Remember He had said, Father into Your hands I commend My
54:28 Spirit. Immediately out through the entrance of the tomb comes
54:34 Jesus Christ. He had removed the wrappings, and He had folded
54:39 them neatly. See He was a neat individual.
54:42 This teaches us that we should make our bed kids
54:45 in the morning. It teaches us many important lessons
54:49 that we need to be orderly.
54:50 See, He didn't say, Oh I've got to resurrect, you know,
54:53 just throw everything aside.
54:54 No, He folded everything perfectly.
54:56 And when He comes out of the tomb He says in a commanding
55:00 voice, I am the resurrection and the life!
55:04 The Roman soldiers fell like they were dead.
55:07 The demons scattered. The earth shook because the Messiah
55:12 had come forth from the grave.
55:14 Now He had a perfect life!
55:16 And He had a death for sin that He could offer to every sinner
55:20 that comes to Him repentant, confessing sin, and trusting
55:25 in Jesus Christ as Savior and as Lord.
55:29 But Jesus did not resurrect by Himself.
55:31 Our final point is that there was a group of individuals
55:35 that resurrected with Him.
55:36 Notice Matthew chapter 27 verses 51 to 53;
55:41 Matthew 27 verses 51 to 53:
56:10 There was a multitude of individuals that resurrected
56:14 with Christ, and the purpose was two-fold.
56:17 1. For 40 days to go into the city and prove that Jesus
56:24 had resurrected from the dead.
56:25 And secondly, when Jesus went to heaven 40 days after His
56:30 resurrection, Jesus took these people who resurrected with Him
56:34 as a sample to heaven of all of those that will come forth
56:40 from the grave when Jesus comes for the second time
56:43 in power and glory. In other words, by taking that small
56:47 group to heaven Jesus is saying to the devil, I'm only taking
56:51 the sample now, but when I return again I'm going to take
56:55 all of the rest of them with Me as well.
56:58 Now some people have reached the conclusion that this group
57:04 that resurrected with Christ were the 24 elders
57:08 of Revelation 4 and 5. But the question is, as we conclude
57:12 this presentation, are those who resurrected with Jesus really
57:17 the 24 elders, or are the 24 elders a different group
57:23 who play a very important role in the plan of salvation?
57:28 Don't miss the next exciting episode
57:30 when we will study this subject.


Revised 2014-12-17