Spring Camp Meeting 2017

Danny Shelton & Musical Guests

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host)


Series Code: 17SCM

Program Code: 17SCM000015A

00:14 Welcome to 3ABN's Spring Camp Meeting 2017:
00:25 Hello and welcome to our 3ABN Camp Meeting!
00:28 And we are so glad you joined us here at 3ABN studios
00:32 and in our worship center but also around the world.
00:35 Welcome! You know what I love about this?
00:38 She had no idea three seconds before this...
00:42 the intro went off I said: "You bring us in. "
00:44 And she's OK... Oh... OK! "
00:47 You did great. My daddy taught me to be a minuteman for Jesus.
00:51 You're a minutewoman for Jesus and you did great.
00:54 All right. Love you, mom and dad!
00:56 All right. We're thankful for all of you that are here tonight
00:59 and for those of you watching around the world.
01:01 How many of you have been blessed so far at Camp Meeting?
01:03 Amen! All right! Praise the Lord!
01:07 I've had a wonderful time.
01:08 I forgot I was supposed to take this out.
01:10 It'll be done in a few minutes; it's a cough drop.
01:13 So I'll pass the mic here a few moments, and then it'll be...
01:17 it'll disappear and be gone.
01:18 But we have had a wonderful time and I just praise the Lord
01:22 for each and every one of you and all of our viewers.
01:25 I'm thankful we have Dwight... Dwight Hall.
01:28 How many know Dwight with Remnant Publications?
01:31 All right. A lot of folk do.
01:33 And Dwight, you print literally millions of books.
01:37 That's correct, Danny... and not just ANY book
01:40 but books that fit the Remnant program and the footprint.
01:44 And one is a book that I think you want to share a little bit
01:48 tonight that it's starting out with a blessing of God.
01:52 I guess that's the most I can say. Amen.
01:54 Well Dwight printed at Remnant Publications the new book
01:58 Spiritual Vigilantes, and you've printed 150,000. I think you're
02:03 doing another 150,000. That's right.
02:06 And it looks like maybe you're going to be printing some more,
02:08 right? Yeah, it looks like we're going to print some more.
02:10 And you know... how this all works, just like
02:13 you asked Brenda to open this thing. Well, I get a call about
02:17 two weeks before this starts. And we got this book
02:20 and we promised Danny 10,000. Yes.
02:23 That's what we promised. Um-hmm.
02:25 But Danny... anyone who knows Danny, he's kind of relentless.
02:29 Nicely relentless.
02:31 So we brought down... We thought he'd be happy...
02:35 We brought about 19,000 down in the first load.
02:38 We brought it down ourselves: 19,000.
02:40 And I get a text midnight my time,
02:43 eleven o'clock here. And Danny texts me and says:
02:45 "Dwight, you'll never believe this but we're out of books!
02:47 Do we have any more? "
02:49 So we had our staff which - If they're watching - they did
02:53 a tremendous job! And we got another 25,000 today.
02:58 And I watched them unload those books and was thanking the Lord.
03:01 A lot of things happened - almost didn't get them -
03:03 but the Lord took care of that, we got them.
03:05 But... we're out again!
03:08 There were, yeah, 21,000 pre-orders.
03:11 When they got here there were just a few thousand left.
03:13 So for those of you that want the books
03:16 we'll be happy to make sure that you get some.
03:18 You may not get them here at Camp Meeting.
03:20 Those of you can order them here at 3ABN.
03:23 Brenda, you read the book. I did! In fact, I was just
03:25 going to say for the viewers that this is the first time
03:28 they're hearing about the book. Can you hold it up there,
03:32 Dwight? And so they get a good shot of that.
03:34 But I really want to tell you first of all that I admire you.
03:38 It took a lot of... Can I say that word? It took a lot of guts
03:41 to write this book. Can I say that on the air?
03:44 But really it did. Because I believe with all of my heart
03:46 we're living in the last days. Amen! And this is a book
03:50 that we need... As Christians we need this book
03:52 around the world. It doesn't matter. Anywhere... I travel
03:54 around the world all the time
03:57 and it doesn't matter what country I am in
03:58 I see where people are really trying to destroy God's law.
04:03 Governments are trying to destroy God's law.
04:06 Civic organizations. Even church leaders
04:09 are trying to destroy God's law.
04:11 God says: "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "
04:13 He doesn't say "just keep nine of them. "
04:16 Doesn't say "just keep eight of them or six of them. "
04:18 He says: "Keep My commandments. "
04:20 And the reason why - which you point out in this SO WELL!
04:24 You tackle some really tough subjects that most people
04:27 wouldn't because it's not politically correct to do so.
04:30 Most people would not tackle the subjects that he's tackling.
04:34 And I've gotta say I've got a lot of respect for you
04:36 for doing that. Because in this book
04:38 you are exposing what's happening and the reason
04:43 why it's happening. And the reason which you spell out
04:45 so clearly is because we as Christians
04:48 are not standing up for truth.
04:50 We are not really standing up for God's law.
04:54 By our silence we're condoning it.
04:56 And so you call upon all Christians to stand up
05:00 and be heard. And in fact there's a Bible text
05:03 that I'd like to in Mark... I think that it's 8:38,
05:08 put on the screen:
05:22 Amen! If that doesn't say it all right there...
05:25 You know, God says if we're going to be ashamed of Him
05:28 He's going to be ashamed of us.
05:30 And so I think this book calls for all Christians
05:34 to stand up for truth. We praise the Lord! And so
05:38 I feel like sometimes when you're in ministry and you see
05:42 and meet so many thousands of people
05:44 and leaders in the church and people outside the church
05:49 there's such needs. And so we just prayed and the Lord
05:52 helped us. I'll take credit for anything bad in it
05:55 but the good things - anything good - as Pastor Wintley said
05:59 yesterday - all comes from God, doesn't it?
06:01 Amen! So it's good. Anyway we only have a minute or two.
06:04 Pastor John, you did a wedding. And Yovnne and I, we got
06:07 to attend it today with some friends. Yes! Yes!
06:10 And it was on the spur... kind of a quick thing.
06:13 But some folk that play basketball were here.
06:16 We reach out to our community on a weekly basis.
06:19 A lot of guys that are not members of our church come
06:21 to the 3ABN gym/school and play basketball with us.
06:24 And we encourage them to do the right thing.
06:27 And today we are able to marry a young man and his wife,
06:31 a young man and his girlfriend. Now they're husband and wife.
06:33 And we said: "If you really want to be blessed,
06:35 you have to make this thing right before the Lord. "
06:37 And I said: "I'm not just marrying you but I want to be
06:39 your pastor, too. " So they said: "That's all right.
06:42 We need a pastor for our children and raise them. "
06:44 So praise the Lord! When we... On a weekly basis
06:47 you know, there are some people that have all these issues about
06:49 competition. We go out for exercise.
06:52 Same group of guys every week.
06:53 But we go to minister to them. Um-hmm.
06:55 And this has been a journey for them over the last few years.
06:58 We were there in the traumas of their life. They almost got
07:00 killed in a terrible car accident. We were there
07:03 by their bedside and their homes.
07:05 And so we were building a relationship. And praise God
07:07 today it came to fruition.
07:09 And now there is so much more ahead of them
07:11 if we continue to allow God to use us.
07:13 Thank the Lord. Absolutely! Yvonne?
07:15 You're having a good time at Camp Meeting? I am!
07:17 I'm always so excited when Camp Meeting comes
07:20 because I get to meet all of you.
07:22 Get to sing with everybody; get to have my spirit watered.
07:28 So it is such a blessing to be here.
07:30 All right. Dr. Murray?
07:32 We talk about a foretaste of heaven!
07:35 And what a wonderful place heaven is going to be.
07:38 Red and yellow, black and white:
07:41 all are precious in His sight. Amen!
07:44 And we get to meet our friends and it's just a wonderful
07:46 wonderful experience together. Let's change our song
07:48 for tonight. Jesus loves the little children,
07:51 all the children of the world. Do you know that?
07:52 That's a good one, C.A.
07:56 Ya'll know it? Amen! We want you to sing it with us, right?
08:02 Jesus loves the little children,
08:06 all the children of the world!
08:10 Red and yellow, black and white:
08:13 all are precious in His sight!
08:15 Jesus loves the little children of the world.
08:19 Let's go with Jesus Loves Me. You want to do that?
08:23 Do about C... hit a C chord?
08:25 Jesus loves me, this I know.
08:31 For the Bible tells me so.
08:36 Little ones to Him belong...
08:42 they are weak but He is strong.
08:47 Yes, Jesus loves me.
08:53 Yes, Jesus loves me.
08:58 Yes, Jesus loves me...
09:03 the Bible tells me so!
09:10 Amen! Praise the Lord! Thank you all so much.
09:13 It's really my privilege right now that we're going
09:16 to be able to introduce to you tonight
09:20 Lanny Wolfe and the Lanny Wolfe Trio.
09:23 They're an incredible group. Tim, you've known Lanny Wolfe
09:26 and the Trio and you've sung many, many of his songs,
09:29 haven't you? And a lot of you have sung his songs
09:32 and probably never knew it... but songs like:
09:35 Surely the Presence of the Lord is in This Place.
09:37 Anybody ever hear of that?
09:39 And how many of you have sung that song before?
09:42 Look at all the hands goin' up.
09:43 Whatever it Takes for my Will to Break...
09:45 More than Wonderful. Sandi Patty and Larnelle Harris
09:48 some years ago. All of these songs -
09:50 hundreds of songs - Lanny has literally penned
09:53 I think over 700 songs.
09:55 And it's such a privilege tonight that we've got
09:59 Lanny and Dave and Marietta, the Lanny Wolfe Trio,
10:02 that's going to be here to minister to us for a bit.
10:05 And then I think we're going to come out and help them
10:07 on a couple of songs. But Lanny, we want you to come out.
10:10 And God bless you. Let's give him a big Amen
10:14 and the trio. Lanny and Marietta, we love you guys.
10:17 All right... thank you.
10:20 All right... thank you so much.
10:28 Look at somebody and smile.
10:37 It feels so good
10:40 just bein' here again!
10:44 It feels so good
10:47 feelin' what I feel again.
10:51 There's just nothin' I like better
10:55 than God's children gettin' together...
10:58 It feels so good
11:00 just bein' here again.
11:05 It feels so good
11:07 just bein' here again!
11:11 It feels so good
11:13 feelin' what I feel again.
11:18 There's just nothin' I like better
11:21 than God's children gettin' together...
11:25 It feels so good
11:27 just bein' here again.
11:31 Oh what peace!
11:35 Oh what joy!
11:38 Oh what irreplaceable comfort I enjoy!
11:44 When God's children get together
11:48 and sing praises to the King
11:51 This feeling I just wouldn't trade
11:54 for anything.
11:57 It feels so good
11:59 just bein' here again!
12:03 It feels so good
12:06 feelin' what I feel again.
12:10 There's just nothin' I like better
12:14 than God's children gettin' together...
12:17 It feels so good
12:19 just bein' here again!
12:23 La-la-la-la
12:26 la-la-la-la-la-la! Everybody feelin' good in here?
12:30 La-la-la-la
12:32 la-la-la-la-la-la-la.
12:36 Oh, there's just nothin' I like better
12:40 than God's children gettin' together...
12:43 It feels so good
12:45 just bein' here again!
12:50 And it does!
12:58 Feels good to be with all ya'll, too!
13:06 I keep falling in love with Him
13:10 over and over and over and over again.
13:15 I keep falling in love with Him
13:18 over and over and over and over again.
13:24 He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by,
13:28 oh what a love between my Lord and I
13:32 just keep falling in love with Him
13:34 over and over and over and over again.
13:40 When I first fell in love with Jesus,
13:44 I gave Him all my heart
13:48 and I thought I couldn't love Him more
13:52 than I did right at the start.
13:55 But now I look back over the mountains
13:59 and the valleys where we've been
14:03 and it makes me know I love Him so
14:07 much more than I did then.
14:10 And I keep falling in love with Him
14:13 over and over and over and over again.
14:18 I keep falling in love with Him
14:21 over and over and over and over again.
14:26 He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by,
14:31 oh what a love between my Lord and I
14:34 just keep falling in love with Him
14:37 over and over and over and over again.
14:42 There's a hand that I hold onto
14:46 through each valley and each trial.
14:50 There's a shoulder that I lean upon
14:53 as I face another mile.
14:57 And there's a love that I can depend on.
15:01 It's fresh and new each day!
15:04 And with love my heart is overflowing...
15:09 that is why I say:
15:11 Hold! Ladies, we're not talking about saying this to your
15:15 husband. This is about us talking to God.
15:20 And I keep falling in love with Him
15:23 over and over and over and over again.
15:28 I keep falling in love with Him
15:31 over and over and over and over again.
15:36 He gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by,
15:41 oh what a love between my Lord and I
15:44 just keep falling in love with Him
15:47 over and over and over and over again.
15:55 About 35 years ago the Lord gave me this song:
15:58 In the midst of His children
16:03 the Lord said He would be.
16:08 It doesn't take very many...
16:13 it can be just two or three.
16:18 And I feel that same sweet Spirit -
16:23 thank you, Lord - that I felt those times before.
16:29 Oh surely I can say - hallelujah!
16:35 I have been with the Lord. Would you sing this with us?
16:41 For surely the presence
16:46 of the Lord is in this place.
16:51 I can feel His mighty power
16:56 and His grace!
17:01 I can hear the brush of angels' wings;
17:06 I see glory on each face.
17:12 Surely the presence
17:16 of the Lord is in this place.
17:24 There's a holy hush around us
17:29 as God's glory fills this place.
17:34 I've touched the hem of His garment;
17:39 oh and I can almost see His face!
17:45 And my heart is overflowing
17:50 with the fullness of His joy.
17:56 I know without a doubt
18:01 that we have been with our Lord!
18:07 For surely the presence
18:12 of the Lord is in this place.
18:17 I can feel His mighty power
18:22 and His grace!
18:27 I can hear the brush of angels' wings;
18:32 I see glory on each face.
18:38 Surely the presence
18:43 of the Lord
18:46 is in this place.
18:50 Aren't you glad that God has people in all churches?
18:53 Amen! He has people we don't even know, we've never met
18:56 yet we can come together. On this stage right now
18:58 there's a number of us from - different - if I can use
19:01 the term - denominational or church backgrounds.
19:05 But we all love Jesus. Yes! We all have the same goal.
19:08 We all have the same mission in life, and that's to tell
19:12 others what Jesus has done for us.
19:14 Our greatest asset is not our knowledge of this or that
19:19 but is our own personal testimony
19:21 of what God has done for each and every one of us.
19:25 Think what it's going to be like together. You're going to
19:27 get folks from all different churches. People who've never
19:30 been to church I think, I believe. Some of you heard
19:34 Pastor Phipps' sermon yesterday.
19:36 I think you'll agree with me. People who've never been.
19:39 There's the thief on the cross and potentially millions of
19:42 people that when the eastern skies break and Jesus comes
19:47 to claim His own will be all looking up.
19:50 And together in heaven we can sing:
19:53 Surely the presence
19:57 of the Lord is in this place!
20:03 I can feel His mighty power
20:07 and His grace.
20:13 I can hear the brush of angels' wings;
20:18 I see glory on each face.
20:24 Surely the presence
20:28 of the Lord is in this
20:33 place.
20:37 Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Amen!
20:49 Some may wonder where the beauty lies
20:55 in the name I hold so dear.
21:01 Well it's not just
21:05 in the way it sounds
21:09 as it falls
21:12 on my ear.
21:18 And it's not just in the way it looks
21:24 when it is written beautifully...
21:30 for the beauty of that lovely name
21:36 is in the power it gives to me.
21:42 It's so beautiful:
21:49 the name of Jesus!
21:54 It's so beautiful:
21:58 that precious name!
22:06 If you'll ask in Jesus' name,
22:11 anything is yours just to claim.
22:17 And I love
22:20 that precious
22:24 name.
22:29 At the sound of His name
22:35 every demon has to flee.
22:40 For to that name
22:42 all power is given
22:45 to set the helpless captives free.
22:52 Every sin, disease, and sickness
22:58 must bow down to that name
23:03 and forever, evermore surrender.
23:08 For all of time I shall proclaim:
23:13 It's so beautiful:
23:19 that name of Jesus!
23:24 It's so beautiful:
23:27 that precious name!
23:34 If you'll ask in Jesus' name,
23:39 anything is yours just to claim.
23:44 And I love
23:48 that precious name.
23:53 Cherish that beautiful name.
23:58 Cherish that
24:01 wonderful name.
24:07 Cherish that matchless name.
24:14 That name is
24:17 Jesus.
24:21 Cherish that
24:24 beautiful name.
24:28 Cherish that
24:31 wonderful name.
24:36 Cherish that
24:39 matchless name.
24:44 That name is
24:47 Jesus.
24:54 Amen! Thank you, Lanny, for being used as an instrument
24:57 of God to write so many songs.
25:01 All of those which we've just sung tonight.
25:03 So we're going to back away here our 3ABN folk
25:06 and turn you guys loose. Marietta, it's always
25:09 a privilege to have you and Dave here.
25:11 There's such an anointing on your ministry and on your music.
25:14 And Melody grew up listening to you.
25:18 And of course, when she listened to you I listened to you.
25:21 The whole family. And I know, Lanny, we sang
25:23 your songs 35 years ago when Melody's mother
25:26 and Lisa and Rhonda and all of us - Melody -
25:29 we traveled and we sang Lanny Wolfe songs.
25:32 Never dreamed that someday we'd be ministering together,
25:35 working together. Marietta read the book today.
25:38 Oh yes I did! We all better take that book home.
25:41 Yeah. Oh my goodness! It's powerful!
25:43 And we need to hear that kind of writing in this day
25:46 that we're livin' in. Thank you for writing that.
25:48 Well we praise the Lord and thank you that you read it.
25:50 I gave her a manuscript. She said: "I read it on the plane. "
25:52 Thank you so much for what you guys do for the cause
25:54 of God. And Dave, thank you for all of your years of service
25:58 to the Lord. And we love you here at 3ABN.
26:01 You're part of our family. Thank you so much.
26:04 We love being a part of this family.
26:06 We thank God for Danny and all of the people that are
26:10 working here in this place and the people who worship here.
26:14 And all the people that work here... they worship while
26:16 they're working. It's wonderful. Beautiful beautiful to see them.
26:24 The world will try
26:27 to satisfy
26:30 that longing in your soul.
26:36 You may search
26:38 the wide world o'er
26:42 but you'll be just as before.
26:48 You'll never find
26:52 true satisfaction
26:57 until you've found the Lord
27:02 for only Jesus
27:07 can satisfy
27:10 your soul.
27:15 Only Jesus
27:20 can satisfy
27:23 your soul!
27:28 And only He
27:31 can change your heart
27:34 and make you whole.
27:40 He'll give you peace
27:43 you never knew...
27:46 sweet love and joy
27:49 and then heaven too.
27:53 Only Jesus
27:58 can satisfy
28:02 your soul.
28:07 The Lord gave me that song when I was 18 years of age.
28:12 My second year at Ohio State University.
28:15 That was a couple years back.
28:19 Time passes so swiftly.
28:22 Before you know it you're out of college.
28:25 Before you know it you have kids.
28:28 Before you know it they have grandkids.
28:32 The days pass so swiftly...
28:38 the months come and go.
28:43 The years melt away
28:49 like new-fallen snow.
28:55 Spring turns to summer,
28:59 summer to fall...
29:04 autumn brings winter
29:08 then death comes to call.
29:16 Only one life...
29:20 so soon it will pass.
29:26 Only what's done
29:30 for Christ will last.
29:34 Only one chance
29:38 to do His will.
29:43 So give to Jesus all your days.
29:47 It's the only life that pays
29:52 when you recall
29:55 you have but
29:57 one life.
30:03 Amen!
30:05 And that's the bottom line of life.
30:09 You only get one
30:11 and you'd better make good use of it.
30:13 And the way you can make good use of it is to find
30:16 God's will for your life and then DO IT!
30:19 I have Comcast for my Internet provider.
30:25 Do you have Comcast up here? Over here? Somewhere?
30:27 OK... good. So you don't know anything about Comcast.
30:31 Thank you. Xfinity... whatever.
30:34 So, well... from time to time it goes out,
30:36 you know, and so I'm left stranded. I can't connect
30:39 with the world. And so the first thing I do is call Comcast
30:44 and I have to go through this series of numbers
30:46 to make sure that I'm the person that's calling on my phone.
30:50 "Hello, what is your name? " "Lanny Wolfe. "
30:52 "What is your address? "
30:53 "What is your grandmother's favorite peanut butter brand? "
30:55 All that kind of questioning, you know.
30:58 So I called and I went through the "What is your name? " Lanny
31:02 Wolfe. " So they tried to fix the problem
31:04 but they couldn't. They said: "Oh, it's not...
31:06 it's not Internet... your computer is the problem.
31:11 Go take it to Best Buy. " And so I did.
31:13 Went to Best Buy and they hooked it up
31:15 and it got on their Internet right away. They said:
31:18 "There's not a problem with your computer!
31:20 It hooks up with our Internet. Go back and call Comcast
31:23 one more time. " And so I did.
31:25 "Hello... what is your name? "
31:28 "Lanny Wolfe. "
31:32 "Are you a songwriter? "
31:35 "Yes. "
31:37 "Did you write Surely The Presence of the Lord
31:40 Is In This Place? "
31:43 "Yes. "
31:46 "Our dad taught us all of your songs when we were kids. "
31:54 He fixed my Internet problem!
32:00 And in the second-largest country in the world -
32:04 I have to stand to tell you this:
32:07 1.6 billion people live in India.
32:14 Seventy percent of 1.6 billion people
32:18 are Hindus.
32:20 They have all kinds of gods.
32:22 Buddha, Shinto, and all kinds of gods.
32:26 Twenty percent are Muslims.
32:30 Their prophet is Mohammad and their god is Allah.
32:36 Ten percent of the country are Christians.
32:40 Out of all the 1.6 billion people in India
32:46 on my second phone call to Comcast
32:50 I would get a Christian.
32:52 Thank God. Amen!
32:54 It had to be God. It was God.
32:57 God knew that the first phone call wouldn't do this...
33:00 wouldn't get the job done.
33:02 So we're talking about the Lord
33:04 and at the end of the conversation
33:10 he said: "Yes,
33:13 Jesus... He's just like music to my ears. "
33:22 I hung up the phone and my spirit froze
33:28 and I started writing the song that we're going to sing for you
33:31 right now called Music To My Ears
33:34 because I had an Internet problem.
33:37 Thank you, Lord. He works in mysterious ways.
33:40 When negative things come into your life, don't be quick
33:43 to give the devil credit. That's right. Amen!
33:46 God may be wanting to do something in your life
33:49 that has to come through a negative situation.
33:53 Your Internet may be out... and worse...
33:55 but God knows He's trying to birth something out of that
33:59 in your life. And so we're going to debut this song
34:03 to you. You're the first people...
34:05 We just kind of learned this last night.
34:07 So if anything doesn't sound right it's her fault.
34:22 Cherished by angels high above
34:27 and mortal men below
34:33 The name above all other names
34:39 is the sweetest name I know!
34:45 Heavenly symphony:
34:49 redemption's glad
34:52 refrain.
34:57 The song my heart
35:00 keeps singing
35:03 is Jesus'
35:05 lovely name!
35:11 Jesus, I love
35:15 Your precious name.
35:19 It's music to my ears!
35:25 Jesus, Your strong and mighty name
35:31 calms all my doubts and fears.
35:37 For no other name can save my soul;
35:42 no other name can make me whole.
35:47 Jesus, I love Your name...
35:51 it's music to
35:55 my ears...
35:59 Jesus, I love Your name...
36:03 it's music to
36:06 my ears.
36:11 Troubles tried to steal my song of joy
36:17 that gives me strength within.
36:22 So weak, at times I wondered if
36:29 I would ever sing again.
36:34 But just the whisper
36:38 of Your name
36:40 changes everything.
36:45 As a song begins to swell within
36:51 my soul
36:53 my heart can sing:
36:59 Jesus, I love
37:02 Your precious name!
37:06 It's music to my ears.
37:11 Jesus, Your strong and mighty name
37:18 calms all my doubts and fears.
37:23 For no other name
37:26 can save my soul;
37:29 no other name can make me whole.
37:35 Jesus, I love Your name...
37:39 it's music to
37:42 my ears...
37:47 Jesus, I love Your name...
37:51 it's music to
37:54 my ears...
38:02 Jesus, I love Your name...
38:06 it's music to
38:09 my ears...
38:14 Jesus, I love Your name...
38:19 it's music to
38:23 my ears.
38:31 I love you, Jesus. I love you, Jesus. I love you, Jesus.
38:36 I love that I know Your name. Thank you, Jesus. Hallelujah!
38:40 Thank you, Lord. That name above all names.
38:44 We thank you, God, that we have heard it,
38:47 that we know it, and that we know You personally, Lord.
38:50 Hallelujah! We're so grateful, Jesus. Hallelujah!
38:54 Thank you, Jesus.
38:56 Her name is Roberta:
38:59 a 76-year-old widow from the state of Washington.
39:05 She heard the Lanny Wolfe Trio sing on a 3ABN program
39:11 and she called our office to ask if we had a CD
39:14 for the song A Brand New Touch.
39:20 She went on to explain that she's having a very hard time
39:23 right now. Two years ago her oldest son
39:28 at age 44 fell 15 feet from a tree
39:33 and died. Then just this past January
39:39 her youngest son who was killed in a workplace accident
39:44 also died... and he was also 44.
39:49 I can't imagine going through that.
39:51 But she said that she wrote out the words
39:55 to a song called A Brand New Touch
39:58 on a piece of paper
40:00 and she reads those words at the beginning of each new day
40:05 and then she feels like she can make it through that day.
40:12 So we'd like to sing this song for all the other Robertas
40:17 that there may be out there
40:19 who are living with a painful storm
40:25 of hard time in their life.
40:28 They don't know what they're going to do.
40:30 They've never had that before.
40:32 "God, how can I make it? "
40:35 But remember: you know the answer. You just said God. Yes.
40:39 If you know God, He IS the answer.
40:41 And you CAN make it... just call out to Him.
40:45 And He wants to give you a new touch today.
40:49 Lord, You know I need a brand new touch...
40:56 my strength from yesterday is gone.
41:03 But if You'll give me, Lord, another touch
41:10 I'll have the strength to carry on.
41:17 Yesterday has come and gone
41:24 and now a new day's coming on.
41:30 I do not know
41:33 what it may bring...
41:37 my heart may cry instead of sing.
41:44 But it matters not
41:46 what comes my way, Lord,
41:51 if You'll just touch me new each day.
41:58 Your loving touch
42:00 drives all my fears away.
42:05 Close by Your side I want to stay!
42:12 Lord, You know I need a brand new touch...
42:19 my strength from yesterday is gone.
42:26 But if You'll give me, Lord, another touch
42:32 I'll have the strength to carry on.
42:40 Lord, You know how weak I really am...
42:46 even better than myself.
42:53 But with Your help I know I really can
42:59 make it through the darkest night...
43:03 everything's gonna be all right!
43:09 Hallelujah! Lord, You know
43:12 I need a brand new touch... a brand new touch...
43:17 my strength from yesterday is gone.
43:24 But if You'll give me, Lord, another touch
43:31 I'll have the strength to carry on...
43:36 If You touch me, Lord, I'll have the strength
43:40 to carry on...
43:43 Won't You touch me, Lord?
43:45 Give me the strength to carry
43:50 on.
43:55 Thank you, Lord.
43:57 Amen! Thank you so much!
44:00 Wasn't that beautiful?
44:02 Amen! Thank you, Marietta.
44:03 Dave, thank you so much.
44:05 Mr. Lanny before you leave let's step up here just a second.
44:09 About... it's probably been a year and a half or 2 years ago
44:12 I don't remember for sure, but I had written a chorus.
44:15 We were gettin' ready to do the Calvary Project
44:17 and a little chorus came to me.
44:19 And so I said: "Wow, that sounds like
44:23 a chorus that would fit with what we're doin'
44:25 but I don't have time. We're actually going to Nashville
44:28 and we're recording the next two days. "
44:30 So I sang it for Reggie. He said: "We've got to put
44:33 this on the project. " And I said: "I don't really have
44:36 any verses... I just have the chorus. "
44:38 "Well maybe you can write something. "
44:39 So the next day we did our sessions. Lanny Wolfe came in
44:43 and we did a number of his songs.
44:45 Went to the airport; I picked him up.
44:47 And I sang it to him on the way back to the hotel.
44:53 Next morning at breakfast John Lomacang and Lanny and I
44:56 were there and Lanny said: "I've been thinking about that
44:59 song all night" and he said "I think I can... "
45:01 "Do you want me write some? " Now Lanny Wolfe comes to you
45:04 and says: "Do you want me to write some verses? "
45:05 What do you say? "Of course! " If you're into music,
45:08 into gospel music, there's nobody else
45:11 that I would rather say: "Yes, I would co-write this song. "
45:15 So he wrote the verses to this song
45:18 and we entitled it Gethsemane. And Reggie...
45:21 We're going to ask Reggie Smith to come out and sing it for us
45:24 right now. Thank you, Reggie.
45:26 Love you. Wonderful talent.
45:29 Now with the Gaither Vocal Band for those of you that don't know
45:32 and that's kind of a change in their... I guess your lifestyle
45:37 and what have you. But you're still gettin' to be
45:39 with your family quite a few weekends.
45:40 But you're traveling with the Gaithers now.
45:42 Traveling with them quite a bit but I tell you what:
45:45 it's nice to be with a pretty brunette.
45:47 All right. That's my wife, by the way.
45:49 My wife. I love it; come on up here.
45:52 OK. Oh, the brunette was your wife.
45:54 That's good to know. The brunette's my wife.
45:56 So you'll be singing Gethsemane. Gethsemane. Thank you.
46:05 Remember: my wife is a brunette.
46:15 All the way from heaven's splendor
46:21 robed in flesh
46:23 born in a manger
46:28 Jesus came to set
46:31 sin's captives free.
46:37 "Father, not My will
46:42 but Thine be done"
46:46 was the prayer He prayed,
46:48 God's only Son...
46:52 So He drank the bitter cup
46:56 for you and me.
47:02 He suffered Gethsemane
47:08 through blood, sweat, and tears.
47:14 Each drop of blood He shed
47:19 bought me
47:21 a million years.
47:27 God's crowning sacrifice:
47:33 His spotless Lamb!
47:39 Now risen from the grave
47:45 He is the great I AM!
47:54 All alone
47:57 He felt forsaken.
48:01 In the garden
48:03 His heart was breaking.
48:07 Yet He chose to die
48:11 on Calvary.
48:17 Jesus, blessed Savior
48:22 and Redeemer,
48:25 all to Him I now surrender.
48:31 Could I do less
48:34 after all He's done
48:38 for me?
48:42 He suffered Gethsemane
48:48 through blood, sweat, and tears.
48:54 Each drop of blood He shed
48:59 bought me
49:01 a million years.
49:06 God's crowning
49:09 sacrifice:
49:13 His spotless Lamb!
49:19 Now risen from the grave
49:24 He is the great
49:28 I AM!
49:33 He could have left us
49:36 to die in our sin
49:39 alone... forever lost.
49:45 But grace
49:47 would change how the story ends...
49:51 Jesus' blood
49:53 would pay the cost!
50:03 He suffered Gethsemane
50:08 through blood, sweat, and tears.
50:12 Each drop of blood He shed
50:16 bought me
50:19 a million years.
50:24 God's crowning
50:27 sacrifice:
50:31 His spotless Lamb!
50:37 Now risen from the grave
50:42 He is the great
50:45 I AM!
50:50 God's crowning sacrifice:
50:56 His spotless
51:00 Lamb!
51:03 Now risen
51:06 from the grave
51:09 He is the great
51:12 I AM!
51:17 Now risen from the grave
51:22 Jesus is
51:25 the great I...
51:29 I AM!
51:50 Amen! Thank you, Reggie. Beautiful!
51:54 You talked about the beautiful brunette:
51:56 let's ask her to come out. Oh yes! Ladye,
51:58 I think we've just about got time for her to sing
52:01 Calvary Says Love. And Ladye, we love you
52:05 and appreciate your ministry and your music.
52:08 God bless you, and thank you for singing this song.
52:11 Thank you. Well you wrote it!
52:13 Well, that's one of the perks of being the writer.
52:17 You can ask people to sing your song. I love this song.
52:20 Thank you, and I love you. I really love it.
52:35 In compassion and love
52:39 He looked down to earth
52:44 then He sent His Son,
52:49 born of a virgin birth.
52:55 He knew from creation
53:00 what was to be.
53:05 With great love for man
53:09 He planned
53:11 Calvary.
53:17 Calvary says love
53:21 to me
53:26 like words
53:29 could never say.
53:36 The blood He shed
53:41 was love written in red...
53:47 Calvary says love
53:52 to me.
54:04 Separated by sin
54:08 was the whole human race.
54:14 Man was destined to die
54:18 were it not for grace.
54:23 A cross and three nails
54:28 never held Him there!
54:33 He willingly chose
54:38 the cross to
54:41 bear.
54:46 Calvary says love
54:50 to me
54:55 like words
54:58 could never say.
55:05 The blood He shed
55:10 was love written in red...
55:15 Calvary says love
55:20 to me.
55:40 The blood He shed
55:44 was love written in red...
55:50 Calvary says love
55:55 to me...
56:00 The blood He shed
56:04 was love written
56:07 in red...
56:12 Calvary says love
56:17 to me...
56:22 Calvary says love
56:30 to me.
56:52 Amen! Thank you, Ladye Love.
56:55 Beautiful! Wow, we only have about 30 seconds left
56:58 for this hour. I hope you've been enjoying the music.
57:01 But more importantly I hope you've been feeling
57:04 an anointing of the Holy Spirit.
57:06 We've really prayed and we said: "Lord, we're not... "
57:09 Some of these folk could be entertainers...
57:11 but they're not.
57:13 They're giving honor and praise and worship
57:16 to the Lord, and I'm ministered by them every time that
57:19 I hear them. And I'm so blessed and we're so blessed
57:21 that they would come here at 3ABN and share
57:24 in this gift. For those of you at home:
57:26 we're going to take just a short break, but we'll
57:28 be back in just a moment.


Revised 2023-05-02