Participants: Kenny Shelton
Series Code: 17SCM
Program Code: 17SCM000006A
00:13 Welcome to 3ABN's Spring Camp Meeting 2017:
00:25 Hello and welcome back to 3ABN Spring 2017 Camp Meeting. 00:31 Family, have you been blessed? 00:33 Amen! My name is Chris Shelton. 00:35 I want to welcome all of you that are here in the sanctuary 00:38 and all of you that are around the world. 00:41 And I feel so privileged just to be here! 00:44 This is a holy convocation. 00:47 And I know during the last message that many of you 00:50 were envisioning heaven, were you not? Amen! 00:53 He was taking us there through the power of the Holy Spirit. 00:57 And the good news is that Camp Meeting is not over yet. 01:01 The Holy Spirit is not done with us yet, amen? Amen! 01:05 He's still working on each and every one of us. 01:07 And I am so privileged because we're going to begin 01:11 this next hour with music. 01:14 And I'm privileged to introduce, which some of you already heard, 01:19 it is Pastor C.A. Murray. 01:21 And when I was thinking of Pastor C.A. Murray 01:24 you know, last night as he was speaking on evolution, 01:27 he shared with you that he wears a lot of hats. 01:30 Many of us wear a lot of different hats. 01:32 Currently he is the general manager of 3ABN's Proclaim! 01:36 He also produces which I hope is one of your favorite programs: 01:40 that's the Today Show. 01:42 But he does whatever, whenever, however 01:45 it is needed. He not only speaks 01:48 but he sings. He's not only real in front of you 01:53 but he's real behind the camera. 01:55 I know Pastor C.A. as an encouragement... 01:59 an encourager. He's honest, he's true, he's Christ-like. 02:03 It doesn't matter what your title is 02:06 he loves you. And I'm thankful that Pastor C.A. 02:09 accepted Christ's call to come into the service. 02:14 He also has a lot of accolades. 02:16 He has a lot of titles. He's a doctor, but you know what? 02:20 I think one of his best titles is that of pastor 02:23 and is that of husband and friend to all of us. Pastor C.A. 02:46 When I think how Jesus loved me, 02:52 how He waited patiently 02:57 even when I turned my back and walked away. 03:05 When He knew I wanted everything 03:08 this world could offer me 03:12 well I guess He knew the price I'd have to pay. 03:18 So He watched me stumble downward, 03:23 saw each compromise I made... 03:26 heard each lie I whispered just to get my way. 03:33 Still He waited there to hear me 03:38 when I cried to Him and prayed 03:43 then He saved my soul 03:45 and that is why I say: 03:49 "Tell me, is it any wonder 03:55 that I love Him 04:00 when you consider all He's done 04:04 for me? 04:08 And is it any wonder 04:12 that I long to do His will 04:16 and let His light shine out 04:19 for all to see? 04:22 And is it any wonder 04:28 that I praise Him 04:32 each time I think 04:34 of how He's made me free? 04:39 And is it any wonder 04:44 that I've given Him my heart 04:48 when Jesus freely gave His life 04:52 for me? " 05:07 When I think how Jesus loved me, 05:12 how He waited patiently, 05:16 how His arms outstretch to meet me 05:20 when I run. 05:24 When I'm feeling down and lonely 05:28 how He's there to comfort me. 05:32 In the darkness He becomes my morning sun. 05:38 When I think of how He's healed me, 05:42 how He's touched me in my pain, 05:46 how His gentle hands have wiped my tears away. 05:53 Now He's taken every heartache 05:57 and brought happiness again 06:01 oh I want the world to hear me 06:05 when I say: 06:08 "Tell me is it any wonder 06:14 that I love Him 06:18 when you consider all He's done 06:22 for me? 06:25 And is it any wonder 06:30 that I long to do His will 06:34 and let His light shine out 06:36 for all to see? 06:40 And is it any wonder 06:46 that I praise Him 06:50 each time I think of how 06:53 He's made me free? 06:57 And is it any wonder 07:01 that I've given Him my heart 07:05 when Jesus freely 07:10 gave His life 07:13 for me? 07:31 Amen! Thank you, Pastor C.A. 07:34 Is it any wonder? Exposing the Counterfeit. 07:38 Is that a timely theme or what? 07:41 We need it now more than ever. 07:44 In our society right has become wrong and wrong is becoming 07:48 right. Was Salvation Finished At The Cross? 07:53 is the title of our next message. 07:55 What should I say about the next speaker? 08:01 I could say an awful lot. 08:05 You know, through the years as an Adventist Christian 08:10 and when we're studying the Bible, we're studying Spirit 08:12 of Prophecy so often we can become off track 08:16 one way or the other. 08:18 But I have found through my husband, Pastor Kenny Shelton, 08:23 that he's a balancer. 08:25 He would always bring me back to center where I needed to be. 08:28 I have learned so much from him. 08:31 As we have prepared messages together for Behold The Lamb 08:34 Presents there's times that he will give the message 08:39 and I'm like: "Where did you get that information? " 08:42 You know, I'm one of these studiers. I get on the Internet 08:45 I'm looking at every book I possibly can. 08:48 He doesn't. 08:50 He has all the volumes in front of him or around him 08:53 in the office and of course he has prayer. 08:56 And he has the Holy Spirit. 08:59 And I can't tell you how many times he's said: 09:02 "The Lord brought it to my mind. " Amen! 09:05 Brothers and sisters, I can't express enough 09:08 how grateful I am to stand here and introduce 09:12 my husband to you at this time. 09:16 Just a few months ago we were grieving. 09:19 We didn't know if the Lord was done with us or not. 09:24 He had open heart surgery in January. 09:27 He's had pulmonary edema, pneumonia, and a stroke. 09:33 When he gets up here to speak before you 09:36 when he moves from side to side he no longer sees 09:38 just one of each of you... he'll see 2 or 3 of each of you. 09:43 But you know, when we were grieving and we were asking 09:45 the Lord: "Lord, are You done with us yet? " 09:49 in the middle of the night one evening 09:51 he heard God say: "Kenny, you shall not die 09:57 but you shall live to proclaim the gospel. " 10:02 And that's what God called this man to do many years ago. 10:06 And so now I welcome my husband, Pastor Kenny Shelton. 10:12 And by God's grace he WILL proclaim the gospel! Amen! 10:17 Praise the Lord! Thank you, sweetie. 10:20 Oh, it's so good to be here! What a blessing! 10:24 They say blessing gets sweeter as the days go by. 10:27 Amen! So it's good to be here; good to see each and every one 10:30 of you. I'm going to ask my wife. We're going to kneel 10:32 up here and she can have prayer. 10:34 Pray again that the Holy Spirit will take possession of our 10:37 hearts and our minds. And we just again thank each 10:40 and every one of you. A lot of prayers went up. I thank 10:42 each and every one of you and thank God most of all. 10:44 Amen. Let's pray. 10:48 Most gracious heavenly Father, 10:50 as we bow before You one more time, one more prayer 10:55 I pray that You will take this vessel, 10:58 Pastor Kenny, and that You will use him as Your mouthpiece. 11:03 That You will honor that promise that he WILL live to proclaim 11:06 the gospel. So after we leave... after I leave the stage... 11:11 may we no longer see and hear him 11:13 but may we hear and see and experience the power 11:17 of Your Holy Spirit. 11:19 May you touch his eyes, his heart, his mouth, 11:23 his strength. Be in and all and around him 11:26 today I pray. Let us hear what we need to hear 11:30 as Your people. In Jesus' name, Amen. 11:34 Amen. 11:36 Thank you, sweetie. 11:40 Praise the Lord again. It's good to be here. 11:42 You know, the Lord gives us what we need in our time, 11:45 doesn't He? Time of need He's always there 11:47 and always present. I have the privilege... 11:49 You know, my brother warned me several months ago 11:52 when I probably didn't hear him real well 11:54 on a lot of different things. He said: "Now you've got to get 11:56 well because you'll be speaking at the 11:59 Spring Camp Meeting. " 12:05 All I could say was: "Thank you. " What a vote of confidence 12:10 and faith and trust, wasn't it? 12:11 Give you something to motivate you. 12:13 You know, it should motivate a pastor to say 12:16 "You get to speak... you get to speak. " Praise God! 12:19 If you will, we're going to talk about Was Salvation 12:22 Finished At The Cross? 12:23 I'm very thankful for this subject. 12:25 It's one that's misunderstood and has been for a long time. 12:29 I'd like to start off by reading if we will Hebrews chapter 9. 12:34 Hebrews chapter 9. I know it's a few verses 12:37 but it's OK to read, isn't it? We should be reading 12:39 the Word of God. Too many of us are out of the Word of God. 12:43 We need to get back IN the Word of God. 12:46 Starting with verse 22. 12:48 Hebrews chapter 9 starting with verse 22 and onward. 12:53 "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood. 12:57 Without the shedding of blood is... " What? 13:00 "no remission. " Good. 13:02 "It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things 13:06 in heaven should be purified with these. 13:09 But the heavenly things them- selves with better sacrifices 13:13 than these. For Christ is not entered... " Notice 13:16 this: "into the holy places made with... " What, church? 13:20 "hands which are figures... " Right? Things that are 13:24 formed after a pattern. Notice that. 13:27 "of the true but into heaven itself, now to appear 13:31 in the presence of God for us. " Hallelujah! 13:35 "Nor yet that He should offer Himself often as a High Priest 13:39 entereth into the Holy Place every year with the blood 13:43 of others. For then there must often have suffered 13:46 since the foundation of the world. 13:48 But now... " Notice this" "once in the end of the world 13:51 hath He appeared to... " I love this... 13:54 "put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. " 13:58 This is the whole issue, isn't it? 14:00 Putting away sin and all... Notice this: 14:03 "appointed to men once to die but after this is... " What? 14:07 "the judgment. " 14:09 So Christ, once offered to bear the sins of many. 14:12 Keep all these things in mind as we study. 14:15 "Unto them that look for Him He shall appear the second time 14:18 without sin unto salvation. " 14:22 What a bunch of scripture! 14:24 What words we can sink our teeth in some real meat of the Word. 14:28 If you don't mind, I'll just go back just a little bit. 14:31 Now some... When I go back I'll be very careful 14:34 and won't use names because some people get antsy. 14:37 They get a little bit nervous if you start to expose 14:41 a few things, you know. 14:42 And we realize today this is a subject that we 14:45 desperately need to understand 14:47 and that we did understand it at one time 14:49 and then changes took place. 14:53 Some changes took place. 14:55 Subject has been challenged - and I mean challenged - 14:58 for decades. Even back in the 1800's 15:02 this subject of salvation... Notice that: 15:06 "Was it really finished at the cross? " 15:09 The Christian world says "Yes! " 15:11 But what does the Bible teach about the cross? 15:15 Notice a lot of discussion, but probably the most difficult 15:20 discussion took place in the 1950's. 15:25 Some of you can recall that... others will not. 15:27 But in the 1950's there was some real discussion going on. 15:31 And you had it with conservative Christians; 15:34 you had it with Protestants with their creeds; 15:37 and you had it with the evangelical world. 15:40 It was challenged. Now notice, in 1954 and 1955 15:46 there was a writer from Eternity magazine - 15:49 some of you will be very familiar, 15:51 I won't mention his name - 15:53 and at the same time he was earning his Ph.D. 15:56 So what he wanted to do was to write and ask some questions 16:01 about certain subjects. And he wanted the SDA church 16:05 to be questioned because we had certain positions... 16:09 We have certain positions, do we not? Yes! 16:11 And we need to maintain those positions and not change 16:15 regardless of what somebody puts in a book. 16:18 Regardless of what group meets; regardless of what council meets 16:22 God has given us the truth on these issues 16:25 and we need to stand for that. 16:27 But very, very interesting. 16:30 If after this individual would meet - there was a couple 16:35 of them - would meet together and discuss the subject... 16:39 And the subject you'll see in just a moment was 16:41 really was: Was salvation finished at the cross? 16:44 they said: "The cross is enough. 16:46 That's as far as it goes. " 16:48 But anyone who would not accept that would be listed 16:53 in his book - which he was a very highly talented 16:57 and touted individual and the evangelical world 17:01 would believe him - we would be put in... SDA's would be a cult. 17:05 Is somebody with me? 17:08 We would be listed in that book that would sell hundreds of 17:11 thousands of copies as a cult. And all of a sudden 17:14 we began to get weak at the knees. 17:16 We became sissies. 17:21 We didn't want that, and I can understand the issue 17:25 but never back down on what is truth. 17:28 And so we find hundreds of hours were spent 17:32 over a couple-year period 17:36 several visits to places where a lot of information 17:39 could be, you know, gathered in. 17:41 And this led to one group who decided that there should be 17:45 a little bit of change. We need to compromise 17:49 just a little bit because we need to be careful here. 17:52 And then you had another group who said: "No compromise! 17:56 We don't like what we've seen printed up here. 17:59 This is not our message and we are not buying it. " 18:04 I'm not buying it. Amen! 18:07 And it's time God's people stood up and said: 18:09 "I'm not buying it. " Amen! 18:14 This caused an uproar. 18:18 Particularly the controversy settled around... Oh, 18:22 time's going... settled around two main points. 18:25 Number one... If you're jotting down, please remember 18:27 two main points. No. 1 was the nature of Christ. 18:33 No. 2- the second point - was the atonement, 18:37 meaning: was salvation finished at the cross? 18:41 That's pretty heavy-duty, isn't it? 18:43 Was salvation finished at the cross? 18:45 What would we come up with? What's going on here? 18:48 We could read a lot of passages of scripture, but you know, 18:51 Hebrews chapter 6 verse 20 the Bible says: 18:55 "We must by faith... " Do what? 18:59 By what? Hebrews 6:20: 19:01 "enter within the veil. " 19:04 Controversy with a lot of people. 19:06 I'm thinking the veil that separates the Holy from the 19:09 Most Holy Place. Why? Because the passage continues on 19:13 and says: "whither the forerunner is for us entered. " 19:17 The forerunner is whom? Jesus Christ. 19:20 If He's entered, I want to go in with Him. 19:22 Amen! If He comes out, I'm goin' out with Him. 19:25 If He goes back in, I'm going back in with Him. 19:27 We need to get that straight, don't we? 19:28 He went in and we need to follow Him because this 19:32 is a life and death issue that I'm talking about. 19:35 Truth IS life and death. 19:38 So we find that there's a lot of things that were going on. 19:41 I'm just going to read some- thing from the Great Controversy 19:43 since our time is really ticking by quickly. 19:45 It may not be for some of you but it's going to be for me 19:48 'cause I've got a mountain of information 19:49 and try to condense it down. But listen, 19:51 the quote I really love from the Great Controversy 19:54 most of you are familiar with. Page 489 says this... 19:59 We're talking about Christ interceding for us 20:03 and His death on the cross. Notice: 20:05 "The intercession of Christ on man's behalf 20:08 in the sanctuary above... " 20:10 See, most denominations say there is no work going on 20:13 in the heavenly... there is no heavenly sanctuary. 20:16 Man, I tell you: somebody needs to be reading their Bible. 20:19 More than reading they need to study it 20:21 rather than be a surface reader. 20:23 That's OK... I'm going to say it that way. 20:27 It says here: "In behalf in the sanctuary above 20:30 is as essential to the plan of salvation 20:32 as was His death on... " What? "on the cross. " 20:36 Why? Because by His death He began the work 20:40 which after His resurrection He ascended to complete in heaven. 20:46 So if I said today - and I have to be careful with it 20:49 because I get in trouble, people start throwing things - 20:52 "Is the cross enough? " No! 20:55 We never thought we'd see a day we'd say "No, it's not 20:58 enough. " Because in my heart as we look at the whole picture 21:02 we say: "Oh, that's so wonderful and so nice. " 21:04 But the cross... is it really enough? 21:06 So... if you're offended by it, stay tuned. 21:09 If you're really upset about it, still stay tuned 21:12 because there's a mountain of information 21:14 to say this is how that it works, that's how that it works 21:18 is how the Bible said. The question was asked 21:20 in the 1950's. How would you answer it today? 21:22 This is one of the legitimate questions. Said: 21:24 "What would your answer be today? " 21:26 With the knowledge you have and the Holy Spirit 21:29 here's the question. Said: "Seventh-day Adventist have been 21:33 frequently been charged with teaching that the atonement 21:37 was not completed at the cross. 21:41 Is this charge true? " 21:44 Interesting. Some of you are weak. 21:48 Think about it here. That was a legitimate question 21:50 at that point in time. You've been charged with this. 21:54 Is this true? Everybody in the room should have 21:57 jumped up... jumped over the pew and "Yes! " 21:59 "Yes! " And the man could have gotten his Ph.D. somewhere else. 22:05 I'm not worried about that. 22:07 But we didn't do that. 22:11 So what happened? 22:14 So in the 50's we find that the atonement process 22:18 began to widen drastically. 22:20 I'm talking about really began to widen. 22:22 The sin problem from the incep- tion to the very eradication 22:27 of sin. All kind of things were taken in. 22:31 What's the real truth about the atonement? 22:34 Was the cross really enough? 22:38 Was salvation finished at the cross? 22:40 We have to look at the Word of God, naturally. 22:44 If we understand the workings of the earthly sanctuary, 22:48 we can understand the work of whom? Of Christ! 22:52 Yeah... we're going to examine some of these areas quickly. 22:54 We're going to repeat if necessary. Repeating's good 22:57 if you're like I am. Sometimes my wife says 22:59 "I just have to tell you 2 or 3 times so you can hear it. " 23:04 And so we need to realize every time that we go over a subject 23:07 that you're familiar with there are many that's tuning in 23:10 to 3ABN for the very first time 23:12 and they're learning these beautiful truths. 23:14 Let's bear with it. Amen! 23:16 We talk about the atonement. 23:18 We talk about that word. It means certainly to bring 23:20 people back to God, "at-one-ment," doesn't it? 23:23 There's time... That's what the atonement is dealing with 23:25 is God bringing us back to one with Him. 23:29 How wonderful that is! How exciting. 23:32 Every time you talk about it - and especially Old Testament - 23:34 the atonement it's always closely related 23:39 to the sanctuary and its services. 23:41 I mean, it's just related right there. 23:43 We can see how God explains - notice how He explains 23:47 how we are to be the word "saved" 23:50 and also how we are to be delivered from the sin issue. 23:55 See, I need to understand that. Don't you? 23:58 How to be saved and how to be delivered from the sin issue. 24:02 This is what it's all about. 24:04 This is why we need to be learning it. 24:06 Let me ask you a question quickly. Simple: 24:08 is the atonement complete when we are converted 24:12 or when we accept the sacrifice on the cross? 24:15 Is it really completed? 24:18 It's very interesting. A lot of people will say 24:20 but then they won't go any farther. 24:21 "Well, no, when we first accept Christ we realize there's 24:23 some sanctification, there's some work that goes on. " 24:26 But when you put it in context with the atonement 24:29 all of a sudden: "Well... we need to be careful here. 24:30 We think that it is full and it is complete. " 24:34 Well, it's clear when you study the Old Testament... 24:37 when you study the Word of God even in the New Testament. 24:39 Notice this. Listen very care- fully; listen very carefully. 24:43 It's never... the atonement is never complete 24:46 when the blood of the sacrifice is shed. 24:50 Read the Bible from beginning to end 24:52 and you will find out never is that sacrifice... 24:56 never is it complete atonement with just the shedding of blood. 25:00 Never. Interesting... Why? 25:04 Well you know, sometimes because the blood was taken in 25:07 and it was applied to the sanctuary. 25:10 In some cases. In others we find out that the sacrifice 25:13 was what? Was eaten by the priest. 25:16 I mean, if it was finished at the cross, 25:18 if it was just the shedding of blood, 25:20 what are these priests doing fooling around doing all this 25:22 other stuff? Somebody's not with me. 25:27 What are they doing? Just taking up time? 25:30 They had nothing else to do? 25:32 Think about it. Logically we have to think it through. 25:36 If it's finished, then why all this other 25:39 to make it complete? Huh! 25:42 Three parts we have to look at as quickly as we can. 25:46 Number one... we're talking in the atonement process. 25:49 Number one: we look at Calvary. 25:51 Praise God for Calvary! 25:53 Praise God for that blood that ran deep on our behalf. 25:56 Praise God that that blood cleanses me whiter than snow! 26:00 Praise God that it's sufficient enough for the whole world! 26:04 How beautiful that is! 26:06 So we have to consider Calvary. Yes, thank God for that! 26:10 And then, number two: we have to look at the first apartment 26:14 ministry. Number three: we have to look at the second 26:17 apartment ministry. 26:20 There's a lot going on that we need to understand so that 26:23 we have a clear concept of what's going on here. 26:26 It's so, so important. 26:28 Remember the new line - quickly - of thinking 26:31 in most Christians today. Here's their thinking process. 26:36 The atonement was finished at the cross. 26:39 Now we say it's finished at the cross because now 26:42 it doesn't demand us to be obedient any more. 26:45 We don't have to worry about the law of God any more 26:48 because it's finished. It's a once saved, always saved 26:52 thing. I hope somebody's with me. 26:55 This is interesting thinking here. 26:59 "Not necessary, " they say, "to obey God's law. " 27:03 Let me tell you today: that is a theological lie of the devil. 27:07 It's a theological deception of the devil 27:10 and by God's grace at Camp Meetings like this 27:14 these kind of misconceptions will be cleared. 27:17 Amen! They will be cleared for those who are seeking. 27:22 The rest of them hear things they don't like and they'll 27:23 turn it off. People turn it off because they don't like 27:26 the color of your tie. They don't like your voice; 27:27 they don't like what you do. Somebody just listen 27:29 to the message. Get the Bible out and let's check it out. 27:32 Forget about the messenger... let's look closely at this. 27:35 It's so important! 27:37 It's important to have an understanding of the atonement. 27:39 I do say again: it's a life and death issue! 27:43 I mean life and death. 27:45 Some of you say: "Well, you know uuh... " 27:47 Letter 406 written in 1906. 27:50 Letter #406, 1906. "The atonement of Christ 27:54 is not a mere skillful way to have our sins pardoned. " 27:59 I like this: "It's a divine remedy. " 28:03 I'm looking for a remedy! Amen! 28:05 I'm not looking for this ho-hum over and over business. 28:08 Sinning and asking for forgiveness 28:09 and gettin' down; gettin' back up. Gettin' down; 28:11 gettin' back up. Are you still with me? 28:13 I'm looking for a REMEDY! 28:15 God says: "I've got a remedy for the cure of transgression." 28:18 He said: "I've got a remedy for the restoration of your 28:21 spiritual health. " It's heaven's ordained way 28:26 not only for Christ to be around us but IN us 28:30 and through us through His character living in us 28:34 that we can rightly represent Him. 28:36 How wonderful that is. 28:37 Question again... question: what does the Bible teach 28:41 about transferal of sin? 28:44 I'm going to switch gears quickly. 28:45 What does the Bible teach about transferal of sin? 28:48 Friend, if we do not know that you are up a creek 28:51 and you don't have a spoon. 28:57 Is it OK to say that? Yes! 28:59 I've said it anyway. 29:03 See, we need to understand the transferal of sin. 29:06 Sin has to be transferred. 29:09 How can it be transferred? And why? 29:12 What an interesting thought! Two specific things to understand. 29:16 Not only transferal of sin but sin-bearing. 29:19 Somebody has to bear my sins. 29:22 Sin has to be transferred off of me to someone else. 29:26 How is this process here? 29:29 Is there something to do? Not only is it talking about 29:30 the earthly but it has to do with the heavenly 29:33 that Christ continues to work for us. 29:36 These truths are taught in the sanctuary. 29:40 Again... let me repeat. We talk about two more points 29:43 that will help us. My wife mentioned balance. 29:46 I'm a believer in trying to balance because this world 29:48 is unbalanced and most people... Oh, oh! 29:53 Most people you meet are unbalanced. Look out! 29:58 Yeah, everybody looking around and saying: "Yeah! " 30:00 Well you might be one of them. Now notice: 30:02 Not finished at Calvary. 30:04 I'll go again. "Christ's work was not finished 30:08 at Calvary. A part of the work was. " 30:14 Get it? "A part of the work was 30:17 but it was not brought to completion. " 30:21 You've gotta bring it to completion. 30:23 If you're runnin' a race, you've got to finish the course; 30:25 you've gotta get across the finish line. 30:28 Remember? Not all the blood, then, you know that's scarified, 30:31 the daily sacrifices, were taken into the first apartment 30:35 and sprinkled on the golden altar or before the second veil. 30:39 The blood of the sacrifice was not taken directly 30:42 into - notice this - the first apartment. 30:45 Priests sometimes were required to do what? 30:48 To eat part of that sacrifice. 30:51 Now... why? 30:55 Why the blood? Why eat? 30:59 This way sin was transferred. 31:03 Sin was transferred... notice this... 31:06 to the priest. Now the priest became responsible 31:10 for another's sins. 31:14 Does that make sense? Yes. 31:16 Absolutely it does, because who's responsible for ours? 31:18 Who took that responsibility? 31:20 Jesus did! Who did the priest represent? 31:22 Jesus Christ. He took our sins upon Himself! 31:26 Price had to be paid... but notice this: 31:30 He was responsible. I Peter 2:24 the Bible is clear 31:36 talking about Jesus. It said He would bear 31:38 our sins in His own body. 31:41 He would do what? He would bear our sins in His own body. 31:47 So this is not so far out when people saying: 31:50 "Why then after the cross were there still things going on? " 31:54 The priest taking it on himself. There's something about this 31:58 that needs more clarification I'm sure. 32:02 But then we find the priest... that he offered a sacrifice 32:05 for himself after he took all of these other sins on. 32:09 He had to have an offering for his own sins 32:12 and those that he bore. 32:14 Personally for his own life and then the ones that he bore. 32:18 Remember? Let's look at Jesus and His life. 32:21 He took that blood of that sacrifice - 32:24 think with me quickly - 32:25 that blood of the sacrifice. He went into the first apartment 32:29 and he began to sprinkle it. 32:32 See, at this point some people say: "Well there can't be 32:34 any transfer of sin. " But in fact, there's several 32:38 from the beginning... from repentance to the transfer 32:42 into the sanctuary there's several. 32:45 Not just one but several ways that it's transferred. 32:49 Let's give an illustration 32:51 how each part of this atonement is complete. 32:54 But no part can stand by itself as a total atonement. 33:00 Please get that in our mind. 33:03 Each part of the atonement is what? 33:05 Don't let it confuse you. Each part of the atonement 33:07 is what? It's important and it's what? 33:11 They say: "Is it complete? " Yeah, it's complete 33:17 pertaining to that aspect of it 33:20 but no part can stand by itself as a total atonement. 33:25 Notice that. OK... let's go back quickly. 33:27 A man has committed a sin. 33:29 Yeah, no one here has done that so we'll find somebody else 33:32 out there. A man has committed a sin. 33:36 He recognizes his sin. 33:38 He repents of that... contrition. 33:40 He brings a sacrifice into the tabernacle. 33:43 Leviticus 4 verse 28. 33:45 Notice what he does. Listen: he lays his hands on what? 33:49 Upon the animal. Leviticus 4:29. 33:53 Now... what is he doing? 33:56 What is he doing? Transferring the sin in type. 34:02 In type he's transferring the sin from himself 34:05 to the animal. Interesting! 34:08 Who now bears the sin? 34:11 The animal does or the sac- rifice. Isn't that interesting? 34:15 He's transferring. It's not just he didn't know what to do 34:18 when he went there and saw... It wasn't that the lamb or the 34:21 sacrifice was acting up and he had to hold it down. 34:23 There's a reason why he was doing what he was doing. 34:27 Transfer. What took place next? 34:29 Well, you realize the person then must themself - 34:32 the individual - had to kill that sacrifice. 34:35 Leviticus 4:29. Had to kill it. 34:37 No one wanted to do that... had to kill it. 34:40 The sacrifice or the animal then in - notice this - in type 34:44 paid the penalty for sin... shed the blood. 34:48 That's Romans 6:23, isn't it? 34:50 Had paid the penalty. The sacrifice, the animal 34:53 notice this: the animal became sin for him. 34:58 The animal became what? Sin for him. 35:02 That's interesting. Why? Now the sinner - 35:06 now you and I - we have life be- cause our sins have been taken. 35:11 See? Jesus... He takes our sins upon Himself. 35:14 When you read Isaiah 53 what do you get out of that? 35:17 You think Isaiah chapter 53... just read verse 6. 35:21 It's talking about our sins. "Our iniquity was laid 35:24 upon Him. " Notice that. 35:26 Listen, we're talking about... and we've got to get to it. 35:29 We're talking about there was a transfer of sin. 35:33 Hmm. "Laid on Him our iniquity... " Verse 10. 35:38 "He was an offering for our sin. " Verse 11. 35:42 "He bore our inequities... " Isaiah 53 verse 12. 35:46 The Bible says, notice this: "He bore the sins of many. " 35:51 So it wasn't really off the wall to say that the priest... 35:55 right? when he took you know... he bore the sins of many. 35:58 He had to make a sacrifice for himself; 36:00 he had to make a sacrifice for the sins that he bore. 36:03 'Cause Jesus bore the sins of what? The Bible says many. 36:07 But now I say to you and ask you a question: 36:09 is the sacrifice complete at this point? 36:12 Or are there still some more duties? 36:15 I don't want to do a works thing here, but realize is there more 36:19 process that we have to go to 36:20 because Jesus set it up that way. 36:23 Is there more of a process? Absolutely there is! 36:26 There has to be more process here but yet the world says: 36:29 "No, it's finished at the cross. " 36:30 But yet what is Jesus doing? What is our High Priest doing? 36:34 Is He working? Is He sitting down? Is He doing nothing? 36:36 What's going on here? 36:38 There must be something going on and we need to look at it 36:40 closely as we can. 36:42 There's many steps. What does the priest do? 36:45 Next we find that the priest takes some of the blood; 36:48 he places it on the tips of the brazen altar. 36:51 Notice that. All of the blood, then, is poured out at the foot 36:55 of the altar just like Jesus poured out all of His blood. 37:00 He didn't hold back anything from us. Isn't that wonderful? 37:03 Amen! He went all the way for us! 37:06 Leviticus 4 verse about 30. 37:09 Next then the priest has to do something. 37:11 He's taken all these sins upon him 37:13 so he's going to have to make an atonement for what? 37:16 For himself. The sin issue could not be settled. 37:21 The priest must offer a sin offering for himself 37:25 because he's bearing the sins of what? Of many! 37:30 He's bearing the sins of many just as Jesus was bearing 37:33 our sins. 37:35 You know friends... So the sins then now have to be taken 37:38 and they must be transferred to the sanctuary. 37:42 They have to be transferred to the sanctuary. 37:45 So what does the priest do once again, quickly? 37:47 The priest now leads the sacrifice into the entry way 37:51 that leads to the first apartment. 37:53 But notice, he lays his hand - the priest, now - 37:57 the individual did it, now the priest lays his hand 37:59 upon the offering confessing how many? All sins. 38:03 This is important. This is a process... it's a work. 38:08 What has he done? Once again, he's transferred. 38:13 See, we're going over it. He's transferred his sin 38:15 to the animal, then he kills it before the Lord 38:20 the Bible says in Leviticus 4:4. 38:22 He kills it before the Lord. 38:24 Now the blood is transferred into the sanctuary. 38:28 You know, it's not unreasonable when you read the Word of God 38:31 in Leviticus 10 verse 17 talking about the high priest, 38:36 talking about Aaron's son. 38:37 I'll read it quickly. It says: "God has given it to you 38:40 to bear the iniquity of the congregation. " 38:44 They were to bear it as the priest. Notice. 38:47 Now: can sin be transferred? 38:51 Yeah. It's an easy thing. Yes! It can be transferred. 38:55 Now let me say this there... listen carefully. 38:58 If not... People will say, many of them will say: "No! " 39:02 If sin cannot be transferred, listen carefully, 39:07 then Christ cannot and does not bear our sins. 39:12 Are you still with me? 39:13 If it can't be transferred, then Christ cannot bear my sins. 39:18 Because my sins were transferred to Him. 39:21 If there is no transferal I'm in trouble! 39:23 The world's in trouble... we're in a big mess! 39:26 There's no one going to be saved in the kingdom here. 39:28 We have no hope! 39:31 The Bible said He is the Lamb; 39:33 He's the sin bearer of the world. 39:36 I love to read the Word of God when I think about He is 39:39 the great antitype, is He not? 39:42 Jesus is. He's the eternal author of my salvation. 39:47 He's the author of every blessing that comes my way. 39:50 He's the author of salvation, of righteousness. 39:52 He's the author of scripture is what the Bible tells me. 39:55 He's the author of truth; He's the Beginning; 39:57 He's the End of everything... the Finisher of our faith. 40:00 He's my burden bearer. 40:02 Isn't that wonderful to know that. He's my Captain! 40:05 He's my Caretaker. 40:06 He's my All in All as we read the Word of God. 40:09 The Bible said He's the "chief among ten thousand. " 40:12 So He is the coming One... He is the Messiah. 40:15 He's our Defender; He's our Deliverer. 40:17 He's our Fountain; He's our Rock; He's our Foundation. 40:20 How wonderful that is. He's a Friend of the sinner, 40:23 praise God for that, my friend! 40:25 He's our Guardian; He's the Head over all. 40:27 He is the great I AM the Bible says... He IS the Lamb of God! 40:32 Amen. These are things we must not forget. 40:35 He is the Lamb of God! 40:38 Sins transferred. 40:40 Friend, we realize it has to be taken care of. 40:44 You know, we're talking about the Day of Atonement. 40:47 I'm going to read something here quickly 40:49 from the Great Controversy. 40:50 You know, I love the Great Controversy. 40:52 I'm never embarrassed or shy about it. 40:54 Some people say: "Well, you need to quit reading those... 40:56 books. " No, I'm not going to quit reading those books! 41:01 Amen! No! I believe they were given to God's last-day people 41:04 to study to show ourselves approved. It helps us along. 41:07 Praise God! We need it! 41:10 Great Controversy, 420, 422. 41:12 "Cleansing is effective as sin is transferred. " 41:16 It's what? It becomes effective if it's transferred. 41:20 "So it was that our sins were placed on Jesus. 41:23 He died in our behalf. 41:26 But in accordance with type that sin had to be transferred... " 41:30 Notice... "to the heavenly sanctuary. " 41:33 "To the heavenly sanctuary and it had to be eventually 41:37 blotted out in the yearly services 41:41 and it involved a scapegoat transaction. " 41:44 Very, very interesting, isn't it? Day of Atonement 41:46 once a year. Switch gears again 41:49 because of our time quickly. Switch gears with me. 41:51 Heavenly proof. Is there a heavenly sanctuary? 41:54 We could go for hours and hours and hours but here's the issue. 41:58 Let's just start over like we have never been through it. 42:01 Let's go quickly. God gave to Moses a plan 42:04 and what did He say? "Build Me... " What? 42:06 He said: "Build Me a sanctuary. " 42:08 He said: "Let them make Me a sanctuary that I may 42:10 dwell among them. " Exodus 25 verse what? 42:13 Eight. Exodus 25 verse 9 you know what He says? 42:17 He says: "And when you make it you make it after the pattern. " 42:20 "You make it after the... you make it after the... " 42:24 You see it's important you make it after the pattern. 42:26 What pattern? The heavenly where everybody says: 42:29 "Oh, there's nothing going on up there. " 42:31 I guarantee there's something going on up there. 42:35 Heaven's getting ready to depart and come down here. 42:37 We'd better be ready for that! 42:39 See, every part of the structure 42:42 was to be made where... Notice this: in the New Testament 42:45 Hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 42:48 it says: "Figures of the true. " 42:51 Everything that was made on it they were figures of what? 42:54 Of the true. The true had to exist first, didn't it? 42:57 "Figures of the true. " That means a representation. 43:01 That means a counterpart. 43:03 That means an antitype. 43:06 Hebrews 9:23, the Bible said they were "patterns 43:09 of things in the heavens. " 43:12 That should give us food for thought right here. 43:15 When it talks about patterns here it means exhibit. 43:19 They are exhibits... they are specimens. 43:23 There's a lot going on here in heaven. 43:25 Hebrews 8 verses 1 and 2 the Bible said... 43:27 Hebrews 8:1-2. 43:30 "We have such a High Priest... " Is somebody with me? 43:34 Aren't you glad you have a High Priest? Amen! 43:36 Oh, what would you do without a High Priest? 43:38 Well, you're in trouble. 43:40 What would you do without the cross? You'd be in trouble. 43:43 What would we do - you see - without Him doing His work 43:48 in the heavenly sanctuary? Remember He rose from the dead 43:51 in order to go back to heaven to complete His work. 43:55 It had to be completed only by Him going back 43:59 and standing and pleading His blood. 44:02 Interesting! Hebrews 8:1-2: 44:05 "We have such a High Priest who is set on the right hand 44:09 of the throne of Majesty. " Where's He at? 44:12 "In the heavens. He's the minister of the sanctuary 44:16 and the true tabernacle which the Lord pitched and not man. " 44:20 This is wonderful! "Not man. " 44:23 Here's something that really is revealed in the sanc... 44:26 Listen: in the sanctuary of the new covenant. 44:28 People talk a lot about the new covenant. 44:30 I don't think I've ever heard them talk about the new covenant 44:32 about the sanctuary. Talk about a lot of other things. 44:35 We're talking about the sanctuary of the new covenant. 44:38 Remember: the first one was built by man 44:41 with man performing the services. Are we there? 44:44 The earthly. Number two: in this new covenant... 44:48 Notice: in this new covenant sanctuary Christ is our 44:53 High Priest and He ministers. Praise God for that! 44:57 There can be no mistake when He ministers; 44:59 there can be no mistake when He's in charge. 45:01 There can be no mistake in this new covenant sanctuary. 45:05 One sanctuary then was where? On earth right here. 45:08 The other is in heaven. The Bible is clear. 45:11 One was built by Moses and was made after a pattern 45:15 according to "those things that were shown thee. " 45:19 That's Exodus 25:9 and 40. 45:22 So we're seeing here that it was built after the pattern. 45:25 We understand that. In the heavens. 45:27 You see, a lot of Christians do not understand that. 45:29 They don't understand the work that's going on there for us. 45:32 I like this part here... I like it. I've got 10, 11 minutes 45:35 or so. I love to get down to the nitty gritty. 45:38 I like it just where the rubber meets the road. 45:41 I don't mind somebody getting excited some times. 45:43 I don't mind if somebody gets a little aggravated some times. 45:46 I don't care if somebody gives me a little aggravated 45:48 phone call some time. When we're talking about truth 45:50 let's stay with the program, all right? Let's stay with it! 45:54 Paul talks about it! 45:56 Paul talks about that first tabernacle. 45:59 You know what he said? He said that was "a figure 46:02 of the time then present 46:04 in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices. " 46:08 That Hebrews 9:9 and 23. 46:11 I wish we had time to read them. We can't do all that. 46:14 That... the Holy Places... it said the Holy Places were 46:18 patterns of things in the heavens. 46:21 Huh! The things in the earth, right? It was patterned after 46:24 those things which the Bible says are in heaven. 46:27 The priest offered gifts, it said, according to the law 46:31 and it served unto... Hebrews 8:5, notice this: 46:34 "unto the example and shadow of heavenly things. " 46:38 I'm starting to think "My, there's something going on 46:40 in the heavens. " There's some work being completed right now. 46:44 There IS working being completed right now. It's almost complete 46:47 and Jesus is coming. We need to be ready! 46:50 Then the Bible talks about that "Christ is not entered into the 46:53 Holy Places made with... " What? "made with hands... " 46:56 Let's notice: "which are a figure of the true... " 47:00 Notice. Oh... I like that! 47:02 'but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God 47:06 for us. " He's appearing right before God 47:09 and He's pleading our cases! 47:11 He can't plead your case if you don't give Him your life! 47:15 It's very very important that we live for Him 47:18 that He may plead our case as our names come up. 47:20 It's very interesting. Paul talks an awful lot about it. 47:23 Hebrews 9:24. Interesting, too: 47:26 John, John the Revelator. My! Now either John was telling 47:30 little fibs or he was telling the truth. 47:33 And I tend to believe he was telling the truth, don't you? 47:35 Now Paul was fibbing or he was telling the truth. 47:37 So I have to go back and say "I think they're telling 47:39 the truth here. " How can we say "There's nothing going on; 47:41 there's no work going on in the heavenly sanctuary" 47:44 when John talks about it? When Paul talks about it? 47:47 John was... Listen: John was granted a view 47:50 of the temple! Is somebody with me? 47:54 And I think he had good eyesight! 47:57 Some of you will get it next week. Notice: John was granted 48:01 a view of the temple of God in heaven. 48:04 Read that in Revelation 4 verse 5. 48:06 He was granted a view. 48:08 So what? Was God showing him a lie? 48:10 Was God showing him something that wasn't there? No! 48:12 John saw it! That's what the Bible says. 48:16 John even went further when he said: "I saw. " 48:18 "I saw seven... " remember that? "lamps of fire burning 48:22 before the throne. I saw that golden censer. " 48:25 Did you see it? "And I saw much incense there. " 48:27 Praise God for that incense. Notice that. 48:30 In Revelation chapter 8 verse 3 48:33 John once again said: "Oh... I saw! " 48:37 "I saw. " You know, it's about time some of us saw! 48:41 About time some of us opened our eyes! 48:43 About time some of us opened our ears! 48:46 You know, about time maybe some of us need a knot on our head 48:49 so we can get with the program because Jesus is coming. 48:52 John said: "I saw that first apartment 48:55 in the heavenly sanctuary. " Isn't that wonderful? 48:58 "I saw... " That's convincing to me! 49:03 And then he gets a little deeper. 49:06 I like when he gets deeper. 49:07 Revelation chapter 11 verse 19. 49:12 John said: "I saw the temple of God... " What? "opened. " 49:18 Wow! "And I saw the Holy of Holies. " 49:21 How wonderful! 49:23 "I saw... " What an impression that must have made on him! 49:26 What an impression that will make on you and me 49:28 by faith that we can look in and we see as it were 49:31 the Holy of Holies... because we have an outline. 49:34 We know what's in the first and the second apartment. 49:37 We know by faith that we can look upon those things 49:40 and say: "I saw, I saw. " "I know that it's the truth 49:44 because John wouldn't lie and Paul is not lying. " 49:47 John said: "I saw that temple of God open in heaven. 49:50 I saw the Holy of Holies. " 49:53 He said, he went farther. He said: "I saw the ark 49:55 of His testament. " 49:57 He said: "I saw the Ten Commandment law in heaven. " 50:01 Yeah. Adventists ought to jump on that and go crazy! 50:05 That's beautiful, isn't it? 50:07 Amen! There must be something about it. 50:10 It must still be binding. If not what is it doing up there? 50:15 He said: "I saw it up there! " 50:17 How wonderful that is! "I saw it. " 50:20 And Paul as he was preaching - it's so interesting - 50:23 that the pattern was of the true sanctuary 50:27 which is in heaven. Paul called the true sanctuary 50:31 in heaven. SDA's ought to say that's the truth. 50:36 Amen! That's the truth! 50:38 Heavenly work. Again, I said at the beginning 50:42 it's a life and death situation. 50:44 Because listen... Maybe I'll have a chance to read the quote 50:46 a little later on, but unless we follow Him 50:49 into the Most Holy Place 50:51 we cannot be benefitted by His work there. 50:53 Somebody needs... Who didn't hear that? 50:56 Anybody? If we do not follow Jesus 51:00 by faith into the Most Holy Place where He's at... 51:04 The majority of the Christian world today think He's still 51:07 in the Holy Place that know anything about anything. 51:11 If we cannot follow Him by faith into the Most Holy Place, 51:15 we cannot be benefitted by His work 51:17 which is eradication of sin and getting it out of us. 51:22 This is so important! This is what it's all about! 51:26 The sin has to go! 51:28 Jesus has prepared a way for it to go. 51:32 John said he "saw it in heaven. " 51:37 I like that. Somebody say it with me. 51:40 He said: "I saw... I saw it in heaven. " 51:44 And then you look back and you see... You know what? 51:46 Zechariah even talked about the work that was performed 51:50 in the heavenly sanctuary. Zechariah chapter 6 I believe 51:54 it's 11 and 12. He talked about the work that is going on. 51:58 Or 12 and 13. Sanctuary of heaven. 52:01 The Bible is talking about it. Jesus' ministry 52:03 is the great original. 52:06 "I saw... " Well, praise God for that. 52:09 That kind of gets me excited, doesn't it you? 52:12 Amen! 52:13 What he saw was he saw that there was a representative - 52:18 a Mediator standing between - right? us and God 52:22 pleading our cases. 52:24 You have somebody in the heavenly court. 52:26 You have somebody pleading your case if you want it. 52:30 It's not just a gift and you say: "OK, we'll you're 52:32 going... " You have to ask for it. Amen! 52:34 You have to be willing to pay the price as it were. 52:38 And He will represent you, 52:40 and He never loses a case, we know that. Amen! 52:43 He's my Intercessor in heaven. 52:47 Christ ministers for us. Aren't you happy that He ministers 52:51 for us? Amen! We've just make such a big mess of it, 52:54 wouldn't we? 52:56 Yeah? "Well I want to defend myself! " 52:59 Oh... worst mistake you can make! 53:02 You're in the mess that you're in because 53:03 you defended yourself. 53:05 Does that make sense? 53:08 Most every mess we get into because we decide to have 53:10 our own way and make our own little messes. 53:12 We need somebody to get us out of the mess that we are in. 53:15 The enemy has basically the whole world. You know that? 53:18 He basically has his way. 53:21 He has his way. Now most... a lot of evangelical Christians 53:24 are not going to want to hear it. But if I get you aggravated 53:27 enough you'll get back in the Word. 53:29 You know... If you're looking for something soft-soled 53:31 and a little bit of tap dance you can forget it. 53:34 No. And that's not trying to be smart-aleck. 53:36 That's just saying some- thing different must be done. 53:39 God's people have to be filled with the power of the 53:41 Holy Spirit. When the words are spoken the people will hear it. 53:44 It will agitate something in their heart and in their 53:47 mind and in their life and they're going to rise 53:49 to the occasion. You know, God's people here at 3ABN 53:52 we need to rise to the occasion. 53:54 There's things that we can do together much better than 53:57 when we're by ourself. We need to rise to the occasion 54:00 because God has given you things that you can do it. 54:02 Put in the cause right now to help finish this work. 54:05 It needs to be now. I'm telling you: probation is closing. 54:08 The world is in the biggest mess it's ever been in 54:10 and it's fast closing down. 54:12 What you have will not be worth anything in the very near 54:14 future. Somebody do something about it! 54:17 If you can do it, God holds you accountable, 54:19 He holds me accountable. Because I'm convinced 54:21 John said: "I saw it! " 54:23 "Whoo! Man... I saw it! " 54:25 "I saw the furniture up there; I saw the pieces... 54:28 the work that was going on on behalf of mankind. " 54:32 Now that's exciting to know somebody's working for me. 54:36 I tell you: I need that... I need that. 54:39 Christ ministers today, my brothers and sisters, 54:42 when I think about it... He ministers the Bible said here 54:45 quickly... a couple minutes left... 54:47 so if you're getting bored and hungry, stop it. 54:49 Listen... He talks about here... yeah. 54:54 I think I was telling one time before, honey, 54:56 about in California where we were at 54:58 before I finish up here. 55:00 We were preaching away, and the kitchen was not too far away 55:04 and the doors were open. Preacher got a little bit 55:07 long-winded... people got hungry. 55:11 And the pastor of the church got up and said out loud: 55:15 "Keep the smell out of the sanctuary! " 55:23 Interesting thought. 55:25 We need to keep the smell of sin out of the sanctuary, too, Amen! 55:28 don't we? There's a stink about it. 55:30 I was looking for a sweet- smelling savor of people. 55:34 But He ministers in behalf of His people right now. 55:38 The Bible says that He's before the throne 55:40 where thousands and thousands and tens of thousands minister 55:44 before Him. They stand before Him. 55:46 Daniel 7 verse 10. 55:49 The great work carried on for man's redemption. 55:53 Is there a sanctuary in heaven? You'd better believe it. 55:56 Is there a work going on in heaven? That's right. 55:59 John talked about it; Paul talks about it. 56:01 Zechariah is talking about it. 56:03 Daniel's talking about it. Things are all set! 56:06 The books are open, and we're in the judgment hour 56:09 and it's soon to close. 56:10 Lord have mercy on us lazy... Maybe I'd better stop there. 56:15 I get carried away right now. 56:19 I'd blame that I wasn't feeling good if I went beyond that point 56:22 or something. 56:26 It's time we really fasten down. 56:30 It's really... We say time, but to me it's just so... past time. 56:35 It's past time. These Camp Meetings are for such a time 56:40 as this that the Holy Spirit, the Latter Rain, can 56:44 be poured out. Acts 3: 19-20... last passage. 56:50 "Repent therefore and be converted. " 56:54 Repent and be what? And be converted! 56:57 The time of refreshing will come from the presence 56:59 of the Lord and the Lord Jesus what? 57:02 He's going to come again. 57:04 Let's be ready, shall we? I'm going to kneel quickly... 57:06 there's 28 seconds, so, and I want to pray with you 57:09 and for you. Will you pray for me? 57:11 I'm want us to kneel right here and have closing prayer. 57:13 Let's pray together. 57:16 Precious heavenly Father, we thank you for your wonderful 57:19 words. Made it so clear that we have a High Priest 57:22 who is laboring and working in our behalf. 57:25 Thank you that You are applying Your blood 57:27 that we can be whiter than snow. 57:29 Thank you, Lord, for Your love. Thank you for Calvary. 57:31 Thank you for Calvary. 57:33 Thank you for all the steps that we have seen and looked through. 57:36 And we know that You are coming soon 57:38 and You're coming after a people without spot or wrinkle 57:40 or any such thing. In Jesus' name we pray. 57:42 Please bless each one of Your precious children 57:44 around the world. In Jesus' name, Amen. |
Revised 2023-04-17