Spring Camp Meeting 2017

Is the Devil Real?

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Dinzey


Series Code: 17SCM

Program Code: 17SCM000004A

00:14 Welcome to 3ABN's Spring Camp Meeting 2017:
00:25 Good morning, and it is so good to see you again.
00:30 You know, there's this automatic
00:31 sort of predilection that you have when you say
00:33 "good morning" to add Happy Sabbath to that.
00:35 But we're a little early for that. It's just Thurs. morning.
00:40 And I've actually lost track of the days.
00:42 Yesterday I thought it was Thursday, and today my mind
00:45 is saying it is Friday.
00:47 So I've got to re-calibrate my brain
00:49 because it is Thursday morning, the second day of 3ABN's
00:54 Spring Camp Meeting: Counteracting the Counterfeit.
00:59 Did everybody rest well?
01:01 And you look marvelous.
01:03 And it's going to be a marvelous day in the Lord
01:06 as we lift up the mighty and matchless name of Jesus.
01:10 So we welcome you... we welcome you one and all
01:14 to the Spring Camp Meeting.
01:18 Our speaker is Johnny Dinzey.
01:24 He is a native of the Dominican Republic
01:28 and grew up in Chicago
01:32 and has been here at 3ABN I guess as long as anyone.
01:37 Many, many years... I think he's up around 20 years here,
01:41 perhaps a little more.
01:42 But John is part of the fabric here.
01:46 He is the general manager of our 3ABN Latino Network.
01:52 He is ably assisted by his wife who is the admin. assistant...
01:55 assistant to Johnny Dinzey.
01:58 That's Idalia Dinzey. They have two sons. Two good looking
02:01 strong Christian young men: Samuel - who just came back
02:05 from a year abroad doing mission service -
02:07 and Caleb who is a high-school student.
02:11 Good, fine young men that make their parents very very proud.
02:17 Johnny Dinzey is a student of the Word.
02:19 From time to time I will go into his office or he will come
02:22 into my office and we sit and talk things of the Lord.
02:24 And I found out very early that he is a "studier" of the Word of
02:27 God... he's a student of the Word of God.
02:30 He delves into the Word of God. And I'm very, very excited
02:34 to hear what he has to say on this subject -
02:36 which really could be a one-word answer.
02:38 I was teasing him backstage because his subject is
02:42 Is There A Devil?
02:44 Yes!
02:47 So I guess we just go home, but...
02:51 but he has so much more to say than that.
02:54 And we look forward to what he has to say
02:56 because we know that God has given him a message
02:59 for our hearts. So again, we welcome you:
03:01 our in-house audience which is growing and those of you
03:04 from around the world and across the country
03:06 who are joining us for this day number two
03:11 of our sitting together.
03:13 There is sunshine outside and indeed there is sunshine
03:16 inside. There is sunshine in our souls this day
03:20 and so we praise the Lord for that.
03:22 Going to sing a song that the Lord had helped me to arrange
03:26 years ago when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer.
03:30 And I guess to keep my mind off of that
03:33 the Lord sort of brought this song into my spirit.
03:36 Have no fear. The cancer is gone and I am
03:38 still here. Amen! But this song was one of the things
03:43 I worked on during the time that we were getting treatment
03:45 and so it is a favorite of mine.
03:48 I'll Tell The World That I'm A Christian.
04:09 I'll tell the world
04:13 that I'm a Christian;
04:17 I'm not ashamed
04:20 His name to bear.
04:24 I'll tell the world
04:27 that I'm a Christian.
04:31 I'll take Him with me
04:35 everywhere.
04:38 I'll tell the world
04:42 how Jesus saved me
04:45 and how He gave me
04:49 a life brand new.
04:54 And I know
04:56 that if you trust Him
05:00 that all He gave me
05:03 He'll give to you.
05:10 I'll tell the world
05:14 that He's my Savior.
05:18 No other one
05:21 could love me so.
05:25 My life, my all
05:28 is His forever
05:32 and where He leads me
05:36 I will go.
05:43 I'll tell the world
05:47 Jesus is coming.
05:50 And it may be near
05:53 or far, far away.
05:57 But we've got to live
06:01 as if that coming
06:04 could be tomorrow
06:08 or today.
06:11 For when He comes
06:15 and life is over
06:18 for those who love Him
06:22 there's more to be.
06:27 Eyes have never seen the wonders
06:33 that He's preparing
06:36 for you and me!
06:44 Go tell the world
06:47 that you're a Christian.
06:51 Don't be ashamed
06:54 His name to bear.
06:58 Just tell the world
07:02 that you are a Christian
07:05 and take Him with you
07:09 everywhere.
07:14 I'll tell the world
07:20 how Jesus saved me
07:23 and how He gave me
07:27 a life brand new.
07:31 And I know
07:34 that if you trust Him
07:37 that all He gave to me
07:41 He'll give to you.
07:49 I'll tell the world
07:52 that I'm a Christian.
07:55 And I'm not ashamed
07:59 His name to bear.
08:02 I'll tell the world
08:06 that I'm a Christian.
08:10 I'll take Him with me
08:13 anywhere...
08:17 I'll take Him with me
08:20 anywhere.
08:35 Amen!
08:41 Praise the Lord! Thank you, Pastor C.A.
08:45 Always enjoy listening to Pastor C.A. sing.
08:48 He sings from the heart.
08:53 This is a topic
08:57 that is of great interest to me
08:59 and I hope it is to you.
09:02 God is merciful and kind to each and every one of us,
09:05 Amen? Amen. And you know, as we look at the title of this
09:09 topic it's a question.
09:11 It is: Is The Devil Real?
09:16 And as Pastor C.A. and I were talking in the back
09:19 he said this is one of those type of sermons
09:22 that, since it is a question, Is the devil real?
09:26 you could say: "Yes!
09:28 Well... we are done... let's pray. "
09:32 But let's look into God's Word to see what it tells us
09:35 concerning how the devil became the devil
09:39 and what he is up to in this world.
09:43 Before we begin our study -
09:44 we're going to be looking at a lot of scriptures -
09:46 you may want to write them down. I may need to go fast
09:48 because I have more notes than time.
09:51 But we're going to look at a lot of scriptures.
09:53 Before we begin I'm going to kneel once again
09:57 and ask the Lord to bless us.
09:59 You may remain seated, but let's go to the Lord in prayer.
10:07 Our loving heavenly Father,
10:09 we come to You in Jesus' name
10:12 and we pray, Lord, that You will bless us
10:15 for we need a blessing from heaven.
10:17 We need a message from heaven, Lord, so we ask
10:20 that You will bless us... bless us with the Holy Spirit.
10:24 I, Lord, place myself in Your hands
10:27 that every word will come from Your throne of grace.
10:31 Bless Your children that are here
10:33 and those that are all over the world.
10:36 We ask You for Your name to be glorified in all things.
10:40 In Jesus' name, Amen. Amen. Amen.
10:45 So is the devil real?
10:47 If you believe in the Bible, you will notice that it mentions
10:50 the devil and that his activity is one of destruction.
10:54 Jesus says that he comes "to steal, kill, and destroy. "
11:00 Now the Bible doesn't really mention the devil much.
11:03 It seems like he's behind the scenes doing his wicked things.
11:07 You see him in the Garden of Eden working through a serpent
11:11 and he's not really mentioned till later
11:14 in the books of I Kings, I Chronicles.
11:18 But he's behind the scenes doing his wicked work.
11:23 Let's see what the Bible says.
11:26 First let's talk about God. I love talking about God
11:29 and Jesus. As you look around of course you will see that this
11:33 world is in a terrible state.
11:35 We look at destruction. Recently you've heard of
11:39 bombings, recently you've heard of killings
11:42 and terrible things have taken place just this very week.
11:46 So we ask ourselves: "Is there a devil? "
11:49 Or... "What is going on with people? "
11:52 The Bible says there is a devil.
11:54 And I believe everyone here... How many of you believe that
11:58 there is a devil? Would you raise your hand?
12:00 Every hand has gone up.
12:02 And the Bible says that he is "as a roaring lion
12:05 seeking whom he may devour. "
12:10 So that text implies that you don't have to be devoured. Amen?
12:14 Praise the Lord for that.
12:15 Now let's look at God. See, God created a perfect universe.
12:21 Let's look at Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 through 3.
12:24 Hebrews chapter 1 verses 1 through 3.
12:26 And I will sometimes start reading before you get there
12:29 because we need to save time.
12:31 But if you found it, say Amen. Amen. Let's begin reading.
12:35 "God, who at sundry times and in diverse manners
12:39 spake in times past unto the fathers by the prophets
12:44 has in these last days spoken unto us by His Son
12:49 whom He appointed heir of all things. By whom also He
12:51 made the worlds. Who being the brightness of His glory
12:56 and the express image of His person
12:58 and upholding all things by the word of His power
13:02 when He had by Himself purged our sins
13:05 sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high. "
13:08 So what do we learn in Hebrews chapter 1?
13:10 That God through His Son made the worlds.
13:15 Made the universe. Amen.
13:18 Now let's look quickly to John chapter 1.
13:20 John chapter 1. We're going to look at John 1:1-3.
13:25 In John chapter 1 verses 1, 2, and 3
13:28 the Bible says the following:
13:30 "In the beginning was the Word
13:32 and the Word was with God and the Word was God. "
13:37 Verse 2: "The same was in the beginning with God.
13:42 All things were made by Him
13:44 and without Him... " that is, Jesus...
13:48 "was not anything made that was made. " We read in
13:50 Hebrews chapter 1 that through His Son He made the...
13:53 worlds. John chapter 1 is talking about
13:56 the Word. The Word is Jesus.
13:58 Go to verse 14 of this same chapter and you will see
14:01 "the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. "
14:05 That is Jesus.
14:07 Now it says something interesting here.
14:11 It says that "In the beginning was the Word
14:14 and the Word was with God. " You see, you can - if you had
14:17 the capacity - go as far... as far as the...
14:23 time could take you to the beginning
14:26 and Jesus already existed.
14:29 Because He has always existed.
14:32 He has not been created; He has not been made.
14:37 Jesus is God, and God is all powerful and eternal.
14:43 Do you understand that? Say amen. Amen! Praise the Lord.
14:46 Let's move on. So God made the universe
14:49 through Jesus Christ.
14:52 And I would like to bring an understanding here.
14:58 It says here: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was
15:01 with God. " And I have to say this because there are
15:05 different groups of people that believe that given time
15:11 you can become a god.
15:16 And there have been individuals that from time to time rise up
15:19 and say "I am God. "
15:21 And one after the other... they die.
15:26 Well let's look in Isaiah chapter 43 very quickly.
15:29 Isaiah chapter 43 and we're going to read verse 10.
15:33 Isaiah 43:10.
15:36 You may write it down... here's what the Bible says:
15:38 "Ye are My witnesses saith the Lord
15:40 and My servant whom I have chosen
15:43 that you may know and believe Me and understand
15:47 that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed.
15:54 Neither shall there be after Me. "
15:58 So the Bible is very clear.
16:00 This same thought is mentioned several times in the Bible.
16:04 Before God there was no God formed.
16:07 Neither will there be any God formed after Him.
16:11 Praise the Lord! This is what the Bible says.
16:13 Now... we talked about the creation of the universe.
16:19 And God made a marvelous creation.
16:23 In the book of Genesis we find a principle as to how
16:27 God does things. Genesis chapter 1 verse 31.
16:31 How does God do things? How does He create?
16:35 You see, in Genesis chapter 1 verse 31
16:38 the Bible says the following: "And God saw everything
16:42 that He had made... " talking about this earth
16:44 but you can say the same thing about the universe...
16:47 "And God saw everything that He had made and behold
16:51 it was very good.
16:54 And the evening and the morning were the sixth day. "
16:56 So you see, when God created the universe
16:59 it was very good. You can with all confidence say
17:05 it could not be any better because God is perfect.
17:11 Now let's look into the scriptures. The whole universe
17:13 perfect. There was harmony and peace everywhere.
17:17 No killings; no muggings; no stealing.
17:22 No sickness; no pain; no death.
17:26 No stress... no animals that bite you
17:30 or sting you. Everything was peace.
17:35 Everyone got along.
17:37 No one got stressed out.
17:40 Somebody could step on your foot... no problem.
17:44 Somebody could stumble with you. "Excuse me... sorry...
17:49 no problem. " In today's society
17:52 somebody could look at you and all of a sudden
17:56 there's a fight. I used to live in Chicago.
18:03 And you... People would swear at you just because they thought
18:08 you were looking at them the wrong way.
18:10 But you see, in God's universe everything was perfect.
18:13 Let's look at the Bible to see what it tells us about
18:16 God's universe. Now these are principles we're talking about
18:19 and how God does things.
18:23 In Matthew chapter 22 verses 37 to 38
18:27 Matthew 22:37-38
18:30 the Bible says: "Jesus said unto him:
18:36 'Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart
18:39 and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.
18:42 This is the first and great commandment. ' "
18:45 Jesus was asked: "Lord, which one is the greatest
18:49 commandment? Which one? " So what does He say?
18:52 "Love the Lord your God with all your heart
18:55 with all your mind. " So that's the first and great commandment.
18:58 And I tell you the Ten Command- ments are based on these two
19:02 great principles that we're looking at over here.
19:05 Love the Lord your God supremely.
19:08 And now the following verse says...
19:11 verse 39: "And the second is like unto it:
19:15 thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. "
19:21 Amen! Wouldn't it be wonderful
19:24 if everyone in this world loved his neighbor as himself.
19:29 Wow! A lot of horrible things would stop.
19:34 But these are the two great principles
19:37 by which God's commandments were understood
19:40 and obeyed throughout the whole universe.
19:45 Praise the Lord!
19:46 You see, the Bible tells us in I John chapter 4 verse 8.
19:53 I John chapter 4 verse 8.
19:55 "He that loveth not knoweth not God
19:57 for God is love. "
19:59 You see, God is love and the creatures He made
20:04 He made with a desire to be loved and to love others.
20:10 That is God's universe.
20:13 So the first two great commandments: love God
20:15 with all of your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind.
20:18 And love your neighbor as yourself.
20:21 This is the way God's universe works.
20:23 Now this is something vital to understand
20:27 as we go down in the development of this topic.
20:33 And so for a period of time everything was perfect.
20:36 Everyone got along... no problem at all.
20:40 But the Bible tells us that there was an individual
20:44 that went beyond and did something other than love God
20:50 and love his neighbor as himself.
20:52 Let's go to the book of Ezekiel chapter 28.
20:56 In the book of Ezekiel chapter 28
20:59 when you begin reading in verse 1 you will find that God
21:04 is talking about an individual - a prince of Tyre
21:07 and then eventually says a king of Tyre.
21:10 And you have to understand that the Bible uses symbols.
21:14 It's all over. In different places you'll see these things.
21:18 And this prince and this king is being used as a symbol
21:22 because these same character- istics were developed in this
21:27 earthly person, this king, this prince
21:30 as were in angel that turned from loving God
21:36 to doing evil.
21:38 And as you read the narrative in Ezekiel chapter 28
21:42 you quickly find out it's impossible that this is talking
21:46 about a human being. Impossible!
21:48 Let's look at the words. First, Ezekiel chapter 28
21:51 verses 1 and 2. If you're ready, say amen.
21:53 Amen! "The Word of the Lord came again unto me saying
21:57 Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyre
21:59 thus sayeth the Lord God: 'Because your heart...
22:03 thine heart is lifted up and thou hast said I am... '
22:08 What? "a god
22:10 and I sit in the seat of God in the midst of the seas. '
22:13 Yet, thou art a man and not God
22:17 though thou set thy heart as the heart of God. "
22:24 You see, this individual - like Lucifer that we're going to
22:28 talk about in a moment - he thought he was God
22:31 but he was just a man.
22:33 The king we're talking about in this prophecy is Ishbaal.
22:38 The very name of Ishbaal tells you that he was a worshiper
22:41 of Baal: a false god, an idol made by man.
22:46 And interestingly enough his name Ishbaal.
22:52 He's connected to pagan idolatry.
22:55 He was actually a high priest of Baal.
22:59 And when you look at this you begin to understand
23:03 how he had characteristics like the angel that went bad.
23:09 Let's take a look and see the evidence
23:12 in the scriptures as to how this could...
23:14 It is impossible for this to be a mere man.
23:17 Let's go to Ezekiel 28 verses 11 and 12.
23:25 "Moreover the word of the Lord came unto me saying:
23:28 'Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king
23:31 of Tyre and say unto him
23:34 Thus saith the Lord God:
23:37 thou sealest up the sum. Full of wisdom
23:41 and perfect in beauty. ' "
23:44 When it says "you seal up the sum" that means
23:47 it cannot get any better. You are the totality
23:50 of perfection. Now notice here
23:55 that it says this person is full of wisdom
23:59 and what? Perfect in? Beauty!
24:03 After sin came into this world you could not say that
24:06 people were perfect in beauty.
24:09 Right away after sin and children began to be born
24:14 imperfections began to arise in the complexion and in the
24:18 physical bodies of the people.
24:20 Now I know some husbands here will probably say
24:23 "Oh, my wife is perfect in beauty. "
24:28 Amen... amen!
24:32 I would say that about my wife.
24:34 But you see, perfect in beauty does not describe a human being.
24:40 Let's continue reading.
24:42 Now it begins to get clearer and clearer that we're talking
24:45 about an angel that went bad. Look at verse 13.
24:51 "Thou has been in Eden - the garden of God.
24:55 Every precious stone was thy covering.
24:57 The sardius, the topaz, and the diamond, the beryl,
25:00 the onyx and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald
25:03 and the carbuncle and gold. The workmanship of thy tabrets
25:07 and of thy pipes was prepared in thee
25:10 in the day that thou wast created. "
25:13 Wow! Question:
25:17 which human beings do we understand have been in the
25:20 Garden of Eden? Only two: Adam and Eve.
25:26 And the Bible says that after Adam and Eve sinned
25:29 they were? They were asked to leave.
25:33 And after they left angels were placed in front of the garden
25:37 so that no other human being could go in.
25:43 And it says "flaming swords. "
25:46 So this lamentation - although it has references
25:51 to a symbol of a king -
25:54 there's a mixture here of talking about a king
25:56 and Lucifer that went bad.
26:01 And so we can say this cannot be a mere human being.
26:07 Now let's continue reading and we will see that.
26:10 Now when you get to verse 14 the Bible clearly tells you
26:14 something that says: "OK, this is not a human being. "
26:17 It says: "You were the anointed cherub
26:21 who covers. I establish you. "
26:26 And the King James version says: "I set thee. " So I'm reading
26:29 now from the New King James version.
26:31 I'll start reading again: "You were the anointed cherub
26:33 who covers. I establish you. You were on the holy mountain
26:37 of God. You walked back and forth in the midst of the
26:40 fiery stones. " This is not a mere human being.
26:44 It's a covering... was a covering cherub.
26:48 That's an angel of an exalted order in heaven.
26:52 That's what a cherub is.
26:54 In fact, this angel had the privilege of being
26:57 next to God's throne.
27:02 This is expressed and symbolized
27:04 in the tabernacle service.
27:06 Let's quickly go to this example
27:10 in Exodus chapter 25. We're going to read verses 19 and 20.
27:14 Exodus 25:19-20.
27:16 And the Bible says the following:
27:19 "And make one cherub on the one end and the other cherub
27:22 on the other end. Even of the Mercy Seat
27:25 shall be make the cherubim's
27:27 on the two ends thereof.
27:29 And the cherubim's shall stretch forth their wings
27:32 on high, covering the Mercy Seat with their wings
27:35 and their faces shall look one to another.
27:38 Toward the Mercy Seat shall the faces of the cherubim's be. "
27:44 Praise the Lord! So we see here an example
27:47 in the sanctuary service as to what the position
27:50 of this cherub was.
27:52 The Mercy Seat is a symbol of God's throne, God's kingdom,
27:55 where He sits. And here this cherub was close
28:00 to God's throne. So what happened to this cherub?
28:05 This angel? Let's go over some of the things we have noticed
28:09 about Lucifer. He seals the sum. Full of wisdom.
28:13 Perfect in beauty. Was an anointed cherub.
28:15 Created perfect. And he had something that we all have...
28:21 freedom of choice.
28:25 How do we know he had freedom of choice?
28:27 Because he chose to sin.
28:30 So he had a gift that we all have: freedom of choice.
28:36 Let's see what happened with this angel.
28:44 In Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 15
28:49 we find the following words:
28:52 "Thou wast perfect in thy ways
28:57 from the day that thou wast created
29:00 till iniquity was found in thee. "
29:04 So let me back up a little bit and talk a little bit about
29:07 this. "You were perfect from the day you were created
29:12 till iniquity was found in thee. "
29:14 We do not know how long of a time
29:17 Lucifer existed... and I'm calling him Lucifer because
29:20 in another book it mentions the name Lucifer.
29:23 We do not know how long he lived serving God,
29:26 loving God, and loving the other angels
29:30 and all the other creatures of God.
29:32 We do not know. The Bible does not tell us.
29:34 But it says he was perfect. In other words,
29:38 he was perfect from the day he was created
29:40 till iniquity was found in him.
29:43 In other words, you can examine him.
29:46 And if you had the most powerful instruments
29:48 to detect sin or any variance from perfection,
29:53 you could look at Lucifer every minute,
29:56 every moment from the moment he was created
29:58 till the moment iniquity was found in him...
30:00 however long that was...
30:02 and you could say: "Perfect, perfect, perfect.
30:05 No sin. Perfect, perfect. No sin. Perfect, perfect, no sin. "
30:08 And then, it says: "iniquity was found in him. "
30:12 The Hebrew word matza means that it's like something
30:16 appeared that was not there. You see, God didn't put it there.
30:20 God did not pre-program Lucifer to sin.
30:23 It was a choice he made.
30:30 And these things that we're talking about help us
30:35 in some way understand. See, because, there really is no
30:38 explanation for why sin appeared in his heart
30:45 except some idea that he had jealousy and pride.
30:53 And so this confuses people. "How could sin start
30:56 in heaven where all is bliss and beautiful and perfect? "
31:01 You see, God gave His creatures freedom of choice so they could
31:04 choose to serve Him out of love.
31:08 "If you love Me... " "If you love Me...
31:11 keep My commandments. "
31:13 The opposite of that is true.
31:15 "If you don't love Me, don't keep My commandments. "
31:19 But "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "
31:21 God could have made robots
31:24 to say: "Yes, Lord, yes... You're wonderful; You're great.
31:27 You're marvelous. I adore You; I worship You. "
31:31 But that would not be natural; that would not be true
31:36 and God wants true worshipers
31:41 that worship Him in spirit and in truth.
31:44 Let's continue. So we ask: "What happened
31:48 to Lucifer? " Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 16
31:52 the Bible says: "By the multitude of thy merchandise
31:57 they have filled the midst of thee with violence
31:59 and thou hast sinned. " A choice... "Therefore,
32:03 I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God
32:06 and I will destroy you, O covering cherub,
32:08 from the midst of the stones of fire. "
32:12 We'll come back to this later.
32:14 Now verse 17 says: "Your heart was lifted up
32:18 because of thy beauty. Thou hast corrupted thy wisdom
32:22 by reason of thy brightness. I will cast thee to the ground.
32:26 I will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee. "
32:29 You see indications of choices
32:33 that Lucifer made.
32:36 Question: did God love Lucifer?
32:40 Your answer is? Yes! He loved Lucifer.
32:44 And when you love someone you do your best to help them.
32:50 Now you see, God tried to help Lucifer.
32:53 And there is something marvelous about God - and I
32:55 praise the Lord for that - is that He can read the thoughts
33:00 and intents of the heart.
33:04 And I'm going to explain something to you. You see,
33:06 when the first little spark, little speck
33:12 of a desire for something that was not his
33:15 arose in Lucifer God knew it
33:19 and His heart went out to Lucifer.
33:22 Because you see the Bible says when God loves He loves with
33:25 an everlasting love.
33:27 So He tried to help him.
33:29 Let's see some evidence in the scripture for this
33:32 as we move along.
33:34 Now let's understand something about Lucifer.
33:37 You see, I mentioned that he was next to God's throne.
33:40 And when people are next to God something happens to them.
33:47 I'm going to explain it to save time.
33:51 When Moses was in the mountain with God
33:54 even though he could not see His face
33:56 he was there for 40 days.
33:59 Wouldn't that be wonderful? Forty days with God?
34:01 What happened to Moses when he came down from the mountain
34:05 and he started to go before the people?
34:08 The people saw Moses and they said: "Who is this here? "
34:12 His face was shining.
34:14 His face was glowing with the glory of God!
34:19 And as he approached the people
34:22 they could hardly see him and they said: "Moses,
34:25 cover your face with a? " "veil
34:29 because we cannot behold your face. "
34:33 And the same thing happened to Lucifer.
34:35 He was before God's throne. Although he had some natural
34:39 beauty that God gave him some of God's glory
34:44 came upon Lucifer.
34:46 But as you spend time away from the Lord it seems like it
34:49 starts to go away. Because Moses didn't wear that veil
34:52 all his life. You see, eventually Lucifer begins to say
34:56 "I am really something! "
35:00 "I glow like no others. "
35:04 "I am perfect in beauty. "
35:06 Now, understand that Lucifer loved everybody
35:11 and everybody loved Lucifer.
35:13 And I say this to you because something happens later.
35:17 All of his friends, when he begins to speak to them
35:21 about his dissatisfaction...
35:24 If you read the book of Patriarchs and Prophets
35:26 it's like he... what he knew, what he had in his mind
35:30 to develop a plan to do evil,
35:33 he began to say things. You know, you can suggest things
35:36 to people and they embrace that thought
35:39 and make it their own.
35:42 "I'm hungry... " and people that were not thinking of being
35:46 hungry suddenly they're hungry.
35:48 "Oh yeah, I'm hungry too. "
35:51 So Lucifer did the same thing.
35:54 Now you know he's very wise because when you look at Genesis
35:57 chapter 1 he's talking to Eve and convinces Eve
36:01 by the way he was expressing himself
36:02 that she could be better than she was.
36:07 She was perfect... created perfect by God.
36:11 And he put in her mind ideas
36:15 that she could be as God
36:19 in the wrong sense.
36:21 So Lucifer developed these thoughts.
36:25 And so God reads the thoughts and He tried to appeal
36:30 to Lucifer to turn away from these things.
36:34 Let's look in Isaiah chapter 14 to see a little more
36:37 about Lucifer and how this developed.
36:39 Isaiah chapter 14. We're going to begin in verse 12
36:42 and I need to start quickly because time does not slow down.
36:45 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O son of the morning?
36:49 How art thou cut down to the ground
36:51 which did weaken the nations? "
36:53 The word Lucifer occurs only one time in the Bible,
36:56 and it is here. It means brightness or morning star.
37:02 But you see the sorrow. "How art thou fallen
37:07 from heaven, O Lucifer? "
37:09 Verse 13:
37:12 "For thou has said in thine heart... " You have said in your
37:14 heart... "I will ascend into heaven.
37:17 I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.
37:21 I will sit upon the mount of the congregation
37:24 in the sides of the north. " Where did he say that?
37:27 In his heart. That's in his mind.
37:30 At first he did not express it.
37:32 It was just in his mind... and God knew it.
37:35 And God tried to talk to him and help him.
37:38 And there are examples in the scriptures of God talking
37:42 to people, appealing to people, and they turn their back on Him
37:45 and rebel against Him.
37:48 But let's look at one scripture that helps us understand
37:50 that God knows what's in the minds of people.
37:53 In I Kings chapter 8 verse 39
37:56 I Kings chapter 8 verse 39
37:58 this is what the Bible says: "Then hear Thou in heaven,
38:01 Thy dwelling place, and forgive and do
38:05 and give to every man according to his ways
38:08 whose heart Thou knowest for Thou, even Thou only,
38:13 knowest the hearts of all the children of men. "
38:18 Praise the Lord! Question: did God know what was in
38:21 Lucifer's mind? Yes.
38:25 Also you see that example in Jesus.
38:27 Several times it says: "And He, knowing their thoughts... "
38:32 So I say to you that God knew and tried to help Lucifer.
38:36 God did not just stand back and wait for all this to develop.
38:40 He took action. He tried to prevent this from happening.
38:43 But you see, God is Almighty.
38:48 He foresaw this as something that would happen.
38:53 But He chose to create Lucifer anyway
38:57 because God does not escape challenges that He must meet.
39:02 He faces them, deals with them,
39:07 and the truth shines.
39:11 In the end it will be known that God has been good
39:17 to everyone - Amen!
39:20 and has treated everyone fairly.
39:23 Notice again in Isaiah 14:13. "I will exalt my throne
39:27 above the stars of God.
39:31 I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation
39:34 in the sides of the north. "
39:35 He talking about God's kingdom.
39:37 He's talking that he wanted to take God out of the way
39:40 and exalt himself above God to be worshiped by all.
39:47 That's what he wanted to do.
39:50 Notice what else he continues to say
39:54 in Isaiah 14:14:
39:56 "I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
40:00 I will be like the Most High. "
40:04 Question: Did Lucifer really want to be like the Most High?
40:12 In the sense of being worshiped and having authority
40:17 and having everyone bow before him? Yes!
40:20 But in the sense of how God truly is -
40:23 His character - the answer is "no" because
40:27 we read that "God is love. "
40:30 And love does not do harm to their neighbor the Bible says.
40:35 So he didn't really want to be like God...
40:37 he wanted to have what God had:
40:39 worship, authority, and the ruler of the universe.
40:45 That's what he wanted.
40:47 And he proposed to the angels that he had a better way...
40:51 a better way of doing things.
40:54 And that's why they joined his cause.
40:57 That's why they decided to go on his side
41:01 one-third of the angels. And if we move quickly
41:04 we will see that clearly.
41:06 Let's go into this understanding.
41:10 You see, when he said that he would do this,
41:12 when he would exalt his throne, that's when Lucifer went from
41:16 Lucifer to Satan... Satanas, which means
41:21 adversary, devil. The adversary... the devil.
41:25 That's when he made that change in his life,
41:29 in his way of being.
41:31 And so brothers and sisters the Bible says in I Peter 5:8
41:36 "Be sober, be vigilant
41:39 because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion
41:42 walketh about seeking whom he may devour. "
41:46 That's what he does.
41:47 And anyone that follows him that's what will happen.
41:54 Oh, he'll give you trinkets and toys
41:57 and give you things you may like to see,
42:00 like to hear, like to touch.
42:03 Toys to play with to buy things that you don't really need
42:07 and don't do you any good.
42:10 Because just as we put little bait on
42:15 mousetraps the devil does the same thing.
42:23 I was not going to share this but I had a cat once.
42:29 And I didn't really know what cats did with mice.
42:35 And the first time I saw that cat catch a mouse
42:39 it was horrible.
42:41 I may have shared this before. It was horrible!
42:44 He caught the mouse and then laid him there
42:48 looking at it.
42:50 And the mouse seemed to regain some... regain some
42:55 consciousness and say: "I've gotta get out of here;
42:58 this is not good for me. "
43:00 And he begins to start walking away and the cat went "shwoo! "
43:04 And down he went again.
43:08 And he laid there, and he seemed to be unconscious.
43:13 And the cat was "Is he really dead? "
43:17 And again the little creature - the little mouse -
43:20 started to say: "I've gotta get out of here. "
43:22 But he couldn't. He was wounded.
43:24 That's what the devil does:
43:26 plays with you, but his object is that you will be destroyed.
43:32 So let's go to Jesus.
43:34 He is our Savior. He has come to seek and to save
43:37 that which was lost. He loves us,
43:40 wants the best for us, and He has a world for us
43:43 where there's no sickness or pain nor death.
43:45 Let's follow Jesus.
43:48 We need to finish. Brothers and sisters,
43:52 I need to save time so I need to go to Zechariah chapter 7.
43:56 Zechariah chapter 7. In Zechariah chapter 7
44:00 I'm going to read verses 8 through 12.
44:04 This is what the Bible says: "And the word of the Lord
44:06 came unto Zechariah saying: 'Thus speaketh the Lord of
44:10 Hosts saying execute true judgment and show mercy
44:14 and compassion every man to his brother.
44:17 And oppress not the widow nor the fatherless,
44:20 the stranger, nor the poor and let none of you
44:23 imagine evil against his brother in your heart. ' "
44:26 But notice how they responded.
44:28 He's talking about the people of Israel.
44:30 "But... " verse 11...
44:34 "but they refused to hearken and pulled away the shoulder
44:38 and stopped their ears that they should not hear. "
44:42 God is appealing to them and they want to stop their ears
44:45 and turn away from Him.
44:47 "Yet they made their hearts as an adamant stone
44:50 lest they should hear the law and the words
44:54 which the Lord of Hosts had said in His Spirit
44:57 by the former prophet. Therefore came a great wrath
45:00 from the Lord of Hosts. " Brothers and sisters,
45:05 this is the same thing the devil did.
45:07 God appealed to him and he refused.
45:11 God appealed to him. Turned his back, closed his ears,
45:15 and went his own way.
45:18 And this is why there is a devil.
45:20 Is the devil real? Yes.
45:24 And I encourage you to keep away from him
45:27 and come close to Jesus.
45:30 Let's go to Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 17.
45:36 Ezekiel chapter 28 verse 17 once again.
45:39 It says: "Your heart was lifted up
45:43 because of your beauty. Thine heart was lifted up
45:45 because of thy beauty. Thou has corrupted thy wisdom
45:48 by reason of thy brightness. I will cast thee to the ground;
45:51 I will lay thee before kings that they may behold thee. "
45:55 Brothers and sisters, the Bible says
45:58 that he was cast out of the mountain of God.
46:03 Notice Ezekiel 28 verses 15 and 16.
46:07 "Thou was perfect in thy ways
46:10 from the day that thou wast created
46:11 till iniquity was found in thee.
46:13 By the multitude of thy merchandise
46:16 they have filled the midst of thee with violence
46:18 and thou hast sinned. Therefore I will cast thee
46:21 as profane out of the mountain of God.
46:23 I will destroy you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the
46:27 stones of fire. " I read this to ask you
46:31 this question. Are you ready?
46:34 Four people are ready. Are you ready?
46:36 Amen! The Bible says that He's going to cast him out
46:41 of the mountain of God. Question:
46:44 where does it say that he was cast out to?
46:48 It doesn't say that there.
46:51 It says he was cast out of the mountain of God.
46:55 Now you have responded
46:56 the way most people will respond.
47:00 They will say he was cast to the earth.
47:01 But brothers and sisters I submit to you
47:03 and I hope I can bring this to your understanding
47:06 before the time is over.
47:08 God did not immediately cast Lucifer to this earth.
47:13 I'm going to summarize, then we'll look at the scriptures.
47:15 God did not immediately cast Lucifer to this earth.
47:19 He cast him out of the mountain of God.
47:23 That means out of heaven.
47:27 Question: where did Lucifer have a right to go
47:31 that he could set up his camp? "I think I'll go live over
47:33 there. " Where did he have a right to go?
47:36 Everything belonged to God.
47:38 He had no right to go anywhere.
47:41 When Jesus is driving out demons
47:45 they ask: "If You are going to cast us out
47:49 command us to go into the swine. "
47:54 You see? He cannot go anywhere without permission.
48:00 So he could not really come to live in this earth
48:05 until something occurs
48:08 and that is after Adam and Eve sinned.
48:12 After Adam and Eve sinned is when he could be
48:15 cast down to this earth.
48:17 But he could visit, you see. Before they sinned
48:20 he could visit but not stay.
48:23 He could go and visit other places but not stay.
48:27 Because everything belonged to God he has no right
48:30 to camp anywhere. It is because
48:33 Adam and Eve sinned that they identified with the rebellion.
48:37 Then God says: "OK... unfortunately
48:40 Adam and Eve sinned; this will be your home. "
48:45 Let's look at the Bible.
48:48 If you understand that, say amen. Amen!
48:51 OK... we need to move quickly.
48:52 Oh, we're going to have to skip something.
48:56 This is really like a three-part sermon.
48:58 Let me move over here. We're going to have to go into...
49:03 It's hard to leave this out... it's hard to leave this out.
49:07 Let's go to Revelation chapter 12.
49:09 Revelation chapter 12. In Revelation chapter 12
49:12 you're going to have to keep up with me.
49:14 In Revelation 12:7 the Bible says: "And there was war
49:18 in heaven. Michael and His angels fought
49:20 against the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels. "
49:24 There's a summary of what happens here in Revelation 12.
49:27 And this is why people go to Revelation 12
49:30 and they see like "Oh, he was immediately cast down to the
49:32 earth. " But because of what I shared with you -
49:35 and there are principles in the Bible that establish this -
49:37 it was not that way.
49:39 You see, there were no chapter divisions when John wrote
49:42 the letter. There were no verses, no chapters.
49:45 They were added later. And the way it's written
49:49 makes you understand or believe that he was immediately
49:52 cast to this earth but that is not so.
49:55 Let's look... So, the war in heaven. Who is this Michael?
49:59 The Bible says Michael is a Prince.
50:03 And we're going to look at that. His name Michael means
50:05 who is like God.
50:09 In Daniel chapter 10 verse 13, Daniel 10:13,
50:13 The Bible says: "But the prince of the kingdom of Persia
50:17 withstood me 1 and 20 days but, lo, Michael -
50:20 one of the chief Princes -
50:23 came to help me. And I remained there with the king
50:26 of Persia. " So here he is called what? One of the
50:30 chief Princes. In Daniel chapter 10 verse 21
50:33 the Bible says: "But I will show thee
50:35 that which is noted in the scriptures of truth.
50:38 And there is none that holdeth with me in these things
50:41 but Michael, your Prince. "
50:45 So who is He? Who is Michael, your Prince?
50:48 Jesus. It is Jesus... none other than Jesus.
50:52 Now in Daniel chapter 12 verse 1 another description is
50:55 given to Michael. Notice: "And at that time
50:57 shall Michael stand up, the great Prince
51:01 which standeth for the children of thy people.
51:03 And there shall be a time of trouble such as never was
51:07 since there was a nation... even to the same time.
51:11 And at that time Thy people shall be delivered,
51:13 every one that shall be found written in the book. "
51:16 Daniel 12 verse 1.
51:19 Brothers and sisters, Michael is Jesus Christ.
51:24 Amen!
51:25 It is in the New Testament that the word archangel
51:28 is connected to Michael, and that confuses people.
51:30 Let's go to Jude 1:9. There's only one chapter.
51:34 Jude 1:9. The Bible says: "Yet Michael the archangel
51:37 who, contending with the devil, disputed about the body of
51:41 Moses does not bring against him a railing accusation
51:44 but says: 'The Lord rebuke thee. ' "
51:46 Here the words Michael and archangel are together.
51:50 Confuses people, but the word arch is from arche
51:54 in Greek which means the chief or leader of.
51:58 So here what it's saying: Michael, the leader or chief of
52:02 the angels. Question:
52:05 Is the president of the United States a soldier?
52:10 He's not really a soldier,
52:13 but he's the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the US.
52:17 There are many countries that the president of the country -
52:20 of that nation - is a commander in chief even though they are
52:23 not soldiers. So even though it says Michael the archangel
52:26 that doesn't mean that He was an angel.
52:29 Let's look at some scriptures that will help us understand
52:31 that this Michael is Jesus.
52:33 In John chapter 5 verse 25 the Bible says:
52:39 "Verily verily I say unto you:
52:42 the hour is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the
52:45 voice of the Son of God and they that hear shall live. "
52:50 So here in John 5:25 it says that they will hear
52:55 the voice of the Son of God and they shall live.
52:58 In I Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 16-
53:02 I Thessalonians 4:16-
53:04 the Bible says: "For the Lord Himself shall descend
53:08 from heaven with a shout
53:10 with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God
53:14 and the dead in Christ shall rise first. "
53:17 This Lord Himself with the voice of the archangel
53:22 is the same thing. Jesus said: "They will hear My voice. "
53:25 This is the same thing.
53:28 When He says in John chapter 5 "They will hear My voice"
53:32 and it says here "the voice of the archangel"
53:34 it is helping you to understand this is talking about Michael
53:37 who is Jesus
53:40 who is coming to resurrect His children.
53:43 Would you say amen to that?
53:45 If you understand that Michael is Jesus say amen.
53:47 Amen! Interestingly enough...
53:50 we don't have time to look at it again...
53:53 in Ezekiel chapter 28
53:56 God is talking and He says:
53:58 "I will cast you out of the mountain of God. "
54:03 Who is casting him out of the mountain of God?
54:06 God. In Ezekiel 28 it says God.
54:10 When you get to Revelation chapter 12
54:12 there is a war. Michael and His angels fought
54:14 and the devil and his angels were fighting against them.
54:17 And the Bible says that Michael was victorious.
54:24 It is logical to conclude that this Michael
54:27 who was victorious kicked out the devil and his angels.
54:33 It is the same thing in Ezekiel 28.
54:35 God says: "I'm going to throw you out of the
54:37 mountain of God. " Here in Revelation 12
54:40 it shows Michael fighting with the devil and his angels
54:44 and they're victorious... so the devil is cast out.
54:47 Michael/God/Jesus cast the devil out.
54:52 Does that make sense to you? Amen!
54:55 So this Michael is Jesus Christ Himself.
54:59 Time is moving quickly.
55:01 Whoo!
55:02 We're going to have to go to Revelation 12:8.
55:05 It says: "And prevailed not... " That is, the devil and his
55:09 angels... "prevailed not neither was their place
55:11 found any more in heaven. " This means they lost
55:15 that war and that their place did not belong to them
55:20 any more. They could not go back to that position
55:22 because of the privilege they had to be in God's presence
55:27 and see the mighty God and His glory.
55:30 They could not have any further revelation
55:33 than they did of God, so therefore
55:36 they could not return.
55:40 It is hard to see what to keep out.
55:43 Brothers and sisters, we need to conclude.
55:47 Let's go to Revelation 12:9.
55:49 "And the dragon was cast out,
55:51 that old serpent called the devil and Satan. "
55:54 Period.
55:57 A period should go there.
56:00 When you get to this next part
56:02 it says "which deceiveth... who deceiveth... "
56:04 there's another thought being expressed, and that's because
56:07 this is talking about Adam and Eve being deceived.
56:10 Notice: "Which deceiveth the whole world. "
56:13 Now it's talking about the earth.
56:15 A different thing.
56:16 "which deceiveth the whole world. " He was cast out
56:19 into the earth after Adam and Eve sinned.
56:21 And his angels were cast out with him to this place.
56:24 And as you examine Revelation you will notice
56:28 that the devil continues his work...
56:31 his war and work against God's children.
56:34 And it is up to us to choose a side.
56:37 So I ask you: which side will you choose?
56:40 Will it be God's side? "God is love. "
56:43 He loves you, gave His Son to die for you
56:46 and is returning soon to deliver you
56:50 from every suffering that you could possibly have
56:52 in this world to put you in a world where there is no
56:55 suffering, no sickness nor death.
56:57 How many of you prefer God's side? Would you raise your hand?
57:01 Amen! Praise the Lord!
57:03 And I want to encourage everyone that is joining us
57:05 wherever you are: choose God's side
57:08 because God wants to give you eternal life
57:11 without pain, suffering or sickness or death.
57:14 The choice is yours. You do not have to follow the devil.
57:18 You can follow Jesus. And when you follow Jesus
57:21 something marvelous happens.
57:22 When you give your heart to Jesus you begin to live a life
57:25 of happiness and peace that begins in this world
57:28 and continues throughout eternity. So I say to you:
57:32 choose Jesus. Amen!


Revised 2023-04-15