Spring Camp Meeting 2017

Danny & Musical Guests

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Danny Shelton (Host)


Series Code: 17SCM

Program Code: 17SCM000001A

00:14 Welcome to 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting 2017:
00:25 Hello and welcome to 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting.
00:28 This is an amazing time of the year.
00:31 It's an amazing place to be.
00:33 And I'm so thankful that we serve the great God
00:35 of the universe who is coming back very soon in the clouds
00:39 of glory - right? to claim His chosen people.
00:42 And who's that? Everybody!
00:44 He died that not one should perish
00:46 but all should have everlasting life.
00:48 We have a wonderful group out here.
00:51 I told them a little earlier, Yvonne... I said
00:53 we'll, right at the beginning of a program we'll have
00:56 quite a few people. About 30 minutes after it's on
00:59 this place will be packed.
01:01 So I'm always worried Adventists are going to miss the second
01:03 coming by about 20 or 30 minutes...
01:06 but hopefully that's not true.
01:08 We'll be there. But we've had an incredible year this year
01:11 at 3ABN and we can't wait to give the good news
01:14 to all of you at home and to those of you here.
01:17 And we're going to have some wonderful programs,
01:19 wonderful speakers.
01:21 And so I don't know when we'll get a chance to do it
01:24 but share with the folks some of the speakers.
01:26 And ya'll here... I think you have programs, don't you?
01:28 If you don't, we can get them. They're available out here.
01:31 So anybody up here, you got? Give us something, John.
01:36 Well... well, praise the Lord that we're here.
01:41 I'm kind of laying low tonight.
01:44 I spoke this morning for the GO! Evangelism Team a sermon.
01:48 Most of you were not here.
01:49 If you're a GO! Evangelism Team member or become one,
01:53 then you get an opportunity to get a copy of that.
01:55 But we're glad that the Lord has given us another year
01:57 to just simply yield our lives back to Him.
02:00 And we are expecting... If you saw the Thursday Night Live,
02:05 we were so excited that we wanted to run around the studio.
02:09 And Danny will tell you more about that, but there are many
02:11 things the Lord is doing to make an impact on 3ABN
02:14 and also in our lives and we praise Him for it.
02:17 Absolutely! Mollie, Shelley, Brian... somebody?
02:20 Well I was just thinking: we had a board meeting this morning
02:23 and I just feel about this high off the ground.
02:26 You know, we can look into the world and what's happening
02:29 in the world, and the world system's declining to its end.
02:31 Can I hear an "Amen" to that? Amen!
02:33 It's gettin' worse and then it gets worse again.
02:36 But when we look into the church and what God is doing,
02:38 Danny, in the church and... then we have to get excited
02:43 because God really is in charge. Amen!
02:47 He really is in control. And how many of you really believe
02:49 that... that scripture tells us that in that day all nations
02:54 are going to flow into the mountain of the Lord's house.
02:57 There is a great end-time revival that's just right here
03:00 upon us. And we're going to be a part of it
03:03 and that... that is something to shout about! Amen!
03:07 And speaking of board members, we have our board chairman
03:11 and his wife Jacki, Bruce and Jacki Fjarli,
03:13 all the way from Oregon.
03:15 Medford, Oregon. We're glad to be here
03:16 praising the Lord with you,
03:18 looking forward to the second coming and spreading the gospel
03:20 around the world. Amen! All right!
03:22 I'm particularly excited about the subject matter
03:25 when you look at the titles for each of the meetings.
03:29 My! You know, for every truth
03:32 Satan has some kind of counterfeit.
03:34 Well during this series the counterfeits of Satan
03:37 are going to be exposed by presenting truth.
03:40 Amen! And this is exciting. I like the subjects.
03:44 We know that this is a God-ordained encampment
03:48 because those subjects - all 18 subjects -
03:51 were given to us in answer to prayer in about 3 minutes'
03:55 time. It was just prayer and then write as fast as we could.
03:59 So we knew this was of God.
04:02 Shelley does... When she says we that's she and the Holy Spirit
04:05 because you all did that together.
04:07 There wasn't any we. I wasn't... I think most of us
04:10 here... that's you, and so we knew it was the Lord.
04:13 When she started putting that out it's like
04:15 "Wow! How did you come? " She said: "I didn't... it just
04:18 came. " Can I tell the whole story?
04:20 I was curling my hair
04:22 and I knew we had... getting ready to go to work.
04:24 I thought your hair was naturally curly? It is naturally
04:26 curly. I curl it to make it straight! But anyway...
04:31 Oh well. BUT
04:34 I was curling my hair and saying: "Oh, Lord,
04:37 what are we going to do this year? " 'Cause I knew we had
04:39 this meeting. And for just a moment I almost let my hair burn
04:43 because it started coming. I took my roller out
04:45 real quick and then I just started writing!
04:47 And there it was! Amen!
04:50 And we're going to have this next hour - for those of you
04:53 watching us - Pastor Nathan Renner's going to be here
04:55 then our own... Dr. Murray, can you give us?
04:58 You're speaking tonight, aren't you?
05:00 Give us a little clue. What are we going to be looking for?
05:04 We're going to talk about truth.
05:06 When you've got truth there can be no false.
05:09 There can be alternate beliefs
05:11 but there can be no alternate truth. Amen!
05:13 So we're going to talk about the truth, the whole truth,
05:15 and nothing but the truth. Amen! All right.
05:18 Praise the Lord! Greg and Jill, what've you got for us.
05:21 It's a blessing to be here at Camp Meeting.
05:23 Don't you? Isn't it a blessing? Amen! You know,
05:26 as production we've been counting the days down
05:29 in excitement. "Two weeks from today Camp Meeting starts. "
05:32 "One week" and then it's "Tomorrow Camp Meeting starts. "
05:35 And you know, we appreciate you all coming here.
05:38 This is a blessing because you are 3ABN as well.
05:41 I remember several anniversaries back, Danny, you would say:
05:43 "This is your 3ABN. "
05:45 The Lord Jesus Christ of course,
05:47 but thank you to each one of you.
05:48 It is so wonderful to see and meet each one of you.
05:50 It's like a family reunion.
05:52 Good to see some people we've seen for many years;
05:54 some of you are new here.
05:55 Thank you again for coming.
05:56 We're looking forward to this entire Camp Meeting.
05:58 Several hours. What? 23 programs... 24 programs?
06:02 I don't know: 25, 30, 40, 50? I don't know.
06:05 A lot. Hope you brought a seat cushion.
06:08 That's right, you kind of need it with 3ABN Camp Meeting.
06:12 It's just a joy... We've been praying
06:15 as the 3ABN team here, and I know you've been praying
06:18 as well, but praying that the Lord would pour out
06:21 His Spirit in abundant measure.
06:23 We could come, we could be filled, but then it would mean
06:27 nothing if our lives and hearts aren't changed
06:31 by the messages that we hear, by the Word of God,
06:35 and by the Holy Spirit's anointing.
06:37 So I just want to encourage each one of you
06:39 and you at home to pray...
06:41 to pray that God's Spirit would be poured out
06:43 in abundant measure and that revival would spring forth
06:47 as a result of what takes place here.
06:49 Amen! Yvonne?
06:50 Jill and I have a surprise.
06:54 Look what is here! Amen! Look what has come in today.
06:59 Spiritual Vigilantes. This is Danny's new book.
07:03 It's the truth behind the attempted destruction
07:06 of God's law. This book... Yes... you like it. Great!
07:12 This book is a blessing, and Jill, tell us how we can get it
07:15 and more about it. We're so excited about this book.
07:18 I know that Remnant Publications brought it down today
07:21 in the truck, and I saw the boxes... the cases of books
07:25 coming off. 16,200 of these books
07:29 are here right now. This is hot off the press
07:32 here right now at Camp Meeting. So if you want to get your copy
07:35 here, you can see I have a little flyer here.
07:39 All you have to do is... This should be in your program.
07:42 Or go by the 3ABN booth. They have the books there.
07:45 They are, Mr. Danny, I believe absolutely free
07:50 and there is no shipping for those of you who are here
07:55 because the books are already brought down.
07:57 Sure. So you can pick up a case. You can pick up two cases
08:01 or three, and share them with those people in your community.
08:06 Now, fill out the form... turn it in. We want to know
08:09 who picked up which books. But I'm excited about that.
08:11 And for those of you at home
08:13 you can always get the books. You still get them free
08:16 but you have to pay for shipping
08:18 'cause we have to pay for that.
08:19 But it's only $18.50 a case!
08:22 For 100? For 100 books.
08:24 That's not bad. That's flat rate anywhere in the country?
08:26 That's right. So... yeah. United States and Philippines,
08:30 Guam, some of the other U.S. territories.
08:32 Well it's always neat to see something come into fruition.
08:35 So I hadn't seen this till just a little bit ago.
08:37 They just came down today.
08:39 But I praise the Lord for it because it's information
08:42 that I know the Lord placed upon my heart.
08:45 It's information that I know most of you agree with.
08:48 But we have a whole world that needs to hear truth
08:51 as Pastor C.A. was saying.
08:53 And we called it Spiritual Vigilantes because
08:56 I think most of you know what a vigilante is.
08:59 In the physical sense, people who put themselves above the law
09:02 who feel like, "Well you know, the authorities aren't doing
09:08 their job so we're going to step in and do it. "
09:11 And usually it's of a negative consequence.
09:13 But there are spiritual vigilantes.
09:16 God has His law, and anyone who attempts to change God's law -
09:21 any of the commandments, not just the fourth one,
09:24 we talk about all of them - anyone who attempts to change
09:27 God's law is a spiritual vigilante.
09:30 So that's what came to me, and I said: "You know what?
09:33 Let's get this out because the world needs truth
09:36 like never before. " And I am more convinced
09:38 that Jesus is coming soon than I've ever been in my life.
09:42 Just the news we have received here
09:44 in the last few weeks has amazed me.
09:47 Everybody? Absolutely! I mean, we can't wait to share
09:50 it all with you. Some of it we're supposed to wait
09:51 till Sabbath but I've got a mouth that runs quite a bit.
09:55 I've never been known to keep anything.
09:57 So I may be telling it all before we get there to Sabbath.
10:00 But this is some good news I want to tell you.
10:03 Some good news what God is doing.
10:05 And it lets us know that He's on the throne.
10:07 And so we couldn't do any of this without all of you.
10:11 So thank you those of you that are here from many many
10:13 states and even we know Australia.
10:16 And there's going to be some other folk from other countries
10:18 coming but for those of you at home also
10:21 thank you for your love and your prayers and financial support
10:24 of 3ABN. We could not take this message into all the world.
10:28 It soon will be 33 years. This November
10:31 since the idea came to build a television station
10:34 that would reach the world with an undiluted three angels'
10:37 messages, one that would counteract the counterfeit.
10:40 I had no idea what that meant but I knew it wasn't from me.
10:43 And 30+ years later
10:46 here it is: we literally see God
10:49 opening up whole nations to 3ABN like never before. Amen!
10:54 Technology's changing... everything is changing
10:56 and God is in control. I want to let you know
10:59 not just this but in your own life
11:01 never be discouraged - Amen! no matter what it looks like.
11:05 I can tell you now, last Fall financially if we had some
11:08 people come in here lookin' at 3ABN they'd say:
11:11 "You're never going to make it through the winter. "
11:13 And I mean, it was easy to look at what's coming in and what's
11:17 going out: "You're not going to be here in the Spring. "
11:20 That's what it would look like in the physical.
11:23 But in the spiritual we had to say: "Lord, we're trusting
11:26 You. " And God has done amazing things.
11:28 We're still here, still giving the message,
11:30 reaching more people than ever before.
11:32 And we don't take any of the credit.
11:34 We know it's God, impressing on the hearts of each and every
11:37 one of you to support Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
11:41 So once again thank you so much.
11:43 And the book... yes, it is free.
11:45 Hopefully that doesn't mean it's not worth anything.
11:48 But hopefully that what we want to do is...
11:51 we've had some sponsors and we're inviting each of you.
11:55 Some of you say: "Well, I can't go pass out
11:56 books. " And there's groups that literally in New York
12:00 and Tobago and others that are taking thousands of these.
12:03 I think they told me the Georgia-Cumberland Conference
12:06 is getting like two pallets - that's almost 11,000 books -
12:11 that they're going to be passing out.
12:12 And so all we do is say: "You pay the shipping. "
12:15 So some folk are donating the finances
12:18 so that way we can literally give the books out
12:21 to those who have the energy and the time
12:23 and the efforts to get together.
12:26 Because our churches sometimes fall asleep.
12:28 So projects like this get us up and going.
12:32 And they had the Desmond Doss book out not too long ago
12:35 with Remnant and some of the others.
12:36 And at one point 3,000,000 books got passed out.
12:39 That's good for all of us
12:41 to get up and to get out and to do something
12:43 for the cause of God rather than just come and sit down
12:46 on the pews every week, right?
12:48 And so this is something that I believe.
12:51 Some people will be offended -
12:53 and even people within the church - because
12:56 I have seen changes within the church.
12:58 We've always preached on the one commandment
13:00 but it seems like there's some more
13:02 that some of us are willing to just let slide by.
13:05 And it's not... "Well, we're to be politically correct...
13:08 you shouldn't really talk about some of these subjects. "
13:11 But you know, I feel like we have to.
13:12 So whatever commandments the world and here in America
13:16 for those of us here that see that our government
13:19 is endorsing or making law of the land
13:21 we still have to stand up and tell the truth.
13:23 So by God's grace this book is going to continue to go out.
13:27 And only by His anointing and the power of His Holy Spirit
13:31 will lives be changed. Amen!
13:33 Why don't we sing? Johnny, you've got something
13:35 and then we'll sing a congregational song.
13:36 I think you've just presented a great opportunity.
13:38 You know, there are people that sometimes call 3ABN
13:41 looking for material to help spread the gospel.
13:45 And this is a wonderful opportunity for people to
13:48 get a truth-filled book and hand it to someone
13:52 and I believe lives will be transformed.
13:54 I want to add something about the list of topics.
13:58 When I saw them I said: "Wow! This is tremendous! "
14:01 And it reminded me of the mission of 3ABN:
14:04 to counteract the counterfeit.
14:06 And of course our prayer is that as people hear the truth
14:10 they will be drawn to Christ
14:12 and their lives will be transformed.
14:14 And this is what we ask that you will also do:
14:16 pray for every speaker. Pray for every minute
14:19 of the live broadcast that 3ABN is on the air
14:21 because we want every minute to be a blessing.
14:24 Amen! It's been almost 11 years,
14:27 Shelley, hasn't it? since we wrote The Ten Commandments
14:29 Twice Removed. Anybody had that book or ever passed it out?
14:32 Look at all the hands.
14:33 Over 10 million of those went out, and we've seen tremendous,
14:37 we've seen numerous... You can tell us a little bit.
14:40 Sunday pastors. Not only people from other denominations
14:44 and non-Christians, but a lot of pastors from other churches
14:46 who've accepted the Sabbath.
14:48 I ought to have to send this down to Johnny because
14:50 he had a gentleman here recently who was with the Latino Dept.
14:54 who said that just in their country they'd had like over 100
14:59 was it? pastors who have now become Seventh-day Adventists
15:04 from reading this book.
15:06 The book has been translated - amazing!
15:09 Amen - but you know we still get reports.
15:13 And the book has been translated... We've lost track of
15:16 how many languages its been translated into.
15:19 Because when people say: "Can we translate it into
15:22 Talagu or whatever we can say: "Yeah, as long as you're not
15:25 charging. " Don't tell Dwight.
15:27 Don't tell people about it... just do it. You know just do it
15:30 if you're giving it away. Just do it! Get it out! So it has
15:32 been such a blessing to know that there's
15:36 just thousands upon thousands
15:38 of people, and still we had a call not too long ago
15:42 from a Baptist pastor who read this book
15:45 here in the United States and he said: "I'm absolutely
15:49 convinced. I can't preach it from the pulpit"
15:51 but he said "I'm keeping it at home. "
15:54 I want ya'll to pray for that pastor.
15:56 There's probably more than one
15:58 who have feared that they would lose their job
16:01 if they were to preach the truth.
16:03 But pray for them that God will give them a holy boldness
16:06 and that they will know that they are responsible to the
16:09 Great Shepherd. OK... for those of you here
16:11 this week. You've got your motorhomes,
16:14 you've got your campers, your cars, your trucks.
16:15 You can take caseloads... whatever you can get in.
16:18 You just fill out a form so we'll know
16:20 and take them back and there's no shipping involved.
16:22 And so we're happy to do that. And thank you
16:24 for what you do for the cause of God.
16:26 Let's sing something. How about When We All Get To Heaven?
16:29 I heard them sing while ago... they're good.
16:31 OK! Yeah... let's sing.
17:14 When we all get to heaven,
17:18 what a day of rejoicing that will be!
17:50 Amen! Thank you. You can be seated.
17:52 Thank you all. I think at this time we're going to have
17:54 Pastor John. Are you going to sing for us?
17:57 All right... John, and Tim, and I.
18:01 I'll play the guitar - OK - and you sing and Tim's going to
18:04 play the piano. We'll see how it works.
18:06 All right... let's do it.
18:08 You know, we had the privilege... Just recently
18:11 we were down in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
18:14 And just a few days ago many of you
18:17 may remember George Baehm. He's now resting in Jesus.
18:21 Tena's here... and you cannot miss Tena.
18:27 She's the shortest person here.
18:31 Her husband was recently laid to rest
18:33 in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
18:35 And we went down to be a part of the memorial service.
18:39 And it reminds us even more that
18:43 all of the soldiers of the cross
18:45 that dedicate their lives to the cause of Jesus...
18:49 You know, we get sad when a person has passed away.
18:54 We are sad when a person dies but we are so glad when they die
18:57 in Jesus. Amen! And so when we were down at the service
19:01 I wanted to sing a song. As a matter of fact, Tena had
19:03 asked us to, but I didn't want to use a sound track.
19:06 I wanted to be more tender than that.
19:07 And I pulled Danny aside all of three minutes
19:10 and just mentioned a song to him...
19:13 and that tonight is a result.
19:15 You know, there's another meeting place.
19:18 It's not in the next General Conference session
19:22 or ASI, but the meeting place we're all looking forward to
19:25 is heaven. And when this Camp Meeting is over
19:28 I want this song to resonate in your heart.
19:30 If we never meet again this side of heaven,
19:33 we will meet you on that beautiful shore.
19:43 If we never meet again
19:48 this side of heaven,
19:53 as we struggle
19:56 through this world and its trials.
20:02 There's another meeting place
20:07 somewhere in heaven
20:12 by the beautiful River
20:17 of Life.
20:22 Where the charming roses bloom
20:27 forever;
20:32 where separation comes
20:37 no more;
20:41 So if we never meet again
20:46 this side of heaven,
20:51 I will meet you
20:54 on that beautiful shore.
21:01 It's where the charming roses bloom
21:07 forever;
21:11 where separation comes
21:16 no more;
21:21 So if we never meet again
21:26 this side of heaven,
21:31 I will meet you
21:34 on that beautiful shore.
21:41 I will meet you
21:44 on that beautiful
21:48 shore.
21:56 Amen!
21:58 Amen! Thank you, John.
22:04 Some time ago I was sitting at home
22:07 and I said: "Lord, I want to give You something, but
22:09 I don't know what to give You. "
22:11 What do you give the Creator of the universe?
22:13 And it's just like this voice said: "Just give Me all
22:15 your praise. " So I wrote this little song
22:18 and just asked Tim just a little bit ago
22:21 if maybe he would play it with me.
22:26 All my praise...
22:30 I give You all my praise.
22:38 That's all I have
22:43 to offer You.
22:49 I now build
22:52 a sanctuary
22:56 so deep within my heart
23:02 and all my praise
23:06 I offer up
23:09 to You.
23:15 I love You, Lord!
23:20 Oh, how I love You, Lord!
23:28 I bare my heart and
23:33 soul to You.
23:40 I'm an empty
23:43 broken vessel
23:46 filled with hurt
23:49 and pain inside.
23:52 Still I offer up
23:56 all my praise
24:00 to You.
24:06 Fill me, Lord...
24:11 Oh, please fill me, Lord.
24:18 With Your Holy Spirit
24:24 fill me now.
24:31 For I long for Your anointing
24:38 that I may work for You.
24:45 Fill me now...
24:48 touch me now
24:51 dear Lord.
24:57 All my praise...
25:02 I give You all my praise.
25:11 That's all I have
25:16 to offer You.
25:22 I now build
25:25 a sanctuary
25:29 so deep within my heart
25:35 and all my praise
25:39 I offer up
25:42 to You...
25:47 Oh, and all my praise
25:52 I offer up
25:56 to You.
26:03 Amen!
26:06 Thank you, Tim.
26:13 Now it's my privilege... If you haven't met
26:16 or haven't heard Tim Parton play or sing,
26:19 you've missed a real treat.
26:21 And Tim loves Jesus with all of his heart.
26:24 He's an incredible musician and he gives God that credit.
26:29 Because... I heard him years ago. And he's done a number of
26:34 the projects at 3ABN that we have done over the years.
26:37 Tim is doing most of the... Whether I'm singing,
26:41 C.A.'s singing, John is singing,
26:43 no matter who, most of the piano is Tim doing that.
26:47 So he started playing in our studio, I don't know, 15 years
26:49 or so ago... became great friends.
26:52 And I sense that there's an anointing on him.
26:56 So we started a new television channel
27:00 that's a praise Him: it's called Praise Him!
27:02 the channel, and it's wonderful and it's all ready. In fact,
27:07 it's going to be going on in the UK in just a little bit.
27:10 So we've got to make sure we get it here in America
27:12 'cause these folks are going to be upset at us.
27:14 But it's a full-time channel. But Tim, we've asked you just
27:17 to play and sing as the Holy Spirit impresses you for a bit.
27:21 Thank you for this opportunity.
27:23 It's great to be here as always. Great to be a part of 3ABN.
28:27 His voice is thunder;
28:31 His face is shining like the sun
28:36 and there is fire in His eyes.
28:43 Enthroned in glory,
28:47 the marks of healing in His hands.
28:51 All of creation testifies:
28:58 Great is the Lord... He is worthy of honor
29:02 and worthy of all that we are.
29:06 He is righteous and holy,
29:08 deserving of glory,
29:10 Redeemer of every heart.
29:14 Great
29:17 is the Lord!
29:22 Yes, He's great.
29:26 His words are healing,
29:30 His ways are higher than mine.
29:34 His steadfast love is better than life!
29:41 Joy everlasting,
29:45 a peace this world can't comprehend.
29:49 My lips will sing it
29:51 over again and again and again.
29:57 Oh, great is the Lord... He is worthy of honor
30:02 and worthy of all that we are.
30:05 He is righteous and holy,
30:07 deserving of glory,
30:09 Redeemer of every heart.
30:13 Great
30:17 is the Lord!
30:21 Great
30:24 is the Lord!
30:42 Oh, great is the Lord...
30:44 so worthy of honor,
30:46 and worthy of all that we are.
30:50 He is righteous and holy,
30:53 deserving of glory,
30:55 Redeemer of every heart.
30:59 I said great is the Lord,
31:02 so worthy of honor
31:04 and worthy of all that we are.
31:08 He is righteous and holy,
31:11 deserving of glory,
31:14 Redeemer of every heart.
31:19 Great
31:23 is the Lord!
31:27 Great
31:31 is the Lord!
31:35 Great
31:38 is the Lord!
31:44 Amen!
33:46 Hallelujah! What a Savior! Amen?
33:48 Amen! How I love Him! Praise the Lord!
33:51 So grateful that God has called us all to be His
33:56 mouthpiece... to speak and proclaim
34:00 to a dying world that Jesus cares, He saves,
34:05 He loves. And you may have come to this place
34:10 tonight, this week, with a desire in your heart
34:15 to be used. But you don't know where
34:19 and you almost even are to the point where
34:21 you just don't think it's possible that God could use you.
34:25 But I love the fact that the Bible is full of examples
34:28 of people that God used all through the Old Testament
34:32 and into the New Testament.
34:34 He uses us... we're all He's got!
34:38 Now He could do anything He wanted to without us
34:42 but He chooses to use people like you and people like me.
34:46 I'm going to sing about that.
34:48 All right... good.
34:58 You see, Peter had a temper
35:02 and Thomas had his doubts;
35:06 Jacob was a liar;
35:10 remember... Jonah headed south.
35:14 Martha had her worries
35:18 and Sarah was too old;
35:22 David wasn't faithful
35:26 and Moses wasn't bold.
35:30 And I used to see them as stained-glass saints...
35:35 they seemed almost divine.
35:39 But now I see them with flesh and blood
35:42 with a heart a lot like mine:
35:45 just people like me
35:50 in the hands of a gracious God!
35:54 And though He sees
35:58 where I've been and what I'm not
36:02 oh, what a wonder...
36:06 what a beautiful mystery
36:10 that He chooses and uses
36:14 people like me!
36:19 None of us are perfect;
36:21 we're all broke and we are weak.
36:26 But I see a cloud of witnesses;
36:30 we're in great company!
36:34 With all of our failures and all our faults,
36:39 with all our fears,
36:42 our Father still has a plan
36:47 for everybody here.
36:50 Just people like me
36:54 in the hands of a gracious God!
36:58 And though He sees
37:02 where I've been and what I'm not
37:06 oh, what a wonder...
37:10 what a beautiful mystery
37:14 that He chooses and uses
37:18 people like me
37:21 to be His hands and feet.
37:24 Oh, I believe it's true:
37:28 He's changing this world
37:30 through people like you
37:34 and people like me.
37:41 He uses people like me...
37:50 oh, what a wonder...
37:54 what a beautiful mystery
37:58 that He chooses and uses
38:02 people like me.
38:08 God uses people like me!
38:18 Just people like WE!
38:27 Amen! Yeah... that's good news, isn't it?
38:30 It's nice to be used by God, right?
38:34 Now I want to play just one more song.
38:36 And this is a song that whenever I went to Camp Meeting
38:40 as a child we would sing this song. It's an old song
38:43 called Oh, I Want To See Him... Look Upon His Face.
38:47 Some of you may not know it; some of you may
38:49 and if you know it sing along if you can stand it.
40:46 All right! And if you want to know how that song goes
40:49 it goes like this:
40:52 Oh, I want to see Him...
40:57 look upon His face.
41:02 There to sing forever
41:06 of His saving grace.
41:11 On the streets of glory
41:16 let me lift my voice.
41:21 Cares all past,
41:24 we'll be home at last
41:28 ever to rejoice!
41:34 And then we'd sing this:
41:36 But until then
41:40 my heart will go on singing.
41:46 Until then
41:49 with joy I'll carry on.
41:55 Until the day
42:00 my eyes behold that city
42:07 until the day
42:11 God calls me
42:16 home.
42:28 Amen.
42:29 Amen! Thank you. Wow! Is that incredible or what?
42:34 Praise the Lord! There's only one explanation for that
42:37 so I want all the white people here to hold your ears
42:40 for a minute, I'm going to talk to the rest.
42:41 Only one explanation: he's got to have color in his hands
42:46 'cause white people can't play like that...
42:47 that's all there is to it.
42:49 So we may have to get DNA. We want to know the truth
42:52 about this. This whole Camp Meeting is about truth.
42:55 We want to know the truth.
42:57 So thank you so much, Tim, for what you do... and beautiful!
43:00 Such an anointing on Tim when he ministers that we sit
43:04 back here and we're worried about the schedule
43:07 but I noticed, crew, everybody's back here... we're just
43:10 glued to the monitors back there because
43:13 it's not just how good of a... great of a talent he has
43:17 but there is an anointing. Some people have an anointing
43:20 and God has gifted him. And I'm so thankful
43:23 he's on God's team, aren't you? Amen! 'Cause he could do a lot
43:26 of damage... you could do a lot of damage if you were
43:28 on the side of the world. So we're glad that you're not
43:31 there but you've chosen to use your gifts and your talents
43:34 for the Lord. Speaking of gifts and talents
43:37 and somebody with a little color in her hands
43:39 I'm going to invite Dr. Yvonne to come out.
43:42 And right now... What an incredible woman of God
43:45 and manager of Dare to Dream Network.
43:49 And we have some great news and, Yvonne, we need to talk
43:54 about this for a minute. OK.
43:56 Dare to Dream... you want to say hello to
44:00 the newest viewers of Dare to Dream - millions
44:05 of people - where around the world?
44:07 In the UK! In the UK you can
44:10 just turn on your television and see Dare to Dream.
44:14 Amen! This is one of the miracles I've been...
44:17 Amazing! Praise God! This is one of the miracles that
44:20 I've been telling you about.
44:21 We were there two years ago a lot of you remember. We went
44:24 to London, held meetings. Fourteen pastors or so...
44:27 churches. And hundreds of people came to each church.
44:30 There were several thousands of people and quite a few people
44:33 got baptized. But every day as our team would walk through
44:36 the streets we'd say: "Lord, how are we going to reach
44:38 the millions and the millions of people
44:41 not only in London but the entire United Kingdom?
44:45 Eight million people! " And I want to tell you:
44:47 it was against the law because we talked to the church leaders:
44:50 "Can't you get some television time? " You know what they said?
44:53 "They don't allow Christian television. There's no way
44:56 you can have it. And especially foreign companies...
44:58 it's not allowed. " And I want you to know
45:00 Moses Primo started work two years ago
45:03 working, filling out applications, doing everything
45:06 that he possibly could do to get a license
45:09 to be able to broadcast where they say it's impossible.
45:12 And only... get this: only January 1
45:17 was it legal for Christian programming
45:22 and foreigners with Christian programming
45:25 to have a channel in the UK.
45:29 This channel is free to air 75%.
45:32 There's 65 million people.
45:34 UK, for those of you that's not particularly good in geography,
45:39 the UK - the United Kingdom -
45:44 is England, is Northern Ireland,
45:47 is all of Scotland and Wales.
45:50 Right now 75% of all of those people
45:54 have to just turn on their television set.
45:56 They get not only 3ABN but 3ABN Dare to Dream.
46:00 And then in a matter of a few weeks
46:03 all of our channels are going to be on there.
46:05 Can you imagine? All our channels
46:07 reaching millions and millions of people!
46:11 And then on top of that
46:14 if that's not good enough news, Smart Television,
46:16 all of those folk... And the UK is at least I'm told
46:20 5-7 years ahead of us when it comes to wife
46:24 and when it comes to technology as far as broadcasting goes.
46:28 We have it, but it's what the government allows them.
46:33 But everyone that has a Smart TV -
46:37 and there's millions of them being sold -
46:38 80% of the people in the UK who buy Smart TV's
46:42 have Wi-Fi. Almost everybody there has Wi-Fi.
46:45 And all of those folk now get 3ABN.
46:48 We have called. People who live in the heart of London
46:52 where it's impossible to reach
46:54 we've called them and said: "Can you turn on channel 244? "
46:58 And they turn on and they say:
47:00 "There's what we call a bouquet that opens up with a
47:04 number of channels inside it
47:05 there's 3ABN and 3ABN Dare to Dream. "
47:08 So I know you're one happy, happy camper - I am so excited -
47:12 that you have potentially millions and millions
47:14 of more people. Folks... this is a miracle!
47:17 I don't know if everybody's gettin' it?
47:18 If you're getting this or not.
47:20 Maybe if you're not it's 'cause you're not in the...
47:23 in what we do day in and day out and have done for
47:25 year in and year out. This is maybe the biggest miracle
47:29 I've ever seen. Not just the amount of people
47:32 but where it is. Amen!
47:34 Where it is! It's impossible to go
47:36 to the UK. The church told us that. "We can't do it. "
47:39 "We cannot do this. " And they couldn't.
47:42 But now you know what? It's not gonna happen...
47:44 it's already on. Some of you are watching right now
47:47 'cause we're getting reports. We can get reports
47:49 of thousands of people right now who are watching
47:53 3ABN and 3ABN Dare to Dream. And in a matter of weeks
47:56 all of our other channels including Kids Time.
48:00 Yes! Proclaim! Yes! Literally all of them!
48:03 Latino! Yes, yes, yes! All of these channels
48:05 are going to be reaching millions of people. Yes! Yes!
48:07 And with our channel is a number of other channels
48:12 and one of those is a Muslim channel.
48:14 We're happy about that because 3 million Muslims in the UK...
48:19 many of those will be able to watch 3ABN if they choose.
48:22 I mean, this is an exciting time!
48:25 I could go on about this for a long time
48:27 but I'm going to save it till later. I've told you about
48:29 all I can do... there's a lot more to come.
48:31 But thank you so much for what you do...
48:33 Praise the Lord! for the cause of God
48:35 and thank you for using your gifts, your talents
48:38 and abilities. Yvonne has made a living for many many years,
48:42 a very good living, singing with people like Whitney Houston
48:47 and Luther Vandross... many others,
48:48 and done a lot of commercials. But I'm so thankful
48:50 that now she's using her gifts and talents for Jesus.
48:53 Praise the Lord! Amen! Praise the Lord!
49:14 In Christ alone
49:17 my hope is found,
49:20 He is my light, my strength, my song.
49:25 This Cornerstone,
49:27 this Solid Ground,
49:30 firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
49:35 What heights of love,
49:38 what depths of peace,
49:40 when fears are stilled and strivings cease.
49:46 My Comforter,
49:48 my All in All...
49:51 here in the love of Christ I stand.
50:04 In Christ alone,
50:07 who took on flesh:
50:09 fullness of God in the helpless babe.
50:14 This gift of love and righteousness
50:20 scorned by the ones He came to save.
50:25 'Til on that cross
50:27 as Jesus died
50:30 the wrath of God was satisfied.
50:35 For every sin on Him was laid...
50:41 here in the death of Christ I live.
51:06 There in the ground His body lay
51:12 Light of the World by darkness slain.
51:17 Then bursting forth in glorious day
51:22 up from the grave He rose again!
51:27 And as He stands in victory
51:32 sin's curse has lost its grip on me.
51:38 For I am His and He is mine!
51:43 Bought with the precious blood of Christ.
51:56 No guilt in life, no fear in death:
52:01 this is the power of Christ in me.
52:06 From life's first cry
52:09 to final breath
52:12 Jesus commands my destiny.
52:17 No power of hell,
52:20 no scheme of man
52:22 can ever pluck me
52:26 from His hand!
52:30 'Til He returns to take me home
52:35 here in the power of Christ I'll stand.
52:40 No power of hell,
52:43 no scheme of man
52:46 can ever pluck me from His hand!
52:56 Here in the power
52:59 of Christ
53:05 I'll stand.
53:16 Amen! Stay out here with me a minute, OK?
53:20 We have just a few minutes before we get to the top
53:23 of the hour. Thank you. You're welcome.
53:25 Before we get to the top of the hour.
53:27 I wanted you to just give a little bit of a testimony
53:30 because singing in the world for as long as you did
53:33 I'm always amazed. And she has a number of gold and platinum
53:37 records, and you won't find them hanging anywhere.
53:39 When I saw them they were in her closet.
53:42 C.A. Murray told me: "Go see her gold and platinum records"
53:45 years ago. And I said: "Why are they in your closet? "
53:47 And she said: "They don't mean anything to me. "
53:49 Amen! "It's what I'm doing now for Jesus. "
53:52 So give us a little bit. I know you make less
53:55 than you would on one commercial like Folger's coffee
53:59 or something... a year, probably.
54:01 You actually make less and yet you seem happier.
54:04 Tell us how that works. There's people listening
54:06 say: "How does that work? " You know, it's funny because
54:09 when you're in the jingle business
54:12 there is a lot of money to be made.
54:14 It's really like a fairy tale kind of existence
54:17 because you know money comes in, you get residuals.
54:20 So every time a commercial is played you get money,
54:24 you get paid for that. So you go to your mail box
54:26 and open the mail box and you have checks for this
54:29 and checks for that and all that. And that was all
54:31 well and good, but you know what?
54:33 Something... there was something missing in my life.
54:36 And I really didn't know what it was until a girlfriend of mine
54:40 came to visit me, and she had her Bible with her.
54:44 And I thought: "Oh! " 'cause I was... By this time
54:46 I'm a 3rd or 4th generation Seventh-day Adventist
54:50 but I had gone away from the Lord
54:53 in the 80's and I was in the music industry
54:58 and all that. And I knew that one day... I felt like
55:02 I would come back. But you know what?
55:04 That's a delusion because at any point
55:06 the devil could have snatched my life
55:09 and I wouldn't have made it back.
55:11 So I praise the Lord that He brought me back.
55:13 And so my friend came; she had her Bible with her.
55:16 She had... When she went back to Nashville...
55:20 my friend Beverly Jenkins, I have to give Beverly
55:22 a shout out, when she went back to Nashville
55:25 she said... she sent me a little card
55:28 and in it was Philippians 4:6 and it was from the Living Bible
55:31 and it said: "Don't worry about anything. "
55:33 It said: "Pray about everything. "
55:35 "Tell God your needs; don't forget to thank Him
55:37 for His answers, and if you do this you will experience
55:40 God's peace which is more wonderful than the human mind
55:43 can understand. " And I realized that that's what I needed.
55:47 That's what was missing. And the Lord just...
55:50 it's just like a vacuum cleaner. He just brought me back
55:53 and I just praise God. I have NEVER
55:56 EVER regretted coming back to Jesus.
55:59 And if you don't know Jesus, viewer, you need to know Him.
56:03 It's the best decision you could ever make.
56:05 Amen! Absolutely! Thank you so much.
56:07 So your journey - um-hmm - is still going.
56:11 Yes it is. And now you're the general manager
56:13 of Dare to Dream Network. Yes. Some of the new programs
56:16 you have we're getting the best feedback of any programs
56:19 we have. Some of the folk... if they're not getting
56:22 Dare to Dream maybe you could tell them quickly
56:24 how they can get Dare to Dream.
56:26 Oh sure. Well... on your computer first of all
56:28 if you just go to D2Dnetwork.tv
56:32 If you have an iPad, an iPhone, a tablet or a Smart Phone
56:36 you can download the free 3ABN app
56:39 and we are on 24/7.
56:42 If you have Roku or mysdatv box
56:45 you can watch it there. So we have all kinds of ways
56:48 to watch... just watch!
56:50 OK. And what are some of the new programs?
56:53 Pumped Up Parents. Oh, you're going to love that!
56:55 Salvation in Symbols And Signs. You know we've been doing that.
56:58 And we're going to come back by the grace of God...
57:01 I heard a lot of amens over there - Yes - so somebody's
57:02 watching. Yes, yes, yes! We did Revelation
57:04 but we're going to go back and do the book of Daniel,
57:07 Lord willing. So we have that coming and then we have
57:11 Pumped Up Parents. We have Creative Cooking.
57:14 We have Working The Dream, which is an amazing program
57:17 about taking God into the workplace.
57:19 So there's a lot of great programs. All right!
57:21 So you've gotta get Dare To Dream. Now our first hour
57:23 of Camp Meeting is over
57:25 but we have two more hours to follow.
57:28 We have Bro. Nathan Renner, so don't go away.
57:31 We'll be back in just a moment.


Revised 2017-07-26