Series Code: 17GYC
Program Code: 17GYC000013A
00:59 On Jordan's stormy banks I stand
01:02 And cast a wishful eye 01:07 Cast a wishful eye 01:12 To Canaan's fair and happy land 01:15 Where my possessions lie 01:20 My possessions lie 01:24 I am bound for the Promised Land 01:30 I am bound for the Promised Land 01:36 Oh, who will come and go 01:40 Come and go with me? 01:43 I am bound for the Promised Land 01:53 O'er all those wide extended plains 01:57 Shines one eternal day 02:02 One eternal day 02:06 There Christ, the Son, forever reigns 02:10 And scatters night away 02:15 Scatters night away 02:18 I am bound for the Promised Land 02:24 I am bound for the Promised Land 02:30 Oh, who will come and go 02:34 Come and go with me? 02:37 I am bound for the Promised Land 02:47 When I shall reach that happy place 02:50 I'll be forever blessed 02:55 Be forever blessed 02:59 When shall I see my Father's face 03:03 And in His kingdom rest 03:07 Kingdom rest 03:11 I am bound for the Promised Land 03:17 I am bound for the Promised Land 03:22 Oh, who will come and go 03:26 Come and go with me? 03:29 I am bound for the Promised Land 03:39 Filled with delight my raptured soul 03:43 Would here no longer stay 03:47 Would no longer stay 03:52 Though Jordan's waves around me roll 03:55 Fearless, I'd launch away 03:59 Launch away 04:03 I am bound for the Promised Land 04:12 I am bound for the Promised Land 04:17 Oh, who will come and go 04:21 Come and go with me? 04:24 I am bound for the Promised Land 04:30 I am bound for the Promised Land 04:50 Good evening to all of you. 04:55 It's come to my attention 04:59 that last night I left you unintentionally 05:04 with a bit of a cliffhanger. 05:07 Number of you have asked me, 05:10 "Whatever happened to that girl from the gas station?" 05:15 I hope the message had more of an impact than that, 05:18 but... 05:21 It's a good question. 05:24 So I'll tell you, I continue to have contact 05:27 very regularly with that girl from the gas station. 05:33 In fact, I have seen her or talked to her 05:36 every day for the last 21.5 years 05:41 because I married that girl from the gas station. 05:45 If you'd like to meet... 05:46 Yes, with young people, you always get the awe, yes. 05:53 We've been married for 21.5 years. 05:58 She's the Associate Director of It is Written, Canada, 06:00 and we have been in ministry together 06:02 for those 21.5 years. 06:07 If you'd like to meet her, 06:08 you stop by our booth there in the exhibit hall. 06:13 We are thankful 06:16 to God that He has blessed us with the opportunity 06:19 to work together as a ministry team. 06:22 We're thankful and I am thankful 06:23 to have had the opportunity to be with you here at GYC. 06:30 I only pray that I have been as much of a blessing 06:34 as I have been blessed by all of you. 06:38 The number of people who have prayed for 06:40 and with me has been overwhelming. 06:47 Debbie and I have no children 06:50 through a intentional decision on our part 06:54 that God let us to that 06:55 we might dedicate our lives fully to ministry, 06:59 and it is given us the opportunity 07:00 to minister to young people in a way 07:02 that we might not have been able to minister 07:04 had we had children. 07:06 And so while we don't have any biological children, 07:09 we believe that we have youth and young adults 07:12 that are our children 07:14 all across North America and around the world. 07:19 So GYC has a very special place in our hearts, 07:24 and we're thankful to be here. 07:29 Tonight, we're going to continue our journey 07:35 In Isaiah 60, and I will tell you 07:37 I have found it quite amazing 07:40 that as the various speakers 07:43 for the various plenary sessions 07:45 and for the morning worship 07:48 have come all from far away and different places, 07:51 and we didn't have a meeting to coordinate 07:53 with one another how God coordinated 07:56 messages that are a cohesive unit leading each of us 08:01 on a path to Jesus Christ that we might arise 08:07 and shine for Him. 08:11 Tonight, as I share with you 08:14 this last time, it is my prayer 08:17 that God will pour out His Spirit in abundance. 08:21 Let's pray together. 08:29 Heavenly Father, we come here, 08:35 many of these young people, youth and young adults, 08:41 have been here for the better part of a week, 08:47 up late, up early, 08:52 praying long, praying hard, learning, 08:57 soaking in the power of Your Holy Spirit. 09:03 And tonight, as we engage in study once again, 09:07 we know that on our own ability, 09:09 on our own intellect, we have nothing. 09:13 But through the power of Your Holy Spirit, 09:16 we can be convicted, 09:21 and transformed, and changed, 09:26 and made anew. 09:28 And so our greatest prayer tonight 09:31 is that as we leave this place 09:36 that we would be different than when we first came. 09:40 We want to draw nearer to You, Lord, and we pray 09:43 that Your Spirit would be poured out in great abundance. 09:48 We pray this in Jesus' name, amen. 09:58 On Thursday night, 10:01 as we studied, we talked about the reality that 10:03 as we are called to shine, 10:09 God must first arise over us, 10:12 He must rise. 10:16 Last night, we studied the reality 10:18 that each of us need to arise, 10:21 but first we need to die, 10:25 casting away those things which pull us away from Him, 10:32 that we might live for Him, 10:36 you must arise. 10:41 Do you believe that God has done that in your life? 10:44 Do you believe that God has arisen in your life? 10:47 Do you believe that through the power of the Holy Spirit, 10:50 He's changed you this week? 10:53 I hope you do because the promise 10:55 of God's Word 11:00 is that as we make a decision to live for Him, 11:06 He's faithful, and He's true, 11:10 the one who began a good work in us will finish that work. 11:15 We do not need to leave this place doubting 11:18 whether God has done what He promised to do. 11:21 If He promised it, it is done. 11:26 And so now tonight, as we look at this passage, 11:29 we come to the dramatic conclusion, 11:32 and I need to tell you there's no huge preamble, 11:34 no big story, 11:36 and here it is with supreme profundity, 11:41 you will shine. 11:46 And some of you are saying, "But there's got to be more." 11:51 You will shine, Isaiah 60 is simple, 11:56 arise, shine for your light has come 12:00 and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you, 12:04 "For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth 12:06 and deep darkness the people, 12:08 but the Lord will arise over you, 12:11 and His glory will be seen upon you." 12:17 The gentiles shall come to your light, 12:20 and kings to the brightness of your rising. 12:22 And here is what I don't want you to miss. 12:28 Take note. 12:30 The passage is not an invitation 12:36 for you to try to shine. 12:43 Let me say it again so you don't miss it. 12:45 The passage is not an invitation for you 12:51 to try to shine. 12:56 The passage simply says, "Shine." 13:01 It is a promise 13:03 that because of the redemptive power of God in our lives 13:08 and the personal and real presence 13:11 of God in our lives, we will shine. 13:17 It is a guarantee, it is a promise. 13:23 And if we are not shining, 13:28 there is a more fundamental question 13:30 that we must ask our self, 13:35 "Have we really laid it all down?" 13:42 But tonight, embracing the promise 13:48 that we have laid it down, 13:51 that we have laid our Isaac down, 13:53 that we have let go of the brick, 13:57 embracing the promise of His Word, 14:02 we will shine. 14:06 Isaiah 60 14:08 tells us fundamentally the challenge that is faced. 14:12 "Darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people." 14:18 Those two words, darkness and deep darkness, 14:21 rather interesting Hebrew words, 14:23 two different words. 14:25 The first one 14:27 is the same word that is used 14:29 to describe the plague of darkness in Egypt. 14:33 Literally translated, obscurity. 14:37 The world is in obscurity. 14:40 Obscurity of what? 14:43 The second word, deep darkness answers the question. 14:48 That word deep darkness, 14:50 those two words are one Hebrew word 14:55 is literally translated, thick darkness, 14:59 and it is the identical word used 15:03 to describe the veiling of the glory of God 15:07 and the exact word used to describe the darkness 15:10 that enveloped His appearance on Mount Sinai. 15:16 What is the passage of Isaiah 60 saying? 15:21 Certainly, the darkness is a reference 15:24 to the wickedness of the world, 15:26 but it is more deplorable than that. 15:29 The world is dark, it is darkened to the reality 15:35 by a misunderstanding 15:38 of the character and love of God. 15:42 And God is calling His last day people 15:46 to arise and shine the glory of God, 15:52 the character of God. 16:02 And there are several passages throughout the Bible 16:03 that describe the exact same thing going on. 16:06 Isaiah 60 is a last day's passage. 16:10 Isaiah 60 is the most relevant passage 16:12 for the 21st century. 16:16 In no other time in this earth's history 16:19 has God's character been more obscured. 16:24 Do you know what the fastest growing religious group 16:27 is in North America? 16:30 Don't take joy in saying 16:31 the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 16:34 The fastest growing religious group 16:36 in North America is the nones, 16:39 not N-U-N-S, the N-O-N-E-Ss. 16:43 What does that mean? 16:45 People who have no religious affiliation. 16:49 They describe themselves as individuals 16:51 who are spiritual but not religious. 16:54 They've given up on the church 16:56 and fundamentally when you study 16:57 this group of individuals who have given up on religion, 17:02 they have given up on religion because they have simply said, 17:06 "There's no difference between what's happening there 17:08 and what's happening out here 17:09 and what's happening out here is more fun 17:11 than what's happening in there." 17:15 And God is calling His people 17:17 to arise and then you will shine, 17:22 but how does that accomplished? 17:24 If you have your Bibles, turn to Matthew 24. 17:27 You know Matthew 24 well, 17:30 Matthew 24, the signs of the times. 17:35 Jesus took His disciples 17:37 to the Mount of Olives and there, 17:41 He shared with them the signs 17:43 that would occur before His coming. 17:46 You know it well, 17:47 false christs and false prophets 17:49 would arise. 17:50 There would be wars and rumors of war. 17:53 You know all of this. 17:55 He said nation would rise against nation. 17:59 There would be pestilences and famines and earthquakes. 18:02 There would be false prophets, you know this. 18:07 It has happened throughout time, 18:09 and in these last days, with greater intensity. 18:12 But there right in the midst of Matthew 24, 18:15 there are a few verses that at first glance 18:18 seem like they're almost out of place, 18:21 but when you look at them more closely, 18:23 you see that they're in the exact right place. 18:26 Matthew 24:12, notice what the Bible says, 18:32 "And because lawlessness will abound, 18:36 the love of many will grow cold." 18:43 This word "lawlessness" 18:45 is a direct reference to the law of God. 18:48 Jesus says that, "Lawlessness will abound." 18:50 There would be a time 18:52 when society not only abandons God's law 18:54 but will actually rebel against it. 18:57 And as we look around the world today, 18:59 it doesn't take a PhD to figure out, 19:02 it doesn't take a theologian to figure out. 19:06 This is being fulfilled right in our midst, 19:09 a lawless society, 19:14 but Jesus says even further that, 19:15 "The love of many will grow cold." 19:18 The word there "love" is the Greek word agape, 19:23 literally translated to esteem, 19:25 to have affection for, to have high regards for. 19:31 That phrase "to grow cold", 19:38 it beckons the imagery 19:39 in the original Greek language of a flame 19:43 or a fire that is being extinguished or snuffed out. 19:52 It is a defining moment of the last days 19:54 when society will reject the very governance of God 19:58 and His law, 20:00 and then will embrace a loveless society 20:03 where love simply has been extinguished. 20:12 Lawlessness, lovelessness 20:17 will encompass the earth. 20:20 Isaiah 60 called it darkness. 20:29 Lawlessness, 20:31 the law is a revelation of God's character, 20:35 lovelessness, love. 20:40 God is love, the manifestation of God's character. 20:44 You see, God's character will be extinguished. 20:50 The full on assault of Satan in these last days 20:54 is to obscure the character of God, 20:58 that darkness would cover the land, 21:00 people wouldn't know who God really is. 21:04 And then Jesus says in verse 13, 21:06 "But he who endures to the end shall be saved." 21:10 That word there 21:11 "He who endures" the enduring there 21:14 should bring to mind another verse. 21:16 Revelation 14:12, what does it say, 21:20 "And here is the patience..." 21:22 which is also translated, endurance. 21:24 "Here is the endurance of the saints, 21:26 here are they that do" what? 21:28 "Keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus." 21:34 You see, to endure to the end means that you're an individual 21:39 that is filled with the faith of Jesus 21:42 and out of that faith of Jesus, 21:45 your love toward Him leads you to obedience in Him. 21:50 And then what will happen, in God's greatest counterattack 21:55 to Satan's attack of a world filled with lawlessness 21:59 and lovelessness and darkness covering the earth, 22:03 Jesus then said these words, 22:05 Matthew 24:14 and don't miss it, 22:08 "And this gospel of the kingdom 22:11 will be preached in all the world 22:12 as a witness to all nations," 22:14 and then the Bible says, "and then the end will come." 22:20 It is the most definitive time prophecy 22:22 as to the coming of Jesus. 22:26 You see, God's counterattack 22:28 to Satan's attack of lawlessness 22:31 and lovelessness is this gospel. 22:36 I want you to take note though, it's important. 22:41 It doesn't say "the gospel". 22:46 Now let me ask you a question, and I know the answer. 22:50 GYC, do you believe that the Bible is inspired? 22:54 Let me ask you one more time just to make sure. 22:56 GYC, do you believe the Bible is inspired? 22:58 Yes! 23:00 I feel better now. 23:05 When Matthew wrote these words, 23:09 he carefully chose the word "this", 23:11 it's a small word. 23:12 Some of you are saying, 23:14 "Why are you making such a big deal?" 23:18 The word "this" is a demonstrative. 23:22 If you don't like literature, stay with me, 23:25 I failed literature class, and I'm telling you, 23:28 so stay with me. 23:31 This is a demonstrative. 23:32 It could be a demonstrative pronoun 23:34 or a demonstrative adjective. 23:35 Some of you are saying, "This is crazy, 23:37 like what are you talking about this now?" 23:41 The word "this", here in the original 23:44 seems to be a demonstrative adjective. 23:48 It appears that Jesus is trying to demonstrate 23:51 that there is a distinct message 23:52 in the last days that will go forth to extinguish 23:56 the darkness, the lawlessness, 23:59 and the lovelessness of this earth. 24:06 It is no accident that later in the New Testament, 24:08 Paul warns about the perversion of the gospel, 24:10 I marvel that you are now turning away so soon 24:13 from him who called you in the grace of Christ 24:16 to a different gospel, which is not another, 24:18 but there are some who trouble you 24:19 and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 24:27 Why would Matthew use this word "this"? 24:30 Why would Matthew say "this" gospel must go forward? 24:34 Could it be that Jesus was trying 24:35 to communicate with us that He has a specific mission 24:39 for His church in the last days. 24:41 He has a specific mission for His people. 24:43 He has a specific mission for GYC. 24:46 He has a specific mission for you in these last days 24:50 as His counterattack to the lawlessness 24:52 and lovelessness of the world. 24:55 So what is "this" gospel? 24:59 Let us first be very clear. 25:01 It's not some ethereal thing that's out there. 25:05 It is not a theoretical device, 25:07 and it's not a theological debate. 25:12 In order to answer the question, 25:14 we need to go to a different passage. 25:18 Did Jesus ever clearly articulate 25:22 what "this" gospel is? 25:27 If you have your Bibles, turn to Luke 4. 25:31 Luke 4:16-21. 25:46 Universally, commentators believe that 25:48 this marks the commencement of Jesus' ministry. 25:53 Luke has deliberately put this story 25:55 at the beginning of the public ministry of Jesus 25:58 to encapsulate and demonstrate to us 26:01 what the entire ministry of Jesus was to be, 26:03 and in fact, informs us what "this gospel" is? 26:10 Luke 4:16-21, the Bible says this, 26:14 "So He came to Nazareth where He had been brought up. 26:17 And as His custom was, 26:19 He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, 26:22 and He stood up to read. 26:23 And He was handed the book of the Prophet Isaiah. 26:26 And when He had opened the book, 26:28 He found the place where it was written." 26:31 And then Jesus read these words, here it is, 26:34 "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me 26:37 because He has anointed Me 26:38 to preach the gospel to the poor. 26:41 He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, 26:44 to proclaim liberty to the captives 26:46 and recovery of sight to the blind, 26:48 to set at liberty those who are oppressed, 26:51 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. 26:55 Then He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant 26:59 and sat down. 27:02 And the eyes of all 27:03 who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him. 27:05 And He began to say to them, 27:07 'Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.'" 27:13 It is interesting to note 27:15 that Jesus reading the passage of Scripture, 27:18 it is a combination of Isaiah 58 and Isaiah 61. 27:25 This is very important 27:27 because Isaiah 58, 59, 60, 61, and 62 27:32 form what is called, in theological terms, 27:35 a chiastic structure. 27:38 What does that mean in very simple terms? 27:41 Isaiah 60 says how God is going to accomplish His mission, 27:47 and those passages surrounding it, 27:49 Isaiah 58, Isaiah 61 tell us what He is going to do 27:54 to accomplish the mission that He had set forth. 28:01 It seems that Luke placing this at the very 28:04 beginning of the ministry of Jesus 28:07 has tried to help us understand 28:09 the total encapsulation of what Jesus wants to do 28:15 and answer the question, what is this gospel? 28:18 First, it is to preach to the poor. 28:21 The poor in this passage are a group, 28:23 and it has a broad definition. 28:25 It certainly can mean those who are economically disadvantaged, 28:29 but it does also those who are oppressed, 28:31 those who are disillusioned and in need of God's help, 28:34 those who are lacking spiritual work or sense 28:37 that they're lacking spiritual worth. 28:40 This gospel is to go and share 28:42 the good news of the victory of Jesus Christ 28:47 and help people see the true and real character of God 28:53 that we can share with them 28:55 that a God of love will not burn people for eternity, 29:00 that a God of love would not allow you 29:02 to float as an entity 29:05 around your brothers and sisters after you have died 29:07 but not be able to participate with them. 29:10 A God of love would not make your wonder 29:12 whether your family member is in heaven 29:14 or in hell but rather resting in the grave. 29:17 We can demonstrate to a world who Jesus is, 29:23 that He is the Alpha and the Omega, 29:25 the beginning and the end, 29:27 the one who touches the economically poor, 29:31 the emotionally poor, and the spiritually poor. 29:34 The call of Jesus to His people 29:37 in a lawless and loveless society 29:40 is to share good news, 29:42 that Jesus is the lover of all peoples, 29:45 and His a life in Him will bring order and stability. 29:50 John 3:17, 29:53 "For God did not send His Son into the world 29:55 to condemn the world 29:57 but that the world through Him might be saved." 30:02 There are too many preachers on TV 30:04 who are condemning the world. 30:06 There are too many people condemning the world. 30:08 What the world needs is a dose of hope. 30:10 And that hope will come 30:13 through you, arise, shine. 30:20 This gospel is also defined 30:22 as the healing of the brokenhearted. 30:27 Jesus wasn't just concerned with the physical or spiritual, 30:30 but He was concerned 30:32 with the entire nature of humankind. 30:36 Jesus was called the Great Physician. 30:38 He met physical needs, emotional needs, 30:41 mental needs, social needs, spiritual needs. 30:45 He had concern for the whole person. 30:48 He wanted to restore wholeness in an individual. 30:53 And while in the English language, 30:55 brokenhearted is often used to describe an emotion. 30:59 This word encompasses even more. 31:02 These are individuals who have been broken by sin, 31:05 who have regret and are looking for healing. 31:08 Jesus demonstrated this ministry 31:13 through the first chapters of the Book of John. 31:17 John 2 as Jesus went to the wedding of Cana, 31:21 He healed a social need. 31:22 In John 3, as He dealt with Nicodemus, 31:25 He dealt with a social need, a spiritual need. 31:30 In John 4, as Jesus dealt with the woman at the well. 31:34 He dealt with an emotional, physical, and spiritual need. 31:41 And that goes all the way through, 31:42 then in the climax in John 8, 31:45 the woman caught in adultery. 31:52 Where the Bible gives evidence 31:53 and the Spirit of Prophecy clarifies, 31:57 the very individuals that caught 31:59 the woman in adultery and cast her before Jesus 32:02 had actually committed the very act with her. 32:07 And Jesus does something that is so transformational. 32:13 As the woman caught in adultery is caught there, 32:16 laying before Him. 32:19 He crouches down, 32:20 and He begins to write in the dirt. 32:28 The scriptures give clear evidence 32:29 that what Jesus was writing there in the dirt 32:31 was the sins of her accusers. 32:37 And then He comes to that point 32:41 where I'm sure the woman was weeping in front of Him, 32:45 and He asks her that question, 32:48 "Woman, where are your accusers?" 32:55 And we often say, they had all left, 32:58 it's not a true statement. 33:00 There is only one that could stand an accuser, 33:03 and it was Jesus. 33:05 But aren't you glad 33:08 that Jesus is not the accuser of the brethren. 33:11 The Bible says that He is our Advocate, 33:14 He is the one that stands by our side 33:16 and so, when He asked this rhetorical question 33:18 to the woman, then He takes her by the hand, 33:20 and He says, "Woman, now go 33:24 and sin no more." 33:28 He healed her broken heart, 33:30 her physical, emotional, mental, 33:33 and spiritual needs. 33:35 But there's another group of people 33:36 that Jesus ministered to that day. 33:40 We often miss out on who He ministered to that day. 33:46 He ministered to those accusers 33:50 because Jesus wrote their sins where? 33:53 In the sand, in the ground, in the dirt, 33:56 which later in the day the wind would blow 34:00 it all away... 34:06 Because Jesus had come into the world 34:07 to heal the world, and He is inviting us 34:11 to join Him in His mission of proclaiming this gospel. 34:14 This gospel is to proclaim liberty to the captives. 34:18 The captivity that Jesus came 34:19 to announce is freedom from sin. 34:22 While Satan attempts to hold people in bondage, 34:25 Jesus came to free them from bondage. 34:28 There is little doubt that while Jesus' ministry 34:31 was comprehensive in nature and included the whole person, 34:35 deliverance from sin was the ultimate goal 34:37 of His ministry. 34:39 I can tell you, friends, I travel all around Canada, 34:43 I travel around the world, 34:46 and I can tell you there are millions and millions of people 34:50 that are waiting for someone to bring them hope, 34:53 that there is a way out of the destitution 34:57 that they are living in. 34:59 Arise and shine, 35:05 Jesus is coming soon. 35:08 We can proclaim freedom because Jesus promises 35:13 a real presence where we can come to Him, 35:20 confess our sins, He can forgive us our sins, 35:24 cleanse us of all unrighteousness. 35:28 And then as 1 John 2:1 says, 35:30 "My little children, these things I write unto you, 35:34 that ye sin not. 35:38 But if any man sin, 35:39 we have an advocate with the Father, 35:40 Jesus Christ the righteous." 35:43 The propitiation, 35:46 the atonement, 35:48 Jesus Christ will give us victory 35:52 as we claim the promise, 35:54 receive His forgiveness, we can announce this good news. 36:01 This gospel is to recover sight of the blind. 36:05 And whether you've been born spiritually blind 36:07 or have had some type of experience 36:09 to cause your blindness, 36:10 the Messiah's mission was to restore 36:13 the sight of the blind. 36:19 Spiritual blindness has often been caused 36:24 by the church itself and the members of it. 36:30 The recovery of sight 36:33 begins with us that God would heal us, 36:37 that then we can provide the hope 36:41 in recovering that sight to the blind. 36:44 This gospel is to set at liberty 36:46 those who are oppressed. 36:48 Jesus brings liberty 36:50 rather than just proclaiming it. 36:52 This is an illusion to... 36:54 Excuse me, an allusion to Isaiah 58:6. 37:01 Jesus... 37:05 >Jesus brings liberty, freedom from injustice 37:10 is found in Him and only in Him. 37:16 And then Jesus ended the passage 37:21 saying that this gospel is to proclaim 37:24 the acceptable year of our Lord. 37:27 You see, the ministry of Jesus was to bring 37:29 the dawning of a new time. 37:31 His ministry was to bring deliverance 37:33 in that present time for sure, hope for today, 37:37 but there is a greater freedom to come, 37:39 Jesus arrives on the earth as a suffering servant 37:42 to deliver people now, 37:44 but His mission as suffering servant 37:47 would not be the complete mission. 37:50 He would come a second time as the Conquering King. 37:55 And our role in His role is to announce 37:59 that Jesus is coming again. 38:01 We cannot find hope 38:03 in the governments of the world. 38:04 We cannot find hope in businesses of the world. 38:07 We cannot find hope in tax cuts, 38:10 we find hope in Jesus Christ. 38:15 And here is the interesting thing, 38:18 Jesus when He read this passage 38:21 did not read 38:25 the last phrase of Isaiah 61. 38:29 That last phrase 38:31 and the day of vengeance of our God, 38:35 you see, for, because, the patriotic Jew, 38:39 for the patriotic Jew, 38:41 the climax of the passage was the day a vengeance 38:45 coming upon the gentiles. 38:50 They believe that salvation was for them alone. 38:55 And it was a day of retribution for the gentiles. 39:01 And so for the Jews, the idea of salvation 39:03 was a matter of nationality 39:06 rather than personal submission. 39:07 They were blinded to the true nature 39:09 of the mission of Christ. 39:10 They expected the Messiah to appear as a powerful prince 39:14 at the head of a mighty army to vanquish their oppressors. 39:18 But the focus of Jesus was on the deliverance 39:20 of individuals providing salvation. 39:25 And I don't want you to get the wrong idea. 39:28 The focus of Jesus here 39:31 on deliverance does not negate His justice. 39:35 However, His mission was one that concentrated 39:38 and focused its efforts on the salvation 39:41 and deliverance of humankind. 39:44 And this gospel of the kingdom 39:46 will be preached in all the world 39:48 as a witness to all the nations and then the end will come. 39:51 What we are talking about here, my dear friends, 39:53 is the practical gospel lived out by God's people. 39:58 The answer to the darkness 40:00 that is sweeping across the earth, 40:01 the answer to the lawlessness and lovelessness of the earth 40:05 is not legislation from a government, 40:07 but it is for God's people 40:10 to arise and shine forth 40:14 the glory and character of God. 40:19 Just a few days ago, some of you 40:22 who live in California, 40:24 there were record numbers of calls to 911 40:29 because there was a light in the sky 40:30 that was mysterious, 40:32 "Is it a UFO? Are they coming to attack us?" 40:36 It was the launching of the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, 40:41 but see, the light illuminated the sky, 40:44 pierced the darkness, made people nervous. 40:47 And here is the question 40:48 for your local Seventh-day Adventist Church, 40:51 are there people calling 911 saying, 40:54 "There is illumination coming from this building, 40:58 people are loving, and kind, and gracious, 41:01 and merciful, and we don't know 41:02 what to do with them because it's just kind of odd." 41:09 You see, God says, "Arise, shine." 41:16 This gospel is the same message of Revelation 14:6 41:20 and the everlasting gospel. 41:25 And here is the interesting thing, 41:29 Revelation 18, 41:34 Revelation 18:1. 41:40 "And after these things I saw another angel 41:44 coming down from heaven having great authority 41:47 and the earth was illuminated with His glory." 41:53 That word "illuminated" 41:57 is the identical word used 42:00 in Isaiah 60 for shine. 42:04 You see, the call of God's people 42:06 in these last days is to illuminate. 42:09 That call of Revelation 18, "Fallen is Babylon." 42:13 My dear friends, that is why the fastest growing 42:16 religious group is those who have 42:18 no religious affiliation. 42:20 They are seeing Babylon is bankrupt. 42:23 There is nothing to offer 42:25 in the religious confusion of the day, 42:27 and so God raised up the remnant people 42:31 with a belief system constructed in heaven itself, 42:37 and we have to have debates 42:39 and fights about what we believe. 42:42 God has constructed the most relevant belief system 42:46 ever known to mankind and today, now, 42:50 the most relevant thing we can do is arise, and shine, 42:54 and demonstrate the love and character of God. 43:02 Have you personally experienced the gospel in your own life? 43:06 Have you heard the good news of victory and believed? 43:11 Maybe you haven't, maybe you're broken, 43:13 maybe your life has bore out tragedy, 43:15 I don't know what your story is, 43:17 but Jesus today reaches out His nails-scarred hands 43:20 and says, "Come to Me, I will bring you healing. 43:24 I will arise over you, now you arise. 43:28 I will bring you the assurance of salvation." 43:31 The Scripture is clear, if you confess with your mouth, 43:34 the Lord Jesus Christ, believe in your heart 43:37 that God has raised them from the dead, 43:39 you will be saved. 43:41 Jesus is calling you, friend, 43:43 He is calling you to come home and experience His joy. 43:48 He is calling you to arise 43:53 and shine. 43:55 You will shine. 44:03 Paul used a different illustration. 44:08 In 2 Corinthians 2:14, 44:12 the Bible says this, "Now thanks be to God 44:14 who always leads us in triumph in Christ 44:19 and through us diffuses the fragrance 44:23 of His knowledge in every place." 44:26 For we are to God, the fragrance of Christ 44:29 amongst those who are being saved 44:30 and among those who are perishing, to one, 44:33 we are the aroma of death leading to death, 44:35 and to the other, the aroma of life leading to life. 44:41 You see, to shine is to have the aroma 44:43 that leads people to life. 44:48 But we're facing a challenge. 44:52 It's the Laodicean challenge. 44:58 We're poor, wretched, miserable and naked, 45:05 and we don't even know. 45:08 What's your aroma? 45:12 Let me make it a little more raw. 45:15 What do you smell like? 45:22 Have you ever visited a pig farm before? 45:28 The fact that you can smell them 45:29 usually miles away 45:32 often helps us not to want to visit one. 45:37 I used to sell insurance. 45:42 One day, I called upon a pig farmer 45:44 to sell him life insurance. 45:47 I will never forget that journey. 45:51 A journey that began several miles from his home, 45:57 and I'll never forget asking myself the question, 46:00 "How could somebody live here?" 46:03 And as I went down his lane, 46:07 the stench grew worse and worse, 46:12 watering my eyes. 46:17 Don't miss the illustration. 46:23 But after I had been there for 10 or 15 minutes, 46:30 I didn't even notice the smell. 46:36 Is it possible that our churches 46:42 which God has called to shine in our communities 46:48 are emitting a stench 46:52 that is death leading to death? 46:57 But the promise of God is that can change. 47:00 That's why you're here, arise and shine. 47:06 You see, people will often talk to me and say, 47:08 "Well, my church this, and my church that, 47:09 and my church that, my conferences, 47:11 my union that, my division this." 47:14 If you are waiting for a church board action, 47:16 if you are waiting for an action 47:18 of the general conference to arise and shine, 47:21 we are going to wait another 173 years 47:25 before Jesus comes. 47:28 It doesn't start there, it starts here. 47:31 A decision for each of us, 47:33 the promise of God is that we will arise and shine. 47:46 It's not complicated, Jesus made it simple. 47:52 But because we had forgotten, 47:58 He called a prophet to point us back to the simplicity, 48:02 and she wrote these words 112 years ago. 48:07 The world needs today what it needed 1,900 years ago, 48:11 a revelation of Christ, 48:14 a great work of reform is demanded, 48:16 and it is only through the grace of Christ 48:19 that the work of restoration, physical, mental, 48:22 and spiritual can be accomplished. 48:24 Christ's method alone 48:27 will give true success in reaching the people. 48:29 The Savior mingled among men as one who desired their good. 48:33 He showed His sympathy for them, 48:35 ministered to their needs, won their confidence, 48:38 then he bait them, "Follow Me." 48:41 There is a need 48:43 of coming close to the people by personal effort. 48:46 If less time were given to sermonizing 48:49 and more time were spent in personal ministry, 48:51 greater results would be seen. 48:53 The poor are to be relieved, the sick cared for, 48:58 the sorrowing and the bereaved comforted, 49:00 the ignorant instructed, the inexperienced counseled. 49:07 I'm sorry, the bereaved comforted, 49:09 the ignorant instructed, the inexperienced counseled. 49:12 We are to weep with those that weep, 49:14 rejoice with those that rejoice 49:16 accompanied by the power of persuasion, 49:18 the power of prayer, the power of the love of God, 49:21 this work will not, cannot be without fruit. 49:26 The call of Jesus to arise and shine 49:30 is a call that each of us 49:32 would be a revelation of Christ, 49:34 a living epistle in our neighborhood, 49:37 a living epistle in our home. 49:47 It's not complicated, and it starts in our home. 49:55 Parents, how do you treat your children? 50:05 Do you pray with your children? 50:08 Do you love your children unconditionally? 50:13 It's not complicated. 50:17 Did you smile at the room attendant this morning? 50:22 Did you thank your server? 50:28 Were you the extension of Jesus in someone's life today? 50:35 Two years ago, Debbie and I visited Laodicea. 50:42 And for years, I've preached the Laodicean message 50:44 the same way, you know it, 50:50 I wish you were hot or cold. 50:59 For years, I've always preached, 51:00 "You've got to be hot. You've got to be hot. 51:03 Go and be hot." 51:07 But that's not what the passage says. 51:09 You have to be hot or cold. 51:16 When you stand in Laodicea, 51:19 and you look off to the mountains, 51:21 you see what looks like a snow-covered mountain, 51:25 but it is actually a calcified mountain, 51:28 the hot waters of Hierapolis. 51:33 Hierapolis is a place that it is believed 51:35 that Cleopatra went to soak in the hot water baths 51:38 to be healed of dermatological issues. 51:42 Laodicea was so rich that they built aqueducts 51:44 from the hot water of Hierapolis 51:47 that brought healing and soothing to people 51:51 to bring down to Laodicea. 51:55 But Laodicea, you see, they had their own water source 51:57 but they didn't like their water source 51:59 because their water source was heavily mineralized. 52:04 So they also wanted cold water, and there is another mountain 52:07 upon which they built aqueducts to bring in cold water. 52:11 And cold water serves as refreshment, 52:14 revitalizing water, but the problem is this, 52:19 you see, as both of those waters 52:20 came down the aqueducts, 52:23 by the time they arrived at Laodicea, 52:27 they were lukewarm. 52:34 Have you ever had a hot drink, 52:39 like Roma or maybe a nice herbal tea? 52:45 And you set it on the table, and you forget about it, 52:50 and then you go back to take a sip. 52:54 Generally our reaction 52:57 in a very official way is something like this. 53:01 Oh! 53:07 And that is what God is calling His people out of. 53:14 He does not need people who on this earth 53:17 are simply uh. 53:21 He needs people who are hot, 53:23 who brings soothing and healing to the earth, 53:27 but He needs people who are cold, 53:28 who refresh the earth and revitalize the earth. 53:32 The call of Laodicea is to be hot 53:36 or cold to bring refreshment, 53:38 to bring soothing, to bring revitalization, 53:41 arise and shine, 53:44 open your ear to your neighbors, 53:46 you're called, Jesus desires, 53:49 that He would finish the work in you, 53:51 and then finish the work through you. 53:56 The time is now to stop talking about 54:01 Jesus finishing the work in this generation. 54:05 The time is to start living out the mission, 54:09 so He will finish the work in this generation. 54:17 Arise and shine. 54:28 How are they going to hear? 54:32 Who will go? How will they know? 54:39 How will they ever find the truth 54:43 if we don't go? 54:47 We need to stop trying to convert people, 54:49 and we need to start finding the people 54:51 that God is already converting 54:54 and lead them on the path to the celestial city. 54:58 Millions waiting 55:02 for you to shine, millions waiting for you 55:06 to be the aroma of life leading to life. 55:09 Millions waiting for you to be the soothing, 55:12 hot, healing water. 55:18 Millions waiting for you to be the cool, 55:21 refreshing, revitalizing water of the earth. 55:29 How will they find the truth 55:34 if we don't arise and shine? 55:41 Tonight, do you hear and sense that 55:43 God is calling you to work in your local church, 55:47 to go back to your community tomorrow or Monday 55:50 and to shine in your community? 55:52 Tonight, do you sense that 55:55 God is calling you to arise and shine 56:00 in your local church and local community? 56:02 If you sense that call, I invite you to stand, 56:05 that you would commit yourself 56:07 to being a light in your local church and community, 56:11 that you would be active and involved in Bible studies, 56:15 and community programs, and community service. |
Revised 2018-07-06