Generation of Youth for Christ 2017

Evening Plenary

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 17GYC

Program Code: 17GYC000003A

00:32 Good afternoon, everyone.
00:34 I hope you all were blessed
00:35 by the seminars that you attended.
00:38 We're going to start our GYC Beyond program
00:40 with hymn number 163, At the Cross.
00:54 Alas, and did my Savior bleed?
00:59 And did my Sovereign die?
01:04 Would He devote that sacred head
01:08 For someone such as I?
01:13 At the cross, at the cross Where I first saw the light
01:18 And the burden of my heart rolled away
01:23 It was there by faith I received my sight
01:28 And now I am happy all the day!
01:33 Was it for crimes that I have done
01:38 He suffered on the tree?
01:43 Amazing pity!
01:46 grace unknown!
01:48 And love beyond degree!
01:53 At the cross, at the cross Where I first saw the light
01:58 And the burden of my heart rolled away
02:03 It was there by faith I received my sight
02:08 And now I am happy all the day!
02:13 But drops of grief can ne'er repay
02:19 The debt of love I owe
02:23 Here, Lord, I give myself away
02:29 'Tis all that I can do!
02:34 At the cross, at the cross Where I first saw the light
02:39 And the burden of my heart rolled away
02:44 It was there by faith I received my sight
02:49 And now I am happy all the day!
03:04 Good morning, everyone.
03:07 How are you this morning?
03:10 I want to share with you today,
03:13 a project that GYC has been working on
03:16 for the last two years.
03:18 Today, we're talking about GYC Ambassador.
03:22 GYC Ambassador began two years ago
03:25 with the idea of getting young people together
03:29 in a discipleship model and encouraging them
03:31 to become active in evangelism throughout the year.
03:36 We've had a number of ambassadors.
03:38 The first year we had over 70 people involved.
03:42 And this year we brought the number down and had 11.
03:46 God has really blessed this project.
03:49 And over the last two years,
03:51 we've had a total
03:53 of 333 Bible studies conducted,
03:59 six health expos,
04:01 over 20 prayer meetings in small groups
04:05 and 36 baptisms.
04:09 Today, I have with you three of our ambassadors,
04:13 and I just want to interview them
04:14 and have them share with you about their experience at GYC.
04:19 So, Seth, what made you interested
04:22 about joining GYC Ambassador program?
04:25 Well, so that's a great question.
04:26 You know, for a number of years now,
04:30 I've had a goal for myself
04:33 to get more actively involved in evangelism
04:37 and practical ministry in my local church.
04:40 And the reason why, is because if GYC,
04:43 if the experience that I have at GYC is,
04:46 it doesn't translate to something
04:49 that takes place in my daily life,
04:51 if it doesn't affect and impact my local church,
04:55 then it's nothing more than simply
04:57 a temporary spiritual high.
04:59 And so that's...
05:00 It was for the purpose of changing that
05:03 of getting more actively involved in evangelism
05:06 at my local church that I decided to get
05:09 to join the Ambassador program.
05:11 Thank you for that.
05:12 What were some of your goals
05:14 that you had in mind when you joined?
05:17 So as I mentioned,
05:19 the primary goal was to get actively involved
05:22 in some form of practical ministry
05:24 and outreach in my local church.
05:26 And so it was through the Ambassador program
05:30 that I was able to receive training
05:33 and mentorship.
05:34 And it was through the Ambassador program
05:36 that I was able to get involved with a door-to-door survey
05:40 and Bible study program
05:42 that was happening at my local church.
05:44 And so, throughout this last year
05:47 just about every week, myself and an outreach partner,
05:51 we would go door-to-door knocking on doors,
05:55 signing people up for Bible studies,
05:57 and actually dropping those studies off
05:59 and following up and meeting with people on a weekly basis.
06:03 And when you count, if including an in home study
06:06 that I was working on
06:08 that I was working on prior
06:09 to when I joined the Ambassador program,
06:11 we currently have 12 Bible study contacts
06:14 that we're working with on a regular basis.
06:16 Amen. Thank you for sharing.
06:18 And just one more question before I go on.
06:20 What was the highlight for you from your experience?
06:24 One of the highlights for me
06:26 was in fact earlier in the year,
06:29 I had the privilege of being
06:30 as part of the Ambassador program,
06:31 I had the privilege of being able to attend
06:34 a weeklong evangelism training program
06:38 that was held.
06:39 It was hosted by Pastor Mark Finley
06:41 and his wife in Virginia at their home church down.
06:46 And it was through that, it was specifically through
06:49 that evangelism training program
06:52 that I caught a deeper and much more expansive vision
06:57 for local church evangelism.
06:58 I realize that probably the greatest need
07:02 that that the young people who attend GYC
07:05 and I'm speaking of myself, chief here is to get involved
07:10 in the work of the local church.
07:13 And so I work with an organization
07:16 called GYC Northwest.
07:17 So GYC affiliate that covers pretty much
07:20 the almost of the Northwest United States.
07:25 And so since that point,
07:26 since I attended
07:28 that evangelism training program,
07:30 I've worked extensively
07:31 with the leadership team of that organization
07:34 to plan and organize on projects and events,
07:38 specifically aimed at getting the young people,
07:41 the Seventh-day Adventists young people in the Northwest
07:43 more actively involved in practical
07:46 and ongoing ministry
07:48 and evangelism in their local churches.
07:50 Okay. Amen.
07:52 And if you're interested in finding out more about
07:53 what he's involved in, I know that
07:55 they have information
07:57 at the affiliates' booth or the GYC booth.
07:59 All right.
08:01 I just wanted to also introduce Taija Hall.
08:03 And, Taija, you mentioned to me that one of the things
08:06 you appreciated about your experience
08:08 was having tools to reach your goals.
08:11 What kind of tools were you looking for
08:13 when you joined GYC Ambassador?
08:15 More so the confidence.
08:16 I had some tools but I didn't feel like
08:18 I have the confidence to go forward with the goals
08:20 of reaching people for Christ
08:22 and starting Bible studies following up on contacts.
08:24 And one of the things that we had was a subscription
08:28 to Audioverse Advance
08:29 which gave us some of the tools to cultivate Bible studies,
08:32 learn more about the cycle of evangelism
08:34 as well as Bible study guides from It Is Written
08:36 that I've been using in one of my Bible studies.
08:38 All right.
08:39 So after you went to the Mark Finley retreat,
08:43 what happened to some of those goals and tools?
08:45 How were you able to put them into practice?
08:47 I actually came away with the confidence
08:49 to actually offer Bible studies
08:50 to a girl that I've been talking to.
08:52 And from that I've been able to study with not only her
08:55 but her best friend of 15 years.
08:56 So I have two Bible studies going now.
08:58 Amen. Praise God.
09:00 And our final ambassador that I want to introduce
09:03 is with me here Joi McClellan.
09:05 And, Joi, when did you originally start
09:08 with Ambassador?
09:09 So I started Ambassador two years ago.
09:11 So this past year is my second year
09:13 with the Ambassador program.
09:14 So you were not just one year with Ambassador
09:16 but you went for two years.
09:17 I did. I did.
09:19 Why did you decide to go for a second year
09:20 and what did you gain out of it?
09:22 Right.
09:23 So after the first year I was just excited
09:25 about Ambassador program,
09:26 but I felt like it was just the beginning
09:28 that if I was in it for another year
09:30 that God had something even more to do with me.
09:33 And so I'm so excited that I did stay because
09:35 He just really opened up new opportunities
09:38 and taught me so much in the second year
09:39 being an ambassador.
09:41 Wonderful.
09:42 So what were some of those opportunities
09:44 that came into your life in your second year?
09:45 Right.
09:47 So you all encouraged us to make goals for the year,
09:50 and so one of the goals that I made was to
09:53 just really focus a lot on prayer,
09:55 and I wanted to start a prayer group
09:56 and so after coming back from GYC,
09:59 I went back to school where I attend,
10:01 and I was like, God show me what I should do,
10:02 how do I get involved and start a prayer group
10:04 that's kind of scary for me.
10:07 But God just led me to a group of friends
10:09 and we just started praying together.
10:10 A group of girls,
10:12 it's like four or five of us
10:13 that we had prayed together weekly,
10:15 all throughout last semester from like January to May,
10:17 and it was real blessing for all of us.
10:20 And then it was summer time, I was like God, what do I do,
10:23 you know, I'm not going to get at school,
10:24 I'm not going to be with the same people.
10:25 How do I continue to be purposeful in praying
10:29 with other people for both them and for me?
10:31 And so we went home and God opened up
10:33 more opportunities to pray at home with people
10:37 from my church and community
10:39 and then going back to school this semester,
10:41 it's just really taken off and our group has grown
10:44 and so many new people and like, it's my dorm room
10:47 and there's hardly room to fit us all.
10:49 God is just really blessing with our prayer group.
10:50 Well, praise God.
10:52 And also when I was talking to you,
10:53 you mentioned how God took you
10:55 from maybe not being so excited
10:58 or confident about doing evangelism,
11:01 but He also brought you into leadership.
11:02 How did that work in your life? Right.
11:04 So when I started the Ambassador program,
11:07 the first year I wasn't involved
11:09 in any particular ministry
11:11 or really active doing anything but when I came this past...
11:16 Near the first year, the end of that first year
11:18 God opened up opportunity for me to get involved
11:20 with the GYC affiliate
11:21 Southeast at Southern Adventist University
11:24 and it's just been a blessing for me to be able to serve
11:27 and get involved
11:28 in even more ways than ministry.
11:30 Amen.
11:31 You know, what's so encouraging for me
11:33 when we talk to these young ambassadors
11:35 is that each and every one of them has simply done
11:37 what we're all capable of doing,
11:40 making ourselves available to God to be used,
11:43 and to grow in our talents and our skills
11:45 and to have more opportunities for service.
11:47 And God can do it in them and He can do it in you.
11:50 Thank you.
11:55 For many GYC is a reunion.
11:59 It's inspiration, empowerment.
12:03 It's a chance to stop to think,
12:07 to pray, to seek God,
12:10 a place of conviction,
12:13 conversion, conversation.
12:16 For many, GYC is an experience that starts,
12:20 peaks and ends in one four days stretch
12:24 of Christmas break each year.
12:27 But what if I wasn't for?
12:30 What if God wasn't finished?
12:33 What if GYC was supposed to reach beyond?
12:37 Way beyond one city, 48 hours,
12:41 a couple of thousand people.
12:45 What is GYC?
12:46 GYC is a movement
12:48 and a movement is made of people in motion.
12:53 Ultimately, GYC is me.
12:58 I am GYC.
13:00 You are GYC.
13:09 For the last 15 years,
13:12 GYC has stood to encourage,
13:16 to equip, and to inspire young people
13:18 to do something amazing, radical for God.
13:23 But as we've looked at the last 15 years
13:25 at the last 16 conferences including this one,
13:28 we've discussed and we thought about it,
13:30 and we've come to the realization
13:32 that really out of the last 16 conferences
13:36 all you've had is maybe three at most
13:38 that were at least in name mission focused.
13:41 Yes, we've had mission as a sub-theme
13:43 every year we go out, every year we send buses
13:45 and we do things for God.
13:48 But that's just not good enough.
13:50 We need to do more than that.
13:51 This past week we were thrilled to partner
13:54 with Pathway to Health, and to see thousands of people
13:56 radically impacted for the rest of their lives
13:58 almost instantly, people who had surgeries,
14:00 people who had all sorts of problems come in
14:02 and leave, enriched
14:05 and knowing that God loves them.
14:09 We need to be able to do more just as much.
14:11 This is why we've had Ambassador
14:12 for the last two years.
14:13 This is why we spent so much time
14:15 trying to look at different ways
14:17 that we can empower each and every one of you
14:19 to be involved in ministry.
14:22 And so we thought about it and we're terminating
14:25 the Ambassador project because it was such a success.
14:28 And you will say, "Why would you end it?"
14:29 Because we need to do something more,
14:31 we need to go beyond.
14:34 And that is exactly
14:36 why we as GYC have started GYC Beyond.
14:38 We want to go beyond just the annual conference.
14:42 And movement, it's a movement of young people, we're moving,
14:46 we're doing something not just for four days
14:49 but 365 or 366 if it's a leap year.
14:53 And so we have realized it can't continue like this,
14:57 we want to do more.
14:58 We have to do more year round.
15:03 And so as GYC leadership,
15:04 we have been praying and thinking
15:05 how can we empower you
15:07 to be able to do ministry where you are?
15:11 It doesn't matter if it's small or big.
15:14 Do something.
15:15 Something is always better than nothing.
15:17 Amen?
15:19 And God can bless small endeavors
15:21 and make them wonderful and successful.
15:24 And we as GYC, we have been praying
15:25 and we have been putting together resources,
15:28 partnering with other ministries
15:30 and speakers,
15:32 providing resources for you throughout the year.
15:34 So that you are empowered inspired
15:36 and guided to do some kind of personal ministry
15:40 in your local church.
15:41 Wherever you are, on your campus, in your school,
15:44 even in your family
15:46 but it is a decision we have to make.
15:48 And I want to be real with you.
15:49 Every year we make appeals.
15:51 We had an appeal this morning for missionary service
15:54 and appeals for following God's will
15:57 but this appeal, the decision you make has to go
15:59 beyond this conference.
16:01 As we go throughout the year,
16:03 we have to remember what decision we have made,
16:05 and ask the Lord to guide us into the right direction.
16:09 And we want to see next year, we want to come back
16:11 and see what God will do.
16:13 So my question to you is, who is GYC?
16:17 I am. Who is GYC?
16:18 I am GYC.
16:20 Amen.
16:21 So this year what we're trying to do is
16:22 to once again
16:24 make as many resources available as possible.
16:26 And we've got our website
16:29 that we've set up to show a little bit
16:31 of what's been done over the last few years.
16:33 The number of baptisms, the number of doors knocked on
16:36 and to just give you an idea of what GYC has done,
16:38 not only at our conference but even through
16:42 a small number of people
16:43 who were involved in the Ambassador program.
16:45 And so what we're going to be doing is
16:47 we're going to be offering a podcast twice a month
16:50 which will be there to equip
16:51 and train you in different ways.
16:52 How can I be involved?
16:54 Maybe I don't like door knocking,
16:55 maybe I can't do evangelism in the traditional sense,
16:59 but how can I be involved in whatever trade I do
17:01 with what I like to do?
17:03 How can I use that for God in ministry?
17:05 And so we're going to be trying to use that
17:07 as an avenue
17:08 by which you can be more involved.
17:10 We also have a workbook
17:11 that we're going to be putting together
17:13 month by month,
17:14 every week you can do a couple pages
17:15 with activities that will help you succeed,
17:17 and ultimately we want to be a support to you
17:20 as an executive committee,
17:22 as the organizers of this conference.
17:24 And so we've set up a page,
17:25 if you open your phone up, you look on Facebook,
17:28 you'll see there's a group GYC Beyond.
17:31 It's a subgroup under our main page.
17:33 It's a group and you can join that page.
17:36 And if you have questions,
17:37 if you're trying to do something in ministry,
17:38 you can post there
17:40 and we will make ourselves available
17:41 to try answer questions to help support
17:43 and lift what you are trying to do.
17:45 Because ultimately who is GYC?
17:48 I am. Amen.
17:50 That's right.
17:51 I want to share with you a quote
17:53 that really has guided
17:54 the GYC movement over the past couple of years,
17:55 it's from the book Education, page 262.
17:58 "Success in any line demands a definite aim.
18:01 He who would achieve true success in life
18:04 must keep steadily in view the aim worthy of his endeavor.
18:08 Such an aim is set before the youth,
18:12 GYC, of today.
18:14 The heaven-appointed purpose of giving
18:16 the gospel to the world in this generation
18:19 is the noblest that can appeal to any human being.
18:23 It opens a field of effort to everyone
18:25 whose heart Christ has touched.
18:27 Friends, what would happen
18:29 if we make ourselves available for that noble aim?
18:32 Let's go beyond
18:34 and let's come back by God's grace
18:36 at next year's GYC
18:38 and have a soul winning celebration.
18:41 Let's have baptisms of GYC
18:43 and let's bring people that we have won for Christ
18:45 to GYC next year.
18:46 Who is GYC?
18:48 I am. I am.
18:50 Amen. Amen.
18:57 Seven years ago,
18:59 I was a young person without any experience,
19:02 talents, skills or abilities that I knew of.
19:08 But I had a desire to serve God
19:10 and so I asked Him to give me an opportunity.
19:15 The very next week my opportunity came to me
19:18 in the form of an invitation
19:20 to pass out evangelistic flyers.
19:23 And despite the hot summer's afternoon,
19:26 I will never forget the joy that was in my heart
19:30 as I passed out flyer after flyer after flyer.
19:33 I was overjoyed because God had given me
19:37 a chance to be used by Him.
19:40 Over the years God has taken me and despite my flaws,
19:45 my weaknesses and my failures,
19:47 He's grown me and taken me to places
19:50 that I could never imagine possible.
19:53 And not only that, but He has given me the ability
19:56 to work for Him in ways that I'm passionate about
20:00 and that are important to me.
20:02 I stand before you a very different person
20:04 to who I was seven years ago,
20:06 simply because in being used by God,
20:10 He has changed me.
20:12 This afternoon I want to share three main ideas
20:16 that I believe will help you get started
20:18 on an incredible journey.
20:20 And not only do I think these will help you
20:22 get started in service for God, but if you're already active,
20:26 I believe they will keep you in service for God.
20:29 The first idea that I want to leave with you,
20:32 is you are not a big deal.
20:36 But you are.
20:38 I think so many times we bring the world
20:41 and its principles into ministry.
20:44 You know, the world's values being seen, being heard,
20:48 the world values power and authority.
20:53 And perhaps this is why I had a friend
20:55 who once shared with me,
20:57 his ambition to become
20:58 the next general conference president.
21:02 In fact, he even mentioned
21:03 that he wished the Adventist church
21:05 would have open elections
21:07 in a similar way to political parties.
21:10 I must admit, my friend later changed his mind
21:13 and repented of his desires,
21:15 but his desire is not really that unique.
21:19 Even if you and I are not as bold
21:22 about sharing our visions with others.
21:26 How many of us confuse our desire for ambition
21:29 and success with our desire to serve Jesus.
21:35 You know, Jesus had this same problem
21:37 to address with His disciples.
21:39 So many times His disciples
21:41 were fighting amongst themselves
21:43 over who was greatest?
21:45 Who had the most importance?
21:47 Who would be closest
21:49 to the king in the heavenly kingdom?
21:52 In response to this, Jesus shared with him
21:56 His principles of the Kingdom of God and ministry.
21:59 In Matthew 20: 25-28,
22:04 Jesus said, "Ye know that the princes
22:06 of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them,
22:10 and they that are great exercise authority upon them,
22:16 but it shall not be so among you,
22:20 but whosoever will be great among you,
22:22 let him be his minister,
22:24 and whosoever will be chief among you,
22:27 let him be your servant.
22:29 Even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto
22:33 but to minister and to give his life
22:36 a ransom for many."
22:39 Do you have any idea what servants do?
22:43 Servants work hard without recognition,
22:46 without appreciation, and without applause.
22:50 Servants are essentially invisible.
22:53 You and I are not ready for ministry
22:57 until we are willing to be invisible,
22:59 so that God can be seen through us.
23:02 You are not a big deal.
23:06 And yet you are.
23:09 I will explain.
23:10 In Testimonies, volume 8, page 16,
23:12 Ellen White states,
23:13 "All who are ordained unto the life of Christ
23:16 are ordained for the work of the salvation
23:18 of their fellow men.
23:20 The same longing of soul that he felt for the saving
23:22 of the lost is to be manifest in them.
23:26 Not all can fill the same place,
23:28 but for all there is a place and a work.
23:32 All upon whom God's blessings have been bestowed
23:35 are to respond by actual service,
23:38 every gift is to be employed
23:40 for the advancement of His kingdom."
23:43 It doesn't matter how important you are
23:46 or how unimportant you are,
23:48 if you are unwilling to work for God,
23:53 there is a place missing in his service.
23:55 You are important to him.
23:59 The second idea that I want to leave with you tonight
24:01 is to go out and find opportunities.
24:05 Sometimes people come to me and they ask me,
24:07 "How do I get involved in outreach?"
24:10 I think one of the best ways
24:12 is to start right where you are in your local church.
24:17 Why not try talking to an elder or a board representative
24:20 and ask them what kind of opportunities already exists
24:24 and are waiting to be filled?
24:27 I want to warn you that sometimes
24:29 those opportunities that are available
24:31 may not be what you initially desire or want.
24:35 Perhaps your church wants a greeter or someone
24:38 who can wash dishes but as we said before,
24:42 we're not a big deal.
24:45 Did you know that a greeter is one of the first people
24:48 to meet these non Adventists who walk into church?
24:51 And a dishwasher is doing ministry for God
24:54 if they are allowing non Adventist
24:57 and Adventist to meet together
24:58 and fellowship over a good meal.
25:01 We need to be willing to do
25:03 those invisible boring task
25:07 before God can give us more.
25:10 I think often people want to start off
25:15 in a leadership position,
25:17 but did you know that for every one minute
25:19 of stage time at GYC,
25:21 there's at least 100 hours of boring spreadsheets,
25:26 phone calls, meetings, late nights and stress.
25:30 And if you wonder about that time
25:32 I actually calculated it.
25:36 I remember a few years ago,
25:39 I was helping with an evangelistic campaign.
25:42 And one of the jobs that I had was to organize
25:45 the music for every night.
25:48 I didn't have too much trouble for the first few nights,
25:51 but at one particular weekend
25:53 I couldn't seem to find anyone to fill those positions.
25:57 Everyone I talked to gave me the same reply,
26:00 I would love to come
26:01 but there's an AFM missionary speaking at another church
26:04 and global missions.
26:07 I'll come another night.
26:09 I later found out
26:10 that some of those people went down
26:12 and made a commitment
26:13 to be involved in overseas missions,
26:16 but I always found it ironic
26:18 that they were more willing to serve God overseas
26:21 than in the small opportunities at home.
26:24 Someone told me once
26:25 that everyone wants to be a missionary
26:27 where they aren't.
26:30 Let's be willing to do those small things for God
26:33 and do what's needed right where we are.
26:35 And allow Him to grow us
26:37 and give us His opportunities as we follow Him.
26:42 Another way to find opportunities
26:43 is to sit down and brainstorm ways
26:46 that you can reach others using skills and talents
26:49 you already have.
26:50 So many times we picture evangelism
26:52 as door knocking,
26:54 door knocking and more door knocking,
26:57 but not everyone is called to be a canvas
26:59 or a Bible worker.
27:01 Everyone has skills and talents
27:03 that fill out the church body and make up the body of Christ.
27:07 I like to ask yourself the question,
27:09 what do I spend my time on?
27:11 What am I passionate about?
27:13 And what can I do
27:15 that can reach others using my already existing talents?
27:20 I know it for myself
27:21 something that I learned I can do is play music.
27:25 And since these last seven years,
27:26 I have played religious music in hospitals for people
27:30 who are suffering and dying.
27:32 I have played on street corners,
27:33 in people's homes, at weddings and at funerals.
27:37 And over and over again,
27:39 I've seen people's hearts touched
27:40 and moved to accept Jesus
27:43 or to be more receptive to His Holy Spirit.
27:46 Anything can be a part of evangelism
27:49 if it is lived with the intention
27:51 to reflect Jesus.
27:54 My last idea that I want to share with you tonight
27:57 is find people who can help you.
28:01 So many times we try to do evangelism on our own
28:05 and then we become discouraged and we give up.
28:09 Especially if you're trying to do something like
28:11 start a small group,
28:13 have at least one or two friends
28:15 who can be accountable to you.
28:17 They can be your prayer partners
28:19 and help you
28:21 when you're feeling discouraged.
28:24 Motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said,
28:26 "That you were the average of the five people
28:29 you spend the most time with."
28:32 And at Forbes magazine and I quote, they say,
28:34 "If you want to be financially successful,
28:37 surround yourself with those who are financially successful.
28:40 If you hang out with people who are broke,
28:43 you'll never learn how people
28:44 who aren't broke live their lives.
28:47 If you want to improve your relationship
28:48 with your spouse,
28:50 surround yourself with people in successful relationships."
28:53 And the Bible supports this principle and it says,
28:56 "Do not be deceived,
28:58 bad company corrupts good character."
29:01 We will never be successful in evangelism and ministry
29:05 if all the people in our life don't care about it.
29:09 Find those people
29:10 who can teach you skills that you can go to for advice,
29:14 will give you honest feedback and support you.
29:18 These people are of utmost value
29:21 in your life.
29:23 These three ideas that I shared with you
29:24 this afternoon are simple.
29:27 One, be willing to start with the little things.
29:31 You are not a big deal, but you are
29:34 because God needs you and if you were not involved,
29:38 there will always be an empty place in His work.
29:42 Second is find opportunities and don't go looking for them
29:46 somewhere far away but start right where you are.
29:50 And that final point is, find people who can help you
29:53 and support you,
29:55 because ultimately all these ideas come down to Jesus
29:59 and Him being the center of our lives, follow Him,
30:02 minister with His humility and His character
30:05 and make Him your best friend and accountability partner.
30:09 I promise you that life lived
30:11 in pursuit of Jesus is worth the effort.
30:15 Amen.
30:19 That was inspiring, amen?
30:22 I have the privilege to share with you
30:24 a few more things
30:27 and the segment they asked me to share on
30:29 is called guidelines for reaching people.
30:31 And I said, how long do I have?
30:34 They said, "Twelve minutes."
30:36 I said, okay, we are going to talk about guidelines
30:39 for reaching people but before we do that
30:42 this really can be considered GYC's look
30:45 at Jesus and outreach.
30:46 Amen? So who is GYC?
30:49 We all are. We all are. Yes, we are.
30:52 And we're looking at Jesus and outreach.
30:54 A few specific amazing principles
30:56 as what will glean right now
30:58 that you see consistently in the life of Christ,
31:01 but before we talk about reaching people
31:03 I must, I must, I must reiterate the importance
31:07 of your own communion with Christ.
31:11 It's read in Thoughts From the Mount of Blessings
31:13 that the soul that turns to God for its help,
31:16 its support, its power by daily earnest prayer
31:20 will have noble aspirations,
31:22 clear perceptions of truth in duty,
31:25 truth in duty, lofty purposes of action
31:27 and a continual hungering and thirsting
31:30 after righteousness
31:31 by maintaining a connection with God
31:34 we shall be able to diffuse our connection to others.
31:38 Amen?
31:39 So this is the initial principle
31:41 and I'm going to slip this in here
31:43 out of just the burden that I carry
31:46 for the prayer meeting.
31:47 How many of you went
31:49 to the prayer room this morning?
31:50 Powerful!
31:51 There are almost, I think a thousand,
31:54 if Gem is in here, he can agree in his seat.
31:57 A 1,000 people in the prayer room.
31:59 Amen? Imagine 2,000 tomorrow.
32:01 I'm going to encourage you with this.
32:03 Before you start reaching out to people, get on your knees.
32:06 Amen?
32:07 Go to your local church.
32:09 I'll tell you when I first became an Adventist,
32:11 I wasn't quite sure where to start.
32:13 Can any of you relate?
32:15 Where do I go? Where do I begin?
32:17 I see a few hands.
32:19 The first place was my church bulletin.
32:22 I got the bulletin, and I looked and I realized
32:25 that they actually have things going on during the week.
32:28 And so I thought, I'm going to attend one of these.
32:31 Do you know, friends, praying in public terrified me?
32:35 So guess what I did in those prayer meeting?
32:37 I learned that people say amen
32:39 when they agree with the prayer.
32:40 So I was like, "Amen.
32:43 Amen."
32:44 And I said, amen for the first few months
32:46 before I finally actually prayed a prayer
32:48 in the prayer meeting.
32:50 Attend prayer meeting, it's the pulse of the church,
32:52 it's a pulse of your own spiritual life.
32:54 And really it's the pulse of GYC
32:56 as an entire movement.
32:59 The people, there are people, friends,
33:01 who want to know about Jesus,
33:02 instead of assuming that they don't want to know,
33:05 like you're in the grocery store
33:07 and you see that person
33:08 and you maybe have a glow track and you're like,
33:10 "They probably are going to reject me."
33:12 Has anyone ever had that thought?
33:14 Okay. Yeah, and you're just like me.
33:15 I'm like, "They're probably going to say no."
33:17 Instead of assuming that way, let's pray for a mindset
33:20 that assumes people want to know the Christ I know.
33:24 Is He worth getting to know?
33:25 He absolutely is.
33:27 So I am praying that as a young people
33:30 who are in the Seventh-day Adventist movement
33:32 in remnant church of God
33:34 that we are thinking these people, they want it.
33:38 Can you imagine?
33:39 I know this person wants to know about Jesus.
33:42 We know in Luke 10:2, it tells us
33:45 that the harvest is plentiful but what are few?
33:48 The laborers.
33:49 Imagine, this mass right here
33:52 holy willingly sold out to labor for the Lord.
33:56 Fire, my friends,
33:57 Pentecost, the latter rain would be poured out.
34:01 And you know, friends, we simply offer choice.
34:05 We give them the option to say, I want Jesus
34:10 or they can out of their own free will say what?
34:13 I don't.
34:15 But imagine if they were never presented
34:17 the opportunity to receive Christ.
34:20 Look at yourself as a conduit to say,
34:22 "I'm going to give this person
34:24 one more chance to pick Christ."
34:26 Amen?
34:27 That's a heavy calling on all of our lives,
34:30 but you see one day I prayed a simple prayer and I said,
34:33 "God, what is it like to have a day
34:36 where I'm guided by the Holy Spirit."
34:38 So I prayed that morning,
34:40 Lord, help me to feel and be guided by Your Spirit,
34:43 and I didn't know what I was praying.
34:46 But that day I rode Amtrak back home,
34:50 and I'm sitting on the Amtrak train
34:53 and I see a woman in two,
34:56 like on the left side two chairs down
34:59 but she's facing me
35:00 because that's how the Amtrak is with tables.
35:02 She is facing me and she is weeping.
35:06 And I'm like, "Oh, poor girl."
35:09 And then I started reading my Bible.
35:13 And then I kept reading but then I thought,
35:16 I can't even focus on what I'm reading
35:17 because here is this woman crying.
35:19 When you see someone weeping, friends,
35:21 it's time to be a Christian.
35:23 It is.
35:24 So I continued to read my Bible and I was in Ecclesiastes 4.
35:28 And it said, "Behold those who mourn
35:30 and yet there's no one to comfort them."
35:33 And I said, "Okay, we are going to talk to this woman."
35:39 So I closed my Bible and I motioned for her
35:41 to come over to me
35:42 and because I was too scared to go to her.
35:44 Mercy, the Lord is merciful.
35:46 So she comes over, she sits in front of me,
35:49 we had the most powerful conversation.
35:51 She took a Great Controversy with her,
35:53 we shared about the love of Christ.
35:55 We had prayer. She was so thankful.
35:58 Afterwards I was like, "I almost missed that."
36:01 Next, that same, very same day I'm at the grocery store
36:04 in a market and I think the Lord
36:05 was trying to teach me
36:06 that we miss so many opportunities
36:10 that the people want to know about Jesus, friends.
36:13 He is worth sharing.
36:14 And so I'm walking out of the grocery store,
36:17 and I see another woman crying,
36:18 I feel like it says women can cry, pass to me.
36:22 So the woman is walking out of the grocery store
36:24 and she's Muslim.
36:25 She has the entire hijab on and she's walking out
36:28 with her grocery cart.
36:29 And she's weeping
36:31 and I walk into the grocery store
36:32 and then I'm like, "Okay,
36:34 I'm going to try to learn my lesson."
36:35 So I tap her on the shoulder and I'm like,
36:37 "Hi, are you okay?
36:38 That's an awful question. You're obviously not okay.
36:42 Can I give...
36:43 So I stumbled into this conversation
36:44 but she looked at me and she was like,
36:46 "Thank you, wow!
36:48 I gave her a hug and said,
36:50 "The God of heaven and earth loves you.
36:52 And she's like, "Amen and she walked away."
36:54 I found out that her father-in-law
36:56 had just died and she said,
36:57 "How do I have to go grocery shopping,
36:59 I feel like the whole world should stop."
37:02 Because there was someone so close to her.
37:03 See there are people who are hurting and in need.
37:06 So jumping through, take some notes,
37:08 if you have a piece of paper,
37:09 that's the best way to retain the information here and here.
37:12 We know that number one Jesus did
37:14 more reaching out to people than He did preaching, right?
37:18 Each of you have a sphere of influence and they say,
37:20 "In any given population,
37:21 about 5% of those people are ripe
37:24 and ready for harvest.
37:26 So wherever you're at, they're there, friends,
37:28 and when you find someone
37:30 or begin to pray specifically for someone,
37:32 know that we do.
37:34 Jesus did far more reaching out than He did preaching.
37:36 So how do I reach out?
37:37 Did you know you can have food with people?
37:40 And it's so bonding.
37:42 I know, I'm getting very practical here,
37:44 but having food with someone causes a worship
37:47 to take place and a bonding to take place
37:49 that otherwise wouldn't, right, Zacchaeus?
37:52 I'm coming to your house today.
37:53 Do you think they just sat there
37:54 and stared at each other?
37:56 No, they had food, my friends,
37:58 and they learned about the love of Christ.
38:00 Number three, Jesus looked for people
38:03 who were generally isolated.
38:05 Think of the woman at the well. Think of the demoniacs.
38:10 You see a person who is alone at GYC sitting in a corner,
38:13 why not say, "How are you?
38:14 How's your time been?"
38:16 Kind of bold, but I promise you being uncomfortable can create
38:20 some of the most beautiful experiences
38:22 in your life.
38:24 Number four, He was simple.
38:26 He didn't have a set approach to everything He did, right?
38:29 Actually we're told in the Desire Of Ages
38:31 that every morning He woke up and received His instruction
38:34 for that day from His Heavenly Father.
38:36 Imagine a life like that.
38:39 He never had a set speech or format for reaching people,
38:42 but He was led by the Spirit of God each day.
38:44 Number five, He modeled the prayer in fasting.
38:48 Some of you were here last year where I shared a small bit
38:51 on my younger brother Joey, who introduced me this morning
38:54 who we decided that we would pray for him
38:58 and every Wednesday we would fast.
39:01 We would say, God, this isn't seeking your favor
39:03 through this fast but it's saying,
39:05 Lord, I can't imagine heaven without them.
39:08 And I don't want to go without them,
39:09 they must be there.
39:11 Amen.
39:12 So pleading with God to reach specific people in your life.
39:15 I was recently challenge with a friend of mine
39:17 from high school who now this year
39:19 I'm praying specifically for,
39:21 Lord willing she'll be here next year.
39:23 Amen?
39:25 Number six, He didn't just reach out
39:29 to people on the streets.
39:30 He also went to those who were around Him,
39:32 His disciples, right?
39:33 So in your local church, there are people
39:35 who could use your ministry.
39:37 Don't be afraid to minister, friends,
39:39 you have something to offer.
39:40 And I understand
39:42 that we can smile at them and help them,
39:43 but in the end we pray their hearts
39:45 are given to Jesus.
39:46 Amen?
39:50 Number seven, you can give glow.
39:52 I like glow for giving it at outreach tomorrow.
39:56 But it's also investing in people
39:57 without expecting a return.
40:00 Number eight, this one is more..
40:04 an example or a suggestion,
40:05 having a prayer relationship with a person.
40:07 How do I do that for a month?
40:10 Tell them, "Hey, I'm praying for you.
40:11 Hope everything's okay.
40:13 Occasionally, you ain't got to do it every day.
40:16 Okay.
40:17 In the second month, you can be like,
40:19 do you have anything you want me to pray about it.
40:21 I've been praying for you.
40:22 You'd be surprised how much they open up.
40:25 And then the third month,
40:26 ask them to actually pray together.
40:29 You would be so surprised
40:30 how willing people are to share what's on their hearts.
40:34 And probably the last and most important
40:36 is Jesus was good environment.
40:39 He said, "I am the light of the world" in John 8:12.
40:42 "I am the salt of the earth," in Matthew 5:13.
40:47 These are simple principles but Jesus was good environment
40:52 everywhere He went.
40:53 What's the environment like around you?
40:55 What kind of community do you carry with you?
40:57 The Lord knows we need Him to shine through us.
40:59 Amen?
41:01 We know for a fact that it's Christ in us
41:03 that enables us to live a life holy devoted to Him.
41:06 I'll end with this story as my time is coming to a close
41:09 that I started studying the Bible with a lady
41:12 who was, Punjabi, Indian,
41:17 and her religion was Sikhism,
41:19 and we began to study the Word of God in.
41:23 Some of you may have heard this testimony,
41:25 but every time I studied with her,
41:26 she had this like furrow in her brow.
41:28 I thought she was mad at me.
41:30 I was like, there we go.
41:32 But every week she wanted me to come back
41:35 and we would go occasionally, and I remember thinking
41:37 what on earth is going to reach this lady.
41:40 And one day sitting in front of her house,
41:42 the verse came into my mind, "If I am lifted up,
41:44 I'll draw all men unto me."
41:46 We began to pray that prayer into the life of Ranjeet.
41:50 And we began to incorporate her
41:52 into activities the church would do
41:53 and she would come and slowly
41:55 that furrow on her brow went away.
41:57 I'm happy to share with you after two and half years
42:00 suffer along with people, my friends.
42:02 After two and a half years, she was baptized this past May.
42:06 You see power
42:07 when you give your life to Christ.
42:09 You see power when you're on your knees,
42:11 and you see power when you follow the principles
42:13 He followed in reaching people.
42:21 Thank you, Lisa. It's powerful.
42:25 When I was youth director in the Texas Conference,
42:27 I remember Lisa coming out, isn't she inspiring?
42:30 Very practical.
42:32 I'm Pastor Gary, the World Youth
42:33 and Young Adult director,
42:35 and I'm really excited to be at GYC.
42:36 Are you guys happy to be here?
42:38 Amen. Amen.
42:40 You know, I have a theory.
42:42 I don't know if you agree with me
42:43 on this theory or not,
42:45 but I have a theory that young people
42:47 were designed by God to live dangerously for Him.
42:50 I really do. Amen.
42:53 We weren't designed to play it safe.
42:54 I've found that young people are attracted to churches
42:57 that live dangerously for God.
43:00 Churches that are involved in mission
43:01 and causes for the Lord.
43:03 Young people want to be a part of those churches
43:05 that are living dangerously for God.
43:06 Amen?
43:08 You know, I have a verse in the Bible that I think
43:10 kind of proves this theory.
43:12 It's Psalm 127:4,
43:15 it says, "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior
43:19 are children born in one's youth."
43:22 Isn't it interesting that the Bible describes
43:24 young people as arrows in the hands of a warrior.
43:30 I don't know about you but arrows are not designed
43:32 to go to safe places, are they?
43:35 Now, maybe in the hands of an archer maybe,
43:38 because the archer might be target practicing.
43:41 But that's not what the verse says.
43:43 The verse says,
43:44 "Young people are arrows in the hands of a warrior."
43:47 The only time a warrior uses an arrow
43:49 is to shoot that arrow into the most dangerous place,
43:52 the front lines of the enemy's attacking force.
43:57 I believe our young people were designed by God
43:59 to be sent into the most dangerous places
44:02 of the earth in His name to do mighty things for Him.
44:06 Amen?
44:08 So if you're youth leaders listening right now,
44:10 stop playing around with your young people,
44:12 it's not your seating capacity, it's your sending capacity.
44:17 God wants you to send them.
44:19 And when God comes back,
44:21 may He not find your quiver full of arrows,
44:23 young, youth leader, and parents.
44:25 May he find the enemy full of arrows?
44:28 We got to send them.
44:30 Young people, you were designed to live dangerously for God.
44:34 We need to bring the danger back
44:35 into the Seventh-day Adventist Church
44:38 We need to be challenging our young people to go
44:39 into the secular universities like Daniel,
44:42 and stand true for God and speak about His love
44:44 and the warning message that He's given us
44:46 in the three angels' message.
44:48 We need to send our young people
44:49 into the cities of the world like
44:51 Doug Venn has been talking about,
44:52 and reach the people in the cities
44:54 in the various last days of earth's history.
44:57 I'm gonna be honest with you.
44:58 I'm not concerned about the emerging church,
45:01 I'm concerned about the submerging church.
45:05 A church that was like, called like Jonah to go
45:08 into the cities with the three angels' message
45:11 but instead goes down to Jaba.
45:14 Down into the belly of the boat,
45:18 then down into the sea,
45:20 down into the belly of the whale.
45:21 A church that's submerging
45:23 is a church that create an emerging church.
45:26 We need to get serious, folks.
45:28 You were designed by God to live dangerously
45:31 and that may be going to another country
45:33 in the 10/40 Window where they've never heard
45:35 the message of Jesus,
45:36 or it might be right there in your community
45:38 living dangerously for the Lord.
45:41 But, young people, you were designed
45:42 to live dangerously for God.
45:46 You say, "Pastor Gary, where do I go to get started."
45:48 Here's a real simple idea.
45:51 Everybody say, "Go to the booths."
45:58 Amen?
45:59 There's a bunch of booths
46:01 with tons of ministry opportunities.
46:02 Check it out.
46:03 Find one that God is putting on your heart.
46:05 This is where you are being sent as an arrow,
46:07 and let them train you and equip you and send you
46:10 into the most dangerous places of the earth.
46:12 And guess what? Here's an amazing thing.
46:14 Nothing can happen to you outside of God's will.
46:16 You don't need to be afraid.
46:18 You are immortal,
46:19 and God, until God says otherwise, right?
46:22 Take that with a grain of salt,
46:23 but you know what I mean, right?
46:25 Amen?
46:29 You know, we need to rewild
46:31 the Seventh-day Adventist church.
46:32 Amen.
46:33 You say, "Pastor, what's that mean?
46:35 Well, in 1995, do you realize
46:38 that Yellowstone National Park was suffering,
46:41 they were losing a lot of their wildlife, why?
46:43 Because the deer population have grown up,
46:45 and the deer were eating all the berries
46:47 which attracted the bears and the small rodents.
46:52 The coyotes were eating up all the rodents as well,
46:55 and so you were losing the eagles and the hawks.
46:57 It was affecting the entire terrain
46:59 of Yellowstone.
47:00 And then in 1995, they came up with a term called rewilding
47:04 and that basically means bring the wolves back please.
47:08 You know what they did?
47:10 They brought the wolves back, they had banished the wolves.
47:13 But as soon as they brought the wolves back,
47:14 guess what happened?
47:16 The wolves began to eat the coyotes
47:18 which saved the berries and the small rodents.
47:21 The wolves began to chase off all the deer,
47:23 they were eating all the foliage
47:24 and messing with the streams
47:26 and chasing off the beavers and the hawks and all that.
47:28 As these wolves began to take over,
47:30 as danger began to come back into Yellowstone,
47:34 the place came alive.
47:37 Need to bring the danger back into the Adventist church.
47:40 We need to start talking
47:41 about not just living this life now,
47:43 but preparing for the life to come.
47:45 Need to be going into the most dangerous places
47:47 of the earth and letting people know
47:49 the good news that we have a savior,
47:51 but the world is coming to an end very soon,
47:53 we have a savior though.
47:55 This message must go to the world.
47:57 We need to start living dangerously again.
47:59 We need to rewild
48:00 the Seventh-day Adventist church.
48:02 There are places in the 10/40 Window
48:04 where they have maybe
48:05 900,000 people and two Adventists.
48:08 Why couldn't we send teams of young people?
48:11 We need to bring the wolves back.
48:13 And you say, "Pastor Gary,
48:15 Jesus never said anything like that, did he?"
48:18 Yeah, He did.
48:19 He said, "I send you out among wolves."
48:26 Said, "I'm not gonna send you to easy places,
48:28 I'm sending you into the enemy's front lines.
48:31 I'm sending you out where there's wolves."
48:34 And then he said something very beautiful, He said this,
48:36 "Be wise as serpents
48:41 and gentle as doves."
48:44 One of the things I've learned about serpents
48:47 is that serpents are extremely strategic.
48:51 Everybody say strategic. Strategic.
48:54 This means, they don't work harder,
48:56 they work smarter.
48:58 They're strategic.
49:00 What He's saying is, "I send you among the wolves.
49:02 Make sure that you're strategic."
49:05 And then He says, "Be wise as serpent and" what?
49:08 "As gentle as the Holy Spirit, as the dove."
49:13 Be gentle.
49:15 Let them hear in your life and see in your works
49:19 the love of Jesus Christ,
49:21 but go
49:22 in the most dangerous places of the earth.
49:25 Where is God sending you, young people?
49:28 Where does He want you to go?
49:32 It's a famous story.
49:34 You've heard it before, I'm sure
49:35 about these missionaries
49:37 who were planning to go
49:38 into a dangerous part of the world,
49:39 but they were just kind of afraid to go in.
49:41 There're so many obstacles, so many dangers.
49:43 Haven't you noticed that
49:45 whenever you want to do God's work,
49:46 there's always ten spies to tell you a million reasons
49:48 why you shouldn't go.
49:49 Amen.
49:50 Where are the Calebs and the Joshuas.
49:54 Where are the young people that say, you know what?
49:57 You may say that I can't reach this country
49:59 or this part of the world because they're post-Christian,
50:01 post, post-Christian, pre-Christian
50:04 and all these reasons why you can't go,
50:06 but Jesus said, "The harvest is ripe,
50:09 it's the laborers that are few."
50:10 Amen.
50:13 So I'm going to decide
50:15 whether I'm going to listen to Jesus or the ten spies.
50:17 Jesus says, "Go because the harvest is ripe"
50:18 You just need to go.
50:20 It's a labor problem, it's an arrow problem.
50:26 Anyway, back to my story.
50:28 Got to preach in here tonight.
50:31 And I only have three minutes left.
50:32 Wow, they're tough here,
50:34 they're really tough here at GYC.
50:36 So these guys are trying to decide,
50:39 should we go or not go.
50:42 Apparently according to the story,
50:43 there was a war general sitting not too far away
50:47 and he turned to the war general.
50:49 He says, "Sir, here's the situation,
50:52 and here are the problems that we're facing
50:54 to go into this area, it's very dangerous.
50:57 What should we do?"
51:00 The general smiled, looked at him and said,
51:03 "What are your orders?"
51:06 "What are your orders?"
51:08 There are 30,000 different denominations in the world,
51:11 and I'm not saying we're better than everybody else,
51:13 but I can tell you for certain that God has given us
51:16 a greater responsibility than every denomination
51:18 in the world today.
51:20 God gave the Seventh-day Adventist Church
51:22 the very last message of hope and warning
51:26 before He comes back.
51:27 We know that because right after
51:29 the three angels' message, we see Revelation 14:14
51:32 which describes the second coming.
51:34 We've been given God's famous last words.
51:36 We got to stop being the submerging church
51:39 and be a dangerous church for God.
51:43 What are your orders, young people?
51:44 What are your orders?
51:46 Don't consult with the ten spies.
51:47 You might even be one of the spies
51:49 internally discouraging yourself.
51:52 But God is calling you to go,
51:53 and by the way His biddings are enablings.
51:57 You may not understand it.
51:58 I just got back from Malawi, Africa.
52:00 And they were telling me stories,
52:01 it's been hundreds of years, or years and years I should say
52:04 since David Livingstone was there,
52:07 but that man made an impact.
52:09 He went as wise as a serpent and as gentle as a dove
52:13 and converted many, many people
52:14 because he acted on God's orders.
52:18 Amen?
52:19 GYC, will you act on God's orders
52:21 or so you consult with the ten spies.
52:23 You were designed to live dangerously for God.
52:27 Amen.
52:29 So, My brother Eric is going to come out here right now
52:33 I'm sure, and I want you to reach out
52:35 and grab this card says, Beyond My Commitment.
52:40 This is really exciting.
52:42 Wouldn't it be awesome if you come back here next year
52:45 or wherever GYC is going to be and you bring somebody
52:47 with you that you've led to Christ?
52:49 Wouldn't that be awesome?
52:51 Wouldn't it be awesome if starting today like an arrow
52:53 you went into the most dangerous places
52:55 of the earth and you shared
52:56 the message of Jesus with somebody,
52:58 won them to Christ, and then brought them to GYC?
53:00 Eric, tell them about how that can happen.
53:03 Pull out the card that you have on your seat
53:05 and take a look at it, it says,
53:06 I, blank, if you take out a pen,
53:08 you can fill in the blank.
53:10 It says, I commit to making myself
53:12 available for God
53:13 to reach others through me in 2018.
53:17 I will dedicate my time, my talents and finances
53:20 for this purpose.
53:22 And then we have the word like here,
53:25 how to easily like people,
53:26 and some of us maybe don't like a lot of people,
53:28 but we all have an opportunity to.
53:30 L stands for what? List.
53:34 List five to seven people you'd like to see baptized.
53:38 I, intercede for them daily.
53:40 K, kindness shown through words and accent.
53:42 Finally encourage Bible studies and decisions.
53:45 I want you to write down five to seven people, pray and say,
53:48 Lord, who would You have me to reach this year for You.
53:51 I don't want to come back to GYC again with no fruit.
53:54 I want to come back to GYC with someone else.
53:57 I want to be in heaven someday with heaven
53:59 being a better place
54:00 because of what You were able to do through me.
54:02 I want the heart of God to be more full
54:05 because they were less lost in the process.
54:08 I want to take heed to that verse in...
54:13 Jude, what is it?
54:15 Jude 1:23 where it says, "Others save from the fire,
54:20 hating even the garment defiled from the flesh."
54:25 You know, we cannot hate the world
54:26 and sin unless we see what it does to people,
54:28 and as we look at people and as we try to save them,
54:31 as we study with them, as we encourage them,
54:33 as we go to our workplace, our neighbors, our communities.
54:36 As we do things for Christ, we begin to see how horrible,
54:38 how despicable, how terrible sin is.
54:42 I'll tell you what,
54:43 I've been involved in Bible studies
54:45 in places and communities
54:46 I didn't really want to drive into.
54:48 And as I spend time with those people,
54:50 like, sometimes you cringe and you're like,
54:52 I don't really want to be here,
54:53 you know, how could people get to this place,
54:55 they're in poverty
54:56 and they're living in circumstances
54:58 that God never intended for anyone
54:59 to have to go through.
55:01 They're dealing with drugs,
55:02 they're dealing with addictions,
55:04 they're dealing with lives,
55:05 it just quite honestly is completely miserable.
55:08 And yet we drive past these communities.
55:11 We work with people who have lives
55:13 that are just filled with no meaning,
55:15 filled with nothing that can really
55:17 get them through life day by day.
55:20 And so I want to challenge, you say,
55:22 Lord, I make this commitment.
55:23 I'm going to list by Your grace five to seven people.
55:26 I'm going to stick these to my fridge.
55:28 I'm going to look at it every single day.
55:30 And when I don't know what to do,
55:31 I'll get on my knees and I'll pray for someone.
55:34 I was so encouraged by Lisa this morning
55:36 saying that she prayed for her brother every day
55:38 to not be able to sleep and have a good night sleep
55:41 until he became a Christian.
55:43 When was the last time you prayed a prayer like that?
55:47 I want to challenge you, GYC.
55:48 Who is GYC anyways?
55:52 We are GYC. You are GYC.
55:57 I want to pray a prayer of commitment over your cards.
55:59 Some of you have filled them already,
56:01 some of you will fill them out.
56:03 And I just want to encourage you
56:05 to take the time, pray over your cards.
56:08 I want to encourage you to get into a group of maybe
56:10 two or three people however it's comfortable,
56:13 where you're sitting, say, Lord, here are the names,
56:15 maybe haven't written them down.
56:17 Think of some names, He'll bring them to mind.
56:20 And say, "Lord, these are the people
56:21 that I want to see won in the next year.
56:24 I want to come back next year GYC,
56:25 we'll have a soul winning festival of some kind,
56:27 we'll have a plenary session,
56:29 perhaps, where we will have an opportunity
56:32 to hear the stories of what God did
56:35 through you this year.
56:36 To find out how He worked powerfully
56:40 and to celebrate with joy the baptisms that may even,
56:43 we may even be able to do some baptisms down pushing.
56:45 We want to see a baptistery on the stage.
56:47 Amen?


Revised 2018-07-23