Generation of Youth for Christ 2017

Morning Devotion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 17GYC

Program Code: 17GYC000002A

00:32 I turned my eyes to my Lord with the prayer
00:37 Through the dimness of the dawn
00:40 Deeper truth then I was drawn
00:43 Oh such hope even brighter than before!
00:49 Oh arise, let us run
00:51 For the morning light has come
00:54 And the darkness of the night flies away!
01:00 He has risen, He has come
01:03 And our home
01:04 He has won
01:05 Let His glory be seen on you today
01:11 There a lonely soul I saw
01:14 Standing near but yet withdrawn
01:17 I bade him come to the land bright and fair
01:23 With hope's glimmer in his eye
01:25 To the darkness said goodbye
01:28 Then we sang a note higher than before!
01:34 Oh arise, let us run
01:37 For the morning light has come
01:39 And the darkness of the night flies away!
01:45 He has risen, He has come
01:48 And our home He has won
01:51 Let His glory be seen on you today
02:02 Good morning and buenos dias. Buenos dias!
02:05 I believe you may be seated.
02:09 In the Book of Isaiah 59,
02:12 if you want to turn there with me you may,
02:14 I'll be reading shortly so you have to make it quick.
02:16 Isaiah 59:20, 21 rather, the Bible says,
02:21 "As for Me says the Lord, this is My covenant with them,
02:26 My Spirit who is upon you
02:28 and My words which I have put in your mouth
02:30 shall not depart from your mouth,
02:31 nor from the mouth of your descendants,
02:33 nor from the mouth
02:35 of your descendants' descendants says the Lord,
02:37 from this time and forever more."
02:41 The woman that you'll be hearing from next,
02:43 I played tennis with her, and she knows me very well.
02:47 I played tennis with her, and we were having a good game,
02:49 and I happen to have the upper hand on this game,
02:52 and I turned around, and I decided inside of myself,
02:54 I'm gonna kind of slow down so it can be a little fair.
02:56 And as soon as that thought began
02:59 to cross my mind,
03:00 I heard the words from this young lady,
03:02 she said, "Don't even think about it."
03:05 And I said, "Think about what?"
03:06 She says, "Don't act like you don't know
03:08 what I'm talking about."
03:09 She knows me very well
03:10 and she knows her people very well.
03:12 She loves them to a point to where
03:14 she can basically read their mind
03:16 and it's a blessing to her and her ministry."
03:19 Also, this woman
03:20 when she just started looking for churches
03:23 after she had gone away from the Lord,
03:25 she invited me to go with her.
03:26 At the time I was addicted to drugs
03:29 and alcohol and she said,
03:30 "Joey, please, just come with me to church.
03:32 Come with me."
03:33 And I said, "The only way I'm going is if I'm high."
03:35 She said, "That's fine, just come with me."
03:38 Months later, as a result of her influence
03:41 she actually brought me into the church.
03:44 She would go by my bedside night after night and pray
03:47 that I wouldn't get a good night sleep
03:49 until I came to know the Lord.
03:50 And she'd asked me in the mornings all joyfully,
03:52 "Did you sleep well?"
03:54 And I said, "No, why are you asking?"
03:56 She said, "Oh, I just...
03:58 I don't know."
04:00 And inside she's rejoicing
04:01 because the Lord is answering her prayers.
04:03 If she only has one star on her crown
04:06 when she gets to heaven, it'll be me.
04:08 But I know she'll have more than that
04:10 because she loves the Lord,
04:11 she's dedicated to Him, and she serves Him,
04:13 and not only that, but she has just been blessed
04:16 with someone else to help her in ministry.
04:17 She's a newlywed, somebody say amen.
04:19 Not even a month into marriage and she serves the Lord,
04:22 she loves Him.
04:23 So when you hear from her, you're hearing from someone
04:25 who has a heart for the Lord, amen.
04:27 Why don't we pray with her? Pray for her.
04:32 Father in heaven,
04:34 Lord, I know that You have used
04:39 my dear sister Lisa in mighty ways, Lord.
04:42 I'm the result of her influence
04:44 and I know that there are so many
04:46 if not in this crowd watching it at their homes
04:49 that can say
04:50 that they've been brought closer to You
04:52 as a result of her efforts.
04:54 My prayer is that You would bless her,
04:56 Lord, that You would fill her,
04:58 that You would touch her lips, Lord.
05:00 I know that You will, we look forward to it,
05:03 and we ask all these things in Jesus' name, amen.
05:06 Amen.
05:20 Take my life
05:22 And let it be
05:26 Consecrated Lord, to Thee
05:31 Take my moments and my days
05:36 Let them flow in ceaseless praise
05:42 Take my hands, and let them move
05:47 At the impulse of Thy love
05:52 Take my feet and let them be
05:58 Swift and beautiful for Thee
06:03 Take my voice, and let it sing
06:09 Always, only, for my King
06:14 Take my lips, and let them be
06:20 Filled with messages from Thee
06:27 Take my silver and my gold
06:32 Not a mite would I withhold
06:37 Take my intellect, and use
06:43 Every power as Thou shalt choose
06:48 Take my will, and make it Thine
06:53 It shall be no longer mine
06:59 Take my heart, it is Thine own
07:05 It shall be
07:06 Thy royal throne
07:17 Take my love, my Lord, I pour
07:23 At Thy feet its treasure-store
07:28 Take myself, and I will be
07:34 Ever, only, all for
07:42 Thee
07:56 Good morning.
08:00 In fact couldn't have been a better song
08:03 for this morning's time together.
08:08 My brother is right.
08:09 He is definitely an answer to prayer
08:13 and thankfully got to introduce me.
08:16 And he's right again,
08:17 I've been married for all of 18 days.
08:20 Amen?
08:22 That is a sweet blessing.
08:26 I am happy to be able to share with all of you morning people.
08:30 How many morning people are in here?
08:31 Raise your hand.
08:33 I cannot raise my hand with you.
08:35 I am not a morning person,
08:38 but the Lord woke me up early this morning
08:40 because I believe He has a message to share,
08:44 and I'm excited to be with you.
08:45 This morning I'm going to be preaching from the Bible, okay,
08:50 and I'm going to be reading a lot of it
08:52 so I want you to stay with me,
08:54 flip as fast as you can, help your friend next to you,
08:56 don't be embarrassed
08:58 if you need help finding a place in the Bible.
09:01 Know that I often rehearse the song
09:03 whenever I have to go to a place
09:05 in the Bible, right?
09:06 Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, so you're with me?
09:12 Mahatma Gandhi once said,
09:14 "You Christians look after a document containing
09:18 enough dynamite to blow all civilization to pieces,
09:23 to turn the world upside down,
09:26 bring peace to a battle torn planet,
09:30 but you treat it as though it's nothing
09:32 more than a piece of literature."
09:37 The title of this morning's devotional
09:40 is not choosing as a choice.
09:42 Let us pray.
09:47 This morning, Lord, we come to You
09:49 asking that Your Holy Spirit will be our only teacher.
09:53 I pray that that, that song that was sung right
09:57 before this message would be the prayer of my heart.
10:00 Take my mind, take my mouth,
10:02 let it be used for You right now.
10:05 Lord of myself I have nothing to offer these people,
10:08 but You offered them Yourself on the cross.
10:11 So I pray we get a picture of who You are
10:13 like we've all never seen before.
10:15 We love You, we miss You,
10:17 and we cannot wait to see You face to face,
10:20 in the name of Christ, amen.
10:22 It wasn't far from here
10:23 that I was driving on a freeway,
10:26 don't ask me what freeway it was,
10:29 I was driving on a freeway
10:31 from Phoenix to Flagstaff through Camp Verde,
10:35 and at the time,
10:37 this was 2010
10:39 I was in a relationship with a man
10:41 that I shouldn't have been in a relationship with.
10:46 And as I was driving on this freeway,
10:49 I had a moment in my life that would forever change
10:53 the direction of where I was headed.
10:58 I had heard and learned
10:59 about the Seventh-day Adventist Church
11:01 the year before in 2009,
11:03 but I just couldn't choose to give my heart fully to God.
11:09 I knew that God was talking to my heart
11:13 and I was living the life I shouldn't be.
11:18 It was on this drive
11:19 that I heard a still small voice,
11:21 it wasn't anything dramatic, it wasn't a firework show,
11:25 it wasn't a neon sign that flashed,
11:27 it was just a quiet thought that entered into my mind
11:30 as I was driving on this freeway.
11:34 Now I know it was the Holy Spirit
11:35 speaking to me, amen.
11:36 The Holy Spirit speaks. Yes, he does.
11:39 And the thought that came into my mind was,
11:42 "Lisa, you can go on to be a veterinarian.
11:47 Go to vet school.
11:49 You can marry the man you're living with."
11:51 No, it's not the man I'm currently married to,
11:53 hallelujah, He leads our lives.
11:59 "And you can live the life you think
12:01 that would be best for yourself,
12:04 or you can give your heart entirely to me."
12:09 Still quiet in my car, no one's with me.
12:13 And the next thought that came into my mind was,
12:15 "But no matter what you choose, Lisa,
12:18 I'm going to love you the same."
12:21 But what kind of choice is that?
12:24 It actually made me kind of angry
12:26 because here I am sitting in my car
12:30 and thinking I can choose to live the life the way
12:33 I have envisioned it, how many of you are planners,
12:36 are thinking 50 years in advance?
12:38 Newsflash, friends, you only have today,
12:41 but I'm with you,
12:42 and I could picture and dream up
12:44 these fantasies of how my life was supposed to look.
12:48 And then God's like,
12:49 "Or you can give your life entirely to Me."
12:55 Friends, I wouldn't be standing here today
12:57 if I didn't choose to give my life to God.
13:01 What kind of choice was that?
13:03 Yet I knew deep down I had to choose.
13:07 Shortly after that moment in the car,
13:10 I broke off an engagement to a man
13:14 I was supposed to marry,
13:16 one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life.
13:20 Shortly after that moment in the car,
13:22 I contacted a lady
13:24 from the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
13:25 I very first went to in Clovis, California.
13:28 I contacted her on Facebook. Amen?
13:31 The Lord used Facebook.
13:33 And I messaged her one question,
13:35 and do you know what my one question was?
13:38 "How on earth does someone choose to live for God
13:43 and not just choose to live for Him,
13:44 but live for Him for 50 years?"
13:49 She kind of chuckled,
13:51 ha-ha on Facebook.
13:55 And her reply, do you know what it was?
13:58 I'll tell you at the end of the message
14:00 because it's the key insight the key to staying faithful.
14:06 Go with me in your Bibles to 1 Samuel 8
14:09 as we continue the message not choosing is a choice.
14:14 1 Samuel 8,
14:18 are you ready to read the Bible?
14:21 You can look at me and smile if you're there.
14:25 Are you happy to be with the Lord today?
14:29 You're in the right place.
14:30 1 Samuel 8:1 says,
14:32 "Now it came to pass when Samuel was old
14:34 that he made his sons judges over Israel.
14:37 The name of his firstborn was Joel,
14:38 and the name of his second, Abijah.
14:40 They were judges in Beersheba.
14:42 But his sons did not walk in his ways.
14:44 They turned aside after dishonest gain,
14:46 took bribes, and perverted justice."
14:47 Were these good sons of Samuel?
14:50 They were not following the Lord.
14:53 "Then all the elders," in verse 4,
14:54 "of Israel gathered together
14:56 and came to Samuel at Ramah, and said to him,
14:58 'Look, you are old,
15:00 and your sons do not walk in your ways.
15:02 Now make us a king to judge us like all the nations.'"
15:07 Verse 6, "But the thing displeased Samuel
15:10 when they said, 'Give us a king to judge us.'
15:13 So Samuel prayed to the Lord."
15:16 What comes after this verse 6 is verse 7
15:19 and perhaps in my opinion
15:21 one of the saddest verses in the Bible.
15:24 "The Lord said to Samuel,
15:26 'Heed the voice of the people in all
15:28 that they say to you for they have not rejected you,
15:31 but they have rejected Me,
15:34 that I should not reign over them.
15:35 According to all the works
15:37 which they have done since the day
15:38 that I brought them up out of Egypt,
15:40 even to this day
15:41 which they have forsaken Me and served other gods,
15:44 so they are doing to you also.
15:47 Now therefore, heed their voice.
15:49 However, you shall solemnly forewarn them,
15:52 and show them the behavior of the king
15:53 who will reign over them.'"
15:55 I want you, guys, to see in verse 9
15:57 the beauty of the character of God.
15:59 Amen.
16:01 In the very act of being rejected,
16:03 He's beginning to show them what?
16:06 A warning of mercy, He's forewarning them exactly
16:10 what kind of king is going to serve over them.
16:13 You see, God's knowing the future was not God's doing.
16:17 Amen.
16:19 Many people are blaming God today,
16:20 but God knowing about the future is not, what?
16:25 It's not God's doing.
16:28 Verse 10, "So Samuel told all the words of the Lord
16:30 to the people
16:31 who asked him for a king and he said to them,
16:34 'This will be the behavior of the king
16:37 who will reign over you...'"
16:39 Are you ready for this?
16:40 "'He will take your sons and appoint them
16:42 for his own chariots to be his horsemen,
16:45 and some will run before his chariots.'"
16:46 Verse 12, "'He will appoint captains
16:48 over his thousands, captains over his fifties,
16:51 he will set some to plow his ground
16:52 and reap his harvest,
16:54 and some to make his weapons of war
16:55 and equipment for his chariots.
16:57 He will take your daughters
16:59 to be perfumers, cooks, and bakers.
17:01 He will take the best of your fields,
17:02 your vineyards, your olive groves,
17:04 and give them to his servants.
17:05 He will take a tenth of your grain and your vintage
17:07 and give it to his officers and servants.
17:10 He will take your male servants,
17:12 your female servants, your finest young men,
17:15 your donkeys, and put them to his work.
17:17 He will take a tenth of your sheep.
17:19 And you will be his servants.
17:21 You will cry out in that day
17:23 because of your king whom you have" what?
17:25 "Chosen for yourselves,
17:28 and the Lord will not hear you in that day.''
17:32 Friends, if you are the children of Israel
17:35 in the hearing of the Lord,
17:36 what would your natural instinct be to say?
17:41 Just kidding, we don't want at king anymore
17:45 because he's about ready to take everything you own.
17:48 Friends, don't get it mistaken,
17:50 the devil wants everything you have
17:53 and he will stop at nothing.
17:58 Verse 19, "Nevertheless
18:02 the people refused to obey the voice of Samuel
18:06 and they said,
18:07 'No, but we will have a king over us,
18:12 that we may be like.'" who?
18:15 ''All the nations and that our king may judge us
18:20 and go before us and fight our battles.'
18:24 Samuel heard all the words of the people.
18:26 He repeated them in the hearing of the Lord.
18:28 So the Lord said to Samuel,
18:30 'Heed their voice, make them a king.'
18:33 And Samuel said to the men of Israel,
18:35 'Every man go to his city.'"
18:39 Friends, we just read all of 1 Samuel 8.
18:44 Who was their king before King Saul,
18:46 the very first king?
18:48 God was their king.
18:50 He brought them up out of the land of Egypt,
18:52 He provided for the manna, He provided for them shelter,
18:57 He would split the Red Sea, folks.
19:02 But no, no, no, we want a king over us.
19:07 The next history of the children of Israel
19:09 is so incredulous.
19:11 It gets worse, and worse, and worse, and 16 kings later,
19:16 guess who is king over Judah?
19:19 Who knows the 16th king? I didn't know, I had to count.
19:23 It was Hezekiah.
19:26 Hezekiah, was he good or a bad king?
19:30 He was a fairly good king.
19:31 He made some poor decisions,
19:33 but he wanted to uphold the law of God.
19:35 Friends, this morning and we've read this chapter
19:37 to have a context for the theme verses
19:40 of this year's GYC.
19:42 I want to take you to where we'll land
19:43 for the majority of the rest of our time in Isaiah 59.
19:46 Take your Bible please, go to Isaiah 59.
19:50 The Book of Isaiah is largely a Messianic book.
19:54 Amen.
19:55 And the first part is more a book of judgment.
19:58 Chapters 1-39, chapters 40-66,
20:02 more book of comfort where God lets them know
20:06 that you're going to go into captivity,
20:08 but I'm going to show you the redemption
20:10 you'll get out of that.
20:12 Literally, friends,
20:13 He lets them know through the prophet Isaiah
20:16 over 200 years
20:17 before they went in to Babylonian captivity
20:19 that not only are you going to become captive,
20:22 but I'm gonna show you the redemption
20:25 that I'm going to give you.
20:28 Isaiah 59 though shows us the condition
20:33 that the decision to make themselves
20:36 their own king had led them to.
20:38 Isaiah 59, "Behold..."
20:41 Verse 1, "The Lord's hand is not shortened
20:42 that it cannot save,
20:44 nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear."
20:46 Jump to verse 4, "But no one calls for justice,
20:50 nor does any plead for truth.
20:52 They trust in empty words and speak lies.
20:55 They conceive evil and bring forth iniquity.
20:58 They hatch vipers' eggs and weave the spider's web,
21:02 he who eats of their eggs dies.
21:05 And from that which is crushed a viper breaks out.
21:08 Their webs will not become garments
21:10 nor will they cover themselves with their works.
21:12 Their works are works of" what?
21:14 "Iniquity and the act of violence
21:16 is in their hand.
21:17 Their feet run to evil
21:19 and they make haste to shed innocent blood.
21:21 Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity wasting
21:25 and destruction are in their paths.
21:28 The way of the peace they have not known
21:30 and there is no justice, fairness in their ways,
21:34 they have made for themselves crooked paths.
21:36 Whoever takes this shall not know peace."
21:39 What is the condition of the world?
21:42 Sounds a lot like the days of Noah, right?
21:46 Verse 9, "Therefore justice is far from us,
21:49 nor does righteousness overtake us.
21:50 We look for light,
21:51 but there is darkness for brightness,
21:53 but we walk in blackness!
21:54 We grope for the wall like the blind,
21:56 we grope as if we had no eyes.
21:57 We stumble at noonday as at twilight.
22:00 We are as dead men in desolate places.
22:03 We all growl like bears and moan sadly like doves.
22:06 We look for justice,
22:08 but there is none for salvation..."
22:10 But what?
22:11 Do you remember the point in 1 Samuel 8
22:14 where he said,
22:16 "You'll cry out to me, but guess what?
22:19 You made a choice."
22:24 God's knowing is not God's doing.
22:28 Verse 14, jump to 14. "Justice is turned back.
22:32 Righteousness stands afar off,
22:34 for truth is fallen in the streets.
22:36 And equity or fairness cannot enter.
22:40 So truth fails
22:42 and he who departs from evil makes himself" what?
22:45 So basically at this point you don't have an option
22:48 unless you choose evil or else you become a prey.
22:54 "The Lord saw it,
22:55 and it displeased Him that there was no justice."
22:59 Friends, even after knowingly rejecting
23:04 God as their King, the Lord still saw them.
23:09 And it displeased Him that there is no intercessory.
23:12 It displeased Him that there is no justice.
23:15 And verse 16 says, He saw that there was no man.
23:19 He wondered that there was no intercessor.
23:21 "Therefore His own arm brought salvation to Him
23:25 and His own righteousness, it sustained Him.
23:28 For He put on righteousness as a breastplate
23:31 and a helmet of salvation on His head,
23:33 He put on the garment of vengeance for clothing,
23:36 and was clad with the zeal as a cloak.
23:39 According to their deeds,
23:40 accordingly He will repay fury to His adversaries,
23:43 recompense to His enemies.
23:45 The coastlands He will fully repay.
23:47 So they shall fear
23:49 the name of the Lord from the west,
23:50 and His glory from the rising of the sun
23:52 when the enemy comes in like a flood,
23:55 the Spirit of the Lord
23:56 will raise a standard against him."
24:00 Friends, I don't know about you,
24:02 but when I read chapter 59,
24:05 I see this horrible people.
24:09 And I'm so thankful 'I'm not God,
24:12 because these people don't
24:13 even know right from wrong anymore.
24:17 They think that the crooked path
24:18 is a normal path.
24:21 And the only hope this people had is what?
24:25 "That His own arm brought salvation in."
24:28 Friends, nothing in us...
24:30 Chapter 59 is one of the clearest pictures
24:33 of the actual disposition of you and I.
24:37 That nothing in us can conjure up righteousness,
24:40 nothing in us can find a straight path,
24:46 not wearing the right clothes,
24:48 eating the right things make you righteous,
24:53 they're fruits of it.
24:57 But God said, "I can't leave these people alone."
25:03 Look at verse 20.
25:05 "The Redeemer will come to Zion..."
25:08 Amen.
25:10 "And to those who turn from" what?
25:13 "Transgression in Jacob' says the Lord.'"
25:17 You see, God made a choice here,
25:21 but before the beginning of the creation of the world,
25:24 God had made His choice.
25:28 You see the history of Israel's choosing
25:31 and right here you see the picture of the choice
25:35 that God had made from the beginning
25:36 of the foundations of the earth.
25:38 Go with me to Ephesians, hold here in 59 and 60,
25:41 we are going to come back.
25:43 Go with me to the Book
25:44 of Ephesians 1:3.
25:49 Chapter 1 verse 3.
25:57 It reads,
26:00 "Blessed be the God and Father
26:02 of our Lord Jesus Christ,
26:04 who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing
26:07 in the heavenly places in Christ
26:10 just as he" what?
26:13 "Chose us in Him
26:16 before the foundation of the world,
26:18 that we should be holy
26:19 and without blame before Him in love,
26:22 having predestined us to adoption
26:24 as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself,
26:26 according to the pleasure of His will,
26:29 to the praise of the glory of His grace,
26:32 by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
26:35 Friends, when did God choose you?
26:39 He covenanted with you
26:40 before the foundations of the world.
26:43 He made a choice that no matter
26:45 what you choose, I'm going to still love you.
26:50 No matter how much you reject Me,
26:53 My heart will still yearn for you and seek after you.
26:57 He said, "Why will you die, O, house of Israel.
27:02 I can't let you go.
27:04 How can I forget you, O, Israel."
27:07 Friends,
27:09 this God of the universe has chosen you.
27:15 We saw the choice of Israel.
27:19 We saw the decision they made to not have a king
27:24 and now we see the choice of Christ.
27:27 We see that He chose to hang on a rough wood splintered cross,
27:31 don't picture it as some shiny wooded
27:34 cross that He was on.
27:37 He chose to have seven inch nails driven
27:40 through the worst part possible
27:42 of His wrist.
27:44 He chose to not just have a crown of thorns
27:46 that we see often depicted,
27:48 but a helmet of thorns encasing His entire head.
27:51 He chose within a few minutes
27:53 of being on the cross to have thick ropes
27:56 on either wrist stretched so far
27:59 that His arms were actually dislocated
28:01 to be nine, not just nine centimeters,
28:07 but nine inches longer than normal on each side.
28:10 He chose that.
28:12 He chose the position He was in would cause Him
28:16 to slouch on the cross and His lungs
28:18 would actually eventually most crucified victims
28:21 didn't die right away,
28:23 it was generally close to three days,
28:26 and their lungs would finally collapse
28:27 from the position they were in
28:29 because they couldn't breathe anymore,
28:31 they could no longer hoist themselves up
28:33 to take a breath.
28:36 He chose
28:40 one of the most painful tortures
28:42 ever invented in crucifixion.
28:45 You know, we get the word excruciating
28:48 from that.
28:51 Hebrews 6:6 says, "Every time we sin,
28:54 we crucify the Son of God afresh
28:57 and put Him to an open chain."
29:00 He chose to take our cross
29:04 and our crown of thorns with full understanding
29:09 that many of you in this room
29:11 will never choose Him.
29:16 That's a covenant. That's a commitment.
29:19 And, friends, each one of you in here
29:21 this morning has a God who is so committed to you.
29:26 You don't get it. I don't get it.
29:29 When He says He will never leave you
29:31 or forsake you,
29:32 don't let that verse be so simple.
29:40 Isaiah 59:21 our scripture reading,
29:45 "As for Me,' says the Lord,
29:48 'This is My covenant with them,
29:51 My Spirit who is upon you, and My words
29:54 which I have put in your mouth
29:55 shall not depart from your mouth,
29:56 nor from the mouth of your descendants,
30:00 nor from the mouth of your descendants'
30:02 descendants,' says the Lord,
30:04 'from this time and forevermore.'"
30:09 But what was the condition
30:11 as far as seeing all of this take place?
30:15 You see in chapter 60,
30:17 the whole chapter, we actually get a picture
30:20 of what the redemption of Israel will look like.
30:23 When you look at the context of Isaiah 59 and Isaiah 60,
30:27 you're actually seeing a prophecy of captivity
30:31 to redemption.
30:32 They're being told exactly what's going to happen.
30:35 Can you imagine if someone came to you
30:37 and told you,
30:38 "This is exactly what's going to happen to you."
30:41 You'd be like, "I don't know.
30:44 I don't know if I believe them."
30:47 But here God is literally telling
30:49 the children of Israel,
30:50 "This is exactly what's going to take place.
30:54 A Messiah then is going to come and redeem you and rescue you."
30:58 But Isaiah 59:20,
31:01 "The Redeemer will come to Zion
31:03 and to those who" what?
31:07 "Who turn from transgression in Jacob."
31:10 So He's coming to Zion, Jesus is coming.
31:13 Amen.
31:16 But especially for those who choose to turn
31:19 from transgression in Jacob.
31:27 We often talk about as a church the freedom
31:31 to decide right free will...
31:36 But, friends,
31:37 the clearest definition of choice is the way
31:39 we see it in Christ.
31:42 It's not so much the commitment I need to make,
31:46 but rather look
31:47 at the commitment Christ has made to me.
31:51 Instead of saying,
31:53 "Oh, I've got to give my heart to Christ."
31:55 Look at the heart that God and Christ gave to me.
32:01 Instead of saying, "I got to have devotions."
32:04 I can say, "Look at the God who is so devoted to me."
32:14 You know the results of those who pick Christ,
32:18 Isaiah 60:1,"
32:20 Arise and shine, for your light has come!
32:24 And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
32:28 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,
32:30 and deep darkness the people, but the Lord will" what?
32:35 "Arise over you and His glory will be seen upon you.
32:39 The Gentiles shall come to your light
32:42 and kings to the brightness of your rising."
32:44 Do you know the rest of verses,
32:48 4 all the way through 22 in that chapter,
32:50 God literally tells them
32:52 what their life can be like if they give it to Him.
32:56 He tells them, they will have peace,
32:57 prosperity, and hope.
32:59 He tells them, I'm actually going to die
33:01 so you will have peace, prosperity, and hope.
33:06 So I look at the children of Israel and I'm like,
33:09 "Surely they're going to pick Him."
33:12 Surely they're going to pick God, right?
33:15 I mean He set it up, it's full proof.
33:18 But what did 'the children of Israel do?
33:26 They definitely didn't pick God
33:31 even after He showed them,
33:32 they still didn't pick God.
33:36 I was reading through this and as I had been studying,
33:39 I was shaking my head in disgust thinking,
33:42 "How could you not choose Him?"
33:44 Is anyone with me?
33:46 "How could you not pick this God,
33:47 He gave you everything?"
33:53 But then again,
33:56 what in the world are you choosing today?
33:59 You've seen Christ on a cross,
34:03 you hold a piece of literature
34:07 that can turn the world upside down Gandhi said,
34:10 bring peace to a battle torn planet,
34:12 and you look at it as though it was nothing
34:14 more than a piece of literature.
34:17 Friends, you have a stick of dynamite
34:19 in your hands.
34:22 Do you believe it?
34:30 The only way our theme verses for GYC this year,
34:33 Isaiah 60:1-3,
34:35 can never be a reality in our life
34:38 is because of Isaiah 59:20-21,
34:42 "The Redeemer came."
34:45 And not only has He come, friends, He's here.
34:49 He's available to you today.
34:53 There's a story of a little girl
34:55 who they found
34:57 in an abandoned wilderness in India.
35:03 Apparently her parents had left her
35:06 and threw her to the animals.
35:10 And when they found this little girl,
35:13 they took her to the hospital,
35:14 begin to give her administer first aid,
35:17 making sure she was okay,
35:18 but this little girl acted just like an animal.
35:24 She refused to lay on a bed,
35:27 she refused to eat from a table or out of a bowl,
35:32 she wanted to eat off the floor like a dog,
35:36 and she would do nothing
35:37 but scream, and scratch, and kick, and hit.
35:42 We look at that and we're like, "That's not normal."
35:48 But to this little girl, guess what?
35:51 That's all she knew is normal.
35:55 Friends, the life you're living now
35:58 is not normal.
36:00 It is not the way that God had wanted life to be,
36:06 but before the foundation of the world He chose you.
36:10 He chose to give you a way out.
36:14 So I'm guilty
36:16 because I shake my head in disgust
36:18 at the children of Israel,
36:20 but do you know what happens in Revelation
36:22 21 and 22?
36:26 He actually tells us, not only does He come again,
36:30 but what it's gonna be like when He comes.
36:33 So the very prophecy that we see in Isaiah 60
36:36 and through the rest of the Book of Isaiah, friends,
36:39 you have your revelation
36:42 of what it's going to be like
36:47 or is this world just too good.
36:57 One of the most precious, yet heartbreaking quotes
37:00 you'll ever read is found in Christ's Object Lessons.
37:06 It reads in page 318,
37:09 "In heaven it is said by the ministering angels:
37:12 The ministry which we have been commissioned
37:14 to perform we have done.
37:17 We pressed back the army of evil angels.
37:20 We sent brightness and light into the souls of men,
37:23 quickening their memory of the love of God
37:25 expressed in Jesus.
37:27 We attracted their eyes to the cross of Christ.
37:29 Their hearts were deeply moved by a sense of the sin
37:32 that crucified the Son of God.
37:35 They were convicted.
37:37 They saw the steps to be taken in conversion.
37:40 They felt the power of the gospel.
37:43 Their hearts were made tender as they saw
37:45 the sweetness of the love of God.
37:47 They beheld the beauty of the character of Christ.
37:51 But with many it was all in vain.
37:54 They would not surrender their own habits and character.
37:57 They would not put off the garments of the earth
38:00 in order to be clothed with the robe of heaven.
38:03 Their hearts were given to covetousness.
38:06 They loved the associations of the world
38:09 more than they loved their God."
38:12 Who do you choose this morning?
38:15 Who have you chosen this past week?
38:18 I don't know, I can't read your heart,
38:21 but there's a God who has chosen you,
38:26 and He chooses you time and time again.
38:30 He's made a covenant with you.
38:32 He's made His choice. Will you make yours today?
38:36 Because many, in the book Education,
38:38 it says, "Think of the result of hastening
38:41 or hindering the gospel and when they think of it,
38:44 they think of it in relation to themselves
38:47 into the world."
38:49 Few think of its relation to God.
38:51 So what we are hearing here
38:54 is that when most people think of the gospel,
38:55 they think Jesus died for me.
38:58 I'm the part of that group, right?
39:00 And He did.
39:02 And the gospel must go forward and God must use me.
39:07 But few stop
39:09 and think of its relation to God.
39:12 Few give thought to the suffering
39:14 that sin has caused our Creator,
39:17 all have been suffered in Christ's agony,
39:19 but that suffering did not begin
39:21 or end with His manifestation in humanity.
39:25 The cross is a revelation to our dole senses
39:28 that the pain from its very inception sin
39:32 brought to the heart of God.
39:34 Do you guys, I'm going to read that again,
39:36 don't miss this point.
39:38 All have been suffered in Christ's agony,
39:40 but that suffering did not begin
39:41 or end with His manifestation in humanity.
39:44 The cross is a revelation to our dole senses of the pain
39:48 that from its very inception sin
39:51 has brought to the heart of God.
39:52 Every departure from the right, every deed of cruelty,
39:55 every failure of humanity to reach His ideal
39:58 brings grief to Him.
40:01 But He still chose you
40:04 from the beginning of the foundation of the world.
40:07 He still chose you
40:08 as He died upon a cross
40:12 believing that some of you,
40:15 hopefully all of you would choose Him back.
40:22 So do you want to know what the lady told me?
40:27 She said, "Oh, Lisa,
40:31 I didn't choose to serve God for 50 years."
40:35 She said, "I chose to serve Him today."
40:41 And she said, "I wake up every morning
40:44 and I say one simple thing,
40:46 today I choose you for my God."
40:50 He's already picked you. Guess what He's waiting on?
40:54 You need to pick Him.
40:56 Choose this day who you will serve."
41:00 Because not choosing, friends, is a choice.
41:05 He's made His covenant, He's made His commitment.
41:10 What are you doing?
41:11 Where do you stand in relation to God today
41:14 'cause you know
41:16 where He stands in relation to you?
41:23 There is a little boy
41:25 who too of mine and my husband's mentor,
41:29 foster parented,
41:32 and if anyone has been a foster parent,
41:34 you know, that can be a difficult thing
41:37 because you hear
41:38 some of the most heartbreaking stories.
41:42 The wife, the mother of these young foster children
41:46 told me a story one day.
41:47 She said, "You know, Lisa, the funniest thing..."
41:49 Kind of sad happen, but kind of funny.
41:52 She goes, "Every Sabbath before we go to church,
41:56 I take my two young foster children to the church
41:59 and right before we go in the sanctuary we pray,
42:02 because we don't want things to go crazy."
42:04 She's like, "So I'm going to hold their little hands
42:08 and as I go to grab their hands,
42:12 the little boy refuses to give her his hand."
42:16 He has it balled up in a fist.
42:18 And she's like closing her eyes,
42:19 but trying to grab his hand,
42:21 and she finally just grabs his fist,
42:23 and she prays, okay.
42:24 So they're praying,
42:25 "God help us not to be crazy during the sermon.
42:27 Help us not to fall asleep, help us to..."
42:29 You know, hear from the Lord,
42:31 and she's holding his little hand,
42:33 and when they get done,
42:35 she's like, "Why is your hand balled up in a little fist?
42:38 And he's like not letting her see.
42:43 And the elder sister's like,
42:44 "Let us see what's in your hand."
42:47 So finger by finger they open up
42:51 this little boy's hand
42:53 and do you know what was inside of his hand?
42:56 Dog food.
42:58 Dog food was inside of his hand.
43:00 They all had a moment, they started laughing
43:03 and then my friend looked at him and said,
43:07 "Why do you have dog food in your hand?
43:10 And he said, "In case I got hungry
43:13 during the sermon."
43:16 They all started laughing
43:18 and then she looks at him and goes,
43:21 "Dog food isn't a normal snack.
43:23 I can give you a snack."
43:26 And the elder sister happened
43:28 at that moment to cut in and said,
43:30 "But that's the snack
43:31 our grandparents used to give us."
43:35 Friend, are you eating dog food this morning?
43:41 Do you think this is normal
43:44 because he thought dog food was a normal snack?
43:48 I say this with as much love and sincerity,
43:51 but if you have not decidedly chosen Christ today,
43:54 you are eating dog food
43:57 because what He has is whole much better.
44:01 The life He gives is a life, John 10:10, "more abundant."
44:07 He came to give life and life more abundant.
44:10 Arise my, friends,
44:12 get out of the dirt and choose God.
44:16 If you haven't made a decided decision
44:19 to follow Christ,
44:21 I assure you, friend, you've chosen dog food.
44:26 But today this morning you have an opportunity
44:30 to pick between Him or the devil.
44:35 To pick between the Christ who died on the cross for you
44:39 or all that the world says it has to offer you.
44:44 There's no in between, friends, to not choose is a choice.
44:50 Friends, if there is a stirring of any kind in your heart,
44:54 it's like the quote we read,
44:56 "The angels are drawing near and saying to you,
44:59 'Will you pick Him today?'"
45:04 If there's any stirring in your heart,
45:06 it's because He's asking you to respond
45:08 to the covenant He's already made with you.
45:11 He wants you, do you want Him?
45:14 This call right now isn't for everyone.
45:18 It's for those who hear this morning say,
45:20 I actually have never publicly picked Christ
45:24 for whatever reason like you,
45:27 Lisa in 2009 you couldn't fully choose
45:29 to give God your heart,
45:32 but today
45:34 you have that option to pick
45:39 'cause, friends, the Bible tells us
45:41 there's a time where you can pick no more,
45:45 not choosing is a choice,
45:47 and your choice will be decided against Him.
45:50 But this morning the opportunity is fresh,
45:54 the blood that Christ shed on the cross is free for you
45:58 and for me.
46:01 If you've never picked Christ, it's a bold thing to do.
46:06 If you want to say, I want to give you a chance,
46:10 "I don't know what I'm getting myself into.
46:12 I'm here at this GYC Convention,
46:14 never been here before."
46:17 But I want to see what you have for me, friends,
46:20 challenge the Lord.
46:23 He's got you.
46:25 If you've never publicly made a decision for Jesus
46:29 and you want to make that decision this morning,
46:31 I'm gonna ask you to stand where you're at.
46:37 Stand and recognize that Jesus gave it all for you.
46:42 The Lord sees you sister and it's so precious.
46:49 Amen, brother, the Lord wants you,
46:52 and it's not a simple
46:56 wanting.
46:59 It's a want that
47:00 even if you were to pick my, friends,
47:02 to no longer choose Him, He would still choose you.
47:06 But maybe you're like the Israelites
47:09 and you're back and forth, and back and forth,
47:13 and you're tired of it this morning,
47:16 and you want to choose Him today,
47:18 and say, "I am done!
47:22 I am so done going back and forth."
47:25 I want to ask you to stand now
47:27 and say I'm going to make a public decision that,
47:30 "I am tired of going back and forth."
47:32 This isn't for everyone.
47:33 It's for those who are saying,
47:34 "Today this morning at GYC,
47:36 I am sick of playing the fence.
47:41 I want to give Him my whole heart."
47:42 The Lord sees you, friends.
47:45 This is a decision between you and Christ.
47:50 And guess what?
47:51 Angels in heaven are rejoicing
47:54 at your decision.
47:58 Christ is looking down at His people right now
48:00 and saying, "But for these ones,
48:02 it wasn't in vain."
48:04 If you're still sitting and you're feeling
48:07 the Holy Spirit say, "Stand, stand."
48:09 Friends, don't let His sacrifice be in vain
48:13 for you this morning.
48:20 He died to give you a new start.
48:27 For those who have stood,
48:31 it's no light decision,
48:34 but you're running into the arms of a God
48:36 who picked you first.
48:38 So you're going to be okay.
48:40 You don't have to work up righteousness
48:42 on your own.
48:44 He's made you righteous through His blood.
48:47 At this time, I'm going to ask you
48:49 to come forward so we can have a prayer.
48:52 Don't be shy.
48:55 Everyone who is sitting has obviously chosen Christ.
48:58 Amen?
48:59 And they want to support you in your decision to choose Him.
49:02 Come to the front. Come close.
49:04 Hover in as a family of God. No more back and forth.
49:08 Amen.
49:10 No more hot and then cold,
49:13 okay, I'll just be lukewarm, right?
49:16 We are making a decision to follow Christ.
49:20 Friends, I'm gonna ask us to sing a song a capella.
49:25 I have decided, amen,
49:27 and then we're going to have a closing prayer
49:30 where I ask you in the quietness
49:31 of your heart to just repeat after me, saying,
49:33 I'm going to give Jesus my life today.
49:36 No turning back.
49:39 I have decided
49:43 To follow Jesus
49:47 I have decided
49:51 To follow Jesus
49:55 I have decided
49:59 To follow Jesus
50:04 No turning back
50:05 You can still come forward and pick the Lord.
50:08 No turning back
50:10 Though no one join me...
50:12 Though no one join me
50:16 Still I will follow
50:20 Though no one join me
50:24 Still I will follow
50:28 Though no one join me
50:33 Still I will follow
50:37 No turning back
50:41 Will you decide now...
50:45 Will you decide now
50:49 To follow Jesus?
50:50 Friends, start GYC off picking Christ.
50:55 Some are still coming forward and you can still come.
51:01 Will you decide now
51:05 To follow Jesus?
51:09 No turning back
51:13 No turning back
51:17 At this time, I'm going to ask you
51:19 to bow your heads and close your eyes.
51:22 In the quietness of your heart,
51:24 I'm going to lead you in a sinner's prayer
51:27 where you ask God back into your life.
51:30 And remember, friends,
51:31 you're just choosing to serve Him today.
51:33 Amen.
51:35 You're gonna wake up in the morning and say,
51:36 "Today, I choose you for my God."
51:40 Father in heaven,
51:43 Lord, I know I have most of my life
51:46 not chosen You,
51:49 but this morning I'm standing up here asking
51:54 that You would forgive me of my sins,
51:58 that You would cover me
51:59 and Your righteousness cleanse me in Your blood.
52:03 Please forgive me
52:05 for looking at Your sacrifice so lightly.
52:09 Forgive me for being like the children of Israel
52:11 in choosing another king over my life.
52:15 This morning that changes, God, between me and you.
52:21 This morning I give you my heart afresh.
52:24 Today I choose you for my God, no turning back.
52:31 Thank You for the blood
52:33 that You shed on the cross for my sins.
52:35 Thank You for giving me life and life much more abundantly.
52:41 Please abide in my heart forever,
52:45 in Jesus' name we pray, amen.
52:49 You all may be seated.
52:51 Remember, friends, every day, today
52:55 choose I you for my God.
53:05 What a powerful message. Amen?
53:09 Well, isn't it wonderful to know
53:10 that even before the foundation of the earth
53:12 was created, God made a choice to love us
53:15 and He has been faithful to that?
53:18 Amen.
53:19 We're gonna close off with hymn number 100,
53:22 Great Is Thy Faithfulness.
53:34 Great is Thy faithfulness
53:39 O God my Father
53:43 There is no shadow
53:47 Of turning with Thee
53:52 Thou changest not
53:55 Thy compassions, they fail not
54:01 As Thou hast been
54:04 Thou forever wilt be
54:10 Great is Thy faithfulness!
54:15 Great is Thy faithfulness!
54:20 Morning by morning new mercies
54:26 I see
54:29 All I have needed
54:33 Thy hand hath provided
54:38 Great is Thy faithfulness
54:43 Lord unto me!
54:48 Summer and winter
54:52 And springtime and harvest
54:57 Sun, moon and stars
55:01 In their courses above
55:07 Join with all nature
55:11 In manifold witness
55:16 To Thy great faithfulness
55:20 Mercy, and love
55:25 Great is Thy faithfulness!
55:30 Great is Thy faithfulness!
55:34 Morning by morning new mercies
55:40 I see
55:43 All I have needed...


Revised 2018-07-16