Series Code: 17GYC
Program Code: 17GYC000001A
00:34 Good evening.
00:36 Please join us as we sing our theme song 00:38 for the very first time, "Let His Glory Be Seen." 00:44 Please stand. 00:55 Oh I saw a distant land and its glory was so grand 01:02 I cried oh Lord how I long to be there 01:09 Then I heard His gentle voice 01:13 "Come, my child, it is your choice" 01:16 Oh such hope that I'd never heard before 01:23 Oh arise, let us run, for the morning light has come 01:30 And the darkness of the night flies away 01:37 He has risen, He has come, and our home He has won 01:44 Let His glory be seen on you today 01:54 Then the way grew dark with care 01:58 My heart trembled in despair 02:01 I turned my eyes to my Lord with a prayer 02:08 Through the dimness of the dawn 02:12 Deeper truth then I was drawn 02:15 Oh such hope even brighter than before 02:22 Oh arise, let us run, for the morning light has come 02:30 And the darkness of the night flies away 02:37 He has risen, He has come, and our home He has won 02:44 Let His glory be seen on you today 02:54 There a lonely soul I saw 02:58 Standing near but yet withdrawn 03:01 I bade him come to the land bright and fair 03:09 With hope's glimmer in his eye, to the darkness said goodbye 03:16 Then we sang a note higher than before 03:23 Oh arise, let us run, for the morning light has come 03:30 And the darkness of the night flies away 03:37 He has risen, He has come, and our home He has won 03:44 Let His glory be seen on you today 03:51 Let His glory 03:54 Be seen on you today 04:16 I'd like to send my warmest greetings to each one of you 04:19 at the GYC conference in Phoenix, Arizona. 04:23 I'm really glad that you've decided 04:25 to attend this year's GYC, 04:26 and I'm certain that you will receive a tremendous blessing 04:30 as you listen to inspiring sermons, 04:32 take time for Bible study and prayer, 04:35 attend biblically based practical seminars, 04:38 participate in the witnessing and outreach opportunities, 04:42 and fellowship together. 04:45 You know, GYC is a great place to grow your faith, 04:48 and your theme for this year, Arise, based on Isaiah 60:1-3, 04:55 couldn't be more timely. 04:57 Let's take a moment 04:58 and just read the text together. 05:00 Isaiah 60:1-3, "Arise, shine, for your light has come. 05:07 And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. 05:10 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, 05:12 and deep darkness the people. 05:14 But the Lord will arise over you, 05:16 and His glory will be seen upon you. 05:19 The Gentiles shall come to your light, 05:21 and kings to the brightness of your rising." 05:25 If ever there was a time 05:27 when the earth was covered with darkness, it is now. 05:30 If ever there was a time 05:31 when deep darkness enveloped people, it is now. 05:35 If ever there was a time when people need the hope 05:39 and salvation that only Jesus can bring, it is now. 05:43 And praise God, He calls us, indeed He commands us 05:47 to arise, shine for your light has come. 05:52 But notice that the very next sentence reminds us 05:55 that we cannot do this of ourselves. 05:58 It says, "And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you." 06:03 It's because of the glory of the Lord, 06:05 because of His light that shines in and through us, 06:08 that we can be a light to others. 06:11 This can happen as you are part of total member involvement, 06:15 but this can only happen 06:17 when you are daily and fully surrendered to Him. 06:21 In that marvelous book Christ's Object Lessons, 06:24 I hope you're familiar with that book, page 159, 06:27 we read the following and I'm going to quote. 06:30 "No man can empty himself of self. 06:34 We can only consent for Christ to accomplish the work. 06:38 Then the language of the soul will be, 06:40 Lord, take my heart, for I cannot give it. 06:45 It is Thy property. 06:46 Keep it pure, for I cannot keep it for Thee. 06:50 Save me in spite of myself, my weak, unchristlike self. 06:55 Mold me, fashion me, 06:57 raise me into a pure and holy atmosphere, 07:01 where the rich current of Thy love 07:03 can flow through my soul." 07:06 What a marvelous quotation. 07:08 I'm wondering do you want this to be your prayer. 07:13 Do you long for Jesus to shine through you 07:16 as you participate in GYC activities, 07:20 both at the convention and at home? 07:25 The Lord has invited us to be His messengers, 07:27 proclaiming to the world that He is coming soon, 07:31 that He is the Creator God 07:33 and that He is the only one we should worship. 07:36 He bids us to invite others 07:38 to come into His precious remnant church. 07:42 My dear GYC friends, 07:44 we are truly on the very edge of eternity. 07:48 I believe with all my heart that Jesus is coming very soon. 07:52 Now is truly the time to arise and shine. 07:57 Now as I close this brief video message to you, 08:01 I just would like to have 08:03 a very special word of prayer for you 08:06 asking that God will bless every one of you 08:09 during this GYC convention and beyond. 08:14 I know that God will help you 08:17 to proclaim the powerful good news 08:20 that Jesus is coming very soon 08:22 and that the three angels' messages of Revelation 14 08:25 will ring in clarity from your lips and your actions. 08:30 As you put into practice the practical steps 08:35 that Jesus has given to us in reaching people, 08:40 His method of bringing people to the foot of the cross. 08:45 And remember, you can only do that 08:48 as you arise and shine through His power. 08:53 Let's pray. 08:54 Father in heaven, 08:56 be with a special group of young people 08:59 meeting in Phoenix, 09:01 You know each name, You know each person, 09:04 You don't even have to look at their name badges, 09:06 You know them since they were young people, 09:10 You knew them even before they were born. 09:12 Lord, You know the potential of every single one 09:16 to be part of arising 09:19 and shining with the glory of God 09:23 as their power to share with others 09:27 the powerful message 09:29 that Jesus has made a way of escape for each of us, 09:32 and that He's coming very soon, 09:35 and that He has given us wonderful blessings 09:38 and instructions from the Bible 09:41 in order to understand Him better 09:43 and to be equipped to share the precious advent message 09:49 at home, at school, in the community, 09:53 and yes, around the world. 09:55 So, Lord, empower every one of these young people 09:59 and help them to arise through Your power. 10:02 I commit them into your care, 10:04 help them to have a wonderful GYC convention. 10:08 And, Lord, help them to be on fire 10:11 for the new year of 2018 10:15 as you use them in a powerful way 10:18 pointing to Your soon coming. 10:20 In Jesus' name we ask it, amen. 10:25 Our scripture reading tonight 10:26 is found in the book of John 3:30. 10:31 That's John 3:30. 10:37 And it says, "He must increase, 10:41 but I must decrease." 10:46 How many of you sit next to the same person or people 10:49 every Sabbath at church? 10:52 And how many of you have started to notice 10:54 consistent quirks with these people? 10:58 I sit next to the same guy every Sabbath, 11:02 and every week, he falls asleep 11:04 during the pastor sermon. 11:07 Now I have to warn you that pastor is the speaker tonight. 11:12 But the guy is our five-month old son. 11:17 And sermon time, kind of, 11:19 is at the same time as his nap time. 11:22 Moise Ratsara, in addition to being a loving father, 11:25 and husband, son, and brother, he's also a devoted 11:30 and faithful ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister, 11:33 and he's the president of GYC. 11:36 He leads the executive committee 11:38 that plans the annual conference you are attending, 11:41 as well as inspiring young people all over the world 11:45 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 11:47 He has a burden and a passion for young adult ministry 11:51 and a deep desire to see all young people 11:55 actively participating 11:57 in the movement to end all movements. 11:59 The spreading of the three angels' message 12:02 to the whole world 12:03 in anticipation of Jesus is soon coming. 12:08 By their very nature, movements move. 12:12 Moise tonight will be telling us where GYC is going. 12:17 And he will be telling us how to avoid certain pitfalls 12:20 that could derail us along the way. 12:23 I'll be praying for him now, 12:25 and then I ask that you pray for him in your hearts 12:28 during the special music and that you listen 12:30 to what he has to say when he follows. 12:33 Let's pray. 12:35 Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You so much 12:38 for bringing us all here to Phoenix. 12:41 We thank You for the promise 12:42 that wherever two or three of us 12:44 are gathered in Your name 12:46 that You were there with us also. 12:48 We pray that You would send the Holy Spirit to be with us, 12:51 that You would open our hearts and minds 12:53 to receive the message prepared for tonight. 12:56 We pray that you would be with Moise 12:57 and give him the words to say. 12:59 And we thank You again for the love 13:01 that you have shown us through Jesus. 13:03 We ask all of these things 13:04 in His wonderful and mighty name, amen. 13:22 For God 13:26 So loved the world 13:31 God so loved the world 13:37 That He gave His only 13:44 Begotten Son 13:53 That whosoever believes 14:00 Whoever believes 14:07 Shall not perish 14:14 But have everlasting life 14:21 For God so loved 14:26 This fallen world 14:30 He left His glory above 14:37 To carry my cross 14:44 For God so loved 14:51 Our world 15:17 For He came 15:21 Not to condemn 15:25 He came not to condemn 15:31 But that the world through Him 15:37 Might have everlasting life 15:45 For God so loved 15:49 This fallen world 15:52 He left His glory above 15:59 To carry my cross 16:06 For God so loved 16:12 For God so loved 16:19 For God so loved 16:29 Our world 16:44 Amen. 16:46 Hello, GYC. 16:49 Good evening. 16:51 Amen. Amen. 16:53 Thank you so much for that beautiful song. 16:55 What a privilege it is to be here with you 16:59 and to have the keynote address. 17:02 I feel very humbled. 17:04 I have a few things before I begin, 17:06 but I got to tell you that I am blessed 17:10 to have a beautiful wife Amy 17:12 and thank you for that introduction. 17:14 I believe that my little boy 17:15 as well is sleeping at this time. 17:19 So the little man hopefully will be blessed somehow. 17:25 I want to thank the GYC volunteers 17:28 for all of the dedication and the labor of love 17:31 that you have given for the movement. 17:34 A lot of the things that you see 17:37 are done out of sacrifice and love for you. 17:41 I want to thank them. 17:44 Also, I would like to thank my family, 17:47 especially my wife and my parents for their love, 17:51 for their prayers, and for their great sacrifice. 17:55 If it were not for them, I would not be here today, 17:58 and I want to thank them. 18:00 Also, I want to thank Pathways, and especially Lela Lewis, 18:05 I know she's here, for showing the heart of Christ in Phoenix, 18:11 helping people receive free healthcare 18:15 but also blessing them spiritually 18:17 that they might be a blessing to the world. 18:20 Thank you so much, 18:22 Pathways and every volunteer of Pathway that is here. 18:24 Thank you so much for your service. 18:27 On behalf of GYC, we just want to thank you 18:30 for giving your time to do the best work, 18:32 and that is sharing the love of Christ. 18:36 I also would like to thank 18:37 the Jackson and Bunker Hill Church. 18:40 You are watching right now, 18:42 and I just want to thank you for all the things 18:44 that you have done for bearing with me 18:46 as I travel across the world 18:49 to help this generation get a picture of Christ. 18:53 I just want to thank my local churches, 18:56 and I also would like to thank above everything else 19:00 God for His loving kindness 19:02 and for being so patient with us. 19:09 Let us have a word of prayer together. 19:14 Dear Heavenly Father, 19:16 what a privilege it is to be here. 19:19 As we have gathered 19:20 from all four corners of the world in the thousands, 19:24 we have come because we believe, 19:26 Father, that You want to come soon, 19:29 that You want to come even more 19:31 than we want to see You come. 19:33 And, Father, this is Your time I am but a man. 19:37 Hide me behind Your cross, and may You speak. 19:41 In the name of Jesus we pray, amen. 19:46 There were two Moravian in missionaries 19:48 by the name of Johann and David, 19:52 two young men, Moravian brethrens 19:55 in Herrnhut, Germany, in the 1700s. 19:59 These two men received the call to mission work, 20:03 and they were dedicated to go to the end of the earth 20:06 to share the love of God. 20:09 They got a call to go to an island 20:11 in the West Indies, Saint Croix, 20:15 but the only way 20:16 that they could go to that island 20:18 was that either they were a slave owner 20:22 or they were slaves. 20:25 These two men were middle class young men 20:28 in the prime of their life. 20:30 But they received the call to missions. 20:34 So they decided to sell themselves as slaves 20:39 and go to the end of the earth. 20:44 As they went into the boat, they looked at their families 20:47 and they said, "May the lamb that was slain 20:51 receive the reward of His suffering." 20:55 And there they went as slaves 20:58 to share the love of Jesus Christ 21:02 to the people somewhere in the world. 21:07 These men knew where they were going. 21:11 But I want to ask you the question today, 21:14 GYC, do you know where you're going. 21:17 We know that our destination is for heaven, 21:21 everything that we do, every ounce of GYC, 21:26 and so that each and every one of us 21:28 can be in the kingdom of God together. 21:33 We know where we want to go, but how do we get there? 21:37 And today, by the grace of God, 21:39 I want to give a clear vision and a mission 21:41 for where GYC is going and where we must go. 21:47 Number one, where do we go? 21:49 We need to go back to God. 21:52 To the Bible and to the Spirit of Prophecy, 21:56 reading the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy. 21:59 Turn your Bibles with me to John 5:39 22:04 and we will see why. 22:08 John 5:39. 22:15 In John 5:39, this is what the Bible says. 22:21 It says, "You search the Scriptures, 22:23 for in them you think you have," 22:25 what, my friends? 22:26 "You have eternal life. 22:29 And these are they which," do what? 22:32 "Testify of Me." 22:35 Who is speaking? 22:37 It is Jesus Christ. 22:39 You see, the Bible is not just another good book, 22:42 it is an encounter with God, 22:45 it is the mind and the heart of God made audible for men. 22:51 The Word of God is our only rule of faith 22:54 and practice as a people. 22:56 By the Word of God, we are to be judged. 22:59 Without the Word of God, my friends, we are nothing, 23:03 and Moise is nothing without the Word of God. 23:09 Our vision and life must be driven by the Word of God 23:15 and by the Spirit of Prophecy. 23:18 Every ounce of GYC must exist to propel, 23:22 to inspire this generation 23:25 to have a deep abiding relationship with God. 23:30 If we are not leading people to Christ, 23:33 then we need to stop existing. 23:36 That is where we must go 23:39 to the Word of God. 23:44 But what about the Spirit of Prophecy you might ask. 23:47 Do we need to read the Spirit of Prophecy? 23:50 I want to tell you a story. 23:52 A couple weeks ago, I was on my tour 23:53 to the beautiful continent of Africa. 23:56 If you could tell that I have an accent, 23:58 that's because I am an African. 24:04 And I went to that beautiful continent 24:05 and I was coming back on a 28-hour journey. 24:11 I wanted to see my wife and my beautiful little man, 24:16 but what was before me was four inches of snow, 24:21 very cold, dark, and fog. 24:25 I had my trusted little car, my Honda Civic, 24:28 and if you have a Honda Civic, you know it is reliable. 24:31 But unfortunately, my Honda Civic 24:33 was not heavy enough to face the snow, 24:37 but I wanted to be home. 24:39 Though I had to travel for very far, 24:42 I wanted to be home. 24:45 My wife told me, "Sweetheart, Mo, 24:48 I know you're a dedicated guy, but you could rent a motel 24:52 or stay in a motel for the night 24:54 till things are more safe." 24:57 But I wanted to be home. 24:59 So I went through the snow through four inches of snow, 25:03 roads that were unplowed from Detroit to Lansing, 25:07 driving at about 35 miles an hour on the highway. 25:12 Left and right, there were cars on the ditches, 25:16 but I was heading home. 25:18 I knew the way home, 25:20 but it was so dark that I could not see properly 25:23 but I was thankful for those two red lights in front of me 25:28 that were leading me all the way home. 25:32 The Spirit of Prophecy is still light. 25:36 Though it is the lesser light, it is still a light. 25:40 And according to Revelation 19:10, 25:43 "It is the faith of Jesus Christ." 25:48 We're living in a very dark world today. 25:52 The year 2017 has been a year to be remembered. 25:59 As we're going through this life, 26:02 more than ever before, 26:04 young people just like you and I 26:06 need to be in the Word of God 26:09 reading as well the Spirit of Prophecy. 26:12 Read it for yourself. 26:14 Start with Great Controversy, read The Desire of Ages, 26:18 read Patriarchs and Prophets, read Ministry of Healing. 26:26 It talks about Jesus Christ. 26:29 It has the same author, the Holy Spirit. 26:32 Read it. 26:34 This is where we must go as a movement 26:39 to the Word of God. 26:43 Number two, where do we go? 26:46 We must go to our local churches. 26:50 You know, I like this visual aid, 26:55 to go to the local church. 26:57 You might say, "Well, Moise, 26:58 why do we have to go to the local church?" 27:02 The book Education, page 265 to 266 says this, 27:07 "The church is organized for service. 27:09 And in a life of service to Christ, 27:12 connection with the church is one of the first steps. 27:16 Loyalty to Christ demands 27:17 the faithful performance of church duties. 27:23 This is an important part of one's training, 27:25 and in a church imbued with the Master's life, 27:28 it will lead directly 27:30 to efforts to the world without." 27:34 The Seventh-day Adventist church, my friend, 27:37 and I'm saying this from love, is a grassroots movement 27:43 but it's the apple of God's eye. 27:51 More than ever before, 27:53 we need young people to be involved in their local church, 27:58 to be involved in their local church, 28:00 not only be on the sign lines and be attendees, 28:03 but you are, my friends, participant, 28:08 you are GYC, you are this generation. 28:14 And GYC must exist to equip, 28:18 to inspire this generation 28:21 to be actively engaged in their local church. 28:26 It is the apple of God's eye, 28:28 and this is where we must go 28:31 to our local church and be involved. 28:35 But someone might say, 28:36 "Well, Mo, my local church is not mission-minded, 28:40 you don't understand my situation." 28:43 I have news for you, my friend, you are the church. 28:47 Amen. 28:49 You be mission-minded, you be focus, 28:52 you give Bible studies, 28:54 you be involved, start a small group, 28:56 start a ministry that supports 28:59 the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 29:03 Daniel's church was in captivity 29:06 because it was not mission-minded, 29:09 but Daniel never used that as an excuse 29:12 not to be faithful to God. 29:16 Though whatever was happening in his local church, 29:18 whatever it was, Daniel purposed in his heart 29:21 to be faithful, and you be faithful. 29:26 This is your church. 29:31 Somebody else might say, 29:32 "Well, Mo, you don't understand my situation. 29:35 In my local church, I'm the only young person. 29:39 I can't relate to anybody, I am there, 29:42 they are not youth-friendly, 29:43 a lot of their programs are not for young people." 29:48 My friend, don't ask what the church can do for you 29:52 but ask what you can do for your church. 29:54 Amen. 29:57 This is your church. 30:00 Or is there politics in the church? 30:03 Yes. 30:04 Is it right? 30:05 Never. 30:08 But you fill yourself with the Holy Spirit every day, 30:11 be the change that you seek to see in the world. 30:16 The church is not perfect, but God is, 30:20 and this is His church. 30:27 When people go alone, my friend, you arise. 30:31 Amen. 30:32 Go to your local church, 30:34 bring and win as soul to Christ, 30:36 do not be satisfied with anything else 30:39 but to expand the kingdom of God. 30:42 You might say, "Well, Mo, 30:44 I don't know much about the Bible, 30:45 I'm a young person, my life is messed up." 30:50 Go, talk to the woman at the well. 30:56 Don't make excuses when God has called you. 31:01 Go. 31:05 This leads me to my third point, 31:07 where are we going? 31:10 To the end of the earth. 31:14 Mission. 31:16 Mission. 31:17 Mission. 31:18 God gave us a great commission, not a great option. 31:24 And love for God and the love for His church 31:27 will lead us automatically to love His people. 31:33 I get very worried at times 31:35 when people have to be encouraged to go to missions, 31:38 and they say they are Christians. 31:42 If you love God, it will be automatic. 31:48 We need a love today 31:49 for the love of man has grown cold. 31:54 But we need a love today 31:56 that will lead us to go to the ends of the year 31:59 that is not ruled by sensationalism or feelings 32:04 but by choice, principle, and sacrifice. 32:08 Amen. 32:10 It is a love that does not flinch in the face of hardship 32:13 or worldly success or the pool of mediocrity, 32:16 fame, power, or money. 32:19 It is a love that calls a family 32:21 to live the comforts of their home. 32:24 And come to an event called Pathways on Christmas 32:29 and give up their resources 32:30 that they can help somebody else. 32:34 It is a love that not only seeks to feed the homeless 32:39 but to save as well that homeless man 32:41 or that homeless lady. 32:45 It is a love that drives a man or woman 32:48 in the cold of winter to knock on doors 32:51 for couple of hours. 32:53 It is a love that propels a man or a woman 32:57 making six digit figures to go to the ends of the earth 33:00 and be a volunteer and work on a stipend. 33:05 It is a love that is not ruled by social media, 33:09 the latest fads, 33:11 but drives a person as outreach is going 33:13 there making photocopies 33:15 while nobody is watching 33:16 so that people can have materials 33:18 to go knocking on doors. 33:24 It is a love that drives a person to their knees 33:28 when nobody's watching, 33:30 praying for their family member that has left the church. 33:36 It is a love that at times 33:37 might not be seen by the naked eye... 33:43 but that is their praying, praying, praying. 33:50 What the world needs today 33:52 is a love that will drive young people 33:54 to the end of the earth. 33:57 Such a love will drive you to sacrifice and pain 33:59 but also to joy and peace. 34:03 And to choose to have this love 34:05 is the only way I believe 34:07 to finish the work in this generation. 34:11 There should be no more loving person on this earth 34:16 than a Seventh-day Adventist, 34:20 especially a GYC-er. 34:23 The Bible says you need to be known for your gentleness, 34:26 even in your social media platforms. 34:32 We need love today, we need the Holy Spirit, 34:38 we need to have a vision of what God wants us to do, 34:44 we need a love that will drive young people 34:48 to be fully furnished, 34:50 to be willing to spend time in the Word of God, 34:54 and learning all things. 34:58 A love that will drive a person to have a biblical worldview 35:01 and GYC must exist, 35:05 directly trained an army of young people 35:08 who will be disciples of Jesus Christ, 35:11 who are willing to carry the message 35:13 of a crucified risen 35:15 and soon coming savior to the end of the earth. 35:20 Every ounce of GYC must exist 35:26 to further the mission 35:29 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, 35:32 God's church. 35:40 Jesus says if we want to accomplish this mission, 35:42 however, we must deny ourselves, 35:45 take up our cross daily and follow Christ. 35:49 Not follow men, follow Christ. 35:53 Obedience is what God is calling us to. 35:59 Not because we have to, 36:00 and not because we're legalists, 36:03 but because we thirst for the glory of God 36:06 because we are loyalists. 36:12 The Ten Commandments of God, my friend, are not a burden, 36:16 they're the best description of how to love God 36:19 and your neighbor, 36:21 the best description of how to love. 36:25 Love is not a burden. 36:29 The greatest man ever born of a woman according to Jesus, 36:33 John the Baptist 36:35 because he had the greatest task ever given to a man, 36:40 the task of preparing the people 36:42 for the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. 36:46 In the prime of his life, John the Baptist, 36:49 face one of the greatest crisis of his public ministry. 36:54 His disciples lost their focus, lost their mission, 36:58 and lost their vision. 37:02 Turn your Bibles with me 37:03 to John 3:22-26. 37:09 John 3:22-26. 37:15 In John 3:22-26, 37:18 John the Baptist is encountering something 37:21 he has never seen before. 37:24 In there, it reads, "After these things 37:26 Jesus and His disciples came into the land of Judea, 37:31 and there He remained with them," 37:33 and did what, my friends? 37:35 "And baptized. 37:37 Now John also was baptizing in Aenon near Salim 37:40 because there was much water there. 37:42 And they came and were," what else, my friends? 37:45 "Were baptized. 37:47 For John had not yet been thrown into prison. 37:51 Then there arose a dispute 37:53 between some of John's disciples 37:56 and the Jews about purification. 37:59 And they came to John and said to him, 38:01 'Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, 38:05 to whom you have testified, 38:06 behold, He is,'" doing what, my friends? 38:09 "'Baptizing, and some people are coming to Him!'" 38:15 Are you seeing from the Word, what did they say? 38:17 All people are going to Him. 38:20 Now who is telling this to John the Baptist? 38:22 Are these some strangers? 38:25 They are the disciples of John the Baptist. 38:29 They have been given a commission 38:31 to prepare the people 38:33 for what coming of the Lord Jesus Christ? 38:36 First coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. 38:43 But five things got in their way 38:46 of accomplishing their mission. 38:50 Number one, the disciples of John the Baptist 38:56 became jealous of, who? 39:02 The ministry of Christ and Jesus Christ. 39:07 Can you imagine that? 39:09 Here there were, one group was baptizing, 39:11 the other group was baptizing, now we know John tells us 39:15 that Jesus Himself was not baptizing, 39:17 but his disciples were baptizing, 39:19 two groups of people baptizing, and there's a controversy. 39:23 They get involved in the controversy 39:25 about purification, 39:26 and here they are saying to John the Baptist 39:29 that everybody is going to Jesus, 39:32 and they are jealous of who, the Son of God. 39:36 But whose work are they thinking they're doing? 39:39 The work of God. 39:43 How did they get to that point? 39:47 Because they were majoring in minors. 39:51 Number one, 39:53 to them they were more worried about their numbers, 39:58 public perception of the effectiveness 40:00 of their ministry and purification 40:03 that they became jealous of the Son of God Himself. 40:09 Majoring in minors. 40:13 Number two, how did they lose their mission? 40:17 The disciples had false litmus tests 40:19 and silver bullets. 40:21 In their mind, only they could baptize 40:26 or probably have the true purification, 40:28 after all, John the Baptist was a voice in the wilderness, 40:33 revered and feared by the religious leaders 40:36 and the rulers of the time. 40:39 Jesus Christ? 40:41 He did not look like the Messiah. 40:45 He was a carpenter from Nazareth. 40:50 He did not look like the expectation of a King. 40:52 So since He did not look like a king, 40:55 He must be an impostor. 41:00 Number three, how did they lose their mission 41:02 and their vision? 41:04 They started to fall into the sin 41:07 of what I call institutional rivalry. 41:14 If they're not under our brand, under our control, 41:20 then they are our enemy. 41:24 Yes, they might be doing a good work 41:26 but they are not us. 41:29 They were so caught up in the waves 41:31 that they were creating that they could not see 41:33 that God was preparing a tsunami 41:35 in the Son of Jesus Christ. 41:43 They wanted to become the managers 41:45 of the Holy Spirit. 41:48 So as a result, they missed the Son of God. 41:54 They went to John the Baptist, 41:56 and they said, verse 26, 41:59 "And they came to John and said, 42:00 'Rabbi, He who was with you beyond the Jordan, 42:02 to whom you have testified, behold, 42:05 He is baptizing, and all are coming to Him!'" 42:10 Now is that true that everybody 42:11 was going to Jesus at this point in time? 42:14 Probably not, there were still some people 42:16 that were going probably to John the Baptist, 42:20 but they were jealous. 42:24 And when we have a spirit of institutional rivalry, 42:27 my friend, it leads to a spirit 42:32 of insubordination. 42:35 The Bible doesn't tell us for sure that 42:37 the disciples of John did not respect Christ, 42:41 but we know that some of John's disciples 42:44 would have been present at Christ's baptism 42:46 because in verse 26, what did they say? 42:50 "And they came to John and said to him, 42:51 'Rabbi,'" what? 42:52 "He who was with you," where? 42:55 "Beyond the Jordan." 42:58 That means that some of them were there 43:01 and they witnessed 43:02 what God was doing in acknowledging His son. 43:07 They also heard, by the way, before we get to this point 43:11 in John 3, more than seven times 43:14 John is telling them that he is not the Son of God, 43:18 he is not the Messiah. 43:21 But he acknowledged who was the one, 43:23 the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world 43:25 to take away the sins of the world. 43:27 Who was that? Jesus. 43:30 Were His disciples there? 43:32 Probably, yes, because they said 43:34 they knew he was with Jesus beyond the Jordan. 43:39 They knew that Christ was the Messiah 43:44 or that John the Baptist acknowledged 43:46 that he was the Messiah, 43:50 but because there were succumbed by public pressure 43:53 and cultural expectation by the Jews questioning 43:57 the effectiveness of their ministry of purification. 44:02 They challenged the calling of the public ministry of Christ 44:07 and indirectly the voice of God Himself. 44:16 Consequently, number five, therefore God who they were, 44:20 they were called to be ushers in the first coming of God, 44:24 but here they were fighting 44:27 the very Son of God. 44:34 Such an event is not new to mankind. 44:38 Heaven knows about such an event. 44:44 But John the Baptist was not caught 44:47 or swayed by this pressure, 44:50 though the Spirit of Prophecy tells us 44:52 that at this point in time, 44:53 John the Baptist had more influence than Christ, 45:01 but he was not swayed by fame, money, or power. 45:05 Amen. 45:07 He knew where he was going. 45:10 So whatever road block was in front of him, 45:13 it did not matter because he knew where he was going. 45:16 Do you know where you're going, GYC? 45:21 John the Baptist did not major in minors 45:23 because he has gone to the Word of God 45:26 and had read the prophecy about the Messiah 45:29 and understood the meaning behind a sanctuary service. 45:32 He knew He was the Lamb of God, 45:34 who takes us away the sins of the world, 45:38 so he did not major in minors. 45:42 John the Baptist did not fall 45:45 for false litmus tests of silver bullets, 45:48 again he knew what mattered 45:50 because he had studied the Word of God 45:52 and he knew that though men 45:54 may be baptized with water, 45:56 Jesus will baptize with fire. 46:00 The ultimate purification. 46:05 And so he was not swayed by institutional rivalry, 46:12 by self because he wanted the glory of God above his own. 46:18 Amen. 46:21 A couple of months later, 46:22 we know what happens to John the Baptist. 46:26 He is beheaded 46:28 alone in a dungeon. 46:33 But he knew where he was going. 46:39 Number four, John the Baptist knew where he was going, 46:41 even towards the end of his life 46:43 as he was about to face death 46:46 and was tempted to question God. 46:51 If God, if Jesus Christ was truly the Messiah 46:54 because the pressures were getting more, 46:57 he was experiencing more pressure 46:59 and more pressure and more pressure, 47:03 but he yielded to the voice of God 47:07 because God said, 47:08 Jesus Christ was the Messiah, he accepted. 47:13 Though his feelings maybe were not aligned, 47:16 but he chose obedience over feeling. 47:23 And lastly, John the Baptist did not forget who he was, 47:29 he did not forget who he was in the eyes of God, 47:31 and what God had called him to. 47:34 He knew that he was called to be a voice 47:37 in the wilderness preparing the way for, 47:40 what, my friend? The first coming of who? 47:43 Of Jesus Christ. 47:45 So when he heard the voice, go with me to verse 29, 47:48 this is what He says. 47:51 "He who has the bride is the bridegroom, 47:54 but the friend of the bridegroom, 47:56 who stands and hears his voice rejoices greatly 47:59 because of, "who, my friend?" 48:01 The bridegroom's voice. 48:04 Therefore this joy of mine is, 48:06 what, my friends? "Is fulfilled." 48:13 And the famous verse, "He must increase, but," 48:19 what, my friends, "I must decrease." 48:31 GYC, is it your vision today 48:35 to go back to the Word of God, 48:39 to go back to the Bible to the Spirit of Prophecy, 48:44 to go back to the people of God 48:46 and be active in your local church, 48:50 to go to the ends of the earth 48:52 and proclaim the three angels' message? 48:57 Not for the glory of men but for the glory of God, 49:01 I believe that this generation can be the greatest generation 49:07 if they know where they are going. 49:11 Jesus has allowed us to be alive 49:13 for such a time as this. 49:18 I am a church pastor. 49:21 And as a pastor, some of you pastors 49:24 know that you bury people. 49:28 Most people call you either when they are getting married 49:33 or when they're burying a loved one. 49:39 On this day, I had to bury a man who was 95 years old. 49:45 This man was no ordinary man, 49:48 he had a living memory of John Harvey Kellog. 49:52 I have the privilege 49:54 of pastoring the oldest congregation in Adventism, 49:57 Jackson Michigan, where Ellen G White 50:00 had some of her Great Controversy visions 50:03 and where she was attacked by the devil. 50:07 My other church is called Bunker Hill. 50:11 And this is where this man was, 50:12 and he had actually as his record, 50:15 he had the record of some of the pioneers tithe paying, 50:19 how they pay tithe. 50:21 Hand written copies of that. 50:25 This 95-year-old man 50:27 longed to see Jesus come in his lifetime. 50:32 He had spent almost every ounce of his life 50:35 trying to hasten the Lord's coming, preaching, 50:39 being there almost at every board meeting, 50:43 he could recite Psalm 91 50:46 by heart at 95 years old. 50:50 He had trained his mind, 50:52 everything that he could do to hasten the Lord's coming, 50:57 but here I was burying him. 51:02 He had the chance, he longed for the moment. 51:07 And we today, my friends, 51:08 can see Jesus come in our lifetime. 51:10 Amen? Amen. 51:12 Are we going to arise to the occasion? 51:17 Are we going to play church? 51:21 Are we going to play a religion? 51:24 Are we going to be like John the Baptist's disciples 51:28 and fight against God? 51:34 More than any of us here today, Jesus wants to come back. 51:41 And what he's waiting for is for people 51:43 who are willing to see Him come back 51:47 more than anything else. 51:52 I want to make an appeal to you today, 51:54 my friend, three appeals. 51:58 The first appeal is 52:01 if you're willing to commit to read the Bible 52:05 and the Conflict of the Ages series in 2018, 52:11 all of it. 52:13 From Patriarchs, from Prophets and Kings... 52:17 From Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, 52:20 Desire of Ages, Acts of the Apostles, 52:23 and Great Controversy, 52:26 and the Word of God. 52:29 If you're willing to make that commitment, 52:31 I will invite you to stand 52:36 to read the Word of God in one year 52:40 and the Conflict of the Ages. 52:45 Appeal number two, 52:52 it is if you are willing to commit 52:56 to win one soul to Christ in 2018. 53:03 If you say, "Lord, I am committing to this," 53:05 I will invite You to come to the front 53:09 and make a public stand to say, 53:11 "Lord, I am committing to leading one soul 53:14 to Christ in 2018." 53:19 Amen. 53:29 Amen. 53:31 Appeal number two... 53:34 Number three. 53:39 If you have sensed God's call to call you to be a missionary 53:44 to the end of the earth, 53:47 and you know that God is calling you, 53:49 you might be a CEO of a company, 53:53 you might be a lawyer, 53:55 you might be a doctor, you might be a pastor, 54:00 but you know that your call is to go overseas, 54:06 and you want to make that commitment today 54:10 to not harden your heart 54:11 and go where God is calling you to. 54:14 I invite you to come to the front. 54:17 Amen. 54:22 Lastly, at every meeting, 54:27 I always want to ask and give the opportunity, 54:31 if you have never accepted Jesus Christ 54:35 as your personal Savior, 54:39 please come to the front. 54:41 Now I'll be down here and I like to meet with you. 54:45 I like to pray with you 54:47 and I like to give you an opportunity 54:50 to give your life to Christ. 54:57 Let's pray together, my friend. 55:01 Dear Heavenly Father, 55:04 today thousands of people 55:09 have committed to read Your Word. 55:15 They have also committed, Father, 55:17 to win a soul for Christ. 55:23 Some have also committed to go to the ends of the earth, 55:28 to the end of the earth 55:31 and give their life to You all the way. 55:35 Others, as well, have committed to be baptized 55:40 or to accept Jesus Christ for the first time 55:42 as their personal Savior. 55:47 Lord, I pray for them, 55:51 I want each and every one of them to be in heaven, 55:57 including myself. 55:59 Save us, Lord. Save us, Lord. 56:02 And may we arise, arise, 56:05 and arise for light has come. 56:09 In the name of Jesus we pray, amen. 56:13 Amen. 56:15 May the Lord be with you, my friend, 56:17 and may He fill you with His Holy Spirit. 56:21 Amen. |
Revised 2018-07-16