ASI Conventions, 2017

ASI Marks 70th Anniversary: The History and Roots of ASI

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Charles Sarr, Mark & Teeney Finley, Ted Wilson, Steve Dickman


Series Code: 17ASIC

Program Code: 17ASIC000014A

00:20 Good afternoon and welcome
00:22 to the Sabbath afternoon program
00:24 at the 70th ASI.
00:27 We're delighted that you're here this afternoon.
00:30 This afternoon's program will be one in which
00:32 we're going to focus on the history of ASI
00:36 and lay movements throughout history
00:40 that have impacted the world and impacted
00:43 the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
00:45 We'll talk about where ASI has come from,
00:49 where we have been going in the future,
00:53 and where we are today.
00:55 So, Teeney, pray for us.
00:57 Shall we bow our heads in prayer?
01:02 Our wonderful, most loving, kind, heavenly Father,
01:07 we thank you first of all for who you are,
01:10 such a great, and awesome, loving, and unselfish God.
01:16 You've done so much for each of us
01:18 and we thank You for that.
01:20 We thank You for the way that You have loved us
01:24 and cared for us and guided us, and so we thank You
01:28 for everything that You have done.
01:31 And now, Father, I pray that You would bless this meeting
01:34 this afternoon and each participant, each one,
01:38 I pray You will give Your power and Holy Spirit to.
01:42 And, Father, we ask for Your presence here.
01:45 We know that the Holy Spirit has been here
01:48 and is here this afternoon but we pray again
01:52 for the outpouring of Your Spirit.
01:54 And so, Father, we will give You
01:57 the glory and the praise for everything
02:00 also that ASI has done.
02:04 We thank You for the ministries of ASI.
02:07 We know that it takes more than one ministry,
02:11 more than one person, it takes all of us
02:15 working together to really be unified to finish Your work.
02:20 And so we pray that You'd give us wisdom and power
02:25 in Your presence as we worship again
02:28 this afternoon with You.
02:29 So thank You, we praise You, we honor You, we love You,
02:33 and we look forward to that great day,
02:36 when You will come again in the clouds of heaven.
02:39 Keep us faithful to that end,
02:41 we pray in Jesus' precious name.
02:44 Amen.
02:48 This year is the 70th anniversary of ASI
02:54 and the 500th year celebrating the Reformation.
03:00 It was in 1517 that Martin Luther
03:05 nailed the Ninety-five Theses
03:08 on the castle church wall in Wittenberg.
03:11 What do those two events have in common?
03:15 What is ASI have in common with the Reformation?
03:20 There are many things that ASI has in common
03:23 but there is one that I'd like to focus on.
03:26 The truth that dawned on the minds of many
03:29 during the Reformation is found in 1 Peter 2.
03:36 Certainly, the Reformation focused on salvation
03:39 by grace justification.
03:42 Certainly it focused on the authority of the scripture
03:45 as above the authority of priests,
03:48 and prelates, and popes.
03:50 Certainly, it focused on faith.
03:53 But there was another aspect of the Reformation
03:56 that dawned upon the minds of men and women.
03:59 Another aspect that burst upon their consciousness
04:03 and we find that in 1 Peter 2:9.
04:09 The Bible says, "But you are a chosen generation,
04:13 a royal priesthood, a holy nation,
04:17 His own special people, that you may proclaim
04:22 the praises of Him who called you out of darkness
04:25 into this marvelous light."
04:27 The great truth of the Reformation
04:30 was that priests, and prelates, and popes
04:34 were not the custodians of the gospel.
04:37 But that God had blessed average men and women
04:42 with a knowledge of His grace, and the marvels of His love,
04:47 and that every Christian was to be a witness,
04:50 every Christian was to be a priest of God,
04:53 every Christian was to be ambassador for Christ.
04:57 Witnessing is not a spiritual gift,
05:01 witnessing is the calling of every Christian
05:05 whom God equips with spiritual gifts to witness.
05:10 God has blessed down through the generations
05:13 and centuries laypeople.
05:15 Matthew was a tax collector called by God
05:19 who chronicled the gospel.
05:22 Peter and John were fishermen called by God.
05:27 And think of Peter's great sermon
05:29 in Acts 2 where 3,000 were baptized
05:33 after that prophetic sermon showing that
05:35 Christ was the Messiah.
05:36 Peter was a layperson, Luke was a physician,
05:41 a layperson called by God who joined Paul.
05:45 Paul was the first ASI member.
05:49 Because when you look back, you remember in Acts 18:3
05:54 that the Apostle Paul was a tent maker in Corinth.
05:59 Why was Paul a tent maker in Corinth incidentally?
06:02 Why did he join Aquila and Priscilla there?
06:06 They were expelled from Rome
06:07 when the Jewish persecution came,
06:09 they were tent makers.
06:11 Why did they go to Corinth?
06:12 It was 51 AD, the Isthmian games
06:16 were coming in 52 AD.
06:19 They had no hotels to stay in.
06:21 So Paul, an entrepreneurial tent maker
06:24 began making tents for the thousands
06:27 that would come in the games
06:28 so he could make some money to support his ministry.
06:32 Paul was an ASI member, an entrepreneur,
06:36 and he lit the world with the gospel.
06:39 Thank God for ASI members who like William Carey,
06:43 you remember William Carey said, he said,
06:45 "I cobble shoes to pay expenses
06:47 but soul winning is my business."
06:50 The true spirit of ASI is one
06:54 who indeed is self-supporting to do mission for Christ.
07:00 Time went on, church and state united.
07:04 The Dark Ages came
07:07 and the church had a different philosophy,
07:09 its philosophy was this, laypeople are to simply pray.
07:15 They are to pray, and they are to obey.
07:18 But then, the light of the gospel broke through
07:22 in the middle ages.
07:23 And as it did, Martin Luther and other reformers
07:28 began to share the glorious truth
07:30 of the priesthood of the believers.
07:32 Laypeople again rose to preach the gospel
07:35 and out of that Reformation as heirs of the Reformation,
07:39 the Adventist church group.
07:41 And those early Adventists often were laypeople.
07:44 William Miller not an ordained preacher
07:47 but called by God as a godly lay person,
07:51 rose to preach the gospel.
07:54 And think of, for example,
07:57 the Joseph Bates, a sea captain called of God.
08:02 God has been calling men and women
08:06 down through the ages who are laypeople,
08:09 touching them with the spirit of the gospel,
08:13 changing their lives.
08:14 Mission is part of the DNA of laypeople
08:19 in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
08:22 Mission identifies who we are.
08:26 And mission was part of a lay movement
08:30 in our early history
08:31 and young people propelled by mission
08:34 went forward to preach the gospel, Charles.
08:36 That's right, Elder Finley.
08:38 Mission has been the very driving force
08:41 behind our church and we have found that
08:46 in the early portion of our church
08:49 it was very intentional, wasn't accidental,
08:51 is very intentional what our leaders did.
08:54 What do you mean by it was not accidental
08:58 but intentional?
09:00 They're very much infused their young people
09:02 with the sense of mission.
09:03 The fact that they were on earth for a purpose
09:07 and that purpose was to share Christ
09:09 and His soon coming with the world.
09:11 And that's the spirit of ASI.
09:12 That's exactly the spirit of ASI.
09:14 ASI has patterned after that very attitude,
09:17 and that attitude is probably best embodied
09:21 and exemplified in the person of E.A. Sutherland.
09:25 Who was E.A. Sutherland?
09:26 Why don't you tell us a little bit about that man
09:29 that was so fundamental,
09:31 so basic in the foundation of ASI.
09:33 It'll be my pleasure to do that, Mark,
09:35 thanks for letting me share.
09:37 E.A. Sutherland grew up in rural island
09:40 not far from the Minnesota border
09:41 and he learned hard work very early age.
09:45 You see, even when he was a very, very young man,
09:49 he and his sister herded cows for an entire summer,
09:52 for a total of 35 cents.
09:55 He managed to hang on to that 35 cents over the winter
09:59 and with his father's encouragement,
10:01 he invested that 35 cents and some onion sets.
10:05 And he tended those onions through the year,
10:08 sold them for a tidy profit at the end of the year,
10:11 and that was his first
10:14 if you would ASI business venture.
10:17 You see,
10:19 the year after he graduated from high school,
10:24 he took a job teaching in a nearby schoolhouse,
10:27 he rode his pony Mouse back and forth
10:29 throughout the winter.
10:31 And in addition to teaching many lessons,
10:33 he learned one lesson that was critically important
10:36 and that critically important lesson was that
10:38 God called him to reach young people
10:42 for Jesus through education.
10:45 He felt that he was poorly equipped however,
10:47 and he determined to go and get additional college training
10:51 to remedy that shortcoming.
10:52 Now his family, his father in particular,
10:55 did not agree with his college aspirations
10:58 and they offered him no support.
11:01 So Ed Sutherland sold his pony Mouse,
11:04 so that he would be able to make the trip
11:07 to Battle Creek.
11:09 He went there to live with a couple of aunts
11:11 and he wasn't immediately ready to enter college
11:14 and so he spent a year studying rhetoric and English
11:18 with Professor Goodloe Bell.
11:21 Professor Bell had some rather different ideas
11:23 about education.
11:25 For example, Professor Bell thought that
11:27 the Bible should be the foundation
11:30 of all the principles that we communicate.
11:34 He also felt that in addition to head learning
11:39 that we should be learning practical things,
11:42 and so he and Ed spent half of each day
11:46 out in physical labor.
11:49 Now in spite of his family's disapproval
11:50 of his pursuit of college, Ed determined that
11:52 he should go home and help his father on the farm
11:56 the first summer after he was in college.
11:58 His muscles were soft, the work was hard,
12:01 and his father was harder.
12:04 Against the protests of his mother
12:06 and the rest of the crew, his father put him
12:09 on the toughest job in the harvest.
12:10 It was called the straw monkey.
12:12 But Ed sang and prayed his way through that harvest season
12:15 without any complaint.
12:17 The next summer, Edward spent colporteuring.
12:20 He went to Minnesota and he stayed in the home
12:22 of Josephine Gotzian.
12:24 Josephine Gotzian put colporteurs up in her home
12:29 and some of the young men that had been there
12:31 didn't have a really good experience.
12:33 Ed determined that he was going to have
12:36 a better experience with his benefactors.
12:39 And so he went out of his way to take care of her home
12:42 and her carriage horse and he wouldn't know
12:45 what benefits this friendship would have in the future.
12:50 Now when Ed returned to Battle Creek,
12:52 it was for his junior year in 1888
12:54 and he met a new friend there.
12:56 The new arrival was Percy Magan.
12:59 Percy Magan arrived from Ireland
13:01 and he had been invited to live in the home
13:04 of the now widowed Ellen White.
13:07 Ed began spending more time with the boys, excuse me,
13:10 with Percy in the Ellen White's home.
13:13 Ellen White referred to Ed and Percy as "The Boys".
13:17 Ed and Percy referred to Ellen White
13:19 as "Mother White" it's in term of endearment
13:23 that they used throughout their lives.
13:25 And it was no accident that placed Ed Sutherland,
13:29 Percy Magan, and Ellen White together in 1888.
13:36 This as you recall is,
13:38 when there was a renewed emphasis in our church
13:41 on righteousness by faith.
13:43 What Mother White referred to as the third angel's message
13:47 in verity.
13:50 Though younger than Edward, Percy had a number of things
13:54 that he was going to teach him.
13:56 One of those things was the religious experience
13:59 that he enjoyed.
14:01 Little by little, Percy led Edward
14:04 into the same close walk with Jesus
14:08 that Percy had already enjoyed.
14:11 And the visits with Mother White
14:13 and the long talks with Percy brought Ed
14:15 into that same relationship and Ed and Percy were rooted
14:21 and grounded in Jesus Christ.
14:25 Through that winter, the boys also observed
14:28 Mother White closely.
14:30 They learned to value the marvelous gift
14:33 to the remnant that the gift of prophecy
14:36 bestowed by God on this gentlewoman was
14:39 and they came to the conviction that those revelations
14:42 were direct from God and they needed
14:45 to follow that guidance.
14:48 They did through the rest of their lives.
14:51 In addition to his studies,
14:54 Percy took a job in the college bakery.
14:57 He was soon the head baker and in his spare time
15:01 he went over to the machine shop
15:02 to learn how to use the tools that were found there.
15:06 Ed on the other hand in his spare time
15:10 played football and baseball.
15:12 And when Ed attempted to recruit Percy
15:14 for the baseball team Percy responded,
15:17 "I can't regard any activity as recreation suitable for me
15:21 unless it confers benefits on someone else."
15:25 Ed pondered his friend's position
15:29 and eventually came to believe the same as his friend.
15:34 Around this time Ed noticed also a certain young lady.
15:38 Her name was Sally Bralliar. She was from Ohio also.
15:42 She was talented, she was educated in languages,
15:44 she was artistic.
15:46 She had a sterling character, and they both wanted to teach,
15:50 and the faculty gave their permission
15:52 so that they could date
15:54 and at the end of the following summer
15:56 they were married.
15:57 Ed and Sally took a call to Minnesota.
16:00 Percy was asked to interrupt his studies
16:04 because the college had a desperate need
16:06 for a history teacher.
16:09 And then they connected at the end
16:10 of that next school year at a conference,
16:13 an educational conference is being held
16:15 in Harbor Springs, Michigan.
16:16 The Seventh-day Adventist Church educators
16:19 were getting together to finally consider
16:21 the counsels that Mother White had been sending on education.
16:27 While they were there, Ed suggested they go fishing.
16:30 Percy responded, "Vegetarian".
16:34 And before the day was over,
16:37 Ed and Sally were vegetarian as well.
16:39 Also while at Harbor Springs, Ed was asked to teach history
16:45 but this time at Battle Creek College.
16:48 Before he could even start teaching
16:50 they changed his subject on him.
16:52 They gave him Old Testament Bible
16:54 and he figured the best place to start Old Testament Bible
16:57 is in Genesis.
16:59 You know, you don't have to go too far in that book
17:01 and you start finding out what the original diet was.
17:03 And soon the students were asking
17:05 for a vegetarian option in the cafeteria.
17:09 It wasn't two years later
17:11 and Battle Creek was a vegetarian campus.
17:15 After only one year at Battle Creek,
17:18 Ed was asked to go and be the principal of a new college.
17:21 It's a place out in Washington state
17:24 called Walla Walla.
17:26 The president for the college lived in Michigan.
17:29 So for practical purposes, it was up to Ed
17:31 to get the school year started.
17:33 In his first five months,
17:35 he needed to attend camp meeting in Seattle,
17:37 create a curriculum for the college,
17:39 produce a catalogue,
17:41 find and hire qualified teachers,
17:43 recruit some students,
17:45 oversee the construction workers
17:47 so that the building got built.
17:50 And on December 7, 1892,
17:53 they opened school with 91 students, 10 teachers.
17:58 By the end of the school year enrollment was over 160.
18:01 Now by contrast I want you to understand,
18:04 the University of Washington had already been in operation
18:07 for 30 years
18:09 but only had 42 students.
18:15 Things were bit rough however.
18:17 The building wasn't finished when school opened.
18:19 Construction only progressed as funds were available.
18:22 Ed was insistent that they not be going into debt.
18:26 The only heat in the building was two stoves.
18:28 One was a potbelly stove in the chapel
18:31 and the other was a borrowed range in the kitchen
18:34 which it turned out did not work
18:37 when they first tried to fire it.
18:39 There was only one bathroom and one tub in each dormitory.
18:45 And the staff wrote to the General Conference
18:47 describing the situation and asking for help.
18:50 The reply that came back was a set of detailed instructions
18:54 on how you could take a bath in a basin of water.
18:59 The school promptly purchased basins for the dormitory.
19:05 Ed was very intentional about educating his staff.
19:08 He held staff retreats
19:09 where they would study the testimonies
19:11 that were coming from Mother White in Australia
19:14 where she was starting Avondale.
19:16 The testimonies were constant topic
19:18 of conversation on campus.
19:21 The fundamental question with every new letter of counsel was
19:25 what is this going to look like on our campus?
19:29 How will we implement this principle?
19:33 The second year, Ed was given the title of president
19:36 and there was also a new staff member that came.
19:39 Bessie DeGraw interrupted her studies at Battle Creek
19:42 very much like Percy had done
19:44 and traveled to Walla Walla to help out.
19:47 She proved to be a dynamo
19:50 and she wound up working with Ed Sutherland
19:54 for the rest of her life.
19:57 That winter Ed presented a report
19:59 of what was happening at Walla Walla
20:00 to the General Conference.
20:03 The conference also heard reports from Battle Creek,
20:05 which was struggling at the time
20:07 with a debt of about $90,000.
20:09 In today's currency
20:11 that would be about 2.6 million.
20:14 Clearly, God had been able to bless Ed's leadership
20:18 at Walla Walla,
20:19 and so the General Conference voted
20:21 to move that leadership to Battle Creek,
20:24 to the flagship educational institution.
20:27 At the age of 32, Ed with Sally and Bessie
20:30 joined Percy back at Battle Creek.
20:33 Now Battle Creek was located on only seven acres
20:36 of property in the middle of the city,
20:39 and Ed and Percy desperately wanted to move the college
20:42 out into the country to be in compliance
20:45 with Mother White's counsels.
20:47 But her personal counsel to the boys
20:51 was, "Wait, the time is not yet right."
20:55 So they did.
20:56 They waited, but they weren't idle.
20:58 While they were waiting,
20:59 Percy started a debt relief organization.
21:02 Ed wrote a sizable book on educational history.
21:05 Ed and Percy went out and plowed up the tennis courts
21:09 and the baseball field to provide garden space.
21:14 There was a great deal of opposition
21:15 to the reforms among the students
21:17 but there was also a great deal of support
21:20 and a revival swept through the college.
21:24 Ed was getting letters from several churches
21:27 requesting teachers for children.
21:30 He went to the chapel meeting with the students.
21:34 With three letters of request and he asked
21:36 if there might be any students willing to interrupt
21:38 their studies to go and help these churches.
21:41 No one replied.
21:44 So the next day, he made the same inquiry
21:49 and first one and then two more young ladies stood up.
21:55 By Christmas, there were seven schools in operation
21:58 with students that volunteered to lead out.
22:02 By March, there were 13.
22:04 During the next year, 57 schools were organized.
22:07 By the fall of 1900 just two years later,
22:11 almost 150 church schools were in operation.
22:16 And in 1900, Mother White also unexpectedly
22:20 announced her return from Australia.
22:23 She determined that she wouldn't attend
22:25 the February 1901 General Conference Meeting.
22:27 In part because of things revealed to her about problems
22:30 that needed to be met very firmly here in America.
22:34 She addressed that conference on several subjects
22:36 and among them was the relocation of Battle Creek.
22:40 After her comments on that subject,
22:42 the General Conference Committee voted
22:44 to purchase rural property
22:47 so that they could move the college.
22:49 Now Ed, and Sally, and Percy,
22:50 they'd already been scouting up properties
22:52 and they knew just where they wanted to go.
22:55 The next year school started in a new location,
22:59 a place called Berrien Springs, Michigan,
23:01 and the new location called for a new name,
23:04 Emmanuel Missionary College.
23:08 Since there were only a few small buildings
23:10 on the new campus, classes that first year
23:13 were held in the recently vacated courthouse and jail.
23:19 Percy's wife gave her entire inheritance
23:22 to help start the construction on campus.
23:25 Progress on the campus was obvious and rapid
23:28 but opposition to educational reform was also strong.
23:34 Percy's wife Ida had always been rather frail.
23:37 And she took ill impart from the stress
23:39 over the criticism that her husband was receiving.
23:42 She died during the Union Conference Meetings
23:45 that May of 1904,
23:48 leaving Percy with two small children.
23:51 Percy and Ed had had enough.
23:56 They tendered their resignations
23:59 and they headed south.
24:01 Ed met Mother White
24:04 on Ed's and White's paddlewheel boat
24:05 called The Morning Star.
24:07 They started up river to pick up Percy
24:09 but they had mechanical problems
24:11 along the way.
24:12 Ed recognized the place,
24:14 it was Neely's Bend near Larkin Springs,
24:16 not far from Nashville.
24:18 Mother White wished to see a farm that was nearby.
24:21 Ed had already seen it, he was not interested
24:24 but he agreed to accompany Mother White.
24:27 The place looked worse than Ed had remembered.
24:30 Mother White seemed to enamored with it.
24:32 It looks like a place I've seen in vision
24:34 and Ed's heart sank.
24:38 No sooner had they picked up Percy
24:39 then Mother White called Ed and Percy to her cabin.
24:43 "Well, Brother Magan, I saw your farm today
24:45 and I walked all around it.
24:48 I am convinced God wants you
24:50 and Ed Sutherland to have that place.
24:52 It's the kind of place
24:53 that's been shown to me in vision.
24:55 What do you think of it?"
24:59 "I think of it as little as I can.
25:02 It's too big, it's all run down and we don't have the money."
25:08 "Well, I'm sorry.
25:10 Because it seems to me, the Lord intends you
25:12 to have that place."
25:14 And a few days later Ed and Percy
25:16 did return to the farm.
25:18 Ed shared with Percy, oh, I wish we had some honorable
25:23 and Christian way to get out of the whole thing
25:25 without showing a lack of faith in the testimonies.
25:28 They wrestled with their decision
25:30 for the rest of the day.
25:32 But before the day was out, Percy summed it up like this,
25:36 "Ed, we were in it and were in it voluntarily.
25:42 Mrs. White is with us, God is leading us,
25:46 and he will show us the way."
25:50 They shared their decision with Mother White
25:52 and she showed great pleasure.
25:55 She said, "I'll do anything I can to help you.
25:58 You tell your story to the people,
25:59 and they will help, and I will recommend your work.
26:03 And if you wish I'll come on your board."
26:08 Now that last statement bore great significance.
26:13 It was the only board that Ellen White ever served on.
26:16 And she served on it until the year before she died.
26:22 Right away, Ed went north to consult with his aunts Nell.
26:26 Nellie Druillard was known by most as Mother D.
26:29 She was a fiery redhead but more importantly,
26:31 she was a keen businesswoman.
26:34 They took the next train that they could back to Nashville.
26:37 A welcoming party met them at the train station
26:40 and then included Mother White.
26:42 When Ed and Mother D heard that the price had been raised
26:45 on the farm by another $1,000, Mother D said,
26:49 "Well, I'm glad we're not going to take it."
26:52 "Glad, glad" said Mother White,
26:55 "Do you think I'd let the devil beat me out of a place
26:58 for a $1,000?
27:00 It's cheap enough."
27:03 And she then turned to Mother D,
27:06 "Nell, you think that you're old enough to retire
27:11 but if you'll cast your lot in with these boys,
27:14 if you look after them, and guide them,
27:16 and support them in what the Lord wants them to do,
27:19 the Lord will renew your strength.
27:22 And you'll accomplish more in the future
27:24 than you have done in the past."
27:28 Mother D immediately provided the down payment.
27:33 The signatures for the property
27:34 were attained that day.
27:36 A feat about which Mother White later would tell the boys,
27:40 you will never know how many angels it took.
27:47 The owners didn't vacate the property immediately.
27:50 People had to stay wherever they could find.
27:52 The servants' quarters above the carriage house
27:55 were dubbed probation hall.
27:58 If you could endure its rigors,
28:00 you could handle anything Madison was going to give you.
28:04 Until the Fergusons left,
28:05 the downstairs household servants' quarters
28:09 held mules, and horses, and smoked hams,
28:12 and mice, and rats, and flies, and other vermin.
28:17 The place was cleaned up and overtime
28:20 all of the pioneers took their turns
28:21 living in the upstairs bedroom.
28:26 Incoming students frequently also spent time there.
28:30 The faculty voted themselves a stipend of $13 per month.
28:37 Ten years later, they would go on record to say
28:40 that they have been richly blessed
28:43 to still be getting $13 a month.
28:46 Even though that $13 had depreciated in value
28:50 by about 20%.
28:52 Following the pattern of what had been done in Michigan,
28:55 by 1909, Madison set out scores of students
28:59 into the south to propagate the education
29:02 and health outreach that had been begun on that campus.
29:04 It was decided to invite representatives
29:06 from each of what they called units to come to Madison
29:09 and share in the work that was going on there.
29:11 It was such a success that they resolved
29:14 to continue to do that practice.
29:16 By 1910, they'd survive the worst of it.
29:19 Ed and Percy went back to school
29:20 to get their medical degrees and then Percy was called
29:24 to the college of medical evangelists.
29:26 Ed said, "This is like tearing asunder
29:29 bone and morrow."
29:31 But as Percy was leaving, Lida Funk Scott
29:33 joined the Madison family.
29:36 For more of the stories of God's providence,
29:39 I would love to be able to share them now
29:40 but our time is running out and what you can do
29:44 is you can get the book Madison: God's Beautiful Farm.
29:48 For those of you who are here at the conference,
29:49 it's available in the exhibit hall,
29:52 at the ASI booth, or at the Madison,
29:54 or the EC booths.
29:56 And no one wants to be the bearer of bad news
29:58 but I'm afraid I have to just as an amateur historian
30:00 set the record straight.
30:03 While technically correct,
30:04 this is the 70th anniversary of ASI.
30:08 But since 1909, the units have been meeting every year
30:12 to encourage each other in service
30:14 and this marks the 119 gathering of ASI.
30:21 ASI was formally organized in '47,
30:26 and was expanded, and renamed to include the individual,
30:30 the operated ministries and businesses
30:33 and, Elder Finley, the units are still getting together
30:38 as is evidence right here by ASI.
30:41 Amen. Thank you so much.
30:44 You know, Elder Wilson, one of the things
30:46 that has deeply impressed me about ASI
30:51 is the sacrifice and the commitment
30:53 that ASI members have made,
30:56 as they've traveled the world to witness for Christ.
30:59 You know, a number of years ago,
31:01 I started one of our self-supporting campuses
31:04 and there were a number of broken down cars there.
31:07 So I was complaining a little bit to the administer,
31:09 I said, "What are all these broken down cars
31:10 in your campus?"
31:12 And he got this big smile and he said,
31:13 "We like it that way."
31:15 And I said, "What do you mean?"
31:16 He said, "When our students go out to the mission field,
31:19 they're going to need to learn how to repair broken down car."
31:22 That's right. Yeah.
31:23 And you know, it's that spirit of sacrifice and commitment
31:28 that has always impressed me.
31:29 When you think of the thousands and thousands of workers
31:32 that have gone out to the ends of the earth,
31:34 heaven's going to be a wonderful testimony
31:37 of that sacrifice.
31:38 That's absolutely right.
31:40 And self-supporting workers,
31:43 those who have in some way learned
31:45 how to supply their own means and the Lord has blessed,
31:49 they have been instrumental in bringing literally
31:52 thousands of people into this precious Advent message.
31:56 And it's amazing how ASI has spread all over the world,
32:00 just next month I'll be in ASI Europe
32:04 for their convention in Novi Sad in Serbia.
32:07 I mean, it's a movement that is absolutely heaven born.
32:12 You have a fascinating background with ASI,
32:17 particularly with Madison.
32:19 Would you like to share that with us?
32:21 It's a fascinating story and I'll try and do it
32:23 in the six minutes that I have.
32:26 If we can show the first slide,
32:30 I want to talk to you about William Henry Wilson
32:35 and Isabella Scott Wilson.
32:38 Now like many people in the United States,
32:40 their origins were in Ireland.
32:44 In fact they came from Donegal County.
32:47 They immigrated to the United States,
32:50 got married in North America, and found their way
32:54 ultimately out to the Northern California area.
33:00 William was not a Seventh-day Adventist
33:04 but Isabella, my great grandmother
33:07 and my great grandfather of course.
33:10 Isabella became an Adventist
33:12 and I want to tell you probably why.
33:15 She became very closely connected
33:18 and so did William
33:19 with a wealthy dairy farming couple,
33:25 Emeline
33:27 and Nathaniel Hurlbutt.
33:33 They were visited in 1908 by Ellen White,
33:37 that's the Hurlbutts who were quite wealthy.
33:40 They were visited in 1908 by Ellen White, Willy White,
33:46 EA Sutherland, Sarah McEntifer,
33:49 the secretary of Ellen White and another individual.
33:52 And they were urged to move from California to Georgia
33:57 and to start a self-supporting institution.
34:01 This burned in the hearts of the Hurlbutts
34:05 and they enlisted the help of,
34:10 certainly, my great grandparents
34:12 but my great grandparent's children,
34:15 they had four sons.
34:17 The Hurlbutts were very instrumental
34:20 in the Wilson family and in fact they were...
34:24 Mrs. Hurlbutt was called Grandma Hurlbutt.
34:29 They eventually moved to Georgia.
34:33 Interestingly, the very place that they moved
34:35 was in Reeves, Georgia.
34:38 Reeves has now become basically Calhoun, Georgia.
34:42 The property that the Hurlbutts started
34:47 their special farm, Hurlbutt Farm Institute
34:52 was patterned after Madison
34:54 as were many of those institutions
34:57 in the south of the United States.
35:00 My oldest great uncle
35:05 who was the senior brother of my grandfather,
35:09 Nathaniel Carter Wilson.
35:11 In fact, Nathaniel Carter Wilson,
35:13 the first NC, my father, my grandfather, and I,
35:16 all have these initials but different names.
35:19 Nathaniel Carter was named for Nathaniel Hurlbutt
35:24 and Emeline Carter Hurlbutt.
35:27 And these people had a profound influence
35:31 and certainly an interest was generated
35:34 in a great way in our family.
35:36 Now the picture you just saw
35:37 if we can go back to that picture
35:40 is my grandfather Nathaniel Carter Wilson,
35:44 who with his new bride Hannah, my grandmother
35:50 went on their wedding night
35:54 on a train to Reeves, Georgia
35:58 to join his older brother in the work.
36:02 In reality, he had...
36:05 He was following up on what my older,
36:07 what his older brother had done
36:09 because his older brother died of tuberculosis.
36:12 And so there they were working
36:14 in the self-supporting institution in Reeves, Georgia
36:17 for probably about 10 months or so.
36:20 Family matters called them back to Lodi, California
36:23 where my great grandmother was living
36:26 and from there in 1922,
36:31 the two of them went to Madison College
36:36 along with my father and with my aunt.
36:43 And there they spent about three years
36:45 at Madison College.
36:47 My grandfather was the Bible teacher,
36:51 he was the church pastor, and he was ordained
36:54 as a gospel minister at Madison College.
36:58 They left for Africa after that,
37:01 and then on to India, and to a great extent,
37:05 Madison put its huge imprint on the Wilson family.
37:11 If we go now and jump a few years,
37:14 when they came back from mission service at that point,
37:17 because they went back again, if we can show the next slide.
37:22 This is a picture of my grandfather
37:24 when he was approximately at the time
37:27 when he became president of the North American division.
37:31 In fact, my father has served in that capacity,
37:34 my grandfather has served in that capacity.
37:36 And at that time he was elected in 1946.
37:41 In 1947, or just before that I should say he was elected
37:47 also as the board chair of Madison College
37:50 so he came full circle.
37:53 He was then the chair of that particular institution
37:58 that was 180 patients, strong 500 students,
38:04 food factory, farm, etcetera, etcetera.
38:07 The next year, in 1947, March 4 to 5
38:12 in Cincinnati, Ohio,
38:13 50 representatives and leaders
38:16 from self-supporting institutions gathered
38:19 and they forged greater ties to work together.
38:24 Out of that 25 institutions formed the first association
38:29 of self-supporting institutions
38:32 under the leadership of my grandfather
38:35 who had been so influenced by Madison College.
38:40 My grandfather has quoted a saying,
38:42 "It is a great day in the history of the church,
38:46 the association of Seventh-day Adventist
38:49 self-supporting institutions."
38:51 And two years later, in 1949,
38:56 as I have it in Grand Rapids, Michigan,
38:59 Dr. E.A. Sutherland was elected president of ASI
39:03 and Dr. J. Wayne McFarland who many of us know
39:06 as the co-founder of the Five-Day Plan
39:07 to Stop Smoking was elected as the secretary.
39:12 ASI's history is rooted in Madison College
39:16 and in so much of the outgrowth of that incredible institution.
39:21 And of course, in 1979,
39:24 it was renamed Adventist Layman's Services
39:27 and Industries expanding its activity.
39:30 I'd like to show you the next picture
39:32 and it's a picture of my grandparents
39:35 in their later years.
39:37 My grandfather was the president
39:39 of the Georgia-Cumberland Conference in the early '60's
39:44 and just the change of that decade and in 1959
39:49 while he was president of that conference
39:52 they had a session at a camp meeting
39:53 that empowered the conference to work out details
39:57 for the purchase of the Hurlbutt farm
40:01 from the Laymen's Foundation.
40:04 And that later became
40:05 the Georgia-Cumberland Adventist Academy.
40:09 And so my grandfather was so involved in so much of this
40:14 that was all founded in Madison.
40:18 You know, Elder Wilson,
40:19 as we look back at our backgrounds,
40:21 these early experiences shape our lives.
40:25 They help to shape who we are in ministry,
40:28 they help to shape us in
40:30 who we are in Christ and in witness.
40:33 In a sentence or two,
40:34 how did this background shape your life?
40:38 Madison College, the connections,
40:41 my great uncles working there,
40:43 another wonderful person within our family Billy Wilson,
40:47 some of you may know him.
40:49 These individuals have helped to create in my life
40:55 a very profound understanding
40:57 as to what ASI and Madison College can do.
41:01 I'll show you the next picture of my parents
41:05 and many of you will remember my parents.
41:07 They were tremendously
41:10 influenced also by ASI and Madison College.
41:15 This heritage will live in the hearts of people
41:20 and in the mission outreach until Jesus comes.
41:24 You know, just as you have been somewhat influenced
41:28 as by ASI self-supporting institutions,
41:33 early in my ministry
41:34 had a great influence in that area.
41:35 In fact, I'm not the only one with a story, Mark,
41:37 because you have been
41:39 so influenced by this connection
41:42 with especially Wildwood, tell us what's happened?
41:47 Well, in the late 1960's I was a minister of intern.
41:51 I had been in ministry for two years
41:54 and I met Elder W.D. Frazee
41:56 who was the president of Wildwood at the time.
42:00 My wife was teaching
42:02 elementary school in Hartford, Connecticut.
42:04 I was a young minister of intern in Hartford.
42:07 And Elder Frazee came to have a series of meetings
42:11 on the sanctuary,
42:13 the lamb of God in the sanctuary,
42:14 the lamb who dies, the priest who lives,
42:18 Jesus' ministry in the sanctuary.
42:21 And I remember we were going through that series
42:25 and I was deeply impressed
42:27 by the spirituality of his meetings.
42:30 Elder Frazee was not a preacher
42:33 that was bombastic or fascinating.
42:36 When he got up to speak,
42:39 you sense that the Spirit of God
42:42 was speaking through him.
42:43 I had never been in meetings before that I walked in
42:47 and I sensed
42:48 that the lives of people were being changed.
42:50 People were being touched by the Spirit.
42:52 And as a young preacher
42:54 I was really impressed by that.
42:55 I thought to myself,
42:57 "I don't want my message to simply entertain people.
43:00 I don't want to be a fascinating preacher.
43:02 I want the Spirit of God to come down.
43:04 I want some heart to be touched,
43:05 some life to be changed
43:07 somebody be moved upon by the spirit.
43:10 And I remember it was in February
43:12 and the snow was coming and I said to Elder Frazee
43:17 and to our senior Pastor O.J. Mills,
43:19 I don't know if we should have the meeting tonight
43:20 because every report is
43:22 that it's going to snow and snow and snow.
43:25 And that godly man simply said, "My brother, let us pray.
43:30 God is the God of the weather."
43:32 And you know there are some things
43:34 that are indelibly etched
43:35 on the consciousness of your mind forever.
43:39 And Elder Frazee and Elder Mills
43:40 and I got down and he prayed, and he prayed a simple prayer.
43:43 "Dear Lord,
43:45 you know those people and they need to hear
43:46 this message tonight.
43:48 And I pray you put your hand over this city."
43:52 It's snowed that night all around us
43:55 and it did not snow in Hartford, Connecticut.
43:58 All around us the roads were icy
44:01 and I said to myself, "Here is a man that knows God."
44:05 And I remembered what Dwight L. Moody said
44:07 and he said,
44:08 "The world is yet to see what God will do in,
44:12 and through, and by, and for,
44:14 and with the man that is consecrated to Him.
44:17 I want to be that man."
44:20 A number of months later,
44:21 Elder Frazee gave me an invitation
44:23 to become his associate.
44:25 And he said to me, "If you come to Wildwood,
44:27 I can offer you nothing.
44:29 I can't offer you a salary because we don't have one.
44:32 I can't offer you housing because I don't know
44:34 where you're going to live at this point,
44:35 we'll have something when you come.
44:37 I can't offer you prestige
44:39 but what I can offer you is myself.
44:41 I will share with you everything I know in ministry.
44:45 So I came to Wildwood as a young preacher,
44:47 I watched him make an appeal, and I learned how to make them.
44:51 I watched him with testimony meetings
44:53 and I saw the power of God change people's lives
44:55 that I learned out of testimony meetings.
44:57 I watched him
44:59 as he prayed with people after the meetings,
45:01 and it was indelibly written upon my mind.
45:04 One day, it was October 22nd and Elder Frazee said to me,
45:09 "We often preach together."
45:11 He said, "Mark, you preach
45:12 the first 20 minutes of the sermon
45:14 and whenever you finish I'll get up
45:16 and I'll take up where you left off
45:18 and I'll preach the rest of the sermon
45:20 and so he would preach 20 minutes,
45:23 I mean, I would preach 20 minutes
45:24 and he would preach 20 minutes.
45:26 We'd choose the topic together
45:27 so he said Mark I want you to preach.
45:28 It's October 22, I want you to preach on the sanctuary.
45:32 You preach on the fact that of the 70 weeks.
45:36 You nailed down the fact of 27 AD, 31 AD,
45:40 Christ's Crucifixion,
45:41 you deal with the Sixty-Nine Weeks,
45:43 and so forth.
45:44 Now I was a young preacher and I thought about that,
45:47 and thought about that, he said,
45:48 "After you preach on the sanctuary
45:51 and you show that after 1844,
45:54 Jesus went into the most holy place."
45:55 Then I will get up and say what is Jesus doing now
45:58 and I'll explain His ministry up there.
46:00 Well, the more I thought about it
46:01 the more I thought,
46:03 "I only got 20 minutes to do
46:04 that I'm going to get confused."
46:06 So I went to Elder Frazee, said,
46:07 "Elder Frazee, I don't think I could do this."
46:09 You know, that old preacher
46:11 at the time respected this young preacher.
46:13 He said, "Mark,
46:14 if you're uncomfortable with it,
46:15 this what I want you to do.
46:17 I went to him on a Friday morning,
46:18 we're supposed to preach Friday night.
46:21 He said, "This what I want you to do.
46:23 I want you to take your Bible
46:25 and you go out today under the tree
46:27 and you pray all day and let God give you a message.
46:30 I'm going to do the same thing
46:32 and you meet me tonight at 6:30 here.
46:34 Our meeting starts at seven, we'll compare our notes.
46:37 We won't preach on 2,300 days but you go pray all day,
46:39 I'll pray all day, we'll come back."
46:41 So I go out and pray all day.
46:43 But halfway through the day,
46:44 I look at Philippians 2 and I say,
46:46 "I'm going to preach on Philippians 2."
46:48 Came back to Elder Frazee...
46:53 It was about 6:30 at night and I look at him and I say,
46:57 "Elder, I want to preach on Philippians 2,
47:00 the Humility of Christ."
47:03 He said, "Go over your sermon notes."
47:05 I went over my sermon notes.
47:06 He sat there like this, "Praise God.
47:09 Praise God. Praise God."
47:11 He handed me a sermon notes,
47:12 we hadn't talked all day
47:14 and he had developed a sermon ending,
47:17 starting where my sermon ended on Philippians 2.
47:21 Amen.
47:22 We knelt and prayed together
47:24 and that night the Spirit of God came down.
47:27 Incidentally, if you want to hear
47:29 that sermon it's called There's Room at the Top,
47:31 and I think you can get it from Wildwood recordings today.
47:34 I preach the first 20 minutes, he preaches the second.
47:37 Elder Wilson, what impressed me
47:39 early in my ministry in my time at Wildwood
47:42 was that I needed to be a Man of God.
47:44 I could not waste people's time in preaching
47:47 and in associating with Elder Frazee,
47:49 listening to him
47:51 make strong appeals for Christ changed my life.
47:53 Amen.
47:55 And you know what really marks
47:57 the incredible aspect of the imprint
48:02 from self-supporting institutions
48:04 and Madison College is sacrifice.
48:06 Sacrifice for Jesus and that same sacrifice
48:10 is going to be manifested at the very end of time.
48:13 It is and there are many other stories as well
48:17 that are so similar to your story
48:20 and to my story, Elder Wilson.
48:22 I think Charles has some other stories for us.
48:27 There are several stories
48:28 that I think would be help for our ASI family.
48:31 We only have time for a few,
48:32 and the first I want to share with you is about Elmer Brink.
48:36 Now when the team began to assemble
48:39 on the old Ferguson farm,
48:41 the program was far from being a large
48:44 and well-oiled program.
48:46 In addition to a few students,
48:47 they're only a few dedicated faces
48:49 and one of which I cannot even show you
48:51 and that one mostly unknown
48:54 but critically important is Elmer Brink.
48:58 You see everyone had their task to do on the place,
49:01 to get it up and running.
49:02 Mother D ran the skillet and the broom.
49:05 Percy ran the farm.
49:07 Ed ran the butter churn.
49:09 Bessie took the butter into town
49:11 and sold it to get a little bit of cash.
49:13 But if it wasn't for Elmer taking care of the cows
49:18 that produced the milk, that made the butter,
49:22 that produced the cash,
49:24 they may not have made it through that first year.
49:28 And what we know of now is Madison
49:31 may never have come to be.
49:32 Elmer represents a multitude of dedicated skilled workers
49:38 that each sacrificially ply
49:40 their gifts and their talents that God is given
49:42 in whatever place of ministry God has placed them.
49:46 Undeterred by challenges that might arise,
49:48 they faithfully do day by day
49:51 the things that bring success to ministry.
49:54 Usually allowing others to step into the spotlight.
49:59 They're content to know
50:00 that they've been faithful in their place
50:03 and that God has led them.
50:06 This likely describes the majority of ASI.
50:11 Whether an individual or an institutional ministry.
50:15 And you might remember
50:16 that Ed Sutherland met Josephine Gotzian,
50:19 when he was in her home canvassing.
50:20 Well, after spending some time in California
50:23 helping Ellen White
50:24 to get the medical work off the ground there,
50:26 including helping to fund the original purchase
50:29 with the Paradise Valley Sanitarium.
50:32 She made donations
50:33 to the college of medical evangelists
50:35 and then she moved east to Tennessee.
50:38 Her home was made there at Madison
50:41 and her house also housed the first sanitarium patients.
50:46 She provided the means for the construction
50:47 of some of the campus buildings
50:50 and lived there at Madison until her death.
50:54 Nellie Druillard was a keen businesswoman.
50:56 And she did look after the boys.
51:00 She did not only dedicate the rest of her life
51:03 to the development of this God inspired school,
51:05 but she committed her personal financial resources
51:08 to the down payment
51:09 and to the infrastructure of the place.
51:12 Lida Funk Scott
51:14 that we only briefly mentioned earlier was an heiress
51:17 to the Funk and Wagnall's Encyclopedia fortune.
51:20 After spending some time at Battle Creek,
51:22 she thought she would go south to see the school
51:24 that she heard about down there.
51:26 And she liked what she saw at Madison
51:28 and decided to stay.
51:30 Though a wealthy woman,
51:32 she adopted the very simple lifestyle at Madison.
51:35 She poured her inheritance
51:37 into the development of ministries
51:38 like Madison and Loma Linda.
51:41 And her personal outreach was to encouraging the units
51:45 that were springing up from Madison
51:47 by just lending her presence, and her advice, and her means.
51:52 In 1927,
51:54 she invested her resources to establish
51:56 the Layman Foundation to carry on that mission
52:00 and the Layman Foundation in turn launched
52:04 the EA Sutherland Education Association.
52:08 It started in 2002, excuse me,
52:11 and it continues much of that work
52:13 of encouragement and support
52:15 of the lay operated educational units.
52:19 Now if you were to try and measure it
52:21 in today's currency,
52:23 each one of these ladies
52:25 contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars
52:29 toward the establishment of Seventh-day Adventist
52:32 denominational and lay operated ministries.
52:37 And I believe these ladies represent those here in ASI
52:42 who contribute or manage the resources
52:45 that God has provided
52:46 and that are critically necessary
52:48 to establish and to move ministry forward.


Revised 2022-08-10