ASI Conventions, 2017

Video / Ethiopian Union Mission / Kibidula Girls / Picture Rolls

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Ted Wilson (Host), Antoinette Fournier, Debbie Young, Denzel & Donna McNeilus, Jay Gallimore, Norm Reitz


Series Code: 17ASIC

Program Code: 17ASIC000012A

00:19 Denzel you need to join this organization called ASI.
00:24 And I will tell you, it changed our lives, isn't it?
00:27 Absolutely, it changed our lives.
00:29 And we're so grateful to God for this opportunity
00:33 to be involved in the ASI Ministry.
00:36 When we went 30 years ago,
00:38 I thought "There's about 300 people there,
00:41 what are we going to do?"
00:43 I realize that
00:44 God had something special for us as a family to do.
00:48 There's wasn't anything for children at that time.
00:50 And I said, "Denzel, we have to have something
00:53 for the children and the youth."
00:54 That's so important,
00:55 and as you saw last night
00:58 I was a beaming grammy sitting on the second row up here
01:01 watching my grandson.
01:03 Isn't it special
01:04 that we have something at ASI for our youth and our children?
01:09 And you know what?
01:10 If you're not a member of ASI,
01:12 we think you should join ASI, we would love to have you.
01:17 You know, ASI has changed our family,
01:20 changed our way of life, and changed how we look at,
01:23 how we can use our businesses and our opportunities
01:27 to share Christ in a market place.
01:29 And I invite each and every one of you
01:31 to become involved,
01:33 and if you're not a member please join,
01:35 you'll not regret it.
01:36 So you can enjoy
01:38 the same joys and privileges that we have had
01:41 to share Christ in the market place
01:43 and be part of this great work,
01:45 and seeing our Lord come
01:47 'cause He is coming very, very soon.
01:49 Amen. Jesus is coming soon.
01:51 So please find out more about ASI membership
01:54 on our website
01:57 We want you to be a part of the family.
01:58 God bless you and happy Sabbath.
02:00 Happy Sabbath.
02:03 The second coming of Jesus Christ
02:05 just impels me to understand how better to relate to people
02:10 because I believe Jesus is coming very soon.
02:13 In fact every morning before I leave the house,
02:17 I have prayer with my precious wife Nancy,
02:20 asking God to prepare us for the day
02:23 to bless particular situations.
02:26 And just to understand
02:27 what it is that God wants us to do.
02:31 I want to tell you
02:32 to be connected with the Lord every day and realize
02:36 that He is coming back soon for you and for me
02:39 that I ought to tell all of us,
02:41 "We need to do something for the Lord right now."
02:45 ASI is one of those dynamic organizations
02:49 that just thrills you when you attend a convention,
02:52 when you get involved
02:54 in sharing Christ in the market place every day.
02:58 ASI is something that will help you
03:01 to understand better your role
03:03 in the great proclamation of the three angels' messages.
03:07 Let me tell you the very core of the three angels' messages
03:10 is the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
03:13 What a happy, wonderful subject to share in the market place.
03:17 So I want to encourage
03:18 each of you to become a member of ASI.
03:22 It will not only enrich you personally and your family,
03:25 it will give you the tools to really help you
03:28 to know Christ and to share Him
03:31 as we come to Christ soon second return.
04:54 I'd like to invite you to stand for our morning prayer.
05:03 Our heavenly Father,
05:05 as delegates of ASI and members of ASI
05:09 stand before You this morning.
05:11 We pray that You'll accept our praise,
05:13 our thanks giving.
05:14 May mingle with that of the angels
05:16 around Your throne.
05:18 May we see our heavenly Savior,
05:20 our Precious Savior and His nail scarred hands,
05:23 interceding for us.
05:25 Dear heavenly Father,
05:26 I want to thank You
05:28 for raising up this organization,
05:29 for using it the past 70 years.
05:32 The untold, unseen good
05:34 that's been done around the world
05:37 because of the dedication,
05:38 commitment of the members of ASI
05:41 will only be realized when we get to the kingdom.
05:44 But we want to start praising You for that now.
05:47 We pray that You'll continue to use us
05:50 to advance Your cause in the earth,
05:53 to hasten the coming of Jesus.
05:56 Unite us as one like never before.
05:59 We want to be ready when Jesus comes.
06:02 Father, may our lives give evidence
06:06 that the living Christ is living in us
06:09 and that it's powered through us,
06:11 our hands, our voices is seen in the world.
06:15 Father, thank You for blessing ASI.
06:19 And now we pray
06:20 that You'll pour out Your spirit
06:22 on this organization, and all of us,
06:25 our speaker, and our ears and hearts.
06:28 In Jesus' name, amen.
06:33 I invite you to remain standing as we sing our opening song,
06:37 "Crown Him with many crowns".
07:00 Crown Him with many crowns
07:04 The Lamb upon His throne
07:09 Hark! How the heavenly anthem drowns
07:14 All music but its own!
07:18 Awake, my soul, and sing
07:23 Of Him who died for thee
07:28 And hail Him as thy matchless King
07:33 Through all eternity
07:39 Crown Him the Lord of love!
07:43 Behold His hands and side
07:47 Those wounds, yet visible above
07:52 In beauty glorified
07:57 No angel in the sky
08:02 Can fully bear that sight
08:07 But downward bends His wondering eye
08:12 At mysteries so great
08:18 Crown Him the lord of peace!
08:22 Whose hand a scepter sways
08:27 From pole to pole, that wars may cease
08:32 And all be prayer and praise
08:37 His reign shall know no end
08:41 And round His pierced feet
08:46 Fair flowers of Paradise extend
08:51 Their fragrance ever sweet
09:01 Crown Him the Lord of years
09:05 The Potentate of time
09:10 Creator of the rolling spheres
09:16 Ineffably sublime!
09:21 All hail! Redeemer, hail!
09:26 For Thou hast died for me
09:31 Thy praise shall never, never fail
09:37 Throughout eternity
09:45 You may be seated.
09:51 Good morning and happy Sabbath ASI.
09:55 I'm here before you again.
09:57 And as we prepare for the morning's offering,
10:00 we would like to share with you three projects.
10:03 The first is the Ethiopian Union Mission
10:06 for the funding,
10:08 or the providing scriptures, or Bibles,
10:12 Spirit of Prophecy,
10:13 and training for former orthodox clergy.
10:16 The second is a project
10:18 in Kibidula in Tanzania in Africa.
10:21 And the third is
10:23 our New Beginnings picture rolls
10:24 which you have seen posted here all week long.
10:30 The first is of a sensitive nature,
10:33 It's the testimony of a former orthodox clergyman.
10:38 And because of the risk to his safety
10:42 I am telling you his testimony.
10:47 In the order and the community where they lived,
10:52 they take a vow for simplicity.
10:55 So they have very few belongings
10:58 because they have devoted their lives
11:01 to religious things.
11:05 And this particular clergyman his name is Alias,
11:09 we'll call him Alias,
11:11 came up on a Bible
11:14 that was translated by a local Adventist pastor.
11:18 And in reading the Bible
11:20 which actually is forbidden among this clergyman,
11:23 he discovered wonderful truths.
11:27 And he couldn't have believed what he was reading.
11:33 They have Steps to Christ that he was reading.
11:38 And he was reading these things and he was so overjoyed,
11:40 he felt that he just had to share it with someone.
11:44 And so with his closest confidants,
11:48 he would share these truths in the Bible.
11:53 He was discovered for these truths
11:56 were not necessarily well received by all.
12:01 They took him out into the woods,
12:04 they removed his shoes,
12:07 and they beat the bottom of his feet.
12:11 Now you need to understand
12:13 because they have this vow of simplicity
12:16 that they don't have many belongings
12:19 and so the way they travel and get around is by walking.
12:23 So you can understand
12:25 how this disabled and this injury affected him.
12:32 They tied him to a tree,
12:35 and this was very disturbing for him
12:37 because he remembers that others
12:39 who were under punishment
12:41 were tied to a tree and left for three days.
12:45 And if they lived,
12:47 if they weren't eaten by wild animals,
12:52 then they were admitted back into the community.
12:56 But he praised God
12:58 because they tied him to a tree just for an hour.
13:02 But they threatened him and they said,
13:04 "You will not tell these truths.
13:08 You keep these things to yourself."
13:15 But he could not. How could he?
13:18 How could we keep the truths of God to ourselves?
13:23 So he continues
13:25 in a very clandestine and secret way
13:29 to share with his brothers in that community.
13:32 The truths, the full truths, present truth of the Bible,
13:37 and what he's learning and reading Steps to Christ.
13:42 We were able to talk with another clergyman
13:47 who indicated that
13:50 because of the sharing of these truths
13:52 and he was discovered, they broke his arm.
13:57 And because they don't have much,
13:59 he didn't have the resources to seek medical assistance.
14:03 And so for four months he lived with that broken arm.
14:08 And it wasn't until he was able to go out
14:14 and visit the SDA pastor, the Adventist pastor.
14:17 The pastor see what happened and was able to raise funds
14:22 and get him the medical assistance.
14:24 When they went to the doctor,
14:25 the physician looked at this injury and exclaimed,
14:28 "But why have you now brought him to me?
14:30 I don't even know if I can save his arm."
14:34 In examination he determined
14:36 that he needed to actually cut off part of the bone
14:39 before he reattached to reset the arm.
14:43 And so now
14:44 this former clergyman
14:46 has one arm shorter than the other
14:50 because he dared to share Christ with another.
14:58 Another clergyman
15:01 wanted to give a specific message to us,
15:04 here in the west they say.
15:08 And he said this.
15:13 Our time of persecution is now
15:18 for sharing the gospel, for telling others about Jesus.
15:22 Our time of persecution is now,
15:25 speaking of himself and his other brothers
15:27 who had learned of these Bible truths.
15:30 But he says to the west,
15:32 your persecution is not yet.
15:37 That to me is an admonition, that while we still have time,
15:43 while we still have freedom, while we still have ability,
15:49 while we still have resources
15:52 that we must take advantage of this time,
15:56 now to share with our brothers and sisters.
16:01 They say the west doesn't understand
16:04 what it means to be persecuted.
16:07 We don't understand trouble.
16:09 We've heard some in the news, Christians are being beheaded,
16:13 being killed for their faith
16:15 just because they call themselves Christians.
16:18 We are so blessed.
16:21 But we have an obligation
16:24 that we must take advantage of this time
16:26 to do the Lord's bidding now.
16:29 Now before it's too late.
16:33 And so as you consider this particular project
16:37 for former orthodox clergyman
16:40 who have decided to remain in that environment
16:45 so they can reach out to their brothers.
16:48 Let us give them
16:49 what they need in order to share the gospel.
16:53 Let us give them the full truths of the Bible,
16:56 the Spirit of Prophecy,
16:58 and good training
16:59 so that they will be able to tell their brothers
17:03 and others that Jesus is coming soon.
17:10 For our second project,
17:12 I would like to introduce you to a family.
17:16 And so as they come out here to stand before me.
17:21 I'm introducing you to the Fournier's.
17:25 They're lovely girls Toalisa, Emily and Shiloh.
17:30 And we have Jason and his wife Antoinette.
17:35 The reason I want to introduce them to you
17:37 as a family
17:38 is it they run and work under a ministry
17:41 in Kibidula in Tanzania as a family.
17:46 And as only one family in the midst of many families
17:49 and many others
17:50 who are ministering to others in the Kibidula area.
17:55 So I wanted you to meet them
17:56 so that you would know
17:57 that this is a special collaboration.
18:00 This is a partnership that's important
18:02 because it takes all of us,
18:04 family and families to share the love of Jesus.
18:08 And so at this time Antoinette
18:10 is going to share more about that Kibidula project.
18:16 Good morning, ASI.
18:18 Thank you so much for the opportunity to hear
18:21 what we have to say.
18:23 Kibidula is been a part of our lives for many years.
18:26 Our children were born and raised there
18:27 and we are still laboring there.
18:30 But what makes it so special
18:31 is that in the process of reaching out
18:33 to help others,
18:34 we ourselves are receiving the help
18:36 that we so desperately need.
18:38 And isn't that just a beauty of the Christian walk?
18:40 Amen.
18:42 The Lord loves us very much.
18:45 Kibidula Mission is a supportive ministry
18:47 of the Seventh-day Adventist church
18:49 in Tanzania, East Africa.
18:51 And it's a long standing member of ASI
18:53 and Outpost Centers International.
18:56 If I could sum up everything that we do
18:58 and stand forth the mission it would be this, education.
19:03 At our primary school
19:04 which is an English medium primary school,
19:06 148 students receive
19:08 a Seventh-day Adventist Christian education
19:11 as outlined in God's Word.
19:14 These young students not only learn from books,
19:16 but they work and they plant.
19:19 And they also learn to make things
19:21 with their hands.
19:24 In a moment I will return to talk
19:26 about the second school
19:27 that we have for at risk youth ages 14 to 22.
19:32 The third school that we have
19:34 is our lay missionary training program,
19:37 where lay people from churches in Tanzania
19:39 come for five months to learn
19:41 how to be effective soul winners for Christ.
19:44 We train about 65 lay people every year.
19:47 And over the years
19:49 we have chosen the very best of these lay missionaries.
19:52 And 26 of them are laboring in unreached areas of Tanzania
19:56 where there is no Adventist presence.
20:00 Can you imagine that? No Adventist presence.
20:04 And these missionaries face privation.
20:07 And sometimes dangerous,
20:08 they work in especially difficult areas of the country.
20:12 As I speak many new companies of believers
20:15 are worshipping in mud huts or under trees
20:17 because they don't have churches.
20:20 You can only imagine
20:21 the blessing that one day church program
20:23 has been for these believers
20:25 because the cost of a roof
20:27 is the greatest factor hindering them
20:29 from having their own church.
20:31 And it's with much appreciation that they look to ASI
20:35 and say thank you,
20:36 because especially in Tanzania
20:38 if you don't have a church, you don't have a message.
20:41 By God's grace
20:43 we've been able to build
20:44 over 500 one day churches in Tanzania.
20:47 Amen.
20:48 In July, we jumped at...
20:51 Sorry in July 2014,
20:52 we jumped at the opportunity to start a printing operation,
20:56 and we started printing tracks from inside a garage.
21:01 Thanks to the support of ASI
21:02 we have been able to build
21:04 a new printing building
21:05 to house our two presses
21:07 and folding and cutting machines
21:08 that were donated to the mission.
21:12 In July of this year,
21:14 we printed one million glow tracks
21:17 in the Swahili language.
21:19 And just in four days,
21:21 distributed them in the city of Dar es Salaam
21:23 with the help of local churches.
21:26 Our publishing department stays
21:28 busy translating quality books into Swahili,
21:32 doing the layout and design,
21:33 getting it printed in Poland
21:35 and selling it into the colporteur system
21:38 in Tanzania.
21:39 Currently Dr. Hans Diehl's book
21:41 The You-Turn is a best seller.
21:45 Kibidula also invests a lot of time and energy
21:48 into teaching the health message
21:50 not only to our students
21:51 but also to the community
21:53 through public health seminars and health expos,
21:56 and helping guests
21:57 who come to our lifestyle center.
22:01 But all these programs
22:02 to win souls to Jesus costs money.
22:05 And it is our aim to become self supporting.
22:08 We believe that time is coming
22:10 when support from the outside will no longer reach us.
22:14 And that's our great drive currently
22:16 to become self supporting
22:17 through an export business of avocados.
22:20 Over the last three years
22:22 we've planted over 80 acres of avocados
22:25 by our own team grafting and growing these trees.
22:30 Now to come back to our second school.
22:33 On July 10,
22:35 I received a notification on my Instagram feed
22:38 from the Voice of the Martyrs.
22:40 It was an urgent call to pray for three young teenage girls
22:44 who have been rescued in Tanzania.
22:47 These girls of whom one is a primary school student
22:50 and the two others secondary school students
22:53 had recently converted from Islam to Christianity.
22:57 The girls were captured and raped by their imams.
23:00 And arrangements were made for them to marry Muslim men.
23:03 In Tanzania girls
23:05 can be legally married at age 15.
23:08 Fortunately this marriages didn't take place
23:11 and these girls are in now good homes.
23:14 Attention is being given to the schooling options
23:17 remaining for the two older girls
23:19 who became pregnant
23:20 and were expelled from public school
23:22 for life unless new law is coming to effect soon.
23:28 In 2001,
23:29 the government established the primary education program
23:33 which made primary school attendance
23:35 for children aged 7 to 15 compulsory.
23:39 By also abolishing
23:40 the mandatory primary school fees,
23:43 Tanzania has made a huge change
23:45 to the education with 92% of boys and girls
23:49 attending primary school in 2012.
23:53 However, when you come to lower secondary education
23:58 this number changes significantly
24:00 with only 32% of boys attending and 24% of girls.
24:06 And when you realize that Tanzania
24:08 is one of the youngest countries on earth
24:10 with 71% of the population aged
24:13 30 years and younger, this statistic is staggering.
24:18 There are many factors contributing
24:20 to this education crisis,
24:22 but one factor that demands scrutiny
24:25 and attention is the plight of the vulnerable girl.
24:29 Boys are vulnerable too.
24:32 But statistics show that Tanzania
24:35 has one of the highest adolescent rates
24:38 of pregnancy and birth in the world,
24:40 with one in every six girls aged 15 to 19 getting pregnant
24:45 according to the United Nations Population Fund.
24:49 Some research shows
24:50 that mandatory pregnancy testing in schools
24:53 and the expulsion of pregnant students
24:55 from primary and secondary schools
24:57 have been going on for over 50 years.
25:01 Between 5,000 and 8,000 girls have dropped out of school
25:04 annually between 2008 to 2011 due to pregnancy.
25:09 This figure growth under estimate
25:11 because of unknown factors such as abortion, suicide.
25:15 And girls dropping out of school
25:16 before they can be caught and publicly shamed.
25:20 Public shaming is a systematic tactic aimed at girls
25:24 who have broken
25:25 the law of morality in Tanzania.
25:27 The reasoning is
25:29 that by making these girls a public example
25:31 and denying them further education,
25:33 it will discourage other girls from being promiscuous.
25:38 These girls cannot again attend public school
25:41 without a letter of good standing
25:43 from their previous school and an explanation
25:46 for their time of absence from school.
25:49 So rape, sexual co-harassment and coercion from teachers,
25:55 male students, or other adults,
25:57 or simply one bad decision
25:59 on the part of a poverty stricken
26:01 and often desperate girl
26:02 is the end of her educational life.
26:06 The only options remaining for these girls
26:08 are to attend private schools
26:10 which are unaffordable to the poor.
26:12 Or to go to vocational training schools
26:14 that requires a certificate of successful completion
26:17 of lower secondary education or to get married.
26:22 It is a fact that almost
26:23 two out of every five girls in Tanzania
26:26 are married by age 18.
26:28 And that 70% are married by age 20.
26:31 Women with no education tend
26:33 to have an average of 6.9 babies.
26:36 Women with primary education 5.6 babies.
26:40 And women with secondary education
26:42 and higher 3.2 babies.
26:45 Astonishingly statistics show
26:48 that 53% of women in Tanzania
26:51 justify wife beating.
26:56 Unfortunately, I cannot take the time here to talk about
27:00 the research of International Human Rights groups
27:02 such as anti-slavery,
27:04 highlighting the deplorable issue
27:06 of one million child domestic workers in Tanzania.
27:12 In 2004, Kibidula Mission in partnership with Reach,
27:16 Switzerland, started a vocational training center
27:19 for vulnerable youth that is unique.
27:22 It is an agriculture training school
27:24 that is specifically for primary school failures
27:28 and secondary school dropouts,
27:30 giving them a second chance to become educated
27:33 and contributors to society.
27:35 This program is free
27:37 so that the poor student who wants to learn can attend.
27:42 Students who pass receive a government issued certificate
27:45 which enables them to enter the workforce as skilled labor.
27:50 At the mission these boys and girls
27:52 live on three separate farm units.
27:54 Two for group boys, and one for girls
27:57 where they put into practice
27:58 all that they learned in the classroom.
28:01 They grow their own food, keep their own livestock,
28:04 have their own beehives, press their own oil,
28:07 plant their own avocado orchids and sell extra crops.
28:11 And in addition to agriculture,
28:13 they learn carpentry and sewing skills.
28:17 The girls sew this outfit that I'm wearing for ASI.
28:20 And they do send their greetings
28:22 to you here.
28:24 But the best news is that over
28:26 90% of these young people accept
28:29 Jesus Christ as their Savior,
28:31 and are baptized
28:32 into the Seventh-day Adventist church.
28:35 But the need is so big that we have outgrown
28:38 the original parameter set for this program,
28:41 so that we can help more boys and girls.
28:44 We are so thankful for the extra classroom space
28:47 that were added to the program last year
28:49 as well as six small houses for teachers.
28:52 We have now more girls attending than boys.
28:56 But because we only have one girls' dormitory,
28:59 we really feel the pinch.
29:01 Currently the girls are sleeping
29:03 two to a single bed.
29:05 So the need for a girls' dormitory
29:07 that is secured from harassment,
29:10 that is clean and neat is real.
29:12 And we just want to express
29:14 our sincere appreciation to the Lord and ASI
29:17 for choosing this project
29:18 to be part of the 2017 Mission's Offering.
29:22 This offering will enable us to build a new girls' dormitory
29:27 to house and educate an additional 42 girls.
29:32 The foundations are already built.
29:35 We're just waiting for the building to start.
29:39 I'm so excited to see
29:40 how the Lord will bless and help us
29:43 to not only help this young people realize
29:46 their worth in this world,
29:48 but most of all to be a part of that army of youth
29:52 that will finish the work on this earth.
29:55 Thank you, ASI, for partnering with us
29:58 and helping us to accomplish this mission.
30:01 Happy Sabbath. Amen.
30:09 Our last project
30:10 is the New Beginnings picture roll.
30:12 And with me is Norm Reitz
30:15 who is the vice president for evangelism.
30:17 And, Norm, I know that in your role you have been...
30:20 The torch has been passed to you
30:23 to continue with a development
30:24 and the perfecting of materials and tools
30:27 that we can use them for lay evangelists
30:30 as well as for pastors.
30:31 What does this mean for the world church
30:34 in the accomplishment of spreading the gospel
30:36 around the world to have these tools?
30:38 Well, for New Beginnings
30:39 if you've heard the numbers this morning
30:41 out of Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya,
30:44 they are historically huge,
30:46 251,000 baptisms in three months of meetings.
30:51 The new development within the ASI
30:53 and the world church is the picture roll.
30:58 When Desmond Doss's film
30:59 "Hacksaw Ridge" came out if you saw it.
31:02 He is rescuing people,
31:04 lowering them down the mighty escarpment.
31:07 And he prays, "Lord, give me one more.
31:13 One more, Lord."
31:15 In ASI our prayer is Lord, one more soul for the kingdom.
31:22 One more, Lord.
31:24 The New Beginnings picture roll
31:26 that's hanging here on our hut
31:29 is being introduced at ASI
31:31 as a major part of our offering.
31:33 We believe it is going to lead hundreds of thousands,
31:37 probably millions to the Lord.
31:41 It's a child of new beginnings. There are 26 segments.
31:44 Each one has seven evangelistic pictures
31:48 and one health poster.
31:50 We are cutting them two sided
31:54 on lightweight plastic waterproof paper,
31:58 they're to be put into rolls and carried to the field.
32:02 Therefore used in places
32:04 where there is no electricity and no infrastructure.
32:08 We believe that these rolls will be preserved,
32:13 treasured and used.
32:16 And that many will come to know the God of heaven
32:19 and Christ as their Savior.
32:22 And have a hope of heaven because of them.
32:25 So at this time
32:26 we'd actually like to share with you a video
32:28 that gives you some more information
32:30 right on the field
32:32 with the New Beginnings picture roll.
32:42 Over 100,000
32:44 evangelistic meetings have been held using
32:46 the New Beginnings materials all over the world.
32:49 And our opportunity to bring the gospel to the third world
32:53 is greatly enhanced by bringing pictures to them.
32:56 This is a Kajiado district or county.
32:59 And this area is a Masai land.
33:02 Now the Masai's are not prone to reading
33:05 or even listening to the radio.
33:08 They are people who move from place to place
33:11 seeking for pastures for their animals.
33:13 But I think Masais will be greatly magnetized
33:18 by a picture rolls.
33:21 It is awesome
33:23 when you use a picture roll in a rural set up
33:26 to explain biblical truth.
33:27 Imagine for somebody
33:29 who has never seen and imagined
33:33 how Jesus will come.
33:35 And then he sees for the first time
33:37 that picture of Christ ascend...
33:40 I mean descending with angels surrounding His throne,
33:43 and the people looking up towards that.
33:46 Oh, it's just an awesome revelation.
33:49 So convicting,
33:50 it sends the message powerfully into the mind of the listener.
34:09 There is nothing more important to God
34:11 than the salvation of men and women.
34:13 That's why God use every way possible,
34:17 every means available to save them.
34:19 I am so excited about the picture roll project
34:23 because it gives us a tool,
34:24 it gives us an opportunity for God to work,
34:27 think about it.
34:28 God is going to use this project
34:30 to tens and thousands for His kingdom.
34:33 It's been inspiring to see
34:36 all these beautiful works of art
34:38 produce by some of the best Christian artists
34:41 on this planet to become part of this picture roll.
34:47 I think what motivates me as an artist
34:48 to do the type of art I do
34:50 is the awareness that a painting
34:52 can have a profound impact on people who see them.
34:55 Evangelists have often used art and images to help convey
34:59 the message of sharing the gospel.
35:02 To me a painting can be
35:03 a very profound tool of evangelism.
35:06 It helps us even to teach them,
35:09 and actually explain to them what the Bible is all about.
35:12 What it is actually explaining
35:14 and what it wants to express to our lives.
35:17 With over 120,000 series of meetings this year,
35:21 this tool is invaluable in putting it
35:23 in the hands of lay people to help them with evangelism.
35:26 Many of those sites
35:28 do not have access to electricity.
35:31 They need a way to share the gospel.
35:33 And to share it through pictures
35:35 is an ideal way
35:36 to help people understand more about the sacrifice
35:40 that has been made on their behalf.
35:42 In our Christian experience,
35:44 the Word of God is so vital to all that we experience
35:49 with our Lord Jesus Christ.
35:51 And many of us
35:52 who have the availability of beautiful pictures
35:55 and being able to access things online
35:58 or in some kind of program, we have a great advantage.
36:02 However, there are thousands,
36:04 yes, millions of people who don't have that advantage.
36:07 And the picture roll project is just for them.
36:11 It's for people
36:13 who will take this precious project,
36:15 and they will use it in total member involvement
36:18 sharing Jesus with others.
36:21 Be a part of it.
36:36 Oh, that was very exciting, wasn't it?
36:39 Do you know that, that actually took place,
36:41 that was not set up,
36:43 that was actually an evangelistic series, Keith,
36:46 where people actually got baptized.
36:48 You know the area rivers were all dried up
36:53 but people wanted to be baptized and said,
36:55 so let's fill the cow troughs with water.
36:58 And that's where they baptized people
36:59 'cause they wanted to be baptized.
37:01 So let me...
37:02 I just want to walk everyone through this
37:04 so that we understand exactly how this works.
37:07 So this, that's beautiful.
37:09 And, well, for the first one as you heard Norm say
37:12 we have something for a health talk.
37:14 So we actually have diagrams there
37:17 and we have a script
37:18 so that individuals can follow that
37:20 and actually teach them about health practices.
37:23 And then we go from picture to picture
37:25 that outlines a particular sermon.
37:28 They have sermon notes to follow,
37:30 and there are seven of those pictures
37:33 that actually go with each particular sermon.
37:37 So we have a whole teaching, and thank you, Venna.
37:41 No I'm sorry, Kyle, for turning the pictures for me.
37:44 So everybody can get a real good feel
37:47 for how the picture roll works.
37:49 So this must be really exciting for you, Keith.
37:51 Keith is one who has grown up in the Congo and in Tanzania.
37:56 You views the first generation picture rolls.
37:59 And this must be exciting for you to see this.
38:01 How does this make you feel? I am absolutely floored.
38:03 This is just wonderful.
38:05 I remember growing up,
38:06 and my mom would go out under the trees,
38:08 and sometimes
38:09 I'd translate for her in Swahili
38:11 giving Bible stories with these picture rolls.
38:12 My wife and I both have one in our house.
38:14 We take them out in our vehicle,
38:16 on our motorcycle on a weekly basis.
38:18 And, you know, I've had so many
38:20 good experiences teaching from these.
38:22 I remember teaching about heaven at a funeral.
38:24 Actually it was my little sister
38:25 who we had brought into our home,
38:27 an AIDS orphan.
38:28 And different experiences that we've had sharing
38:31 with such a simple beautiful tool.
38:32 I'm so excited
38:33 that an entire evangelistic series
38:35 can be shared simply with these pictures.
38:37 That's wonderful.
38:38 Now is this the only tool though
38:40 but you have something in your backpack
38:41 that we can actually see that compliments
38:45 or expands the possibilities for evangelism?
38:48 When I go out to preach,
38:50 I usually have in my backpack a Bible,
38:52 some sermon notes and a projector.
38:54 And so that's what I've got today.
38:56 This is an amazing little projector,
38:58 reasonably priced.
38:59 And I am excited
39:00 that you can get it out there for less than $100 actually.
39:02 Oh, wonderful.
39:03 And that sermon notes
39:05 go right along with the picture roll.
39:07 So even somebody who just,
39:09 you know, doesn't have a lot of charisma
39:11 but they like to read they can read,
39:12 that's all it takes.
39:13 All right.
39:15 And so who would use the picture,
39:16 do you have to actually plug that into electricity.
39:18 Sure.
39:19 And out in the bush
39:21 I pull a generator on my motor cycle all the time,
39:22 we're always packing that thing up, it happens.
39:24 So I know we have the projector,
39:27 you can put the sermons actually right in there
39:29 through a USB port on a flash drive
39:32 so that can show.
39:34 And then you have the picture rolls
39:35 which is the analog representation.
39:38 And then you also have, even have in your phone.
39:40 So we can download those sermons on your phone.
39:43 So we have covered every possibility
39:46 for sharing the Word of God in sermons
39:49 for everywhere around the world from, as a friend of mine say,
39:52 "From the Antarctica down to the Congo."
39:54 That's right. Praise the Lord. So this is phenomenal.
39:56 So you're looking forward to getting this?
39:59 This is wonderful materials. We're just on fire about this.
40:01 We think about all the people that we're training.
40:03 We're involved in training people
40:05 for total member involvement in Congo right now.
40:07 All the people will be benefited
40:09 from having these materials to preach from.
40:11 I'm excited. Oh, that's wonderful.
40:12 Now I know, I just want to let you know
40:14 so we're talking about the cost of these are...
40:18 How much are they going to run?
40:19 Well, our first print run of 10,000
40:22 will be about $55 each,
40:24 that will be the cost for that print run.
40:27 So, you know, if you are able to...
40:30 You want to sponsor 100 of those,
40:33 then that's 55.
40:34 You know $550. Yeah.
40:36 So it's, you know, I'm bad at math, right?
40:40 Five hundred and fifty dollars.
40:43 And then if you want to do a thousand on,
40:45 that's $55,000.
40:46 So and we know that
40:47 there are individuals out there
40:49 that can do all of these things.
40:51 And so we're just tugging on your heartstrings.
40:53 So Lord just wants us
40:54 to be able to put these in your hands
40:58 so that you can go out and share the message.
41:00 We look forward to giving these to you, Keith,
41:02 so that you can evangelize
41:03 the world out of Congo and Tanzania
41:05 and every surrounding area.
41:06 Praise the Lord. Thank you, Debbie.
41:08 All right. Thank you. Thank you, Kyle.
41:11 Isn't this exciting?
41:13 We have a tremendous opportunity
41:16 before us today.
41:18 And I'm really excited about it
41:19 because it covers a whole breadth of opportunity.
41:23 But right now I think I want us
41:25 to just zoom right in on this picture.
41:30 This is the second coming.
41:33 So I want you to imagine with me.
41:36 Our former orthodox clergyman standing there,
41:43 watching Jesus come.
41:45 I want you to imagine with me the young ladies and the men
41:50 who are at Kibidula,
41:53 and they're learning, and taking,
41:55 they're being taken care of
41:57 but they're also being instructed about Jesus.
41:59 And they're giving their lives to the Lord
42:02 and they're standing there looking at Jesus coming.
42:06 And then we think about the people in the Congo.
42:08 We think about the people in the Arctic.
42:11 We think about people
42:13 all around the world standing there
42:16 watching Jesus come.
42:20 But how will they know if we don't tell them.
42:25 It's incredible opportunity for us today
42:29 that we can put in the hands
42:31 of all the ministries that we've talked about,
42:34 all the ministries
42:35 that are in your program guide give them the tools
42:38 so that they can share the love of Jesus with others.
42:41 But we must fill their hands so that they can tell others,
42:46 they can't do it alone.
42:48 If we're unable to go there,
42:51 then we can certainly support them
42:53 so that they can tell others.
42:55 We need to tell others here.
42:58 We need to let our former orthodox clergyman
43:03 who's said "Your persecution is not yet.
43:06 We need to accept that admonition
43:08 that we will take advantage of the opportunity.
43:11 And make sure
43:12 that we will let others know that Jesus is coming."
43:15 Can you do that with me today?
43:18 Can you pledge your support to Jesus
43:20 that we will be in partnership with Him
43:24 and give all that we have
43:26 because He gave all that He had.
43:30 At this time I want to ask the deacons to come forward
43:33 and I just want to appeal to our 3ABN audience as well.
43:38 You're not here in the convention hall,
43:41 but you're watching on TV and or on your device.
43:44 And you want to say, I want to be a part of that.
43:47 I want to join my brothers and sisters at ASI.
43:50 And I want to give the tools to people
43:52 around the world
43:54 so they can learn about Jesus and we can go home.
43:57 We want to look at Jesus coming more than just a picture
44:00 on a picture roll.
44:01 We want to see Him break through the clouds, don't we?
44:05 So for those at home the address is on the below,
44:09 on the screen.
44:10 And you can go to
44:13 Even those of you here on your phone
44:15 if that's your desire,
44:17 you can go to,
44:20 and hit donate now, and place in your donation.
44:24 We pray that God has inspired you
44:26 with everything that you've heard
44:27 and that you will give above and beyond you can imagine
44:31 because God said that He will give us above
44:35 and beyond what we can imagine.
44:37 Let us pray.
44:39 Father in heaven,
44:41 we thank You for the opportunity
44:42 to work and service with You.
44:44 We ask You now that You would be with us,
44:46 that You would impress our hearts,
44:48 that we would give as much as You would have us give
44:52 so that the work can be finished
44:54 and we can go home.
44:56 Thank you Lord for blessing this offering
44:58 and the projects that will be recipients of it.
45:01 In Jesus' name I pray, amen.


Revised 2017-12-18