ASI Conventions, 2017

Youth in Action / Shine / Beaver Story / LightUnshackled / Fruition

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Esther Murray & Nicole Murray, Larren Cole, Andrew & Daniel Hosford, Jared Thurmon


Series Code: 17ASIC

Program Code: 17ASIC000008A

00:01 ¤ ¤
00:21 ¤Open my eyes that I may see glimpses of truth¤
00:39 ¤thou hast for me. Place in my hand¤
00:44 ¤the wonderful key that shall unclasp and set me free. ¤
00:51 ¤Silently now I wait for Thee, ready me God thy will to see. ¤
01:02 ¤Open my ears, illumine me, Speak now to me. ¤
01:17 ¤ ¤
01:23 ¤Take time to be holy, Speak oft with thy Lord¤
01:32 ¤Abide with him always and feed on his word. ¤
01:41 ¤While looking to Jesus help those who are weak. ¤
01:52 ¤Forgetting in nothing his blessings to seek. ¤
02:02 ¤Open my eyes that I may see Glimpses of hope thou has for me
02:15 ¤Place in my hand the wonderful key¤
02:20 ¤That shall unlock and set me free. ¤
02:27 ¤Silently now I wait for thee Ready my God thy will to see¤
02:37 ¤Open my ears, illumine me Speak now to me. ¤
02:52 Skip, can you share with ASI family what your class has been
02:58 doing this week and what they've been learning?
03:02 Our theme this year is Unforgetable and you might
03:06 gather by the horse and buggy that we've been talking about
03:09 something in the past and what what we've been dealing with is
03:12 Seventh-day Adventist history. There is no time like the
03:16 present where we need to understand our roots. Is that
03:19 correct, ASI family? And so our children day by day, meeting by
03:25 meeting have been introduced to one of the pioneers of the
03:28 Seventh-day Adventist Church; people like William Miller,
03:31 Hiram Edson, Ellen White, Joseph Bates and we've given them one
03:37 nugget of truth that these pioneers especially introduced
03:41 into this movement that God used them to bring to us. And so for
03:48 instance Kindergartners what was William Miller's message? Now
03:55 we're going to say it all together, so is everybody
03:57 ready? What was William Miller's message? Jesus is coming again.
04:03 Yes, Amen. So we're going to sing a song for you this evening
04:09 and it's based on Ellen White's statement in various places that
04:15 we can find in Life Sketches, page 196 where she says, We have
04:21 nothing to fear for the future except as we forget how God has
04:28 led us in the past and his teaching in our past history.
04:31 So I think we're going to have a graphic on the screen with
04:36 the words to the song; I hope we have that and we would like
04:40 you, ASI family, to join us on the third verse of the song.
04:45 Do you think you could do that? All right, so, is everyone ready
04:50 All right, here we go. ¤ ¤
04:57 ¤We have nothing to fear for the future except we shall forget.
05:06 ¤the way the Lord has led us and his teaching in our past. ¤
05:17 ¤We have nothing to fear for the future except we shall forget¤
05:27 ¤the way the Lord has led us Praise God his ways are _.¤
05:37 ¤We are learning about the history, how great our pioneers.¤
05:48 ¤We'll spread the word, be ready for Christ is coming soon¤
05:59 Through hope and disappointment is Jesus on the way. Now as we¤
06:11 ¤join their journey, praise God yes praise the Lord¤
06:19 ¤I am filled with confidence and courage in Jesus Christ the Son¤
06:28 ¤As I look on in amazement at what the Lord has done. ¤
06:38 ¤With Jesus as my leader we cannot be afraid. ¤
06:46 ¤Through all our life he's always there. ¤
06:54 ¤Praise God, let's praise the Lord. ¤
07:00 Amen. One of our special features this week has been
07:08 Christian Berdahl He has blessed the upper grades and I'd like
07:11 you to just share a little bit about what he has taught our
07:14 youth this week.
07:17 Good evening, ASI. I've had the privilege, the honor to work
07:21 with your early teens and the youth this year and I'm telling
07:25 you they're a very special group They are the ones that are going
07:29 to carry Christ's banner here, the next generation to run the
07:35 church. Our theme has been Be Still and Know that I am God.
07:41 Today in the day of media, in the day of social media and all
07:48 all kinds of different distractions in the world
07:51 we've been discussing and looking at what kinds of things
07:55 can distract us from God. Starting tonight I'll be working
07:58 again with the early teens and we're going to start a
08:02 discussion on what are the challenges that they are facing.
08:05 Friends, I believe that this generation, it's harder to be
08:09 saved in this generation than it was just in the past because
08:14 there are so many distractions and so pray for the early teens
08:17 and the youth. We still have three meetings to go together.
08:20 I'm excited about that. I know that some have already come up
08:24 to me and talked to me about some of the challenges that
08:27 they're facing. So there are earnest young people here.
08:30 Please pray for the entire youth department. There is an
08:33 entirely different ASI going on and the leaders are amazing,
08:39 Praise God.
08:42 Alisa Trujillo has led the primary class in knowing Jesus.
08:46 Can you share a little bit with the ASI family what you have
08:51 learned this week.
08:53 Sure. Our theme as she said is Knowing Jesus. Every day we have
08:58 we have been going over some thing that we know about Jesus.
09:01 I'll hand the mike over to my assistant James who's going to
09:04 tell us what we've been learning.
09:06 This week every day we take a different opportunity to look at
09:09 how Jesus loves us was on Wednesday and then yesterday
09:12 we learned how Jesus speaks to us and today we learned how
09:16 Jesus made us. Tomorrow we're going to learn about why Jesus
09:20 died on the cross for us.
09:21 Just today in the theme of knowing Jesus made us we went
09:26 to the health museum and just to share how God works in the
09:30 unexpected we went to the health museum and the kids were having
09:32 a great time in the interactive exhibits and then we went to go
09:37 watch a video about human history and they started talking
09:41 about evolution. And you could kind of hear a little bit of
09:44 snickering going on as the children were mmmm. So the
09:49 decision was made to leave and some of the kids were why are
09:52 we leaving, why are we leaving. We said we'll talk to you later.
09:55 So we sent them back to the exhibits and they had a great
09:59 time. We got on the bus and I started talking about the
10:02 experience in the video theater. The minute I started talking
10:08 hands went up and you knew that they already knew what I was
10:13 going to say about how evolution is not true and we started a
10:17 conversation about creation and about how God made us, we did
10:22 not evolve from chimps and all of that. These children are smart.
10:25 They know their Bibles. I know these children come from homes
10:29 where Christ is being made the center and it is such a
10:33 wonderful opportunity to be a part of all that. So now we are
10:37 going to sing a song called Knowing You we hope that you
10:40 will be blessing to you all.
10:43 ¤ ¤
12:44 We also had another guest come from Battle Creek Historic
12:47 Village. Don and Betty, I'd like to invite you to come up and
12:50 just share a little bit.
12:52 Well we thank you for the privilege of being here. We are
12:57 with Adventist Heritage Ministries. We actually have
12:59 four sites, but Don and I live in Battle Creek, Michigan and
13:04 just last month in the month of July we had over 1400 people
13:10 come by and about 25% of them are non-Adventist. We get them
13:14 into the discovery center of Dr. Kellogg's equipment that he
13:19 had in the sanitarium and then we encourage them to go out into
13:24 the village and most of the do it and Don usually gets a Great
13:28 Controversy in their hands. So we are really blessed there.
13:33 Thank you so much. I'd like to invite Pastor Christian Martin
13:37 now to share what you've been doing in your class this week.
13:42 It is good to be with you here this evening. This has been an
13:47 incredible, incredible ASI for our juniors. You know our theme
13:52 is Mission Possible. This morning we went to Space Center
13:56 Houston and so as you can imagine being in Houston, Texas
14:02 our theme has been Mission Possible and we discovered that
14:07 nothing is impossible as long as Jesus is the king of our hearts.
14:14 So we've learned a song these last few days entitled King of
14:20 Our Hearts. We want to share that with you.
14:21 ¤ ¤
16:56 As we make Jesus the King of our hearts we discover that he has a
17:00 mission for us. In fact, Jesus himself came with a mission as
17:05 we learned in Isaiah chapter 61 verse 1. Let's say it together
17:13 juniors. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has
17:19 anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to
17:23 bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives
17:28 and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.
17:34 Amen. Jesus came to continue his mission through us and so
17:38 throughout the week, throughout the last few days we had
17:42 different mission challenges, Mission Possible. One of them
17:46 was taking water bottles just like this with the label Jesus
17:50 Loves You and a Glow tract called Living Water and Samuel
17:54 is one of our team captains and Samuel tell us about the
17:58 experience you had with your team.
18:00 Well it was a pretty amazing experience. We were out in the
18:05 park and I had about six of my students and we were sharing
18:10 water bottles and Glow tracts. I had one of my students who was
18:15 pretty shy and it was almost at the end. We had about 30 minutes
18:20 to share these Glow tracts and we're about to get to the end
18:25 and he came and he asked me, Oh can I share these with a cop?
18:31 And I'm like whoa, OK. And so I told him yes you can go. And
18:35 what did he say? I want to give this to my friend Officer.
18:40 What did he say?
18:41 I gave it to the cop and he said thank you. Pretty amazing, huh?
18:50 This is to know that we were out there to share with everyone
18:57 and at the end were able to share 50 Glow tracts with just
19:03 six students in less than 10 minutes.
19:06 All right. Good job, good job. Yesterday we had a very special
19:10 visit from our General Conference President.
19:14 And one thing we discovered is that this man not only loves the
19:18 church but he also loves our young people and he shared a
19:22 message on his Facebook page that we'd like to share with you
19:27 just now.
19:29 I'm here in the city of Houston, Texas and the ASI convention is
19:35 taking place. You will not believe where I am. I've been
19:39 with some of the most powerful people in this convention center
19:43 the juniors. I am so happy to be with them. Now I want you to see
19:49 them and here they are. Young people tell me what it is you've
19:54 been studying. Mission Possible.
19:58 All right. Mission Possible. Go! Mission Possible. Go!
20:04 Mission Possible. Go! Can you see what I mean? These are
20:10 wonderful young people filled with the power of God and they
20:14 are willing to go for Jesus. I hope all of you who are going to
20:18 watch this everywhere around the world are going to be filled
20:23 with the great enthusiasm that the Holy Spirit can give in
20:27 sharing the three angels messages and the love of Jesus
20:31 and that he's coming back very soon. Young people, wave to all
20:35 the friends all over the world. What? God bless each one of you.
20:39 Thank you.
20:41 Good evening. We're glad to be here. The juniors, they did good
20:47 didn't they? The early teens and I have been learning about being
20:52 in Egypt. Today we went and visited the Science Museum of
20:56 Natural history and we saw a bunch of artifacts from Egypt.
21:02 Also then we went and toured the butterfly museum so we got to be
21:07 in God's nature. So we got to spend at ASI here a little time
21:12 being still and knowing about God. We're learning that in
21:16 Early teens we have a lot of choices to make. We're at that
21:21 age of our lives where we're making a lot of choices for
21:25 ourselves and one of the choices is do we want to be a part of
21:29 this church, a part of this great movement and that choice
21:35 is ours to make. So we need some practical guidance, some
21:40 instruction and we found a place we can get it-The sure word of
21:44 prophecy, the word of God. So we're learning to depend upon
21:49 the Bible to guide our decision making and then stillness and
21:54 action. Actions have consequences. So we're
21:57 trying to learn how to make good decisions and to let the Holy
22:02 Spirit lead us. We're doing that by being still, spending time in
22:06 God's word, spending time in communion with God because be
22:10 still and know means to know God. This is life eternal. John
22:14 14:6 says to know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom
22:22 thou sent. So as our shirts say: It says Be still and know that I
22:28 am God. I will be exalted among the heathen. I will be exalted
22:34 in Houston and all over the world, Amen? So we're learning
22:39 to be a part of this movement at this very important time in
22:44 our lives. Thank you.
22:46 Shawn Lovelace faithfully led the youth this year. Would you
22:52 kindly share what your class has studied this week.
22:55 Sure. Our class theme has been Be Still and I think you're
22:58 probably picking up the pattern here. But ours is a little bit
23:01 different. There's a period after Be and one after Still.
23:04 We don't just mean it in a sense of be quiet. I mean how is it
23:09 that a young person like us can survive and at the end of the
23:14 day we can still be. Does that make sense? Well in very short
23:20 order we have discovered that one of the secrets to surviving,
23:25 this generation especially, but any generation needs to be
23:31 still and to know that God is God. You'll probably remember
23:37 a verse that Ellen White quotes in Mount of Blessing on page 150
23:41 is the subtitle on our shirts. That which shares the life of
23:44 God with him surviveth all. So we've been learning together
23:48 what it means to share the life of God. One of the practical,
23:52 tangible steps we have to take, and we're only part way through
23:54 that journey, the week is not yet done, but we're excited and
23:59 we're glad to see what God has been doing with your youth.
24:04 Thank you.
24:07 Happy Sabbath. Now's the time for our members in action
24:13 reports and with me here tonight is Tim Rumsey with Pathway to
24:17 Paradise ministry and also Esther and Nicole Murray. We're
24:21 so glad to have you guys with us. Tim you started a new
24:25 project here called Shine; it's a family ministry. Could you
24:28 please share with us a little bit about it.
24:30 Absolutely. Good evening. You know the Bible says that in the
24:33 time of Jesus when he was alive on this earth, children's voices
24:37 rang out to him and sang his praises in the temple courts.
24:40 History tells us that during the protestant reformation,
24:43 especially in Scandinavia, when it became impossible for adults
24:47 to share the message and to preach the gospel that the Holy
24:51 Spirit fell on children and they stood up and preached fearlessly
24:55 even young children that could not read. In the book, Counsels
24:59 to the Church, on page 210, we are told that in the last days
25:03 children's voices will be raised to give the last message of
25:07 warning to the world. I believe that God wants to use this
25:10 generation of children, the children we just saw on the
25:14 stage behind us, to give that last message of warning. Shine
25:18 is a five-day family camp meeting that is designed to help
25:22 entire families, parents and children, make this a reality
25:26 for their family and to learn how to share their faith, to
25:29 share the gospel, to share the three angels' messages with the
25:32 people around them, their neighbors, their coworkers,
25:36 their family, the people they go to school with. We just
25:39 completed our first Shine family camp meeting a few weeks ago.
25:42 So it's a very new ministry, this has just started this
25:45 summer, huh? That's right. Very new. We
25:47 completed our first one a few weeks ago at Fletcher Academy in
25:51 North Carolina. Wow, Fantastic.
25:53 We have a short video clip that we'd like to show you that will
25:56 give you a little idea of what we did a few weeks ago.
26:14 Jesus loves me this I know. I want to tell the world so.
26:27 God has always had a remnant generation. A generation of
26:32 children who would not be bought or sold. Children who in their
26:36 inmost souls were true and honest. Children who did not
26:41 fear to call sin by its right name. Children whose conscience
26:46 was as true to duty as the needle to the pole. Today in the
26:51 time of the end God will again have a remnant generation that
26:56 shines as the brightness of the firmament and turns many to
27:01 righteousness. ¤ ¤
27:17 Pathways to Paradise ministries presents Shine, a family camp
27:21 meeting, spiritual retreat and youth-presented public
27:25 evangelistic series combined in one life-changing week.
27:30 Activities include parenting seminars, workshops on
27:34 developing creative family worships, training to teach
27:38 children how to lead Bible studies, recreational activities
27:42 for the entire family and the opportunity to meet and share
27:46 with others who are committed to raising the remnant generation.
27:50 To learn more about Shine visit www. ShineKids. net.
28:00 What a beautiful place to do a program like that. I'm inspired.
28:05 I've got a little daughter myself and she's only 1-1/2 but
28:08 I think we can get her involved right away. It's better to start
28:12 them when they're young, right? So Esther you attended this
28:15 summer's program. Can you tell us a little bit about your
28:19 experience? Sure. The whole week was a
28:22 spiritual blessing but I think the biggest take-home for our
28:26 family in particular was learning how to do the door-to-
28:30 door evangelism. Our family had always been a little bit
28:34 hesitant to do that. We didn't want to come across somebody
28:39 that said no or slammed the door We just were nervous about it.
28:43 But the best thing was the classes on how to do it. They
28:48 told us what to say, how to say it and even when to say it. Then
28:52 they ended it with practical experience. They dropped off
28:55 in the neighborhoods and made us practice.
28:57 Good. So has that given you confidence to be able to do
29:02 something like that back in your home church?
29:04 Yes. Actually we have made a promise to the Lord and we've
29:08 kept it since the camp. We've been doing door-to-door one hour
29:12 every Sabbath.
29:14 Fantastic. That's great to hear. Now Nicole how old are you?
29:18 Twelve years old.
29:19 Twelve years old and you attended with your mom. So what
29:21 kind of experience did you have at the retreat?
29:23 Well, I was really nervous but I really wanted to do something
29:27 for the Lord. We studied about the sanctuary, how to give
29:32 Bible studies, door-to-door and how to preach. I thought I would
29:38 never be able to preach that Saturday night, but with the
29:41 Lord's help and Mr. Tim, I was able to preach.
29:44 So you preached the final Sabbath night? Yes.
29:47 That's fantastic. So maybe we can line you up in the future as
29:51 an ASI preacher here. Sure. That must have been great.
29:54 Good I love the spirit. So well I'm excited about this project.
29:59 Tim if somebody wanted to learn a little bit more about this
30:01 family camp, where can they register? Where could they find
30:06 out? Where can they find you here?
30:08 We're going to be holding this once again next summer in June
30:12 2018, again at Fletcher Academy in North Carolina, but we would
30:16 love to bring it to your part of the country. So if you're
30:20 interested in hosting this event or maybe in an Academy during
30:24 the summer that's near you having this event held in your
30:27 area, please come talk to us. We're in aisle 500 in the
30:31 exhibit booths. Pathway to Paradise ministries. Again, you
30:35 can also go online to ShineKids. net. And there's a lot
30:38 more information there as well. We are just excited about the
30:43 families that came this year seeing lives changed and
30:47 impacted; a greater commitment to serving the Lord and that's
30:50 really what ASI is about isn't it?
30:53 Amen. Thank you so much for being with us. God bless your
30:56 ministry.
31:00 ¤ ¤
31:12 It all started when we moved out of the city. We moved way up
31:19 here, way up in this remote area in the Modoc National Forest.
31:24 Here I discovered this really neat beaver colony. I was so
31:29 excited by this close encounter with nature that I started a
31:35 film with a video camera. That's when I made a remarkable
31:40 observation. These beavers were out and about every day of the
31:45 week except Saturdays. I was never able to get any pictures
31:51 on Saturdays. So I decided to do a little study. The incredible
31:57 results I want to share with you in this documentary I call the
32:03 7th Day Beavers.
32:16 I have with me here tonight Larren Cole of Desire Media and
32:19 he's going to be talking to us tonight about The 7th Day
32:23 Beavers. I know that some of you might have heard about this from
32:28 3ABN or Better Life TV or some other media outlet but probably
32:33 most of us like me would love to hear a little bit more about
32:36 what's going on with that. But before we get into the story,
32:40 Larren, I'd like to tell us just a little bit about you. Where
32:43 you're from. Are you from Houston here?
32:46 Not from Houston, no, I'm from Lakeview, Oregon area, actually
32:50 New Pine Creek. I live in California. Our office is over
32:53 the Oregon border into a little town called Lakeview.
32:57 OK, beautiful country. Now I understand that you're a
33:01 physical therapist. Does that keep you pretty busy?
33:04 No, I retired from physical therapy in 2002 and now I'm in
33:08 full time ministry with desire media. I'm the speaker/director,
33:11 the bottle washer, the toilet cleaner, everything for Desire
33:15 Media now. But that's a little ministry of our family that we
33:19 started back in 2002, 2003, that area. It started out as a little
33:22 book and video series for children about the book The
33:27 Desire of Ages. We started doing that. We started doing that and
33:31 then it sort of grew out of that as my children grew up and now
33:34 we are in full time public evangelism and we travel and
33:38 preach now.
33:40 And do you do anything online as well?
33:41 Yeah, we've got an online Bible school which we call Revelation
33:46 101. It's a Revelation 101 survival training course so it's
33:49 a free online Bible school. We have students from all over the
33:53 world. Yeah, we've got hundreds of students. A lot of churches
33:57 are using that as sort of a pre work for evangelism.
34:01 Praise God. I'd like to ask you some more about the beavers,
34:06 because I know we're all anxious to hear about that. Can you tell
34:09 us how did you get involved with these beavers? How did you find
34:12 out about them in the first place?
34:15 Well that's an interesting story I never would have noticed these
34:18 beavers resting on Saturday had it not been for a neighbor when
34:21 we lived in Redlands, California Southern California. I had a
34:24 neighbor named Bill and Bill told me one day out of the blue,
34:27 I wasn't in ministry at the time he just told me that he noticed
34:31 the bees that flew in the orange groves, that they would fly in
34:33 their normal patterns Sunday through Friday but on Saturday
34:37 he said it was dead quiet. They weren't going zooming by his
34:41 garage, he'd been in the garage, but they weren't out there in
34:43 the normal patterns on Saturday. So he told me that. Didn't
34:48 mean much to me at the time but when I did move to the country
34:52 I started going on Sabbath afternoon walks and I found this
34:55 really neat beaver colony. And I was so fascinated by it that I
34:59 would go back Saturday after Saturday, Sabbath after Sabbath,
35:02 I would go out on my little walk and I would look at these
35:05 but I never saw them out. One day I got a chance to go out on
35:08 a Sunday and there they were, the beavers. So back on
35:12 Saturday, nothing, then I started noticing a little
35:16 pattern and I remember Bill's bees. And I thought, I wonder
35:20 if these beavers are doing what Bill's bees were doing.
35:25 So you'd see them on Sunday but you never saw them on Sabbath.
35:30 Never saw them on Saturday.
35:33 Like once or twice?
35:34 What I did as _ said, I decided to do a little
35:36 observational study and this lasted a total of 16 years.
35:40 Sixteen years.
35:41 Started out intense with my little 8 mm video camera in 2002
35:46 and I started watching things routinely and I noticed active
35:51 and busy Sunday through Friday, closed on Sabbath. And I never
35:56 saw them come out of their lodge on Saturday. So in 2013, after
36:01 13 years of doing this, well it was casual after about the first
36:06 two years, but after 13 years I felt impressed to make a
36:09 documentary about this. Our ministry had grown a little bit
36:13 It got some more professional TV equipment and cameras and
36:16 things like that and I thought just bring that out. I've got
36:21 five children, three boys who are all into media and why not?
36:25 Let's produce a video about this. And I felt impressed to do that.
36:26 So it took three years and we finally got it done in 2016.
36:29 That's amazing so what is happening with that video?
36:33 Where's it going? How is it being used.
36:34 That video has been on 3ABN. It's been on 3ABN, it's on a
36:38 number of other networks, even some in Europe and we are
36:42 amazing feedback. People are using this 7th Day Beaver DVD
36:47 and the story as a witnessing tool about the Sabbath. Not only
36:52 is it a great nature film, in high definition, on location,
36:56 Modoc National Forest, we also included four Bible experts that
37:00 would answer the questions that would logically come up about a
37:04 film like this. Why are these beavers resting on Sabbath?
37:07 And so these Bible experts, we've got Shelley Quinn, we've
37:10 got Dr. Neal Nedley, Steve Wahlberg and Jerry Bandy.
37:15 They answer the questions that would just naturally arise.
37:19 So it's being showed, lots of people. On the way over here
37:23 to ASI, stopped and preached at the Mariposa church. In the
37:26 audience a lady had just happened to have ordered 100 of
37:30 these beaver DVDs and she shared stories how she was distributing
37:35 them to people and witnessing to people, just like tracts.
37:39 Can you tell us one quick story?
37:41 Well one quick story, boy, we've got so many stories. Louie, I'm
37:46 thinking of Louie. Louie told me what you've done has changed
37:49 my life. He said, I needed to know that Saturday was still
37:53 God's Sabbath day or through time man has messed it up. So he
37:57 said, starting in 2013 when we started to produce the film, he
38:01 said I started searching the internet. I knew if any animal
38:04 would keep the Sabbath it would be beavers. So he searched for
38:07 three years and finally in 2016, that's when they finally got the
38:11 thing done. And it was in 2013 that he started searching that I
38:14 felt impressed to share that story. There are a number of
38:20 other stories.
38:21 Isn't that incredible. He's got so many more stories but we have
38:22 to end. What is your booth number?
38:24 Booth number 128. You can come and see it at the booth or you
38:28 can go to our website www. desiremedia. org.
38:32 He's got the DVDs there in case you would like to take one or to
38:36 share one with somebody, they're available. All righty. Thank you
38:40 There was a time when the earth was dark. It was an age of
38:47 grinding poverty, disease and death. The common people were
38:54 illiterate. They lived in fear of the judgment and hell.
39:01 The state church controlled all aspects of life from birth until
39:06 death. For a price the priest assured a better after life.
39:11 But this all changed with a new dawn in England. Minds were
39:19 awakened. Once the flame of the reformation was lit it was never
39:25 to be put out again. This is a story of courage and fortitude.
39:31 Against all odds, the burning of heretics and those who risked
39:38 their lives to follow the light. It is a struggle of ideas about
39:44 men's souls, their dreams and the purpose of life. The state
39:49 church responded by hunting down anyone who supported these
39:54 radical new beliefs and put them to death. Join us as we uncover
40:00 the heroic lives of those who led out in this movement and
40:04 changed the world forever. This is the story of Light Unshackled
40:12 Good evening ASI. I'm pastor Phil Mills. I'm joined with two
40:21 young people from my church, Daniel and Andrew Hosford.
40:24 This last May we had the privilege of shooting the
40:27 documentary you just say the trailer for. It's a four-part
40:31 series that traces the history of God moving during the dark
40:35 ages to protect his light and to start and reformation that would
40:40 transform the world. We watched God work a number of miracles
40:45 to bring us to this point. You know I'm thankful for an ASI
40:50 that believes in its young people. We had a budget of about
40:54 $40,000 and it was ASI members that stepped up and helped us
40:58 raise this money, believing in young people that they could
41:02 make a difference. What do you say? That was just one of the
41:05 miracles. God worked a series of others. Daniel, our time is
41:09 short, but I wonder if you could just share with us briefly one
41:12 of the miracles you saw God work while we were filming in Europe.
41:15 So as we were over in Europe in May we were there for a
41:21 month and as I'm sure all of you know weather is very important.
41:27 When we were over there, there was one morning... We'd had
41:33 perfect weather for about two weeks and it was just phenomenal
41:40 the way that God was working. One morning I woke up and we
41:45 went outside and it was just pouring down rain. It was just
41:50 raining like crazy. I'm like God what are we going to do? We have
41:53 to film this morning. So we got in the car and we started
41:57 heading out to our first location and it was then that I
42:01 realized that we were about to film the story of Luther in the
42:04 thunder storm. God just worked out the weather incredibly.
42:07 Amen! Isn't it amazing. God gave us rain on the only day that we
42:11 needed it to fit the script. What do you say? Now Andrew as
42:15 a young person there's a lot of things you could have done with
42:18 your summer. Why would you choose to travel across Europe
42:21 inside a van traveling thousands of kilometers, hours and hours
42:25 of driving. Why would you do that with your summer?
42:29 Well, it's kind of the life of a film maker. What inspired me
42:37 the most was to be in the places of these men and women as they
42:44 willingly gave their lives for the faith that they had in Jesus
42:50 Amen. And to be able to share that with other people. Daniel
42:54 there may be some people here that want to find out more
42:58 information. Maybe they want to show the Light Unshackled film
43:00 when it comes out in their churches. When is it coming out
43:02 and how can they find out more information about it?
43:05 So Light Unshackled is coming out this October. It's coming
43:09 out in conjunction with the 500- year anniversary of Martin
43:13 Luther nailing the 95 theses. For more information, you can
43:15 visit lightunshackled. com. There's more information you can
43:21 see; behind-the-scenes videos. To visit our booth, it's number
43:26 407 in the exhibit hall. We'll be there and we'll be happy to
43:31 talk with you.
43:32 My Bible First. Come, we would love to talk to you. We want
43:35 this to go out. It's available for free on YouTube and we're
43:38 excited to get this message going to the world.
43:41 Thank you so much.
43:47 All right, good evening ASI. For our final Members in Action
43:51 tonight I have a good friend of mine, Jared Thurman. Jared it's
43:55 good to see you here at ASI. Glad you are here. And Jared
43:59 you know those of us who have been here in Houston, we've been
44:00 seeing and hearing about this thing called Fruition all
44:03 week. We've seen the young adults walking around with their
44:06 Fruition badges and we've heard about this. Tell us about
44:08 what is Fruition?
44:10 Yeah, absolutely. Ellen White has an interesting phrase in the
44:13 book Christ's Object Lessons that religion and business
44:17 are not two separate things, they are one. So Fruition was
44:20 really inspired by this along with the concept in the Great
44:24 Controversy that says where the Waldensians were welcomed as
44:28 merchants, they would have been spurned as missionaries. So
44:32 Fruition was really birthed to create a new generation of
44:35 entrepreneurs with a mission mind of how to reach people
44:39 through the ministry of business So the last few days we've had
44:42 a number of successful Adventist entrepreneurs, men and women
44:46 sharing their stories, how their faith inspires their best work
44:49 and teaching those skills to others.
44:52 Excellent, excellent. And you know here at ASI we decided to
44:56 sponsor the Fruition event because we believe it's
44:59 important to invest in the next generation of Adventist business
45:02 leaders, Amen? I mean someone invested in us. You know someone
45:05 invested in us so that we could be here today. We need to invest
45:09 in the next generation. So we sponsor Fruition to be here as
45:12 a part of ASI this year. First Fruition was last year in
45:15 Phoenix, Arizona during the convention or right before the
45:18 ASI convention. But this year it happened right during
45:21 convention and they were right with us.
45:23 Let me share a story that came out of last year. There are now
45:27 out of that event some individuals came together
45:29 Seventh-day Adventist business men and women who realized it
45:34 takes means to do business. So a venture capital firm has been
45:39 formed with some individuals that want to use these means to
45:43 set up businesses in hard to reach places. Already businesses
45:48 are being set up in some of these regions and I can tell you
45:52 that there are countries, I visited the Middle East last
45:55 year, there are countries where the church is being asked to
45:59 leave and some countries actually auditing the books of
46:02 businesses making sure there's a profit or it's time to leave.
46:08 So we don't just need means to start businesses. These
46:11 businesses have to be sustainable, profitable and
46:15 filled with mission-minded individuals to be there.
46:19 So that's very exciting.
46:21 So that came out of Fruition last year?
46:23 It did and actually this group of individuals is seeking to
46:26 work very closely and is working very closely with the Seventh-
46:31 day Adventist organized church because the church knows regions
46:34 where this is very important. So I just want to make a quick
46:37 appeal. If the Lord has blessed you with money and you may want
46:40 a return on that money. This is an opportunity to do that and
46:44 to ensure that the person getting those funds has been
46:47 trained and equipped to make them a success.
46:49 Amen. Well it's really exciting to hear what came out of
46:52 Fruition last year. This year a lot of good stuff happened here
46:55 in the last two days. Tell us a little bit about what happened.
46:58 Yeah absolutely. We have a number of people come from
47:02 around the world who've got these ideas but they don't know
47:05 what to do with it, what's the next thing. And often, hey I've
47:09 got these unique things. I close on Saturdays, I have these
47:12 principles, I'm not going to cheat, I'm not going to steal.
47:15 There's nobody better that you want to hear some advice from
47:18 than somebody that shares those values. So workshops and
47:21 interactive time and people hearing from individuals who
47:25 sold their company for 500 million, 800 million dollars
47:28 whatever it may be. Sometimes it's nice though to hear from
47:31 somebody, I failed miserably. I want to tell you, don't give
47:34 up if you've failed miserably. So, it's been an encouraging
47:37 time. It's been nice that it's been here with ASI because a lot
47:41 of people have asked, hey Fruition ASI, what's that.
47:43 Maybe you could share what is the mission of ASI then I'd love
47:46 to share how is Fruition able to complement that.
47:49 OK, so the mission of ASI is to empower lay business people and
47:53 ministry leaders to share the gospel through their business,
47:57 through their market place so that Jesus will come. Amen?
48:00 That's the mission of ASI. So Jared, I'll ask you how does
48:04 Fruition fit into that mission?
48:05 Absolutely. So what we realized in some discussion over the last
48:10 10 years, I've been able to come to ASI year after year
48:13 and I recognize there is a generation of young Adventists
48:16 disappearing. I mean the statistics show 70 percent.
48:19 So of those that are staying, how do we ensure that they are
48:25 successful in getting into business, successful starting a
48:29 ministry and that they're the ones who are able to equip the
48:33 next generation and empower others to maintain this mission
48:37 in the world in the turbulent times that we find ourselves in.
48:40 We need more Adventist business people and we need more ministry
48:43 people, more ministry leaders. Jared where do we go from here
48:46 as we look as we look for the future for Fruition and ASI?
48:50 So back to that concept of needing mission-based businesses
48:53 around the world. Fruition really sees in discussions with
48:57 some of these territories, we have the equip individuals and
49:01 bring them on a journey. So there are plans in place for
49:06 developing an online curriculum to groom people so that if
49:10 you're given a half a million dollars to start a business in
49:15 X, we can ensure you're going to know what to do with that
49:19 money, know how to sustains that business, be totally equipped
49:23 that mission is your purpose for being there. So there are some
49:26 exciting things coming. We're holding some events on different
49:29 college campuses and our universities and I'm excited to
49:32 see what the Lord does with Fruition Lab. So if anybody's
49:34 interested, you have an idea, you want to invest or something,
49:37 Fruitionlab. org is the website.
49:39 Thank you Jared and thank you to Fruition for partnering with
49:43 us and being here at ASI this year. Thank you ASI.


Revised 2018-01-08