ASI Conventions, 2017

Members in Action

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brian Schwartz / Carlos & Kathy Irizarry / Mindy Thygeson (Host), Bill Knott & Jared Thurman, Michelle Doucoumes, Rick McEdward & Michael Eckert


Series Code: 17ASIC

Program Code: 17ASIC000004A

00:35 Their chains were fastened tight
00:40 Down at the jail that night
00:43 Still Paul and Silas would not be dismayed
00:50 They said, it's time to lift our voice
00:54 And she praises to the Lord
00:58 Let's prove that we can trust Him
01:02 Come what may
01:06 God wants to hear you sing
01:10 When the waves are crashing 'round you
01:13 When the fiery darts surround you
01:17 When despair is all you see
01:20 God wants to hear your voice
01:24 When the wisest man has spoken
01:27 He says, Your circumstance is as hopeless as can be
01:34 That's when God wants to hear you sing
01:50 He loves to hear our praise
01:54 On our cheerful days
01:57 When the pleasant times outweigh the bad, by far
02:04 But when suffering comes along
02:08 And we still sing Him these songs
02:12 That is when we bless the Father's heart
02:19 God wants to hear you sing
02:22 When the waves are crashing 'round you
02:26 When the fiery darts surround you
02:29 When despair is all you see
02:33 God wants to hear your voice
02:36 When the wisest man has spoken
02:40 He says, Your circumstance is as hopeless as can be
02:47 That's when God wants to hear
02:50 You sing
02:54 God wants to hear you sing
03:01 When the waves are crashing 'round you
03:04 When the fiery darts surround you
03:08 When despair is all you see
03:13 God wants to hear your voice
03:16 When the wisest man has spoken
03:20 He says, Your circumstance is as hopeless as can be
03:26 That's when God wants to hear
03:30 You sing
03:33 That's when God wants to hear
03:40 You sing
03:47 You sing
03:54 Amen. Amen.
03:56 Good evening ASI.
03:58 We're happy to see each one of you here
04:00 this evening and we're looking forward
04:02 to the blessing that God is going to give us.
04:04 I have with me this evening, Bill Knott
04:07 and he is the Executive Editor of Adventist Review
04:10 at Adventist World.
04:12 And I also have Jared Thurmon with me
04:13 who is Marketing Director for Adventist Review
04:16 and Director of Strategy and Innovation
04:18 for something called ARtv.
04:20 So we're gonna find out a little bit more
04:22 what that's all about.
04:23 And ASI enjoys a long relationship
04:26 working together with Adventist Review
04:29 with Bill Knott, with Jared.
04:30 We're thankful for the privilege
04:32 of having them here this evening.
04:34 Well, you know, I know that things are getting smaller
04:37 these days, you know,
04:38 the Adventist Review went from a larger format
04:41 down to a smaller format and then suddenly
04:44 we just have a little card.
04:45 Is this the new format for the Adventist Review?
04:47 No, there's no microchip buried in here
04:50 or in your hand.
04:51 This in reality, this is just illustrating something
04:55 about how this ministry has been growing so rapidly
04:58 in the last two years.
05:00 We are a family of products now, not just one.
05:03 We're called Adventist Review Ministries
05:05 but we publish Adventist World Magazine
05:07 which all of you get in your homes,
05:09 kids view, our product for kids.
05:12 We have large websites, social media options.
05:16 We are now a family
05:18 that's the oldest thing in the church
05:20 and also the newest thing in the church.
05:22 Okay, so what we can see then is that
05:24 you're actually partnering with all different,
05:26 other ministries as well.
05:28 I often tell our team,
05:30 we did not build this organization,
05:33 tithe and the faithfulness of church members
05:35 built Adventist Review Ministry,
05:37 so it's our job to shine a spotlight
05:40 on partner ministries like ASI and help other people
05:43 discover what they're doing
05:44 and how the Lord is working through them.
05:45 Okay, wonderful.
05:47 Well, Jared, it seems like your title is actually
05:49 a little bit different than it was last year
05:51 when you were here.
05:52 Can you tell us what the changes are?
05:54 Yeah, we've got something exciting
05:58 and it's not just one thing, it's really a thought
06:00 of what does tomorrow look like and how do you serve the church
06:04 and those that we love around us
06:07 through the content of the Adventist Review
06:09 and all the things we're working on.
06:11 So I have the privilege and joy
06:13 of agitating and rattling Bill's cage
06:17 and finding ways in which we can better serve our church
06:22 and those around us.
06:24 So one of those things is ARtv. ARtv is...
06:29 I could say it's inspired somewhat
06:31 by Christ Object Lessons.
06:34 Ellen White says of Jesus in His day
06:37 that the reason He spoke in parables
06:40 was because it was the most popular form
06:42 of storytelling, especially with the Greeks.
06:46 Okay.
06:47 Well, what we know from the data today is
06:50 by the year 2020, 8 out of 10 people
06:53 will be using the internet
06:55 and 8 of those people of the 10
06:58 will be using it on their mobile device
07:00 watching a video called short form content.
07:05 So ARtv is really how do we deliver
07:07 this timeless message in video format, mobile first
07:13 and find ways in which we can easily share it
07:15 with those around us.
07:17 And we are very excited that that launches this October.
07:21 Okay, that sounds exciting. We're looking forward to it.
07:24 Why don't you tell us, Jared, a little bit about the booth,
07:26 and why people should go by the Adventist Review booth?
07:29 Yeah, we're very excited, we've recently finished
07:31 a production and project with ADRA
07:35 where we sent a team over there to film in virtual reality.
07:40 And if you'll come by our booth or you can go by ADRA's booth,
07:44 you'll be able to put some of these VR goggles on
07:47 and immerse yourself in the audio
07:50 and the visuals of a village drilling a well
07:54 and being in that experience.
07:57 Virtual reality has an impact
07:59 where they're finding psychologically,
08:02 you actually believe you were there.
08:04 So I want to just invite you, come by our booth
08:06 and experience what that's like.
08:09 Okay, sounds exciting.
08:10 Well, Bill, I know that we traditionally have
08:13 thought of Adventist Review or Adventist World
08:15 as being a way that we get media out through print.
08:19 But could you tell us a little bit
08:20 how Adventist Review is changing
08:22 and how it's progressive?
08:24 You know, many times people think that
08:28 if you're leaning forward toward new technologies,
08:31 somehow you're leaning away from biblical truth.
08:35 We've taken it as a founding principle
08:37 of what we're doing that we're conservative
08:39 when it comes to truth, but we're progressive
08:42 when it comes to methodology.
08:44 We've got to find the ways to deliver to audiences,
08:47 the timeless truths of scripture in a way that
08:49 they will understand and will change their thinking.
08:52 So we're not only print centric now,
08:55 we're developing audio podcasts,
08:58 we're working as Jared has said in short form on demand video.
09:02 Our social media program is exploding.
09:05 We continue to publish
09:07 the most widely spread magazines
09:08 in the Adventist church,
09:10 but it's a range of things, it's a family of things,
09:12 because our goal isn't just to reach readers,
09:16 it's viewers, readers, listeners
09:18 anyone who we can put the good news in front of.
09:20 Amen.
09:21 It's a blessing to be here every year
09:23 with Adventist Review in this partnership.
09:25 I know that we've had the privilege of partnering
09:28 for a number of years now, and I'd like to ask you, Jared,
09:32 why do you come every year?
09:33 How is the ASI Convention a blessing to you
09:36 and to Adventist Review?
09:37 I have found over the last 10 years
09:40 coming to ASI and now with our Adventist Review team.
09:44 We come here for the best ideas.
09:47 We come here to inspire people
09:49 and we come here to be inspired.
09:52 What the seminars give us is a blessing,
09:55 what is done on this stage is a blessing, but I often find
09:58 it's those short conversations in the halls
10:01 and at lunch and at dinner that make me want to say,
10:04 "I want to be an Adventist this week, this year.
10:08 I want to be on fire for the Lord
10:09 and I want to come back next year
10:11 and experience that again."
10:12 So that's why we come. Amen.
10:14 We get amazing stories from here,
10:16 people walking the halls who stop and say,
10:18 "Could I talk to you for a moment?"
10:19 And suddenly unfolds a story
10:22 that we want to tell the world about.
10:23 It's a story of faith or courage,
10:26 sometimes challenge with daunting circumstances.
10:29 Those are stories that inspire believers
10:31 literally around the world
10:32 that come out of this convention every year
10:34 and that's one of the big reasons we're here.
10:36 Amen.
10:37 I want to thank both of you for partnering with ASI.
10:40 We're so happy for the relationship
10:41 with Adventist Review, Adventist World and ARtv
10:44 and everything that's moving forward.
10:46 Thank you. Thank you. God bless.
11:09 What this dying world could use is a willing Man of God
11:15 Who dares to go against the grain
11:19 And works without applause
11:24 A man who'll raise the shield of faith
11:27 Protecting what is pure
11:30 Whose love is tough yet gentle
11:34 A man whose word is sure
11:38 God doesn't need an orator
11:42 Who knows just what to say
11:46 He doesn't need authorities to reason Him away
11:52 He doesn't need an army
11:56 To guarantee a win
12:00 He just needs a few good men
12:06 Men full of compassion
12:09 Who laugh and love and cry
12:13 Men who'll face eternity and aren't afraid to die
12:20 Men who'll fight for freedom and honor once again
12:27 He just needs a few good men
12:33 He calls the broken derelict
12:37 Whose life has been renewed
12:40 He calls the one who has the strength
12:44 To stand up for the truth
12:48 Enlistment lines are open
12:51 And He wants you to come in
12:55 He just needs a few good men
13:01 Men full of compassion
13:04 Who laugh and love and cry
13:08 Men who'll face eternity and aren't afraid to die
13:15 Men who'll fight for freedom and honor once again
13:22 He just needs a few good men
13:28 Men full of compassion
13:31 Who laugh and love and cry
13:35 Men who'll face eternity
13:38 And aren't afraid to die
13:43 Men who'll fight for freedom and honor once again
13:50 He just needs a few good men
13:57 He just needs a few good men
14:04 He just needs a few good men
14:17 Amen.
14:20 Hello, ASI family members.
14:22 I love coming to ASI.
14:25 So many of us have an amazing stories, don't we?
14:29 You go down through the exhibit hall,
14:30 it's one story after another.
14:33 And tonight is Members in Action.
14:36 We're going to hear some of those stories
14:38 and get to know some of our wonderful ASI members,
14:41 and the closest one to me is Dr. Brian Schwartz
14:44 who is from Dayton, Ohio.
14:46 He's a physician at Kettering Hospital.
14:49 I understand that you pray with all of your patients.
14:53 How that in the world did you start doing that?
14:57 Well, thank you, Esther.
14:59 So that was a big change in my thinking,
15:02 so when I started off in medicine
15:05 and after going to Adventist Medical School,
15:07 I was not personally comfortable
15:09 praying with patients.
15:10 But around 2004-2005,
15:12 there was a group that formed one of the ministries
15:16 of ASI called AMEN,
15:17 The Adventist Medical Evangelism Network.
15:19 We were challenged by Pastor Mark Finley
15:21 to just start having a spiritual conversation
15:24 with our patients.
15:25 And I came back from that meeting
15:27 convicted and changed and realized that
15:31 I needed to start doing that.
15:32 And so I would pick out a patient here and there
15:34 and start praying with them, but I was picking out the ones
15:38 I thought would respond at first.
15:39 But after a while I became convinced
15:41 that I needed to pray with every single patient.
15:44 That is something we all can do, right?
15:47 No matter what it is, whether a physician,
15:50 or a fire chief, or a police officer,
15:54 we can always pray with somebody.
15:56 And so tell me, you were telling me about
15:58 a fire chief and some prayers that you had with him?
16:02 So having started praying with my patients,
16:05 this just revolutionized my practice.
16:07 It used to be that I would go to work
16:11 that was where I worked, I would do Sabbath school
16:14 and help out at church, I go on mission trips,
16:16 but this has changed my practice into a ministry.
16:19 And I realize that I have people from all walks of life
16:22 that come to my office.
16:24 I don't have to go out there to pass out literature,
16:26 I don't have to go out there to meet them,
16:27 they're coming to me.
16:29 And so one of them is the chief of the fire department
16:32 in one of our area cities.
16:35 He needed heart surgery and as my habit is,
16:39 we made the visit.
16:41 We got the right referrals and then I said,
16:43 "By the way, one of the things I offer to do
16:44 with all my patients is to have a prayer.
16:46 Would you like to have a prayer?"
16:47 And he got tears in his eyes
16:49 and just held my hand and when we got done praying.
16:51 He said, "Can you just pray one more time?"
16:53 And he just really was touched by it and appreciated that
16:57 and then it seemed like that was it.
17:00 But what I'm convinced that this does is it opens the door
17:03 for them to realize that I am a safe person
17:05 to have a spiritual conversation with.
17:07 And so two years later,
17:09 after he's recovered from surgery, he comes in,
17:11 he's got probably the third patient from the end
17:14 and he's like, "Doc, you're a spiritual person.
17:17 Can I ask you a question?"
17:19 And all of a sudden he asked me,
17:21 "How do you know that the Bible is true?"
17:23 And that turned in from a 10 to 15 minute visit
17:26 to a 45 minute visit
17:27 where my nurse had to come knock on the door and say,
17:29 "Doc, you've got a couple more patients to see."
17:31 And I pray with him again and he thanked me
17:34 and he just had an interest in the Bible
17:37 for the first time.
17:39 Next year, he came back, "Doc, you're smart person.
17:42 You believe in creation, tell me why?"
17:45 And so it just opened the door for him to see that
17:48 I was somebody in the community that he could go to
17:51 and ask those kind of questions when he was searching
17:53 in his own heart.
17:56 It's simple, isn't it? Just gaining trust.
17:59 Now, you pray with all of your patients?
18:01 Does that mean that you don't have any patients
18:03 that are people who don't believe in God?
18:07 So, yeah, it's a very good question.
18:08 So at first I selected a few,
18:12 pretty soon I started offering to all my patients
18:14 because if I missed one that I had prayed with before
18:17 they got really upset the next time.
18:19 And literally, in the last 10 years,
18:21 I've had maybe a dozen patients say,
18:23 "No, I don't want a prayer.
18:24 We'll make a little MP in the charts,
18:26 so I don't keep nagging them over and over.
18:29 But I've prayed with the Jewish rabbi.
18:34 In fact, real quick I'll tell that story.
18:36 He needed a pacemaker, he was in his 80's,
18:40 he decided you know what,
18:41 I'm not having any more procedures,
18:43 I'm just going to die, just let me go to hospice.
18:46 But my partner said, "Well,
18:48 just talk to Dr. Schwartz about it."
18:49 And I came in and talked to him about it,
18:50 he wasn't having, he's just like,
18:52 "No, I don't want to have anything to do with that."
18:54 So I got done, I said, "By the way,
18:55 one of the things I offer to do is have a prayer.
18:58 Would you mind if I had a prayer with you?"
19:01 And I prayed the way I pray a Christian prayer,
19:04 and when he got all done he had tears in his eyes
19:06 and he said, "You know,
19:08 I'll go ahead and have that pacemaker."
19:10 And we've gotten to be friends over the years
19:12 and he then confided to my wife later
19:15 that when I walked in the room he was like,
19:16 "There's no way I'm having that pacemaker."
19:19 When I prayed with him, the thought that went
19:20 through his brain was, praise God I found a doctor
19:23 who doesn't think he's God.
19:25 And it really transformed our relationship
19:28 and he was wide open to having
19:30 spiritual conversations.
19:32 Well, that's wonderful
19:34 and there's another story you want to share.
19:36 We have a couple of minutes left or less,
19:39 would you like to tell us about a Muslim person that you...
19:42 So this isn't directly related to sharing with patients,
19:45 but at Kettering Medical Center we have a fellowship program,
19:47 so we train doctors who have finished
19:50 their residency in internal medicine
19:51 then they can go on and specialize in cardiology.
19:53 And then an additional year past that
19:55 is an interventional cardiologist,
19:57 and I'm the director of the interventional
19:58 cardiology fellowship.
20:00 So my fellows just see me interacting with patients
20:02 before every case, before every procedure,
20:04 I offered to pray with them, Mohammad is Muslim
20:08 and a very devout, very kind hearted.
20:11 And I just got to really appreciate him through the year
20:14 but one of my partners Dr. Hahn and myself
20:16 decided partway through the year, last year,
20:18 that we'd start a Bible study group.
20:20 And we were going to show
20:21 the Thunder in the Holy Land video series,
20:23 invite our patients to come to the hospital to a room
20:26 that we had to do these.
20:28 And Mohammad being just a really helpful guy
20:30 saw me rolling the television
20:31 and the video machine down to a room.
20:35 He says, "Oh, Dr. Schwartz, let me get that for you.
20:36 Let me get that for you, I'll set it up."
20:37 And he didn't know what we were doing
20:39 but he came, he set it up and I just said,
20:41 "Oh, Mohammad, why don't you stay,
20:43 we're having a Bible study."
20:44 And he stayed and he watched the video
20:46 and then we talked about it,
20:47 and week after week after week he came,
20:50 he set it up pretty soon it turned into a discussion
20:53 where this is what we believe as Christians,
20:54 what do you think about that?
20:56 And we had this back and forth dialogue
20:58 where he was very, very open.
20:59 I was able to give him a copy of the Great Controversy
21:01 and he really appreciated that.
21:03 And by the time that he graduated a year later
21:05 and he's now practicing in a nearby town he said,
21:08 "Dr. Schwartz, I just want to thank you
21:11 for sharing Jesus with me."
21:13 He said, "I believe that Jesus is the Messiah
21:16 that He is coming back soon and when He comes back
21:18 I'm going to be ready."
21:19 And so just a few months ago, he's often at practice,
21:24 he is very respected in this community,
21:28 he sent me a check blank in the line
21:32 but he sent me a check for $3,000 and said,
21:34 "Dr. Schwartz, please just send this
21:36 to that ministry that you talked about
21:38 were physicians go overseas and help people."
21:40 The Adventist Medical Evangelism Network,
21:42 and so he's funding our ministries,
21:44 he's been touched by just the fact that
21:46 I took the time to pray with patients
21:48 and then took the time to just almost nonchalantly
21:51 just share Jesus with him and it's had a huge impact.
21:55 Amen. Isn't that wonderful?
21:57 That's something that each one of us
21:58 can do, is it not?
22:00 For just a few seconds when you pray with somebody,
22:01 they are looking to God.
22:04 That's very powerful.
22:05 So we have this physician here.
22:06 We also have another couple of physicians,
22:09 tell us a little bit about yourself,
22:10 tell us your names?
22:12 I'm Carlos Irizarry, this is my wife Kathy Irizarry,
22:16 we're both family practice physicians.
22:19 We worked in Puerto Rico in a mission term
22:21 for about six years,
22:23 then moved to Minden, Louisiana
22:25 where we practiced, private practice,
22:27 for almost 25 years.
22:29 And we retired recently in this past December.
22:34 Oh, you're retired.
22:37 That means you're picking up some new hobbies,
22:40 you're going on vacations,
22:41 spending some time with grandchildren, right?
22:44 Well, that's obviously what we were wondering about.
22:47 What are we going to do when we retire?
22:49 And there were two things that crossed our minds,
22:52 two considerations.
22:53 One was we wanted to be near an Adventist College
22:56 to benefit from the energy of the young people
23:00 and programming that they would have there.
23:03 Also we wanted to have a home that would have enough room
23:07 so that we could invite guests who were,
23:10 and accommodate guests who were interested
23:12 in learning to live a healthy lifestyle.
23:15 I need to define a healthy lifestyle.
23:18 Ellen White delineates that very well
23:21 the components of that in her book Ministry of Healing,
23:24 page 127 where she says, "Pure air, sunlight,
23:28 abstemiousness, exercise, rest,
23:32 proper diet, water, trust, and divine power."
23:36 These are the true remedies.
23:38 Now we've tried to teach these to our patients
23:41 and have been extremely gratified
23:43 to see significant benefits in those,
23:47 there're relatively few who have listened
23:49 and made changes in their lives.
23:52 Now we want to take this to the next level
23:55 and invite people into our home so that we can better help them
24:00 to internalize these concepts by actually putting them
24:04 and getting their hands into it, so to speak.
24:07 So rather than just listening to lectures,
24:10 we want to have them actually practice shopping for the food.
24:16 They will prepare many of the meals
24:19 and they will learn what it means to make time
24:21 in their day for exercise and devotionals.
24:25 Okay, so home.
24:28 Kathy, he's talking about inviting people into your home?
24:31 What does that look like?
24:33 Looks like fun. All right.
24:36 You know, it's really interesting
24:38 our home/Ouachita Healthy Living Center.
24:44 It's just an amazing thing that it's coming around,
24:47 I don't know if it's up there, it is on the screen.
24:50 This is a work of the Lord, He planned our retirement,
24:55 He's given more than we could ask or think,
24:58 in providing for us a place where we will live
25:04 and be able to also have this plan
25:07 of a healthy living center.
25:09 It has been constructed and is at getting finished.
25:14 With the partnership of Ouachita Hills,
25:18 many hours of labor go into the construction.
25:22 We've been in Louisiana for a good part of that time
25:25 and it's just interesting to me
25:29 that so many hands have been involved,
25:32 I think just about every academy student,
25:35 every college student has been involved
25:38 in the building of this place
25:40 and the staff, they've all been involved.
25:42 But not only that,
25:45 Brother Steve Dickman brought a team of young people.
25:48 I think they represented several academies
25:50 and they came and labored put up sheetrock,
25:53 that was wonderful.
25:55 So we have this, now it's located
25:58 on property belonging to Ouachita Hills,
26:01 and I think some people may not know
26:03 what Ouachita Hills is.
26:04 So this is a school that has both an academy and college.
26:10 It's located in a beautiful spot
26:13 in Arkansas close to Amity, Arkansas,
26:17 and you can look that up on your map.
26:20 So this is our plan and the center,
26:22 it's nearing completion but not quite there yet.
26:26 We want to have people living in the home with us,
26:29 we have a large common area, the pictures down,
26:31 but the large common area has very ample kitchen counters
26:38 and stuff so people can be really involved
26:40 in a large open living room
26:43 where we can have instruction given.
26:46 So instead of going to a class
26:48 where they learn about healthy living,
26:50 whether be a cooking class or just, you know,
26:52 there's a lot of different healthy living programs
26:55 that are out there right now.
26:56 So you're talking about putting people
26:57 in a home setting,
26:59 so that way they can practice cooking,
27:01 they can practice sleeping, for somebody like me
27:03 that could be a struggle getting that rest.
27:06 But, you know, you're putting them outside,
27:07 and you mention that there is a garden
27:08 in the backyard so they can go outside
27:10 and get that sunshine, fresh air,
27:11 and little exercise, and learn how to garden.
27:13 That garden is not there yet,
27:16 but we want there to be a garden,
27:18 and we hope to be able to include all of these phases
27:22 that will include the eight natural remedies
27:25 that they will live that lifestyle with us
27:28 for the time that they stay in our home,
27:30 which would be maybe a week session.
27:32 But I wanted to say one other thing,
27:34 in addition to be able to enjoy
27:36 this opportunity in our retirement,
27:39 we will also be able to teach on the campus
27:42 and that gives us more exposure
27:43 to these wonderful young people,
27:44 which is just such a thrill.
27:46 Amen.
27:47 And enjoy all the programs on the campus.
27:49 Right.
27:51 So now when do you plan to have your first session?
27:53 You said it's not finished yet.
27:55 It's not quite finished yet, it's getting there.
27:58 We also still have to give further work
28:01 to preparing for the sessions,
28:03 so right now our target date is to have our first session
28:07 somewhere in early 2018.
28:10 Okay, wonderful.
28:12 So how can these people that are here
28:14 or watching on 3ABN,
28:16 how can they get more information from you?
28:19 Just come to the Ouachita Hills booth,
28:22 that's number 706.
28:23 It's 607.
28:25 Excuse me, 607, 607, Ouachita Hills, booth 607.
28:29 Okay, wonderful.
28:31 You need to visit them and find a little bit more about it.
28:33 Now, I want to go to Mindy.
28:34 Now, we were just talking about opening up your home
28:37 for, you know, to do this healthy living instruction.
28:42 But what if there isn't a home?
28:43 What if you're living in a tent?
28:45 And so we're going to be hearing from Mindy Thygeson
28:49 who is with Impact Hope, and let's go ahead
28:52 and play the video right now
28:54 so they can see what we're talking about.
28:55 My name is Lia and my parents go to Africa a lot.
28:59 There was a war that made people
29:02 have to run away from their own homes
29:04 and live in another country.
29:07 People who have to leave their homes,
29:12 have been living in Rwanda refugee camps
29:16 for over 20 years.
29:19 They even have only enough money
29:22 for one meal a day.
29:25 They have to hike to get water
29:29 and there are no lights and no showers.
29:33 They can only go to school until ninth grade in the camps.
29:39 When my mom and dad heard about these people,
29:43 they were sad because most of the people
29:46 are Seventh-day Adventist like us.
29:57 You can raise your hand.
29:59 Almost all of them.
30:02 My mom and dad started something
30:05 called Impact Hope.
30:06 They're trying to raise money
30:08 to send kids to go to school onwards,
30:10 so they can get jobs,
30:13 so they can take care of their families.
30:15 As far as refugees are concerned,
30:18 we were all hopeless
30:21 but you have come to support us.
30:24 With this, we would like to show you that
30:27 we are going to work hard and succeed,
30:31 not only in school, but even in everyday life.
30:36 Hoping that you are going to be the one
30:40 who will help us in order to fulfill our dreams.
30:46 There are lots more kids who want to go to school,
30:50 will you help us?
30:56 Okay, now we're talking about refugees from Congo
31:01 and Rwanda, correctly?
31:03 Okay, let me ask you...
31:05 The video talked about this but how many people
31:07 are we talking about?
31:09 There's approximately 80,000 people
31:12 who are living in the Congolese refugee camps
31:15 in Rwanda,
31:16 but the thing that caught our attention is well,
31:21 we knew about the genocide that happened in Rwanda
31:24 in 1994.
31:26 But we didn't realize what happened next,
31:28 so the genocide spilled over into neighboring countries
31:31 including Zaire, which is now the Congo.
31:34 The perpetrators of the genocide in Rwanda
31:37 fled for their lives fearing that they too would be killed
31:40 for what they had done.
31:42 And so they fled into Tanzania and Burundi,
31:45 but in Zaire where they came,
31:48 they came across a group of people
31:49 who are the same tribal systems as those found in Rwanda.
31:53 And so when they saw the lush farmlands in the Congo
31:59 and the herds of cattle and these people were the ones
32:03 who were being killed in Rwanda.
32:06 They began genocide again.
32:09 Well, this area that was targeted
32:11 had been proselytized by evangelist,
32:14 Adventist evangelists in the early 1900's.
32:18 So this whole area was primarily
32:20 Seventh-day Adventist Christians.
32:22 So this led to an influx of refugees into Rwanda,
32:26 and at times there were around 100,000, right?
32:30 Currently, there is 80,000 refugees
32:33 and around 80% and higher.
32:36 And in some cases, in some camps
32:38 100% of them are Seventh-day Adventist.
32:42 So my husband and I when we heard this,
32:45 we felt very compelled to do something about it.
32:49 I'm a nurse and my husband's a businessman
32:51 but, you know, we prayed to do something
32:54 involving missions, and we felt like
32:56 God was calling us to take part in helping in some way
33:01 for these Adventist people, our brothers and sisters.
33:05 Right, and I think that's a good point is that
33:07 we're not talking about people,
33:10 we're talking about brothers and sisters.
33:12 And they are family,
33:14 and when you're sharing the story with me,
33:15 it really touched my heart because we were talking about
33:17 our brothers and sisters.
33:18 It could easily be any one of us here.
33:20 And so what are you doing?
33:25 Well, we found out, as we learned more
33:27 about the conditions in the camp
33:29 and the situations with the students
33:31 and the young people,
33:33 we found out that ADRA Rwanda is actually in the camp
33:36 and they provide education up to the ninth grade,
33:39 but after that there's no funding
33:41 for further education.
33:43 And so my husband and I started an organization
33:46 called Impact Hope,
33:48 and we're sending students from the camps
33:51 to grades ten through twelve,
33:54 plus, one year of technical training
33:56 to Adventist boarding schools in Rwanda.
33:59 So it's been a really great thing for the students
34:03 and also to help the Adventist schools
34:06 in Rwanda as well.
34:08 We have a picture up about this young lady
34:10 with the mattress.
34:11 Can you tell us a little bit about that?
34:13 So for $600 a school year we can take one refugee
34:18 and put them into an Adventist boarding school
34:21 in Rwanda and they say, "You've taken us to Europe."
34:24 Because the contrast between the camps
34:26 and these humble Adventist boarding schools
34:28 is so extreme, that they feel like
34:30 they've really been transported to a different country.
34:34 And we're just so happy
34:35 because they have this confidence
34:38 and they feel that their dreams have come true,
34:41 the dream that they never would have anticipated.
34:46 Especially, the fact that they're in Adventist school
34:49 is especially great.
34:50 Well, the last picture that you saw was Elaine.
34:53 She is one of our shining stars
34:55 and she's in technical school right now,
34:58 she graduated last year.
34:59 And now she's taking sewing. And she sees the potential now.
35:03 She has a future and she can, she knows it
35:06 she doesn't have to remain in the refugee camps.
35:09 She doesn't have to continue this cycle,
35:12 and so she's just incredibly grateful for the opportunity
35:15 to earn money to make a living
35:18 and to provide for not only herself
35:20 but her future family.
35:22 So we're really excited about the impact
35:24 and I don't think we'll really understand
35:26 the full impact until we go to heaven.
35:28 Absolutely, absolutely
35:30 because you're not giving them only hope,
35:32 but you're also helping them get a livelihood.
35:34 And you're putting them in a position
35:36 where they can actually do mission work,
35:38 and that's something that we need to remember to.
35:41 So this has only been going on for about two years
35:43 and you tell me that about 410 students
35:46 already have been impacted, is that correct?
35:48 That's right, we have 410 students
35:51 and they're all sponsorship based
35:53 so we're just, we would always encourage anyone
35:56 who's interested in taking part of this program
35:59 and becoming a sponsor to come to our booth
36:03 at number 404.
36:05 It's called Impact Hope.
36:06 You can also find us on our website
36:09 at
36:12 And we'd love to grow the numbers
36:14 and help more of our Adventist brothers and sisters
36:17 for only $50 a month.
36:19 Thank you so much.
36:21 Thank you very much.
36:23 And so I really appreciate all of you
36:24 sharing your stories tonight
36:26 and I'm sure that many of us have been blessed
36:27 and hopefully we can go home with some new ideas
36:30 as to how we can impact the community
36:31 around us as well.
36:36 I remember when I went to my first ASI Convention,
36:40 I actually didn't have any idea what ASI even was.
36:44 I only went because I had a friend
36:46 that was going who invited me,
36:48 but when I went to ASI,
36:50 it opened my eyes to a world that I didn't know existed.
36:54 To be honest, I didn't know that
36:57 there were all these ministries,
36:58 all of these people just doing these different things
37:01 for the Lord, and it made a strong impact on my life.
37:04 In fact, I can trace my first desires
37:08 to go into doing more ministry for God to seeing that ASI.
37:13 And people that I met who were working with ASI,
37:16 working with the Youth for Jesus programs,
37:19 and other things like that that I would have had no idea
37:22 about had it not been for ASI.
37:25 I sense a need in our church for a way
37:30 that people can come together,
37:32 for a place to belong in the church.
37:35 I feel like sometimes, it gets portrayed
37:38 like the epitome of Adventism is going to church
37:41 and paying tithe and maybe participating
37:43 in outreach sometime.
37:46 But in my personal experience, it's so much more than that,
37:49 and there are so many of us that are striving
37:51 in our daily lives to do things for the Lord
37:53 but where do we fit?
37:55 Where do we come together?
37:56 I mean how do we get reinspired, and network,
38:00 and get the support that we need?
38:03 And I see that as a huge need,
38:06 I see that is something that if we could really form
38:09 that kind of network and do this together,
38:12 that all of us could benefit, that all of us could grow,
38:15 and feel like we mean something in the church.
38:19 Like we have a purpose, we have a place in the church,
38:22 and that God is going to really be able
38:25 to use not just the pastors, not just the elders,
38:30 but those of us in everyday life
38:33 to do something for Him.
38:38 With me is Joshua Marcoe,
38:40 he is the technical coordinator for the Ellen G. White Estate.
38:44 And, Joshua, we're glad to have you here this morning
38:46 to help us understand how our offerings
38:48 are being used to spread the love of God
38:50 and the gospel around the world.
38:52 First tell us, catch us up a little bit,
38:55 we know that funding has been received in the past
38:58 to help with translations, where are we with that
39:01 and what's the project for this year?
39:03 I'll just give you a little recap
39:05 of what we did last year.
39:07 To give you an idea,
39:08 we put 48 books up on our website
39:13 and in our apps
39:14 and they are in 15 different languages.
39:17 I'll just read you through a few Bulgarian, Chinese,
39:20 Estonian, French, Hebrew,
39:23 Indonesian, Italian, Japanese,
39:26 and a number of others.
39:27 Well, that's wonderful.
39:29 So then this gives people an opportunity around the world
39:32 to actually access the writings of Ellen White?
39:34 Yeah, if you've appreciated reading books
39:37 like Great Controversy or Steps to Christ
39:40 which actually, this is 125th anniversary
39:43 of Steps to Christ or other books like that,
39:46 you can appreciate that but not everyone
39:48 has those books in their languages.
39:50 So this is what this offering is helping to do
39:54 is take the books that have been translated
39:56 put them into our apps on our website.
39:59 Then people around the world wherever they are,
40:02 if they're in their home country
40:03 or here in America or somewhere else,
40:05 they can get online and read those books
40:08 in their language and be blessed.
40:10 Amen, amen.
40:11 How many of you have your phone with you?
40:14 Do you have your phone? I see lots of phones.
40:16 How many of you have the EG White app on your phone?
40:20 Just as many and the Bible, so we've got the Word of God
40:23 and the Spirit of Prophecy right at our fingertips
40:26 literally to be able to share the love of Jesus.
40:29 And so it's wonderful to know that other people
40:32 around the world can do the same.
40:34 So what kind of...
40:36 What number of languages or what kind of languages
40:38 are the target for this coming year?
40:40 Well, this coming year we've already accumulated
40:43 enough books to cover all the funding
40:46 that ASI is going to give us, so that's great.
40:49 And what we're concentrating on, not necessarily by design,
40:53 but just by what we have received
40:55 is primarily Central Asia
40:57 and also some in Central Africa.
41:00 So we're going to be doing books like in Tajik, in Uzbek,
41:04 in Kazakh, in Kirghiz, and some in Amharic,
41:08 in Georgian, Persian or Farsi, Luo,
41:12 Kenya, Rwanda, and Armenia.
41:15 Now did you say Kirghiz? Yes.
41:17 Well, our next interviewees are actually from Kyrgyzstan.
41:21 So then they will be able to access Ellen White writings
41:24 in their language as a result of the offering for this year.
41:28 Absolutely. Oh, that's wonderful.
41:29 I'm sure that's really good news for them as well.
41:31 All right, you know what, Joshua, is there anything...
41:34 This is what I want to ask you.
41:35 In your mind why is this important?
41:38 Why is this important work, this is a critically initiative
41:41 for the Ellen White Estate?
41:44 Just something that just happened to me this week,
41:46 I was visiting with a friend actually a relative of mine,
41:49 he speaks Malayalam.
41:52 He does not feel comfortable reading English, I'm sorry,
41:57 but he speaks Malayalam and we have books in Malayalam
42:01 that are actually in the process
42:02 of being translated and being put on to our website.
42:05 He will be able to read the Conflict of the Ages series
42:08 in his language, that will be a blessing to him
42:10 and he may become an Adventist as a result of that.
42:13 Amen.
42:14 So it has personal resonance for you as well.
42:17 Great, thank you very much, Joshua.
42:19 I appreciate all that you
42:20 and the Ellen G. White Estate is doing.
42:22 Thank you, and thank you ASI for your contribution and help.
42:25 And if you want more information,
42:27 what booth should they go to for to know?
42:29 Come to booth 723.
42:31 Seven twenty three for the EG White Estate.
42:33 Thank you very much, Joshua. Thank you.
42:36 Coming to join me at the podium now
42:38 as I mentioned before
42:39 are individuals from Kyrgyzstan.
42:41 They're from the Adventist school
42:43 in Kyrgyzstan
42:44 and I'm really excited to have...
42:45 These are my new friends from Kyrgyzstan.
42:48 I don't speak Russian or any other languages
42:50 that they've got.
42:51 But I'm really happy that one of them
42:53 at least speaks English.
42:54 So this is Christian Mueller.
42:57 Christian Mueller is the former development director
42:59 for the school and next to him is,
43:02 I'll say Galina, we'll just skip her last name.
43:06 She's a graduate from the school
43:08 and coming from at the end is our president
43:12 for the Adventist school in Kyrgyzstan.
43:14 So we want to learn a little bit more
43:15 about Adventist school.
43:17 First of all tell us, Christian, where is it?
43:20 How many students? How many staff?
43:21 Give us kind of the lay of the land about the school.
43:24 Okay. Good morning ASI.
43:25 I think we are located in the 10/40 Window
43:30 in Kyrgyzstan in the Southern Union mission
43:33 in the Eurasia division.
43:35 And the school has around 360 students right now
43:40 and 70% of them are from Muslim families.
43:43 It's very interesting because even though the school name
43:47 is Christian school,
43:50 their parents are bringing their kids
43:51 because of the high level of education.
43:54 Oh, wonderful.
43:55 Now I understand that this school has
43:58 a very interesting distinction in all of Central Asia.
44:02 Yes, actually it's the only Adventist school
44:04 in all Central Asia.
44:06 So some of the kids from the other stands
44:09 they are having problems with the Sabbath
44:12 and going to school on Sabbath
44:14 because it's an obligation to do it,
44:16 they are coming to our school to the boarding school
44:19 so they can have a good education
44:21 and keep the Sabbath.
44:22 Now you said the other students from the other stands,
44:25 what are you talking about?
44:26 Well, the union it's the stands in the union
44:30 are the Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan,
44:34 Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan,
44:37 Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan.
44:40 Okay. I'm impressed that you remember all those stans.
44:43 The only stan I know is Stan Smith.
44:45 Oh, that's good. But that's about it.
44:47 Okay, so tell us a little bit about the curriculum,
44:51 and since this is a...
44:53 You have mostly Muslim that are attending the school,
44:56 how do you infuse Christianity
44:58 into the life of the school there?
45:01 Even though we cannot put Bible as a part of the curriculum,
45:06 we have everyday worship first with teachers
45:10 that not all of them are Christians,
45:13 even Christians.
45:14 We have 30% around of them Adventists
45:17 and the rest are Christians and some of them are Muslims.
45:20 But anyways we get together,
45:22 all together to make worship every morning,
45:24 and every day also they have a worship
45:27 with all the students.
45:29 As I was telling you
45:30 this morning part of the project
45:32 and sorry I go in advance of that,
45:34 it's a place so we can meet all together for worship
45:37 every day because we have a very small place
45:40 and for 360 students we cannot gather them all.
45:43 So we do worship with first grade to four grade,
45:47 then to fifth to seven, and so we separate the classes
45:50 so we can get together for worship.
45:52 Okay.
45:53 So then, this project is to fund or to help to fund
45:58 the raising up of a multipurpose center,
46:00 so that you're able to do things like worship
46:03 and a variety of other activities.
46:04 Yes, we have one big project in the school
46:07 that is Community Soccer School.
46:10 You know, I'm from Argentina so we love soccer.
46:13 So we created soccer school there
46:15 with 120 kids that are coming.
46:18 We teach them values not only sports
46:21 but we mentor them.
46:22 Because kids are in the streets,
46:26 they play soccer but without parents guard.
46:30 So we bring them together, we take them to camp meetings,
46:34 we teach them the Bible.
46:36 Now we have a small group with 20 of them
46:38 studying the Bible, kids from 15 to 16 years old.
46:41 Amen.
46:42 Now you have some pictures that you want to show us?
46:44 Yes.
46:45 Can you give us some, bit more?
46:46 This is the multipurpose building
46:48 that we already started in April
46:51 and we hope to finish for the winter
46:54 because the biggest problem there is the winter
46:56 and we cannot continue the work
46:59 with the kids during the winter.
47:00 So this is, we are constructing it right now.
47:03 Okay.
47:05 And this is how we will finish the view.
47:07 Okay, have a look, wonderful.
47:08 And I think there is some pictures
47:10 in advance of this
47:11 that showed among a group of the children
47:14 that, and tell us a little bit about...
47:16 Yes, it's very interesting because we have around
47:19 80 nationalities in our school.
47:22 So if you saw the pictures, you will see
47:25 different type of faces and it's very nice
47:29 because we can reach many cultural people
47:35 that is already living in Kyrgyzstan.
47:37 So this is one nice part of the school.
47:39 And you will see also another picture of a building
47:42 that it's already almost done that is for 300 more kids
47:46 because we are rejecting around 40 to 50 kids per year
47:50 because we don't have space for them.
47:52 So thanks to God and help of many people
47:56 and some of them members of ASI,
47:59 we were able to construct this building for 300 more kids
48:03 and to expand the school to almost the amount of members
48:07 of the church in Kyrgyzstan.
48:08 We have 700 members in Kyrgyzstan,
48:10 the whole country.
48:11 And if God is willing,
48:13 we will fill up the new building,
48:14 we will reach almost 600 kids that will listen to the gospel.
48:18 So I just want to ask Constantine Kampen,
48:21 who's the president.
48:23 So I know that your English isn't good.
48:25 Well, my Russian is not good, so we're good.
48:30 So let's see, so how does this work.
48:32 So if your English isn't very good,
48:34 you rely on Christian to...
48:38 We divide our obligation.
48:40 He speaks, I work. Okay.
48:44 And so and one of the things that you're wearing
48:46 that you and Galina are wearing
48:48 this is common local dress in...
48:53 If you come in national holidays,
48:55 you can see people wearing this.
48:57 Okay, okay, all right.
48:58 So I understand that if you go to their booth,
49:00 you're able to actually take a picture with them
49:02 in their national garbs, so that's wonderful.
49:04 Welcome.
49:06 Okay.
49:07 So let's talk to Galina a little bit.
49:09 Galena, so I understand that you're a graduate
49:12 of Adventist School Kyrgyzstan?
49:13 Yes.
49:14 How is it that you came to go there?
49:16 Well, I started going there when I was...
49:19 Well, I started school in the first grade
49:22 and my mom put me there not because it was Christian
49:24 but because the school was the best school in my town.
49:28 And public schools all there is not really good
49:32 because the teachers are not really caring about you,
49:34 they're like just caring if you give them presents
49:36 or they give you, sometimes money.
49:39 Because like they're not getting enough payment,
49:42 and also another reason my mom put me there,
49:45 is that in Kyrgyzstan it's really cold in the winter
49:48 and in public schools in the winter
49:50 like inside of the school it's really cold.
49:53 So the kids should wear their coat, and gloves,
49:56 and hats, and everything.
49:57 And so in Adventist school, it's warm inside in the winters
50:01 so that's why my mom put me there.
50:04 Safety and warmth first, absolutely.
50:07 So how was it that you were introduced to Jesus
50:10 at the school?
50:12 Well, like I know different but from my family
50:15 because I felt like I needed something,
50:18 I felt like it's something I have to know
50:20 like I didn't know what it was.
50:23 Then when I was in eighth grade, I knew one,
50:29 actually it was Christian's sister.
50:31 She went there to be a missionary
50:34 and she gave us classes in English,
50:35 through there I got to know, so she ask the girls,
50:38 and once I told them,
50:40 "Hey, let's go to do something on Saturday.
50:42 Let's go to a walk or something."
50:44 And they told me they can't do that
50:47 because they're going to church on Saturday
50:49 and for me it was like, you can't think about
50:52 and that's it like excuse not to go
50:53 it was meant to go like to work because for me
50:55 to going to church it's on Sunday.
50:58 And then they told me about the Adventist Church
51:01 and then I went there with them and I like that.
51:04 Oh, that's wonderful.
51:06 So that your introduction to Jesus came from your friends
51:10 there at school?
51:11 Yeah, there actually it wasn't like a school students
51:14 but they were like just coming to English classes
51:16 at school in this school.
51:18 Okay, wonderful, wonderful
51:20 and we don't have a lot of time left,
51:23 but tell me what it has meant to actually have Jesus
51:27 in your life as a result?
51:29 Well, as I knew Jesus, and I see like,
51:32 I finally found what I was looking for
51:34 a whole like, my life actually and I feel like
51:40 there's nothing better than knowing Jesus
51:42 and being in church.
51:44 And everything I have now it's because I know Jesus.
51:47 Amen.
51:48 And now Galina is studying at Monte Morello,
51:50 she wants to become an English teacher.
51:52 Amen. Thank you very much.
51:53 Thank you for your offering in advance
51:56 so that we can help the Adventist School Kyrgyzstan
51:59 teach others about Jesus.
52:01 Thank you.
52:07 To be at ASI and to hear about
52:08 what God is doing around the world.
52:10 Amen.
52:11 Well, not far from the country of Kyrgyzstan
52:13 is an area of the world
52:15 that is a particular challenge for evangelism.
52:18 And just a few years ago,
52:19 the General Conference organized,
52:21 reorganized the 20 countries in the Middle East,
52:24 to form the Middle East and North Africa Union
52:27 with 545 million people.
52:29 It is one of the most challenging areas
52:31 of the world for evangelism and with me here today
52:34 is Rick McEdward, the president of MEAN.
52:36 And, Rick, tell us you have a guest with you as well.
52:39 Yeah, thanks, Kyle. Yes, with me is Michael Eckert.
52:41 He is our publishing ministries director
52:44 in the Middle East North Africa Union
52:46 and it's fun to be here with the ASI group,
52:49 we love the enthusiasm that everybody shares here.
52:51 Amen.
52:52 So, Rick, you have quite a challenge
52:54 on your hands with MENA.
52:56 I think that's fair to say.
52:58 We have 20 countries as Kyle mentioned
53:01 545 million people, but 95% of those people
53:06 come from a large non-Christian religion
53:10 that we hear about in the news almost every day.
53:14 In our union, we have one Adventist
53:17 to every 167,000 people.
53:23 In North America, it's one Adventist for every 294.
53:28 So if every Adventist in the whole union
53:31 was faithful to share the gospel
53:34 once every single day.
53:38 All those 3,700 members, it would take us 410 years
53:42 to complete the simple gospel commission
53:45 that Christ has given us.
53:50 So, Rick, last year in light of this incredible challenge,
53:55 ASI sponsored a project as a part of the offering
53:59 to do something very special in MENA.
54:02 Tell us a little bit about that project?
54:04 Well, I'll let Michael explain the project
54:08 and how it makes an impact in our union.
54:12 As Rick has already mentioned, we have a tremendous challenge
54:15 and our 20 countries we have more than seven languages
54:19 that are spoken in these 20 countries.
54:21 And Arabic, Farsi, and Turkish alone,
54:25 these three languages over 500 million
54:28 which is half a billion people on the planet
54:31 speak that language.
54:32 And Arabic alone is a little liturgical language
54:37 for 1.6 billion Muslims on this planet.
54:41 Arabic, and so our goal was last year
54:45 to produce The Conflict of the Ages series,
54:48 which are the five major books of Ellen White,
54:51 Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings,
54:54 The Great Controversy, The Acts of the Apostles,
54:56 The Desire of Ages in these three languages.
54:59 And we partnered with the General Conference
55:01 EG White Estate and with ASI to make that project possible.
55:06 Can I just interject here for a moment
55:10 in concert with this project
55:13 an experience that we had recently?
55:15 There was a young man from one of our countries,
55:18 the country I will not disclose here.
55:21 But he was, he had moved away from his home was in Europe
55:24 and as he was there in Europe working in the night,
55:28 he got a strong impression from God,
55:30 "You must go back to your home country."
55:33 Three times in the night,
55:35 you must go back to your home country
55:36 and he's like, "Why would I go?
55:38 It's winter there.
55:39 It's raining, there's no reason for me to go back."
55:43 But he obeyed the impression that he got from God.
55:47 When he went back, he was a lot walking
55:50 along the street corner in one of our largest cities
55:54 in the Middle East North Africa Union.
55:55 I mean, it's a massive city.
55:59 And as he was walking, he just happened to be
56:02 between a ferry terminal and a university
56:05 where we have a congregation that meets.
56:09 And along the streets near where the congregation meets
56:12 we have a nice literature rack and that literature rack
56:15 has several well known titles, the Seventh-day Adventists,
56:19 it has Bibles, it has other things
56:21 and because it's on a busy thoroughfare
56:24 that particular corner gets thousands and thousands
56:29 of people walking by every single week.
56:32 So this guy stopped picked up a book
56:37 and started reading it.
56:39 As he read it his attention was totally captured
56:44 by what he was reading
56:46 and that book was The Great Controversy.
56:48 Now after that he said,
56:50 I can't stop, this is addictive,
56:52 he was addicted to reading The Great Controversy.
56:55 He sat down and read it in one weekend.
56:57 I don't know how many of you have tried that
56:58 but that's not an easy task.
57:00 How many of you read in one weekend?
57:02 That's incredible. I don't see any hands.
57:03 But there reality was he came back and he says,
57:07 "What else do you have?"
57:08 And they gave him some more books.
57:10 And then he went to our head office and he said
57:13 there has to be more and so they gave him
57:14 some in English because he could speak English.
57:16 And little by little he became so consumed
57:21 with reading Ellen White and knowing the Jesus
57:25 that she promotes...
57:26 Amen.
57:28 That his life was changed.
57:30 And today he is back there in that large city
57:35 at that same group
57:36 and he is manning the booth at the literature rack
57:39 and drawing people as they walk by
57:42 into a new relationship with Jesus.
57:44 We are giving away 200 Bibles every single week, Kyle.
57:48 Praise the Lord.
57:49 And we are giving away 70 Ellen White titles
57:53 whether one of the ones that we're working on
57:55 or others as a result of that connection that he had,
58:01 that impression that he followed,
58:03 God is using it now to reach out to many.
58:05 And we're seeing the impact of the Spirit of Prophecy
58:09 in real time in our union, when people are willing to stop
58:13 and read what they see.
58:15 So, Rick, you're telling me that
58:16 because of what some of our members gave last year
58:18 here at the ASI offering, there are people in MENA
58:21 who will be able to read the Spirit of Prophecy
58:23 for the first time.
58:24 Absolutely. Amen. Amen.
58:26 There's nothing better than that.
58:27 Rick, finally, how can our ASI members
58:30 and those watching us on 3ABN get involved
58:32 with what you're doing in MENA?
58:34 Well, first of all, you know, everybody can be involved
58:37 because everybody can pray
58:39 and in the Middle East North Africa Union,
58:41 we believe that God is moving mountains by prayer.
58:44 So please pray for us,
58:45 but I want to mention something else.
58:48 There is so much to do, and we have major cities
58:54 of over a million people that do not have
58:56 one Seventh-day Adventist
58:57 and we need people with business background,
59:00 we need people who are professionals,
59:02 we need supporting ministries to come into our territory,
59:05 to establish a lighthouse for God's kingdom
59:07 and to work with us on how to start
59:10 new fellowship groups
59:11 throughout the Middle East and North Africa Union.


Revised 2017-10-26