Series Code: 16SCM
Program Code: 16SCM000023A
00:01 Thousands of songs have been written
00:02 about the most important story in the history of mankind. 00:05 The sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross 00:08 has inspired millions to give Him their hearts. 00:12 Now we invite you to join us as we lift up Jesus Christ 00:16 on this special 3ABN presentation: 00:21 with 00:51 And now: Calvary: Love Found A Way. 03:17 Amen! Praise the Lord! 03:19 Beautiful! Thank you so much. 03:22 Beautiful! I'm going to ask Lanny Wolfe to come up. 03:25 Come up here just a second a little farther. 03:27 Lanny, you wrote this song. It's a beautiful song! 03:30 And the folks out here... you get to see better than we do 03:34 some of the LED lights and some of the different 03:37 pictures they'll put up and video that go along 03:40 with some of these songs. And I want to thank our crew 03:43 for doing an incredible job on that. 03:45 But tell us a little bit just quickly about this song. 03:48 What inspired you to write it? 03:51 This is a lullaby Mary is singing to the Lamb. 03:55 In a stable she's holding the Lamb of God. 03:57 And so Mary is saying: "Rest, tiny hands; 04:01 rest tiny heart; rest tiny eyes. " 04:04 And so she goes through all these items 04:07 basically singing a lullaby to the precious Lamb of God. 04:10 It's that simple. All right. 04:12 Melody. 10:05 Beautiful! 10:08 I'm going to ask Lanny to walk back up again. 10:11 We're getting ready to do a song called It Was Love. 10:13 And you remember about a year and a half or so ago 10:16 that we did a project called Hallelujah! We're Home At Last! 10:20 And on that project Yvonne and I wrote a song 10:23 and I said: "All of these songs were on the second coming 10:27 but this is all on Calvary. " 10:30 So the second coming, we decided to look from 10:33 heaven's perspective what would be happening 10:36 instead of just as humans looking up 10:39 what happens in heaven. So when Jesus stands up 10:43 heaven is changed forevermore. 10:44 So in this project I said: "We've got a lot of songs 10:47 about the cross and Christ and Calvary, 10:50 but what about something from heaven's perspective? " 10:53 So I began to talk to Lanny and I said: "You know, I wonder: 10:57 did angels question God's master plan when man fell from grace? 11:01 Could redemption be bought or would the price be too great? " 11:05 Just kind of led him into it from there. 11:07 He took it - and your daughter, you might tell us about it - 11:11 and came up with a finished song. 11:13 So I really can't take much credit for this. 11:15 We give all credit to God but in the fleshly sense 11:18 I'm honest, Lanny, that you and your daughter wrote most of this 11:22 but thanks for letting me have a little part in it. 11:25 Beautiful song! Thank you, Danny. The important thing 11:28 in this song is that Danny planted the seed 11:32 because without the question "Did angels question? " 11:35 then the song... the tree doesn't grow. 11:37 So Danny gave us the seed, and then my daughter, 11:41 Lanna-Marie, who is just a wonderful song writer, 11:44 and I took the seed and watered the seed. 11:48 And basically from the first two or three lines 11:51 we finished the song. Basically, when this happens 11:54 the best way I co-write is: "Give me what you have 11:57 and leave me alone. " Get out of his way! 12:00 Get out of my way and let me finish the song. 12:02 And... we came back together on the song called It Was Love. 12:09 All right. Ladye Love, can you help me with this? 17:24 Amen! Praise the Lord! Thank you, Ladye. 17:30 The next song we're going to do is entitled, we entitled it 17:33 Gethsemane. 17:35 And were were rushing to get a lot of songs done 17:38 and try to write some new ones. 17:40 And the night before we went down to Nashville 17:43 to track the songs I was sitting with my guitar 17:46 and this little tune came to me. 17:49 And the words just seemed like they just literally flowed. 17:52 And it said: "He suffered Gethsemane 17:56 through blood, sweat, and tears. " 17:59 And I said: "Wow! That's strong! " 18:02 "Each drop of blood He shed bought me a million years. 18:06 God's crowning sacrifice... " 18:08 I said: "Man, this is not coming from me. " 18:11 Some of you are song writers. You ever write a song 18:13 or maybe write poems? I know you guys do. 18:16 Sometimes you know when you really work at it 18:18 then other times when it seems like God just throws it on you. 18:23 Says: "Here, take it... what are you going to do with it? " 18:26 Well, I'm very limited as a song writer and as a musician. 18:30 But I said: "Man, that song is so powerful! " 18:32 "The spotless Lamb of God who now is the great I AM. " 18:36 And I said: "That is a powerful chorus. " 18:38 Reggie called me... talking about, the next morning 18:41 and I sang it to him. I had my guitar, and he said: 18:44 "Danny, you've got to put that on the project. " 18:46 I said: "Reggie, I don't have a chorus. " 18:47 "I don't have... I just have the music to the chorus 18:50 and the words. I don't have any verses. " 18:52 "Think about it; pray about it. The Lord will give it to you. " 18:55 So I was talking to my brother Kenny. 18:58 I said: "The Lord gave me this. " He said: "Man, you've 19:01 got to do this! " Talking to Yvonne Lewis later. 19:04 Next morning we were going to Nashville 19:07 I talked to these people and they said: 19:09 "I can't get that song out of my mind. 19:10 You need to finish that song and do it on the project. " 19:13 So I went to the airport to pick up in Nashville Lanny Wolfe. 19:16 I said: "Lanny, the Lord gave me this little chorus... " 19:19 And that's how you do if you think somebody, without asking 19:22 them to co-write, a guy like him, you don't 19:24 just ask him to co-write so you try to be... 19:27 And he knew exactly what I was doing, but I said: 19:29 "Lanny, the Lord gave me this little chorus. " 19:32 And this is evening by this time. We'd done 19:34 one day of tracking. And the next morning we went to 19:38 breakfast. Lanny said: "Danny, I can't get that song 19:40 out of my mind. You want me to write the verses to it? " 19:43 I said: "Absolutely! " 19:45 So literally that evening he put together - penned - 19:48 some of the most beautiful words I've ever heard 19:51 to the song... the first verse, the last verse. 19:54 And we asked Reggie to sing it. 19:56 It's absolutely... I cry when I hear it. 19:58 I know it's not me, it's not Lanny. 20:00 This: we do give God the credit for this. 20:03 But Gethsemane... Reggie. 26:04 Thank you... thank you, Reggie. 26:07 Wow! Praise the Lord! 26:09 God is good, isn't He? Amen! 26:11 Did you see some of the pictures behind to give a little... 26:15 Jesus. We can't imagine. It says He sweat great drops of blood. 26:20 But each drop of blood bought us a million years 26:23 and more. This love... we'll never understand it. 26:27 About a year and a half or two years ago 26:29 I had written... We were getting ready to do another project 26:32 and I was down with Lari Goss, a great friend 26:34 and wonderful wonderful man. He's now resting in Jesus. 26:38 And I was at his place and I said: "There's a song that... " 26:42 We needed one more song. I said: "I just wrote a little, 26:44 a little song and it says, I entitled it Calvary Says 26:48 Love To Me. And I played it for him on the guitar. 26:51 He said: "Danny, we've got to do this on the project. " 26:53 So as we come to this project: songs on Calvary. 26:57 And that's what Calvary says to us. 27:00 Think about it. It says love. 27:02 You know, the cross of itself is nothing. 27:04 I can go out and make a cross. 27:06 We can do all kinds of things. 27:07 But Jesus shed blood on that cross 27:09 is what changed the whole world. 27:12 When we think about it, we think about the cross of Calvary. 27:15 We're going to have Ladye Love come and sing 27:17 Calvary Says Love To Me. 31:52 Thank you. Beautiful! 31:55 Absolutely. You know, what's amazing to me is 31:58 when God has... Everybody has different gifts. 32:02 And I was sitting there thinking about almost every note 32:05 that you heard of all those instruments was in her mind 32:08 and Lari's mind. And then you add people like Gordon 32:12 on there and Tim Parton, then get these singers on here 32:17 and I don't think that God's people have to take a back seat 32:20 to the world, do you? No! 32:21 And I'm so thankful that each and every one of these folk 32:24 have chosen to use their gifts and their talents 32:28 and abilities for God's work. 32:31 And tonight the question would be: what about you? 32:34 What about me? 32:35 As we're here singing, and I'm enjoying being able to sing 32:39 with such great singers and musicians, 32:41 but most importantly is what does Calvary mean to us? 32:44 What does Calvary say to us? 32:46 Does Calvary say love to us? 32:48 You see, without a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ 32:52 we're going nowhere. 32:53 Literally, there's no life, there's no hope 32:56 without the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ 33:00 on the cross of Calvary. I'm so thankful that 33:03 He's a God of mercy. 33:04 That He's a God of patience. 33:07 That He doesn't mind taking the clay and re-molding it 33:11 from time to time. 33:12 But He'll only do that if we come to Him and confess our sins 33:16 "Lord, I'm a sinner. " 33:18 He says if we do that He is faithful and just 33:22 to forgive us from our sins and cleanse us from some 33:24 of our unrighteousness. ALL! Oh, ya'll are still awake? 33:27 All right. All... all unrighteousness. 33:31 Isn't that amazing? 33:32 That we as frail human agents 33:35 that God would even not destroy all of us. 33:39 But He didn't. His love for us is beyond comprehension. 33:44 So... as great a writer as Lanny Wolfe is 33:47 when he gets to heaven he's going to have to sit in the back 33:50 corner and say: "I thought I was a pretty good song writer 33:52 but I didn't know half the story. I didn't know 33:56 a tenth of the story. " Because we won't know. 33:58 The Bible says: "Now we see through a glass darkly 34:01 but then face to face. " 34:05 Isn't that wonderful? 34:06 I praise God for His plan of salvation. 34:11 Amen! It's very simple. 34:13 Maybe the greatest song ever written 34:16 Jesus loves me, this I know 34:19 for the Bible tells me so. 34:21 Right? Little ones to Him belong, 34:23 they are weak but HE is strong. 34:26 Yes Jesus loves me; 34:28 yes Jesus loves me. Do you love Jesus tonight? 34:31 Amen! I don't care what your problem is 34:33 Jesus is coming back for a purified bride 34:36 and a purified church. 34:38 And as I travel around I see ya'll are just like me. 34:41 You've got a lot of problems in your life. 34:43 Right? And I don't think the reason Jesus is not here yet 34:47 is not because we're waiting on Him. 34:49 He's waiting on us. 34:51 He's waiting on His people to perfect His character 34:54 within our lives so that He can come back 34:56 for a purified bride... a purified church. 34:59 And when we get to that point He says: "I, if I be lifted up 35:02 from this earth will draw some folk to Me. " 35:05 All! You're still awake; all right! 35:07 "Draw all men unto Me. " 35:10 So I'm so thankful tonight to have this opportunity 35:14 to be here and minister music 35:18 that talks about Jesus. Right? The cross... 35:21 the sanctuary. To give the world a last-day message 35:25 because I believe we're living in the end times, don't you? 35:28 Amen! We have present truth to give to a lost and dying world. 35:32 If we don't do it, who will? 35:34 I don't want to stand before Jesus and Him say 35:37 "Why didn't you do? You had the truth, but you 35:39 didn't tell anybody. " I was over in London the other day 35:44 and somebody there said to me: "You know what? 35:46 This is not like anywhere else in the world. 35:48 London is impossible to reach people. 35:52 People don't want the truth; they're not willing to change. " 35:56 And I said: "Well then why didn't Jesus say in 35:58 Matthew 28:18-20 "Go ye into all the world except London? " 36:02 See? He didn't say that, did He? 36:05 He said: "Go ye into all the world. " 36:07 And I said: "I can tell you for a fact 36:09 that people in London are looking for truth 36:12 and they are looking for a change. " There are 30,000 36:16 preachers throughout the great city of London 36:19 but there are over 80,000 registered witches. 36:23 There is every kind of cult you can think of: the New Age. 36:26 There's all kinds of false religions who do not 36:30 give honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ and to God 36:34 and they're growing by the millions. 36:36 The reason I believe they're not accepting truth - 36:40 not only London... here: West Frankfort, Illinois, 36:42 whether you're from Alabama, Tennessee, Africa... 36:45 I don't care where you're from - 36:46 is because we have been ashamed of the gospel of Christ. 36:49 We should be so excited that everybody we see 36:53 we want to tell them about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 36:56 Am I right? Amen! I'm starting to get excited 36:59 so I'm not a preacher. Not a son of a preacher. 37:01 I'm going to back up, but we're going to sing a little bit 37:04 about heaven right now. 37:05 Heaven came down and what happened? 37:07 Glory filled our soul. All right. 37:09 Quartet? OK. All right. 37:13 I'll try. I don't have much voice left 37:15 but we'll do it. 40:38 Amen! Yeah! Amen! 40:40 Thank you. Thank you guys. Beautiful! 40:45 I want to say a word about Reggie Smith. 40:48 Reggie... I called Reggie to say: "Reggie, would you 40:51 produce this project? " If you don't know what 40:53 a producer does you can ask Ladye Love. 40:56 He spends... If you have a studio - a music studio 41:01 in your attic - they call it their attic - 41:03 a nice little upstairs. But if you have one, 41:06 you spend about several months in the studio 41:09 so she and Bret didn't get to see him very much 41:12 unless they went upstairs in the studio. 41:14 But Reggie literally pro- duced, put everything together. 41:17 Worked with Kris, Gordon... Larry... everybody together 41:22 and with the choir... putting all the choir. 41:24 Arranging. He literally arranged all the parts 41:27 that we're doing. So Reggie, thank you so much 41:31 for the literally hundreds of hours and months 41:33 that you have put into this project. 41:38 Our next song is Precious Blood. Lanny, 41:41 come and tell us about this. You wrote this song. 41:45 Paul talks about a thorn in his flesh. 41:48 Well for many years of my life a thorn in my flesh 41:51 was cellulitis. Some of you know what that is? 41:54 I don't know what it is; I just know I would get it. 41:57 And when I would get it, it would, my ankle would hurt 42:01 and it would get red, and I couldn't even walk to the car 42:04 to go to the hospital. And then I'd be in the hospital 42:06 for a week and pay $10,000 and come home... 42:09 and then work to pay off the hospital bill. 42:11 So that's what cellulitis was. 42:13 I was on a chorale tour. We were in Cincinnati, Ohio. 42:16 I would never know when this was going to happen. 42:18 It just happened. And so were were there 42:20 and it happened in the middle of a service. I had 50 young people 42:24 on a chorale tour, and I thought: "God, I don't know 42:27 if I can make it through this service. 42:28 Help me get through this service. " So at the end of the 42:31 service I turned the chorale... we had more tour dates... 42:33 so I turned it over to somebody to go on with the choir 42:37 to the next city. I said: "Take me to the emergency room " 42:39 and they did. And so they put me in a room and they started doing 42:45 all the stuff they do. And the first thing they do 42:48 is take your blood. Well, I've had my blood taken many 42:51 times. You have, too. But it was what I call 42:55 as a song writer "the moment of truth. " 42:59 It was THIS time, when they were taking my blood, 43:03 Bro. Murray... THIS TIME I got it. 43:09 Without blood, none of the rest of this works. 43:12 All right. It doesn't matter how beautiful your body is. 43:16 It doesn't matter how much money you've got. 43:18 If the blood is not there, nothing's there. 43:21 And so at that moment of truth 43:24 God impressed me that for hundreds of years 43:27 lambs were brought to offer for sacrifice for sins. 43:33 But Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God - Amen! - 43:36 All right - He went to the cross and He said - come on: 43:40 "I will go and I will shed once and for all. " 43:44 All right. "You don't need to bring any more lambs. 43:47 I am The Lamb... I am the Lamb of God. " That's right! 43:50 Once and for all He drank the bitter cup 43:53 and He took the stripes on His back for our healing. 43:58 And so Jesus Christ heals. He heals today! 44:02 You need to be healed? He took the stripes 44:06 on His back so we could be healed. 44:08 And so this song came in a hospital room 44:11 in Cincinnati, Ohio: Precious Blood. 44:14 Melody. 48:30 Amen! Amen! Praise the Lord! 48:40 Wow! I don't know about you all but I'm getting those great big 48:43 old chill bumps all over me. I'm going to call them 48:45 Holy Spirit bumps, all right? 'Cause it's sure not cold 48:49 in here. But I feel the anointing of the Holy Spirit. 48:52 Is anybody with me on this tonight? 48:55 Because we're singing about the only thing that really matters 48:58 in life, right? 'Cause life itself... the Life Giver. 49:02 We're bringing honor and glory and praise to Him tonight. 49:07 Reggie. We were at your house visiting... 49:10 Reggie went to the piano and said: "I think I've got a song. 49:15 that might work on the project. " 49:18 And it worked. A beautiful song. Tell us 49:20 about this song. Well, this is an old hymn 49:24 and... just a different arrangement. With 49:26 a different arrangement... a little twist to it. 49:28 At The Cross. You know that hymn, right? 49:31 And I didn't know if it would, you know, fit for the project. 49:34 You know you want to tie everything together nicely. 49:36 And I was a little scared to play it for Danny, honestly. 49:39 I was a little nervous but I said: "Well I was just working 49:41 on this little hymn. " And Yvonne was sitting there. 49:44 So I started playing along 49:46 and Yvonne said: "Um-hmm... yes. 49:49 Yes, yes, yes... it's in! " 49:54 So that made the cut. So it's a beautiful, beautiful... 49:57 old lyric but a good song. So... thank you. 54:32 All right. I'm going to ask Lanny Wolfe and Melody 54:35 to come up. I have to tell you a really short story. 54:40 I don't have much voice left 54:42 but I've got enough to tell THIS story. 54:45 I mean, we've gotta talk about something tonight, right? OK. 54:49 Another idea came to me. I'm going to let you do this. 54:52 No, no, no. Another idea came to me about a song 54:56 and I said... Started talking about it. I told Lanny, 54:59 I said: "I've got this, I think it's a great idea for a song! " 55:03 He said: "Danny, that's a baby that needs to be birthed... 55:06 needs to be born. " 55:08 Hung the worlds in space... I said: "Hung the worlds in 55:10 space was the One who hung on the cross in our place. " 55:13 Now... That hit me: that's powerful. I said: 55:15 "Now what if we could write, Joy, what if we could write 55:18 all the parallels like that? " 55:20 Something from heaven to earth. 55:22 Lanny said: "Oh... that's wonderful! " 55:24 So we told Melody about it. Melody came up with the first 55:27 line or two and then Lanny came up with some more. 55:31 Pretty soon I saw the three-way e- mails were going to two-way 55:36 e- mails... and my name was left out. 55:40 My name was left out. 55:42 And I said: "Now wait a minute! I thought I had the baby 55:45 that was supposed to be born. " 55:46 And so now all of a sudden things got very quiet. 55:50 You know what that's like? Like, I'd look at my e-mail: 55:53 "Now surely they'll... No... nothing here today. " 55:57 So anyway, but I'm really glad. 55:59 I'm really glad. I love teasing Melody about this. 56:02 Now you know Lanny's in charge. 56:04 So blame Lanny? Hear what he says... Now wait just a minute! 56:08 God woke me up in the middle of the night 56:11 with a chorus that was in an Easter musical... my first 56:15 Easter musical... called Love Found A Way. 56:18 And I thought it was a chorus because at the time it was. 56:22 It had 3 lines and then it repeated the third line. 56:26 It really wasn't a full- fledged "legit" chorus. 56:29 God woke me up in the middle of the night 56:31 and reminded me that it wasn't a real chorus... 56:34 to make it a chorus. So I called Danny and Melody 56:37 and I said: "I've got the glue for this song. " 56:42 And that was the moment when your line almost went dead. 56:45 When he said "Danny... you're out. " 56:49 But what I'm going to try to do is sing on it anyway. 56:52 Right? I was a part of it. But honestly, 56:55 it is such a beautiful song and Lanny said: 56:58 "It'll just be birthed at another time. " 57:00 The idea that I had. So I'm going to hold you to that, 57:02 OK? But thank you, Melody, for your support in this 57:06 and the words that you gave - thank you - and working together 57:08 with Lanny. Beautiful song, and we're actually entitling 57:11 this whole project Calvary: Love Found A Way. 01:01:56 Amen! 01:02:03 Love found a way. Aren't you glad? 01:02:05 Amen! I'm thankful. Without that there's nothing, folks. 01:02:08 Love found a way. Melody, Lanny, thank you so much. 01:02:12 We're going to have Reggie and Ladye come up. 01:02:14 Another beautiful song. This was written by? Dottie Rambo. 01:02:18 Dottie Rambo. The wonderful Dottie Rambo, yes. 01:02:20 Beautiful song. Ladye Love, you going to sing with him? 01:02:25 I Will Glory In The Cross is the name of this one. 01:02:27 And Danny you know, when we... to do the arrangement and 01:02:30 we all got together in Kris's room and we started 01:02:33 trying to figure out how... It was fun. Oh, you kidding me? 01:02:36 She's magnificent, she's amazing. 01:02:38 And when you called me, Danny, to produce this thing 01:02:41 you didn't tell... I told everybody no twice. 01:02:43 I told you no twice. You did! Because our dear friend 01:02:46 and the most wonderful producer that we ever knew 01:02:49 was Lari Goss. He produced our last Hallelujah! 01:02:52 And so there was just no way - 01:02:55 me - I could follow up anything like that. 01:02:58 Are you kidding me? Really? Lari Goss? 01:03:00 But you know what? I said: "If we can build a great team - 01:03:04 a great team - then we can get through this. " Absolutely! 01:03:06 Of course we started with the magnificent orchestrator 01:03:09 over there, and then Larry obviously was there too 01:03:12 helping write some, and then great musicians and everything. 01:03:16 And you know, we got to thinking about this song. 01:03:17 We said: "How do we treat this because it's been recorded 01:03:19 many many times? " Larnelle Harris did a wonderful 01:03:21 arrangement of this song... an incredible arrangement. 01:03:24 And we started thinking: "How would... " I started thinking: 01:03:27 "How would maybe Miss Dottie have written this song? " 01:03:31 And she... I think she's from Kentucky originally. 01:03:34 Is that right? Kentucky. So she was a country girl 01:03:37 I think, and she played a guitar... 01:03:39 just kind of simple chords guitar. 01:03:41 And I don't think she would have played all these fancy 01:03:43 chords all over the world, you know. 01:03:45 She'd have played just straight... straight ahead. 01:03:48 And so we kind of put a Celtic - OK - feeling to it. 01:03:51 Celtic-Kentucky feeling to it. OK. 01:03:53 So that's what we came to. Yeah, that's right. 01:08:46 Beautiful! I will glory in the cross. 01:08:50 I also want to thank E.T. Everett sitting down front 01:08:52 right here. Amen! Amen! Some of the folks, you might not 01:08:55 be able see her on camera too much but what an incredible job! 01:08:59 She's our sound center manager. Incredible musician. 01:09:03 Literally arranger, singer; and she's worked countless hours. 01:09:07 Bobby Bradley... chief engineer, sound engineer. 01:09:11 Incredible. He is always behind the scenes. 01:09:14 And our whole 3ABN crew here for what they're doing... 01:09:17 it's so neat. In fact, I can say after thirty-one years 01:09:20 it's fun working together. Isn't it, ET? 01:09:23 It's still fun after all these years when you literally 01:09:27 know that you're doing some- thing for the Lord Jesus Christ 01:09:30 and you're able to do it with folk who have the same likes... 01:09:33 the same desires and same mission and motives 01:09:38 that you do, and that's to ful- fill the great Gospel Commission 01:09:42 "Go ye into all the world. " 01:09:43 Tell the people about the Lord Jesus Christ 01:09:46 and Him crucified... giving present truth 01:09:49 to a lost and dying world. 01:09:51 Now we're going to do a medley. 01:09:52 I think Reggie's going to go down now and direct, right? 01:09:55 Help direct. So we're going to do... 01:09:57 Thank you, E.T. You've been doing a great job... 01:09:59 for all that you do. Now we're going to do a hymn medley. 01:10:02 When you know it, some of the songs you hear it, 01:10:04 give us a little bit. C.A. is going to come out 01:10:06 and John and then maybe on some of the choruses 01:10:09 you join with us. 01:16:01 You know what? You all sound really good out there. 01:16:05 Thank you for singing. It's really nice 01:16:07 when we sing to hear you all singing back on songs 01:16:10 that you know. The next song is a song that 01:16:13 Reggie and Ladye and maybe Marty... I'm not sure 01:16:17 who all wrote on this song. But come up and 01:16:20 tell us about it and sing it for us. 01:16:22 It's entitled I'll Never Know. 01:16:28 Danny, I think we're just going to sing it and let it 01:16:30 speak for itself. All right. 01:16:33 But Marty did a great job, right? But Marty, honestly 01:16:36 wrote some music, and I had a kind of a hook in my mind. 01:16:40 You know the hook? You've got to come up with the hook, right, 01:16:42 for the song? Had written the music and I just 01:16:45 was not pleased at all with what was going on with the lyric. 01:16:48 I was just not pleased with it. As a matter of fact, 01:16:50 the only reason it got brought back was because Danny 01:16:53 brought it back because I had already thrown it on the cutting 01:16:55 floor. It wasn't going to make the cut. 01:16:56 But anyway... And then Marty is amazing 01:16:59 and so he wrote a great lyric to it. So... here we are. 01:20:29 Amen! Thank you! Beautiful! Beautiful! 01:20:35 Our last song on this project... we saved it 01:20:40 last for a reason. 01:20:43 It's probably one of the most worshipful songs. 01:20:46 When you listen to it you can't hardly help 01:20:49 but get in the spirit of worship of our Creator God. 01:20:52 Lanny wrote it, and I can actually say this without 01:20:55 trying to be too funny... but he co-wrote it with Beethoven, 01:20:58 wasn't it? In other words he borrowed - we'll use the word 01:21:03 borrowed - some of Beethoven's music 01:21:06 and added his own Lanny Wolfe. 01:21:08 But what an incredible song! And we were able to get 01:21:12 the Aeolians from Oakwood University 01:21:14 so you'll hear them singing with the choir here. 01:21:17 Absolutely incredible young people. 01:21:20 Love Jesus... talent that's off the charts. 01:21:23 And we're so thankful for them 01:21:25 and their leadership in being able to come to the studio 01:21:28 and help Yvonne Lewis. Yvonne's going to be singing 01:21:31 the lead part. Absolutely beautiful song! Thank you, Lanny 01:21:34 for this song, and Praise His Holy Name. |
Revised 2017-01-24