Christ, Calvary, and the Sanctuary

A Risen Savior

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: John Lomacang


Series Code: 16SCM

Program Code: 16SCM000021A

00:51 Welcome to 3ABN's Spring Camp Meeting:
00:57 Live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
01:02 Hello and welcome again
01:05 to Spring Camp Meet... No, yeah: Spring.
01:08 Spring Camp Meeting 2016.
01:13 Oh my goodness! It is such a blessing.
01:16 Have you... have you been blessed? Amen!
01:18 I'll tell you what: these meetings for me have been
01:21 life changing... life changing. So I'm so glad that you're here.
01:26 For those of you that are watch- ing at home, we welcome you.
01:29 We are so blessed to be here, and tonight
01:33 we are going to have a wonderful speaker.
01:35 It's Pastor John Lomacang. Amen... amen.
01:39 He is no stranger to us here at 3ABN and to you
01:43 I'm sure. He is the pastor - he's MY pastor -
01:46 here at the Thompsonville Seventh-day Adventist church
01:49 and he's also the director of world evangelism for
01:52 Three Angels Broadcasting Network.
01:54 So we are thrilled to have him this evening.
01:57 He is going to be preaching on A Risen Savior.
02:01 Pastor Lomacang is my family here.
02:04 He and his wife Angie are family to me.
02:07 So he has a special place in my heart. My dad was his principal,
02:11 and my dad gave him "the wire. " So I just want you to know
02:15 he got "the wire." But anyway...
02:17 anyway, we're going to be blessed this evening.
02:20 But before Pastor Lomacang comes to us
02:23 we have Bro. Tim Parton who is going to be playing
02:27 and I hope singing as well People Like Me.
02:31 Pastor Lomacang is going to do the opening prayer
02:34 after Tim Parton. God bless.
02:55 Peter had a temper;
02:59 Thomas had his doubts;
03:03 Jacob was a liar;
03:06 and Jonah headed south.
03:10 Martha had her worries
03:14 and Sarah was too old.
03:19 David wasn't faithful
03:22 and Moses wasn't bold.
03:26 But I used to see them as stained-glass saints...
03:30 they seemed almost divine.
03:34 But now I see them as flesh and blood
03:38 with a heart a lot like mine.
03:41 People like me
03:45 in the hand of a gracious God.
03:49 And though He sees
03:53 where I've been and what I'm not
03:57 oh what a wonder,
04:01 what a beautiful mystery,
04:05 that He chooses and uses
04:08 people like me.
04:13 None of us are perfect;
04:16 we're all broken... we are weak.
04:20 But I see a cloud of witnesses
04:24 and we're in great company.
04:28 With all of our failures and all of our faults
04:33 and all our fears
04:36 the Father still has a plan
04:40 for everybody here...
04:43 just people like me
04:47 in the hands of a gracious God.
04:51 And though He sees
04:55 where I've been and what I'm not
05:00 oh what a wonder,
05:03 what a beautiful mystery,
05:07 that He chooses and uses
05:10 people like me
05:13 to be His hands and feet.
05:16 Oh I believe it's true:
05:20 He's changing this world through people like you
05:25 and people like me.
05:33 God uses people like me.
05:41 Oh what a wonder,
05:45 what a beautiful mystery,
05:49 that He chooses and uses
05:53 people like me.
05:59 God uses people like me.
06:08 Just people like me.
06:17 Amen. Amen.
06:24 Can we say amen again? Amen!
06:27 Bro. Tim Parton. What a privilege to have him a part
06:30 of our team. And I was privileged to work with him
06:33 on my CD entitled The Call.
06:35 Also Reggie and Ladye Love Smith were on there.
06:38 And I had entitled it The Call because there's a call
06:41 on every one of our lives.
06:44 Bow your heads with me
06:47 as I ask for God to give me wisdom for this message.
06:53 Loving Father in heaven,
06:55 this is no ordinary topic
06:58 but I'm just an ordinary man.
07:01 Send now Your Holy Spirit's understanding
07:06 and may my lips be under the divine command of the holy
07:11 instrument that Jesus and the beauty of His risen...
07:18 the beauty of His resurrection
07:21 may be understood and seen by us all.
07:24 I pray in Jesus' holy and precious name,
07:28 Amen. Amen.
07:31 The Risen Savior. It's a simple text
07:36 but I would need years to give you the profound understanding
07:39 behind it. Luke chapter 24 verses 5-6
07:43 is our springboard text for this evening.
07:48 Very simple, but we will only understand the complexity of it
07:54 when we make it to the kingdom.
07:57 "Why do you seek the living among the dead?
08:02 He is not here but is risen. " Can you say amen?
08:07 Amen! Come with me to the scene of the crime.
08:13 Stand with me at the intersection of what was
08:16 and what will be.
08:20 Pause for a moment and inhale the scene.
08:26 Like blackened soot escaping the mouth of an angry furnace
08:30 the finality of death paints the night air.
08:35 If you listen carefully, you will hear the cacophony
08:37 of demons rejoicing.
08:39 The restless clamor of Satanic praise
08:43 collides with the discordant racket of hellborn dissonance
08:48 as the orchestrator of this symphony of death stands erect
08:52 proudly leading his rebellious minions
08:56 in the chorus of temporary victory.
09:01 When Jesus proclaimed "It is finished! "
09:04 what He actually was saying is "Satan is finished! "
09:07 Come on somebody. Amen!
09:09 In The Desire of Ages page 758 Ellen White says:
09:11 "Christ did not yield up His life until He had accomplished
09:16 the work which He came to do.
09:20 And with His parting breath He exclaimed:
09:23 "It is finished! " The battle had been won.
09:27 His right hand and His holy arm had gotten Him the victory.
09:33 As a conqueror He planted His banner on the eternal heights. "
09:38 As the United States did when they landed on the moon,
09:41 they planted their banner. When Jesus died on Mount Calvary,
09:45 when Jesus died on that hill called Golgotha,
09:49 heaven did not just see a defeated Savior
09:53 they saw a Savior that planted the cross
09:57 of victory over sin. What do you say today? Amen!
10:00 The question was asked: was there not joy among the angels?
10:05 Ellen White says: "All heaven triumphed in the Savior's
10:08 victory and Satan was defeated and he knew that his kingdom
10:13 was lost. " But that was not half the story.
10:17 The chief priests and Pharisees, they accomplished their evil
10:21 desires and yet in the recesses of their minds
10:24 there was something about the name Jesus
10:27 that kept their wicked hearts troubled.
10:30 Matthew records their attitude. Matthew chapter 27.
10:34 You've gotta be quick with me...
10:36 verses 62-64. Unable to dismiss the possibility of
10:40 His divinity... Hear me carefully...
10:42 they devised a plan. They thought... The Bible says:
10:46 "On the next day which followed the day of Preparation
10:49 the chief priests and Pharisees gathered together
10:53 to Pilate. And they said: 'Sir, we remember
10:57 while He was still alive how that deceiver said
11:02 'After three days I will rise. ' "
11:04 Well let me ask the question: if He was a deceiver
11:07 why are you so concerned? Amen!
11:09 They continued: "Therefore command that the tomb was made
11:13 secure until the third day. " In other words, help us out.
11:16 "Lest His disciples come by night and steal Him away
11:19 and say to the people
11:21 'He has risen from the dead' so that the last deception
11:25 will be worse than the first. ' "
11:28 The fact of the matter is, the purity of the life of Jesus
11:31 led them to question the permanence of His death.
11:34 And I can almost hear the Jewish contingency say to Pilate
11:37 "In the event that He is the Christ
11:41 we need to make sure that He does not come out! "
11:45 You see, Satan said: "Shut Him up. " But what he did not know
11:48 in less than 72 hours the Father would say: "Get Him up! "
11:51 Come on somebody. Amen! "Shut him up" is quite different
11:54 than "Get Him up! "
11:56 Pilate's hands were washed but his heart was troubled
11:59 and he said in Matthew 27 verse 65:
12:01 "Pilate said to them: 'you have a guard; go your way.
12:06 Make it as secure as you know. '
12:10 And so they went and made the tomb secure:
12:12 sealing the tomb and setting the guard. "
12:16 The tomb was sealed. The Roman guards stood proudly
12:20 manning their post.
12:22 But the problem was: deceived by the darkness of understanding
12:28 the betrayers of Christ - willingly ignorant of the fact
12:31 that by the death of Jesus the plan of salvation would be
12:34 accomplished. I'll say that again.
12:36 By the death of Jesus the plan of salvation
12:40 would be accomplished. But they didn't know that.
12:42 They thought that by His death the plan of salvation
12:45 would be defeated. They did not see things the way that heaven
12:48 saw it. "Where there is no shedding of blood there is no
12:51 remission of sin. " SOMEBODY had to die.
12:53 "The wages of sin is death. " Jesus chose to take what
12:56 belonged to us that we might have what belongs to Him.
12:59 Somebody say amen. Amen!
13:01 You see, Satan planned an assassination
13:03 but heaven planned a vindication. Amen!
13:06 The redemptive promise - though 4,000 years delayed -
13:09 could not be denied.
13:11 Outside the gate of man's perfection Jesus declared
13:14 4,000 years earlier that "I will but enmity between you
13:18 and the woman and between your seed and her Seed.
13:22 He shall bruise your head
13:25 but you're only going to bruise His heel. "
13:28 His death was not orchestrated by hell.
13:31 Listen carefully: the death of Jesus was not orchestrated
13:34 by hell... it was ordained by heaven.
13:37 Somebody had to die.
13:40 "The Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world "
13:43 is the way that John the Revelator says
13:44 in Revelation 13 verse 8.
13:46 This plan was put in place be- fore sin even entered the world.
13:50 "In the event that Your creation dies, are You willing? "
13:54 And the Father and the Son were in chorus about what to do
13:57 in the event that man - His loving creation: man -
14:01 in the event that they fell under the ignominious nature
14:05 of sin and death, Jesus was willing.
14:08 His heart was so moved with compassion and love for us
14:11 He could not settle with the thought
14:14 that eternity would roll without His children there.
14:16 Praise God for that!
14:18 They couldn't take Him down. John 10:18 said:
14:21 "Jesus proclaimed: 'No one takes My life from Me
14:24 but I lay it down of Myself.
14:26 I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it again.
14:30 This command I have received from My Father. ' "
14:33 The devils of hell could not put Jesus to death until the time.
14:38 Amen! There was no rush.
14:40 They didn't sneak up on Jesus.
14:42 Many occasions had come and gone.
14:45 They made several attempts to shut Him up,
14:47 but the Lord had a plan. He said: "My will is...
14:51 my meet is to do the will of the Father that sent Me. "
14:54 And no power in hell, NO POWER IN HELL,
15:00 could prevent Jesus from accomplishing heaven's design.
15:05 How could they take life from the One who IS life?
15:08 "In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. "
15:11 John 1 and verse 4. Desire of Ages Ellen White says:
15:14 "In Christ is life: original unborrowed, underived. "
15:18 He is not a second God; He is not a lesser God...
15:22 He is God Almighty!
15:24 Jesus became what He was not...
15:27 this is the good news... He became what He was not
15:29 so that we could become what we ARE not.
15:33 The apostle Paul said it this way:
15:35 "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us...
15:39 that we might become... " How amazing is the transaction!
15:43 "that we might become... " How lovely!
15:46 Can God do it? "that we might become... " you and me...
15:51 "that we might become the righteousness of God
15:54 in Jesus. " You see, Satan planned to bring Jesus down
15:58 but heaven planned to lift Jesus up!
16:01 He said: "If I be lifted up from the earth I will draw
16:06 all men unto Me. "
16:08 Sometimes when we look at what happened to Jesus
16:10 we look at the nationality of His persecutors.
16:13 We look at the nation of origin of those who carried out His
16:16 assassination. And it's easy to say that the Jews and the Romans
16:19 were really to blame. But Isaiah said
16:22 in Isaiah 53 and verse 5:
16:25 "He was wounded for OUR transgressions;
16:29 He was bruised for OUR iniquities;
16:33 the chastisement of OUR peace is upon Him
16:38 and by His stripes... " Who's healed, somebody?
16:41 "WE are healed. " Glory to God!
16:44 However - I want to say this - even though we can't pin it
16:50 on Rome and say that they were the reasons why He died
16:55 the Bible also says the betrayers of Jesus
16:59 would have been better not to have been born.
17:02 The Son of Man indeed goes, just as it is written of Him.
17:06 Mark 14:21.
17:08 "But woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed.
17:12 It would have been good for that man
17:15 had he never been born. "
17:20 I had a chance to read three chapters in Desire of Ages.
17:24 I want to assure you I don't have five hours but I wish I did
17:28 because when you open the book Desire of Ages
17:30 you've got to be ready to step into a divine theatre.
17:35 Amen! You've got to be ready to step into an ultra HD
17:40 three-dimensional revelation of a divine panoply
17:44 that you cannot even imagine.
17:46 Surround sound... it pulls you in.
17:49 It is as though you are standing there in virtual
17:52 divine reality and you can't even breathe.
17:54 You've gotta breathe slowly.
17:56 I tried my best to explain the sermon to my wife last night,
17:59 but I couldn't breathe. I tried to do it this morning
18:01 but I could not prevent myself from crying
18:03 so I said: "Honey, give me the day
18:06 so that I can get past the emotion of it. "
18:08 "I need to get past the emotion so that I can communicate
18:11 the importance. " You see, the Bread of Life was broken.
18:15 The blood of the covenant was poured out.
18:16 All sanctuary language: the Passover Lamb was slain
18:21 and at last - at last - Jesus was at rest.
18:28 His long day of shame and torture had ended.
18:32 The Son of God now lay in tranquility
18:36 in the tomb of Joseph.
18:39 You know, I think about that. Jesus probably said to Himself:
18:44 "That was a big to-do... I just need to take a rest. "
18:48 "Man, if they only knew what they put Me through...
18:52 but if they only know what I'm going to put them through. "
18:55 And He laid in tranquility in the tomb of Joseph,
18:58 His work completed. His hands... Ellen White says when He laid
19:03 "His hands were folded in peace. "
19:06 In the last rays of the setting sun, as Jesus laid
19:11 Friday night swept itself away into eternity.
19:15 Sabbath morning Jesus kept the Sabbath.
19:17 Come on, somebody, say amen.
19:18 Amen! He did what He asked His creation to do:
19:22 He rested on the Sabbath Day.
19:24 You see, the women that followed Jesus, they returned
19:26 and they prepared spices and fragrant oils.
19:29 Ellen White says that a hundred pounds...
19:33 a hundred pounds of embalming oil were prepared
19:36 for the body of Jesus. But they never got a chance to apply it
19:39 because He never began to corrupt.
19:43 So when the last rays of the setting sun
19:45 of Sabbath began to fade into the horizon,
19:49 when the last rays of the setting sun began to fade
19:54 into the horizon... Whoo!
19:57 I've gotta pause and take that in.
20:00 There's so much going on in my mind I've gotta just pause
20:02 and take that in. When the rays of the setting sun of the
20:05 Sabbath began to fade into the horizon
20:08 every molecule in the body of Jesus began to remember
20:13 its divine mission. The pulse of that divine heart
20:17 began to beat in cadence with the rhythm of the voice
20:22 of the angels. The unfallen worlds watched this scene.
20:26 They thought somehow, because the destiny of all...
20:31 the fallen world, the unfallen, the destiny of everybody
20:34 hung on this single event.
20:37 Even though the other worlds had not fallen,
20:40 if Jesus had failed, creation would be forever without
20:45 its Lord. All the planets would cease to be in order
20:48 because the One that kept them in order would be gone
20:51 and the world would have been transformed into one dark prison
20:55 of sin and death throughout the ceaseless ages of eternity.
21:00 I'd like to borrow the lyrics of one of the famous songs:
21:03 "What a difference a day makes!
21:05 Twenty four little hours. "
21:08 It's amazing how the rising sun chase away the darkness.
21:11 All of a sudden, as the Jews begin to see the set of the
21:15 Sabbath, their wicked minds... they're no longer thinking about
21:18 potluck. They're no longer thinking about AY. Come on,
21:21 somebody help me out. They spent their wicked day in
21:24 church on Sabbath after they crucified the Lord.
21:27 They were comfortable to bring Him down before the Sabbath
21:31 thinking that by honoring the Sabbath
21:34 it would remove their guilt of the death of Jesus.
21:38 But all of a sudden the sun began to remind them
21:41 that there's somebody with whom you must given an account.
21:44 All of a sudden the Jewish lead- ers remembered the declaration
21:47 of divinity in John chapter 2 verse 18.
21:49 The Jews once asked Jesus: "What sign would You give us? "
21:54 Since You do all these things: since You raise the dead
21:57 and heal the sick and restore the sight of the blind
22:00 and make the lame walk again, what kind of sign would
22:02 You give them? "And Jesus answered and said to them:
22:05 'Destroy this temple
22:07 and in three days I will raise it up. ' "
22:10 They met the divine architect of creation. Come on, somebody.
22:13 The Man who makes worlds, who creates bodies.
22:16 My good friend who is a pathologist, he said:
22:19 "When the Bible says God 'breathed into man's nostrils
22:23 the breath of life and he became a living soul ' "
22:25 my friend who... who... I'm not medical...
22:30 I've got to get the word...
22:32 who does autopsies at the cellular level
22:36 he says... "we have no idea what God did when He
22:40 knelt down and formed man after His divine similitude. "
22:45 He said: "We have no idea. "
22:47 That these organs working in a cadence and a harmony
22:51 that can only be done not by a Big Bang Theory
22:54 but by a "big God theory. " Amen!
22:57 All of a sudden the heart of Jesus begins to pulse
23:01 with the reality that it's time to wake up.
23:04 They could not comprehend the fact that when they were
23:07 interrogating Jesus they were interrogating
23:10 the life-giving Lord. Come on, somebody, say hallelujah.
23:13 The Desire of Ages... I can't preach this sermon
23:15 without Desire of Ages. Is that all right?
23:18 Page 780, Ellen White says: "The night of the first day
23:22 of the week had worn slowly away. The darkest hour
23:26 just before daybreak had come.
23:29 Christ was still prisoner in His narrow tomb.
23:32 The great stone was in its place.
23:34 The Roman seal was unbroken.
23:37 The Roman guards were keeping their watch.
23:41 But there were unseen watchers.
23:45 There were unseen watchers.
23:48 Hosts of evil angels are gathered about the place
23:52 and had it been possible... had it been possible
23:55 the prince of darkness with his apostate army
23:59 would have kept forever sealed
24:02 the tomb that held the Son of God. "
24:04 But I'm going to say: "It's not possible! "
24:07 "Had it been possible... " What a powerful word! "Had it
24:10 been... " But it's not possible.
24:12 Also among this wonderful display of demonic might
24:18 there were some others that were there.
24:20 Desire of Ages page 779:
24:22 "A heavenly host also surrounded the sepulcher. "
24:28 The heavenly angels could not be seen by the demonic angels.
24:33 They were there. You see, the fact of the matter is
24:35 Jesus - even in death - had Secret Service protection.
24:39 Amen! Even in death!
24:43 When you're a King, your Secret Service
24:46 does not abandon You.
24:48 If the president of the U.S. has it all the days of his life,
24:52 what about Jesus?
24:54 He had it when He was a baby. That's why Satan couldn't
24:56 touch Him. He had it in the Garden of Eden.
24:58 That's why the devil could not recuse Him.
25:00 He had it wherever He went, and at His death
25:02 they just sat there. Ellen White says
25:04 "Angels that excel in strength were guarding the tomb
25:07 just waiting to welcome the Prince of Life. " Amen!
25:11 They were waiting for God to say: "It's time! "
25:14 "It's time! " You see, all of a sudden in the kingdom
25:17 of perfection Operation Countdown is initiated.
25:20 They tear the envelope and now it's taken to the next level.
25:23 Like an enthusiastic announcer at a Super Bowl
25:26 heaven sounded the alarm: "Two more minutes! "
25:30 "Two more minutes! In just two more minutes
25:33 the King of Glory will be declared victorious. "
25:36 Amen! In just two more minutes the chains of death will forever
25:39 be broken. Come on, somebody.
25:41 Two more minutes... two more minutes.
25:45 The sun was seeping away in ca- dence with the divine calendar.
25:50 "Just two more minutes... one more minute! "
25:52 "In just one more minute the risen Christ will sing again. "
25:57 The hour of darkness will be replaced with the hour of light.
26:01 Bowed heads and sadness will be forever raised in joy.
26:05 Sadness will give way to exaltation
26:08 and dormant graves will be ripped opened, never to be
26:11 occupied again. Jesus said: "I came down
26:14 and when I leave I'm going to take a sample. "
26:16 "I'm going to take a sample. "
26:19 There are some people in heaven that know what it's like to cry.
26:21 There are some people that are called elders... 24.
26:24 They know what it's like to go through nights of want.
26:27 Don't be discouraged. There's somebody that's going to be
26:30 residing in the judgment that understands your weakness.
26:33 That understands our failures.
26:35 That understands what we don't have...
26:36 they didn't have. But when Jesus rose, He took them with Him.
26:40 And there around that throne 24 elders today are waiting for
26:44 that glorious day when we can reunite with them.
26:47 Come on, say hallelujah!
26:48 The angel clothed in the panoply of heaven,
26:52 the splendor of God, this angel... whoo!
26:57 You see, when the two minutes expired
27:00 this polished stealth-bomber named Gabriel
27:05 positioned his majestic frame on the launch pad of the
27:08 Holy City. He leaves like a fully-armored fighter jet
27:13 and he allows gravity to pull him down in the direction
27:17 of earth. He tucks his wings close to his perfect frame
27:20 to minimize turbulence.
27:23 He says: "I'm on my way! "
27:25 He says: "How quickly can you get there? "
27:27 They gave him turbo boosters, and I imagine somehow
27:30 that the stars may have moved out of the way
27:32 so as not to obstruct the resurrection of their Lord
27:36 either! All of creation was clapping.
27:38 "Move Gabriel. " "Go get Him, Gabriel. "
27:41 "It's time to wake up the Prince of Heaven. "
27:44 Amen! The Bible says... the Bible says
27:47 "And behold... and behold there was a great earthquake
27:50 for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven. "
27:53 It was like... it was like Operation Desert Storm.
27:57 They heard the thunder but they didn't see him coming.
28:00 But they knew something was about to break!
28:03 Heaven was about to carpet-bomb all the evil angels of hell!
28:07 And the devils tremble at the very thought that
28:10 "My hour has come. " He knew he was defeated!
28:12 The Lord said: "I'm going to take care of you a little later.
28:14 You just watch... you just watch the destruction
28:18 and think about it for the next 2,000 years
28:20 because when I'm done you will be done. "
28:22 Oh how wonderful it was.
28:24 The angel of the Lord descended from heaven
28:26 and came and rolled back the stone.
28:28 The Bible says: "He rolled back the stone. "
28:31 Ellen White says: "He moved the stone as though
28:33 it was a pebble. " Whoo!
28:37 And it describes what he looked like.
28:39 "His countenance was like lightning
28:41 and his clothes as white as snow.
28:43 And the guards shook for fear of him and became like dead men. "
28:47 Desire of Ages again. Can I go back there?
28:50 "Brave soldiers that have never been afraid of human power
28:53 are now as captives taken without sword or spear.
28:56 The face they look upon is no face of a mortal warrior.
29:00 It is the face of the mightiest of the Lord's host. "
29:04 God didn't send an angel... He sent the best angel.
29:07 "This messenger is the one who fills the position from which
29:11 Satan fell. " This is the one that God sent.
29:14 "It is he who on the hills of Bethlehem proclaimed
29:18 Christ's birth. " That's the same angel that was sent.
29:20 "The earth trembles at his approach.
29:23 The hosts of darkness flee, and as he rolls away the stone
29:26 heaven seems to come down to earth.
29:29 The soldiers see him removing the stone as he would a pebble
29:33 and they hear him cry: 'Son of God: come forth!
29:37 Thy Father calleth Thee. ' " Amen!
29:41 "Enough of this Sabbath rest.
29:43 It's Sunday morning... we've got work to do! "
29:45 And Jesus comes forth and says: "I am the resurrection
29:48 and the life. I am He who lives
29:51 and was dead, and behold I am alive forever more.
29:54 And I've got something else: I've got the keys of death
29:57 and the grave. " I want to tell you today
29:59 if you've got somebody dead, Jesus has got the keys.
30:02 Amen! He's going to open them one day one lock at a time.
30:04 But He's going to do it divinely all at the same time.
30:06 Hallelujah to that!
30:08 She says that: "Christ came forth from the tomb glorified. "
30:11 And the Roman guards beheld Him. "Their eyes, " she says,
30:16 "were riveted upon His face...
30:17 upon the face of Him whom recently mocked
30:22 and derided had no sign of His former estate.
30:26 In this glorious being they beheld the prisoner
30:29 whom they had seen in the judgment hall,
30:32 the One for whom they had plaited a crown of thorns.
30:35 This was the One who had stood unresistant before Pilate,
30:40 and Herod, His form lacerated by the cruel scourge.
30:44 This was He who had been nailed to the cross,
30:47 at whom the priests and rulers full of self-satisfaction
30:51 had wagged their heads saying: "He saved others;
30:55 Himself He cannot save. " "You see, He can't save Himself
30:58 and save us too. "
30:59 He thought of us not of Himself. Praise the Lord somebody?
31:02 "This was He, " she says, "who had been laid in Joseph's
31:06 new tomb. The decree of heaven had loosed the captive. "
31:10 And I like this part. She says: "Mountain piled upon mountain
31:13 over the sepulcher could not prevent Him from coming forth! "
31:17 Amen! Even if Mount Everest was there
31:20 they would move Mount Everest just to get Jesus out.
31:23 Mount Vesuvius, Mount Kilimanjaro,
31:25 no matter what the mountain was, it could not prevent
31:28 the King of Heaven from coming forth.
31:30 And I can imagine when that angel came down.
31:33 Ellen White also says: "As He comes forth in majesty. "
31:37 Desire of Ages page 779: "As He comes forth in majesty
31:42 and glory, the angels... the angel host bow low
31:46 in adoration before the Redeemer. " And she says:
31:50 "And they welcome Him with song. "
31:52 Amen! They began to sing: "Christ the Lord
31:57 is risen today! Hallelujah! "
32:03 I imagine every song writer that spoke about the resurrection
32:06 had to find their inspiration in Desire of Ages
32:09 and in the Word of God. Amen somebody. Amen!
32:12 Jesus declared: "I am the Alpha and the Omega,
32:14 the beginning and the end. " And the Lord said:
32:21 "Who is, who was, and who is to come...
32:25 the Almighty. "
32:27 Oh, I tell you brothers and sisters, this is a good message.
32:30 Not because I put it together but because it's about Jesus!
32:33 Amen! You see, when you get discouraged and you think that
32:36 this is all that there is, when you get discouraged
32:40 and you think that this is all there is, you've got to
32:42 remember... you've got to remember what Jesus went through
32:46 to pull us through. Amen!
32:48 You've got to remember what He gave up
32:50 to give us what we could not possess.
32:53 Oh what a day it was when Jesus came forth from that tomb!
32:56 He came forth not with the garments He went in.
32:59 He folded His clothes before He left.
33:02 We serve a neat Lord.
33:05 He said "I don't want anybody to think that I'm a sloppy God. "
33:08 Let all things be done decently and... you know.
33:12 He came... He said: "Let me just... Wait up! I've got to do
33:14 some housecleaning. " He left the place
33:16 better than He found it.
33:19 That's why Paul the apostle says: "When you are discouraged
33:22 remember that we are not preaching a message in vain. "
33:25 "If Christ be not risen, then our preaching is in vain
33:27 and our faith is also in vain. BUT now Christ IS risen
33:32 from the dead and has become the firstfruits
33:34 of them that slept. "
33:37 I've got to take a breath.
33:42 Last night when I was sitting down
33:45 at about 1:30 AM and I was saying: "Lord, talk to me. "
33:51 I had to get up and go to the kitchen to get some water.
33:54 It became too overwhelming
34:00 and I as transcended to the place where the death of Jesus
34:04 will one day be replaced with the coming of Jesus.
34:06 Amen! No longer coming as a slain Lord and a defeated Lord
34:12 but coming forth with ten thousand times ten thousand...
34:15 help me out, somebody... and thousands of thousands.
34:20 White horses. On His thigh the name is written: King of
34:23 Kings and Lord of Lords. The Word of God!
34:26 And those who don't know Him look for places to hide.
34:30 They run to the rocks and the mountains and they say to the
34:33 rocks and the mountains: "Hide us from the face of
34:36 Him that sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb. "
34:40 You see, if Jesus had not risen...
34:42 Think about this: if Jesus had not risen...
34:47 Are you ready for this? If Jesus had not risen,
34:53 Elijah couldn't stay in heaven.
34:59 Moses would have to go back to the state he was in before.
35:03 Because they were there on... they were there on "credit. "
35:10 Jesus gave them an IOU.
35:15 "You come in early, I'll pay for it later. "
35:19 Is that all right? He said: "You can come in early;
35:23 I'll pay for it at Calvary. "
35:26 Enoch walked with God and was not... for God took him.
35:30 And Enoch said "How is this pos- sible? You haven't died yet. "
35:33 He said: "Enoch, don't worry about it.
35:35 You just leave it in My hands; I don't plan to fail. "
35:40 Enoch... Elijah... Moses
35:45 would have had to be returned to their former estate.
35:48 Think about it. Lazarus, who came forth, would never
35:53 come forth again.
35:55 The blind man whose sight was restored... he would never
35:57 see again. Every grave would forever be sealed.
36:01 There would be no singing; there would be no rejoicing.
36:06 There would be nothing to look forward to.
36:08 If Jesus had failed... If Jesus had failed,
36:13 the very courts of heaven would now be under
36:16 new management - Satanic management - because
36:19 for some reason he would have proven his point:
36:22 that God is not possible, God is not worthy.
36:25 "He's not worthy to be praised
36:26 and I have proved it on Calvary. "
36:28 But I tell you: Jesus was willing to go through ANYTHING
36:31 that we can go through everything. Amen!
36:34 He was willing to take what belonged to us
36:37 that one day we can have by faith and by humble hearts
36:41 what only belongs to Him.
36:46 This divine baby... I'm off script right now, I'm just
36:50 talking to you... This divine baby
36:53 came to this earth
36:58 and He learned through the veil of human flesh.
37:02 He was tempted in all points just as we are
37:05 yet He was without sin.
37:07 Can you imagine? If Jesus sinned as a nine-year-old
37:11 we couldn't preach this sermon.
37:14 We would be prisoners in a camp worse than Auschwitz.
37:19 And the genocide in Africa would have nothing on what Satan
37:22 would have done to this planet.
37:25 Same-sex marriage would have been 5,000 years old...
37:29 and growing.
37:31 It would have been normal by now.
37:33 That's why I don't believe in traditional marriage.
37:40 You can breathe.
37:44 I believe in scriptural marriage.
37:46 Amen! Amen somebody.
37:49 Think about what kind of world we would have had
37:51 had Jesus failed... had He failed.
37:56 There would be no churches.
37:59 There would be no songs to sing
38:02 about the risen Lord, about the forgiveness of sin.
38:05 Every hospital visit would be final;
38:07 every funeral would be it.
38:10 Everyone would enter their graves
38:11 never to come forth again.
38:13 Hate would be the norm.
38:16 Sin and suffering would be an every-day activity.
38:20 "Do as you will" would be the saying of earth
38:25 and nothing would be off limits.
38:28 I saw a commercial once where...
38:31 I forgot the name of the show. I didn't see it, praise God
38:33 for that. There are certain things you should not see.
38:37 And I think the theme of it... You know, sometimes you could be
38:40 watching a good program and at the commercial
38:42 you've got to turn your eyes.
38:43 It was showing in the commercial where... I forgot the name
38:47 of the show... But I didn't see it; I told you I didn't see it.
38:49 But they gave a 24-hour period in which you could do whatever
38:53 you wanted: kill somebody; murder somebody.
38:56 That's the kind of world this would have been
38:58 had Jesus failed at Calvary.
39:03 That's why you have to pause sometimes
39:05 and as Ellen White says "focus on the cross. "
39:07 Spend a thoughtful hour. If you pick up The Desire of Ages
39:10 and read it on a day-by-day basis.
39:12 If you read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
39:13 and you focus on the theme of the cross
39:16 you ask yourself the question: "Father, Father, please
39:19 do what You may that I may be in that glorious kingdom! "
39:24 "Have Your way with me
39:26 that when that time comes and that trumpet sounds
39:28 I'll hear my name in the chordant notes of that glorious
39:32 glorious choir. "
39:33 I want to be there one day, what about you?
39:35 I want to stand where no man has ever stood before.
39:39 That is, outside of the special group.
39:44 I want to be there to see Jesus re-create the earth again,
39:47 what about you? Amen! I want to be there to see
39:49 sin forever eradicated.
39:52 I remember being down in southern California.
39:54 I'm not done yet.
39:57 This is a rest area... I'm coming back on board.
40:03 I remember being down in LA once when we lived in California.
40:06 My wife and I went and found our way
40:08 next to the Kodak theater.
40:10 We lived in northern California at the time.
40:12 And all of a sudden, before we knew it we were in the midst
40:14 of all these black limousines... long, stretch,
40:18 black limousines. Well, we put 2 and 2 together
40:22 and we discovered: "Hey, this is an Awards weekend. "
40:25 We saw the red carpet.
40:26 Obviously we were not invited.
40:32 But in our humanity we... we strained to see through
40:35 those darkened windows to hopefully catch a glimpse of
40:39 somebody that we thought was famous.
40:46 And I saw a window coming down
40:48 but it only came down that much.
40:49 And I said: "Who was that? " "Oh, I couldn't see.
40:52 I only saw an eyebrow. "
40:54 And I was so disappointed. We tried our best.
40:57 We looked, we stretched... we were trying to see somebody
40:59 who had a status that we probably would never have.
41:03 And we drove back to northern California
41:05 quite disappointed. Why would they have blackened windows
41:09 on these limousines? Why wouldn't they let us see
41:11 them for a change?
41:13 And God tapped me on the back and said: "John, don't you worry
41:15 about it. You don't see what they have, but one day
41:19 they're going to see what you have. " Amen!
41:21 "Because when I make the New Jerusalem the walls are
41:23 going to be transparent. " Come on, somebody.
41:26 So don't worry about what they have because they're walking on
41:28 carpet. One day you're going to walk on gold!
41:31 Amen! They're passing through a... I can't even speak
41:35 right now. They're going to be entering a theater;
41:38 you're going to be entering a glorious city. Amen!
41:41 So don't worry about it.
41:42 I remember one day sitting on the bed in our house
41:44 and I got caught up in an Oprah show where she was
41:47 giving everybody cars.
41:49 And I thought: "Why can't I get a car, Lord? "
41:53 She said: "You get a car and you get a car and you get a... "
41:56 And I thought: "Why am I caught up in something
41:58 that's going to grow old? "
42:00 One day God's going to say: "You get a crown and you
42:02 get a crown... " Come on... "and you get a crown
42:05 and you get a crown. "
42:06 I'm starting to get this thing in perspective. After 30 years
42:09 of pastoring it's starting to become clearer than it was
42:11 before. You see, this was no ordinary moment.
42:14 When Jesus came forth from the tomb - when He broke the seal
42:18 that Satan thought had been forever locked -
42:21 when the demons of hell ran for their lives.
42:24 Ellen White says the soldiers ran with their
42:26 "legs trembling. " These mighty men who feared nothing
42:31 finally found somebody to fear!
42:34 For when you don't worship God you fear Him.
42:36 God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love,
42:40 of power, and what kind of mind? A sound mind.
42:43 What they did not know is when Jesus came forth
42:45 from that tomb the Rose of Sharon would bloom again.
42:49 The Bright and Morning Star would rise again.
42:52 The Light of the World would shine again. Come on,
42:55 somebody... help me out. Amen!
42:56 The Oil of Gladness would flow again.
42:59 The Lion of the tribe of Judah would roar again!
43:02 The Author of salvation would now be given the right
43:05 to become the Finisher of our faith.
43:07 The Mighty God would become the Everlasting Father.
43:10 The Alpha would now become the Omega.
43:13 Because the fact of the matter is: Jesus is not "I was"
43:16 He is the Great I AM! Amen!
43:19 Somehow the devil forgot that.
43:22 But there was something about that moment that reminded him:
43:24 this was the guy that I lost the fight against in heaven.
43:27 He wins again... round two.
43:29 Round two. Amen, somebody. Round... there's one more round
43:33 and it's going to be Jesus wins.
43:36 The Lamb of God would become the Eternal Father.
43:39 He would now take His rightful place.
43:41 And understand what He's doing in reference to the sanctuary.
43:44 We now have a High Priest
43:46 that stands before the Father. When the prayers of the saints
43:49 arise from the altar of our hearts, even when it's not
43:53 clearly understood, the Holy Spirit takes those
43:55 prayers that don't make sense and He fixes it up
44:02 and delivers it to the Father.
44:04 And the Father understands the needs of His children.
44:08 Praise God for that. Amen!
44:10 "Therefore He is also now able to save to the uttermost
44:14 those who come to God through Him since He ever lives
44:18 to make intercession for us. " Say for us.
44:21 For us.
44:22 Jesus was arrested so that we could be set free.
44:26 He was declared guilty so that we could be declared innocent.
44:29 He was condemned so that we could be pardoned.
44:33 He walked on our road so that one day we can walk on His road.
44:37 I'm going to tell you this: I don't need a mansion.
44:39 I just need a sleeping bag. Amen!
44:43 Give me a pillow... as long as I'm there. What about you? Amen!
44:46 Some people come to Camp Meeting in a motor home...
44:48 some come in a tent. I think they're all happy
44:50 no matter what they're in, right?
44:52 When we get to heaven we are not going to care what we're in...
44:54 we're just going to be glad we're in!
44:56 As one of my favorite preachers said: "I don't care about going
44:59 first or last as long as the door shuts behind me. "
45:06 I don't know how He's going to call that, but if it's going
45:08 to be alphabetic I'm going to have to wait till He gets
45:09 to the L's. But I begin to believe now...
45:12 I'm beginning to believe that when Jesus calls us
45:16 He's going to be able - Are you ready for this?
45:21 You see, in mass mailing they are able to send out
45:23 50 million e-mails at the same time
45:26 and you all get it at the same time.
45:28 If man can do that, I believe that God can call
45:31 all of our names at the same time. Amen!
45:35 That's why He specified "Lazarus... come forth! "
45:39 If He'd just said: "Come forth" it'd have been something else!
45:43 I think He's going to say just: "Come forth! "
45:45 and we're going to come forth clothed in the beauty of heaven.
45:49 He wore our thorns so that one day we will wear His crown.
45:52 To God be the glory! He suffered the shame of our death
45:55 so that we could share the glory of His life.
45:58 Jesus rose to take His rightful place, and today
46:01 He ever liveth to make intercession for us.
46:04 Amen! Oh! Dr. Luke says in Luke 1:32-33...
46:10 You see, the devil even took these wicked men back to the
46:13 birth of Jesus. They now remember as He comes forth.
46:17 These priests that had understood at one time
46:19 the clarity of God's Word... they now remember
46:21 at the birth of Jesus the declaration: "He will be great
46:25 and will be called the Son of the Highest.
46:27 The Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David
46:30 and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever.
46:33 And of His kingdom there will be no... " End!
46:37 "there will be no end. " Today there's a kingdom
46:40 reserved for you and for me.
46:42 There's a kingdom for everyone who calls and trusts in the shed
46:46 blood of Jesus. There's a kingdom today that we can be
46:50 citizens of. There's no reason why any of us should be left out
46:53 of that eternal kingdom. What about you?
46:56 When I think about what Jesus has done for me...
46:58 Oh, I tell you: we all have struggles.
47:00 You got any struggles? I want to tell you: Jesus sees us
47:04 not just as we are. He sees us as we are going to be.
47:08 The Bible says: "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard
47:10 neither has it entered into the hearts of man
47:12 the things that God has prepared for those that love Him. "
47:15 Do you love the Lord? Amen!
47:17 We've gotta love Him more than that, though.
47:19 We can't just love Him intellectually.
47:21 We can't just love Him verbally.
47:23 We've got to love Him with our whole heart, our whole life.
47:25 We've got to live that His glory might be revealed.
47:28 We can't just say: "I love the Lord" and now show up in church
47:30 on Sabbath morning. We can't say: "I love the Lord"
47:33 and want to get out of church as 12! Come on now!
47:38 We can't say: "I love the Lord" and don't want to come to
47:40 prayer meeting! We can't say: "I love the Lord"
47:43 and don't want to pay an honest tithe.
47:45 We can't say: "I love Jesus" and don't want to support
47:48 a ministry like this!
47:50 I didn't plan that!
47:52 If you love God, you love Him with your whole heart!
47:55 Somebody was getting baptized once, and he said to the
47:58 pastor: "Wait, let me remove my wallet. "
47:59 He said: "No, I want to baptize that. too! "
48:03 It's all or nothing at all.
48:05 If you love Jesus, there's nothing withheld from God.
48:07 And you know what He says? "No good thing will I withhold
48:11 from those that walk up- rightly. " To God be the glory!
48:14 When we get to heaven we're not going to take
48:16 motor homes with us. It's all right to have one.
48:19 I'd like to have one...
48:22 but it doesn't have enough gas mileage to get me there.
48:25 There ain't enough tanks to get me to heaven.
48:29 They told me about Orion. Scientists say that Orion
48:31 is stretching. I was sitting down one day
48:35 and all of a sudden God gave me a picture. And my wife and I...
48:38 She was listening to it and all of a sudden my mind was
48:41 taken some place that I'd never been before.
48:43 And I said: "I can imagine the day when we ascend
48:45 from earth, when we are now clothed in the beauty of
48:48 immortality. When we come forth from the grave we can hear
48:52 clearly. No more need for glasses...come on.
48:55 No more need for canes; Lorraine will be walking perfectly.
48:59 No more Remicade... somebody say amen.
49:02 No more high blood or low blood pressure medication.
49:05 Amen! No medication at all!
49:07 Doctors: I love you but you won't have a job in the kingdom
49:10 because the Master Physician will be in charge of every case.
49:13 All we need to do is get together around the Tree of Life
49:16 which has fruit for the healing of the nations. Amen!
49:18 I used to think that we're going to be sick and that's why
49:20 the fruit will heal us. No! What I've discovered is
49:22 we are not going to be sick in heaven. The inhabitants
49:24 "shall not say I am sick" so why would the fruit be for
49:27 the healing of the nations? You know why?
49:29 Because there's so much division in this earth:
49:31 racial division, ethnic division, educational division.
49:37 People living in a high area and a low area.
49:40 Financial division.
49:42 But when we get to heaven it's not going to matter
49:44 where you're from. All that's going to matter
49:46 is where you end up. Amen!
49:48 From one blood came all nations.
49:50 To one blood all these nations must go.
49:54 So today, if we're going to be in heaven, we've got to break
49:57 those walls down now. Amen!
49:59 Come on... tell it, tell it. Hallelujah!
50:07 That's right. We're having a sermon.
50:11 Those walls have got to come down when? Now!
50:16 The wall of separation... love between brothers and sisters...
50:20 that wall has to come down now!
50:23 Come to church on Sabbath morning and you walk up that
50:25 aisle; the person you hate walk up that aisle.
50:27 That's gotta come down now. Amen!
50:30 Dedication to the service of God: that's gotta be our heart's
50:33 pulse now. If you really believe that Jesus is coming again,
50:37 you've got to work as though He's coming tomorrow!
50:40 Amen!
50:43 Somebody said: "We have to live as though Jesus died
50:46 yesterday, rose today, and He's coming back tomorrow. "
50:49 What a day of rejoicing that's going to be when we see Jesus.
50:52 What do you say? Amen! I'm going to see my mother.
50:55 I got caught up in that. One day about 7 years ago
50:57 I was preaching a sermon right here in this pulpit
50:59 for Camp Meeting and I got caught.
51:02 I was preaching about the resurrection. I got caught
51:04 and I got in a quandary. I said: "Father,
51:07 I want to be in Brooklyn to see the lady that raised me
51:09 come forth from the grave,
51:11 but after I met my mother, I want to be in the Virgin Islands
51:14 to see her come forth from the grave. " The Lord said:
51:16 "John, forget about all that. Why don't you just meet them
51:18 in the air? " Amen!
51:23 One of my sound men that's now a member of the church...
51:25 I remember when I was doing the program with Pr. John Stanton
51:28 House Calls. I'm not going to give his name.
51:30 I'll leave it up to him.
51:32 He was not yet converted.
51:34 He was not yet a member of our church,
51:37 and so the message I preached was not something that brought
51:40 settled comfort to his heart.
51:42 And I found out a few years later when he told me himself.
51:44 He said: "Pastor, whenever you and Pr. John Stanton had
51:47 House Calls I would leave work angry. "
51:50 "I would go home and argue with myself. "
51:52 He said "But one day I heard you talk about the resurrection. "
51:56 And he said: "When you preached that message
51:58 you made God sound like He knows what He's doing. "
52:04 And he invited me into his sound room
52:06 and he said to me: "Pastor John... " And I looked at him...
52:08 I thought: "I heard about him before.
52:10 He's always upset. What's he going to tell me today? "
52:12 And he said to me: "I give up! "
52:15 "I give up! What do I have to do to become a member
52:19 in this church? " Whenever I put something on Facebook
52:22 he said: "That's my pastor! "
52:24 I tell you: God can take you from where you are
52:26 to where He wants you to be. Come on, somebody.
52:28 This is a resurrection message.
52:30 We don't preach the cross. The cross is just a part of it.
52:33 If the cross was it, He would still be dead!
52:37 But there's an empty tomb somewhere!
52:39 When you go to the Middle East or when you go to the Holy Land
52:42 I call it the Bible land...
52:43 there ain't nothing holy about it.
52:50 Think about it.
52:53 It used to be holy...
52:55 but when you reject Jesus ain't nothin' holy about it.
53:00 Muslims on one side and Jews on the other.
53:02 They can be saved, but they've gotta accept Jesus
53:04 as the Savior. Amen! When you go to the Bible lands
53:07 they give you a tour to... One person says "Jesus was
53:09 here in this tomb. " The other person says:
53:11 "He was there in that tomb. " And they buy tickets to see
53:14 where He was. Why spend money to see where He was
53:17 when you can see where He is for free?
53:21 I ain't never been to the Bible lands but I plan on being in the
53:24 holy land. Somebody help me out.
53:26 Today I'm making my declaration.
53:29 That's why this is an all of a sudden message.
53:32 You see, when Jesus came forth, all of a sudden
53:35 everything He once proclaimed now made sense.
53:38 The message he had been studying makes sense.
53:41 The truth he had questioned... The truth you had questioned
53:44 suddenly makes sense. The prayers you've been praying
53:46 suddenly get answered. The job you've been searching for
53:48 suddenly comes your way.
53:50 The fear that robbed your sleep suddenly leaves your mind.
53:53 The pain that you've been carrying suddenly is lifted
53:56 by God's grace. The storm that you've been battered by
53:59 suddenly passes over. Hallelujah to that!
54:02 The children that you've been praying for
54:04 suddenly accept Jesus.
54:06 And the Jesus that you thought you knew
54:09 all of a sudden becomes real.
54:11 Do we really believe that Jesus lives?
54:15 Oh, I want to see that. Do we really believe that Jesus lives?
54:18 Amen! If you believe that Jesus lives, you also
54:21 believe that one day everything you have...
54:23 everything you have is going to go up in flames.
54:27 Amen! That's right! Amen! Amen!
54:31 I used to worry about the stock market.
54:34 I don't any more
54:36 'cause Jesus said my bread and water shall be sure.
54:41 Whenever the stock market takes a dive,
54:43 I remember that Jesus' stock market never takes a dive.
54:47 Whenever difficulty comes and I can't make ends meet
54:50 I know that Jesus knows how to stretch those ends
54:52 and put them together.
54:54 This is a resurrection message; we serve a risen Savior.
54:57 He's in the world today. That's why I always sing that song.
54:59 We serve a what kind of Savior? Risen!
55:02 A risen Savior. The Jews found out;
55:04 Satan found out; the evil angels found out
55:07 Gabriel always knew it. The Father sent Jesus
55:10 not to be a defeated Lord but a resurrected and risen Lord.
55:15 And today this church stands on a foundation that
55:17 shall never be destroyed. It may look like it's about to
55:21 fall apart, but it's not going to fall apart.
55:23 Amen! Enfeebled and defective though the church may be
55:26 we stand on the foundation of a risen Lord!
55:29 And Jesus is coming again.
55:34 As I close, I've got to go back to the beginning.
55:39 Those faithful ladies that followed Jesus...
55:43 those faithful women... Sometimes I say in my church:
55:47 "Brethren, forgive me. This is not about my guy. "
55:51 Sometimes I say: "If you want something said,
55:55 tell the men and if you want something done,
55:58 tell the women. "
56:01 Don't say amen to that, please.
56:06 When these women came to the tomb on that Sunday morning
56:11 with all the good intentions of anointing the body of Jesus
56:15 they met two guys that they had never met before.
56:19 The angels said: "Let's hang around just a little longer
56:24 to get the message started. "
56:27 And the women came to the tomb
56:30 early in that morning... that Sunday morning
56:34 as the sun began to peek its head up
56:37 on that morning of welcome.
56:39 And the angels said to them:
56:41 "Why do you seek the living among the dead?
56:45 He is not here but He is risen. "
56:48 Hallelujah, somebody. "He is not here but He is risen. "
56:53 Not only is He risen... He's coming again!
56:55 And when He comes again, do you want to be in that number?
56:58 Amen! Oh, one day we're going to be in that number
57:01 to see not only the risen Lord
57:04 but the reigning Lord.
57:06 And one day Satan will be no more.
57:09 Death will be forever banished.
57:11 There will be one harmonious pulse throughout the limitless
57:15 space of eternity, and that declaration will
57:18 be made: "It is finished! "
57:21 And forever and forever and forever
57:24 sin will never rise again.
57:26 That's why we serve a risen Savior.


Revised 2017-01-03