Christ, Calvary, and the Sanctuary

Calvary Says Love

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Kenny Shelton


Series Code: 16SCM

Program Code: 16SCM000020A

00:51 Welcome to 3ABN's Spring Camp Meeting:
00:56 Live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
01:01 Welcome to Spring Camp Meeting!
01:04 Have you had a blessed day?
01:06 Amen! Boy, I know we have, too.
01:09 We have another powerful message, don't we, from the
01:11 Word of God today. We welcome you at home
01:13 that have been viewing, watching maybe through the
01:15 television, Internet, listening on the radio.
01:18 It's a blessing, isn't it? Spring Camp Meeting.
01:20 I know that Jill and I are always blessed
01:21 being here, participating with all of you,
01:24 listening to the sermons, Sabbath School, the music.
01:26 It's always a blessing. And who do we have with us
01:28 today sharing the message from the Word of God?
01:30 We have Pastor Kenny Shelton.
01:32 And he is Danny's brother and was instrumental
01:36 in the beginning of 3ABN.
01:38 And he is president of Behold the Lamb Ministries.
01:41 He and his wife Chris are a precious couple
01:44 who love the Lord Jesus and love other people.
01:48 And I'm excited about the message that he's going to bring
01:51 today entitled Calvary Says Love.
01:54 But before he comes we're also blessed by special music.
01:58 And who has our special music?
01:59 Yes, Ladye Love Smith has the special music for today.
02:02 We always enjoy her music, don't we?
02:04 Amen! And Reggie. Yeah, she and Reggie, that's for sure,
02:07 are a real blessing. But she's bringing the music today
02:09 and the title of her song is Calvary Says Love.
02:12 The same as Pastor Kenny's sermon. Isn't that neat?
02:15 That's God ordained, isn't it? But before we begin, let's pray.
02:18 Father in heaven, we thank you for this day.
02:20 We thank you for the Sabbath day.
02:22 Father... a day that You have set aside...
02:24 a special blessing that we can receive from honoring it
02:26 and keeping it holy. Father, we pray again
02:29 that You would be with Pastor Kenny Shelton
02:31 as he brings Your message. Lord, he is a vessel for You.
02:34 And Father, I just pray that You will bless him and be with
02:36 Ladye Love as she brings us the music.
02:38 And In Jesus' name we pray, Amen. Amen!
02:57 In compassion and love
03:01 He looked down to earth...
03:06 then He sent His Son,
03:11 born of a virgin birth.
03:17 He knew from creation
03:22 what was to be.
03:26 With great love for man
03:31 He planned Calvary.
03:39 Calvary says love
03:44 to me
03:48 like words
03:51 could never say.
03:58 His blood
04:01 He shed
04:03 was love written in red...
04:09 Calvary says love
04:13 to me.
04:26 Separated by sin
04:30 was the whole human race,
04:35 man was destined to die
04:40 were it not for grace.
04:46 A cross and three nails
04:50 never held Him there.
04:55 He willingly chose
05:00 the cross to bear.
05:08 Calvary says love
05:13 to me
05:17 like words
05:20 could never say.
05:27 The blood He shed
05:32 was love written in red...
05:37 Calvary says love
05:42 to me.
06:01 The blood He shed
06:06 was love written in red...
06:12 Calvary says love
06:17 to me...
06:21 The blood He shed
06:26 was love written in red...
06:34 Calvary says love
06:39 to me...
06:44 Calvary says love
06:52 to me.
07:15 Amen! Whoo! Glory hallelujah!
07:18 Mercy, that sounded good! Thank you!
07:20 You know, it just fits so well with the subject, doesn't it?
07:23 Was anybody blessed by that like I was? Amen!
07:26 I was back there with the spiritual goosebumps.
07:30 She would probably be offended but I was kind of humming along
07:32 and two or three of us were humming along.
07:35 Don't know if it was in the same key or not,
07:37 but we sure liked it!
07:39 Praise the Lord! Happy Sabbath afternoon!
07:42 That's good. I know that each one here has been having
07:45 a wonderful spiritual time.
07:47 You know, we're not just looking for a good time
07:49 we're looking for a good spiritual time that we've spent.
07:51 And that's exactly what Camp Meetings are for.
07:54 That's why God did what? He designed Camp Meetings,
07:56 right? So He could pour His Spirit out on His children.
07:59 So if the Spirit is not poured out, maybe we're just not ready
08:02 to receive it. But I believe that it's going to be poured out
08:04 if you open your heart, your mind, and you want it.
08:06 Well you're going to get double. You keep it up you're going to
08:09 get a double portion. All right!
08:11 I'll just be talking to you all afternoon.
08:13 That's right. Me and you can talk about it if you want to.
08:16 That's right. I'm not afraid to talk.
08:20 Whoo! Glory! You don't want to get me too excited to start with
08:23 here now... wow!
08:25 Before we have prayer... It's good; we're entitled.
08:28 Calvary means, it does, love to me.
08:31 It's a wonderful beautiful sub- ject, and that's what you have
08:34 heard. This is a Camp Meeting, isn't 'it?
08:36 Christ and Calvary and the Sanctuary.
08:39 What a message... a message I know that you
08:42 have heard that's blessed your heart.
08:43 And we just pray this: that it's not just going to...
08:46 you hear and then you leave it.
08:48 We want you to take these messages with you
08:50 in your heart. And if you can't remember them
08:52 that's why they sell these things out there.
08:55 I'll still mention it. You're not buying them on the Sabbath.
08:57 But I'll still mention it to you 'cause you need to take them
09:00 back to people who did not... didn't come.
09:02 OK? Bless your hearts... good.
09:04 There's a man one time before I have prayer...
09:06 I always say if I forget to have prayer
09:08 we're always praying, but...
09:10 It's always nice. Everybody walks by
09:12 they know I need help and they say: "Man, can I pray for you? "
09:15 "Yeah. " One got done and another one "come" by.
09:18 I said: "Yes. " My brother "come" by
09:19 and said: "I need to pray for you. " I said: "That's right. "
09:21 And he did. And I'm always thankful and grateful for that.
09:24 I love prayer and I'm thankful for prayer.
09:26 God answers prayer. But you know, there's a man
09:28 one time that... he prayed: "You know, some day... "
09:32 "Lord... " he said... "some day I want to be able to have those
09:35 scars that You carried. "
09:38 "I want to be able just to have those same kind of marks. "
09:41 And so he prayed about that. He said: "I want the marks
09:44 that You had. I want them in my hands
09:46 and I want them in my feet.
09:47 You know, I want them on my head; I want them in my side. "
09:50 And he thought about it day in and day out
09:53 and he prayed about it. And one night he had a...
09:54 kind of had this little bitty dream. And as he had this
09:57 dream he saw that... that there was something that was
10:01 revealed to him that nobody was really talking about.
10:04 Something that was revealed about his Lord.
10:07 There was something on marks
10:11 that were on His shoulder.
10:14 Interesting. You know, we talk about the others
10:18 but just think with me for a moment.
10:20 And he thought: "This is something I hadn't
10:23 realized before: there were marks on my Savior's shoulder. "
10:28 And then he began to figure this out, and maybe
10:31 you figured it out already.
10:33 That you know before... The only way that He could have these
10:35 marks... the only way that He could receive these other marks
10:40 that He had upon His shoulders, you see,
10:44 is if He first did what? What do you think?
10:47 Hmmm? Pick up the cross and follow Jesus. Amen!
10:52 And I can't help but think
10:55 He had a lot of marks on His shoulder.
10:56 That was such a heavy cross.
10:58 And I think this, too: we, too, must cry...
11:01 cry as we carry the cross of Jesus
11:05 and then rejoice. And when we carry that cross
11:08 it's going to leave it's marks in this world. Do you believe
11:10 that? If you carry a cross
11:12 in this life, there's going to be some scars,
11:14 there's going to be some marks.
11:17 But I believe this: there's no one that's going to
11:21 be a crown-wearer in heaven
11:24 UNLESS they're a cross-bearer here.
11:29 Amen! You have to be a what?
11:31 A cross-bearer here. That's why Jesus said
11:34 you know, "You need to take up the cross
11:36 and follow Me. "
11:39 "Whosoever... " notice that... "does not bear the cross
11:42 and come after Me... " He said... "cannot be
11:46 My disciple" in Luke 14:27.
11:50 Let's pray, shall we? I'm going to kneel up here.
11:53 You feel free if you want to or just bow your head as we pray
11:55 together. Loving Lord in heaven,
12:00 Father which art in heaven, we thank you for Jesus today.
12:03 We thank you for Calvary.
12:05 Calvary does say love to me.
12:08 And Lord, I'd be the first to admit - and You know it -
12:11 I don't understand all there is to know about Calvary
12:13 but I want to know more...
12:15 to know more about Calvary and what You went through,
12:19 what You gave up, what You endured for someone like me.
12:22 It's just... it's too much for my poor little mind,
12:25 but I love it. I thank you. It helps me to love You more.
12:28 And I pray today as we just go over some familiar
12:31 things that Your people here and around the world...
12:35 They're wanting a closer con- nection; they're wanting to know
12:38 Jesus better. They're wanting to sense that precious blood's
12:41 going to be applied to their heart and to their life
12:44 and they're going to be a new creature in You.
12:46 May Your power now consume each and every one of us.
12:49 May our hearts be in tune with You
12:54 to where the Holy Spirit of the Living God
12:57 can walk up and down these aisles.
13:00 May we bring honor and glory to You.
13:03 May we not say anything that would offend You, Lord.
13:07 Man may be offended - well, we'll get over that -
13:10 but we don't want to offend heaven.
13:11 We thank you for hearing and we thank you for answering
13:14 prayer. We thank you for the sweet Spirit now that's going to
13:16 speak to us. May we stand behind today
13:19 the cross of Calvary and may Jesus be seen.
13:22 In His precious name we pray and for His sake, Amen. Amen.
13:27 Always keep your sword close by.
13:29 We'll go through quite a few things, and as we go
13:31 through these we don't have time to read everything.
13:34 You'll jot them down, right? That's kind of my MO.
13:36 Move along quickly... a lot to carry; you've got a lot to do.
13:40 People say: "Oh, I can't find enough material. "
13:42 Maybe I'll find too much I don't know, but
13:44 there's a lot to go over. The Bible says in the book of
13:46 Matthew, so if you have your Bible just quickly Matthew 27.
13:51 Matthew chapter 27 verse 50.
13:55 Now we need to get our minds working together, don't we?
13:57 Right? The right frame of mind 'cause we're talking about
14:00 something here... we're talking about the cross
14:02 and what Calvary means to us
14:04 and the One that was hanging on the cross.
14:06 And you remember as Jesus hung upon the cross
14:08 in Matthew chapter 27 verse 50
14:11 notice what the Bible says. The Bible says: "And Jesus
14:14 when He had cried... " Did you notice?
14:17 "again with a loud voice... " What did He do?
14:20 It said: "He yielded up the ghost... " or life force, right?
14:24 He cried with a loud voice and He yielded up the ghost.
14:28 He died. Wow!
14:31 John records this same passage here
14:36 just a little bit different in the book John 19:30.
14:40 And he puts it this way, In John 19:30 He said:
14:44 "It is finished. " Do you remember reading the Bible?
14:46 When Jesus hung on the cross and He died He said what?
14:49 "It is finished. " And you know and I know
14:51 one of these days soon He's going to stand up -
14:53 right? - in the heavenly sanctuary.
14:55 He's our mediator. He's going to take off those priestly robes
14:58 and He's going to say once again what?
15:00 "It is finished. " And then when He says finished
15:02 He mans what? He means FINISHED!
15:06 He that is righteous will be what?
15:08 Right, yeah. Righteous. He says: "Holy, be holy;
15:10 righteous righteous; and filthy filthy. "
15:12 So we realize once He stands up and says it's over with
15:14 it's over with, and that time is I think quickly.
15:17 I think it's coming quickly. Amen!
15:19 You know, what does Calvary really say to you?
15:21 What does it really say? Love... what does it do
15:23 when you just mention Calvary or when you mention Jesus?
15:26 Does it do something special to you? I pray that it does today.
15:30 John... 30: He said: "It is finished" and He bowed
15:34 His head and He gave up the ghost or He died.
15:39 He died... King of the universe!
15:44 He died. Why did He die?
15:50 Why did He have to die?
15:54 We have no idea. People think we have an idea.
15:57 "Eye hasn't seen or ear heard... " Right?
15:59 We don't understand even His position in heaven.
16:04 All the glory and all the power!
16:07 How angels adored Him and they just couldn't wait
16:09 for Him to send them some place and do something.
16:12 Chief Commander and yet He was willing to lay all of that down.
16:17 Willing to come... 'cause He saw you, didn't He?
16:20 I love the song, right? When He was on the cross -
16:22 somebody help me - who?
16:25 You can be selfish in this instance if you want to.
16:28 I was on His mind. Amen!
16:30 And I'm thankful that I was
16:33 and I'm thankful that you were on His mind.
16:35 When He bowed His head - gave up the ghost -
16:38 when He died, notice what happened.
16:40 As He died, something happened. The Most Holy Place
16:43 was opened up.
16:46 The door had been shut for centuries!
16:50 The work was carried on in the first apartment
16:52 and when He died and gave up the ghost
16:55 that door was opened!
16:57 He went into the Most Holy Place.
17:01 Why? Because God was satisfied with the sacrifice.
17:05 How wonderful that the Father said: "I accept the sacrifice. "
17:10 We have justice and we have mercy blended together.
17:15 And I like it in the book of Psalms, I think it's chapter 85
17:18 verse 10: "Righteousness and peace
17:21 have... " What? "have kissed. "
17:24 He's just and He's good!
17:27 He's wonderful!
17:28 Justice and mercy blended
17:31 now because of the sacrifice of Jesus, because of Calvary...
17:34 because it says love to me.
17:37 Now God could do something.
17:39 He could justify sinners because of Jesus Christ.
17:45 Sinners couldn't be justified before Christ died,
17:48 really. You get it? By the blood, the new covenant.
17:51 When He died, gave His life, now God could say: "OK, now
17:54 we can justify. It's been cover- ed by the blood of the Lamb. "
17:59 All who believe on Jesus Christ...
18:02 God now can give the human race another chance.
18:08 I love second chances praise God.
18:11 I don't know how many you've had but I've had quite a few.
18:16 Yeah, the rest of you are like "I don't know what he's talking
18:18 about. " I know you do know.
18:22 See... that's what Calvary says. It makes my heart glad
18:26 because it's not you make a mistake and then you're out.
18:29 Maybe you make another or you will, you still
18:32 come to Him confessing and forsaking.
18:34 He says: "Come on back, child... "
18:36 and He restores you to part of the family of God.
18:39 I love that! Amen!
18:41 The human race now has another chance.
18:45 It has another trial coming.
18:47 My Bible says in Romans chapter 3 verse 24:
18:50 "We, being justified... " Notice this: "freely by His grace. "
18:56 Freely. We carry too heavy of a load.
19:00 Anybody here ever carried a load
19:02 you didn't really want? Things going on in the world
19:04 and they're heavy. And there's maybe the sin issue
19:07 or a lot of other things we carry that He doesn't want us
19:09 to carry those weights around. He said: "Why don't you put 'em
19:11 on Me? I can do it; you can't do it. "
19:13 "You can't take it... but I can! "
19:16 "Let Me take them; throw them at My feet. "
19:19 A lot of time we throw them at His feet then we scramble
19:22 to pick them back up again.
19:23 I want to by faith throw them at His feet
19:25 knowing my heavenly Father will take care of those issues
19:27 for me. I am thankful that the redemption
19:32 price was paid. Have you thought about the redemption price?
19:35 How much you're really worth?
19:37 How much are you worth?
19:39 I'm talking to you.
19:41 See how speechless? Oh... you're worth nothing?
19:45 Are you worth something?
19:48 You'd better believe you are.
19:50 See, when we say "What are you worth? "
19:52 some say: "Well I'm worthless... I'm no good. "
19:54 If you're a child of God, you're worth Jesus Christ's life!
19:58 Amen! That's right! You are valuable!
20:02 But this pity party: nobody cares, nobody loves...
20:06 All of heaven - isn't that right? was given for you
20:09 so you can spend eternity with Jesus.
20:11 Calvary means something.
20:13 A price was paid for each and every one of us.
20:17 And it's interesting. Just kind of compare this passage
20:20 just a little bit and think and pray on it
20:22 because I think when Christ died on the cross,
20:24 when He said: "It's finished! " and He gave up the ghost
20:27 it's kind of interesting. In Luke chapter 10 verse 18
20:31 I wonder if this can fit somehow. It can be said
20:34 that "Satan fell like lightning from heaven. "
20:38 Somebody still with me?
20:40 Oh, I know... It got really... yeah...
20:45 Wow! Interesting! Beautiful!
20:49 When Christ makes a pledge, He keeps it to the letter.
20:53 He keeps it to the letter: the pledge He made.
20:57 And I like the song that the young people were singing
21:00 because that just reminded me here that in Christ's death,
21:05 because of Calvary He was more than a conqueror.
21:08 And because He was we accept Him
21:10 WE are more than conquerors through Him!
21:13 Isn't that what the Book says?
21:15 Romans chapter 8 verse 37, can you think about it?
21:17 "We are more than conquerors. " I don't know... I just...
21:20 Conqueror sounds pretty good to me!
21:22 But you're even more than that. That simply means to me
21:25 that I don't understand the MORE.
21:28 How much more that we're more than a... somebody say more.
21:30 Help me out here. MORE than a conqueror through
21:33 Jesus Christ. I like to say: "Well, they won the victory
21:36 here... conquerors. " You're MORE than that
21:40 because of Jesus Christ!
21:43 Praise God for that!
21:45 Christ became, I like this, you know well: He became
21:48 our substitute. I needed somebody to substitute.
21:52 My wife for years was a teacher
21:55 and she substituted.
21:57 Many times she'd substitute.
22:00 That means that she took somebody else's place.
22:03 Does that make sense?
22:06 In school I always liked substitute teachers to come in.
22:14 I thought I could pull the wool.
22:18 Some of them were pretty sharp.
22:20 They did that to my wife 'cause she kind of short,
22:23 but as soon as she opened her mouth they went to their seat
22:25 and sat down and closed their mouth.
22:27 She let 'em know who was boss you see.
22:32 She took the place... Christ took our place.
22:35 He's our substitute... a substitute. I thought: "how
22:39 beautiful! " He's our substance. He's our what? Our all in?
22:45 All in all... is everything!
22:48 When you say He's our substitute He's my assurance!
22:52 You can bank on... You can't bank anything any more.
22:56 Money in the bank. You'd better be careful with
22:57 money in the bank nowadays.
22:59 I advise some of you to get your money out of the bank
23:01 and put it in 3ABN. You'll win some souls. Amen!
23:05 I hope no one heard that.
23:11 You'll wake up one of these days and you won't have it
23:13 and you'll wish that you had put it in the cause of Christ
23:16 where something could be... You know what I'm talking about.
23:18 He's our surety... you can count on Him!
23:21 Lay your treasures up He tells you right here.
23:23 He's my surety... Ooh! He's my bond!
23:28 Wow! He's my bond!
23:31 And you know what word really means when it says You're my
23:34 substitute? That means He's liable for my debt.
23:41 That's good news. Somebody didn't shout.
23:43 Oh, I love it. No... He's liable for my debt!
23:46 I'm in debt over my head!
23:50 Some of you started to look at your wallets right quick.
23:52 Look... think about it with me: we're in debt.
23:56 Right? We're under a death decree. You know, we've all
23:58 sinned and come short of the glory of God...
24:00 the debt that I cannot repay.
24:01 Can't earn it; you can't buy it; you can't act smooth.
24:06 I need a substitute.
24:09 I have to have a surety.
24:10 I have to have assurance; I have to be certain about this.
24:14 He's my bond.
24:17 I can count on that.
24:21 But you know what? If... If, per chance,
24:24 and I know none of you are going to go this direction...
24:26 but if per chance we might slip and fall
24:29 The Bible said: "If we, then... "
24:31 "we have an Advocate with the Father. " Amen! Whoo!
24:36 That's good news!
24:38 "If per chance you're overcome by the enemy... "
24:43 Not that you should be but just in case.
24:45 It's probably those who are watching; it's no one here
24:48 I know. But look... if we're overcome by the enemy,
24:51 we have an Advocate with the Father. " I John 2:1.
24:55 Jot it down and look it up.
24:58 Our Advocate is Jesus Christ.
25:01 I figured this out a long time ago, church.
25:03 I don't know about you. But Jesus wants me more in heaven
25:06 than I can even... I want myself.
25:08 I think I really want it more than anything.
25:09 You can feel it? Are me and you feeling this?
25:12 OK, good. He said he wants it more than anything in life.
25:15 That's the way we have to if it's going to be our home.
25:18 But He wants you there more than even you want to be there
25:20 'cause we just don't understand it.
25:22 That's what Calvary says. That's why we're to think about it
25:25 and we're to pray about it and we're to look at it
25:27 and we're to study it and have the assurance!
25:29 The surety.
25:32 See, the Son of God was given to die
25:36 before the foundation of the world. This is interesting.
25:39 Hebrews 9:26... just look it up when you can.
25:41 I'll go over it just as quick as I can.
25:43 "For then He must have often suffered
25:46 since the... " What? "the foundation of the world. "
25:49 Notice that.. oh! "But now once in the end... "
25:52 you've heard this read before here in these messages...
25:55 "hath He appeared to... " Notice this: He's appeared
25:58 for a reason and what is the reason?
26:00 Somebody say put away sin.
26:02 I need some help here!
26:04 Amen! You think it's after dinner and you're a little
26:06 sleepy? That's too bad.
26:10 I've often said I see somebody sleeping I will come out
26:12 and get you.
26:19 I need... Were you adjusting my tie this morning?
26:21 Who was that? See... the tie came out.
26:24 Don't you worry about it... all right.
26:28 Come on, keep our minds think- ing. Come on, keep our minds...
26:31 This is it: we have to listen because what?
26:33 Because God is speaking again and He's going over some of
26:36 these things that you've been going over, and now
26:38 it's being... it's a witness!
26:40 Amen! A witness of His goodness!
26:43 He's appeared! He came down here because we are sinners
26:47 in need of a Savior!
26:49 BEFORE the foundation of the world.
26:52 Isn't that what I Peter? What that says? 1:20?
26:55 Revelation 13:8 says "the Lamb slain from... " What?
26:59 "the foundation of the world. "
27:02 I don't know about this, and some of you... I'm sure
27:04 somebody'll say: "Well, that's not the way I... "
27:07 That's all right.
27:09 I'll pose the question or this little comment here. Listen:
27:15 The existence - to me - of sin
27:20 is unexplainable.
27:27 Somebody dig a little deeper 'cause some of you are not even
27:29 digging. You say: "Well, whew... " And it's gone.
27:31 No... no... it's unexplainable.
27:37 How could? Are you? How could it happen?
27:41 Someone who'd been in the presence of God
27:43 for no telling how long, isn't that right?
27:46 Seeing Him in action, and seeing the love and the goodness
27:49 and the mercy. How did it happen?
27:53 It's like it's unexplainable. And you say: "What? "
27:57 So I kind of ask this and just kind of listen to the words
28:00 a little bit: You know, you say: "What is God?
28:04 What? What is God? What's God? "
28:07 No one knows what God is!
28:10 There's a little exception going on here, so don't just
28:12 get blind with me. No one really knows what God is
28:18 until what? He sees himself in the light
28:23 that's reflected from Calvary and then he sees himself
28:27 as a sinner in need of a Savior.
28:29 Then he sees... through the Savior we see God.
28:32 As we see God, what do we see?
28:35 We see a sin- pardoning, right? Savior
28:37 and God. We see One that is gracious;
28:41 we see One that is compassion- ate; One that is longsuffering;
28:44 One that is forgiving.
28:46 Oh, isn't that wonderful? Amen!
28:49 See, I wouldn't understand what God is all about
28:52 because I hear all this stuff all the time...
28:53 except I look at Jesus
28:55 and then I know exactly who God is.
28:57 Isn't that right? At least what man can comprehend.
29:02 And so often we leave God out and it's a little bit different
29:04 picture. Christ had a purpose
29:09 for coming to this world, did He not?
29:12 He had a purpose for coming here. I Timothy 1:15
29:15 quickly says Jesus Christ came into this world for what?
29:19 Somebody say: "to save somebody. "
29:21 Save the righteous? Or save who?
29:23 The sinners!
29:25 He came to "seek and save that which was lost. "
29:29 And that was? Me! Oh boy!
29:32 We've got three lost ones in here.
29:35 Well, I heard three voices. I'm not trying to make fun of it
29:37 but I'm saying... To seek and to save what?
29:40 The lost. And that was? ME!
29:43 Way to go! That's it... because we're all lost
29:45 without Jesus, aren't we? A sinner saved by...
29:48 He came to seek and to save a sinner like me.
29:52 I'm thankful that I have a Mediator,
29:55 right? In the Most Holy Place.
29:57 I have a Savior that's pleading my case.
29:59 When my name comes up old Kenny doesn't have to be there.
30:03 I just by faith accept Jesus Christ, isn't that right?
30:06 Kenny Shelton next on the list.
30:08 Jesus stands up and He says: "He's my boy! "
30:10 Yes! Some of you won't get that.
30:17 "He's my brother. " Is He not our brother? Jesus Christ?
30:21 Amen! He's our elder brother.
30:26 Then He begins to show those scars.
30:31 God doesn't have to look at me I'm so thankful.
30:34 He looks at His Son and He believes His Son.
30:37 Amen! When His Son says and your name comes up
30:40 "He's My child. " God says: "Whoo! Glory! "
30:43 "My blood, Father... My blood. "
30:46 Oh how wonderful! I need that Mediator right now.
30:49 Do you understand the word? We call Him a Mediator here.
30:54 Mediator. He's' my... somebody say Intercessor.
30:58 Right? He's my Intercessor.
30:59 He's settling some differences!
31:02 I need somebody to settle some differences.
31:06 I can't do it on my own.
31:08 He's making a difference between sinful, right? and holy.
31:13 I need someone to settle the big question...
31:17 to help me settle: is it going to be heaven or hell?
31:19 What is it going to be? Amen!
31:22 You have to settle that between you and your Savior.
31:24 If you want heaven to be your home, nothing can stop it.
31:27 The devil... the demons of hell... can't stop it!
31:31 All the million, billions, trillions... whatever it is...
31:33 I don't care about numbers because my God's bigger!
31:36 Amen! Whatever the devil does God'll do double.
31:40 Do triple if He wanted... He can do what He wants.
31:43 See I have confidence to believe that because the Word says it.
31:46 And that's how we live, isn't it church? We live by what?
31:48 We live by faith, by every word that proceeds
31:51 out of the mouth of God. So when some Christian comes up
31:53 supposedly and says: "Well I'm not really worried about this
31:56 or about that. " You'd better get worried!
31:58 I need to get worried because every word that proceeds out
32:02 of the mouth of God is important.
32:03 Don't think that it's not... because the Bible said so.
32:06 Not because I did... the Bible said so.
32:08 I need that Mediator!
32:11 I need somebody to intervene for me!
32:15 He's the intervening agency. Isn't that wonderful?
32:19 He's all these things to us!
32:22 The Bible says that in I Timothy does it not?
32:24 When you think about Calvary says love, I want you to...
32:26 I want you to think about this.
32:28 In I Timothy 2:5-6 it talks about there's one God.
32:33 Help me church. "There's one God... " and there's one what?
32:36 "Mediator between God and man. " And who might that be?
32:41 "The Man Jesus Christ" is what the Bible said
32:43 "who gave Himself a ransom for all! "
32:47 A ransom!
32:49 A Mediator! Praise God for the Mediator!
32:52 And then I looked and I said: "The word ransom's in there! "
32:55 Huh... Ransom means He...
32:59 He redeemed the captives.
33:02 You're a captive.
33:04 The devil captured you and we need somebody to free us.
33:09 He's going to set the captives free. You remember reading that?
33:12 That's what it's talking about here.
33:14 A ransom... He came to redeem the captives...
33:19 take them out of the grasp of the devil.
33:21 And let me tell you: that's not an easy task,
33:23 I'll tell you that right now.
33:25 You notice it's not that God can't do it simple
33:27 but because you and I won't let Him
33:29 'cause we want to hang on just a little bit longer
33:32 to things that we might like.
33:34 And there's a battle royale that goes on sometimes
33:37 but it's us that's the problem... it's not God.
33:40 He came to set the captives free!
33:42 He made a payment for me.
33:44 And I'm glad He didn't say just a down payment
33:47 and He'd get back with me later.
33:49 He made a FULL payment. Amen!
33:51 Does that make sense? That means it was complete...
33:54 title signed over.
33:56 And you know what? He didn't mince around and say
34:00 "Well now will You take less for him? "
34:03 Some of you have done that, you know you have
34:05 when you stop and think.
34:07 Jesus didn't do that for you because you are valuable.
34:10 Amen! Just think a little bit with me. If the enemy says
34:14 "This is what it's going to take" He said "I'll pay it. "
34:18 "I'll pay the full price 'cause they're worth it. " Amen!
34:21 "They're special people; I'll pay it. "
34:24 Just exactly what it demanded because the wages of sin is
34:27 what? It's death... it demanded death.
34:29 He said: "I'll do it for them! "
34:31 "I'll pay it in full... they won't have to do it.
34:36 All they need to do is just submit. "
34:39 "Let Me lead in their lives; let Me guide in their lives;
34:42 let Me help them. "
34:45 I think on this in a theological sense.
34:50 This is what this word ransom we're talking about here
34:53 just simply to me means set free from sin.
34:56 Set free from the grasp of the dirty devil.
35:01 You say: "Well, I don't want to call the devil dirty. "
35:03 I think you'd better. Amen.
35:07 The Bible says he's a thief and a robber and he's dirty,
35:10 isn't that right? It's OK... he is.
35:13 But how can... how can we just be set free here from sin?
35:18 How? The Bible says in II Corinthians and jot it down
35:21 5:21 notice that Jesus, the Lamb of God,
35:25 what does Calvary mean to me? It says here that He was
35:28 made what? He made Him sin for us.
35:32 "For He hath made Him sin for us... "
35:37 Oh! "who knew no sin. " Jesus, right? He didn't know any sin.
35:42 "that we might be made the righteousness of... " What?
35:45 "God in Him. " That's just over our heads,
35:49 isn't it? A little bit? Think with me.
35:51 "I'll take their sins. Didn't know any sin, didn't do anything
35:56 that's wrong, but I'm going to have to take them.
35:58 I'm going to have to bear them. They can't do it on their own.
36:02 I'm willing to do it... they're worth it. "
36:04 Calvary says loves me.
36:07 And so I guess today you might say that somehow I get
36:09 overwhelmed at times when I think of how much that
36:13 Jesus loves all of us.
36:15 In that little song He loves "even me. "
36:18 Overwhelmed! And I encourage you, church,
36:23 to sit down, be quiet for a while.
36:25 Turn your phones off; turn the computer off.
36:27 Turn the noise boxes off!
36:29 Spend that thoughtful hour a day just you and Jesus.
36:33 Thank Him for what's going on in the world.
36:35 You would not be here if it was not for the protecting hand
36:38 of God. Amen! The devil will put you out.
36:42 He's looking for that opportunity every moment.
36:45 I mean this is reality of the thing.
36:47 You're here by the grace of God. You're here because
36:50 His hand is protecting you. Amen!
36:52 I mean... that's beautiful. Well, praise time at church.
36:57 Anybody have any praises, church?
37:02 You get the face look and everything else like "Man,
37:05 we're trying to pull teeth or some... " You know?
37:07 Everybody ought to jump up and start praising the Lord
37:10 and say: "Oh yeah, every breath we take belongs to Him! "
37:14 "We live and we move through Him... "
37:18 that's what the Bible says.
37:19 So even those who don't even believe in Him, you'd best
37:23 believe Him. You're taking His air, you're taking up His space.
37:26 You won't even give Him thanks for it.
37:28 You're eating His bread; you're eating His food!
37:30 Isn't that right? You're taking His money.
37:33 Most of us put it in our pocket and are a thief and robber
37:35 and He still... And some of you need to realize:
37:38 all you thieves and robbers in tithe.
37:40 There's no one here, I under- stand. Some of you out here...
37:42 Maybe one? I don't see anybody here right now, but
37:45 let me... You know, you are being blessed -
37:48 the thieves and the robbers and the liars out here -
37:51 because of the true saints of God.
37:53 God blesses the unbeliever and all the stuff that's going on
37:57 out there because there's some good people in the world.
38:00 They're receiving blessings because you're their neighbor.
38:04 Do you think that's right? Absolutely it is!
38:07 Whoo! The Bible says it rains "on the just and the unjust, "
38:11 isn't that right now? God is good!
38:16 Think about it. Did He really? Oh boy, time's going.
38:22 Did Jesus really know what He was getting into
38:26 before He came down to this mess? Yes! Oh, we say yes
38:29 but really think about it. Did He really know everything
38:32 that was going to happen? You know, when we get into
38:35 situations we'll say: "Now what's all going to
38:38 happen here? " Have you ever done that?
38:41 "What's all going to happen here?
38:42 I'd like to know everything. "
38:44 Usually I'll say: "Honey, give me the worst and the best. "
38:48 If I can live with the worst... You can...
38:52 He knew, did He not? He knew everything.
38:55 Remember, before He took on humanity
38:59 while He was in heaven He - step by step - every step
39:04 He took in this life in this world He knew everything
39:08 that was going to happen to Him. That's amazing to me.
39:11 He knew the road that He had to travel
39:14 in order to save you and to save me. How wonderful that is!
39:18 He saw every tear, He saw every heartache.
39:22 He saw the days you have depression
39:25 and you can't get out of bed.
39:32 He saw you, too.
39:34 He saw all of this mess and how He would be treated...
39:38 how He would be talked about and gossiped about.
39:43 He saw every insult... every smack and fist in the face.
39:48 Everything He went through at Calvary.
39:51 He understood rejection because He was fully human.
39:57 He understood it.
40:01 You know how our little feelings get hurt sometimes?
40:07 He knew... He knew how it felt for people to say things
40:11 and do things. His own family... His own brothers.
40:15 He knew all that... He saw it.
40:19 So before He came here from the manger to Calvary
40:23 He saw everything - Amen! and yet He came.
40:28 This sounds simple to you but, man, weigh it out.
40:33 How many of us, if you just looked at your own little life
40:36 and could see from the beginning to the end everything
40:39 that happened I wonder how many of us would want to live on.
40:45 And it won't have been a drop in the bucket of what He saw.
40:49 But that love that He had! Calvary... He knew it was there!
40:54 He saw... He knew everything.
40:56 Every breaking of the heart because of sin.
41:01 He saw the separation from His Father that broke His heart.
41:04 He saw it from eternity.
41:06 We don't have time to read it but you say: "Well now how do? "
41:09 Just read Luke chapter 18.
41:11 Jesus, talking about the disciples one time, verses 31-4.
41:15 Can't do it now 'cause time's almost gone already.
41:17 Sixteen minutes left... my, my, my.
41:23 He revealed... the scriptures revealed everything that He
41:26 would have to go through. He told the disciples...
41:28 I wish we had time to read it and really talk about it for
41:31 about two hours. He saw... He told the
41:36 disciples what would happen. How He would be taken;
41:39 How He'd be nailed to the cross; how He would die.
41:41 And the next scripture after that in Luke is talking about
41:43 here it says they didn't understand a word He said.
41:48 A little paraphrased but it's exactly what...
41:50 They couldn't understand a thing.
41:52 That's the way people today. They read the Word of God
41:54 and yet they can't understand a thing.
41:55 And I'm saying: "Why couldn't they understand it? "
41:58 It was simple language.
42:00 They couldn't! You know why? Because they didn't want to.
42:06 Somebody with me, church? Amen!
42:08 They didn't want to understand it. They didn't want
42:10 to think that's going to happen to Him.
42:12 They refused to accept it.
42:14 There's people in the world today that won't accept
42:15 the truth of the message here because they just don't want to.
42:18 They're not going to listen... they just don't want to!
42:20 It's clear and simple.
42:24 I remember my step-dad... After my father passed away
42:29 I had a step-dad come in. Just... Oh I don't mind talking
42:32 about it. God has good people everywhere. I think he was
42:34 Baptist. And... Now somebody's chuckling on me.
42:41 And it's the truth! So naturally you know Adventists
42:45 you get your Bible out and start doing some studying.
42:47 Amen! Isn't that right?
42:49 Well you should. If you're not doing it, you need to.
42:53 So my mother began to study with him, and you know,
42:56 a year passed and another year and another year
42:59 and another year. And I thought: "Hey, now wait a minute here...
43:02 what's going on? " Pretty smart man but it seemed like you know.
43:07 Finally he went to his pastor with some...
43:11 He said: "I'm going to get your mother this time. I'm going to
43:13 the pastor and I'll get some Bible passages and boy
43:15 we'll just... I'll shut your mom up. "
43:19 I really basically said: "If you do, you'll be the first. "
43:25 And certainly that was with scripture too. Mama was good!
43:29 So he went to his pastor and his pastor said:
43:31 "You know, I don't have anything to be honest. "
43:33 And you know what he said?
43:35 "Well good. I liked your honesty. I won't see you
43:37 any more here. I'm going to go join the Seventh-day Adventist
43:39 church. " That's right!
43:42 And so then I had the audacity to go by. His name was Earl.
43:44 I said: "Dad... " I called him Dad. I said: "Dad... "
43:47 You know, you have to be blessed if you happen to have
43:49 a step-parent or whatever and they're good to you.
43:51 Whatever. I feel like I had the blessing of two good dads.
43:57 Nobody's trying any competition with the other.
43:59 I had two good dads. He took care of my mother.
44:01 He gave her things that my dad could not do
44:04 and I was thankful for that.
44:06 He was a good provider; he's a good man.
44:07 And finally I said: "Oh Dad. " The man took seven years.
44:10 I said: "Dad, what took you so long? "
44:13 I said: "I know you had to see and understand
44:18 this. " He said: "Yeah, I did a long time ago. "
44:24 I said: "What happened? " He said "Well I'm one of those... "
44:27 What is it? Oh be careful, I'll get in trouble...
44:29 He said: "I'm one of those hard-shell Baptists. "
44:33 And then he said: "No, I meant hard-headed. "
44:36 He was talking about himself but you see what I mean.
44:38 He knew a long time ago, but the point: he didn't want
44:42 to accept it. He wasn't going to.
44:44 The proof was there. It was no different from the first year
44:46 as it was the seventh year. But what? He just did not want
44:48 it; he was not going to. And finally he opened his heart
44:51 to God and he said: "This is beautiful!
44:52 I wish I'd have done it before. "
44:54 Oh, a happier home. Oh, they could study together
44:57 in unity now. What a home!
44:59 Jesus knew it all, yet He said "Lo I come" in the volume
45:03 of what? In this book in the book of Psalms.
45:05 You notice? Seven and eight. "It's written of Me... "
45:09 Notice: "I delight to do Thy will, O God.
45:12 Yea, Thy law is written in my heart. "
45:15 Do you delight to do the will of God?
45:17 Or do you delight to do the will of the enemy?
45:20 You're going to be doing one or the other.
45:21 There's no middle ground here.
45:23 Once we get off of that bed... You always say, you know,
45:25 "You straddle the fence you're going to get splinters. "
45:27 So let's get off of it... let's go!
45:29 You know, I know it's impossible for us to understand
45:32 all about redemption.
45:34 But you know what? This we KNOW from the Word of God.
45:38 This we know for sure: by giving His life for men
45:43 He would win back this world from the devil
45:48 and give it to the rightful owner - which is God!
45:52 Jesus came to win the world back and give it to His Father.
45:55 That's who it belonged to. Now somebody stay with me.
45:57 Why? You know what? The cross before the crown.
46:02 The cross before what? The cross before the crown.
46:06 No one wants the cross, but I'll tell you in every day
46:09 of your life you're going to find a cross
46:11 in the middle of your pathway. You're going to find
46:13 a challenge in your pathway.
46:15 And you can't side step it and you can't hurdle it.
46:17 If you hurdle it, you know what? You'll look up and it's there
46:20 again. And you run around it He'll go ahead and put it back
46:22 again because you're going to be tested on that issue
46:25 that you need victory and I need victory
46:27 until we get that victory and we finally say: "No, I'm done. "
46:32 Thank God for that: that He loves you so much
46:34 He keeps putting it back there 'cause He knows you need it
46:37 and I need it.
46:39 And He saw it all before it happened.
46:42 He saw it all!
46:44 But you know, in the book of Hebrews He said:
46:46 "But for the joy... " What do you mean for the joy?
46:51 He saw everything that He would have to go through.
46:53 The Bible says: "For the joy that was set before Him. "
46:56 Hebrews 12:2. What did He do?
46:58 "He endured the cross despising" What? "the shame. "
47:03 And now He has sat down on the right hand of what?
47:05 Of the Father. You know, this is a powerful message
47:08 when you talk about Christ.
47:10 You lift Him up, dear friends, things happen.
47:12 If He's walking up and down through the Spirit, the Holy
47:15 Spirit, in the aisle today things are going to happen.
47:17 Lives are going to be changed.
47:19 You may not jump up and scream and carry on
47:21 but something's happening inside because you're lifting up Jesus.
47:24 You want to know more about that precious blood.
47:27 You're tired of carrying all of that weight that you've carried
47:30 for so long. I said before I'm a believer in the Spirit of
47:33 Prophecy and at this point and by God's grace
47:35 you're not going to discourage me. Nobody can.
47:39 You say: "Well let's don't be so high here. "
47:41 I said "by God's grace I'm a believer in it. "
47:45 I need it! Acts of the Apostles 209 says this...
47:47 Notice... And I think this is really some truth that we need,
47:50 especially when we talk about ministries and people working
47:52 for Jesus. "If those today who are teaching the Word
47:57 of God would uplift the cross of Christ... "
48:01 Notice: "higher and still higher
48:04 their ministry would still be more and more successful. "
48:08 We're not successful because we're not lifting up the cross
48:11 of Calvary... we're lifting up mankind.
48:13 You're looking for defeat when you do that.
48:15 You are! You lift up the cross...
48:19 There's nothing good happening in any work or any ministry
48:23 but God does it. Amen!
48:24 The Spirit does it. You and I can't do anything good.
48:28 It has to be Him inside of us.
48:30 I don't want you to see me... I want you to see Jesus.
48:34 Isn't that right? You see me you're not going to change
48:37 my brother. You see Jesus in me you're going to change.
48:42 You may not even say anything, you don't really have to do
48:44 anything but somebody's going to see it.
48:46 There's going to be something you walk down the street.
48:48 Jesus needs to be in our minds and in our hearts
48:51 and on our face.
48:54 I'd tell you some experiences that I have but you'd think I...
48:56 just say "Oh... " I'm not going to do it.
49:00 Who said that?
49:09 No, people always say: "Oh well, somebody's tooting their horn. "
49:13 I don't have a horn to toot.
49:16 You still with me?
49:19 I know... I know who runs this world.
49:23 I know...but it's nice to know that you're asking, inviting
49:28 the Spirit to come in
49:30 and somehow He comes out.
49:33 My wife and I have been in airports and just walking along
49:36 quickly and people... sometimes they walk by and look.
49:44 "Are you a preacher? "
49:46 Sitting down over there, maybe not even reading the Bible,
49:49 but they say: "Are you a preacher? You just" - check it -
49:53 "just look like one. " There's nothing good...
49:56 ain't nothing good here. They see this old ugly face
49:58 they ain't going to to get excited about anything.
50:00 I'm telling you right now: Jesus is what I'm trying to say.
50:03 Living inside. He HAS TO come out!
50:05 If He's not coming out, I guarantee you He's not in there.
50:07 Right? If He's in there, He's coming out!
50:10 Amen! This is what it's about. Let Him come in so
50:12 He can go out! Amen! That's going to change the world.
50:16 This is what we need in the work right now, the closing.
50:20 You know, Christ's death on Calvary proves that great love.
50:23 I've heard it said... Somebody said one time
50:25 "You remove the cross from the Christian would be like
50:29 blotting out the sun from the sky. "
50:31 I believe that with my whole heart.
50:33 How do the people get by who don't know Jesus?
50:37 How real was Jesus? We have just a few minutes.
50:40 There's so many questions. You know, how human was He?
50:46 When you think of Calvary, how human was He?
50:48 What nature did He take?
50:50 Was He subject to failure and defeat?
50:54 What does Calvary say to you?
50:55 Well, it certainly says love to me!
50:57 How real was Jesus? How human was Jesus?
51:01 The Bible says in Hebrews 2:14
51:03 "For as much then as children are partakers of... " What?
51:07 "flesh and... He also Himself likewise took part of the... "
51:12 How much? Somebody say "same. "
51:14 See, some of you will say He took part of the same
51:17 but there was a little... It doesn't read that way now.
51:21 You've gotta stop adding little things here and there.
51:27 I mean every once in a while I add a little something in there.
51:32 God says: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel. "
51:34 I was preaching one time, I said: "I read the Bible
51:37 and the Bible says go into all the world and preach the gospel,
51:40 Kenny. " A man stood up and said: "What kind of Bible
51:44 have you got there? "
51:46 Said: "I'm looking at my Bible and Kenny's not in there! "
51:50 I said: "You've got the wrong Bible 'cause you don't see your
51:53 name in there... something's wrong! "
51:55 Are you still with me, church?
51:56 When you read that your name should be there.
51:59 By faith you see it because God's Spirit is speaking to you.
52:03 I believe that! I see my name in there!
52:06 I read it! It's love letters to me. Amen!
52:09 It has to be real.
52:12 He didn't take the nature?
52:16 Talk about that. People say: "Oh... " Where's that brother
52:20 in here? I know there's some brother in here that...
52:22 Can't help but love him. We had a good talk, but
52:24 you know... Are you still here?
52:28 You know who you are. I'm talking about the nature.
52:30 He said: "Well you know, Jesus had a little different nature. "
52:35 He's trying to say that Jesus... Then you said "No. "
52:37 You're here; you hear me talking about you.
52:38 I know you'll jump me later... it's all right.
52:40 The Bible is true.
52:45 He said: "He was made a little lower than the...
52:49 angels. " You know, Hebrews 2.
52:50 He was made just a little lower so therefore we're a whole lot
52:53 lower so that means He had an edge.
52:56 Listen. Look at the translations of that.
52:58 Look at the original language of that.
53:00 It simply means for a little while.
53:06 For a little while.
53:07 Remember, He always maintained His divinity.
53:11 Amen! He kept it totally separate from His humanity
53:15 because He could not be my Savior. If He had an edge,
53:19 He couldn't do it. He said He took the seed of Abraham!
53:22 And He will - this is awesome to me - He will maintain that
53:26 humanity. You know this but it should break your heart.
53:29 Through the eons of time He will have flesh and bones.
53:34 He's not able to be everywhere at once.
53:36 He gave that up! That's why He said: "I want you
53:39 to have the Holy Spirit. " And don't say that's Jesus'
53:41 Spirit or God's Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third
53:43 person of the Godhead. Amen!
53:46 Don't you commit the unpardonable sin and try to
53:49 refuse the Holy Spirit of the Living God.
53:51 Amen! That's rejection of the Spirit.
53:53 That's the unpardonable sin. I realize things are going
53:55 around, stuff that... No use to send me any stuff, now.
53:58 If any of you's out here... I know somebody's going to
54:00 pull this stuff. Amen.
54:02 Don't you like when I get onto everybody before they do it
54:04 because I know what they're going to do? I've been around
54:05 a long time. Amen!
54:08 I'm convinced the Bible said there's three! Yes!
54:13 I'm convinced! The Spirit of Prophecy said there are three.
54:17 Somebody said they're going to have a trio up here.
54:19 Don't get up here with 2 people. I'm going to be looking for
54:21 that third one. Amen! I may be old but I can still count to 3.
54:26 I don't know about you.
54:29 You put your head down: can you still count to three?
54:34 I know... My point is simple: a, b, c.
54:39 Don't let the devil take it. I know some of you
54:41 have got your mouth hanging open it's almost on the ground.
54:43 But it doesn't matter.
54:45 I'm really not trying to be funny, but I'm telling you
54:47 right now: we're talking about the unpardonable sin.
54:50 That's when you reject the Spirit.
54:52 And you: "No, no... He existed... " No!
54:55 A separate entity.
54:59 I wished I had time... But we just came from Ohio
55:01 and they requested that we do three different services
55:05 on the Holy Spirit. And we were glad to go and do it.
55:09 And we lived through it and we'll do it again.
55:17 You still love me, right? Yes! All right.
55:23 You know as brothers and sisters in Christ we should be able to
55:25 talk about anything. Nobody needs to get tight. Amen!
55:28 The other brother here I was talking about: don't get tight.
55:31 We had a real good talk. That was a good brother.
55:33 He loves Jesus there's no doubt about it.
55:35 And we kind of just said: "OK, we'll just go our own way. "
55:37 Food for thought.
55:39 I don't throw anything out because somebody said: "Well,
55:42 this is a little different. " I listen to it first and I said:
55:43 "Whoo! Does that harmonize with everything else now? "
55:45 And if it doesn't, for that point in time I just let it go.
55:51 I'm going to read one more. I've 1 minute and 37 seconds.
55:54 I'll tell you what: The Youth Instructor
55:58 425, 1901, says this... I'll just say it: "The enemy
56:01 was overcome by Christ in His human nature
56:07 relying upon God for His power. " Amen!
56:10 Isn't that beautiful? Oh, through the ceaseless ages!
56:13 It took... I have to talk about humanity... only
56:17 humanity could reach humanity.
56:21 He lived the life of God in the flesh.
56:24 How beautiful that is!
56:26 He came as a helpless babe bearing humanity.
56:30 He met man as Man is what I read.
56:33 He didn't possess anything that we cannot have.
56:37 He's my perfect example. Praise God for that!
56:40 I'm going to pray for you and I want you to pray for me
56:41 while I'm praying for you.
56:48 People say I need to be a little more loving and a little more
56:50 kind. There's no one more loving than Jesus Christ
56:52 and they nailed Him on a cross.
56:55 We live in an hour when we need to be ready for Jesus'
56:57 coming. Calvary means love to me.
57:00 I pray it means love to you. I'm going to kneel right here
57:01 and have a quick prayer. If you'll pray with me please?
57:03 Merciful Father in heaven, we thank you for Your
57:06 precious Word. Lord, we just thought about Calvary today.
57:09 Oh, we think about those precious drops of blood!
57:12 I'm overwhelmed by the thought that You would die for someone
57:15 like me. I'm thankful; I accept it by faith.
57:17 And these, Your people... they love You.
57:19 They want that blood; they want that experience.
57:21 And may they right now say: "I accept Jesus as my Lord
57:24 and Savior. " In His name we pray and for His sake,
57:26 Amen. Thank you for joining us there around the world and here!
57:30 God bless you! You have the rest of a good Camp Meeting.


Revised 2017-01-03