Christ, Calvary, and the Sanctuary

Danny & Musical Guests

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 16SCM

Program Code: 16SCM000019A

00:51 Welcome to 3ABN's Spring Camp Meeting:
00:57 Live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
01:01 Hello and welcome to Camp Meeting again.
01:04 It's hard to believe that it's already Sabbath afternoon.
01:07 Seems like Camp Meeting has flown by.
01:09 Now for our audience here at home, have we been blessed?
01:12 Yes!
01:15 You know, I didn't hear you in the airwaves.
01:17 Did you say you were blessed too? I hope you were.
01:19 I hope you said "Amen" too!
01:21 One more time... Amen!
01:24 We've been blessed today, haven't we? With Sabbath School,
01:26 church, and I know this afternoon we have several more
01:29 programs yet of Camp Meeting.
01:31 That's right. We're so glad each one of you are here
01:34 and have been here. We're on the downward slide.
01:36 Could you say that? Of Camp Meeting?
01:38 We came in Wednesday night with our hearts open...
01:41 wanting to receive what God wanted to give us.
01:45 And each one of the speakers has ministered to my heart
01:47 and I hope to you as well.
01:49 And you at home: we hope and pray that
01:52 the Lord Jesus has done a new thing in your life.
01:55 I'm reminded of that Bible verse
01:57 Isaiah 43:18-19.
02:00 I think it's one of my favorite Bible verses.
02:03 The Bible says: "Do not remember the former things
02:06 or consider the things of old.
02:09 Behold, I will do a NEW thing. "
02:13 That's right. Do you need a new thing in your life today?
02:15 Amen! We all need something new.
02:17 A new touch... a new refreshing from the Lord Jesus.
02:21 And that verse continues. It says: "Shall you not know it?
02:24 Behold, I will even make a way in the wilderness
02:29 and rivers in the desert. "
02:31 And I think God wants to bring
02:34 healing, rejuvenation, wholeness,
02:38 renewal into our lives. And I think that's one of the
02:42 purposes of Camp Meeting. We come apart,
02:44 spend time in God's Word and with each other
02:48 as brothers and sisters to be refreshed
02:51 to carry on in the journey.
02:53 You know, that's true. Because Camp Meeting: we get
02:55 filled, don't we, here at Camp Meeting?
02:56 Don't you feel just spiritually renewed?
03:00 It's a blessing, isn't it? You know, but there's a danger
03:02 too. You know, I've found in my own life
03:04 because many times we can be filled, but if we just continue
03:07 to fill and fill and fill and we don't share
03:09 that's a problem, isn't it?
03:11 We all need to share. You know, I like fire.
03:14 I like, you know, to make campfires.
03:16 And sometimes I build big brush piles.
03:21 I mean, I don't know how many of you have built brush piles.
03:22 You know, you clear brush? And big brush piles
03:24 and let it dry out.
03:26 And I like the challenge. I like the challenge of taking
03:30 one match - just one match - and seeing if I can light this
03:33 massive brush pile, maybe like the size of the piano
03:36 or something like that.
03:38 I like the challenge. What always amazes me though
03:40 with a match? It's amazing. You just
03:42 take your little match out of the match box. You go
03:45 ch-chhhh. Isn't that amazing? You think:
03:49 one little match. Does that have an influence
03:52 to burn a brush pile the size of that piano?
03:54 It sure doesn't seem like it, does it?
03:55 But man! We all are a light, aren't we?
03:58 One little spark... what an influence one spark has!
04:02 That always amazes me that many times we feel:
04:06 "Man, I'm insignificant. I'm just one. "
04:08 So here at Camp Meeting... We're all coming here.
04:10 We're getting filled, aren't we? Amen!
04:14 But then the key is we've gotta go back
04:16 because we're a little light... a little spark, aren't we?
04:21 And we can light the world on fire for Jesus Christ.
04:25 So I want to encourage you, too. You come to Camp Meeting.
04:26 You're filled. We're here locally... we're not
04:29 actually going home that far... three miles away.
04:31 But we ourselves in our local community
04:33 need to be a spark. So that's the neat thing, too,
04:36 of Camp Meeting. Don't just be filled, but go
04:38 home and spread God's Word.
04:40 Amen! It goes along with Acts 1:8. Remember? That's true!
04:43 The disciples after the crucifixion,
04:46 after Jesus was resurrected and went back to heaven...
04:50 remember? They stayed in the Upper Room
04:53 for that length of time praying in one accord,
04:57 in one mind. Why? Because Jesus had promised
05:01 "You shall receive power
05:05 after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you,
05:07 and you shall be My witnesses
05:09 in Jerusalem... " Start at home first.
05:13 "in Judea, in Samaria,
05:16 and then to the uttermost parts of the world. "
05:18 And you know, I think God gave Danny Shelton the vision,
05:22 the dream to begin 3ABN over 31 years ago. Amazing!
05:27 He said: "I want you to build a television station
05:30 that would preach the undiluted three angels' messages
05:34 to the word. " Not just Thompsonville or West Frankfort
05:39 or southern Illinois. God wants this message
05:42 to go to the world. Absolutely!
05:45 And each one of us here are missionaries.
05:48 We can be the match. Now we don't have the fire.
05:51 Each one of you at home are the missionaries...
05:54 but you don't have the fire either.
05:56 The Holy Spirit wants to enter into our lives
06:00 when we surrender. Absolutely. We say: "God, will You use me? "
06:04 "God, will You take my life?
06:07 I want to be a vessel of honor; I want to be used. "
06:11 God will fill us as vessels of honor by His Holy Spirit.
06:16 Absolutely. And I appreciate what you mentioned, too.
06:18 You know, as far as Danny Shelton having the...
06:22 oh... the unction of the Holy Spirit to raise a station
06:25 that would preach the undiluted message. That's key,
06:28 folks... that is really key.
06:31 You know, I've had the privilege of sitting one-on-one
06:33 with Danny in the office from time to time.
06:36 And it's neat because he'll say: "Greg... "
06:38 He said: "It is key that we keep spreading the undiluted... "
06:43 He emphasizes that. "the undiluted
06:47 three angels' mesages. " And folks, that is key.
06:49 And I want to just say thank you to each one of you.
06:50 Jill and I... I want to interrupt this with just this
06:53 thought: there's many aspects of Camp Meeting that I like
06:56 and one of those is meeting you all.
06:59 That is so encouraging. And I want to just say:
07:01 thank you, Jill and myself, for the many years
07:03 that you guys have supported this message,
07:06 3ABN. And it's not people that you're supporting
07:09 or necessarily a ministry
07:13 but it's actually Jesus Christ. And that message is what
07:16 you're supporting and I think that's key.
07:18 Amen! Praise the Lord! We have an exciting program
07:19 this afternoon. We do! This afternoon we have a short
07:22 program because then at the top of the hour at 3 o'clock...
07:25 We'll have a two-minute break and then at 3 o'clock
07:27 Kenny Shelton will be presenting. But right now
07:30 we're going to be blessed with NAPS.
07:32 Not taking a nap, even though it is Sabbath afternoon.
07:35 That's true... We're going to be blessed with... that's not.
07:38 The National Association for the Prevention of Starvation.
07:41 And they do an incredible job... these young people from
07:45 Oakwood. And Danny Shelton will be coming out
07:47 and sharing with you and you here at home
07:51 what NAPS is doing. Absolutely!
07:54 And we're glad they're here with us today.
07:56 OK. Well, I found somebody I've got a lot in common with.
08:07 Well, there's a little bit of difference in our height.
08:10 Not as much as you think.
08:11 He said he's 6'8" and I said: "Well I'm 6'7". "
08:15 Then I said: "Oh no, I think I'm 5'7" - I'm not sure. "
08:19 But anyway I felt like we have a lot in common.
08:23 And because of... thanks to NAPS
08:26 we are all African- American up here. All right!
08:28 Because several years ago they gave me a plaque
08:32 that said: "We make you an honorary Negro. "
08:36 And so I have it on my wall in my office
08:40 and it said because of the work that we do, helping
08:44 their ministry. But it said because of your unusual
08:46 athletic abilities. So Mollie said:
08:49 "You can't put that up on the front office 'cause
08:52 people will say they're saying white people can't jump
08:55 and play ball. " And I said...
08:56 I said: "Well, we can't. You know... we can't.
08:59 Everybody knows that. "
09:01 So then C. A. Murray... I said to him,
09:04 I talked to him. I said: "Now you know now I'm an
09:06 honorary Negro. " He said: "We're not Negroes any more. "
09:09 I said: "What are we? "
09:11 He said: "We're... "
09:16 He said: "We're African-American. "
09:18 I said: "Then I want a plaque that says African-American
09:21 'cause they've still got me a Negro. That means I'm
09:23 left out in nowhere by myself. "
09:26 And I'm not going to be out by myself, right?
09:29 So... thank you, Darla. They brought me a new plaque
09:32 that says: "Your an African- American... honorary
09:35 African-American. " So thank you so much.
09:40 I love this group and love this girl.
09:42 She's been coming for... Woman... I'm sorry. Been coming
09:44 for a long time... and a lot of you folk.
09:47 We're so thankful for what you do for the cause of God.
09:50 I'm going to have you talk to the folk for a little bit
09:52 and update us. But I have a little information
09:54 you don't know about.
09:56 Somebody told me you're having... the trailers you're
09:59 pulling behind your vans... something happened,
10:03 they're in pretty bad shape, right?
10:05 Yeah. The something that happened is they've been used
10:08 for many years. You know, as they travel from California.
10:11 And I think probably for $5,000 apiece
10:14 probably we could get them two new trailers.
10:17 Well as I walked in here someone came up to me
10:20 and said: "I want to do matching funds for the audience.
10:23 I'll give $5,000 if you can get commitments
10:26 from the folk out here to give the other $5,000. "
10:30 So I'm already gonna say yes
10:32 'cause I think you all are going to do it.
10:34 So afterward... You think about it and pray about it.
10:37 And when you see Darla - anyone with a NAPS shirt -
10:39 unless they look "fishy... " Don't hand them to them,
10:42 don't hand the money to them.
10:44 But you support this 'cause we want to see them get
10:48 some new trailers 'cause you guys need to be able to go
10:51 safely down the highway. So we support you so much.
10:54 To me it's my favorite all-time group
10:57 for what they do for young people
10:59 for the cause of God around the world.
11:01 Sacrifice so much of their time, their life,
11:05 their resources to helping others.
11:08 And after all, that's what the gospel is abouL:
11:10 helping those who can't help themselves.
11:13 To be there to give the word to those who need to hear.
11:16 So thank you all. God bless you; I love you.
11:19 And we'll play basketball some time...
11:22 but I'm on your team, all right? There you go.
11:28 Good afternoon everybody. Good afternoon.
11:30 My name is Darla, and I'm here representing NAPS:
11:33 The National Association for the Prevention of Starvation.
11:37 NAPS started back in 1978 in Huntsville, Alabama,
11:41 and it's made up of mostly college students
11:44 but we also have college graduates who are so passionate
11:48 for service of the Lord that they continue to serve.
11:51 We have... We have people from all over the world:
11:55 Turks and Caicos, Bermuda, Bahamas, Haiti,
12:00 America... but we're all united and we come together.
12:05 And right now we just want to share some testimonies
12:08 of what God has been doing
12:09 just since the last time we were here.
12:12 That's a powerful thing. These are just since the last time.
12:14 It's just been a few months.
12:16 So I want Adrian. If you could come up here.
12:17 You can maybe say where you're from and let us know
12:20 what God has been doing internationally with NAPS.
12:23 Well, I'm from Montreal, Canada.
12:26 And one thing I really love about the 3ABN ministry
12:30 is that God has placed this network to spread the gospel
12:32 all around the world. And God has called NAPS
12:35 to a similar ministry. Since we started
12:37 we've been able to travel to over 20 different countries
12:39 on mission trips. Amen! And as a result of
12:42 our different travels over 19,000 souls
12:45 have been able to be baptized into the church. Amen!
12:48 And we give all the credit and glory to God for that.
12:51 It's nothing that we're doing. It's just that we're answering
12:53 the call. And what for me was most special about
12:55 these mission trips is that we don't just baptize people
12:58 but we train the community that we work with in these
13:00 countries to continue the mission after we leave.
13:02 And we received a very ex- citing and encouraging testimony
13:05 a few weeks ago about the leader of our NAPS Zimbabwe branch
13:09 taking a trip to Mozambique to visit a group he ministered
13:12 to years ago on a mission trip.
13:14 And it's in such a rural area he actually had to take the last
13:16 30 miles of his trip on foot... walking for 30 miles to reach
13:20 this community. And he said when he got there
13:22 he was so shocked because the group that we ministered to,
13:25 and we started a little NAPS branch over there,
13:26 had actually started several other NAPS branches
13:29 in Mozambique and they were taking over the country
13:31 for Jesus. Wow! Amen! They were taking over the country.
13:34 We hadn't been hearing from them. We didn't even know
13:36 they still existed. But they continued the work
13:38 long after we left. And a testimony came from
13:40 an evangelistic series that was happening during that same time.
13:43 They were doing an evangelistic series very rural in the jungle.
13:47 And they encountered the issue where they ran out of gas
13:50 on the first night. The first night they realized
13:52 the gas for the generator was running very low
13:55 and the trip to get gas was a two-day journey.
13:57 Two-day journey. And during the trip
14:01 they realized that they're not going to make it through
14:03 the entire series. On night one they told the speaker
14:06 "We might be able to get you through the first four nights
14:08 but after that we don't know what we're going to do.
14:09 We may have to do this in the dark with no power plant. "
14:12 And he said: "OK, let's just do it night one. "
14:14 Night one: they made it through the entire night by a miracle
14:16 and it didn't end. Night two: he said:
14:18 "Try to start the generator. See if it's going to work. "
14:20 It started and would you believe it lasted the entire 2nd night.
14:24 The entire second night. On the third day they said:
14:27 "Well, let's check to see what the gas looks like.
14:29 Let's at least look at it. " And they looked inside
14:30 and the gas was at the same level it was
14:33 on day one. It had not gone down at all!
14:37 And there was still one more day left before the gas would
14:39 come back from the city. So they said: "Let's see what
14:41 happens night four. " It lasted the entire 4th night
14:44 without running out.
14:46 Four days later when the gas finally came
14:48 the generator cut off... ran out of gas... just
14:51 as the gentleman came with the gas. Amen!
14:54 Just as the gentleman came with the gas.
14:56 And as a result of that... As a result of that
14:59 evangelistic series many souls were won for the kingdom
15:02 and the mission was able to continue. Amen!
15:05 It's so powerful though the work that NAPS is doing
15:09 through the young people: It's not just an international
15:11 thing. We also work right here in the United States.
15:16 And for those of you who do not know
15:18 a few years ago - or a couple of years ago -
15:21 we were actually sponsored by 3ABN and supporters of 3ABN
15:26 with not one, not two, but four new vans. Amen!
15:31 You may not understand, but we do a lot of missions.
15:35 It's only been a couple years and already those vans have
15:37 over 50,000 miles on them.
15:39 Our vans do not sleep. We travel from city to city
15:43 ministering. And so we cannot take credit for anything
15:48 we've done, but it's because of the support
15:51 and prayers that we receive from you guys.
15:53 And so we're very, very grateful.
15:55 But not only have we ministered in the major cities.
15:58 We actually have been serving in rural... in the rural
16:03 areas as well... underserved areas:
16:06 the Southern work as defined by Ellen White.
16:09 And so right now we want to let you know
16:11 some of what has been happening as a part of the Southern work.
16:14 Yes. So The Southern Work was a book written by
16:17 Ellen White. And she talked about the importance of
16:20 educated ministry to the people in the southern areas of the
16:23 United States. And NAPS has been blessed to work
16:25 in Sumter County, Alabama, which is one of the poorest
16:28 countrys in all of America.
16:30 Poorest counties, sorry, in all of America
16:32 not only financially but also educationally as well.
16:35 They did a survey and found that the 10th graders on average
16:38 were reading at a third grade reading level
16:40 across the county. And NAPS has been blessed to start
16:43 an academy of our own called NALA:
16:46 the NAPS Abundant Life Academy as we will see in a picture
16:48 here. And it's been a blessing starting the academy.
16:52 The thing is: God's been really blessing the students.
16:55 Just in one year, our first graders are already reading
16:58 at a third grade reading level.
16:59 The third graders are reading at a fifth grade reading level,
17:02 and even a fifth grader is reading at at 12th grade
17:05 reading level. I want to interrupt.
17:06 When they started out the year
17:08 all of them were below grade level.
17:10 And so this is just showing the power of reading the Bible
17:13 and of God. Umm-hmm. Yes, and not only are we teaching
17:17 them or reading things. As well we're learning about the body
17:19 as we'll see in the pictures here...
17:21 learning about anatomy. Learning so much about the Bible
17:24 as well but also getting a wholistic education.
17:27 They're learning how to farm as well.
17:29 Even in the next picture you'll see the students are learning
17:31 how to grow their own fruits and vegetables as well.
17:34 And you'll see even in the next picture they're also harvesting
17:37 them as well. And my friend D.J. here, he's wearing a hat.
17:40 They are smiling holding up their sweet potatoes.
17:41 But after school ended he actually went home and said
17:45 he hold his mom: "You know what, mom?
17:46 We don't have to go to the store and buy our own food
17:49 but we can actually make our own foods right here. "
17:51 And we received a call or an e-mail from his mother
17:54 saying that D.J. has actually started his own garden
17:57 back home. And not only that, but the students at NALA,
18:00 they're also ministering to other students as well.
18:03 Even in the next picture you'll see throughout the school year
18:06 they actually taught 200 pre-schoolers around the area
18:08 about how they can farm and grow things as well.
18:11 And they're also doing mission trips as well.
18:13 They are ministering in different cities.
18:15 They did a mission trip recently in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
18:18 They're doing skits for the different churches
18:20 as well also. And let me tell you guys:
18:22 the blessing is that this first year at the wellness center
18:25 that NAPS has started. But now we're building
18:28 their own school building for NALA
18:30 so they can actually have their own building.
18:32 They can run around... they can be kids.
18:34 And thanks to you guys help at 3ABN, this school is being
18:37 currently built as we speak, and it will be ready
18:40 for this up-coming school year.
18:41 And I just want to put a plug in. Already someone has
18:44 volunteered to donate the paint for painting the school.
18:47 God is blessing in many, many ways.
18:50 And we got a truck donation from the last time we were at 3ABN.
18:54 Someone heard what we're doing and they said: "If you're doing
18:57 this construction you're going to need a truck. "
18:59 And so that truck has started it's servitude as well.
19:03 So it's been getting... being a blessing as well.
19:06 We've been to... We've been to over 40 states.
19:10 But as of recently we got a call from Mississippi
19:14 and they said: "We heard of the work you're doing
19:16 when we were watching 3ABN
19:19 and we have some land. We want to give it to NAPS.
19:23 We want... what you are doing in Alabama
19:25 we want to happen in Mississippi as well. "
19:28 So we're making an appeal right now. If you're a retired teacher
19:31 or you're an educator, we can't do this on our own.
19:35 We need someone to continue the work in Mississippi.
19:39 There's many children that could use the help.
19:41 And this school did not start from... it did not start
19:45 by professional experienced people.
19:47 It was young people graduated... We have a girl by the name of
19:52 Kristen Nedd and Carrie Walker.
19:54 As they were finishing off their senior year of college
19:57 they actually are the ones who did all the research
20:00 and found out all the require- ments for running a school.
20:03 And you know it wasn't them but the Spirit that was
20:05 compelling them. But not only has NAPS been helping with
20:09 educational relief but also the medical relief.
20:13 And so we're going to quickly tell you a little bit about
20:15 that. So... my name is Naomi by the way.
20:19 Good evening everyone. NAPS started a wellness center
20:24 in southern Alabama. It's called the Abundant Life
20:26 Wellness Institute.
20:28 There's so many testimonies that have taken place
20:31 at the wellness institute. I have had the blessing of
20:33 being able to volunteer as a nursing major.
20:37 And I've seen where there was a... there was a person
20:42 who came, and as she walked into the building
20:46 she had two people on each side.
20:48 She was bent over at a 90-degree angle
20:52 shuffling inside of the building.
20:55 But when she left... by the power of God
20:58 when she left she was standing up straight
21:01 walking out of the building. I saw it with my own eyes.
21:05 Ten days later! And not just that...
21:08 just this week... we're in session right now
21:11 so we have guests right now...
21:13 we got a testimony about one of the guests who has diabetes.
21:17 And you can share that with us. Yes!
21:19 She had diabetes and when she came in,
21:21 when was admitted, she had a blood sugar level
21:24 over 300, and that's high enough for a diabetic coma.
21:29 But two days later
21:31 her sugar went down to 89 and our board-certified
21:36 physician had to take her off her insulin.
21:38 She had no other choice.
21:40 We've seen brain tumors shrink.
21:43 We've had success with uterine fibroids.
21:46 This, though, is not just for the sake of healing medical
21:50 needs or anything like that.
21:51 The medical missionary work is to serve as a wedge
21:54 for the gospel. And so as we have been working
21:57 in the area people are like: "I want to know about
21:59 the Jesus you serve. " We've had pastors who have
22:02 accepted the Sabbath truth.
22:04 And they've invited us to come to their churches
22:06 and share healthy alternatives and Danny, I actually have
22:10 to speak on behalf of the president. He has asked me
22:13 to invite you to Alabama
22:15 so you can come and experience what we call "spare the hog"
22:19 collard greens. It is a hit
22:24 and it's been featured in the local newspapers.
22:27 Is that something we African- Americans eat a lot of?
22:32 That's right... that's right.
22:34 I'm all for it... I'm all for it.
22:39 I just want to say that right now
22:42 we could not do what we do without your help.
22:46 And we're encouraged by the ministry of 3ABN.
22:50 You guys have really changed our lives.
22:52 It's been over 20 years.
22:55 And 3ABN, even before we knew exactly what
22:58 God had for our lives, even though I know there have been
23:01 times, Danny, where you've been discouraged
23:03 or you maybe have felt alone,
23:05 you have supported us all the way. So we really wanted
23:08 to spend today just to say thank you
23:10 to you and this entire ministry.
23:13 So many people giving of their lives for service.
23:16 It's encouraging to us as young people.
23:18 And part of our thank you: we want to sing a song.
23:23 And normally we sing an African song, but today we're
23:25 going to sing a scriptural song.
23:28 And I hope as you hear the song it reminds you
23:31 that we are more than conquerors.
23:33 God has a plan for our lives... don't give up.
23:36 God is coming back soon, so we are more than conquerors.
23:40 And so I hope you are encouraged.
23:42 Amen!
23:49 And we overcame by the blood of the Lamb
23:55 and the word of our testimony.
24:01 And we loved not our lives unto the death
24:06 for if God is for us who can be against us?
24:11 "Lean on Me. " We are more
24:15 than conquerors through Him that loved us.
24:20 For in the world you will have trials.
24:24 Be of good cheer: He has overcome the world.
24:29 "Lean on Me. " We are more than conquerors
24:35 through Him that loved us.
24:37 For in the world you will have trials.
24:42 Be of good cheer: He has overcome the world.
24:47 Be ye strong and of good courage.
24:51 Fear not nor be afraid of them
24:56 for the Lord our God
24:59 He will go with thee... never leave thee nor forsake thee.
25:05 To be strengthened with might by His Spirit
25:10 in the inner man.
25:14 To be strengthened with might by His Spirit
25:18 in the inner man.
25:22 That Christ may dwell in our hearts by faith
25:26 and ye be rooted and grounded in love...
25:30 may be able to comprehend with all things
25:35 what is the breadth and length and depth and height
25:38 of His love. Yea in all things
25:42 we are more... more than conquerors.
25:47 For in the world you will have trials.
25:52 He has overcome the world.
25:55 Yea in all things
25:59 we are more... more than conquerors...
26:02 more than conquerors. For in the world
26:07 you will have trials. He has overcome the world.
26:11 "Lean on Me. " We are more
26:15 than conquerors through Him that loved us.
26:20 For in the world you will have trials.
26:24 Be of good cheer: He has overcome the world.
26:28 Yea in all things
26:32 we are more... more than conquerors...
26:36 more than conquerors. For in the world
26:40 you'll have trials. He has overcome the world...
26:44 He's overcome the world. Yea in all things
26:48 we are more... more than conquerors.
26:53 For in the world you'll have trials.
26:58 He has overcome the world.
27:02 Amen!
27:06 Thank you so much NAPS for what you do
27:09 for the cause of God.


Revised 2016-12-19