Christ, Calvary, and the Sanctuary

Welcome / Music

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 16SCM

Program Code: 16SCM000001A

00:51 Welcome to 3ABN Spring Camp Meeting:
00:57 Live from the 3ABN Worship Center.
01:00 We do welcome you to the Spring Camp Meeting 2016:
01:06 Christ, Calvary, and the Sanctuary.
01:09 Over the next 3-1/2 days we expect an outpouring
01:13 of the Holy Spirit of God. Amen.
01:14 We expect blessings to come.
01:16 We expect miracles to happen.
01:18 We expect lives to be changed.
01:20 We expect destinies to be rearranged.
01:22 We are looking for the blessing of our Lord and Savior
01:26 Jesus Christ... who is our honored guest.
01:28 Welcome to our in-house audience.
01:31 And for those of you around the world that are watching,
01:33 we welcome you to what we anticipate will be a wonderful
01:37 time in the Lord. We are going to experience
01:40 just a little bit of heaven during these next several days.
01:43 And we are so glad that you are here
01:45 but we are glad that the Spirit of God is here.
01:49 This wonderful crew of people you see behind me:
01:51 you know them well but I will take a moment to introduce them.
01:54 There to my far left Jill and Greg Morikone.
01:58 All the way from Australia: Sandra Entermann.
02:02 OK. Our pastor, our friend: Pastor John Lomacang.
02:06 Like that tie, pastor. The lady Shelley Quinn.
02:11 The lady Tammy Chance.
02:13 Our vice president and general manager:
02:15 the lady Mollie Steenson.
02:18 The lady Dr. Yvonne Lewis who I baptized 30+ years ago.
02:26 Mr. Danny Shelton, our founder and president.
02:29 His brother Kenny Shelton, he of Behold the Lamb Ministries.
02:32 Fine preacher; good guy; not a bad shooter, too.
02:36 And our CFO Mr. Brian Hamilton, who is
02:40 good with figures and is a pretty handy man with the Word
02:43 also. A good preacher and a good student of the Word.
02:46 So we are here and you are here and the presence of God is here.
02:48 And on the piano... oh yes! We call him "happy fingers. "
02:53 Tim Parton is with us. He is now the general manager
02:57 of our new Praise Him! Network.
03:01 And doing a very very fine job. And Tim is just a great guy.
03:04 Great spirit; great singer; great pianist;
03:06 great Christian; and a great friend of this ministry.
03:09 Yeah but I want to tell what he said... take just a moment
03:11 and tell what Tim said before you brag on him too much.
03:15 For the folks at home I was telling the audience here
03:17 I have to have vocal surgery on my vocal cords.
03:20 I've got a nodule and no way to get around it they tell me.
03:23 So I was telling Tim all... you know, how you do.
03:26 Said: "Yeah, I've got to have vocal surgery. Won't be able
03:29 to speak for three months. " And the doctor said:
03:32 "How long's this been bothering you? "
03:33 I said: "Well it started about two years ago. "
03:35 And Tim said... And I said: "They said if you'd done it
03:38 2 years ago maybe you wouldn't have to have the surgery. "
03:41 He said: "It's too bad they couldn't have found you a doctor
03:44 when you were a kid to help your face. "
03:51 That's all right 'cause you don't know the things I say
03:54 to him, right? But we love each other... honestly.
03:58 He's a wonderful incredible musician. Great guy.
04:01 I told him, I said: "That doesn't bother me a bit
04:03 'cause my dad used to say to me:
04:05 "Son, is your face hurting you?
04:07 I said: "No. " Feel of it. "Why? "
04:09 He said: "It's killing me! "
04:11 So... My 13th birthday... You want to be a man, right?
04:16 "Dad... I'm 13 today! " "No, son, you can't be that old. "
04:21 I said: "No, I'm 13 years old. "
04:24 "No, really? " "Yeah... why? "
04:26 "You couldn't of got that ugly in just 13 years! "
04:29 he said. So Tim, that's nothing. That's Little League
04:32 stuff you're giving me. All right? I'm used to it.
04:36 Praise the Lord! I think I'm going to change
04:38 the flavor here just a little. Pastor, what do you say?
04:40 We want to talk about and sing about heaven.
04:44 It's a song I'm sure you all know. I'm told the words
04:46 will be on the screen: When We All Get To Heaven.
04:54 All right, let's sing it:
06:41 Amen and amen! Very very well done.
06:44 Pastor John, I wonder if you could lead us in a prayer?
06:48 Let's bow our heads.
06:50 Our loving Father in heaven, as we begin this
06:54 time of worship and praise in Your holy presence
06:59 Father, remind us of how beautiful Christ...
07:03 His life... His sacrifice.
07:08 Lord, this door that He has opened for us
07:12 could not have been opened by anyone else.
07:15 And as we communicate this message of the emancipation
07:19 proclamation - the gospel, the good news -
07:22 we pray that through it all Jesus will be exalted.
07:26 Father, we focus on the sanctuary.
07:29 Christ, our High Priest, tonight is interceding in our behalf.
07:35 That the day will come soon when we can see Him face to face.
07:39 Amen! And so Lord, come down and fill this place
07:42 not only with the knowledge of Your glory
07:44 but may Your holy angels abide with us.
07:46 May the unseen guest, the power of Your Holy Spirit,
07:50 come and fill our souls.
07:52 May this be more than just sermons and messages
07:54 and music and fellowship.
07:56 But may this be a time of a season of refreshing
07:59 strengthening us for the journey that is ahead of us.
08:02 Father, we pray a blessing tonight not only on all those
08:05 who have come but all those who will proclaim this message,
08:08 those who will sing the message. And tonight, Father,
08:11 I lift up in a special way Danny, Lord,
08:13 as his voice is an issue. But Lord, you have given him
08:17 more than just a voice. You've given him a vision
08:19 and a heart of dedication.
08:21 So bless him, Lord, and strengthen each of us
08:24 for this Camp Meeting. And when it is done
08:25 may we know that we have been in Your presence.
08:28 In Jesus' precious and holy name, Amen. Amen!
08:32 I wonder if Tina can come out?
08:36 We have a special guest. I was looking for Mandy earlier.
08:39 I don't know if Mandy's out here... if she made it.
08:41 Where you at, Mandy?
08:43 Greg, can... Mandy, can you come up?
08:45 Can Greg maybe go help Mandy come up?
08:48 We've got Tina. Come on out here, Tina.
08:53 This is... It's so wonderful to be here!
08:56 I just look forward to Camp Meeting every year.
09:00 Oh, we look forward... Every year she and George come.
09:02 George is not with you? No he's not.
09:04 But he's being taken care of and I know he would love to be here.
09:08 Oh absolutely. I mean he thinks 100% of 3ABN.
09:11 I know, and so does Tina. She's been coming for years.
09:14 Some of the greatest supporters. Everywhere she goes
09:17 she tells people about 3ABN. She encourages them about it.
09:20 And also, she and George have been tremendous givers
09:23 to 3ABN. Sacrificially they give and support every way.
09:27 And so tonight I saw you here. And I said: "I saw Mandy earlier
09:30 and some of the folks that way back when we first started
09:33 having Camp Meetings ya'll been coming. So...
09:35 Thank you so much, Tina. We love you so much
09:39 and appreciate... Tell George that we love him.
09:41 I will... I certainly will.
09:43 And I know he'd love to be here.
09:45 All right. And I was just thinking... think about 3ABN
09:48 all the time in our lives. And I get a dozen of the
09:51 World magazines and I take and put them in different TV places
09:55 hoping that people will read them. OK!
09:58 All right. We try to put them to good use.
10:00 All right. Thank you so much. God bless.
10:03 Mandy, can you come over here a second?
10:05 Let me give you a hug. OK.
10:08 You look pretty tonight. Doesn't Mandy look pretty tonight?
10:12 Mandy's been through a lot in the last few years.
10:15 Been through cancer, right? I have a rare cancer!
10:18 It was called thymoma, and I wasn't supposed to be alive
10:21 today. But the Lord blessed me.
10:24 Said I have a lot of work to do. To come back to 3ABN
10:27 and see Danny and all the crew again one more time.
10:30 So when the "Blessing Is on the GO!" came by
10:33 I said: "I just can't miss it if I have to drive myself! "
10:36 I have a young lady named Tiliki... and she drove us.
10:42 She said: "Miss Andrews, I'll drive you. "
10:45 And so I just thank the Lord to be here.
10:47 Mandy would come in years past literally bringing sometimes
10:52 two busloads of people from Oakwood area. Literally
10:56 I'm talking about big busses like Greyhounds. Bring them up.
10:59 Sometimes in one bus load.
11:00 But she's done that for so many years.
11:03 Thank you for your love and prayers and financial support.
11:06 We love you, and we're praying for your continued healing
11:09 in your life. OK. I'm praying for you, Danny.
11:12 The Lord has used you in a might way...
11:14 He's not through with you yet!
11:15 All right. Well let's both plan on... if the Lord doesn't come
11:19 let's plan on being here next Camp Meeting together, right?
11:22 That's right. I sure will be here. If the Lord sees fit
11:25 for me to be here, I will be here!
11:27 All right. Thank you so much. God bless.
11:30 All right. You know, Ellen Whie says that there are
11:34 special blessings that are reserved for Camp Meeting.
11:36 It is in God's plan that there are special blessings,
11:39 special seasons, special times, when the Holy Spirit
11:42 draws very very close during the Camp Meeting season.
11:46 So let's pray for that, but let's look for that...
11:49 that God will have His way in our lives during the next
11:52 several days. Tonight's musical program:
11:54 we're just going to run through the names, and rather than
11:57 come out and introduce each one behind each one.
11:59 First we're going to hear from Sandra Entermann:
12:02 My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me.
12:04 Then our pastor John Lomacang will sing Cornerstone.
12:08 Then we move to the piano. Tim Parton will sing and play.
12:12 He can chew gum and talk at the same time,
12:15 bless your heart. Followed by Tammy Chance
12:19 and then I will close out this particular set.
12:22 But God is going to be here. Pray for each singer.
12:24 But pray for yourselves, too, that your hearts will be open
12:26 to the Spirit of God. Music is a form of worship.
12:29 And what we want to do is worship the Lord in spirit
12:32 and in truth over the next several days.
12:34 God bless you.
12:36 I just... I couldn't leave.
12:39 Sandra Entermann is one of my favorite singers,
12:42 but I just wanted to say one thing very quickly.
12:46 We're so excited about the "GO!" Evangelistic Team members
12:50 who are there. There were so many here today for our seminars
12:53 and I just wanted to mention to those of you at home
12:58 the ministry of Jesus Christ was a ministry of evangelism.
13:02 And He taught the crowds, and then He went and ministered
13:05 one on one... and thus He gave us the example
13:08 that we are to support world evangelism where the preachers
13:12 go out and teachers or 3ABN is going around the world,
13:16 and we are to personally witness.
13:19 And that's what makes the "Blessing on the GO! "
13:22 such an exciting program because you're doing both
13:27 when you become a "GO!" Evangelistic Team member.
13:30 You are supporting around the world
13:32 and you're supporting in your own neighborhood.
13:35 So we want to thank you and tell you: inside your bulletin
13:39 there is, for those of you who've yet to sign up...
13:42 You know, it is at the heart. Evangelism's at the heart
13:47 of the Great Commission, and it's our active obedience
13:52 to evangelize. So you can sign up. Give it to one of us
13:57 or put it in the offering plate this Sabbath. Thank you so much.
14:00 Sandra.
14:21 I trust in God
14:25 wherever I may be,
14:30 Upon the land
14:33 or on the rolling sea,
14:39 For come what may,
14:42 from day to day,
14:47 my heavn'ly Father watches
14:51 over me.
14:55 I trust in God,
15:00 I know He cares for me,
15:04 On mountain bleak
15:07 or on the stormy sea;
15:12 Tho' billows roll,
15:16 He keeps my soul,
15:20 My heavn'ly Father
15:23 watches over me.
15:40 He makes the rose
15:44 an object of His care,
15:49 He guides the eagle
15:52 thru the pathless air,
15:56 And surely He
16:00 remembers me,
16:04 My heavn'ly Father
16:07 watches over me.
16:13 I trust in God,
16:17 I know He cares for me,
16:20 On mountain bleak
16:24 or on the stormy sea;
16:28 Tho' billows roll,
16:32 He keeps my soul,
16:36 My heavn'ly Father
16:39 watches over me.
16:44 I trust in God,
16:48 I know He cares for me,
16:52 On mountain bleak
16:55 or on the stormy sea;
17:00 Tho' billows roll,
17:04 He keeps my soul,
17:08 My heavn'ly Father
17:10 watches over
17:14 me...
17:21 my heavn'ly Father
17:25 watches
17:27 over
17:31 me.
17:49 Amen!
17:56 Isn't that a wonderful message?
17:58 Amen! That we don't have to worry about ever being left
18:01 without the watchful care of our heavenly Father.
18:05 I was sitting back there listen- ing to the words in that song
18:08 and I was thinking about the world in which we live today
18:11 and how so many things that fade in time are built on shaky
18:15 foundations... foundations that endure just for a while.
18:19 Even in our own lives foundations that endure just
18:22 only as long as trials don't come.
18:25 And then I remember a few weeks ago I was in my house.
18:31 I have old soundtracks that I bought way back in the
18:35 1980's... 1979.
18:37 I was going through my library and I came upon one
18:40 that I hadn't heard in a long time entitled Cornerstone.
18:44 And I looked at it and to my surprise
18:46 I saw the name Lari Goss.
18:49 And I thought: "Wow, the same Lari Goss
18:51 that worked on one of our 3ABN projects! "
18:55 And I thought: "He wrote that song a number of years ago. "
18:59 And although time has passed, the beauty of that song
19:03 still lasts today because Jesus is still our Cornerstone.
19:28 Jesus is the Cornerstone,
19:35 came for sinners to atone;
19:41 Tho' rejected by His own,
19:48 He remains the Cornerstone...
19:53 yes, Jesus is the Cornerstone.
20:00 When I am by sin oppressed,
20:06 on that Stone I am at rest;
20:12 When the seeds of truth are sown,
20:19 He remains the Cornerstone...
20:25 yes, Jesus is
20:29 the Cornerstone.
20:37 Rock of Ages,
20:43 cleft for me,
20:50 let me hide
20:56 myself in Thee.
21:03 O Rock of Ages,
21:07 so secure,
21:10 for all time it shall endure;
21:17 till His children
21:20 reach their home,
21:23 He'll remain
21:26 the Cornerstone!
21:31 From the breaking
21:37 of the dawn,
21:40 Or till our footsteps
21:44 cease to roam;
21:47 Ever let this truth be known:
21:53 that Jesus is
21:57 the Cornerstone...
22:05 Jesus is the
22:09 Cornerstone.
22:27 Amen!
22:41 He's the King of all glory,
22:47 and He is God.
22:50 He's the Lion of Judah,
22:52 the sweet Rose of Sharon,
22:54 the fairest of 10,000... Ancient of Days.
22:59 The Alpha, Omega,
23:01 the King of all glory,
23:03 the bright Morning Star and the God of my praise.
23:07 Who can describe everything that He is?
23:12 All I can say is: "He's mine and I'm His! "
23:18 'Cause the One who walks on the wings of the wind
23:22 walks beside me.
23:26 And the One who's holding the world in His hand
23:31 holds my heart.
23:34 He spoke, and the world was created in space
23:39 and yet He was willing to die in my place!
23:44 Redeemer, Deliverer, the ransom that set my soul
23:49 free!
23:52 Hallelujah!
23:54 What a Savior He is to me!
24:04 He's the strength in my weakness,
24:07 the joy in my sorrow,
24:09 the peace like a river that flows through my life.
24:13 He's new morning mercies
24:15 and hope for the journey
24:17 and love that will conquer the struggle and strife.
24:21 Who can describe everything that He is?
24:25 All I can say is "He's mine and I'm His! "
24:31 'Cause the One who walks on the wings of the wind
24:36 walks beside me.
24:39 And the One who's holding the world in His hand
24:44 holds my heart.
24:48 He spoke and the world was created in space
24:52 and yet He was willing to die in my place!
24:57 Redeemer, Deliverer,
24:59 ransom that set my soul free.
25:05 Hallelujah!
25:07 What a Savior He is to me!
25:13 Oh, I can't describe everything that He is.
25:18 All I can say is: "He's mine and I'm His! "
25:23 'Cause the One who walks on the wings of the wind
25:28 walks right beside me.
25:32 And the One who's holding the world in His hand
25:36 holds my heart.
25:40 He spoke and the world was created in space
25:45 yet He was willing to die in my place!
25:49 Redeemer, Deliverer,
25:51 ransom that set my soul free.
25:57 Hallelujah!
25:59 What a Savior He is to me!
26:05 Hallelujah!
26:07 What a Savior
26:10 He is
26:14 to me!
26:24 Amen! Amen!
26:41 When anyone looks at me
26:46 let them see Jesus.
26:53 Let me be a reflection
26:57 of His love and mercy to them.
27:06 When they start to read
27:09 my life story
27:13 I want it to bring my Savior glory.
27:19 When anyone looks at me
27:23 let them see Him.
27:32 I'm not lookin' for fortune
27:38 and I'm not seeking for fame.
27:44 I'm not so concerned
27:47 that all the world knows my name.
27:57 But I am concerned with one passion:
28:03 to tell what the Lord's done for me.
28:09 And I want my life
28:12 to shine with a light
28:16 so all those around me can see.
28:22 When anyone looks at me
28:27 let them see Jesus.
28:34 Let me be a reflection
28:38 of His love and mercy to them.
28:44 Mmm-mmm-mmm.
28:47 When they start to read
28:51 my life story
28:54 I want it to bring my Savior glory.
29:00 When anyone looks at me
29:04 let them see Him.
29:13 Every good and perfect gift that I possess
29:19 was sent from the Father above.
29:25 In thanks for the way that I've truly been blessed
29:31 I'll open my heart and give to the world
29:37 His love.
29:44 When anyone looks at me
29:49 let them see Jesus.
29:56 Let me be a reflection
30:00 of His love and mercy to them.
30:06 Ooh-ooh-ooh.
30:10 When they start to read
30:13 my life story
30:16 I want it to bring
30:18 my Savior glory.
30:22 When anyone looks at me...
30:29 When anyone looks at me...
30:35 When anyone looks at me
30:42 let them
30:45 see Him.
30:50 Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh.
30:57 Amen!
31:03 We have just a little extra time, and so
31:06 some years ago a young lady and her husband moved here.
31:10 And shortly after we met her
31:14 we realized that she could sing!
31:17 And out of that little frame came a really big voice!
31:21 And she and her husband, Mike...
31:24 for many years he was the pianist and she sang.
31:27 And we lost Mike last October.
31:30 And just a wonderful person who gave his heart to the Lord.
31:34 And we were there in the hospital when he passed.
31:36 And we were wondering who was going to help Celestine
31:40 kind of carry on, and her daugh- ter stepped up to the plate.
31:46 And we have a very blessed school here at the Thompsonville
31:50 school. Miss Evelyn Hainey, the teacher for the larger grades,
31:53 teaches music to the young people.
31:56 And all the young people in this school play several
32:00 instruments... usually 3, 4, 5.
32:04 And Farrah plays what, Celestine?
32:07 Piano? She plays sixteen?
32:09 Sixteen. Sixteen... one six.
32:14 Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen.
32:18 Sixteen instruments... AND she plays the piano.
32:22 And just a wonderful young lady.
32:24 And what are you going to sing, Celestine?
32:26 It's The Savior Is Waiting.
32:28 The Savior Is Waiting. This is Celestine Barry
32:31 and her daughter Farrah Barry. Thank you. Amen!
32:58 The Savior is waiting
33:03 to enter your heart;
33:09 Why don't you let Him
33:13 come in?
33:17 There's nothing
33:20 in this world
33:23 to keep you apart,
33:28 What is your answer to Him?
33:36 Time after time,
33:40 He has waited before,
33:45 And now
33:47 He is waiting again.
33:53 To see if you're willing
33:58 to open the door,
34:02 Oh, how He wants to
34:07 come in.
34:22 If you'll take one step
34:26 t'ward the Savior, my friend;
34:33 You'll find His arms open wide.
34:41 Receive Him
34:43 and all of your darkness will end.
34:50 Within your heart
34:54 He'll abide.
34:59 Time after time,
35:03 He has waited before,
35:07 And now
35:09 He is waiting again.
35:15 To see if you're willing
35:19 to open the door,
35:25 Oh, how He wants to
35:29 come in.
35:54 To see if you're willing
35:59 to open the door,
36:08 Oh, how He wants to
36:15 come in.
36:47 AMEN!
36:49 Amen. Thank you so very much. Isn't she a wonderful pianist?
36:54 Amen! She really does a fabulous job!
36:56 Sabbath morning in the Spring
36:59 and the family's heading to Sabbath School.
37:02 And the little boy has a little statement to make
37:06 and to say before the whole church. It's thirteenth Sabbath
37:09 and he is nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof.
37:14 Just a few words: trust in God.
37:18 He's got them on a little piece of paper.
37:21 He's sitting in the back of the car reading his little piece
37:23 of paper: Trust in God; trust in God.
37:25 Hoping that he won't forget: trust in God.
37:27 And it's a warm Spring day.
37:29 And so the father rolls down the windows.
37:32 He pushed a button and all the windows come down.
37:34 And the little fellow wasn't expecting that.
37:37 And all of a sudden a gust of wind blew in
37:39 and snatched the little piece of paper
37:42 and blew it out the window.
37:43 And the little boy said: "Daddy, daddy, stop the car!
37:46 My trust in God just flew out the window! "
37:51 Isn't it amazing how sometimes when a little wind comes into
37:55 our lives our trust in God flies out the window?
37:59 And yet these are times - these Camp Meeting seasons -
38:03 are times that we can re-affirm our faith in God.
38:07 Our trust in God. Because He has promised never to leave us,
38:12 never to forsake us.
38:15 When Irma and I were dating she sang in a little group,
38:19 and they used to sing this song over and over again.
38:22 And I must admit when I first heard it I didn't...
38:24 it didn't particularly hit me.
38:26 But since I liked Irma and Irma liked the song
38:30 it grew on me.
38:32 And it has a very powerful message:
38:35 I lay my sins on Jesus:
38:39 the spotless Lamb of God.
38:41 And He can carry every one of those sins.
38:46 Amen? I Lay My Sins On Jesus.
38:58 I lay my sins on Jesus,
39:05 The spotless Lamb of God;
39:12 He bears them all,
39:16 and frees us
39:20 From the accursed load...
39:26 from the accursed load.
39:35 I bring my guilt to Jesus,
39:41 To wash my crimson stains
39:48 White in His blood
39:52 most precious,
39:56 Till not a stain remains...
40:03 till not a stain remains.
40:18 I lay my wants on Jesus;
40:24 All fullness dwells in Him;
40:32 He healeth my
40:35 diseases,
40:39 He doth my soul
40:42 redeem...
40:47 He doth my soul redeem.
41:08 I long to be with Jesus -
41:13 don't you? -
41:16 Amid the heavenly throng,
41:22 To sing with them
41:26 His praises,
41:30 And learn the angels' song...
41:37 And learn the angels'
41:41 song...
41:45 I lay my sins
41:50 on Jesus.
42:05 Amen!
42:07 We are actually... Thank you, pastor.
42:10 Beautiful! Some people have got it all, don't they?
42:13 He's even got the good looks to go with it all.
42:16 I tell you. And he's young, too, 'cause we're the same age.
42:20 If ya'll were truthful... I'm happy that I've got Medicare
42:25 now. You know why? That'll tell you. Just about 3 weeks ago
42:29 I had my birthday, and I said: "You know what?
42:31 I've waited 65 years for this.
42:33 I think I'll take advantage of it, right? "
42:35 So I figured they'd shut it down by the time I got here
42:37 but they're still... still doin' it right now.
42:40 I'm glad that Bro. Tim Parton is here. We have a little
42:42 bit of extra time so I wanted Tim to come out.
42:46 We're starting a brand new network
42:48 and it's going to be the Praise Him! Network
42:51 that's a music channel. Amen!
42:53 So 24/7 music that brings honor and glory to the Lord.
42:57 And so we've asked Tim to be in charge of it.
43:00 Tim, you've got some vision. You've already started.
43:02 You had the Lesters here, right? Tell us a little bit about it.
43:05 Well really it's an amazing process.
43:09 Something... I've been on the road for many years
43:12 as a musician traveling and playing and singing.
43:15 And back in January I had the privilege of going to London
43:19 with Danny. And we were driving down the road -
43:22 riding down the road - someone else was driving -
43:25 Anyway, he mentioned to me about if I would be interested
43:29 in a music channel... a Christian music channel.
43:32 And I said: "Well, I don't have a TV
43:35 but I'm sure it sounds like a great thing. "
43:38 But then he said: "No, I'd like for you to
43:41 be in charge of that. " And wow! That came out of nowhere.
43:45 So it's amazing how the Lord works.
43:47 I'm looking into getting a TV now.
43:51 But anyway, I want to look for one.
43:54 I know you've got 3ABN on your Smart Phone.
43:57 I do have that! Yes... I do have that. OK.
43:59 Good... you're not fired... you've still got a job.
44:02 OK... Whew! That's good. No... music has been such a huge part
44:07 of my life that I can't imagine life without it.
44:10 And praising God... music is just... that's exactly
44:16 the way I praise God is through my music.
44:20 So I'm just excited about some of the things that are going to
44:23 be happening, and things that... I don't even know
44:27 what's going on. Absolutely. We're... It's taking a time
44:30 so we're not going to put it on the air immediately.
44:33 But we're developing a lot of new programming
44:35 that's good that you'll see. And with these new LED lights
44:38 back here... Isn't that a great screen? Yeah!
44:40 Wait till you see Friday night's concert...
44:42 what they're putting behind the music.
44:44 Lanny Wolfe's gonna be here
44:46 and we have a number. Reggie and Ladye Love's gonna be here
44:49 later tonight. We've got a number of the singers
44:51 that sang with us in Nashville that's gonna be here.
44:54 And we want you to be watching at home.
44:55 Those of you here: Friday night concert.
44:57 Right now what I'd like Tim to do...
44:59 we might have time for two. One of yours is real quick.
45:03 I call it the Bumblebee Song. I don't know what else to do.
45:06 Why don't you? You guys: make sure you get a shot of him
45:09 up there. Don't be nervous... there's millions of people
45:11 watching or anything... OK. But you wouldn't be...
45:14 No, he's played before everybody: kings, presidents,
45:16 and you name it, he's done it.
45:18 One of the most incredible musicians I've ever met
45:21 in my entire life. This man amazes us.
45:24 And we praise the Lord that he's now full time with 3ABN.
45:28 What's the name of this song you're going to do?
45:29 In My Heart There Rings A Bumblebee...
45:31 A Melody, sorry. In My Heart There Rings A Melody.
45:34 And we may have to... I'll stand here if we need to
45:37 put water on the notes 'cause you're going to heat them up
45:39 a little. All right... let's do it!
47:37 Amen!
47:40 Beautiful! That's almost exactly the way I taught it to him.
47:45 I had a couple other little variations, but you can learn
47:48 those later. Don't be discouraged.
47:50 And, all right. We've got time maybe to do one more.
47:54 And then right after that I think I'll ask Pastor John
47:57 to come out. Maybe you guys can do He Touched Me
47:59 and lead the group till we go down to zero here.
48:02 You enjoying the music so far?
48:03 Yes! All right. Feeling the presence of the Lord?
48:05 That's what it's all about, isn't it?
48:07 All right. You're going to do what for us right now?
48:10 What song do you want to do? Do you mind if I?
48:12 There's one that's a great song that I love.
48:15 Whatever you do we love it. OK.
48:19 Far away in the depths
48:23 of my spirit tonight
48:27 rolls a melody
48:31 sweeter than psalm.
48:37 In celestial like strains
48:42 it unceasingly flows
48:47 o'er my soul
48:50 like an infinite calm.
48:55 Sing along if you know this. Peace, peace:
48:58 Peace, peace,
49:03 wonderful peace...
49:07 coming down
49:10 from the Father
49:13 above.
49:17 Sweep over my spirit
49:23 forever, I pray,
49:28 in fathomless
49:32 billows of love.
49:37 He Touched Me.
49:40 He touched me,
49:43 O, He touched me,
49:50 and O, the joy
49:55 that floods my soul!
50:01 Something happened
50:05 and now I know
50:12 He touched me
50:15 and made me
50:21 whole.
50:27 I serve a risen Savior,
50:31 He's in the world today.
50:35 I know that He is living
50:38 whatever men may say.
50:42 I see His hand of mercy,
50:46 I hear His voice of cheer.
50:49 And just the time I need Him
50:53 He's always near. Let's sing that chorus:
50:57 He lives; He lives,
51:01 Christ Jesus lives today.
51:05 He walks with me and talks with me
51:08 along life's narrow way.
51:13 He lives; He lives,
51:16 salvation to impart.
51:21 You ask me how
51:25 I know He lives?
51:29 He lives
51:40 within
51:45 my heart!
51:53 We are standing
52:00 on holy ground.
52:06 And I know that there
52:12 are angels
52:14 all around.
52:20 Let us praise
52:26 Jesus now.
52:33 We are standing in
52:38 His presence
52:40 on holy ground.
52:47 We are standing
52:53 on holy ground.
52:59 And I know that there
53:04 are angels
53:07 all around.
53:12 Let us praise
53:18 Jesus now.
53:24 We are standing in
53:29 His presence
53:31 on holy ground.
53:39 There is a place
53:43 of quiet rest.
53:47 Where is it tonight?
53:48 Near to the heart of God.
53:54 A place where sin
53:58 cannot molest... Where is it?
54:03 Near to the heart of God.
54:10 O Jesus, blest
54:14 Redeemer,
54:19 sent from the heart of God,
54:25 hold us
54:28 who wait before
54:33 Thee
54:36 near to the heart
54:40 of God.
54:48 When you think about being near to the heart of God
54:51 I'm sure there's so many thoughts that could come into
54:53 your mind. A place of quiet rest,
54:56 a place of solitude. You know, when I read the Bible
55:01 and I read about the love that Jesus had for His disciples
55:04 I'm always... I try to find a way to insert myself.
55:08 And when I think of the way He felt about the youngest
55:12 disciple, John, the one whom He loved,
55:15 I sometimes borrow that to think that God loves me
55:19 that way. Tonight as people are tuning in and watching
55:23 here at Camp Meeting at 3ABN
55:26 what we want to do more than anything else this Camp Meeting
55:29 is draw near to the heart of God.
55:31 Not just sermons, but find that place of quiet rest,
55:35 that place of forgiveness and solitude and new beginnings.
55:39 That place where - when you look at the picture behind you -
55:42 I've said this before - you see the mercy seat.
55:45 And we were talking about this. Pastor C.A. and I and Danny
55:47 on a program. And we said: "How could people
55:51 ask for God's mercy by ignoring His law? "
55:55 But the thought that came to me was:
55:57 His law is in the ark of the covenant, but the mercy seat
56:01 is above His law. So for those who transgress
56:04 God's law, His mercy is above.
56:09 And we want to come into the presence of God
56:11 this Camp Meeting and ask Him to extend to us the mercy that
56:15 each one of us is in need of. Anybody here tonight need
56:17 God's mercy? You know, you don't ask for mercy unless
56:20 you recognize you're a sinner.
56:21 If you know that you haven't sinned, you ask for justice.
56:24 But every one of us, because of God's gracious love towards us,
56:28 every one of us is in need of God's mercy.
56:32 So tonight as you bow your heads I'm going to go before
56:34 the Lord in prayer. We have a few seconds.
56:35 We'll say goodbye to our audience that's viewing
56:38 and listening, but let's bow before the Lord tonight
56:40 at the beginning of this Camp Meeting, knowing that
56:42 each one of us is in need of God's mercy.
56:44 Heavenly Father, tonight that place of quiet rest
56:48 reminds us that in this crazy world of voices
56:54 that call us in different direc- tions, tonight Lord, we come.
56:57 We turn the world off and we say: "Father,
56:59 allow us to lay on Your breast. " To feel that heartbeat
57:03 of love for us. To feel that heart that pulsates...
57:06 that refuses to rest until His children are home with Him.
57:12 As we begin this encampment Father, come and be near to
57:15 each of us that whether we've come from far or near
57:18 we could leave this place that much closer to our loving
57:23 Heavenly Father. Forgive us, Lord. Strengthen us
57:28 that as sinners saved by grace


Revised 2016-07-14