3ABN Homecoming 2016


Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 16HC

Program Code: 16HC000014A

00:25 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting,
00:28 Homecoming 2016.
00:32 Featuring inspired messages from your 3ABN Family...
00:41 along with uplifting Christian music
00:44 all to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.
00:48 Hello, friends, welcome to our final meeting
00:51 of Fall Camp Meeting here at 3ABN.
00:53 We've been blessed all day, haven't we?
00:56 We have had good messages, wonderful music.
00:59 Pastor Ivor Myers has given us heartburn
01:01 all camp meeting long.
01:03 And it's the good kind of heartburn,
01:05 the one that causes your heart to burn within you,
01:08 as you hear God's Word being imparted
01:10 and we have been filled.
01:11 And this evening we're gonna lift up the Lord in music,
01:14 but before we start singing individually,
01:17 we want to have a word of prayer,
01:18 and then we're gonna sing to the Lord,
01:21 all of us together,
01:23 lifting Him up in wonderful hymn songs
01:24 that you do know and appreciate.
01:25 So let's bow our heads
01:27 and invite the Lord's presence to be with us.
01:28 Father in heaven, we thank You for the blessing
01:30 that will come when we commit ourselves to You
01:33 wholly and undefiled,
01:34 and so come, Lord Jesus, continue with us
01:37 that we will serve You in this life,
01:40 and that we will meet with You
01:42 when the time comes to meet in the sweet by and by,
01:46 in Jesus' name we pray.
01:48 Amen. Amen.
01:50 All right, Tim, we're gonna do "Sweet By and By".
01:55 There's a land that is fairer than day
02:00 And by faith we can see it afar
02:05 For the Father waits over the way
02:10 To prepare us a dwelling place there
02:15 In the sweet by and by
02:19 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
02:24 In the sweet by and by
02:29 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
02:34 We shall sing on that beautiful shore
02:39 The melodious songs of the blest
02:44 And our spirits shall sorrow no more
02:49 Not a sigh for the blessing of rest
02:53 Sing it now.
02:54 In the sweet by and by
02:59 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
03:04 In the sweet by and by
03:09 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
03:15 To our bountiful Father above
03:20 We will offer a tribute of praise
03:25 For the glorious gift of His love
03:30 And the blessings that hallow our days
03:35 In the sweet by and by
03:40 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
03:45 In the sweet by and by
03:50 We shall meet on that beautiful shore
03:55 Amen.
03:57 All the people said amen, right?
03:59 I was thinking about when you said
04:00 welcome to the Fall Camp Meeting,
04:02 someone wrote me, emailed me last night
04:04 and they said, "You know,
04:06 fall is only used by American's,
04:08 you're a worldwide network,
04:09 no one knows what fall means when you say fall camp meeting,
04:12 you should say autumn camp meeting."
04:14 So I said, hey, what do I know, maybe that's a good point,
04:17 you know, but there he said.
04:19 And then another one said,
04:20 "Well, maybe you should call it autumn leaves camp meeting."
04:22 But if I do that I'm afraid
04:24 Tim will start playing the song...
04:30 There you go
04:32 the autumn leaves drib by my window.
04:35 He knows that one for sure.
04:36 But that's a pretty good suggestion, you know,
04:38 from around the world.
04:39 Well, the leaves the fall here, that's why we call it fall.
04:42 That's right.
04:43 They sure do.
04:44 Well, let's do another chorus or so.
04:46 We want to make sure you all are happy
04:47 and those of you at home, I hope you're singing with us.
04:50 And we're not just up here to sing,
04:52 we could do this in a back room,
04:53 or do it by ourselves but we like to do it,
04:55 so you'll join with us,
04:57 and thank all of you that are here.
04:59 And we've got a marvelous camp meeting,
05:01 and this evening we're gonna have some music and testimony
05:04 and then another sermon by Brother Ivor,
05:06 nobody's gonna be disappointed, right?
05:09 I tell you, he is such a blessing...
05:11 What an anointing of the Holy Spirit on this man.
05:13 And I know he just brings out so many wonderful truths
05:18 that I can't help but draw closer to Jesus.
05:21 So right now, what we're gonna do, Tim?
05:23 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.
05:25 You know that.
05:28 What a fellowship, what a joy divine
05:33 Leaning on the everlasting arms
05:37 What a blessedness, what a peace is mine
05:41 Leaning on the everlasting arms
05:45 Leaning, leaning
05:49 Safe and secure from all alarms
05:53 Leaning, leaning
05:57 Leaning on the everlasting arms
06:02 O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way
06:06 Leaning on the everlasting arms
06:10 O how bright the path grows from day to day
06:14 Leaning on the everlasting arms
06:16 Stand up and sing that, wouldn't you?
06:18 Leaning, leaning
06:22 Safe and secure from all alarms
06:26 Leaning, leaning
06:30 Leaning on the everlasting arms
06:35 What have I to dread, what have I to fear
06:39 Leaning on the everlasting arms?
06:43 I have blessed peace with my Lord so near
06:47 Leaning on the everlasting arms
06:51 Leaning, leaning
06:55 Safe and secure from all alarms
07:00 Leaning, leaning
07:03 Leaning on the everlasting arms
07:09 Amen. Beautiful.
07:11 All right, You may be seated.
07:12 And I think, we're gonna just start...
07:15 Tammy, you're gonna maybe tonight give us a song.
07:17 Yes.
07:18 What you're gonna sing about?
07:20 Into His Arms of Love.
07:22 I think that's all
07:23 that we're waiting for in this world, right?
07:24 Right.
07:26 Is to get to heaven and into His arms of love.
07:28 Absolutely. Unconditional.
07:29 All right, love it.
07:30 Thank you for what you do for the cause of God.
07:33 I've known this little girl from the time she was born.
07:36 And so truth is I'm eight years older than her,
07:39 don't tell me I look 12, or 20,
07:41 or anything like that older than her but...
07:44 One four boys and one little girl
07:46 so you can imagine how miserable we all were...
07:48 No, I'm just kidding. Yeah. All right.
07:50 How she was, she is the baby.
07:52 But I love you and appreciate what you do.
07:53 Love you too.
07:55 And thank you that you're using your gifts for Jesus
07:57 after all these years, you know, 30 years.
08:00 Someone gave me, I don't know who did it.
08:01 But somebody gave me a couple of CDs over here.
08:04 And it said early years of 3ABN and just while ago,
08:07 I went back and looked at some of those
08:09 and some of it's nearly 30 years old.
08:12 And to watch some of the programmings
08:15 and I haven't watched them in a long time
08:16 and some of our sets like were pink...
08:18 I know. And stuff like that.
08:19 They were horrible.
08:21 I don't know what was going on with my hair
08:23 but it wasn't...
08:25 Lot of years have gone on to,
08:26 so don't laugh too much that was like 80s,
08:29 you know, I don't know what was going on there...
08:31 But our faces looked so much better.
08:33 I said Well, that's probably true.
08:34 But I said to myself
08:36 why didn't somebody tell me to straight
08:38 and get to do something with my hair.
08:40 And, but that's what happened, so now,
08:43 I don't have to worry about it, I don't have much,
08:45 so that makes it pretty easy.
08:47 But anyway, thank you for what you do and God bless.
08:50 And we're gonna have a great evening this evening
08:52 because after this music and some testimony,
08:54 we're gonna be blessed by Brother Ivor Myers.
08:56 Amen.
09:21 When the sky is full of clouds
09:26 When my heart is full of doubt
09:31 When I'm torn within without
09:36 By the desperate grip of fear
09:42 When I've taken all I can
09:47 When I lack the strength to stand
09:53 When it seems my closest friend
09:57 Is the pain of lonely tears
10:06 Into His arms of love
10:09 I just come running
10:16 Knowing that I'll be safe
10:20 From all earth's harm
10:27 He picks me up and swings me around
10:32 Holds me and says that I'm safe and sound
10:37 I don't ever want to leave
10:43 There'll always be room for me
10:47 In His arms
10:58 Arms of love and protection
11:03 Arms of strength and direction
11:08 Arms of comfort, peace ad hope
11:14 When the winds of sorrow blow
11:20 Into His arms of love
11:25 Into His arms of love
11:29 I just come running
11:36 Knowing that I'll be safe
11:40 From all earth's harm
11:47 He picks me up and swings me around
11:52 Holds me and says that I'm safe and sound
11:57 I don't ever want to leave
12:02 There'll always be room for me
12:08 He picks me up and swings me around
12:13 Holds me and says that I'm safe and sound
12:18 I don't ever want to leave
12:25 I know there'll always be room for me
12:33 In His arms
12:44 In His arms
12:56 Savior
13:00 Savior
13:03 Hear my humble cry
13:10 While on others
13:13 Thou art calling
13:18 Do not pass me by
13:29 Pass me not, O gentle Savior
13:36 Hear my humble cry
13:44 While on others
13:46 Thou art calling
13:50 Just do not pass me by
13:58 Savior, Savior
14:05 Hear my humble cry
14:12 While on others
14:16 Thou art calling
14:19 Just do not pass me by
14:31 Let me at Thy throne of mercy
14:38 Find a sweet relief
14:46 Kneeling there in deep contrition
14:52 Lord, help my unbelief
14:59 What I'm trusting only in
15:04 Thy merit Would I seek
15:10 Thy face
15:14 Heal my wounded, broken spirit
15:21 And then save me by Thy grace
15:26 Come on, choir. Let's sing together.
15:27 Are you ready?
15:29 Savior,
15:32 Savior
15:36 Hear my humble cry
15:42 Lord while on others
15:47 Your are calling
15:50 Just do not pass me by
16:02 You're the spring of all my comfort
16:08 And You are more than life
16:12 To me
16:16 Whom have I on earth
16:20 Beside Thee
16:23 Whom in Heaven but Thee
16:29 And I'm crying Savior,
16:34 O my Savior
16:37 Just hear my humble cry
16:44 Lord while on others
16:48 You are calling
16:52 Just do not pass me by
16:58 Where I'm crying Savior
17:03 O my Savior
17:07 Just hear my humble cry
17:13 Lord while on others
17:18 Thou art calling
17:21 Just do not pass me by
17:40 Just do not pass me
17:47 By
18:01 I'd like to invite Vonda to come.
18:04 Let's welcome her with the hearty amen,
18:05 Vonda Beerman is...
18:08 Whenever I hear Vonda Beerman sing,
18:11 I think of a tender voice,
18:12 a message that always finds the target
18:15 that God wants it to find.
18:17 And Vonda is gonna bless us with the song entitled,
18:18 I will never leave you.
18:20 Am I correct? Yes.
18:22 Minister to us Vonda, we appreciate you so much.
18:24 Thank you, John.
18:41 Trust in Me
18:47 And keep your life free
18:53 From what the love of money will do
18:58 Am I not enough for you?
19:03 And never will I leave you
19:08 That's something I'll never do
19:14 Forever remember that it's true
19:21 Never will I leave you
19:32 And when you fear
19:38 The scars and tears
19:44 Remember what I have sworn
19:49 I'll be with you through the storm
19:54 And never will I leave you
19:59 That's something I'll never do
20:05 Forever remember that it's true
20:12 Never will I leave you
20:21 And when you fear
20:26 That's when I'm near
20:32 And your soul's security
20:38 When will you believe?
20:42 And never will I leave you
20:48 That's something I'll never do
20:53 Forever remember that it's true
21:01 Never will I leave you
21:06 Never will I leave you
21:31 Amen!
22:00 I know what it's like
22:03 To really hurt someone
22:09 And want to run and hide
22:12 My head in shame
22:19 I know what it's like
22:22 To think of things I've done
22:28 And feel no sense of sorrow
22:32 At their pain
22:38 But I know what it's like
22:41 To have enough of my disgrace
22:47 And find because of Jesus' blood
22:52 My sin can be erased
22:58 He has
23:03 Forgiven me
23:07 My sins have been washed
23:12 From His memory
23:17 By the blood of the Lamb
23:22 Of Calvary
23:30 He has forgiven
23:37 Me
23:42 Do you know what it's like
23:46 For God to be your friend?
23:51 To talk to Him
23:53 With nothing in between
24:01 And do you know what it's like
24:04 When your day comes to an end?
24:10 To sleep in peace
24:13 All because your heart is clean
24:20 Do you know what it's like
24:24 When the accuser comes your way?
24:29 To look him squarely in the eye
24:34 With confidence and say
24:44 He has
24:49 Forgiven me
24:53 My sins have been washed
24:58 From His memory
25:03 By the blood of the Lamb
25:09 Of Calvary
25:13 He has
25:17 Forgiven me
25:23 He has
25:27 Forgiven me
25:32 My sins have been washed
25:36 From His memory
25:42 By the blood of the Lamb
25:47 Of Calvary
25:52 He has
25:56 Forgiven me
26:03 By the blood of the Lamb
26:09 Of Calvary
26:16 He has
26:21 Forgiven me
26:47 How many of you have been blessed
26:48 in this camp meeting?
26:50 Praise the Lord, you know,
26:52 every camp meeting for me is so special
26:55 because my spirit gets watered.
26:58 And I'm so thankful that we serve a God
27:02 who is there for us.
27:04 Whenever we come to Him...
27:06 We can come to Him and say, "Lord, I know, I've messed up."
27:11 You know, when you leave here, and you go back home,
27:14 and if you're not in that word, you're gonna make mistakes,
27:18 you're gonna fall,
27:19 but if you stay plugged into the word,
27:22 you can know that Jesus
27:24 will be there to walk you through every situation.
27:28 So know that if you make a mistake, if you fall,
27:33 you can serve God.
27:34 You can say, "God, please, please forgive me,
27:38 just once more."
27:40 I'm singing this for my sister here
27:42 who made a special request for this song.
28:12 Here I am again
28:16 I'm on my knees again
28:21 But these are different tears
28:25 From a brand new set of scars
28:29 Now they may look the same
28:33 But these are not the same
28:37 These are dirty tears
28:41 So I can't see you where you are
28:45 But I pray you'll understand
28:49 And I pray, you'll take my hand
28:54 And I pray there's still a place
28:57 In the shelter of your grace
29:01 I know I don't deserve another chance
29:08 But I am sorry,
29:11 I blew it I failed you once again
29:17 All the things I said I was I haven't been
29:23 and I know that
29:27 You've heard this
29:29 a million times before
29:34 But I need you to forgive me
29:39 Just once more
29:43 I need you to forgive me
29:49 I made promises
29:52 Lots of promises
29:57 Tied with ropes of sand
30:01 So they never last for long
30:04 And I am ashamed to ask
30:09 But I've just got to ask,
30:12 O Lord May I start again?
30:17 Will you carry me back home?
30:21 Will you look beyond the sin
30:25 To the helpless fool within
30:29 Can you take what I've abused?
30:32 And make formidable of us
30:34 So you can use I admit,
30:38 I don't deserve another chance
30:45 But I'm sorry,
30:47 I blew it I failed you once again
30:53 All the things I said I was I haven't been
30:59 and I know that
31:03 You've heard this
31:05 a million times before
31:11 But I need you to forgive me
31:15 Just once more
31:23 Can you look beyond the sin
31:27 To this helpless fool within
31:32 Can you take what I've abused
31:34 And make formidable of us So you can use
31:39 I agree,
31:40 I don't deserve another chance
31:47 But I'm sorry, I blew it,
31:51 I failed you once again
31:55 On the things I said I was I haven't been
32:01 and I know that
32:05 You've heard this
32:08 a million times before
32:13 But I need you to forgive me
32:17 Just once more
32:21 I need you to forgive me
32:25 Just once more
32:33 Lord, I need you to forgive me
32:38 Just once more
32:57 Amen!
33:17 They tell me I march to a different drummer
33:22 That I must be listening to another beat
33:27 They say I'm out of step
33:29 With what this world offers
33:32 Well, that's exactly where I want to be
33:36 'Cause I want to move to the cadence of Christ
33:41 In the steps of my Father,
33:44 Marking His time in the rhythm of love,
33:48 living this life
33:50 With His heart beating in mine
33:55 to the cadence of Christ
34:05 I want my feet to keep time with Jesus
34:09 Wherever He leads me
34:12 I will gladly go left or right
34:15 I'm gonna be right where He is
34:18 Let the heartbeat of heaven fill my soul
34:21 'Cause I want to move to the cadence of Christ
34:26 In the steps of my Father,
34:29 Marking His time in the rhythm of love,
34:33 living this life
34:35 With His heart beating in mine
34:57 I want to move to the cadence of Christ
35:02 In the steps of my Father,
35:04 Marking His time
35:06 In the rhythm of love, living this life
35:11 With His heart beating in mine
35:16 to the cadence of Christ
35:59 Amen.
36:00 You know, the past couple of days
36:02 have been a wonderful time at camp meeting.
36:06 And over that past couple of days,
36:09 I stole the way
36:11 and went into town
36:13 and had lunch at the Chinese restaurant.
36:17 And...
36:18 Amen, he's right.
36:20 And a couple of my friends went with me
36:23 and we were just having a good time,
36:26 just fellowshipping,
36:27 and enjoying just each other's company,
36:31 and the waitress came over.
36:36 And said, "Why are you so happy?"
36:40 And we kind of looked at each other
36:44 and then she said,
36:48 "Are you part of the camp meeting at 3ABN?
36:55 Yeah. Right?"
36:57 So we said, "Yeah, we are.
37:01 And the reason we're so happy
37:03 is honestly, Jesus."
37:07 You know, sometimes we don't want
37:09 to get too spiritual in a public place.
37:15 You know, maybe we don't want to make a big scene
37:19 but we just, we just said, "It's Jesus.
37:22 He makes us happy,
37:25 talking about Him makes us happy,
37:27 living for Him makes us happy, serving Him at camp meeting,
37:32 being around other people that love Him."
37:38 And so
37:40 we just had a great conversation
37:42 with the waitress right there.
37:45 So talking about Jesus.
37:49 And I hope that as you leave this place,
37:54 your happiness shows
37:58 to whoever you come into contact with
38:02 and they will ask you,
38:05 "Who is the source of your happiness?"
38:08 And you'll say, "Jesus."
38:13 Jesus, You're the center
38:16 of my joy
38:22 All that's good and perfect
38:25 comes from You
38:30 You're the source of my contentment
38:35 The hope for all I do
38:39 Jesus,
38:41 You're the center of my joy
38:51 When I've lost my direction
38:55 You're the compass for my way
38:58 You're the fire and light
39:01 When nights are long and cold
39:07 In sadness, You are my laughter
39:11 That shatters all my fears
39:15 And when I'm all alone,
39:18 Your hand is there to hold
39:23 And that's why I say Jesus
39:27 You're the center of my joy
39:34 All that's good and perfect comes from You
39:40 Yes, it does.
39:43 You're the source of my contentment
39:48 You're the hope for all I do Jesus,
39:54 You're the center of my joy
40:17 You are the reason I find pleasure
40:21 In the simple things of life
40:24 You're the music
40:27 In the meadows and the streams
40:34 In the voices of the children,
40:37 In my family, and my home
40:41 You're the source and the finish
40:44 Of my highest dreams
40:51 So to that waitress at that Chinese cafe
40:55 I say...
40:57 Jesus,
40:59 He is the center of my joy
41:06 And all that's good and perfect
41:10 It comes from Him
41:16 He is the source of my contentment
41:21 The hope, He's all I need
41:27 Oh, Jesus,
41:31 He's is the center of my joy
41:37 Jesus is the center
41:40 Of my joy
41:45 Jesus is the center of my joy
41:56 Jesus, You're the center
42:02 Of my joy
42:42 Jesus,
42:44 You're the center of my joy
42:51 All that's good and perfect
42:54 Comes from You
42:59 You're the source of my contentment
43:03 Hope for all I do
43:08 Jesus, You're the center of my joy
43:15 You were there with me, weren't you?
43:16 Yeah.
43:17 We were the friends with him by the way.
43:19 Yeah.
43:20 'Tis so sweet
43:23 To trust in Jesus
43:28 Just to take Him at His Word
43:35 Just to rest
43:38 Upon His promise
43:42 Just to know,
43:46 The saith the Lord
43:51 Jesus, Jesus,
43:55 How I trust Him
44:00 How I've proved Him
44:04 O'er and o'er
44:08 Jesus, Jesus,
44:13 Precious Jesus
44:17 Oh, for grace
44:21 To trust Him more
44:28 Jesus, You're the center of my joy.
44:33 Jesus,
44:34 You're the center Of my joy
44:42 All that's good and perfect
44:45 Comes from You
44:50 You're the source of my contentment
44:55 Hope for all I do
45:00 Jesus,
45:01 You're the center of my joy
45:09 Very beautiful.
45:14 I want to say something, Tim, you were talking about
45:16 the people we met today and talking about,
45:19 "How you're so happy and all that?"
45:22 And we were just like, "You know, it's Jesus.
45:24 Its Jesus, He is the center of our joy."
45:26 And she said, "But, you know, all the bad things
45:28 that are going on in the world today."
45:30 And we said, "You know,
45:32 I don't know how people get through the things
45:34 that they go through in life because the human condition,
45:38 it's tough, isn't it sometimes in the world?"
45:41 And we said, "That's the only way
45:42 we get through it
45:44 as Jesus Christ as the center of our joy."
45:46 And we told her, how like,
45:47 you know, you can ask Him to come into your heart,
45:49 and you could have a new life,
45:51 and you can be happy in the midst.
45:53 We're not all happy. I said, you know what?
45:55 I was just fussing at Reggie at the table
45:56 right before you got here.
45:57 It's yours.
45:59 And I was saying, I'm not all happy all the time.
46:02 But, you know, what because of Jesus
46:04 we can have happiness through the midst of the storm.
46:06 And I won't gonna tell you any bit of that.
46:07 He wasn't gonna.
46:08 I just skipped to the good part.
46:11 Well, I'm real.
46:12 So I want you to know that it is hard,
46:16 and it is tough the things
46:17 that we have to go through but with Jesus,
46:20 with Him as part...
46:21 The Lord of our life, I can get through the things,
46:25 I can make it through those tough times
46:27 because of Him.
46:29 Amen. It's good.
46:33 So I'm gonna come over for a second.
46:36 I'll walk away.
46:37 So this is the thing you should never do,
46:40 one of the greatest piano players on the planet,
46:44 and then me coming to the piano, really?
46:48 God is faithful and true to each and every one of us.
46:53 He gets us through those times.
46:55 He gets us through those times and He will do what He promised
46:58 He would do.
47:03 As I look back on this road
47:09 I've traveled
47:13 I've seen so many times
47:17 He's carried me
47:20 Carried me through
47:25 If there is one thing
47:28 that I've learned in this life
47:33 It's that my redeemer
47:38 Is faithful and true
47:53 My heart rejoices
47:57 When I read His promise
48:04 There is a place
48:07 that I'm preparing
48:11 For you
48:16 And I know someday
48:18 I'll see my Lord face to face
48:25 My redeemer
48:30 Is faithful and always true
48:37 My redeemer
48:41 Is faithful
48:44 And true
48:49 And everything that He has said
48:54 He will do
49:00 And every morning
49:04 His mercies
49:06 I knew
49:12 My redeemer
49:16 Is faithful and true
49:23 And in every situation
49:28 He has proved His love to me
49:33 When I lack the understanding
49:38 He gives all grace to me
49:42 My redeemer
49:46 Is faithful and true
49:54 And everything that He has said
50:00 He will do
50:05 And every morning
50:09 His mercies I knew
50:15 The knew
50:22 because my redeemer...
50:28 My redeemer...
50:31 My redeemer...
50:35 Our redeemer is faithful
50:39 And true
50:48 My redeemer
50:54 Is faithful
50:58 And true
51:16 Amen.
51:47 So spend it above
51:51 In the world that He made
51:54 And below
51:56 His home in the sky
52:03 God in flesh
52:06 came down to men
52:10 And man raised Him up to die
52:18 And there on the tree
52:22 The destiny
52:25 Of every Fallen man
52:32 Was held by nails
52:37 Driven through
52:40 His sinless feet
52:44 And hands
52:48 Somewhere between heaven and earth
52:55 Stood a symbol of the grace
52:58 Not based on our word
53:02 It was there He endured
53:06 What we deserve
53:11 Oh that cross held the hope of the world
53:16 Somewhere between
53:19 Heaven and earth
53:25 Somewhere between time and space
53:32 Somewhere between judgment and grace
53:39 He became the sin
53:43 He'd never known
53:47 And as the skies turned black
53:51 His father turned His back
53:55 And for that moment
53:57 He was left alone
54:01 He was left alone
54:07 Somewhere between heaven and earth
54:14 Stood a symbol of grace
54:17 Not based on our word
54:21 It was there He endured
54:25 What we deserve
54:30 Oh that cross held the hope of the world
54:36 Somewhere between
54:38 Heaven and earth
54:48 Stood a symbol of grace
54:51 Not based on our word
54:55 It was there He endured
54:59 What we deserve
55:03 Oh that cross held the hope of the world
55:10 Yes, the cross held the hope of the world
55:16 Yes, the cross held the hope
55:21 Of the world
55:26 Somewhere, somewhere
55:29 Between
55:32 Heaven
55:38 And earth
55:43 Suspended above the world that He made
55:50 And below His home
55:55 In the sky
56:11 What a blessing you are.
56:13 Aren't they not a blessing Reggie and Ladye?
56:16 I love you, guys. Praise the Lord.
56:20 Have you been blessed again,
56:21 this camp meeting to me is just so anointed.
56:25 And in a few minutes we are going to hear
56:28 from Pastor Ivor Myers
56:31 who is planning to go
56:32 through the entire Bible with us,
56:35 so please, like hold on to your seats.
56:39 Let's just have a word of prayer.
56:42 Father God, we just thank You so much
56:45 for having been in our midst during this music time
56:48 and we just pray, Lord God,
56:50 that You will continue to be in our midst.
56:52 And that these programs
56:54 will not only be inspirational here,
56:58 but when we watch them again,
56:59 we'll learn more and more about You,
57:02 and we'll plug into You our power source, Lord God,
57:06 that we may continue to grow and bear much fruit.
57:10 Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers.
57:12 Thank you for being with us.
57:13 Thank you for your presence,
57:15 Your power, Your anointing here in this place.
57:18 We worship You. We lift you up in Jesus' name.
57:22 Amen.
57:25 Make sure that you standby for Pastor Ivor Myers.
57:31 What a blessing.


Revised 2017-05-25