3ABN Homecoming 2016

Ministry Updates

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript



Series Code: 16HC

Program Code: 16HC000012A

00:24 Welcome to 3ABN's Fall Camp Meeting,
00:28 Homecoming 2016...
00:33 featuring inspired messages from your 3ABN Family...
00:41 along with uplifting Christian music,
00:44 all to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.
00:50 Good afternoon and welcome to 3ABN Camp Meeting,
00:54 Homecoming 2016.
00:57 And today has been a wonderful Sabbath day.
01:01 And if you missed the Sabbath school and the worship service,
01:07 in the words of a good friend of mine,
01:09 I feel sorry for you...
01:13 because we have had a blessed time in the Lord.
01:17 This afternoon, we've got some reports,
01:19 we've got some more fun stuff to be involved in,
01:21 and first, we're gonna have a quick word of prayer,
01:24 and then... I don't like that, a quick word of prayer.
01:27 One should not have a quick word of prayer,
01:29 we are going to pray
01:31 and then we're gonna move into our program
01:33 because we've got a lot to put in to this next hour.
01:38 You see behind me NAPS,
01:39 they have been here all of the camp meeting
01:41 and working with our young people
01:43 and we'd also like to give reports
01:45 from this very, very fine group.
01:47 Darla, come stand close to me if you will.
01:49 Thank you. Shall we pray?
01:51 Father God, how we praise You and thank You
01:54 for a wonderful Sabbath day,
01:58 we thank You, Father,
01:59 for the call that brought all of us,
02:00 each of us from darkness to light,
02:02 from air to truth.
02:04 And we thank You for the joy that we have of Your presence
02:07 as we seek to serve you and to lift up the mighty
02:10 and matches name of Jesus.
02:12 Blessing our sitting just now that through the next hour,
02:15 we shall be informed and inspired to know that
02:19 when we serve You,
02:20 success is guaranteed
02:23 because we serve a God who can do anything but fail.
02:27 And we thank You, Dear Father, in Jesus name.
02:29 Amen.
02:31 I'm gonna turn the microphone over to Darla
02:32 and our young people from NAPS
02:34 and for the next several moments,
02:35 the stage is yours.
02:36 Thank you.
02:38 Happy Sabbath, everybody.
02:40 Happy Sabbath!
02:41 Well, first of all, I want to explain
02:44 because some people may not know back at home
02:47 or you may be here,
02:48 you may not know what NAPS is.
02:50 NAPS is the National Association
02:53 for the Prevention of Starvation.
02:56 We are a group of young youth missionaries
02:59 that travel all around the world
03:01 doing what Jesus did while He was here.
03:04 And today, we cannot tell you all that God is doing
03:08 and all that He is using you to do.
03:12 But we can give you just a taste of the testimonies
03:16 that God has been using to change our lives
03:19 and change many others.
03:20 And so, we first want to start with talking to you
03:24 a little bit, kind of a thank you.
03:27 3ABN, you are our family, from the viewers,
03:32 from the adminis...
03:34 I guess the staff and the people in charge,
03:38 and 3ABN, all the volunteers that are here,
03:41 you are part of our family.
03:43 And right now, you may not know this,
03:46 but last spring camp meeting,
03:49 we pulled up into the camp meeting
03:51 and we had some trailers that were in need of repair.
03:55 Our trailers were in such a condition
03:58 because NAPS travels all around the country.
04:01 About a year or so ago, we were given vans
04:04 and already they have over 60,000 miles on them,
04:07 so when it comes to ministry,
04:09 we're moving all over the globe.
04:11 But this past, this past spring camp meeting,
04:16 3ABN blessed us with not just one new trailer
04:19 but actually two,
04:21 and this was a blessing because our trailers,
04:24 before we'd Great Controversies and Steps to Christ
04:27 that we are gonna distribute.
04:29 But sometimes they would get wet,
04:31 so we wanted to say a special thank you,
04:33 3ABN, just for this situation.
04:36 And it also has helped
04:39 with the missions that we are going forward in this year.
04:42 And as we, as we kids are gonna tell
04:44 a little bit about some of the missions
04:46 that we have going on.
04:47 Currently, there is the team
04:49 and they are in Seattle, Washington,
04:51 before that they were in Colorado
04:53 and they were able to go with their new trailers
04:56 packed with books and a willing spirit
04:58 and they have been able to spread the love of God
05:01 towards the West Coast.
05:02 So for example, in one week this,
05:04 the team did four school presentations,
05:06 a juvenile detention center,
05:08 they sang at one of the Adventist hospitals,
05:10 basically just spread the love of God.
05:12 And for the duration of the year,
05:13 they will be in places including Sacramento,
05:16 Southern California, Las Vegas, Phoenix,
05:18 the list just goes on.
05:20 But NAPS doesn't just minister here in the states.
05:24 We actually, three days after we are here at 3ABN last time,
05:29 we traveled to a country called Haiti.
05:32 And this is beautiful
05:34 'cause this is where it was
05:35 one of the international missions
05:37 that NAPS started with.
05:39 And when we arrived,
05:40 we were greeted with our,
05:43 some of the children that we had worked with years ago,
05:47 they were four and five years old,
05:49 they're actually now our NAPS branch leaders.
05:52 So the children's program that we do here
05:55 and around the world,
05:56 it's not just about inspiring ministry for today,
06:00 it's going to inspire ministry for eternity.
06:02 And so when we went to Haiti,
06:06 we were not quite prepared for what we saw.
06:09 I remember, the rural mountain area where we worked in,
06:13 there were so many people, hundreds of people
06:17 who were without medical care, no hospitals, no clinics.
06:21 And so our team was able to go in and make a difference,
06:24 we had dentists that came with us
06:27 and they were able to treat many who had pains,
06:30 you know, that they have been living with,
06:32 and dealing with,
06:34 but it didn't stop there, we also had doctors.
06:37 Now with the doctor, the physician group that came,
06:42 they were able to treat many of the people.
06:45 They didn't know what they were going through,
06:47 and one story that touched me was a lady that we visited.
06:51 When we visited, her daughter
06:53 was at the house in the little hut,
06:55 and when we started talking to her,
06:57 she said, "My mother is in the house."
07:00 So we turned and we looked in the house,
07:02 there was a little door
07:04 and I saw what looked like a living skeleton.
07:09 The mother, she was crouched down
07:11 and you can see in the picture, she said she hasn't,
07:15 she hadn't been able to hold down any food
07:18 and she was too fragile to make it to a hospital,
07:22 in two weeks they said she would die
07:24 if she didn't receive care.
07:28 And so she pretty much was waiting
07:30 just to breathe her last breath.
07:32 And so, being able to go
07:33 and make a difference in her life,
07:35 it touched me.
07:37 But as we gave medical care,
07:39 we also did children's programs,
07:42 there were so many children who did not know that
07:44 they had a father who loved them,
07:46 and maybe because they were taught about voodoo worship
07:49 or different things,
07:50 so being able to teach them these things,
07:52 the children were so receiving
07:54 that they took it to their families,
07:57 so they started telling their parents
07:59 and parents would come to the programs
08:01 and receive Bible studies.
08:03 And after that, many also during the Bible studies,
08:07 they decided they wanted to give their life to Christ,
08:09 and many were baptized as well.
08:12 And so we're so grateful for that.
08:15 And after we left, see, when NAPS works in a place,
08:19 we try to encourage the youth to also do the same.
08:22 And as we left, we left sad,
08:25 but there was a group of youth missionaries
08:28 that we left who are continuing the work in Haiti,
08:31 and so this has really been a blessing.
08:38 And even as we have been able to minister in Haiti,
08:41 and we've seen God do so much,
08:43 many of the conditions that we see in Haiti,
08:46 we also surprisingly find in the States.
08:48 And so, we have found that
08:50 God has a special mission for us,
08:52 even right here at home.
08:54 And where we're working right now in Sumter County,
08:56 we find that it is the second poorest county in Alabama,
09:00 the 10th poorest county in the entire United States.
09:04 But we have a special mission at the wellness centre
09:06 that we have been working on.
09:08 Yes, and as Janice was saying,
09:11 the county, Sumter County that we're working in
09:13 is one of the poorest in the nation.
09:15 And one of the ways that we are able to see that
09:17 most drastically is in the quality
09:20 of the healthcare systems in the area.
09:22 And I personally was
09:24 in a situation where we were dealing with a client
09:27 who was at home,
09:28 dealing with symptoms of a heart attack,
09:31 and they called the clinic in order to get help.
09:34 And we called the ambulance
09:35 and I was on hold for 30 minutes
09:37 before they were even able to get the address
09:39 to go and see about the individual
09:41 that was suffering from a heart attack.
09:43 And these are the areas that we are working in
09:47 where the nearest hospital is 30 minutes away
09:49 and when you get there, the doctors, the nurses
09:52 sometimes they have to purchase on their own
09:54 and bring with them the supplies
09:55 that they use to provide care
09:57 because that's how poor the systems are in these areas.
10:00 And so these are the areas that we are working in
10:02 and these are the people
10:03 that we have a mission to reach out to.
10:06 Yes, and at the wellness center,
10:08 the patients that we see, they receive so much care.
10:11 They're able to have hydrotherapy treatments,
10:14 they have a personal lifestyle counselor,
10:17 they do detox treatments, health lectures,
10:19 exercise courses,
10:21 we even have herbal drink that we give at the center,
10:24 which, for many patients,
10:25 ends up reducing their blood pressure
10:27 for maybe even stage two back to normal, all right.
10:30 Or even, their blood sugar reducing that as well,
10:33 even I personally have a testimony
10:35 of being off of medication from my asthma,
10:37 just from the drinks, the herbal drink
10:39 that we have been able to give, called TP3 at the center,
10:42 and God, He has just been moving in so many ways
10:45 and using us to help to dispel the darkness
10:47 that we found even in Southern Alabama.
10:51 Yes, and for all of the people
10:53 that we have been able to reach at the wellness center,
10:55 there are so many more people that don't have the means
10:59 to come to the wellness center to receive care.
11:01 They may not have transportation,
11:03 or they may not be able to afford,
11:04 or may not even know that they need
11:06 the care that they need,
11:08 and so we had a special burden on our hearts
11:12 to reach out to even those people.
11:14 And so this year, we've decided
11:15 to undertake a new mission of bringing healthcare
11:18 to those people who aren't able to come to us,
11:21 and the way in which we prayed
11:23 and decided to do this is through
11:25 planning a series of different health fairs.
11:27 And so the Lord has really been blessing
11:29 and as we've been in the planning processes,
11:31 we prayed and we wanted it to be more than just a health fair
11:34 because the disparities
11:35 and the needs in these areas are so great,
11:37 they need more than to just come
11:39 and be told that they have high blood pressure
11:41 or be told that they have high cholesterol.
11:43 And it's been such a blessing
11:45 just to see how God has been opening up doors,
11:47 we have dentists that have volunteered to come
11:49 and do extractions
11:51 for the people on site for free.
11:53 And we have physicians
11:55 that are volunteering their time
11:56 to come out and do all of these different services
11:59 for the people in these communities
12:00 because they too see the need of the health disparities
12:04 and of the healthcare of the people in these areas.
12:08 And more than all of the care that we're able to provide
12:13 and the screenings and the extractions,
12:16 the dental care, the medical care,
12:18 our aim in all that we're doing at the center,
12:20 even with these health fairs,
12:22 is to really share with them the message of God's love.
12:26 Amen!
12:27 Now imagine the health disparity
12:30 that they have been talking about.
12:32 In an area like this,
12:33 the education system is even worse.
12:37 I want you to imagine this story
12:39 with me about five years ago,
12:42 I was working in this area
12:43 assisting students of all kinds,
12:46 all different grades.
12:47 And as I was tutoring this one girl, okay,
12:51 this girl was 12 years old.
12:53 She was in the fourth grade.
12:56 The average fourth grader is only seven to eight,
13:00 sometimes even nine years old.
13:02 She is 12 years old in the fourth grade.
13:05 And her reading level was third grade.
13:08 On top of that, the same 12-year-old girl
13:12 was dating a 18-year-old boy, and later on,
13:15 a month later after I was doing tutoring
13:17 and different things like that,
13:19 the mother calls me
13:20 and tells me that her daughter was raped
13:22 by this, this gentlemen.
13:25 This is the disparity that this area is living in.
13:28 How is this cycle going to end?
13:31 I mean, we see so many health disparities
13:33 but even educationally, we see these disparities,
13:36 but ultimately, we see a spiritual complacency
13:41 and ignorance in this area,
13:42 and this was right here in the United States of America.
13:46 I want to interrupt just a moment
13:48 because I want you to understand who Kristen is.
13:52 Kristen got the desire to start up NALA,
13:55 the NAPS Abundant Life Academy
13:57 while she was still an undergrad,
14:00 her junior year in the midst of 21 hours,
14:03 credit hours,
14:04 she actually went through the research,
14:06 she got a team together and started actually
14:09 putting and developing and building a school
14:12 for these children.
14:14 And I have seen God just use her,
14:17 she's now graduated
14:18 and serving as the principal of this academy.
14:21 But God is doing big things
14:23 and so Kristen I want you to share
14:26 just a little bit of some of the successes we've had
14:29 and maybe let the children share something
14:31 that they have been practicing.
14:32 Yes, now God has been so good and I believe this school
14:35 is a ray of hope in such a dark area.
14:39 Some beautiful things that have happened is last year,
14:42 the students who had came in,
14:44 some, you know, were performing on grade level
14:46 but some are also below.
14:48 And by the end of that first academic year,
14:50 every single student in the school
14:52 was performing on grade level
14:55 and in many subject areas even above.
14:57 Amen.
14:59 Even further beyond that,
15:01 NALA, one of our mottos is where students learn value.
15:04 And truly, it is a place where they learn value.
15:07 I mean, they do service even in their own communities.
15:13 We actually did a mission trip for an elderly woman
15:16 in the nearby town
15:18 and her house was pretty much degraded.
15:23 They had no deck,
15:24 about 10 people are living in that trailer home.
15:27 And these young people in these red shirts
15:29 that you see right here,
15:31 they went and they used their hands
15:34 to build a deck for this lady.
15:37 But I believe that not only are they learning service,
15:41 but so many other morals
15:42 that our generation of children are lacking.
15:46 And I believe that the way that we will end this cycle
15:49 is by educating our children in Christ.
15:52 Now the greatest value
15:54 I believe that we are teaching our kids today is that of love.
15:59 When you see another child minister
16:02 and share the newfound faith
16:04 that they have with somebody else,
16:06 imagine how important that is.
16:09 And these children have
16:10 actually hid God's Word in their heart.
16:13 And so, they are going to share with you guys a verse
16:15 because in a time of trouble like this,
16:18 imagine having God's Word as your foundation
16:21 to be able to share with others.
16:23 So count it all joy.
16:27 "My brethren, count it all joy
16:31 when you fall into various trials,
16:35 knowing that the test of your faith produces patience.
16:40 But let patience have its perfect work,
16:45 that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
16:51 If any of you lacks wisdom,
16:55 let him ask of God,
16:59 who gives to all liberally and without reproach,
17:04 and it will be given to him.
17:07 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting,
17:13 for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea
17:17 driven and tossed by the wind."
17:20 Amen.
17:26 But the honest truth is,
17:28 if today you are all that happen,
17:32 is you say "Man, this group of young people
17:34 they're working for the Lord,"
17:36 or they are doing such a good job,
17:38 if that's all you leave with,
17:40 I don't think we actually have done our job.
17:43 The truth of the matter is, yes, we serve the Lord,
17:45 but we are here today
17:47 to encourage you in the audience,
17:50 you viewers that now is the time to go,
17:53 there is someone that is sitting
17:55 watching this wondering, should I start missionary work?
17:59 And the answer is yes.
18:00 When I think about all of that God has done,
18:03 through us as a body.
18:05 In this organization over 20,000 people
18:08 have been baptized,
18:09 over 1,500 youth have been trained,
18:13 34 churches, schools, and clinics built,
18:15 but that's not what NAPS has done,
18:17 it's what God has done through us.
18:20 And He desires to do the same for you.
18:23 He desires to use the gifts and talents He has given you.
18:27 And truthfully, 3ABN, we wanna thank you so much.
18:30 We want to thank you for your partnership,
18:32 for your love, for your prayers,
18:34 but really, it's not that we are thanking you
18:36 because we are all on the same team,
18:38 it's not NAPS's work, it's the Lord's work.
18:41 So truly, God is the one that gets the glory
18:44 from all of that that has happened
18:46 and it's not us but it's the Lord.
18:49 And I challenge you today as you're sitting here,
18:52 as you're thinking, as you're listening,
18:54 I ask you, I challenge you to think,
18:56 am I letting the Holy Spirit use me to the fullest?
19:00 Am I allowing a flame to be ignited in my heart?
19:04 Do I let God send me and do I accept the call to go?
19:08 And if your answer is no,
19:09 today is the day to change that.
19:12 We thank you so much, 3ABN Family.
19:16 O for that flame of living fire
19:22 Which shone so bright in saints of old
19:29 Which bade their souls to heaven aspire Calm
19:35 in distress, in danger bold
19:40 Where is that Spirit, Lord,
19:44 which dwelt In Abram's breast,
19:48 and sealed Him Thine?
19:52 Which made Paul's heart with sorrow melt
19:58 And glow with energy divine?
20:03 Remember, Lord,
20:06 the ancient days Renew Thy work,
20:11 Thy grace restore
20:14 And while to Thee our hearts we raise
20:20 On us Thy Holy Spirit pour
20:27 Amen.
20:39 One of the integral parts of 3ABN
20:41 is of course 3ABN Radio.
20:43 Since we are primarily a television ministry,
20:46 we don't get to hear as much about radio
20:47 as we should.
20:48 But radio is doing...
20:50 Amen.
20:51 A great and fantastic work for the Lord, it really is.
20:55 Our general manager at 3ABN Radio is Jay Christian.
20:58 The time is yours, Jay,
20:59 to tell us about the great things
21:01 God is doing through 3ABN Radio.
21:03 Okay, CA, thank you very much.
21:05 Glad to be here to talk with you.
21:07 And, boy, there's just so much to talk about.
21:11 They tell me how long I have to talk
21:12 and I can tell you that if they gave me 20 minutes,
21:17 I'd still be talking.
21:19 If they give me 30 minutes, I would still be talking.
21:21 There are so many things happening at 3ABN Radio
21:24 that are really very exciting.
21:26 The main things that we want to let you know
21:28 are the highlights,
21:30 but there is just so much happening
21:32 behind the scenes.
21:34 You may remember that we have started the music channel
21:38 that went on the air in April of this year.
21:41 We've had a very strong response to it
21:44 and we praise God for that and we thank you as well.
21:47 As a matter of fact,
21:48 when we look at our online listening,
21:50 it's inching up, and up, and up, and going up.
21:54 And we like that, that's a much better trend,
21:56 and so that's good, we praise God for that.
21:58 We have some new affiliates and we ask for the...
22:04 We always mention the affiliates
22:07 when we first get started because they are the mainstream
22:10 of reaching people in the communities.
22:13 We've got, in Alaska,
22:15 we have got a couple of new affiliates.
22:17 Galena, Alaska at 95.5 FM,
22:22 Delta Junction, Alaska at 90.3
22:25 and Springtown, Texas 89.1,
22:29 and this station reaches most of Fort Worth, Texas.
22:35 Praise God for that,
22:36 when we get into the big cities,
22:38 that's just really exciting
22:39 because the people are packed together,
22:40 so there are more people
22:42 that will be able to listen as time goes on.
22:45 We've got the Grand Rapids, Michigan at 89.7,
22:49 Lansing, Michigan at 1540 AM,
22:54 and we have also just signed a new station in California,
22:58 in Dobbinsm California, 93.3.
23:02 Now I always go into Australia
23:05 with a little bit of fear and trembling
23:07 because some of the...
23:09 My mouth doesn't work the same way
23:10 that the Australians' mouth works.
23:12 And so if I mispronounce a name here,
23:14 I've got some fairly easy ones,
23:16 but if I mispronounce a name, I apologize,
23:18 I hope one day to go to Australia,
23:20 and visit some of our radio stations.
23:22 But in Dubbo, New South Wales 87.8,
23:27 Canobolas, New South Wales, I hope I got that right.
23:32 Casey, in Australian Capital Territory,
23:36 and at 88,
23:39 we have Duffy in the Australian Capital Territory at 88 FM,
23:45 and Bundaberg, Australia 96.3.
23:49 So we praise God for those new affiliates in Australia
23:54 and throughout the United States.
23:56 Now something you may not be aware of is in Australia,
23:59 we actually have two radio signals in Australia,
24:02 one is just straight what we put out here in America
24:07 and some people would like to listen to that.
24:09 We also have our 3ABN Australia staff
24:12 that is recording programs in Australian.
24:16 Now that's sounds kind of strange
24:18 because they speak English, and we speak English,
24:20 but you know, that they have different accent than we have.
24:24 And it's very obviously
24:25 a local program for the listeners there.
24:28 And so we're excited about that and so are they,
24:31 because they are getting a very strong response to that.
24:34 John and Rosemary, Paul and James in the staff
24:37 they are doing just wonderful work for us.
24:39 As a matter of fact, we get to comments
24:42 after we started the new music channel,
24:44 we got quite a few comments from NAP,
24:45 but we get a well-rounded comments
24:49 from people over time.
24:50 Here are a couple of emails that we got from people.
24:54 From Andrew, he says, "I love your 3ABN radio station
24:58 and from what I've heard of your Australian radio station,
25:00 I love that one too."
25:02 You've been a huge blessing to me,
25:04 I appreciate all you do for the furtherance
25:06 of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ.
25:08 Keep up the good work
25:10 and may we all be found in Christ
25:11 when He returns in glory."
25:13 Amen.
25:15 The music channel continues to please our listeners.
25:18 Here is one from someone
25:20 who discovered the music channel,
25:22 "Thank you so much for the nice music.
25:25 I listen to the radio while I am working,
25:26 such a blessing.
25:28 Here's Henry."
25:29 And here is another one,
25:30 "Wow, am I ever enjoying having Christian music
25:33 in the house all the time.
25:35 And finally, Dom told me one day that,
25:37 maybe I could live stream your music channel on my iPad,
25:41 and it worked.
25:42 So when I'm in the kitchen,
25:43 I have you streaming on my iPad,
25:45 when I am upstairs in my sewing room
25:46 I have you on a computer.
25:48 What a blessing!
25:49 Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do.
25:51 May God bless you."
25:53 And that was from Brenda who wrote to us.
25:55 So that's wonderful.
25:57 We always love to hear these kinds of things
25:59 because why are we here?
26:01 I used to work in secular radio for a long time and our choice,
26:08 our whole purpose for being there was what?
26:12 Make money.
26:14 That's why we were there,
26:15 so it was my job to bring listeners
26:18 to the radio station
26:20 so that we would have a lot of listeners
26:22 so that we could charge a lot of money
26:23 for our commercials
26:25 and everybody could make a lot of money.
26:27 Well, in the secular world, that's fine, but in our world,
26:32 it's not, it's not fine.
26:34 We are here for one purpose and one purpose only,
26:38 and that is to reach the people with a message of salvation
26:42 to bring new people into the kingdom,
26:45 people that would not have been
26:46 able to who have been reached any other way than the radio.
26:50 And so, we're pleased to really be involved
26:52 and everything that comes along that we can,
26:56 we get our message, to newer and newer people.
26:59 And now we are on Roku, so praise God for that.
27:04 We have five radio stations on Roku.
27:07 So if you have Roku,
27:09 just go and check on the 3ABN Radio,
27:11 and then you'll be able to choose
27:12 from all of them.
27:13 We have the original channel
27:16 with the combination of talk and music,
27:19 we have the music channel.
27:20 We have 3ABN Russia, 3ABN Latino,
27:24 and the Australian channel for them as well.
27:29 And so they're available out there,
27:31 and who knows as the Lord blesses,
27:33 we may be able to put different languages on as well.
27:36 But we are on Roku.
27:38 And so we praise God for that because I got to admit,
27:43 I was a little slow in seeing the importance of that
27:47 because it's TV, right?
27:50 And so if somebody has a TV, I have learned,
27:54 but if somebody has a TV,
27:55 I think, well, they're gonna sit
27:56 in front of their TV
27:58 and they're not gonna want to listen to radio
27:59 and sit in front of their TV.
28:01 We heard from so many people, "Why aren't you on Roku?
28:04 Why aren't you on Roku?"
28:05 And so we have said, "Okay, we'll go on Roku."
28:08 And people are really happy with that
28:11 because you turn on the TV,
28:14 you're downstairs or wherever you are,
28:16 you go about doing whatever you are doing around the house,
28:20 and there is 3ABN Radio that's on.
28:23 And so we are very happy
28:24 to reach the people through Roku as well.
28:27 And from time to time, we will record a few things,
28:30 Brenda Walsh just recorded, just wrote a devotional book,
28:35 and they wanted an audio book
28:38 with this devotional book as well.
28:40 And so she came out,
28:41 we're in the finishing stages of getting that recorded now,
28:45 but it's like approximately one minute daily devotional
28:50 that's going to go with the book.
28:53 What they are doing is they are putting
28:54 her daily devotional together with a companion book,
28:58 "The Faith I Live By" by Ellen White,
29:01 and then the audio book as well,
29:03 so they are putting them all together, and hopefully,
29:05 they'll have them all together soon for you.
29:08 Something else that we do that's very important
29:11 for the affiliates is we're available
29:14 for them when they need us.
29:17 And so from time to time, I'll get a phone call
29:19 from somebody wanting to have some information
29:22 or run some ideas by us about an idea they have
29:25 or how we're gonna do this or how we're going to do that.
29:29 And I'll talk over some ideas with them.
29:31 Nikki Anderson, our affiliate representative
29:35 there at the 3ABN Radio Network,
29:38 she'll talk with people for a long time.
29:40 As a matter of fact, usually,
29:42 she's the one that they end up talking to most of the time
29:45 or Mike Babb, between the two of them,
29:47 they handle most of it.
29:49 I keep calling Nikki
29:50 the mother bear of 3ABN radio
29:53 and, you know, she's let me know,
29:55 that she is not sure if that's a compliment or not.
29:56 But I assure her that it is because she watches out over
30:00 the affiliates like you wouldn't believe.
30:02 And so she will talk to them and she'll encourage them
30:06 and give them ideas,
30:08 suggestions on how to do things,
30:10 and she handles
30:12 all of the communication from that way.
30:14 But we found that so many of our affiliates
30:17 are people that have never even thought
30:21 about having a radio station
30:23 until the Lord impressed them, sort of like Danny.
30:26 You know, we have gotten calls from people that said,
30:28 "The Lord has impressed me
30:30 that we need to start a radio station here."
30:33 So we work with them,
30:34 Mike talks them through the technical things,
30:36 helps them to set things up
30:38 and do all of these kinds of things.
30:40 And we're very glad to work with the people that do that.
30:43 And it's a blessing that's provided by you,
30:48 by your prayers, by your financial support,
30:50 and we thank you so much for everything you do.
30:53 And definitely, please keep us in your prayers
30:55 because we need you very much.
30:57 Thank you.
30:59 Amen. Thank you, Jay, so very, very much.
31:01 We don't get to hear much about radio as I said,
31:03 but radio is doing such a very, very fine job.
31:06 And we can trace many, many individuals
31:09 coming to the Lord to the church
31:11 through 3ABN Radio,
31:12 including members of our church here.
31:15 We are brining out a group of, I was gonna say lovely people,
31:18 we've got one person that's not really lovely,
31:21 he's handsome.
31:25 Please be seated.
31:27 As you well know, 3ABN has just completed
31:31 just a fabulous time in London
31:33 where we lifted up the name of Jesus.
31:36 And the Word was preached with power and with conviction.
31:40 Whenever you serve the Lord, a couple of things happen,
31:43 one, you get into the crosshairs of the enemy,
31:46 and the enemy begins to do his thing,
31:50 but we are so glad that,
31:51 "Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world."
31:54 We thought we would have you meet
31:56 and get a word and hear a word
31:58 from the spouses of those who did the preaching
32:01 because they were an integral part
32:03 of the ministry in London, England.
32:06 They were not preaching
32:07 but they were ministering in their own right.
32:10 Now actually Chris did do some speaking,
32:12 but the others worked in a more subtle
32:15 yet very effective capacity.
32:18 So we wanted to just speak with them a little bit,
32:20 get you to hear a little bit about what they were doing,
32:25 how they filtered into the work,
32:26 how they fed into the overall ministry
32:29 that took place there in London.
32:31 So we've got Chris Shelton
32:32 whose husband is Pastor Kenny Shelton,
32:35 were at the, you were at the Hampstead Church.
32:36 Yeah, Hampstead Church. Yeah.
32:38 Then Idalia Dinzey whose husband is John Dinzey,
32:43 you were at Walthamstow.
32:46 Then we have got Mr. JD Quinn.
32:50 He's in good company. Yeah.
32:52 He's in good company. Indeed, indeed.
32:54 His wife Shelly Quinn,
32:55 they were at the Stoke Newington Church,
32:59 and then my lovely wife Irma, we were at the Tottenham,
33:03 as they say in England Tottenham,
33:04 Tottenham West Green Seventh-day Adventist Church,
33:07 and then of course Angie Lomacang
33:09 whose husband is Pastor John Lomacang,
33:11 they were at the Croydon Seventh-day Adventist Church.
33:14 So, ladies and gentlemen,
33:16 my first question is to you this.
33:19 Since there was no defined capacity for you,
33:22 Idalia, you did sing,
33:24 you did the appeal each night,
33:26 and Chris, you did speak, but for the rest of you,
33:28 there was no defined capacity,
33:30 you had to assess the situation
33:32 and then find a way to minister to the congregation
33:36 so that you were a part of the meeting.
33:38 Also, tell me how you did that
33:41 and did any particular incident stand out in your mind
33:45 as you were helping your spouse minister
33:48 from night to night?
33:50 And you've got to keep them short
33:51 because you guys can all talk.
33:55 With that lead, who will be first?
34:00 Well, Shelly and I have been ministering for years,
34:02 and so I don't know how this really works,
34:05 you just kind of just fill the voids that are out there.
34:08 And I am a member of the pastoral department
34:12 at 3ABN, we talk to people all around the world,
34:14 we pray with them daily.
34:16 So it seems like wherever we go
34:18 that I'm known as a prayer warrior.
34:21 So that just took a life of its own.
34:24 And number one, I am an ambassador
34:26 for the Lord of which I'm just...
34:28 Thank You, Jesus, that I have that opportunity.
34:29 Amen.
34:30 And number two is that I am an ambassador for 3ABN.
34:34 And so incorporating those three,
34:36 someone's always pulling you over here,
34:39 pulling you over there
34:40 because they want to have that special time
34:44 just with the Lord,
34:45 and I'm more than happy to do that.
34:47 And so that's the way Shelly and I complement each other.
34:52 Amen.
34:54 Well, echoing on what you said,
34:56 we're a team and I believe that our part was,
34:59 even before getting to London,
35:02 we as wives and spouses, we must pray for our spouse.
35:08 So in praying for him,
35:10 we are also praying for the people
35:12 that we are going to meet
35:13 because we've heard the Lord is coming,
35:17 but how is the message so personal.
35:20 So a personal touch,
35:22 I think that is important during these meetings.
35:26 When he preached, I was praying for him
35:29 and I told him don't call me up for the altar song
35:32 if the message has not been clear.
35:35 Don't rush to it
35:36 because what's important is to teach clearly.
35:40 And that is one of the benefits that we had with Johnny.
35:45 And the people would come up and say,
35:46 "Thank you for clarifying that."
35:48 And so in praying and touching with the people,
35:53 I really had a good time.
35:55 I was blessed just to share it with them
35:58 after the meetings and before the meetings.
36:01 Amen.
36:02 Well, when you are married to a man that knows everything.
36:09 Wait, wait, wait, my grandson just said
36:11 that my husband knew everything.
36:13 I'm confused.
36:15 We'll fight it.
36:17 And the people know him so well from watching television
36:22 and so he is so well known.
36:27 For me, sometimes it's a little intimidating,
36:30 I don't know what to do
36:32 or what I will do when we are together.
36:36 But the Lord works that out all the time
36:39 because, you know,
36:41 He just puts you in the places where He needs you to help
36:45 and to be assisting and whatever.
36:50 And for this church in particular,
36:54 I have to say that that's been the most friendly,
36:58 really people excited,
37:01 they were just coming to me many times
37:05 because he was busy, and trying to get to him,
37:08 they will come to me, sometimes we will have prayer,
37:11 sometimes just to give a message to him.
37:15 So every night it was a little different
37:18 than the other one
37:19 and so the same as what Idalia said,
37:26 you pray behind the scenes for the message,
37:30 for the people that the Lord will open their hearts
37:34 that the message will be received
37:36 and the people will come to accept Him.
37:40 And so we had a wonderful meeting
37:43 and it was, this has been the most comfortable for me
37:47 in that setting.
37:49 I have also helped him
37:50 with the doing the little interviews
37:53 that we have outside.
37:56 So it was wonderful,
37:58 every day there was something little different,
38:01 some people will come for prayer
38:03 and others just do tell us how much they love 3ABN.
38:08 Amen.
38:09 And how much, you know,
38:12 some people, that's all they want,
38:14 and then the other ones
38:16 that have come to the Lord through 3ABN.
38:18 So that was a wonderful experience.
38:20 Amen.
38:21 And mine was like that also, pray as a woman,
38:25 as well as the man.
38:27 We pray for our spouses
38:29 and prayer is an integral part of our ministry.
38:33 And when we,
38:35 I know the Bible said it's not good that man
38:37 or woman should be alone.
38:39 And that's what we did,
38:43 the Bible says to go out two by two also.
38:45 And when we went out, of course,
38:49 we all mingled with the people, I am sure, get to know people,
38:53 and that was a big part of that,
38:55 getting to know people,
38:56 praying with people.
38:58 And we were right near the train station.
39:02 And so when, one day, I said, all these flyers sitting here,
39:06 these little cards to give out for the meetings,
39:08 I said, "Let's go give those out."
39:10 And so I went out there in front of the church,
39:13 and lots of people from the community
39:16 walking by the church,
39:17 I would give them a card to come in.
39:19 And one man actually came in.
39:22 And he says, "What's going on in here?"
39:24 I said, "Well, we have music, preaching,
39:27 we even have a health seminar."
39:28 He says, "Really, health?"
39:29 I said, "Yes, come on in."
39:31 And he came in and sat down
39:33 and it was such a blessing to him.
39:35 And just as women as well as men
39:40 being the spouse of the speaker,
39:43 we all said a prayer.
39:44 I know we all pray for our spouses,
39:46 I do that all the time, while we were there,
39:50 and praying with the people,
39:51 getting to meet the people is so important.
39:54 And hearing their issues, their problems,
39:57 whatever they're going through.
39:58 And so, I just thank God for the opportunity.
40:01 It was a blessing.
40:02 You know, to just kind of go together here,
40:05 I think we're all echoing
40:07 because when we first heard this question,
40:09 my thought was, "We have to prayed up
40:11 and we have to be studied up long before we go."
40:14 And just as a clarification,
40:15 it was my five-year-old grandson,
40:17 he was watching a video,
40:19 "Grandpa," this morning he says,
40:20 "how come he knows everything?"
40:22 And it gave me opportunity to share with him
40:24 because grandpa's studying the Word.
40:27 And we talked about character building,
40:29 so that's why it was kind of,
40:30 you know, playing off that a little bit.
40:32 But there is nothing better than being in evangelism.
40:36 And I guess, in a sense,
40:37 we've been doing this for several years
40:39 so we've kind of fallen into a routine of how we do it.
40:42 Now we didn't realize that the routine
40:44 was gonna carry itself over to London
40:46 because we've never gone with 3ABN.
40:48 So we were kind of breaking away from our routine,
40:51 but God put it back together two days before we went,
40:54 so it was kind of a long story
40:56 how we found all this material to get it back,
40:58 but I did feel very much involved,
41:01 very much involved with the people.
41:03 And there's just nothing better
41:06 than being where God wants you to be,
41:08 to being where His spirit is,
41:10 to doing what He's called you to do.
41:12 And of course, as these ladies and gentlemen did,
41:16 we prayed with a lot of people, and, of course,
41:18 we prayed for one another,
41:19 and you can never pray too much.
41:21 Amen.
41:23 Quickly, any incidents stand out in your minds
41:26 from your particular perspective,
41:29 did anything sort of jump out at you,
41:30 any person, any incident sort of stayed with you?
41:33 Maybe something you're praying for or something that happened
41:35 that stayed in your mind, stayed in your heart?
41:37 Well, for me,
41:39 many, as you know, I was born in England.
41:42 England is my home.
41:43 I came to this country when I was a little girl,
41:45 my father died,
41:47 he is buried in England in a place called Derby.
41:50 And it was so nice to go back home.
41:53 I have three uncles in England, two in London and one in Derby,
41:58 but they're not Christians.
42:01 So, and these are my father's brothers.
42:03 Anyway, the very particular church
42:06 that we went to, the Lord is so good,
42:09 it was so nice,
42:10 I hear John is talking 'cause my family is Jamaican,
42:13 my parents are Jamaican.
42:15 And John, and the church was mostly Jamaican,
42:19 and so John was speaking saying,
42:22 "My wife is born in here in Derby
42:28 and she is, her family is Jamaican."
42:29 Everybody clapped. Yay!
42:32 And after that, after he preached,
42:35 a lady came up to me,
42:38 and let me just back up a minute.
42:40 My Mom used to always talk about her uncle
42:44 and his name was, they called him Teacher Blake,
42:48 and his last name was Blake, that's my mother's maiden name.
42:52 Anyway, after the meeting, a lady came up to me,
42:57 she says, "I'm your cousin."
42:59 I said, "You are?"
43:00 And she says,
43:02 "My grandfather's name is Teacher Blake."
43:06 I said, "What?"
43:08 I said, "My mother used to always talk about
43:11 her uncle Teacher Blake."
43:13 And then we hugged,
43:16 and it was just such a wonderful time
43:19 to know that the Lord put me in the church
43:22 where I would meet my cousin.
43:24 It was such an honor to go back home, so to speak,
43:29 and meet a cousin.
43:30 And right before we left, she took us out,
43:33 took us to Windsor Castle, and took us out to dinner,
43:37 John and I, and we had such a wonderful time.
43:40 And we have been in contact
43:42 since then and she showed me a family list
43:45 with a little family tree.
43:47 So I just praise God for putting me in the church
43:48 with my family.
43:50 Amen.
43:51 Now I'm gonna ask you to give me the Reader's Digest version,
43:54 you know, we've got to cut it short,
43:56 but anyone else.
43:57 Well, I would like to share that we met a young lady
44:01 who used to be a Muslim
44:03 and she was converted into the Seventh-day Adventism.
44:07 And her parents do not know
44:09 that she has become a Christian.
44:12 So when she came to the one particular meeting,
44:16 she said, "I was not heading this way,
44:18 but for some reason I ended up in church tonight.
44:21 And I just want to tell you
44:23 that the topic that was presented today
44:25 was the topic that I really, really needed."
44:28 So as we travel together, spouses,
44:33 whether, it says gentleman can talk to gentleman,
44:35 women, we can talk heart to heart to women.
44:38 So I think it's imperative that we make the message personal,
44:43 and Jesus had that personal touch.
44:45 The message of salvation is personal,
44:48 and on the screen is not gonna cut it.
44:52 Our church members need to touch someone personally
44:56 so that they can feel that this message is for them
45:00 and there's something for them in it.
45:02 Amen.
45:04 In our church something that touched me
45:09 was to see many young people
45:13 that were responding to the call of the message.
45:17 The youngest was I think he was 10, 10,
45:21 very beautiful little boy and very mature.
45:27 And so he was the youngest, there was another,
45:33 as a whole, mixture of ages
45:35 actually for the people that got baptized.
45:38 But it seemed like most of the younger crowd
45:44 was directing and handling the music and the reading,
45:50 we had some very little ones, about seven years old,
45:54 reading the scripture.
45:58 But the people were just really responding in a marvelous way.
46:05 And so I was impressed
46:07 and this trip really touched me
46:12 to see the response of the people
46:15 in the church and in those that came.
46:20 Also, I have to tell you quickly,
46:22 some friends of ours like your family,
46:28 we were in...
46:31 Many years ago, can't say how many but their daughter,
46:35 one of their daughter I had not met
46:37 and she heard that we were in London
46:41 and she's doing some paperwork over there
46:43 because she was born in one of the British Islands.
46:47 And she came to see us, and just a sweet, sweet lady,
46:52 and then we also had a visit of my the sister
46:56 of my son-in-law Brandon,
47:00 and so it was a wonderful thing to get to know them too.
47:04 But it was a tremendous power of the Holy Spirit
47:10 that it felt in that church among the members.
47:14 They were so excited
47:15 that we were there representing 3ABN,
47:20 and like I said before, they just love 3ABN
47:24 and many of them support 3ABN too.
47:27 And now other ones wants to do the same.
47:32 One of the things that I remember,
47:34 first of all, this was our first evangelistic series,
47:37 so we really didn't understand the dynamics.
47:39 The first dynamic is that we had 16 days together,
47:43 18 days together.
47:45 During that time, relationships were established,
47:47 you get to know everyone, you know,
47:50 and so that takes a life of its own.
47:52 What really stood out to me is that our driver
47:55 because London is like a red ant bed,
47:58 I mean, it's just so active,
47:59 everything is going on so fast
48:01 that if you were to take a stranger,
48:03 especially from Texas and put them there
48:06 to try to find your way where you're going,
48:08 it would be next to impossible.
48:10 So we had drivers.
48:11 And so our driver was named Sammy.
48:13 Sammy was a neat guy.
48:15 He was a man's man, tough, street smart.
48:19 And he had a friend by the name of Ruth.
48:22 Now I don't know how they got to know each other or not.
48:25 But Ruth, he had been trying to get Ruth
48:28 to come to the Adventist church for a number of years.
48:31 And he, so of all the time she shows up,
48:37 and so this was great, we quickly befriended Ruth,
48:41 and as every day, Sammy would pick us up,
48:45 take us to church,
48:47 bring us back home.
48:48 And so, of course, we couldn't wait
48:50 because he talked to Ruth,
48:52 how did she accept the message, how did she accept the message.
48:56 And so that was an interesting situation,
48:59 you know, just to be able to watch that relationship
49:01 between Ruth and the church, and of course,
49:05 Sammy and the way of his evangelistic efforts.
49:09 And that was really neat right there.
49:12 I'm still trying to figure out
49:13 how to get a Reader's Digest version out of this.
49:16 My brains have been going through all kinds of scenarios,
49:19 but I think the best scenario,
49:22 you know, I've always said for years,
49:23 the greatest miracle is to see lives and hearts
49:26 change by the Holy Spirit.
49:28 So we saw God bringing children into his family
49:32 and those were miracles after miracles,
49:34 Mrs. White says, we're to pluck them out of the fire.
49:36 And that's what God was doing, and it was such a blessing,
49:40 but there were so many.
49:42 One little girl, our youngest,
49:44 and she mentioned a little girl,
49:45 one little girl, she, her name was Gabriella...
49:47 is Gabriella.
49:49 She's 11 years old, she grew up on 3ABN.
49:53 That's how she learned to love Jesus
49:55 was by watching 3ABN.
49:58 When she heard that 3ABN was gonna be in London,
50:00 she had asked her parents,
50:01 "Would you please take me to these meetings?"
50:04 And so they ended up at the Hampstead Church
50:06 where we were, and she wrote on her little card,
50:08 she wrote me a little note,
50:10 she said, "Would you please pray,
50:11 I get stage fright,
50:12 I don't want to be up in front of people.
50:14 And so I said, "Sure, I will pray."
50:16 About two nights later,
50:18 here she comes up for an altar cause,
50:19 I said, "God answered your prayer, didn't He?"
50:22 She's like, "Yes."
50:23 And she followed Him through baptism
50:25 and she wanted Pastor Kenny to baptize,
50:28 but it's customary
50:30 to let the pastor of the church do that.
50:32 So we both sat up near her,
50:34 so we were in touching distance,
50:36 and she was so thrilled.
50:37 But God answered her prayer
50:39 to the point that at the last meeting
50:41 where there were hundreds of people,
50:42 she stood up to sing.
50:44 And I could go on and on with these stories,
50:46 but God was so good, and many times,
50:49 you knew that the Holy Spirit was walking amongst His people,
50:52 and it was a blessing.
50:54 He actually told people,
50:56 many people that were at our church
50:58 to be at our church.
50:59 And like some of the others testified here,
51:01 many times they would come wanting to know a subject,
51:04 whether it was the judgment or the Sabbath or whatever,
51:07 and that night is when it would be presented.
51:09 So we saw a lot of hearts and lives changed.
51:12 And we praise the Lord.
51:14 3ABN, when Danny resumed the presidency,
51:18 he had this burden to move from us
51:21 just televising other's evangelistic endeavors
51:25 to actively being involved
51:26 in frontline evangelism ourselves,
51:29 to move from the spectator portion
51:32 to the on the field, in the game,
51:34 doing it ourselves.
51:35 Oh, yes.
51:36 Now that 3ABN has pivoted in that direction,
51:38 do you think that is a good thing,
51:40 is that some thing we can support
51:41 and line up behind?
51:43 I'm gonna say, absolutely yes, without a doubt.
51:46 There's nothing better.
51:48 All over the world,
51:49 we have seen literal miracles take place
51:52 when the three angels' message is being given
51:55 through evangelism.
51:57 At first, I thought, "Well, why are we doing it?
52:00 We always get, you know,
52:02 the Doug Batchelors and all of these people."
52:05 And then as I thought about our speakers,
52:09 our presenters on 3ABN not because I work here,
52:12 but we have some good godly speakers
52:15 in our 3ABN family.
52:18 And I thought, "Well, this is definitely different,
52:21 but then again it makes 3ABN real
52:24 and more personal to the people
52:25 when we go out there and mingle with them
52:28 and talk with them and teach."
52:30 Yeah, I was thinking of the same lines
52:33 because it's true.
52:35 We are doing evangelism here in 3ABN,
52:41 but as we notice in our church, in the beginning,
52:47 I think them as well as us,
52:50 didn't know exactly how it was going to developed
52:54 and so they were waiting to see.
52:58 And but the first day went by and they just got so excited
53:03 and they were just amazed
53:07 that we were there for them and with them.
53:11 They expressed in every way possible,
53:15 they took care of us,
53:17 they cooked for us, the lady Pat and the kitchen,
53:23 oh, I just felt so sorry for her,
53:24 she was so hot
53:26 because it was kind of summery time in there.
53:30 And but she was so happy to go, "No, no, no, don't worry."
53:35 She was just so happy to cook for us.
53:37 The couple, Kelly and Camille
53:42 who did most of the driving for us,
53:44 they were just beautiful people,
53:47 just excited to serve us and to be with us
53:51 and to get to the meetings,
53:52 and they will drive all day doing their own things
53:56 and driving us,
53:57 and then they were still excited
53:59 to come to the meetings.
54:02 We had an elderly brother.
54:07 Brim.
54:08 Brother Brim, yes, beautiful man,
54:11 and his wife also sweet,
54:13 taking us around, and they were just so happy too
54:18 because they just love 3ABN.
54:20 And the spirit just moved
54:25 through that Church every day,
54:28 every day.
54:31 Well, I certainly would say a big yes.
54:33 I think that it's important that 3ABN now starts doing this
54:38 annually or biannually, whatever, you know,
54:40 to get out there.
54:41 I know that in the Stoke Newington Church,
54:43 many, many great seeds were planted.
54:45 And it is our prayer, we pray daily for this church
54:49 to be able to continue to fertilize
54:52 the good seed that's been sown.
54:54 So yes.
54:57 And it's true, evangelism is the heartbeat of this ministry.
55:01 And even though we are evangelizing
55:03 through television and radio,
55:06 it's nothing like going out there
55:08 and touching lives, meeting people one to one,
55:11 and it is truly a blessing.
55:13 You know, just as a last foot note,
55:15 I truly believe that it helped,
55:17 it helps to encourage people to get the word out
55:20 because 3ABN can reach into homes
55:23 where we cannot reach when we're there personally.
55:25 But because of the way we did it,
55:27 because we took camera crews
55:28 and some churches were streaming it,
55:30 more and more people were wanting to tune into 3ABN
55:34 and they got excited and they wanted in their homes.
55:36 So it kind of gets the word out to a lot of people that,
55:40 "Hey, you need this station on."
55:42 Amen.
55:44 One of the things that became very apparent to us
55:46 once we decided we were going to be involved in first-line,
55:49 frontline evangelism was that Satan was angry.
55:53 We don't have time,
55:54 taste, talent or inclination to tell you all of the things
55:57 that Satan has done to attack this ministry
55:59 during this calendar year
56:01 once we determined we were gonna stand up for the Lord
56:03 and go into the camp of the enemy
56:05 and bring back souls.
56:07 But 3ABN has been under consistent, persistent,
56:10 incessant attack of the enemy during this calendar year.
56:14 And you can all say amen to that.
56:15 Oh, yes.
56:16 We have seen Satan fight against us,
56:18 but we believe greater is He that is in us
56:21 than he that is in the world,
56:23 and we truly believe that Christ will be triumphant
56:26 because this is what Christ has called us to do.
56:30 In my particular church,
56:31 we had a young come to the meetings,
56:33 go down into the bathroom of the church
56:35 and slash his wrist during the preaching.
56:39 He came back upstairs, wrist bleeding,
56:42 ambulance had to come and take care of him.
56:44 So we saw The Great Controversy played out
56:47 right there during the meetings.
56:48 And I think everyone has stories of the same.
56:50 Oh, yes.
56:51 The fighting between good and evil,
56:53 yet God was triumphant,
56:55 God is triumphant, God will be triumphant,
56:59 and souls will be saved for the kingdom of God.
57:01 And we thank you all for supporting your spouses
57:05 and for those who stood up in the name of Jesus.
57:09 All of us have testimonies of many people baptized,
57:12 but many more in the baptismal classes
57:16 preparing for baptism.
57:17 A fire has been started in London
57:19 and we know that fire will burn until Christ comes
57:23 and we see Him face to blessed face.
57:25 And so, Chris and Idalia and JD and Irma and Angie,
57:29 thank you so very, very much
57:31 for what you are doing for the cause of Christ
57:33 and helping your spouses.
57:34 Amen.


Revised 2017-05-25